This review intends to discuss recently available evidence in three topics related to nutrition in patients with acute pancreatitis, namely timing of refeeding, type of nutritional therapy and its route of administration.
Recent lines of research confirm that early oral feeding leads to shorter length of stay, fewer complications and lower costs in patients with acute pancreatitis. Moreover, early (<48 h) enteral nutrition led to decreased hospital mortality in patients with mild and severe acute pancreatitis; thus, in case of intolerance to oral feeding or severe disease, nutritional therapy should be offered within 24-72 h. Furthermore, enteral nutrition should be preferred against parenteral nutrition, as it is related to shorter length of stay and less complications, while initial data bring to light the potential role of the soluble dietary fibre polydextrose as an agent that could lead to faster achievement of energy goal with concomitant lower rates of feeding intolerance. Finally, enteral nutrition can be administered through gastric or jejunal feeding, depending on digestive tolerance, whereas latest data also address the safety of percutaneous gastrostomy with a jejunal extension for enteral nutrition administration. However, more data about its real benefit are warranted.
Accumulating evidence confirms the importance of early oral refeeding or early administration of enteral nutrition as vital parts of the armamentarium for the management of patients with acute pancreatitis.