Animals and humans need to move deftly and flexibly to adapt to environmental demands. Despite a large body of work on the neural control of walking in invertebrates and vertebrates alike, the mechanisms underlying the motor flexibility that is needed to adjust the motor behavior remain largely unknown. Here, we investigated optomotor-induced turning and the neuronal mechanisms underlying the differences between the leg movements of the two body sides in the stick insect Carausius morosus. We present data to show that the generation of turning kinematics in an insect are the combined result of descending unilateral commands that change the leg motor output via task-specific modifications in the processing of local sensory feedback as well as modification of the activity of local central pattern generating networks in a body-side-specific way. To our knowledge, this is the first study to demonstrate the specificity of such modifications in a defined motor task.
Walking along a curve or turning is a complex manoeuvre for the nervous system, as it must coordinate different leg movements on each side of the body. Rhythmic processes such as walking are controlled by networks of neurons called central pattern generators. The resulting movements can be adjusted by feedback from sense organs in response to environmental conditions. For example, sensory feedback that provides information about the load placed on each leg, allows the animal to control the duration of a stance. How the nerve cells, or neurons, involved in these processes work together to produce complex, flexible movements such as turning is largely unknown.
Previous work on how the brain negotiates turning movements has been carried out mostly in animals that swim or fly. To understand what happens during walking, Gruhn et al. monitored stick insects that walked in a curve on a slippery surface, and recorded the electrical activity within the animals' nervous system as they turned.
By comparing the activity of the nervous system on each side of the body while the insects walked a curve, Gruhn et al. found that the nervous system uses at least three different mechanisms to produce the different movements on the inside and outside. Firstly, the sensory feedback signals that communicate the load on the leg are processed in the legs on the outside of the curve to support forward steps, while they are processed on the inside legs to support forward, sideward, and backward steps. Secondly, the motor activity produced by the central pattern generator is modulated to be stronger for the muscle that moves the leg backward on the outside of the curve. At the same time, this activity is stronger for the muscle that moves the leg forward on the inside of the curve. Thirdly, signals from a front leg influence the movement of the other legs on the same side of the body. This influence is strong on the inside and weak on the outside of the curve.
Together or separately, these three mechanisms could provide the animal with the means to perform turns in all their different curvatures. Future work will need to work out exactly which local neurons process the signals sent from the brain to control movement.