Animal models for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection play a key role in understanding the pathogenesis of AIDS and the development of therapeutic agents and vaccines. As the only lentivirus that causes an immunodeficiency resembling that of HIV infection, in its natural host, feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) has been a unique and powerful model for AIDS research. FIV was first described in 1987 by Niels Pedersen and co-workers as the causative agent for a fatal immunodeficiency syndrome observed in cats housed in a cattery in Petaluma, California. Since this landmark observation, multiple studies have shown that natural and experimental infection of cats with biological isolates of FIV produces an AIDS syndrome very similar in pathogenesis to that observed for human AIDS. FIV infection induces an acute viremia associated with Tcell alterations including depressed CD4 :CD8 T-cell ratios and CD4 T-cell depletion, peripheral lymphadenopathy, and neutropenia. In later stages of FIV infection, the host suffers from chronic persistent infections that are typically self-limiting in an immunocompetent host, as well as opportunistic infections, chronic diarrhea and wasting, blood dyscracias, significant CD4 T-cell depletion, neurologic disorders, and B-cell lymphomas. Importantly, chronic FIV infection induces a progressive lymphoid and CD4 T-cell depletion in the infected cat. The primary mode of natural FIV transmission appears to be blood-borne facilitated by fighting and biting. However, experimental infection through transmucosal routes (rectal and vaginal mucosa and perinatal) have been well documented for specific FIV isolates. Accordingly, FIV disease pathogenesis exhibits striking similarities to that described for HIV-1 infection.