Aad G, Aakvaag E, Abbott B, Abeling K, Abicht NJ, Abidi SH, Aboelela M, Aboulhorma A, Abramowicz H, Abreu H, Abulaiti Y, Acharya BS, Ackermann A, Adam Bourdarios C, Adamczyk L, Addepalli SV, Addison MJ, Adelman J, Adiguzel A, Adye T, Affolder AA, Afik Y, Agaras MN, Agarwala J, Aggarwal A, Agheorghiesei C, Ahmad A, Ahmadov F, Ahmed WS, Ahuja S, Ai X, Aielli G, Aikot A, Ait Tamlihat M, Aitbenchikh B, Aizenberg I, Akbiyik M, Åkesson TPA, Akimov AV, Akiyama D, Akolkar NN, Aktas S, Al Khoury K, Alberghi GL, Albert J, Albicocco P, Albouy GL, Alderweireldt S, Alegria ZL, Aleksa M, Aleksandrov IN, Alexa C, Alexopoulos T, Alfonsi F, Algren M, Alhroob M, Ali B, Ali HMJ, Ali S, Alibocus SW, Aliev M, Alimonti G, Alkakhi W, Allaire C, Allbrooke BMM, Allen JF, Allendes Flores CA, Allport PP, Aloisio A, Alonso F, Alpigiani C, Alvarez Estevez M, Alvarez Fernandez A, Alves Cardoso M, Alviggi MG, Aly M, Amaral Coutinho Y, Ambler A, Amelung C, Amerl M, Ames CG, Amidei D, Amirie KJ, Amor Dos Santos SP, Amos KR, An S, Ananiev V, Anastopoulos C, Andeen T, Anders JK, Andrean SY, Andreazza A, Angelidakis S, Angerami A, Anisenkov AV, Annovi A, Antel C, Anthony MT, Antipov E, Antonelli M, Anulli F, Aoki M, Aoki T, Aparisi Pozo JA, Aparo MA, Aperio Bella L, Appelt C, Apyan A, Arbiol Val SJ, Arcangeletti C, Arce ATH, Arena E, Arguin JF, Argyropoulos S, Arling JH, Arnaez O, Arnold H, Artoni G, Asada H, Asai K, Asai S, Asbah NA, Assamagan K, Astalos R, Astrand KSV, Atashi S, Atkin RJ, Atkinson M, Atmani H, Atmasiddha PA, Augsten K, Auricchio S, Auriol AD, Austrup VA, Avolio G, Axiotis K, Azuelos G, Babal D, Bachacou H, Bachas K, Bachiu A, Backman F, Badea A, Baer TM, Bagnaia P, Bahmani M, Bahner D, Bai K, Baines JT, Baines L, Baker OK, Bakos E, Bakshi Gupta D, Balakrishnan V, Balasubramanian R, Baldin EM, Balek P, Ballabene E, Balli F, Baltes LM, Balunas WK, Balz J, Banas E, Bandieramonte M, Bandyopadhyay A, Bansal S, Barak L, Barakat M, Barberio EL, Barberis D, Barbero M, Barel MZ, Barends KN, Barillari T, Barisits MS, Barklow T, Baron P, Baron Moreno DA, Baroncelli A, Barone G, Barr AJ, Barr JD, Barreiro F, Barreiro Guimarães da Costa J, Barron U, Barros Teixeira MG, Barsov S, Bartels F, Bartoldus R, Barton AE, Bartos P, Basan A, Baselga M, Bassalat A, Basso MJ, Bate R, Bates RL, Batlamous S, Batool B, Battaglia M, Battulga D, Bauce M, Bauer M, Bauer P, Bazzano Hurrell LT, Beacham JB, Beau T, Beaucamp JY, Beauchemin PH, Bechtle P, Beck HP, Becker K, Beddall AJ, Bednyakov VA, Bee CP, Beemster LJ, Beermann TA, Begalli M, Begel M, Behera A, Behr JK, Beirer JF, Beisiegel F, Belfkir M, Bella G, Bellagamba L, Bellerive A, Bellos P, Beloborodov K, Benchekroun D, Bendebba F, Benhammou Y, Benkendorfer KC, Beresford L, Beretta M, Bergeaas Kuutmann E, Berger N, Bergmann B, Beringer J, Bernardi G, Bernius C, Bernlochner FU, Bernon F, Berrocal Guardia A, Berry T, Berta P, Berthold A, Bethke S, Betti A, Bevan AJ, Bhalla NK, Bhamjee M, Bhatta S, Bhattacharya DS, Bhattarai P, Bhide KD, Bhopatkar VS, Bianchi RM, Bianco G, Biebel O, Bielski R, Biglietti M, Billingsley CS, Bindi M, Bingul A, Bini C, Biondini A, Birch-Sykes CJ, Bird GA, Birman M, Biros M, Biryukov S, Bisanz T, Bisceglie E, Biswal JP, Biswas D, Bloch I, Blue A, Blumenschein U, Blumenthal J, Bobrovnikov VS, Boehler M, Boehm B, Bogavac D, Bogdanchikov AG, Bohm C, Boisvert V, Bokan P, Bold T, Bomben M, Bona M, Boonekamp M, Booth CD, Borbély AG, Bordulev IS, Borecka-Bielska HM, Borissov G, Bortoletto D, Boscherini D, Bosman M, Bossio Sola JD, Bouaouda K, Bouchhar N, Boudreau J, Bouhova-Thacker EV, Boumediene D, Bouquet R, Boveia A, Boyd J, Boye D, Boyko IR, Bracinik J, Brahimi N, Brandt G, Brandt O, Braren F, Brau B, Brau JE, Brener R, Brenner L, Brenner R, Bressler S, Britton D, Britzger D, Brock I, Brooijmans G, Brost E, Brown LM, Bruce LE, Bruckler TL, Bruckman de Renstrom PA, Brüers B, Bruni A, Bruni G, Bruschi M, Bruscino N, Buanes T, Buat Q, Buchin D, Buckley AG, Bulekov O, Bullard BA, Burdin S, Burgard CD, Burger AM, Burghgrave B, Burlayenko O, Burr JTP, Burton CD, Burzynski JC, Busch EL, Büscher V, Bussey PJ, Butler JM, Buttar CM, Butterworth JM, Buttinger W, Buxo Vazquez CJ, Buzykaev AR, Cabrera Urbán S, Cadamuro L, Caforio D, Cai H, Cai Y, Cai Y, Cairo VMM, Cakir O, Calace N, Calafiura P, Calderini G, Calfayan P, Callea G, Caloba LP, Calvet D, Calvet S, Calvetti M, Camacho Toro R, Camarda S, Camarero Munoz D, Camarri P, Camerlingo MT, Cameron D, Camincher C, Campanelli M, Camplani A, Canale V, Canbay AC, Canonero E, Cantero J, Cao Y, Capocasa F, Capua M, Carbone A, Cardarelli R, Cardenas JCJ, Cardillo F, Carducci G, Carli T, Carlino G, Carlotto JI, Carlson BT, Carlson EM, Carmignani J, Carminati L, Carnelli A, Carnesale M, Caron S, Carquin E, Carrá S, Carratta G, Carroll AM, Carter TM, Casado MP, Caspar M, Castillo FL, Castillo Garcia L, Castillo Gimenez V, Castro NF, Catinaccio A, Catmore JR, Cavaliere T, Cavaliere V, Cavalli N, Cekmecelioglu YC, Celebi E, Cella S, Celli F, Centonze MS, Cepaitis V, Cerny K, Cerqueira AS, Cerri A, Cerrito L, Cerutti F, Cervato B, Cervelli A, Cesarini G, Cetin SA, Chakraborty D, Chan J, Chan WY, Chapman JD, Chapon E, Chargeishvili B, Charlton DG, Chatterjee M, Chauhan C, Che Y, Chekanov S, Chekulaev SV, Chelkov GA, Chen A, Chen B, Chen B, Chen H, Chen H, Chen J, Chen J, Chen M, Chen S, Chen SJ, Chen X, Chen X, Chen Y, Cheng CL, Cheng HC, Cheong S, Cheplakov A, Cheremushkina E, Cherepanova E, Cherkaoui El Moursli R, Cheu E, Cheung K, Chevalier L, Chiarella V, Chiarelli G, Chiedde N, Chiodini G, Chisholm AS, Chitan A, Chitishvili M, Chizhov MV, Choi K, Chou Y, Chow EYS, Chu KL, Chu MC, Chu X, Chudoba J, Chwastowski JJ, Cieri D, Ciesla KM, Cindro V, Ciocio A, Cirotto F, Citron ZH, Citterio M, Ciubotaru DA, Clark A, Clark PJ, Clarry C, Clavijo Columbie JM, Clawson SE, Clement C, Clercx J, Coadou Y, Cobal M, Coccaro A, Barrue RFC, Coelho Lopes De Sa R, Coelli S, Cole B, Collot J, Conde Muiño P, Connell MP, Connell SH, Conroy EI, Conventi F, Cooke HG, Cooper-Sarkar AM, Corchia FA, Cordeiro Oudot Choi A, Corpe LD, Corradi M, Corriveau F, Cortes-Gonzalez A, Costa MJ, Costanza F, Costanzo D, Cote BM, Cowan G, Cranmer K, Cremonini D, Crépé-Renaudin S, Crescioli F, Cristinziani M, Cristoforetti M, Croft V, Crosby JE, Crosetti G, Cueto A, Cui H, Cui Z, Cunningham WR, Curcio F, Curran JR, Czodrowski P, Czurylo MM, De Sousa MJDCS, Da Fonseca Pinto JV, Da Via C, Dabrowski W, Dado T, Dahbi S, Dai T, Dal Santo D, Dallapiccola C, Dam M, D'amen G, D'Amico V, Damp J, Dandoy JR, Danninger M, Dao V, Darbo G, Das SJ, Dattola F, D'Auria S, D'avanzo A, David C, Davidek T, Davis-Purcell B, Dawson I, Day-Hall HA, De K, De Asmundis R, De Biase N, De Castro S, De Groot N, de Jong P, De la Torre H, De Maria A, De Salvo A, De Sanctis U, De Santis F, De Santo A, De Vivie De Regie JB, Dedovich DV, Degens J, Deiana AM, Del Corso F, Del Peso J, Del Rio F, Delagrange L, Deliot F, Delitzsch CM, Della Pietra M, Della Volpe D, Dell'Acqua A, Dell'Asta L, Delmastro M, Delsart PA, Demers S, Demichev M, Denisov SP, D'Eramo L, Derendarz D, Derue F, Dervan P, Desch K, Deutsch C, Di Bello FA, Di Ciaccio A, Di Ciaccio L, Di Domenico A, Di Donato C, Di Girolamo A, Di Gregorio G, Di Luca A, Di Micco B, Di Nardo R, Diamantopoulou M, Dias FA, Vale TDD, Diaz MA, Diaz Capriles FG, Didenko M, Diehl EB, Díez Cornell S, Diez Pardos C, Dimitriadi C, Dimitrievska A, Dingfelder J, Dinu IM, Dittmeier SJ, Dittus F, Divisek M, Djama F, Djobava T, Doglioni C, Dohnalova A, Dolejsi J, Dolezal Z, Dona KM, Donadelli M, Dong B, Donini J, D'Onofrio A, D'Onofrio M, Dopke J, Doria A, Dos Santos Fernandes N, Dougan P, Dova MT, Doyle AT, Draguet MA, Dreyer E, Drivas-Koulouris I, Drnevich M, Drozdova M, Du D, du Pree TA, Dubinin F, Dubovsky M, Duchovni E, Duckeck G, Ducu OA, Duda D, Dudarev A, Duden ER, D'uffizi M, Duflot L, Dührssen M, Duminica I, Dumitriu AE, Dunford M, Dungs S, Dunne K, Duperrin A, Yildiz HD, Düren M, Durglishvili A, Dwyer BL, Dyckes GI, Dyndal M, Dziedzic BS, Earnshaw ZO, Eberwein GH, Eckerova B, Eggebrecht S, Purcino De Souza EE, Ehrke LF, Eigen G, Einsweiler K, Ekelof T, Ekman PA, El Farkh S, El Ghazali Y, El Jarrari H, El Moussaouy A, Ellajosyula V, Ellert M, Ellinghaus F, Ellis N, Elmsheuser J, Elsawy M, Elsing M, Emeliyanov D, Enari Y, Ene I, Epari S, Erland PA, Errenst M, Escalier M, Escobar C, Etzion E, Evans G, Evans H, Evans LS, Ezhilov A, Ezzarqtouni S, Fabbri F, Fabbri L, Facini G, Fadeyev V, Fakhrutdinov RM, Fakoudis D, Falciano S, Falda Ulhoa Coelho LF, Falke PJ, Fallavollita F, Faltova J, Fan C, Fan Y, Fang Y, Fanti M, Faraj M, Farazpay Z, Farbin A, Farilla A, Farooque T, Farrington SM, Fassi F, Fassouliotis D, Faucci Giannelli M, Fawcett WJ, Fayard L, Federic P, Federicova P, Fedin OL, Feickert M, Feligioni L, Fellers DE, Feng C, Feng M, Feng Z, Fenton MJ, Ferencz L, Ferguson RAM, Fernandez Luengo SI, Fernandez Martinez P, Fernoux MJV, Ferrando J, Ferrari A, Ferrari P, Ferrari R, Ferrere D, Ferretti C, Fiedler F, Fiedler P, Filipčič A, Filmer EK, Filthaut F, Fiolhais MCN, Fiorini L, Fisher WC, Fitschen T, Fitzhugh PM, Fleck I, Fleischmann P, Flick T, Flores M, Flores Castillo LR, Flores Sanz De Acedo L, Follega FM, Fomin N, Foo JH, Formica A, Forti AC, Fortin E, Fortman AW, Foti MG, Fountas L, Fournier D, Fox H, Francavilla P, Francescato S, Franchellucci S, Franchini M, Franchino S, Francis D, Franco L, Franco Lima V, Franconi L, Franklin M, Frattari G, Freund WS, Frid YY, Friend J, Fritzsche N, Froch A, Froidevaux D, Frost JA, Fu Y, Fuenzalida Garrido S, Fujimoto M, Fung KY, De Simas Filho EF, Furukawa M, Fuster J, Gabrielli A, Gabrielli A, Gadow P, Gagliardi G, Gagnon LG, Gaid S, Galantzan S, Gallas EJ, Gallop BJ, Gan KK, Ganguly S, Gao Y, Garay Walls FM, Garcia B, García C, Garcia Alonso A, Garcia Caffaro AG, García Navarro JE, Garcia-Sciveres M, Gardner GL, Gardner RW, Garelli N, Garg D, Garg RB, Gargan JM, Garner CA, Garvey CM, Gaspar P, Gassmann VK, Gaudio G, Gautam V, Gauzzi P, Gavrilenko IL, Gavrilyuk A, Gay C, Gaycken G, Gazis EN, Geanta AA, Gee CM, Gekow A, Gemme C, Genest MH, Gentry AD, George S, George WF, Geralis T, Gessinger-Befurt P, Geyik ME, Ghani M, Ghorbanian K, Ghosal A, Ghosh A, Ghosh A, Giacobbe B, Giagu S, Giani T, Giannetti P, Giannini A, Gibson SM, Gignac M, Gil DT, Gilbert AK, Gilbert BJ, Gillberg D, Gilles G, Ginabat L, Gingrich DM, Giordani MP, Giraud PF, Giugliarelli G, Giugni D, Giuli F, Gkialas I, Gladilin LK, Glasman C, Gledhill GR, Glemža G, Glisic M, Gnesi I, Go Y, Goblirsch-Kolb M, Gocke B, Godin D, Gokturk B, Goldfarb S, Golling T, Gololo MGD, Golubkov D, Gombas JP, Gomes A, Gomes Da Silva G, Gomez Delegido AJ, Gonçalo R, Gonella L, Gongadze A, Gonnella F, Gonski JL, González Andana RY, González de la Hoz S, Gonzalez Lopez R, Gonzalez Renteria C, Gonzalez Rodrigues MV, Gonzalez Suarez R, Gonzalez-Sevilla S, Goossens L, Gorini B, Gorini E, Gorišek A, Gosart TC, Goshaw AT, Gostkin MI, Goswami S, Gottardo CA, Gotz SA, Gouighri M, Goumarre V, Goussiou AG, Govender N, Grabowska-Bold I, Graham K, Gramstad E, Grancagnolo S, Grant CM, Gravila PM, Gravili FG, Gray HM, Greco M, Grefe C, Gregor IM, Greif KT, Grenier P, Grewe SG, Grillo AA, Grimm K, Grinstein S, Grivaz JF, Gross E, Grosse-Knetter J, Grundy JC, Guan L, Gubbels C, Guerrero Rojas JGR, Guerrieri G, Guescini F, Gugel R, Guhit JAM, Guida A, Guilloton E, Guindon S, Guo F, Guo J, Guo L, Guo Y, Gupta R, Gupta R, Gurbuz S, Gurdasani SS, Gustavino G, Guth M, Gutierrez P, Gutierrez Zagazeta LF, Gutsche M, Gutschow C, Gwenlan C, Gwilliam CB, Haaland ES, Haas A, Habedank M, Haber C, Hadavand HK, Hadef A, Hadzic S, Hagan AI, Hahn JJ, Haines EH, Haleem M, Haley J, Hall JJ, Hallewell GD, Halser L, Hamano K, Hamer M, Hamity GN, Hampshire EJ, Han J, Han K, Han L, Han L, Han S, Han YF, Hanagaki K, Hance M, Hangal DA, Hanif H, Hank MD, Hansen JB, Hansen PH, Hara K, Harada D, Harenberg T, Harkusha S, Harris ML, Harris YT, Harrison J, Harrison NM, Harrison PF, Hartman NM, Hartmann NM, Hasan RZ, Hasegawa Y, Hassan S, Hauser R, Hawkes CM, Hawkings RJ, Hayashi Y, Hayashida S, Hayden D, Hayes C, Hayes RL, Hays CP, Hays JM, Hayward HS, He F, He M, He Y, He Y, He Y, Heatley NB, Hedberg V, Heggelund AL, Hehir ND, Heidegger C, Heidegger KK, Heidorn WD, Heilman J, Heim S, Heim T, Heinlein JG, Heinrich JJ, Heinrich L, Hejbal J, Held A, Hellesund S, Helling CM, Hellman S, Henderson RCW, Henkelmann L, Henriques Correia AM, Herde H, Hernández Jiménez Y, Herrmann LM, Herrmann T, Herten G, Hertenberger R, Hervas L, Hesping ME, Hessey NP, Hidaoui M, Hill E, Hillier SJ, Hinds JR, Hinterkeuser F, Hirose M, Hirose S, Hirschbuehl D, Hitchings TG, Hiti B, Hobbs J, Hobincu R, Hod N, Hodgkinson MC, Hodkinson BH, Hoecker A, Hofer DD, Hofer J, Holm T, Holzbock M, Hommels LBAH, Honan BP, Hong J, Hong TM, Hooberman BH, Hopkins WH, Horii Y, Hou S, Howard AS, Howarth J, Hoya