Aaltonen T, Abazov VM, Abbott B, Acharya BS, Adams M, Adams T, Alexeev GD, Alkhazov G, Alton A, Álvarez González B, Alverson G, Amerio S, Amidei D, Anastassov A, Annovi A, Antos J, Apollinari G, Appel JA, Arisawa T, Artikov A, Asaadi J, Ashmanskas W, Askew A, Atkins S, Auerbach B, Augsten K, Aurisano A, Avila C, Azfar F, Badaud F, Badgett W, Bae T, Bagby L, Baldin B, Bandurin DV, Banerjee S, Barbaro-Galtieri A, Barberis E, Baringer P, Barnes VE, Barnett BA, Barria P, Bartlett JF, Bartos P, Bassler U, Bauce M, Bazterra V, Bean A, Bedeschi F, Begalli M, Behari S, Bellantoni L, Bellettini G, Bellinger J, Benjamin D, Beretvas A, Beri SB, Bernardi G, Bernhard R, Bertram I, Besançon M, Beuselinck R, Bhat PC, Bhatia S, Bhatnagar V, Bhatti A, Binkley M, Bisello D, Bizjak I, Bland KR, Blazey G, Blessing S, Bloom K, Blumenfeld B, Bocci A, Bodek A, Boehnlein A, Boline D, Boos EE, Borissov G, Bortoletto D, Bose T, Boudreau J, Boveia A, Brandt A, Brandt O, Brigliadori L, Brock R, Bromberg C, Bross A, Brown D, Brown J, Brucken E, Budagov J, Bu XB, Budd HS, Buehler M, Buescher V, Bunichev V, Burdin S, Burkett K, Busetto G, Bussey P, Buszello CP, Buzatu A, Calamba A, Calancha C, Camacho-Pérez E, Camarda S, Campanelli M, Campbell M, Canelli F, Carls B, Carlsmith D, Carosi R, Carrillo S, Carron S, Casal B, Casarsa M, Casey BCK, Castilla-Valdez H, Castro A, Catastini P, Caughron S, Cauz D, Cavaliere V, Cavalli-Sforza M, Cerri A, Cerrito L, Chakrabarti S, Chakraborty D, Chan KM, Chandra A, Chapon E, Chen G, Chen YC, Chertok M, Chevalier-Théry S, Chiarelli G, Chlachidze G, Chlebana F, Cho DK, Cho K, Cho SW, Choi S, Chokheli D, Choudhary B, Chung WH, Chung YS, Cihangir S, Ciocci MA, Claes D, Clark A, Clarke C, Clutter J, Compostella G, Convery ME, Conway J, Cooke M, Cooper WE, Corbo M, Corcoran M, Cordelli M, Couderc F, Cousinou MC, Cox CA, Cox DJ, Crescioli F, Croc A, Cuevas J, Culbertson R, Cutts D, Dagenhart D, d’Ascenzo N, Das A, Datta M, Davies G, de Barbaro P, de Jong SJ, De La Cruz-Burelo E, Déliot F, Dell’Orso M, Demina R, Demortier L, Deninno M, Denisov D, Denisov SP, d’Errico M, Desai S, Deterre C, DeVaughan K, Devoto F, Di Canto A, Di Ruzza B, Diehl HT, Diesburg M, Ding PF, Dittmann JR, Dominguez A, Donati S, Dong P, D’Onofrio M, Dorigo M, Dorigo T, Dubey A, Dudko LV, Duggan D, Duperrin A, Dutt S, Dyshkant A, Eads M, Ebina K, Edmunds D, Elagin A, Ellison J, Elvira VD, Enari Y, Eppig A, Erbacher R, Errede S, Ershaidat N, Eusebi R, Evans H, Evdokimov A, Evdokimov VN, Facini G, Farrington S, Feindt M, Feng L, Ferbel T, Fernandez JP, Fiedler F, Field R, Filthaut F, Fisher W, Fisk HE, Flanagan G, Forrest R, Fortner M, Fox H, Frank MJ, Franklin M, Freeman JC, Fuess S, Funakoshi Y, Furic I, Gallinaro M, Garcia-Bellido A, Garcia JE, García-González JA, García-Guerra GA, Garfinkel AF, Garosi P, Gavrilov V, Gay P, Geng W, Gerbaudo D, Gerber CE, Gerberich H, Gerchtein E, Gershtein Y, Giagu S, Giakoumopoulou V, Giannetti P, Gibson K, Ginsburg CM, Ginther G, Giokaris N, Giromini P, Giurgiu G, Glagolev V, Glenzinski D, Gold M, Goldin D, Goldschmidt N, Golossanov A, Golovanov G, Gomez-Ceballos G, Gomez G, Goncharov M, González O, Gorelov I, Goshaw AT, Goulianos K, Goussiou A, Grannis PD, Greder S, Greenlee H, Grenier G, Grinstein S, Gris P, Grivaz JF, Grohsjean A, Grosso-Pilcher C, Group RC, Grünendahl S, Grünewald MW, Guillemin T, Guimaraes da Costa J, Gutierrez G, Gutierrez P, Hagopian S, Hahn SR, Haley J, Halkiadakis E, Hamaguchi A, Han JY, Han L, Happacher F, Hara K, Harder K, Hare D, Hare M, Harel A, Harr RF, Hatakeyama K, Hauptman JM, Hays C, Hays J, Head T, Hebbeker T, Heck M, Hedin D, Hegab H, Heinrich J, Heinson AP, Heintz U, Hensel C, Heredia-De La Cruz I, Herndon M, Herner K, Hesketh G, Hewamanage S, Hildreth MD, Hirosky R, Hoang T, Hobbs JD, Hocker A, Hoeneisen B, Hogan J, Hohlfeld M, Hopkins W, Horn D, Hou S, Howley I, Hubacek Z, Hughes RE, Hurwitz M, Husemann U, Hussain N, Hussein M, Huston J, Hynek V, Iashvili I, Ilchenko Y, Illingworth R, Introzzi G, Iori M, Ito AS, Ivanov A, Jabeen S, Jaffré M, James E, Jang D, Jayasinghe A, Jayatilaka B, Jeon EJ, Jeong MS, Jesik R, Jindariani S, Johns K, Johnson E, Johnson M, Jonckheere A, Jones M, Jonsson P, Joo KK, Joshi J, Jun SY, Jung AW, Junk TR, Juste A, Kaadze K, Kajfasz E, Kamon T, Karchin PE, Karmanov D, Kasmi A, Kasper PA, Kato Y, Katsanos I, Kehoe R, Kermiche S, Ketchum W, Keung J, Khalatyan N, Khanov A, Kharchilava A, Kharzheev YN, Khotilovich V, Kilminster B, Kim DH, Kim HS, Kim JE, Kim MJ, Kim SB, Kim SH, Kim YJ, Kim YK, Kimura N, Kirby M, Kiselevich I, Klimenko S, Knoepfel K, Kohli JM, Kondo K, Kong DJ, Konigsberg J, Kotwal AV, Kozelov AV, Kraus J, Kreps M, Kroll J, Krop D, Kruse M, Krutelyov V, Kuhr T, Kulikov S, Kumar A, Kupco A, Kurata M, Kurča T, Kuzmin VA, Kwang S, Laasanen AT, Lami S, Lammel S, Lammers S, Lancaster M, Lander RL, Landsberg G, Lannon K, Lath A, Latino G, Lebrun P, LeCompte T, Lee E, Lee HS, Lee HS, Lee JS, Lee SW, Lee SW, Lee WM, Lei X, Lellouch J, Leo S, Leone S, Lewis JD, Li H, Li L, Li QZ, Lim JK, Limosani A, Lincoln D, Lin CJ, Lindgren M, Linnemann J, Lipaev VV, Lipeles E, Lipton R, Lister A, Litvintsev DO, Liu C, Liu H, Liu H, Liu Q, Liu T, Liu Y, Lobodenko A, Lockwitz S, Loginov A, Lokajicek M, Lopes de Sa R, Lubatti HJ, Lucchesi D, Lueck