Abbott BP, Abbott R, Abbott TD, Abernathy MR, Acernese F, Ackley K, Adams C, Adams T, Addesso P, Adhikari RX, Adya VB, Affeldt C, Agathos M, Agatsuma K, Aggarwal N, Aguiar OD, Aiello L, Ain A, Ajith P, Allen B, Allocca A, Altin PA, Anderson SB, Anderson WG, Arai K, Arain MA, Araya MC, Arceneaux CC, Areeda JS, Arnaud N, Arun KG, Ascenzi S, Ashton G, Ast M, Aston SM, Astone P, Aufmuth P, Aulbert C, Babak S, Bacon P, Bader MKM, Baker PT, Baldaccini F, Ballardin G, Ballmer SW, Barayoga JC, Barclay SE, Barish BC, Barker D, Barone F, Barr B, Barsotti L, Barsuglia M, Barta D, Bartlett J, Barton MA, Bartos I, Bassiri R, Basti A, Batch JC, Baune C, Bavigadda V, Bazzan M, Behnke B, Bejger M, Belczynski C, Bell AS, Bell CJ, Berger BK, Bergman J, Bergmann G, Berry CPL, Bersanetti D, Bertolini A, Betzwieser J, Bhagwat S, Bhandare R, Bilenko IA, Billingsley G, Birch J, Birney R, Birnholtz O, Biscans S, Bisht A, Bitossi M, Biwer C, Bizouard MA, Blackburn JK, Blair CD, Blair DG, Blair RM, Bloemen S, Bock O, Bodiya TP, Boer M, Bogaert G, Bogan C, Bohe A, Bojtos P, Bond C, Bondu F, Bonnand R, Boom BA, Bork R, Boschi V, Bose S, Bouffanais Y, Bozzi A, Bradaschia C, Brady PR, Braginsky VB, Branchesi M, Brau JE, Briant T, Brillet A, Brinkmann M, Brisson V, Brockill P, Brooks AF, Brown DA, Brown DD, Brown NM, Buchanan CC, Buikema A, Bulik T, Bulten HJ, Buonanno A, Buskulic D, Buy C, Byer RL, Cabero M, Cadonati L, Cagnoli G, Cahillane C, Calderón Bustillo J, Callister T, Calloni E, Camp JB, Cannon KC, Cao J, Capano CD, Capocasa E, Carbognani F, Caride S, Casanueva Diaz J, Casentini C, Caudill S, Cavaglià M, Cavalier F, Cavalieri R, Cella G, Cepeda CB, Cerboni Baiardi L, Cerretani G, Cesarini E, Chakraborty R, Chalermsongsak T, Chamberlin SJ, Chan M, Chao S, Charlton P, Chassande-Mottin E, Chen HY, Chen Y, Cheng C, Chincarini A, Chiummo A, Cho HS, Cho M, Chow JH, Christensen N, Chu Q, Chua S, Chung S, Ciani G, Clara F, Clark JA, Cleva F, Coccia E, Cohadon PF, Colla A, Collette CG, Cominsky L, Constancio M, Conte A, Conti L, Cook D, Corbitt TR, Cornish N, Corsi A, Cortese S, Costa CA, Coughlin MW, Coughlin SB, Coulon JP, Countryman ST, Couvares P, Cowan EE, Coward DM, Cowart MJ, Coyne DC, Coyne R, Craig K, Creighton JDE, Creighton TD, Cripe J, Crowder SG, Cruise AM, Cumming A, Cunningham L, Cuoco E, Dal Canton T, Danilishin SL, D'Antonio S, Danzmann K, Darman NS, Da Silva Costa CF, Dattilo V, Dave I, Daveloza HP, Davier M, Davies GS, Daw EJ, Day R, De S, DeBra D, Debreczeni G, Degallaix J, De Laurentis M, Deléglise S, Del Pozzo W, Denker T, Dent T, Dereli H, Dergachev V, DeRosa RT, De Rosa R, DeSalvo R, Dhurandhar S, Díaz MC, Di Fiore L, Di Giovanni M, Di Lieto A, Di Pace S, Di Palma I, Di Virgilio A, Dojcinoski G, Dolique V, Donovan F, Dooley KL, Doravari S, Douglas R, Downes TP, Drago M, Drever RWP, Driggers JC, Du Z, Ducrot M, Dwyer SE, Edo TB, Edwards MC, Effler A, Eggenstein HB, Ehrens P, Eichholz J, Eikenberry SS, Engels W, Essick RC, Etzel T, Evans M, Evans TM, Everett R, Factourovich M, Fafone V, Fair H, Fairhurst S, Fan X, Fang Q, Farinon S, Farr B, Farr WM, Favata M, Fays M, Fehrmann H, Fejer MM, Feldbaum D, Ferrante I, Ferreira EC, Ferrini F, Fidecaro F, Finn LS, Fiori I, Fiorucci D, Fisher RP, Flaminio R, Fletcher M, Fong H, Fournier JD, Franco S, Frasca S, Frasconi F, Frede M, Frei Z, Freise A, Frey R, Frey V, Fricke TT, Fritschel P, Frolov VV, Fulda P, Fyffe M, Gabbard HAG, Gair JR, Gammaitoni L, Gaonkar SG, Garufi F, Gatto A, Gaur G, Gehrels N, Gemme G, Gendre B, Genin E, Gennai A, George J, Gergely L, Germain V, Ghosh A, Ghosh A, Ghosh S, Giaime JA, Giardina KD, Giazotto A, Gill K, Glaefke A, Gleason JR, Goetz E, Goetz R, Gondan L, González G, Gonzalez Castro JM, Gopakumar A, Gordon NA, Gorodetsky ML, Gossan SE, Gosselin M, Gouaty R, Graef C, Graff PB, Granata M, Grant A, Gras S, Gray C, Greco G, Green AC, Greenhalgh RJS, Groot P, Grote H, Grunewald S, Guidi GM, Guo X, Gupta A, Gupta MK, Gushwa KE, Gustafson EK, Gustafson R, Hacker JJ, Hall BR, Hall ED, Hammond G, Haney M, Hanke MM, Hanks J, Hanna C, Hannam MD, Hanson J, Hardwick T, Harms J, Harry GM, Harry IW, Hart MJ, Hartman MT, Haster CJ, Haughian K, Healy J, Heefner J, Heidmann A, Heintze MC, Heinzel G, Heitmann H, Hello P, Hemming G, Hendry M, Heng IS, Hennig J, Heptonstall AW, Heurs M, Hild S, Hoak D, Hodge KA, Hofman D, Hollitt SE, Holt K, Holz DE, Hopkins P, Hosken DJ, Hough J, Houston EA, Howell EJ, Hu YM, Huang S, Huerta EA, Huet D, Hughey B, Husa S, Huttner SH, Huynh-Dinh T, Idrisy A, Indik N, Ingram DR, Inta R, Isa HN, Isac JM, Isi M, Islas G, Isogai T, Iyer BR, Izumi K, Jacobson MB, Jacqmin T, Jang H, Jani K, Jaranowski P, Jawahar S, Jiménez-Forteza F, Johnson WW, Johnson-McDaniel NK, Jones DI, Jones R, Jonker