J, Hrabovsky M, Hrynevich A, Hryn'ova T, Hsu PJ, Hsu SC, Hsu T, Hu M, Hu Q, Huang S, Huang X, Huang Y, Huang Y, Huang Y, Huang Z, Hubacek Z, Huebner M, Huegging F, Huffman TB, Hugli CA, Huhtinen M, Huiberts SK, Hulsken R, Huseynov N, Huston J, Huth J, Hyneman R, Iacobucci G, Iakovidis G, Ibragimov I, Iconomidou-Fayard L, Iddon JP, Iengo P, Iguchi R, Iizawa T, Ikegami Y, Ilic N, Imam H, Ince Lezki M, Ingebretsen Carlson T, Introzzi G, Iodice M, Ippolito V, Irwin RK, Ishino M, Islam W, Issever C, Istin S, Ito H, Iuppa R, Ivina A, Izen JM, Izzo V, Jacka P, Jackson P, Jaeger BP, Jagfeld CS, Jain G, Jain P, Jakobs K, Jakoubek T, Jamieson J, Janas KW, Javurkova M, Jeanty L, Jejelava J, Jenni P, Jessiman CE, Jia C, Jia J, Jia X, Jia X, Jia Z, Jiang C, Jiggins S, Jimenez Pena J, Jin S, Jinaru A, Jinnouchi O, Johansson P, Johns KA, Johnson JW, Jones DM, Jones E, Jones P, Jones RWL, Jones TJ, Joos HL, Joshi R, Jovicevic J, Ju X, Junggeburth JJ, Junkermann T, Juste Rozas A, Juzek MK, Kabana S, Kaczmarska A, Kado M, Kagan H, Kagan M, Kahn A, Kahn A, Kahra C, Kaji T, Kajomovitz E, Kakati N, Kalaitzidou I, Kalderon CW, Kang NJ, Kar D, Karava K, Kareem MJ, Karentzos E, Karkanias I, Karkout O, Karpov SN, Karpova ZM, Kartvelishvili V, Karyukhin AN, Kasimi E, Katzy J, Kaur S, Kawade K, Kawale MP, Kawamoto C, Kawamoto T, Kay EF, Kaya FI, Kazakos S, Kazanin VF, Ke Y, Keaveney JM, Keeler R, Kehris GV, Keller JS, Kelly AS, Kempster JJ, Kennedy PD, Kepka O, Kerridge BP, Kersten S, Kerševan BP, Keszeghova L, Ketabchi Haghighat S, Khan RA, Khanov A, Kharlamov AG, Kharlamova T, Khoda EE, Kholodenko M, Khoo TJ, Khoriauli G, Khubua J, Khwaira YAR, Kibirige B, Kilgallon A, Kim DW, Kim YK, Kimura N, Kingston MK, Kirchhoff A, Kirfel C, Kirfel F, Kirk J, Kiryunin AE, Kitsaki C, Kivernyk O, Klassen M, Klein C, Klein L, Klein MH, Klein SB, Klein U, Klimek P, Klimentov A, Klioutchnikova T, Kluit P, Kluth S, Kneringer E, Knight TM, Knue A, Kobayashi R, Kobel M, Kobylianskii D, Koch SF, Kocian M, Kodyš P, Koeck DM, Koenig PT, Koffas T, Kolay O, Koletsou I, Komarek T, Köneke K, Kong AXY, Kono T, Konstantinidis N, Kontaxakis P, Konya B, Kopeliansky R, Koperny S, Korcyl K, Kordas K, Korn A, Korn S, Korolkov I, Korotkova N, Kortman B, Kortner O, Kortner S, Kostecka WH, Kostyukhin VV, Kotsokechagia A, Kotwal A, Koulouris A, Kourkoumeli-Charalampidi A, Kourkoumelis C, Kourlitis E, Kovanda O, Kowalewski R, Kozanecki W, Kozhin AS, Kramarenko VA, Kramberger G, Kramer P, Krasny MW, Krasznahorkay A, Kraus JW, Kremer JA, Kresse T, Kretzschmar J, Kreul K, Krieger P, Krishnamurthy S, Krivos M, Krizka K, Kroeninger K, Kroha H, Kroll J, Kroll J, Krowpman KS, Kruchonak U, Krüger H, Krumnack N, Kruse MC, Kuchinskaia O, Kuday S, Kuehn S, Kuesters R, Kuhl T, Kukhtin V, Kulchitsky Y, Kuleshov S, Kumar M, Kumari N, Kumari P, Kupco A, Kupfer T, Kupich A, Kuprash O, Kurashige H, Kurchaninov LL, Kurdysh O, Kurochkin YA, Kurova A, Kuze M, Kvam AK, Kvita J, Kwan T, Kyriacou NG, Laatu LAO, Lacasta C, Lacava F, Lacker H, Lacour D, Lad NN, Ladygin E, Lafarge A, Laforge B, Lagouri T, Lahbabi FZ, Lai S, Lakomiec IK, Lambert JE, Lammers S, Lampl W, Lampoudis C, Lamprinoudis G, Lancaster AN, Lançon E, Landgraf U, Landon MPJ, Lang VS, Langrekken OKB, Lankford AJ, Lanni F, Lantzsch K, Lanza A, Lapertosa A, Laporte JF, Lari T, Lasagni Manghi F, Lassnig M, Latonova V, Laudrain A, Laurier A, Lawlor SD, Lawrence Z, Lazaridou R, Lazzaroni M, Le B, Le Boulicaut EM, Le Pottier LT, Leban B, Lebedev A, LeBlanc M, Ledroit-Guillon F, Lee SC, Lee S, Lee TF, Leeuw LL, Lefebvre HP, Lefebvre M, Leggett C, Lehmann Miotto G, Leigh M, Leight WA, Leinonen W, Leisos A, Leite MAL, Leitgeb CE, Leitner R, Leney KJC, Lenz T, Leone S, Leonidopoulos C, Leopold A, Leroy C, Les R, Lester CG, Levchenko M, Levêque J, Levinson LJ, Levrini G, Lewicki MP, Lewis C, Lewis DJ, Li A, Li B, Li C, Li CQ, Li H, Li H, Li H, Li H, Li H, Li J, Li K, Li L, Li M, Li QY, Li S, Li S, Li T, Li X, Li Z, Li Z, Li Z, Liang S, Liang Z, Liberatore M, Liberti B, Lie K, Lieber Marin J, Lien H, Lin K, Lindley RE, Lindon JH, Lipeles E, Lipniacka A, Lister A, Little JD, Liu B, Liu BX, Liu D, Liu EHL, Liu JB, Liu JKK, Liu K, Liu K, Liu M, Liu MY, Liu P, Liu Q, Liu X, Liu X, Liu Y, Liu YL, Liu YW, Llorente Merino J, Lloyd SL, Lobodzinska EM, Loch P, Lohse T, Lohwasser K, Loiacono E, Lokajicek M, Lomas JD, Long JD, Longarini I, Longo L, Longo R, Lopez Paz I, Lopez Solis A, Lorenzo Martinez N, Lory AM, Löschcke Centeno G, Loseva O, Lou X, Lou X, Lounis A, Love PA, Lu G, Lu M, Lu S, Lu YJ, Lubatti HJ, Luci C, Lucio Alves FL, Luehring F, Luise I, Lukianchuk O, Lundberg O, Lund-Jensen B, Luongo NA, Lutz MS, Lux AB, Lynn D, Lysak R, Lytken E, Lyubushkin V, Lyubushkina T, Lyukova MM, Soberi MFM, Ma H, Ma K, Ma LL, Ma W, Ma Y, Mac Donell DM, Maccarrone G, MacDonald JC, Machado De Abreu Farias PC, Madar R, Madula T, Maeda J, Maeno T, Maguire H, Maiboroda V, Maio A, Maj K, Majersky O, Majewski S, Makovec N, Maksimovic V, Malaescu B, Malecki P, Maleev VP, Malek F, Mali M, Malito D, Mallik U, Maltezos S, Malyukov S, Mamuzic J, Mancini G, Mancini MN, Manco G, Mandalia JP, Mandić I, Manhaes de Andrade Filho L, Maniatis IM, Manjarres Ramos J, Mankad DC, Mann A, Manzoni S, Mao L, Mapekula X, Marantis A, Marchiori G, Marcisovsky M, Marcon C, Marinescu M, Marium S, Marjanovic M, Markhoos A, Markovitch M, Marshall EJ, Marshall Z, Marti-Garcia S, Martin TA, Martin VJ, Martin Dit Latour B, Martinelli L, Martinez M, Martinez Agullo P, Martinez Outschoorn VI, Martinez Suarez P, Martin-Haugh S, Martinovicova G, Martoiu VS, Martyniuk AC, Marzin A, Mascione D, Masetti L, Mashimo T, Masik J, Maslennikov AL, Massarotti P, Mastrandrea P, Mastroberardino A, Masubuchi T, Mathisen T, Matousek J, Matsuzawa N, Maurer J, Maury AJ, Maček B, Maximov DA, May AE, Mazini R, Maznas I, Mazza M, Mazza SM, Mazzeo E, Mc Ginn C, Mc Gowan JP, Mc Kee SP, McCracken CC, McDonald EF, McDougall AE, Mcfayden JA, McGovern RP, Mchedlidze G, Mckenzie RP, Mclachlan TC, Mclaughlin DJ, McMahon SJ, Mcpartland CM, McPherson RA, Mehlhase S, Mehta A, Melini D, Mellado Garcia BR, Melo AH, Meloni F, Mendes Jacques Da Costa AM, Meng HY, Meng L, Menke S, Mentink M, Meoni E, Mercado G, Merlassino C, Merola L, Meroni C, Metcalfe J, Mete AS, Meyer C, Meyer JP, Middleton RP, Mijović L, Mikenberg G, Mikestikova M, Mikuž M, Mildner H, Milic A, Miller DW, Miller EH, Miller LS, Milov A, Milstead DA, Min T, Minaenko AA, Minashvili IA, Mince L, Mincer AI, Mindur B, Mineev M, Mino Y, Mir LM, Miralles Lopez M, Mironova M, Mishima A, Missio MC, Mitra A, Mitsou VA, Mitsumori Y, Miu O, Miyagawa PS, Mkrtchyan T, Mlinarevic M, Mlinarevic T, Mlynarikova M, Mobius S, Mogg P, Mohamed Farook MH, Mohammed AF, Mohapatra S, Mokgatitswane G, Moleri L, Mondal B, Mondal S, Mönig K, Monnier E, Monsonis Romero L, Montejo Berlingen J, Montella M, Montereali F, Monticelli F, Monzani S, Morange N, De Carvalho ALM, Moreno Llácer M, Moreno Martinez C, Morettini P, Morgenstern S, Morii M, Morinaga M, Morodei F, Morvaj L, Moschovakos P, Moser B, Mosidze M, Moskalets T, Moskvitina P, Moss J, Moszkowicz P, Moussa A, Moyse EJW, Mtintsilana O, Muanza S, Mueller J, Muenstermann D, Müller R, Mullier GA, Mullin AJ, Mullin JJ, Mungo DP, Munoz Perez D, Munoz Sanchez FJ, Murin M, Murray WJ, Muškinja M, Mwewa C, Myagkov AG, Myers AJ, Myers G, Myska M, Nachman BP, Nackenhorst O, Nagai K, Nagano K, Nagle JL, Nagy E, Nairz AM, Nakahama Y, Nakamura K, Nakkalil K, Nanjo H, Narayan R, Narayanan EA, Naryshkin I, Naseri M, Nasri S, Nass C, Navarro G, Navarro-Gonzalez J, Nayak R, Nayaz A, Nechaeva PY, Nechaeva S, Nechansky F, Nedic L, Neep TJ, Negri A, Negrini M, Nellist C, Nelson C, Nelson K, Nemecek S, Nessi M, Neubauer MS, Neuhaus F, Neundorf J, Newhouse R, Newman PR, Ng CW, Ng YWY, Ngair B, Nguyen HDN, Nickerson RB, Nicolaidou R, Nielsen J, Niemeyer M, Niermann J, Nikiforou N, Nikolaenko V, Nikolic-Audit I, Nikolopoulos K, Nilsson P, Ninca I, Nindhito HR, Ninio G, Nisati A, Nishu N, Nisius R, Nitschke JE, Nkadimeng EK, Nobe T, Noel DL, Nommensen T, Norfolk MB, Norisam RRB, Norman BJ, Noury M, Novak J, Novak T, Novotny L, Novotny R, Nozka L, Ntekas K, Nunes De Moura Junior NMJ, Ocariz J, Ochi A, Ochoa I, Oerdek S, Offermann JT, Ogrodnik A, Oh A, Ohm CC, Oide H, Oishi R, Ojeda ML, Okumura Y, Seabra LFO, Olivares Pino SA, Oliveira Correa G, Oliveira Damazio D, Oliveira Goncalves D, Oliver JL, Öncel ÖO, O'Neill AP, Onofre A, Onyisi PUE, Oreglia MJ, Orellana GE, Orestano D, Orlando N, Orr RS, O'Shea V, Osojnak LM, Ospanov R, Otero Y Garzon G, Otono H, Ott PS, Ottino GJ, Ouchrif M, Ould-Saada F, Ovsiannikova T, Owen M, Owen RE, Oyulmaz KY, Ozcan VE, Ozturk F, Ozturk N, Ozturk S, Pacey HA, Pacheco Pages A, Padilla Aranda C, Padovano G, Pagan Griso S, Palacino G, Palazzo A, Pampel J, Pan J, Pan T, Panchal DK, Pandini CE, Panduro Vazquez JG, Pandya HD, Pang H, Pani P, Panizzo G, Panwar L, Paolozzi L, Parajuli S, Paramonov A, Paraskevopoulos C, Paredes Hernandez D, Pareti A, Park KR, Park TH, Parker MA, Parodi F, Parrish EW, Parrish VA, Parsons JA, Parzefall U, Pascual Dias B, Pascual Dominguez L, Pasqualucci E, Passaggio S, Pastore F, Patel P, Patel UM, Pater JR, Pauly T, Pazos CI, Pearkes J, Pedersen M, Pedro R, Peleganchuk SV, Penc O, Pender EA, Penn GD, Penski KE, Penzin M, Peralva BS, Peixoto APP, Pereira Sanchez L, Perepelitsa DV, Perez Codina E, Perganti M, Pernegger H, Perrin O, Peters K, Peters RFY, Petersen BA, Petersen TC, Petit E, Petousis V, Petridou C, Petru T, Petrukhin A, Pettee M, Pettersson NE, Petukhov A, Petukhova K, Pezoa R, Pezzotti L, Pezzullo G, Pham TM, Pham T, Phillips PW, Piacquadio G, Pianori E, Piazza F, Piegaia R, Pietreanu D, Pilkington AD, Pinamonti M, Pinfold JL, Pereira BCP, Pinto Pinoargote AE, Pintucci L, Piper KM, Pirttikoski A, Pizzi DA, Pizzimento L, Pizzini A, Pleier MA, Plesanovs V, Pleskot V, Plotnikova E, Poddar G, Poettgen R, Poggioli L, Pokharel I, Polacek S, Polesello G, Poley A, Polini A, Pollard CS, Pollock ZB, Pompa Pacchi E, Ponomarenko D, Pontecorvo L, Popa S, Popeneciu GA, Poreba A, Portillo Quintero DM, Pospisil S, Postill MA, Postolache P, Potamianos K, Potepa PA, Potrap IN, Potter CJ, Potti H, Poveda J, Pozo Astigarraga ME, Prades Ibanez A, Pretel J, Price D, Primavera M, Principe Martin MA, Privara R, Procter T, Proffitt ML, Proklova N, Prokofiev K, Proto G, Proudfoot J, Przybycien M, Przygoda WW, Psallidas A, Puddefoot JE, Pudzha D, Pyatiizbyantseva D, Qian J, Qichen D, Qin Y, Qiu T, Quadt A, Queitsch-Maitland M, Quetant G, Quinn RP, Rabanal Bolanos G, Rafanoharana D, Ragusa F, Rainbolt JL, Raine JA, Rajagopalan S, Ramakoti E, Ramirez-Berend IA, Ran K, Rapheeha NP, Rasheed H, Raskina V, Rassloff DF, Rastogi A, Rave S, Ravina B, Ravinovich I, Raymond M, Read AL, Readioff NP, Rebuzzi DM, Redlinger G, Reed AS, Reeves K, Reidelsturz JA, Reikher D, Rej A, Rembser C, Renda M, Rendel MB, Renner F, Rennie AG, Rescia AL, Resconi S, Ressegotti M, Rettie S, Reyes Rivera JG, Reynolds E, Rezanova OL, Reznicek P, Riani H, Ribaric N, Ricci E, Richter R, Richter S, Richter-Was E, Ridel M, Ridouani S, Rieck P, Riedler P, Riefel EM, Rieger JO, Rijssenbeek M, Rimoldi M, Rinaldi L, Rinn TT, Rinnagel MP, Ripellino G, Riu I, Rivera Vergara JC, Rizatdinova F, Rizvi E, Roberts BR, Robertson SH, Robinson D, Robles Gajardo CM, Robles Manzano M, Robson A, Rocchi A, Roda C, Rodriguez Bosca S, Rodriguez Garcia Y, Rodriguez Rodriguez A, Rodríguez Vera AM, Roe S, Roemer JT, Roepe-Gier AR, Roggel J, Røhne O, Rojas RA, Roland CPA, Roloff J, Romaniouk A, Romano E, Romano M, Romero Hernandez AC, Rompotis N, Roos L, Rosati S, Rosser BJ, Rossi E, Rossi E, Rossi LP, Rossini L, Rosten R, Rotaru M, Rottler B, Rougier C, Rousseau D, Rousso D, Roy A, Roy-Garand S, Rozanov A, Rozario ZMA, Rozen Y, Rubio Jimenez A, Ruby AJ, Ruelas Rivera VH, Ruggeri TA, Ruggiero A, Ruiz-Martinez A, Rummler A, Rurikova Z, Rusakovich NA, Russell HL, Russo G, Rutherfoord JP, Rutherford Colmenares S, Rybacki K, Rybar M, Rye EB, Ryzhov A, Sabater Iglesias JA, Sabatini P, Sadrozinski HFW, Safai Tehrani F, Safarzadeh Samani B, Saha S, Sahinsoy M, Saibel A, Saimpert M, Saito M, Saito T, Sala A, Salamani D, Salnikov A, Salt J, Salvador Salas A, Salvatore D, Salvatore F, Salzburger A, Sammel D, Sampson E, Sampsonidis D, Sampsonidou D, Sánchez J, Sanchez Sebastian V, Sandaker H, Sander CO, Sandesara JA, Sandhoff M, Sandoval C, Sankey DPC, Sano T, Sansoni A, Santi L, Santoni C, Santos H, Santra A, Sanzani E, Saoucha KA, Saraiva JG, Sardain J, Sasaki O, Sato K, Sauer C, Sauerburger F, Sauvan E, Savard P, Sawada R, Sawyer C, Sawyer L, Sayago Galvan I, Sbarra C, Sbrizzi A, Scanlon T, Schaarschmidt J, Schäfer U, Schaffer AC, Schaile D, Schamberger RD, Scharf C, Schefer MM, Schegelsky VA, Scheirich D, Schenck F, Schernau M, Scheulen C, Schiavi C, Schioppa M, Schlag B, Schleicher KE, Schlenker S, Schmeing J, Schmidt