Aad G, Abbott B, Abeling K, Abicht NJ, Abidi SH, Aboulhorma A, Abramowicz H, Abreu H, Abulaiti Y, Abusleme Hoffman AC, Acharya BS, Adam Bourdarios C, Adamczyk L, Adamek L, Addepalli SV, Addison MJ, Adelman J, Adiguzel A, Adye T, Affolder AA, Afik Y, Agaras MN, Agarwala J, Aggarwal A, Agheorghiesei C, Ahmad A, Ahmadov F, Ahmed WS, Ahuja S, Ai X, Aielli G, Ait Tamlihat M, Aitbenchikh B, Aizenberg I, Akbiyik M, Åkesson TPA, Akimov AV, Akiyama D, Akolkar NN, Al Khoury K, Alberghi GL, Albert J, Albicocco P, Albouy GL, Alderweireldt S, Aleksa M, Aleksandrov IN, Alexa C, Alexopoulos T, Alfonsi A, Alfonsi F, Algren M, Alhroob M, Ali B, Ali HMJ, Ali S, Alibocus SW, Aliev M, Alimonti G, Alkakhi W, Allaire C, Allbrooke BMM, Allen JF, Allendes Flores CA, Allport PP, Aloisio A, Alonso F, Alpigiani C, Alvarez Estevez M, Alvarez Fernandez A, Alviggi MG, Aly M, Amaral Coutinho Y, Ambler A, Amelung C, Amerl M, Ames CG, Amidei D, Amor Dos Santos SP, Amos KR, Ananiev V, Anastopoulos C, Andeen T, Anders JK, Andrean SY, Andreazza A, Angelidakis S, Angerami A, Anisenkov AV, Annovi A, Antel C, Anthony MT, Antipov E, Antonelli M, Antrim DJA, Anulli F, Aoki M, Aoki T, Aparisi Pozo JA, Aparo MA, Aperio Bella L, Appelt C, Apyan A, Aranzabal N, Arcangeletti C, Arce ATH, Arena E, Arguin JF, Argyropoulos S, Arling JH, Armbruster AJ, Arnaez O, Arnold H, Arrubarrena Tame ZP, Artoni G, Asada H, Asai K, Asai S, Asbah NA, Assahsah J, Assamagan K, Astalos R, Atashi S, Atkin RJ, Atkinson M, Atlay NB, Atmani H, Atmasiddha PA, Augsten K, Auricchio S, Auriol AD, Austrup VA, Avolio G, Axiotis K, Azuelos G, Babal D, Bachacou H, Bachas K, Bachiu A, Backman F, Badea A, Bagnaia P, Bahmani M, Bailey AJ, Bailey VR, Baines JT, Baines L, Bakalis C, Baker OK, Bakos E, Bakshi Gupta D, Balasubramanian R, Baldin EM, Balek P, Ballabene E, Balli F, Baltes LM, Balunas WK, Balz J, Banas E, Bandieramonte M, Bandyopadhyay A, Bansal S, Barak L, Barakat M, Barberio EL, Barberis D, Barbero M, Barbour G, Barends KN, Barillari T, Barisits MS, Barklow T, Baron P, Baron Moreno DA, Baroncelli A, Barone G, Barr AJ, Barr JD, Barranco Navarro L, Barreiro F, Barreiro Guimarães da Costa J, Barron U, Barros Teixeira MG, Barsov S, Bartels F, Bartoldus R, Barton AE, Bartos P, Basan A, Baselga M, Bassalat A, Basso MJ, Basson CR, Bates RL, Batlamous S, Batley JR, Batool B, Battaglia M, Battulga D, Bauce M, Bauer M, Bauer P, Bazzano Hurrell LT, Beacham JB, Beau T, Beauchemin PH, Becherer F, Bechtle P, Beck HP, Becker K, Beddall AJ, Bednyakov VA, Bee CP, Beemster LJ, Beermann TA, Begalli M, Begel M, Behera A, Behr JK, Beirer JF, Beisiegel F, Belfkir M, Bella G, Bellagamba L, Bellerive A, Bellos P, Beloborodov K, Belyaev NL, Benchekroun D, Bendebba F, Benhammou Y, Benoit M, Bensinger JR, Bentvelsen S, Beresford L, Beretta M, Bergeaas Kuutmann E, Berger N, Bergmann B, Beringer J, Bernardi G, Bernius C, Bernlochner FU, Bernon F, Berry T, Berta P, Berthold A, Bertram IA, Bethke S, Betti A, Bevan AJ, Bhamjee M, Bhatta S, Bhattacharya DS, Bhattarai P, Bhopatkar VS, Bi R, Bianchi RM, Bianco G, Biebel O, Bielski R, Biglietti M, Billoud TRV, Bindi M, Bingul A, Bini C, Biondini A, Birch-Sykes CJ, Bird GA, Birman M, Biros M, Bisanz T, Bisceglie E, Biswas D, Bitadze A, Bjørke K, Bloch I, Blocker C, Blue A, Blumenschein U, Blumenthal J, Bobbink GJ, Bobrovnikov VS, Boehler M, Boehm B, Bogavac D, Bogdanchikov AG, Bohm C, Boisvert V, Bokan P, Bold T, Bomben M, Bona M, Boonekamp M, Booth CD, Borbély AG, Bordulev IS, Borecka-Bielska HM, Borgna LS, Borissov G, Bortoletto D, Boscherini D, Bosman M, Bossio Sola JD, Bouaouda K, Bouchhar N, Boudreau J, Bouhova-Thacker EV, Boumediene D, Bouquet R, Boveia A, Boyd J, Boye D, Boyko IR, Bracinik J, Brahimi N, Brandt G, Brandt O, Braren F, Brau B, Brau JE, Brener R, Brenner L, Brenner R, Bressler S, Britton D, Britzger D, Brock I, Brooijmans G, Brooks WK, Brost E, Brown LM, Bruce LE, Bruckler TL, Bruckman de Renstrom PA, Brüers B, Bruncko D, Bruni A, Bruni G, Bruschi M, Bruscino N, Buanes T, Buat Q, Buchin D, Buckley AG, Bugge MK, Bulekov O, Bullard BA, Burdin S, Burgard CD, Burger AM, Burghgrave B, Burlayenko O, Burr JTP, Burton CD, Burzynski JC, Busch EL, Büscher V, Bussey PJ, Butler JM, Buttar CM, Butterworth JM, Buttinger W, Buxo Vazquez CJ, Buzykaev AR, Cabras G, Cabrera Urbán S, Cadamuro L, Caforio D, Cai H, Cai Y, Cairo VMM, Cakir O, Calace N, Calafiura P, Calderini G, Calfayan P, Callea G, Caloba LP, Calvet D, Calvet S, Calvet TP, Calvetti M, Camacho Toro R, Camarda S, Camarero Munoz D, Camarri P, Camerlingo MT, Cameron D, Camincher C, Campanelli M, Camplani A, Canale V, Canesse A, Cano Bret M, Cantero J, Cao Y, Capocasa F, Capua M, Carbone A, Cardarelli R, Cardenas JCJ, Cardillo F, Carli T, Carlino G, Carlotto JI, Carlson BT, Carlson EM, Carminati L, Carnelli A, Carnesale M, Caron S, Carquin E, Carrá S, Carratta G, Carrio Argos F, Carter JWS, Carter TM, Casado MP, Caspar M, Castiglia EG, Castillo FL, Castillo Garcia L, Castillo Gimenez V, Castro NF, Catinaccio A, Catmore JR, Cavaliere V, Cavalli N, Cavasinni V, Cekmecelioglu YC, Celebi E, Celli F, Centonze MS, Cerny K, Cerqueira AS, Cerri A, Cerrito L, Cerutti F, Cervato B, Cervelli A, Cesarini G, Cetin SA, Chadi Z, Chakraborty D, Chala M, Chan J, Chan WY, Chapman JD, Chapon E, Chargeishvili B, Charlton DG, Charman TP, Chatterjee M, Chauhan C, Chekanov S, Chekulaev SV, Chelkov GA, Chen A, Chen B, Chen B, Chen H, Chen H, Chen J, Chen J, Chen M, Chen S, Chen SJ, Chen X, Chen X, Chen Y, Cheng CL, Cheng HC, Cheong S, Cheplakov A, Cheremushkina E, Cherepanova E, Cherkaoui El Moursli R, Cheu E, Cheung K, Chevalier L, Chiarella V, Chiarelli G, Chiedde N, Chiodini G, Chisholm AS, Chitan A, Chitishvili M, Chizhov MV, Choi K, Chomont AR, Chou Y, Chow EYS, Chowdhury T, Chu KL, Chu MC, Chu X, Chudoba J, Chwastowski JJ, Cieri D, Ciesla KM, Cindro V, Ciocio A, Cirotto F, Citron ZH, Citterio M, Ciubotaru DA, Ciungu BM, Clark A, Clark PJ, Clavijo Columbie JM, Clawson SE, Clement C, Clercx J, Clissa L, Coadou Y, Cobal M, Coccaro A, Barrue RFC, Coelho Lopes De Sa R, Coelli S, Cohen H, Coimbra AEC, Cole B, Collot J, Conde Muiño P, Connell MP, Connell SH, Connelly IA, Conroy EI, Conventi F, Cooke HG, Cooper-Sarkar AM, Cordeiro Oudot Choi A, Cormier F, Corpe LD, Corradi M, Corriveau F, Cortes-Gonzalez A, Costa MJ, Costanza F, Costanzo D, Cote BM, Cowan G, Cranmer K, Cremonini D, Crépé-Renaudin S, Crescioli F, Cristinziani M, Cristoforetti M, Croft V, Crosby JE, Crosetti G, Cueto A, Cuhadar Donszelmann T, Cui H, Cui Z, Cunningham WR, Curcio F, Czodrowski P, Czurylo MM, De Sousa MJDCS, Da Fonseca Pinto JV, Da Via C, Dabrowski W, Dado T, Dahbi S, Dai T, Dallapiccola C, Dam M, D'amen G, D'Amico V, Damp J, Dandoy JR, Daneri MF, Danninger M, Dao V, Darbo G, Darmora S, Das SJ, D'Auria S, David C, Davidek T, Davis-Purcell B, Dawson I, Day-Hall HA, De K, De Asmundis R, De Biase N, De Castro S, De Groot N, de Jong P, De la Torre H, De Maria A, De Salvo A, De Sanctis U, De Santo A, De Vivie De Regie JB, Dedovich DV, Degens J, Deiana AM, Del Corso F, Del Peso J, Del Rio F, Deliot F, Delitzsch CM, Della Pietra M, Della Volpe D, Dell'Acqua A, Dell'Asta L, Delmastro M, Delsart PA, Demers S, Demichev M, Denisov SP, D'Eramo L, Derendarz D, Derue F, Dervan P, Desch K, Deutsch C, Di Bello FA, Di Ciaccio A, Di Ciaccio L, Di Domenico A, Di Donato C, Di Girolamo A, Di Gregorio G, Di Luca A, Di Micco B, Di Nardo R, Diaconu C, Dias FA, Vale TDD, Diaz MA, Diaz Capriles FG, Didenko M, Diehl EB, Diehl L, Díez Cornell S, Diez Pardos C, Dimitriadi C, Dimitrievska A, Dingfelder J, Dinu IM, Dittmeier SJ, Dittus F, Djama F, Djobava T, Djuvsland JI, Doglioni C, Dolejsi J, Dolezal Z, Donadelli M, Dong B, Donini J, D'Onofrio A, D'Onofrio M, Dopke J, Doria A, Dos Santos Fernandes N, Dova MT, Doyle AT, Draguet MA, Dreyer E, Drivas-Koulouris I, Drobac AS, Drozdova M, Du D, du Pree TA, Dubinin F, Dubovsky M, Duchovni E, Duckeck G, Ducu OA, Duda D, Dudarev A, Duden ER, D'uffizi M, Duflot L, Dührssen M, Dülsen C, Dumitriu AE, Dunford M, Dungs S, Dunne K, Duperrin A, Yildiz HD, Düren M, Durglishvili A, Dwyer BL, Dyckes GI, Dyndal M, Dysch S, Dziedzic BS, Earnshaw ZO, Eberwein GH, Eckerova B, Eggebrecht S, Eggleston MG, Purcino De Souza EE, Ehrke LF, Eigen G, Einsweiler K, Ekelof T, Ekman PA, El Farkh S, El Ghazali Y, El Jarrari H, El Moussaouy A, Ellajosyula V, Ellert M, Ellinghaus F, Elliot AA, Ellis N, Elmsheuser J, Elsing M, Emeliyanov D, Enari Y, Ene I, Epari S, Erdmann J, Erland PA, Errenst M, Escalier M, Escobar C, Etzion E, Evans G, Evans H, Evans LS, Evans MO, Ezhilov A, Ezzarqtouni S, Fabbri F, Fabbri L, Facini G, Fadeyev V, Fakhrutdinov RM, Falciano S, Falda Ulhoa Coelho LF, Falke PJ, Faltova J, Fan C, Fan Y, Fang Y, Fanti M, Faraj M, Farazpay Z, Farbin A, Farilla A, Farooque T, Farrington SM, Fassi F, Fassouliotis D, Faucci Giannelli M, Fawcett WJ, Fayard L, Federic P, Federicova P, Fedin OL, Fedotov G, Feickert M, Feligioni L, Fellers DE, Feng C, Feng M, Feng Z, Fenton MJ, Fenyuk AB, Ferencz L, Ferguson RAM, Fernandez Luengo SI, Fernoux MJV, Ferrando J, Ferrari A, Ferrari P, Ferrari R, Ferrere D, Ferretti C, Fiedler F, Filipčič A, Filmer EK, Filthaut F, Fiolhais MCN, Fiorini L, Fisher WC, Fitschen T, Fitzhugh PM, Fleck I, Fleischmann P, Flick T, Flores L, Flores M, Flores Castillo LR, Flores Sanz De Acedo L, Follega FM, Fomin N, Foo JH, Forland BC, Formica A, Forti AC, Fortin E, Fortman AW, Foti MG, Fountas L, Fournier D, Fox H, Francavilla P, Francescato S, Franchellucci S, Franchini M, Franchino S, Francis D, Franco L, Franconi L, Franklin M, Frattari G, Freegard AC, Freund WS, Frid YY, Fritzsche N, Froch A, Froidevaux D, Frost JA, Fu Y, Fujimoto M, Fullana Torregrosa E, Fung KY, De Simas Filho EF, Furukawa M, Fuster J, Gabrielli A, Gabrielli A, Gadow P, Gagliardi G, Gagnon LG, Gallas EJ, Gallop BJ, Gan KK, Ganguly S, Gao J, Gao Y, Garay Walls FM, Garcia B, García C, Garcia Alonso A, Garcia Caffaro AG, García Navarro JE, Garcia-Sciveres M, Gardner GL, Gardner RW, Garelli N, Garg D, Garg RB, Gargan JM, Garner CA, Gasiorowski SJ, Gaspar P, Gaudio G, Gautam V, Gauzzi P, Gavrilenko IL, Gavrilyuk A, Gay C, Gaycken G, Gazis EN, Geanta AA, Gee CM, Gemme C, Genest MH, Gentile S, George S, George WF, Geralis T, Gessinger-Befurt P, Geyik ME, Ghneimat M, Ghorbanian K, Ghosal A, Ghosh A, Ghosh A, Giacobbe B, Giagu S, Giannetti P, Giannini A, Gibson SM, Gignac M, Gil DT, Gilbert AK, Gilbert BJ, Gillberg D, Gilles G, Gillwald NEK, Ginabat L, Gingrich DM, Giordani MP, Giraud PF, Giugliarelli G, Giugni D, Giuli F, Gkialas I, Gladilin LK, Glasman C, Gledhill GR, Glisic M, Gnesi I, Go Y, Goblirsch-Kolb M, Gocke B, Godin D, Gokturk B, Goldfarb S, Golling T, Gololo MGD, Golubkov D, Gombas JP, Gomes A, Gomes Da Silva G, Gomez Delegido AJ, Gonçalo R, Gonella G, Gonella L, Gongadze A, Gonnella F, Gonski JL, González Andana RY, González de la Hoz S, Gonzalez Fernandez S, Gonzalez Lopez R, Gonzalez Renteria C, Gonzalez Suarez R, Gonzalez-Sevilla S, Gonzalvo Rodriguez GR, Goossens L, Gorbounov PA, Gorini B, Gorini E, Gorišek A, Gosart TC, Goshaw AT, Gostkin MI, Goswami S, Gottardo CA, Gouighri M, Goumarre V, Goussiou AG, Govender N, Grabowska-Bold I, Graham K, Gramstad E, Grancagnolo S, Grandi M, Gratchev V, Gravila PM, Gravili FG, Gray HM, Greco M, Grefe C, Gregor IM, Grenier P, Grieco C, Grillo AA, Grimm K, Grinstein S, Grivaz JF, Gross E, Grosse-Knetter J, Grud C, Grundy JC, Guan L, Guan W, Gubbels C, Guerrero Rojas JGR, Guerrieri G, Guescini F, Gugel R, Guhit JAM, Guida A, Guillemin T, Guilloton E, Guindon S, Guo F, Guo J, Guo L, Guo Y, Gupta R, Gurbuz S, Gurdasani SS, Gustavino G, Guth M, Gutierrez P, Gutierrez Zagazeta LF, Gutschow C, Gwenlan C, Gwilliam CB, Haaland ES, Haas A, Habedank M, Haber C, Hadavand HK, Hadef A, Hadzic S, Hahn JJ, Haines EH, Haleem M, Haley J, Hall JJ, Hallewell GD, Halser L, Hamano K, Hamdaoui H, Hamer M, Hamity GN, Hampshire EJ, Han J, Han K, Han L, Han L, Han S, Han YF, Hanagaki K, Hance M, Hangal DA, Hanif H, Hank MD, Hankache R, Hansen JB, Hansen JD, Hansen PH, Hara K, Harada D, Harenberg T, Harkusha S, Harris ML, Harris YT, Harrison J, Harrison NM, Harrison PF, Hartman NM, Hartmann NM, Hasegawa Y, Hasib A, Haug S, Hauser R, Hawkes CM, Hawkings RJ, Hayashi Y, Hayashida S, Hayden D, Hayes C, Hayes RL, Hays CP, Hays JM, Hayward HS, He F, He M, He Y, He Y, Heatley NB, Hedberg V, Heggelund AL, Hehir ND, Heidegger C, Heidegger KK, Heidorn WD, Heilman J, Heim S, Heim T, Heinlein JG, Heinrich JJ, Heinrich L, Hejbal J, Helary L, Held A, Hellesund S, Helling CM, Hellman S, Helsens C, Henderson RCW, Henkelmann L, Henriques Correia AM, Herde H, Hernández Jiménez Y, Herrmann LM, Herrmann T, Herten G, Hertenberger R, Hervas L, Hesping ME, Hessey NP, Hibi H, Hillier SJ, Hinds JR, Hinterkeuser F, Hirose M, Hirose S, Hirschbuehl D, Hitchings TG, Hiti B, Hobbs J, Hobincu R, Hod N, Hodgkinson MC, Hodkinson BH, Hoecker A, Hofer J, Holm T, Holzbock M, Hommels LBAH, Honan BP, Hong J, Hong TM, Hooberman BH, Hopkins WH, Horii Y, Hou S, Howard AS, Howarth J, Hoya J, Hrabovsky M, Hrynevich A, Hryn'ova T, Hsu PJ, Hsu SC, Hu Q, Hu YF, Huang S, Huang X, Huang Y, Huang Y, Huang Z, Hubacek Z, Huebner M, Huegging F, Huffman TB, Hugli CA, Huhtinen M, Huiberts SK, Hulsken R, Huseynov N, Huston J, Huth J, Hyneman R, Iacobucci G, Iakovidis G, Ibragimov I, Iconomidou-Fayard L, Iengo P, Iguchi R, Iizawa T, Ikegami Y, Ilic N, Imam H, Ince Lezki M, Ingebretsen Carlson T, Introzzi G, Iodice M, Ippolito V, Irwin RK, Ishino M, Islam W, Issever C, Istin S, Ito H, Iturbe Ponce JM, Iuppa R, Ivina A, Izen JM, Izzo V, Jacka P, Jackson P, Jacobs RM, Jaeger BP, Jagfeld CS, Jain P, Jäkel G, Jakobs K, Jakoubek T, Jamieson J, Janas KW, Jaspan AE, Javurkova M, Jeanneau F, Jeanty L, Jejelava J, Jenni P, Jessiman CE, Jézéquel S, Jia C, Jia J, Jia X, Jia X, Jia Z, Jiang Y, Jiggins S, Jimenez Pena J, Jin S, Jinaru A, Jinnouchi O, Johansson P, Johns KA, Johnson JW, Jones DM, Jones E, Jones P, Jones RWL, Jones TJ, Joshi R, Jovicevic J, Ju X, Junggeburth JJ, Junkermann T, Juste Rozas A, Juzek MK, Kabana S, Kaczmarska A, Kado M, Kagan H, Kagan M, Kahn A, Kahn A, Kahra C, Kaji T, Kajomovitz E, Kakati N, Kalaitzidou I, Kalderon CW, Kamenshchikov A, Kanayama S, Kang NJ, Kar D, Karava K, Kareem MJ, Karentzos E, Karkanias I, Karkout O, Karpov SN, Karpova ZM, Kartvelishvili V, Karyukhin AN, Kasimi E, Katzy J, Kaur S, Kawade K, Kawamoto T, Kay EF, Kaya FI, Kazakos S, Kazanin VF, Ke Y, Keaveney JM, Keeler R, Kehris GV, Keller JS, Kelly AS, Kempster JJ, Kennedy KE, Kennedy PD, Kepka O, Kerridge BP, Kersten S, Kerševan BP, Keshri S, Keszeghova L, Ketabchi Haghighat S, Khandoga M, Khanov A, Kharlamov AG, Kharlamova T, Khoda EE, Khoo TJ, Khoriauli G, Khubua J, Khwaira YAR, Kiehn M, Kilgallon A, Kim DW, Kim YK, Kimura N, Kirchhoff A, Kirfel C, Kirfel F, Kirk J, Kiryunin AE, Kitsaki C, Kivernyk O, Klassen M, Klein C, Klein L, Klein MH, Klein M, Klein SB, Klein U, Klimek P, Klimentov A, Klioutchnikova T, Kluit P, Kluth S, Kneringer E, Knight TM, Knue A, Kobayashi R, Koch SF, Kocian M, Kodyš P, Koeck DM, Koenig PT, Koffas T, Kolb M, Koletsou I, Komarek T, Köneke K, Kong AXY, Kono T, Konstantinidis N, Konya B, Kopeliansky R, Koperny S, Korcyl K, Kordas K, Koren G, Korn A, Korn S, Korolkov I, Korotkova N, Kortman B, Kortner O, Kortner S, Kostecka WH, Kostyukhin VV, Kotsokechagia A, Kotwal A, Koulouris A, Kourkoumeli-Charalampidi A, Kourkoumelis C, Kourlitis E, Kovanda O, Kowalewski R, Kozanecki W, Kozhin AS, Kramarenko VA, Kramberger G, Kramer P, Krasny MW, Krasznahorkay A, Kraus JW, Kremer JA, Kresse T, Kretzschmar J, Kreul K, Krieger P, Krishnamurthy S, Krivos M, Krizka K, Kroeninger K, Kroha H, Kroll J, Kroll J, Krowpman KS, Kruchonak U, Krüger H, Krumnack N, Kruse MC, Krzysiak JA, Kuchinskaia O, Kuday S, Kuehn S, Kuesters R, Kuhl T, Kukhtin V, Kulchitsky Y, Kuleshov S, Kumar M, Kumari N, Kupco A, Kupfer T, Kupich A, Kuprash O, Kurashige H, Kurchaninov LL, Kurdysh O, Kurochkin YA, Kurova A, Kuze M, Kvam AK, Kvita J, Kwan T, Kyriacou NG, Laatu LAO, Lacasta C, Lacava F, Lacker H, Lacour D, Lad NN, Ladygin E, Laforge B, Lagouri T, Lai S, Lakomiec IK, Lalloue N, Lambert JE, Lammers S, Lampl W, Lampoudis C, Lancaster AN, Lançon E, Landgraf U, Landon MPJ, Lang VS, Langenberg RJ, Langrekken OKB, Lankford AJ, Lanni F, Lantzsch K, Lanza A, Lapertosa A, Laporte JF, Lari T, Lasagni Manghi F, Lassnig M, Latonova V, Laudrain A, Laurier A, Lawlor SD, Lawrence Z, Lazzaroni M, Le B, Le Boulicaut EM, Leban B, Lebedev A, LeBlanc M, Ledroit-Guillon F, Lee ACA, Lee SC, Lee S, Lee TF, Leeuw LL, Lefebvre HP, Lefebvre M, Leggett C, Lehmann Miotto G, Leigh M, Leight WA, Leinonen W, Leisos A, Leite MAL, Leitgeb CE, Leitner R, Leney KJC, Lenz T, Leone S, Leonidopoulos C, Leopold A, Leroy C, Les R, Lester CG, Levchenko M, Levêque J, Levin D, Levinson LJ, Lewicki MP, Lewis DJ, Li A, Li B, Li C, Li CQ, Li H, Li H, Li H, Li H, Li K, Li L, Li M, Li QY, Li S, Li S, Li T, Li X, Li Z, Li Z, Li Z, Li Z, Liang Z, Liberatore M, Liberti B, Lie K, Lieber Marin J, Lien H, Lin K, Lindley RE, Lindon JH, Linss A, Lipeles E, Lipniacka A, Lister A, Little JD, Liu B, Liu BX, Liu D, Liu JB, Liu JKK, Liu K, Liu M, Liu MY, Liu P, Liu Q, Liu X, Liu Y, Liu YL, Liu YW, Llorente Merino J, Lloyd SL, Lobodzinska EM, Loch P, Loffredo S, Lohse T, Lohwasser K, Loiacono E, Lokajicek M, Lomas JD, Long JD, Longarini I, Longo L, Longo R, Lopez Paz I, Lopez Solis A, Lorenz J, Lorenzo Martinez N, Lory AM, Loseva O, Lou X, Lou X, Lounis A, Love J, Love PA, Lu G, Lu M, Lu S, Lu YJ, Lubatti HJ, Luci C, Lucio Alves FL, Lucotte A, Luehring F, Luise I, Lukianchuk O, Lundberg O, Lund-Jensen B, Luongo NA, Lutz MS, Lynn D, Lyons H, Lysak R, Lytken E, Lyubushkin V, Lyubushkina T, Lyukova MM, Ma H, Ma K, Ma LL, Ma Y, Mac Donell DM, Maccarrone G, MacDonald JC, Madar R, Mader WF, Maeda J, Maeno T, Maerker M, Maguire H, Maiboroda V, Maio A, Maj K, Majersky O, Majewski S, Makovec N, Maksimovic V, Malaescu B, Malecki P, Maleev VP, Malek F, Mali M, Malito D, Mallik U, Maltezos S, Malyukov S, Mamuzic J, Mancini G, Manco G, Mandalia JP, Mandić I, Manhaes de Andrade Filho L, Maniatis IM, Manjarres Ramos J, Mankad DC, Mann A, Mansoulie B, Manzoni S, Marantis A, Marchiori G, Marcisovsky M, Marcon C, Marinescu M, Marjanovic M, Marshall EJ, Marshall Z, Marti-Garcia S, Martin TA, Martin VJ, Martin Dit Latour B, Martinelli L, Martinez M, Martinez Agullo P, Martinez Outschoorn VI, Martinez Suarez P, Martin-Haugh S, Martoiu VS, Martyniuk AC, Marzin A, Mascione D, Masetti L, Mashimo T, Masik J, Maslennikov AL, Massa L, Massarotti P, Mastrandrea P, Mastroberardino A, Masubuchi T, Mathisen T, Matousek J, Matsuzawa N, Maurer J, Maček B, Maximov DA, Mazini R, Maznas I, Mazza M, Mazza SM, Mazzeo E, Mc Ginn C, Mc Gowan JP, Mc Kee SP, McDonald EF, McDougall AE, Mcfayden JA, McGovern RP, Mchedlidze G, Mckenzie RP, Mclachlan TC, Mclaughlin DJ, McLean KD, McMahon SJ, McNamara PC, Mcpartland CM, McPherson RA, Mehlhase S, Mehta A, Melini D, Mellado Garcia BR, Melo AH, Meloni F, Mendes Jacques Da Costa AM, Meng HY, Meng L, Menke S, Mentink M, Meoni E, Merlassino C, Merola L, Meroni C, Merz G, Meshkov O, Metcalfe J, Mete AS, Meyer C, Meyer JP, Middleton RP, Mijović L, Mikenberg G, Mikestikova M, Mikuž M, Mildner H, Milic A, Milke CD, Miller DW, Miller LS, Milov A, Milstead DA, Min T, Minaenko AA, Minashvili IA, Mince L, Mincer AI, Mindur B, Mineev M, Mino Y, Mir LM, Miralles Lopez M, Mironova M, Mishima A, Missio MC, Mitani T, Mitra A, Mitsou VA, Miu O, Miyagawa PS, Miyazaki Y, Mizukami A, Mkrtchyan T, Mlinarevic M, Mlinarevic T, Mlynarikova M, Mobius S, Mochizuki K, Moder P, Mogg P, Mohammed AF, Mohapatra S, Mokgatitswane G, Moleri L, Mondal B, Mondal S, Monig G, Mönig K, Monnier E, Monsonis Romero L, Montejo Berlingen J, Montella M, Montereali F, Monticelli F, Monzani S, Morange N, De Carvalho ALM, Moreno Llácer M, Moreno Martinez C, Morettini P, Morgenstern S, Morii M, Morinaga M, Morley AK, Morodei F, Morvaj L, Moschovakos P, Moser B, Mosidze M, Moskalets T, Moskvitina P, Moss J, Moyse EJW, Mtintsilana O, Muanza S, Mueller J, Muenstermann D, Müller R, Mullier GA, Mullin AJ, Mullin JJ, Mungo DP, Munoz Perez D, Munoz Sanchez FJ, Murin M, Murray WJ, Murrone A, Muse JM, Muškinja M, Mwewa C, Myagkov AG, Myers AJ, Myers AA, Myers G, Myska M, Nachman BP, Nackenhorst O, Nag A, Nagai K, Nagano K, Nagle JL, Nagy E, Nairz AM, Nakahama Y, Nakamura K, Nakkalil K, Nanjo H, Narayan R, Narayanan EA, Naryshkin I, Naseri M, Nasri S, Nass C, Navarro G, Navarro-Gonzalez J, Nayak R, Nayaz A, Nechaeva PY, Nechansky F, Nedic L, Neep TJ, Negri A, Negrini M, Nellist C, Nelson C, Nelson K, Nemecek S, Nessi M, Neubauer MS, Neuhaus F, Neundorf J, Newhouse R, Newman PR, Ng CW, Ng YWY, Ngair B, Nguyen HDN, Nickerson RB, Nicolaidou R, Nielsen J, Niemeyer M, Niermann J, Nikiforou N, Nikolaenko V, Nikolic-Audit I, Nikolopoulos K, Nilsson P, Ninca