The causative agent of melioidosis, Burkholderia pseudomallei, a tier 1 select agent, is endemic in Southeast Asia and northern Australia, with increased incidence associated with high levels of rainfall. Increasing reports of this condition have occurred worldwide, with estimates of up to 165,000 cases and 89,000 deaths per year. The ecological niche of the organism has yet to be clearly defined, although the organism is associated with soil and water. The culture of appropriate clinical material remains the mainstay of laboratory diagnosis. Identification is best done by phenotypic methods, although mass spectrometric methods have been described. Serology has a limited diagnostic role. Direct molecular and antigen detection methods have limited availability and sensitivity. Clinical presentations of melioidosis range from acute bacteremic pneumonia to disseminated visceral abscesses and localized infections. Transmission is by direct inoculation, inhalation, or ingestion. Risk factors for melioidosis include male sex, diabetes mellitus, alcohol abuse, and immunosuppression. The organism is well adapted to intracellular survival, with numerous virulence mechanisms. Immunity likely requires innate and adaptive responses. The principles of management of this condition are drainage and debridement of infected material and appropriate antimicrobial therapy. Global mortality rates vary between 9% and 70%. Research into vaccine development is ongoing.