MA, Schmieden K, Schmitt C, Schmitt N, Schmitt S, Schoeffel L, Schoening A, Scholer PG, Schopf E, Schott M, Schovancova J, Schramm S, Schroer T, Schultz-Coulon HC, Schumacher M, Schumm BA, Schune P, Schuy AJ, Schwartz HR, Schwartzman A, Schwarz TA, Schwemling P, Schwienhorst R, Sciandra A, Sciolla G, Scuri F, Sebastiani CD, Sedlaczek K, Seema P, Seidel SC, Seiden A, Seidlitz BD, Seitz C, Seixas JM, Sekhniaidze G, Selem L, Semprini-Cesari N, Sengupta D, Senthilkumar V, Serin L, Serkin L, Sessa M, Severini H, Sforza F, Sfyrla A, Sha Q, Shabalina E, Shah AH, Shaheen R, Shahinian JD, Shaked Renous D, Shan LY, Shapiro M, Sharma A, Sharma AS, Sharma P, Shatalov PB, Shaw K, Shaw SM, Shcherbakova A, Shen Q, Sheppard DJ, Sherwood P, Shi L, Shi X, Shimmin CO, Shinner JD, Shipsey IPJ, Shirabe S, Shiyakova M, Shlomi J, Shochet MJ, Shojaii J, Shope DR, Shrestha B, Shrestha S, Shrif EM, Shroff MJ, Sicho P, Sickles AM, Sideras Haddad E, Sidley AC, Sidoti A, Siegert F, Sijacki D, Sili F, Silva JM, Silva Oliveira MV, Silverstein SB, Simion S, Simoniello R, Simpson EL, Simpson H, Simpson LR, Simpson ND, Simsek S, Sindhu S, Sinervo P, Singh S, Sinha S, Sinha S, Sioli M, Siral I, Sitnikova E, Sjölin J, Skaf A, Skorda E, Skubic P, Slawinska M, Smakhtin V, Smart BH, Smirnov SY, Smirnov Y, Smirnova LN, Smirnova O, Smith AC, Smith DR, Smith EA, Smith HA, Smith JL, Smith R, Smizanska M, Smolek K, Snesarev AA, Snider SR, Snoek HL, Snyder S, Sobie R, Soffer A, Solans Sanchez CA, Soldatov EY, Soldevila U, Solodkov AA, Solomon S, Soloshenko A, Solovieva K, Solovyanov OV, Sommer P, Sonay A, Song WY, Sopczak A, Sopio AL, Sopkova F, Sorenson JD, Sotarriva Alvarez IR, Sothilingam V, Soto Sandoval OJ, Sottocornola S, Soualah R, Soumaimi Z, South D, Soybelman N, Spagnolo S, Spalla M, Sperlich D, Spigo G, Spinali S, Spiteri DP, Spousta M, Staats EJ, Stamen R, Stampekis A, Standke M, Stanecka E, Stanek-Maslouska W, Stange MV, Stanislaus B, Stanitzki MM, Stapf B, Starchenko EA, Stark GH, Stark J, Staroba P, Starovoitov P, Stärz S, Staszewski R, Stavropoulos G, Steentoft J, Steinberg P, Stelzer B, Stelzer HJ, Stelzer-Chilton O, Stenzel H, Stevenson TJ, Stewart GA, Stewart JR, Stockton MC, Stoicea G, Stolarski M, Stonjek S, Straessner A, Strandberg J, Strandberg S, Stratmann M, Strauss M, Strebler T, Strizenec P, Ströhmer R, Strom DM, Stroynowski R, Strubig A, Stucci SA, Stugu B, Stupak J, Styles NA, Su D, Su S, Su W, Su X, Suchy D, Sugizaki K, Sulin VV, Sullivan MJ, Sultan DMS, Sultanaliyeva L, Sultansoy S, Sumida T, Sun S, Sun S, Gudnadottir OS, Sur N, Sutton MR, Suzuki H, Svatos M, Swiatlowski M, Swirski T, Sykora I, Sykora M, Sykora T, Ta D, Tackmann K, Taffard A, Tafirout R, Tafoya Vargas JS, Takubo Y, Talby M, Talyshev AA, Tam KC, Tamir NM, Tanaka A, Tanaka J, Tanaka R, Tanasini M, Tao Z, Tapia Araya S, Tapprogge S, Tarek Abouelfadl Mohamed A, Tarem S, Tariq K, Tarna G, Tartarelli GF, Tartarin MJ, Tas P, Tasevsky M, Tassi E, Tate AC, Tateno G, Tayalati Y, Taylor GN, Taylor W, Tee AS, Teixeira De Lima R, Teixeira-Dias P, Teoh JJ, Terashi K, Terron J, Terzo S, Testa M, Teuscher RJ, Thaler A, Theiner O, Themistokleous N, Theveneaux-Pelzer T, Thielmann O, Thomas DW, Thomas JP, Thompson EA, Thompson PD, Thomson E, Thornberry RE, Tian Y, Tikhomirov V, Tikhonov YA, Timoshenko S, Timoshyn D, Ting EXL, Tipton P, Tlou SH, Todome K, Todorova-Nova S, Todt S, Toffolin L, Togawa M, Tojo J, Tokár S, Tokushuku K, Toldaiev O, Tombs R, Tomoto M, Tompkins L, Topolnicki KW, Torrence E, Torres H, Torró Pastor E, Toscani M, Tosciri C, Tost M, Tovey DR, Traeet A, Trandafir IS, Trefzger T, Tricoli A, Trigger IM, Trincaz-Duvoid S, Trischuk DA, Trocmé B, Truong L, Trzebinski M, Trzupek A, Tsai F, Tsai M, Tsiamis A, Tsiareshka PV, Tsigaridas S, Tsirigotis A, Tsiskaridze V, Tskhadadze EG, Tsopoulou M, Tsujikawa Y, Tsukerman II, Tsulaia V, Tsuno S, Tsuri K, Tsybychev D, Tu Y, Tudorache A, Tudorache V, Tuna AN, Turchikhin S, Turk Cakir I, Turra R, Turtuvshin T, Tuts PM, Tzamarias S, Tzovara E, Ukegawa F, Ulloa Poblete PA, Umaka EN, Unal G, Undrus A, Unel G, Urban J, Urquijo P, Urrejola P, Usai G, Ushioda R, Usman M, Uysal Z, Vacek V, Vachon B, Vafeiadis T, Vaitkus A, Valderanis C, Valdes Santurio E, Valente M, Valentinetti S, Valero A, Valiente Moreno E, Vallier A, Valls Ferrer JA, Van Arneman DR, Van Daalen TR, Van Der Graaf A, Van Gemmeren P, Van Rijnbach M, Van Stroud S, Van Vulpen I, Vana P, Vanadia M, Vandelli W, Vandewall ER, Vannicola D, Vannoli L, Vari R, Varnes EW, Varni C, Varol T, Varouchas D, Varriale L, Varvell KE, Vasile ME, Vaslin L, Vasquez GA, Vasyukov A, Vavricka R, Vazeille F, Vazquez Schroeder T, Veatch J, Vecchio V, Veen MJ, Veliscek I, Veloce LM, Veloso F, Veneziano S, Ventura A, Ventura Gonzalez S, Verbytskyi A, Verducci M, Vergis C, Verissimo De Araujo M, Verkerke W, Vermeulen JC, Vernieri C, Vessella M, Vetterli MC, Vgenopoulos A, Viaux Maira N, Vickey T, Vickey Boeriu OE, Viehhauser GHA, Vigani L, Villa M, Villaplana Perez M, Villhauer EM, Vilucchi E, Vincter MG, Visibile A, Vittori C, Vivarelli I, Voevodina E, Vogel F, Voigt JC, Vokac P, Volkotrub Y, Von Ahnen J, Von Toerne E, Vormwald B, Vorobel V, Vorobev K, Vos M, Voss K, Vozak M, Vozdecky L, Vranjes N, Vranjes Milosavljevic M, Vreeswijk M, Vu NK, Vuillermet R, Vujinovic O, Vukotic I, Wada S, Wagner C, Wagner JM, Wagner W, Wahdan S, Wahlberg H, Wakida M, Walder J, Walker R, Walkowiak W, Wall A, Wallin EJ, Wamorkar T, Wang AZ, Wang C, Wang C, Wang H, Wang J, Wang RJ, Wang R, Wang R, Wang SM, Wang S, Wang S, Wang T, Wang WT, Wang W, Wang X, Wang X, Wang X, Wang Y, Wang Y, Wang Z, Wang Z, Wang Z, Warburton A, Ward RJ, Warrack N, Waterhouse S, Watson AT, Watson H, Watson MF, Watton E, Watts G, Waugh BM, Webb JM, Weber C, Weber HA, Weber MS, Weber SM, Wei C, Wei Y, Weidberg AR, Weik EJ, Weingarten J, Weirich M, Weiser C, Wells CJ, Wenaus T, Wendland B, Wengler T, Wenke NS, Wermes N, Wessels M, Wharton AM, White AS, White A, White MJ, Whiteson D, Wickremasinghe L, Wiedenmann W, Wielers M, Wiglesworth C, Wilbern DJ, Wilkens HG, Wilkinson JJH, Williams DM, Williams HH, Williams S, Willocq S, Wilson BJ, Windischhofer PJ, Winkel FI, Winklmeier F, Winter BT, Winter JK, Wittgen M, Wobisch M, Wojtkowski T, Wolffs Z, Wollrath J, Wolter MW, Wolters H, Wong MC, Woodward EL, Worm SD, Wosiek BK, Woźniak KW, Wozniewski S, Wraight K, Wu C, Wu M, Wu M, Wu SL, Wu X, Wu Y, Wu Z, Wuerzinger J, Wyatt TR, Wynne BM, Xella S, Xia L, Xia M, Xiang J, Xie M, Xie X, Xin S, Xiong A, Xiong J, Xu D, Xu H, Xu L, Xu R, Xu T, Xu Y, Xu Z, Xu Z, Yabsley B, Yacoob S, Yamaguchi Y, Yamashita E, Yamauchi H, Yamazaki T, Yamazaki Y, Yan J, Yan S, Yan Z, Yang HJ, Yang HT, Yang S, Yang T, Yang X, Yang X, Yang Y, Yang Y, Yang Z, Yao WM, Ye H, Ye H, Ye J, Ye S, Ye X, Yeh Y, Yeletskikh I, Yeo BK, Yexley MR, Yildirim TP, Yin P, Yorita K, Younas S, Young CJS, Young C, Yu C, Yu Y, Yuan M, Yuan R, Yue L, Zaazoua M, Zabinski B, Zaid E, Zak ZK, Zakareishvili T, Zakharchuk N, Zambito S, Zamora Saa JA, Zang J, Zanzi D, Zaplatilek O, Zeitnitz C, Zeng H, Zeng JC, Zenger DT, Zenin O, Ženiš T, Zenz S, Zerradi S, Zerwas D, Zhai M, Zhang DF, Zhang J, Zhang J, Zhang K, Zhang L, Zhang L, Zhang P, Zhang R, Zhang S, Zhang S, Zhang T, Zhang X, Zhang X, Zhang Y, Zhang Y, Zhang Y, Zhang Z, Zhang Z, Zhao H, Zhao T, Zhao Y, Zhao Z, Zhao Z, Zhemchugov A, Zheng J, Zheng K, Zheng X, Zheng Z, Zhong D, Zhou B, Zhou H, Zhou N, Zhou Y, Zhou Y, Zhu CG, Zhu J, Zhu X, Zhu Y, Zhu Y, Zhuang X, Zhukov K, Zimine NI, Zinsser J, Ziolkowski M, Živković L, Zoccoli A, Zoch K, Zorbas TG, Zormpa O, Zou W, Zwalinski L. Studies of the Energy Dependence of Diboson Polarization Fractions and the Radiation-Amplitude-Zero Effect in WZ Production with the ATLAS Detector. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2024; 133:101802. [PMID: 39303233 DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.133.101802] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 02/27/2024] [Revised: 05/21/2024] [Accepted: 07/03/2024] [Indexed: 09/22/2024]
This Letter presents the first study of the energy dependence of diboson polarization fractions in WZ→ℓνℓ^{'}ℓ^{'}(ℓ,ℓ^{'}=e,μ) production. The dataset used corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 140 fb^{-1} of proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV recorded by the ATLAS detector. Two fiducial regions with an enhanced presence of events featuring two longitudinally polarized bosons are defined. A nonzero fraction of events with two longitudinally polarized bosons is measured with an observed significance of 5.3 standard deviations in the region with 100 200 GeV, where p_{T}^{Z} is the transverse momentum of the Z boson. This Letter also reports the first study of the radiation-amplitude-zero effect. Events with two transversely polarized bosons are analyzed for the ΔY(ℓ_{W}Z) and ΔY(WZ) distributions defined respectively as the rapidity difference between the lepton from the W boson decay and the Z boson and the rapidity difference between the W boson and the Z boson. Significant suppression of events near zero is observed in both distributions. Unfolded ΔY(ℓ_{W}Z) and ΔY(WZ) distributions are also measured and compared to theoretical predictions.
Li X, Liu J, Tong P, Jin J. Efficacy of photodynamic therapy for oral multifocal papilloma: a case report. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2024:S0901-5027(24)00337-0. [PMID: 39232866 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijom.2024.08.039] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Key Words] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 03/13/2024] [Revised: 07/28/2024] [Accepted: 08/28/2024] [Indexed: 09/06/2024]
Oral papilloma, a frequently encountered benign lesion, can be managed effectively with various treatments. A unique case of oral mucosal papilloma extending from the buccal fat pad region to the corner of the mouth is presented here. Although papilloma larger than 10 mm2 are associated with a high risk of becoming cancerous and should be treated promptly, the papilloma in this case would have been difficult to resect due to involvement of the parotid duct opening and the corner of the mouth. Topical external application of 5-aminolevulinic acid-mediated photodynamic therapy (ALA-PDT) was employed successfully in this case, with no recurrence at 20 months of follow-up. Therefore, ALA-PDT may represent a promising therapeutic option for challenging cases of multifocal papilloma of the oral mucosal.
Pothuri B, Sawaged Z, Karpel HC, Li X, Lee J, Musa F, Lutz K, Reese E, Blank SV, Boyd LR, Curtin JP, Goldberg JD, Muggia FM. A phase 2 feasibility study of nab-paclitaxel and carboplatin in epithelial carcinoma of the uterus. Gynecol Oncol 2024; 190:209-214. [PMID: 39232408 DOI: 10.1016/j.ygyno.2024.07.682] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 03/04/2024] [Revised: 07/16/2024] [Accepted: 07/28/2024] [Indexed: 09/06/2024]
BACKGROUND We evaluated the feasibility of completing 6 cycles of nab-paclitaxel (nab-P) and carboplatin (C) in a single arm prospective clinical trial for advanced/recurrent EC and safety and efficacy of day (D) 1, 8 nab-P in combination with D1 C q3weeks. METHODS Patients with early-stage, high-risk, advanced primary/recurrent EC without prior platinum/taxane exposure were enrolled in an open-label, single-institution trial (NCT02744898). Patients received 6 cycles of D1 nab-P 100 mg/m2 IV with C AUC 6 IV and D8 nab-P 100 mg/m2 IV q21D. The trial tested the null hypothesis that subjects completing 6 cycles was ≤0.50 versus the alternative that the proportion is ≥0.75 in a single stage design with alpha = 0.05 and power = 80% with 23 subjects. Patients who completed 6 cycles (primary outcome), objective response rate (ORR) and clinical benefit rate (CBR) were estimated with exact 95% Clopper-Pearson confidence intervals. Progression free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS) were estimated using Kaplan-Meier methods. RESULTS From 08/2016-03/2018, 23 patients were enrolled. Nineteen patients (82.6%, 95% CI: 61.2%, 95.0%) completed 6 cycles, thus we could reject our null. Twelve patients (52.2%) experienced ≥1 grade 3/4 treatment-related adverse events including: anemia, 6 (26.1%); neutropenia, 5 (21.7%); diarrhea, 3 (13.0%). Fourteen patients (60.1%) reported grade 1 neuropathy. Of 9 patients with measurable target lesions, the ORR was 33.3% (95% CI: 7.5%, 70.1%) and CBR was 55.6% (95% CI: 21.2%, 86.3%). Median PFS in the advanced/recurrent patients was 23.2 (95% CI: 12.1, NR) months. CONCLUSIONS The nab-P/C D1, 8 regimen met pre-specified feasibility criteria with acceptable toxicity and efficacy. Use of nab-P decreases need for steroid pre-medications, and this carboplatin doublet may prove advantageous for trials assessing combinations with immune checkpoint inhibitors in advanced EC.
