Klionsky DJ, Abdelmohsen K, Abe A, Abedin MJ, Abeliovich H, Acevedo Arozena A, Adachi H, Adams CM, Adams PD, Adeli K, Adhihetty PJ, Adler SG, Agam G, Agarwal R, Aghi MK, Agnello M, Agostinis P, Aguilar PV, Aguirre-Ghiso J, Airoldi EM, Ait-Si-Ali S, Akematsu T, Akporiaye ET, Al-Rubeai M, Albaiceta GM, Albanese C, Albani D, Albert ML, Aldudo J, Algül H, Alirezaei M, Alloza I, Almasan A, Almonte-Beceril M, Alnemri ES, Alonso C, Altan-Bonnet N, Altieri DC, Alvarez S, Alvarez-Erviti L, Alves S, Amadoro G, Amano A, Amantini C, Ambrosio S, Amelio I, Amer AO, Amessou M, Amon A, An Z, Anania FA, Andersen SU, Andley UP, Andreadi CK, Andrieu-Abadie N, Anel A, Ann DK, Anoopkumar-Dukie S, Antonioli M, Aoki H, Apostolova N, Aquila S, Aquilano K, Araki K, Arama E, Aranda A, Araya J, Arcaro A, Arias E, Arimoto H, Ariosa AR, Armstrong JL, Arnould T, Arsov I, Asanuma K, Askanas V, Asselin E, Atarashi R, Atherton SS, Atkin JD, Attardi LD, Auberger P, Auburger G, Aurelian L, Autelli R, Avagliano L, Avantaggiati ML, Avrahami L, Awale S, Azad N, Bachetti T, Backer JM, Bae DH, Bae JS, Bae ON, Bae SH, Baehrecke EH, Baek SH, Baghdiguian S, Bagniewska-Zadworna A, Bai H, Bai J, Bai XY, Bailly Y, Balaji KN, Balduini W, Ballabio A, Balzan R, Banerjee R, Bánhegyi G, Bao H, Barbeau B, Barrachina MD, Barreiro E, Bartel B, Bartolomé A, Bassham DC, Bassi MT, Bast RC, Basu A, Batista MT, Batoko H, Battino M, Bauckman K, Baumgarner BL, Bayer KU, Beale R, Beaulieu JF, Beck GR, Becker C, Beckham JD, Bédard PA, Bednarski PJ, Begley TJ, Behl C, Behrends C, Behrens GMN, Behrns KE, Bejarano E, Belaid A, Belleudi F, Bénard G, Berchem G, Bergamaschi D, Bergami M, Berkhout B, Berliocchi L, Bernard A, Bernard M, Bernassola F, Bertolotti A, Bess AS, Besteiro S, Bettuzzi S, Bhalla S, Bhattacharyya S, Bhutia SK, Biagosch C, Bianchi MW, Biard-Piechaczyk M, Billes V, Bincoletto C, Bingol B, Bird SW, Bitoun M, Bjedov I, Blackstone C, Blanc L, Blanco GA, Blomhoff HK, Boada-Romero E, Böckler S, Boes M, Boesze-Battaglia K, Boise LH, Bolino A, Boman A, Bonaldo P, Bordi M, Bosch J, Botana LM, Botti J, Bou G, Bouché M, Bouchecareilh M, Boucher MJ, Boulton ME, Bouret SG, Boya P, Boyer-Guittaut M, Bozhkov PV, Brady N, Braga VMM, Brancolini C, Braus GH, Bravo-San Pedro JM, Brennan LA, Bresnick EH, Brest P, Bridges D, Bringer MA, Brini M, Brito GC, Brodin B, Brookes PS, Brown EJ, Brown K, Broxmeyer HE, Bruhat A, Brum PC, Brumell JH, Brunetti-Pierri N, Bryson-Richardson RJ, Buch S, Buchan AM, Budak H, Bulavin DV, Bultman SJ, Bultynck G, Bumbasirevic V, Burelle Y, Burke RE, Burmeister M, Bütikofer P, Caberlotto L, Cadwell K, Cahova M, Cai D, Cai J, Cai Q, Calatayud S, Camougrand N, Campanella M, Campbell GR, Campbell M, Campello S, Candau R, Caniggia I, Cantoni L, Cao L, Caplan AB, Caraglia M, Cardinali C, Cardoso SM, Carew JS, Carleton LA, Carlin CR, Carloni S, Carlsson SR, Carmona-Gutierrez D, Carneiro LAM, Carnevali O, Carra S, Carrier A, Carroll B, Casas C, Casas J, Cassinelli G, Castets P, Castro-Obregon S, Cavallini G, Ceccherini I, Cecconi F, Cederbaum AI, Ceña V, Cenci S, Cerella C, Cervia D, Cetrullo S, Chaachouay H, Chae HJ, Chagin AS, Chai CY, Chakrabarti G, Chamilos G, Chan EYW, Chan MTV, Chandra D, Chandra P, Chang CP, Chang RCC, Chang TY, Chatham JC, Chatterjee S, Chauhan S, Che Y, Cheetham ME, Cheluvappa R, Chen CJ, Chen G, Chen GC, Chen G, Chen H, Chen JW, Chen JK, Chen M, Chen M, Chen P, Chen Q, Chen Q, Chen SD, Chen S, Chen SSL, Chen W, Chen WJ, Chen WQ, Chen W, Chen X, Chen YH, Chen YG, Chen Y, Chen Y, Chen Y, Chen YJ, Chen YQ, Chen Y, Chen Z, Chen Z, Cheng A, Cheng CHK, Cheng H, Cheong H, Cherry S, Chesney J, Cheung CHA, Chevet E, Chi HC, Chi SG, Chiacchiera F, Chiang HL, Chiarelli R, Chiariello M, Chieppa M, Chin LS, Chiong M, Chiu GNC, Cho DH, Cho SG, Cho WC, Cho YY, Cho YS, Choi AMK, Choi EJ, Choi EK, Choi J, Choi ME, Choi SI, Chou TF, Chouaib S, Choubey D, Choubey V, Chow KC, Chowdhury K, Chu CT, Chuang TH, Chun T, Chung H, Chung T, Chung YL, Chwae YJ, Cianfanelli V, Ciarcia R, Ciechomska IA, Ciriolo MR, Cirone M, Claerhout S, Clague MJ, Clària J, Clarke PGH, Clarke R, Clementi E, Cleyrat C, Cnop M, Coccia EM, Cocco T, Codogno P, Coers J, Cohen EEW, Colecchia D, Coletto L, Coll NS, Colucci-Guyon E, Comincini S, Condello M, Cook KL, Coombs GH, Cooper CD, Cooper JM, Coppens I, Corasaniti MT, Corazzari M, Corbalan R, Corcelle-Termeau E, Cordero MD, Corral-Ramos C, Corti O, Cossarizza A, Costelli P, Costes S, Cotman SL, Coto-Montes A, Cottet S, Couve E, Covey LR, Cowart LA, Cox JS, Coxon FP, Coyne CB, Cragg MS, Craven RJ, Crepaldi T, Crespo JL, Criollo A, Crippa V, Cruz MT, Cuervo AM, Cuezva JM, Cui T, Cutillas PR, Czaja MJ, Czyzyk-Krzeska MF, Dagda RK, Dahmen U, Dai C, Dai W, Dai Y, Dalby KN, Dalla Valle L, Dalmasso G, D'Amelio M, Damme M, Darfeuille-Michaud A, Dargemont C, Darley-Usmar VM, Dasarathy S, Dasgupta B, Dash S, Dass CR, Davey HM, Davids LM, Dávila D, Davis RJ, Dawson TM, Dawson VL, Daza P, de Belleroche J, de Figueiredo P, de Figueiredo RCBQ, de la Fuente J, De Martino L, De Matteis A, De Meyer GRY, De Milito A, De Santi M, de Souza W, De Tata V, De Zio D, Debnath J, Dechant R, Decuypere JP, Deegan S, Dehay B, Del Bello B, Del Re DP, Delage-Mourroux R, Delbridge LMD, Deldicque L, Delorme-Axford E, Deng Y, Dengjel J, Denizot M, Dent P, Der CJ, Deretic V, Derrien B, Deutsch E, Devarenne TP, Devenish RJ, Di Bartolomeo S, Di Daniele N, Di Domenico F, Di Nardo A, Di Paola S, Di Pietro A, Di Renzo L, DiAntonio A, Díaz-Araya G, Díaz-Laviada I, Diaz-Meco MT, Diaz-Nido J, Dickey CA, Dickson RC, Diederich M, Digard P, Dikic I, Dinesh-Kumar SP, Ding C, Ding WX, Ding Z, Dini L, Distler JHW, Diwan A, Djavaheri-Mergny M, Dmytruk K, Dobson RCJ, Doetsch V, Dokladny K, Dokudovskaya S, Donadelli M, Dong XC, Dong X, Dong Z, Donohue TM, Doran KS, D'Orazi G, Dorn GW, Dosenko V, Dridi S, Drucker L, Du J, Du LL, Du L, du Toit A, Dua P, Duan L, Duann P, Dubey VK, Duchen MR, Duchosal MA, Duez H, Dugail I, Dumit VI, Duncan MC, Dunlop EA, Dunn WA, Dupont N, Dupuis L, Durán RV, Durcan TM, Duvezin-Caubet S, Duvvuri U, Eapen V, Ebrahimi-Fakhari D, Echard A, Eckhart L, Edelstein CL, Edinger AL, Eichinger L, Eisenberg T, Eisenberg-Lerner A, Eissa NT, El-Deiry WS, El-Khoury V, Elazar Z, Eldar-Finkelman H, Elliott CJH, Emanuele E, Emmenegger U, Engedal N, Engelbrecht AM, Engelender S, Enserink JM, Erdmann R, Erenpreisa J, Eri R, Eriksen JL, Erman A, Escalante R, Eskelinen EL, Espert L, Esteban-Martínez L, Evans TJ, Fabri M, Fabrias G, Fabrizi C, Facchiano A, Færgeman NJ, Faggioni A, Fairlie WD, Fan C, Fan D, Fan J, Fang S, Fanto M, Fanzani A, Farkas T, Faure M, Favier FB, Fearnhead H, Federici M, Fei E, Felizardo TC, Feng H, Feng Y, Feng Y, Ferguson TA, Fernández ÁF, Fernandez-Barrena MG, Fernandez-Checa JC, Fernández-López A, Fernandez-Zapico ME, Feron O, Ferraro E, Ferreira-Halder CV, Fesus L, Feuer R, Fiesel FC, Filippi-Chiela EC, Filomeni G, Fimia GM, Fingert JH, Finkbeiner S, Finkel T, Fiorito F, Fisher PB, Flajolet M, Flamigni F, Florey O, Florio S, Floto RA, Folini M, Follo C, Fon EA, Fornai F, Fortunato F, Fraldi A, Franco R, Francois A, François A, Frankel LB, Fraser IDC, Frey N, Freyssenet DG, Frezza C, Friedman SL, Frigo DE, Fu D, Fuentes JM, Fueyo J, Fujitani Y, Fujiwara Y, Fujiya M, Fukuda M, Fulda S, Fusco C, Gabryel B, Gaestel M, Gailly P, Gajewska M, Galadari S, Galili G, Galindo I, Galindo MF, Galliciotti G, Galluzzi L, Galluzzi L, Galy V, Gammoh N, Gandy S, Ganesan AK, Ganesan S, Ganley IG, Gannagé M, Gao FB, Gao F, Gao JX, García Nannig L, García Véscovi E, Garcia-Macía M, Garcia-Ruiz C, Garg AD, Garg PK, Gargini R, Gassen NC, Gatica D, Gatti E, Gavard J, Gavathiotis E, Ge L, Ge P, Ge S, Gean PW, Gelmetti V, Genazzani AA, Geng J, Genschik P, Gerner L, Gestwicki JE, Gewirtz DA, Ghavami S, Ghigo E, Ghosh D, Giammarioli AM, Giampieri F, Giampietri C, Giatromanolaki A, Gibbings DJ, Gibellini L, Gibson SB, Ginet V, Giordano A, Giorgini F, Giovannetti E, Girardin SE, Gispert S, Giuliano S, Gladson CL, Glavic A, Gleave M, Godefroy N, Gogal RM, Gokulan K, Goldman GH, Goletti D, Goligorsky MS, Gomes AV, Gomes LC, Gomez H, Gomez-Manzano C, Gómez-Sánchez R, Gonçalves DAP, Goncu E, Gong Q, Gongora C, Gonzalez CB, Gonzalez-Alegre P, Gonzalez-Cabo P, González-Polo RA, Goping IS, Gorbea C, Gorbunov NV, Goring DR, Gorman AM, Gorski SM, Goruppi S, Goto-Yamada S, Gotor C, Gottlieb RA, Gozes I, Gozuacik D, Graba Y, Graef M, Granato GE, Grant GD, Grant S, Gravina GL, Green DR, Greenhough A, Greenwood MT, Grimaldi B, Gros F, Grose C, Groulx JF, Gruber F, Grumati P, Grune T, Guan JL, Guan KL, Guerra B, Guillen C, Gulshan K, Gunst J, Guo C, Guo L, Guo M, Guo W, Guo XG, Gust AA, Gustafsson ÅB, Gutierrez E, Gutierrez MG, Gwak HS, Haas A, Haber JE, Hadano S, Hagedorn M, Hahn DR, Halayko AJ, Hamacher-Brady A, Hamada K, Hamai A, Hamann A, Hamasaki M, Hamer I, Hamid Q, Hammond EM, Han F, Han W, Handa JT, Hanover JA, Hansen M, Harada M, Harhaji-Trajkovic L, Harper JW, Harrath AH, Harris AL, Harris J, Hasler U, Hasselblatt P, Hasui K, Hawley RG, Hawley TS, He C, He CY, He F, He G, He RR, He XH, He YW, He YY, Heath JK, Hébert MJ, Heinzen RA, Helgason GV, Hensel M, Henske EP, Her C, Herman PK, Hernández A, Hernandez C, Hernández-Tiedra S, Hetz C, Hiesinger PR, Higaki K, Hilfiker S, Hill BG, Hill JA, Hill WD, Hino K, Hofius D, Hofman P, Höglinger GU, Höhfeld J, Holz MK, Hong Y, Hood DA, Hoozemans JJM, Hoppe T, Hsu C, Hsu CY, Hsu LC, Hu D, Hu G, Hu HM, Hu H, Hu MC, Hu YC, Hu ZW, Hua F, Hua Y, Huang C, Huang HL, Huang KH, Huang KY, Huang S, Huang S, Huang WP, Huang YR, Huang Y, Huang Y, Huber TB, Huebbe P, Huh WK, Hulmi JJ, Hur GM, Hurley JH, Husak Z, Hussain SNA, Hussain S, Hwang JJ, Hwang S, Hwang TIS, Ichihara A, Imai Y, Imbriano C, Inomata M, Into T, Iovane V, Iovanna JL, Iozzo RV, Ip NY, Irazoqui JE, Iribarren P, Isaka Y, Isakovic AJ, Ischiropoulos H, Isenberg JS, Ishaq M, Ishida H, Ishii I, Ishmael JE, Isidoro C, Isobe KI, Isono E, Issazadeh-Navikas S, Itahana K, Itakura E, Ivanov AI, Iyer AKV, Izquierdo JM, Izumi Y, Izzo V, Jäättelä M, Jaber N, Jackson DJ, Jackson WT, Jacob TG, Jacques TS, Jagannath C, Jain A, Jana NR, Jang BK, Jani A, Janji B, Jannig PR, Jansson PJ, Jean S, Jendrach M, Jeon JH, Jessen N, Jeung EB, Jia K, Jia L, Jiang H, Jiang H, Jiang L, Jiang T, Jiang X, Jiang X, Jiang X, Jiang Y, Jiang Y, Jiménez A, Jin C, Jin H, Jin L, Jin M, Jin S, Jinwal UK, Jo EK, Johansen T, Johnson DE, Johnson GVW, Johnson JD, Jonasch E, Jones C, Joosten LAB, Jordan J, Joseph AM, Joseph B, Joubert AM, Ju D, Ju J, Juan HF, Juenemann K, Juhász G, Jung HS, Jung JU, Jung YK, Jungbluth H, Justice MJ, Jutten B, Kaakoush NO, Kaarniranta K, Kaasik A, Kabuta T, Kaeffer B, Kågedal K, Kahana A, Kajimura S, Kakhlon O, Kalia M, Kalvakolanu DV, Kamada Y, Kambas K, Kaminskyy VO, Kampinga HH, Kandouz M, Kang C, Kang R, Kang TC, Kanki T, Kanneganti TD, Kanno H, Kanthasamy AG, Kantorow M, Kaparakis-Liaskos M, Kapuy O, Karantza V, Karim MR, Karmakar P, Kaser A, Kaushik S, Kawula T, Kaynar AM, Ke PY, Ke ZJ, Kehrl JH, Keller KE, Kemper JK, Kenworthy AK, Kepp