RJG, Ju L, Haris K, Kalaghatgi CV, Kalogera V, Kandhasamy S, Kang G, Kanner JB, Karki S, Kasprzack M, Katsavounidis E, Katzman W, Kaufer S, Kaur T, Kawabe K, Kawazoe F, Kéfélian F, Kehl MS, Keitel D, Kelley DB, Kells W, Kennedy R, Keppel DG, Key JS, Khalaidovski A, Khalili FY, Khan I, Khan S, Khan Z, Khazanov EA, Kijbunchoo N, Kim C, Kim J, Kim K, Kim NG, Kim N, Kim YM, King EJ, King PJ, Kinzel DL, Kissel JS, Kleybolte L, Klimenko S, Koehlenbeck SM, Kokeyama K, Koley S, Kondrashov V, Kontos A, Koranda S, Korobko M, Korth WZ, Kowalska I, Kozak DB, Kringel V, Krishnan B, Królak A, Krueger C, Kuehn G, Kumar P, Kumar R, Kuo L, Kutynia A, Kwee P, Lackey BD, Landry M, Lange J, Lantz B, Lasky PD, Lazzarini A, Lazzaro C, Leaci P, Leavey S, Lebigot EO, Lee CH, Lee HK, Lee HM, Lee K, Lenon A, Leonardi M, Leong JR, Leroy N, Letendre N, Levin Y, Levine BM, Li TGF, Libson A, Littenberg TB, Lockerbie NA, Logue J, Lombardi AL, London LT, Lord JE, Lorenzini M, Loriette V, Lormand M, Losurdo G, Lough JD, Lousto CO, Lovelace G, Lück H, Lundgren AP, Luo J, Lynch R, Ma Y, MacDonald T, Machenschalk B, MacInnis M, Macleod DM, Magaña-Sandoval F, Magee RM, Mageswaran M, Majorana E, Maksimovic I, Malvezzi V, Man N, Mandel I, Mandic V, Mangano V, Mansell GL, Manske M, Mantovani M, Marchesoni F, Marion F, Márka S, Márka Z, Markosyan AS, Maros E, Martelli F, Martellini L, Martin IW, Martin RM, Martynov DV, Marx JN, Mason K, Masserot A, Massinger TJ, Masso-Reid M, Matichard F, Matone L, Mavalvala N, Mazumder N, Mazzolo G, McCarthy R, McClelland DE, McCormick S, McGuire SC, McIntyre G, McIver J, McManus DJ, McWilliams ST, Meacher D, Meadors GD, Meidam J, Melatos A, Mendell G, Mendoza-Gandara D, Mercer RA, Merilh E, Merzougui M, Meshkov S, Messenger C, Messick C, Meyers PM, Mezzani F, Miao H, Michel C, Middleton H, Mikhailov EE, Milano L, Miller J, Millhouse M, Minenkov Y, Ming J, Mirshekari S, Mishra C, Mitra S, Mitrofanov VP, Mitselmakher G, Mittleman R, Moggi A, Mohan M, Mohapatra SRP, Montani M, Moore BC, Moore CJ, Moraru D, Moreno G, Morriss SR, Mossavi K, Mours B, Mow-Lowry CM, Mueller CL, Mueller G, Muir AW, Mukherjee A, Mukherjee D, Mukherjee S, Mukund N, Mullavey A, Munch J, Murphy DJ, Murray PG, Mytidis A, Nardecchia I, Naticchioni L, Nayak RK, Necula V, Nedkova K, Nelemans G, Neri M, Neunzert A, Newton G, Nguyen TT, Nielsen AB, Nissanke S, Nitz A, Nocera F, Nolting D, Normandin MEN, Nuttall LK, Oberling J, Ochsner E, O'Dell J, Oelker E, Ogin GH, Oh JJ, Oh SH, Ohme F, Oliver M, Oppermann P, Oram RJ, O'Reilly B, O'Shaughnessy R, Ott CD, Ottaway DJ, Ottens RS, Overmier H, Owen BJ, Pai A, Pai SA, Palamos JR, Palashov O, Palomba C, Pal-Singh A, Pan H, Pan Y, Pankow C, Pannarale F, Pant BC, Paoletti F, Paoli A, Papa MA, Paris HR, Parker W, Pascucci D, Pasqualetti A, Passaquieti R, Passuello D, Patricelli B, Patrick Z, Pearlstone BL, Pedraza M, Pedurand R, Pekowsky L, Pele A, Penn S, Perreca A, Pfeiffer HP, Phelps M, Piccinni O, Pichot M, Pickenpack M, Piergiovanni F, Pierro V, Pillant G, Pinard L, Pinto IM, Pitkin M, Poeld JH, Poggiani R, Popolizio P, Post A, Powell J, Prasad J, Predoi V, Premachandra SS, Prestegard T, Price LR, Prijatelj M, Principe M, Privitera S, Prix R, Prodi GA, Prokhorov L, Puncken O, Punturo M, Puppo P, Pürrer M, Qi H, Qin J, Quetschke V, Quintero EA, Quitzow-James R, Raab FJ, Rabeling DS, Radkins H, Raffai P, Raja S, Rakhmanov M, Ramet CR, Rapagnani P, Raymond V, Razzano M, Re V, Read J, Reed CM, Regimbau T, Rei L, Reid S, Reitze DH, Rew H, Reyes SD, Ricci F, Riles K, Robertson NA, Robie R, Robinet F, Rocchi A, Rolland L, Rollins JG, Roma VJ, Romano JD, Romano R, Romanov G, Romie JH, Rosińska D, Rowan S, Rüdiger A, Ruggi P, Ryan K, Sachdev S, Sadecki T, Sadeghian L, Salconi L, Saleem M, Salemi F, Samajdar A, Sammut L, Sampson LM, Sanchez EJ, Sandberg V, Sandeen B, Sanders GH, Sanders JR, Sassolas B, Sathyaprakash BS, Saulson PR, Sauter O, Savage RL, Sawadsky A, Schale P, Schilling R, Schmidt J, Schmidt P, Schnabel R, Schofield RMS, Schönbeck A, Schreiber E, Schuette D, Schutz BF, Scott J, Scott SM, Sellers D, Sengupta AS, Sentenac D, Sequino V, Sergeev A, Serna G, Setyawati Y, Sevigny A, Shaddock DA, Shaffer T, Shah S, Shahriar MS, Shaltev M, Shao Z, Shapiro B, Shawhan P, Sheperd A, Shoemaker DH, Shoemaker DM, Siellez K, Siemens X, Sigg D, Silva AD, Simakov D, Singer A, Singer LP, Singh A, Singh R, Singhal A, Sintes AM, Slagmolen BJJ, Smith JR, Smith MR, Smith ND, Smith RJE, Son EJ, Sorazu B, Sorrentino F, Souradeep T, Srivastava AK, Staley A, Steinke M, Steinlechner J, Steinlechner S, Steinmeyer D, Stephens BC, Stevenson SP, Stone R, Strain KA, Straniero N, Stratta G, Strauss NA, Strigin S, Sturani R, Stuver AL, Summerscales TZ, Sun L, Sutton PJ, Swinkels BL, Szczepańczyk