Aad G, Abbott B, Abeling K, Abicht NJ, Abidi SH, Aboulhorma A, Abramowicz H, Abreu H, Abulaiti Y, Acharya BS, Bourdarios CA, Adamczyk L, Addepalli SV, Addison MJ, Adelman J, Adiguzel A, Adye T, Affolder AA, Afik Y, Agaras MN, Agarwala J, Aggarwal A, Agheorghiesei C, Ahmad A, Ahmadov F, Ahmed WS, Ahuja S, Ai X, Aielli G, Aikot A, Tamlihat MA, Aitbenchikh B, Aizenberg I, Akbiyik M, Åkesson TPA, Akimov AV, Akiyama D, Akolkar NN, Aktas S, Khoury KA, Alberghi GL, Albert J, Albicocco P, Albouy GL, Alderweireldt S, Alegria ZL, Aleksa M, Aleksandrov IN, Alexa C, Alexopoulos T, Alfonsi F, Algren M, Alhroob M, Ali B, Ali HMJ, Ali S, Alibocus SW, Aliev M, Alimonti G, Alkakhi W, Allaire C, Allbrooke BMM, Allen JF, Flores CAA, Allport PP, Aloisio A, Alonso F, Alpigiani C, Estevez MA, Fernandez AA, Cardoso MA, Alviggi MG, Aly M, Coutinho YA, Ambler A, Amelung C, Amerl M, Ames CG, Amidei D, Dos Santos SPA, Amos KR, Ananiev V, Anastopoulos C, Andeen T, Anders JK, Andrean SY, Andreazza A, Angelidakis S, Angerami A, Anisenkov AV, Annovi A, Antel C, Anthony MT, Antipov E, Antonelli M, Anulli F, Aoki M, Aoki T, Pozo JAA, Aparo MA, Bella LA, Appelt C, Apyan A, Val SJA, Arcangeletti C, Arce ATH, Arena E, Arguin JF, Argyropoulos S, Arling JH, Arnaez O, Arnold H, Artoni G, Asada H, Asai K, Asai S, Asbah NA, Assamagan K, Astalos R, Atashi S, Atkin RJ, Atkinson M, Atmani H, Atmasiddha PA, Augsten K, Auricchio S, Auriol AD, Austrup VA, Avolio G, Axiotis K, Azuelos G, Babal D, Bachacou H, Bachas K, Bachiu A, Backman F, Badea A, Baer TM, Bagnaia P, Bahmani M, Bahner D, Bailey AJ, Bailey VR, Baines JT, Baines L, Baker OK, Bakos E, Gupta DB, Balakrishnan V, Balasubramanian R, Baldin EM, Balek P, Ballabene E, Balli F, Baltes LM, Balunas WK, Balz J, Banas E, Bandieramonte M, Bandyopadhyay A, Bansal S, Barak L, Barakat M, Barberio EL, Barberis D, Barbero M, Barel MZ, Barends KN, Barillari T, Barisits MS, Barklow T, Baron P, Moreno DAB, Baroncelli A, Barone G, Barr AJ, Barr JD, Barreiro F, da Costa JBG, Barron U, Teixeira MGB, Barsov S, Bartels F, Bartoldus R, Barton AE, Bartos P, Basan A, Baselga M, Bassalat A, Basso MJ, Basson CR, Bates RL, Batlamous S, Batley JR, Batool B, Battaglia M, Battulga D, Bauce M, Bauer M, Bauer P, Hurrell LTB, Beacham JB, Beau T, Beaucamp JY, Beauchemin PH, Bechtle P, Beck HP, Becker K, Beddall AJ, Bednyakov VA, Bee CP, Beemster LJ, Beermann TA, Begalli M, Begel M, Behera A, Behr JK, Beirer JF, Beisiegel F, Belfkir M, Bella G, Bellagamba L, Bellerive A, Bellos P, Beloborodov K, Benchekroun D, Bendebba F, Benhammou Y, Beresford L, Beretta M, Kuutmann EB, Berger N, Bergmann B, Beringer J, Bernardi G, Bernius C, Bernlochner FU, Bernon F, Guardia AB, Berry T, Berta P, Berthold A, Bertram IA, Bethke S, Betti A, Bevan AJ, Bhalla NK, Bhamjee M, Bhatta S, Bhattacharya DS, Bhattarai P, Bhide KD, Bhopatkar VS, Bianchi RM, Bianco G, Biebel O, Bielski R, Biglietti M, Billingsley CS, Bindi M, Bingul A, Bini C, Biondini A, Birch-sykes CJ, Bird GA, Birman M, Biros M, Biryukov S, Bisanz T, Bisceglie E, Biswal JP, Biswas D, Bjørke K, Bloch I, Blue A, Blumenschein U, Blumenthal J, Bobbink GJ, Bobrovnikov VS, Boehler M, Boehm B, Bogavac D, Bogdanchikov AG, Bohm C, Boisvert V, Bokan P, Bold T, Bomben M, Bona M, Boonekamp M, Booth CD, Borbély AG, Bordulev IS, Borecka-Bielska HM, Borissov G, Bortoletto D, Boscherini D, Bosman M, Bossio Sola JD, Bouaouda K, Bouchhar N, Boudreau J, Bouhova-Thacker EV, Boumediene D, Bouquet R, Boveia A, Boyd J, Boye D, Boyko IR, Bracinik J, Brahimi N, Brandt G, Brandt O, Braren F, Brau B, Brau JE, Brener R, Brenner L, Brenner R, Bressler S, Britton D, Britzger D, Brock I, Brock R, Brooijmans G, Brooks WK, Brost E, Brown LM, Bruce LE, Bruckler TL, de Renstrom PAB, Brüers B, Bruni A, Bruni G, Bruschi M, Bruscino N, Buanes T, Buat Q, Buchin D, Buckley AG, Bulekov O, Bullard BA, Burdin S, Burgard CD, Burger AM, Burghgrave B, Burlayenko O, Burr JTP, Burton CD, Burzynski JC, Busch EL, Büscher V, Bussey PJ, Butler JM, Buttar CM, Butterworth JM, Buttinger W, Vazquez CJB, Buzykaev AR, Urbán SC, Cadamuro L, Caforio D, Cai H, Cai Y, Cai Y, Cairo VMM, Cakir O, Calace N, Calafiura P, Calderini G, Calfayan P, Callea G, Caloba LP, Calvet D, Calvet S, Calvetti M, Toro RC, Camarda S, Munoz DC, Camarri P, Camerlingo MT, Cameron D, Camincher C, Campanelli M, Camplani A, Canale V, Cantero J, Cao Y, Capocasa F, Capua M, Carbone A, Cardarelli R, Cardenas JCJ, Cardillo F, Carducci G, Carli T, Carlino G, Carlotto JI, Carlson BT, Carlson EM, Carminati L, Carnelli A, Carnesale M, Caron S, Carquin E, Carrá S, Carratta G, Carroll AM, Carter JWS, Carter TM, Casado MP, Caspar M, Castillo FL, Garcia LC, Gimenez VC, Castro NF, Catinaccio A, Catmore JR, Cavaliere T, Cavaliere V, Cavalli N, Cavasinni V, Cekmecelioglu YC, Celebi E, Celli F, Centonze MS, Cepaitis V, Cerny K, Cerqueira AS, Cerri A, Cerrito L, Cerutti F, Cervato B, Cervelli A, Cesarini G, Cetin SA, Chakraborty D, Chan J, Chan WY, Chapman JD, Chapon E, Chargeishvili B, Charlton DG, Chatterjee M, Chauhan C, Che Y, Chekanov S, Chekulaev SV, Chelkov GA, Chen A, Chen B, Chen B, Chen H, Chen H, Chen J, Chen J, Chen M, Chen S, Chen SJ, Chen X, Chen X, Chen Y, Cheng CL, Cheng HC, Cheong S, Cheplakov A, Cheremushkina E, Cherepanova E, El Moursli RC, Cheu E, Cheung K, Chevalier L, Chiarella V, Chiarelli G, Chiedde N, Chiodini G, Chisholm AS, Chitan A, Chitishvili M, Chizhov MV, Choi K, Chou Y, Chow EYS, Chu KL, Chu MC, Chu X, Chudoba J, Chwastowski JJ, Cieri D, Ciesla KM, Cindro V, Ciocio A, Cirotto F, Citron ZH, Citterio M, Ciubotaru DA, Clark A, Clark PJ, Clarry C, Columbie JMC, Clawson SE, Clement C, Clercx J, Coadou Y, Cobal M, Coccaro A, Barrue RFC, De Sa RCL, Coelli S, Cole B, Collot J, Muiño PC, Connell MP, Connell SH, Connelly IA, Conroy EI, Conventi F, Cooke HG, Cooper-Sarkar AM, Choi ACO, Corpe LD, Corradi M, Corriveau F, Cortes-Gonzalez A, Costa MJ, Costanza F, Costanzo D, Cote BM, Cowan G, Cranmer K, Cremonini D, Crépé-Renaudin S, Crescioli F, Cristinziani M, Cristoforetti M, Croft V, Crosby JE, Crosetti G, Cueto A, Donszelmann TC, Cui H, Cui Z, Cunningham WR, Curcio F, Czodrowski P, Czurylo MM, Da Cunha Sargedas De Sousa MJ, Pinto JVDF, Da Via C, Dabrowski W, Dado T, Dahbi S, Dai T, Dal Santo D, Dallapiccola C, Dam M, D’amen G, D’Amico V, Damp J, Dandoy JR, Danninger M, Dao V, Darbo G, Darmora S, Das SJ, D’Auria S, David C, Davidek T, Davis-Purcell B, Dawson I, Day-hall HA, De K, De Asmundis R, De Biase N, De Castro S, De Groot N, de Jong P, De la Torre H, De Maria A, De Salvo A, De Sanctis U, De Santis F, De Santo A, De Regie JBDV, Dedovich DV, Degens J, Deiana AM, Del Corso F, Del Peso J, Del Rio F, Delagrange L, Deliot F, Delitzsch CM, Della Pietra M, Della Volpe D, Dell’Acqua A, Dell’Asta L, Delmastro M, Delsart PA, Demers S, Demichev M, Denisov SP, D’Eramo L, Derendarz D, Derue F, Dervan P, Desch K, Deutsch C, Di Bello FA, Di Ciaccio A, Di Ciaccio L, Di Domenico A, Di Donato C, Di Girolamo A, Di Gregorio G, Di Luca A, Di Micco B, Di Nardo R, Diamantopoulou M, Dias FA, Do Vale TD, Diaz MA, Capriles FGD, Didenko M, Diehl EB, Diehl L, Cornell SD, Pardos CD, Dimitriadi C, Dimitrievska A, Dingfelder J, Dinu IM, Dittmeier SJ, Dittus F, Djama F, Djobava T, Doglioni C, Dohnalova A, Dolejsi J, Dolezal Z, Dona KM, Donadelli M, Dong B, Donini J, D’Onofrio A, D’Onofrio M, Dopke J, Doria A, Fernandes NDS, Dougan P, Dova MT, Doyle AT, Draguet MA, Dreyer E, Drivas-koulouris I, Drnevich M, Drozdova M, Du D, du Pree TA, Dubinin F, Dubovsky M, Duchovni E, Duckeck G, Ducu OA, Duda D, Dudarev A, Duden ER, D’uffizi M, Duflot L, Dührssen M, Dumitriu AE, Dunford M, Dungs S, Dunne K, Duperrin A, Yildiz HD, Düren M, Durglishvili A, Dwyer BL, Dyckes GI, Dyndal M, Dziedzic BS, Earnshaw ZO, Eberwein GH, Eckerova B, Eggebrecht S, De Souza EEP, Ehrke LF, Eigen G, Einsweiler K, Ekelof T, Ekman PA, El Farkh S, El Ghazali Y, El Jarrari H, El Moussaouy A, Ellajosyula V, Ellert M, Ellinghaus F, Ellis N, Elmsheuser J, Elsing M, Emeliyanov D, Enari Y, Ene I, Epari S, Erland PA, Errenst M, Escalier M, Escobar C, Etzion E, Evans G, Evans H, Evans LS, Evans MO, Ezhilov A, Ezzarqtouni S, Fabbri F, Fabbri L, Facini G, Fadeyev V, Fakhrutdinov RM, Fakoudis D, Falciano S, Falda Ulhoa Coelho LF, Falke PJ, Faltova J, Fan C, Fan Y, Fang Y, Fanti M, Faraj M, Farazpay Z, Farbin A, Farilla A, Farooque T, Farrington SM, Fassi F, Fassouliotis D, Giannelli MF, Fawcett WJ, Fayard L, Federic P, Federicova P, Fedin OL, Fedotov G, Feickert M, Feligioni L, Fellers DE, Feng C, Feng M, Feng Z, Fenton MJ, Ferencz L, Ferguson RAM, Luengo SIF, Martinez PF, Fernoux MJV, Ferrando J, Ferrari A, Ferrari P, Ferrari R, Ferrere D, Ferretti C, Fiedler F, Fiedler P, Filipčič A, Filmer EK, Filthaut F, Fiolhais MCN, Fiorini L, Fisher WC, Fitschen T, Fitzhugh PM, Fleck I, Fleischmann P, Flick T, Flores M, Castillo LRF, De Acedo LFS, Follega FM, Fomin N, Foo JH, Formica A, Forti AC, Fortin E, Fortman AW, Foti MG, Fountas L, Fournier D, Fox H, Francavilla P, Francescato S, Franchellucci S, Franchini M, Franchino S, Francis D, Franco L, Lima VF, Franconi L, Franklin M, Frattari G, Freegard AC, Freund WS, Frid YY, Friend J, Fritzsche N, Froch A, Froidevaux D, Frost JA, Fu Y, Garrido SF, Fujimoto M, Fung KY, De Simas Filho EF, Furukawa M, Fuster J, Gabrielli A, Gabrielli A, Gadow P, Gagliardi G, Gagnon LG, Gallas EJ, Gallop BJ, Gan KK, Ganguly S, Gao Y, Walls FMG, Garcia B, García C, Alonso AG, Caffaro AGG, Navarro JEG, Garcia-Sciveres M, Gardner GL, Gardner RW, Garelli N, Garg D, Garg RB, Gargan JM, Garner CA, Garvey CM, Gaspar P, Gassmann VK, Gaudio G, Gautam V, Gauzzi P, Gavrilenko IL, Gavrilyuk A, Gay C, Gaycken G, Gazis EN, Geanta AA, Gee CM, Gekow A, Gemme C, Genest MH, Gentile S, Gentry AD, George S, George WF, Geralis T, Gessinger-Befurt P, Geyik ME, Ghani M, Ghneimat M, Ghorbanian K, Ghosal A, Ghosh A, Ghosh A, Giacobbe B, Giagu S, Giani T, Giannetti P, Giannini A, Gibson SM, Gignac M, Gil DT, Gilbert AK, Gilbert BJ, Gillberg D, Gilles G, Ginabat L, Gingrich DM, Giordani MP, Giraud PF, Giugliarelli G, Giugni D, Giuli F, Gkialas I, Gladilin LK, Glasman C, Gledhill GR, Glemža G, Glisic M, Gnesi I, Go Y, Goblirsch-Kolb M, Gocke B, Godin D, Gokturk B, Goldfarb S, Golling T, Gololo MGD, Golubkov D, Gombas JP, Gomes A, Da Silva GG, Delegido AJG, Gonçalo R, Gonella L, Gongadze A, Gonnella F, Gonski JL, Andana RYG, de la Hoz SG, Lopez RG, Renteria CG, Rodrigues MVG, Suarez RG, Gonzalez-Sevilla S, Rodriguez GRG, Goossens L, Gorini B, Gorini E, Gorišek A, Gosart TC, Goshaw AT, Gostkin MI, Goswami S, Gottardo CA, Gotz SA, Gouighri M, Goumarre V, Goussiou AG, Govender N, Grabowska-Bold I, Graham K, Gramstad E, Grancagnolo S, Grant CM, Gravila PM, Gravili FG, Gray HM, Greco M, Grefe C, Gregor IM, Grenier P, Grewe SG, Grieco C, Grillo AA, Grimm K, Grinstein S, Grivaz JF, Gross E, Grosse-Knetter J, Grundy JC, Guan L, Guan W, Gubbels C, Rojas JGRG, Guerrieri G, Guescini F, Gugel R, Guhit JAM, Guida A, Guilloton E, Guindon S, Guo F, Guo J, Guo L, Guo Y, Gupta R, Gupta R, Gurbuz S, Gurdasani SS, Gustavino G, Guth M, Gutierrez P, Zagazeta LFG, Gutsche M, Gutschow C, Gwenlan C, Gwilliam CB, Haaland ES, Haas A, Habedank M, Haber C, Hadavand HK, Hadef A, Hadzic S, Hagan AI, Hahn JJ, Haines EH, Haleem M, Haley J, Hall JJ, Hallewell GD, Halser L, Hamano K, Hamer M, Hamity GN, Hampshire EJ, Han J, Han K, Han L, Han L, Han S, Han YF, Hanagaki K, Hance M, Hangal DA, Hanif H, Hank MD, Hansen JB, Hansen PH, Hara K, Harada D, Harenberg T, Harkusha S, Harris ML, Harris YT, Harrison J, Harrison NM, Harrison PF, Hartman NM, Hartmann NM, Hasegawa Y, Hauser R, Hawkes CM, Hawkings RJ, Hayashi Y, Hayashida S, Hayden D, Hayes C, Hayes RL, Hays CP, Hays JM, Hayward HS, He F, He M, He Y, He Y, He Y, Heatley NB, Hedberg V, Heggelund AL, Hehir ND, Heidegger C, Heidegger KK, Heidorn WD, Heilman J, Heim S, Heim T, Heinlein JG, Heinrich JJ, Heinrich L, Hejbal J, Held A, Hellesund S, Helling CM, Hellman S, Henderson RCW, Henkelmann L, Correia AMH, Herde H, Jiménez YH, Herrmann LM, Herrmann T, Herten G, Hertenberger R, Hervas L, Hesping ME, Hessey NP, Hill E, Hillier SJ, Hinds JR, Hinterkeuser F, Hirose M, Hirose S, Hirschbuehl D, Hitchings TG, Hiti B, Hobbs J, Hobincu R, Hod N, Hodgkinson MC, Hodkinson BH, Hoecker A, Hofer DD, Hofer J, Holm T, Holzbock M, Hommels LBAH, Honan BP, Hong J, Hong TM, Hooberman BH, Hopkins WH, Horii Y, Hou S, Howard AS, Howarth J, Hoya J, Hrabovsky M, Hrynevich A, Hryn’ova T, Hsu PJ, Hsu SC, Hu Q, Hu YF, Huang S, Huang X, Huang X, Huang Y, Huang Y, Huang Z, Hubacek Z, Huebner M, Huegging F, Huffman TB, Hugli CA, Huhtinen M, Huiberts SK, Hulsken R, Huseynov N, Huston J, Huth J, Hyneman R, Iacobucci G, Iakovidis G, Ibragimov I, Iconomidou-Fayard L, Iddon JP, Iengo P, Iguchi R, Iizawa T, Ikegami Y, Ilic N, Imam H, Lezki MI, Carlson TI, Introzzi G, Iodice M, Ippolito V, Irwin RK, Ishino M, Islam W, Issever C, Istin S, Ito H, Iuppa R, Ivina A, Izen JM, Izzo V, Jacka P, Jackson P, Jaeger BP, Jagfeld CS, Jain G, Jain P, Jakobs K, Jakoubek T, Jamieson J, Janas KW, Javurkova M, Jeanty L, Jejelava J, Jenni P, Jessiman CE, Jia C, Jia J, Jia X, Jia X, Jia Z, Jiggins S, Pena JJ, Jin S, Jinaru A, Jinnouchi O, Johansson P, Johns KA, Johnson JW, Jones DM, Jones E, Jones P, Jones RWL, Jones TJ, Joos HL, Joshi R, Jovicevic J, Ju X, Junggeburth JJ, Junkermann T, Rozas AJ, Juzek MK, Kabana S, Kaczmarska A, Kado M, Kagan H, Kagan M, Kahn A, Kahn A, Kahra C, Kaji T, Kajomovitz E, Kakati N, Kalaitzidou I, Kalderon CW, Kamenshchikov A, Kang NJ, Kar D, Karava K, Kareem MJ, Karentzos E, Karkanias I, Karkout O, Karpov SN, Karpova ZM, Kartvelishvili V, Karyukhin AN, Kasimi E, Katzy J, Kaur S, Kawade K, Kawale MP, Kawamoto C, Kawamoto T, Kay EF, Kaya FI, Kazakos S, Kazanin VF, Ke Y, Keaveney JM, Keeler R, Kehris GV, Keller JS, Kelly AS, Kempster JJ, Kennedy PD, Kepka O, Kerridge BP, Kersten S, Kerševan BP, Keshri S, Keszeghova L, Haghighat SK, Khan RA, Khanov A, Kharlamov AG, Kharlamova T, Khoda EE, Kholodenko M, Khoo TJ, Khoriauli G, Khubua J, Khwaira YAR, Kibirige B, Kilgallon A, Kim DW, Kim YK, Kimura N, Kingston MK, Kirchhoff A, Kirfel C, Kirfel F, Kirk J, Kiryunin AE, Kitsaki C, Kivernyk O, Klassen M, Klein C, Klein L, Klein MH, Klein SB, Klein U, Klimek P, Klimentov A, Klioutchnikova T, Kluit P, Kluth S, Kneringer E, Knight TM, Knue A, Kobayashi R, Kobylianskii D, Koch SF, Kocian M, Kodyš P, Koeck DM, Koenig PT, Koffas T, Kolay O, Koletsou I, Komarek T, Köneke K, Kong AXY, Kono T, Konstantinidis N, Kontaxakis P, Konya B, Kopeliansky R, Koperny S, Korcyl K, Kordas K, Korn A, Korn S, Korolkov I, Korotkova N, Kortman B, Kortner O, Kortner S, Kostecka WH, Kostyukhin VV, Kotsokechagia A, Kotwal A, Koulouris A, Kourkoumeli-Charalampidi A, Kourkoumelis C, Kourlitis E, Kovanda O, Kowalewski R, Kozanecki W, Kozhin AS, Kramarenko VA, Kramberger G, Kramer P, Krasny MW, Krasznahorkay A, Kraus JW, Kremer JA, Kresse T, Kretzschmar J, Kreul K, Krieger P, Krishnamurthy S, Krivos M, Krizka K, Kroeninger K, Kroha H, Kroll J, Kroll J, Krowpman KS, Kruchonak U, Krüger H, Krumnack N, Kruse MC, Kuchinskaia O, Kuday S, Kuehn S, Kuesters R, Kuhl T, Kukhtin V, Kulchitsky Y, Kuleshov S, Kumar M, Kumari N, Kumari P, Kupco A, Kupfer T, Kupich A, Kuprash O, Kurashige H, Kurchaninov LL, Kurdysh O, Kurochkin YA, Kurova A, Kuze M, Kvam AK, Kvita J, Kwan T, Kyriacou NG, Laatu LAO, Lacasta C, Lacava F, Lacker H, Lacour D, Lad NN, Ladygin E, Laforge B, Lagouri T, Lahbabi FZ, Lai S, Lakomiec IK, Lalloue N, Lambert JE, Lammers S, Lampl W, Lampoudis C, Lancaster AN, Lançon E, Landgraf U, Landon MPJ, Lang VS, Langenberg RJ, Langrekken OKB, Lankford AJ, Lanni F, Lantzsch K, Lanza A, Lapertosa A, Laporte JF, Lari T, Manghi FL, Lassnig M, Latonova V, Laudrain A, Laurier A, Lawlor SD, Lawrence Z, Lazaridou R, Lazzaroni M, Le B, Le Boulicaut EM, Leban B, Lebedev A, LeBlanc M, Ledroit-Guillon F, Lee ACA, Lee SC, Lee S, Lee TF, Leeuw LL, Lefebvre HP, Lefebvre M, Leggett C, Miotto GL, Leigh M, Leight WA, Leinonen W, Leisos A, Leite MAL, Leitgeb CE, Leitner R, Leney KJC, Lenz T, Leone S, Leonidopoulos C, Leopold A, Leroy C, Les R, Lester CG, Levchenko M, Levêque J, Levinson LJ, Levrini G, Lewicki MP, Lewis DJ, Li A, Li B, Li C, Li CQ, Li H, Li H, Li H, Li H, Li H, Li J, Li K, Li L, Li M, Li QY, Li S, Li S, Li T, Li X, Li Z, Li Z, Li Z, Liang S, Liang Z, Liberatore M, Liberti B, Lie K, Marin JL, Lien H, Lin K, Lindley RE, Lindon JH, Lipeles E, Lipniacka A, Lister A, Little JD, Liu B, Liu BX, Liu D, Liu JB, Liu JKK, Liu K, Liu M, Liu MY, Liu P, Liu Q, Liu X, Liu X, Liu Y, Liu YL, Liu YW, Merino JL, Lloyd SL, Lobodzinska EM, Loch P, Lohse T, Lohwasser K, Loiacono E, Lokajicek M, Lomas JD, Long JD, Longarini I, Longo L, Longo R, Paz IL, Solis AL, Martinez NL, Lory AM, Centeno GL, Loseva O, Lou X, Lou X, Lounis A, Love J, Love PA, Lu G, Lu M, Lu S, Lu YJ, Lubatti HJ, Luci C, Alves FLL, Luehring F, Luise I, Lukianchuk O, Lundberg O, Lund-Jensen B, Luongo NA, Lutz MS, Lux AB, Lynn D, Lysak R, Lytken E, Lyubushkin