J, Lujan P, Lukens P, Luna-Garcia R, Lungu G, Lyon AL, Lysak R, Lys J, Maciel AKA, Madar R, Madrak R, Maeshima K, Maestro P, Magaña-Villalba R, Malik S, Malik S, Malyshev VL, Manca G, Manousakis-Katsikakis A, Maravin Y, Margaroli F, Marino C, Martínez M, Martínez-Ortega J, Mastrandrea P, Matera K, Mattson ME, Mazzacane A, Mazzanti P, McCarthy R, McFarland KS, McGivern CL, McIntyre P, McNulty R, Mehta A, Mehtala P, Meijer MM, Melnitchouk A, Menezes D, Mercadante PG, Merkin M, Mesropian C, Meyer A, Meyer J, Miao T, Miconi F, Mietlicki D, Mitra A, Miyake H, Moed S, Moggi N, Mondal NK, Mondragon MN, Moon CS, Moore R, Morello MJ, Morlock J, Movilla Fernandez P, Mukherjee A, Mulhearn M, Muller T, Murat P, Mussini M, Nachtman J, Nagai Y, Naganoma J, Nagy E, Naimuddin M, Nakano I, Napier A, Narain M, Nayyar R, Neal HA, Negret JP, Nett J, Neubauer MS, Neu C, Neustroev P, Nielsen J, Nodulman L, Noh SY, Norniella O, Nunnemann T, Oakes L, Oh SH, Oh YD, Oksuzian I, Okusawa T, Orava R, Orduna J, Ortolan L, Osman N, Osta J, Padilla M, Pagan Griso S, Pagliarone C, Pal A, Palencia E, Papadimitriou V, Paramonov AA, Parashar N, Parihar V, Park SK, Partridge R, Parua N, Patrick J, Patwa A, Pauletta G, Paulini M, Paus C, Pellett DE, Penning B, Penzo A, Perfilov M, Peters Y, Petridis K, Petrillo G, Pétroff P, Phillips TJ, Piacentino G, Pianori E, Pilot J, Pitts K, Plager C, Pleier MA, Podesta-Lerma PLM, Podstavkov VM, Pondrom L, Popov AV, Poprocki S, Potamianos K, Pranko A, Prewitt M, Price D, Prokopenko N, Prokoshin F, Ptohos F, Punzi G, Qian J, Quadt A, Quinn B, Rahaman A, Ramakrishnan V, Rangel MS, Ranjan K, Ranjan N, Ratoff PN, Razumov I, Redondo I, Renkel P, Renton P, Rescigno M, Riddick T, Rimondi F, Ripp-Baudot I, Ristori L, Rizatdinova F, Robson A, Rodrigo T, Rodriguez T, Rogers E, Rolli S, Rominsky M, Roser R, Ross A, Royon C, Rubinov P, Ruchti R, Ruffini F, Ruiz A, Russ J, Rusu V, Safonov A, Sajot G, Sakumoto WK, Sakurai Y, Salcido P, Sánchez-Hernández A, Sanders MP, Santi L, Santos AS, Sato K, Savage G, Saveliev V, Savoy-Navarro A, Sawyer L, Scanlon T, Schamberger RD, Scheglov Y, Schellman H, Schlabach P, Schlobohm S, Schmidt A, Schmidt EE, Schwanenberger C, Schwarz T, Schwienhorst R, Scodellaro L, Scribano A, Scuri F, Seidel S, Seiya Y, Sekaric J, Semenov A, Severini H, Sforza F, Shabalina E, Shalhout SZ, Shary V, Shaw S, Shchukin AA, Shears T, Shepard PF, Shimojima M, Shivpuri RK, Shochet M, Shreyber-Tecker I, Simak V, Simonenko A, Sinervo P, Skubic P, Slattery P, Sliwa K, Smirnov D, Smith JR, Smith KJ, Snider FD, Snow GR, Snow J, Snyder S, Soha A, Söldner-Rembold S, Song H, Sonnenschein L, Sorin V, Soustruznik K, Squillacioti P, St. Denis R, Stancari M, Stark J, Stelzer-Chilton O, Stelzer B, Stentz D, Stoyanova DA, Strauss M, Strologas J, Strycker GL, Sudo Y, Sukhanov A, Suslov I, Suter L, Svoisky P, Takahashi M, Takemasa K, Takeuchi Y, Tang J, Tecchio M, Teng PK, Thom J, Thome J, Thompson GA, Thomson E, Titov M, Toback D, Tokar S, Tokmenin VV, Tollefson K, Tomura T, Tonelli D, Torre S, Torretta D, Totaro P, Trovato M, Tsai YT, Tschann-Grimm K, Tsybychev D, Tuchming B, Tully C, Ukegawa F, Uozumi S, Uvarov L, Uvarov S, Uzunyan S, Van Kooten R, van Leeuwen WM, Varelas N, Varganov A, Varnes EW, Vasilyev IA, Vázquez F, Velev G, Vellidis C, Verdier P, Verkheev AY, Vertogradov LS, Verzocchi M, Vesterinen M, Vidal M, Vila I, Vilanova D, Vilar R, Vizán J, Vogel M, Vokac P, Volpi G, Wagner P, Wagner RL, Wahl HD, Wakisaka T, Wallny R, Wang SM, Wang MHLS, Warburton A, Warchol J, Waters D, Watts G, Wayne M, Weichert J, Welty-Rieger L, Wester WC, White A, Whiteson D, Wick F, Wicke D, Wicklund AB, Wicklund E, Wilbur S, Williams HH, Williams MRJ, Wilson GW, Wilson JS, Wilson P, Winer BL, Wittich P, Wobisch M, Wolbers S, Wolfe H, Wood DR, Wright T, Wu X, Wu Z, Wyatt TR, Xie Y, Yamada R, Yamamoto K, Yamato D, Yang S, Yang T, Yang UK, Yang WC, Yang YC, Yao WM, Yasuda T, Yatsunenko YA, Ye W, Ye Z, Yeh GP, Yi K, Yin H, Yip K, Yoh J, Yorita K, Yoshida T, Youn SW, Yu GB, Yu I, Yu JM, Yu SS, Yun JC, Zanetti A, Zeng Y, Zennamo J, Zhao T, Zhao TG, Zhou B, Zhou C, Zhu J, Zielinski M, Zieminska D, Zivkovic L, Zucchelli S. Search for neutral Higgs bosons in events with multiple bottom quarks at the Tevatron. Int J Clin Exp Med 2012. [DOI: 10.1103/physrevd.86.091101] [Citation(s) in RCA: 17] [Impact Index Per Article: 1.4] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 11/07/2022]
Abazov VM, Abbott B, Abolins M, Acharya BS, Adams M, Adams T, Aguilo E, Ahsan M, Alexeev GD, Alkhazov G, Alton A, Alverson G, Alves GA, Ancu LS, Aoki M, Arnoud Y, Arov M, Askew A, Asman B, Atramentov O, Avila C, BackusMayes J, Badaud F, Bagby L, Baldin B, Bandurin DV, Banerjee S, Barberis E, Barfuss AF, Baringer P, Barreto J, Bartlett JF, Bassler U, Bauer D, Beale S, Bean A, Begalli M, Begel M, Belanger-Champagne C, Bellantoni L, Benitez JA, Beri SB, Bernardi G, Bernhard R, Bertram I, Besançon M, Beuselinck R, Bezzubov VA, Bhat PC, Bhatnagar V, Blazey G, Blessing S, Bloom K, Boehnlein A, Boline D, Bolton TA, Boos EE, Borissov G, Bose T, Brandt A, Brock R, Brooijmans G, Bross A, Brown D, Bu XB, Buchholz D, Buehler M, Buescher V, Bunichev V, Burdin S, Burnett TH, Buszello CP, Calfayan P, Calpas B, Calvet S, Camacho-Pérez E, Cammin J, Carrasco-Lizarraga MA, Carrera