MJ, Tacca M, Talukder D, Tanner DB, Tápai M, Tarabrin SP, Taracchini A, Taylor R, Theeg T, Thirugnanasambandam MP, Thomas EG, Thomas M, Thomas P, Thorne KA, Thorne KS, Thrane E, Tiwari S, Tiwari V, Tokmakov KV, Tomlinson C, Tonelli M, Torres CV, Torrie CI, Töyrä D, Travasso F, Traylor G, Trifirò D, Tringali MC, Trozzo L, Tse M, Turconi M, Tuyenbayev D, Ugolini D, Unnikrishnan CS, Urban AL, Usman SA, Vahlbruch H, Vajente G, Valdes G, Vallisneri M, van Bakel N, van Beuzekom M, van den Brand JFJ, Van Den Broeck C, Vander-Hyde DC, van der Schaaf L, van Heijningen JV, van Veggel AA, Vardaro M, Vass S, Vasúth M, Vaulin R, Vecchio A, Vedovato G, Veitch J, Veitch PJ, Venkateswara K, Verkindt D, Vetrano F, Viceré A, Vinciguerra S, Vine DJ, Vinet JY, Vitale S, Vo T, Vocca H, Vorvick C, Voss D, Vousden WD, Vyatchanin SP, Wade AR, Wade LE, Wade M, Waldman SJ, Walker M, Wallace L, Walsh S, Wang G, Wang H, Wang M, Wang X, Wang Y, Ward H, Ward RL, Warner J, Was M, Weaver B, Wei LW, Weinert M, Weinstein AJ, Weiss R, Welborn T, Wen L, Weßels P, Westphal T, Wette K, Whelan JT, Whitcomb SE, White DJ, Whiting BF, Wiesner K, Wilkinson C, Willems PA, Williams L, Williams RD, Williamson AR, Willis JL, Willke B, Wimmer MH, Winkelmann L, Winkler W, Wipf CC, Wiseman AG, Wittel H, Woan G, Worden J, Wright JL, Wu G, Yablon J, Yakushin I, Yam W, Yamamoto H, Yancey CC, Yap MJ, Yu H, Yvert M, Zadrożny A, Zangrando L, Zanolin M, Zendri JP, Zevin M, Zhang F, Zhang L, Zhang M, Zhang Y, Zhao C, Zhou M, Zhou Z, Zhu XJ, Zucker ME, Zuraw SE, Zweizig J. Observation of Gravitational Waves from a Binary Black Hole Merger. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2016; 116:061102. [PMID: 26918975 DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.116.061102] [Citation(s) in RCA: 1423] [Impact Index Per Article: 158.1] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 01/21/2016] [Indexed: 05/04/2023]
On September 14, 2015 at 09:50:45 UTC the two detectors of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory simultaneously observed a transient gravitational-wave signal. The signal sweeps upwards in frequency from 35 to 250 Hz with a peak gravitational-wave strain of 1.0×10(-21). It matches the waveform predicted by general relativity for the inspiral and merger of a pair of black holes and the ringdown of the resulting single black hole. The signal was observed with a matched-filter signal-to-noise ratio of 24 and a false alarm rate estimated to be less than 1 event per 203,000 years, equivalent to a significance greater than 5.1σ. The source lies at a luminosity distance of 410(-180)(+160) Mpc corresponding to a redshift z=0.09(-0.04)(+0.03). In the source frame, the initial black hole masses are 36(-4)(+5)M⊙ and 29(-4)(+4)M⊙, and the final black hole mass is 62(-4)(+4)M⊙, with 3.0(-0.5)(+0.5)M⊙c(2) radiated in gravitational waves. All uncertainties define 90% credible intervals. These observations demonstrate the existence of binary stellar-mass black hole systems. This is the first direct detection of gravitational waves and the first observation of a binary black hole merger.
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Khan S, Cao Q, Zheng YM, Huang YZ, Zhu YG. Health risks of heavy metals in contaminated soils and food crops irrigated with wastewater in Beijing, China. ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION (BARKING, ESSEX : 1987) 2008; 152:686-92. [PMID: 17720286 DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2007.06.056] [Citation(s) in RCA: 911] [Impact Index Per Article: 53.6] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [MESH Headings] [Track Full Text] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 04/20/2007] [Revised: 06/23/2007] [Accepted: 06/26/2007] [Indexed: 05/02/2023]
Consumption of food crops contaminated with heavy metals is a major food chain route for human exposure. We studied the health risks of heavy metals in contaminated food crops irrigated with wastewater. Results indicate that there is a substantial buildup of heavy metals in wastewater-irrigated soils, collected from Beijing, China. Heavy metal concentrations in plants grown in wastewater-irrigated soils were significantly higher (P<or=0.001) than in plants grown in the reference soil, and exceeded the permissible limits set by the State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA) in China and the World Health Organization (WHO). Furthermore, this study highlights that both adults and children consuming food crops grown in wastewater-irrigated soils ingest significant amount of the metals studied. However, health risk index values of less than 1 indicate a relative absence of health risks associated with the ingestion of contaminated vegetables.
