Reflex seizures (RS) are epileptic events that are objectively and consistently elicited in response to a specific afferent stimulus or by an activity of the patient. The specific stimulus can be a variety of heterogenous intrinsic or extrinsic factors, ranging from the simple to the complex, such as flashing lights or reading a book. These seizures can take a variety of forms, comprising either general or focal onset, with or without secondary generalization. Reflex epilepsies (RE) are classified as a specific syndrome in which all epileptic seizures are precipitated by sensory stimuli. The few designated RE include idiopathic photosensitive occipital lobe epilepsy, other visual sensitive epilepsies, primary reading epilepsy, and startle epilepsy. RS that occurs within other focal or generalized epilepsy syndromes that are associated with distinct spontaneous seizures are classified by the overarching seizure type. Most patients experience spontaneous seizures along with their provoked events. RS originate from stimulation of functional anatomic networks normally functioning for physiological activities, that overlap or coincide with regions of cortical hyperexcitability. Generalized RS typically occur within the setting of IGEs and should be considered as focal seizures with quick secondary generalization via cortico-cortical or cortico-reticular pathways. In aggregate, activation of a critical neuronal mass, supported and sustained by cortico-subcortical and thalamocortical pathways eventually result in a seizure. Treatment includes antiseizure medication, commonly valproate or levetiracetam, along with lifestyle modifications, and when amenable, surgical intervention. High clinical suspicion and careful history taking must be employed in all epilepsy patients to identify reflex triggers.