E, Carvalho W, Casey BCK, Castilla-Valdez H, Chakrabarti S, Chakraborty D, Chan KM, Chandra A, Cheu E, Chevalier-Théry S, Cho DK, Cho SW, Choi S, Choudhary B, Christoudias T, Cihangir S, Claes D, Clutter J, Cooke M, Cooper WE, Corcoran M, Couderc F, Cousinou MC, Cutts D, Cwiok M, Das A, Davies G, De K, de Jong SJ, De la Cruz-Burelo E, DeVaughan K, Déliot F, Demarteau M, Demina R, Denisov D, Denisov SP, Desai S, Diehl HT, Diesburg M, Dominguez A, Dorland T, Dubey A, Dudko LV, Duflot L, Duggan D, Duperrin A, Dutt S, Dyshkant A, Eads M, Edmunds D, Ellison J, Elvira VD, Enari Y, Eno S, Evans H, Evdokimov A, Evdokimov VN, Facini G, Ferapontov AV, Ferbel T, Fiedler F, Filthaut F, Fisher W, Fisk HE, Fortner M, Fox H, Fuess S, Gadfort T, Galea CF, Garcia-Bellido A, Gavrilov V, Gay P, Geist W, Geng W, Gerbaudo D, Gerber CE, Gershtein Y, Gillberg D, Ginther G, Golovanov G, Gómez B, Goussiou A, Grannis PD, Greder S, Greenlee H, Greenwood ZD, Gregores EM, Grenier G, Gris P, Grivaz JF, Grohsjean A, Grünendahl S, Grünewald MW, Guo F, Guo J, Gutierrez G, Gutierrez P, Haas A, Haefner P, Hagopian S, Haley J, Hall I, Hall RE, Han L, Harder K, Harel A, Hauptman JM, Hays J, Hebbeker T, Hedin D, Hegeman JG, Heinson AP, Heintz U, Hensel C, Heredia-De la Cruz I, Herner K, Hesketh G, Hildreth MD, Hirosky R, Hoang T, Hobbs JD, Hoeneisen B, Hohlfeld M, Hossain S, Houben P, Hu Y, Hubacek Z, Huske N, Hynek V, Iashvili I, Illingworth R, Ito AS, Jabeen S, Jaffré M, Jain S, Jakobs K, Jamin D, Jesik R, Johns K, Johnson C, Johnson M, Johnston D, Jonckheere A, Jonsson P, Juste A, Kajfasz E, Karmanov D, Kasper PA, Katsanos I, Kaushik V, Kehoe R, Kermiche S, Khalatyan N, Khanov A, Kharchilava A, Kharzheev YN, Khatidze D, Kirby MH, Kirsch M, Kohli JM, Kozelov AV, Kraus J, Kumar A, Kupco A, Kurca T, Kuzmin VA, Kvita J, Lacroix F, Lam D, Lammers S, Landsberg G, Lebrun P, Lee HS, Lee WM, Leflat A, Lellouch J, Li L, Li QZ, Lietti SM, Lim JK, Lincoln D, Linnemann J, Lipaev VV, Lipton R, Liu Y, Liu Z, Lobodenko A, Lokajicek M, Love P, Lubatti HJ, Luna-Garcia R, Lyon AL, Maciel AKA, Mackin D, Mättig P, Magaña-Villalba R, Mal PK, Malik S, Malyshev VL, Maravin Y, Martin B, Martínez-Ortega J, McCarthy R, McGivern CL, Meijer MM, Melnitchouk A, Mendoza L, Menezes D, Mercadante PG, Merkin M, Meyer A, Meyer J, Mondal NK, Moore RW, Moulik T, Muanza GS, Mulhearn M, Mundal O, Mundim L, Nagy E, Naimuddin M, Narain M, Nayyar R, Neal HA, Negret JP, Neustroev P, Nilsen H, Nogima H, Novaes SF, Nunnemann T, Obrant G, Onoprienko D, Orduna J, Osman N, Osta J, Otec R, Otero y Garzón GJ, Owen M, Padilla M, Padley P, Pangilinan M, Parashar N, Parihar V, Park SJ, Park SK, Parsons J, Partridge R, Parua N, Patwa A, Penning B, Perfilov M, Peters K, Peters Y, Pétroff P, Piegaia R, Piper J, Pleier MA, Podesta-Lerma PLM, Podstavkov VM, Pogorelov Y, Pol ME, Polozov P, Popov AV, Prewitt M, Protopopescu S, Qian J, Quadt A, Quinn B, Rangel MS, Ranjan K, Ratoff PN, Razumov I, Renkel P, Rich P, Rijssenbeek M, Ripp-Baudot I, Rizatdinova F, Robinson S, Rominsky M, Royon C, Rubinov P, Ruchti R, Safronov G, Sajot G, Sánchez-Hernández A, Sanders MP, Sanghi B, Savage G, Sawyer L, Scanlon T, Schaile D, Schamberger RD, Scheglov Y, Schellman H, Schliephake T, Schlobohm S, Schwanenberger C, Schwienhorst R, Sekaric J, Severini H, Shabalina E, Shamim M, Shary V, Shchukin AA, Shivpuri RK, Simak V, Sirotenko V, Skubic P, Slattery P, Smirnov D, Snow GR, Snow J, Snyder S, Söldner-Rembold S, Sonnenschein L, Sopczak A, Sosebee M, Soustruznik K, Spurlock B, Stark J, Stolin V, Stoyanova DA, Strandberg J, Strang MA, Strauss E, Strauss M, Ströhmer R, Strom D, Stutte L, Sumowidagdo S, Svoisky P, Takahashi M, Tanasijczuk A, Taylor W, Tiller B, Titov M, Tokmenin VV, Torchiani I, Tsybychev D, Tuchming B, Tully C, Tuts PM, Unalan R, Uvarov L, Uvarov S, Uzunyan S, van den Berg PJ, Van Kooten R, van Leeuwen WM, Varelas N, Varnes EW, Vasilyev IA, Verdier P, Vertogradov LS, Verzocchi M, Vesterinen M, Vilanova D, Vint P, Vokac P, Wagner R, Wahl HD, Wang MHLS, Warchol J, Watts G, Wayne M, Weber G, Weber M, Wenger A, Wetstein M, White A, Wicke D, Williams MRJ, Wilson GW, Wimpenny SJ, Wobisch M, Wood DR, Wyatt TR, Xie Y, Xu C, Yacoob S, Yamada R, Yang WC, Yasuda T, Yatsunenko YA, Ye Z, Yin H, Yip K, Yoo HD, Youn SW, Yu J, Zeitnitz C, Zelitch S, Zhao T, Zhou B, Zhu J, Zielinski M, Zieminska D, Zivkovic L, Zutshi V, Zverev EG. Search for the associated production of a b quark and a neutral supersymmetric Higgs boson that decays into tau pairs. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2010; 104:151801. [PMID: 20481981 DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.104.151801] [Citation(s) in RCA: 2] [Impact Index Per Article: 0.1] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 12/04/2009] [Indexed: 05/29/2023]
We report results from a search for production of a neutral Higgs boson in association with a b quark. We search for Higgs decays to tau pairs with one tau subsequently decaying to a muon and the other to hadrons. The data correspond to 2.7 fb(-1) of pp collisions recorded by the D0 detector at square root(s)=1.96 TeV. The data are found to be consistent with background predictions. The result allows us to exclude a significant region of parameter space of the minimal supersymmetric model.