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Abbott BP, Abbott R, Abbott TD, Acernese F, Ackley K, Adams C, Adams T, Addesso P, Adhikari RX, Adya VB, Affeldt C, Afrough M, Agarwal B, Agathos M, Agatsuma K, Aggarwal N, Aguiar OD, Aiello L, Ain A, Ajith P, Allen B, Allen G, Allocca A, Altin PA, Amato A, Ananyeva A, Anderson SB, Anderson WG, Angelova SV, Antier S, Appert S, Arai K, Araya MC, Areeda JS, Arnaud N, Arun KG, Ascenzi S, Ashton G, Ast M, Aston SM, Astone P, Atallah DV, Aufmuth P, Aulbert C, AultONeal K, Austin C, Avila-Alvarez A, Babak S, Bacon P, Bader MKM, Bae S, Bailes M, Baker PT, Baldaccini F, Ballardin G, Ballmer SW, Banagiri S, Barayoga JC, Barclay SE, Barish BC, Barker D, Barkett K, Barone F, Barr B, Barsotti L, Barsuglia M, Barta D, Barthelmy SD, Bartlett J, Bartos I, Bassiri R, Basti A, Batch JC, Bawaj M, Bayley JC, Bazzan M, Bécsy B, Beer C, Bejger M, Belahcene I, Bell AS, Berger BK, Bergmann G, Bernuzzi S, Bero JJ, Berry CPL, Bersanetti D, Bertolini A, Betzwieser J, Bhagwat S, Bhandare R, Bilenko IA, Billingsley G, Billman CR, Birch J, Birney R, Birnholtz O, Biscans S, Biscoveanu S, Bisht A, Bitossi M, Biwer C, Bizouard MA, Blackburn JK, Blackman J, Blair CD, Blair DG, Blair RM, Bloemen S, Bock O, Bode N, Boer M, Bogaert G, Bohe A, Bondu F, Bonilla E, Bonnand R, Boom BA, Bork R, Boschi V, Bose S, Bossie K, Bouffanais Y, Bozzi A, Bradaschia C, Brady PR, Branchesi M, Brau JE, Briant T, Brillet A, Brinkmann M, Brisson V, Brockill P, Broida JE, Brooks AF, Brown DA, Brown DD, Brunett S, Buchanan CC, Buikema A, Bulik T, Bulten HJ, Buonanno A, Buskulic D, Buy C, Byer RL, Cabero M, Cadonati L, Cagnoli G, Cahillane C, Calderón Bustillo J, Callister TA, Calloni E, Camp JB, Canepa M, Canizares P, Cannon KC, Cao H, Cao J, Capano CD, Capocasa E, Carbognani F, Caride S, Carney MF, Carullo G, Casanueva Diaz J, Casentini C, Caudill S, Cavaglià M, Cavalier F, Cavalieri R, Cella G, Cepeda CB, Cerdá-Durán P, Cerretani G, Cesarini E, Chamberlin SJ, Chan M, Chao S, Charlton P, Chase E, Chassande-Mottin E, Chatterjee D, Chatziioannou K, Cheeseboro BD, Chen HY, Chen X, Chen Y, Cheng HP, Chia H, Chincarini A, Chiummo A, Chmiel T, Cho HS, Cho M, Chow JH, Christensen N, Chu Q, Chua AJK, Chua S, Chung AKW, Chung S, Ciani G, Ciolfi R, Cirelli CE, Cirone A, Clara F, Clark JA, Clearwater P, Cleva F, Cocchieri C, Coccia E, Cohadon PF, Cohen D, Colla A, Collette CG, Cominsky LR, Constancio M, Conti L, Cooper SJ, Corban P, Corbitt TR, Cordero-Carrión I, Corley KR, Cornish N, Corsi A, Cortese S, Costa CA, Coughlin MW, Coughlin SB, Coulon JP, Countryman ST, Couvares P, Covas PB, Cowan EE, Coward DM, Cowart MJ, Coyne DC, Coyne R, Creighton JDE, Creighton TD, Cripe J, Crowder SG, Cullen TJ, Cumming A, Cunningham L, Cuoco E, Dal Canton T, Dálya G, Danilishin SL, D'Antonio S, Danzmann K, Dasgupta A, Da Silva Costa CF, Dattilo V, Dave I, Davier M, Davis D, Daw EJ, Day B, De S, DeBra D, Degallaix J, De Laurentis M, Deléglise S, Del Pozzo W, Demos N, Denker T, Dent T, De Pietri R, Dergachev V, De Rosa R, DeRosa RT, De Rossi C, DeSalvo R, de Varona O, Devenson J, Dhurandhar S, Díaz MC, Dietrich T, Di Fiore L, Di Giovanni M, Di Girolamo T, Di Lieto A, Di Pace S, Di Palma I, Di Renzo F, Doctor Z, Dolique V, Donovan F, Dooley KL, Doravari S, Dorrington I, Douglas R, Dovale Álvarez M, Downes TP, Drago M, Dreissigacker C, Driggers JC, Du Z, Ducrot M, Dudi R, Dupej P, Dwyer SE, Edo TB, Edwards MC, Effler A, Eggenstein HB, Ehrens P, Eichholz J, Eikenberry SS, Eisenstein RA, Essick RC, Estevez D, Etienne ZB, Etzel T, Evans M, Evans TM, Factourovich M, Fafone V, Fair H, Fairhurst S, Fan X, Farinon S, Farr B, Farr WM, Fauchon-Jones EJ, Favata M, Fays M, Fee C, Fehrmann H, Feicht J, Fejer MM, Fernandez-Galiana A, Ferrante I, Ferreira EC, Ferrini F, Fidecaro F, Finstad D, Fiori I, Fiorucci D, Fishbach M, Fisher RP, Fitz-Axen M, Flaminio R, Fletcher M, Fong H, Font JA, Forsyth PWF, Forsyth SS, Fournier JD, Frasca S, Frasconi F, Frei Z, Freise A, Frey R, Frey V, Fries EM, Fritschel P, Frolov VV, Fulda P, Fyffe M, Gabbard H, Gadre BU, Gaebel SM, Gair JR, Gammaitoni L, Ganija MR, Gaonkar SG, Garcia-Quiros C, Garufi F, Gateley B, Gaudio S, Gaur G, Gayathri V, Gehrels N, Gemme G, Genin E, Gennai A, George D, George J, Gergely L, Germain V, Ghonge S, Ghosh A, Ghosh A, Ghosh S, Giaime JA, Giardina KD, Giazotto A, Gill K, Glover L, Goetz E, Goetz R, Gomes S, Goncharov B, González G, Gonzalez Castro JM, Gopakumar A, Gorodetsky ML, Gossan SE, Gosselin M, Gouaty R, Grado A, Graef C, Granata M, Grant A, Gras S, Gray C, Greco G, Green AC, Gretarsson EM, Groot P, Grote H, Grunewald S, Gruning P, Guidi GM, Guo X, Gupta A, Gupta MK, Gushwa KE, Gustafson EK, Gustafson R, Halim O, Hall BR, Hall