I, Nindhito HR, Ninio G, Nisati A, Nishu N, Nisius R, Nitschke JE, Nkadimeng EK, Noacco Rosende SJ, Nobe T, Noel DL, Nommensen T, Norfolk MB, Norisam RRB, Norman BJ, Novak J, Novak T, Novotny L, Novotny R, Nozka L, Ntekas K, Nunes De Moura Junior NMJ, Nurse E, Ocariz J, Ochi A, Ochoa I, Oerdek S, Offermann JT, Ogrodnik A, Oh A, Ohm CC, Oide H, Oishi R, Ojeda ML, Okazaki Y, O'Keefe MW, Okumura Y, Seabra LFO, Olivares Pino SA, Oliveira Damazio D, Oliveira Goncalves D, Oliver JL, Olsson MJR, Olszewski A, Öncel ÖO, O'Neil DC, O'Neill AP, Onofre A, Onyisi PUE, Oreglia MJ, Orellana GE, Orestano D, Orlando N, Orr RS, O'Shea V, Osojnak LM, Ospanov R, Otero Y Garzon G, Otono H, Ott PS, Ottino GJ, Ouchrif M, Ouellette J, Ould-Saada F, Owen M, Owen RE, Oyulmaz KY, Ozcan VE, Ozturk N, Ozturk S, Pacey HA, Pacheco Pages A, Padilla Aranda C, Padovano G, Pagan Griso S, Palacino G, Palazzo A, Palestini S, Pan J, Pan T, Panchal DK, Pandini CE, Panduro Vazquez JG, Pang H, Pani P, Panizzo G, Paolozzi L, Papadatos C, Parajuli S, Paramonov A, Paraskevopoulos C, Paredes Hernandez D, Park TH, Parker MA, Parodi F, Parrish EW, Parrish VA, Parsons JA, Parzefall U, Pascual Dias B, Pascual Dominguez L, Pasquali F, Pasqualucci E, Passaggio S, Pastore F, Pasuwan P, Patel P, Patel UM, Pater JR, Pauly T, Pearkes J, Pedersen M, Pedro R, Peleganchuk SV, Penc O, Pender EA, Peng H, Penski KE, Penzin M, Peralva BS, Peixoto APP, Pereira Sanchez L, Perepelitsa DV, Perez Codina E, Perganti M, Perini L, Pernegger H, Perrevoort A, Perrin O, Peters K, Peters RFY, Petersen BA, Petersen TC, Petit E, Petousis V, Petridou C, Petrukhin A, Pettee M, Pettersson NE, Petukhov A, Petukhova K, Peyaud A, Pezoa R, Pezzotti L, Pezzullo G, Pham TM, Pham T, Phillips PW, Piacquadio G, Pianori E, Piazza F, Piegaia R, Pietreanu D, Pilkington AD, Pinamonti M, Pinfold JL, Pereira BCP, Pinto Pinoargote AE, Piper KM, Pirttikoski A, Pitman Donaldson C, Pizzi DA, Pizzimento L, Pizzini A, Pleier MA, Plesanovs V, Pleskot V, Plotnikova E, Poddar G, Poettgen R, Poggioli L, Pokharel I, Polacek S, Polesello G, Poley A, Polifka R, Polini A, Pollard CS, Pollock ZB, Polychronakos V, Pompa Pacchi E, Ponomarenko D, Pontecorvo L, Popa S, Popeneciu GA, Poreba A, Portillo Quintero DM, Pospisil S, Postill MA, Postolache P, Potamianos K, Potepa PP, Potrap IN, Potter CJ, Potti H, Poulsen T, Poveda J, Pozo Astigarraga ME, Prades Ibanez A, Pretel J, Price D, Primavera M, Principe Martin MA, Privara R, Procter T, Proffitt ML, Proklova N, Prokofiev K, Proto G, Protopopescu S, Proudfoot J, Przybycien M, Przygoda WW, Puddefoot JE, Pudzha D, Pyatiizbyantseva D, Qian J, Qichen D, Qin Y, Qiu T, Quadt A, Queitsch-Maitland M, Quetant G, Rabanal Bolanos G, Rafanoharana D, Ragusa F, Rainbolt JL, Raine JA, Rajagopalan S, Ramakoti E, Ran K, Rapheeha NP, Rasheed H, Raskina V, Rassloff DF, Rave S, Ravina B, Ravinovich I, Raymond M, Read AL, Readioff NP, Rebuzzi DM, Redlinger G, Reed AS, Reeves K, Reidelsturz JA, Reikher D, Rej A, Rembser C, Renardi A, Renda M, Rendel MB, Renner F, Rennie AG, Resconi S, Ressegotti M, Rettie S, Reyes Rivera JG, Reynolds B, Reynolds E, Rezanova OL, Reznicek P, Ribaric N, Ricci E, Richter R, Richter S, Richter-Was E, Ridel M, Ridouani S, Rieck P, Riedler P, Rijssenbeek M, Rimoldi A, Rimoldi M, Rinaldi L, Rinn TT, Rinnagel MP, Ripellino G, Riu I, Rivadeneira P, Rivera Vergara JC, Rizatdinova F, Rizvi E, Roberts BA, Roberts BR, Robertson SH, Robin M, Robinson D, Robles Gajardo CM, Robles Manzano M, Robson A, Rocchi A, Roda C, Rodriguez Bosca S, Rodriguez Garcia Y, Rodriguez Rodriguez A, Rodríguez Vera AM, Roe S, Roemer JT, Roepe-Gier AR, Roggel J, Røhne O, Rojas RA, Roland CPA, Roloff J, Romaniouk A, Romano E, Romano M, Romero Hernandez AC, Rompotis N, Roos L, Rosati S, Rosser BJ, Rossi E, Rossi E, Rossi LP, Rossini L, Rosten R, Rotaru M, Rottler B, Rougier C, Rousseau D, Rousso D, Roy A, Roy-Garand S, Rozanov A, Rozen Y, Ruan X, Rubio Jimenez A, Ruby AJ, Ruelas Rivera VH, Ruggeri TA, Ruggiero A, Ruiz-Martinez A, Rummler A, Rurikova Z, Rusakovich NA, Russell HL, Russo G, Rutherfoord JP, Rutherford Colmenares S, Rybacki K, Rybar M, Rye EB, Ryzhov A, Sabater Iglesias JA, Sabatini P, Sabetta L, Sadrozinski HFW, Safai Tehrani F, Safarzadeh Samani B, Safdari M, Saha S, Sahinsoy M, Saimpert M, Saito M, Saito T, Salamani D, Salnikov A, Salt J, Salvador Salas A, Salvatore D, Salvatore F, Salzburger A, Sammel D, Sampsonidis D, Sampsonidou D, Sánchez J, Sanchez Pineda A, Sanchez Sebastian V, Sandaker H, Sander CO, Sandesara JA, Sandhoff M, Sandoval C, Sankey DPC, Sano T, Sansoni A, Santi L, Santoni C, Santos H, Santpur SN, Santra A, Saoucha KA, Saraiva JG, Sardain J, Sasaki O, Sato K, Sauer C, Sauerburger F, Sauvan E, Savard P, Sawada R, Sawyer C, Sawyer L, Sayago Galvan I, Sbarra C, Sbrizzi A, Scanlon T, Schaarschmidt J, Schacht P, Schaefer D, Schäfer U, Schaffer AC, Schaile D, Schamberger RD, Scharf C, Schefer MM, Schegelsky VA, Scheirich D, Schenck F, Schernau M, Scheulen C, Schiavi C, Schioppa EJ, Schioppa M, Schlag B, Schleicher KE, Schlenker S, Schmeing J, Schmidt MA, Schmieden K, Schmitt C, Schmitt S, Schoeffel L, Schoening A, Scholer PG, Schopf E, Schott M, Schovancova J, Schramm S, Schroeder F, Schroer T, Schultz-Coulon HC, Schumacher M, Schumm BA, Schune P, Schuy AJ, Schwartz HR, Schwartzman A, Schwarz TA, Schwemling P, Schwienhorst R, Sciandra A, Sciolla G, Scuri F, Sebastiani CD, Sedlaczek K, Seema P, Seidel SC, Seiden A, Seidlitz BD, Seitz C, Seixas JM, Sekhniaidze G, Sekula SJ, Selem L, Semprini-Cesari N, Sengupta D, Senthilkumar V, Serin L, Serkin L, Sessa M, Severini H, Sforza F, Sfyrla A, Shabalina E, Shaheen R, Shahinian JD, Shaked Renous D, Shan LY, Shapiro M, Sharma A, Sharma AS, Sharma P, Sharma S, Shatalov PB, Shaw K, Shaw SM, Shcherbakova A, Shen Q, Sherwood P, Shi L, Shi X, Shimmin CO, Shimogama Y, Shinner JD, Shipsey IPJ, Shirabe S, Shiyakova M, Shlomi J, Shochet MJ, Shojaii J, Shope DR, Shrestha S, Shrif EM, Shroff MJ, Sicho P, Sickles AM, Sideras Haddad E, Sidoti A, Siegert F, Sijacki D, Sikora R, Sili F, Silva JM, Silva Oliveira MV, Silverstein SB, Simion S, Simoniello R, Simpson EL, Simpson H, Simpson LR, Simpson ND, Simsek S, Sindhu S, Sinervo P, Singh S, Sinha S, Sinha S, Sioli M, Siral I, Sitnikova E, Sivoklokov SY, Sjölin J, Skaf A, Skorda E, Skubic P, Slawinska M, Smakhtin V, Smart BH, Smiesko J, Smirnov SY, Smirnov Y, Smirnova LN, Smirnova O, Smith AC, Smith EA, Smith HA, Smith JL, Smith R, Smizanska M, Smolek K, Snesarev AA, Snider SR, Snoek HL, Snyder S, Sobie R, Soffer A, Solans Sanchez CA, Soldatov EY, Soldevila U, Solodkov AA, Solomon S, Soloshenko A, Solovieva K, Solovyanov OV, Solovyev V, Sommer P, Sonay A, Song WY, Sonneveld JM, Sopczak A, Sopio AL, Sopkova F, Sothilingam V, Sottocornola S, Soualah R, Soumaimi Z, South D, Spagnolo S, Spalla M, Sperlich D, Spigo G, Spina M, Spinali S, Spiteri DP, Spousta M, Staats EJ, Stabile A, Stamen R, Stamenkovic M, Stampekis A, Standke M, Stanecka E, Stange MV, Stanislaus B, Stanitzki MM, Stapf B, Starchenko EA, Stark GH, Stark J, Starko DM, Staroba P, Starovoitov P, Stärz S, Staszewski R, Stavropoulos G, Steentoft J, Steinberg P, Stelzer B, Stelzer HJ, Stelzer-Chilton O, Stenzel H, Stevenson TJ, Stewart GA, Stewart JR, Stockton MC, Stoicea G, Stolarski M, Stonjek S, Straessner A, Strandberg J, Strandberg S, Strauss M, Strebler T, Strizenec P, Ströhmer R, Strom DM, Strom LR, Stroynowski R, Strubig A, Stucci SA, Stugu B, Stupak J, Styles NA, Su D, Su S, Su W, Su X, Sugizaki K, Sulin VV, Sullivan MJ, Sultan DMS, Sultanaliyeva L, Sultansoy S, Sumida T, Sun S, Sun S, Gudnadottir OS, Sur N, Sutton MR, Suzuki H, Svatos M, Swiatlowski M, Swirski T, Sykora I, Sykora M, Sykora T, Ta D, Tackmann K, Taffard A, Tafirout R, Tafoya Vargas JS, Takashima R, Takeva EP, Takubo Y, Talby M, Talyshev AA, Tam KC, Tamir NM, Tanaka A, Tanaka J, Tanaka R, Tanasini M, Tao Z, Tapia Araya S, Tapprogge S, Tarek Abouelfadl Mohamed A, Tarem S, Tariq K, Tarna G, Tartarelli GF, Tas P, Tasevsky M, Tassi E, Tate AC, Tateno G, Tayalati Y, Taylor GN, Taylor W, Teagle H, Tee AS, Teixeira De Lima R, Teixeira-Dias P, Teoh JJ, Terashi K, Terron J, Terzo S, Testa M, Teuscher RJ, Thaler A, Theiner O, Themistokleous N, Theveneaux-Pelzer T, Thielmann O, Thomas DW, Thomas JP, Thompson EA, Thompson PD, Thomson E, Tian Y, Tikhomirov V, Tikhonov YA, Timoshenko S, Timoshyn D, Ting EXL, Tipton P, Tlou SH, Tnourji A, Todome K, Todorova-Nova S, Todt S, Togawa M, Tojo J, Tokár S, Tokushuku K, Toldaiev O, Tombs R, Tomoto M, Tompkins L, Topolnicki KW, Torrence E, Torres H, Torró Pastor E, Toscani M, Tosciri C, Tost M, Tovey DR, Traeet A, Trandafir IS, Trefzger T, Tricoli A, Trigger IM, Trincaz-Duvoid S, Trischuk DA, Trocmé B, Troncon C, Truong L, Trzebinski M, Trzupek A, Tsai F, Tsai M, Tsiamis A, Tsiareshka PV, Tsigaridas S, Tsirigotis A, Tsiskaridze V, Tskhadadze EG, Tsopoulou M, Tsujikawa Y, Tsukerman II, Tsulaia V, Tsuno S, Tsur O, Tsuri K, Tsybychev D, Tu Y, Tudorache A, Tudorache V, Tuna AN, Turchikhin S, Turk Cakir I, Turra R, Turtuvshin T, Tuts PM, Tzamarias S, Tzanis P, Tzovara E, Uchida K, Ukegawa F, Ulloa Poblete PA, Umaka EN, Unal G, Unal M, Undrus A, Unel G, Urban J, Urquijo P, Usai G, Ushioda R, Usman M, Uysal Z, Vacavant L, Vacek V, Vachon B, Vadla KOH, Vafeiadis T, Vaitkus A, Valderanis C, Valdes Santurio E, Valente M, Valentinetti S, Valero A, Valiente Moreno E, Vallier A, Valls Ferrer JA, Van Arneman DR, Van Daalen TR, Van Der Graaf A, Van Gemmeren P, Van Rijnbach M, Van Stroud S, Van Vulpen I, Vanadia M, Vandelli W, Vandenbroucke M, Vandewall ER, Vannicola D, Vannoli L, Vari R, Varnes EW, Varni C, Varol T, Varouchas D, Varriale L, Varvell KE, Vasile ME, Vaslin L, Vasquez GA, Vazeille F, Vazquez Schroeder T, Veatch J, Vecchio V, Veen MJ, Veliscek I, Veloce LM, Veloso F, Veneziano S, Ventura A, Verbytskyi A, Verducci M, Vergis C, Verissimo De Araujo M, Verkerke W, Vermeulen JC, Vernieri C, Verschuuren PJ, Vessella M, Vetterli MC, Vgenopoulos A, Viaux Maira N, Vickey T, Vickey Boeriu OE, Viehhauser GHA, Vigani L, Villa M, Villaplana Perez M, Villhauer EM, Vilucchi E, Vincter MG, Virdee GS, Vishwakarma A, Visibile A, Vittori C, Vivarelli I, Vladimirov V, Voevodina E, Vogel F, Vokac P, Von Ahnen J, Von Toerne E, Vormwald B, Vorobel V, Vorobev K, Vos M, Voss K, Vossebeld JH, Vozak M, Vozdecky L, Vranjes N, Vranjes Milosavljevic M, Vreeswijk M, Vu NK, Vuillermet R, Vujinovic O, Vukotic I, Wada S, Wagner C, Wagner JM, Wagner W, Wahdan S, Wahlberg H, Wakasa R, Wakida M, Walder J, Walker R, Walkowiak W, Wall A, Wamorkar T, Wang AZ, Wang C, Wang C, Wang H, Wang J, Wang RJ, Wang R, Wang R, Wang SM, Wang S, Wang T, Wang WT, Wang W, Wang X, Wang X, Wang X, Wang Y, Wang Y, Wang Z, Wang Z, Wang Z, Warburton A, Ward RJ, Warrack N, Watson AT, Watson H, Watson MF, Watton E, Watts G, Waugh BM, Weber C, Weber HA, Weber MS, Weber SM, Wei C, Wei Y, Weidberg AR, Weik EJ, Weingarten J, Weirich M, Weiser C, Wells CJ, Wenaus T, Wendland B, Wengler T, Wenke NS, Wermes N, Wessels M, Whalen K, Wharton AM, White AS, White A, White MJ, Whiteson D, Wickremasinghe L, Wiedenmann W, Wiel C, Wielers M, Wiglesworth C, Wilbern DJ, Wilkens HG, Williams DM, Williams HH, Williams S, Willocq S, Wilson BJ, Windischhofer PJ, Winkel FI, Winklmeier F, Winter BT, Winter JK, Wittgen M, Wobisch M, Wolffs Z, Wölker R, Wollrath J, Wolter MW, Wolters H, Wongel AF, Worm SD, Wosiek BK, Woźniak KW, Wozniewski S, Wraight K, Wu C, Wu J, Wu M, Wu M, Wu SL, Wu X, Wu Y, Wu Z, Wuerzinger J, Wyatt TR, Wynne BM, Xella S, Xia L, Xia M, Xiang J, Xiao X, Xie M, Xie X, Xin S, Xiong J, Xu D, Xu H, Xu L, Xu R, Xu T, Xu Y, Xu Z, Xu Z, Yabsley B, Yacoob S, Yamaguchi N, Yamaguchi Y, Yamashita E, Yamauchi H, Yamazaki T, Yamazaki Y, Yan J, Yan S, Yan Z, Yang HJ, Yang HT, Yang S, Yang T, Yang X, Yang X, Yang Y, Yang Y, Yang Z, Yao WM, Yap YC, Ye H, Ye H, Ye J, Ye S, Ye X, Yeh Y, Yeletskikh I, Yeo BK, Yexley MR, Yin P, Yorita K, Younas S, Young CJS, Young C, Yu Y, Yuan M, Yuan R, Yue L, Zaazoua M, Zabinski B, Zaid E, Zakareishvili T, Zakharchuk N, Zambito S, Zamora Saa JA, Zang J, Zanzi D, Zaplatilek O, Zeitnitz C, Zeng H, Zeng JC, Zenger DT, Zenin O, Ženiš T, Zenz S, Zerradi S, Zerwas D, Zhai M, Zhang B, Zhang DF, Zhang J, Zhang J, Zhang K, Zhang L, Zhang P, Zhang R, Zhang S, Zhang T, Zhang X, Zhang X, Zhang Y, Zhang Y, Zhang Z, Zhang Z, Zhao H, Zhao P, Zhao T, Zhao Y, Zhao Z, Zhemchugov A, Zheng K, Zheng X, Zheng Z, Zhong D, Zhou B, Zhou H, Zhou N, Zhou Y, Zhu CG, Zhu J, Zhu Y, Zhu Y, Zhuang X, Zhukov K, Zhulanov V, Zimine NI, Zinsser J, Ziolkowski M, Živković L, Zoccoli A, Zoch K, Zorbas TG, Zormpa O, Zou W, Zwalinski L. Measurement of the Sensitivity of Two-Particle Correlations in pp Collisions to the Presence of Hard Scatterings. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2023; 131:162301. [PMID: 37925689 DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.131.162301] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 04/03/2023] [Revised: 06/18/2023] [Accepted: 08/09/2023] [Indexed: 11/07/2023]
A key open question in the study of multiparticle production in high-energy pp collisions is the relationship between the "ridge"-i.e., the observed azimuthal correlations between particles in the underlying event that extend over all rapidities-and hard or semihard scattering processes. In particular, it is not known whether jets or their soft fragments are correlated with particles in the underlying event. To address this question, two-particle correlations are measured in pp collisions at sqrt[s]=13 TeV using data collected by the ATLAS experiment at the LHC, with an integrated luminosity of 15.8 pb^{-1}, in two different configurations. In the first case, charged particles associated with jets are excluded from the correlation analysis, while in the second case, correlations are measured between particles within jets and charged particles from the underlying event. Second-order flow coefficients, v_{2}, are presented as a function of event multiplicity and transverse momentum. These measurements show that excluding particles associated with jets does not affect the measured correlations. Moreover, particles associated with jets do not exhibit any significant azimuthal correlations with the underlying event, ruling out hard processes contributing to the ridge.
Ablikim M, Achasov MN, Adlarson P, Aliberti R, Amoroso A, An MR, An Q, Bai Y, Bakina O, Balossino I, Ban Y, Batozskaya V, Begzsuren K, Berger N, Berlowski M, Bertani M, Bettoni D, Bianchi F, Bianco E, Bloms J, Bortone A, Boyko I, Briere RA, Brueggemann A, Cai H, Cai X, Calcaterra A, Cao GF, Cao N, Cetin SA, Chang JF, Chang TT, Chang WL, Che GR, Chelkov G, Chen C, Chen C, Chen G, Chen HS, Chen ML, Chen SJ, Chen SM, Chen T, Chen XR, Chen XT, Chen YB, Chen YQ, Chen ZJ, Cheng WS, Choi SK, Chu X, Cibinetto G, Coen SC, Cossio F, Cui JJ, Dai HL, Dai JP, Dbeyssi A, de Boer RE, Dedovich D, Deng ZY, Denig A, Denysenko I, Destefanis M, De Mori F, Ding B, Ding XX, Ding Y, Ding Y, Dong J, Dong LY, Dong MY, Dong X, Du SX, Duan ZH, Egorov P, Fan YL, Fang J, Fang SS, Fang WX, Fang Y, Farinelli R, Fava L, Feldbauer F, Felici G, Feng CQ, Feng JH, Fischer K, Fritsch M, Fritzsch C, Fu CD, Fu YW, Gao H, Gao YN, Gao Y, Garbolino S, Garzia I, Ge PT, Ge ZW, Geng C, Gersabeck EM, Gilman A, Goetzen K, Gong L, Gong WX, Gradl W, Gramigna S, Greco M, Gu MH, Gu YT, Guan CY, Guan ZL, Guo AQ, Guo LB, Guo RP, Guo YP, Guskov A, Hou XT, Han WY, Hao XQ, Harris FA, He KK, He KL, Heinsius FH, Heinz CH, Heng YK, Herold C, Holtmann T, Hong PC, Hou GY, Hou YR, Hou ZL, Hu HM, Hu JF, Hu T, Hu Y, Huang GS, Huang KX, Huang LQ, Huang XT, Huang YP, Hussain T, Hüsken N, Imoehl W, Irshad M, Jackson J, Jaeger S, Janchiv S, Jeong JH, Ji Q, Ji QP, Ji XB, Ji XL, Ji YY, Jia ZK, Jiang PC, Jiang SS, Jiang TJ, Jiang XS, Jiang Y, Jiao JB, Jiao Z, Jin S, Jin Y, Jing MQ, Johansson T, Kui X, Kabana S, Kalantar-Nayestanaki N, Kang XL, Kang XS, Kappert R, Kavatsyuk M, Ke BC, Khoukaz A, Kiuchi R, Kliemt R, Koch L, Kolcu OB, Kopf B, Kuessner M, Kupsc A, Kühn W, Lane JJ, Lange JS, Larin P, Lavania A, Lavezzi L, Lei TT, Lei ZH, Leithoff H, Lellmann M, Lenz T, Li C, Li C, Li CH, Li C, Li DM, Li F, Li G, Li H, Li HB, Li HJ, Li HN, Li H, Li JR, Li JS, Li JW, Li K, Li LJ, Li LK, Li L, Li MH, Li PR, Li SX, Li T, Li WD, Li WG, Li XH, Li XL, Li X, Li YG, Li ZJ, Li ZX, Li ZY, Liang C, Liang H, Liang H, Liang H, Liang YF, Liang YT, Liao GR, Liao LZ, Libby J, Limphirat A, Lin DX, Lin T, Liu BJ, Liu BX, Liu C, Liu CX, Liu D, Liu FH, Liu F, Liu F, Liu GM, Liu H, Liu HB, Liu HM, Liu H, Liu H, Liu JB, Liu JL, Liu JY, Liu K, Liu KY, Liu K, Liu L, Liu LC, Liu L, Liu MH, Liu PL, Liu Q, Liu SB, Liu T, Liu WK, Liu WM, Liu X, Liu Y, Liu YB, Liu ZA, Liu ZQ, Lou XC, Lu FX, Lu HJ, Lu JG, Lu XL, Lu Y, Lu YP, Lu ZH, Luo CL, Luo MX, Luo T, Luo XL, Lyu XR, Lyu YF, Ma FC, Ma HL, Ma JL, Ma LL, Ma MM, Ma QM, Ma RQ, Ma RT, Ma XY, Ma Y, Maas FE, Maggiora M, Maldaner S, Malde S, Mangoni A, Mao YJ, Mao ZP, Marcello S, Meng ZX, Messchendorp JG, Mezzadri G, Miao H, Min TJ, Mitchell RE, Mo XH, Muchnoi NY, Nefedov Y, Nerling F, Nikolaev IB, Ning Z, Nisar S, Niu Y, Olsen SL, Ouyang Q, Pacetti S, Pan X, Pan Y, Pathak A, Pei YP, Pelizaeus M, Peng HP, Peters K, Ping JL, Ping RG, Plura S, Pogodin S, Prasad V, Qi FZ, Qi H, Qi HR, Qi M, Qi TY, Qian S, Qian WB, Qiao CF, Qin JJ, Qin LQ, Qin XP, Qin XS, Qin ZH, Qiu JF, Qu SQ, Redmer CF, Ren KJ, Rivetti A, Rodin V, Rolo M, Rong G, Rosner C, Ruan SN, Salone N, Sarantsev A, Schelhaas Y, Schoenning K, Scodeggio M, Shan KY, Shan W, Shan XY, Shangguan JF, Shao LG, Shao M, Shen CP, Shen HF, Shen WH, Shen XY, Shi BA, Shi HC, Shi JY, Shi QQ, Shi RS, Shi X, Song JJ, Song TZ, Song WM, Song YX, Sosio S, Spataro S, Stieler F, Su YJ, Sun GB, Sun GX, Sun H, Sun HK, Sun JF, Sun K, Sun L, Sun SS, Sun T, Sun WY, Sun Y, Sun YJ, Sun YZ, Sun ZT, Tan YX, Tang CJ, Tang GY, Tang J, Tang YA, Tao LY, Tao QT, Tat M, Teng JX, Thoren V, Tian WH, Tian WH, Tian Y, Tian ZF, Uman I, Wang B, Wang BL, Wang B, Wang CW, Wang DY, Wang F, Wang HJ, Wang HP, Wang K, Wang LL, Wang M, Wang M, Wang S, Wang T, Wang TJ, Wang W, Wang W, Wang WH, Wang WP, Wang X, Wang XF, Wang XJ, Wang XL, Wang Y, Wang YD, Wang YF, Wang YH, Wang YN, Wang YQ, Wang Y, Wang Y, Wang Z, Wang ZL, Wang ZY, Wang Z, Wei D, Wei DH, Weidner F, Wen SP, Wenzel CW, Wiedner U, Wilkinson G, Wolke M, Wollenberg L, Wu C, Wu JF, Wu LH, Wu LJ, Wu X, Wu XH, Wu Y, Wu YJ, Wu Z, Xia L, Xian XM, Xiang T, Xiao D, Xiao GY, Xiao H, Xiao SY, Xiao YL, Xiao ZJ, Xie C, Xie XH, Xie Y, Xie YG, Xie YH, Xie ZP, Xing TY, Xu CF, Xu CJ, Xu GF, Xu HY, Xu QJ, Xu WL, Xu XP, Xu YC, Xu ZP, Yan F, Yan L, Yan WB, Yan WC, Yan XQ, Yang HJ, Yang HL, Yang HX, Yang T, Yang Y, Yang YF, Yang YX, Yang Y, Ye M, Ye MH, Yin JH, You ZY, Yu BX, Yu CX, Yu G, Yu T, Yu XD, Yuan CZ, Yuan L, Yuan SC, Yuan XQ, Yuan Y, Yuan ZY, Yue CX, Zafar AA, Zeng FR, Zeng X, Zeng Y, Zeng YJ, Zhai XY, Zhan YH, Zhang AQ, Zhang BL, Zhang BX, Zhang DH, Zhang GY, Zhang H, Zhang HH, Zhang HH, Zhang HQ, Zhang HY, Zhang JJ, Zhang JL, Zhang JQ, Zhang JW, Zhang JX, Zhang JY, Zhang JZ, Zhang J, Zhang LM, Zhang LQ, Zhang L, Zhang P, Zhang QY, Zhang S, Zhang S, Zhang XD, Zhang XM, Zhang XY, Zhang XY, Zhang Y, Zhang YT, Zhang YH, Zhang Y, Zhang Y, Zhang ZH, Zhang ZL, Zhang ZY, Zhang ZY, Zhao G, Zhao J, Zhao JY, Zhao JZ, Zhao L, Zhao L, Zhao MG, Zhao SJ, Zhao YB, Zhao YX, Zhao ZG, Zhemchugov A, Zheng B, Zheng JP, Zheng WJ, Zheng YH, Zhong B, Zhong X, Zhou H, Zhou LP, Zhou X, Zhou XK, Zhou XR, Zhou XY, Zhou YZ, Zhu J, Zhu K, Zhu KJ, Zhu L, Zhu LX, Zhu SH, Zhu SQ, Zhu TJ, Zhu WJ, Zhu YC, Zhu ZA, Zou JH, Zu J. Determination of Spin-Parity Quantum Numbers for the Narrow Structure near the pΛ[over ¯] Threshold in e^{+}e^{-}→pK^{-}Λ[over ¯]+c.c. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2023; 131:151901. [PMID: 37897776 DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.131.151901] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 03/06/2023] [Revised: 08/22/2023] [Accepted: 09/15/2023] [Indexed: 10/30/2023]
A narrow structure in the pΛ[over ¯] system near the mass threshold, named as X(2085), is observed in the process e^{+}e^{-}→pK^{-}Λ[over ¯] with a statistical significance greater than 20σ. Its spin and parity are determined for the first time to be J^{P}=1^{+} in an amplitude analysis, with a statistical significance greater than 5σ over other quantum numbers (0^{-},1^{-} and 2^{+}). The pole positions of X(2085) are measured to be M_{pole}=(2084_{-2}^{+4}±9) MeV and Γ_{pole}=(58_{-3}^{+4}±25) MeV, where the first uncertainties are statistical and the second ones are systematic. The analysis is based on the study of the process e^{+}e^{-}→pK^{-}Λ[over ¯] and uses the data samples collected with the BESIII detector at the center-of-mass energies sqrt[s]=4.008, 4.178, 4.226, 4.258, 4.416, and 4.682 GeV with a total integrated luminosity of 8.35 fb^{-1}.