- V M Abazov
- Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia
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Abazov VM, Abbott B, Abolins M, Acharya BS, Adams M, Adams T, Aguilo E, Ahn SH, Ahsan M, Alexeev GD, Alkhazov G, Alton A, Alverson G, Alves GA, Anastasoaie M, Ancu LS, Andeen T, Anderson S, Andrieu B, Anzelc MS, Aoki M, Arnoud Y, Arov M, Arthaud M, Askew A, Asman B, Assis Jesus ACS, Atramentov O, Avila C, Badaud F, Baden A, Bagby L, Baldin B, Bandurin DV, Banerjee P, Banerjee S, Barberis E, Barfuss AF, Bargassa P, Baringer P, Barreto J, Bartlett JF, Bassler U, Bauer D, Beale S, Bean A, Begalli M, Begel M, Belanger-Champagne C, Bellantoni L, Bellavance A, Benitez JA, Beri SB, Bernardi G, Bernhard R, Bertram I, Besançon M, Beuselinck R, Bezzubov VA, Bhat PC, Bhatnagar V, Biscarat C, Blazey G, Blekman F, Blessing S, Bloch D, Bloom K, Boehnlein A, Boline D, Bolton TA, Boos EE, Borissov G, Bose T, Brandt A, Brock R, Brooijmans G, Bross A, Brown D, Buchanan NJ, Buchholz D, Buehler M, Buescher V, Bunichev V, Burdin S, Burke S, Burnett TH, Buszello CP, Butler JM, Calfayan P, Calvet S, Cammin J, Carvalho W, Casey BCK, Castilla-Valdez H, Chakrabarti S, Chakraborty D, Chan K, Chan KM, Chandra A, Charles F, Cheu E, Chevallier F, Cho DK, Choi S, Choudhary B, Christofek L, Christoudias T, Cihangir S, Claes D, Clutter J, Cooke M, Cooper WE, Corcoran M, Couderc F, Cousinou MC, Crépé-Renaudin S, Cutts D, Cwiok M, da Motta H, Das A, Davies G, De K, de Jong SJ, De La Cruz-Burelo E, De Oliveira Martins C, Degenhardt JD, Déliot F, Demarteau M, Demina R, Denisov D, Denisov SP, Desai S, Diehl HT, Diesburg M, Dominguez A, Dong H, Dudko LV, Duflot L, Dugad SR, Duggan D, Duperrin A, Dyer J, Dyshkant A, Eads M, Edmunds D, Ellison J, Elvira VD, Enari Y, Eno S, Ermolov P, Evans H, Evdokimov A, Evdokimov VN, Ferapontov AV, Ferbel T, Fiedler F, Filthaut F, Fisher W, Fisk HE, Fortner M, Fox H, Fu S, Fuess S, Gadfort T, Galea CF, Gallas E, Garcia C, Garcia-Bellido A, Gavrilov V, Gay P, Geist W, Gelé D, Gerber CE, Gershtein Y, Gillberg D, Ginther G, Gollub N, Gómez B, Goussiou A, Grannis PD, Greenlee H, Greenwood ZD, Gregores EM, Grenier G, Gris P, Grivaz JF, Grohsjean A, Grünendahl S, Grünewald MW, Guo F, Guo J, Gutierrez G, Gutierrez P, Haas A, Hadley NJ, Haefner P, Hagopian S, Haley J, Hall I, Hall RE, Han L, Harder K, Harel A, Hauptman JM, Hauser R, Hays J, Hebbeker T, Hedin D, Hegeman JG, Heinson AP, Heintz U, Hensel C, Herner K, Hesketh G, Hildreth MD, Hirosky R, Hobbs JD, Hoeneisen B, Hoeth H, Hohlfeld M, Hong SJ, Hossain S, Houben P, Hu Y, Hubacek Z, Hynek V, Iashvili I, Illingworth R, Ito AS, Jabeen S, Jaffré M, Jain S, Jakobs K, Jarvis C, Jesik R, Johns K, Johnson C, Johnson M, Jonckheere A, Jonsson P, Juste A, Kajfasz E, Kalk JM, Karmanov D, Kasper PA, Katsanos I, Kau D, Kaushik V, Kehoe R, Kermiche S, Khalatyan N, Khanov A, Kharchilava A, Kharzheev YM, Khatidze D, Kim TJ, Kirby MH, Kirsch M, Klima B, Kohli JM, Konrath JP, Kozelov AV, Kraus J, Krop D, Kuhl T, Kumar A, Kupco A, Kurca T, Kuzmin VA, Kvita J, Lacroix F, Lam D, Lammers S, Landsberg G, Lebrun P, Lee WM, Leflat A, Lellouch J, Leveque J, Li J, Li L, Li QZ, Lietti SM, Lima JGR, Lincoln D, Linnemann J, Lipaev VV, Lipton R, Liu Y, Liu Z, Lobodenko A, Lokajicek M, Love P, Lubatti HJ, Luna R, Lyon AL, Maciel AKA, Mackin D, Madaras RJ, Mättig P, Magass C, Magerkurth A, Mal PK, Malbouisson HB, Malik S, Malyshev VL, Mao HS, Maravin Y, Martin B, McCarthy R, Melnitchouk A, Mendoza L, Mercadante PG, Merkin M, Merritt KW, Meyer A, Meyer J, Millet T, Mitrevski J, Mommsen RK, Mondal NK, Moore RW, Moulik T, Muanza GS, Mulhearn M, Mundal O, Mundim L, Nagy E, Naimuddin M, Narain M, Naumann NA, Neal HA, Negret JP, Neustroev P, Nilsen H, Nogima H, Novaes SF, Nunnemann T, O'Dell V, O'Neil DC, Obrant G, Ochando C, Onoprienko D, Oshima N, Osman N, Osta J, Otec R, Otero y Garzón GJ, Owen M, Padley P, Pangilinan M, Parashar N, Park SJ, Park SK, Parsons J, Partridge R, Parua N, Patwa A, Pawloski G, Penning B, Perfilov M, Peters K, Peters Y, Pétroff P, Petteni M, Piegaia R, Piper J, Pleier MA, Podesta-Lerma PLM, Podstavkov VM, Pogorelov Y, Pol ME, Polozov P, Pope BG, Popov AV, Potter C, Prado da Silva WL, Prosper HB, Protopopescu S, Qian J, Quadt A, Quinn B, Rakitine A, Rangel MS, Ranjan K, Ratoff PN, Renkel P, Reucroft S, Rich P, Rieger J, Rijssenbeek M, Ripp-Baudot I, Rizatdinova F, Robinson S, Rodrigues RF, Rominsky M, Royon C, Rubinov P, Ruchti R, Safronov G, Sajot G, Sánchez-Hernández A, Sanders MP, Sanghi B, Santoro A, Savage G, Sawyer L, Scanlon T, Schaile D, Schamberger RD, Scheglov Y, Schellman H, Schliephake T, Schwanenberger C, Schwartzman A, Schwienhorst R, Sekaric J, Severini H, Shabalina E, Shamim M, Shary V, Shchukin AA, Shivpuri RK, Siccardi V, Simak V, Sirotenko V, Skubic P, Slattery