V, Lyubushkina T, Lyukova MM, Ma H, Ma K, Ma LL, Ma W, Ma Y, Mac Donell DM, Maccarrone G, MacDonald JC, De Abreu Farias PCM, Madar R, Mader WF, Madula T, Maeda J, Maeno T, Maguire H, Maiboroda V, Maio A, Maj K, Majersky O, Majewski S, Makovec N, Maksimovic V, Malaescu B, Malecki P, Maleev VP, Malek F, Mali M, Malito D, Mallik U, Maltezos S, Malyukov S, Mamuzic J, Mancini G, Mancini MN, Manco G, Mandalia JP, Mandić I, de Andrade Filho LM, Maniatis IM, Ramos JM, Mankad DC, Mann A, Manzoni S, Mao L, Mapekula X, Marantis A, Marchiori G, Marcisovsky M, Marcon C, Marinescu M, Marium S, Marjanovic M, Marshall EJ, Marshall Z, Marti-Garcia S, Martin TA, Martin VJ, dit Latour BM, Martinelli L, Martinez M, Agullo PM, Outschoorn VIM, Suarez PM, Martin-Haugh S, Martoiu VS, Martyniuk AC, Marzin A, Mascione D, Masetti L, Mashimo T, Masik J, Maslennikov AL, Massarotti P, Mastrandrea P, Mastroberardino A, Masubuchi T, Mathisen T, Matousek J, Matsuzawa N, Maurer J, Maček B, Maximov DA, Mazini R, Maznas I, Mazza M, Mazza SM, Mazzeo E, Mc Ginn C, Mc Gowan JP, Mc Kee SP, McCracken CC, McDonald EF, McDougall AE, Mcfayden JA, McGovern RP, Mchedlidze G, Mckenzie RP, Mclachlan TC, Mclaughlin DJ, McMahon SJ, Mcpartland CM, McPherson RA, Mehlhase S, Mehta A, Melini D, Garcia BRM, Melo AH, Meloni F, Da Costa AMMJ, Meng HY, Meng L, Menke S, Mentink M, Meoni E, Mercado G, Merlassino C, Merola L, Meroni C, Metcalfe J, Mete AS, Meyer C, Meyer JP, Middleton RP, Mijović L, Mikenberg G, Mikestikova M, Mikuž M, Mildner H, Milic A, Miller DW, Miller EH, Miller LS, Milov A, Milstead DA, Min T, Minaenko AA, Minashvili IA, Mince L, Mincer AI, Mindur B, Mineev M, Mino Y, Mir LM, Lopez MM, Mironova M, Mishima A, Missio MC, Mitra A, Mitsou VA, Mitsumori Y, Miu O, Miyagawa PS, Mkrtchyan T, Mlinarevic M, Mlinarevic T, Mlynarikova M, Mobius S, Mogg P, Farook MHM, Mohammed AF, Mohapatra S, Mokgatitswane G, Moleri L, Mondal B, Mondal S, Mönig K, Monnier E, Romero LM, Berlingen JM, Montella M, Montereali F, Monticelli F, Monzani S, Morange N, De Carvalho ALM, Llácer MM, Martinez CM, Morettini P, Morgenstern S, Morii M, Morinaga M, Morodei F, Morvaj L, Moschovakos P, Moser B, Mosidze M, Moskalets T, Moskvitina P, Moss J, Moyse EJW, Mtintsilana O, Muanza S, Mueller J, Muenstermann D, Müller R, Mullier GA, Mullin AJ, Mullin JJ, Mungo DP, Muñoz de Nova JR, Perez DM, Sanchez FJM, Murin M, Murray WJ, Muškinja M, Mwewa C, Myagkov AG, Myers AJ, Myers G, Myska M, Nachman BP, Nackenhorst O, Nagai K, Nagano K, Nagle JL, Nagy E, Nairz AM, Nakahama Y, Nakamura K, Nakkalil K, Nanjo H, Narayan R, Narayanan EA, Naryshkin I, Naseri M, Nasri S, Nass C, Navarro G, Navarro-Gonzalez J, Nayak R, Nayaz A, Nechaeva PY, Nechansky F, Nedic L, Neep TJ, Negri A, Negrini M, Nellist C, Nelson C, Nelson K, Nemecek S, Nessi M, Neubauer MS, Neuhaus F, Neundorf J, Newhouse R, Newman PR, Ng CW, Ng YWY, Ngair B, Nguyen HDN, Nickerson RB, Nicolaidou R, Nielsen J, Niemeyer M, Niermann J, Nikiforou N, Nikolaenko V, Nikolic-Audit I, Nikolopoulos K, Nilsson P, Ninca I, Nindhito HR, Ninio G, Nisati A, Nishu N, Nisius R, Nitschke JE, Nkadimeng EK, Nobe T, Noel DL, Nommensen T, Norfolk MB, Norisam RRB, Norman BJ, Noury M, Novak J, Novak T, Novotny L, Novotny R, Nozka L, Ntekas K, De Moura Junior NMJN, Nurse E, Ocariz J, Ochi A, Ochoa I, Oerdek S, Offermann JT, Ogrodnik A, Oh A, Ohm CC, Oide H, Oishi R, Ojeda ML, Okumura Y, Seabra LFO, Pino SAO, Damazio DO, Goncalves DO, Oliver JL, Öncel ÖO, O’Neill AP, Onofre A, Onyisi PUE, Oreglia MJ, Orellana GE, Orestano D, Orlando N, Orr RS, O’Shea V, Osojnak LM, Ospanov R, Garzon GOY, Otono H, Ott PS, Ottino GJ, Ouchrif M, Ould-Saada F, Owen M, Owen RE, Oyulmaz KY, Ozcan VE, Ozturk F, Ozturk N, Ozturk S, Pacey HA, Pages AP, Aranda CP, Padovano G, Griso SP, Palacino G, Palazzo A, Pan J, Pan T, Panchal DK, Pandini CE, Vazquez JGP, Pandya HD, Pang H, Pani P, Panizzo G, Paolozzi L, Parajuli S, Paramonov A, Paraskevopoulos C, Hernandez DP, Park KR, Park TH, Parker MA, Parodi F, Parrish EW, Parrish VA, Parsons JA, Parzefall U, Dias BP, Dominguez LP, Pasqualucci E, Passaggio S, Pastore F, Patel P, Patel UM, Pater JR, Pauly T, Pearkes J, Pedersen M, Pedro R, Peleganchuk SV, Penc O, Pender EA, Penn GD, Penski KE, Penzin M, Peralva BS, Peixoto APP, Sanchez LP, Perepelitsa DV, Codina EP, Perganti M, Pernegger H, Perrin O, Peters K, Peters RFY, Petersen BA, Petersen TC, Petit E, Petousis V, Petridou C, Petrukhin A, Pettee M, Pettersson NE, Petukhov A, Petukhova K, Pezoa R, Pezzotti L, Pezzullo G, Pham TM, Pham T, Phillips PW, Piacquadio G, Pianori E, Piazza F, Piegaia R, Pietreanu D, Pilkington AD, Pinamonti M, Pinfold JL, Pereira BCP, Pinoargote AEP, Pintucci L, Piper KM, Pirttikoski A, Pizzi DA, Pizzimento L, Pizzini A, Pleier MA, Plesanovs V, Pleskot V, Plotnikova E, Poddar G, Poettgen R, Poggioli L, Pokharel I, Polacek S, Polesello G, Poley A, Polini A, Pollard CS, Pollock ZB, Pacchi EP, Ponomarenko D, Pontecorvo L, Popa S, Popeneciu GA, Poreba A, Portillo Quintero DM, Pospisil S, Postill MA, Postolache P, Potamianos K, Potepa PA, Potrap IN, Potter CJ, Potti H, Poulsen T, Poveda J, Astigarraga MEP, Ibanez AP, Pretel J, Price D, Primavera M, Martin MAP, Privara R, Procter T, Proffitt ML, Proklova N, Prokofiev K, Proto G, Proudfoot J, Przybycien M, Przygoda WW, Psallidas A, Puddefoot JE, Pudzha D, Pyatiizbyantseva D, Qian J, Qichen D, Qin Y, Qiu T, Quadt A, Queitsch-Maitland M, Quetant G, Quinn RP, Bolanos GR, Rafanoharana D, Ragusa F, Rainbolt JL, Raine JA, Rajagopalan S, Ramakoti E, Ramirez-Berend IA, Ran K, Rapheeha NP, Rasheed H, Raskina V, Rassloff DF, Rastogi A, Rave S, Ravina B, Ravinovich I, Raymond M, Read AL, Readioff NP, Rebuzzi DM, Redlinger G, Reed AS, Reeves K, Reidelsturz JA, Reikher D, Rej A, Rembser C, Renda M, Rendel MB, Renner F, Rennie AG, Rescia AL, Resconi S, Ressegotti M, Rettie S, Rivera JGR, Reynolds E, Rezanova OL, Reznicek P, Ribaric N, Ricci E, Richter R, Richter S, Richter-Was E, Ridel M, Ridouani S, Rieck P, Riedler P, Riefel EM, Rieger JO, Rijssenbeek M, Rimoldi A, Rimoldi M, Rinaldi L, Rinn TT, Rinnagel MP, Ripellino G, Riu I, Rivadeneira P, Vergara JCR, Rizatdinova F, Rizvi E, Roberts BA, Roberts BR, Robertson SH, Robinson D, Gajardo CMR, Manzano MR, Robson A, Rocchi A, Roda C, Bosca SR, Garcia YR, Rodriguez AR, Vera AMR, Roe S, Roemer JT, Roepe-Gier AR, Roggel J, Røhne O, Rojas RA, Roland CPA, Roloff J, Romaniouk A, Romano E, Romano M, Hernandez ACR, Rompotis N, Roos L, Rosati S, Rosser BJ, Rossi E, Rossi E, Rossi LP, Rossini L, Rosten R, Rotaru M, Rottler B, Rougier C, Rousseau D, Rousso D, Roy A, Roy-Garand S, Rozanov A, Rozario ZMA, Rozen Y, Jimenez AR, Ruby AJ, Rivera VHR, Ruggeri TA, Ruggiero A, Ruiz-Martinez A, Rummler A, Rurikova Z, Rusakovich NA, Russell HL, Russo G, Rutherfoord JP, Colmenares SR, Rybacki K, Rybar M, Rye EB, Ryzhov A, Iglesias JAS, Sabatini P, Sadrozinski HFW, Tehrani FS, Samani BS, Safdari M, Saha S, Sahinsoy M, Saibel A, Saimpert M, Saito M, Saito T, Salamani D, Salnikov A, Salt J, Salas AS, Salvatore D, Salvatore F, Salzburger A, Sammel D, Sampsonidis D, Sampsonidou D, Sánchez J, Sebastian VS, Sandaker H, Sander CO, Sandesara JA, Sandhoff M, Sandoval C, Sankey DPC, Sano T, Sansoni A, Santi L, Santoni C, Santos H, Santra A, Saoucha KA, Saraiva JG, Sardain J, Sasaki O, Sato K, Sauer C, Sauerburger F, Sauvan E, Savard P, Sawada R, Sawyer C, Sawyer L, Galvan IS, Sbarra C, Sbrizzi A, Scanlon T, Schaarschmidt J, Schäfer U, Schaffer AC, Schaile D, Schamberger RD, Scharf C, Schefer MM, Schegelsky VA, Scheirich D, Schenck F, Schernau M, Scheulen C, Schiavi C, Schioppa EJ, Schioppa M, Schlag B, Schleicher KE, Schlenker S, Schmeing J, Schmidt MA, Schmieden K, Schmitt C, Schmitt N, Schmitt S, Schoeffel L, Schoening A, Scholer PG, Schopf E, Schott M, Schovancova J, Schramm S, Schroer T, Schultz-Coulon HC, Schumacher M, Schumm BA, Schune P, Schuy AJ, Schwartz HR, Schwartzman A, Schwarz TA, Schwemling P, Schwienhorst R, Sciandra A, Sciolla G, Scuri F, Sebastiani CD, Sedlaczek K, Seema P, Seidel SC, Seiden A, Seidlitz BD, Seitz C, Seixas JM, Sekhniaidze G, Selem L, Semprini-Cesari N, Sengupta D, Senthilkumar V, Serin L, Serkin L, Sessa M, Severini H, Sforza F, Sfyrla A, Shabalina E, Shaheen R, Shahinian JD, Renous DS, Shan LY, Shapiro M, Sharma A, Sharma AS, Sharma P, Shatalov PB, Shaw K, Shaw SM, Shcherbakova A, Shen Q, Sheppard DJ, Sherwood P, Shi L, Shi X, Shimmin CO, Shinner JD, Shipsey IPJ, Shirabe S, Shiyakova M, Shlomi J, Shochet MJ, Shojaii J, Shope DR, Shrestha B, Shrestha S, Shrif EM, Shroff MJ, Sicho P, Sickles AM, Haddad ES, Sidoti A, Siegert F, Sijacki D, Sili F, Silva JM, Oliveira MVS, Silverstein SB, Simion S, Simoniello R, Simpson EL, Simpson H, Simpson LR, Simpson ND, Simsek S, Sindhu S, Sinervo P, Singh S, Sinha S, Sinha S, Sioli M, Siral I, Sitnikova E, Sivoklokov SY, Sjölin J, Skaf A, Skorda E, Skubic P, Slawinska M, Smakhtin V, Smart BH, Smirnov SY, Smirnov Y, Smirnova LN, Smirnova O, Smith AC, Smith EA, Smith HA, Smith JL, Smith R, Smizanska M, Smolek K, Snesarev AA, Snider SR, Snoek HL, Snyder S, Sobie R, Soffer A, Sanchez CAS, Soldatov EY, Soldevila U, Solodkov AA, Solomon S, Soloshenko A, Solovieva K, Solovyanov OV, Solovyev V, Sommer P, Sonay A, Song WY, Sopczak A, Sopio AL, Sopkova F, Sorenson JD, Alvarez IRS, Sothilingam V, Sandoval OJS, Sottocornola S, Soualah R, Soumaimi Z, South D, Soybelman N, Spagnolo S, Spalla M, Sperlich D, Spigo G, Spinali S, Spiteri DP, Spousta M, Staats EJ, Stamen R, Stampekis A, Standke M, Stanecka E, Stange MV, Stanislaus B, Stanitzki MM, Stapf B, Starchenko EA, Stark GH, Stark J, Staroba P, Starovoitov P, Stärz S, Staszewski R, Stavropoulos G, Steentoft J, Steinberg P, Stelzer B, Stelzer HJ, Stelzer-Chilton O, Stenzel H, Stevenson TJ, Stewart GA, Stewart JR, Stockton MC, Stoicea G, Stolarski M, Stonjek S, Straessner A, Strandberg J, Strandberg S, Stratmann M, Strauss M, Strebler T, Strizenec P, Ströhmer R, Strom DM, Stroynowski R, Strubig A, Stucci SA, Stugu B, Stupak J, Styles NA, Su D, Su S, Su W, Su X, Sugizaki K, Sulin VV, Sullivan MJ, Sultan DMS, Sultanaliyeva L, Sultansoy S, Sumida T, Sun S, Sun S, Gudnadottir OS, Sur N, Sutton MR, Suzuki H, Svatos M, Swiatlowski M, Swirski T, Sykora I, Sykora M, Sykora T, Ta D, Tackmann K, Taffard A, Tafirout R, Vargas JST, Takubo Y, Talby M, Talyshev AA, Tam KC, Tamir NM, Tanaka A, Tanaka J, Tanaka R, Tanasini M, Tao Z, Araya ST, Tapprogge S, Mohamed ATA, Tarem S, Tariq K, Tarna G, Tartarelli GF, Tas P, Tasevsky M, Tassi E, Tate AC, Tateno G, Tayalati Y, Taylor GN, Taylor W, Tee AS, De Lima RT, Teixeira-Dias P, Teoh JJ, Terashi K, Terron J, Terzo S, Testa M, Teuscher RJ, Thaler A, Theiner O, Themistokleous N, Theveneaux-Pelzer T, Thielmann O, Thomas DW, Thomas JP, Thompson EA, Thompson PD, Thomson E, Tian Y, Tikhomirov V, Tikhonov YA, Timoshenko S, Timoshyn D, Ting EXL, Tipton P, Tlou SH, Tnourji A, Todome K, Todorova-Nova S, Todt S, Togawa M, Tojo J, Tokár S, Tokushuku K, Toldaiev O, Tombs R, Tomoto M, Tompkins L, Topolnicki KW, Torrence E, Torres H, Pastor ET, Toscani M, Tosciri C, Tost M, Tovey DR, Traeet A, Trandafir IS, Trefzger T, Tricoli A, Trigger IM, Trincaz-Duvoid S, Trischuk DA, Trocmé B, Troncon C, Truong L, Trzebinski M, Trzupek A, Tsai F, Tsai M, Tsiamis A, Tsiareshka PV, Tsigaridas S, Tsirigotis A, Tsiskaridze V, Tskhadadze EG, Tsopoulou M, Tsujikawa Y, Tsukerman II, Tsulaia V, Tsuno S, Tsuri K, Tsybychev D, Tu Y, Tudorache A, Tudorache V, Tuna AN, Turchikhin S, Cakir IT, Turra R, Turtuvshin T, Tuts PM, Tzamarias S, Tzanis P, Tzovara E, Ukegawa F, Poblete PAU, Umaka EN, Unal G, Unal M, Undrus A, Unel G, Urban J, Urquijo P, Urrejola P, Usai G, Ushioda R, Usman M, Uysal Z, Vacek V, Vachon B, Vadla KOH, Vafeiadis T, Vaitkus A, Valderanis C, Santurio EV, Valente M, Valentinetti S, Valero A, Moreno EV, Vallier A, Ferrer JAV, Van Arneman DR, Van Daalen TR, Van Der Graaf A, Van Gemmeren P, Van Rijnbach M, Van Stroud S, Van Vulpen I, Vanadia M, Vandelli W, Vandewall ER, Vannicola D, Vannoli L, Vari R, Varnes EW, Varni C, Varol T, Varouchas D, Varriale L, Varvell KE, Vasile ME, Vaslin L, Vasquez GA, Vasyukov A, Vazeille F, Schroeder TV, Veatch J, Vecchio V, Veen MJ, Veliscek I, Veloce LM, Veloso F, Veneziano S, Ventura A, Gonzalez SV, Verbytskyi A, Verducci M, Vergis C, De Araujo MV, Verkerke W, Vermeulen JC, Vernieri C, Vessella M, Vetterli MC, Vgenopoulos A, Maira NV, Vickey T, Boeriu OEV, Viehhauser GHA, Vigani L, Villa M, Perez MV, Villhauer EM, Vilucchi E, Vincter MG, Virdee GS, Vishwakarma A, Visibile A, Vittori C, Vivarelli I, Voevodina E, Vogel F, Voigt JC, Vokac P, Volkotrub Y, Von Ahnen J, Von Toerne E, Vormwald B, Vorobel V, Vorobev K, Vos M, Voss K, Vozak M, Vozdecky L, Vranjes N, Milosavljevic MV, Vreeswijk M, Vu NK, Vuillermet R, Vujinovic O, Vukotic I, Wada S, Wagner C, Wagner JM, Wagner W, Wahdan S, Wahlberg H, Wakida M, Walder J, Walker R, Walkowiak W, Wall A, Wamorkar T, Wang AZ, Wang C, Wang C, Wang H, Wang J, Wang RJ, Wang R, Wang R, Wang SM, Wang S, Wang T, Wang WT, Wang W, Wang X, Wang X, Wang X, Wang Y, Wang Y, Wang Z, Wang Z, Wang Z, Warburton A, Ward RJ, Warrack N, Waterhouse S, Watson AT, Watson H, Watson MF, Watton E, Watts G, Waugh BM, Weber C, Weber HA, Weber MS, Weber SM, Wei C, Wei Y, Weidberg AR, Weik EJ, Weingarten J, Weirich M, Weiser C, Wells CJ, Wenaus T, Wendland B, Wengler T, Wenke NS, Wermes N, Wessels M, Wharton AM, White AS, White A, White MJ, Whiteson D, Wickremasinghe L, Wiedenmann W, Wielers M, Wiglesworth C, Wilbern DJ, Wilkens HG, Williams DM, Williams HH, Williams S, Willocq S, Wilson BJ, Windischhofer PJ, Winkel FI, Winklmeier F, Winter BT, Winter JK, Wittgen M, Wobisch M, Wolffs Z, Wollrath J, Wolter MW, Wolters H, Woodward EL, Worm SD, Wosiek BK, Woźniak KW, Wozniewski S, Wraight K, Wu C, Wu J, Wu M, Wu M, Wu SL, Wu X, Wu Y, Wu Z, Wuerzinger J, Wyatt TR, Wynne BM, Xella S, Xia L, Xia M, Xiang J, Xie M, Xie X, Xin S, Xiong A, Xiong J, Xu D, Xu H, Xu L, Xu R, Xu T, Xu Y, Xu Z, Xu Z, Yabsley B, Yacoob S, Yamaguchi Y, Yamashita E, Yamauchi H, Yamazaki T, Yamazaki Y, Yan J, Yan S, Yan Z, Yang HJ, Yang HT, Yang S, Yang T, Yang X, Yang X, Yang Y, Yang Y, Yang Z, Yao WM, Ye H, Ye H, Ye J, Ye S, Ye X, Yeh Y, Yeletskikh I, Yeo B, Yexley MR, Yin P, Yorita K, Younas S, Young CJS, Young C, Yu C, Yu Y, Yuan M, Yuan R, Yue L, Zaazoua M, Zabinski B, Zaid E, Zak ZK, Zakareishvili T, Zakharchuk N, Zambito S, Saa JAZ, Zang J, Zanzi D, Zaplatilek O, Zeitnitz C, Zeng H, Zeng JC, Zenger DT, Zenin O, Ženiš T, Zenz S, Zerradi S, Zerwas D, Zhai M, Zhang DF, Zhang J, Zhang J, Zhang K, Zhang L, Zhang P, Zhang R, Zhang S, Zhang S, Zhang T, Zhang X, Zhang X, Zhang Y, Zhang Y, Zhang Y, Zhang Z, Zhang Z, Zhao H, Zhao T, Zhao Y, Zhao Z, Zhemchugov A, Zheng J, Zheng K, Zheng X, Zheng Z, Zhong D, Zhou B, Zhou H, Zhou N, Zhou Y, Zhou Y, Zhu CG, Zhu J, Zhu Y, Zhu Y, Zhuang X, Zhukov K, Zimine NI, Zinsser J, Ziolkowski M, Živković L, Zoccoli A, Zoch K, Zorbas TG, Zormpa O, Zou W, Zwalinski L. Observation of quantum entanglement with top quarks at the ATLAS detector. Nature 2024; 633:542-547. [PMID: 39294352 PMCID: PMC11410654 DOI: 10.1038/s41586-024-07824-z] [Citation(s) in RCA: 1] [Impact Index Per Article: 1.0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [MESH Headings] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 11/14/2023] [Accepted: 07/12/2024] [Indexed: 09/20/2024]
Entanglement is a key feature of quantum mechanics1-3, with applications in fields such as metrology, cryptography, quantum information and quantum computation4-8. It has been observed in a wide variety of systems and length scales, ranging from the microscopic9-13 to the macroscopic14-16. However, entanglement remains largely unexplored at the highest accessible energy scales. Here we report the highest-energy observation of entanglement, in top-antitop quark events produced at the Large Hadron Collider, using a proton-proton collision dataset with a centre-of-mass energy of √s = 13 TeV and an integrated luminosity of 140 inverse femtobarns (fb)-1 recorded with the ATLAS experiment. Spin entanglement is detected from the measurement of a single observable D, inferred from the angle between the charged leptons in their parent top- and antitop-quark rest frames. The observable is measured in a narrow interval around the top-antitop quark production threshold, at which the entanglement detection is expected to be significant. It is reported in a fiducial phase space defined with stable particles to minimize the uncertainties that stem from the limitations of the Monte Carlo event generators and the parton shower model in modelling top-quark pair production. The entanglement marker is measured to be D = -0.537 ± 0.002 (stat.) ± 0.019 (syst.) for 340 GeV < m t t ¯ < 380 GeV . The observed result is more than five standard deviations from a scenario without entanglement and hence constitutes the first observation of entanglement in a pair of quarks and the highest-energy observation of entanglement so far.
