The hormonal control of implantation in mammalian species with and without embryonic diapause is described. In a majority of species displaying the obligate form of diapause the corpora lutea appear to exhibit a low level of steroidogenic activity throughout diapause, full luteal activity being resumed just before the initiation of implantation. Fluctuations in the plasma levels of oestrogen and progesterone during diapause may serve to prime the uterus for implantation. In species exhibiting the facultative form of diapause, such as the rat and mouse, both progesterone and nidatory oestrogen are required for the induction of implantation. In species not displaying embryonic diapause implantation will take place in the presence of progesterone alone. In the light of these considerations the selection of animal models for drug-screening purposes and possible new approaches to contraception are discussed.