Aaij R, Abdelmotteleb ASW, Abellan Beteta C, Abudinén F, Ackernley T, Adeva B, Adinolfi M, Adlarson P, Afsharnia H, Agapopoulou C, Aidala CA, Ajaltouni Z, Akar S, Akiba K, Albicocco P, Albrecht J, Alessio F, Alexander M, Alfonso Albero A, Aliouche Z, Alvarez Cartelle P, Amalric R, Amato S, Amey JL, Amhis Y, An L, Anderlini L, Andersson M, Andreianov A, Andreotti M, Andreou D, Ao D, Archilli F, Artamonov A, Artuso M, Aslanides E, Atzeni M, Audurier B, Bachiller Perea I, Bachmann S, Bachmayer M, Back JJ, Bailly-Reyre A, Baladron Rodriguez P, Balagura V, Baldini W, Baptista de Souza Leite J, Barbetti M, Barlow RJ, Barsuk S, Barter W, Bartolini M, Baryshnikov F, Basels JM, Bassi G, Batsukh B, Battig A, Bay A, Beck A, Becker M, Bedeschi F, Bediaga IB, Beiter A, Belin S, Bellee V, Belous K, Belov I, Belyaev I, Benane G, Bencivenni G, Ben-Haim E, Berezhnoy A, Bernet R, Bernet Andres S, Berninghoff D, Bernstein HC, Bertella C, Bertolin A, Betancourt C, Betti F, Bezshyiko I, Bhom J, Bian L, Bieker MS, Biesuz NV, Billoir P, Biolchini A, Birch M, Bishop FCR, Bitadze A, Bizzeti A, Blago MP, Blake T, Blanc F, Blank JE, Blusk S, Bobulska D, Bocharnikov V, Boelhauve JA, Boente Garcia O, Boettcher T, Boldyrev A, Bolognani CS, Bolzonella R, Bondar N, Borgato F, Borghi S, Borsato M, Borsuk JT, Bouchiba SA, Bowcock TJV, Boyer A, Bozzi C, Bradley MJ, Braun S, Brea Rodriguez A, Breer N, Brodzicka J, Brossa Gonzalo A, Brown J, Brundu D, Buonaura A, Buonincontri L, Burke AT, Burr C, Bursche A, Butkevich A, Butter JS, Buytaert J, Byczynski W, Cadeddu S, Cai H, Calabrese R, Calefice L, Cali S, Calvi M, Calvo Gomez M, Campana P, Campora Perez DH, Campoverde Quezada AF, Capelli S, Capriotti L, Carbone A, Cardinale R, Cardini A, Carniti P, Carus L, Casais Vidal A, Caspary R, Casse G, Cattaneo M, Cavallero G, Cavallini V, Celani S, Cerasoli J, Cervenkov D, Chadwick AJ, Chahrour I, Chapman MG, Charles M, Charpentier P, Chavez Barajas CA, Chefdeville M, Chen C, Chen S, Chernov A, Chernyshenko S, Chobanova V, Cholak S, Chrzaszcz M, Chubykin A, Chulikov V, Ciambrone P, Cicala MF, Cid Vidal X, Ciezarek G, Cifra P, Clarke PEL, Clemencic M, Cliff HV, Closier J, Cobbledick JL, Coco V, Cogan J, Cogneras E, Cojocariu L, Collins P, Colombo T, Congedo L, Contu A, Cooke N, Corredoira I, Corti G, Couturier B, Craik DC, Cruz Torres M, Currie R, Da Silva CL, Dadabaev S, Dai L, Dai X, Dall'Occo E, Dalseno J, D'Ambrosio C, Daniel J, Danilina A, d'Argent P, Davies JE, Davis A, De Aguiar Francisco O, de Boer J, De Bruyn K, De Capua S, De Cian M, De Freitas Carneiro Da Graca U, De Lucia E, De Miranda JM, De Paula L, De Serio M, De Simone D, De Simone P, De Vellis F, de Vries JA, Dean CT, Debernardis F, Decamp D, Dedu V, Del Buono L, Delaney B, Dembinski HP, Denysenko V, Deschamps O, Dettori F, Dey B, Di Nezza P, Diachkov I, Didenko S, Dieste Maronas L, Ding S, Dobishuk V, Dolmatov A, Dong C, Donohoe AM, Dordei F, Dos Reis AC, Douglas L, Downes AG, Duda P, Dudek MW, Dufour L, Duk V, Durante P, Duras MM, Durham JM, Dutta D, Dziurda A, Dzyuba A, Easo S, Egede U, Egorychev V, Eirea Orro C, Eisenhardt S, Ejopu E, Ek-In S, Eklund L, Elashri M, Ellbracht J, Ely S, Ene A, Epple E, Escher S, Eschle J, Esen S, Evans T, Fabiano F, Falcao LN, Fan Y, Fang B, Fantini L, Faria M, Farry S, Fazzini D, Felkowski L, Feo M, Fernandez Gomez M, Fernez AD, Ferrari F, Ferreira Lopes L, Ferreira Rodrigues F, Ferreres Sole S, Ferrillo M, Ferro-Luzzi M, Filippov S, Fini RA, Fiorini M, Firlej M, Fischer KM, Fitzgerald DS, Fitzpatrick C, Fiutowski T, Fleuret F, Fontana M, Fontanelli F, Forty R, Foulds-Holt D, Franco Lima V, Franco Sevilla M, Frank M, Franzoso E, Frau G, Frei C, Friday DA, Frontini L, Fu J, Fuehring Q, Fulghesu T, Gabriel E, Galati G, Galati MD, Gallas Torreira A, Galli D, Gambetta S, Gandelman M, Gandini P, Gao H, Gao Y, Gao Y, Garau M, Garcia Martin LM, Garcia Moreno P, García Pardiñas J, Garcia Plana B, Garcia Rosales FA, Garrido L, Gaspar C, Geertsema RE, Gerick D, Gerken LL, Gersabeck E, Gersabeck M, Gershon T, Giambastiani L, Gibson V, Giemza HK, Gilman AL, Giovannetti M, Gioventù A, Gironella Gironell P, Giugliano C, Giza MA, Gizdov K, Gkougkousis EL, Gligorov VV, Göbel C, Golobardes E, Golubkov D, Golutvin A, Gomes A, Gomez Fernandez S, Goncalves Abrantes F, Goncerz M, Gong G, Gorelov IV, Gotti C, Grabowski JP, Grammatico T, Granado Cardoso LA, Graugés E, Graverini E, Graziani G, Grecu AT, Greeven LM, Grieser NA, Grillo L, Gromov S, Gruberg Cazon BR, Gu C, Guarise M, Guittiere M, Günther PA, Gushchin E, Guth A, Guz Y, Gys T, Hadavizadeh T, Hadjivasiliou C, Haefeli G, Haen C, Haimberger J, Haines SC, Halewood-Leagas T, Halvorsen MM, Hamilton PM, Hammerich J, Han Q, Han X, Hansmann-Menzemer S, Hao L, Harnew N, Harrison T, Hasse C, Hatch M, He J, Heijhoff K, Hemmer F, Henderson C, Henderson RDL, Hennequin AM, Hennessy K, Henry L, Herd J, Heuel J, Hicheur A, Hill D, Hilton M, Hollitt SE, Horswill J, Hou R, Hou Y, Hu J, Hu J, Hu W, Hu X, Huang W, Huang X, Hulsbergen W, Hunter RJ, Hushchyn M, Hutchcroft D, Ibis P, Idzik M, Ilin D, Ilten P, Inglessi A, Iniukhin A, Ishteev A, Ivshin K, Jacobsson R, Jage H, Jaimes Elles SJ, Jakobsen S, Jans E, Jashal BK, Jawahery A, Jevtic V, Jiang E, Jiang X, Jiang Y, John M, Johnson D, Jones CR, Jones TP, Joshi S, Jost B, Jurik N, Juszczak I, Kandybei S, Kang Y, Karacson M, Karpenkov D, Karpov M, Kautz JW, Keizer F, Keller DM, Kenzie M, Ketel T, Khanji B, Kharisova A, Kholodenko S, Khreich G, Kirn T, Kirsebom VS, Kitouni O, Klaver S, Kleijne N, Klimaszewski K, Kmiec MR, Koliiev S, Kolk L, Kondybayeva A, Konoplyannikov A, Kopciewicz P, Kopecna R, Koppenburg P, Korolev M, Kostiuk I, Kot O, Kotriakhova S, Kozachuk A, Kravchenko P, Kravchuk L, Kreps M, Kretzschmar S, Krokovny P, Krupa W, Krzemien W, Kubat J, Kubis S, Kucewicz W, Kucharczyk M, Kudryavtsev V, Kulikova E, Kupsc A, Lacarrere D, Lafferty G, Lai A, Lampis A, Lancierini D, Landesa Gomez C, Lane JJ, Lane R, Langenbruch C, Langer J, Lantwin O, Latham T, Lazzari F, Lazzeroni C, Le Gac R, Lee SH, Lefèvre R, Leflat A, Legotin S, Leroy O, Lesiak T, Leverington B, Li A, Li H, Li K, Li P, Li PR, Li S, Li T, Li T, Li Y, Li Z, Liang X, Lin C, Lin T, Lindner R, Lisovskyi V, Litvinov R, Liu G, Liu H, Liu K, Liu Q, Liu S, Lobo Salvia A, Loi A, Lollini R, Lomba Castro J, Longstaff I, Lopes JH, Lopez Huertas A, López Soliño S, Lovell GH, Lu Y, Lucarelli C, Lucchesi D, Luchuk S, Lucio Martinez M, Lukashenko V, Luo Y, Lupato A, Luppi E, Lusiani A, Lynch K, Lyu XR, Ma R, Maccolini S, Machefert F, Maciuc F, Mackay I, Macko V, Madhan Mohan LR, Maevskiy A, Maisuzenko D, Majewski MW, Malczewski JJ, Malde S, Malecki B, Malinin A, Maltsev T, Manca G, Mancinelli G, Mancuso C, Manera Escalero R, Manuzzi D, Manzari CA, Marangotto D, Marchand JF, Marconi U, Mariani S, Marin Benito C, Marks J, Marshall AM, Marshall PJ, Martelli G, Martellotti G, Martinazzoli L, Martinelli M, Martinez Santos D, Martinez Vidal F, Massafferri A, Materok M, Matev R, Mathad A, Matiunin V, Matteuzzi C, Mattioli KR, Mauri A, Maurice E, Mauricio J, Mazurek M, McCann M, Mcconnell L, McGrath TH, McHugh NT, McNab A, McNulty R, Meadows B, Meier G, Melnychuk D, Meloni S, Merk M, Merli A, Meyer Garcia L, Miao D, Miao H, Mikhasenko M, Milanes DA, Millard E, Milovanovic M, Minard MN, Minotti A, Minucci E, Miralles T, Mitchell SE, Mitreska B, Mitzel DS, Modak A, Mödden A, Mohammed RA, Moise RD, Mokhnenko S, Mombächer T, Monk M, Monroy IA, Monteil S, Morello G, Morello MJ, Morgenthaler MP, Moron J, Morris AB, Morris AG, Mountain R, Mu H, Muhammad E, Muheim F, Mulder M, Müller K, Murphy CH, Murray D, Murta R, Muzzetto P, Naik P, Nakada T, Nandakumar R, Nanut T, Nasteva I, Needham M, Neri N, Neubert S, Neufeld N, Neustroev P, Newcombe R, Nicolini J, Nicotra D, Niel EM, Nieswand S, Nikitin N, Nolte NS, Normand C, Novoa Fernandez J, Nowak G, Nunez C, Oblakowska-Mucha A, Obraztsov V, Oeser T, Okamura S, Oldeman R, Oliva F, Onderwater CJG, O'Neil RH, Otalora Goicochea JM, Ovsiannikova T, Owen P, Oyanguren A, Ozcelik O, Padeken KO, Pagare B, Pais PR, Pajero T, Palano A, Palutan M, Panshin G, Paolucci L, Papanestis A, Pappagallo M, Pappalardo LL, Pappenheimer C, Parker W, Parkes C, Passalacqua B, Passaleva G, Pastore A, Patel M, Patrignani C, Pawley CJ, Pellegrino A, Pepe Altarelli M, Perazzini S, Pereima D, Pereiro Castro A, Perret P, Petridis K, Petrolini A, Petrucci S, Petruzzo M, Pham H, Philippov A, Piandani R, Pica L, Piccini M, Pietrzyk B, Pietrzyk G, Pili M, Pinci D, Pisani F, Pizzichemi M, Placinta V, Plews J, Plo Casasus M, Polci F, Poli Lener M, Poluektov A, Polukhina N, Polyakov I, Polycarpo E, Ponce S, Popov D, Poslavskii S, Prasanth K, Promberger L, Prouve C, Pugatch V, Puill V, Punzi G, Qi HR, Qian W, Qin N, Qu S, Quagliani R, Raab NV, Rachwal B, Rademacker JH, Rajagopalan R, Rama M, Ramos Pernas M, Rangel MS, Ratnikov F, Raven G, Rebollo De Miguel M, Redi F, Reich J, Reiss F, Remon Alepuz C, Ren Z, Resmi PK, Ribatti R, Ricci AM, Ricciardi S, Richardson K, Richardson-Slipper M, Rinnert K, Robbe P, Robertson G, Rodrigues E, Rodriguez Fernandez E, Rodriguez Lopez JA, Rodriguez Rodriguez E, Rolf DL, Rollings A, Roloff P, Romanovskiy V, Romero Lamas M, Romero Vidal A, Roth JD, Rotondo M, Rudolph MS, Ruf T, Ruiz Fernandez RA, Ruiz Vidal J, Ryzhikov A, Ryzka J, Saborido Silva JJ, Sagidova N, Sahoo N, Saitta B, Salomoni M, Sanchez Gras C, Sanderswood I, Santacesaria R, Santamarina Rios C, Santimaria M, Santoro L, Santovetti E, Saranin D, Sarpis G, Sarpis M, Sarti A, Satriano C, Satta A, Saur M, Savrina D, Sazak H, Scantlebury Smead LG, Scarabotto A, Schael S, Scherl S, Schertz AM, Schiller M, Schindler H, Schmelling M, Schmidt B, Schmitt S, Schneider O, Schopper A, Schubiger M, Schulte N, Schulte S, Schune MH, Schwemmer R, Sciascia B, Sciuccati A, Sellam S, Semennikov A, Senghi Soares M, Sergi A, Serra N, Sestini L, Seuthe A, Shang Y, Shangase DM, Shapkin M, Shchemerov I, Shchutska L, Shears T, Shekhtman L, Shen Z, Sheng S, Shevchenko V, Shi B, Shields EB, Shimizu Y, Shmanin E, Shorkin R, Shupperd JD, Siddi BG, Silva Coutinho R, Simi G, Simone S, Singla M, Skidmore N, Skuza R, Skwarnicki T, Slater MW, Smallwood JC, Smeaton JG, Smith E, Smith K, Smith M, Snoch A, Soares Lavra L, Sokoloff MD, Soler FJP, Solomin A, Solovev A, Solovyev I, Song R, Souza De Almeida FL, Souza De Paula B, Spaan B, Spadaro Norella E, Spedicato E, Speer JG, Spiridenkov E, Spradlin P, Sriskaran V, Stagni F, Stahl M, Stahl S, Stanislaus S, Stein EN, Steinkamp O, Stenyakin O, Stevens H, Strekalina D, Su Y, Suljik F, Sun J, Sun L, Sun Y, Swallow PN, Swientek K, Szabelski A, Szumlak T, Szymanski M, Tan Y, Taneja S, Tat MD, Terentev A, Teubert F, Thomas E, Thompson DJD, Tilquin H, Tisserand V, T'Jampens S, Tobin M, Tomassetti L, Tonani G, Tong X, Torres Machado D, Tou DY, Trippl C, Tuci G, Tuning N, Ukleja A, Unverzagt DJ, Usachov A, Ustyuzhanin A, Uwer U, Vagnoni V, Valassi A, Valenti G, Valls Canudas N, Van Dijk M, Van Hecke H, van Herwijnen E, Van Hulse CB, van Veghel M, Vazquez Gomez R, Vazquez Regueiro P, Vázquez Sierra C, Vecchi S, Velthuis JJ, Veltri M, Venkateswaran A, Veronesi M, Vesterinen M, Vieira D, Vieites Diaz M, Vilasis-Cardona X, Vilella Figueras E, Villa A, Vincent P, Volle FC, Vom Bruch D, Vorobyev V, Voropaev N, Vos K, Vrahas C, Walsh J, Walton EJ, Wan G, Wang C, Wang G, Wang J, Wang J, Wang J, Wang J, Wang M, Wang R, Wang X, Wang Y, Wang Z, Wang Z, Wang Z, Ward JA, Watson NK, Websdale D, Wei Y, Westhenry BDC, White DJ, Whitehead M, Wiederhold AR, Wiedner D, Wilkinson G, Wilkinson MK, Williams I, Williams M, Williams MRJ, Williams R, Wilson FF, Wislicki W, Witek M, Witola L, Wong CP, Wormser G, Wotton SA, Wu H, Wu J, Wyllie K, Xiang Z, Xie Y, Xu A, Xu J, Xu L, Xu L, Xu M, Xu Q, Xu Z, Xu Z, Yang D, Yang S, Yang X, Yang Y, Yang Z, Yang Z, Yeomans LE, Yeroshenko V, Yeung H, Yin H, Yu J, Yuan X, Zaffaroni E, Zavertyaev M, Zdybal M, Zeng M, Zhang C, Zhang D, Zhang J, Zhang L, Zhang S, Zhang S, Zhang Y, Zhang Y, Zhao Y, Zharkova A, Zhelezov A, Zheng Y, Zhou T, Zhou X, Zhou Y, Zhovkovska V, Zhu X, Zhu X, Zhu Z, Zhukov V, Zou Q, Zucchelli S, Zuliani D, Zunica G. Measurement of the Λ_{b}^{0}→Λ(1520)μ^{+}μ^{-} Differential Branching Fraction. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2023; 131:151801. [PMID: 37897753 DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.131.151801] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 02/16/2023] [Accepted: 08/11/2023] [Indexed: 10/30/2023]
The branching fraction of the rare decay Λ_{b}^{0}→Λ(1520)μ^{+}μ^{-} is measured for the first time, in the squared dimuon mass intervals q^{2}, excluding the J/ψ and ψ(2S) regions. The data sample analyzed was collected by the LHCb experiment at center-of-mass energies of 7, 8, and 13 TeV, corresponding to a total integrated luminosity of 9 fb^{-1}. The result in the highest q^{2} interval, q^{2}>15.0 GeV^{2}/c^{4}, where theoretical predictions have the smallest model dependence, agrees with the predictions.
Aad G, Abbott B, Abeling K, Abicht NJ, Abidi SH, Aboulhorma A, Abramowicz H, Abreu H, Abulaiti Y, Abusleme Hoffman AC, Acharya BS, Adam Bourdarios C, Adamczyk L, Adamek L, Addepalli SV, Addison MJ, Adelman J, Adiguzel A, Adye T, Affolder AA, Afik Y, Agaras MN, Agarwala J, Aggarwal A, Agheorghiesei C, Ahmad A, Ahmadov F, Ahmed WS, Ahuja S, Ai X, Aielli G, Ait Tamlihat M, Aitbenchikh B, Aizenberg I, Akbiyik M, Åkesson TPA, Akimov AV, Akiyama D, Akolkar NN, Al Khoury K, Alberghi GL, Albert J, Albicocco P, Albouy GL, Alderweireldt S, Aleksa M, Aleksandrov IN, Alexa C, Alexopoulos T, Alfonsi A, Alfonsi F, Algren M, Alhroob M, Ali B, Ali HMJ, Ali S, Alibocus SW, Aliev M, Alimonti G, Alkakhi W, Allaire C, Allbrooke BMM, Allen JF, Allendes Flores CA, Allport PP, Aloisio A, Alonso F, Alpigiani C, Alvarez Estevez M, Alvarez Fernandez A, Alviggi MG, Aly M, Amaral Coutinho Y, Ambler A, Amelung C, Amerl M, Ames CG, Amidei D, Amor Dos Santos SP, Amos KR, Ananiev V, Anastopoulos C, Andeen T, Anders JK, Andrean SY, Andreazza A, Angelidakis S, Angerami A, Anisenkov AV, Annovi A, Antel C, Anthony MT, Antipov E, Antonelli M, Antrim DJA, Anulli F, Aoki M, Aoki T, Aparisi Pozo JA, Aparo MA, Aperio Bella L, Appelt C, Aranzabal N, Arcangeletti C, Arce ATH, Arena E, Arguin JF, Argyropoulos S, Arling JH, Armbruster AJ, Arnaez O, Arnold H, Arrubarrena Tame ZP, Artoni G, Asada H, Asai K, Asai S, Asbah NA, Assahsah J, Assamagan K, Astalos R, Atashi S, Atkin RJ, Atkinson M, Atlay NB, Atmani H, Atmasiddha PA, Augsten K, Auricchio S, Auriol AD, Austrup VA, Avolio G, Axiotis K, Azuelos G, Babal D, Bachacou H, Bachas K, Bachiu A, Backman F, Badea A, Bagnaia P, Bahmani M, Bailey AJ, Bailey VR, Baines JT, Baines L, Bakalis C, Baker OK, Bakos E, Bakshi Gupta D, Balasubramanian R, Baldin EM, Balek P, Ballabene E, Balli F, Baltes LM, Balunas WK, Balz J, Banas E, Bandieramonte M, Bandyopadhyay A, Bansal S, Barak L, Barakat M, Barberio EL, Barberis D, Barbero M, Barbour G, Barends KN, Barillari T, Barisits MS, Barklow T, Baron P, Baron Moreno DA, Baroncelli A, Barone G, Barr AJ, Barr JD, Barranco Navarro L, Barreiro F, Barreiro Guimarães da Costa J, Barron U, Barros Teixeira MG, Barsov S, Bartels F, Bartoldus R, Barton AE, Bartos P, Basan A, Baselga M, Bassalat A, Basso MJ, Basson CR, Bates RL, Batlamous S, Batley JR, Batool B, Battaglia M, Battulga D, Bauce M, Bauer M, Bauer P, Bazzano Hurrell LT, Beacham JB, Beau T, Beauchemin PH, Becherer F, Bechtle P, Beck HP, Becker K, Beddall AJ, Bednyakov VA, Bee CP, Beemster LJ, Beermann TA, Begalli M, Begel M, Behera A, Behr JK, Beirer JF, Beisiegel F, Belfkir M, Bella G, Bellagamba L, Bellerive A, Bellos P, Beloborodov K, Belyaev NL, Benchekroun D, Bendebba F, Benhammou Y, Benoit M, Bensinger JR, Bentvelsen S, Beresford L, Beretta M, Bergeaas Kuutmann E, Berger N, Bergmann B, Beringer J, Bernardi G, Bernius C, Bernlochner FU, Bernon F, Berry T, Berta P, Berthold A, Bertram IA, Bethke S, Betti A, Bevan AJ, Bhamjee M, Bhatta S, Bhattacharya DS, Bhattarai P, Bhopatkar VS, Bi R, Bianchi RM, Bianco G, Biebel O, Bielski R, Biglietti M, Billoud TRV, Bindi M, Bingul A, Bini C, Biondini A, Birch-Sykes CJ, Bird GA, Birman M, Biros M, Bisanz T, Bisceglie E, Biswas D, Bitadze A, Bjørke K, Bloch I, Blocker C, Blue A, Blumenschein U, Blumenthal J, Bobbink GJ, Bobrovnikov VS, Boehler M, Boehm B, Bogavac D, Bogdanchikov AG, Bohm C, Boisvert V, Bokan P, Bold T, Bomben M, Bona M, Boonekamp M, Booth CD, Borbély AG, Bordulev IS, Borecka-Bielska HM, Borgna LS, Borissov G, Bortoletto D, Boscherini D, Bosman M, Bossio Sola JD, Bouaouda K, Bouchhar N, Boudreau J, Bouhova-Thacker EV, Boumediene D, Bouquet R, Boveia A, Boyd J, Boye D, Boyko IR, Bracinik J, Brahimi N, Brandt G, Brandt O, Braren F, Brau B, Brau JE, Brener R, Brenner L, Brenner R, Bressler S, Britton D, Britzger D, Brock I, Brooijmans G, Brooks WK, Brost E, Brown LM, Bruce LE, Bruckler TL, Bruckman de Renstrom PA, Brüers B, Bruncko D, Bruni A, Bruni G, Bruschi M, Bruscino N, Buanes T, Buat Q, Buchin D, Buckley AG, Bugge MK, Bulekov O, Bullard BA, Burdin S, Burgard CD, Burger AM, Burghgrave B, Burlayenko O, Burr JTP, Burton CD, Burzynski JC, Busch EL, Büscher V, Bussey PJ, Butler JM, Buttar CM, Butterworth JM, Buttinger W, Buxo Vazquez CJ, Buzykaev AR, Cabras G, Cabrera Urbán S, Cadamuro L, Caforio D, Cai H, Cai Y, Cairo VMM, Cakir O, Calace N, Calafiura P, Calderini G, Calfayan P, Callea G, Caloba LP, Calvet D, Calvet S, Calvet TP, Calvetti M, Camacho Toro R, Camarda S, Camarero Munoz D, Camarri P, Camerlingo MT, Cameron D, Camincher C, Campanelli M, Camplani A, Canale V, Canesse A, Cano Bret M, Cantero J, Cao Y, Capocasa F, Capua M, Carbone A, Cardarelli R, Cardenas JCJ, Cardillo F, Carli T, Carlino G, Carlotto JI, Carlson BT, Carlson EM, Carminati L, Carnelli A, Carnesale M, Caron S, Carquin E, Carrá S, Carratta G, Carrio Argos F, Carter JWS, Carter TM, Casado MP, Caspar M, Castiglia EG, Castillo FL, Castillo Garcia L, Castillo Gimenez V, Castro NF, Catinaccio A, Catmore JR, Cavaliere V, Cavalli N, Cavasinni V, Cekmecelioglu YC, Celebi E, Celli F, Centonze MS, Cerny K, Cerqueira AS, Cerri A, Cerrito L, Cerutti F, Cervato B, Cervelli A, Cesarini G, Cetin SA, Chadi Z, Chakraborty D, Chala M, Chan J, Chan WY, Chapman JD, Chapon E, Chargeishvili B, Charlton DG, Charman TP, Chatterjee M, Chauhan C, Chekanov S, Chekulaev SV, Chelkov GA, Chen A, Chen B, Chen B, Chen H, Chen H, Chen J, Chen J, Chen M, Chen S, Chen SJ, Chen X, Chen X, Chen Y, Cheng CL, Cheng HC, Cheong S, Cheplakov A, Cheremushkina E, Cherepanova E, Cherkaoui El Moursli R, Cheu E, Cheung K, Chevalier L, Chiarella V, Chiarelli G, Chiedde N, Chiodini G, Chisholm AS, Chitan A, Chitishvili M, Chizhov MV, Choi K, Chomont AR, Chou Y, Chow EYS, Chowdhury T, Chu KL, Chu MC, Chu X, Chudoba J, Chwastowski JJ, Cieri D, Ciesla KM, Cindro V, Ciocio A, Cirotto F, Citron ZH, Citterio M, Ciubotaru DA, Ciungu BM, Clark A, Clark PJ, Clavijo Columbie JM, Clawson SE, Clement C, Clercx J, Clissa L, Coadou Y, Cobal M, Coccaro A, Coelho Barrue RF, Coelho Lopes De Sa R, Coelli S, Cohen H, Coimbra AEC, Cole B, Collot J, Conde Muiño P, Connell MP, Connell SH, Connelly IA, Conroy EI, Conventi F, Cooke HG, Cooper-Sarkar AM, Cordeiro Oudot Choi A, Cormier F, Corpe LD, Corradi M, Corriveau F, Cortes-Gonzalez A, Costa MJ, Costanza F, Costanzo D, Cote BM, Cowan G, Cranmer K, Cremonini D, Crépé-Renaudin S, Crescioli F, Cristinziani M, Cristoforetti M, Croft V, Crosby JE, Crosetti G, Cueto A, Cuhadar Donszelmann T, Cui H, Cui Z, Cunningham WR, Curcio F, Czodrowski P, Czurylo MM, Da Cunha Sargedas De Sousa MJ, Da Fonseca Pinto JV, Da Via C, Dabrowski W, Dado T, Dahbi S, Dai T, Dallapiccola C, Dam M, D'amen G, D'Amico V, Damp J, Dandoy JR, Daneri MF, Danninger M, Dao V, Darbo G, Darmora S, Das SJ, D'Auria S, David C, Davidek T, Davis-Purcell B, Dawson I, Day-Hall HA, De K, De Asmundis R, De Biase N, De Castro S, De Groot N, de Jong P, De la Torre H, De Maria A, De Salvo A, De Sanctis U, De Santo A, De Vivie De Regie JB, Dedovich DV, Degens J, Deiana AM, Del Corso F, Del Peso J, Del Rio F, Deliot F, Delitzsch CM, Della Pietra M, Della Volpe D, Dell'Acqua A, Dell'Asta L, Delmastro M, Delsart PA, Demers S, Demichev M, Denisov SP, D'Eramo L, Derendarz D, Derue F, Dervan P, Desch K, Deutsch C, Di Bello FA, Di Ciaccio A, Di Ciaccio L, Di Domenico A, Di Donato C, Di Girolamo A, Di Gregorio G, Di Luca A, Di Micco B, Di Nardo R, Diaconu C, Dias FA, Dias Do Vale T, Diaz MA, Diaz Capriles FG, Didenko M, Diehl EB, Diehl L, Díez Cornell S, Diez Pardos C, Dimitriadi C, Dimitrievska A, Dingfelder J, Dinu IM, Dittmeier SJ, Dittus F, Djama F, Djobava T, Djuvsland JI, Doglioni C, Dolejsi J, Dolezal Z, Donadelli M, Dong B, Donini J, D'Onofrio A, D'Onofrio M, Dopke J, Doria A, Dos Santos Fernandes N, Dova MT, Doyle AT, Draguet MA, Dreyer E, Drivas-Koulouris I, Drobac AS, Drozdova M, Du D, du Pree TA, Dubinin F, Dubovsky M, Duchovni E, Duckeck G, Ducu OA, Duda D, Dudarev A, Duden ER, D'uffizi M, Duflot L, Dührssen M, Dülsen C, Dumitriu AE, Dunford M, Dungs S, Dunne K, Duperrin A, Duran Yildiz H, Düren M, Durglishvili A, Dwyer BL, Dyckes GI, Dyndal M, Dysch S, Dziedzic BS, Earnshaw ZO, Eberwein GH, Eckerova B, Eggebrecht S, Eggleston MG, Egidio Purcino De Souza E, Ehrke LF, Eigen G, Einsweiler K, Ekelof T, Ekman PA, El Farkh S, El Ghazali Y, El Jarrari H, El Moussaouy A, Ellajosyula V, Ellert M, Ellinghaus F, Elliot AA, Ellis N, Elmsheuser J, Elsing M, Emeliyanov D, Enari Y, Ene I, Epari S, Erdmann J, Erland PA, Errenst M, Escalier M, Escobar C, Etzion E, Evans G, Evans H, Evans LS, Evans MO, Ezhilov A, Ezzarqtouni S, Fabbri F, Fabbri L, Facini G, Fadeyev V, Fakhrutdinov RM, Falciano S, Falda Ulhoa Coelho LF, Falke PJ, Faltova J, Fan C, Fan Y, Fang Y, Fanti M, Faraj M, Farazpay Z, Farbin A, Farilla A, Farooque T, Farrington SM, Fassi F, Fassouliotis D, Faucci Giannelli M, Fawcett WJ, Fayard L, Federic P, Federicova P, Fedin OL, Fedotov G, Feickert M, Feligioni L, Fellers DE, Feng C, Feng M, Feng Z, Fenton MJ, Fenyuk AB, Ferencz L, Ferguson RAM, Fernandez Luengo SI, Fernoux MJV, Ferrando J, Ferrari A, Ferrari P, Ferrari R, Ferrere D, Ferretti C, Fiedler F, Filipčič A, Filmer EK, Filthaut F, Fiolhais MCN, Fiorini L, Fisher WC, Fitschen T, Fitzhugh PM, Fleck I, Fleischmann P, Flick T, Flores L, Flores M, Flores Castillo LR, Flores Sanz De Acedo L, Follega FM, Fomin N, Foo JH, Forland BC, Formica A, Forti AC, Fortin E, Fortman AW, Foti MG, Fountas L, Fournier D, Fox H, Francavilla P, Francescato S, Franchellucci S, Franchini M, Franchino S, Francis D, Franco L, Franconi L, Franklin M, Frattari G, Freegard AC, Freund WS, Frid YY, Fritzsche N, Froch A, Froidevaux D, Frost JA, Fu Y, Fujimoto M, Fullana Torregrosa E, Fung KY, Furtado De Simas Filho E, Furukawa M, Fuster J, Gabrielli A, Gabrielli A, Gadow P, Gagliardi G, Gagnon LG, Gallas EJ, Gallop BJ, Gan KK, Ganguly S, Gao J, Gao Y, Garay Walls FM, Garcia B, García C, Garcia Alonso A, Garcia Caffaro AG, García Navarro JE, Garcia-Sciveres M, Gardner GL, Gardner RW, Garelli N, Garg D, Garg RB, Gargan JM, Garner CA, Gasiorowski SJ, Gaspar P, Gaudio G, Gautam V, Gauzzi P, Gavrilenko IL, Gavrilyuk A, Gay C, Gaycken G, Gazis EN, Geanta AA, Gee CM, Gemme C, Genest MH, Gentile S, George S, George WF, Geralis T, Gessinger-Befurt P, Geyik ME, Ghneimat M, Ghorbanian K, Ghosal A, Ghosh A, Ghosh A, Giacobbe B, Giagu S, Giannetti P, Giannini A, Gibson SM, Gignac M, Gil DT, Gilbert AK, Gilbert BJ, Gillberg D, Gilles G, Gillwald NEK, Ginabat L, Gingrich DM, Giordani MP, Giraud PF, Giugliarelli G, Giugni D, Giuli F, Gkialas I, Gladilin LK, Glasman C, Gledhill GR, Glisic M, Gnesi I, Go Y, Goblirsch-Kolb M, Gocke B, Godin D, Gokturk B, Goldfarb S, Golling T, Gololo MGD, Golubkov D, Gombas JP, Gomes A, Gomes Da Silva G, Gomez Delegido AJ, Gonçalo R, Gonella G, Gonella L, Gongadze A, Gonnella F, Gonski JL, González Andana RY, González de la