Primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT)-induced acute pancreatitis (AP) during pregnancy has rarely been described. Due to this rarity, there are no diagnostic or treatment algorithms for pregnant patients.
To determine appropriate diagnostic methods, therapeutic options, and factors related to maternal and fetal outcomes for PHPT-induced AP in pregnancy.
A literature search of articles in English, Japanese, German, Spanish, and Italian was performed using PubMed (1946-2023), PubMed Central (1900-2023), and Google Scholar. The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) protocol was followed. The search terms included "pancreatite acuta," "iperparatiroidismo primario," "gravidanza," "travaglio," "puerperio," "postpartum," "akute pankreatitis," "primärer hyperparathyreoidismus," "Schwangerschaft," "Wehen," "Wochenbett," "pancreatitis aguda," "hiperparatiroidismo primario," "embarazo," "parto," "puerperio," "posparto," "acute pancreatitis," "primary hyperparathyroidism," "pregnancy," "labor," "puerperium," and "postpartum." Additional studies were identified by reviewing the reference lists of retrieved studies. Demographic, imaging, surgical, obstetric, and outcome data were obtained.
Fifty-four cases were collected from the 51 studies. The median maternal age was 29 years. PHPT-induced AP starts at the 20th gestational week; higher gestational weeks were seen in mothers who died (mean gestational week 28). Median values of amylase (1399, Q1-Q3 = 519-2072), lipase (2072, Q1-Q3 = 893-2804), serum calcium (3.5, Q1-Q3 = 3.1-3.9), and parathormone (PTH) (384, Q1-Q3 = 123-910) were reported. In 46 cases, adenoma was the cause of PHPT, followed by 2 cases of carcinoma and 1 case of hyperplasia. In the remaining 5 cases, the diagnosis was not reported. Neck ultrasound was positive in 34 cases, whereas sestamibi was performed in 3 cases, and neck computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging was performed in 9 cases (the enlarged parathyroid gland was not localized in 3 cases). Surgery was the preferred treatment during pregnancy in 33 cases (median week of gestation 25, Q1-Q3 = 20-30) and postpartum in 12 cases. The timing was not reported in the remaining 9 cases, or surgery was not performed. AP was managed surgically in 11 cases and conservatively in 43 (79.6%) cases. Maternal and fetal mortality was 9.3% (5 cases). Surgery was more common in deceased mothers (60.0% vs 16.3%; P = 0.052), and PTH values tended to be higher in this group (910 pg/mL vs 302 pg/mL; P = 0.059). Maternal mortality was higher with higher serum lipase levels and earlier delivery week. Higher calcium (4.1 mmol/L vs 3.3 mmol/L; P = 0.009) and PTH (1914 pg/mL vs 302 pg/mL; P = 0.003) values increased fetal/child mortality, as well as abortions (40.0% vs 0.0%; P = 0.007) and complex deliveries (60.0% vs 8.2%; P = 0.01).
If serum calcium is not tested during admission, definitive diagnosis of PHPT-induced AP in pregnancy is delayed, while early diagnosis and immediate intervention lead to excellent maternal and fetal outcomes.