Tomás CC, Oliveira E, Sousa D, Uba-Chupel M, Furtado G, Rocha C, Teixeira A, Ferreira P, Alves C, Gisin S, Catarino E, Carvalho N, Coucelo T, Bonfim L, Silva C, Franco D, González JA, Jardim HG, Silva R, Baixinho CL, Presado MH, Marques MF, Cardoso ME, Cunha M, Mendes J, Xavier A, Galhardo A, Couto M, Frade JG, Nunes C, Mesquita JR, Nascimento MS, Gonçalves G, Castro C, Mártires A, Monteiro MJ, Rainho C, Caballero FP, Monago FM, Guerrero JT, Monago RM, Trigo AP, Gutierrez ML, Milanés GM, Reina MG, Villanueva AG, Piñero AS, Aliseda IR, Ramirez FB, Ribeiro A, Quelhas A, Manso C, Caballero FP, Guerrero JT, Monago FM, Santos RB, Jimenez NR, Nuñez CG, Gomez IR, Fernandez MJL, Marquez LA, Moreno AL, Huertas MJT, Ramirez FB, Seabra D, Salvador MC, Braga L, Parreira P, Salgueiro-Oliveira A, Arreguy-Sena C, Oliveira BF, Henriques MA, Santos J, Lebre S, Marques A, Festas C, Rodrigues S, Ribeiro A, Lumini J, Figueiredo AG, Hernandez-Martinez FJ, Campi L, Quintana-Montesdeoca MP, Jimenez-Diaz JF, Rodriguez-De-Vera BC, Parente A, Mata MA, Pereira AM, Fernandes A, Brás M, Pinto MR, Parreira P, Basto ML, Rei AC, Mónico LM, Sousa G, Morna C, Freitas O, Freitas G, Jardim A, Martins L, Cardoso M, Morais N, Cruz J, Alves N, Faria P, Mateus A, Morouço P, Alves N, Ferreira N, Vasconcelos R, Mateus A, Faria P, Morouço P, Malheiro I, Gaspar F, Barros L, Parreira P, Cardoso A, Mónico L, Carvalho C, Horta LG, Lopes A, Salgueiro-Oliveira A, Seixas A, Soares V, Dias T, Vardasca R, Gabriel J, Rodrigues S, Paredes H, Reis A, Rosa RS, Marinho S, Filipe V, Lains J, Barroso J, Da Motta C, Carvalho CB, Pinto-Gouveia J, Peixoto E, Gomes AA, Costa V, Kranz LF, Couto D, Marques DR, Leitão JA, Tavares J, Azevedo MH, Silva CF, Freitas J, Parreira P, Marôco J, Garcia-Gordillo MA, Nugem RC, Collado-Mateo D, Chen G, Iezzi A, Sala JA, Parraça JA, Gusi N, Sousa J, Marques M, Jardim J, Pereira A, Siqueira MS, Simões S, Cunha M, Sardo P, Guedes J, Lindo J, Machado P, Melo E, Carvalho CB, Benevides J, Sousa M, Bordin R, Cabral J, Da Motta C, Pereira AT, Xavier S, Azevedo J, Bento E, Marques C, Carvalho R, Marques M, Macedo A, Kniess R, Silva AM, Alves J, Gomes AA, Marques DR, Azevedo MH, Silva C, Mendes A, Lee HD, Spolaôr N, Oliva JT, Lacerda JT, Chung WF, Fonseca-Pinto R, Bairros K, Silva CD, Souza CA, Schroeder SS, Araújo E, Monteiro H, Costa R, Dias SS, Guedes J, Torgal J, Henriques CG, Santos L, Caceiro EF, Ramalho SA, Oliveira R, Afreixo V, Santos J, Mota P, Cruz A, Machado I, Pimentel F, Marques R, Dixe MA, Querido A, Sousa P, Benevides J, Da Motta C, Sousa M, Caldeira SN, Carvalho CB, Almeida S, Querido A, Tomás C, Carvalho D, Gomes J, Cordeiro M, Costa JO, Valim FC, Ribeiro LC, Charepe Z, Querido A, Zilhão A, Figueiredo MH, Aquino PS, Ribeiro SG, Pinheiro AB, Lessa PA, Oliveira MF, Brito LS, Pinto ÍN, Furtado AS, Castro RB, Alves H, Aquino CQ, Martins ES, Pinheiro AB, Aquino PS, Oliveira LL, Pinheiro PC, Sousa CR, Freitas VA, Silva TM, Lima AS, Ribeiro Ó, Aquino CQ, Andrade KV, Oliveira CA, Vidal EF, Ganho-Ávila A, Moura-Ramos M, Gonçalves Ó, Almeida J, Silva A, Brito I, Amaral AP, Amado J, Rodrigo A, Santos S, Gomes F, Rosa MC, Marques SF, Luís S, Cavalheiro L, Ferreira P, Gonçalves R, Santos A, Lopes RS, Cavalheiro L, Ferreira P, Gonçalves R, Fiorin BH, Santos MS, Oliveira ES, Moreira RL, Oliveira EA, Filho BL, Monteiro J, Palmeira L, Garcia T, Pinto-Gouveia J, Cunha M, Cardoso S, Palmeira L, Cunha M, Pinto-Gouveia J, Marta-Simões J, Mendes AL, Rocha MC, Trindade IA, Oliveira S, Ferreira C, Mendes AL, Marta-Simões J, Trindade IA, Ferreira C, Nave F, Campos M, Gaudêncio I, Cruz R, Martins F, Ferreira L, Lopes N, Fonseca-Pinto R, Rodrigues R, Azeredo Z, Vicente C, Silva J, Sousa P, Marques R, Amaral AP, Mendes I, Rodrigues R, Azeredo Z, Vicente C, Vardasca R, Marques AR, Seixas A, Carvalho R, Gabriel J, Ferreira PP, Lourenço M, Oliveira MT, Sousa AR, Maia AS, Oliveira ST, Costa PO, Silva MM, Arreguy-Sena C, Alvarenga-Martins N, Pinto PF, Oliveira DC, Rocha MC, Parreira PD, Gomes AT, Braga LM, Araújo O, Lage I, Cabrita J, Teixeira L, Marques R, Dixe MA, Querido A, Cruz R, Sousa P, Silva S, Cordeiro E, Pimentel J, Ferro-Lebres V, Souza JA, Tavares M, Dixe MA, Sousa P, Passadouro R, Antunes S, Peralta T, Ferreira C, Lourenço G, Serrano J, Petrica J, Paulo R, Honório S, Mendes P, Simões A, Carvalho L, Mendonça V, Pereira A, Silva S, Sousa P, Padilha JM, Figueiredo D, Valente C, Marques A, Ribas P, Sousa J, Brandão F, Andrade I, Sousa C, Martins M, Sousa P, Marques R, Mendes F, Fernandes R, Martins E, Magalhães C, Araújo P, Grande C, Osório N, Mata MA, Vieitez JG, Bianchini B, Nazario N, Filho JG, Kretzer M, Costa T, Almeida A, Baffour G, Almeida A, Valado A, Costa T, Baffour G, Azeredo Z, Laranjeira C, Guerra M, Barbeiro AP, Ferreira R, Lopes S, Nunes L, Mendes A, Caseiro A, Martins J, Schneider D, Kretzer M, Magajewski F, Soares C, Marques A, Batista M, Castuera RJ, Mesquita H, Faustino A, Gabriel A, Santos J, Honório S, Vizzotto BP, Frigo L, Pivetta HF, Sardo D, Martins C, Abreu W, Figueiredo MC, Batista M, Martins AC, Jimenez-Castuera R, Petrica J, Serrano J, Honório S, Paulo R, Mendes P, Sousa P, Marques R, Faustino A, Silveira P, Mendes F, Serrano J, Paulo R, Mendes P, Honório S, Oliveira C, Bastos F, Cruz I, Rodriguez CK, Kretzer MR, Nazário NO, Cabral L, Cruz P, Vaz DC, Ruben RB, Avelelas F, Silva S, Campos MJ, Almeida M, Gonçalves L, Antunes L, Sardo P, Ferreira M, Guedes J, Simões J, Machado P, Melo E, Cardoso S, Santos O, Nunes C, Loureiro I, Santos F, Alves G, Gonçalves A, Soar C, Marsi TO, Silva E, Pedrosa D, Leça A, Silva D, Galvão A, Gomes M, Fernandes P, Noné A, Luz TD, Combadão J, Ramalhete C, Figueiredo P, Caeiro P, Fontana KC, Lacerda JT, Machado PO, Borges R, Barbosa F, Sá D, Luz L, Brunhoso G, Aparício G, Carvalho A, Garcia AP, Fernandes PO, Santos A, Veiga N, Brás C, Carvalho I, Batalha J, Martins R, Glória M, Bexiga F, Coelho I, Amaral O, Pereira C, Pinho C, Paraíso N, Oliveira AI, Lima CF, Dias AP, Morgado A, Silva P, Espada M, Marques M, Pereira A, Pereira AM, Veiga-Branco M, Pereira F, Ribeiro M, Lima V, Oliveira AI, Vale-Dias ML, Pinho C, Cruz G, Oliveira RF, Barreiros L, Moreira F, Camarneiro A, Loureiro MH, Silva M, Duarte C, Jesus Â, Porta-Nova R, Cruz A, Mota M, Novais S, Nogueira P, Pereira A, Carneiro L, João PV, Lima TM, Salgueiro-Oliveira A, Vaquinhas M, Fleig TC, Parreira P, Melo R, Graveto J, Castilho A, Gomes JH, Medina MS, Blanco VG, Santos O, Lopes E, Virgolino A, Reuter ÉM, Dinis A, Ambrósio S, Almeida I, Marques T, Heitor MJ, Garcia-Gordillo MA, Collado-Mateo D, Olivares PR, Parraça JA, Sala JA, Froemming MB, Castilho A, Graveto J, Parreira P, Oliveira A, Gomes JH, Melo R, Vaquinhas M, Cheio M, Cruz A, Pereira OR, Guerreiro SL, Pinto S, Oliveira A, Manso MC, Sousa C, Vinha AF, Machado MM, Vieira M, Fernandes B, Tomás T, Quirino D, Carvalho LL, Desouzart G, Matos R, Bordini M, Mouroço P, Matos AR, Serapioni M, Guimarães T, Fonseca V, Costa A, Ribeiro J, Guedelha D, Lobato J, Martin IZ, Björklund A, Tavares AI, Ferreira P, Passadouro R, Morgado S, Tavares N, Valente J, Martins AC, Coelho P, Araújo P, Fernandes R, Mendes F, Magalhães C, Martins E, Mendes P, Paulo R, Faustino A, Mesquita H, Honório S, Pereira A, Batista M, Lacerda JT, Ortiga AB, Calvo MC, Natal S, Pereira M, Ferreira M, Prata AR, Nelas P, Duarte J, Calha A, Carneiro J, Oliveira AI, Pinho C, Couto C, Oliveira RF, Moreira F, Maia AS, Oliveira MT, Sousa AR, Ferreira PP, Cordeiro R, Souza GM, Almada LF, Conceição MA, Santiago EC, Rodrigues S, Domingues G, Ferreira I, Faria L, Seixas A, Costa AR, Gonçalves A, Jesus Â, Cardoso A, Meireles A, Colaço A, Cruz A, Vieira VL, Vincha KR, Cervato-Mancuso AM, Faria M, Reis C, Certo A, Cova MP, Ascenso RT, Almeida HA, Oliveira EG, Santana M, Pereira R, Oliveira EG, Almeida HA, Ascenso RT, Jesus R, Galvão A, Tapadas R, Tim-Tim C, Cezanne C, Lagoa M, Dias SS, Torgal J, Lopes J, Almeida H, Amado S, Carrão L, Mata MA, Cunha M, Saboga-Nunes L, Albuquerque C, Ribeiro O, Oliveira S, Morais MC, Martins E, Mendes F, Fernandes R, Magalhães C, Welter A, Araújo P, Pedro AR, Amaral O, Escoval A, Assunção V, Luís H, Luís L, Apolinário-Hagen J, Vehreschild V, Fotschl U, Pereira E, Lirk G, Martins AC, Andrade I, Mendes F, Mendonça V, Antunes S, Andrade I, Osório N, Valado A, Caseiro A, Ribeiro S, Gabriel A, Martins AC, Mendes F, Silva PA, Mónico LM, Parreira PM, Carvalho C, Carvalho C, Parreira PM, Mónico LM, Kretzer M, Ruivo J, Silva V, Sousa P, Padilha JM, Ferraz V, Aparício G, Duarte J, Vasconcelos C, Almeida A, Neves J, Jiménez-Díaz JF, Correia T, Amorim H, Mendes R, Saboga-Nunes L, Cunha M, Albuquerque C, Pereira ES, Santos LS, Reis AS, Silva HR, Jiménez-Rodríguez C, Rombo J, Fernandes JC, Fernandes P, Ribeiro J, Mangas C, Freire A, Silva S, Francisco I, Oliveira A, Catarino H, Hernández-Martínez FJ, Dixe MA, Louro MC, Lopes S, Dixe A, Dixe MA, Menino E, Catarino H, Soares F, Oliveira AP, Gordo S, Rodríguez-De-Vera BDC, Kraus T, Tomás C, Queirós P, Rodrigues T, Sousa P, Frade JG, Lobão C, Moura CB, Dreyer LC, Meneghetti V, Marques-Rodrigues A, Cabral PP, Pinto F, Sousa P, Esteves MR, Galvão S, Tytgat I, Andrade I, Osório N, Valado A, Caseiro A, Coelho P, Gabriel A, Martins AC, Mendes F, Casas-Novas M, Bernardo H, Andrade I, Sousa G, Sousa AP, Rocha C, Belo P, Bernardes T, Osório N, Valado A, Caseiro A, Gabriel A, Martins AC, Mendes F, Martins F, Pulido-Fuentes M, Barroso