Hoz S, Gonzalez Fernandez S, Gonzalez Lopez R, Gonzalez Renteria C, Gonzalez Suarez R, Gonzalez-Sevilla S, Gonzalvo Rodriguez GR, Goossens L, Gorbounov PA, Gorini B, Gorini E, Gorišek A, Gosart TC, Goshaw AT, Gostkin MI, Goswami S, Gottardo CA, Gouighri M, Goumarre V, Goussiou AG, Govender N, Grabowska-Bold I, Graham K, Gramstad E, Grancagnolo S, Grandi M, Gratchev V, Gravila PM, Gravili FG, Gray HM, Greco M, Grefe C, Gregor IM, Grenier P, Grieco C, Grillo AA, Grimm K, Grinstein S, Grivaz JF, Gross E, Grosse-Knetter J, Grud C, Grundy JC, Guan L, Guan W, Gubbels C, Guerrero Rojas JGR, Guerrieri G, Guescini F, Gugel R, Guhit JAM, Guida A, Guillemin T, Guilloton E, Guindon S, Guo F, Guo J, Guo L, Guo Y, Gupta R, Gurbuz S, Gurdasani SS, Gustavino G, Guth M, Gutierrez P, Gutierrez Zagazeta LF, Gutschow C, Gwenlan C, Gwilliam CB, Haaland ES, Haas A, Habedank M, Haber C, Hadavand HK, Hadef A, Hadzic S, Hahn JJ, Haines EH, Haleem M, Haley J, Hall JJ, Hallewell GD, Halser L, Hamano K, Hamdaoui H, Hamer M, Hamity GN, Hampshire EJ, Han J, Han K, Han L, Han L, Han S, Han YF, Hanagaki K, Hance M, Hangal DA, Hanif H, Hank MD, Hankache R, Hansen JB, Hansen JD, Hansen PH, Hara K, Harada D, Harenberg T, Harkusha S, Harris ML, Harris YT, Harrison J, Harrison NM, Harrison PF, Hartman NM, Hartmann NM, Hasegawa Y, Hasib A, Haug S, Hauser R, Hawkes CM, Hawkings RJ, Hayashi Y, Hayashida S, Hayden D, Hayes C, Hayes RL, Hays CP, Hays JM, Hayward HS, He F, He M, He Y, He Y, Heatley NB, Hedberg V, Heggelund AL, Hehir ND, Heidegger C, Heidegger KK, Heidorn WD, Heilman J, Heim S, Heim T, Heinlein JG, Heinrich JJ, Heinrich L, Hejbal J, Helary L, Held A, Hellesund S, Helling CM, Hellman S, Helsens C, Henderson RCW, Henkelmann L, Henriques Correia AM, Herde H, Hernández Jiménez Y, Herrmann LM, Herrmann T, Herten G, Hertenberger R, Hervas L, Hesping ME, Hessey NP, Hibi H, Hillier SJ, Hinds JR, Hinterkeuser F, Hirose M, Hirose S, Hirschbuehl D, Hitchings TG, Hiti B, Hobbs J, Hobincu R, Hod N, Hodgkinson MC, Hodkinson BH, Hoecker A, Hofer J, Holm T, Holzbock M, Hommels LBAH, Honan BP, Hong J, Hong TM, Hooberman BH, Hopkins WH, Horii Y, Hou S, Howard AS, Howarth J, Hoya J, Hrabovsky M, Hrynevich A, Hryn'ova T, Hsu PJ, Hsu SC, Hu Q, Hu YF, Huang S, Huang X, Huang Y, Huang Y, Huang Z, Hubacek Z, Huebner M, Huegging F, Huffman TB, Hugli CA, Huhtinen M, Huiberts SK, Hulsken R, Huseynov N, Huston J, Huth J, Hyneman R, Iacobucci G, Iakovidis G, Ibragimov I, Iconomidou-Fayard L, Iengo P, Iguchi R, Iizawa T, Ikegami Y, Ilic N, Imam H, Ince Lezki M, Ingebretsen Carlson T, Introzzi G, Iodice M, Ippolito V, Irwin RK, Ishino M, Islam W, Issever C, Istin S, Ito H, Iturbe Ponce JM, Iuppa R, Ivina A, Izen JM, Izzo V, Jacka P, Jackson P, Jacobs RM, Jaeger BP, Jagfeld CS, Jain P, Jäkel G, Jakobs K, Jakoubek T, Jamieson J, Janas KW, Jaspan AE, Javurkova M, Jeanneau F, Jeanty L, Jejelava J, Jenni P, Jessiman CE, Jézéquel S, Jia C, Jia J, Jia X, Jia X, Jia Z, Jiang Y, Jiggins S, Jimenez Pena J, Jin S, Jinaru A, Jinnouchi O, Johansson P, Johns KA, Johnson JW, Jones DM, Jones E, Jones P, Jones RWL, Jones TJ, Joshi R, Jovicevic J, Ju X, Junggeburth JJ, Junkermann T, Juste Rozas A, Juzek MK, Kabana S, Kaczmarska A, Kado M, Kagan H, Kagan M, Kahn A, Kahn A, Kahra C, Kaji T, Kajomovitz E, Kakati N, Kalaitzidou I, Kalderon CW, Kamenshchikov A, Kanayama S, Kang NJ, Kar D, Karava K, Kareem MJ, Karentzos E, Karkanias I, Karkout O, Karpov SN, Karpova ZM, Kartvelishvili V, Karyukhin AN, Kasimi E, Katzy J, Kaur S, Kawade K, Kawamoto T, Kay EF, Kaya FI, Kazakos S, Kazanin VF, Ke Y, Keaveney JM, Keeler R, Kehris GV, Keller JS, Kelly AS, Kempster JJ, Kennedy KE, Kennedy PD, Kepka O, Kerridge BP, Kersten S, Kerševan BP, Keshri S, Keszeghova L, Ketabchi Haghighat S, Khandoga M, Khanov A, Kharlamov AG, Kharlamova T, Khoda EE, Khoo TJ, Khoriauli G, Khubua J, Khwaira YAR, Kiehn M, Kilgallon A, Kim DW, Kim YK, Kimura N, Kirchhoff A, Kirfel C, Kirfel F, Kirk J, Kiryunin AE, Kitsaki C, Kivernyk O, Klassen M, Klein C, Klein L, Klein MH, Klein M, Klein SB, Klein U, Klimek P, Klimentov A, Klioutchnikova T, Kluit P, Kluth S, Kneringer E, Knight TM, Knue A, Kobayashi R, Koch SF, Kocian M, Kodyš P, Koeck DM, Koenig PT, Koffas T, Kolb M, Koletsou I, Komarek T, Köneke K, Kong AXY, Kono T, Konstantinidis N, Konya B, Kopeliansky R, Koperny S, Korcyl K, Kordas K, Koren G, Korn A, Korn S, Korolkov I, Korotkova N, Kortman B, Kortner O, Kortner S, Kostecka WH, Kostyukhin VV, Kotsokechagia A, Kotwal A, Koulouris A, Kourkoumeli-Charalampidi A, Kourkoumelis C, Kourlitis E, Kovanda O, Kowalewski R, Kozanecki W, Kozhin AS, Kramarenko VA, Kramberger G, Kramer P, Krasny MW, Krasznahorkay A, Kraus JW, Kremer JA, Kresse T, Kretzschmar J, Kreul K, Krieger P, Krishnamurthy S, Krivos M, Krizka K, Kroeninger K, Kroha H, Kroll J, Kroll J, Krowpman KS, Kruchonak U, Krüger H, Krumnack N, Kruse MC, Krzysiak JA, Kuchinskaia O, Kuday S, Kuehn S, Kuesters R, Kuhl T, Kukhtin V, Kulchitsky Y, Kuleshov S, Kumar M, Kumari N, Kupco A, Kupfer T, Kupich A, Kuprash O, Kurashige H, Kurchaninov LL, Kurdysh O, Kurochkin YA, Kurova A, Kuze M, Kvam AK, Kvita J, Kwan T, Kyriacou NG, Laatu LAO, Lacasta C, Lacava F, Lacker H, Lacour D, Lad NN, Ladygin E, Laforge B, Lagouri T, Lai S, Lakomiec IK, Lalloue N, Lambert JE, Lammers S, Lampl W, Lampoudis C, Lancaster AN, Lançon E, Landgraf U, Landon MPJ, Lang VS, Langenberg RJ, Langrekken OKB, Lankford AJ, Lanni F, Lantzsch K, Lanza A, Lapertosa A, Laporte JF, Lari T, Lasagni Manghi F, Lassnig M, Latonova V, Laudrain A, Laurier A, Lawlor SD, Lawrence Z, Lazzaroni M, Le B, Le Boulicaut EM, Leban B, Lebedev A, LeBlanc M, Ledroit-Guillon F, Lee ACA, Lee SC, Lee S, Lee TF, Leeuw LL, Lefebvre HP, Lefebvre M, Leggett C, Lehmann Miotto G, Leigh M, Leight WA, Leinonen W, Leisos A, Leite MAL, Leitgeb CE, Leitner R, Leney KJC, Lenz T, Leone S, Leonidopoulos C, Leopold A, Leroy C, Les R, Lester CG, Levchenko M, Levêque J, Levin D, Levinson LJ, Lewicki MP, Lewis DJ, Li A, Li B, Li C, Li CQ, Li H, Li H, Li H, Li H, Li K, Li L, Li M, Li QY, Li S, Li S, Li T, Li X, Li Z, Li Z, Li Z, Li Z, Liang Z, Liberatore M, Liberti B, Lie K, Lieber Marin J, Lien H, Lin K, Lindley RE, Lindon JH, Linss A, Lipeles E, Lipniacka A, Lister A, Little JD, Liu B, Liu BX, Liu D, Liu JB, Liu JKK, Liu K, Liu M, Liu MY, Liu P, Liu Q, Liu X, Liu Y, Liu YL, Liu YW, Llorente Merino J, Lloyd SL, Lobodzinska EM, Loch P, Loffredo S, Lohse T, Lohwasser K, Loiacono E, Lokajicek M, Lomas JD, Long JD, Longarini I, Longo L, Longo R, Lopez Paz I, Lopez Solis A, Lorenz J, Lorenzo Martinez N, Lory AM, Loseva O, Lou X, Lou X, Lounis A, Love J, Love PA, Lu G, Lu M, Lu S, Lu YJ, Lubatti HJ, Luci C, Lucio Alves FL, Lucotte A, Luehring F, Luise I, Lukianchuk O, Lundberg O, Lund-Jensen B, Luongo NA, Lutz MS, Lynn D, Lyons H, Lysak R, Lytken E, Lyubushkin V, Lyubushkina T, Lyukova MM, Ma H, Ma K, Ma LL, Ma Y, Mac Donell DM, Maccarrone G, MacDonald JC, Madar R, Mader WF, Maeda J, Maeno T, Maerker M, Maguire H, Maiboroda V, Maio A, Maj K, Majersky O, Majewski S, Makovec N, Maksimovic V, Malaescu B, Malecki P, Maleev VP, Malek F, Mali M, Malito D, Mallik U, Maltezos S, Malyukov S, Mamuzic J, Mancini G, Manco G, Mandalia JP, Mandić I, Manhaes de Andrade Filho L, Maniatis IM, Manjarres Ramos J, Mankad DC, Mann A, Mansoulie B, Manzoni S, Marantis A, Marchiori G, Marcisovsky M, Marcon C, Marinescu M, Marjanovic M, Marshall EJ, Marshall Z, Marti-Garcia S, Martin TA, Martin VJ, Martin Dit Latour B, Martinelli L, Martinez M, Martinez Agullo P, Martinez Outschoorn VI, Martinez Suarez P, Martin-Haugh S, Martoiu VS, Martyniuk AC, Marzin A, Mascione D, Masetti L, Mashimo T, Masik J, Maslennikov AL, Massa L, Massarotti P, Mastrandrea P, Mastroberardino A, Masubuchi T, Mathisen T, Matousek J, Matsuzawa N, Maurer J, Maček B, Maximov DA, Mazini R, Maznas I, Mazza M, Mazza SM, Mazzeo E, Mc Ginn C, Mc Gowan JP, Mc Kee SP, McDonald EF, McDougall AE, Mcfayden JA, McGovern RP, Mchedlidze G, Mckenzie RP, Mclachlan TC, Mclaughlin DJ, McLean KD, McMahon SJ, McNamara PC, Mcpartland CM, McPherson RA, Mehlhase S, Mehta A, Melini D, Mellado Garcia BR, Melo AH, Meloni F, Mendes Jacques Da Costa AM, Meng HY, Meng L, Menke S, Mentink M, Meoni E, Merlassino C, Merola L, Meroni C, Merz G, Meshkov O, Metcalfe J, Mete AS, Meyer C, Meyer JP, Middleton RP, Mijović L, Mikenberg G, Mikestikova M, Mikuž M, Mildner H, Milic A, Milke CD, Miller DW, Miller LS, Milov A, Milstead DA, Min T, Minaenko AA, Minashvili IA, Mince L, Mincer AI, Mindur B, Mineev M, Mino Y, Mir LM, Miralles Lopez M, Mironova M, Mishima A, Missio MC, Mitani T, Mitra A, Mitsou VA, Miu O, Miyagawa PS, Miyazaki Y, Mizukami A, Mkrtchyan T, Mlinarevic M, Mlinarevic T, Mlynarikova M, Mobius S, Mochizuki K, Moder P, Mogg P, Mohammed AF, Mohapatra S, Mokgatitswane G, Moleri L, Mondal B, Mondal S, Monig G, Mönig K, Monnier E, Monsonis Romero L, Montejo Berlingen J, Montella M, Montereali F, Monticelli F, Monzani S, Morange N, Moreira De Carvalho AL, Moreno Llácer M, Moreno Martinez C, Morettini P, Morgenstern S, Morii M, Morinaga M, Morley AK, Morodei F, Morvaj L, Moschovakos P, Moser B, Mosidze M, Moskalets T, Moskvitina P, Moss J, Moyse EJW, Mtintsilana O, Muanza S, Mueller J, Muenstermann D, Müller R, Mullier GA, Mullin AJ, Mullin JJ, Mungo DP, Munoz Perez D, Munoz Sanchez FJ, Murin M, Murray WJ, Murrone A, Muse JM, Muškinja M, Mwewa C, Myagkov AG, Myers AJ, Myers AA, Myers G, Myska M, Nachman BP, Nackenhorst O, Nag A, Nagai K, Nagano K, Nagle JL, Nagy E, Nairz AM, Nakahama Y, Nakamura K, Nakkalil K, Nanjo H, Narayan R, Narayanan EA, Naryshkin I, Naseri M, Nasri S, Nass C, Navarro G, Navarro-Gonzalez J, Nayak R, Nayaz A, Nechaeva PY, Nechansky F, Nedic L, Neep TJ, Negri A, Negrini M, Nellist C, Nelson C, Nelson K, Nemecek S, Nessi M, Neubauer MS, Neuhaus F, Neundorf J, Newhouse R, Newman PR, Ng CW, Ng YWY, Ngair B, Nguyen HDN, Nickerson RB, Nicolaidou R, Nielsen J, Niemeyer M, Niermann J, Nikiforou N, Nikolaenko V, Nikolic-Audit I, Nikolopoulos K, Nilsson P, Ninca I, Nindhito HR, Ninio G, Nisati A, Nishu N, Nisius R, Nitschke JE, Nkadimeng EK, Noacco Rosende SJ, Nobe T, Noel DL, Nommensen T, Norfolk MB, Norisam RRB, Norman BJ, Novak J, Novak T, Novotny L, Novotny R, Nozka L, Ntekas K, Nunes De Moura Junior NMJ, Nurse E, Ocariz J, Ochi A, Ochoa I, Oerdek S, Offermann JT, Ogrodnik A, Oh A, Ohm CC, Oide H, Oishi R, Ojeda ML, Okazaki Y, O'Keefe MW, Okumura Y, Oleiro Seabra LF, Olivares Pino SA, Oliveira Damazio D, Oliveira Goncalves D, Oliver JL, Olsson MJR, Olszewski A, Öncel ÖO, O'Neil DC, O'Neill AP, Onofre A, Onyisi PUE, Oreglia MJ, Orellana GE, Orestano D, Orlando N, Orr RS, O'Shea V, Osojnak LM, Ospanov R, Otero Y Garzon G, Otono H, Ott PS, Ottino GJ, Ouchrif M, Ouellette J, Ould-Saada F, Owen M, Owen RE, Oyulmaz KY, Ozcan VE, Ozturk N, Ozturk S, Pacey HA, Pacheco Pages A, Padilla Aranda C, Padovano G, Pagan Griso S, Palacino G, Palazzo A, Palestini S, Pan J, Pan T, Panchal DK, Pandini CE, Panduro Vazquez JG, Pang H, Pani P, Panizzo G, Paolozzi L, Papadatos C, Parajuli S, Paramonov A, Paraskevopoulos C, Paredes Hernandez D, Park TH, Parker MA, Parodi F, Parrish EW, Parrish VA, Parsons JA, Parzefall U, Pascual Dias B, Pascual Dominguez L, Pasquali F, Pasqualucci E, Passaggio S, Pastore F, Pasuwan P, Patel P, Patel UM, Pater JR, Pauly T, Pearkes J, Pedersen M, Pedro R, Peleganchuk SV, Penc O, Pender EA, Peng H, Penski KE, Penzin M, Peralva BS, Pereira Peixoto AP, Pereira Sanchez L, Perepelitsa DV, Perez Codina E, Perganti M, Perini L, Pernegger H, Perrevoort A, Perrin O, Peters K, Peters RFY, Petersen BA, Petersen TC, Petit E, Petousis V, Petridou C, Petrukhin A, Pettee M, Pettersson NE, Petukhov A, Petukhova K, Peyaud A, Pezoa R, Pezzotti L, Pezzullo G, Pham TM, Pham T, Phillips PW, Piacquadio G, Pianori E, Piazza F, Piegaia R, Pietreanu D, Pilkington AD, Pinamonti M, Pinfold JL, Pinheiro Pereira BC, Pinto Pinoargote AE, Piper KM, Pirttikoski A, Pitman Donaldson C, Pizzi DA, Pizzimento L, Pizzini A, Pleier MA, Plesanovs V, Pleskot V, Plotnikova E, Poddar G, Poettgen R, Poggioli L, Pokharel I, Polacek S, Polesello G, Poley A, Polifka R, Polini A, Pollard CS, Pollock ZB, Polychronakos V, Pompa Pacchi E, Ponomarenko D, Pontecorvo L, Popa S, Popeneciu GA, Poreba A, Portillo Quintero DM, Pospisil S, Postill MA, Postolache P, Potamianos K, Potepa PA, Potrap IN, Potter CJ, Potti H, Poulsen T, Poveda J, Pozo Astigarraga ME, Prades Ibanez A, Pretel J, Price D, Primavera M, Principe Martin MA, Privara R, Procter T, Proffitt ML, Proklova N, Prokofiev K, Proto G, Protopopescu S, Proudfoot J, Przybycien M, Przygoda WW, Puddefoot JE, Pudzha D, Pyatiizbyantseva D, Qian J, Qichen D, Qin Y, Qiu T, Quadt A, Queitsch-Maitland M, Quetant G, Rabanal Bolanos G, Rafanoharana D, Ragusa F, Rainbolt JL, Raine JA, Rajagopalan S, Ramakoti E, Ran K, Rapheeha NP, Rasheed H, Raskina V, Rassloff DF, Rave S, Ravina B, Ravinovich I, Raymond M, Read AL, Readioff NP, Rebuzzi DM, Redlinger G, Reed AS, Reeves K, Reidelsturz JA, Reikher D, Rej A, Rembser C, Renardi A, Renda M, Rendel MB, Renner F, Rennie AG, Resconi S, Ressegotti M, Rettie S, Reyes Rivera JG, Reynolds B, Reynolds E, Rezanova OL, Reznicek P, Ribaric N, Ricci E, Richter R, Richter S, Richter-Was E, Ridel M, Ridouani S, Rieck P, Riedler P, Rijssenbeek M, Rimoldi A, Rimoldi M, Rinaldi L, Rinn TT, Rinnagel MP, Ripellino G, Riu I, Rivadeneira P, Rivera Vergara JC, Rizatdinova F, Rizvi E, Roberts BA, Roberts BR, Robertson SH, Robin M, Robinson D, Robles Gajardo CM, Robles Manzano M, Robson A, Rocchi A, Roda C, Rodriguez Bosca S, Rodriguez Garcia Y, Rodriguez Rodriguez A, Rodríguez Vera AM, Roe S, Roemer JT, Roepe-Gier AR, Roggel J, Røhne O, Rojas RA, Roland CPA, Roloff J, Romaniouk A, Romano E, Romano M, Romero Hernandez AC, Rompotis N, Roos L, Rosati S, Rosser BJ, Rossi E, Rossi E, Rossi LP, Rossini L, Rosten R, Rotaru M, Rottler B, Rougier C, Rousseau D, Rousso D, Roy A, Roy-Garand S, Rozanov A, Rozen Y, Ruan X, Rubio Jimenez A, Ruby AJ, Ruelas Rivera VH, Ruggeri TA, Ruggiero A, Ruiz-Martinez A, Rummler A, Rurikova Z, Rusakovich NA, Russell HL, Russo G, Rutherfoord JP, Rutherford Colmenares S, Rybacki K, Rybar M, Rye EB, Ryzhov A, Sabater Iglesias JA, Sabatini P, Sabetta L, Sadrozinski HFW, Safai Tehrani F, Safarzadeh Samani B, Safdari M, Saha S, Sahinsoy M, Saimpert M, Saito M, Saito T, Salamani D, Salnikov A, Salt J, Salvador Salas A, Salvatore D, Salvatore F, Salzburger A, Sammel D, Sampsonidis D, Sampsonidou D, Sánchez J, Sanchez Pineda A, Sanchez Sebastian V, Sandaker H, Sander CO, Sandesara JA, Sandhoff M, Sandoval C, Sankey DPC, Sano T, Sansoni A, Santi L, Santoni C, Santos H, Santpur SN, Santra A, Saoucha KA, Saraiva JG, Sardain J, Sasaki O, Sato K, Sauer C, Sauerburger F, Sauvan E, Savard P, Sawada R, Sawyer C, Sawyer L, Sayago Galvan I, Sbarra C, Sbrizzi A, Scanlon T, Schaarschmidt J, Schacht P, Schaefer D, Schäfer U, Schaffer AC, Schaile D, Schamberger RD, Scharf C, Schefer MM, Schegelsky VA, Scheirich D, Schenck F, Schernau M, Scheulen C, Schiavi C, Schioppa EJ, Schioppa M, Schlag B, Schleicher KE, Schlenker S, Schmeing J, Schmidt MA, Schmieden K, Schmitt C, Schmitt S, Schoeffel L, Schoening A, Scholer PG, Schopf E, Schott M, Schovancova J, Schramm S, Schroeder F, Schroer T, Schultz-Coulon HC, Schumacher M, Schumm BA, Schune P, Schuy AJ, Schwartz HR, Schwartzman A, Schwarz TA, Schwemling P, Schwienhorst R, Sciandra A, Sciolla G, Scuri F, Sebastiani CD, Sedlaczek K, Seema P, Seidel SC, Seiden A, Seidlitz BD, Seitz C, Seixas JM, Sekhniaidze G, Sekula SJ, Selem L, Semprini-Cesari N, Sengupta D, Senthilkumar V, Serin L, Serkin L, Sessa M, Severini H, Sforza F, Sfyrla A, Shabalina E, Shaheen R, Shahinian JD, Shaked Renous D, Shan LY, Shapiro M, Sharma A, Sharma AS, Sharma P, Sharma S, Shatalov PB, Shaw K, Shaw SM, Shcherbakova A, Shen Q, Sherwood P, Shi L, Shi X, Shimmin CO, Shimogama Y, Shinner JD, Shipsey IPJ, Shirabe S, Shiyakova M, Shlomi J, Shochet MJ, Shojaii J, Shope DR, Shrestha S, Shrif EM, Shroff MJ, Sicho P, Sickles AM, Sideras Haddad E, Sidoti A, Siegert F, Sijacki D, Sikora R, Sili F, Silva JM, Silva Oliveira MV, Silverstein SB, Simion S, Simoniello R, Simpson EL, Simpson H, Simpson LR, Simpson ND, Simsek S, Sindhu S, Sinervo P, Singh S, Sinha S, Sinha S, Sioli M, Siral I, Sitnikova E, Sivoklokov SY, Sjölin J, Skaf A, Skorda E, Skubic P, Slawinska M, Smakhtin V, Smart BH, Smiesko J, Smirnov SY, Smirnov Y, Smirnova LN, Smirnova O, Smith AC, Smith EA, Smith HA, Smith JL, Smith R, Smizanska M, Smolek K, Snesarev AA, Snider SR, Snoek HL, Snyder S, Sobie R, Soffer A, Solans Sanchez CA, Soldatov EY, Soldevila U, Solodkov AA, Solomon S, Soloshenko A, Solovieva K, Solovyanov OV, Solovyev V, Sommer P, Sonay A, Song WY, Sonneveld JM, Sopczak A, Sopio AL, Sopkova F, Sothilingam V, Sottocornola S, Soualah R, Soumaimi Z, South D, Spagnolo S, Spalla M, Sperlich D, Spigo G, Spina M, Spinali S, Spiteri DP, Spousta M, Staats EJ, Stabile A, Stamen R, Stamenkovic M, Stampekis A, Standke M, Stanecka E, Stange MV, Stanislaus B, Stanitzki MM, Stapf B, Starchenko EA, Stark GH, Stark J, Starko DM, Staroba P, Starovoitov P, Stärz S, Staszewski R, Stavropoulos G, Steentoft J, Steinberg P, Stelzer B, Stelzer HJ, Stelzer-Chilton O, Stenzel H, Stevenson TJ, Stewart GA, Stewart JR, Stockton MC, Stoicea G, Stolarski M, Stonjek S, Straessner A, Strandberg J, Strandberg S, Strauss M, Strebler T, Strizenec P, Ströhmer R, Strom DM, Strom LR, Stroynowski R, Strubig A, Stucci SA, Stugu B, Stupak J, Styles NA, Su D, Su S, Su W, Su X, Sugizaki K, Sulin VV, Sullivan MJ, Sultan DMS, Sultanaliyeva L, Sultansoy S, Sumida T, Sun S, Sun S, Sunneborn Gudnadottir O, Sutton MR, Suzuki H, Svatos M, Swiatlowski M, Swirski T, Sykora I, Sykora M, Sykora T, Ta D, Tackmann K, Taffard A, Tafirout R, Tafoya Vargas JS, Takashima R, Takeva EP, Takubo Y, Talby M, Talyshev AA, Tam KC, Tamir NM, Tanaka A, Tanaka J, Tanaka R, Tanasini M, Tao Z, Tapia Araya S, Tapprogge S, Tarek Abouelfadl Mohamed A, Tarem S, Tariq K, Tarna G, Tartarelli GF, Tas P, Tasevsky M, Tassi E, Tate AC, Tateno G, Tayalati Y, Taylor GN, Taylor W, Teagle H, Tee AS, Teixeira De Lima R, Teixeira-Dias P, Teoh JJ, Terashi K, Terron J, Terzo S, Testa M, Teuscher RJ, Thaler A, Theiner O, Themistokleous N, Theveneaux-Pelzer T, Thielmann O, Thomas DW, Thomas JP, Thompson EA, Thompson PD, Thomson E, Tian Y, Tikhomirov V, Tikhonov YA, Timoshenko S, Timoshyn D, Ting EXL, Tipton P, Tlou SH, Tnourji A, Todome K, Todorova-Nova S, Todt S, Togawa M, Tojo J, Tokár S, Tokushuku K, Toldaiev O, Tombs R, Tomoto M, Tompkins L, Topolnicki KW, Torrence E, Torres H, Torró Pastor E, Toscani M, Tosciri C, Tost M, Tovey DR, Traeet A, Trandafir IS, Trefzger T, Tricoli A, Trigger IM, Trincaz-Duvoid S, Trischuk DA, Trocmé B, Troncon C, Truong L, Trzebinski M, Trzupek A, Tsai F, Tsai M, Tsiamis A, Tsiareshka PV, Tsigaridas S, Tsirigotis A, Tsiskaridze V, Tskhadadze EG, Tsopoulou M, Tsujikawa Y, Tsukerman II, Tsulaia V, Tsuno S, Tsur O, Tsuri K, Tsybychev D, Tu Y, Tudorache A, Tudorache V, Tuna AN, Turchikhin S, Turk Cakir I, Turra R, Turtuvshin T, Tuts PM, Tzamarias S, Tzanis P, Tzovara E, Uchida K, Ukegawa F, Ulloa Poblete PA, Umaka EN, Unal G, Unal M, Undrus A, Unel G, Urban J, Urquijo P, Usai G, Ushioda R, Usman M, Uysal Z, Vacavant L, Vacek V, Vachon B, Vadla KOH, Vafeiadis T, Vaitkus A, Valderanis C, Valdes Santurio E, Valente M, Valentinetti S, Valero A, Valiente Moreno E, Vallier A, Valls Ferrer JA, Van Arneman DR, Van Daalen TR, Van Der Graaf A, Van Gemmeren P, Van Rijnbach M, Van Stroud S, Van Vulpen I, Vanadia M, Vandelli W, Vandenbroucke M, Vandewall ER, Vannicola D, Vannoli L, Vari R, Varnes EW, Varni C, Varol T, Varouchas D, Varriale L, Varvell KE, Vasile ME, Vaslin L, Vasquez GA, Vazeille F, Vazquez Schroeder T, Veatch J, Vecchio V, Veen MJ, Veliscek I, Veloce LM, Veloso F, Veneziano S, Ventura A, Verbytskyi A, Verducci M, Vergis C, Verissimo De Araujo M, Verkerke W, Vermeulen JC, Vernieri C, Verschuuren PJ, Vessella M, Vetterli MC, Vgenopoulos A, Viaux Maira N, Vickey T, Vickey Boeriu OE, Viehhauser GHA, Vigani L, Villa M, Villaplana Perez M, Villhauer EM, Vilucchi E, Vincter MG, Virdee GS, Vishwakarma A, Visibile A, Vittori C, Vivarelli I, Vladimirov V, Voevodina E, Vogel F, Vokac P, Von Ahnen J, Von Toerne E, Vormwald B, Vorobel V, Vorobev K, Vos M, Voss K, Vossebeld JH, Vozak M, Vozdecky L, Vranjes N, Vranjes Milosavljevic M, Vreeswijk M, Vu NK, Vuillermet R, Vujinovic O, Vukotic I, Wada S, Wagner C, Wagner JM, Wagner W, Wahdan S, Wahlberg H, Wakasa R, Wakida M, Walder J, Walker R, Walkowiak W, Wall A, Wamorkar T, Wang AZ, Wang C, Wang C, Wang H, Wang J, Wang RJ, Wang R, Wang R, Wang SM, Wang S, Wang T, Wang WT, Wang W, Wang X, Wang X, Wang X, Wang Y, Wang Y, Wang Z, Wang Z, Wang Z, Warburton A, Ward RJ, Warrack N, Watson AT, Watson H, Watson MF, Watton E, Watts G, Waugh BM, Weber C, Weber HA, Weber MS, Weber SM, Wei C, Wei Y, Weidberg AR, Weik EJ, Weingarten J, Weirich M, Weiser C, Wells CJ, Wenaus T, Wendland B, Wengler T, Wenke NS, Wermes N, Wessels M, Whalen K, Wharton AM, White AS, White A, White MJ, Whiteson D, Wickremasinghe L, Wiedenmann W, Wiel C, Wielers M, Wiglesworth C, Wilbern DJ, Wilkens HG, Williams DM, Williams HH, Williams S, Willocq S, Wilson BJ, Windischhofer PJ, Winkel FI, Winklmeier F, Winter BT, Winter JK, Wittgen M, Wobisch M, Wolffs Z, Wölker R, Wollrath J, Wolter MW, Wolters H, Wongel AF, Worm SD, Wosiek BK, Woźniak KW, Wozniewski S, Wraight K, Wu C, Wu J, Wu M, Wu M, Wu SL, Wu X, Wu Y, Wu Z, Wuerzinger J, Wyatt TR, Wynne BM, Xella S, Xia L, Xia M, Xiang J, Xiao X, Xie M, Xie X, Xin S, Xiong J, Xu D, Xu H, Xu L, Xu R, Xu T, Xu Y, Xu Z, Xu Z, Yabsley B, Yacoob S, Yamaguchi N, Yamaguchi Y, Yamashita E, Yamauchi H, Yamazaki T, Yamazaki Y, Yan J, Yan S, Yan Z, Yang HJ, Yang HT, Yang S, Yang T, Yang X, Yang X, Yang Y, Yang Y, Yang Z, Yao WM, Yap YC, Ye H, Ye H, Ye J, Ye S, Ye X, Yeh Y, Yeletskikh I, Yeo BK, Yexley MR, Yin P, Yorita K, Younas S, Young CJS, Young C, Yu Y, Yuan M, Yuan R, Yue L, Zaazoua M, Zabinski B, Zaid E, Zakareishvili T, Zakharchuk N, Zambito S, Zamora Saa JA, Zang J, Zanzi D, Zaplatilek O, Zeitnitz C, Zeng H, Zeng JC, Zenger DT, Zenin O, Ženiš T, Zenz S, Zerradi S, Zerwas D, Zhai M, Zhang B, Zhang DF, Zhang J, Zhang J, Zhang K, Zhang L, Zhang P, Zhang R, Zhang S, Zhang T, Zhang X, Zhang X, Zhang Y, Zhang Y, Zhang Z, Zhang Z, Zhao H, Zhao P, Zhao T, Zhao Y, Zhao Z, Zhemchugov A, Zheng K, Zheng X, Zheng Z, Zhong D, Zhou B, Zhou H, Zhou N, Zhou Y, Zhu CG, Zhu J, Zhu Y, Zhu Y, Zhuang X, Zhukov K, Zhulanov V, Zimine NI, Zinsser J, Ziolkowski M, Živković L, Zoccoli A, Zoch K, Zorbas TG, Zormpa O, Zou W, Zwalinski L. Observation of an Excess of Dicharmonium Events in the Four-Muon Final State with the ATLAS Detector. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2023; 131:151902. [PMID: 37897770 DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.131.151902] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 04/19/2023] [Revised: 05/31/2023] [Accepted: 08/11/2023] [Indexed: 10/30/2023]
A search is made for potential ccc[over ¯]c[over ¯] tetraquarks decaying into a pair of charmonium states in the four muon final state using proton-proton collision data at sqrt[s]=13 TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 140 fb^{-1} recorded by the ATLAS experiment at LHC. Two decay channels, J/ψ+J/ψ→4μ and J/ψ+ψ(2S)→4μ, are studied. Backgrounds are estimated based on a hybrid approach involving Monte Carlo simulations and data-driven methods. Statistically significant excesses with respect to backgrounds dominated by the single parton scattering are seen in the di-J/ψ channel consistent with a narrow resonance at 6.9 GeV and a broader structure at lower mass. A statistically significant excess is also seen in the J/ψ+ψ(2S) channel. The fitted masses and decay widths of the structures are reported.
