Pregnancy is an anatomical and physiological altered state and the presence of various urological problems not only aggravates the disease itself, but also results in unfavourable pregnancy outcome. Aim is to highlight obstetric outcome in pregnant women with urological problems.
Longitudinal prospective cohort study conducted in tertiary care hospital, IPGME and R, Kolkata from Jan 2011 to Dec 2012. All pregnant women with urological problems were included as subjects.
A total of 33 subjects were followed up throughout their antenatal period. Among them majority (72.72%) presented with hydro nephrosis followed by hydroureter (60.6%), PUJ obstruction and pyelonephritis each with incidence of 15.15%, then urolithiasis (12.12%), nephrolithiasis (6.06%) and renal abscess (12.12%). Interventions required were DJ stenting (72.72%), pyeloplasty (15.15%) and others were RURSL, abscess drainage and ATT. The pregnancy outcome was complicated with preterm labor in majority of patients (45.45%), oligohydramnious (18.18%), PIH (9.09%) and still birth (6.06%). Twenty four live birth were there. Majority required NICU admissions as predominantly prematurity was an important concern. Majority women with hydronephrosis underwent DJ stenting.
Preterm labor is an important obstetric concern. Vaginal delivery is the choicest mode of termination and LSCS can be reserved for obstetric reason. DJ stenting is safe and practical approach for continuation of pregnancy with hydronephrosis. Regular follow up, vigilant antenatal care and multidisciplinary approach from urologist, obstetrician and neonatologist will bring out successful pregnancy outcome.