I, Cabral G, Pereira A, Monteiro MJ, Rainho C, Prado A, Carvalho YM, Campos M, Moreira L, Ferreira J, Teixeira A, Rama L, Campos M, Sousa P, Moreira L, Ferreira J, Teixeira A, Rama L, Filho JG, Nazario N, Kretzer M, Amaral O, Garrido A, Veiga N, Nunes C, Pedro AR, Pereira C, Almeia A, Fernandes HM, Vasconcelos C, Sousa N, Reis VM, Monteiro MJ, Mendes R, Pinto IC, Pires T, Gama J, Preto V, Silva N, Magalhães C, Martins M, Duarte M, Paúl C, Martín I, Pinheiro AA, Xavier S, Azevedo J, Bento E, Marques C, Marques M, Macedo A, Pereira AT, Almeida JP, Almeida A, Alves J, Sousa N, Saavedra F, Mendes R, Maia AS, Oliveira MT, Sousa AR, Ferreira PP, Lopes LS, Santiago EC, Monteiro S, Jesus Â, Colaço A, Carvalho A, Silva RP, Cruz A, Ferreira A, Marques C, Figueiredo JP, Paixão S, Ferreira A, Lopes C, Moreira F, Figueiredo JP, Ferreira A, Ribeiro D, Moreira F, Figueiredo JP, Paixão S, Fernandes T, Amado D, Leal J, Azevedo M, Ramalho S, Mangas C, Ribeiro J, Gonçalves R, Nunes AF, Tuna AR, Martins CR, Forte HD, Costa C, Tenedório JA, Santana P, Andrade JA, Pinto JL, Campofiorito C, Nunes S, Carmo A, Kaliniczenco A, Alves B, Mendes F, Jesus C, Fonseca F, Gehrke F, Albuquerque C, Batista R, Cunha M, Madureira A, Ribeiro O, Martins R, Madeira T, Peixoto-Plácido C, Santos N, Santos O, Bergland A, Bye A, Lopes C, Alarcão V, Goulão B, Mendonça N, Nicola P, Clara JG, Gomes J, Querido A, Tomás C, Carvalho D, Cordeiro M, Rosa MC, Marques A, Brandão D, Ribeiro Ó, Araújo L, Paúl C, Minghelli B, Richaud S, Mendes AL, Marta-Simões J, Trindade IA, Ferreira C, Carvalho T, Cunha M, Pinto-Gouveia J, Fernandes MC, Rosa RS, Nugem RC, Kranz LF, Siqueira MS, Bordin R, Martins AC, Medeiros A, Pimentel R, Fernandes A, Mendonça C, Andrade I, Andrade S, Menezes RL, Bravo R, Miranda M, Ugartemendia L, Tena JM, Pérez-Caballero FL, Fuentes-Broto L, Rodríguez AB, Carmen B, Carneiro MA, Domingues JN, Paixão S, Figueiredo J, Nascimento VB, Jesus C, Mendes F, Gehrke F, Alves B, Azzalis L, Fonseca F, Martins AR, Nunes A, Jorge A, Veiga N, Amorim A, Silva A, Martinho L, Monteiro L, Silva R, Coelho C, Amaral O, Coelho I, Pereira C, Correia A, Rodrigues D, Marante N, Silva P, Carvalho S, Araujo AR, Ribeiro M, Coutinho P, Ventura S, Roque F, Calvo C, Reses M, Conde J, Ferreira A, Figueiredo J, Silva D, Seiça L, Soares R, Mourão R, Kraus T, Abreu AC, Padilha JM, Alves JM, Sousa P, Oliveira M, Sousa J, Novais S, Mendes F, Pinto J, Cruz J, Marques A, Duarte H, Dixe MDA, Sousa P, Cruz I, Bastos F, Pereira F, Carvalho FL, Oliveira TT, Raposo VR, Rainho C, Ribeiro JC, Barroso I, Rodrigues V, Neves C, Oliveira TC, Oliveira B, Morais MC, Baylina P, Rodrigues R, Azeredo Z, Vicente C, Dias H, Sim-Sim M, Parreira P, Salgueiro-Oliveira A, Castilho A, Melo R, Graveto J, Gomes J, Vaquinhas M, Carvalho C, Mónico L, Brito N, Sarroeira C, Amendoeira J, Cunha F, Cândido A, Fernandes P, Silva HR, Silva E, Barroso I, Lapa L, Antunes C, Gonçalves A, Galvão A, Gomes MJ, Escanciano SR, Freitas M, Parreira P, Marôco J, Fernandes AR, Cabral C, Alves S, Sousa P, Ferreira A, Príncipe F, Seppänen UM, Ferreira M, Carvalhais M, Silva M, Ferreira M, Silva J, Neves J, Costa D, Santos B, Duarte S, Marques S, Ramalho S, Mendes I, Louro C, Menino E, Dixe M, Dias SS, Cordeiro M, Tomás C, Querido A, Carvalho D, Gomes J, Valim FC, Costa JO, Bernardes LG, Prebianchi H, Rosa MC, Gonçalves N, Martins MM, Kurcgant P, Vieira A, Bento S, Deodato S, Rabiais I, Reis L, Torres A, Soares S, Ferreira M, Graça P, Leitão C, Abreu R, Bellém F, Almeida A, Ribeiro-Varandas E, Tavares A, Frade JG, Henriques C, Menino E, Louro C, Jordão C, Neco S, Morais C, Ferreira P, Silva CR, Brito A, Silva A, Duarte H, Dixe MDA, Sousa P, Postolache G, Oliveira R, Moreira I, Pedro L, Vicente S, Domingos S, Postolache O, Silva D, Filho JG, Nazario N, Kretzer M, Schneider D, Marques FM, Parreira P, Carvalho C, Mónico LM, Pinto C, Vicente S, Breda SJ, Gomes JH, Melo R, Parreira P, Salgueiro A, Graveto J, Vaquinhas M, Castilho A, Jesus Â, Duarte N, Lopes JC, Nunes H, Cruz A, Salgueiro-Oliveira A, Parreira P, Basto ML, Braga LM, Ferreira A, Araújo B, Alves JM, Ferreira M, Carvalhais M, Silva M, Novais S, Sousa AS, Ferrito C, Ferreira PL, Rodrigues A, Ferreira M, Oliveira I, Ferreira M, Neves J, Costa D, Duarte S, Silva J, Santos B, Martins C, Macedo AP, Araújo O, Augusto C, Braga F, Gomes L, Silva MA, Rosário R, Pimenta L, Carreira D, Teles P, Barros T, Tomás C, Querido A, Carvalho D, Gomes J, Cordeiro M, Carvalho D, Querido A, Tomás C, Gomes J, Cordeiro M, Jácome C, Marques A, Capelas S, Hall A, Alves D, Lousada M, Loureiro MH, Camarneiro A, Silva M, Mendes A, Pedreiro A, G.Silva A, Coelho ES, Melo F, Ribeiro F, Torres R, Costa R, Pinho T, Jácome C, Marques A, Cruz B, Seabra D, Carreiras D, Ventura M, Cruz X, Brooks D, Marques A, Pinto MR, Parreira P, Lima-Basto M, Neves M, Mónico LM, Bizarro C, Cunha M, Galhardo A, Margarida C, Amorim AP, Silva E, Cruz S, Padilha JM, Valente J, Guerrero JT, Caballero FP, Santos RB, Gonzalez EP, Monago FM, Ugalde LU, Vélez MM, Tena MJ, Guerrero JT, Bravo R, Pérez-Caballero FL, Becerra IA, Agudelo ME, Acedo G, Bajo R, Malheiro I, Gaspar F, Barros L, Furtado G, Uba-Chupel M, Marques M, Rama L, Braga M, Ferreira JP, Teixeira AM, Cruz J, Barbosa T, Simões Â, Coelho L, Rodrigues A, Jiménez-Díaz JF, Martinez-Hernandez F, Rodriguez-De-Vera B, Ferreira P, Rodrigues A, Ramalho A, Petrica J, Mendes P, Serrano J, Santo I, Rosado A, Mendonça P, Freitas K, Ferreira D, Brito A, Fernandes R, Gomes S, Moreira F, Pinho C, Oliveira R, Oliveira AI, Mendonça P, Casimiro AP, Martins P, Silva I, Evangelista D, Leitão C, Velosa F, Carecho N, Coelho L, Menino E, Dixe A, Catarino H, Soares F, Gama E, Gordo C, Moreira E, Midões C, Santos M, Machado S, Oliveira VP, Santos M, Querido A, Dixe A, Marques R, Charepe Z, Antunes A, Santos S, Rosa MC, Rosa MC, Marques SF, Minghelli B, CaroMinghelli E, Luís MJ, Brandão T, Mendes P, Marinho D, Petrica J, Monteiro D, Paulo R, Serrano J, Santo I, Monteiro L, Ramalho F, Santos-Rocha R, Morgado S, Bento T, Sousa G, Freitas O, Silva I, Freitas G, Morna C, Vasconcelos R, Azevedo T, Soares S, Pisco J, Ferreira PP, Olszewer EO, Oliveira MT, Sousa AR, Maia AS, Oliveira ST, Santos E, Oliveira AI, Maia C, Moreira F, Santos J, Mendes MF, Oliveira RF, Pinho C, Barreira E, Pereira A, Vaz JA, Novo A, Silva LD, Maia B, Ferreira E, Pires F, Andrade R, Camarinha L, Silva LD, Maia B, Ferreira E, Pires F, Andrade R, Camarinha L, César AF, Poço M, Ventura D, Loura R, Gomes P, Gomes C, Silva C, Melo E, Lindo J, Domingos J, Mendes Z, Poeta S, Carvalho T, Tomás C, Catarino H, Dixe MA, Ramalho A, Rosado A, Mendes P, Paulo R, Garcia I, Petrica J, Rodrigues S, Meneses R, Afonso C, Faria L, Seixas A, Cordeiro M, Granjo P, Gomes JC, Souza NR, Furtado GE, Rocha SV, Silva P, Carvalho J, Morais MA, Santos S, Lebre P, Antunes A, Calha A, Xavier A, Cunha M, Pinto-Gouveia J, Alencar L, Cunha M, Madureira A, Cardoso I, Galhardo A, Daniel F, Rodrigues V, Luz L, Luz T, Ramos MR, Medeiros DC, Carmo BM, Seabra A, Padez C, Silva MC, Rodrigues A, Coelho P, Coelho A, Caminha M, Matheus F, Mendes E, Correia J, Kretzer M, Hernandez-Martinez FJ, Jimenez-Diaz JF, Rodriguez-De-Vera BC, Jimenez-Rodriguez C, Armas-Gonzalez Y, Rodrigues C, Pedroso R, Apolinário-Hagen J, Vehreschild V, Veloso M, Magalhães C, Cabral I, Ferraz M, Nave F, Costa E, Matos F, Pacheco J, Dias A, Pereira C, Duarte J, Cunha M, Silva D, Mónico LM, Alferes VR, Brêda MSJ, Carvalho C, Parreira PM, Morais MC, Ferreira P, Pimenta R, Boavida J, Pinto IC, Pires T, Silva C, Ribeiro M, Viega-Branco M, Pereira F, Pereira AM, Almeida FM, Estevez GL, Ribeiro S, Kretzer MR, João PV, Nogueira P, Novais S, Pereira A, Carneiro L, Mota M, Cruz R, Santiago L, Fontes-Ribeiro C, Furtado G, Rocha SV, Coutinho AP, Neto JS, Vasconcelos LR, Souza NR, Dantas E, Dinis A, Carvalho S, Castilho P, Pinto-Gouveia J, Sarreira-Santos A, Figueiredo A, Medeiros-Garcia L, Seabra P, Rodrigues R, Morais MC, Fernandes PO, Santiago C, Figueiredo MH, Basto ML, Guimarães T, Coelho A, Graça A, Silva AM, Fonseca AR, Vale-Dias L, Minas B, Franco-Borges G, Simões C, Santos S, Serra A, Matos M, Jesus L, Tavares AS, Almeida A, Leitão C, Varandas E, Abreu R, Bellém F, Trindade IA, Ferreira C, Pinto-Gouveia J, Marta-Simões J, Amaral O, Miranda C, Guimarães P, Gonçalves R, Veiga N, Pereira C, Fleig TC, San-Martin EA, Goulart CL, Schneiders PB, Miranda NF, Carvalho LL, Silva AG, Topa J, Nogueira C, Neves S, Ventura R, Nazaré C, Brandão D, Freitas A, Ribeiro Ó, Paúl C, Mercê C, Branco M, Almeida P, Nascimento D, Pereira J, Catela D, Rafael H, Reis AC, Mendes A, Valente AR, Lousada M, Sousa D, Baltazar AL, Loureiro MH, Oliveira A, Aparício J, Marques A, Marques A, Oliveira A, Neves J, Ayoub R, Sousa L, Marques-Vieira C, Severino S, José H, Cadorio I, Lousada M, Cunha M, Andrade D, Galhardo A, Couto M, Mendes F, Domingues C, Schukg S, Abrantes AM, Gonçalves AC, Sales T, Teixo R, Silva R, Estrela J, Laranjo M, Casalta-Lopes J, Rocha C, Simões PC, Sarmento-Ribeiro AB, Botelho MF, Rosa MS, Fonseca V, Colaço D, Neves V, Jesus C, Hesse C, Rocha C, Osório N, Valado A, Caseiro A, Gabriel A, Svensson L, Mendes F, Siba WA, Pereira C, Tomaz J, Carvalho T, Pinto-Gouveia J, Cunha M, Duarte D, Lopes NV, Fonseca-Pinto R, Duarte D, Lopes NV, Fonseca-Pinto R, Martins AC, Brandão P. Proceedings of the 3rd IPLeiria's International Health Congress : Leiria, Portugal. 6-7 May 2016.