Ouyang Y, Li X, Zheng M. Abstracts of the 34th World Congress on Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, 15-18 September 2024, Budapest, Hungary. ULTRASOUND IN OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY : THE OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF ULTRASOUND IN OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY 2024; 64 Suppl 1:87. [PMID: 39249296 DOI: 10.1002/uog.27961] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Track Full Text] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 09/10/2024]
Xia H, Li J, Yang X, Zeng Y, Shi L, Li X, Qiu S, Yang S, Zhao M, Chen J, Yang L. Impacts of pharmacist-led multi-faceted antimicrobial stewardship on antibiotic use and clinical outcomes in urology department of a tertiary hospital in Guangzhou, China: an interrupted time-series study. J Hosp Infect 2024; 151:148-160. [PMID: 38795904 DOI: 10.1016/j.jhin.2024.05.003] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Key Words] [MESH Headings] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 01/17/2024] [Revised: 04/15/2024] [Accepted: 05/01/2024] [Indexed: 05/28/2024]
BACKGROUND Research on the effectiveness of pharmacist-led antimicrobial stewardship programmes (ASPs) in the urology department is limited. AIM To evaluate the impact of pharmacist-led multi-faceted ASPs on antibiotic use and clinical outcomes. METHODS A prescription review of inpatients receiving one or more antibiotics in the urology department of a large teaching hospital in Guangzhou, China, was conducted from April 2019 to March 2023. The pharmacist-led multi-faceted ASP intervention included guideline development, training, medication consultation, review of medical orders, indicator monitoring, and consultation. The primary outcome was antibiotic consumption. The data were analysed using interrupted time-series (ITS) analysis. FINDINGS Following the implementation of ASPs, an immediate decrease was observed in total antibiotic consumption, antibiotic use rate, second-generation cephalosporins, third-generation cephalosporins, fluoroquinolones, and WHO Watch category antibiotics. No differences were observed in mortality rate before and after the intervention, and no significant short- or long-term effects were found on length of hospital stay (LOS) using ITS. However, there was a significant short-term effect on average antibiotic cost. CONCLUSION The implementation of pharmacist-led multi-faceted ASPs had positive impacts on reducing antimicrobial consumption without increasing LOS, antibiotic cost, or mortality rate.
Zheng M, Wen Y, Li X, Ouyang Y. Abstracts of the 34th World Congress on Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, 15-18 September 2024, Budapest, Hungary. ULTRASOUND IN OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY : THE OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF ULTRASOUND IN OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY 2024; 64 Suppl 1:232-233. [PMID: 39248857 DOI: 10.1002/uog.28532] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Track Full Text] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 09/10/2024]
Li X, Sun L. Abstracts of the 34th World Congress on Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, 15-18 September 2024, Budapest, Hungary. ULTRASOUND IN OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY : THE OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF ULTRASOUND IN OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY 2024; 64 Suppl 1:128-129. [PMID: 39249771 DOI: 10.1002/uog.28089] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Track Full Text] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 09/10/2024]
Zhou Q, Zhao X, Chen J, Yang A, Zhao X, Li X. Abstracts of the 34th World Congress on Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, 15-18 September 2024, Budapest, Hungary. ULTRASOUND IN OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY : THE OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF ULTRASOUND IN OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY 2024; 64 Suppl 1:59-60. [PMID: 39249264 DOI: 10.1002/uog.27876] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Track Full Text] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 09/10/2024]
Li X, Zhang B, Yang H, Zhang L, Lou H, Zheng S. The emergence of natural products as potential therapeutics for male infertility. Andrology 2024; 12:1191-1208. [PMID: 38191265 DOI: 10.1111/andr.13588] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Key Words] [MESH Headings] [Grants] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 08/30/2023] [Revised: 12/04/2023] [Accepted: 12/22/2023] [Indexed: 01/10/2024]
Infertility is a major reproductive health problem. Approximately 50% of all documented cases of infertility are attributable to male factors, such as poor testicular function and semen quality. The recent significant global decline in sperm counts has serious implications for male fertility, but the armamentarium for improving testicular function and semen quality is limited. Natural products have a wide range of activities and are a major source of drugs for disease prevention and treatment. To provide ideas and a theoretical basis for the research and development of therapeutic drugs for male infertility, this review summarizes natural products (mostly monomers) that have been shown to improve testicular function and semen quality and their possible mechanisms of action. These natural products primarily improve testicular function and semen quality via antioxidant, antiapoptotic, and anti-inflammatory effects, in addition to increasing serum testosterone and reducing DNA damage in spermatozoa and testicular cells. Prospects for the application of natural products in the treatment of male infertility are discussed.
Tang Y, Tian S, Chen H, Li X, Pu X, Zhang X, Zheng Y, Li Y, Huang H, Bai C. Transbronchial lung cryobiopsy for peripheral pulmonary lesions. A narrative review. Pulmonology 2024; 30:475-484. [PMID: 37914556 DOI: 10.1016/j.pulmoe.2023.08.010] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Key Words] [MESH Headings] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 08/07/2023] [Revised: 08/24/2023] [Accepted: 08/30/2023] [Indexed: 11/03/2023] Open
An increasing number of peripheral pulmonary lesions (PPLs) requiring tissue verification to establish a definite diagnosis for further individualized management are detected due to the growing adoption of lung cancer screening by chest computed tomography (CT), especially low-dose CT. However, the morphological diagnosis of PPLs remains challenging. Transbronchial lung cryobiopsy (TBLC) that can retrieve larger specimens with more preserved cellular architecture and fewer crush artifacts in comparison with conventional transbronchial forceps biopsy (TBFB), as an emerging technology for diagnosing PPLs, has been demonstrated to have the potential to resolve the clinical dilemma pertaining to currently available sampling devices (e.g., forceps, needle and brush) and become a diagnostic cornerstone for PPLs. Of note, with the introduction of the 1.1 mm cryoprobe that will be more compatible with advanced bronchoscopic navigation techniques, such as radial endobronchial ultrasound (r-EBUS), virtual bronchoscopic navigation (VBN) and electromagnetic navigation bronchoscopy (ENB), the use of TBLC is expected to gain more popularity in the diagnosis of PPLs. While much remains for exploration using the TBLC technique for diagnosing PPLs, it can be envisaged that the emergence of additional studies with larger data accrual will hopefully add to the body of evidence in this field.
Wang L, Zhao L, Zhao W, Shi M, Li X, Liang Z. Maximal diameters and mean computed tomography (CT) value of synchronous multiple pure ground-glass opacities in lung adenocarcinoma are smaller. Clin Radiol 2024; 79:e1101-e1107. [PMID: 38890050 DOI: 10.1016/j.crad.2024.05.006] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [MESH Headings] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 08/30/2023] [Revised: 04/03/2024] [Accepted: 05/07/2024] [Indexed: 06/20/2024]
AIMS Synchronous multiple pure ground-glass opacities (SMpGGOs) are observed more commonly. Nevertheless whether characteristics of SMpGGOs are similar to those of solitary pure ground-glass opacities (SpGGOs), remains unknown. This retrospective study aimed to compare radiographic characteristics between SMpGGOs and SpGGOs. MATERIALS AND METHODS We retrospectively included patients along with SpGGOs or SMpGGOs at XXX between August 2018 and June 2020. They were enrolled in two groups (SpGGOs and SMpGGOs). The clinical records, pathologic features, and radiographic manifestations of two groups were collected and compared with SPSS 21.0. RESULTS 138 patients (58 patients with 58 SpGGOs, 80 patients with 187 SMpGGOs) were evaluated. The threshold values of maximal diameters and mean computed tomography value for adenocarcinoma were 5.5 mm (sensitivity 86.4%, specificity 55.6%, AUC 0.777) and -615.0 Hu in SMpGGOs (sensitivity 61.4%, specificity 66.7%, AUC 0.651) for SMpGGOs, whereas 12.5 mm (sensitivity 54.5%, specificity 100%, AUC 0.851) and -531.9 Hu (sensitivity 43.2%, specificity 100%, AUC 0.724) in SpGGOs. CONCLUSION The threshold values of maximal diameters and mean computed tomography value for adenocarcinoma in SMpGGOs may be smaller than those in SpGGOs (5.5 mm vs. 12.5mm, -615.0 Hu vs. -531.9 Hu).
Li X. Abstracts of the 34th World Congress on Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, 15-18 September 2024, Budapest, Hungary. ULTRASOUND IN OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY : THE OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF ULTRASOUND IN OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY 2024; 64 Suppl 1:205. [PMID: 39249756 DOI: 10.1002/uog.28417] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Track Full Text] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 09/10/2024]
Acharya S, Adamová D, Aglieri Rinella G, Aglietta L, Agnello M, Agrawal N, Ahammed Z, Ahmad S, Ahn SU, Ahuja I, Akindinov A, Al-Turany M, Aleksandrov D, Alessandro B, Alfanda HM, Alfaro Molina R, Ali B, Alici A, Alizadehvandchali N, Alkin A, Alme J, Alocco G, Alt T, Altamura AR, Altsybeev I, Alvarado JR, Anaam MN, Andrei C, Andreou N, Andronic A, Andronov E, Anguelov V, Antinori F, Antonioli P, Apadula N, Aphecetche L, Appelshäuser H, Arata C, Arcelli S, Aresti M, Arnaldi R, Arneiro JGMCA, Arsene IC, Arslandok M, Augustinus A, Averbeck R, Azmi MD, Baba H, Badalà A, Bae J, Baek YW, Bai X, Bailhache R, Bailung Y, Bala R, Balbino A, Baldisseri A, Balis B, Banerjee D, Banoo Z, Barile F, Barioglio L, Barlou M, Barman B, Barnaföldi GG, Barnby LS, Barreau E, Barret V, Barreto L, Bartels C, Barth K, Bartsch E, Bastid N, Basu S, Batigne G, Battistini D, Batyunya B, Bauri D, Bazo Alba JL, Bearden IG, Beattie C, Becht P, Behera D, Belikov I, Bell Hechavarria ADC, Bellini F, Bellwied R, Belokurova S, Beltran LGE, Beltran YAV, Bencedi G, Beole S, Berdnikov Y, Berdnikova A, Bergmann L, Besoiu MG, Betev L, Bhaduri PP, Bhasin A, Bhat MA, Bhattacharjee B, Bianchi L, Bianchi N, Bielčík J, Bielčíková J, Bigot AP, Bilandzic A, Biro G, Biswas S, Bize N, Blair JT, Blau D, Blidaru MB, Bluhme N, Blume C, Boca G, Bock F, Bodova T, Boi S, Bok J, Boldizsár L, Bombara M, Bond PM, Bonomi G, Borel H, Borissov A, Borquez Carcamo AG, Bossi H, Botta E, Bouziani YEM, Bratrud L, Braun-Munzinger P, Bregant M, Broz M, Bruno GE, Buckland MD, Budnikov D, Buesching H, Bufalino S, Buhler P, Burmasov N, Buthelezi Z, Bylinkin A, Bysiak SA, Cabanillas Noris JC, Cai M, Caines H, Caliva A, Calvo Villar E, Camacho JMM, Camerini P, Canedo FDM, Cantway SL, Carabas M, Carballo AA, Carnesecchi F, Caron R, Carvalho LAD, Castillo Castellanos J, Catalano F, Cattaruzzi S, Ceballos Sanchez C, Cerri R, Chakaberia I, Chakraborty P, Chandra S, Chapeland S, Chartier M, Chattopadhyay S, Chattopadhyay S, Cheng T, Cheshkov C, Chibante Barroso V, Chinellato DD, Chizzali ES, Cho J, Cho S, Chochula P, Choudhury D, Christakoglou P, Christensen CH, Christiansen P, Chujo T, Ciacco M, Cicalo C, Ciupek MR, Clai G, Colamaria F, Colburn JS, Colella D, Colocci M, Concas M, Conesa Balbastre G, Conesa Del Valle Z, Contin G, Contreras JG, Coquet ML, Cortese P, Cosentino MR, Costa F, Costanza S, Cot C, Crkovská J, Crochet P, Cruz-Torres R, Cui P, Dainese A, Danisch MC, Danu A, Das P, Das P, Das S, Dash AR, Dash S, De Caro A, de Cataldo G, de Cuveland J, De Falco A, De Gruttola D, De Marco N, De Martin C, De Pasquale S, Deb R, Del Grande R, Dello Stritto L, Deng W, Dhankher P, Di Bari D, Di Mauro A, Diab B, Diaz RA, Dietel T, Ding Y, Ditzel J, Divià R, Dixit DU, Djuvsland Ø, Dmitrieva U, Dobrin A, Dönigus B, Dubinski JM, Dubla A, Dudi S, Dupieux P, Durkac M, Dzalaiova N, Eder TM, Ehlers RJ, Eisenhut F, Ejima R, Elia D, Erazmus B, Ercolessi F, Espagnon B, Eulisse G, Evans D, Evdokimov S, Fabbietti L, Faggin M, Faivre J, Fan F, Fan W, Fantoni A, Fasel M, Feliciello A, Feofilov G, Fernández Téllez A, Ferrandi L, Ferrer MB, Ferrero A, Ferrero C, Ferretti A, Feuillard VJG, Filova V, Finogeev D, Fionda FM, Flatland E, Flor F, Flores AN, Foertsch S, Fokin I, Fokin S, Fragiacomo E, Frajna E, Fuchs U, Funicello N, Furget C, Furs A, Fusayasu T, Gaardhøje JJ, Gagliardi M, Gago AM, Gahlaut T, Galvan CD, Gangadharan DR, Ganoti P, Garabatos C, García Chávez T, Garcia-Solis E, Gargiulo C, Gasik P, Gautam A, Gay Ducati MB, Germain M, Ghimouz A, Ghosh C, Giacalone M, Gioachin G, Giubellino P, Giubilato P, Glaenzer AMC, Glässel P, Glimos E, Goh DJQ, Gonzalez V, Gordeev P, Gorgon M, Goswami K, Gotovac S, Grabski V, Graczykowski LK, Grecka E, Grelli A, Grigoras C, Grigoriev V, Grigoryan S, Grosa F, Grosse-Oetringhaus JF, Grosso R, Grund D, Grunwald NA, Guardiano GG, Guernane R, Guilbaud M, Gulbrandsen K, Gündem T, Gunji T, Guo W, Gupta A, Gupta R, Gupta R, Gwizdziel K, Gyulai L, Hadjidakis C, Haider FU, Haidlova S, Haldar M, Hamagaki H, Hamdi A, Han Y, Hanley BG, Hannigan R, Hansen J, Harris JW, Harton A, Hartung MV, Hassan H, Hatzifotiadou D, Hauer P, Havener LB, Hellbär E, Helstrup H, Hemmer M, Herman T, Herrera Corral G, Herrmann F, Herrmann S, Hetland KF, Heybeck B, Hillemanns H, Hippolyte B, Hoffmann FW, Hofman B, Hong GH, Horst M, Horzyk A, Hou Y, Hristov P, Huhn P, Huhta LM, Humanic TJ, Hutson A, Hutter D, Hwang MC, Ilkaev R, Ilyas H, Inaba M, Innocenti GM, Ippolitov M, Isakov A, Isidori T, Islam MS, Ivanov M, Ivanov M, Ivanov V, Iversen KE, Jablonski M, Jacak B, Jacazio N, Jacobs PM, Jadlovska S, Jadlovsky J, Jaelani S, Jahnke C, Jakubowska MJ, Janik MA, Janson T, Ji S, Jia S, Jimenez AAP, Jonas F, Jones DM, Jowett JM, Jung J, Jung M, Junique A, Jusko A, Kaewjai J, Kalinak P, Kalteyer AS, Kalweit A, Karasu Uysal A, Karatovic D, Karavichev O, Karavicheva T, Karczmarczyk P, Karpechev E, Karwowska MJ, Kebschull U, Keidel R, Keijdener DLD, Keil M, Ketzer B, Khade SS, Khan AM, Khan S, Khanzadeev A, Kharlov Y, Khatun A, Khuntia A, Khuranova Z, Kileng B, Kim B, Kim C, Kim DJ, Kim EJ, Kim J, Kim J, Kim J, Kim M, Kim S, Kim T, Kimura K, Kirsch S, Kisel I, Kiselev S, Kisiel A, Kitowski JP, Klay JL, Klein J, Klein S, Klein-Bösing C, Kleiner M, Klemenz T, Kluge A, Kobdaj C, Kollegger T, Kondratyev A, Kondratyeva N, Konig J, Konigstorfer SA, Konopka PJ, Kornakov G, Korwieser M, Koryciak SD, Kotliarov A, Kovacic N, Kovalenko V, Kowalski M, Kozhuharov V, Králik I, Kravčáková A, Krcal L, Krivda M, Krizek F, Krizkova Gajdosova K, Kroesen M, Krüger M, Krupova DM, Kryshen E, Kučera V, Kuhn C, Kuijer PG, Kumaoka T, Kumar D, Kumar L, Kumar N, Kumar S, Kundu S, Kurashvili P, Kurepin A, Kurepin AB, Kuryakin A, Kushpil S, Kuskov V, Kutyla M, Kweon MJ, Kwon Y, La Pointe SL, La Rocca P, Lakrathok A, Lamanna M, Landou AR, Langoy R, Larionov P, Laudi E, Lautner L, Lavicka R, Lea R, Lee H, Legrand I, Legras G, Lehrbach J, Lelek TM, Lemmon RC, León Monzón I, Lesch MM, Lesser ED, Lévai P, Li X, Liang-Gilman BE, Lien J, Lietava R, Likmeta I, Lim B, Lim SH, Lindenstruth V, Lindner