This review will attempt to cover the present information on the multiple forms of eukaryotic DNA-dependent RNA polymerases, both at the structural and functional level. Nuclear RNA polymerases constitute a group of three large multimeric enzymes, each with a different and complex subunit structure and distinct specificity. The review will include a detailed description of their molecular structure. The current approaches to elucidate subunit function via chemical modification, phosphorylation, enzyme reconstitution, immunological studies, and mutant analysis will be described. In vitro reconstituted systems are available for the accurate transcription of cloned genes coding for rRNA, tRNA, 5 SRNA, and mRNA. These systems will be described with special attention to the cellular factors required for specific transcription. A section on future prospects will address questions concerning the significance of the complex subunit structure of the nuclear enzymes; the organization and regulation of the gene coding for RNA polymerase subunits; the obtention of mutants affected at the level of factors, or RNA polymerases; the mechanism of template recognition by factors and RNA polymerase.