BMC Health Serv Res 2016;
16 Suppl 3:200. [PMID:
27409075 PMCID:
PMC4943498 DOI:
[Citation(s) in RCA: 288] [Impact Index Per Article: 32.0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Download PDF] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 01/10/2023] Open
S1 Health literacy and health education in adolescence
Catarina Cardoso Tomás
S2 The effect of a walking program on the quality of life and well-being of people with schizophrenia
Emanuel Oliveira, D. Sousa, M. Uba-Chupel, G. Furtado, C. Rocha, A. Teixeira, P. Ferreira
S3 Diagnosis and innovative treatments - the way to a better medical practice
Celeste Alves
S4 Simulation-based learning and how it is a high contribution
Stefan Gisin
S5 Formative research about acceptability, utilization and promotion of a home fortification programme with micronutrient powders (MNP) in the Autonomous Region of Príncipe, São Tomé and Príncipe
Elisabete Catarino, Nelma Carvalho, Tiago Coucelo, Luís Bonfim, Carina Silva
S6 Safety culture of the patient: a reflexion about the therapeutic approach on the patient with vocal pathology
Débora Franco
S7 About wine, fortune cookies and patient experience
Jesús Alcoba González
O1 The psychological impact on the emergency crews after the disaster event on February 20, 2010
Helena G. Jardim, Rita Silva
O2 Musculoskeletal disorders in midwives
Cristina L. Baixinho, Mª Helena Presado, Mª Fátima Marques, Mário E. Cardoso
O3 Negative childhood experiences and fears of compassion: Implications for psychological difficulties in adolescence
Marina Cunha, Joana Mendes, Ana Xavier, Ana Galhardo, Margarida Couto
O4 Optimal age to give the first dose of measles vaccine in Portugal
João G. Frade, Carla Nunes, João R. Mesquita, Maria S. Nascimento, Guilherme Gonçalves
O5 Functional assessment of elderly in primary care
Conceição Castro, Alice Mártires, Mª João Monteiro, Conceição Rainho
O6 Smoking and coronary events in a population of Spanish health-care centre: An observational study
Francisco P. Caballero, Fatima M. Monago, Jose T. Guerrero, Rocio M. Monago, Africa P. Trigo, Milagros L. Gutierrez, Gemma M. Milanés, Mercedes G. Reina, Ana G. Villanueva, Ana S. Piñero, Isabel R. Aliseda, Francisco B. Ramirez
O7 Prevalence of musculoskeletal injuries in Portuguese musicians
Andrea Ribeiro, Ana Quelhas, Conceição Manso
O8 Hip fractures, psychotropic drug consumption and comorbidity in patients of a primary care practice in Spain
Francisco P. Caballero, Jose T. Guerrero, Fatima M. Monago, Rafael B. Santos, Nuria R. Jimenez, Cristina G. Nuñez, Inmaculada R. Gomez, Mª Jose L. Fernandez, Laura A. Marquez, Ana L. Moreno, Mª Jesus Tena Huertas, Francisco B. Ramirez
O9 The role of self-criticism and shame in social anxiety in a clinical SAD sample
Daniel Seabra, Mª Céu Salvador
O10 Obstruction and infiltration: a proposal of a quality indicator
Luciene Braga, Pedro Parreira, Anabela Salgueiro-Oliveira, Cristina Arreguy-Sena, Bibiana F. Oliveira, Mª Adriana Henriques
O11 Balance and anxiety and depression symptoms in old age people
Joana Santos, Sara Lebre, Alda Marques
O12 Prevalence of postural changes and risk factors in school children and adolescents in a northern region (Porto)
Clarinda Festas, Sandra Rodrigues, Andrea Ribeiro, José Lumini
O13 Ischemic stroke vs. haemorrhagic stroke survival rate
Ana G. Figueiredo
O14 Chronobiological factors as responsible for the appearance of locomotor pathology in adolescents
Francisco J. Hernandez-Martinez, Liliana Campi, Mª Pino Quintana-Montesdeoca, Juan F. Jimenez-Diaz, Bienvenida C. Rodriguez-De-Vera
O15 Risk of malnutrition in the elderly of Bragança
Alexandra Parente, Mª Augusta Mata, Ana Mª Pereira, Adília Fernandes, Manuel Brás
O16 A Lifestyle Educational Programme for primary care diabetic patients: the design of a complex nursing intervention
Mª Rosário Pinto, Pedro Parreira, Marta L. Basto, Ana C. Rei, Lisete M. Mónico
O17 Medication adherence in elderly people
Gilberta Sousa, Clementina Morna, Otília Freitas, Gregório Freitas, Ana Jardim, Rita Vasconcelos
O18 Hospitalization for cervical cancer of residents in the metropolitan region of Porto Alegre, Southern Brazil, 2012 to 2014
Lina G. Horta, Roger S. Rosa, Luís F. Kranz, Rita C. Nugem, Mariana S. Siqueira, Ronaldo Bordin
O19 Oncologic assistance of high complexity: evaluation of regulating accesses
Rosiane Kniess, Josimari T. Lacerda
O20 Perceived barriers for using health care services by the older population as seen by the social sector: findings from the Vila Nova de Gaia Gerontological Plan
Joana Guedes, Idalina Machado, Sidalina Almeida, Adriano Zilhão, Helder Alves, Óscar Ribeiro
O21 Sleep difficulties and depressive symptoms in college students
Ana P. Amaral, Ana Santos, Joana Monteiro, Mª Clara Rocha, Rui Cruz
O22 Psychopathological symptoms and medication use in higher education
Ana P. Amaral, Marina Lourenço, Mª Clara Rocha, Rui Cruz
O23 Sexually transmitted diseases in higher education institutions
Sandra Antunes, Verónica Mendonça, Isabel Andrade, Nádia Osório, Ana Valado, Armando Caseiro, António Gabriel, Anabela C. Martins, Fernando Mendes
O24 Alcohol consumption and suicide ideation in higher education students
Lídia Cabral, Manuela Ferreira, Amadeu Gonçalves
O25 Quality of life in university students
Tatiana D. Luz, Leonardo Luz, Raul Martins
O26 Male and female adolescent antisocial behaviour: characterizing vulnerabilities in a Portuguese sample
Alice Morgado, Maria L. Vale-Dias
O27 Risk factors for mental health in higher education students of health sciences
Rui Porta-Nova
O28 International classification of functioning disability and health as reflexive reasoning in primary attention in health
Tânia C. Fleig, Éboni M. Reuter, Miriam B. Froemming, Sabrina L. Guerreiro, Lisiane L. Carvalho
O29 Risk factors and cardiovascular disease in Portalegre
Daniel Guedelha, P. Coelho, A. Pereira
O30 Health status of the elderly population living in Portalegre historic city centre: A longitudinal study
António Calha, Raul Cordeiro
O31 Student’s sleep in higher education: sleep quality among students of the IPB
Ana Gonçalves, Ana Certo, Ana Galvão, Mª Augusta Mata
O32 Trend in mortality from cervical cancer in the metropolitan area of Florianópolis, state of Santa Catarina, Brazil, 2000 to 2013
Aline Welter, Elayne Pereira, Sandra Ribeiro, Marcia Kretzer
O33 Adherence to treatment in the elderly in an urban environment in Spain
Juan-Fernando Jiménez-Díaz, Carla Jiménez-Rodríguez, Francisco-José Hernández-Martínez, Bienvenida-Del-Carmen Rodríguez-De-Vera, Alexandre Marques-Rodrigues
O34 Beira Baixa Blood Pressure Study (Study PABB)
Patrícia Coelho, Tiago Bernardes, Alexandre Pereira
O35 Trends in cervical cancer mortality statistics in Santa Catarina State, Brazil, by age group and macro-region, from 2000 to 2013
Patrícia Sousa, João G. Filho, Nazare Nazario, Marcia Kretzer
O36 Sleep problems among Portuguese adolescents: a public health issue
Odete Amaral, António Garrido, Nélio Veiga, Carla Nunes, Ana R. Pedro, Carlos Pereira
O37 Association between body fat and health-related quality of life in patients with type 2 diabetes
António Almeia, Helder M. Fernandes, Carlos Vasconcelos, Nelson Sousa, Victor M. Reis, M. João Monteiro, Romeu Mendes
O38 Therapy adherence and polypharmacy in non-institutionalized elderly from Amares county, Portugal
Isabel C. Pinto, Tânia Pires, João Gama
O39 Prevalence of surgical site infection in adults at a hospital unit in the North of Portugal
Vera Preto, Norberto Silva, Carlos Magalhães, Matilde Martins
O40 Frailty phenotype in old age: implications to intervention
Mafalda Duarte, Constança Paúl, Ignácio Martín
O41 Portuguese women: sexual symptoms in perimenopause
Arminda A. Pinheiro
O42 Predictive ability of the Perinatal Depression Screening and Prevention Tool – preliminary results of the categorical approach
Sandra Xavier, Julieta Azevedo, Elisabete Bento, Cristiana Marques, Mariana Marques, António Macedo, Ana T. Pereira
O43 Aging and muscle strength in patients with type 2 diabetes: cross sectional analysis
José P. Almeida, António Almeida, Josiane Alves, Nelson Sousa, Francisco Saavedra, Romeu Mendes
O44 Accessibility of the elderly in the prevention of hypertension in a family health unit
Ana S. Maia, Michelle T. Oliveira, Anderson R. Sousa, Paulo P. Ferreira, Luci S. Lopes, Eujcely C. Santiago
O45 Community Health screenings and self-reported chronic diseases
Sílvia Monteiro, Ângelo Jesus, Armanda Colaço, António Carvalho, Rita P. Silva, Agostinho Cruz
O46 Evaluation of indoor air quality in Kindergartens
Ana Ferreira, Catarina Marques, João P. Figueiredo, Susana Paixão
O47 Atmospheric exposure to chemical agents under the occupational activity of pathology technicians
Ana Ferreira, Carla Lopes, Fernando Moreira, João P. Figueiredo
O48 Occupational exposure to air pollutants in night entertainment venues workers
Ana Ferreira, Diana Ribeiro, Fernando Moreira, João P. Figueiredo, Susana Paixão
O49 Beliefs and attitudes of young people towards breastfeeding
Telma Fernandes, Diogo Amado, Jéssica Leal, Marcelo Azevedo, Sónia Ramalho
O50 Profiling informal caregivers: surveying needs in the care of the elderly
Catarina Mangas, Jaime Ribeiro, Rita Gonçalves
O51 Visual health in teenagers
Amélia F Nunes, Ana R. Tuna, Carlos R. Martins, Henriqueta D. Forte
O52 Amenable mortality and the geographic accessibility to healthcare in Portugal
Cláudia Costa, José A. Tenedório, Paula Santana
O53 Bacterial contamination of door handles in a São Paulo See Metropolitan Cathedral public restrooms in Brazil
J. A. Andrade, J. L. Pinto, C. Campofiorito, S. Nunes, A. Carmo, A. Kaliniczenco, B. Alves, F. Mendes, C. Jesus, F. Fonseca, F. Gehrke
O54 Adherence of patients to rehabilitation programmes
Carlos Albuquerque, Rita Batista, Madalena Cunha, António Madureira, Olivério Ribeiro, Rosa Martins
O55 Prevalence of malnutrition among Portuguese elderly living in nursing homes: preliminary results of the PEN-3S project
Teresa Madeira, Catarina Peixoto-Plácido, Nuno Santos, Osvaldo Santos, Astrid Bergland, Asta Bye, Carla Lopes, Violeta Alarcão, Beatriz Goulão, Nuno Mendonça, Paulo Nicola, João G. Clara