P, Smirnov D, Snow GR, Snow J, Snyder S, Söldner-Rembold S, Sonnenschein L, Sopczak A, Sosebee M, Soustruznik K, Spurlock B, Stark J, Steele J, Stolin V, Stoyanova DA, Strandberg J, Strandberg S, Strang MA, Strauss E, Strauss M, Ströhmer R, Strom D, Stutte L, Sumowidagdo S, Svoisky P, Sznajder A, Tamburello P, Tanasijczuk A, Taylor W, Temple J, Tiller B, Tissandier F, Titov M, Tokmenin VV, Toole T, Torchiani I, Trefzger T, Tsybychev D, Tuchming B, Tully C, Tuts PM, Unalan R, Uvarov L, Uvarov S, Uzunyan S, Vachon B, van den Berg PJ, Van Kooten R, van Leeuwen WM, Varelas N, Varnes EW, Vasilyev IA, Vaupel M, Verdier P, Vertogradov LS, Verzocchi M, Villeneuve-Seguier F, Vint P, Vokac P, Von Toerne E, Voutilainen M, Wagner R, Wahl HD, Wang L, Wang MHLS, Warchol J, Watts G, Wayne M, Weber G, Weber M, Welty-Rieger L, Wenger A, Wermes N, Wetstein M, White A, Wicke D, Wilson GW, Wimpenny SJ, Wobisch M, Wood DR, Wyatt TR, Xie Y, Yacoob S, Yamada R, Yan M, Yasuda T, Yatsunenko YA, Yip K, Yoo HD, Youn SW, Yu J, Zeitnitz C, Zhao T, Zhou B, Zhu J, Zielinski M, Zieminska D, Zieminski A, Zivkovic L, Zutshi V, Zverev EG. Search for neutral Higgs bosons in multi-b-jet events in pp[over] collisions at sqrt[s]=1.96 TeV. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2008; 101:221802. [PMID: 19113475 DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.101.221802] [Citation(s) in RCA: 4] [Impact Index Per Article: 0.3] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 05/27/2008] [Indexed: 05/27/2023]
Data recorded by the D0 experiment at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider are analyzed to search for neutral Higgs bosons produced in association with b quarks. This production mode can be enhanced in the minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM). The search is performed in the three b quark channel using multijet triggered events corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 1 fb(-1). No statistically significant excess of events with respect to the predicted background is observed and limits are set in the MSSM parameter space.
- V M Abazov
- Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia
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Aubert B, Bona M, Boutigny D, Couderc F, Karyotakis Y, Lees JP, Poireau V, Tisserand V, Zghiche A, Grauges E, Palano A, Chen JC, Qi ND, Rong G, Wang P, Zhu YS, Eigen G, Ofte I, Stugu B, Abrams GS, Battaglia M, Brown DN, Button-Shafer J, Cahn RN, Charles E, Gill MS, Groysman Y, Jacobsen RG, Kadyk JA, Kerth LT, Kolomensky YG, Kukartsev G, Lopes Pegna D, Lynch G, Mir LM, Orimoto TJ, Pripstein M, Roe NA, Ronan MT, Wenzel WA, Del Amo Sanchez P, Barrett M, Ford KE, Harrison TJ, Hart AJ, Hawkes CM, Watson AT, Held T, Koch H, Lewandowski B, Pelizaeus M, Peters K, Schroeder T, Steinke M, Boyd JT, Burke JP, Cottingham WN, Walker D, Asgeirsson DJ, Cuhadar-Donszelmann T, Fulsom BG, Hearty C, Knecht NS, Mattison TS, McKenna JA, Khan A, Kyberd P, Saleem M, Sherwood DJ, Teodorescu L, Blinov VE, Bukin AD, Druzhinin VP, Golubev VB, Onuchin AP, Serednyakov SI, Skovpen YI, Solodov EP, Todyshev KY, Best DS, Bondioli M, Bruinsma M, Chao M, Curry S, Eschrich I, Kirkby D, Lankford AJ, Lund P, Mandelkern M, Roethel W, Stoker DP, Abachi S, Buchanan C, Foulkes SD, Gary JW, Long O, Shen BC, Wang K, Zhang L, Hadavand HK, Hill EJ, Paar HP, Rahatlou S, Sharma V, Berryhill JW, Campagnari C, Cunha A, Dahmes B, Hong TM, Kovalskyi D, Richman JD, Beck TW, Eisner AM, Flacco CJ, Heusch CA, Kroseberg J, Lockman WS, Nesom G, Schalk T, Schumm BA, Seiden A, Spradlin P, Williams DC, Wilson MG, Albert J, Chen E, Cheng CH, Dvoretskii A, Fang F, Hitlin DG, Narsky I, Piatenko T, Porter FC, Mancinelli G, Meadows BT, Mishra K, Sokoloff MD, Blanc F, Bloom PC, Chen S, Ford WT, Hirschauer JF, Kreisel A, Nagel M, Nauenberg U, Olivas A, Ruddick WO, Smith JG, Ulmer KA, Wagner SR, Zhang J, Chen A, Eckhart EA, Soffer A, Toki WH, Wilson RJ, Winklmeier F, Zeng Q, Altenburg DD, Feltresi E, Hauke A, Jasper H, Merkel J, Petzold A, Spaan B, Brandt T, Klose V, Lacker HM, Mader WF, Nogowski R, Schubert J, Schubert KR, Schwierz R, Sundermann JE, Volk A, Bernard D, Bonneaud GR, Latour E, Thiebaux C, Verderi M, Clark PJ, Gradl W, Muheim F, Playfer S, Robertson AI, Xie Y, Andreotti M, Bettoni D, Bozzi C, Calabrese R, Cibinetto G, Luppi E, Negrini M, Petrella A, Piemontese L, Prencipe E, Anulli F, Baldini-Ferroli R, Calcaterra A, de Sangro R, Finocchiaro G, Pacetti S, Patteri P, Peruzzi IM, Piccolo M, Rama M, Zallo A, Buzzo A, Contri R, Lo Vetere M, Macri MM, Monge MR, Passaggio S, Patrignani C, Robutti E, Santroni A, Tosi S, Brandenburg G, Chaisanguanthum KS, Lee CL, Morii M, Wu J, Dubitzky RS, Marks J, Schenk S, Uwer U, Bard DJ, Bhimji W, Bowerman DA, Dauncey PD, Egede U, Flack RL, Nash JA, Nikolich MB, Panduro