ED, Hamilton EZ, Hammond G, Haney M, Hanke MM, Hanks J, Hanna C, Hannam MD, Hannuksela OA, Hanson J, Hardwick T, Harms J, Harry GM, Harry IW, Hart MJ, Haster CJ, Haughian K, Healy J, Heidmann A, Heintze MC, Heitmann H, Hello P, Hemming G, Hendry M, Heng IS, Hennig J, Heptonstall AW, Heurs M, Hild S, Hinderer T, Ho WCG, Hoak D, Hofman D, Holt K, Holz DE, Hopkins P, Horst C, Hough J, Houston EA, Howell EJ, Hreibi A, Hu YM, Huerta EA, Huet D, Hughey B, Husa S, Huttner SH, Huynh-Dinh T, Indik N, Inta R, Intini G, Isa HN, Isac JM, Isi M, Iyer BR, Izumi K, Jacqmin T, Jani K, Jaranowski P, Jawahar S, Jiménez-Forteza F, Johnson WW, Johnson-McDaniel NK, Jones DI, Jones R, Jonker RJG, Ju L, Junker J, Kalaghatgi CV, Kalogera V, Kamai B, Kandhasamy S, Kang G, Kanner JB, Kapadia SJ, Karki S, Karvinen KS, Kasprzack M, Kastaun W, Katolik M, Katsavounidis E, Katzman W, Kaufer S, Kawabe K, Kéfélian F, Keitel D, Kemball AJ, Kennedy R, Kent C, Key JS, Khalili FY, Khan I, Khan S, Khan Z, Khazanov EA, Kijbunchoo N, Kim C, Kim JC, Kim K, Kim W, Kim WS, Kim YM, Kimbrell SJ, King EJ, King PJ, Kinley-Hanlon M, Kirchhoff R, Kissel JS, Kleybolte L, Klimenko S, Knowles TD, Koch P, Koehlenbeck SM, Koley S, Kondrashov V, Kontos A, Korobko M, Korth WZ, Kowalska I, Kozak DB, Krämer C, Kringel V, Krishnan B, Królak A, Kuehn G, Kumar P, Kumar R, Kumar S, Kuo L, Kutynia A, Kwang S, Lackey BD, Lai KH, Landry M, Lang RN, Lange J, Lantz B, Lanza RK, Larson SL, Lartaux-Vollard A, Lasky PD, Laxen M, Lazzarini A, Lazzaro C, Leaci P, Leavey S, Lee CH, Lee HK, Lee HM, Lee HW, Lee K, Lehmann J, Lenon A, Leon E, Leonardi M, Leroy N, Letendre N, Levin Y, Li TGF, Linker SD, Littenberg TB, Liu J, Liu X, Lo RKL, Lockerbie NA, London LT, Lord JE, Lorenzini M, Loriette V, Lormand M, Losurdo G, Lough JD, Lousto CO, Lovelace G, Lück H, Lumaca D, Lundgren AP, Lynch R, Ma Y, Macas R, Macfoy S, Machenschalk B, MacInnis M, Macleod DM, Magaña Hernandez I, Magaña-Sandoval F, Magaña Zertuche L, Magee RM, Majorana E, Maksimovic I, Man N, Mandic V, Mangano V, Mansell GL, Manske M, Mantovani M, Marchesoni F, Marion F, Márka S, Márka Z, Markakis C, Markosyan AS, Markowitz A, Maros E, Marquina A, Marsh P, Martelli F, Martellini L, Martin IW, Martin RM, Martynov DV, Marx JN, Mason K, Massera E, Masserot A, Massinger TJ, Masso-Reid M, Mastrogiovanni S, Matas A, Matichard F, Matone L, Mavalvala N, Mazumder N, McCarthy R, McClelland DE, McCormick S, McCuller L, McGuire SC, McIntyre G, McIver J, McManus DJ, McNeill L, McRae T, McWilliams ST, Meacher D, Meadors GD, Mehmet M, Meidam J, Mejuto-Villa E, Melatos A, Mendell G, Mercer RA, Merilh EL, Merzougui M, Meshkov S, Messenger C, Messick C, Metzdorff R, Meyers PM, Miao H, Michel C, Middleton H, Mikhailov EE, Milano L, Miller AL, Miller BB, Miller J, Millhouse M, Milovich-Goff MC, Minazzoli O, Minenkov Y, Ming J, Mishra C, Mitra S, Mitrofanov VP, Mitselmakher G, Mittleman R, Moffa D, Moggi A, Mogushi K, Mohan M, Mohapatra SRP, Molina I, Montani M, Moore CJ, Moraru D, Moreno G, Morisaki S, Morriss SR, Mours B, Mow-Lowry CM, Mueller G, Muir AW, Mukherjee A, Mukherjee D, Mukherjee S, Mukund N, Mullavey A, Munch J, Muñiz EA, Muratore M, Murray PG, Nagar A, Napier K, Nardecchia I, Naticchioni L, Nayak RK, Neilson J, Nelemans G, Nelson TJN, Nery M, Neunzert A, Nevin L, Newport JM, Newton G, Ng KKY, Nguyen P, Nguyen TT, Nichols D, Nielsen AB, Nissanke S, Nitz A, Noack A, Nocera F, Nolting D, North C, Nuttall LK, Oberling J, O'Dea GD, Ogin GH, Oh JJ, Oh SH, Ohme F, Okada MA, Oliver M, Oppermann P, Oram RJ, O'Reilly B, Ormiston R, Ortega LF, O'Shaughnessy R, Ossokine S, Ottaway DJ, Overmier H, Owen BJ, Pace AE, Page J, Page MA, Pai A, Pai SA, Palamos JR, Palashov O, Palomba C, Pal-Singh A, Pan H, Pan HW, Pang B, Pang PTH, Pankow C, Pannarale F, Pant BC, Paoletti F, Paoli A, Papa MA, Parida A, Parker W, Pascucci D, Pasqualetti A, Passaquieti R, Passuello D, Patil M, Patricelli B, Pearlstone BL, Pedraza M, Pedurand R, Pekowsky L, Pele A, Penn S, Perez CJ, Perreca A, Perri LM, Pfeiffer HP, Phelps M, Piccinni OJ, Pichot M, Piergiovanni F, Pierro V, Pillant G, Pinard L, Pinto IM, Pirello M, Pitkin M, Poe M, Poggiani R, Popolizio P, Porter EK, Post A, Powell J, Prasad J, Pratt JWW, Pratten G, Predoi V, Prestegard T, Prijatelj M, Principe M, Privitera S, Prix R, Prodi GA, Prokhorov LG, Puncken O, Punturo M, Puppo P, Pürrer M, Qi H, Quetschke V, Quintero EA, Quitzow-James R, Raab FJ, Rabeling DS, Radkins H, Raffai P, Raja S, Rajan C, Rajbhandari B, Rakhmanov M, Ramirez KE, Ramos-Buades A, Rapagnani P, Raymond V, Razzano M, Read J, Regimbau T, Rei L, Reid S, Reitze DH, Ren W, Reyes SD, Ricci F, Ricker PM, Rieger S, Riles K, Rizzo M, Robertson NA, Robie R, Robinet F, Rocchi A, Rolland