O56 Relation between emotional intelligence and mental illness in health students
João Gomes, Ana Querido, Catarina Tomás, Daniel Carvalho, Marina Cordeiro
P1 Fall risk factors in people older than 50 years old – a pilot report
Marlene C. Rosa, Alda Marques
P2 What about the Portuguese oldest old? A global overview using census data
Daniela Brandão, Óscar Ribeiro, Lia Araújo, Constança Paúl
P3 Prevalence of injuries in senior amateur volleyball athletes in Alentejo and Algarve clubs, Portugal: factors associated
Beatriz Minghelli, Sylvina Richaud
P4 Shame feelings and quality of life: the role of acceptance and decentring
Ana L. Mendes, Joana Marta-Simões, Inês A. Trindade, Cláudia Ferreira
P5 Assessment of social support during deployment in portuguese colonial war veterans
Teresa Carvalho, Marina Cunha, José Pinto-Gouveia
P6 Hospitalization for acute viral bronchiolitis of residents in the metropolitan region of Porto Alegre, Southern Brazil, 2012 to 2014
Morgana C. Fernandes, Roger S. Rosa, Rita C. Nugem, Luís F. Kranz, Mariana S. Siqueira, Ronaldo Bordin
P7 Falls-risk screening – an opportunity for preventing falls in the elderly from Nordeste
Anabela C. Martins, Anabela Medeiros, Rafaela Pimentel, Andreia Fernandes, Carlos Mendonça, Isabel Andrade, Susana Andrade, Ruth L. Menezes
P8 Aging provokes chronodisruption in mature people in temperature circadian rhythm
Rafael Bravo, Marta Miranda, Lierni Ugartemendia, José Mª Tena, Francisco L. Pérez-Caballero, Lorena Fuentes-Broto, Ana B. Rodríguez, Barriga Carmen
P9 The influence of climate and pollution factors in dengue cases of great ABC region, São Paulo
M. A. Carneiro, J. N. Domingues, S. Paixão, J. Figueiredo, V. B. Nascimento, C. Jesus, F Mendes, F. Gehrke, B. Alves, L. Azzalis, F. Fonseca
P10 Visual function and impact of visual therapy in children with learning disabilities: a pilot study
Ana R. Martins, Amélia Nunes, Arminda Jorge
P11 Edentulism and the need of oral rehabilitation among institutionalized elderly
Nélio Veiga, Ana Amorim, André Silva, Liliana Martinho, Luís Monteiro, Rafael Silva, Carina Coelho, Odete Amaral, Inês Coelho, Carlos Pereira, André Correia
P12 Therapy adherence of outpatients in the pharmacy services of a hospital unit
Diana Rodrigues, Nídia Marante, Pedro Silva, Sara Carvalho, André Rts Araujo, Maximiano Ribeiro, Paula Coutinho, Sandra Ventura, Fátima Roque
P13 Universal access and comprehensive care of oral health: an availability study
Cristina Calvo, Manoela Reses
P14 Is the respiratory function of children a predictor of air quality? Coimbra as a case study
Jorge Conde, Ana Ferreira, João Figueiredo
P15 Meaning-in-life of college students
David Silva, Luís Seiça, Raquel Soares, Ricardo Mourão, Teresa Kraus
O57 Training needs for nurses in palliative care
Ana C. Abreu, José M. Padilha, Júlia M. Alves
O58 Impact of computerized information systems in the global nurses’ workload: nurses’ perceptions and real-time
Paulino Sousa, Manuel Oliveira, Joana Sousa
O59 The perspective of health care professionals on self-care in hereditary neurodegenerative disease: a qualitative study
Sónia Novais, Felismina Mendes
O60 Contribution for health-related physical fitness reference values in healthy adolescents
Joana Pinto, Joana Cruz, Alda Marques
School of Health Sciences, University of Aveiro, 3810-193 Aveiro, Portugal
O61 Perception of learning, satisfaction and self-efficacy of nursing students about High-Fidelity Simulation
Hugo Duarte, Maria Dos Anjos Dixe, Pedro Sousa
O62 Analysis of statements of diagnosis about health deviation in self-care requisites customized in a Nursing Practice Support System (SAPE®): Management of therapeutic regimen
Inês Cruz, Fernanda Bastos, Filipe Pereira
O63 Hybrid management and hospital governance: doctors and nurses as managers
Francisco L. Carvalho, Teresa T. Oliveira, Vítor R. Raposo
O64 Time management in health professionals
Conceição Rainho, José C. Ribeiro, Isabel Barroso, Vítor Rodrigues
O65 Financial rewards and wellbeing in primary health care
Carmo Neves, Teresa C. Oliveira
O66 Patient safety promotion in the operating room
Bárbara Oliveira, Mª Carminda Morais, Pilar Baylina
O67 Difficulties and needs of pre-graduate nursing students in the area of Geriatrics/Gerontology
Rogério Rodrigues, Zaida Azeredo, Corália Vicente
O68 Teaching and learning sexuality in nursing education
Hélia Dias, Margarida Sim-Sim
O69 Entrepreneurial Motivations Questionnaire: AFC and CFA in academy
Pedro Parreira, Anabela Salgueiro-Oliveira, Amélia Castilho, Rosa Melo, João Graveto, José Gomes, Marina Vaquinhas, Carla Carvalho, Lisete Mónico, Nuno Brito
O70 Nursing intervention to patient with Permanent Pacemakers and Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators: a qualitative analysis
Cassilda Sarroeira, José Amendoeira, Fátima Cunha, Anabela Cândido, Patrícia Fernandes, Helena R. Silva, Elsa Silva
O71 Alcohol consumption among nursing students: where does education fail?
Isabel Barroso, Leila Lapa, Cristina Antunes
O72 Labour stress in nursing
Ana Gonçalves, Ana Galvão, Mª José Gomes, Susana R. Escanciano
O73 The influence of safe staff nursing in patient satisfaction with nursing care
Maria Freitas, Pedro Parreira, João Marôco
O74 Intention to use eHealth strategies with nursing students
Ana R. Fernandes, Cremilde Cabral, Samuel Alves, Pedro Sousa
O75 Community Based Mental Health: contributions of an interdisciplinary international program for students in higher health education
António Ferreira, Fernanda Príncipe, Ulla-Maija Seppänen, Margarida Ferreira, Maribel Carvalhais, Marilene Silva
O76 Study of satisfaction at work of graduates in nursing: 2002-2014
Manuela Ferreira, Joana Silva, Jéssica Neves, Diana Costa, Bruno Santos, Soraia Duarte
O77 Health professionals’ attitudes towards breastfeeding
Sílvia Marques, Sónia Ramalho, Isabel Mendes
O78 Continuity of nursing care to person with type 2 diabetes
Clarisse Louro, Eva Menino, Maria Dixe, Sara S. Dias
O79 Stigma toward mental illness among future health professionals
Marina Cordeiro, Catarina Tomás, Ana Querido, Daniel Carvalho, João Gomes
O80 Working with fears and anxieties of medical students in search of a humanized care
Frederico C. Valim, Joyce O. Costa, Lúcia G. Bernardes
P16 Surgical paediatrics patients’ psycho prophylaxis at a teaching hospital
Helena Prebianchi
P17 Patient-perceived outcomes in physiotherapy – a pilot study
Marlene Cristina Rosa
P18 Building competencies for managers in nursing
Narcisa Gonçalves, Maria M. Martins, Paulina Kurcgant
P19 Theoretical basis underlying physiotherapy practice in stroke rehabilitation
André Vieira
P20 When the life-cycle ends: the nurse’s confrontation with death
Sandrina Bento, Sérgio Deodato, Isabel Rabiais
P21 Nursing students’ opinion about the supervision relationship during their first clinical experience
Laura Reis
P22 Nursing Relational Laboratory: Pedagogical, dialogic and critical project
Ana Torres, Sérgio Soares, Margarida Ferreira, Pedro Graça
P23 Job satisfaction of bioscientists at a Lisbon hospital
Céu Leitão, Renato Abreu, Fernando Bellém, Ana Almeida, Edna Ribeiro-Varandas, Ana Tavares
P24 Sociodemographic and professional profile of nurses and its relation with the importance of family in nursing practices
João G. Frade, Carolina Henriques, Eva Menino, Clarisse Louro, Célia Jordão
P25 Professional satisfaction of rehabilitation nurses
Sofia Neco, Carminda Morais, Pedro Ferreira
P26 The person living with a stoma: the formalization of knowledge in nursing
Carla R. Silva, Alice Brito, Antónia Silva
P27 Validation of the Portuguese versions of the nursing students’ perceptions of learning and learner satisfaction with simulation tool
Hugo Duarte, Maria Dos Anjos Dixe, Pedro Sousa
P28 Physiotherapists’ perceived knowledge on technologies for electronic health records for physiotherapy
Gabriela Postolache, Raul Oliveira, Isabel Moreira, Luísa Pedro, Sónia Vicente, Samuel Domingos, Octavian Postolache
P29 Quality of life and physical activity of medicine undergraduate students in the University of Southern Santa Catarina, Brazil
Darlen Silva, João G. Filho, Nazare Nazario, Marcia Kretzer, Dulcineia Schneider
P30 The curricular skills for decision making education in a Nursing Degree
Fátima M. Marques
P31 Effect of nurses’ mobilization in satisfaction at work and turnover: An empirical study in the hospital setting
Pedro Parreira, Carla Carvalho, Lisete M. Mónico, Carlos Pinto, Sara Vicente, São João Breda
P32 Entrepreneurial skills of students of polytechnic higher education in Portugal: Business influences
José H. Gomes, Rosa Melo, Pedro Parreira, Anabela Salgueiro, João Graveto, Marina Vaquinhas, Amélia Castilho
P33 Design and assessment of e-learning modules for Pharmacology
Ângelo Jesus, Nuno Duarte, José C. Lopes, Hélder Nunes, Agostinho Cruz
P34 Perspective of nurses involved in an action-research study on the changes observed in care provision: results from a focus group
Anabela Salgueiro-Oliveira, Pedro Parreira, Marta L. Basto, Luciene M. Braga
P35 Use of peer feedback by nursing students during clinical training: teacher’s perception
António Ferreira, Beatriz Araújo, José M. Alves, Margarida Ferreira, Maribel Carvalhais, Marilene Silva, Sónia Novais
P36 What’s new on endotracheal suctioning recommendations
Ana S. Sousa, Cândida Ferrito
P37 Assessment of the nurses satisfaction on the Central Region of Portugal
Pedro L. Ferreira, Alexandre Rodrigues, Margarida Ferreira, Isabel Oliveira
P38 Study of graduate’s satisfaction with the school of nursing
Manuela Ferreira, Jéssica Neves, Diana Costa, Soraia Duarte, Joana Silva, Bruno Santos
P39 Partnership between the school of nursing and the hospital: Supervisors´ perspectives
Cristina Martins, Ana P. Macedo, Odete Araújo, Cláudia Augusto, Fátima Braga, Lisa Gomes, Maria A. Silva, Rafaela Rosário
P40 Coping strategies of college students
Luís Pimenta, Diana Carreira, Patrícia Teles, Teresa Barros
P41 Emotional intelligence and mental health stigma in health students
Catarina Tomás, Ana Querido, Daniel Carvalho, João Gomes, Marina Cordeiro
P42 Stigma of mental health assessment: Comparison between health courses