Vazquez W, Behera PK, Chai X, Charles MJ, Mallik U, Meyer NT, Ziegler V, Cochran J, Crawley HB, Dong L, Eyges V, Meyer WT, Prell S, Rosenberg EI, Rubin AE, Gritsan AV, Denig AG, Fritsch M, Schott G, Arnaud N, Davier M, Grosdidier G, Höcker A, Lepeltier V, Le Diberder F, Lutz AM, Oyanguren A, Pruvot S, Rodier S, Roudeau P, Schune MH, Serrano J, Stocchi A, Wang WF, Wormser G, Lange DJ, Wright DM, Chavez CA, Forster IJ, Fry JR, Gabathuler E, Gamet R, George KA, Hutchcroft DE, Payne DJ, Schofield KC, Touramanis C, Bevan AJ, Clarke CK, Di Lodovico F, Menges W, Sacco R, Cowan G, Flaecher HU, Hopkins DA, Jackson PS, McMahon TR, Salvatore F, Wren AC, Brown DN, Davis CL, Allison J, Barlow NR, Barlow RJ, Chia YM, Edgar CL, Lafferty GD, Naisbit MT, Williams JC, Yi JI, Chen C, Hulsbergen WD, Jawahery A, Lae CK, Roberts DA, Simi G, Blaylock G, Dallapiccola C, Hertzbach SS, Li X, Moore TB, Saremi S, Staengle H, Cowan R, Sciolla G, Sekula SJ, Spitznagel M, Taylor F, Yamamoto RK, Kim H, McLachlin SE, Patel PM, Robertson SH, Lazzaro A, Lombardo V, Palombo F, Bauer JM, Cremaldi L, Eschenburg V, Godang R, Kroeger R, Sanders DA, Summers DJ, Zhao HW, Brunet S, Côté D, Simard M, Taras P, Viaud FB, Nicholson H, Cavallo N, De Nardo G, Fabozzi F, Gatto C, Lista L, Monorchio D, Paolucci P, Piccolo D, Sciacca C, Baak MA, Raven G, Snoek HL, Jessop CP, Losecco JM, Benelli G, Corwin LA, Gan KK, Honscheid K, Hufnagel D, Jackson PD, Kagan H, Kass R, Rahimi AM, Regensburger JJ, Ter-Antonyan R, Wong QK, Blount NL, Brau J, Frey R, Igonkina O, Kolb JA, Lu M, Potter CT, Rahmat R, Sinev NB, Strom D, Strube J, Torrence E, Gaz A, Margoni M, Morandin M, Pompili A, Posocco M, Rotondo M, Simonetto F, Stroili R, Voci C, Benayoun M, Briand H, Chauveau J, David P, Del Buono L, de la Vaissière C, Hamon O, Hartfiel BL, Leruste P, Malclès J, Ocariz J, Roos L, Therin G, Gladney L, Biasini M, Covarelli R, Angelini C, Batignani G, Bettarini S, Bucci F, Calderini G, Carpinelli M, Cenci R, Forti F, Giorgi MA, Lusiani A, Marchiori G, Mazur MA, Morganti M, Neri N, Paoloni E, Rizzo G, Walsh JJ, Haire M, Judd D, Wagoner DE, Biesiada J, Danielson N, Elmer P, Lau YP, Lu C, Olsen J, Smith AJS, Telnov AV, Bellini F, Cavoto G, D'Orazio A, Del Re D, Di Marco E, Faccini R, Ferrarotto F, Ferroni F, Gaspero M, Li Gioi L, Mazzoni MA, Morganti S, Piredda G, Polci F, Safai Tehrani F, Voena C, Ebert M, Schröder H, Waldi R, Adye T, Franek B, Olaiya EO, Ricciardi S, Wilson FF, Aleksan R, Emery S, Gaidot A, Ganzhur SF, Hamel de Monchenault G, Kozanecki W, Legendre M, Vasseur G, Yèche C, Zito M, Chen XR, Liu H, Park W, Purohit MV, Wilson JR, Allen MT, Aston D, Bartoldus R, Bechtle P, Berger N, Claus R, Coleman JP, Convery MR, Dingfelder JC, Dorfan J, Dubois-Felsmann GP, Dujmic D, Dunwoodie W, Field RC, Glanzman T, Gowdy SJ, Graham MT, Grenier P, Halyo V, Hast C, Hryn'ova T, Innes WR, Kelsey MH, Kim P, Leith DWGS, Li S, Luitz S, Luth V, Lynch HL, MacFarlane DB, Marsiske H, Messner R, Muller DR, O'Grady CP, Ozcan VE, Perazzo A, Perl M, Pulliam T, Ratcliff BN, Roodman A, Salnikov AA, Schindler RH, Schwiening J, Snyder A, Stelzer J, Su D, Sullivan MK, Suzuki K, Swain SK, Thompson JM, Va'vra J, van Bakel N, Wagner AP, Weaver M, Weinstein AJR, Wisniewski WJ, Wittgen M, Wright DH, Wulsin HW, Yarritu AK, Yi K, Young CC, Burchat PR, Edwards AJ, Majewski SA, Petersen BA, Wilden L, Ahmed S, Alam MS, Bula R, Ernst JA, Jain V, Pan B, Saeed MA, Wappler FR, Zain SB, Bugg W, Krishnamurthy M, Spanier SM, Eckmann R, Ritchie JL, Satpathy A, Schilling CJ, Schwitters RF, Izen JM, Lou XC, Ye S, Bianchi F, Gallo F, Gamba D, Bomben M, Bosisio L, Cartaro C, Cossutti F, Della Ricca G, Dittongo S, Lanceri L, Vitale L, Azzolini V, Lopez-March N, Martinez-Vidal F, Banerjee S, Bhuyan B, Brown CM, Fortin D, Hamano K, Kowalewski R, Nugent IM, Roney JM, Sobie RJ, Back JJ, Harrison PF, Latham TE, Mohanty GB, Pappagallo M, Band HR, Chen X, Cheng B, Dasu S, Datta M, Flood KT, Hollar JJ, Kutter PE, Mellado B, Mihalyi A, Pan Y, Pierini M, Prepost R, Wu SL, Yu Z, Neal H. Search for lepton flavor violating decays tau(+/-) --> l(+/-)pi0, l(+/-)eta, l(+/-)eta'. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2007; 98:061803. [PMID: 17358932 DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.98.061803] [Citation(s) in RCA: 4] [Impact Index Per Article: 0.2] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 10/23/2006] [Indexed: 05/14/2023]
A search for lepton flavor violating decays of the tau lepton to a lighter mass lepton and a pseudoscalar meson has been performed using 339 fb;{-1} of e;{+}e;{-} annihilation data collected at a center-of-mass energy near 10.58 GeV by the BABAR detector at the SLAC PEP-II storage ring. No evidence of a signal has been found, and upper limits on the branching fractions are set at the 10;{-7} level.
