Those who attempt to characterize the functions of the cerebral hemispheres tend, broadly speaking, to do so either in terms of structural specializations or of different information-processing modes. Often little attention is paid to the possible importance, in determining the outcome of experiments in this field, of interhemispheric processes. An experiment is described which concurrently studies hemispheric response differences and interhemispheric processes. Sets of dot patterns are learned, each made up of an original and three distortions of the original. The degree of distortion is systematically changed and is quantified in terms of information theory. Subjects then examine pairs of patterns and decide whether they belong to the 'same' family, i.e. an original and one of its distortions, or 'different', i.e. a pattern previously learned and a completely new one. Manual response times are recorded for 'same' and 'different' responses and functions plotted of response latencies against degree of pattern distortion. The pairs of patterns are presented under three different conditions. Either both patterns in one visual field (unilateral condition), one pattern in each visual field (bilateral condition) or the patterns one above the other straddling the vertical meridian (central condition). Response latencies are shortest for the bilateral condition, next shortest for the unilateral condition and slowest for the central condition. Models which may account for these results are examined and one crucially involving changed information transmission rates with increasing distortion of patterns to be compared is found to provide the most parsimonious explanation of the results from all three experimental conditions.