O, Kern A, Kesari S, Kessel D, Ketteler R, Kettelhut IDC, Khambu B, Khan MM, Khandelwal VKM, Khare S, Kiang JG, Kiger AA, Kihara A, Kim AL, Kim CH, Kim DR, Kim DH, Kim EK, Kim HY, Kim HR, Kim JS, Kim JH, Kim JC, Kim JH, Kim KW, Kim MD, Kim MM, Kim PK, Kim SW, Kim SY, Kim YS, Kim Y, Kimchi A, Kimmelman AC, Kimura T, King JS, Kirkegaard K, Kirkin V, Kirshenbaum LA, Kishi S, Kitajima Y, Kitamoto K, Kitaoka Y, Kitazato K, Kley RA, Klimecki WT, Klinkenberg M, Klucken J, Knævelsrud H, Knecht E, Knuppertz L, Ko JL, Kobayashi S, Koch JC, Koechlin-Ramonatxo C, Koenig U, Koh YH, Köhler K, Kohlwein SD, Koike M, Komatsu M, Kominami E, Kong D, Kong HJ, Konstantakou EG, Kopp BT, Korcsmaros T, Korhonen L, Korolchuk VI, Koshkina NV, Kou Y, Koukourakis MI, Koumenis C, Kovács AL, Kovács T, Kovacs WJ, Koya D, Kraft C, Krainc D, Kramer H, Kravic-Stevovic T, Krek W, Kretz-Remy C, Krick R, Krishnamurthy M, Kriston-Vizi J, Kroemer G, Kruer MC, Kruger R, Ktistakis NT, Kuchitsu K, Kuhn C, Kumar AP, Kumar A, Kumar A, Kumar D, Kumar D, Kumar R, Kumar S, Kundu M, Kung HJ, Kuno A, Kuo SH, Kuret J, Kurz T, Kwok T, Kwon TK, Kwon YT, Kyrmizi I, La Spada AR, Lafont F, Lahm T, Lakkaraju A, Lam T, Lamark T, Lancel S, Landowski TH, Lane DJR, Lane JD, Lanzi C, Lapaquette P, Lapierre LR, Laporte J, Laukkarinen J, Laurie GW, Lavandero S, Lavie L, LaVoie MJ, Law BYK, Law HKW, Law KB, Layfield R, Lazo PA, Le Cam L, Le Roch KG, Le Stunff H, Leardkamolkarn V, Lecuit M, Lee BH, Lee CH, Lee EF, Lee GM, Lee HJ, Lee H, Lee JK, Lee J, Lee JH, Lee JH, Lee M, Lee MS, Lee PJ, Lee SW, Lee SJ, Lee SJ, Lee SY, Lee SH, Lee SS, Lee SJ, Lee S, Lee YR, Lee YJ, Lee YH, Leeuwenburgh C, Lefort S, Legouis R, Lei J, Lei QY, Leib DA, Leibowitz G, Lekli I, Lemaire SD, Lemasters JJ, Lemberg MK, Lemoine A, Leng S, Lenz G, Lenzi P, Lerman LO, Lettieri Barbato D, Leu JIJ, Leung HY, Levine B, Lewis PA, Lezoualc'h F, Li C, Li F, Li FJ, Li J, Li K, Li L, Li M, Li M, Li Q, Li R, Li S, Li W, Li W, Li X, Li Y, Lian J, Liang C, Liang Q, Liao Y, Liberal J, Liberski PP, Lie P, Lieberman AP, Lim HJ, Lim KL, Lim K, Lima RT, Lin CS, Lin CF, Lin F, Lin F, Lin FC, Lin K, Lin KH, Lin PH, Lin T, Lin WW, Lin YS, Lin Y, Linden R, Lindholm D, Lindqvist LM, Lingor P, Linkermann A, Liotta LA, Lipinski MM, Lira VA, Lisanti MP, Liton PB, Liu B, Liu C, Liu CF, Liu F, Liu HJ, Liu J, Liu JJ, Liu JL, Liu K, Liu L, Liu L, Liu Q, Liu RY, Liu S, Liu S, Liu W, Liu XD, Liu X, Liu XH, Liu X, Liu X, Liu X, Liu Y, Liu Y, Liu Z, Liu Z, Liuzzi JP, Lizard G, Ljujic M, Lodhi IJ, Logue SE, Lokeshwar BL, Long YC, Lonial S, Loos B, López-Otín C, López-Vicario C, Lorente M, Lorenzi PL, Lõrincz P, Los M, Lotze MT, Lovat PE, Lu B, Lu B, Lu J, Lu Q, Lu SM, Lu S, Lu Y, Luciano F, Luckhart S, Lucocq JM, Ludovico P, Lugea A, Lukacs NW, Lum JJ, Lund AH, Luo H, Luo J, Luo S, Luparello C, Lyons T, Ma J, Ma Y, Ma Y, Ma Z, Machado J, Machado-Santelli GM, Macian F, MacIntosh GC, MacKeigan JP, Macleod KF, MacMicking JD, MacMillan-Crow LA, Madeo F, Madesh M, Madrigal-Matute J, Maeda A, Maeda T, Maegawa G, Maellaro E, Maes H, Magariños M, Maiese K, Maiti TK, Maiuri L, Maiuri MC, Maki CG, Malli R, Malorni W, Maloyan A, Mami-Chouaib F, Man N, Mancias JD, Mandelkow EM, Mandell MA, Manfredi AA, Manié SN, Manzoni C, Mao K, Mao Z, Mao ZW, Marambaud P, Marconi AM, Marelja Z, Marfe G, Margeta M, Margittai E, Mari M, Mariani FV, Marin C, Marinelli S, Mariño G, Markovic I, Marquez R, Martelli AM, Martens S, Martin KR, Martin SJ, Martin S, Martin-Acebes MA, Martín-Sanz P, Martinand-Mari C, Martinet W, Martinez J, Martinez-Lopez N, Martinez-Outschoorn U, Martínez-Velázquez M, Martinez-Vicente M, Martins WK, Mashima H, Mastrianni JA, Matarese G, Matarrese P, Mateo R, Matoba S, Matsumoto N, Matsushita T, Matsuura A, Matsuzawa T, Mattson MP, Matus S, Maugeri N, Mauvezin C, Mayer A, Maysinger D, Mazzolini GD, McBrayer MK, McCall K, McCormick C, McInerney GM, McIver SC, McKenna S, McMahon JJ, McNeish IA, Mechta-Grigoriou F, Medema JP, Medina DL, Megyeri K, Mehrpour M, Mehta JL, Mei Y, Meier UC, Meijer AJ, Meléndez A, Melino G, Melino S, de Melo EJT, Mena MA, Meneghini MD, Menendez JA, Menezes R, Meng L, Meng LH, Meng S, Menghini R, Menko AS, Menna-Barreto RFS, Menon MB, Meraz-Ríos MA, Merla G, Merlini L, Merlot AM, Meryk A, Meschini S, Meyer JN, Mi MT, Miao CY, Micale L, Michaeli S, Michiels C, Migliaccio AR, Mihailidou AS, Mijaljica D, Mikoshiba K, Milan E, Miller-Fleming L, Mills GB, Mills IG, Minakaki G, Minassian BA, Ming XF, Minibayeva F, Minina EA, Mintern JD, Minucci S, Miranda-Vizuete A, Mitchell CH, Miyamoto S, Miyazawa K, Mizushima N, Mnich K, Mograbi B, Mohseni S, Moita LF, Molinari M, Molinari M, Møller AB, Mollereau B, Mollinedo F, Mongillo M, Monick MM, Montagnaro S, Montell C, Moore DJ, Moore MN, Mora-Rodriguez R, Moreira PI, Morel E, Morelli MB, Moreno S, Morgan MJ, Moris A, Moriyasu Y, Morrison JL, Morrison LA, Morselli E, Moscat J, Moseley PL, Mostowy S, Motori E, Mottet D, Mottram JC, Moussa CEH, Mpakou VE, Mukhtar H, Mulcahy Levy JM, Muller S, Muñoz-Moreno R, Muñoz-Pinedo C, Münz C, Murphy ME, Murray JT, Murthy A, Mysorekar IU, Nabi IR, Nabissi M, Nader GA, Nagahara Y, Nagai Y, Nagata K, Nagelkerke A, Nagy P, Naidu SR, Nair S, Nakano H, Nakatogawa H, Nanjundan M, Napolitano G, Naqvi NI, Nardacci R, Narendra DP, Narita M, Nascimbeni AC, Natarajan R, Navegantes LC, Nawrocki ST, Nazarko TY, Nazarko VY, Neill T, Neri LM, Netea MG, Netea-Maier RT, Neves BM, Ney PA, Nezis IP, Nguyen HTT, Nguyen HP, Nicot AS, Nilsen H, Nilsson P, Nishimura M, Nishino I, Niso-Santano M, Niu H, Nixon RA, Njar VCO, Noda T, Noegel AA, Nolte EM, Norberg E, Norga KK, Noureini SK, Notomi S, Notterpek L, Nowikovsky K, Nukina N, Nürnberger T, O'Donnell VB, O'Donovan T, O'Dwyer PJ, Oehme I, Oeste CL, Ogawa M, Ogretmen B, Ogura Y, Oh YJ, Ohmuraya M, Ohshima T, Ojha R, Okamoto K, Okazaki T, Oliver FJ, Ollinger K, Olsson S, Orban DP, Ordonez P, Orhon I, Orosz L, O'Rourke EJ, Orozco H, Ortega AL, Ortona E, Osellame LD, Oshima J, Oshima S, Osiewacz HD, Otomo T, Otsu K, Ou JHJ, Outeiro TF, Ouyang DY, Ouyang H, Overholtzer M, Ozbun MA, Ozdinler PH, Ozpolat B, Pacelli C, Paganetti P, Page G, Pages G, Pagnini U, Pajak B, Pak SC, Pakos-Zebrucka K, Pakpour N, Palková Z, Palladino F, Pallauf K, Pallet N, Palmieri M, Paludan SR, Palumbo C, Palumbo S, Pampliega O, Pan H, Pan W, Panaretakis T, Pandey A, Pantazopoulou A, Papackova Z, Papademetrio DL, Papassideri I, Papini A, Parajuli N, Pardo J, Parekh VV, Parenti G, Park JI, Park J, Park OK, Parker R, Parlato R, Parys JB, Parzych KR, Pasquet JM, Pasquier B, Pasumarthi KBS, Patschan D, Patterson C, Pattingre S, Pattison S, Pause A, Pavenstädt H, Pavone F, Pedrozo Z, Peña FJ, Peñalva MA, Pende M, Peng J, Penna F, Penninger JM, Pensalfini A, Pepe S, Pereira GJS, Pereira PC, Pérez-de la Cruz V, Pérez-Pérez ME, Pérez-Rodríguez D, Pérez-Sala D, Perier C, Perl A, Perlmutter DH, Perrotta I, Pervaiz S, Pesonen M, Pessin JE, Peters GJ, Petersen M, Petrache I, Petrof BJ, Petrovski G, Phang JM, Piacentini M, Pierdominici M, Pierre P, Pierrefite-Carle V, Pietrocola F, Pimentel-Muiños FX, Pinar M, Pineda B, Pinkas-Kramarski R, Pinti M, Pinton P, Piperdi B, Piret JM, Platanias LC, Platta HW, Plowey ED, Pöggeler S, Poirot M, Polčic P, Poletti A, Poon AH, Popelka H, Popova B, Poprawa I, Poulose SM, Poulton J, Powers SK, Powers T, Pozuelo-Rubio M, Prak K, Prange R, Prescott M, Priault M, Prince S, Proia RL, Proikas-Cezanne T, Prokisch H, Promponas VJ, Przyklenk K, Puertollano R, Pugazhenthi S, Puglielli L, Pujol A, Puyal J, Pyeon D, Qi X, Qian WB, Qin ZH, Qiu Y, Qu Z, Quadrilatero J, Quinn F, Raben N, Rabinowich H, Radogna F, Ragusa MJ, Rahmani M, Raina K, Ramanadham S, Ramesh R, Rami A, Randall-Demllo S, Randow F, Rao H, Rao VA, Rasmussen BB, Rasse TM, Ratovitski EA, Rautou PE, Ray SK, Razani B, Reed BH, Reggiori F, Rehm M, Reichert AS, Rein T, Reiner DJ, Reits E, Ren J, Ren X, Renna M, Reusch JEB, Revuelta JL, Reyes L, Rezaie AR, Richards RI, Richardson DR, Richetta C, Riehle MA, Rihn BH, Rikihisa Y, Riley BE, Rimbach G, Rippo MR, Ritis K, Rizzi F, Rizzo E, Roach PJ, Robbins J, Roberge M, Roca G, Roccheri MC, Rocha S, Rodrigues CMP, Rodríguez CI, de Cordoba SR, Rodriguez-Muela N, Roelofs J, Rogov VV, Rohn TT, Rohrer B, Romanelli D, Romani L, Romano PS, Roncero MIG, Rosa JL, Rosello A, Rosen KV, Rosenstiel P, Rost-Roszkowska M, Roth KA, Roué G, Rouis M, Rouschop KM, Ruan DT, Ruano D, Rubinsztein DC, Rucker EB, Rudich A, Rudolf E, Rudolf R, Ruegg MA, Ruiz-Roldan C, Ruparelia AA, Rusmini P, Russ DW, Russo GL, Russo G, Russo R, Rusten TE, Ryabovol V, Ryan KM, Ryter SW, Sabatini DM, Sacher M, Sachse C, Sack MN, Sadoshima J, Saftig P, Sagi-Eisenberg R, Sahni S, Saikumar P, Saito T, Saitoh T, Sakakura K, Sakoh-Nakatogawa M, Sakuraba Y, Salazar-Roa M, Salomoni P, Saluja AK, Salvaterra PM, Salvioli R, Samali A, Sanchez AMJ, Sánchez-Alcázar JA, Sanchez-Prieto R, Sandri M, Sanjuan MA, Santaguida S, Santambrogio L, Santoni G, dos Santos CN, Saran S, Sardiello M, Sargent G, Sarkar P, Sarkar S, Sarrias MR, Sarwal MM, Sasakawa C, Sasaki M, Sass M, Sato K, Sato M, Satriano J, Savaraj N, Saveljeva S, Schaefer L, Schaible UE, Scharl M, Schatzl HM, Schekman R, Scheper W, Schiavi A, Schipper HM, Schmeisser H, Schmidt J, Schmitz I, Schneider BE, Schneider EM, Schneider JL, Schon EA, Schönenberger MJ, Schönthal AH, Schorderet DF, Schröder B, Schuck S, Schulze RJ, Schwarten M, Schwarz TL, Sciarretta S, Scotto K, Scovassi AI, Screaton RA, Screen M, Seca H, Sedej S, Segatori L, Segev N, Seglen PO, Seguí-Simarro JM, Segura-Aguilar J, Seki E, Seiliez I, Sell C, Semenkovich CF, Semenza GL, Sen U, Serra AL, Serrano-Puebla A, Sesaki H, Setoguchi T, Settembre C, Shacka JJ, Shajahan-Haq AN, Shapiro IM, Sharma S, She H, Shen CKJ, Shen CC, Shen HM, Shen S, Shen W, Sheng R, Sheng X, Sheng ZH, Shepherd TG, Shi J, Shi Q, Shi Q, Shi Y, Shibutani S, Shibuya K, Shidoji Y, Shieh JJ, Shih CM, Shimada Y, Shimizu S, Shin DW, Shinohara ML, Shintani M, Shintani T, Shioi T, Shirabe K, Shiri-Sverdlov R, Shirihai O, Shore GC, Shu CW, Shukla D, Sibirny AA, Sica V, Sigurdson CJ, Sigurdsson EM, Sijwali PS, Sikorska B, Silveira WA, Silvente-Poirot S, Silverman GA, Simak J, Simmet T, Simon AK, Simon HU, Simone C, Simons M, Simonsen A, Singh R, Singh SV, Singh SK, Sinha D, Sinha S, Sinicrope FA, Sirko A, Sirohi K, Sishi BJN, Sittler A, Siu PM, Sivridis E, Skwarska A, Slack R, Slaninová I, Slavov N, Smaili SS, Smalley KSM, Smith DR, Soenen SJ, Soleimanpour SA, Solhaug A, Somasundaram K, Son JH, Sonawane A, Song C, Song F, Song HK, Song JX, Song W, Soo KY, Sood AK, Soong TW, Soontornniyomkij V, Sorice M, Sotgia F, Soto-Pantoja DR, Sotthibundhu A, Sousa MJ, Spaink HP, Span PN, Spang A, Sparks JD, Speck PG, Spector SA, Spies CD, Springer W, Clair DS, Stacchiotti A, Staels B, Stang MT, Starczynowski DT, Starokadomskyy P, Steegborn C, Steele JW, Stefanis L, Steffan J, Stellrecht CM, Stenmark H, Stepkowski TM, Stern ST, Stevens C, Stockwell BR, Stoka V, Storchova Z, Stork B, Stratoulias V, Stravopodis DJ, Strnad P, Strohecker AM, Ström AL, Stromhaug P, Stulik