The foetal pH values of eighty-eight cases delivered within 30 min after foetal blood sampling were correlated with the 1-min Apgar score. With a pH of 7·20 or above the error of prediction was 1·3%. The error in cases with pH below 7·20 was 54·5%.
Significantly higher pH and lower δ base deficit were present in the low foetal pH group in vigorous, as opposed to depressed infants, suggesting that infusion acidosis was present in infants with a high Apgar score.
The degree of correlation between the foetal pH and the Apgar score was not significantly influenced by shortening the sampling-delivery interval to 15 min or lengthening it to 3 hr. The most significant factor affecting the degree of correlation in the present study was the setting of the critical pH. If the criterion of the critical pH was taken as 7·13 there would have been no false positive results and the error of prediction in cases delivered within 30 min of foetal blood sampling would be reduced to 1·1%.