Aad G, Abbott B, Abbott DC, Abeling K, Abidi SH, Aboulhorma A, Abramowicz H, Abreu H, Abulaiti Y, Abusleme Hoffman AC, Acharya BS, Achkar B, Adam L, Adam Bourdarios C, Adamczyk L, Adamek L, Addepalli SV, Adelman J, Adiguzel A, Adorni S, Adye T, Affolder AA, Afik Y, Agaras MN, Agarwala J, Aggarwal A, Agheorghiesei C, Aguilar-Saavedra JA, Ahmad A, Ahmadov F, Ahmed WS, Ahuja S, Ai X, Aielli G, Aizenberg I, Akbiyik M, Åkesson TPA, Akimov AV, Al Khoury K, Alberghi GL, Albert J, Albicocco P, Alconada Verzini MJ, Alderweireldt S, Aleksa M, Aleksandrov IN, Alexa C, Alexopoulos T, Alfonsi A, Alfonsi F, Alhroob M, Ali B, Ali S, Aliev M, Alimonti G, Allaire C, Allbrooke BMM, Allport PP, Aloisio A, Alonso F, Alpigiani C, Alunno Camelia E, Alvarez Estevez M, Alviggi MG, Amaral Coutinho Y, Ambler A, Amelung C, Ames CG, Amidei D, Amor Dos Santos SP, Amoroso S, Amos KR, Amrouche CS, Ananiev V, Anastopoulos C, Andari N, Andeen T, Anders JK, Andrean SY, Andreazza A, Angelidakis S, Angerami A, Anisenkov AV, Annovi A, Antel C, Anthony MT, Antipov E, Antonelli M, Antrim DJA, Anulli F, Aoki M, Aoki T, Aparisi Pozo JA, Aparo MA, Aperio Bella L, Appelt C, Aranzabal N, Araujo Ferraz V, Arcangeletti C, Arce ATH, Arena E, Arguin JF, Argyropoulos S, Arling JH, Armbruster AJ, Arnaez O, Arnold H, Arrubarrena Tame ZP, Artoni G, Asada H, Asai K, Asai S, Asbah NA, Asimakopoulou EM, Assahsah J, Assamagan K, Astalos R, Atkin RJ, Atkinson M, Atlay NB, Atmani H, Atmasiddha PA, Augsten K, Auricchio S, Auriol AD, Austrup VA, Avner G, Avolio G, Axiotis K, Ayoub MK, Azuelos G, Babal D, Bachacou H, Bachas K, Bachiu A, Backman F, Badea A, Bagnaia P, Bahmani M, Bailey AJ, Bailey VR, Baines JT, Bakalis C, Baker OK, Bakker PJ, Bakos E, Bakshi Gupta D, Balaji S, Balasubramanian R, Baldin EM, Balek P, Ballabene E, Balli F, Baltes LM, Balunas WK, Balz J, Banas E, Bandieramonte M, Bandyopadhyay A, Bansal S, Barak L, Barberio EL, Barberis D, Barbero M, Barbour G, Barends KN, Barillari T, Barisits MS, Barkeloo J, Barklow T, Barnett RM, Baron P, Baron Moreno DA, Baroncelli A, Barone G, Barr AJ, Barranco Navarro L, Barreiro F, Barreiro Guimarães da Costa J, Barron U, Barros Teixeira MG, Barsov S, Bartels F, Bartoldus R, Barton AE, Bartos P, Basalaev A, Basan A, Baselga M, Bashta I, Bassalat A, Basso MJ, Basson CR, Bates RL, Batlamous S, Batley JR, Batool B, Battaglia M, Bauce M, Bauer P, Bayirli A, Beacham JB, Beau T, Beauchemin PH, Becherer F, Bechtle P, Beck HP, Becker K, Becot C, Beddall AJ, Bednyakov VA, Bee CP, Beemster LJ, Beermann TA, Begalli M, Begel M, Behera A, Behr JK, Beirao Da Cruz E Silva C, Beirer JF, Beisiegel F, Belfkir M, Bella G, Bellagamba L, Bellerive A, Bellos P, Beloborodov K, Belotskiy K, Belyaev NL, Benchekroun D, Bendebba F, Benhammou Y, Benjamin DP, Benoit M, Bensinger JR, Bentvelsen S, Beresford L, Beretta M, Berge D, Bergeaas Kuutmann E, Berger N, Bergmann B, Beringer J, Berlendis S, Bernardi G, Bernius C, Bernlochner FU, Berry T, Berta P, Berthold A, Bertram IA, Bethke S, Betti A, Bevan AJ, Bhamjee M, Bhatta S, Bhattacharya DS, Bhattarai P, Bhopatkar VS, Bi R, Bi R, Bianchi RM, Biebel O, Bielski R, Biglietti M, Billoud TRV, Bindi M, Bingul A, Bini C, Biondi S, Biondini A, Birch-Sykes CJ, Bird GA, Birman M, Bisanz T, Bisceglie E, Biswas D, Bitadze A, Bjørke K, Bloch I, Blocker C, Blue A, Blumenschein U, Blumenthal J, Bobbink GJ, Bobrovnikov VS, Boehler M, Bogavac D, Bogdanchikov AG, Bohm C, Boisvert V, Bokan P, Bold T, Bomben M, Bona M, Boonekamp M, Booth CD, Borbély AG, Borecka-Bielska HM, Borgna LS, Borissov G, Bortoletto D, Boscherini D, Bosman M, Bossio Sola JD, Bouaouda K, Boudreau J, Bouhova-Thacker EV, Boumediene D, Bouquet R, Boveia A, Boyd J, Boye D, Boyko IR, Bracinik J, Brahimi N, Brandt G, Brandt O, Braren F, Brau B, Brau JE, Breaden Madden WD, Brendlinger K, Brener R, Brenner L, Brenner R, Bressler S, Brickwedde B, Britton D, Britzger D, Brock I, Brooijmans G, Brooks WK, Brost E, Bruckman de Renstrom PA, Brüers B, Bruncko D, Bruni A, Bruni G, Bruschi M, Bruscino N, Bryngemark L, Buanes T, Buat Q, Buchholz P, Buckley AG, Budagov IA, Bugge MK, Bulekov O, Bullard BA, Burdin S, Burgard CD, Burger AM, Burghgrave B, Burr JTP, Burton CD, Burzynski JC, Busch EL, Büscher V, Bussey PJ, Butler JM, Buttar CM, Butterworth JM, Buttinger W, Buxo Vazquez CJ, Buzykaev AR, Cabras G, Cabrera Urbán S, Caforio D, Cai H, Cai Y, Cairo VMM, Cakir O, Calace N, Calafiura P, Calderini G, Calfayan P, Callea G, Caloba LP, Calvet D, Calvet S, Calvet TP, Calvetti M, Camacho Toro R, Camarda S, Camarero Munoz D, Camarri P, Camerlingo MT, Cameron D, Camincher C, Campanelli M, Camplani A, Canale V, Canesse A, Cano Bret M, Cantero J, Cao Y, Capocasa F, Capua M, Carbone A, Cardarelli R, Cardenas JCJ, Cardillo F, Carli T, Carlino G, Carlson BT, Carlson EM, Carminati L, Carnesale M, Caron S, Carquin E, Carrá S, Carratta G, Carrio Argos F, Carter JWS, Carter TM, Casado MP, Casha AF, Castiglia EG, Castillo FL, Castillo Garcia L, Castillo Gimenez V, Castro NF, Catinaccio A, Catmore JR, Cavaliere V, Cavalli N, Cavasinni V, Celebi E, Celli F, Centonze MS, Cerny K, Cerqueira AS, Cerri A, Cerrito L, Cerutti F, Cervelli A, Cetin SA, Chadi Z, Chakraborty D, Chala M, Chan J, Chan WS, Chan WY, Chapman JD, Chargeishvili B, Charlton DG, Charman TP, Chatterjee M, Chekanov S, Chekulaev SV, Chelkov GA, Chen A, Chen B, Chen B, Chen C, Chen H, Chen H, Chen J, Chen J, Chen S, Chen SJ, Chen X, Chen X, Chen Y, Cheng CL, Cheng HC, Cheplakov A, Cheremushkina E, Cherepanova E, Cherkaoui El Moursli R, Cheu E, Cheung K, Chevalier L, Chiarella V, Chiarelli G, Chiedde N, Chiodini G, Chisholm AS, Chitan A, Chiu YH, Chizhov MV, Choi K, Chomont AR, Chou Y, Chow EYS, Chowdhury T, Christopher LD, Chu KL, Chu MC, Chu X, Chudoba J, Chwastowski JJ, Cieri D, Ciesla KM, Cindro V, Ciocio A, Cirotto F, Citron ZH, Citterio M, Ciubotaru DA, Ciungu BM, Clark A, Clark PJ, Clavijo Columbie JM, Clawson SE, Clement C, Clercx J, Clissa L, Coadou Y, Cobal M, Coccaro A, Barrue RFC, Coelho Lopes De Sa R, Coelli S, Cohen H, Coimbra AEC, Cole B, Collot J, Conde Muiño P, Connell MP, Connell SH, Connelly IA, Conroy EI, Conventi F, Cooke HG, Cooper-Sarkar AM, Cormier F, Corpe LD, Corradi M, Corrigan EE, Corriveau F, Cortes-Gonzalez A, Costa MJ, Costanza F, Costanzo D, Cote BM, Cowan G, Cowley JW, Cranmer K, Crépé-Renaudin S, Crescioli F, Cristinziani M, Cristoforetti M, Croft V, Crosetti G, Cueto A, Cuhadar Donszelmann T, Cui H, Cui Z, Cukierman AR, Cunningham WR, Curcio F, Czodrowski P, Czurylo MM, De Sousa MJDCS, Da Fonseca Pinto JV, Da Via C, Dabrowski W, Dado T, Dahbi S, Dai T, Dallapiccola C, Dam M, D'amen G, D'Amico V, Damp J, Dandoy JR, Daneri MF, Danninger M, Dao V, Darbo G, Darmora S, Das SJ, Dattagupta A, D'Auria S, David C, Davidek T, Davis DR, Davis-Purcell B, Dawson I, De K, De Asmundis R, De Beurs M, De Castro S, De Groot N, de Jong P, De la Torre H, De Maria A, De Salvo A, De Sanctis U, De Santo A, De Vivie De Regie JB, Dedovich DV, Degens J, Deiana AM, Del Corso F, Del Peso J, Del Rio F, Deliot F, Delitzsch CM, Della Pietra M, Della Volpe D, Dell'Acqua A, Dell'Asta L, Delmastro M, Delsart PA, Demers S, Demichev M, Denisov SP, D'Eramo L, Derendarz D, Derue F, Dervan P, Desch K, Dette K, Deutsch C, Deviveiros PO, Di Bello FA, Di Ciaccio A, Di Ciaccio L, Di Domenico A, Di Donato C, Di Girolamo A, Di Gregorio G, Di Luca A, Di Micco B, Di Nardo R, Diaconu C, Dias FA, Vale TDD, Diaz MA, Diaz Capriles FG, Didenko M, Diehl EB, Diehl L, Díez Cornell S, Diez Pardos C, Dimitriadi C, Dimitrievska A, Ding W, Dingfelder J, Dinu IM, Dittmeier SJ, Dittus F, Djama F, Djobava T, Djuvsland JI, Dodsworth D, Doglioni C, Dolejsi J, Dolezal Z, Domijan K, Donadelli M, Dong B, Donini J, D'Onofrio A, D'Onofrio M, Dopke J, Doria A, Dova MT, Doyle AT, Draguet MA, Drechsler E, Dreyer E, Drivas-Koulouris I, Drobac AS, Du D, du Pree TA, Dubinin F, Dubovsky M, Duchovni E, Duckeck G, Ducu OA, Duda D, Dudarev A, D'uffizi M, Duflot L, Dührssen M, Dülsen C, Dumitriu AE, Dunford M, Dungs S, Dunne K, Duperrin A, Yildiz HD, Düren M, Durglishvili A, Dwyer BL, Dyckes GI, Dyndal M, Dysch S, Dziedzic BS, Earnshaw ZO, Eckerova B, Eggleston MG, Purcino De Souza EE, Ehrke LF, Eigen G, Einsweiler K, Ekelof T, Ekman PA, El Ghazali Y, El Jarrari H, El Moussaouy A, Ellajosyula V, Ellert M, Ellinghaus F, Elliot AA, Ellis N, Elmsheuser J, Elsing M, Emeliyanov D, Emerman A, Enari Y, Ene I, Epari S, Erdmann J, Ereditato A, Erland PA, Errenst M, Escalier M, Escobar C, Etzion E, Evans G, Evans H, Evans MO, Ezhilov A, Ezzarqtouni S, Fabbri F, Fabbri L, Facini G, Fadeyev V, Fakhrutdinov RM, Falciano S, Falke PJ, Falke S, Faltova J, Fan Y, Fang Y, Fanourakis G, Fanti M, Faraj M, Farbin A, Farilla A, Farooque T, Farrington SM, Fassi F, Fassouliotis D, Faucci Giannelli M, Fawcett WJ, Fayard L, Fedin OL, Fedotov G, Feickert M, Feligioni L, Fell A, Fellers DE, Feng C, Feng M, Feng Z, Fenton MJ, Fenyuk AB, Ferencz L, Ferguson SW, Pretel J, Ferrando J, Ferrari A, Ferrari P, Ferrari R, Ferrere D, Ferretti C, Fiedler F, Filipčič A, Filmer EK, Filthaut F, Fiolhais MCN, Fiorini L, Fischer F, Fisher WC, Fitschen T, Fleck I, Fleischmann P, Flick T, Flores L, Flores M, Flores Castillo LR, Follega FM, Fomin N, Foo JH, Forland BC, Formica A, Forti AC, Fortin E, Fortman AW, Foti MG, Fountas L, Fournier D, Fox H, Francavilla P, Francescato S, Franchini M, Franchino S, Francis D, Franco L, Franconi L, Franklin M, Frattari G, Freegard AC, Freeman PM, Freund WS, Fritzsche N, Froch A, Froidevaux D, Frost JA, Fu Y, Fujimoto M, Fullana Torregrosa E, Fuster J, Gabrielli A, Gabrielli A, Gadow P, Gagliardi G, Gagnon LG, Gallardo GE, Gallas EJ, Gallop BJ, Gamboa Goni R, Gan KK, Ganguly S, Gao J, Gao Y, Garay Walls FM, Garcia B, García C, García Navarro JE, García Pascual JA, Garcia-Sciveres M, Gardner RW, Garg D, Garg RB, Gargiulo S, Garner CA, Garonne V, Gasiorowski SJ, Gaspar P, Gaudio G, Gautam V, Gauzzi P, Gavrilenko IL, Gavrilyuk A, Gay C, Gaycken G, Gazis EN, Geanta AA, Gee CM, Geisen J, Geisen M, Gemme C, Genest MH, Gentile S, George S, George WF, Geralis T, Gerlach LO, Gessinger-Befurt P, Ghasemi Bostanabad M, Ghneimat M, Ghosal A, Ghosh A, Ghosh A, Giacobbe B, Giagu S, Giangiacomi N, Giannetti P, Giannini A, Gibson SM, Gignac M, Gil DT, Gilbert AK, Gilbert BJ, Gillberg D, Gilles G, Gillwald NEK, Ginabat L, Gingrich DM, Giordani MP, Giraud PF, Giugliarelli G, Giugni D, Giuli F, Gkialas I, Gladilin LK, Glasman C, Gledhill GR, Glisic M, Gnesi I, Go Y, Goblirsch-Kolb M, Godin D, Goldfarb S, Golling T, Gololo MGD, Golubkov D, Gombas JP, Gomes A, Gomes Da Silva G, Gomez Delegido AJ, Goncalves Gama R, Gonçalo R, Gonella G, Gonella L, Gongadze A, Gonnella F, Gonski JL, González de la Hoz S, Gonzalez Fernandez S, Gonzalez Lopez R, Gonzalez Renteria C, Gonzalez Suarez R, Gonzalez-Sevilla S, Gonzalvo Rodriguez GR, González Andana RY, Goossens L, Gorasia NA, Gorbounov PA, Gorini B, Gorini E, Gorišek A, Goshaw AT, Gostkin MI, Gottardo CA, Gouighri M, Goumarre V, Goussiou AG, Govender N, Goy C, Grabowska-Bold I, Graham K, Gramstad E, Grancagnolo S, Grandi M, Gratchev V, Gravila PM, Gravili FG, Gray HM, Greco M, Grefe C, Gregor IM, Grenier P, Grieco C, Grillo AA, Grimm K, Grinstein S, Grivaz JF, Gross E, Grosse-Knetter J, Grud C, Grummer A, Grundy JC, Guan L, Guan W, Gubbels C, Guerrero Rojas JGR, Guerrieri G, Guescini F, Gugel R, Guhit JAM, Guida A, Guillemin T, Guilloton E, Guindon S, Guo F, Guo J, Guo L, Guo Y, Gupta R, Gurbuz S, Gurdasani SS, Gustavino G, Guth M, Gutierrez P, Gutierrez Zagazeta LF, Gutschow C, Guyot C, Gwenlan C, Gwilliam CB, Haaland ES, Haas A, Habedank M, Haber C, Hadavand HK, Hadef A, Hadzic S, Haleem M, Haley J, Hall JJ, Hallewell GD, Halser L, Hamano K, Hamdaoui H, Hamer M, Hamity GN, Han J, Han K, Han L, Han L, Han S, Han YF, Hanagaki K, Hance M, Hangal DA, Hank MD, Hankache R, Hansen JB, Hansen JD, Hansen PH, Hara K, Harada D, Harenberg T, Harkusha S, Harris YT, Harrison NM, Harrison PF, Hartman NM, Hartmann NM, Hasegawa Y, Hasib A, Haug S, Hauser R, Havranek M, Hawkes CM, Hawkings RJ, Hayashida S, Hayden D, Hayes C, Hayes RL, Hays CP, Hays JM, Hayward HS, He F, He Y, He Y, Heath MP, Hedberg V, Heggelund AL, Hehir ND, Heidegger C, Heidegger KK, Heidorn WD, Heilman J, Heim S, Heim T, Heinlein JG, Heinrich JJ, Heinrich L, Hejbal J, Helary L, Held A, Hellesund S, Helling CM, Hellman S, Helsens C, Henderson RCW, Henkelmann L, Henriques Correia AM, Herde H, Hermann L, Hernández Jiménez Y, Herr H, Herrmann MG, Herrmann T, Herten G, Hertenberger R, Hervas L, Hessey NP, Hibi H, Higón-Rodriguez E, Hillier SJ, Hinchliffe I, Hinterkeuser F, Hirose M, Hirose S, Hirschbuehl D, Hitchings TG, Hiti B, Hobbs J, Hobincu R, Hod N, Hodgkinson MC, Hodkinson BH, Hoecker A, Hofer J, Hohn D, Holm T, Holzbock M, Hommels LBAH, Honan BP, Hong J, Hong TM, Hong Y, Honig JC, Hönle A, Hooberman BH, Hopkins WH, Horii Y, Hou S, Howard AS, Howarth J, Hoya J, Hrabovsky M, Hrynevich A, Hryn'ova T, Hsu PJ, Hsu SC, Hu Q, Hu YF, Huang DP, Huang S, Huang X, Huang Y, Huang Y, Huang Z, Hubacek Z, Huebner M, Huegging F, Huffman TB, Huhtinen M, Huiberts SK, Hulsken R, Huseynov N, Huston J, Huth J, Hyneman R, Hyrych S, Iacobucci G, Iakovidis G, Ibragimov I, Iconomidou-Fayard L, Iengo P, Iguchi R, Iizawa T, Ikegami Y, Ilg A, Ilic N, Imam H, Ingebretsen Carlson T, Introzzi G, Iodice M, Ippolito V, Ishino M, Islam W, Issever C, Istin S, Ito H, Iturbe Ponce JM, Iuppa R, Ivina A, Izen JM, Izzo V, Jacka P, Jackson P, Jacobs RM, Jaeger BP, Jagfeld CS, Jäkel G, Jakobs K, Jakoubek T, Jamieson J, Janas KW, Jarlskog G, Jaspan AE, Javůrek T, Javurkova M, Jeanneau F, Jeanty L, Jejelava J, Jenni P, Jessiman CE, Jézéquel S, Jia J, Jia X, Jia X, Jia Z, Jiang Y, Jiggins S, Jimenez Pena J, Jin S, Jinaru A, Jinnouchi O, Jivan H, Johansson P, Johns KA, Johnson CA, Jones DM, Jones E, Jones P, Jones RWL, Jones TJ, Jovicevic J, Ju X, Junggeburth JJ, Juste Rozas A, Kabana S, Kaczmarska A, Kado M, Kagan H, Kagan M, Kahn A, Kahn A, Kahra C, Kaji T, Kajomovitz E, Kakati N, Kalderon CW, Kamenshchikov A, Kang NJ, Kano Y, Kar D, Karava K, Kareem MJ, Karentzos E, Karkanias I, Karpov SN, Karpova ZM, Kartvelishvili V, Karyukhin AN, Kasimi E, Kato C, Katzy J, Kaur S, Kawade K, Kawagoe K, Kawaguchi T, Kawamoto T, Kawamura G, Kay EF, Kaya FI, Kazakos S, Kazanin VF, Ke Y, Keaveney JM, Keeler R, Kehris GV, Keller JS, Kelly AS, Kelsey D, Kempster JJ, Kendrick J, Kennedy KE, Kepka O, Kerridge BP, Kersten S, Kerševan BP, Keszeghova L, Ketabchi Haghighat S, Khandoga M, Khanov A, Kharlamov AG, Kharlamova T, Khoda EE, Khoo TJ, Khoriauli G, Khubua J, Khwaira YAR, Kiehn M, Kilgallon A, Kim DW, Kim E, Kim YK, Kimura N, Kirchhoff A, Kirchmeier D, Kirfel C, Kirk J, Kiryunin AE, Kishimoto T, Kisliuk DP, Kitsaki C, Kivernyk O, Klassen M, Klein C, Klein L, Klein MH, Klein M, Klein U, Klimek P, Klimentov A, Klimpel F, Klingl T, Klioutchnikova T, Klitzner FF, Kluit P, Kluth S, Kneringer E, Knight TM, Knue A, Kobayashi D, Kobayashi R, Kocian M, Kodama T, Kodyš P, Koeck DM, Koenig PT, Koffas T, Köhler NM, Kolb M, Koletsou I, Komarek T, Köneke K, Kong AXY, Kono T, Konstantinidis N, Konya B, Kopeliansky R, Koperny S, Korcyl K, Kordas K, Koren G, Korn A, Korn S, Korolkov I, Korotkova N, Kortman B, Kortner O, Kortner S, Kostecka WH, Kostyukhin VV, Kotsokechagia A, Kotwal A, Koulouris A, Kourkoumeli-Charalampidi A, Kourkoumelis C, Kourlitis E, Kovanda O, Kowalewski R, Kozanecki W, Kozhin AS, Kramarenko VA, Kramberger G, Kramer P, Krasny MW, Krasznahorkay A, Kremer JA, Kresse T, Kretzschmar J, Kreul K, Krieger P, Krieter F, Krishnamurthy S, Krishnan A, Krivos M, Krizka K, Kroeninger K, Kroha H, Kroll J, Kroll J, Krowpman KS, Kruchonak U, Krüger H, Krumnack N, Kruse MC, Krzysiak JA, Kubota A, Kuchinskaia O, Kuday S, Kuechler D, Kuechler JT, Kuehn S, Kuhl T, Kukhtin V, Kulchitsky Y, Kuleshov S, Kumar M, Kumari N, Kuna M, Kupco A, Kupfer T, Kupich A, Kuprash O, Kurashige H, Kurchaninov LL, Kurochkin YA, Kurova A, Kuwertz ES, Kuze M, Kvam AK, Kvita J, Kwan T, Kwok KW, Kyriacou NG, Laatu LAO, Lacasta C, Lacava F, Lacker H, Lacour D, Lad NN, Ladygin E, Laforge B, Lagouri T, Lai S, Lakomiec IK, Lalloue N, Lambert JE, Lammers S, Lampl W, Lampoudis C, Lancaster AN, Lançon E, Landgraf U, Landon MPJ, Lang VS, Langenberg RJ, Lankford AJ, Lanni F, Lantzsch K, Lanza A, Lapertosa A, Laporte JF, Lari T, Lasagni Manghi F, Lassnig M, Latonova V, Lau TS, Laudrain A, Laurier A, Lawlor SD, Lawrence Z, Lazzaroni M, Le B, Leban B, Lebedev A, LeBlanc M, LeCompte T, Ledroit-Guillon F, Lee ACA, Lee GR, Lee L, Lee SC, Lee S, Lee TF, Leeuw LL, Lefebvre HP, Lefebvre M, Leggett C, Lehmann K, Lehmann Miotto G, Leight WA, Leisos A, Leite MAL, Leitgeb CE, Leitner R, Leney KJC, Lenz T, Leone S, Leonidopoulos C, Leopold A, Leroy C, Les R, Lester CG, Levchenko M, Levêque J, Levin D, Levinson LJ, Lewicki MP, Lewis DJ, Li B, Li B, Li C, Li CQ, Li H, Li H, Li H, Li H, Li J, Li K, Li L, Li M, Li QY, Li S, Li T, Li X, Li Z, Li Z, Li Z, Li Z, Liang Z, Liberatore M, Liberti B, Lie K, Lieber Marin J, Lin K, Linck RA, Lindley RE, Lindon JH, Linss A, Lipeles E, Lipniacka A, Lister A, Little JD, Liu B, Liu BX, Liu D, Liu JB, Liu JKK, Liu K, Liu M, Liu MY, Liu P, Liu Q, Liu X, Liu X, Liu Y, Liu Y, Liu YL, Liu YW, Livan M, Llorente Merino J, Lloyd SL, Lobodzinska EM, Loch P, Loffredo S, Lohse T, Lohwasser K, Lokajicek M, Long JD, Longarini I, Longo L, Longo R, Lopez Paz I, Lopez Solis A, Lorenz J, Lorenzo Martinez N, Lory AM, Lösle A, Lou X, Lou X, Lounis A, Love J, Love PA, Lozano Bahilo JJ, Lu G, Lu M, Lu S, Lu YJ, Lubatti HJ, Luci C, Lucio Alves FL, Lucotte A, Luehring F, Luise I, Lukianchuk O, Lundberg O, Lund-Jensen B, Luongo NA, Lutz MS, Lynn D, Lyons H, Lysak R, Lytken E, Lyu F, Lyubushkin V, Lyubushkina T, Ma H, Ma LL, Ma Y, Mac Donell DM, Maccarrone G, MacDonald JC, Madar R, Mader WF, Maeda J, Maeno T, Maerker M, Magerl V, Magro J, Maguire H, Mahon DJ, Maidantchik C, Maio A, Maj K, Majersky O, Majewski S, Makovec N, Maksimovic V, Malaescu B, Malecki P, Maleev VP, Malek F, Malito D, Mallik U, Malone C, Maltezos S, Malyukov S, Mamuzic J, Mancini G, Manco G, Mandalia JP, Mandić I, Manhaes de Andrade Filho L, Maniatis IM, Manisha M, Manjarres Ramos J, Mankad DC, Mankinen KH, Mann A, Manousos A, Mansoulie B, Manzoni S, Marantis A, Marchiori G, Marcisovsky M, Marcoccia L, Marcon C, Marinescu M, Marjanovic M, Marshall Z, Marti-Garcia S, Martin TA, Martin VJ, Martin Dit Latour B, Martinelli L, Martinez M, Martinez Agullo P, Martinez Outschoorn VI, Martinez Suarez P, Martin-Haugh S, Martoiu VS, Martyniuk AC, Marzin A, Maschek SR, Masetti L, Mashimo T, Masik J, Maslennikov AL, Massa L, Massarotti P, Mastrandrea P, Mastroberardino A, Masubuchi T, Mathisen T, Matic A, Matsuzawa N, Maurer J, Maček B, Maximov DA, Mazini R, Maznas I, Mazza M, Mazza SM, Mc Ginn C, Mc Gowan JP, Mc Kee SP, McCarthy TG, McCormack WP, McDonald EF, McDougall AE, Mcfayden JA, Mchedlidze G, Mckenzie RP, Mclachlan TC, Mclaughlin DJ, McLean KD, McMahon SJ, McNamara PC, McPherson RA, Mdhluli JE, Meehan S, Megy T, Mehlhase S, Mehta A, Meirose B, Melini D, Mellado Garcia BR, Melo AH, Meloni F, Gouveia EDM, Mendes Jacques Da Costa AM, Meng HY, Meng L, Menke S, Mentink M, Meoni E, Merlassino C, Merola L, Meroni C, Merz G, Meshkov O, Meshreki JKR, Metcalfe J, Mete AS, Meyer C, Meyer JP, Michetti M, Middleton RP, Mijović L, Mikenberg G, Mikestikova M, Mikuž M, Mildner H, Milic A, Milke CD, Miller DW, Miller LS, Milov A, Milstead DA, Min T, Minaenko AA, Minashvili IA, Mince L, Mincer AI, Mindur B, Mineev M, Minegishi Y, Mino Y, Mir LM, Miralles Lopez M, Mironova M, Mitani T, Mitra A, Mitsou VA, Miu O, Miyagawa PS, Miyazaki Y, Mizukami A, Mjörnmark JU, Mkrtchyan T, Mlynarikova M, Moa T, Mobius S, Mochizuki K, Moder P, Mogg P, Mohammed AF, Mohapatra S, Mokgatitswane G, Mondal B, Mondal S, Mönig K, Monnier E, Monsonis Romero L, Montejo Berlingen J, Montella M, Monticelli F, Morange N, De Carvalho ALM, Moreno Llácer M, Moreno Martinez C, Morettini P, Morgenstern S, Morii M, Morinaga M, Morisbak V, Morley AK, Morodei F, Morvaj L, Moschovakos P, Moser B, Mosidze M, Moskalets T, Moskvitina P, Moss J, Moyse EJW, Muanza S, Mueller J, Muenstermann D, Müller R, Mullier GA, Mullin JJ, Mungo DP, Munoz Martinez JL, Munoz Perez D, Munoz Sanchez FJ, Murin M, Murray WJ, Murrone A, Muse JM, Muškinja M, Mwewa C, Myagkov AG, Myers AJ, Myers AA, Myers G, Myska M, Nachman BP, Nackenhorst O, Nag A, Nagai K, Nagano K, Nagle JL, Nagy E, Nairz AM, Nakahama Y, Nakamura K, Nanjo H, Narayan R, Narayanan EA, Naryshkin I, Naseri M, Nass C, Navarro G, Navarro-Gonzalez J, Nayak R, Nechaeva PY, Nechansky F, Neep TJ, Negri A, Negrini M, Nellist C, Nelson C, Nelson K, Nemecek S, Nessi M, Neubauer MS, Neuhaus F, Neundorf J, Newhouse R, Newman PR, Ng