J, Su YX, Su Z, Subauste CS, Subramaniam S, Sue CM, Suh SW, Sui X, Sukseree S, Sulzer D, Sun FL, Sun J, Sun J, Sun SY, Sun Y, Sun Y, Sun Y, Sundaramoorthy V, Sung J, Suzuki H, Suzuki K, Suzuki N, Suzuki T, Suzuki YJ, Swanson MS, Swanton C, Swärd K, Swarup G, Sweeney ST, Sylvester PW, Szatmari Z, Szegezdi E, Szlosarek PW, Taegtmeyer H, Tafani M, Taillebourg E, Tait SWG, Takacs-Vellai K, Takahashi Y, Takáts S, Takemura G, Takigawa N, Talbot NJ, Tamagno E, Tamburini J, Tan CP, Tan L, Tan ML, Tan M, Tan YJ, Tanaka K, Tanaka M, Tang D, Tang D, Tang G, Tanida I, Tanji K, Tannous BA, Tapia JA, Tasset-Cuevas I, Tatar M, Tavassoly I, Tavernarakis N, Taylor A, Taylor GS, Taylor GA, Taylor JP, Taylor MJ, Tchetina EV, Tee AR, Teixeira-Clerc F, Telang S, Tencomnao T, Teng BB, Teng RJ, Terro F, Tettamanti G, Theiss AL, Theron AE, Thomas KJ, Thomé MP, Thomes PG, Thorburn A, Thorner J, Thum T, Thumm M, Thurston TLM, Tian L, Till A, Ting JPY, Titorenko VI, Toker L, Toldo S, Tooze SA, Topisirovic I, Torgersen ML, Torosantucci L, Torriglia A, Torrisi MR, Tournier C, Towns R, Trajkovic V, Travassos LH, Triola G, Tripathi DN, Trisciuoglio D, Troncoso R, Trougakos IP, Truttmann AC, Tsai KJ, Tschan MP, Tseng YH, Tsukuba T, Tsung A, Tsvetkov AS, Tu S, Tuan HY, Tucci M, Tumbarello DA, Turk B, Turk V, Turner RFB, Tveita AA, Tyagi SC, Ubukata M, Uchiyama Y, Udelnow A, Ueno T, Umekawa M, Umemiya-Shirafuji R, Underwood BR, Ungermann C, Ureshino RP, Ushioda R, Uversky VN, Uzcátegui NL, Vaccari T, Vaccaro MI, Váchová L, Vakifahmetoglu-Norberg H, Valdor R, Valente EM, Vallette F, Valverde AM, Van den Berghe G, Van Den Bosch L, van den Brink GR, van der Goot FG, van der Klei IJ, van der Laan LJW, van Doorn WG, van Egmond M, van Golen KL, Van Kaer L, van Lookeren Campagne M, Vandenabeele P, Vandenberghe W, Vanhorebeek I, Varela-Nieto I, Vasconcelos MH, Vasko R, Vavvas DG, Vega-Naredo I, Velasco G, Velentzas AD, Velentzas PD, Vellai T, Vellenga E, Vendelbo MH, Venkatachalam K, Ventura N, Ventura S, Veras PST, Verdier M, Vertessy BG, Viale A, Vidal M, Vieira HLA, Vierstra RD, Vigneswaran N, Vij N, Vila M, Villar M, Villar VH, Villarroya J, Vindis C, Viola G, Viscomi MT, Vitale G, Vogl DT, Voitsekhovskaja OV, von Haefen C, von Schwarzenberg K, Voth DE, Vouret-Craviari V, Vuori K, Vyas JM, Waeber C, Walker CL, Walker MJ, Walter J, Wan L, Wan X, Wang B, Wang C, Wang CY, Wang C, Wang C, Wang C, Wang D, Wang F, Wang F, Wang G, Wang HJ, Wang H, Wang HG, Wang H, Wang HD, Wang J, Wang J, Wang M, Wang MQ, Wang PY, Wang P, Wang RC, Wang S, Wang TF, Wang X, Wang XJ, Wang XW, Wang X, Wang X, Wang Y, Wang Y, Wang Y, Wang YJ, Wang Y, Wang Y, Wang YT, Wang Y, Wang ZN, Wappner P, Ward C, Ward DM, Warnes G, Watada H, Watanabe Y, Watase K, Weaver TE, Weekes CD, Wei J, Weide T, Weihl CC, Weindl G, Weis SN, Wen L, Wen X, Wen Y, Westermann B, Weyand CM, White AR, White E, Whitton JL, Whitworth AJ, Wiels J, Wild F, Wildenberg ME, Wileman T, Wilkinson DS, Wilkinson S, Willbold D, Williams C, Williams K, Williamson PR, Winklhofer KF, Witkin SS, Wohlgemuth SE, Wollert T, Wolvetang EJ, Wong E, Wong GW, Wong RW, Wong VKW, Woodcock EA, Wright KL, Wu C, Wu D, Wu GS, Wu J, Wu J, Wu M, Wu M, Wu S, Wu WKK, Wu Y, Wu Z, Xavier CPR, Xavier RJ, Xia GX, Xia T, Xia W, Xia Y, Xiao H, Xiao J, Xiao S, Xiao W, Xie CM, Xie Z, Xie Z, Xilouri M, Xiong Y, Xu C, Xu C, Xu F, Xu H, Xu H, Xu J, Xu J, Xu J, Xu L, Xu X, Xu Y, Xu Y, Xu ZX, Xu Z, Xue Y, Yamada T, Yamamoto A, Yamanaka K, Yamashina S, Yamashiro S, Yan B, Yan B, Yan X, Yan Z, Yanagi Y, Yang DS, Yang JM, Yang L, Yang M, Yang PM, Yang P, Yang Q, Yang W, Yang WY, Yang X, Yang Y, Yang Y, Yang Z, Yang Z, Yao MC, Yao PJ, Yao X, Yao Z, Yao Z, Yasui LS, Ye M, Yedvobnick B, Yeganeh B, Yeh ES, Yeyati PL, Yi F, Yi L, Yin XM, Yip CK, Yoo YM, Yoo YH, Yoon SY, Yoshida KI, Yoshimori T, Young KH, Yu H, Yu JJ, Yu JT, Yu J, Yu L, Yu WH, Yu XF, Yu Z, Yuan J, Yuan ZM, Yue BYJT, Yue J, Yue Z, Zacks DN, Zacksenhaus E, Zaffaroni N, Zaglia T, Zakeri Z, Zecchini V, Zeng J, Zeng M, Zeng Q, Zervos AS, Zhang DD, Zhang F, Zhang G, Zhang GC, Zhang H, Zhang H, Zhang H, Zhang H, Zhang J, Zhang J, Zhang J, Zhang J, Zhang JP, Zhang L, Zhang L, Zhang L, Zhang L, Zhang MY, Zhang X, Zhang XD, Zhang Y, Zhang Y, Zhang Y, Zhang Y, Zhang Y, Zhao M, Zhao WL, Zhao X, Zhao YG, Zhao Y, Zhao Y, Zhao YX, Zhao Z, Zhao ZJ, Zheng D, Zheng XL, Zheng X, Zhivotovsky B, Zhong Q, Zhou GZ, Zhou G, Zhou H, Zhou SF, Zhou XJ, Zhu H, Zhu H, Zhu WG, Zhu W, Zhu XF, Zhu Y, Zhuang SM, Zhuang X, Ziparo E, Zois CE, Zoladek T, Zong WX, Zorzano A, Zughaier SM. Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (3rd edition). Autophagy 2016; 12:1-222. [PMID: 26799652 PMCID: PMC4835977 DOI: 10.1080/15548627.2015.1100356] [Citation(s) in RCA: 4184] [Impact Index Per Article: 464.9] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Key Words] [MESH Headings] [Grants] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 09/22/2015] [Accepted: 09/22/2015] [Indexed: 12/09/2022] Open
Guideline |
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Curiel TJ, Coukos G, Zou L, Alvarez X, Cheng P, Mottram P, Evdemon-Hogan M, Conejo-Garcia JR, Zhang L, Burow M, Zhu Y, Wei S, Kryczek I, Daniel B, Gordon A, Myers L, Lackner A, Disis ML, Knutson KL, Chen L, Zou W. Specific recruitment of regulatory T cells in ovarian carcinoma fosters immune privilege and predicts reduced survival. Nat Med 2004; 10:942-9. [PMID: 15322536 DOI: 10.1038/nm1093] [Citation(s) in RCA: 3837] [Impact Index Per Article: 182.7] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [MESH Headings] [Grants] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 06/04/2004] [Accepted: 07/29/2004] [Indexed: 12/11/2022]
Regulatory T (T(reg)) cells mediate homeostatic peripheral tolerance by suppressing autoreactive T cells. Failure of host antitumor immunity may be caused by exaggerated suppression of tumor-associated antigen-reactive lymphocytes mediated by T(reg) cells; however, definitive evidence that T(reg) cells have an immunopathological role in human cancer is lacking. Here we show, in detailed studies of CD4(+)CD25(+)FOXP3(+) T(reg) cells in 104 individuals affected with ovarian carcinoma, that human tumor T(reg) cells suppress tumor-specific T cell immunity and contribute to growth of human tumors in vivo. We also show that tumor T(reg) cells are associated with a high death hazard and reduced survival. Human T(reg) cells preferentially move to and accumulate in tumors and ascites, but rarely enter draining lymph nodes in later cancer stages. Tumor cells and microenvironmental macrophages produce the chemokine CCL22, which mediates trafficking of T(reg) cells to the tumor. This specific recruitment of T(reg) cells represents a mechanism by which tumors may foster immune privilege. Thus, blocking T(reg) cell migration or function may help to defeat human cancer.
Research Support, U.S. Gov't, P.H.S. |
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Guo T, Fan Y, Chen M, Wu X, Zhang L, He T, Wang H, Wan J, Wang X, Lu Z. Cardiovascular Implications of Fatal Outcomes of Patients With Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). JAMA Cardiol 2020; 5:811-818. [PMID: 32219356 PMCID: PMC7101506 DOI: 10.1001/jamacardio.2020.1017] [Citation(s) in RCA: 2807] [Impact Index Per Article: 561.4] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [MESH Headings] [Track Full Text] [Figures] [Journal Information] [Submit a Manuscript] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 12/15/2022]
IMPORTANCE Increasing numbers of confirmed cases and mortality rates of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) are occurring in several countries and continents. Information regarding the impact of cardiovascular complication on fatal outcome is scarce. OBJECTIVE To evaluate the association of underlying cardiovascular disease (CVD) and myocardial injury with fatal outcomes in patients with COVID-19. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS This retrospective single-center case series analyzed patients with COVID-19 at the Seventh Hospital of Wuhan City, China, from January 23, 2020, to February 23, 2020. Analysis began February 25, 2020. MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES Demographic data, laboratory findings, comorbidities, and treatments were collected and analyzed in patients with and without elevation of troponin T (TnT) levels. RESULTS Among 187 patients with confirmed COVID-19, 144 patients (77%) were discharged and 43 patients (23%) died. The mean (SD) age was 58.50 (14.66) years. Overall, 66 (35.3%) had underlying CVD including hypertension, coronary heart disease, and cardiomyopathy, and 52 (27.8%) exhibited myocardial injury as indicated by elevated TnT levels. The mortality during hospitalization was 7.62% (8 of 105) for patients without underlying CVD and normal TnT levels, 13.33% (4 of 30) for those with underlying CVD and normal TnT levels, 37.50% (6 of 16) for those without underlying CVD but elevated TnT levels, and 69.44% (25 of 36) for those with underlying CVD and elevated TnTs. Patients with underlying CVD were more likely to exhibit elevation of TnT levels compared with the patients without CVD (36 [54.5%] vs 16 [13.2%]). Plasma TnT levels demonstrated a high and significantly positive linear correlation with plasma high-sensitivity C-reactive protein levels (β = 0.530, P < .001) and N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) levels (β = 0.613, P < .001). Plasma TnT and NT-proBNP levels during hospitalization (median [interquartile range (IQR)], 0.307 [0.094-0.600]; 1902.00 [728.35-8100.00]) and impending death (median [IQR], 0.141 [0.058-0.860]; 5375 [1179.50-25695.25]) increased significantly compared with admission values (median [IQR], 0.0355 [0.015-0.102]; 796.90 [401.93-1742.25]) in patients who died (P = .001; P < .001), while no significant dynamic changes of TnT (median [IQR], 0.010 [0.007-0.019]; 0.013 [0.007-0.022]; 0.011 [0.007-0.016]) and NT-proBNP (median [IQR], 352.20 [174.70-636.70]; 433.80 [155.80-1272.60]; 145.40 [63.4-526.50]) was observed in survivors (P = .96; P = .16). During hospitalization, patients with elevated TnT levels had more frequent malignant arrhythmias, and the use of glucocorticoid therapy (37 [71.2%] vs 69 [51.1%]) and mechanical ventilation (31 [59.6%] vs 14 [10.4%]) were higher compared with patients with normal TnT levels. The mortality rates of patients with and without use of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors/angiotensin receptor blockers was 36.8% (7 of 19) and 21.4% (36 of 168) (P = .13). CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE Myocardial injury is significantly associated with fatal outcome of COVID-19, while the prognosis of patients with underlying CVD but without myocardial injury is relatively favorable. Myocardial injury is associated with cardiac dysfunction and arrhythmias. Inflammation may be a potential mechanism for myocardial injury. Aggressive treatment may be considered for patients at high risk of myocardial injury.