L, Rollins JG, Roma VJ, Romano JD, Romano R, Romel CL, Romie JH, Rosińska D, Ross MP, Rowan S, Rüdiger A, Ruggi P, Rutins G, Ryan K, Sachdev S, Sadecki T, Sadeghian L, Sakellariadou M, Salconi L, Saleem M, Salemi F, Samajdar A, Sammut L, Sampson LM, Sanchez EJ, Sanchez LE, Sanchis-Gual N, Sandberg V, Sanders JR, Sassolas B, Sathyaprakash BS, Saulson PR, Sauter O, Savage RL, Sawadsky A, Schale P, Scheel M, Scheuer J, Schmidt J, Schmidt P, Schnabel R, Schofield RMS, Schönbeck A, Schreiber E, Schuette D, Schulte BW, Schutz BF, Schwalbe SG, Scott J, Scott SM, Seidel E, Sellers D, Sengupta AS, Sentenac D, Sequino V, Sergeev A, Shaddock DA, Shaffer TJ, Shah AA, Shahriar MS, Shaner MB, Shao L, Shapiro B, Shawhan P, Sheperd A, Shoemaker DH, Shoemaker DM, Siellez K, Siemens X, Sieniawska M, Sigg D, Silva AD, Singer LP, Singh A, Singhal A, Sintes AM, Slagmolen BJJ, Smith B, Smith JR, Smith RJE, Somala S, Son EJ, Sonnenberg JA, Sorazu B, Sorrentino F, Souradeep T, Spencer AP, Srivastava AK, Staats K, Staley A, Steinke M, Steinlechner J, Steinlechner S, Steinmeyer D, Stevenson SP, Stone R, Stops DJ, Strain KA, Stratta G, Strigin SE, Strunk A, Sturani R, Stuver AL, Summerscales TZ, Sun L, Sunil S, Suresh J, Sutton PJ, Swinkels BL, Szczepańczyk MJ, Tacca M, Tait SC, Talbot C, Talukder D, Tanner DB, Tápai M, Taracchini A, Tasson JD, Taylor JA, Taylor R, Tewari SV, Theeg T, Thies F, Thomas EG, Thomas M, Thomas P, Thorne KA, Thorne KS, Thrane E, Tiwari S, Tiwari V, Tokmakov KV, Toland K, Tonelli M, Tornasi Z, Torres-Forné A, Torrie CI, Töyrä D, Travasso F, Traylor G, Trinastic J, Tringali MC, Trozzo L, Tsang KW, Tse M, Tso R, Tsukada L, Tsuna D, Tuyenbayev D, Ueno K, Ugolini D, Unnikrishnan CS, Urban AL, Usman SA, Vahlbruch H, Vajente G, Valdes G, Vallisneri M, van Bakel N, van Beuzekom M, van den Brand JFJ, Van Den Broeck C, Vander-Hyde DC, van der Schaaf L, van Heijningen JV, van Veggel AA, Vardaro M, Varma V, Vass S, Vasúth M, Vecchio A, Vedovato G, Veitch J, Veitch PJ, Venkateswara K, Venugopalan G, Verkindt D, Vetrano F, Viceré A, Viets AD, Vinciguerra S, Vine DJ, Vinet JY, Vitale S, Vo T, Vocca H, Vorvick C, Vyatchanin SP, Wade AR, Wade LE, Wade M, Walet R, Walker M, Wallace L, Walsh S, Wang G, Wang H, Wang JZ, Wang WH, Wang YF, Ward RL, Warner J, Was M, Watchi J, Weaver B, Wei LW, Weinert M, Weinstein AJ, Weiss R, Wen L, Wessel EK, Weßels P, Westerweck J, Westphal T, Wette K, Whelan JT, Whitcomb SE, Whiting BF, Whittle C, Wilken D, Williams D, Williams RD, Williamson AR, Willis JL, Willke B, Wimmer MH, Winkler W, Wipf CC, Wittel H, Woan G, Woehler J, Wofford J, Wong KWK, Worden J, Wright JL, Wu DS, Wysocki DM, Xiao S, Yamamoto H, Yancey CC, Yang L, Yap MJ, Yazback M, Yu H, Yu H, Yvert M, Zadrożny A, Zanolin M, Zelenova T, Zendri JP, Zevin M, Zhang L, Zhang M, Zhang T, Zhang YH, Zhao C, Zhou M, Zhou Z, Zhu SJ, Zhu XJ, Zimmerman AB, Zucker ME, Zweizig J. GW170817: Observation of Gravitational Waves from a Binary Neutron Star Inspiral. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2017; 119:161101. [PMID: 29099225 DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.119.161101] [Citation(s) in RCA: 879] [Impact Index Per Article: 109.9] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 09/26/2017] [Indexed: 05/21/2023]
On August 17, 2017 at 12∶41:04 UTC the Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo gravitational-wave detectors made their first observation of a binary neutron star inspiral. The signal, GW170817, was detected with a combined signal-to-noise ratio of 32.4 and a false-alarm-rate estimate of less than one per 8.0×10^{4} years. We infer the component masses of the binary to be between 0.86 and 2.26 M_{⊙}, in agreement with masses of known neutron stars. Restricting the component spins to the range inferred in binary neutron stars, we find the component masses to be in the range 1.17-1.60 M_{⊙}, with the total mass of the system 2.74_{-0.01}^{+0.04}M_{⊙}. The source was localized within a sky region of 28 deg^{2} (90% probability) and had a luminosity distance of 40_{-14}^{+8} Mpc, the closest and most precisely localized gravitational-wave signal yet. The association with the γ-ray burst GRB 170817A, detected by Fermi-GBM 1.7 s after the coalescence, corroborates the hypothesis of a neutron star merger and provides the first direct evidence of a link between these mergers and short γ-ray bursts. Subsequent identification of transient counterparts across the electromagnetic spectrum in the same location further supports the interpretation of this event as a neutron star merger. This unprecedented joint gravitational and electromagnetic observation provides insight into astrophysics, dense matter, gravitation, and cosmology.