CW, Ng YS, Ng YWY, Ngair B, Nguyen HDN, Nickerson RB, Nicolaidou R, Nielsen J, Niemeyer M, Nikiforou N, Nikolaenko V, Nikolic-Audit I, Nikolopoulos K, Nilsson P, Nindhito HR, Nisati A, Nishu N, Nisius R, Nitschke JE, Nkadimeng EK, Noacco Rosende SJ, Nobe T, Noel DL, Noguchi Y, Nommensen T, Nomura MA, Norfolk MB, Norisam RRB, Norman BJ, Novak J, Novak T, Novgorodova O, Novotny L, Novotny R, Nozka L, Ntekas K, Nurse E, Oakham FG, Ocariz J, Ochi A, Ochoa I, Oerdek S, Ogrodnik A, Oh A, Ohm CC, Oide H, Oishi R, Ojeda ML, Okazaki Y, O'Keefe MW, Okumura Y, Olariu A, Seabra LFO, Olivares Pino SA, Oliveira Damazio D, Oliveira Goncalves D, Oliver JL, Olsson MJR, Olszewski A, Olszowska J, Öncel ÖO, O'Neil DC, O'Neill AP, Onofre A, Onyisi PUE, Oreglia MJ, Orellana GE, Orestano D, Orlando N, Orr RS, O'Shea V, Ospanov R, Otero Y Garzon G, Otono H, Ott PS, Ottino GJ, Ouchrif M, Ouellette J, Ould-Saada F, Owen M, Owen RE, Oyulmaz KY, Ozcan VE, Ozturk N, Ozturk S, Pacalt J, Pacey HA, Pachal K, Pacheco Pages A, Padilla Aranda C, Padovano G, Pagan Griso S, Palacino G, Palazzo A, Palazzo S, Palestini S, Palka M, Pan J, Pan T, Panchal DK, Pandini CE, Panduro Vazquez JG, Pang H, Pani P, Panizzo G, Paolozzi L, Papadatos C, Parajuli S, Paramonov A, Paraskevopoulos C, Paredes Hernandez D, Park TH, Parker MA, Parodi F, Parrish EW, Parrish VA, Parsons JA, Parzefall U, Pascual Dias B, Pascual Dominguez L, Pascuzzi VR, Pasquali F, Pasqualucci E, Passaggio S, Pastore F, Pasuwan P, Pater JR, Patton J, Pauly T, Pearkes J, Pedersen M, Pedro R, Peleganchuk SV, Penc O, Peng C, Peng H, Penski KE, Penzin M, Peralva BS, Peixoto APP, Pereira Sanchez L, Perepelitsa DV, Perez Codina E, Perganti M, Perini L, Pernegger H, Perrella S, Perrevoort A, Perrin O, Peters K, Peters RFY, Petersen BA, Petersen TC, Petit E, Petousis V, Petridou C, Petrukhin A, Pettee M, Pettersson NE, Petukhov A, Petukhova K, Peyaud A, Pezoa R, Pezzotti L, Pezzullo G, Pham T, Phillips PW, Phipps MW, Piacquadio G, Pianori E, Piazza F, Piegaia R, Pietreanu D, Pilkington AD, Pinamonti M, Pinfold JL, Pereira BCP, Pitman Donaldson C, Pizzi DA, Pizzimento L, Pizzini A, Pleier MA, Plesanovs V, Pleskot V, Plotnikova E, Poddar G, Poettgen R, Poggioli L, Pogrebnyak I, Pohl D, Pokharel I, Polacek S, Polesello G, Poley A, Polifka R, Polini A, Pollard CS, Pollock ZB, Polychronakos V, Ponomarenko D, Pontecorvo L, Popa S, Popeneciu GA, Portillo Quintero DM, Pospisil S, Postolache P, Potamianos K, Potrap IN, Potter CJ, Potti H, Poulsen T, Poveda J, Pownall G, Pozo Astigarraga ME, Prades Ibanez A, Prapa MM, Price D, Primavera M, Principe Martin MA, Proffitt ML, Proklova N, Prokofiev K, Proto G, Protopopescu S, Proudfoot J, Przybycien M, Puddefoot JE, Pudzha D, Puzo P, Pyatiizbyantseva D, Qian J, Qin Y, Qiu T, Quadt A, Queitsch-Maitland M, Rabanal Bolanos G, Rafanoharana D, Ragusa F, Rainbolt JL, Raine JA, Rajagopalan S, Ramakoti E, Ran K, Raskina V, Rassloff DF, Rave S, Ravina B, Ravinovich I, Raymond M, Read AL, Readioff NP, Rebuzzi DM, Redlinger G, Reeves K, Reidelsturz JA, Reikher D, Reiss A, Rej A, Rembser C, Renardi A, Renda M, Rendel MB, Rennie AG, Resconi S, Ressegotti M, Resseguie ED, Rettie S, Reynolds B, Reynolds E, Rezaei Estabragh M, Rezanova OL, Reznicek P, Ricci E, Richter R, Richter S, Richter-Was E, Ridel M, Rieck P, Riedler P, Rijssenbeek M, Rimoldi A, Rimoldi M, Rinaldi L, Rinn TT, Rinnagel MP, Ripellino G, Riu I, Rivadeneira P, Rivera Vergara JC, Rizatdinova F, Rizvi E, Rizzi C, Roberts BA, Roberts BR, Robertson SH, Robin M, Robinson D, Robles Gajardo CM, Robles Manzano M, Robson A, Rocchi A, Roda C, Rodriguez Bosca S, Rodriguez Garcia Y, Rodriguez Rodriguez A, Rodríguez Vera AM, Roe S, Roemer JT, Roepe-Gier AR, Roggel J, Røhne O, Rojas RA, Roland B, Roland CPA, Roloff J, Romaniouk A, Romano E, Romano M, Romero Hernandez AC, Rompotis N, Roos L, Rosati S, Rosser BJ, Rossi E, Rossi E, Rossi LP, Rossini L, Rosten R, Rotaru M, Rottler B, Rousseau D, Rousso D, Rovelli G, Roy A, Rozanov A, Rozen Y, Ruan X, Rubio Jimenez A, Ruby AJ, Ruelas Rivera VH, Ruggeri TA, Rühr F, Ruiz-Martinez A, Rummler A, Rurikova Z, Rusakovich NA, Russell HL, Rutherfoord JP, Rüttinger EM, Rybacki K, Rybar M, Rye EB, Ryzhov A, Sabater Iglesias JA, Sabatini P, Sabetta L, Sadrozinski HFW, Safai Tehrani F, Safarzadeh Samani B, Safdari M, Saha S, Sahinsoy M, Saimpert M, Saito M, Saito T, Salamani D, Salamanna G, Salnikov A, Salt J, Salvador Salas A, Salvatore D, Salvatore F, Salzburger A, Sammel D, Sampsonidis D, Sampsonidou D, Sánchez J, Sanchez Pineda A, Sanchez Sebastian V, Sandaker H, Sander CO, Sandesara JA, Sandhoff M, Sandoval C, Sankey DPC, Sansoni A, Santi L, Santoni C, Santos H, Santpur SN, Santra A, Saoucha KA, Saraiva JG, Sardain J, Sasaki O, Sato K, Sauer C, Sauerburger F, Sauvan E, Savard P, Sawada R, Sawyer C, Sawyer L, Sayago Galvan I, Sbarra C, Sbrizzi A, Scanlon T, Schaarschmidt J, Schacht P, Schaefer D, Schäfer U, Schaffer AC, Schaile D, Schamberger RD, Schanet E, Scharf C, Schegelsky VA, Scheirich D, Schenck F, Schernau M, Scheulen C, Schiavi C, Schillaci ZM, Schioppa EJ, Schioppa M, Schlag B, Schleicher KE, Schlenker S, Schmieden K, Schmitt C, Schmitt S, Schoeffel L, Schoening A, Scholer PG, Schopf E, Schott M, Schovancova J, Schramm S, Schroeder F, Schultz-Coulon HC, Schumacher M, Schumm BA, Schune P, Schwartzman A, Schwarz TA, Schwemling P, Schwienhorst R, Sciandra A, Sciolla G, Scuri F, Scutti F, Sebastiani CD, Sedlaczek K, Seema P, Seidel SC, Seiden A, Seidlitz BD, Seiss T, Seitz C, Seixas JM, Sekhniaidze G, Sekula SJ, Selem L, Semprini-Cesari N, Sen S, Sengupta D, Senthilkumar V, Serin L, Serkin L, Sessa M, Severini H, Sevova S, Sforza F, Sfyrla A, Shabalina E, Shaheen R, Shahinian JD, Shaikh NW, Shaked Renous D, Shan LY, Shapiro M, Sharma A, Sharma AS, Sharma P, Sharma S, Shatalov PB, Shaw K, Shaw SM, Shen Q, Sherwood P, Shi L, Shimmin CO, Shimogama Y, Shinner JD, Shipsey IPJ, Shirabe S, Shiyakova M, Shlomi J, Shochet MJ, Shojaii J, Shope DR, Shrestha S, Shrif EM, Shroff MJ, Sicho P, Sickles AM, Sideras Haddad E, Sidiropoulou O, Sidoti A, Siegert F, Sijacki D, Sikora R, Sili F, Silva JM, Silva Oliveira MV, Silverstein SB, Simion S, Simoniello R, Simpson EL, Simpson ND, Simsek S, Sindhu S, Sinervo P, Sinetckii V, Singh S, Singh S, Sinha S, Sinha S, Sioli M, Siral I, Sivoklokov SY, Sjölin J, Skaf A, Skorda E, Skubic P, Slawinska M, Smakhtin V, Smart BH, Smiesko J, Smirnov SY, Smirnov Y, Smirnova LN, Smirnova O, Smith AC, Smith EA, Smith HA, Smith JL, Smith R, Smizanska M, Smolek K, Smykiewicz A, Snesarev AA, Snoek HL, Snyder S, Sobie R, Soffer A, Solans Sanchez CA, Soldatov EY, Soldevila U, Solodkov AA, Solomon S, Soloshenko A, Solovieva K, Solovyanov OV, Solovyev V, Sommer P, Sonay A, Song WY, Sopczak A, Sopio AL, Sopkova F, Sothilingam V, Sottocornola S, Soualah R, Soumaimi Z, South D, Spagnolo S, Spalla M, Spanò F, Sperlich D, Spigo G, Spina M, Spinali S, Spiteri DP, Spousta M, Staats EJ, Stabile A, Stamen R, Stamenkovic M, Stampekis A, Standke M, Stanecka E, Stanislaus B, Stanitzki MM, Stankaityte M, Stapf B, Starchenko EA, Stark GH, Stark J, Starko DM, Staroba P, Starovoitov P, Stärz S, Staszewski R, Stavropoulos G, Steentoft J, Steinberg P, Steinhebel AL, Stelzer B, Stelzer HJ, Stelzer-Chilton O, Stenzel H, Stevenson TJ, Stewart GA, Stockton MC, Stoicea G, Stolarski M, Stonjek S, Straessner A, Strandberg J, Strandberg S, Strauss M, Strebler T, Strizenec P, Ströhmer R, Strom DM, Strom LR, Stroynowski R, Strubig A, Stucci SA, Stugu B, Stupak J, Styles NA, Su D, Su S, Su W, Su X, Sugizaki K, Sulin VV, Sullivan MJ, Sultan DMS, Sultanaliyeva L, Sultansoy S, Sumida T, Sun S, Sun S, Gudnadottir OS, Sutton MR, Svatos M, Swiatlowski M, Swirski T, Sykora I, Sykora M, Sykora T, Ta D, Tackmann K, Taffard A, Tafirout R, Tafoya Vargas JS, Taibah RHM, Takashima R, Takeda K, Takeva EP, Takubo Y, Talby M, Talyshev AA, Tam KC, Tamir NM, Tanaka A, Tanaka J, Tanaka R, Tanasini M, Tang J, Tao Z, Tapia Araya S, Tapprogge S, Tarek Abouelfadl Mohamed A, Tarem S, Tariq K, Tarna G, Tartarelli GF, Tas P, Tasevsky M, Tassi E, Tate AC, Tateno G, Tayalati Y, Taylor GN, Taylor W, Teagle H, Tee AS, Teixeira De Lima R, Teixeira-Dias P, Teoh JJ, Terashi K, Terron J, Terzo S, Testa M, Teuscher RJ, Thaler A, Theiner O, Themistokleous N, Theveneaux-Pelzer T, Thielmann O, Thomas DW, Thomas JP, Thompson EA, Thompson PD, Thomson E, Thorpe EJ, Tian Y, Tikhomirov V, Tikhonov YA, Timoshenko S, Ting EXL, Tipton P, Tisserant S, Tlou SH, Tnourji A, Todome K, Todorova-Nova S, Todt S, Togawa M, Tojo J, Tokár S, Tokushuku K, Tombs R, Tomoto M, Tompkins L, Topolnicki KW, Tornambe P, Torrence E, Torres H, Torró Pastor E, Toscani M, Tosciri C, Tovey DR, Traeet A, Trandafir IS, Trefzger T, Tricoli A, Trigger IM, Trincaz-Duvoid S, Trischuk DA, Trocmé B, Trofymov A, Troncon C, Truong L, Trzebinski M, Trzupek A, Tsai F, Tsai M, Tsiamis A, Tsiareshka PV, Tsigaridas S, Tsirigotis A, Tsiskaridze V, Tskhadadze EG, Tsopoulou M, Tsujikawa Y, Tsukerman II, Tsulaia V, Tsuno S, Tsur O, Tsybychev D, Tu Y, Tudorache A, Tudorache V, Tuna AN, Turchikhin S, Turk Cakir I, Turra R, Turtuvshin T, Tuts PM, Tzamarias S, Tzanis P, Tzovara E, Uchida K, Ukegawa F, Ulloa Poblete PA, Unal G, Unal M, Undrus A, Unel G, Uno K, Urban J, Urquijo P, Usai G, Ushioda R, Usman M, Uysal Z, Vacek V, Vachon B, Vadla KOH, Vafeiadis T, Valderanis C, Valdes Santurio E, Valente M, Valentinetti S, Valero A, Vallier A, Valls Ferrer JA, Van Daalen TR, Van Gemmeren P, Van Rijnbach M, Van Stroud S, Van Vulpen I, Vanadia M, Vandelli W, Vandenbroucke M, Vandewall ER, Vannicola D, Vannoli L, Vari R, Varnes EW, Varni C, Varol T, Varouchas D, Varriale L, Varvell KE, Vasile ME, Vaslin L, Vasquez GA, Vazeille F, Vazquez Schroeder T, Veatch J, Vecchio V, Veen MJ, Veliscek I, Veloce LM, Veloso F, Veneziano S, Ventura A, Verbytskyi A, Verducci M, Vergis C, Verissimo De Araujo M, Verkerke W, Vermeulen JC, Vernieri C, Verschuuren PJ, Vessella M, Vesterbacka ML, Vetterli MC, Vgenopoulos A, Viaux Maira N, Vickey T, Vickey Boeriu OE, Viehhauser GHA, Vigani L, Villa M, Villaplana Perez M, Villhauer EM, Vilucchi E, Vincter MG, Virdee GS, Vishwakarma A, Vittori C, Vivarelli I, Vladimirov V, Voevodina E, Vogel F, Vokac P, Von Ahnen J, Von Toerne E, Vormwald B, Vorobel V, Vorobev K, Vos M, Vossebeld JH, Vozak M, Vozdecky L, Vranjes N, Vranjes Milosavljevic M, Vreeswijk M, Vuillermet R, Vujinovic O, Vukotic I, Wada S, Wagner C, Wagner W, Wahdan S, Wahlberg H, Wakasa R, Wakida M, Walbrecht VM, Walder J, Walker R, Walkowiak W, Wang AM, Wang AZ, Wang C, Wang C, Wang H, Wang J, Wang P, Wang RJ, Wang R, Wang R, Wang SM, Wang S, Wang T, Wang WT, Wang WX, Wang X, Wang X, Wang X, Wang Y, Wang Y, Wang Z, Wang Z, Wang Z, Warburton A, Ward RJ, Warrack N, Watson AT, Watson MF, Watts G, Waugh BM, Webb AF, Weber C, Weber MS, Weber SA, Weber SM, Wei C, Wei Y, Weidberg AR, Weingarten J, Weirich M, Weiser C, Wells CJ, Wenaus T, Wendland B, Wengler T, Wenke NS, Wermes N, Wessels M, Whalen K, Wharton AM, White AS, White A, White MJ, Whiteson D, Wickremasinghe L, Wiedenmann W, Wiel C, Wielers M, Wieseotte N, Wiglesworth C, Wiik-Fuchs LAM, Wilbern DJ, Wilkens HG, Williams DM, Williams HH, Williams S, Willocq S, Windischhofer PJ, Winklmeier F, Winter BT, Wittgen M, Wobisch M, Wolf A, Wölker R, Wollrath J, Wolter MW, Wolters H, Wong VWS, Wongel AF, Worm SD, Wosiek BK, Woźniak KW, Wraight K, Wu J, Wu M, Wu SL, Wu X, Wu Y, Wu Z, Wuerzinger J, Wyatt TR, Wynne BM, Xella S, Xia L, Xia M, Xiang J, Xiao X, Xie M, Xie X, Xiong J, Xiotidis I, Xu D, Xu H, Xu H, Xu L, Xu R, Xu T, Xu W, Xu Y, Xu Z, Xu Z, Yabsley B, Yacoob S, Yamaguchi N, Yamaguchi Y, Yamauchi H, Yamazaki T, Yamazaki Y, Yan J, Yan S, Yan Z, Yang HJ, Yang HT, Yang S, Yang T, Yang X, Yang X, Yang Y, Yang Z, Yao WM, Yap YC, Ye H, Ye J, Ye S, Ye X, Yeh Y, Yeletskikh I, Yexley MR, Yin P, Yorita K, Young CJS, Young C, Yuan M, Yuan R, Yue L, Yue X, Zaazoua M, Zabinski B, Zaid E, Zakareishvili T, Zakharchuk N, Zambito S, Zamora Saa JA, Zang J, Zanzi D, Zaplatilek O, Zeißner SV, Zeitnitz C, Zeng JC, Zenger DT, Zenin O, Ženiš T, Zenz S, Zerradi S, Zerwas D, Zhang B, Zhang DF, Zhang G, Zhang J, Zhang K, Zhang L, Zhang P, Zhang R, Zhang S, Zhang T, Zhang X, Zhang X, Zhang Z, Zhang Z, Zhao H, Zhao P, Zhao T, Zhao Y, Zhao Z, Zhemchugov A, Zheng Z, Zhong D, Zhou B, Zhou C, Zhou H, Zhou N, Zhou Y, Zhu CG, Zhu C, Zhu HL, Zhu H, Zhu J, Zhu Y, Zhu Y, Zhuang X, Zhukov K, Zhulanov V, Zimine NI, Zinsser J, Ziolkowski M, Živković L, Zoccoli A, Zoch K, Zorbas TG, Zormpa O, Zou W, Zwalinski L. Observation of the γγ→ττ Process in Pb+Pb Collisions and Constraints on the τ-Lepton Anomalous Magnetic Moment with the ATLAS Detector. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2023; 131:151802. [PMID: 37897746 DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.131.151802] [Citation(s) in RCA: 1] [Impact Index Per Article: 1.0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 05/03/2022] [Accepted: 07/07/2022] [Indexed: 10/30/2023]
This Letter reports the observation of τ-lepton-pair production in ultraperipheral lead-lead collisions Pb+Pb→Pb(γγ→ττ)Pb and constraints on the τ-lepton anomalous magnetic moment a_{τ}. The dataset corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 1.44 nb^{-1} of LHC Pb+Pb collisions at sqrt[s_{NN}]=5.02 TeV recorded by the ATLAS experiment in 2018. Selected events contain one muon from a τ-lepton decay, an electron or charged-particle track(s) from the other τ-lepton decay, little additional central-detector activity, and no forward neutrons. The γγ→ττ process is observed in Pb+Pb collisions with a significance exceeding 5 standard deviations and a signal strength of μ_{ττ}=1.03_{-0.05}^{+0.06} assuming the standard model value for a_{τ}. To measure a_{τ}, a template fit to the muon transverse-momentum distribution from τ-lepton candidates is performed, using a dimuon (γγ→μμ) control sample to constrain systematic uncertainties. The observed 95% confidence-level interval for a_{τ} is -0.057
Ablikim M, Achasov MN, Adlarson P, Ai XC, Aliberti R, Amoroso A, An MR, An Q, Bai Y, Bakina O, Balossino I, Ban Y, Batozskaya V, Begzsuren K, Berger N, Berlowski M, Bertani M, Bettoni D, Bianchi F, Bianco E, Bortone A, Boyko I, Briere RA, Brueggemann A, Cai H, Cai X, Calcaterra A, Cao GF, Cao N, Cetin SA, Chang JF, Chang TT, Chang WL, Che GR, Chelkov G, Chen C, Chen C, Chen G, Chen HS, Chen ML, Chen SJ, Chen SM, Chen T, Chen XR, Chen XT, Chen YB, Chen YQ, Chen ZJ, Cheng WS, Choi SK, Chu X, Cibinetto G, Coen SC, Cossio F, Cui JJ, Dai HL, Dai JP, Dbeyssi A, de Boer RE, Dedovich D, Deng ZY, Denig A, Denysenko I, Destefanis M, De Mori F, Ding B, Ding XX, Ding Y, Ding Y, Dong J, Dong LY, Dong MY, Dong X, Du MC, Du SX, Duan ZH, Egorov P, Fan YL, Fang J, Fang SS, Fang WX, Fang Y, Farinelli R, Fava L, Feldbauer F, Felici G, Feng CQ, Feng JH, Fischer K, Fritsch M, Fritzsch C, Fu CD, Fu JL, Fu YW, Gao H, Gao YN, Gao Y, Garbolino S, Garzia I, Ge PT, Ge ZW, Geng C, Gersabeck EM, Gilman A, Goetzen K, Gong L, Gong WX, Gradl W, Gramigna S, Greco M, Gu MH, Gu YT, Guan CY, Guan ZL, Guo AQ, Guo LB, Guo MJ, Guo RP, Guo YP, Guskov A, Han TT, Han WY, Hao XQ, Harris FA, He KK, He KL, Heinsius FHH, Heinz CH, Heng YK, Herold C, Holtmann T, Hong PC, Hou GY, Hou XT, Hou YR, Hou ZL, Hu HM, Hu JF, Hu T, Hu Y, Huang GS, Huang KX, Huang LQ, Huang XT, Huang YP, Hussain T, Hüsken N, Imoehl W, Irshad M, Jackson J, Jaeger S, Janchiv S, Jeong JH, Ji Q, Ji QP, Ji XB, Ji XL, Ji YY, Jia XQ, Jia ZK, Jiang PC, Jiang SS, Jiang TJ, Jiang XS, Jiang Y, Jiao JB, Jiao Z, Jin S, Jin Y, Jing MQ, Johansson T, X K, Kabana S, Kalantar-Nayestanaki N, Kang XL, Kang XS, Kappert R, Kavatsyuk M, Ke BC, Khoukaz A, Kiuchi R, Kliemt R, Kolcu OB, Kopf B, Kuessner MK, Kupsc A, Kühn W, Lane JJ, Larin P, Lavania A, Lavezzi L, Lei TT, Lei ZH, Leithoff H, Lellmann M, Lenz T, Li C, Li C, Li CH, Li C, Li DM, Li F, Li G, Li H, Li HB, Li HJ, Li HN, Li H, Li JR, Li JS, Li JW, Li KL, Li K, Li LJ, Li LK, Li L, Li MH, Li PR, Li QX, Li SX, Li T, Li WD, Li WG, Li XH, Li XL, Li X, Li YG, Li ZJ, Li ZX, Liang C, Liang H, Liang H, Liang H, Liang YF, Liang YT, Liao GR, Liao LZ, Liao YP, Libby J, Limphirat A, Lin DX, Lin T, Liu BJ, Liu BX, Liu C, Liu CX, Liu FH, Liu F, Liu F, Liu GM, Liu H, Liu HB, Liu HM, Liu H, Liu H, Liu JB, Liu JL, Liu JY, Liu K, Liu KY, Liu K, Liu L, Liu LC, Liu L, Liu MH, Liu PL, Liu Q, Liu SB, Liu T, Liu WK, Liu WM, Liu X, Liu Y, Liu Y, Liu YB, Liu ZA, Liu ZQ, Lou XC, Lu FX, Lu HJ, Lu JG, Lu XL, Lu Y, Lu YP, Lu ZH, Luo CL, Luo MX, Luo T, Luo XL, Lyu XR, Lyu YF, Ma FC, Ma HL, Ma JL, Ma LL, Ma MM, Ma QM, Ma RQ, Ma RT, Ma XY, Ma Y, Ma YM, Maas FE, Maggiora M, Malde S, Malik QA, Mangoni A, Mao YJ, Mao ZP, Marcello S, Meng ZX, Messchendorp JG, Mezzadri G, Miao H, Min TJ, Mitchell RE, Mo XH, Muchnoi NY, Nefedov Y, Nerling F, Nikolaev IB, Ning Z, Nisar S, Niu Y, Olsen SL, Ouyang Q, Pacetti S, Pan X, Pan Y, Pathak A, Patteri P, Pei YP, Pelizaeus M, Peng HP, Peters K, Ping JL, Ping RG, Plura S, Pogodin S, Prasad V, Qi FZ, Qi H, Qi HR, Qi M, Qi TY, Qian S, Qian WB, Qiao CF, Qin JJ, Qin LQ, Qin XP, Qin XS, Qin ZH, Qiu JF, Qu SQ, Redmer CF, Ren KJ, Rivetti A, Rodin V, Rolo M, Rong G, Rosner C, Ruan SN, Salone N, Sarantsev A, Schelhaas Y, Schoenning K, Scodeggio M, Shan KY, Shan W, Shan XY, Shangguan JF, Shao LG, Shao M, Shen CP, Shen HF, Shen WH, Shen XY, Shi BA, Shi HC, Shi JL, Shi JY, Shi QQ, Shi RS, Shi X, Song JJ, Song TZ, Song WM, Song YJ, Song YX, Sosio S, Spataro S, Stieler F, Su YJ, Sun GB, Sun GX, Sun H, Sun HK, Sun JF, Sun K, Sun L, Sun SS, Sun T, Sun WY, Sun Y, Sun YJ, Sun YZ, Sun ZT, Tan YX, Tang CJ, Tang GY, Tang J, Tang YA, Tao LY, Tao QT, Tat M, Teng JX, Thoren V, Tian WH, Tian WH, Tian Y, Tian ZF, Uman I, Wang SJ, Wang B, Wang BL, Wang B, Wang CW, Wang DY, Wang F, Wang HJ, Wang HP, Wang JP, Wang K, Wang LL, Wang M, Wang M, Wang S, Wang S, Wang T, Wang TJ, Wang W, Wang W, Wang WP, Wang X, Wang XF, Wang XJ, Wang XL, Wang Y, Wang YD, Wang YF, Wang YH, Wang YN, Wang YQ, Wang Y, Wang Y, Wang Z, Wang ZL, Wang ZY, Wang Z, Wei D, Wei DH, Weidner F, Wen SP, Wenzel CW, Wiedner UW, Wilkinson G, Wolke M, Wollenberg L, Wu C, Wu JF, Wu LH, Wu LJ, Wu X, Wu XH, Wu Y, Wu YJ, Wu Z, Xia L, Xian XM, Xiang T, Xiao D, Xiao GY, Xiao H, Xiao SY, Xiao YL, Xiao ZJ, Xie C, Xie XH, Xie Y, Xie YG, Xie YH, Xie ZP, Xing TY, Xu CF, Xu CJ, Xu GF, Xu HY, Xu QJ, Xu QN, Xu W, Xu WL, Xu XP, Xu YC, Xu ZP, Xu ZS, Yan F, Yan L, Yan WB, Yan WC, Yan XQ, Yang HJ, Yang HL, Yang HX, Yang T, Yang Y, Yang YF, Yang YX, Yang Y, Yang ZW, Yao ZP, Ye M, Ye MH, Yin JH, You ZY, Yu BX, Yu CX, Yu G, Yu JS, Yu T, Yu XD, Yuan CZ, Yuan L, Yuan SC, Yuan XQ, Yuan Y, Yuan ZY, Yue CX, Zafar AA, Zeng FR, Zeng X, Zeng Y, Zeng YJ, Zhai XY, Zhai YC, Zhan YH, Zhang AQ, Zhang BL, Zhang BX, Zhang DH, Zhang GY, Zhang H, Zhang HH, Zhang HH, Zhang HQ, Zhang HY, Zhang JJ, Zhang JL, Zhang JQ, Zhang JW, Zhang JX, Zhang JY, Zhang JZ, Zhang J, Zhang J, Zhang LM, Zhang LQ, Zhang L, Zhang P, Zhang QY, Zhang S, Zhang S, Zhang XD, Zhang XM, Zhang XY, Zhang XY, Zhang Y, Zhang Y, Zhang YT, Zhang YH, Zhang Y, Zhang Y, Zhang ZH, Zhang ZL, Zhang ZY, Zhang ZY, Zhao G, Zhao J, Zhao JY, Zhao JZ, Zhao L, Zhao L, Zhao MG, Zhao SJ, Zhao YB, Zhao YX, Zhao ZG, Zhemchugov A, Zheng B, Zheng JP, Zheng WJ, Zheng YH, Zhong B, Zhong X, Zhou H, Zhou LP, Zhou X, Zhou XK, Zhou XR, Zhou XY, Zhou YZ, Zhu J, Zhu K, Zhu KJ, Zhu L, Zhu LX, Zhu SH, Zhu SQ, Zhu TJ, Zhu WJ, Zhu YC, Zhu ZA, Zou JH, Zu J. Precise Measurement of the e^{+}e^{-}→D_{s}^{*+}D_{s}^{*-} Cross Sections at Center-of-Mass Energies from Threshold to 4.95 GeV. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2023; 131:151903. [PMID: 37897771 DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.131.151903] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 05/19/2023] [Revised: 08/16/2023] [Accepted: 08/29/2023] [Indexed: 10/30/2023]
The process e^{+}e^{-}→D_{s}^{*+}D_{s}^{*-} is studied with a semi-inclusive method using data samples at center-of-mass energies from threshold to 4.95 GeV collected with the BESIII detector operating at the Beijing Electron Positron Collider. The Born cross sections of the process are measured for the first time with high precision in this energy region. Two resonance structures are observed in the energy-dependent cross sections around 4.2 and 4.4 GeV. By fitting the cross sections with a coherent sum of three Breit-Wigner amplitudes and one phase-space amplitude, the two significant structures are assigned masses of (4186.8±8.7±30) and (4414.6±3.4±6.1) MeV/c^{2}, widths of (55±15±53) and (122.5±7.5±8.1) MeV, where the first errors are statistical and the second ones are systematic. The inclusion of a third Breit-Wigner amplitude is necessary to describe a structure around 4.79 GeV.