- B Aubert
- Laboratoire de Physique des Particules, IN2P3/CNRS et Université de Savoie, F-74941 Annecy-Le-Vieux, France
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Coniavitis E, Ferrari A. Pair production of heavy MSSM charged and neutral Higgs bosons in multi-TeVe+e−collisions at the Compact Linear Collider. Int J Clin Exp Med 2007. [DOI: 10.1103/physrevd.75.015004] [Citation(s) in RCA: 13] [Impact Index Per Article: 0.8] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 11/07/2022]
Pape L, Treille D. Supersymmetry facing experiment: much ado (already) about nothing (yet). REPORTS ON PROGRESS IN PHYSICS. PHYSICAL SOCIETY (GREAT BRITAIN) 2006; 69:R01. [PMID: 34996301 DOI: 10.1088/0034-4885/69/11/r01] [Citation(s) in RCA: 1] [Impact Index Per Article: 0.1] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 06/22/2006] [Indexed: 06/14/2023]
This report emphasizes the comparison between supersymmetric models and experiments. A minimal theoretical introduction is included as a guide to the interpretation of results. The existing constraints from low energy measurements, accelerator searches (LEP, Tevatron and HERA) and non-accelerator searches for neutralinos are presented. Prospects for upgrades of these facilities and for the LHC and linear collider are summarized. Most discussions are made in the framework of the minimal supersymmetric standard model inspired by supergravity (MSUGRA). But alternatives such as gauge mediated supersymmetry breaking (GMSB), anomaly mediated supersymmetry breaking (AMSB), models with R-parity violation and even alternatives to supersymmetry are also briefly considered.
- Luc Pape
- Institute of Particle Physics, ETH, 8093 Zurich, Switzerland
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Abazov VM, Abbott B, Abolins M, Acharya BS, Adams M, Adams T, Agelou M, Agram JL, Ahn SH, Ahsan M, Alexeev GD, Alkhazov G, Alton A, Alverson G, Alves GA, Anastasoaie M, Andeen T, Anderson S, Andrieu B, Arnoud Y, Askew A, Asman B, Assis Jesus ACS, Atramentov O, Autermann C, Avila C, Badaud F, Baden A, Baldin B, Balm PW, Banerjee S, Barberis E, Bargassa P, Baringer P, Barnes C, Barreto J, Bartlett JF, Bassler U, Bauer D, Bean A, Beauceron S, Begel M, Bellavance A, Beri SB, Bernardi G, Bernhard R, Bertram I, Besançon M, Beuselinck R, Bezzubov VA, Bhat PC, Bhatnagar V, Binder M, Biscarat C, Black KM, Blackler I, Blazey G, Blekman F, Blessing S, Bloch D, Blumenschein U, Boehnlein A, Boeriu O, Bolton TA, Borcherding F, Borissov G, Bos K, Bose T, Brandt A, Brock R, Brooijmans G, Bross A, Buchanan NJ, Buchholz D, Buehler M, Buescher V, Burdin S, Burnett TH, Busato E, Buszello CP, Butler JM, Cammin J, Caron S, Carvalho W, Casey BCK, Cason NM, Castilla-Valdez H, Chakrabarti S, Chakraborty D, Chan KM, Chandra A, Chapin D, Charles F, Cheu E, Cho DK, Choi S, Choudhary B, Christiansen T, Christofek L, Claes D, Clément B, Clément C, Coadou Y, Cooke M, Cooper WE, Coppage D, Corcoran M, Cothenet A, Cousinou MC, Cox B, Crépé-Renaudin S, Cutts D, da Motta H, Davies B, Davies G, Davis GA, De K, de Jong P, de Jong SJ, De La Cruz-Burelo E, De Oliveira Martins C, Dean S, Degenhardt JD, Déliot F, Demarteau M, Demina R, Demine P, Denisov D, Denisov SP, Desai S, Diehl HT, Diesburg M, Doidge M, Dong H, Doulas S, Dudko LV, Duflot L, Dugad SR, Duperrin A, Dyer J, Dyshkant A, Eads M, Edmunds D, Edwards T, Ellison J, Elmsheuser J, Elvira VD, Eno S, Ermolov P, Eroshin OV, Estrada J, Evans H, Evdokimov A, Evdokimov VN, Fast J, Fatakia SN, Feligioni L, Ferapontov AV, Ferbel T, Fiedler F, Filthaut F, Fisher W, Fisk HE, Fleck I, Fortner M, Fox H, Fu S, Fuess S, Gadfort T, Galea CF, Gallas E, Galyaev E, Garcia C, Garcia-Bellido A, Gardner J, Gavrilov V, Gay P, Gelé D, Gelhaus R, Genser K, Gerber CE, Gershtein Y, Gillberg D, Ginther G, Golling T, Gollub N, Gómez B, Gounder K, Goussiou A, Grannis PD, Greder S, Greenlee H, Greenwood ZD, Gregores EM, Gris P, Grivaz JF, Groer L, Grünendahl S, Grünewald MW, Gurzhiev SN, Gutierrez G, Gutierrez P, Haas A, Hadley NJ, Hagopian S, Hall I, Hall RE, Han C, Han L, Hanagaki K, Harder K, Harel A, Harrington R, Hauptman JM, Hauser R, Hays J, Hebbeker T, Hedin D, Heinmiller JM, Heinson AP, Heintz U, Hensel C, Hesketh G, Hildreth MD, Hirosky R, Hobbs JD, Hoeneisen B, Hohlfeld M, Hong SJ, Hooper R, Houben P, Hu Y, Huang J, Hynek V, Iashvili I, Illingworth R, Ito AS, Jabeen S, Jaffré M, Jain S, Jain V, Jakobs K, Jenkins A, Jesik R, Johns K, Johnson M, Jonckheere A, Jonsson P, Juste A, Käfer D, Kahn S, Kajfasz E, Kalinin AM, Kalk J, Karmanov D, Kasper J, Kau D, Kaur R, Kehoe R, Kermiche S, Kesisoglou S, Khanov A, Kharchilava A, Kharzheev YM, Kim H, Kim TJ, Klima B, Kohli JM, Kopal M, Korablev VM, Kotcher J, Kothari B, Koubarovsky A, Kozelov AV, Kozminski J, Kryemadhi A, Krzywdzinski S, Kulik Y, Kumar A, Kunori S, Kupco A, Kurca T, Kvita J, Lager S, Lahrichi N, Landsberg G, Lazoflores J, Le Bihan AC, Lebrun P, Lee WM, Leflat A, Lehner F, Leonidopoulos C, Leveque J, Lewis P, Li J, Li QZ, Lima JGR, Lincoln D, Linn SL, Linnemann J, Lipaev VV, Lipton R, Lobo L, Lobodenko A, Lokajicek M, Lounis A, Love P, Lubatti HJ, Lueking L, Lynker M, Lyon AL, Maciel AKA, Madaras RJ, Mättig P, Magass C, Magerkurth A, Magnan AM, Makovec N, Mal PK, Malbouisson HB, Malik S, Malyshev VL, Mao HS, Maravin Y, Martens M, Mattingly SEK, Mayorov AA, McCarthy R, McCroskey R, Meder D, Melnitchouk A, Mendes A, Merkin M, Merritt KW, Meyer A, Meyer J, Michaut M, Miettinen H, Mitrevski J, Molina J, Mondal NK, Moore RW, Muanza GS, Mulders M, Mutaf YD, Nagy E, Narain M, Naumann NA, Neal HA, Negret JP, Nelson S, Neustroev P, Noeding C, Nomerotski A, Novaes SF, Nunnemann T, Nurse E, O'dell V, O'neil DC, Oguri V, Oliveira N, Oshima N, Otero Y Garzón GJ, Padley P, Parashar N, Park SK, Parsons J, Partridge R, Parua N, Patwa A, Pawloski G, Perea PM, Perez E, Pétroff P, Petteni M, Piegaia R, Pleier MA, Podesta-Lerma PLM, Podstavkov