The prevalence of sexual dysfunction (SDx) diagnoses in primary care settings is not well known, which is a concern because of the high prevalence of comorbid chronic health conditions in patients diagnosed with SDx.
To explore the relation of SDx diagnosis, chronic health conditions, and prescription medications commonly associated with SDx for men and women in primary care using medical records diagnoses.
Exploratory descriptive analyses were used to interpret secondary data from a primary care patient database. The database included patient data from 3 family and internal medicine clinics in the St Louis metropolitan area from July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2015. Analysis included key demographic variables, chronic illness, and health conditions of hypertension, pain, prostate disorder, menopause, substance abuse, depression, anxiety, and associated medications. Analysis of the database yielded 30,627 adult patients (men: n = 12,097, mean age = 46.8 years, 65.6% white race; women: n = 18,530, mean age = 46.6 years, 59.2% white race) with significant comorbid associations between SDx and other chronic illness, health conditions, and medication prescription.
Depression, anxiety, pain, hypertension, diabetes, and psychotropic medication use were significantly associated with SDx for men and women. Examination of specific SDx diagnoses showed erectile dysfunction to be significantly associated with all tested variables for men. For women, pain-related SDx diagnoses were associated more with chronic illness, health conditions, and medication use than were psychosexual SDx diagnoses (eg, orgasm), except for menopause. Prevalence varied by sex, with a higher prevalence rate of any SDx for men (13.5%) than for women (1.0%), although sex comparisons were not part of the analytics.
This study suggests the diagnosis of SDx is closely associated with other common chronic illness and health conditions and could go underdiagnosed in women in primary care.
The cross-sectional nature of the study limits the ability to draw causal conclusions related to the nature of the associated conditions with SDx diagnoses. The generalizability of the findings also might be limited given the specific demographic or health makeup of the St Louis area where the study was conducted.
The high comorbidity of SDx with mental health, chronic pain and illnesses, and medication use adds to the growing evidence that sexual health and functioning are essential components of overall well-being and holistic care for men and women. Heiden-Rootes KM, Salas J, Gebauer S, et al. Sexual Dysfunction in Primary Care: An Exploratory Descriptive Analysis of Medical Record Diagnoses. J Sex Med 2017;14:1318-1326.