Observational Study |
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Klionsky DJ, Abdalla FC, Abeliovich H, Abraham RT, Acevedo-Arozena A, Adeli K, Agholme L, Agnello M, Agostinis P, Aguirre-Ghiso JA, Ahn HJ, Ait-Mohamed O, Ait-Si-Ali S, Akematsu T, Akira S, Al-Younes HM, Al-Zeer MA, Albert ML, Albin RL, Alegre-Abarrategui J, Aleo MF, Alirezaei M, Almasan A, Almonte-Becerril M, Amano A, Amaravadi R, Amarnath S, Amer AO, Andrieu-Abadie N, Anantharam V, Ann DK, Anoopkumar-Dukie S, Aoki H, Apostolova N, Arancia G, Aris JP, Asanuma K, Asare NYO, Ashida H, Askanas V, Askew DS, Auberger P, Baba M, Backues SK, Baehrecke EH, Bahr BA, Bai XY, Bailly Y, Baiocchi R, Baldini G, Balduini W, Ballabio A, Bamber BA, Bampton ETW, Bánhegyi G, Bartholomew CR, Bassham DC, Bast RC, Batoko H, Bay BH, Beau I, Béchet DM, Begley TJ, Behl C, Behrends C, Bekri S, Bellaire B, Bendall LJ, Benetti L, Berliocchi L, Bernardi H, Bernassola F, Besteiro S, Bhatia-Kissova I, Bi X, Biard-Piechaczyk M, Blum JS, Boise LH, Bonaldo P, Boone DL, Bornhauser BC, Bortoluci KR, Bossis I, Bost F, Bourquin JP, Boya P, Boyer-Guittaut M, Bozhkov PV, Brady NR, Brancolini C, Brech A, Brenman JE, Brennand A, Bresnick EH, Brest P, Bridges D, Bristol ML, Brookes PS, Brown EJ, Brumell JH, Brunetti-Pierri N, Brunk UT, Bulman DE, Bultman SJ, Bultynck G, Burbulla LF, Bursch W, Butchar JP, Buzgariu W, Bydlowski SP, Cadwell K, Cahová M, Cai D, Cai J, Cai Q, Calabretta B, Calvo-Garrido J, Camougrand N, Campanella M, Campos-Salinas J, Candi E, Cao L, Caplan AB, Carding SR, Cardoso SM, Carew JS, Carlin CR, Carmignac V, Carneiro LAM, Carra S, Caruso RA, Casari G, Casas C, Castino R, Cebollero E, Cecconi F, Celli J, Chaachouay H, Chae HJ, Chai CY, Chan DC, Chan EY, Chang RCC, Che CM, Chen CC, Chen GC, Chen GQ, Chen M, Chen Q, Chen SSL, Chen W, Chen X, Chen X, Chen X, Chen YG, Chen Y, Chen Y, Chen YJ, Chen Z, Cheng A, Cheng CHK, Cheng Y, Cheong H, Cheong JH, Cherry S, Chess-Williams R, Cheung ZH, Chevet E, Chiang HL, Chiarelli R, Chiba T, Chin LS, Chiou SH, Chisari FV, Cho CH, Cho DH, Choi AMK, Choi D, Choi KS, Choi ME, Chouaib S, Choubey D, Choubey V, Chu CT, Chuang TH, Chueh SH, Chun T, Chwae YJ, Chye ML, Ciarcia R, Ciriolo MR, Clague MJ, Clark RSB, Clarke PGH, Clarke R, Codogno P, Coller HA, Colombo MI, Comincini S, Condello M, Condorelli F, Cookson MR, Coombs GH, Coppens I, Corbalan R, Cossart P, Costelli P, Costes S, Coto-Montes A, Couve E, Coxon FP, Cregg JM, Crespo JL, Cronjé MJ, Cuervo AM, Cullen JJ, Czaja MJ, D'Amelio M, Darfeuille-Michaud A, Davids LM, Davies FE, De Felici M, de Groot JF, de Haan CAM, De Martino L, De Milito A, De Tata V, Debnath J, Degterev A, Dehay B, Delbridge LMD, Demarchi F, Deng YZ, Dengjel J, Dent P, Denton D, Deretic V, Desai SD, Devenish RJ, Di Gioacchino M, Di Paolo G, Di Pietro C, Díaz-Araya G, Díaz-Laviada I, Diaz-Meco MT, Diaz-Nido J, Dikic I, Dinesh-Kumar SP, Ding WX, Distelhorst CW, Diwan A, Djavaheri-Mergny M, Dokudovskaya S, Dong Z, Dorsey FC, Dosenko V, Dowling JJ, Doxsey S, Dreux M, Drew ME, Duan Q, Duchosal MA, Duff K, Dugail I, Durbeej M, Duszenko M, Edelstein CL, Edinger AL, Egea G, Eichinger L, Eissa NT, Ekmekcioglu S, El-Deiry WS, Elazar Z, Elgendy M, Ellerby LM, Eng KE, Engelbrecht AM, Engelender S, Erenpreisa J, Escalante R, Esclatine A, Eskelinen EL, Espert L, Espina V, Fan H, Fan J, Fan QW, Fan Z, Fang S, Fang Y, Fanto M, Fanzani A, Farkas T, Farré JC, Faure M, Fechheimer M, Feng CG, Feng J, Feng Q, Feng Y, Fésüs L, Feuer R, Figueiredo-Pereira ME, Fimia GM, Fingar DC, Finkbeiner S, Finkel T, Finley KD, Fiorito F, Fisher EA, Fisher PB, Flajolet M, Florez-McClure ML, Florio S, Fon EA, Fornai F, Fortunato F, Fotedar R, Fowler DH, Fox HS, Franco R, Frankel LB, Fransen M, Fuentes JM, Fueyo J, Fujii J, Fujisaki K, Fujita E, Fukuda M, Furukawa RH, Gaestel M, Gailly P, Gajewska M, Galliot B, Galy V, Ganesh S, Ganetzky B, Ganley IG, Gao FB, Gao GF, Gao J, Garcia L, Garcia-Manero G, Garcia-Marcos M, Garmyn M, Gartel AL, Gatti E, Gautel M, Gawriluk TR, Gegg ME, Geng J, Germain M, Gestwicki JE, Gewirtz DA, Ghavami S, Ghosh P, Giammarioli AM, Giatromanolaki AN, Gibson SB, Gilkerson RW, Ginger ML, Ginsberg HN, Golab J, Goligorsky MS, Golstein P, Gomez-Manzano C, Goncu E, Gongora C, Gonzalez CD, Gonzalez R, González-Estévez C, González-Polo RA, Gonzalez-Rey E, Gorbunov NV, Gorski S, Goruppi S, Gottlieb RA, Gozuacik D, Granato GE, Grant GD, Green KN, Gregorc A, Gros F, Grose C, Grunt TW, Gual P, Guan JL, Guan KL, Guichard SM, Gukovskaya AS, Gukovsky I, Gunst J, Gustafsson AB, Halayko AJ, Hale AN, Halonen SK, Hamasaki M, Han F, Han T, Hancock MK, Hansen M, Harada H, Harada M, Hardt SE, Harper JW, Harris AL, Harris J, Harris SD, Hashimoto M, Haspel JA, Hayashi SI, Hazelhurst LA, He C, He YW, Hébert MJ, Heidenreich KA, Helfrich MH, Helgason GV, Henske EP, Herman B, Herman PK, Hetz C, Hilfiker S, Hill JA, Hocking LJ, Hofman P, Hofmann TG, Höhfeld J, Holyoake TL, Hong MH, Hood DA, Hotamisligil GS, Houwerzijl EJ, Høyer-Hansen M, Hu B, Hu CAA, Hu HM, Hua Y, Huang C, Huang J, Huang S, Huang WP, Huber TB, Huh WK, Hung TH, Hupp TR, Hur GM, Hurley JB, Hussain SNA, Hussey PJ, Hwang JJ, Hwang S, Ichihara A, Ilkhanizadeh S, Inoki K, Into T, Iovane V, Iovanna JL, Ip NY, Isaka Y, Ishida H, Isidoro C, Isobe KI, Iwasaki A, Izquierdo M, Izumi Y, Jaakkola PM, Jäättelä M, Jackson GR, Jackson WT, Janji B, Jendrach M, Jeon JH, Jeung EB, Jiang H, Jiang H, Jiang JX, Jiang M, Jiang Q, Jiang X, Jiang X, Jiménez A, Jin M, Jin S, Joe CO, Johansen T, Johnson DE, Johnson GVW, Jones NL, Joseph B, Joseph SK, Joubert AM, Juhász G, Juillerat-Jeanneret L, Jung CH, Jung YK, Kaarniranta K, Kaasik A, Kabuta T, Kadowaki M, Kagedal K, Kamada Y, Kaminskyy VO, Kampinga HH, Kanamori H, Kang C, Kang KB, Kang KI, Kang R, Kang YA, Kanki T, Kanneganti TD, Kanno H, Kanthasamy AG, Kanthasamy A, Karantza V, Kaushal GP, Kaushik S, Kawazoe Y, Ke PY, Kehrl JH, Kelekar A, Kerkhoff C, Kessel DH, Khalil H, Kiel JAKW, Kiger AA, Kihara A, Kim DR, Kim DH, Kim DH, Kim EK, Kim HR, Kim JS, Kim JH, Kim JC, Kim JK, Kim PK, Kim SW, Kim YS, Kim Y, Kimchi A, Kimmelman AC, King JS, Kinsella TJ, Kirkin V, Kirshenbaum LA, Kitamoto K, Kitazato K, Klein L, Klimecki WT, Klucken J, Knecht E, Ko BCB, Koch JC, Koga H, Koh JY, Koh YH, Koike M, Komatsu M, Kominami E, Kong HJ, Kong WJ, Korolchuk VI, Kotake Y, Koukourakis MI, Kouri Flores JB, Kovács AL, Kraft C, Krainc D, Krämer H, Kretz-Remy C, Krichevsky AM, Kroemer G, Krüger R, Krut O, Ktistakis NT, Kuan CY, Kucharczyk R, Kumar A, Kumar R, Kumar S, Kundu M, Kung HJ, Kurz T, Kwon HJ, La Spada AR, Lafont F, Lamark T, Landry J, Lane JD, Lapaquette P, Laporte JF, László L, Lavandero S, Lavoie JN, Layfield R, Lazo PA, Le W, Le Cam L, Ledbetter DJ, Lee AJX, Lee BW, Lee GM, Lee J, Lee JH, Lee M, Lee MS, Lee SH, Leeuwenburgh C, Legembre P, Legouis R, Lehmann M, Lei HY, Lei QY, Leib DA, Leiro J, Lemasters JJ, Lemoine A, Lesniak MS, Lev D, Levenson VV, Levine B, Levy E, Li F, Li JL, Li L, Li S, Li W, Li XJ, Li YB, Li YP, Liang C, Liang Q, Liao YF, Liberski PP, Lieberman A, Lim HJ, Lim KL, Lim K, Lin CF, Lin FC, Lin J, Lin JD, Lin K, Lin WW, Lin WC, Lin YL, Linden R, Lingor P, Lippincott-Schwartz J, Lisanti MP, Liton PB, Liu B, Liu CF, Liu K, Liu L, Liu QA, Liu W, Liu YC, Liu Y, Lockshin RA, Lok CN, Lonial S, Loos B, Lopez-Berestein G, López-Otín C, Lossi L, Lotze MT, Lőw P, Lu B, Lu B, Lu B, Lu Z, Luciano F, Lukacs NW, Lund AH, Lynch-Day MA, Ma Y, Macian F, MacKeigan JP, Macleod KF, Madeo F, Maiuri L, Maiuri MC, Malagoli D, Malicdan MCV, Malorni W, Man N, Mandelkow EM, Manon S, Manov I, Mao K, Mao X, Mao Z, Marambaud P, Marazziti D, Marcel YL, Marchbank K, Marchetti P, Marciniak SJ, Marcondes M, Mardi M, Marfe G, Mariño G, Markaki M, Marten MR, Martin SJ, Martinand-Mari C, Martinet W, Martinez-Vicente M, Masini M, Matarrese P, Matsuo S, Matteoni R, Mayer A, Mazure NM, McConkey DJ, McConnell MJ, McDermott C, McDonald C, McInerney GM, McKenna SL, McLaughlin B, McLean PJ, McMaster CR, McQuibban GA, Meijer AJ, Meisler MH, Meléndez A, Melia TJ, Melino G, Mena MA, Menendez JA, Menna-Barreto RFS, Menon MB, Menzies FM, Mercer CA, Merighi A, Merry DE, Meschini S, Meyer CG, Meyer TF, Miao CY, Miao JY, Michels PAM, Michiels C, Mijaljica D, Milojkovic A, Minucci S, Miracco C, Miranti CK, Mitroulis I, Miyazawa K, Mizushima N, Mograbi B, Mohseni S, Molero X, Mollereau B, Mollinedo F, Momoi T, Monastyrska I, Monick MM, Monteiro MJ, Moore MN, Mora R, Moreau K, Moreira PI, Moriyasu Y, Moscat J, Mostowy S, Mottram JC, Motyl T, Moussa CEH, Müller S, Muller S, Münger K, Münz C, Murphy LO, Murphy ME, Musarò A, Mysorekar I, Nagata E, Nagata K, Nahimana A, Nair U, Nakagawa T, Nakahira K, Nakano H, Nakatogawa H, Nanjundan M, Naqvi NI, Narendra DP, Narita M, Navarro M, Nawrocki ST, Nazarko TY, Nemchenko A, Netea MG, Neufeld TP, Ney PA, Nezis IP, Nguyen HP, Nie D, Nishino I, Nislow C, Nixon RA, Noda T, Noegel AA, Nogalska A, Noguchi S, Notterpek L, Novak I, Nozaki T, Nukina N, Nürnberger T, Nyfeler B, Obara K, Oberley TD, Oddo S, Ogawa M, Ohashi T, Okamoto K, Oleinick NL, Oliver FJ, Olsen LJ, Olsson S, Opota O, Osborne TF, Ostrander GK, Otsu K, Ou JHJ, Ouimet M, Overholtzer M, Ozpolat B, Paganetti P, Pagnini U, Pallet N, Palmer GE, Palumbo C, Pan T, Panaretakis T, Pandey UB, Papackova Z, Papassideri I, Paris I, Park J, Park OK, Parys JB, Parzych KR, Patschan S, Patterson C, Pattingre S, Pawelek JM, Peng J, Perlmutter DH, Perrotta I, Perry G, Pervaiz S, Peter M, Peters GJ, Petersen M, Petrovski G, Phang JM, Piacentini M, Pierre P, Pierrefite-Carle V, Pierron G, Pinkas-Kramarski R, Piras A, Piri N, Platanias LC, Pöggeler S, Poirot M, Poletti A, Poüs C, Pozuelo-Rubio M, Prætorius-Ibba M, Prasad A, Prescott M, Priault M, Produit-Zengaffinen N, Progulske-Fox A, Proikas-Cezanne T, Przedborski S, Przyklenk K, Puertollano R, Puyal J, Qian SB, Qin L, Qin ZH, Quaggin SE, Raben N, Rabinowich H, Rabkin SW, Rahman I, Rami A, Ramm G, Randall G, Randow F, Rao VA, Rathmell JC, Ravikumar B, Ray SK, Reed BH, Reed JC, Reggiori F, Régnier-Vigouroux A, Reichert AS, Reiners JJ, Reiter RJ, Ren J, Revuelta JL, Rhodes CJ, Ritis K, Rizzo E, Robbins J, Roberge M, Roca H, Roccheri MC, Rocchi S, Rodemann HP, Rodríguez de Córdoba S, Rohrer B, Roninson IB, Rosen K, Rost-Roszkowska MM, Rouis M, Rouschop KMA, Rovetta F, Rubin BP, Rubinsztein DC, Ruckdeschel K, Rucker EB, Rudich A, Rudolf E, Ruiz-Opazo N, Russo R, Rusten TE, Ryan KM, Ryter SW, Sabatini DM, Sadoshima J, Saha T, Saitoh T, Sakagami H, Sakai Y, Salekdeh GH, Salomoni P, Salvaterra PM, Salvesen G, Salvioli R, Sanchez AMJ, Sánchez-Alcázar JA, Sánchez-Prieto R, Sandri M, Sankar U, Sansanwal P, Santambrogio L, Saran S, Sarkar S, Sarwal M, Sasakawa C, Sasnauskiene A, Sass M, Sato K, Sato M, Schapira AHV, Scharl M, Schätzl HM, Scheper W, Schiaffino S, Schneider C, Schneider ME, Schneider-Stock R, Schoenlein PV, Schorderet DF, Schüller C, Schwartz GK, Scorrano L, Sealy L, Seglen PO, Segura-Aguilar J, Seiliez I, Seleverstov O, Sell C, Seo JB, Separovic D, Setaluri V, Setoguchi T, Settembre C, Shacka JJ, Shanmugam M, Shapiro IM, Shaulian E, Shaw RJ, Shelhamer JH, Shen HM, Shen WC, Sheng ZH, Shi Y, Shibuya K, Shidoji Y, Shieh JJ, Shih CM, Shimada Y, Shimizu S, Shintani T, Shirihai OS, Shore GC, Sibirny AA, Sidhu SB, Sikorska B, Silva-Zacarin ECM, Simmons A, Simon AK, Simon HU, Simone C, Simonsen A, Sinclair DA, Singh R, Sinha D, Sinicrope FA, Sirko A, Siu PM, Sivridis E, Skop V, Skulachev VP, Slack RS, Smaili SS, Smith DR, Soengas MS, Soldati T, Song X, Sood AK, Soong TW, Sotgia F, Spector SA, Spies CD, Springer W, Srinivasula SM, Stefanis L, Steffan JS, Stendel R, Stenmark H, Stephanou A, Stern ST, Sternberg C, Stork B, Strålfors P, Subauste CS, Sui X, Sulzer D, Sun J, Sun SY, Sun ZJ, Sung JJY, Suzuki K, Suzuki T, Swanson MS, Swanton C, Sweeney ST, Sy LK, Szabadkai G, Tabas I, Taegtmeyer H, Tafani M, Takács-Vellai K, Takano Y, Takegawa K, Takemura G, Takeshita F, Talbot NJ, Tan KSW, Tanaka K, Tanaka K, Tang D, Tang D, Tanida I, Tannous BA, Tavernarakis N, Taylor GS, Taylor GA, Taylor JP, Terada LS, Terman A, Tettamanti G, Thevissen K, Thompson CB, Thorburn A, Thumm M, Tian F, Tian Y, Tocchini-Valentini G, Tolkovsky AM, Tomino Y, Tönges L, Tooze SA, Tournier C, Tower J, Towns R, Trajkovic V, Travassos LH, Tsai TF, Tschan MP, Tsubata T, Tsung A, Turk B, Turner LS, Tyagi SC, Uchiyama Y, Ueno T, Umekawa M, Umemiya-Shirafuji R, Unni VK, Vaccaro MI, Valente EM, Van den Berghe G, van der Klei IJ, van Doorn W, van Dyk LF, van Egmond M, van Grunsven LA, Vandenabeele P, Vandenberghe WP, Vanhorebeek I, Vaquero EC, Velasco G, Vellai T, Vicencio JM, Vierstra RD, Vila M, Vindis C, Viola G, Viscomi MT, Voitsekhovskaja OV, von Haefen C, Votruba M, Wada K, Wade-Martins R, Walker CL, Walsh CM, Walter J, Wan XB, Wang A, Wang C, Wang D, Wang F, Wang F, Wang G, Wang H, Wang HG, Wang HD, Wang J, Wang K, Wang M, Wang RC, Wang X, Wang X, Wang YJ, Wang Y, Wang Z, Wang ZC, Wang Z, Wansink DG, Ward DM, Watada H, Waters SL, Webster P, Wei L, Weihl CC, Weiss WA, Welford SM, Wen LP, Whitehouse CA, Whitton JL, Whitworth AJ, Wileman T, Wiley JW, Wilkinson S, Willbold D, Williams RL, Williamson PR, Wouters BG, Wu C, Wu DC, Wu WKK, Wyttenbach A, Xavier RJ, Xi Z, Xia P, Xiao G, Xie Z, Xie Z, Xu DZ, Xu J, Xu L, Xu X, Yamamoto A, Yamamoto A, Yamashina S, Yamashita M, Yan X, Yanagida M, Yang DS, Yang E, Yang JM, Yang SY, Yang W, Yang WY, Yang Z, Yao MC, Yao TP, Yeganeh B, Yen WL, Yin JJ, Yin XM, Yoo OJ, Yoon G, Yoon SY, Yorimitsu T, Yoshikawa Y, Yoshimori T, Yoshimoto K, You HJ, Youle RJ, Younes A, Yu L, Yu L, Yu SW, Yu WH, Yuan ZM, Yue Z, Yun CH, Yuzaki M, Zabirnyk O, Silva-Zacarin E, Zacks D, Zacksenhaus E, Zaffaroni N, Zakeri Z, Zeh HJ, Zeitlin SO, Zhang H, Zhang HL, Zhang J, Zhang JP, Zhang L, Zhang L, Zhang MY, Zhang XD, Zhao M, Zhao YF, Zhao Y, Zhao ZJ, Zheng X, Zhivotovsky B, Zhong Q, Zhou CZ, Zhu C, Zhu WG, Zhu XF, Zhu X, Zhu Y, Zoladek T, Zong WX, Zorzano A, Zschocke J, Zuckerbraun B. Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy. Autophagy 2012; 8:445-544. [PMID: 22966490 PMCID: PMC3404883 DOI: 10.4161/auto.19496] [Citation(s) in RCA: 2797] [Impact Index Per Article: 215.2] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Key Words] [MESH Headings] [Grants] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 02/06/2023] Open
In 2008 we published the first set of guidelines for standardizing research in autophagy. Since then, research on this topic has continued to accelerate, and many new scientists have entered the field. Our knowledge base and relevant new technologies have also been expanding. Accordingly, it is important to update these guidelines for monitoring autophagy in different organisms. Various reviews have described the range of assays that have been used for this purpose. Nevertheless, there continues to be confusion regarding acceptable methods to measure autophagy, especially in multicellular eukaryotes. A key point that needs to be emphasized is that there is a difference between measurements that monitor the numbers or volume of autophagic elements (e.g., autophagosomes or autolysosomes) at any stage of the autophagic process vs. those that measure flux through the autophagy pathway (i.e., the complete process); thus, a block in macroautophagy that results in autophagosome accumulation needs to be differentiated from stimuli that result in increased autophagic activity, defined as increased autophagy induction coupled with increased delivery to, and degradation within, lysosomes (in most higher eukaryotes and some protists such as Dictyostelium) or the vacuole (in plants and fungi). In other words, it is especially important that investigators new to the field understand that the appearance of more autophagosomes does not necessarily equate with more autophagy. In fact, in many cases, autophagosomes accumulate because of a block in trafficking to lysosomes without a concomitant change in autophagosome biogenesis, whereas an increase in autolysosomes may reflect a reduction in degradative activity. Here, we present a set of guidelines for the selection and interpretation of methods for use by investigators who aim to examine macroautophagy and related processes, as well as for reviewers who need to provide realistic and reasonable critiques of papers that are focused on these processes. These guidelines are not meant to be a formulaic set of rules, because the appropriate assays depend in part on the question being asked and the system being used. In addition, we emphasize that no individual assay is guaranteed to be the most appropriate one in every situation, and we strongly recommend the use of multiple assays to monitor autophagy. In these guidelines, we consider these various methods of assessing autophagy and what information can, or cannot, be obtained from them. Finally, by discussing the merits and limits of particular autophagy assays, we hope to encourage technical innovation in the field.