Hua HJ, Yang QY, Li MN, Li Y, Ding Y, Fan QH, Li H. [Low-fat and fat-free spindle cell lipoma: a clinicopathological analysis of six cases]. ZHONGHUA BING LI XUE ZA ZHI = CHINESE JOURNAL OF PATHOLOGY 2023; 52:1028-1030. [PMID: 37805395 DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.cn112151-20230725-00022] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [MESH Headings] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 10/09/2023]
Ablikim M, Achasov MN, Adlarson P, Aliberti R, Amoroso A, An MR, An Q, Bai Y, Bakina O, Balossino I, Ban Y, Batozskaya V, Begzsuren K, Berger N, Berlowski M, Bertani M, Bettoni D, Bianchi F, Bianco E, Bloms J, Bortone A, Boyko I, Briere RA, Brueggemann A, Cai H, Cai X, Calcaterra A, Cao GF, Cao N, Cetin SA, Chang JF, Chang TT, Chang WL, Che GR, Chelkov G, Chen C, Chen C, Chen G, Chen HS, Chen ML, Chen SJ, Chen SM, Chen T, Chen XR, Chen XT, Chen YB, Chen YQ, Chen ZJ, Cheng WS, Choi SK, Chu X, Cibinetto G, Coen SC, Cossio F, Cui JJ, Dai HL, Dai JP, Dbeyssi A, de Boer RE, Dedovich D, Deng ZY, Denig A, Denysenko I, Destefanis M, De Mori F, Ding B, Ding XX, Ding Y, Ding Y, Dong J, Dong LY, Dong MY, Dong X, Du SX, Duan ZH, Egorov P, Fan YL, Fang J, Fang SS, Fang WX, Fang Y, Farinelli R, Fava L, Feldbauer F, Felici G, Feng CQ, Feng JH, Fischer K, Fritsch M, Fritzsch C, Fu CD, Fu JL, Fu YW, Gao H, Gao YN, Gao Y, Garbolino S, Garzia I, Ge PT, Ge ZW, Geng C, Gersabeck EM, Gilman A, Goetzen K, Gong L, Gong WX, Gradl W, Gramigna S, Greco M, Gu MH, Gu YT, Guan CY, Guan ZL, Guo AQ, Guo LB, Guo RP, Guo YP, Guskov A, Hou XT, Han TT, Han WY, Hao XQ, Harris FA, He KK, He KL, Heinsius FHH, Heinz CH, Heng YK, Herold C, Holtmann T, Hong PC, Hou GY, Hou YR, Hou ZL, Hu HM, Hu JF, Hu T, Hu Y, Huang GS, Huang KX, Huang LQ, Huang XT, Huang YP, Hussain T, Hüsken N, Imoehl W, Irshad M, Jackson J, Jaeger S, Janchiv S, Jeong JH, Ji Q, Ji QP, Ji XB, Ji XL, Ji YY, Jia ZK, Jiang PC, Jiang SS, Jiang TJ, Jiang XS, Jiang Y, Jiao JB, Jiao Z, Jin S, Jin Y, Jing MQ, Johansson T, Kui X, Kabana S, Kalantar-Nayestanaki N, Kang XL, Kang XS, Kappert R, Kavatsyuk M, Ke BC, Khoukaz A, Kiuchi R, Kliemt R, Koch L, Kolcu OB, Kopf B, Kuessner MK, Kupsc A, Kühn W, Lane JJ, Lange JS, Larin P, Lavania A, Lavezzi L, Lei TT, Lei ZH, Leithoff H, Lellmann M, Lenz T, Li C, Li C, Li CH, Li C, Li DM, Li F, Li G, Li H, Li HB, Li HJ, Li HN, Li H, Li JR, Li JS, Li JW, Li K, Li LJ, Li LK, Li L, Li MH, Li PR, Li SX, Li T, Li WD, Li WG, Li XH, Li XL, Li X, Li YG, Li ZJ, Li ZX, Li ZY, Liang C, Liang H, Liang H, Liang H, Liang YF, Liang YT, Liao GR, Liao LZ, Libby J, Limphirat A, Lin DX, Lin T, Liu BJ, Liu BX, Liu C, Liu CX, Liu D, Liu FH, Liu F, Liu F, Liu GM, Liu H, Liu HB, Liu HM, Liu H, Liu H, Liu JB, Liu JL, Liu JY, Liu K, Liu KY, Liu K, Liu L, Liu LC, Liu L, Liu MH, Liu PL, Liu Q, Liu SB, Liu T, Liu WK, Liu WM, Liu X, Liu Y, Liu YB, Liu ZA, Liu ZQ, Lou XC, Lu FX, Lu HJ, Lu JG, Lu XL, Lu Y, Lu YP, Lu ZH, Luo CL, Luo MX, Luo T, Luo XL, Lyu XR, Lyu YF, Ma FC, Ma HL, Ma JL, Ma LL, Ma MM, Ma QM, Ma RQ, Ma RT, Ma XY, Ma Y, Maas FE, Maggiora M, Maldaner S, Malde S, Mangoni A, Mao YJ, Mao ZP, Marcello S, Meng ZX, Messchendorp JG, Mezzadri G, Miao H, Min TJ, Mitchell RE, Mo XH, Muchnoi NY, Nefedov Y, Nerling F, Nikolaev IB, Ning Z, Nisar S, Niu Y, Olsen SL, Ouyang Q, Pacetti S, Pan X, Pan Y, Pathak A, Patteri P, Pei YP, Pelizaeus M, Peng HP, Peters K, Ping JL, Ping RG, Plura S, Pogodin S, Prasad V, Qi FZ, Qi H, Qi HR, Qi M, Qi TY, Qian S, Qian WB, Qiao CF, Qin JJ, Qin LQ, Qin XP, Qin XS, Qin ZH, Qiu JF, Qu SQ, Redmer CF, Ren KJ, Rivetti A, Rodin V, Rolo M, Rong G, Rosner C, Ruan SN, Salone N, Sarantsev A, Schelhaas Y, Schoenning K, Scodeggio M, Shan KY, Shan W, Shan XY, Shangguan JF, Shao LG, Shao M, Shen CP, Shen HF, Shen WH, Shen XY, Shi BA, Shi HC, Shi JL, Shi JY, Shi QQ, Shi RS, Shi X, Song JJ, Song TZ, Song WM, Song YJ, Song YX, Sosio S, Spataro S, Stieler F, Su YJ, Sun GB, Sun GX, Sun H, Sun HK, Sun JF, Sun K, Sun L, Sun SS, Sun T, Sun WY, Sun Y, Sun YJ, Sun YZ, Sun ZT, Tan YX, Tang CJ, Tang GY, Tang J, Tang YA, Tao LY, Tao QT, Tat M, Teng JX, Thoren V, Tian WH, Tian WH, Tian ZF, Uman I, Wang B, Wang BL, Wang B, Wang CW, Wang DY, Wang F, Wang HJ, Wang HP, Wang K, Wang LL, Wang M, Wang M, Wang S, Wang S, Wang T, Wang TJ, Wang W, Wang W, Wang WH, Wang WP, Wang X, Wang XF, Wang XJ, Wang XL, Wang Y, Wang YD, Wang YF, Wang YH, Wang YN, Wang YQ, Wang Y, Wang Y, Wang Z, Wang ZL, Wang ZY, Wang Z, Wei D, Wei DH, Weidner F, Wen SP, Wenzel CW, Wiedner UW, Wilkinson G, Wolke M, Wollenberg L, Wu C, Wu JF, Wu LH, Wu LJ, Wu X, Wu XH, Wu Y, Wu YJ, Wu Z, Xia L, Xian XM, Xiang T, Xiao D, Xiao GY, Xiao H, Xiao SY, Xiao YL, Xiao ZJ, Xie C, Xie XH, Xie Y, Xie YG, Xie YH, Xie ZP, Xing TY, Xu CF, Xu CJ, Xu GF, Xu HY, Xu QJ, Xu QN, Xu W, Xu WL, Xu XP, Xu YC, Xu ZP, Xu ZS, Yan F, Yan L, Yan WB, Yan WC, Yan XQ, Yang HJ, Yang HL, Yang HX, Yang T, Yang Y, Yang YF, Yang YX, Yang Y, Yang ZW, Ye M, Ye MH, Yin JH, You ZY, Yu BX, Yu CX, Yu G, Yu T, Yu XD, Yuan CZ, Yuan L, Yuan SC, Yuan XQ, Yuan Y, Yuan ZY, Yue CX, Zafar AA, Zeng FR, Zeng X, Zeng Y, Zeng YJ, Zhai XY, Zhan YH, Zhang AQ, Zhang BL, Zhang BX, Zhang DH, Zhang GY, Zhang H, Zhang HH, Zhang HH, Zhang HQ, Zhang HY, Zhang JJ, Zhang JL, Zhang JQ, Zhang JW, Zhang JX, Zhang JY, Zhang JZ, Zhang J, Zhang J, Zhang LM, Zhang LQ, Zhang L, Zhang P, Zhang QY, Zhang S, Zhang S, Zhang XD, Zhang XM, Zhang XY, Zhang XY, Zhang Y, Zhang Y, Zhang YT, Zhang YH, Zhang Y, Zhang Y, Zhang ZH, Zhang ZL, Zhang ZY, Zhang ZY, Zhao G, Zhao J, Zhao JY, Zhao JZ, Zhao L, Zhao L, Zhao MG, Zhao SJ, Zhao YB, Zhao YX, Zhao ZG, Zhemchugov A, Zheng B, Zheng JP, Zheng WJ, Zheng YH, Zhong B, Zhong X, Zhou H, Zhou LP, Zhou X, Zhou XK, Zhou XR, Zhou XY, Zhou YZ, Zhu J, Zhu K, Zhu KJ, Zhu L, Zhu LX, Zhu SH, Zhu SQ, Zhu TJ, Zhu WJ, Zhu YC, Zhu ZA, Zou JH, Zu J. First Experimental Study of the Purely Leptonic Decay D_{s}^{*+}→e^{+}ν_{e}. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2023; 131:141802. [PMID: 37862669 DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.131.141802] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 04/25/2023] [Revised: 07/25/2023] [Accepted: 09/05/2023] [Indexed: 10/22/2023]
Using 7.33 fb^{-1} of e^{+}e^{-} collision data taken with the BESIII detector at the BEPCII collider, we report the first experimental study of the purely leptonic decay D_{s}^{*+}→e^{+}ν_{e}. Our data contain a signal of this decay with a statistical significance of 2.9σ. The branching fraction of D_{s}^{*+}→e^{+}ν_{e} is measured to be (2.1_{-0.9_{stat}}^{+1.2}±0.2_{syst})×10^{-5}, corresponding to an upper limit of 4.0×10^{-5} at the 90% confidence level. Taking the total width of the D_{s}^{*+} [(0.070±0.028) keV] predicted with the radiative D_{s}^{*+} decay from the lattice QCD calculation as input, the decay constant of the D_{s}^{*+} is determined to be f_{D_{s}^{*+}}=(214_{-46_{stat}}^{+61}±44_{syst}) MeV, corresponding to an upper limit of 354 MeV at the 90% confidence level.
Liu Y, Li H, Peng Y, Gao L, Liu C, Wei B, Luo Z. Impacts of pregnancy and menopause on COVID-19 severity: a systematic review and meta-analysis of 4.6 million women. QJM 2023; 116:755-765. [PMID: 37228103 DOI: 10.1093/qjmed/hcad106] [Citation(s) in RCA: 1] [Impact Index Per Article: 1.0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [MESH Headings] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Submit a Manuscript] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 03/15/2023] [Indexed: 05/27/2023] Open
BACKGROUND Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic is still a public health emergency of international concern. However, whether pregnancy and menopause impact the severity of COVID-19 remain unclear. AIM This study is performed to investigate the truth. DESIGN Study appraisal and synthesis follows PRISMA guideline. Meta-analysis is performed in random-effects model. METHODS PubMed, Embase, Cochrane database, Central, CINAHL, ClinicalTrials.gov, WHO COVID-19 database and WHO-ICTRP are searched until 28 March 2023. RESULTS In total, 57 studies (4 640 275 COVID-19 women) were analyzed. Pregnant women were at a lower risk of severe COVID-19, intensive care unit (ICU) admission and disease mortality compared to those nonpregnant women with comparable comorbidities. In contrast, pregnant women with more prepregnancy comorbidities were at a higher risk of severe COVID-19, ICU admission and invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV). In addition, pregnant women with pregnancy complications had a significantly increased risk of severe COVID-19 and ICU admission. Menopause increased COVID-19 severity, IMV requirement and disease mortality. Hormone replacement therapy inhibited COVID-19 severity in postmenopausal women. Premenopausal and postmenopausal women had a lower chance of severe illness than age-matched men. The impact of pregnancy on COVID-19 severity was significant in Americans and Caucasians, whereas the effect of menopause on COVID-19 severity was only significant in Chinese. CONCLUSIONS Pregnancy and menopause are protective and risk factors for severe COVID-19, respectively. The protective role of pregnancy on COVID-19 is minimal and could be counteracted or masked by prepregnancy or pregnancy comorbidities. The administration of estrogen and progesterone may prevent severe COVID-19.
Li X, Gao XS, Li H. Real-World Evaluation of Adjuvant Radiotherapy in Upper Tract Urothelial Carcinoma Patients: A Prospective Cohort Study. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2023; 117:e407. [PMID: 37785353 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2023.06.1547] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 10/04/2023]
PURPOSE/OBJECTIVE(S) Recommendations of adjuvant therapy after surgical resection of UTUC was updated in NCCN guideline of 2021.Adjuvant radiotherapy combined with chemotherapy was recommended for patients of T3-4 or N+. However, the renal insufficiency after RNU limits the use of adjuvant chemotherapy of UTUC. Adjuvant radiotherapy alone may be another option. This study aims to verify the real-world choices and effectiveness of adjuvant therapies in UTUC patients with recurrence risk factors. MATERIALS/METHODS Patients with high recurrence factors (T2-4, N+, G3 and multifocal tumor) of UTUC patients after radical nephroureterectomy (RNU) in our hospital since 2020 were prospectively recommended to use adjuvant therapy. Patients' adverse events, recurrence and survival rates were investigated. This trial was registered at Chinese Clinical Trial Registry (ChiCTR2100044477). RESULTS Between 2020 and 2022, 195 UTUC patients with recurrence factors had been enrolled. The median follow up time was 13 months. Nearly half of the patients (90 patient) with high-risk factors refused to receive adjuvant treatment. The other 105 patients received adjuvant therapy. Thirty-six patients (34.3%) received adjuvant chemotherapy; 43 patients (41.0%) received adjuvant radiotherapy. Fifteen patients (14.3%) received adjuvant combination therapy (chemo-radiotherapy). The 1-year recurrence-free survival (RFS) rates were59.4% and77.5%, respectively in control group and adjuvant therapy group (P = 0.008). The 1-year overall survival (OS) rates were 89.7% and 98.2%, respectively in control group and adjuvant therapy group (P = 0.011). The 1-year recurrence-free survival (RFS) rates of adjuvant chemotherapy and radiotherapy were 58.6%.and 90.2% (P = 0.003). The combination therapy group had the most serious side effects, grade 3 and 2 hematotoxicity were 40% and 20% respectively. Grade 3 hematotoxicity were 22.2% for adjuvant chemotherapy group. Side effects of adjuvant radiotherapy alone were mild. Only one patient had grade 3 hematotoxicity. CONCLUSION Although both NCCN guidelines suggest UTUC patient with more than T2 stage and N+ to receive adjuvant therapy, nearly half of them refused any adjuvant therapies. The prognosis of these patients without adjuvant therapy were poor. The side effects of chemoradiotherapy in UTUC is serious. Adjuvant radiotherapy has less side effects and the effectiveness are equivalent to adjuvant chemotherapy in high risk UTUC patients.
LeCompte MC, Chen H, Shaaban S, Goldstein M, Lubelski D, Kleinberg LR, Hooker T, Li H, Redmond KJ. RBE Model Based Proton Planning of Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy for Spine Metastasis: A Dosimetric Analysis. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2023; 117:e124-e125. [PMID: 37784677 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2023.06.917] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 10/04/2023]
PURPOSE/OBJECTIVE(S) Study of proton stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT) for spine metastasis is limited, largely due to theorized increased risk of spinal cord injury with higher end of range RBE. Though the 1.1 RBE constant for proton beam is clinically used, data indicate that proton RBE is variable and dependent on technical-, tissue-, and patient-factors. To better understand safety of proton SBRT for spine metastasis, we performed a dosimetric analysis comparing plans delivered by photon robotic technique versus intensity modulated proton therapy (IMPT) and accounting for RBE weighted dose. MATERIALS/METHODS A total of 9 patients with spine metastasis (3 cervical, 3 thoracic, 3 lumbar) previously treated with a frameless robotic radiosurgery system (Sunnyvale, CA) were identified. Each level contained a case with paraspinal extension, a reirradiation case, and a case with epidural extension (Bilsky grade ≥1c) as such cases in current practice often require planning target volume (PTV) under-coverage in order to meet organ at risk (OAR) dose constraints. Given these challenges, selected cases were clinically treated with 30 Gy in 5 fractions despite an institutional preference of further dose escalation. Comparative IMPT plans were generated using 30 GyE in 5 fractions and 1.1 RBE constant. IMPT plans were then made using 1.1 RBE and 45 GyE in 5 fractions: a prescription dose associated with a 2-yr local control rate of 95% on prior tumor control probability modelling. A treatment planning system was used to separately generate and optimize RBE weighted plans based on Carabe-, McNamara-, or Wedenberg models for prescription doses of 30 GyE and 45 GyE. IMPT plans used robust optimization parameters of ± 3.5% range and 2-mm setup uncertainties. PTV coverage and OAR sparing were compared using Wilcoxon signed-rank tests. RESULTS PTV coverage (PTV volume receiving prescription dose) was significantly improved with IMPT at 30 GyE / 1.1 RBE (median PTV V30: 93%) compared to CK at 30 Gy (median: 88.5%, p = .02). PTV coverage was similar when comparing CK at 30 Gy with IMPT at 45 GyE / 1.1 RBE (median PTV V45: 90%, p = .23). When comparing maximum spinal cord dose (cord Dmax), there was improved OAR sparing with IMPT at 30 GyE / 1.1 RBE (median: 17.6 GyE, p = .04) and IMPT at 45 GyE / 1.1 RBE (median: 16.1 GyE, p = .04) when respectively compared to CK at 30 Gy (median: 18 Gy). No difference was seen in cord Dmax when comparing CK at 30 Gy to RBE weighted plans at 30 GyE using Carabe- (median: 17.3 GyE, p = .22), McNamara- (median: 17.4 GyE, p = .22), or Wedenberg (median: 17.0 GyE, p = .08) model. Median cord Dmax values for RBE weighted plans at 45 GyE were numerically equivalent. The average increase in variable RBE plans' maximum dose compared to fixed RBE plans was 105.3% +/- 3.5%. CONCLUSION We report the first dosimetric analysis of proton SBRT for spine metastasis using variable RBE dose models. IMPT may provide improved target coverage and better sparing of adjacent OARs compared to CK though fixed RBE computation may underestimate maximum dose to adjacent OARs.
Li B, Yang L, Jiang C, Li H, Qin W, Dong T, Wang L. Outcome Supervised Deep Learning Model on Pathological Whole Slide Images for Survival Prediction of Immunotherapy in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients: A Multicenter Study. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2023; 117:e35. [PMID: 37785211 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2023.06.724] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 10/04/2023]
PURPOSE/OBJECTIVE(S) Although PD-(L)1 inhibitors were marked by durable efficacy in non-small cell lung cancer patients (NSCLC), about 60% of patients still suffer from recurrence and metastasis after PD-(L)1 inhibitors treatment. And there were no robust biomarkers of the response of PD-(L)1 inhibitors. Whole slide images (WSIs) of H&E-stained specimens have been found to characterize the tumor microenvironment, and might be the potential prognostic predictors of NSCLC patients. To accurately predict the response to PD-(L)1 inhibitors, we presented the deep learning model based on WSI of H&E-stained specimens of NSCLC patients. MATERIALS/METHODS Two independent cohorts of NSCLC patients receiving PD-(L)1 inhibitors from two hospitals were enrolled for model training and testing respectively. The WSI images of H&E-stained histological specimens were obtained from these patients, and patched into 1024×1024 pixels. The labels of patched images were determined due to their progression free survival (PFS) with the interval of 4 months. The patch-level model was firstly trained based on Vit to identify the predictive patches in training cohort, and patch-level probability distribution was performed. Then we trained patient-level survival model-based Vit-RNN framework, and tested it in external validation cohort. RESULTS A total of 291 WSI images of H&E-stained histological specimens from 198 NSCLC patients in primary cohort and 62 WSI images from 30 NSCLC patients in testing cohort were included for model training and external validation. All patients were divided into 4 groups due to their PFS after PD-(L)1 inhibitors. There were 246,318 patches from 291 images in primary cohort after image pre-processing, and all images were randomly divided into train cohort and validation cohort with the proportion of 7:3. The patch-level Vit model with the highest accuracy was saved and the predictive patches were selected after 50 epochs training. All patches were ranked by the probability of correct prediction, and the first 50 top-ranked patches from each WSI image are sequentially passed to the patient-level Vit-RNN model. The Vit-RNN survival achieved an accuracy of 88.6% in the validation cohort, and an accuracy of 81% in the testing cohort. The multivariate cox analysis also indicated the Vit-RNN survival model remained a statistically independent predictor of survival from PD-(L)1 inhibitors (P = 0.0085). CONCLUSION The outcome supervised Vit-RNN survival model based on pathological WSIs could be used to predict the efficacy the PD-(L)1 inhibitors in NSCLC patients, laying the foundation for the deployment of computational pathomics in clinical practice of immunotherapy.
Chen J, Gao X, Bai Y, Li H, Qin S, Li X, Liu M, Ma M, Ren X. Partial Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy in Bulky Urinary Tract Malignancy: An Update Clinical Outcomes and Dosimetric Analysis. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2023; 117:e371. [PMID: 37785266 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2023.06.2470] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 10/04/2023]
PURPOSE/OBJECTIVE(S) Patients with bulky urinary tract malignancy have poor prognosis. Stereotactic ablative radiotherapy (SABR) needs careful consideration in abdominopelvic bulky tumors because of dose constraints on the OARs. We reported updated clinical outcomes to evaluate the safety and efficacy of partial stereotactic ablative radiotherapy(P-SABR) in bulky urinary tract malignancy. The study also aims to investigate the feasibility of P-SABR in dose and biologic effective dose (BED) escalation inside the tumors with equivalent toxicity. MATERIALS/METHODS A total of 26 patients with urinary tract malignancy underwent P-SABR radiotherapy from January 2013 to September 2018 were retrospectively analyzed in this study. All the patients were in inoperable locally advanced or metastatic stage with tumor diameter > 4.0 cm. The P-SABR plan consisted of the SABR for gross tumor volume boost (GTVb) and following conventionally fractionated radiotherapy for planning target volume (PTV). The first SABR plan to GTVb was delivered in 15-32Gy/3-5f. The second conventionally fractionated radiotherapy plan to PTV was delivered in 40.0-58.08Gy/15-26f. The total P-SABR plan met the OARs constraints. Local control and overall survival were estimated. Acute and late toxicity were evaluated according to RTOG criteria. Paired conventionally fractionated radiotherapy (CFRT) plans were re-designed for all patients, with the same OARs dose constraints and total dose of PTV margin. Dosimetric and BED parameters were compared in P-SABR and paired CFRT plans. RESULTS Median age of the patients was 66.5 years (range, 46-90 years). The tumor treated by P-SABR had a median diameter of 8.4 cm (4.1-19.5 cm) and a median volume of 99.2 cc (23.9-631.8 cc). Median follow-up time was 19.1 months. The local control at 1 and 2 years were 83.2%, 77.3%, respectively. The overall survival at 1 and 2 years were 72.2% ,45.5%, respectively. 6 cases have no local recurrence after 36 months. 4 cases remained alive after 60 months. Local symptoms improved in 15/16 cases after P-SABR. Multivariate analysis showed tumor diameter (≥8cm vs. <8cm) was the independent factor affecting local control and overall survival (P=0.033, P=0.016). No patient was observed radiotherapy directly induced ≥grade 3 toxicity. Compared with the paired CFRT plans, the P-SABR plans had no significant difference in most OAR dose parameters, except for the small intestine/colon V15, V45 with an increase of 14.6 cc, 3.4 cc. However, P-SABR plans increased the dose of PTV Dmean, Dmax by 8.7Gy, 14.4Gy (P < 0.001), respectively. In addition, the dose and BED of GTVb had a significant escalation of 15.8Gy and 30.2Gy (P<0.001) respectively in P-SABR plans. CONCLUSION We had reported P-SABR is well-tolerated in bulky urinary tract malignancy in previous study. Updated outcomes showed P-SABR may have long-term local control in these people. Compared with traditional CFRT plans, P-SABR plans escalated the dose and BED inside bulky tumors with equivalent toxicity.
