To try to establish a "point by point" relationship between the local thickness of the retinal ganglion cell complex and its sensitivity.
In total, 104 glaucomatous eyes of 89 patients with a confirmed 24-2 visual field, were measured by superimposing the visual field, using imaging software, with the Wide 40° by 30° measurements of retinal ganglion cell complex obtained from the Topcon© 3D 2000 OCT, after upward adjustment, inversion and scaling. Visual fields were classified into two groups according to the extent of the disease: 58 mild to moderate (MD up to -12dB), and 46 severe (MD beyond -12dB). The 6mm by 6mm central region, equipped with a normative database, was studied, corresponding to 16 points in the visual field. These points were individually matched one by one to the local ganglion cell complex, which was classified into 2 groups depending on whether it was greater or less than 70 microns. The normative database confirmed the pathological nature of the thin areas, with a significance of 95 to 99%. Displacement of central retinal ganglion cells was compensated for. Of 1664 points (16 central points for 104 eyes), 283 points were found to be "borderline" and excluded. Of the 1381 analyzed points, 727 points were classified as "over 70 microns" and 654 points "under 70 microns".
(1) For all stages combined, 85.8% of the 727 points which were greater than 70 microns had a deviation between -3 and +3dB: areas above 70 microns had no observable loss of light sensitivity. (2) In total, 92.5% of the 428 points having a gap ranging from -6 to -35dB were located on ganglion cell complex areas below 70 microns: functional visual loss was identified in thin areas, which were less than 70 microns. (3) Areas which were less than 70 microns, that is 654 points, had quite variable sensitivity and can be divided into three groups: the first with preserved sensitivity, another with obliterated sensitivity, and an intermediate group connecting the two previous ones.
In pathologically thin areas, the distribution of these three functional groups seems to correspond to the progression of glaucomatous visual degradation, including a period of resistance, a period of rapid decline, finally leading to complete functional loss.
In the studied area, the analysis of retinal ganglion cell complex is relevant to identify areas which are still functional when they exceed 70 microns. Scotomas correspond to the thin areas less than 70 microns. The functionality of areas which are pathologically thinned by glaucomatous degeneration is not correlated to their thickness. In the future, the correlation between structure and function, currently "regional" may be realized "point by point" once automation of the visual field superimposition is made available for the ganglion cell complex.