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Zhang L, Conejo-Garcia JR, Katsaros D, Gimotty PA, Massobrio M, Regnani G, Makrigiannakis A, Gray H, Schlienger K, Liebman MN, Rubin SC, Coukos G. Intratumoral T cells, recurrence, and survival in epithelial ovarian cancer. N Engl J Med 2003; 348:203-13. [PMID: 12529460 DOI: 10.1056/nejmoa020177] [Citation(s) in RCA: 2601] [Impact Index Per Article: 118.2] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [MESH Headings] [Grants] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Submit a Manuscript] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 11/19/2022]
BACKGROUND Although tumor-infiltrating T cells have been documented in ovarian carcinoma, a clear association with clinical outcome has not been established. METHODS We performed immunohistochemical analysis of 186 frozen specimens from advanced-stage ovarian carcinomas to assess the distribution of tumor-infiltrating T cells and conducted outcome analyses. Molecular analyses were performed in some tumors by real-time polymerase chain reaction. RESULTS CD3+ tumor-infiltrating T cells were detected within tumor-cell islets (intratumoral T cells) in 102 of the 186 tumors (54.8 percent); they were undetectable in 72 tumors (38.7 percent); the remaining 12 tumors (6.5 percent) could not be evaluated. There were significant differences in the distributions of progression-free survival and overall survival according to the presence or absence of intratumoral T cells (P<0.001 for both comparisons). The five-year overall survival rate was 38.0 percent among patients whose tumors contained T cells and 4.5 percent among patients whose tumors contained no T cells in islets. Significant differences in the distributions of progression-free survival and overall survival according to the presence or absence of intratumoral T cells (P<0.001 for both comparisons) were also seen among 74 patients with a complete clinical response after debulking and platinum-based chemotherapy: the five-year overall survival rate was 73.9 percent among patients whose tumors contained T cells and 11.9 percent among patients whose tumors contained no T cells in islets. The presence of intratumoral T cells independently correlated with delayed recurrence or delayed death in multivariate analysis and was associated with increased expression of interferon-gamma, interleukin-2, and lymphocyte-attracting chemokines within the tumor. The absence of intratumoral T cells was associated with increased levels of vascular endothelial growth factor. CONCLUSIONS The presence of intratumoral T cells correlates with improved clinical outcome in advanced ovarian carcinoma.
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The characteristics of an organism are determined by the genes expressed within it. A method was developed, called serial analysis of gene expression (SAGE), that allows the quantitative and simultaneous analysis of a large number of transcripts. To demonstrate this strategy, short diagnostic sequence tags were isolated from pancreas, concatenated, and cloned. Manual sequencing of 1000 tags revealed a gene expression pattern characteristic of pancreatic function. New pancreatic transcripts corresponding to novel tags were identified. SAGE should provide a broadly applicable means for the quantitative cataloging and comparison of expressed genes in a variety of normal, developmental, and disease states.
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Zhang L, Eisenberg A. Multiple Morphologies of "Crew-Cut" Aggregates of Polystyrene-b-poly(acrylic acid) Block Copolymers. Science 1995; 268:1728-31. [PMID: 17834990 DOI: 10.1126/science.268.5218.1728] [Citation(s) in RCA: 1941] [Impact Index Per Article: 64.7] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 11/02/2022]
The observation by transmission electron microscopy of six different stable aggregate morphologies is reported for the same family of highly asymmetric polystyrene-poly-(acrylic acid) block copolymers prepared in a low molecular weight solvent system. Four of the morphologies consist of spheres, rods, lamellae, and vesicles in aqueous solution, whereas the fifth consists of simple reverse micelle-like aggregates. The sixth consists of up to micrometer-size spheres in aqueous solution that have hydrophilic surfaces and are filled with the reverse micelle-like aggregates. In addition, a needle-like solid, which is highly birefringent, is obtained on drying of aqueous solutions of the spherical micelles. This range of morphologies is believed to be unprecedented for a block copolymer system.
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Zhang L, Gu FX, Chan JM, Wang AZ, Langer RS, Farokhzad OC. Nanoparticles in Medicine: Therapeutic Applications and Developments. Clin Pharmacol Ther 2007; 83:761-9. [DOI: 10.1038/sj.clpt.6100400] [Citation(s) in RCA: 1792] [Impact Index Per Article: 99.6] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 11/09/2022]
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Abbott BP, Abbott R, Abbott TD, Abernathy MR, Acernese F, Ackley K, Adams C, Adams T, Addesso P, Adhikari RX, Adya VB, Affeldt C, Agathos M, Agatsuma K, Aggarwal N, Aguiar OD, Aiello L, Ain A, Ajith P, Allen B, Allocca A, Altin PA, Anderson SB, Anderson WG, Arai K, Arain MA, Araya MC, Arceneaux CC, Areeda JS, Arnaud N, Arun KG, Ascenzi S, Ashton G, Ast M, Aston SM, Astone P, Aufmuth P, Aulbert C, Babak S, Bacon P, Bader MKM, Baker PT, Baldaccini F, Ballardin G, Ballmer SW, Barayoga JC, Barclay SE, Barish BC, Barker D, Barone F, Barr B, Barsotti L, Barsuglia M, Barta D, Bartlett J, Barton MA, Bartos I, Bassiri R, Basti A, Batch JC, Baune C, Bavigadda V, Bazzan M, Behnke B, Bejger M, Belczynski C, Bell AS, Bell CJ, Berger BK, Bergman J, Bergmann G, Berry CPL, Bersanetti D, Bertolini A, Betzwieser J, Bhagwat S, Bhandare R, Bilenko IA, Billingsley G, Birch J, Birney R, Birnholtz O, Biscans S, Bisht A, Bitossi M, Biwer C, Bizouard MA, Blackburn JK, Blair CD, Blair DG, Blair RM, Bloemen S, Bock O, Bodiya TP, Boer M, Bogaert G, Bogan C, Bohe A, Bojtos P, Bond C, Bondu F, Bonnand R, Boom BA, Bork R, Boschi V, Bose S, Bouffanais Y, Bozzi A, Bradaschia C, Brady PR, Braginsky VB, Branchesi M, Brau JE, Briant T, Brillet A, Brinkmann M, Brisson V, Brockill P, Brooks AF, Brown DA, Brown DD, Brown NM, Buchanan CC, Buikema A, Bulik T, Bulten HJ, Buonanno A, Buskulic D, Buy C, Byer RL, Cabero M, Cadonati L, Cagnoli G, Cahillane C, Calderón Bustillo J, Callister T, Calloni E, Camp JB, Cannon KC, Cao J, Capano CD, Capocasa E, Carbognani F, Caride S, Casanueva Diaz J, Casentini C, Caudill S, Cavaglià M, Cavalier F, Cavalieri R, Cella G, Cepeda CB, Cerboni Baiardi L, Cerretani G, Cesarini E, Chakraborty R, Chalermsongsak T, Chamberlin SJ, Chan M, Chao S, Charlton P, Chassande-Mottin E, Chen HY, Chen Y, Cheng C, Chincarini A, Chiummo A, Cho HS, Cho M, Chow JH, Christensen N, Chu Q, Chua S, Chung S, Ciani G, Clara F, Clark JA, Cleva F, Coccia E, Cohadon PF, Colla A, Collette CG, Cominsky L, Constancio M, Conte A, Conti L, Cook D, Corbitt TR, Cornish N, Corsi A, Cortese S, Costa CA, Coughlin MW, Coughlin SB, Coulon JP, Countryman ST, Couvares P, Cowan EE, Coward DM, Cowart MJ, Coyne DC, Coyne R, Craig K, Creighton JDE, Creighton TD, Cripe J, Crowder SG, Cruise AM, Cumming A, Cunningham L, Cuoco E, Dal Canton T, Danilishin SL, D'Antonio S, Danzmann K, Darman NS, Da Silva Costa CF, Dattilo V, Dave I, Daveloza HP, Davier M, Davies GS, Daw EJ, Day R, De S, DeBra D, Debreczeni G, Degallaix J, De Laurentis M, Deléglise S, Del Pozzo W, Denker T, Dent T, Dereli H, Dergachev V, DeRosa RT, De Rosa R, DeSalvo R, Dhurandhar S, Díaz MC, Di Fiore L, Di Giovanni M, Di Lieto A, Di Pace S, Di Palma I, Di Virgilio A, Dojcinoski G, Dolique V, Donovan F, Dooley KL, Doravari S, Douglas R, Downes TP, Drago M, Drever RWP, Driggers JC, Du Z, Ducrot M, Dwyer SE, Edo TB, Edwards MC, Effler A, Eggenstein HB, Ehrens P, Eichholz J, Eikenberry SS, Engels W, Essick RC, Etzel T, Evans M, Evans TM, Everett R, Factourovich M, Fafone V, Fair H, Fairhurst S, Fan X, Fang Q, Farinon S, Farr B, Farr WM, Favata M, Fays M, Fehrmann H, Fejer MM, Feldbaum D, Ferrante I, Ferreira EC, Ferrini F, Fidecaro F, Finn LS, Fiori I, Fiorucci D, Fisher RP, Flaminio R, Fletcher M, Fong H, Fournier JD, Franco S, Frasca S, Frasconi F, Frede M, Frei Z, Freise A, Frey R, Frey V, Fricke TT, Fritschel P, Frolov VV, Fulda P, Fyffe M, Gabbard HAG, Gair JR, Gammaitoni L, Gaonkar SG, Garufi F, Gatto A, Gaur G, Gehrels N, Gemme G, Gendre B, Genin E, Gennai A, George J, Gergely L, Germain V, Ghosh A, Ghosh A, Ghosh S, Giaime JA, Giardina KD, Giazotto A, Gill K, Glaefke A, Gleason JR, Goetz E, Goetz R, Gondan L, González G, Gonzalez Castro JM, Gopakumar A, Gordon NA, Gorodetsky ML, Gossan SE, Gosselin M, Gouaty R, Graef C, Graff PB, Granata M, Grant A, Gras S, Gray C, Greco G, Green AC, Greenhalgh RJS, Groot P, Grote H, Grunewald S, Guidi GM, Guo X, Gupta A, Gupta MK, Gushwa KE, Gustafson EK, Gustafson R, Hacker JJ, Hall BR, Hall ED, Hammond G, Haney M, Hanke MM, Hanks J, Hanna C, Hannam MD, Hanson J, Hardwick T, Harms J, Harry GM, Harry IW, Hart MJ, Hartman MT, Haster CJ, Haughian K, Healy J, Heefner J, Heidmann A, Heintze MC, Heinzel G, Heitmann H, Hello P, Hemming G, Hendry M, Heng IS, Hennig J, Heptonstall AW, Heurs M, Hild S, Hoak D, Hodge KA, Hofman D, Hollitt SE, Holt K, Holz DE, Hopkins P, Hosken DJ, Hough J, Houston EA, Howell EJ, Hu YM, Huang S, Huerta EA, Huet D, Hughey B, Husa S, Huttner SH, Huynh-Dinh T, Idrisy A, Indik N, Ingram DR, Inta R, Isa HN, Isac JM, Isi M, Islas G, Isogai T, Iyer BR, Izumi K, Jacobson MB, Jacqmin T, Jang H, Jani K, Jaranowski P, Jawahar S, Jiménez-Forteza F, Johnson WW, Johnson-McDaniel NK, Jones DI, Jones R, Jonker RJG, Ju L, Haris K, Kalaghatgi CV, Kalogera V, Kandhasamy S, Kang G, Kanner JB, Karki S, Kasprzack M, Katsavounidis E, Katzman W, Kaufer S, Kaur T, Kawabe K, Kawazoe F, Kéfélian F, Kehl MS, Keitel D, Kelley DB, Kells W, Kennedy R, Keppel DG, Key JS, Khalaidovski A, Khalili FY, Khan I, Khan S, Khan Z, Khazanov EA, Kijbunchoo N, Kim C, Kim J, Kim K, Kim NG, Kim N, Kim YM, King EJ, King PJ, Kinzel DL, Kissel JS, Kleybolte L, Klimenko S, Koehlenbeck SM, Kokeyama K, Koley S, Kondrashov V, Kontos A, Koranda S, Korobko M, Korth WZ, Kowalska I, Kozak DB, Kringel V, Krishnan B, Królak A, Krueger C, Kuehn G, Kumar P, Kumar R, Kuo L, Kutynia A, Kwee P, Lackey BD, Landry M, Lange J, Lantz B, Lasky PD, Lazzarini A, Lazzaro C, Leaci P, Leavey S, Lebigot EO, Lee CH, Lee HK, Lee HM, Lee K, Lenon A, Leonardi M, Leong JR, Leroy N, Letendre N, Levin Y, Levine BM, Li TGF, Libson A, Littenberg TB, Lockerbie NA, Logue J, Lombardi AL, London LT, Lord JE, Lorenzini M, Loriette V, Lormand M, Losurdo G, Lough JD, Lousto CO, Lovelace G, Lück H, Lundgren AP, Luo J, Lynch R, Ma Y, MacDonald T, Machenschalk B, MacInnis M, Macleod DM, Magaña-Sandoval F, Magee RM, Mageswaran M, Majorana E, Maksimovic I, Malvezzi V, Man N, Mandel I, Mandic V, Mangano V, Mansell GL, Manske M, Mantovani M, Marchesoni F, Marion F, Márka S, Márka Z, Markosyan AS, Maros E, Martelli F, Martellini L, Martin IW, Martin RM, Martynov DV, Marx JN, Mason K, Masserot A, Massinger TJ, Masso-Reid M, Matichard F, Matone L, Mavalvala N, Mazumder N, Mazzolo G, McCarthy R, McClelland DE, McCormick S, McGuire SC, McIntyre G, McIver J, McManus DJ, McWilliams ST, Meacher D, Meadors GD, Meidam J, Melatos A, Mendell G, Mendoza-Gandara D, Mercer RA, Merilh E, Merzougui M, Meshkov S, Messenger C, Messick C, Meyers PM, Mezzani F, Miao H, Michel C, Middleton H, Mikhailov EE, Milano L, Miller J, Millhouse M, Minenkov Y, Ming J, Mirshekari S, Mishra C, Mitra S, Mitrofanov VP, Mitselmakher G, Mittleman R, Moggi A, Mohan M, Mohapatra SRP, Montani M, Moore BC, Moore CJ, Moraru D, Moreno G, Morriss SR, Mossavi K, Mours B, Mow-Lowry CM, Mueller CL, Mueller G, Muir AW, Mukherjee A, Mukherjee D, Mukherjee S, Mukund N, Mullavey A, Munch J, Murphy DJ, Murray PG, Mytidis A, Nardecchia I, Naticchioni L, Nayak RK, Necula V, Nedkova K, Nelemans G, Neri M, Neunzert A, Newton G, Nguyen TT, Nielsen AB, Nissanke S, Nitz A, Nocera F, Nolting D, Normandin MEN, Nuttall LK, Oberling J, Ochsner E, O'Dell J, Oelker E, Ogin GH, Oh JJ, Oh SH, Ohme F, Oliver M, Oppermann P, Oram RJ, O'Reilly B, O'Shaughnessy R, Ott CD, Ottaway DJ, Ottens RS, Overmier H, Owen BJ, Pai A, Pai SA, Palamos JR, Palashov O, Palomba C, Pal-Singh A, Pan H, Pan Y, Pankow C, Pannarale F, Pant BC, Paoletti F, Paoli A, Papa MA, Paris HR, Parker W, Pascucci D, Pasqualetti A, Passaquieti R, Passuello D, Patricelli B, Patrick Z, Pearlstone BL, Pedraza M, Pedurand R, Pekowsky L, Pele A, Penn S, Perreca A, Pfeiffer HP, Phelps M, Piccinni O, Pichot M, Pickenpack M, Piergiovanni F, Pierro V, Pillant G, Pinard L, Pinto IM, Pitkin M, Poeld JH, Poggiani R, Popolizio P, Post A, Powell J, Prasad J, Predoi V, Premachandra SS, Prestegard T, Price LR, Prijatelj M, Principe M, Privitera S, Prix R, Prodi GA, Prokhorov L, Puncken O, Punturo M, Puppo P, Pürrer M, Qi H, Qin J, Quetschke V, Quintero