A, Lippmann C, Liu DH, Liu J, Liveraro GSS, Lofnes IM, Loizides C, Lokos S, Lömker J, Loncar P, Lopez X, López Torres E, Lu P, Lugo FV, Luhder JR, Lunardon M, Luparello G, Ma YG, Mager M, Maire A, Majerz EM, Makariev MV, Malaev M, Malfattore G, Malik NM, Malik QW, Malik SK, Malinina L, Mallick D, Mallick N, Mandaglio G, Mandal SK, Manko V, Manso F, Manzari V, Mao Y, Marcjan RW, Margagliotti GV, Margotti A, Marín A, Markert C, Martinengo P, Martínez MI, Martínez García G, Martins MPP, Masciocchi S, Masera M, Masoni A, Massacrier L, Massen O, Mastroserio A, Matonoha O, Mattiazzo S, Matyja A, Mayer C, Mazuecos AL, Mazzaschi F, Mazzilli M, Mdhluli JE, Melikyan Y, Menchaca-Rocha A, Mendez JEM, Meninno E, Menon AS, Meres M, Miake Y, Micheletti L, Mihaylov DL, Mikhaylov K, Miśkowiec D, Modak A, Mohanty B, Khan MM, Molander MA, Monira S, Mordasini C, Moreira De Godoy DA, Morozov I, Morsch A, Mrnjavac T, Muccifora V, Muhuri S, Mulligan JD, Mulliri A, Munhoz MG, Munzer RH, Murakami H, Murray S, Musa L, Musinsky J, Myrcha JW, Naik B, Nambrath AI, Nandi BK, Nania R, Nappi E, Nassirpour AF, Nath A, Nattrass C, Naydenov MN, Neagu A, Negru A, Nekrasova E, Nellen L, Nepeivoda R, Nese S, Neskovic G, Nicassio N, Nielsen BS, Nielsen EG, Nikolaev S, Nikulin S, Nikulin V, Noferini F, Noh S, Nomokonov P, Norman J, Novitzky N, Nowakowski P, Nyanin A, Nystrand J, Oh S, Ohlson A, Okorokov VA, Oleniacz J, Onnerstad A, Oppedisano C, Ortiz Velasquez A, Otwinowski J, Oya M, Oyama K, Pachmayer Y, Padhan S, Pagano D, Paić G, Paisano-Guzmán S, Palasciano A, Panebianco S, Park H, Park H, Park J, Parkkila JE, Patley Y, Paul B, Paulino MMDM, Pei H, Peitzmann T, Peng X, Pennisi M, Perciballi S, Peresunko D, Perez GM, Pestov Y, Petrov V, Petrovici M, Pezzi RP, Piano S, Pikna M, Pillot P, Pinazza O, Pinsky L, Pinto C, Pisano S, Płoskoń M, Planinic M, Pliquett F, Poghosyan MG, Polichtchouk B, Politano S, Poljak N, Pop A, Porteboeuf-Houssais S, Pozdniakov V, Pozos IY, Pradhan KK, Prasad SK, Prasad S, Preghenella R, Prino F, Pruneau CA, Pshenichnov I, Puccio M, Pucillo S, Pugelova Z, Qiu S, Quaglia L, Ragoni S, Rai A, Rakotozafindrabe A, Ramello L, Rami F, Rancien TA, Rasa M, Räsänen SS, Rath R, Rauch MP, Ravasenga I, Read KF, Reckziegel C, Redelbach AR, Redlich K, Reetz CA, Regules-Medel HD, Rehman A, Reidt F, Reme-Ness HA, Rescakova Z, Reygers K, Riabov A, Riabov V, Ricci R, Richter M, Riedel AA, Riegler W, Riffero AG, Ristea C, Rodriguez MV, Rodríguez Cahuantzi M, Rodríguez Ramírez SA, Røed K, Rogalev R, Rogochaya E, Rogoschinski TS, Rohr D, Röhrich D, Rojas PF, Rojas Torres S, Rokita PS, Romanenko G, Ronchetti F, Rosano A, Rosas ED, Roslon K, Rossi A, Roy A, Roy S, Rubini N, Ruggiano D, Rui R, Russek PG, Russo R, Rustamov A, Ryabinkin E, Ryabov Y, Rybicki A, Rytkonen H, Ryu J, Rzesa W, Saarimaki OAM, Sadhu S, Sadovsky S, Saetre J, Šafařík K, Saha P, Saha SK, Saha S, Sahoo B, Sahoo R, Sahoo S, Sahu D, Sahu PK, Saini J, Sajdakova K, Sakai S, Salvan MP, Sambyal S, Samitz D, Sanna I, Saramela TB, Sarkar D, Sarma P, Sarritzu V, Sarti VM, Sas MHP, Sawan S, Scapparone E, Schambach J, Scheid HS, Schiaua C, Schicker R, Schlepper F, Schmah A, Schmidt C, Schmidt HR, Schmidt MO, Schmidt M, Schmidt NV, Schmier AR, Schotter R, Schröter A, Schukraft J, Schweda K, Scioli G, Scomparin E, Seger JE, Sekiguchi Y, Sekihata D, Selina M, Selyuzhenkov I, Senyukov S, Seo JJ, Serebryakov D, Serkin L, Šerkšnytė L, Sevcenco A, Shaba TJ, Shabetai A, Shahoyan R, Shangaraev A, Sharma B, Sharma D, Sharma H, Sharma M, Sharma S, Sharma S, Sharma U, Shatat A, Sheibani O, Shigaki K, Shimomura M, Shin J, Shirinkin S, Shou Q, Sibiriak Y, Siddhanta S, Siemiarczuk T, Silva TF, Silvermyr D, Simantathammakul T, Simeonov R, Singh B, Singh B, Singh K, Singh R, Singh R, Singh R, Singh S, Singh VK, Singhal V, Sinha T, Sitar B, Sitta M, Skaali TB, Skorodumovs G, Slupecki M, Smirnov N, Snellings RJM, Solheim EH, Song J, Sonnabend C, Sonneveld JM, Soramel F, Soto-Hernandez AB, Spijkers R, Sputowska I, Staa J, Stachel J, Stan I, Steffanic PJ, Stiefelmaier SF, Stocco D, Storehaug I, Stratmann P, Strazzi S, Sturniolo A, Stylianidis CP, Suaide AAP, Suire C, Sukhanov M, Suljic M, Sultanov R, Sumberia V, Sumowidagdo S, Szarka I, Szymkowski M, Taghavi SF, Taillepied G, Takahashi J, Tambave GJ, Tang S, Tang Z, Tapia Takaki JD, Tapus N, Tarasovicova LA, Tarzila MG, Tassielli GF, Tauro A, Tavira García A, Tejeda Muñoz G, Telesca A, Terlizzi L, Terrevoli C, Thakur S, Thomas D, Tikhonov A, Tiltmann N, Timmins AR, Tkacik M, Tkacik T, Toia A, Tokumoto R, Tomohiro K, Topilskaya N, Toppi M, Tork T, Torres VV, Torres Ramos AG, Trifiró A, Triolo AS, Tripathy S, Tripathy T, Trogolo S, Trubnikov V, Trzaska WH, Trzcinski TP, Tumkin A, Turrisi R, Tveter TS, Ullaland K, Ulukutlu B, Uras A, Urioni M, Usai GL, Vala M, Valle N, van Doremalen LVR, van Leeuwen M, van Veen CA, van Weelden RJG, Vande Vyvre P, Varga D, Varga Z, Vargas Torres P, Vasileiou M, Vasiliev A, Vázquez Doce O, Vazquez Rueda O, Vechernin V, Vercellin E, Vergara Limón S, Verma R, Vermunt L, Vértesi R, Verweij M, Vickovic L, Vilakazi Z, Villalobos Baillie O, Villani A, Vinogradov A, Virgili T, Virta MMO, Vislavicius V, Vodopyanov A, Volkel B, Völkl MA, Voloshin SA, Volpe G, von Haller B, Vorobyev I, Vozniuk N, Vrláková J, Wan J, Wang C, Wang D, Wang Y, Wang Y, Wegrzynek A, Weiglhofer FT, Wenzel SC, Wessels JP, Wiechula J, Wikne J, Wilk G, Wilkinson J, Willems GA, Windelband B, Winn M, Wright JR, Wu W, Wu Y, Xiong Z, Xu R, Yadav A, Yadav AK, Yalcin S, Yamaguchi Y, Yang S, Yano S, Yeats ER, Yin Z, Yoo IK, Yoon JH, Yu H, Yuan S, Yuncu A, Zaccolo V, Zampolli C, Zanone F, Zardoshti N, Zarochentsev A, Závada P, Zaviyalov N, Zhalov M, Zhang B, Zhang C, Zhang L, Zhang M, Zhang S, Zhang X, Zhang Y, Zhang Z, Zhao M, Zherebchevskii V, Zhi Y, Zhong C, Zhou D, Zhou Y, Zhu J, Zhu Y, Zugravel SC, Zurlo N. Measurements of Chemical Potentials in Pb-Pb Collisions at sqrt[s_{NN}]=5.02 TeV. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2024; 133:092301. [PMID: 39270180 DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.133.092301] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 01/13/2024] [Revised: 03/26/2024] [Accepted: 05/03/2024] [Indexed: 09/15/2024]
This Letter presents the most precise measurement to date of the matter-antimatter imbalance at midrapidity in Pb-Pb collisions at a center-of-mass energy per nucleon pair sqrt[s_{NN}]=5.02 TeV. Using the Statistical Hadronization framework, it is possible to obtain the value of the electric charge and baryon chemical potentials, μ_{Q}=-0.18±0.90 MeV and μ_{B}=0.71±0.45 MeV, with unprecedented precision. A centrality-differential study of the antiparticle-to-particle yield ratios of charged pions, protons, Ω baryons, and light (hyper)nuclei is performed. These results indicate that the system created in Pb-Pb collisions at the LHC is on average baryon-free and electrically neutral at midrapidity.
Cong X, Chen T, Li S, Wang Y, Zhou L, Li X, Zhang P, Sun X, Zhao S. [Dihydroartemisinin enhances sensitivity of nasopharyngeal carcinoma HNE1/DDP cells to cisplatin-induced apoptosis by promoting ROS production]. NAN FANG YI KE DA XUE XUE BAO = JOURNAL OF SOUTHERN MEDICAL UNIVERSITY 2024; 44:1553-1560. [PMID: 39276051 PMCID: PMC11378052 DOI: 10.12122/j.issn.1673-4254.2024.08.14] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Key Words] [MESH Headings] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 09/16/2024]
OBJECTIVE To investigate the effect of dihydroartemisinin (DHA) for enhancing the inhibitory effect of cisplatin (DDP) on DDP-resistant nasopharyngeal carcinoma cell line HNE1/DDP and explore the mechanism. METHODS CCK-8 method was used to assess the survival rate of HNE1/DDP cells treated with DHA (0, 5, 10, 20, 40, 80, and 160 μmol/L) and DDP (0, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 μmol/L) for 24 or 48 h, and the combination index of DHA and DDP was calculated using Compusyn software. HNE1/DDP cells treated with DHA, DDP, or their combination for 24 h were examined for cell viability, proliferation and colony formation ability using CCK-8, EdU and colony-forming assays. Flow cytometry was used to detect cell apoptosis and intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS). The expression levels of apoptosis-related proteins cleaved PARP, cleaved caspase-9 and cleaved caspase-3 were detected by Western blotting. The effects of N-acetyl-cysteine (a ROS inhibitor) on proliferation and apoptosis of HNE1/DDP cells with combined treatment with DHA and DDP were analyzed. RESULTS Different concentrations of DHA and DDP alone both significantly inhibited the viability of HNE1/DDP cells. The combination index of DHA (5 μmol/L) combined with DDP (8, 16, 32, 64, 128 μmol/L) were all below 1. Compared with DHA or DDP alone, their combined treatment more potently decreased the cell viability, colony-forming ability and the number of EdU-positive cells, and significantly increased the apoptotic rate, intracellular ROS level, and the expression levels of cleaved PARP, cleaved caspase-9 and cleaved caspase-3 in HNE1/DDP cells. N-acetyl-cysteine pretreatment obviously attenuated the inhibitory effect on proliferation and apoptosis-inducing effect of DHA combined with DDP in HNE1/DDP cells (P<0.01). CONCLUSION DHA enhances the growth-inhibitory and apoptosis-inducing effect of DDP on HNE1/DDP cells possibly by promoting accumulation of intracellular ROS.
He TT, Li X, Gong M. [A case report of immune checkpoint inhibitor-related adverse reactions predominantly manifests as tumor-type reactive cutaneous capillary endothelial hyperplasia]. ZHONGHUA GAN ZANG BING ZA ZHI = ZHONGHUA GANZANGBING ZAZHI = CHINESE JOURNAL OF HEPATOLOGY 2024; 32:764-766. [PMID: 39267572 DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.cn501113-20240118-00036] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [MESH Headings] [Grants] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 09/17/2024]
Li X, Chen Y, Liang Y, Shi W. 5-Fluorouracil resistance due to sphingosine kinase 2 overexpression in colorectal cancer is associated with myeloid-derived suppressor cell-mediated immunosuppressive effects. BMC Cancer 2024; 24:983. [PMID: 39118083 PMCID: PMC11313101 DOI: 10.1186/s12885-024-12742-4] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Key Words] [MESH Headings] [Grants] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 03/25/2024] [Accepted: 07/31/2024] [Indexed: 08/10/2024] Open
PURPOSE Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the top five cancer-related causes of mortality globally. Acquired resistance has hindered the effectiveness of 5-fluorouracil (5-FU), the main chemotherapeutic drug used to treat CRC. Sphingosine kinase 2 (SphK2) may be a cancer treatment target and involved in 5-FU resistance. METHODS Cell growth was examined using MTT and clone formation assays for SphK2 expression. To identify immune cells in mice, flow cytometry was performed. West blotting demonstrated alterations in cell division and inflammation-related proteins. SphK2 levels and inflammation-related variables were studied using Elisa. RESULTS Due to SphK2 overexpression, immunosuppression, and 5-FU resistance are caused by the development of myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs) subsequent to IL-6/STAT3 activation and alterations in the arginase (ARG-1) protein. After therapy, the combination of SphK2 inhibitors and 5-FU can effectively suppress MDSCs while increasing CD4+ and CD8+ T cell infiltration into the tumor microenvironment, lowering tumor burden, and exhibiting a therapeutic impact on CRC. CONCLUSIONS Our findings suggest that 5-FU treatment combined with simultaneous Spkh2 inhibition by ABC294640 has anti-tumor synergistic effects by influencing multiple effects on tumor cells, T cells, and MDSCs, potentially improving the poor prognosis of colorectal cancer patients.
Shan R, Li X, Mei F, Xiao WC, Song SB, Chen J, Yuan CH, Zhang F, Liu Z. [The association between overweight/obesity and the risk of malignancy in Hürthle cell neoplasms of the thyroid]. ZHONGHUA YI XUE ZA ZHI 2024; 104:2805-2809. [PMID: 39085147 DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.cn112137-20240218-00335] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [MESH Headings] [Grants] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 08/02/2024]
Objective: To explore the association between obesity/overweight and the risk of malignancy in Hürthle cell neoplasms of the thyroid. Methods: The data of patients with complete data who were diagnosed with Hürthle cell neoplasms of the thyroid at the Third Hospital of Peking University from September 2016 to September 2023 were retrospectively collected. Based on postoperative pathological diagnosis, tumors were classified into thyroid Hürthle cell adenoma group and Hürthle cell carcinoma group. Multivariate logistic regression analysis was employed to explore the association between overweight/obesity and the risk of malignancy in Hürthle cell neoplasms of the thyroid. Results: A total of 102 patients (13 males and 89 females) were included, aged (48.7±13.1) years. There were 22 cases of thyroid Hürthle cell carcinoma and 80 cases of thyroid Hürthle cell adenoma. Univariate analysis showed that the rate of overweight/obesity in the Hürthle cell carcinoma group was higher than that in the adenoma group [73% (16/22) vs 46% (37/80), P=0.050]. Multivariate logistic regression analysis indicated that the overweight/obese patients had a higher risk of malignancy in Hürthle cell neoplasms of the thyroid compared with the non-overweight/obese patients (OR=3.170, 95%CI: 1.126-9.955, P=0.035). Sensitivity analysis excluding individuals with multiple tumors was consistent with the main study results (OR=2.878, 95%CI: 0.922-10.228, P=0.080). Conclusion: Overweight/obesity may be associated with a higher risk of malignancy in patients with Hürthle cell neoplasms of the thyroid.
Yin QL, Yu X, Li X, Fang B, Zhang XL, Peng MW, Ye GJ, Liu LL. [Epidemiological characteristics of human respiratory syncytial virus in Hubei Province from 2016 to 2023]. ZHONGHUA YU FANG YI XUE ZA ZHI [CHINESE JOURNAL OF PREVENTIVE MEDICINE] 2024; 58:1129-1134. [PMID: 39142879 DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.cn112150-20240111-00044] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [MESH Headings] [Grants] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 08/16/2024]
Objective: To analyze the epidemiological characteristics of human respiratory syncytial virus (HRSV) in patients with acute respiratory infection (ARIs) in sentinel hospitals of the Hubei influenza surveillance network from 2016 to 2023. Methods: ARIs samples [including influenza-like cases (ILI) and severe acute respiratory infection (SARI)] were collected from influenza surveillance sentinel hospitals in Hubei Province from 2016 to 2023, and case information was collected. HRSV virus nucleic acid typing was performed by fluorescence quantitative PCR method, and the data were collated, plotted and analyzed. Results: From 2016 to 2023, 12 779 cases of ILI and 9 166 cases of SARI were collected. The positive rate of HRSV was the highest in<5 years of age group [15.77% (168/1 065)], among which the positive rate was the highest in 2 to 5 years of age group of ILI cases [13.60% (31/228)], and the positive rate was the highest in 0 to 2 years of age group of SARI cases [25.97% (60/231)] (all P values<0.001). The positive rate of HRSV in SARI cases was 2.31%-25.97%, higher than that in ILI cases (0-13.60%) (P=0.016). HRSV was prevalent in autumn and winter from 2016 to 2020 and in spring in 2023. Alternating epidemics of HRSV virus type A and B in Hubei Province from 2016 to 2023 (dominant epidemics of type B in 2016 and 2020; dominant epidemics of type A in 2017-2019 and 2023). Conclusion: SARI and ILI patients under five years old are the main infection groups of HRSV. The seasonal prevalence characteristics of HRSV in Hubei Province from 2016 to 2023 shift from autumn and winter to spring.