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Grady D, Wenger NK, Herrington D, Khan S, Furberg C, Hunninghake D, Vittinghoff E, Hulley S. Postmenopausal hormone therapy increases risk for venous thromboembolic disease. The Heart and Estrogen/progestin Replacement Study. Ann Intern Med 2000; 132:689-96. [PMID: 10787361 DOI: 10.7326/0003-4819-132-9-200005020-00002] [Citation(s) in RCA: 424] [Impact Index Per Article: 17.0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [MESH Headings] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Submit a Manuscript] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 11/22/2022] Open
BACKGROUND Oral contraceptive use increases risk for venous thromboembolism, but data on the effect of postmenopausal hormone therapy are limited. OBJECTIVE To determine the effect of therapy with estrogen plus progestin on risk for venous thromboembolic events in postmenopausal women. DESIGN Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. SETTING 20 clinical centers in the United States. PARTICIPANTS 2763 postmenopausal women younger than 80 years of age (mean age, 67 years) who had coronary heart disease but no previous venous thromboembolism and had not had a hysterectomy. INTERVENTION Conjugated equine estrogens, 0.625 mg, plus medroxyprogesterone acetate, 2.5 mg, in one tablet (n = 1380) or placebo that was identical in appearance (n = 1383). MEASUREMENTS Documented deep venous thrombosis or pulmonary embolism. RESULTS During an average of 4.1 years of follow-up, 34 women in the hormone therapy group and 13 in the placebo group experienced venous thromboembolic events (relative hazard, 2.7 [95% CI, 1.4 to 5.0] [P = 0.003]; excess risk, 3.9 per 1000 woman-years [CI, 1.4 to 6.4 per 1000 woman-years]; number needed to treat for harm, 256 [CI, 157 to 692]). In multivariate analysis, the risk for venous thromboembolism was increased among women who had lower-extremity fractures (relative hazard, 18.1 [CI, 5.4 to 60.4]) or cancer (relative hazard, 3.9 [CI, 1.6 to 9.4]) and for 90 days after inpatient surgery (relative hazard, 4.9 [CI, 2.4 to 9.8]) or nonsurgical hospitalization (relative hazard, 5.7 [CI, 3.0 to 10.8]). Risk was decreased with aspirin (relative hazard, 0.5 [CI, 0.2 to 0.8]) or statin use (relative hazard, 0.5 [CI, 0.2 to 0.9]). CONCLUSIONS Postmenopausal therapy with estrogen plus progestin increases risk for venous thromboembolism in women with coronary heart disease. This risk should be considered when the risks and benefits of therapy are being weighed.
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Rourke C, Curry N, Khan S, Taylor R, Raza I, Davenport R, Stanworth S, Brohi K. Fibrinogen levels during trauma hemorrhage, response to replacement therapy, and association with patient outcomes. J Thromb Haemost 2012; 10:1342-51. [PMID: 22519961 DOI: 10.1111/j.1538-7836.2012.04752.x] [Citation(s) in RCA: 391] [Impact Index Per Article: 30.1] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [MESH Headings] [Grants] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 12/12/2022]
BACKGROUND Low fibrinogen levels are known to occur in trauma. However, the extent of fibrinogen depletion during trauma hemorrhage, the response to replacement therapy and association with patient outcomes remain unclear. OBJECTIVES The study aims were to: characterize admission fibrinogen level and correlate it with factors associated with injury; describe the time course of fibrinogen depletion and response to replacement therapy; determine the correlation of fibrinogen level with rotational thromboelastography (ROTEM) parameters; evaluate the effect of fibrinogen supplementation ex vivo; and establish the association between fibrinogen level and clinical outcomes. METHODS This was a prospective cohort study of 517 patients. Blood samples were drawn on admission and after admistration of every 4 units of packed red blood cells. Fibrinogen levels were determined with the Clauss method, and global hemostatic competence was assessed with thromboelastometry. The effect of fibrinogen supplementation was assessed in a subgroup of coagulopathic patients. RESULTS Low admission fibrinogen level was independently associated with injury severity score (P < 0.01), shock (P < 0.001), and prehospital fluid volume (P < 0.001). Fibrinogen supplementation during transfusion maintained but did not augment fibrinogen levels. Administration of cryoprecipitate was associated with improved survival. ROTEM parameters correlated with fibrinogen level, and ex vivo fibrinogen administration reversed coagulopathic ROTEM parameters. Fibrinogen level was an independent predictor of mortality at 24 h and 28 days (P < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS Fibrinogen level is decreased in injured patients on admission and is associated with poor outcomes. ROTEM is a rapid means of assessing hypofibrinogenemia. Earlier administration of specific fibrinogen replacement may improve outcomes, and prospective controlled trials are urgently needed.
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Raza I, Davenport R, Rourke C, Platton S, Manson J, Spoors C, Khan S, De'Ath HD, Allard S, Hart DP, Pasi KJ, Hunt BJ, Stanworth S, MacCallum PK, Brohi K. The incidence and magnitude of fibrinolytic activation in trauma patients. J Thromb Haemost 2013; 11:307-14. [PMID: 23176206 DOI: 10.1111/jth.12078] [Citation(s) in RCA: 352] [Impact Index Per Article: 29.3] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [MESH Headings] [Grants] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 11/26/2022]
BACKGROUND Trauma is a global disease, with over 2.5 million deaths annually from hemorrhage and coagulopathy. Overt hyperfibrinolysis is rare in trauma, and is associated with massive fatal injuries. Paradoxically, clinical trials suggest a much broader indication for antifibrinolytics. OBJECTIVE To determine the incidence and magnitude of fibrinolytic activation in trauma patients and its relationship to clot lysis as measured by thromboelastometry. METHODS A prospective cohort study of 303 consecutive trauma patients admitted between January 2007 and June 2009 was performed. Blood was drawn on arrival for thromboelastometry (TEM) and coagulation assays. Follow-up was until hospital discharge or death. TEM hyperfibrinolysis was defined as maximum clot lysis of > 15%. Fibrinolytic activation (FA) was determined according to plasmin-antiplasmin (PAP) complex and D-dimer levels. Data were collected on demographics, mechanism, severity of injury, and baseline vital signs. The primary outcome measure was 28-day mortality. The secondary outcome measures were 28-day ventilator-free days and 24-h transfusion requirement. RESULTS Only 5% of patients had severe fibrinolysis on TEM, but 57% of patients had evidence of 'moderate' fibrinolysis, with PAP complex levels elevated to over twice normal (> 1500 μg L(-1)) without lysis on TEM. TEM detected clot lysis only when PAP complex levels were increased to 30 times normal (P < 0.001) and antiplasmin levels were < 75% of normal. Patients with FA had increased 28-day mortality as compared with those with no FA (12% vs. 1%, P < 0.001), fewer ventilator-free days, and longer hospital stay. CONCLUSIONS FA occurs in the majority of trauma patients, and the magnitude of FA correlates with poor clinical outcome. This was not detected by conventional TEM, which is an insensitive measure of endogenous fibrinolytic activity.