EA, Quitzow-James R, Raab FJ, Rabeling DS, Radkins H, Raffai P, Raja S, Rakhmanov M, Ramet CR, Rapagnani P, Raymond V, Razzano M, Re V, Read J, Reed CM, Regimbau T, Rei L, Reid S, Reitze DH, Rew H, Reyes SD, Ricci F, Riles K, Robertson NA, Robie R, Robinet F, Rocchi A, Rolland L, Rollins JG, Roma VJ, Romano JD, Romano R, Romanov G, Romie JH, Rosińska D, Rowan S, Rüdiger A, Ruggi P, Ryan K, Sachdev S, Sadecki T, Sadeghian L, Salconi L, Saleem M, Salemi F, Samajdar A, Sammut L, Sampson LM, Sanchez EJ, Sandberg V, Sandeen B, Sanders GH, Sanders JR, Sassolas B, Sathyaprakash BS, Saulson PR, Sauter O, Savage RL, Sawadsky A, Schale P, Schilling R, Schmidt J, Schmidt P, Schnabel R, Schofield RMS, Schönbeck A, Schreiber E, Schuette D, Schutz BF, Scott J, Scott SM, Sellers D, Sengupta AS, Sentenac D, Sequino V, Sergeev A, Serna G, Setyawati Y, Sevigny A, Shaddock DA, Shaffer T, Shah S, Shahriar MS, Shaltev M, Shao Z, Shapiro B, Shawhan P, Sheperd A, Shoemaker DH, Shoemaker DM, Siellez K, Siemens X, Sigg D, Silva AD, Simakov D, Singer A, Singer LP, Singh A, Singh R, Singhal A, Sintes AM, Slagmolen BJJ, Smith JR, Smith MR, Smith ND, Smith RJE, Son EJ, Sorazu B, Sorrentino F, Souradeep T, Srivastava AK, Staley A, Steinke M, Steinlechner J, Steinlechner S, Steinmeyer D, Stephens BC, Stevenson SP, Stone R, Strain KA, Straniero N, Stratta G, Strauss NA, Strigin S, Sturani R, Stuver AL, Summerscales TZ, Sun L, Sutton PJ, Swinkels BL, Szczepańczyk MJ, Tacca M, Talukder D, Tanner DB, Tápai M, Tarabrin SP, Taracchini A, Taylor R, Theeg T, Thirugnanasambandam MP, Thomas EG, Thomas M, Thomas P, Thorne KA, Thorne KS, Thrane E, Tiwari S, Tiwari V, Tokmakov KV, Tomlinson C, Tonelli M, Torres CV, Torrie CI, Töyrä D, Travasso F, Traylor G, Trifirò D, Tringali MC, Trozzo L, Tse M, Turconi M, Tuyenbayev D, Ugolini D, Unnikrishnan CS, Urban AL, Usman SA, Vahlbruch H, Vajente G, Valdes G, Vallisneri M, van Bakel N, van Beuzekom M, van den Brand JFJ, Van Den Broeck C, Vander-Hyde DC, van der Schaaf L, van Heijningen JV, van Veggel AA, Vardaro M, Vass S, Vasúth M, Vaulin R, Vecchio A, Vedovato G, Veitch J, Veitch PJ, Venkateswara K, Verkindt D, Vetrano F, Viceré A, Vinciguerra S, Vine DJ, Vinet JY, Vitale S, Vo T, Vocca H, Vorvick C, Voss D, Vousden WD, Vyatchanin SP, Wade AR, Wade LE, Wade M, Waldman SJ, Walker M, Wallace L, Walsh S, Wang G, Wang H, Wang M, Wang X, Wang Y, Ward H, Ward RL, Warner J, Was M, Weaver B, Wei LW, Weinert M, Weinstein AJ, Weiss R, Welborn T, Wen L, Weßels P, Westphal T, Wette K, Whelan JT, Whitcomb SE, White DJ, Whiting BF, Wiesner K, Wilkinson C, Willems PA, Williams L, Williams RD, Williamson AR, Willis JL, Willke B, Wimmer MH, Winkelmann L, Winkler W, Wipf CC, Wiseman AG, Wittel H, Woan G, Worden J, Wright JL, Wu G, Yablon J, Yakushin I, Yam W, Yamamoto H, Yancey CC, Yap MJ, Yu H, Yvert M, Zadrożny A, Zangrando L, Zanolin M, Zendri JP, Zevin M, Zhang F, Zhang L, Zhang M, Zhang Y, Zhao C, Zhou M, Zhou Z, Zhu XJ, Zucker ME, Zuraw SE, Zweizig J. Observation of Gravitational Waves from a Binary Black Hole Merger. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2016; 116:061102. [PMID: 26918975 DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.116.061102] [Citation(s) in RCA: 1423] [Impact Index Per Article: 158.1] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 01/21/2016] [Indexed: 05/04/2023]
On September 14, 2015 at 09:50:45 UTC the two detectors of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory simultaneously observed a transient gravitational-wave signal. The signal sweeps upwards in frequency from 35 to 250 Hz with a peak gravitational-wave strain of 1.0×10(-21). It matches the waveform predicted by general relativity for the inspiral and merger of a pair of black holes and the ringdown of the resulting single black hole. The signal was observed with a matched-filter signal-to-noise ratio of 24 and a false alarm rate estimated to be less than 1 event per 203,000 years, equivalent to a significance greater than 5.1σ. The source lies at a luminosity distance of 410(-180)(+160) Mpc corresponding to a redshift z=0.09(-0.04)(+0.03). In the source frame, the initial black hole masses are 36(-4)(+5)M⊙ and 29(-4)(+4)M⊙, and the final black hole mass is 62(-4)(+4)M⊙, with 3.0(-0.5)(+0.5)M⊙c(2) radiated in gravitational waves. All uncertainties define 90% credible intervals. These observations demonstrate the existence of binary stellar-mass black hole systems. This is the first direct detection of gravitational waves and the first observation of a binary black hole merger.
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Wu CD, Hu A, Zhang L, Lin W. A homochiral porous metal-organic framework for highly enantioselective heterogeneous asymmetric catalysis. J Am Chem Soc 2005; 127:8940-1. [PMID: 15969557 DOI: 10.1021/ja052431t] [Citation(s) in RCA: 1391] [Impact Index Per Article: 69.6] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [MESH Headings] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 11/29/2022]
A homochiral porous noninterpenetrating metal-organic framework (MOF), 1, was constructed by linking infinite 1D [Cd(mu-Cl)2]n zigzag chains with axially chiral bipyridine bridging ligands containing orthogonal secondary functional groups. The secondary chiral dihydroxy groups accessible via the large open channels in 1 were utilized to generate a heterogeneous asymmetric catalyst for the addition of diethyzinc to aromatic aldehydes to afford chiral secondary alcohols at up to 93% enantiomeric excess (ee). Control experiments with dendritic aromatic aldehydes of different sizes indicate that the heterogeneous asymmetric catalyst derived from 1 is both highly active and enantioselective as a result of the creation of readily accessible, uniform active catalyst sites inside the porous MOF.
Research Support, U.S. Gov't, Non-P.H.S. |
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Modi S, Saura C, Yamashita T, Park YH, Kim SB, Tamura K, Andre F, Iwata H, Ito Y, Tsurutani J, Sohn J, Denduluri N, Perrin C, Aogi K, Tokunaga E, Im SA, Lee KS, Hurvitz SA, Cortes J, Lee C, Chen S, Zhang L, Shahidi J, Yver A, Krop I. Trastuzumab Deruxtecan in Previously Treated HER2-Positive Breast Cancer. N Engl J Med 2020; 382:610-621. [PMID: 31825192 PMCID: PMC7458671 DOI: 10.1056/nejmoa1914510] [Citation(s) in RCA: 1285] [Impact Index Per Article: 257.0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [MESH Headings] [Grants] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Submit a Manuscript] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 12/11/2022]
BACKGROUND Trastuzumab deruxtecan (DS-8201) is an antibody-drug conjugate composed of an anti-HER2 (human epidermal growth factor receptor 2) antibody, a cleavable tetrapeptide-based linker, and a cytotoxic topoisomerase I inhibitor. In a phase 1 dose-finding study, a majority of the patients with advanced HER2-positive breast cancer had a response to trastuzumab deruxtecan (median response duration, 20.7 months). The efficacy of trastuzumab deruxtecan in patients with HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer previously treated with trastuzumab emtansine requires confirmation. METHODS In this two-part, open-label, single-group, multicenter, phase 2 study, we evaluated trastuzumab deruxtecan in adults with pathologically documented HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer who had received previous treatment with trastuzumab emtansine. In the first part of the study, we evaluated three different doses of trastuzumab deruxtecan to establish a recommended dose; in the second part, we evaluated the efficacy and safety of the recommended dose. The primary end point was the objective response, according to independent central review. Key secondary end points were the disease-control rate, clinical-benefit rate, duration of response and progression-free survival, and safety. RESULTS Overall, 184 patients who had undergone a median of six previous treatments received the recommended dose of trastuzumab deruxtecan (5.4 mg per kilogram of body weight). In the intention-to-treat analysis, a response to therapy was reported in 112 patients (60.9%; 95% confidence interval [CI], 53.4 to 68.0). The median duration of follow-up was 11.1 months (range, 0.7 to 19.9). The median response duration was 14.8 months (95% CI, 13.8 to 16.9), and the median duration of progression-free survival was 16.4 months (95% CI, 12.7 to not reached). During the study, the most common adverse events of grade 3 or higher were a decreased neutrophil count (in 20.7% of the patients), anemia (in 8.7%), and nausea (in 7.6%). On independent adjudication, the trial drug was associated with interstitial lung disease in 13.6% of the patients (grade 1 or 2, 10.9%; grade 3 or 4, 0.5%; and grade 5, 2.2%). CONCLUSIONS Trastuzumab deruxtecan showed durable antitumor activity in a pretreated patient population with HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer. In addition to nausea and myelosuppression, interstitial lung disease was observed in a subgroup of patients and requires attention to pulmonary symptoms and careful monitoring. (Funded by Daiichi Sankyo and AstraZeneca; DESTINY-Breast01 ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT03248492.).
Clinical Trial, Phase II |
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Zhang R, Zhang Y, Dong ZC, Jiang S, Zhang C, Chen LG, Zhang L, Liao Y, Aizpurua J, Luo Y, Yang JL, Hou JG. Chemical mapping of a single molecule by plasmon-enhanced Raman scattering. Nature 2013; 498:82-6. [DOI: 10.1038/nature12151] [Citation(s) in RCA: 1236] [Impact Index Per Article: 103.0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 11/20/2012] [Accepted: 03/25/2013] [Indexed: 12/12/2022]
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Jin X, Bauer DE, Tuttleton SE, Lewin S, Gettie A, Blanchard J, Irwin CE, Safrit JT, Mittler J, Weinberger L, Kostrikis LG, Zhang L, Perelson AS, Ho DD. Dramatic rise in plasma viremia after CD8(+) T cell depletion in simian immunodeficiency virus-infected macaques. J Exp Med 1999; 189:991-8. [PMID: 10075982 PMCID: PMC2193038 DOI: 10.1084/jem.189.6.991] [Citation(s) in RCA: 1093] [Impact Index Per Article: 42.0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Key Words] [MESH Headings] [Grants] [Track Full Text] [Download PDF] [Figures] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 01/04/2023] Open
To determine the role of CD8(+) T cells in controlling simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) replication in vivo, we examined the effect of depleting this cell population using an anti-CD8 monoclonal antibody, OKT8F. There was on average a 99.9% reduction of CD8 cells in peripheral blood in six infected Macaca mulatta treated with OKT8F. The apparent CD8 depletion started 1 h after antibody administration, and low CD8 levels were maintained until day 8. An increase in plasma viremia of one to three orders of magnitude was observed in five of the six macaques. The injection of a control antibody to an infected macaque did not induce a sustained viral load increase, nor did it significantly reduce the number of CD8(+) T cells. These results demonstrate that CD8 cells play a crucial role in suppressing SIV replication in vivo.
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Kamal A, Thao L, Sensintaffar J, Zhang L, Boehm MF, Fritz LC, Burrows FJ. A high-affinity conformation of Hsp90 confers tumour selectivity on Hsp90 inhibitors. Nature 2003; 425:407-10. [PMID: 14508491 DOI: 10.1038/nature01913] [Citation(s) in RCA: 1061] [Impact Index Per Article: 48.2] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [MESH Headings] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 06/04/2003] [Accepted: 07/11/2003] [Indexed: 12/16/2022]
Heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90) is a molecular chaperone that plays a key role in the conformational maturation of oncogenic signalling proteins, including HER-2/ErbB2, Akt, Raf-1, Bcr-Abl and mutated p53. Hsp90 inhibitors bind to Hsp90, and induce the proteasomal degradation of Hsp90 client proteins. Although Hsp90 is highly expressed in most cells, Hsp90 inhibitors selectively kill cancer cells compared to normal cells, and the Hsp90 inhibitor 17-allylaminogeldanamycin (17-AAG) is currently in phase I clinical trials. However, the molecular basis of the tumour selectivity of Hsp90 inhibitors is unknown. Here we report that Hsp90 derived from tumour cells has a 100-fold higher binding affinity for 17-AAG than does Hsp90 from normal cells. Tumour Hsp90 is present entirely in multi-chaperone complexes with high ATPase activity, whereas Hsp90 from normal tissues is in a latent, uncomplexed state. In vitro reconstitution of chaperone complexes with Hsp90 resulted in increased binding affinity to 17-AAG, and increased ATPase activity. These results suggest that tumour cells contain Hsp90 complexes in an activated, high-affinity conformation that facilitates malignant progression, and that may represent a unique target for cancer therapeutics.
