1. The effects of stimulating forelimb afferents on various ipsilateral motoneurones of the hind limb have been compared with those of volleys set up in the contralateral pericruciate cortex in cats anaesthetized with chloralose. 2. With intact neuraxis, brachial plexus volleys evoke discharge of flexor and extensor motoneurones; short cortical tetani also elicit discharge mainly of flexor motoneurons. After a pyramid-sparing brainstem lesion, little or no firing is evoked by either input. 3. Monosynaptic reflex testing and intracellular recording reveal subthreshold actions on hind-limb motoneurones, inhibition of FDHL and later facilitation of extensors and flexors by forelimb volleys, facilitation of flexors and extensors together with inconstant inhibition of the latter, by cortical stimulation. 4. Interruption of medullary extrapyramidal paths greatly reduces intensity and duration of facilitation from the forelimb, and largely removes cortically evoked extensor facilitation. Inhibition of FDHL from forelimb and cortex is unchanged; cortical volleys continue to facilitate flexors, and have mainly inhibitory action on extensors in these 'pyramidal' preparations. 5. Hyperpolarization of FDHL motoneurones occurs in response to forelimb and cortical volleys, of time course corresponding to depression of test reflexes. Spinal pathways responsible for the two inhibitory actions are independent, and unless each is very strong, their separate actions summate when elicited together. 6. Receptive field for FDHL inhibition from the forelimb is located distally in the forepaw, and its receptors are largely served by cutaneous fibres of low threshold; some Group II fibres in distal muscle nerves also contribute. Receptive field for facilitation embraces the whole limb, and the executant afferent fibres are of higher threshold. 7. Natural stimulation of the forelimb can evoke the long spinal actions, vibration or light pressure on the forepaw eliciting FDHL inhibition, and strong pinching evoking the more general facilitation. Possible functional roles of these actions in the intact animal are discussed.