Forty-nine cases of primary tumors of the mandible have been reviewed. The anatomic location, pathologic features, sites of metastases, survival rates, and treatment methods were evaluated. Lesions studied included ameloblastoma, osteogenic sarcoma, reticulum cell sarcoma, fibrosarcoma, chondrosarcoma, myxosarcoma, epidermoid carcinoma, adenocarcinoma, and giant cell sarcoma. An in-depth discussion of primary osteogenic sarcoma of the mandible is presented. Because of upper cervical lymph node metastases in two cases of osteogenic sarcoma of the mandible, an upper neck dissection should be considered in the primary treatment. Also presented in this study are the first reported cases or primary myxosarcoma of the mandible and giant cell sarcoma of the mandible. Recent methods of treatment of ablative resection of the mandible followed by immediate or delayed repair are discussed. A revised technic for mandibular replacement which has met with success in six of seven cases is presented.