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Facciabene A, Peng X, Hagemann IS, Balint K, Barchetti A, Wang LP, Gimotty PA, Gilks CB, Lal P, Zhang L, Coukos G. Tumour hypoxia promotes tolerance and angiogenesis via CCL28 and T(reg) cells. Nature 2011; 475:226-30. [PMID: 21753853 DOI: 10.1038/nature10169] [Citation(s) in RCA: 1028] [Impact Index Per Article: 73.4] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 04/18/2010] [Accepted: 05/03/2011] [Indexed: 12/12/2022]
Although immune mechanisms can suppress tumour growth, tumours establish potent, overlapping mechanisms that mediate immune evasion. Emerging evidence suggests a link between angiogenesis and the tolerance of tumours to immune mechanisms. Hypoxia, a condition that is known to drive angiogenesis in tumours, results in the release of damage-associated pattern molecules, which can trigger the rejection of tumours by the immune system. Thus, the counter-activation of tolerance mechanisms at the site of tumour hypoxia would be a crucial condition for maintaining the immunological escape of tumours. However, a direct link between tumour hypoxia and tolerance through the recruitment of regulatory cells has not been established. We proposed that tumour hypoxia induces the expression of chemotactic factors that promote tolerance. Here we show that tumour hypoxia promotes the recruitment of regulatory T (T(reg)) cells through induction of expression of the chemokine CC-chemokine ligand 28 (CCL28), which, in turn, promotes tumour tolerance and angiogenesis. Thus, peripheral immune tolerance and angiogenesis programs are closely connected and cooperate to sustain tumour growth.
Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't |
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Zhang L, Zhu F, Xie L, Wang C, Wang J, Chen R, Jia P, Guan HQ, Peng L, Chen Y, Peng P, Zhang P, Chu Q, Shen Q, Wang Y, Xu SY, Zhao JP, Zhou M. Clinical characteristics of COVID-19-infected cancer patients: a retrospective case study in three hospitals within Wuhan, China. Ann Oncol 2020; 31:894-901. [PMID: 32224151 PMCID: PMC7270947 DOI: 10.1016/j.annonc.2020.03.296] [Citation(s) in RCA: 1005] [Impact Index Per Article: 201.0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Key Words] [MESH Headings] [Track Full Text] [Download PDF] [Figures] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 03/12/2020] [Revised: 03/22/2020] [Accepted: 03/23/2020] [Indexed: 02/06/2023] Open
Background Cancer patients are regarded as a highly vulnerable group in the current Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. To date, the clinical characteristics of COVID-19-infected cancer patients remain largely unknown. Patients and methods In this retrospective cohort study, we included cancer patients with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 from three designated hospitals in Wuhan, China. Clinical data were collected from medical records from 13 January 2020 to 26 February 2020. Univariate and multivariate analyses were carried out to assess the risk factors associated with severe events defined as a condition requiring admission to an intensive care unit, the use of mechanical ventilation, or death. Results A total of 28 COVID-19-infected cancer patients were included; 17 (60.7%) patients were male. Median (interquartile range) age was 65.0 (56.0–70.0) years. Lung cancer was the most frequent cancer type (n = 7; 25.0%). Eight (28.6%) patients were suspected to have hospital-associated transmission. The following clinical features were shown in our cohort: fever (n = 23, 82.1%), dry cough (n = 22, 81%), and dyspnoea (n = 14, 50.0%), along with lymphopaenia (n = 23, 82.1%), high level of high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (n = 23, 82.1%), anaemia (n = 21, 75.0%), and hypoproteinaemia (n = 25, 89.3%). The common chest computed tomography (CT) findings were ground-glass opacity (n = 21, 75.0%) and patchy consolidation (n = 13, 46.3%). A total of 15 (53.6%) patients had severe events and the mortality rate was 28.6%. If the last antitumour treatment was within 14 days, it significantly increased the risk of developing severe events [hazard ratio (HR) = 4.079, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.086–15.322, P = 0.037]. Furthermore, patchy consolidation on CT on admission was associated with a higher risk of developing severe events (HR = 5.438, 95% CI 1.498–19.748, P = 0.010). Conclusions Cancer patients show deteriorating conditions and poor outcomes from the COVID-19 infection. It is recommended that cancer patients receiving antitumour treatments should have vigorous screening for COVID-19 infection and should avoid treatments causing immunosuppression or have their dosages decreased in case of COVID-19 coinfection.
Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't |
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Huang Y, Paxton WA, Wolinsky SM, Neumann AU, Zhang L, He T, Kang S, Ceradini D, Jin Z, Yazdanbakhsh K, Kunstman K, Erickson D, Dragon E, Landau NR, Phair J, Ho DD, Koup RA. The role of a mutant CCR5 allele in HIV-1 transmission and disease progression. Nat Med 1996; 2:1240-3. [PMID: 8898752 DOI: 10.1038/nm1196-1240] [Citation(s) in RCA: 995] [Impact Index Per Article: 34.3] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [MESH Headings] [Grants] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 02/02/2023]
A 32-nucleotide deletion (delta 32) within the beta-chemokine receptor 5 (CCR5) gene has been described in subjects who remain uninfected despite extensive exposure to HIV-1. This allele was found to be common in the Caucasian population with a frequency of 0.0808, but was not found in people of African or Asian ancestry. To determine its role in HIV-1 transmission and disease progression, we analyzed the CCRS genotype of 1252 homosexual men enrolled in the Chicago component of the Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study (MACS). No infected participant was found to be homozygous for the delta 32 allele, whereas 3.6% of at-risk but uninfected Caucasian participants were homozygous, showing the highly protective role of this genotype against sexual acquisition of HIV-1. No evidence was found to suggest that heterozygotes were protected against HIV-1 infection, but a limited protective role against disease progression was noted. The delta 32 allele of CCR5 is therefore an important host factor in HIV-1 transmission and pathogenesis.
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Zhang ZG, Zhang L, Jiang Q, Zhang R, Davies K, Powers C, Bruggen NV, Chopp M. VEGF enhances angiogenesis and promotes blood-brain barrier leakage in the ischemic brain. J Clin Invest 2000; 106:829-38. [PMID: 11018070 PMCID: PMC517814 DOI: 10.1172/jci9369] [Citation(s) in RCA: 992] [Impact Index Per Article: 39.7] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [MESH Headings] [Grants] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 01/12/2000] [Accepted: 08/28/2000] [Indexed: 01/09/2023] Open
VEGF is a secreted mitogen associated with angiogenesis and is also a potent vascular permeability factor. The biological role of VEGF in the ischemic brain remains unknown. This study was undertaken to investigate whether VEGF enhances cerebral microvascular perfusion and increases blood-brain barrier (BBB) leakage in the ischemic brain. Using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), three-dimensional laser-scanning confocal microscope, and functional neurological tests, we measured the effects of administrating recombinant human VEGF(165) (rhVEGF(165)) on angiogenesis, functional neurological outcome, and BBB leakage in a rat model of focal cerebral embolic ischemia. Late (48 hours) administration of rhVEGF(165) to the ischemic rats enhanced angiogenesis in the ischemic penumbra and significantly improved neurological recovery. However, early postischemic (1 hour) administration of rhVEGF(165) to ischemic rats significantly increased BBB leakage, hemorrhagic transformation, and ischemic lesions. Administration of rhVEGF(165) to ischemic rats did not change BBB leakage and cerebral plasma perfusion in the contralateral hemisphere. Our results indicate that VEGF can markedly enhance angiogenesis in the ischemic brain and reduce neurological deficits during stroke recovery and that inhibition of VEGF at the acute stage of stroke may reduce the BBB permeability and the risk of hemorrhagic transformation after focal cerebral ischemia.
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Zhang L, Zhou W, Velculescu VE, Kern SE, Hruban RH, Hamilton SR, Vogelstein B, Kinzler KW. Gene expression profiles in normal and cancer cells. Science 1997; 276:1268-72. [PMID: 9157888 DOI: 10.1126/science.276.5316.1268] [Citation(s) in RCA: 955] [Impact Index Per Article: 34.1] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [MESH Headings] [Grants] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 02/04/2023]
As a step toward understanding the complex differences between normal and cancer cells in humans, gene expression patterns were examined in gastrointestinal tumors. More than 300,000 transcripts derived from at least 45,000 different genes were analyzed. Although extensive similarity was noted between the expression profiles, more than 500 transcripts that were expressed at significantly different levels in normal and neoplastic cells were identified. These data provide insight into the extent of expression differences underlying malignancy and reveal genes that may prove useful as diagnostic or prognostic markers.
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Through global profiling of genes that were expressed soon after p53 expression, we identified a novel gene termed PUMA (p53 upregulated modulator of apoptosis). The protein encoded by PUMA was found to be exclusively mitochondrial and to bind to Bcl-2 and Bcl-X(L) through a BH3 domain. Exogenous expression of PUMA resulted in an extremely rapid and profound apoptosis that occurred much earlier than that resulting from exogenous expression of p53. Based on its unique expression patterns, p53 dependence, and biochemical properties, PUMA may be a direct mediator of p53-associated apoptosis.
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Zhang L, Zhang L, Mou X, Zhang D. FSIM: a feature similarity index for image quality assessment. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON IMAGE PROCESSING : A PUBLICATION OF THE IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING SOCIETY 2011; 20:2378-86. [PMID: 21292594 DOI: 10.1109/tip.2011.2109730] [Citation(s) in RCA: 923] [Impact Index Per Article: 65.9] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [MESH Headings] [Track Full Text] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 05/06/2023]
Image quality assessment (IQA) aims to use computational models to measure the image quality consistently with subjective evaluations. The well-known structural similarity index brings IQA from pixel- to structure-based stage. In this paper, a novel feature similarity (FSIM) index for full reference IQA is proposed based on the fact that human visual system (HVS) understands an image mainly according to its low-level features. Specifically, the phase congruency (PC), which is a dimensionless measure of the significance of a local structure, is used as the primary feature in FSIM. Considering that PC is contrast invariant while the contrast information does affect HVS' perception of image quality, the image gradient magnitude (GM) is employed as the secondary feature in FSIM. PC and GM play complementary roles in characterizing the image local quality. After obtaining the local quality map, we use PC again as a weighting function to derive a single quality score. Extensive experiments performed on six benchmark IQA databases demonstrate that FSIM can achieve much higher consistency with the subjective evaluations than state-of-the-art IQA metrics.
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Zhang L, Zhang S, Yao J, Lowery FJ, Zhang Q, Huang WC, Li P, Li M, Wang X, Zhang C, Wang H, Ellis K, Cheerathodi M, McCarty JH, Palmieri D, Saunus J, Lakhani S, Huang S, Sahin AA, Aldape KD, Steeg PS, Yu D. Microenvironment-induced PTEN loss by exosomal microRNA primes brain metastasis outgrowth. Nature 2015; 527:100-104. [PMID: 26479035 PMCID: PMC4819404 DOI: 10.1038/nature15376] [Citation(s) in RCA: 919] [Impact Index Per Article: 91.9] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Key Words] [MESH Headings] [Grants] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 10/01/2014] [Accepted: 08/05/2015] [Indexed: 02/07/2023]
The development of life-threatening cancer metastases at distant organs requires disseminated tumour cells' adaptation to, and co-evolution with, the drastically different microenvironments of metastatic sites. Cancer cells of common origin manifest distinct gene expression patterns after metastasizing to different organs. Clearly, the dynamic interaction between metastatic tumour cells and extrinsic signals at individual metastatic organ sites critically effects the subsequent metastatic outgrowth. Yet, it is unclear when and how disseminated tumour cells acquire the essential traits from the microenvironment of metastatic organs that prime their subsequent outgrowth. Here we show that both human and mouse tumour cells with normal expression of PTEN, an important tumour suppressor, lose PTEN expression after dissemination to the brain, but not to other organs. The PTEN level in PTEN-loss brain metastatic tumour cells is restored after leaving the brain microenvironment. This brain microenvironment-dependent, reversible PTEN messenger RNA and protein downregulation is epigenetically regulated by microRNAs from brain astrocytes. Mechanistically, astrocyte-derived exosomes mediate an intercellular transfer of PTEN-targeting microRNAs to metastatic tumour cells, while astrocyte-specific depletion of PTEN-targeting microRNAs or blockade of astrocyte exosome secretion rescues the PTEN loss and suppresses brain metastasis in vivo. Furthermore, this adaptive PTEN loss in brain metastatic tumour cells leads to an increased secretion of the chemokine CCL2, which recruits IBA1-expressing myeloid cells that reciprocally enhance the outgrowth of brain metastatic tumour cells via enhanced proliferation and reduced apoptosis. Our findings demonstrate a remarkable plasticity of PTEN expression in metastatic tumour cells in response to different organ microenvironments, underpinning an essential role of co-evolution between the metastatic cells and their microenvironment during the adaptive metastatic outgrowth. Our findings signify the dynamic and reciprocal cross-talk between tumour cells and the metastatic niche; importantly, they provide new opportunities for effective anti-metastasis therapies, especially of consequence for brain metastasis patients.
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Hermeking H, Lengauer C, Polyak K, He TC, Zhang L, Thiagalingam S, Kinzler KW, Vogelstein B. 14-3-3sigma is a p53-regulated inhibitor of G2/M progression. Mol Cell 1997; 1:3-11. [PMID: 9659898 DOI: 10.1016/s1097-2765(00)80002-7] [Citation(s) in RCA: 911] [Impact Index Per Article: 32.5] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [MESH Headings] [Grants] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 11/28/2022]
Exposure of colorectal cancer (CRC) cells to ionizing radiation results in a cell-cycle arrest in G1 and G2. The G1 arrest is due to p53-mediated induction of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p21WAF1/CIP1/SDI1, but the basis for the G2 arrest is unknown. Through a quantitative analysis of gene expression patterns in CRC cell lines, we have discovered that 14-3-3sigma is strongly induced by gamma irradiation and other DNA-damaging agents. The induction of 14-3-3sigma is mediated by a p53-responsive element located 1.8 kb upstream of its transcription start site. Exogenous introduction of 14-3-3sigma into cycling cells results in a G2 arrest. As the fission yeast 14-3-3 homologs rad24 and rad25 mediate similar checkpoint effects, these results document a molecular mechanism for G2/M control that is conserved throughout eukaryotic evolution and regulated in human cells by p53.