Daniel Carvalho, Ana Querido, Catarina Tomás, João Gomes, Marina Cordeiro
O81 Short- and long-term effects of pulmonary rehabilitation in mild COPD
Cristina Jácome, Alda Marques
O82 Phonological awareness programme for preschool children
Sylvie Capelas, Andreia Hall, Dina Alves, Marisa Lousada
O83 REforma ATIVA: An efficient health promotion program to be implemented during retirement
Mª Helena Loureiro, Ana Camarneiro, Margarida Silva, Aida Mendes, Ana Pedreiro
O84 Intervention for men who batter women, a case report
Anne G.Silva, Elza S. Coelho
O85 Immediate effects of Bowen Therapy on muscle tone and flexibility
Flávio Melo, Fernando Ribeiro, Rui Torres, Rui Costa
O86 Predictive equation for incremental shuttle walk test in adolescents
Tânia Pinho, Cristina Jácome, Alda Marques
O87 Life satisfaction and psychopathology in institutionalized elderly people: The results of an adapted Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction program
Bárbara Cruz, Daniel Seabra, Diogo Carreira, Maria Ventura
O88 Outcome changes in COPD rehabilitation: exploring the relationship between physical activity and health-related outcomes
Joana Cruz, Dina Brooks, Alda Marques
O89 Assessing the effectiveness of a Complex Nursing Intervention
M Rosário Pinto, Pedro Parreira, Marta Lima-Basto, Miguel Neves, Lisete M. Mónico
O90 Psychotherapeutic intervention in addiction disorders: Change in psychopathological symptoms and emotional states
Carla Bizarro, Marina Cunha, Ana Galhardo, Couto Margarida, Ana P. Amorim, Eduardo Silva
O91 Economic impact of a nursing intervention program to promote self-management in COPD
Susana Cruz, José M. Padilha, Jorge Valente
O92 Multimodal acute pain management during uterine artery embolization in treatment of uterine myomas
José T. Guerrero, Francisco P. Caballero, Rafael B. Santos, Estefania P. Gonzalez, Fátima M. Monago, Lierni U. Ugalde, Marta M. Vélez, Maria J. Tena
O93 Fluid administration strategies in major surgery: Goal-directed therapy
José T. Guerrero, Rafael Bravo, Francisco L. Pérez-Caballero, Isabel A. Becerra, Mª Elizabeth Agudelo, Guadalupe Acedo, Roberto Bajo
O94 Development and implementation of a self-management educational programme using lay-led’s in adolescents Spina Bifida: A pilot study
Isabel Malheiro, Filomena Gaspar, Luísa Barros
O95 Influence of chair-based yoga exercises on salivary anti-microbial proteins in institutionalized frail-elderly women: a preliminary study
Guilherme Furtado, Mateus Uba-Chupel, Mariana Marques, Luís Rama, Margarida Braga, José P. Ferreira, Ana Mª Teixeira
O96 High intensity interval training vs moderate intensity continuous training impact on diabetes 2
João Cruz, Tiago Barbosa, Ângela Simões, Luís Coelho
O97 Family caregiver of people with pressure ulcer: Nursing intervention plan
Alexandre Rodrigues, Juan-Fernando Jiménez-Díaz, Francisco Martinez-Hernández, Bienvenida Rodriguez-De-Vera, Pedro Ferreira, Alexandrina Rodrigues
O98 Chronic effects of exercise on motor memory consolidation in elderly people
André Ramalho, João Petrica, Pedro Mendes, João Serrano, Inês Santo, António Rosado
O99 Impression cytology of the ocular surface: Collection technique and sample processing
Paula Mendonça, Kátia Freitas
O100 Does sport practice affect the reaction time in neuromuscular activity?
Dora Ferreira, António Brito, Renato Fernandes
O101 Efficiency of the enteral administration of fibbers in the treatment of chronic obstipation
Sofia Gomes, Fernando Moreira, Cláudia Pinho, Rita Oliveira, Ana I. Oliveira
O102 Fast decalcifier in compact bone and spongy bone
Paula Mendonça, Ana P. Casimiro, Patrícia Martins, Iryna Silva
O103 Health promotion in the elderly – Intervention project in dementia
Diana Evangelista
O104 Prevention of musculoskeletal disorders through an exercise protocol held in labour context
Catarina Leitão, Fábia Velosa, Nélio Carecho, Luís Coelho
O105 Knowledge of teachers and other education agents on diabetes type 1: Effectiveness of an intervention program
Eva Menino, Anjos Dixe, Helena Catarino, Fátima Soares, Ester Gama, Clementina Gordo
O106 Treatment of diabetic peripheral neuropathic pain: a systematic review of clinical trials of phase II and III
Eliana Moreira, Cristiana Midões, Marlene Santos
O107 New drugs for osteoporosis treatment: Systematic review of clinical trials of phase II and III
Sara Machado, Vânia P. Oliveira, Marlene Santos
O108 Promoting hope at the end of life: Effectiveness of an Intervention Programme
Ana Querido, Anjos Dixe, Rita Marques, Zaida Charepe
P43 Psychomotor therapy effects on adaptive behaviour and motor proficiency of adults with intellectual disability
Ana Antunes, Sofia Santos
P44 The effect of exercise therapy in multiple sclerosis – a single study case
Marlene C. Rosa
P45 Physical condition and self-efficacy in people with fall risk – a preliminary study
Marlene C. Rosa, Silvana F. Marques
P46 Shock waves: their effectiveness in improving the symptoms of calcifying tendinitis of the shoulder
Beatriz Minghelli, Eulália Caro
P47 Pacifier – construction and pilot application of a parenting intervention for parents of babies until six months in primary health care
Mª José Luís, Teresa Brandão
P48 The influence of Motor Imagery in fine motor skills of individuals with disabilities
Pedro Mendes, Daniel Marinho, João Petrica, Diogo Monteiro, Rui Paulo, João Serrano, Inês Santo
P49 Evaluation of the effects of a walking programme on the fall risk factors in older people – a longitudinal pilot study
Lina Monteiro, Fátima Ramalho, Rita Santos-Rocha, Sónia Morgado, Teresa Bento
P50 Nursing intervention programme in lifestyles of adolescents
Gilberta Sousa, Otília Freitas, Isabel Silva, Gregório Freitas, Clementina Morna, Rita Vasconcelos
P51 The person submitted to hip replacement rehabilitation, at home
Tatiana Azevedo, Salete Soares, Jacinta Pisco
P52 Effects of Melatonin use in the treatment of neurovegetative diseases
Paulo P. Ferreira, Efrain O. Olszewer, Michelle T. Oliveira, Anderson R. Sousa, Ana S. Maia, Sebastião T. Oliveira
P53 Review of Phytotherapy and other natural substances in alcohol abuse and alcoholism
Erica Santos, Ana I. Oliveira, Carla Maia, Fernando Moreira, Joana Santos, Maria F. Mendes, Rita F. Oliveira, Cláudia Pinho
P54 Dietary programme impact on biochemical markers in diabetics: systematic review
Eduarda Barreira, Ana Pereira, Josiana A. Vaz, André Novo
P55 Biological approaches to knee osteoarthritis: platelet-rich plasma and hyaluronic acid
Luís D. Silva, Bruno Maia, Eduardo Ferreira, Filipa Pires, Renato Andrade, Luís Camarinha
P56 Platelet-rich plasma and hyaluronic acid intra-articular injections for the treatment of ankle osteoarthritis
Luís D. Silva, Bruno Maia, Eduardo Ferreira, Filipa Pires, Renato Andrade, Luís Camarinha
P57 The impact of preventive measures in the incidence of diabetic foot ulcers: a systematic review
Ana F. César, Mariana Poço, David Ventura, Raquel Loura, Pedro Gomes, Catarina Gomes, Cláudia Silva, Elsa Melo, João Lindo
P58 Dating violence among young adolescents
Joana Domingos, Zaida Mendes, Susana Poeta, Tiago Carvalho, Catarina Tomás, Helena Catarino, Mª Anjos Dixe
P59 Physical activity and motor memory in pedal dexterity
André Ramalho, António Rosado, Pedro Mendes, Rui Paulo, Inês Garcia, João Petrica
P60 The effects of whole body vibration on the electromyographic activity of thigh muscles
Sandra Rodrigues, Rui Meneses, Carlos Afonso, Luís Faria, Adérito Seixas
P61 Mental health promotion in the workplace
Marina Cordeiro, Paulo Granjo, José C. Gomes
P62 Influence of physical exercise on the self-perception of body image in elderly women: A systematic review of qualitative studies
Nelba R. Souza, Guilherme E. Furtado, Saulo V. Rocha, Paula Silva, Joana Carvalho
O109 Psychometric properties of the Portuguese version of the Éxamen Geronto-Psychomoteur (P-EGP)
Marina Ana Morais, Sofia Santos, Paula Lebre, Ana Antunes
O110 Symptoms of depression in the elderly population of Portugal, Spain and Italy
António Calha
O111 Emotion regulation strategies and psychopathology symptoms: A comparison between adolescents with and without deliberate self-harm
Ana Xavier, Marina Cunha, José Pinto-Gouveia
O112 Prevalence of physical disability in people with leprosy
Liana Alencar, Madalena Cunha, António Madureira
O113 Quality of life and self-esteem in type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus patients
Ilda Cardoso, Ana Galhardo, Fernanda Daniel, Vítor Rodrigues
O114 Cross-cultural comparison of gross motor coordination in children from Brazil and Portugal
Leonardo Luz, Tatiana Luz, Maurício R. Ramos, Dayse C. Medeiros, Bruno M. Carmo, André Seabra, Cristina Padez, Manuel C. Silva
O115 Electrocardiographic differences between African and Caucasian people
António Rodrigues, Patrícia Coelho, Alexandre Coelho
O116 Factors associated with domestic, sexual and other types of violence in the city of Palhoça - Brazil
Madson Caminha, Filipe Matheus, Elenice Mendes, Jony Correia, Marcia Kretzer
O117 Tinnitus prevalence study of users of a hospital of public management - Spain
Francisco J. Hernandez-Martinez, Juan F. Jimenez-Diaz, Bienvendida C. Rodriguez-De-Vera, Carla Jimenez-Rodriguez, Yadira Armas-Gonzalez
O118 Difficulties experienced by parents of children with diabetes mellitus of preschool age in therapeutic and nutritional management
Cátia Rodrigues, Rosa Pedroso
O119 E-mental health - “nice to have” or “must have”? Exploring the attitudes towards e-mental health in the general population
Jennifer Apolinário-Hagen, Viktor Vehreschild
O120 Violence against children and adolescents and the role of health professionals: Knowing how to identify and care
Milene Veloso, Celina Magalhães, Isabel Cabral, Maira Ferraz
O121 Marital violence. A study in the Algarve population
Filipe Nave, Emília Costa, Filomena Matos, José Pacheco
O122 Clinical factors and adherence to treatment in ischemic heart disease
António Dias, Carlos Pereira, João Duarte, Madalena Cunha, Daniel Silva
O123 Can religiosity improve optimism in participants in states of illness, when controlling for life satisfaction?