VM, Pogorelov Y, Pompos A, Pope BG, Prado da Silva WL, Prosper HB, Protopopescu S, Qian J, Quadt A, Quinn B, Rani KJ, Ranjan K, Rapidis PA, Ratoff PN, Reucroft S, Rijssenbeek M, Ripp-Baudot I, Rizatdinova F, Robinson S, Rodrigues RF, Royon C, Rubinov P, Ruchti R, Rud VI, Sajot G, Sánchez-Hernández A, Sanders MP, Santoro A, Savage G, Sawyer L, Scanlon T, Schaile D, Schamberger RD, Schellman H, Schieferdecker P, Schmitt C, Schwanenberger C, Schwartzman A, Schwienhorst R, Sengupta S, Severini H, Shabalina E, Shamim M, Shary V, Shchukin AA, Shephard WD, Shivpuri RK, Shpakov D, Sidwell RA, Simak V, Sirotenko V, Skubic P, Slattery P, Smith RP, Smolek K, Snow GR, Snow J, Snyder S, Söldner-Rembold S, Song X, Sonnenschein L, Sopczak A, Sosebee M, Soustruznik K, Souza M, Spurlock B, Stanton NR, Stark J, Steele J, Stevenson K, Stolin V, Stone A, Stoyanova DA, Strandberg J, Strang MA, Strauss M, Ströhmer R, Strom D, Strovink M, Stutte L, Sumowidagdo S, Sznajder A, Talby M, Tamburello P, Taylor W, Telford P, Temple J, Tomoto M, Toole T, Torborg J, Towers S, Trefzger T, Trincaz-Duvoid S, Tuchming B, Tully C, Turcot AS, Tuts PM, Uvarov L, Uvarov S, Uzunyan S, Vachon B, Van Kooten R, van Leeuwen WM, Varelas N, Varnes EW, Vartapetian A, Vasilyev IA, Vaupel M, Verdier P, Vertogradov LS, Verzocchi M, Villeneuve-Seguier F, Vlimant JR, Von Toerne E, Vreeswijk M, Vu Anh T, Wahl HD, Wang L, Warchol J, Watts G, Wayne M, Weber M, Weerts H, Wegner M, Wermes N, White A, White V, Wicke D, Wijngaarden DA, Wilson GW, Wimpenny SJ, Wittlin J, Wobisch M, Womersley J, Wood DR, Wyatt TR, Xu Q, Xuan N, Yacoob S, Yamada R, Yan M, Yasuda T, Yatsunenko YA, Yen Y, Yip K, Yoo HD, Youn SW, Yu J, Yurkewicz A, Zabi A, Zatserklyaniy A, Zdrazil M, Zeitnitz C, Zhang D, Zhang X, Zhao T, Zhao Z, Zhou B, Zhu J, Zielinski M, Zieminska D, Zieminski A, Zitoun R, Zutshi V, Zverev EG. Search for neutral supersymmetric Higgs Bosons in multijet events at sqrt[s]=1.96 TeV. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2005; 95:151801. [PMID: 16241714 DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.95.151801] [Citation(s) in RCA: 5] [Impact Index Per Article: 0.3] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 04/11/2005] [Indexed: 05/05/2023]
We have performed a search for neutral Higgs bosons produced in association with bottom quarks in pp collisions, using 260 pb-1 of data collected with the D0 detector in Run II of the Fermilab Tevatron Collider. The cross sections for these processes are enhanced in many extensions of the standard model (SM), such as in its minimal supersymmetric extension at large tanbeta. The results of our analysis agree with expectations from the SM, and we use our measurements to set upper limits on the production of neutral Higgs bosons in the mass range of 90 to 150 GeV.
Dawson S, Jackson CB, Reina L, Wackeroth D. Higgs-boson production with one bottom-quark jet at hadron colliders. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2005; 94:031802. [PMID: 15698250 DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.94.031802] [Citation(s) in RCA: 9] [Impact Index Per Article: 0.5] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 08/05/2004] [Indexed: 05/24/2023]
We present total rates and kinematic distributions for the associated production of a single bottom quark and a Higgs boson at the Fermilab Tevatron and CERN Large Hardon Collider. We include next-to-leading order QCD corrections and compare the results obtained in the four and five flavor number schemes for parton distribution functions.
- S Dawson
- Department of Physics, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York 11973-5000, USA
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Enari Y, Abe K, Abe K, Abe T, Adachi I, Aihara H, Asano Y, Aso T, Aulchenko V, Aushev T, Bakich AM, Ban Y, Bedny I, Bizjak I, Bondar A, Bozek A, Bracko M, Browder TE, Chao Y, Cheon BG, Choi SK, Choi Y, Choi YK, Chuvikov A, Danilov M, Dong LY, Eidelman S, Eiges V, Epifanov D, Fukunaga C, Gabyshev N, Garmash A, Gershon T, Gokhroo G, Golob B, Handa F, Hara T, Hayasaka K, Hayashii H, Hazumi M, Hokuue T, Hoshi Y, Hou WS, Huang HC, Iijima T, Inami K, Ishikawa A, Itoh R, Iwasaki H, Iwasaki M, Iwasaki Y, Kang JH, Kang JS, Kataoka SU, Katayama N, Kawai H, Kawasaki T, Kichimi H, Kim HJ, Kim JH, Kinoshita K, Koppenburg P, Korpar S, Krizan P, Krokovny P, Kulasiri R, Kuzmin A, Kwon YJ, Leder G, Lee SH, Lesiak T, Lin SW, MacNaughton J, Mandl F, Matsumoto T, Matyja A, Mitaroff W, Miyake H, Miyata H, Moloney GR, Nagamine T, Nakano E, Nakao M, Nakazawa H, Nishida S, Nitoh O, Ogawa S, Ohshima T, Okuno S, Olsen SL, Ostrowicz W, Ozaki H, Pakhlov P, Park CW, Park H, Park KS, Parslow N, Piilonen LE, Poluektov A, Root N, Sato N, Sagawa H, Saitoh S, Sakai Y, Schneider O, Schwartz AJ, Semenov S, Senyo K, Shibuya H, Shwartz B, Sidorov V, Singh JB, Soni N, Stanic S, Staric M, Sugi A, Sumisawa K, Sumiyoshi T, Suzuki SY, Takasaki F, Tamai K, Tamura N, Tanaka M, Teramoto Y, Tomura T, Tsuboyama T, Uehara S, Ueno K, Uno S, Varner G, Wang CH, Wang JG, Watanabe Y, Yabsley BD, Yamada Y, Yamauchi M, Yang H, Ying J, Yusa Y, Zhang ZP, Zhilich V, Zontar D. Search for the lepton-flavor-violating decay tau- -->micro-eta at Belle. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2004; 93:081803. [PMID: 15447174 DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.93.081803] [Citation(s) in RCA: 2] [Impact Index Per Article: 0.1] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 04/12/2004] [Indexed: 05/24/2023]
We have searched for the lepton flavor violating decay tau(-)-->micro(-)eta using a data sample of 84.3 fb(-1) accumulated with the Belle detector at KEK. The eta meson was detected through the decay modes: eta-->gammagamma and pi(+)pi(-)pi(0). No signal candidates are found, and we obtain an upper limit for the branching fraction B(tau(-)-->micro(-)eta)<3.4 x 10(-7) at the 90% confidence level.