The ingestion of blood by arthropod vectors of disease can be exploited in order to either kill the vector or render it incapable of disease transmission. This paper examines some approaches to identifying target molecules of vector origin, against which immunisation could result in blocking parasite transmission. Manipulation of the blood meal of vectors through such techniques as membrane feeding can help identify true target sites for attack, but just as useful, can identify structures or molecules that play no significant role in parasite development. Examples, mostly derived from the interactions between the malaria parasite, Plasmodium, and the mosquito midgut, illustrate the real need to understand the multiple aspects of vector-parasite interactions before they can be exploited for control purposes. The approaches outlined are however applicable directly to any vector-borne disease. Careful examination of the parasite life cycle in the vector, and comparisons with other parasites, vectors, non-vector insects and analogous vertebrate systems (the latter being often relatively well advanced) can result in the identification of specific and definable interactions which can then be further developed for vaccine purposes.