Lisete M. Mónico, Valentim R. Alferes, Mª São João Brêda, Carla Carvalho, Pedro M. Parreira
O124 Empowerment, knowledge and quality of life of people with diabetes type 2 in the Alto Minho Health Local Unit
Mª Carminda Morais, Pedro Ferreira, Rui Pimenta, José Boavida
O125 Antihypertensive therapy adherence among hypertensive patients from Bragança county, Portugal
Isabel C. Pinto, Tânia Pires, Catarina Silva
O126 Subjective perception of sexual achievement - An exploratory study on people with overweight
Maria Ribeiro, Maria Viega-Branco, Filomena Pereira, Ana Mª Pereira
O127 Physical activity level and associated factors in hypertensive individuals registered in the family health strategy of a basic health unit from the city of Palhoça, Santa Catarina, Brazil
Fabrícia M. Almeida, Gustavo L. Estevez, Sandra Ribeiro, Marcia R. Kretzer
O128 Perception of functional fitness and health in non-institutionalised elderly from rural areas
Paulo V. João, Paulo Nogueira, Sandra Novais, Ana Pereira, Lara Carneiro, Maria Mota
O129 Medication adherence in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus treated at primary health care in Coimbra
Rui Cruz, Luiz Santiago, Carlos Fontes-Ribeiro
O130 Multivariate association between body mass index and multi-comorbidities in elderly people living in low socio-economic status context
Guilherme Furtado, Saulo V. Rocha, André P. Coutinho, João S. Neto, Lélia R. Vasconcelos, Nelba R. Souza, Estélio Dantas
O131 Metacognition, rumination and experiential avoidance in Borderline Personality Disorder
Alexandra Dinis, Sérgio Carvalho, Paula Castilho, José Pinto-Gouveia
O132 Health issues in a vulnerable population: nursing consultation in a public bathhouse in Lisbon
Alexandra Sarreira-Santos, Amélia Figueiredo, Lurdes Medeiros-Garcia, Paulo Seabra
O133 The perception of quality of life in people with multiple sclerosis accompanied in External Consultation of the Local Health Unit of Alto Minho
Rosa Rodrigues, Mª Carminda Morais, Paula O. Fernandes
O134 Representation of interaction established between immigrant women and nurse during pregnancy to postpartum, from the perspective of immigrant women
Conceição Santiago, Mª Henriqueta Figueiredo, Marta L. Basto
O135 Illness perceptions and medication adherence in hypertension
Teresa Guimarães, André Coelho, Anabela Graça, Ana M. Silva, Ana R. Fonseca
O136 A Portuguese study on adults’ intimate partner violence, interpersonal trust and hope
Luz Vale-Dias, Bárbara Minas, Graciete Franco-Borges
P63 QOL’ predictors of people with intellectual disability and general population
Cristina Simões, Sofia Santos
P64 Content validation of the Communication Disability Profile (CDP) - Portuguese Version
Ana Serra, Maria Matos, Luís Jesus
P65 Study of biochemical and haematological changes in football players
Ana S. Tavares, Ana Almeida, Céu Leitão, Edna Varandas, Renato Abreu, Fernando Bellém
P66 Body image dissatisfaction in inflammatory bowel disease: exploring the role of chronic illness-related shame
Inês A. Trindade, Cláudia Ferreira, José Pinto-Gouveia, Joana Marta-Simões
P67 Obesity and sleep in the adult population - a systematic review
Odete Amaral, Cristiana Miranda, Pedro Guimarães, Rodrigo Gonçalves, Nélio Veiga, Carlos Pereira
P68 Frequency of daytime sleepiness and obstructive sleep apnea risk in COPD patients
Tânia C. Fleig, Elisabete A. San-Martin, Cássia L. Goulart, Paloma B. Schneiders, Natacha F. Miranda, Lisiane L. Carvalho, Andrea G. Silva
P69 Working with immigrant-origin clients: discourses and practices of health professionals
Joana Topa, Conceição Nogueira, Sofia Neves
P70 Systemic Lupus Erythematosus – what are audiovestibular changes?
Rita Ventura, Cristina Nazaré
P71 Mental disorders in the oldest old: findings from the Portuguese national hospitalization database
Daniela Brandão, Alberto Freitas, Óscar Ribeiro, Constança Paúl
P72 Recurrence analysis in postural control in children with cerebral palsy
Cristiana Mercê, Marco Branco, Pedro Almeida, Daniela Nascimento, Juliana Pereira, David Catela
P73 The experience of self-care in the elderly with COPD: contributions to reflect proximity care
Helga Rafael
P74 Culturally competent nurses: managing unpredictability in clinical practice with immigrants
Alcinda C. Reis
O137 Paediatric speech and language screening: An instrument for health professionals
Ana Mendes, Ana R. Valente, Marisa Lousada
O138 Anthropometric and nutritional assessment in bodybuilders
Diana Sousa, Ana L. Baltazar, Mª Helena Loureiro
O139 Computerized adventitious respiratory sounds in children with lower respiratory tract infections
Ana Oliveira, José Aparício, Alda Marques
O140 Role of computerized respiratory sounds as a marker in LRTI
Alda Marques, Ana Oliveira, Joana Neves, Rodrigo Ayoub
O141 Confirmatory factor analysis of the Personal Wellbeing Index in people with chronic kidney disease
Luís Sousa, Cristina Marques-Vieira, Sandy Severino, Helena José
O142 Phonological awareness skills in school aged children
Inês Cadorio, Marisa Lousada
O143 Assessment of early memories of warmth and safeness in interaction with peers: its relationship with psychopathology in adolescence
Marina Cunha, Diogo Andrade, Ana Galhardo, Margarida Couto
O144 The molecular effects induced by single shot irradiation on a diffuse large B cell lymphoma cell line
Fernando Mendes, Cátia Domingues, Susann Schukg, Ana M. Abrantes, Ana C. Gonçalves, Tiago Sales, Ricardo Teixo, Rita Silva, Jéssica Estrela, Mafalda Laranjo, João Casalta-Lopes, Clara Rocha, Paulo C. Simões, Ana B. Sarmento-Ribeiro, Mª Filomena Botelho, Manuel S. Rosa
O145 Morpho-functional characterization of cardiac chambers by Transthoracic Echocardiography, in young athletes of gymnastics competition
Virgínia Fonseca, Diogo Colaço, Vanessa Neves
O146 Prevalence of the antibodies of the new histo-blood system – FORS system
Carlos Jesus, Camilla Hesse, Clara Rocha, Nádia Osório, Ana Valado, Armando Caseiro, António Gabriel, Lola Svensson, Fernando Mendes, Wafa A. Siba, Cristina Pereira, Jorge Tomaz
O147 Assessment of the war-related perceived threat in Portuguese Colonial War Veterans
Teresa Carvalho, José Pinto-Gouveia, Marina Cunha
O148 Pulse transit time estimation for continuous blood pressure measurement: A comparative study
Diana Duarte, Nuno V. Lopes, Rui Fonseca-Pinto
O149 Blood pressure assessment during standard clinical manoeuvres: A non-invasive PPT based approach
Diana Duarte, Nuno V. Lopes, Rui Fonseca-Pinto
O150 Development and initial validation of the Activities and Participation Profile related to Mobility (APPM)
Anabela C. Martins
O151 MEASYCare-2010 Standard–A geriatric evaluation system in primary health care: Reliability and validity of the latest version in Portugal
Piedade Brandão, Laura Martins, Margarida Cardoso
O152 Interrater and intrarater reliability and agreement of the range of shoulder flexion in the standing upright position through photographic assessment
Nuno Morais, Joana Cruz
O153 Three-dimensional biofabrication techniques for tissue regeneration
Nuno Alves, Paula Faria, Artur Mateus, Pedro Morouço
O154 A new computer tool for biofabrication applied to tissue engineering
Nuno Alves, Nelson Ferreira, Artur Mateus, Paula Faria, Pedro Morouço
O155 Development and psychometric qualities of a scale to measure the functional independence of adolescents with motor impairment
Isabel Malheiro, Filomena Gaspar, Luísa Barros
O156 Organizational Trust in Health services: Exploratory and Confirmatory factor analysis of the Organizational Trust Inventory- Short Form (OTI-SF)
Pedro Parreira, Andreia Cardoso, Lisete Mónico, Carla Carvalho, Albino Lopes, Anabela Salgueiro-Oliveira
O157 Thermal symmetry: An indicator of occupational task asymmetries in physiotherapy
Adérito Seixas, Valter Soares, Tiago Dias, Ricardo Vardasca, Joaquim Gabriel, Sandra Rodrigues
O158 A study of ICT active monitoring adoption in stroke rehabilitation
Hugo Paredes, Arsénio Reis, Sara Marinho, Vítor Filipe, João Barroso
O159 Paranoia Checklist (Portuguese Version): Preliminary studies in a mixed sample of patients and healthy controls
Carolina Da Motta, Célia B. Carvalho, José Pinto-Gouveia, Ermelindo Peixoto
O160 Reliability and validity of the Composite Scale on Morningness: European Portuguese version, in adolescents and young adults
Ana A. Gomes, Vanessa Costa, Diana Couto, Daniel R. Marques, José A. Leitão, José Tavares, Maria H. Azevedo, Carlos F. Silva
O161 Evaluation scale of patient satisfaction with nursing care: Psychometric properties evaluation
João Freitas, Pedro Parreira, João Marôco
O162 Impact of fibromyalgia on quality of life: Comparing results from generic instruments and FIQR
Miguel A. Garcia-Gordillo, Daniel Collado-Mateo, Gang Chen, Angelo Iezzi, José A. Sala, José A. Parraça, Narcis Gusi
O163 Preliminary study of the adaptation and validation of the Rating Scale of Resilient Self: Resilience, self-harm and suicidal ideation in adolescents
Jani Sousa, Mariana Marques, Jacinto Jardim, Anabela Pereira, Sónia Simões, Marina Cunha
O164 Development of the first pressure ulcer in inpatient setting: Focus on length of stay
Pedro Sardo, Jenifer Guedes, João Lindo, Paulo Machado, Elsa Melo
O165 Forms of Self-Criticizing and Self-Reassuring Scale: Adaptation and early findings in a sample of Portuguese children
Célia B. Carvalho, Joana Benevides, Marina Sousa, Joana Cabral, Carolina Da Motta
O166 Predictive ability of the Perinatal Depression Screening and Prevention Tool – Preliminary results of the dimensional approach
Ana T. Pereira, Sandra Xavier, Julieta Azevedo, Elisabete Bento, Cristiana Marques, Rosa Carvalho, Mariana Marques, António Macedo
O167 Psychometric properties of the BaSIQS-Basic Scale on insomnia symptoms and quality of sleep, in adults and in the elderly
Ana M. Silva, Juliana Alves, Ana A. Gomes, Daniel R. Marques, Mª Helena Azevedo, Carlos Silva
O168 Enlightening the human decision in health: The skin melanocytic classification challenge
Ana Mendes, Huei D. Lee, Newton Spolaôr, Jefferson T. Oliva, Wu F. Chung, Rui Fonseca-Pinto
O169 Test-retest reliability household life study and health questionnaire Pomerode (SHIP-BRAZIL)
Keila Bairros, Cláudia D. Silva, Clóvis A. Souza, Silvana S. Schroeder
O170 Characterization of sun exposure behaviours among medical students from Nova Medical School
Elsa Araújo, Helena Monteiro, Ricardo Costa, Sara S. Dias, Jorge Torgal
O171 Spirituality in pregnant women
Carolina G. Henriques, Luísa Santos, Elisa F. Caceiro, Sónia A. Ramalho
O172 Polypharmacy in older patients with cancer
Rita Oliveira, Vera Afreixo, João Santos, Priscilla Mota, Agostinho Cruz, Francisco Pimentel
O173 Quality of life of caregivers of people with advanced chronic disease: Translation and validation of the quality of life in life threatening illness - family carer version (QOLLTI-C-PT)
Rita Marques, Mª Anjos Dixe, Ana Querido, Patrícia Sousa
O174 The psychometric properties of the brief Other as Shamer Scale for Children (OAS-C): preliminary validation studies in a sample of Portuguese children
Joana Benevides, Carolina Da Motta, Marina Sousa, Suzana N. Caldeira, Célia B. Carvalho
O175 Measuring emotional intelligence in health care students – Revalidation of WLEIS-P
Ana Querido, Catarina Tomás, Daniel Carvalho, João Gomes, Marina Cordeiro
O176 Health indicators in prenatal assistance: The impact of computerization and of under-production in basic health centres
Joyce O. Costa, Frederico C. Valim, Lígia C. Ribeiro
O177 Hope genogram: Assessment of resources and interaction patterns in the family of the child with cerebral palsy
Zaida Charepe, Ana Querido, Mª Henriqueta Figueiredo
O178 The influence of childbirth type in postpartum quality of life
Priscila S. Aquino, Samila G. Ribeiro, Ana B. Pinheiro, Paula A. Lessa, Mirna F. Oliveira, Luísa S. Brito, Ítalo N. Pinto, Alessandra S. Furtado, Régia B. Castro, Caroline Q. Aquino, Eveliny S. Martins
O179 Women’s beliefs about pap smear test and cervical cancer: influence of social determinants
Ana B Pinheiro, Priscila S. Aquino, Lara L. Oliveira, Patrícia C. Pinheiro, Caroline R. Sousa, Vívien A. Freitas, Tatiane M. Silva, Adman S. Lima, Caroline Q. Aquino, Karizia V. Andrade, Camila A. Oliveira, Eglidia F. Vidal
O180 Validity of the Portuguese version of the ASI-3: Is anxiety sensitivity a unidimensional or multidimensional construct?