Li X, Wang LY, Li YJ. [Analysis of genital chlamydia and gonococcal infections in infertility]. ZHONGHUA YU FANG YI XUE ZA ZHI [CHINESE JOURNAL OF PREVENTIVE MEDICINE] 2024; 58:1236-1241. [PMID: 39142894 DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.cn112150-20231214-00448] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [MESH Headings] [Grants] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 08/16/2024]
To analyze the infection of chlamydia (CT) and gonorrhea (NG) in female infertility and male infertility population, and to explore the correlation between CT and NG infection and infertility. A case-control study was conducted to retrospectively analyze the specimens submitted by patients from the Third Xiangya Hospital of Central South University from January 2021 to December 2022. The results showed that a total of 32 184 specimens were collected, and the positive rates of CT were 4.41% (1 419/32 184), and positive rats of NG were 1.42% (457/32 184). In the infertility group (n=3 366), 2 987 were females and 379 were males. In the control group (n=3 366), 2 509 were females and 857 were males. The CT positive rate of the infertility group was 13.61% (458/3 366), which was significantly higher than that of the control group 3.30% (111/3 366), and the difference was statistically significant (χ2=4.245, P<0.05), and the NG positive rate of the infertility group was 6.36% (214/3 366), which was significantly higher than that of the control group 0.89% (30/3 366), and the difference was statistically significant (χ2=4.011, P<0.05). A total of 23 992 female genital tract swab specimens were collected, including 2 987 in the infertility group and 2 509 in the control group, and the positive rate of CT in the female infertility subgroup was 10.41% (311/2 987), which was significantly higher than that in the control group 3.75% (94/2 509), the difference was statistically significant (χ2=4.132, P<0.05), and the NG positive rate of 8.73% (261/2 987) in the female infertility subgroup was significantly higher than that in the control group 0.40% (10/2 509), and the difference was statistically significant (χ2=4.242, P<0.05). A total of 8 192 male urine samples were collected, including 379 in the infertility group and 857 in the control group, and the CT positive rate of the male infertility subgroup was 13.72% (52/379), which was significantly higher than that of the control group 3.38% (29/857), and the difference was statistically significant (χ2=5.267, P<0.05), and the positive rate of NG in the male infertility subgroup was 12.66% (48/379), which was significantly higher than that of the control group 0.93% (8/857), and the difference was statistically significant (χ2=4.166, P<0.05). Among the 2 987 female specimens in the infertility group, 1 034 were in the primary infertility subgroup and 1 953 were in the secondary infertility subgroup, and the positive rates of CT were 7.93% (82/1 034) and 15.72% (307/1 953), respectively, and the positive rates of NG were 3.87% (40/1 034) and 8.65% (169/1 953) respectively, and the difference was not statistically significant (χ2=0.185, P>0.05) and (χ2=0.002, P>0.05). In conclusion, the infection rate of genital tract CT and NG is high in the infertility population, CT and NG are recommended as routine examination indicators for eugenics and infertility screening.
Li X, Han W, Zhang Y, Tan D, Cui M, Wang S, Shi W. Multifunctional Hydrogels Based on γ-Polyglutamic Acid/Polyethyleneimine for Hemostasis and Wound Healing. Biomater Res 2024; 28:0063. [PMID: 39104745 PMCID: PMC11298251 DOI: 10.34133/bmr.0063] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Grants] [Track Full Text] [Figures] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 02/22/2024] [Accepted: 07/02/2024] [Indexed: 08/07/2024] Open
Current hemostatic materials have many shortcomings, such as biotoxicity or poor degradability, and do not effectively promote wound healing after hemostasis. To address these limitations, a hemostasis-promoting wound-healing hydrogel, polyglutamic acid/polyethyleneimine/montmorillonite (PPM), comprising polyglutamic acid, 3,4-dihydroxybenzaldehyde-modified polyethyleneimine, and amino-modified montmorillonite (montmorillonite-NH2) was constructed in this study. Due to the excellent water absorption abilities of γ-polyglutamic acid, the PPM and polyglutamic acid/polyethyleneimine hydrogels could rapidly absorb the blood and tissue fluid exuded from the wound to keep the wound clean and accelerate the blood coagulation. The homogeneous distribution of montmorillonite-NH2 enhanced not only the mechanical properties of the hydrogel but also its hemostatic properties. In addition, the modification of polyethylenimine with 3,4-dihydroxybenzaldehyde provided anti-inflammatory effects and endorsed the wound healing. Cellular and blood safety experiments demonstrated the biocompatibility of the PPM hydrogel, and animal studies demonstrated that the PPM hydrogel effectively stopped bleeding and promoted wound healing. The concept design of clay-based hydrogel may create diverse opportunities for constructing hemostasis and wound-healing dressings.
Abdulhamid MI, Aboona BE, Adam J, Adamczyk L, Adams JR, Aggarwal I, Aggarwal MM, Ahammed Z, Aschenauer EC, Aslam S, Atchison J, Bairathi V, Cap JGB, Barish K, Bellwied R, Bhagat P, Bhasin A, Bhatta S, Bhosale SR, Bielcik J, Bielcikova J, Brandenburg JD, Broodo C, Cai XZ, Caines H, Sánchez MCDLB, Cebra D, Ceska J, Chakaberia I, Chaloupka P, Chan BK, Chang Z, Chatterjee A, Chen D, Chen J, Chen JH, Chen Z, Cheng J, Cheng Y, Choudhury S, Christie W, Chu X, Crawford HJ, Csanád M, Dale-Gau G, Das A, Deppner IM, Dhamija A, Dixit P, Dong X, Drachenberg JL, Duckworth E, Dunlop JC, Engelage J, Eppley G, Esumi S, Evdokimov O, Eyser O, Fatemi R, Fazio S, Feng CJ, Feng Y, Finch E, Fisyak Y, Flor FA, Fu C, Gagliardi CA, Galatyuk T, Gao T, Geurts F, Ghimire N, Gibson A, Gopal K, Gou X, Grosnick D, Gupta A, Guryn W, Hamed A, Han Y, Harabasz S, Harasty MD, Harris JW, Harrison-Smith H, He W, He XH, He Y, Herrmann N, Holub L, Hu C, Hu Q, Hu Y, Huang H, Huang HZ, Huang SL, Huang T, Huang X, Huang Y, Huang Y, Humanic TJ, Isshiki M, Jacobs WW, Jalotra A, Jena C, Jentsch A, Ji Y, Jia J, Jin C, Ju X, Judd EG, Kabana S, Kalinkin D, Kang K, Kapukchyan D, Kauder K, Keane D, Khanal A, Khyzhniak YV, Kikoła DP, Kincses D, Kisel I, Kiselev A, Knospe AG, Ko HS, Kosarzewski LK, Kumar L, Labonte MC, Lacey R, Landgraf JM, Lauret J, Lebedev A, Lee JH, Leung YH, Lewis N, Li C, Li D, Li HS, Li H, Li W, Li X, Li Y, Li Y, Li Z, Liang X, Liang Y, Licenik R, Lin T, Lin Y, Lisa MA, Liu C, Liu G, Liu H, Liu L, Liu T, Liu X, Liu Y, Liu Z, Ljubicic T, Lomicky O, Longacre RS, Loyd EM, Lu T, Luo J, Luo XF, Ma L, Ma R, Ma YG, Magdy N, Mallick D, Manikandhan R, Margetis S, Markert C, McNamara G, Mezhanska O, Mi K, Mioduszewski S, Mohanty B, Mondal MM, Mooney I, Mrazkova J, Nagy MI, Nain AS, Nam JD, Nasim M, Neff D, Nelson JM, Nemes DB, Nie M, Nigmatkulov G, Niida T, Nonaka T, Odyniec G, Ogawa A, Oh S, Okubo K, Page BS, Pak R, Pal S, Pandav A, Pandey AK, Pani T, Paul A, Pawlik B, Pawlowska D, Perkins C, Pluta J, Pokhrel BR, Posik M, Protzman T, Prozorova V, Pruthi NK, Przybycien M, Putschke J, Qin Z, Qiu H, Racz C, Radhakrishnan SK, Rana A, Ray RL, Reed R, Robertson CW, Robotkova M, Aguilar MAR, Roy D, Chowdhury PR, Ruan L, Sahoo AK, Sahoo NR, Sako H, Salur S, Sato S, Schaefer BC, Schmidke WB, Schmitz N, Seck FJ, Seger J, Seto R, Seyboth P, Shah N, Shanmuganathan PV, Shao T, Sharma M, Sharma N, Sharma R, Sharma SR, Sheikh AI, Shen D, Shen DY, Shen K, Shi SS, Shi Y, Shou QY, Si F, Singh J, Singha S, Sinha P, Skoby MJ, Smirnov N, Söhngen Y, Song Y, Srivastava B, Stanislaus TDS, Stefaniak M, Stewart DJ, Su Y, Sumbera M, Sun C, Sun X, Sun Y, Sun Y, Surrow B, Svoboda M, Sweger ZW, Tamis AC, Tang AH, Tang Z, Tarnowsky T, Thomas JH, Timmins AR, Tlusty D, Todoroki T, Trentalange S, Tribedy P, Tripathy SK, Truhlar T, Trzeciak BA, Tsai OD, Tsang CY, Tu Z, Tyler J, Ullrich T, Underwood DG, Upsal I, Van Buren G, Vanek J, Vassiliev I, Verkest V, Videbæk F, Voloshin SA, Wang F, Wang G, Wang JS, Wang J, Wang K, Wang X, Wang Y, Wang Y, Wang Y, Wang Z, Webb JC, Weidenkaff PC, Westfall GD, Wielanek D, Wieman H, Wilks G, Wissink SW, Witt R, Wu J, Wu J, Wu X, Wu X, Xi B, Xiao ZG, Xie G, Xie W, Xu H, Xu N, Xu QH, Xu Y, Xu Y, Xu Z, Xu Z, Yan G, Yan Z, Yang C, Yang Q, Yang S, Yang Y, Ye Z, Ye Z, Yi L, Yip K, Yu Y, Zbroszczyk H, Zha W, Zhang C, Zhang D, Zhang J, Zhang S, Zhang W, Zhang X, Zhang Y, Zhang Y, Zhang Y, Zhang Y, Zhang ZJ, Zhang Z, Zhang Z, Zhao F, Zhao J, Zhao M, Zhou J, Zhou S, Zhou Y, Zhu X, Zurek M, Zyzak M. Observation of Strong Nuclear Suppression in Exclusive J/ψ Photoproduction in Au+Au Ultraperipheral Collisions at RHIC. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2024; 133:052301. [PMID: 39159117 DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.133.052301] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 11/27/2023] [Revised: 04/24/2024] [Accepted: 06/25/2024] [Indexed: 08/21/2024]
We report a measurement of exclusive J/ψ and ψ(2s) photoproduction in Au+Au ultraperipheral collisions at sqrt[s_{NN}]=200 GeV using the STAR detector. For the first time, (i) the ψ(2s) photoproduction in midrapidity at the Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collider has been experimentally measured; (ii) nuclear suppression factors are measured for both the coherent and incoherent J/ψ production. At average photon-nucleon center-of-mass energy of 25.0 GeV, the coherent and incoherent J/ψ cross sections of Au nuclei are found to be 71±10% and 36±7%, respectively, of that of free protons. The stronger suppression observed in the incoherent production provides a new experimental handle to study the initial-state parton density in heavy nuclei. Data are compared with theoretical models quantitatively.
Abdulhamid MI, Aboona BE, Adam J, Adamczyk L, Adams JR, Aggarwal I, Aggarwal MM, Ahammed Z, Aschenauer EC, Aslam S, Atchison J, Bairathi V, Cap JGB, Barish K, Bellwied R, Bhagat P, Bhasin A, Bhatta S, Bhosale SR, Bielcik J, Bielcikova J, Brandenburg JD, Broodo C, Cai XZ, Caines H, de la Barca Sánchez MC, Cebra D, Ceska J, Chakaberia I, Chaloupka P, Chan BK, Chang Z, Chatterjee A, Chen D, Chen J, Chen JH, Chen Z, Cheng J, Cheng Y, Choudhury S, Christie W, Chu X, Crawford HJ, Csanád M, Dale-Gau G, Das A, Deppner IM, Dhamija A, Dixit P, Dong X, Drachenberg JL, Duckworth E, Dunlop JC, Engelage J, Eppley G, Esumi S, Evdokimov O, Eyser O, Fatemi R, Fazio S, Feng CJ, Feng Y, Finch E, Fisyak Y, Flor FA, Fu C, Gagliardi CA, Galatyuk T, Gao T, Geurts F, Ghimire N, Gibson A, Gopal K, Gou X, Grosnick D, Gupta A, Guryn W, Hamed A, Han Y, Harabasz S, Harasty MD, Harris JW, Harrison-Smith H, He W, He XH, He Y, Herrmann N, Holub L, Hu C, Hu Q, Hu Y, Huang H, Huang HZ, Huang SL, Huang T, Huang X, Huang Y, Huang Y, Humanic TJ, Isshiki M, Jacobs WW, Jalotra A, Jena C, Jentsch A, Ji Y, Jia J, Jin C, Ju X, Judd EG, Kabana S, Kalinkin D, Kang K, Kapukchyan D, Kauder K, Keane D, Khanal A, Khyzhniak YV, Kikoła DP, Kincses D, Kisel I, Kiselev A, Knospe AG, Ko HS, Kosarzewski LK, Kumar L, Labonte MC, Lacey R, Landgraf JM, Lauret J, Lebedev A, Lee JH, Leung YH, Lewis N, Li C, Li D, Li HS, Li H, Li W, Li X, Li Y, Li Y, Li Z, Liang X, Liang Y, Licenik R, Lin T, Lin Y, Lisa MA, Liu C, Liu G, Liu H, Liu L, Liu T, Liu X, Liu Y, Liu Z, Ljubicic T, Lomicky O, Longacre RS, Loyd EM, Lu T, Luo J, Luo XF, Ma L, Ma R, Ma YG, Magdy N, Mallick D, Manikandhan R, Margetis S, Markert C, McNamara G, Mezhanska O, Mi K, Mioduszewski S, Mohanty B, Mondal MM, Mooney I, Mrazkova J, Nagy MI, Nain AS, Nam JD, Nasim M, Neff D, Nelson JM, Nemes DB, Nie M, Nigmatkulov G, Niida T, Nonaka T, Odyniec G, Ogawa A, Oh S, Okubo K, Page BS, Pak R, Pal S, Pandav A, Pandey AK, Pani T, Paul A, Pawlik B, Pawlowska D, Perkins C, Pluta J, Pokhrel BR, Posik M, Protzman T, Prozorova V, Pruthi NK, Przybycien M, Putschke J, Qin Z, Qiu H, Racz C, Radhakrishnan SK, Rana A, Ray RL, Reed R, Robertson CW, Robotkova M, Aguilar MAR, Roy D, Chowdhury PR, Ruan L, Sahoo AK, Sahoo NR, Sako H, Salur S, Sato S, Schaefer BC, Schmidke WB, Schmitz N, Seck FJ, Seger J, Seto R, Seyboth P, Shah N, Shanmuganathan PV, Shao T, Sharma M, Sharma N, Sharma R, Sharma SR, Sheikh AI, Shen D, Shen DY, Shen K, Shi SS, Shi Y, Shou QY, Si F, Singh J, Singha S, Sinha P, Skoby MJ, Smirnov N, Söhngen Y, Song Y, Srivastava B, Stanislaus TDS, Stefaniak M, Stewart DJ, Su Y, Sumbera M, Sun C, Sun X, Sun Y, Sun Y, Surrow B, Svoboda M, Sweger ZW, Tamis AC, Tang AH, Tang Z, Tarnowsky T, Thomas JH, Timmins AR, Tlusty D, Todoroki T, Trentalange S, Tribedy P, Tripathy SK, Truhlar T, Trzeciak BA, Tsai OD, Tsang CY, Tu Z, Tyler J, Ullrich T, Underwood DG, Upsal I, Van Buren G, Vanek J, Vassiliev I, Verkest V, Videbæk F, Voloshin SA, Wang F, Wang G, Wang JS, Wang J, Wang K, Wang X, Wang Y, Wang Y, Wang Y, Wang Z, Webb JC, Weidenkaff PC, Westfall GD, Wielanek D, Wieman H, Wilks G, Wissink SW, Witt R, Wu J, Wu J, Wu X, Wu X, Xi B, Xiao ZG, Xie G, Xie W, Xu H, Xu N, Xu QH, Xu Y, Xu Y, Xu Z, Xu Z, Yan G, Yan Z, Yang C, Yang Q, Yang S, Yang Y, Ye Z, Ye Z, Yi L, Yip K, Yu Y, Zbroszczyk H, Zha W, Zhang C, Zhang D, Zhang J, Zhang S, Zhang W, Zhang X, Zhang Y, Zhang Y, Zhang Y, Zhang Y, Zhang ZJ, Zhang Z, Zhang Z, Zhao F, Zhao J, Zhao M, Zhou J, Zhou S, Zhou Y, Zhu X, Zurek M, Zyzak M. Observation of the antimatter hypernucleus H ¯ Λ ¯ 4. Nature 2024; 632:1026-1031. [PMID: 39169195 DOI: 10.1038/s41586-024-07823-0] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [MESH Headings] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 10/20/2023] [Accepted: 07/12/2024] [Indexed: 08/23/2024]
At the origin of the Universe, an asymmetry between the amount of created matter and antimatter led to the matter-dominated Universe as we know it today. The origins of this asymmetry remain unknown so far. High-energy nuclear collisions create conditions similar to the Universe microseconds after the Big Bang, with comparable amounts of matter and antimatter1-6. Much of the created antimatter escapes the rapidly expanding fireball without annihilating, making such collisions an effective experimental tool to create heavy antimatter nuclear objects and to study their properties7-14, hoping to shed some light on the existing questions on the asymmetry between matter and antimatter. Here we report the observation of the antimatter hypernucleusH ¯ Λ ¯ 4 , composed of aΛ ¯ , an antiproton and two antineutrons. The discovery was made through its two-body decay after production in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions by the STAR experiment at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider15,16. In total, 15.6 candidateH ¯ Λ ¯ 4 antimatter hypernuclei are obtained with an estimated background count of 6.4. The lifetimes of the antihypernucleiH ¯ Λ ¯ 3 andH ¯ Λ ¯ 4 are measured and compared with the lifetimes of their corresponding hypernuclei, testing the symmetry between matter and antimatter. Various production yield ratios among (anti)hypernuclei (hypernuclei and/or antihypernuclei) and (anti)nuclei (nuclei and/or antinuclei) are also measured and compared with theoretical model predictions, shedding light on their production mechanisms.
Zhang Y, Zhang M, Dong H, Yong S, Li X, Olashaw N, Kruk PA, Cheng JQ, Bai W, Chen J, Nicosia SV, Zhang X. Editorial Expression of Concern: Deacetylation of cortactin by SIRT1 promotes cell migration. Oncogene 2024; 43:2491. [PMID: 39009722 DOI: 10.1038/s41388-024-03103-3] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [MESH Headings] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 07/17/2024]
Chen L, Zhang W, Tian S, Zhang Q, Cao H, Li X, Zhang B, Zhang F, Wei Y, Liu Y. A novel micro-capillary discharge plasma jet triggered gas switch. THE REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS 2024; 95:083302. [PMID: 39101786 DOI: 10.1063/5.0208102] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 03/13/2024] [Accepted: 07/13/2024] [Indexed: 08/06/2024]
To reduce the working coefficient and jitter of the three-electrode gas switch used in linear transformer drivers, a novel trigger method that uses a nanosecond pulse in cooperation with the microplasma jet generated by capillary discharge was developed. A microplasma jet was generated by the nanosecond trigger pulse and injected into the follow-up breakdown gap of the gas switch to decrease the working coefficient. The influence of capillary parameters on the development of the microplasma jet was simulated. The results showed that the microplasma jet significantly reduced the breakdown delay time, jitter, and working coefficient. Increasing the capillary length and decreasing the diameter results in better triggered breakdown performance. Furthermore, the gas switch triggered by a positive pulse exhibits a lower breakdown delay and jitter. Combined with the intensified charge coupled device's shooting results, it can be concluded that the microplasma jet has a distinct influence on streamer formation, which is important for improving the working performance of the gas switch.