Wang SX, Yang Y, Xie H, Yang X, Liu Z, Li H, Huang W, Luo WJ, Lei Y, Sun Y, Ma J, Chen Y, Liu LZ, Mao YP. Delta-Radiomics Guides Adaptive De-Intensification after Induction Chemotherapy in Locoregionally Advanced Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma in the IMRT Era. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2023; 117:S152-S153. [PMID: 37784386 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2023.06.574] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 10/04/2023]
PURPOSE/OBJECTIVE(S) In the setting of intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) and induction chemotherapy (IC), the benefits from concurrent chemotherapy remained controversial for locoregionally advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma (LANPC). This study aimed to construct a delta-radiomics model for benefit prediction and patient selection for omitting concurrent chemotherapy. MATERIALS/METHODS Between December 2009 and December 2015, a total of 718 patients with LANPC treated with IC+IMRT or IC+concurrent chemoradiotherapy (CCRT) were retrospectively enrolled and randomly assigned to a training set (n = 503) and a validation set (n = 215). Radiomic features were extracted from magnetic resonance images of pre-IC and post-IC. Interclass correlation coefficients and Pearson correlation coefficients were calculated to select robust radiomic features. After univariate Cox analysis, a delta-radiomics signature was built using the LASSO-Cox regression. A nomogram incorporating the delta-radiomics signature and clinical prognostic factors was then developed and evaluated for calibration and discrimination. Risk stratification by the nomogram was evaluated by Kaplan-Meier methods. The primary outcome was overall survival (OS). RESULTS The delta-radiomics signature, which comprised 19 selected features, was independently associated with prognosis. It yielded an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) of 0.77 (95% confidence interval [CI] 0.71 to 0.82) for the training set and 0.71 (95% CI 0.61 to 0.81) for the validation set. The nomogram composed of the delta-radiomic signature, age, T category, N category, pre-treatment Epstein-Barr virus DNA, and treatment showed great calibration and discrimination performance with an AUC of 0.80 (95% CI 0.75 to 0.85) for the training set and 0.75 (95% CI 0.64 to 0.85) for the validation set. Risk stratification by the nomogram excluding the treatment variable resulted in two risk groups with distinct OS. Significant better outcomes were observed in the high-risk patients with IC+CCRT compared to those with IC+IMRT (5-year OS: 73.8% vs. 61.4% in the training set and 85.8% vs. 65.6% in the validation set; all log-rank p < 0.05), while comparable outcomes between IC+CCRT and IC+IMRT were shown for the low-risk patients (95.8% vs. 95.8% in the training set and 92.2% vs. 88.3% in the validation set; all log-rank p > 0.05). CONCLUSION The delta-radiomics signature was identified as an independent indicator of LANPC. Integrating clinical predictors with the delta-radiomics signature, the radiomics-based nomogram could predict individual's survival outcomes and benefits from concurrent chemotherapy after IC for LANPC. Low-risk patients with LANPC determined by the nomogram may be potential candidates for omission of concurrent chemotherapy following IC in the IMRT era.
Deng S, Liu H, Zou J, Li X, Kuang B, Deng Y, Li H, Wang H. Analysis of Institutional DIBH Coaching Program for Surface Guided-DIBH Patients. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2023; 117:e173-e174. [PMID: 37784784 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2023.06.1017] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 10/04/2023]
PURPOSE/OBJECTIVE(S) Our institute has implemented a surface guided-DIBH (SG-DIBH) coaching program which involves consultation, pre-treatment (CT-sim) and treatment. We would like to analyze the effectiveness of the program. MATERIALS/METHODS A total of 72 left breast cancer patients between 1st Apr 2022 to 9th Dec 2022 were registered for radiation treatment. During consultation, oncologist selected suitable patients based on the following criteria: a) age of 18-70; b) left breast cancer, right breast cancer with internal mammary nodes irradiation or dextrocardia; c) no lung/cardiac disease history & d) volunteer for SG-DIBH technique. The eligible patients were then trained by the coaching therapist using a teaching video and practiced at home. During CT simulation, patients were assessed according to the DIBH evaluation form. The evaluation components included patient's compliancy and understanding, the differences of lateral skin marking (free breathing, FB vs DIBH), duration of breath hold and reproducibility. Patients who passed the evaluation were scanned under both FB and DIBH for SG-DIBH treatment. IMRT-FFF 6 to 7 fields were planned. During SG-DIBH treatment, first 3 fractions and weekly CBCT were taken. Patients were encouraged to continue DIBH practice at home throughout whole course of the treatment and they were given 3 identical survey forms (5 questions) at the beginning, middle and end of treatment. The measure for the success of this coaching program would be number of breath-holds, duration of treatment time, treatment accuracy (CBCT matching) and survey results. RESULTS There were 48 patients who were eligible for DIBH coaching program, however, only 24 patients had passed the coaching evaluation and 20 patients were treated with SG-DIBH technique successfully. The mean of number of breath-hold and treatment time was 7 times and 7.9 minutes. Total of 123 CBCT images were studied. The setup errors were (0.242±0.180) cm, (0.152±0.137) cm, (0.202±0.165) cm, (0.684±0.640) degrees, (0.816±0.767) degrees, (0.912±0.707) degrees in lateral, longitudinal, vertical, pitch, roll and yaw directions. According to the survey analysis, the number of times to practice at home decreased as the treatment went by. An improvement was seen in patients' self-evaluation in mastering DIBH technique with proper coaching program (from 60% to 90%). Patients' anxiety in performing DIBH were alleviated greatly towards the end of the treatment (from 47% to 15%). 100% of the patients were willing to go for DIBH treatment if given a second chance and additional suggestions claimed that professional clinical teams and coaching program were important for their DIBH treatment journey. CONCLUSION A comprehensive DIBH coaching program can effectively identify SG-DIBH patient's suitability. Patient compliancy, treatment accuracy and treatment experience can be enhanced with good coaching program. The involvement of clinical team from consultation to pre-treatment and treatment stage is essential for a successful SG-DIBH treatment.
Zhou GQ, Yang YX, Yang X, Jia LC, Jiang X, Zhou J, Chen AQ, Diao WC, Liu L, Li H, Zhang K, He SM, Zhang W, Lin L, Sun Y. All-in-One Online Radiotherapy for Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma: Preliminary Results of Treatment Time, Contouring Accuracy, Treatment Plan Quality and Patient Compliance. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2023; 117:e636-e637. [PMID: 37785898 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2023.06.2040] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 10/04/2023]
PURPOSE/OBJECTIVE(S) To explore the feasibility of Fan-beam CT (FBCT)-based all in one (AIO) online workflow for nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) in radical radiotherapy setting, and to preliminarily describe the timing of different steps in the process, contouring accuracy of regions of interest (ROIs), target coverage, organs at risk (OARs) dose and patient compliance. MATERIALS/METHODS From March 16, 2022 to January 04, 2023, 25 NPC patients (22/25 diagnosed as phase III/IV disease according to 8th edition of the AJCC/UICC staging system) consecutively treated with AIO radiotherapy were prospectively enrolled. All patients received mask fixation and MRI simulation scan in advance. Primary gross tumor volume (GTVp) of nasopharynx was automatically delineated by AI and edited manually on MRI images. AIO online workflow started with an integrated KV-level CT in a CT-integrated linear accelerator. After that GTVp was registrated to CT images and other ROIs was contoured automatically and then modified manually as needed. Subsequently automatic treatment plan was calculated and optimized until the dose of target and OARs was evaluated satisfactory by physicians and physicists. Finally, treatment was delivered using volumetric modulated arc treatment (VMAT), with prescribed dose of 6996 cGy/ 33 fractions to the GTVp. RESULTS Twenty-four patients (24/25, 96%) completed the AIO radiotherapy workflow successfully, with average treatment time of 28.3 min (range: 19.9-42.4 min). the AI-assisted ROIs automatically contouring took 1.55 min in average (range: 1.32-1.77 min), with an average DICE of 97.7% compared with modified contouring, and the average DICE was 95.7% for clinical tumor volume 1 (CTV1), 88.6% for CTV2, 73.6% for GTVn (cervical lymph node), 99.3% for 30 OARs. The automatic treatment plan averagely needed 3.5 min, and the pass rate of radiotherapy planning was 91.7% (22/24). The target coverage for PTVs for GTVp, CTV1, and CTV2 was 99.3%, 99.8%, 98.0% respectively. As for the dose of OARs, the average Dmax of brainstem was 5,583cGy; the Dmax of spinal cord was 3,467cGy; the Dmean of parotid was 3,285 cGy. The average monitor units of all patients was 643 MU and the delivery took 2.93 min. Patient compliance with respect to AIO workflow and total treatment time was excellent. CONCLUSION The AIO online radiotherapy was promising for NPC patients, with clinically acceptable AI assisted ROIs contouring and treatment planning, as well as favorable patient compliance to the AIO online workflow.
Qiao Y, Zhang C, Li A, Wang D, Luo Z, Ping Y, Zhou B, Liu S, Li H, Yue D, Zhang Z, Chen X, Shen Z, Lian J, Li Y, Wang S, Li F, Huang L, Wang L, Zhang B, Yu J, Qin Z, Zhang Y. Correction: IL6 derived from cancer-associated fibroblasts promotes chemoresistance via CXCR7 in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Oncogene 2023; 42:3287-3288. [PMID: 37723312 DOI: 10.1038/s41388-023-02822-3] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 09/20/2023]
Gogineni E, Chen H, Li H, Istl AC, Johnston F, Narang A, Deville C. Comparison of Estimated Late Toxicities between IMRT and IMPT when Treating Retroperitoneal Sarcoma Preoperatively with Ultra-Hypofractionation. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2023; 117:e298-e299. [PMID: 37785090 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2023.06.2311] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 10/04/2023]
PURPOSE/OBJECTIVE(S) While preoperative radiation did not improve abdominal recurrence-free survival for retroperitoneal sarcoma (RPS) in the randomized STRASS trial, it did reduce rates of local recurrence. The risk of radiation-associated toxicity is substantial, with 77% of irradiated patients experiencing grade ≥3 lymphopenia in STRASS. Thus, finding methods to mitigate the issues of delaying surgery and irradiating normal tissue may provide a path towards affording the benefits of radiation while limiting its downside. One potential solution involves the use of hypofractionation to limit delay from radiation initiation to surgery, and proton therapy to limit dose to surrounding organs at risk (OARs). We conducted a dosimetric comparison of preoperative ultra-hypofractionated intensity-modulated photon radiotherapy (IMRT) and proton therapy (IMPT) for RPS, comparing estimated rates of late toxicity using published normal tissue complication probability (NTCP) models. MATERIALS/METHODS Volumetric modulated arc therapy IMRT and IMPT plans were generated on 10 RPS patients previously treated with preoperative radiation. The prescription was 25 Gy radiobiological equivalent (GyE) to the clinical target volume (CTV) and 30 GyE to the margin-at-risk, all in five fractions. Proton doses were calculated using a radiobiological effective dose of 1.1. NTCPs were calculated for each OAR as a function of equivalent uniform dose. The ΔNTCP (difference in absolute NTCP between IMRT and IMPT plans) for each of the toxicity domains was calculated. Student T-tests were used to compare differences in dosimetric and NTCP outcomes. RESULTS CTV coverage was met for all IMRT and IMPT plans with >99% of CTVs receiving ≥100% of prescription doses. The following endpoints were significantly lower with IMPT than IMRT: mean doses to liver, bone, and all analyzed genitourinary and gastrointestinal OARs; bowel, kidney, and bone V5-V20; stomach V15; liver V5; maximum doses to stomach, spinal canal, and body; and whole-body integral dose. No OAR endpoint was significantly higher with IMPT. The average ΔNTCP for grade 3 bowel ulceration/perforation and renal toxicity was 1.9% (p = .037) and 43.0% (p = .023), respectively, favoring IMPT. Using a model-based selection threshold of any ΔNTCP >10%, 50% (n = 5) of patients would be eligible for IMPT. CONCLUSION IMPT maintained target coverage while significantly reducing dose to adjacent OARs and integral dose compared to IMRT. This translated to significantly lower risks of estimated late gastrointestinal and renal toxicities with IMPT. Further investigation is warranted to validate these findings and potential clinical benefit in the management of RPS. A prospective trial treating RPS with preoperative ultra-hypofractionated IMPT at our institution is currently being pursued (NCT05302570).
Zheng S, Qi WX, Li S, Xu FF, Li H, Chen JY, Zhao S. Sarcopenia as a Predictor of Neoadjuvant Therapy-Related Toxicity in Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma Patients. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2023; 117:e359. [PMID: 37785234 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2023.06.2444] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 10/04/2023]
PURPOSE/OBJECTIVE(S) Sarcopenia, characterized by loss of muscle mass, plays a critical role in patients with esophageal squamous cell cancer (ESCC). Preoperative chemoradiotherapy and immunotherapy in ESCC patients has been reported to improve survival. Therefore, we sought to evaluate the predictive value of preoperative sarcopenia for toxicity and pathological tumor response to neoadjuvant therapy (NAT) in ESCC patients. MATERIALS/METHODS A retrospective analysis was performed using a prospectively collected patient cohort of an academic cancer center diagnosed with cT2-4N0-3M0 ESCC between 2019-2022 and treated with neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy ± pembrolizumab. Sarcopenia was assessed by skeletal muscle index at the third lumbar vertebra in computed tomography scans before NAT (men: 43cm²/m² for body mass index (BMI) < 25kg/m², 53cm²/m² for BMI≥25 kg/m²; women: 41cm²/m²). Logistic regression was performed to assess the association between sarcopenia and preoperative therapy-related toxicity and tumor response. RESULTS The study included 59 locally advanced ESCC patients (53 male and 6 female), 48 (81.4%) in the non-sarcopenia group, and 11 (18.6%) in the sarcopenia group. Mean age at diagnosis was 62±8 years. Mean BMI at diagnosis was 22.13±2.85 kg/m². 19 patients (32.2%) were stage ⅢA, 25 patients (42.4%) were ⅢB, 15 patients (25.4%) were ⅣA. No significant differences were found between both groups regarding sex, age, BMI, and clinical stage. Acute grade ≥3 toxicity occurred significantly more frequently in the sarcopenia group (54.5% vs. 22.9%, p = 0.045), which mainly included leukopenia, neutropenia, anemia and thrombocytopenia. The discontinuation of NAT owing to toxicity occurred in 8 patients (13.5%), which was significantly associated with sarcopenia (p = 0.003). All patients proceeded to surgery and 33 patients (55.9%) had a pathological complete response (pCR). Univariate analysis revealed no significant association between sarcopenia and pCR (p = 0.071). CONCLUSION Among patients with locally advanced EC, sarcopenia is not a predictor of poor NAT response, but it is strongly associated with discontinuation of NAT due to toxicity.
Lin L, Zhou GQ, Yang X, Yang YX, Jiang X, Li B, Chen AQ, Diao WC, Liu L, He SM, Li H, Jia LC, Zhang W, Zhou J, Sun Y. First Implementation of Full-Workflow Automation for Online Adaptive Radiotherapy of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2023; 117:e687. [PMID: 37786019 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2023.06.2156] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 10/04/2023]
PURPOSE/OBJECTIVE(S) The aim of this work is to established the technical characteristics and implementation procedures of an artificial intelligence (AI)-powered radiotherapy workflow that enables full-process automation for online adaptive radiotherapy (ART); and evaluate its feasibility and performance implemented for ART of nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC). MATERIALS/METHODS This single center, prospective study has been approved by the ethical committee of the institution. The online ART workflow was developed based on a CT-integrated linear accelerator. During the course of radiotherapy, the patient underwent daily pre-treatment fan-beam CT (FBCT) scan. Then the FBCT was automatically registered to the original planning CT and used to assess the need for the patient to implement ART according to radiation oncologist's discretionary. The online ART workflow incorporates critical radiotherapy procedures from re-simulation, auto-segmentation by integrating image fusion and deep learning method, auto-replanning, beam delivery, and in vivo quality assurance (QA) into one scheme, while the patient is on the treatment couch during the whole process. RESULTS From 2th April 2022 to 5th January 2023, 20 patients with newly-diagnosed, non-metastatic NPC were enrolled in this study. Only one-time online ART was performed for each patient, because that the appropriate timing for triggering online ART was explored in parallel with this study. According to radiation oncologists' discretionary, the median fraction for performing online ART was at 21 fractions (interquartile range, 19-24 fractions). All patients were well tolerated and successfully completed the treatment. For tumor targets contouring, minor revisions were required for automated contours of the primary gross tumor volume (GTVp) and clinical target volumes (CTVs, including CTV1 and CTV2), with the mean DSC between before and after revision of 0.91±0.042, 0.94 ± 0.042 and 0.91 ± 0.061, respectively; and much more revisions for the automated contours of cervical lymph nodes GTV (GTVn), with the mean DSC of 0.74 ± 0.28. The automated contours of normal tissues were clinically acceptable with little modifications. Median time consuming for auto-segmentation and revision was 9.5 minutes (min). For treatment planning, 18 automated plans (90%) were passed at their first auto-optimization and two plans (10%) were passed after further optimization of the dose coverage of CTVs by physicist; and the median time consuming for auto-planning was 6.2 min. Time consuming for other procedures were as follows: re-simulation, 2.3 min; plan evaluation, 3.3 min; beam delivery, 4.6 min; and the duration of the entire process was 25.9 min, range from 19.4 min to 32.5 min. CONCLUSION We successfully established an AI-powered online ART workflow for adaptive radiotherapy of NPC, and confirmed that current auto-segmentation and auto-replanning methods are powered enough to support the clinical application of its online ART.
Chen H, Gogineni E, Li H, Han-Oh S, Jia X, Deville C, Narang A. Inaugural Experience with Real-time Gated Liver Proton SBRT and Treatment Plan Quality Improvement. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2023; 117:e286. [PMID: 37785061 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2023.06.1274] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 10/04/2023]
PURPOSE/OBJECTIVE(S) DIBH SBRT is routinely used for liver proton therapy. While intra-fraction target motion is limited with DIBH, acquisition of DIBH CT simulations in triplicate, as is done at our institution, reveals that variation does exist between each DIBH scan. The related target position can also vary correspondingly. The most common setup uncertainty for robust proton SBRT liver plan used at our institution is 5 mm sup-inf (SI) and 3 mm radially. Real-time gated proton therapy (RGPT) has the potential to provide instantaneous feedback for intra-fraction target motion to maximize patient safety and inform optimal treatment planning. Our first RGPT liver SBRT with intra-fraction motion under deep inspiration breath hold (DIBH). The potential treatment plan quality improvement brought by RGPT is investigated. MATERIALS/METHODS The following metrics were used in establishing our RGPT proton DIBH SBRT liver program: the iso center is always set at the fiducial mark; the beam orientation is selected to achieve both good plan quality and tracking performance; daily CBCTs are acquired and verified using fiducial maker position with kV images; robust uncertainty is determined by the gating tolerance; SBRT plan has three beams with uniform dose. Target motion was monitored throughout treatment. To evaluate dose sparing for surrounding OARs, a plan with tighter gating tolerance (3 mm SI and 2 mm radially) is optimized for dosimetric comparison. Statistical analyses were conducted using a programming environment. RESULTS Each of the three proton beams were delivered using DIBH over a total of 120-140 seconds. The average beam on time were 61.4, 66.9 and 62.8 seconds. The intra-fraction motion showed that targets could move up to 3 mm within the same DIBH. The motion increased with time. The table details the mean, maximum, standard deviation, and estimated upper 95% of directional shifts for three beams. Based on these results, plan delivery efficiency was maintained even with tighter gating tolerance. The comparison plan with tight gating tolerance showed significantly less dose (-25%) to the stomach in coronal view. CONCLUSION RGPT successfully tracked fiducial marker motion for DIBH SBRT liver treatment. Despite target drift during DIBH, the uncertainty of our DIBH SBRT procedure was sufficient to cover target motion throughout treatment. Based on the target drift value, a maximum of 25 seconds for breath hold time should be employed. Utilizing a tighter gating tolerance of 3 mm SI and 2 mm radially has the potential to maintain target coverage while significantly reducing OAR dose. Aggregated RGPT-derived data may provide optimal treatment planning parameters such as variable uncertainty based on target location.
Li H, Xu C, Cao L, Chen JY. A Modified Robust Nomogram for Predicting the Probability of Pelvic Lymph Node Invasion in Localized Prostate Cancer. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2023; 117:e406. [PMID: 37785350 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2023.06.1545] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 10/04/2023]
PURPOSE/OBJECTIVE(S) Improved predictive models for the risk of pelvic lymph node invasion (LNI) in localized prostate cancer (PCa) is important in decision making of pelvic lymph node dissection (PLND) or whole pelvic RT (WPRT). We aimed to establish a nomogram with improved robustness (Ruijin model) based on pre-treatment information. MATERIALS/METHODS Continuous localized PCa patients with detailed prostate tumor biopsy information, treated with laparoscopic radical prostatectomy and PLND between 2013 and 2022 in single institution were retrospectively reviewed. A multivariable logistic regression model was fitted and represented the basis for a coefficient-based nomogram of predicting LNI. Comparisons between the Ruijin model and the Roach formula were conducted using the receiver operating characteristic-derived area under the curve (AUC), calibration plot, and decision-curve analyses (DCAs). RESULTS In total, 624 patients with median age (69.5 year) were included in this analysis. The median number of pelvis lymph nodes removed was 6 (range: 2-30). LNI was found in 35 (5.6%) patients. In the multivariable logistic regression model, total prostate-specific antigen (OR = 1.008, P = 0.025), percentage of cores with the highest-grade PCa (OR = 14.822, P<0.001), clinical stage (III vs. I-II: OR = 7.733, P = 0.008), and biopsy Gleason Grading Group (G3 vs G1-2: OR = 3.152, P = 0.082; G4 vs G1-2: OR = 3.065, P = 0.083; G5 vs G1-2: OR = 5.262, P = 0.008;) were included and formed the basis for the nomogram. The predictive accuracy of Ruijin nomogram in our cohort was 87.7%. Using a cutoff of 4% based on Ruijin nomogram, 395 (63%) PLND would be spared and LNI would be missed in only two (0.5%) patients. The sensitivity, specificity, and negative predictive value associated with the 4% cutoff were 94.3%, 66.7%, and 99.5%, respectively. As compared with the Roach formula, the Ruijin model showed higher AUC (87.7% vs 80.9%, Z = -2.013, P = 0.044), better calibration characteristics, and a higher net benefit at DCA. CONCLUSION We developed a novel nomogram for predicting the LNI in localized PCa patients with detailed biopsy information. PLND or WPRT could be avoided in patients with a risk of LNI <4%, so as to spare more than 60% of unnecessary pelvic nodal treatment with a cost of missing only 0.5% LNIs.
Qi X, Albuquerque KV, Bailey S, Dawes S, Kashani R, Li H, Mak RH, Mundt AJ, Sio TTW. Quality and Safety Considerations in Image Guided Radiation Therapy: An ASTRO Safety White Paper Update. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2023; 117:S145-S146. [PMID: 37784371 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2023.06.561] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 10/04/2023]
PURPOSE/OBJECTIVE(S) This updated report on image guided radiation therapy (IGRT) is based on a consensus-based white paper previously published by the American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) addressing patient safety. In the past decade, IGRT technology and procedures have progressed significantly and are now more commonly used. The use of IGRT has now extended beyond high-precision treatments, such as stereotactic radiosurgery and stereotactic body radiation therapy, and into routine clinical practice for many treatment techniques and anatomic sites. Therefore, quality and treatment planning and delivery considerations for these techniques are paramount for patient safety. MATERIALS/METHODS In 2021, ASTRO convened an interdisciplinary task force to assess the original IGRT white paper and update content where appropriate. Recommendations were created using a consensus-building methodology, and task force members indicated their level of agreement based on a 5-point Likert scale from "strongly agree" to "strongly disagree." A prespecified threshold of ≥75% of raters who selected "strongly agree" or "agree" indicated consensus. RESULTS The IGRT white paper was published (Pract Radiat Oncol. 2022 Dec) and endorsed by the American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM), American Association of Medical Dosimetrists, and American Society of Radiologic Technologists. Since the first IGRT paper was published by ASTRO in 2013, significant technological advancement has taken place. New and updated considerations in personnel requirements, staffing, education and training, equipment and technological requirements, quality management and assurance, IGRT program management, and safety considerations were reported. A 17-point consensus was reached and recommended in 5 areas surrounding program development, quality assurance, quality management, treatment delivery, and vendor engagement (Table 5, Summary of key recommendations). CONCLUSION This IGRT white paper builds on the previous version and uses other guidance documents to primarily focus on processes related to quality and safety. IGRT requires an interdisciplinary team-based approach, staffed by appropriately trained specialists, as well as significant personnel resources, specialized technology, and implementation time. A thorough feasibility analysis of resources is required and should be discussed with all personnel before undertaking new imaging techniques. A comprehensive quality-assurance program must be developed to ensure IGRT is performed safely and effectively. As IGRT technologies continue to improve or emerge, existing practice guidelines should be updated regularly according to the latest AAPM Task Group reports. Patient safety in the application of IGRT is everyone's responsibility, and professional organizations, regulators, vendors, and end-users must demonstrate strong commitments to ensure that the highest levels of safety are achieved.
Li W, Lin Y, Li H, Rotondo R, Gao H. Proton LET Optimization Via Iterative Convex Relaxation Method. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2023; 117:S142-S143. [PMID: 37784364 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2023.06.554] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 10/04/2023]
PURPOSE/OBJECTIVE(S) If not optimized, the LET distribution can greatly impact normal tissue toxicity near tumor targets, because the LET often peaks at the distal edge of Bragg peak. LET optimization can account for biological effectiveness of protons during treatment planning, for minimizing biological proton dose and hot spots to normal tissues. However, the LET optimization is nonlinear and nonconvex to solve, which poses a great challenge in optimization. This work will develop an effective LET optimization method via iterative convex relaxation (ICR). MATERIALS/METHODS In contrast to the generic nonlinear optimization method, such as Quasi-Newton (QN) method, that does not account for specific characteristics of LET optimization, ICR is tailored to LET modeling and optimization in order to effectively and efficiently solve the LET problem. Specifically, nonlinear dose-averaged LET term is iteratively linearized and becomes convex during ICR, while nonconvex dose-volume constraint and minimum-monitor-unit constraint are also handled by ICR, so that the solution for LET optimization is obtained by solving a sequence of convex and linearized convex subproblems. Since the high LET mostly occurs near the target, a 1cm normal-tissue expansion of clinical target volume (CTV) (excluding CTV), i.e., CTV1cm, is defined to as an auxiliary structure during treatment planning, where LET is minimized. RESULTS ICR was validated in comparison with QN for abdomen, lung, and head-and-neck (HN) cases. ICR was effective for LET optimization, as ICR substantially reduced the LET and biological dose in CTV1cm the ring, with preserved dose conformality to CTV. Compared to QN, ICR had smaller LET, physical and biological dose in CTV1cm, and higher conformity index values; ICR was also computationally more efficient, which was about 3 times faster than QN. A lung case is presented in the table, where the quantities from top to bottom are computational time T (unit: second); total objective F, dose objective Fd and LET objective FL (unit: 10-3); conformity index for physical dose CId and biological dose CIb; mean LET L (unit: keV/μm), mean physical dose d and mean biological dose b (in ratio to prescription dose) for CTV1cm; mean LET L (unit: keV/μm), mean physical dose d and mean biological dose b (in ratio to prescription dose; unit: 10-1) for the heart. CONCLUSION A LET-specific optimization method based on ICR has been developed for solving proton LET optimization, which has been shown to be more computationally efficient than generic nonlinear optimizer via QN, with better plan quality in terms of LET, biological and physical dose conformality.
Wang JW, Li XY, Li CH, Liu JF, Li H, Tian YY, Gao BL. Safety and efficacy of the Low-Profile Visualized Intraluminal Support stent in treating intracranial atherosclerotic stenosis. Neurologia 2023; 38:521-529. [PMID: 37802551 DOI: 10.1016/j.nrleng.2023.07.005] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Key Words] [MESH Headings] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 11/08/2020] [Accepted: 02/21/2021] [Indexed: 10/10/2023] Open
PURPOSE The performance of the Low-Profile Visualized Intraluminal Support (LVIS) stent deployed following balloon angioplasty is unknown in treating intracranial atherosclerotic stenosis, and this study was to investigate the safety and efficacy of the LVIS stent in treating intracranial atherosclerotic stenosis in the middle cerebral artery M1 segment. METHODS Thirty-five patients were enrolled with 35 atherosclerotic stenoses at the M1 segment. The stenosis was about 75% in 16 patients, 80% in 15, and 90% in the rest four. The LVIS stent was used to treat these patients. RESULTS The success rate of stenting was 97.1%. The stenting procedure was failed in one patient because of intraprocedural dissection of the stenotic (75%) segment, resulting in a 30-day periprocedural complication rate of 2.9% (1/35). Before stenting, the stenosis rate ranged 75%-90% (mean 78.9%±4.7%), and after stenting, the diameter of the stented segment was significantly (P<0.0001) increased to 1.5-3.4mm (mean 2.1±0.32mm) ranging 68.2%-100% (mean 94.0%±5.8%) of the normal arterial diameter, with the residual stenosis ranging 0-31.8% (median 4.8%, IQR 2.4%-7.3%). Follow-up was performed at 6-20 months (mean 8.5) after stenting. One patient (2.9%) had occlusion of the stented M1 segment with no symptoms, and two patients (5.7%) had slight asymptomatic instent stenosis (40%) at the M1 segment, with the instent restenosis and occlusion rate of 8.6% (3/35). CONCLUSION The braided LVIS stent can be safely applied for treatment of intracranial atherosclerotic stenosis in the middle cerebral artery with good safety and efficacy immediately after stenting and at follow-up.