Ana Ganho-Ávila, Mariana Moura-Ramos, Óscar Gonçalves, Jorge Almeida
O181 Lifestyles of higher education students: the influence of self-esteem and psychological well-being
Armando Silva, Irma Brito, João Amado
P75 Assessing the quality of life of persons with significant intellectual disability: Portuguese version of Escala de San Martín
António Rodrigo, Sofia Santos, Fernando Gomes
P76 Childhood obesity and breastfeeding - A systematic review
Marlene C. Rosa, Silvana F. Marques
P77 Cross-cultural adaptation of the Foot and Ankle Ability Measure (FAAM) for the Portuguese population
Sara Luís, Luís Cavalheiro, Pedro Ferreira, Rui Gonçalves
P78 Cross-cultural adaptation of the Patient-Rated Wrist Evaluation score (PRWE) for the Portuguese population
Rui S. Lopes, Luís Cavalheiro, Pedro Ferreira, Rui Gonçalves
P79 Cross-cultural adaptation of the Myocardial Infraction Dimensional Assessment Scale (MIDAS) for Brazilian Portuguese language
Bruno H. Fiorin, Marina S. Santos, Edmar S. Oliveira, Rita L. Moreira, Elizabete A. Oliveira, Braulio L. Filho
P80 The revised Portuguese version of the Three-Factor Eating Questionnaire: A confirmatory factor analysis
Lara Palmeira, Teresa Garcia, José Pinto-Gouveia, Marina Cunha
P81 Assessing weight-related psychological inflexibility: An exploratory factor analysis of the AAQW’s Portuguese version
Sara Cardoso, Lara Palmeira, Marina Cunha; José Pinto-Gouveia
P82 Validation of the Body Appreciation Scale-2 for Portuguese women
Joana Marta-Simões, Ana L. Mendes, Inês A. Trindade, Sara Oliveira, Cláudia Ferreira
P83 The Portuguese validation of the Dietary Intent Scale
Ana L. Mendes, Joana Marta-Simões, Inês A. Trindade, Cláudia Ferreira
P84 Construction and validation of the Inventory of Marital Violence (IVC)
Filipe Nave
P85 Portable continuous blood pressure monitor system
Mariana Campos, Iris Gaudêncio, Fernando Martins, Lino Ferreira, Nuno Lopes, Rui Fonseca-Pinto
P86 Construction and validation of the Scale of Perception of the Difficulties in Caring for the Elderly (SPDCE)
Rogério Rodrigues, Zaida Azeredo, Corália Vicente
P87 Development and validation of a comfort rating scale for the elderly hospitalized with chronic illness
Joana Silva, Patrícia Sousa, Rita Marques
P88 Construction and validation of the Postpartum Paternal Quality of Life Questionnaire (PP-QOL)
Isabel Mendes, Rogério Rodrigues, Zaida Azeredo, Corália Vicente
P89 Infrared thermal imaging: A tool for assessing diabetic foot ulcers
Ricardo Vardasca, Ana R. Marques, Adérito Seixas, Rui Carvalho, Joaquim Gabriel
P90 Pressure ulcers in an intensive care unit: An experience report
Paulo P. Ferreira, Michelle T. Oliveira, Anderson R. Sousa, Ana S. Maia, Sebastião T. Oliveira, Pablo O. Costa, Maiza M. Silva
P91 Validation of figures used in evocations: instrument to capture representations
Cristina Arreguy-Sena, Nathália Alvarenga-Martins, Paulo F. Pinto, Denize C. Oliveira, Pedro D. Parreira, Antônio T. Gomes, Luciene M. Braga
P92 Telephone assistance to decrease burden in informal caregivers of stroke older people: Monitoring and diagnostic evaluation
Odete Araújo, Isabel Lage, José Cabrita, Laetitia Teixeira
P93 Hope of informal caregivers of people with chronic and advanced disease
Rita Marques, Mª Anjos Dixe, Ana Querido, Patrícia Sousa
P94 Functionality and quality information from the Portuguese National Epidemiological Surveillance System
Sara Silva, Eugénio Cordeiro, João Pimentel
P95 Resting metabolic rate objectively measured vs. Harris and Benedict formula
Vera Ferro-Lebres, Juliana A. Souza, Mariline Tavares
O182 Characteristics of non-urgent patients: Cross-sectional study of an emergency department
Mª Anjos Dixe, Pedro Sousa, Rui Passadouro, Teresa Peralta, Carlos Ferreira, Georgina Lourenço
O183 Physical fitness and health in children of the 1st Cycle of Education
João Serrano, João Petrica, Rui Paulo, Samuel Honório, Pedro Mendes
O184 The impact of physical activity on sleep quality, in children
Alexandra Simões, Lucinda Carvalho, Alexandre Pereira
O185 What is the potential for using Information and Communication Technologies in Arterial Hypertension self-management?
Sara Silva, Paulino Sousa, José M. Padilha
O186 Exploring psychosocial factors associated with risk of falling in older patients undergoing haemodialysis
Daniela Figueiredo, Carolina Valente, Alda Marques
O187 Development of pressure ulcers on the face in patients undergoing non-invasive ventilation
Patrícia Ribas, Joana Sousa, Frederico Brandão, Cesar Sousa, Matilde Martins
O188 The elder hospitalized: Limiting factors of comfort
Patrícia Sousa, Rita Marques
O189 Physical activity and health state self-perception by Portuguese adults
Francisco Mendes, Rosina Fernandes, Emília Martins, Cátia Magalhães, Patrícia Araújo
O190 Satisfaction with social support in the elderly of the district of Bragança
Carla Grande, Mª Augusta Mata, Juan G. Vieitez
O191 Prevalence of death by traumatic brain injury and associated factors in intensive care unit of a general hospital, Brazil
Bruna Bianchini, Nazare Nazario, João G. Filho, Marcia Kretzer
O192 Relation between family caregivers burden and health status of elderly dependents
Tânia Costa, Armando Almeida, Gabriel Baffour
O193 Phenomena sensitive to nursing care in day centre
Armando Almeida, Tânia Costa, Gabriel Baffour
O194 Frailty: what do the elderly think?
Zaida Azeredo, Carlos Laranjeira, Magda Guerra, Ana P. Barbeiro
O195 The therapeutic self-care as a nursing-sensitive outcome: A correlational study
Regina Ferreira
O196 Phonetic-phonological acquisition for the European Portuguese from 18 months to 6 years and 12 months
Sara Lopes, Liliana Nunes, Ana Mendes
O197 Quality of life of patients undergoing liver transplant surgery
Julian Martins, Dulcineia Schneider, Marcia Kretzer, Flávio Magajewski
O198 Professional competences in health: views of older people from different European Countries
Célia Soares, António Marques
O199 Life satisfaction of working adults due to the number of hours of weekly exercise
Marco Batista, Ruth J. Castuera, Helena Mesquita, António Faustino, Jorge Santos, Samuel Honório
O200 Therapeutic itinerary of women with breast cancer in Santa Maria City/RS
Betina P. Vizzotto, Leticia Frigo, Hedioneia F. Pivetta
O201 The breastfeeding prevalence at 4 months: Maternal experience as a determining factor
Dolores Sardo
O202 The impact of the transition to parenthood in health and well-being
Cristina Martins, Wilson Abreu, Mª Céu Figueiredo
P96 Self-determined motivation and well-being in Portuguese active adults of both genders
Marco Batista, Ruth Jimenez-Castuera, João Petrica, João Serrano, Samuel Honório, Rui Paulo, Pedro Mendes
P97 The geriatric care: ways and means of comforting
Patrícia Sousa, Rita Marques
P98 The influence of relative age, subcutaneous adiposity and physical growth on Castelo Branco under-15 soccer players 2015
António Faustino, Paulo Silveira, João Serrano, Rui Paulo, Pedro Mendes, Samuel Honório
P99 Data for the diagnostic process focused on self-care – managing medication regime: An integrative literature review
Catarina Oliveira, Fernanda Bastos, Inês Cruz
P100 Art therapy as mental health promotion for children
Cláudia K. Rodriguez, Márcia R. Kretzer, Nazaré O. Nazário
P101 Chemical characterization of fungal chitosan for industrial applications
Pedro Cruz, Daniela C. Vaz, Rui B. Ruben, Francisco Avelelas, Susana Silva, Mª Jorge Campos
P102 The impact of caring older people at home
Maria Almeida, Liliana Gonçalves, Lígia Antunes
P103 Development of the first pressure ulcer in an inpatient setting: Focus on patients’ characteristics
Pedro Sardo, Jenifer Guedes, João Simões, Paulo Machado, Elsa Melo
P104 Association between General Self-efficacy and Physical Activity among Adolescents
Susana Cardoso, Osvaldo Santos, Carla Nunes, Isabel Loureiro
O203 Characterization of the habits of online acquisition of medicinal products in Portugal
Flávia Santos, Gilberto Alves
O204 Waiting room – A space for health education
Cláudia Soar, Teresa O. Marsi
O205 Safey culture evaluation in hospitalized children
Ernestina Silva, Dora Pedrosa, Andrea Leça, Daniel Silva
O206 Sexual Self-awareness and Body Image
Ana Galvão, Maria Gomes, Paula Fernandes, Ana Noné
O207 Perception of a Portuguese population regarding the acquisition and consumption of functional foods
Jaime Combadão, Cátia Ramalhete, Paulo Figueiredo, Patrícia Caeiro
O208 The work process in primary health care: evaluation in municipalities of southern Brazil
Karine C. Fontana, Josimari T. Lacerda, Patrícia O. Machado
O209 Exploration and evaluation of potential probiotic lactic acid bacteria isolated from Amazon buffalo milk
Raphaelle Borges, Flávio Barbosa, Dayse Sá
O210 Road safety for children: Using children’s observation, as a passenger
Germana Brunhoso, Graça Aparício, Amâncio Carvalho
O211 Perception and application of quality-by-design by the Pharmaceutical industry in Portugal
Ana P. Garcia, Paula O. Fernandes, Adriana Santos
O212 Oral health among Portuguese children and adolescents: a public health issue
Nélio Veiga, Carina Brás, Inês Carvalho, Joana Batalha, Margarida Glória, Filipa Bexiga, Inês Coelho, Odete Amaral, Carlos Pereira
O213 Plant species as a medicinal resource in Igatu-Chapada Diamantina (Bahia, Brazil)
Cláudia Pinho, Nilson Paraíso, Ana I. Oliveira, Cristóvão F. Lima, Alberto P. Dias
O214 Characterization of cognitive and functional performance in everyday tasks: Implications for health in institutionalised older adults
Pedro Silva, Mário Espada, Mário Marques, Ana Pereira
O215 BMI and the perception of the importance given to sexuality in obese and overweight people
Ana Mª Pereira, Mª Veiga-Branco, Filomena Pereira, Maria Ribeiro
O216 Analysis and comparison of microbiological contaminations of two different composition pacifiers
Vera Lima, Ana I. Oliveira, Cláudia Pinho, Graça Cruz, Rita F. Oliveira, Luísa Barreiros, Fernando Moreira
O217 Experiences of couple relationships in the transition to retirement
Ana Camarneiro, Mª Helena Loureiro, Margarida Silva
O218 Preventive and corrective treatment of drug-induced calcium deficiency: an analysis in a community pharmacy setting
Catarina Duarte, Ângelo Jesus, Agostinho Cruz
O219 Profile of mood states in physically active elderly subjects: Is there a relation with health perception?
