The giant-celled algae, which consist of cells reaching millimeters in size, some even centimeters, exhibit unique cell architecture and physiological characteristics. Their cells display a variety of morphogenetic phenomena, that is, growth, division, differentiation, and reproductive cell formation, as well as wound-healing responses. Studies using immunofluorescence microscopy and pharmacological approaches have shown that microtubules and/or actin filaments are involved in many of these events through the generation of intracellular movement of cell components or entire protoplasmic contents and the spatial control of cell activities in specific areas of the giant cells. A number of environmental factors including physical stimuli, such as light and gravity, invoke localized but also generalized cellular reactions. These have been extensively investigated to understand the regulation of morphogenesis, in particular addressing cytoskeletal and endomembrane dynamics, electrophysiological elements affecting ion fluxes, and the synthesis and mechanical properties of the cell wall. Some of the regulatory pathways involve signal transduction and hormonal control, as in other organisms. The giant unicellular green alga Acetabularia, which has proven its usefulness as an experimental model in early amputation/grafting experiments, will potentially once again serve as a useful model organism for studying the role of gene expression in orchestrating cellular morphogenesis.