Globally, the estimated recurrent childbirth of one forth of women happens every two years or fewer. Next to Nigeria, Ethiopia is the second populist country in Africa and the first populist country in sub-Saharan Africa which consists of over 114 million population. There are prevalent short successive birth intervals problems in underdeveloped nations such as Ethiopia that contributes to adverse effects on mother and child health. However, studies that explore recurrent birth events and associated factors are very limited. Thus, this study aimed to explore and model the recurrent birth event by considering its subsequent within a mother and identifying its important determinants. As a result, the research findings of this study will be one of the preliminary research papers on the recurrent birth events that take into account the subsequent event and enable to be input for the policymakers, health institutions, and future researchers.
A total of 4676 mothers with their 16833 corresponding children were involved in this study. The data was obtained from the 2019 Ethiopian Mini Demographic and Health Survey (EMDHS). In this study, extended cox regression models such as Andersen-Gill (AG), Prentice, Williams, and Peterson total time (PWP-TT) model, PWP-gap time (PWP-GT) model, and Frailty model were employed. These all models are used to consider recurrent events within mothers and determine the potential determinants. AG, PWP-TT, and PWP-GT estimate the effect of covariates by considering the correlation between event times for a person can be explained by past events given the covariates, kth event since the entry time, kth event since the time from the previous event, respectively.
Among mothers who have first and ninth recurrent birth events, 75.5% and 80.1% of them respectively were rural residents while 57.6% and 70.6% of them respectively were a place of delivery in the health sector. The highest prevalence of first recurrent births (44.3%) was obtained from Muslim mothers. Mothers' education level (HR: 1.210; 95%CI: 1.010, 1.460), mothers' age at first birth (HR: 0.713; 95% CI: 0.614, 0.828), household wealth index (HR: 0.776; 95% CI: 0.625, 0.965), child mortality (HR: 0.673; 95%CI: 0.514, 0.881), household size (HR: 1.914; 95%CI:1.539,2.381) and sex of child (HR:0.836; 95%CI = 0.755,0.926) were important determinants of recurrent birth event. This indicates mothers’ education level and household size were positively associated with recurrent birth events. Whereas mothers’ age at first birth, household wealth index, child mortality, and sex of the child was negatively associated with recurrent birth events.
The WHO recommends a minimum of 33 months between two consecutive births, which is longer than the Ethiopian recurrent birth intervals observed in this study. The highest recurrent birth occurred during the age of fewer than twenty years old of mothers at first birth as compared to mothers whose age was older at first birth. Mothers, children, and household characteristics had significant effects on recurrent birth events. We authors would like to recommend communities, governmental and non-governmental stakeholders consider the associated factors of frequent recurrence of birth noticed in this study. Besides, we would also like to recommend women start birth while they got mature in age to reduce frequent recurrent birth and its corresponding adverse effects.