Preterm infants' outcomes improve when fed their mothers' milk. Low percentages of neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) nurses support mothers facing barriers to establishing and sustaining adequate milk supplies. Nurses' motivations and attitudes are instrumental, but understudied, factors in their intention to promote maternal lactation.
Using the Theory of Reasoned Action, this study explored (1) NICU nurses' attitudes, social pressures, feelings of preparedness, perceptions of comfort, and intention to support lactation; and (2) magnitude of relationships among these concepts before and after undertaking an educational module.
A descriptive pre-/postintervention design included a sample of 24 NICU nurses who completed a module, including general lactation and hands-on expressing information. The Nursing Support for Breastfeeding Questionnaire was administered before and after completing the module.
Attitudes, social norms, perception of preparedness, and intention were moderate to high before and after completion of the module. Perception of comfort was moderate. When comparing pre- and postintervention, effect sizes for intention and perception of comfort were moderate. Magnitude of the relationship between attitudes and intention was strong before intervention and moderate after intervention. Subjective norms demonstrated stronger relationships with attitudes and intention after intervention. Preparedness and comfort had stronger relationships with attitudes than with intention both before and after intervention.
Nurses' attitudes, perception of preparedness, and comfort are modifiable considerations in developing strategies to support evidence-based lactation techniques.
Additional studies are needed with fully powered and stronger designs to validate findings to guide interventions for nurse support for NICU mothers to optimize lactation.