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Abbott BP, Abbott R, Abbott TD, Acernese F, Ackley K, Adams C, Adams T, Addesso P, Adhikari RX, Adya VB, Affeldt C, Afrough M, Agarwal B, Agathos M, Agatsuma K, Aggarwal N, Aguiar OD, Aiello L, Ain A, Ajith P, Allen B, Allen G, Allocca A, Altin PA, Amato A, Ananyeva A, Anderson SB, Anderson WG, Angelova SV, Antier S, Appert S, Arai K, Araya MC, Areeda JS, Arnaud N, Arun KG, Ascenzi S, Ashton G, Ast M, Aston SM, Astone P, Atallah DV, Aufmuth P, Aulbert C, AultONeal K, Austin C, Avila-Alvarez A, Babak S, Bacon P, Bader MKM, Bae S, Bailes M, Baker PT, Baldaccini F, Ballardin G, Ballmer SW, Banagiri S, Barayoga JC, Barclay SE, Barish BC, Barker D, Barkett K, Barone F, Barr B, Barsotti L, Barsuglia M, Barta D, Barthelmy SD, Bartlett J, Bartos I, Bassiri R, Basti A, Batch JC, Bawaj M, Bayley JC, Bazzan M, Bécsy B, Beer C, Bejger M, Belahcene I, Bell AS, Berger BK, Bergmann G, Bernuzzi S, Bero JJ, Berry CPL, Bersanetti D, Bertolini A, Betzwieser J, Bhagwat S, Bhandare R, Bilenko IA, Billingsley G, Billman CR, Birch J, Birney R, Birnholtz O, Biscans S, Biscoveanu S, Bisht A, Bitossi M, Biwer C, Bizouard MA, Blackburn JK, Blackman J, Blair CD, Blair DG, Blair RM, Bloemen S, Bock O, Bode N, Boer M, Bogaert G, Bohe A, Bondu F, Bonilla E, Bonnand R, Boom BA, Bork R, Boschi V, Bose S, Bossie K, Bouffanais Y, Bozzi A, Bradaschia C, Brady PR, Branchesi M, Brau JE, Briant T, Brillet A, Brinkmann M, Brisson V, Brockill P, Broida JE, Brooks AF, Brown DA, Brown DD, Brunett S, Buchanan CC, Buikema A, Bulik T, Bulten HJ, Buonanno A, Buskulic D, Buy C, Byer RL, Cabero M, Cadonati L, Cagnoli G, Cahillane C, Calderón Bustillo J, Callister TA, Calloni E, Camp JB, Canepa M, Canizares P, Cannon KC, Cao H, Cao J, Capano CD, Capocasa E, Carbognani F, Caride S, Carney MF, Carullo G, Casanueva Diaz J, Casentini C, Caudill S, Cavaglià M, Cavalier F, Cavalieri R, Cella G, Cepeda CB, Cerdá-Durán P, Cerretani G, Cesarini E, Chamberlin SJ, Chan M, Chao S, Charlton P, Chase E, Chassande-Mottin E, Chatterjee D, Chatziioannou K, Cheeseboro BD, Chen HY, Chen X, Chen Y, Cheng HP, Chia H, Chincarini A, Chiummo A, Chmiel T, Cho HS, Cho M, Chow JH, Christensen N, Chu Q, Chua AJK, Chua S, Chung AKW, Chung S, Ciani G, Ciolfi R, Cirelli CE, Cirone A, Clara F, Clark JA, Clearwater P, Cleva F, Cocchieri C, Coccia E, Cohadon PF, Cohen D, Colla A, Collette CG, Cominsky LR, Constancio M, Conti L, Cooper SJ, Corban P, Corbitt TR, Cordero-Carrión I, Corley KR, Cornish N, Corsi A, Cortese S, Costa CA, Coughlin MW, Coughlin SB, Coulon JP, Countryman ST, Couvares P, Covas PB, Cowan EE, Coward DM, Cowart MJ, Coyne DC, Coyne R, Creighton JDE, Creighton TD, Cripe J, Crowder SG, Cullen TJ, Cumming A, Cunningham L, Cuoco E, Dal Canton T, Dálya G, Danilishin SL, D'Antonio S, Danzmann K, Dasgupta A, Da Silva Costa CF, Dattilo V, Dave I, Davier M, Davis D, Daw EJ, Day B, De S, DeBra D, Degallaix J, De Laurentis M, Deléglise S, Del Pozzo W, Demos N, Denker T, Dent T, De Pietri R, Dergachev V, De Rosa R, DeRosa RT, De Rossi C, DeSalvo R, de Varona O, Devenson J, Dhurandhar S, Díaz MC, Dietrich T, Di Fiore L, Di Giovanni M, Di Girolamo T, Di Lieto A, Di Pace S, Di Palma I, Di Renzo F, Doctor Z, Dolique V, Donovan F, Dooley KL, Doravari S, Dorrington I, Douglas R, Dovale Álvarez M, Downes TP, Drago M, Dreissigacker C, Driggers JC, Du Z, Ducrot M, Dudi R, Dupej P, Dwyer SE, Edo TB, Edwards MC, Effler A, Eggenstein HB, Ehrens P, Eichholz J, Eikenberry SS, Eisenstein RA, Essick RC, Estevez D, Etienne ZB, Etzel T, Evans M, Evans TM, Factourovich M, Fafone V, Fair H, Fairhurst S, Fan X, Farinon S, Farr B, Farr WM, Fauchon-Jones EJ, Favata M, Fays M, Fee C, Fehrmann H, Feicht J, Fejer MM, Fernandez-Galiana A, Ferrante I, Ferreira EC, Ferrini F, Fidecaro F, Finstad D, Fiori I, Fiorucci D, Fishbach M, Fisher RP, Fitz-Axen M, Flaminio R, Fletcher M, Fong H, Font JA, Forsyth PWF, Forsyth SS, Fournier JD, Frasca S, Frasconi F, Frei Z, Freise A, Frey R, Frey V, Fries EM, Fritschel P, Frolov VV, Fulda P, Fyffe M, Gabbard H, Gadre BU, Gaebel SM, Gair JR, Gammaitoni L, Ganija MR, Gaonkar SG, Garcia-Quiros C, Garufi F, Gateley B, Gaudio S, Gaur G, Gayathri V, Gehrels N, Gemme G, Genin E, Gennai A, George D, George J, Gergely L, Germain V, Ghonge S, Ghosh A, Ghosh A, Ghosh S, Giaime JA, Giardina KD, Giazotto A, Gill K, Glover L, Goetz E, Goetz R, Gomes S, Goncharov B, González G, Gonzalez Castro JM, Gopakumar A, Gorodetsky ML, Gossan SE, Gosselin M, Gouaty R, Grado A, Graef C, Granata M, Grant A, Gras S, Gray C, Greco G, Green AC, Gretarsson EM, Groot P, Grote H, Grunewald S, Gruning P, Guidi GM, Guo X, Gupta A, Gupta MK, Gushwa KE, Gustafson EK, Gustafson R, Halim O, Hall BR, Hall ED, Hamilton EZ, Hammond G, Haney M, Hanke MM, Hanks J, Hanna C, Hannam MD, Hannuksela OA, Hanson J, Hardwick T, Harms J, Harry GM, Harry IW, Hart MJ, Haster CJ, Haughian K, Healy J, Heidmann A, Heintze MC, Heitmann H, Hello P, Hemming G, Hendry M, Heng IS, Hennig J, Heptonstall AW, Heurs M, Hild S, Hinderer T, Ho WCG, Hoak D, Hofman D, Holt K, Holz DE, Hopkins P, Horst C, Hough J, Houston EA, Howell EJ, Hreibi A, Hu YM, Huerta EA, Huet D, Hughey B, Husa S, Huttner SH, Huynh-Dinh T, Indik N, Inta R, Intini G, Isa HN, Isac JM, Isi M, Iyer BR, Izumi K, Jacqmin T, Jani K, Jaranowski P, Jawahar S, Jiménez-Forteza F, Johnson WW, Johnson-McDaniel NK, Jones DI, Jones R, Jonker RJG, Ju L, Junker J, Kalaghatgi CV, Kalogera V, Kamai B, Kandhasamy S, Kang G, Kanner JB, Kapadia SJ, Karki S, Karvinen KS, Kasprzack M, Kastaun W, Katolik M, Katsavounidis E, Katzman W, Kaufer S, Kawabe K, Kéfélian F, Keitel D, Kemball AJ, Kennedy R, Kent C, Key JS, Khalili FY, Khan I, Khan S, Khan Z, Khazanov EA, Kijbunchoo N, Kim C, Kim JC, Kim K, Kim W, Kim WS, Kim YM, Kimbrell SJ, King EJ, King PJ, Kinley-Hanlon M, Kirchhoff R, Kissel JS, Kleybolte L, Klimenko S, Knowles TD, Koch P, Koehlenbeck SM, Koley S, Kondrashov V, Kontos A, Korobko M, Korth WZ, Kowalska I, Kozak DB, Krämer C, Kringel V, Krishnan B, Królak A, Kuehn G, Kumar P, Kumar R, Kumar S, Kuo L, Kutynia A, Kwang S, Lackey BD, Lai KH, Landry M, Lang RN, Lange J, Lantz B, Lanza RK, Larson SL, Lartaux-Vollard A, Lasky PD, Laxen M, Lazzarini A, Lazzaro C, Leaci P, Leavey S, Lee CH, Lee HK, Lee HM, Lee HW, Lee K, Lehmann J, Lenon A, Leon E, Leonardi M, Leroy N, Letendre N, Levin Y, Li TGF, Linker SD, Littenberg TB, Liu J, Liu X, Lo RKL, Lockerbie NA, London LT, Lord JE, Lorenzini M, Loriette V, Lormand M, Losurdo G, Lough JD, Lousto CO, Lovelace G, Lück H, Lumaca D, Lundgren AP, Lynch R, Ma Y, Macas R, Macfoy S, Machenschalk B, MacInnis M, Macleod DM, Magaña Hernandez I, Magaña-Sandoval F, Magaña Zertuche L, Magee RM, Majorana E, Maksimovic I, Man N, Mandic V, Mangano V, Mansell GL, Manske M, Mantovani M, Marchesoni F, Marion F, Márka S, Márka Z, Markakis C, Markosyan AS, Markowitz A, Maros E, Marquina A, Marsh P, Martelli F, Martellini L, Martin IW, Martin RM, Martynov DV, Marx JN, Mason K, Massera E, Masserot A, Massinger TJ, Masso-Reid M, Mastrogiovanni S, Matas A, Matichard F, Matone L, Mavalvala N, Mazumder N, McCarthy R, McClelland DE, McCormick S, McCuller L, McGuire SC, McIntyre G, McIver J, McManus DJ, McNeill L, McRae T, McWilliams ST, Meacher D, Meadors GD, Mehmet M, Meidam J, Mejuto-Villa E, Melatos A, Mendell G, Mercer RA, Merilh EL, Merzougui M, Meshkov S, Messenger C, Messick C, Metzdorff R, Meyers PM, Miao H, Michel C, Middleton H, Mikhailov EE, Milano L, Miller AL, Miller BB, Miller J, Millhouse M, Milovich-Goff MC, Minazzoli O, Minenkov Y, Ming J, Mishra C, Mitra S, Mitrofanov VP, Mitselmakher G, Mittleman R, Moffa D, Moggi A, Mogushi K, Mohan M, Mohapatra SRP, Molina I, Montani M, Moore CJ, Moraru D, Moreno G, Morisaki S, Morriss SR, Mours B, Mow-Lowry CM, Mueller G, Muir AW, Mukherjee A, Mukherjee D, Mukherjee S, Mukund N, Mullavey A, Munch J, Muñiz EA, Muratore M, Murray PG, Nagar A, Napier K, Nardecchia I, Naticchioni L, Nayak RK, Neilson J, Nelemans G, Nelson TJN, Nery M, Neunzert A, Nevin L, Newport JM, Newton G, Ng KKY, Nguyen P, Nguyen TT, Nichols D, Nielsen AB, Nissanke S, Nitz A, Noack A, Nocera F, Nolting D, North C, Nuttall LK, Oberling J, O'Dea GD, Ogin GH, Oh JJ, Oh SH, Ohme F, Okada MA, Oliver M, Oppermann P, Oram RJ, O'Reilly B, Ormiston R, Ortega LF, O'Shaughnessy R, Ossokine S, Ottaway DJ, Overmier H, Owen BJ, Pace AE, Page J, Page MA, Pai A, Pai SA, Palamos JR, Palashov O, Palomba C, Pal-Singh A, Pan H, Pan HW, Pang B, Pang PTH, Pankow C, Pannarale F, Pant BC, Paoletti F, Paoli A, Papa MA, Parida A, Parker W, Pascucci D, Pasqualetti A, Passaquieti R, Passuello D, Patil M, Patricelli B, Pearlstone BL, Pedraza M, Pedurand R, Pekowsky L, Pele A, Penn S, Perez CJ, Perreca A, Perri LM, Pfeiffer HP, Phelps M, Piccinni OJ, Pichot M, Piergiovanni F, Pierro V, Pillant G, Pinard L, Pinto IM, Pirello M, Pitkin M, Poe M, Poggiani R, Popolizio P, Porter EK, Post A, Powell J, Prasad J, Pratt JWW, Pratten G, Predoi V, Prestegard T, Prijatelj M, Principe M, Privitera S, Prix R, Prodi GA, Prokhorov LG, Puncken O, Punturo M, Puppo P, Pürrer M, Qi H, Quetschke V, Quintero EA, Quitzow-James R, Raab FJ, Rabeling DS, Radkins H, Raffai P, Raja S, Rajan C, Rajbhandari B, Rakhmanov M, Ramirez KE, Ramos-Buades A, Rapagnani P, Raymond V, Razzano M, Read J, Regimbau T, Rei L, Reid S, Reitze DH, Ren W, Reyes SD, Ricci F, Ricker PM, Rieger S, Riles K, Rizzo M, Robertson NA, Robie R, Robinet F, Rocchi A, Rolland L, Rollins JG, Roma VJ, Romano JD, Romano R, Romel CL, Romie JH, Rosińska D, Ross MP, Rowan S, Rüdiger A, Ruggi P, Rutins G, Ryan K, Sachdev S, Sadecki T, Sadeghian L, Sakellariadou M, Salconi L, Saleem M, Salemi F, Samajdar A, Sammut L, Sampson LM, Sanchez EJ, Sanchez LE, Sanchis-Gual N, Sandberg V, Sanders JR, Sassolas B, Sathyaprakash BS, Saulson PR, Sauter O, Savage RL, Sawadsky A, Schale P, Scheel M, Scheuer J, Schmidt J, Schmidt P, Schnabel R, Schofield RMS, Schönbeck A, Schreiber E, Schuette D, Schulte BW, Schutz BF, Schwalbe SG, Scott J, Scott SM, Seidel E, Sellers D, Sengupta AS, Sentenac D, Sequino V, Sergeev A, Shaddock DA, Shaffer TJ, Shah AA, Shahriar MS, Shaner MB, Shao L, Shapiro B, Shawhan P, Sheperd A, Shoemaker DH, Shoemaker DM, Siellez K, Siemens X, Sieniawska M, Sigg D, Silva AD, Singer LP, Singh A, Singhal A, Sintes AM, Slagmolen BJJ, Smith B, Smith JR, Smith RJE, Somala S, Son EJ, Sonnenberg JA, Sorazu B, Sorrentino F, Souradeep T, Spencer AP, Srivastava AK, Staats K, Staley A, Steinke M, Steinlechner J, Steinlechner S, Steinmeyer D, Stevenson SP, Stone R, Stops DJ, Strain KA, Stratta G, Strigin SE, Strunk A, Sturani R, Stuver AL, Summerscales TZ, Sun L, Sunil S, Suresh J, Sutton PJ, Swinkels BL, Szczepańczyk MJ, Tacca M, Tait SC, Talbot C, Talukder D, Tanner DB, Tápai M, Taracchini A, Tasson JD, Taylor JA, Taylor R, Tewari SV, Theeg T, Thies F, Thomas EG, Thomas M, Thomas P, Thorne KA, Thorne KS, Thrane E, Tiwari S, Tiwari V, Tokmakov KV, Toland K, Tonelli M, Tornasi Z, Torres-Forné A, Torrie CI, Töyrä D, Travasso F, Traylor G, Trinastic J, Tringali MC, Trozzo L, Tsang KW, Tse M, Tso R, Tsukada L, Tsuna D, Tuyenbayev D, Ueno K, Ugolini D, Unnikrishnan CS, Urban AL, Usman SA, Vahlbruch H, Vajente G, Valdes G, Vallisneri M, van Bakel N, van Beuzekom M, van den Brand JFJ, Van Den Broeck C, Vander-Hyde DC, van der Schaaf L, van Heijningen JV, van Veggel AA, Vardaro M, Varma V, Vass S, Vasúth M, Vecchio A, Vedovato G, Veitch J, Veitch PJ, Venkateswara K, Venugopalan G, Verkindt D, Vetrano F, Viceré A, Viets AD, Vinciguerra S, Vine DJ, Vinet JY, Vitale S, Vo T, Vocca H, Vorvick C, Vyatchanin SP, Wade AR, Wade LE, Wade M, Walet R, Walker M, Wallace L, Walsh S, Wang G, Wang H, Wang JZ, Wang WH, Wang YF, Ward RL, Warner J, Was M, Watchi J, Weaver B, Wei LW, Weinert M, Weinstein AJ, Weiss R, Wen L, Wessel EK, Weßels P, Westerweck J, Westphal T, Wette K, Whelan JT, Whitcomb SE, Whiting BF, Whittle C, Wilken D, Williams D, Williams RD, Williamson AR, Willis JL, Willke B, Wimmer MH, Winkler W, Wipf CC, Wittel H, Woan G, Woehler J, Wofford J, Wong KWK, Worden J, Wright JL, Wu DS, Wysocki DM, Xiao S, Yamamoto H, Yancey CC, Yang L, Yap MJ, Yazback M, Yu H, Yu H, Yvert M, Zadrożny A, Zanolin M, Zelenova T, Zendri JP, Zevin M, Zhang L, Zhang M, Zhang T, Zhang YH, Zhao C, Zhou M, Zhou Z, Zhu SJ, Zhu XJ, Zimmerman AB, Zucker ME, Zweizig J. GW170817: Observation of Gravitational Waves from a Binary Neutron Star Inspiral. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2017; 119:161101. [PMID: 29099225 DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.119.161101] [Citation(s) in RCA: 879] [Impact Index Per Article: 109.9] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 09/26/2017] [Indexed: 05/21/2023]
On August 17, 2017 at 12∶41:04 UTC the Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo gravitational-wave detectors made their first observation of a binary neutron star inspiral. The signal, GW170817, was detected with a combined signal-to-noise ratio of 32.4 and a false-alarm-rate estimate of less than one per 8.0×10^{4} years. We infer the component masses of the binary to be between 0.86 and 2.26 M_{⊙}, in agreement with masses of known neutron stars. Restricting the component spins to the range inferred in binary neutron stars, we find the component masses to be in the range 1.17-1.60 M_{⊙}, with the total mass of the system 2.74_{-0.01}^{+0.04}M_{⊙}. The source was localized within a sky region of 28 deg^{2} (90% probability) and had a luminosity distance of 40_{-14}^{+8} Mpc, the closest and most precisely localized gravitational-wave signal yet. The association with the γ-ray burst GRB 170817A, detected by Fermi-GBM 1.7 s after the coalescence, corroborates the hypothesis of a neutron star merger and provides the first direct evidence of a link between these mergers and short γ-ray bursts. Subsequent identification of transient counterparts across the electromagnetic spectrum in the same location further supports the interpretation of this event as a neutron star merger. This unprecedented joint gravitational and electromagnetic observation provides insight into astrophysics, dense matter, gravitation, and cosmology.
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