Immunoinfertility is one of several causes of infertility in humans. Although progress on antisperm immunity and infertility has advanced during the past three decades, the nature of a real antisperm antibody (ASA) is still poorly understood. Dozens of sperm antigens have been isolated and characterized in association with infertility. However, it is difficult to identify a single predominant target antigen that could interact with all the ASAs. There are some protective mechanisms preventing ASA production in males and females. As chronic infection, vasectomy and vasovasostomy, heavy metals, and testicular cancer and torsion may induce the production of ASAs, they may be responsible for decreased motility and sperm penetration of cervical mucus, and the blockage of the acrosome reaction and the sperm-egg interaction. Many ASA assay methods have been developed, each with advantages and disadvantages. Efforts for the treatment of ASA-mediated infertility have been attempted. However, current therapy for ASA-associated infertility is almost empiric and largely unproven.