Health status is the result of complex interaction between individual factors, general environmental factors and specific factors as nutrition or the presence of chemicals. Aim of this review is to point out the more recent knowledge covering the role of the endocrine disrupting chemical (EDC) on pediatric population wellbeing.
Prenatal, postnatal life and puberty are the three main temporal windows of susceptibility when EDCs may act. The mechanism is independent from dose or duration of exposition, sex, age or combination of chemicals and may also be transgenerational, affecting both growth and pubertal timing. A window of susceptibility for breast cancer has been detected. Thyroid gland is influenced by environmental chemicals, both in utero and during childhood. Alteration in Thyrotropin stimulating hormone (TSH) levels and neurodevelopmental impairment have been demonstrate. It has been detected a pro-obesogenic action of specific chemicals, impairing also glucose homeostasis during childhood.
With a multidisciplinary approach and the use of big data platforms, an attempt has to be made to verify biological variations related to a disease, and how much the risk is influenced by the presence of the endocrine disruptors. This may help the future generation to better interpret uncommunicable diseases.