Maria Mota, Sandra Novais, Paulo Nogueira, Ana Pereira, Lara Carneiro, Paulo V. João
O220 (Un)Safety behaviour at work: the role of education towards a health and safety culture
Teresa Maneca Lima
O221 Analysis of the entrepreneurial profile of students attending higher education in Portugal: the Carland Entrepreneurship Index application
Anabela Salgueiro-Oliveira, Marina Vaquinhas, Pedro Parreira, Rosa Melo, João Graveto, Amélia Castilho, José H. Gomes
O222 Evaluation of welfare and quality of life of pregnant working women regarding the age of the pregnant
María S. Medina, Valeriana G. Blanco
O223 Psychological wellbeing protection among unemployed and temporary workers: Uncovering effective community-based interventions with a Delphi panel
Osvaldo Santos, Elisa Lopes, Ana Virgolino, Alexandra Dinis, Sara Ambrósio, Inês Almeida, Tatiana Marques, Mª João Heitor
O224 Chilean population norms derived from the Health-related quality of life SF-6D
Miguel A. Garcia-Gordillo, Daniel Collado-Mateo, Pedro R. Olivares, José A. Parraça, José A. Sala
O225 Motivation of college students toward Entrepreneurship: The influence of social and economic instability
Amélia Castilho, João Graveto, Pedro Parreira, Anabela Oliveira, José H. Gomes, Rosa Melo, Marina Vaquinhas
O226 Use of aromatic and medicinal plants, drugs and herbal products in Bragança city
Mónia Cheio, Agostinho Cruz, Olívia R. Pereira
O227 Edible flowers as new novel foods concept for health promotion
Sara Pinto, Adriana Oliveira, M. Conceição Manso, Carla Sousa, Ana F. Vinha
O228 The influence of leisure activities on the health and welfare of older people living in nursing homes
Mª Manuela Machado, Margarida Vieira
O229 Risk of falling, fear of falling and functionality in community-dwelling older adults
Beatriz Fernandes, Teresa Tomás, Diogo Quirino
O230 Musculoskeletal pain and postural habits in children and teenage students
Gustavo Desouzart, Rui Matos, Magali Bordini, Pedro Mouroço
O231 What's different in Southern Europe? The question of citizens’ participation in health systems
Ana R. Matos, Mauro Serapioni
O232 Occupational stress in Portuguese police officers
Teresa Guimarães, Virgínia Fonseca, André Costa, João Ribeiro, João Lobato
O233 Is occupational therapy culturally relevant to promote mental health in Burkina Faso?
Inmaculada Z. Martin, Anita Björklund
P105 Pay-for-performance satisfaction and quality in primary care
Aida I. Tavares, Pedro Ferreira, Rui Passadouro
P106 Economic development through life expectancy lenses
Sónia Morgado
P107 What is the effectiveness of exercise on smoking cessation to prevent clinical complications of smoking?
Nuno Tavares, João Valente, Anabela C. Martins
P108 A systematic review of the effects of yoga on mental health
Patrícia Araújo, Rosina Fernandes, Francisco Mendes, Cátia Magalhães, Emília Martins
P109 Healthy lifestyle: comparison between higher education students that lived until adult age in rural and urban environment
Pedro Mendes, Rui Paulo, António Faustino, Helena Mesquita, Samuel Honório, Marco Batista
P110 Evaluation of the Mobile Emergency Care Service (SAMU) in Brazil
Josimari T. Lacerda, Angela B. Ortiga, Mª Cristina Calvo, Sônia Natal
P111 Bioactive compounds - antioxidant activity of tropical fruits
Marta Pereira
P112 Use of non-pharmacological methods to relieve pain in labour
Manuela Ferreira, Ana R. Prata, Paula Nelas, João Duarte
P113 Mechanical safety of pacifiers sold in Portuguese pharmacies and childcare stores
Juliana Carneiro, Ana I. Oliveira, Cláudia Pinho, Cristina Couto, Rita F. Oliveira, Fernando Moreira
P114 The importance of prenatal consultation: Information to pregnant women given on a unit of primary care
Ana S. Maia, Michelle T. Oliveira, Anderson R. Sousa, Paulo P. Ferreira, Géssica M. Souza, Lívia F. Almada, Milena A. Conceição, Eujcely C. Santiago
P115 Influence of different backpack loading conditions on neck and lumbar muscles activity of elementary school children
Sandra Rodrigues, Gabriela Domingues, Irina Ferreira, Luís Faria, Adérito Seixas
P116 Efficacy and safety of dry extract Hedera helix in the treatment of productive cough
Ana R. Costa, Ângelo Jesus, Américo Cardoso, Alexandra Meireles, Armanda Colaço, Agostinho Cruz
P117 A portrait of the evaluation processes of education groups in primary health care
Viviane L. Vieira, Kellem R. Vincha, Ana Mª Cervato-Mancuso
P118 Benefits of vitamins C and E in sensorineural hearing loss: a review
Melissa Faria, Cláudia Reis
P119 BODY SNAPSHOT – a web-integrated anthropometric evaluation system
Marco P. Cova, Rita T. Ascenso, Henrique A. Almeida, Eunice G. Oliveira
P120 Anthropometric evaluation and variation during pregnancy
Miguel Santana, Rafael Pereira, Eunice G. Oliveira, Henrique A. Almeida, Rita T. Ascenso
P121 Knowledge of college students on the amendments of their eating habits and physical activity index in the transition to higher education
Rita Jesus, Rodrigo Tapadas, Carolina Tim-Tim, Catarina Cezanne, Matilde Lagoa, Sara S. Dias, Jorge Torgal
P122 Muscular activity of a rally race car driver
João Lopes, Henrique Almeida, Sandra Amado, Luís Carrão
O234 Literacy and results in health
Madalena Cunha, Luís Saboga-Nunes, Carlos Albuquerque, Olivério Ribeiro
O235 Literacy promotion and empowerment of type 2 diabetics elderly in four family health units of the group of health centers of Dão Lafões
Suzete Oliveira, Mª Carminda Morais
O236 Mediterranean diet, health and life quality among Portuguese children
Emília Martins, Francisco Mendes, Rosina Fernandes, Cátia Magalhães, Patrícia Araújo
O237 Health literacy, from data to action - translation, validation and application of the European Health Literacy Survey in Portugal (HLS-EU-PT)
Ana R. Pedro, Odete Amaral, Ana Escoval
O238 Oral health literacy evaluation in a Portuguese military population
Victor Assunção, Henrique Luís, Luís Luís
O239 Preferences to Internet-based cognitive behavioural therapy – do attachment orientations matter?
Jennifer Apolinário-Hagen, Viktor Vehreschild
O240 A comparative transnational study in health literacy between Austria and Portugal
Ulrike Fotschl, Gerald Lirk, Anabela C. Martins, Isabel Andrade, Fernando Mendes
O241 Health literacy and social behaviours: relationship with sexually transmitted diseases?
Verónica Mendonça, Sandra Antunes, Isabel Andrade, Nádia Osório, Ana Valado, Armando Caseiro, António Gabriel, Anabela C. Martins, Fernando Mendes
O242 Parenting styles and attachment to parents: what relationships?
Paula A. Silva, Lisete M. Mónico, Pedro M. Parreira, Carla Carvalho
O243 Work-life balance in health professionals and professors: comparative study of workers with shift work and fixed schedule
Carla Carvalho, Pedro M. Parreira, Lisete M. Mónico, Joana Ruivo
O244 Technology literacy in self-management of diabetes
Vânia Silva, Paulino Sousa, José M. Padilha
O245 Satisfaction with therapeutic education and its relationship with clinical variables in children with type 1 diabetes
Vera Ferraz, Graça Aparício, João Duarte
O246 Nutrition-related knowledge in middle-age and older patients with type 2 diabetes
Carlos Vasconcelos, António Almeida, Joel Neves, Telma Correia, Helena Amorim, Romeu Mendes
O247 Validating the HLS-EU-(PT) questionnaire to measure health literacy in adolescents (CrAdLiSa project: HLS-EU-PT)
Luís Saboga-Nunes, Madalena Cunha, Carlos Albuquerque
O248 Health education in people with coronary heart disease: Experience of the cardiology department of a hospital on the outskirts of Lisbon
Elsa S. Pereira, Leonino S. Santos, Ana S. Reis, Helena R. Silva, João Rombo, Jorge C. Fernandes, Patrícia Fernandes
O249 Information and training needs of informal caregivers of individuals with stroke sequelae: a qualitative survey
Jaime Ribeiro, Catarina Mangas, Ana Freire
O250 Prevention of psychoactive substances consumption in students from 6th grade of Albergaria-a-Velha´s School Group
Sara Silva, Irene Francisco, Ana Oliveira
O251 Promoting healthy sexuality: shared responsibility for family, youth and educators
Helena Catarino, Mª Anjos Dixe, Mª Clarisse Louro
O252 Sexual risk behaviour in adolescents and young people
Saudade Lopes, Anjos Dixe
O253 Knowledge of school staff on type 1 diabetes
Mª Anjos Dixe, Eva Menino, Helena Catarino, Fátima Soares, Ana P. Oliveira, Sara Gordo, Teresa Kraus
O254 Sexual health in adolescents: the impact of information search in literacy
Catarina Tomás, Paulo Queirós, Teresa Rodrigues
P123 Improving basic life support skills in adolescents through a training programme
Pedro Sousa, João G. Frade, Catarina Lobão
P124 Difficulties in sexual education reported by basic education teachers in the city of Foz do Iguaçu - Brazil
Cynthia B. Moura, Laysa C. Dreyer, Vanize Meneghetti, Priscila P. Cabral
P125 Breast cancer survivors: subjects and resources for information. A qualitative systematic review
Francisca Pinto, Paulino Sousa, Mª Raquel Esteves
P126 Relationship between health literacy and prevalence of STI in Biomedical Laboratory Science students
Sofia Galvão, Ite Tytgat, Isabel Andrade, Nádia Osório, Ana Valado, Armando Caseiro, António Gabriel, Anabela C. Martins, Fernando Mendes
P127 Health literacy, risk behaviours and sexually transmitted diseases among blood donors
Mónica Casas-Novas, Helena Bernardo, Isabel Andrade, Gracinda Sousa, Ana P. Sousa, Clara Rocha, Pedro Belo, Nádia Osório, Ana Valado, Armando Caseiro, António Gabriel, Anabela C. Martins, Fernando Mendes
P128 Promoting literacy in pregnancy health-care
Fátima Martins, Montserrat Pulido-Fuentes
P129 The lifestyles of the operating assistants of education
Isabel Barroso, Gil Cabral, M. João Monteiro, Conceição Rainho
P130 Experiences of service-learning health and the literary art: reflections about the health education
Alessandro Prado, Yara M. Carvalho
P131 Life long swimming – a European Erasmus + project
Maria Campos, Liliana Moreira, José Ferreira, Ana Teixeira, Luís Rama