Sialic acids are important molecule with high structural diversity. They are known to occur in higher animals such as Echinoderms, Hemichordata, Cephalochorda, and Vertebrata and also in other animals such as Platyhelminthes, Cephalopoda, and Crustaceae. Plants are known to lack sialic acid. But they are reported to occur in viruses, bacteria, protozoa, and fungi. Deaminated neuraminic acid although occurs in vertebrates and bacteria, is reported to occur in abundance in the lower vertebrates. Sialic acids are mostly located in terminal ends of glycoproteins and glycolipids, capsular and tissue polysialic acids, bacterial lipooligosaccharides/polysaccharides, and in different forms that dictate their role in biology. Sialic acid play important roles in human physiology of cell-cell interaction, communication, cell-cell signaling, carbohydrate-protein interactions, cellular aggregation, development processes, immune reactions, reproduction, and in neurobiology and human diseases in enabling the infection process by bacteria and virus, tumor growth and metastasis, microbiome biology, and pathology. It enables molecular mimicry in pathogens that allows them to escape host immune responses. Recently sialic acid has found role in therapeutics. In this chapter we have highlighted the (i) diversity of sialic acid, (ii) their occurrence in the diverse life forms, (iii) sialylation and disease, and (iv) sialic acid and therapeutics.