Pork is often consumed in a very wide variety of products, processed from integral cuts or minced meat using different conservation methods (curing, smoking, cooking, drying, fermenting). Quality of pork products results from a combination between the properties of the raw material and the processing conditions to elaborate the final products. The influence of primary production factors, slaughtering and carcass processing on the quality of fresh pork has been reviewed (part 1), considering quality as an integrative combination of various attributes: commercial, organoleptic, nutritional, technological, convenience, and societal image, the latter denotes cultural, ethical (including animal welfare) and environment dimensions related to the way pork is produced, processed, and its geographical origin. This review (part 2) focuses on the influence of primary production factors and processing techniques on the quality of two important and economically significant processed pork products issued from contrasting processing techniques: cooked ham and dry-cured ham. As with fresh pork, many factors influence the quality of processed products, and one factor can affect several attributes. Moreover, in the case of processed products, numerous factors in both animal production and processing steps interact to determine their quality attributes. The quality of cooked ham depends on the properties of the raw material (in particular pH, colour, water holding capacity, presence of destructured meat defect, etc.) which are determined by pig husbandry practices (especially the genotype), pre-, postslaughter and processing conditions including the composition of curing mixture (ingredients, additives), salting, mixing and heat treatment. Processing techniques of cooked ham aim at homogenising the product quality within a given quality category (e.g. 'standard' or 'superior') or brand. Therefore, the variability of raw material is problematic for the cooked ham processing industry, which generally seeks uniformity and homogeneity of fresh hams. Likewise, pig husbandry conditions exert even greater impact on dry-cured ham quality. Indeed, the properties of raw material (including weight of fresh ham, fat thickness, pH, intramuscular fat and antioxidants content, fatty acid profile, etc.) that result from combined effects of primary production factors (genotype, feeding, production system, etc.) interact with processing conditions (salting, drying, ripening conditions and duration, etc.) to elaborate the quality attributes of the final products. Synergies can be sought between the primary production factors and processing techniques leading to specific organoleptic characteristics (texture, taste, aroma, flavour, etc.) that can be valued by quality labels. Quality of products is thus built along the whole chain from farm to fork.