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Mastroeni P, Vazquez-Torres A, Fang FC, Xu Y, Khan S, Hormaeche CE, Dougan G. Antimicrobial actions of the NADPH phagocyte oxidase and inducible nitric oxide synthase in experimental salmonellosis. II. Effects on microbial proliferation and host survival in vivo. J Exp Med 2000; 192:237-48. [PMID: 10899910 PMCID: PMC2193252 DOI: 10.1084/jem.192.2.237] [Citation(s) in RCA: 321] [Impact Index Per Article: 12.8] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Key Words] [MESH Headings] [Grants] [Track Full Text] [Download PDF] [Figures] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 01/21/2000] [Accepted: 05/05/2000] [Indexed: 01/19/2023] Open
The roles of the NADPH phagocyte oxidase (phox) and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) in host resistance to virulent Salmonella typhimurium were investigated in gp91phox(-/)-, iNOS(-/)-, and congenic wild-type mice. Although both gp91phox(-/)- and iNOS(-/)- mice demonstrated increased susceptibility to infection with S. typhimurium compared with wild-type mice, the kinetics of bacterial replication were dramatically different in the gp91phox(-/)- and iNOS(-/)- mouse strains. Greater bacterial numbers were present in the spleens and livers of gp91phox(-/)- mice compared with C57BL/6 controls as early as day 1 of infection, and all of the gp91phox(-/)- mice succumbed to infection within 5 d. In contrast, an increased bacterial burden was detected within reticuloendothelial organs of iNOS(-/)- mice only beyond the first week of infection. Influx of inflammatory CD11b(+) cells, granuloma formation, and serum interferon gamma levels were unimpaired in iNOS(-/)- mice, but the iNOS-deficient granulomas were unable to limit bacterial replication. The NADPH phagocye oxidase and iNOS are both required for host resistance to wild-type Salmonella, but appear to operate principally at different stages of infection.
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Kagan VE, Shvedova A, Serbinova E, Khan S, Swanson C, Powell R, Packer L. Dihydrolipoic acid--a universal antioxidant both in the membrane and in the aqueous phase. Reduction of peroxyl, ascorbyl and chromanoxyl radicals. Biochem Pharmacol 1992; 44:1637-49. [PMID: 1417985 DOI: 10.1016/0006-2952(92)90482-x] [Citation(s) in RCA: 283] [Impact Index Per Article: 8.6] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [MESH Headings] [Grants] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 12/26/2022]
Thioctic (lipoic) acid is used as a therapeutic agent in a variety of diseases in which enhanced free radical peroxidation of membrane phospholipids has been shown to be a characteristic feature. It was suggested that the antioxidant properties of thioctic acid and its reduced form, dihydrolipoic acid, are at least in part responsible for the therapeutic potential. The reported results on the antioxidant efficiency of thioctic and dihydrolipoic acids obtained in oxidation models with complex multicomponent initiation systems are controversial. In the present work we used relatively simple oxidation systems to study the antioxidant effects of dihydrolipoic and thioctic acids based on their interactions with: (1) peroxyl radicals which are essential for the initiation of lipid peroxidation, (2) chromanoxyl radicals of vitamin E, and (3) ascorbyl radicals of vitamin C, the two major lipid- and water-soluble antioxidants, respectively. We demonstrated that: (1) dihydrolipoic acid (but not thioctic acid) was an efficient direct scavenger of peroxyl radicals generated in the aqueous phase by the water-soluble azoinitiator 2,2'-azobis(2-amidinopropane)-dihydrochloride, and in liposomes or in microsomal membranes by the lipid-soluble azoinitiator 2,2'-azobis(2,4-dimethylvaleronitrile); (2) both dihydrolipoic acid and thioctic acid did not interact directly with chromanoxyl radicals of vitamin E (or its synthetic homologues) generated in liposomes or in the membranes by three different ways: UV-irradiation, peroxyl radicals of 2,2'-azobis(2,4-dimethylvaleronitrile), or peroxyl radicals of linolenic acid formed by the lipoxygenase-catalyzed oxidation; and (3) dihydrolipoic acid (but not thioctic acid) reduced ascorbyl radicals (and dehydroascorbate) generated in the course of ascorbate oxidation by chromanoxyl radicals. This interaction resulted in ascorbate-mediated dihydrolipoic acid-dependent reduction of the vitamin E chromanoxyl radicals, i.e. vitamin E recycling. We conclude that dihydrolipoic acid may act as a strong direct chain-breaking antioxidant and may enhance the antioxidant potency of other antioxidants (ascorbate and vitamin E) in both the aqueous and the hydrophobic membraneous phases.
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Abbott BP, Abbott R, Abbott TD, Abernathy MR, Acernese F, Ackley K, Adams C, Adams T, Addesso P, Adhikari RX, Adya VB, Affeldt C, Agathos M, Agatsuma K, Aggarwal N, Aguiar OD, Aiello L, Ain A, Ajith P, Allen B, Allocca A, Altin PA, Anderson SB, Anderson WG, Arai K, Araya MC, Arceneaux CC, Areeda JS, Arnaud N, Arun KG, Ascenzi S, Ashton G, Ast M, Aston SM, Astone P, Aufmuth P, Aulbert C, Babak S, Bacon P, Bader MKM, Baker PT, Baldaccini F, Ballardin G, Ballmer SW, Barayoga JC, Barclay SE, Barish BC, Barker D, Barone F, Barr B, Barsotti L, Barsuglia M, Barta D, Bartlett J, Bartos I, Bassiri R, Basti A, Batch JC, Baune C, Bavigadda V, Bazzan M, Bejger M, Bell AS, Berger BK, Bergmann G, Berry CPL, Bersanetti D, Bertolini A, Betzwieser J, Bhagwat S, Bhandare R, Bilenko IA, Billingsley G, Birch J, Birney R, Birnholtz O, Biscans S, Bisht A, Bitossi M, Biwer C, Bizouard MA, Blackburn JK, Blair CD, Blair DG, Blair RM, Bloemen S, Bock O, Boer M, Bogaert G, Bogan C, Bohe A, Bond C, Bondu F, Bonnand R, Boom BA, Bork R, Boschi V, Bose S, Bouffanais Y, Bozzi A, Bradaschia C, Brady PR, Braginsky VB, Branchesi M, Brau JE, Briant T, Brillet A, Brinkmann M, Brisson V, Brockill P, Broida JE, Brooks AF, Brown DA, Brown DD, Brown NM, Brunett S, Buchanan CC, Buikema A, Bulik T, Bulten HJ, Buonanno A, Buskulic D, Buy C, Byer RL, Cabero M, Cadonati L, Cagnoli G, Cahillane C, Calderón Bustillo J, Callister T, Calloni E, Camp JB, Cannon KC, Cao J, Capano CD, Capocasa E, Carbognani F, Caride S, Casanueva Diaz J, Casentini C, Caudill S, Cavaglià M, Cavalier F, Cavalieri R, Cella G, Cepeda CB, Cerboni Baiardi L, Cerretani G, Cesarini E, Chamberlin SJ, Chan M, Chao S, Charlton P, Chassande-Mottin E, Cheeseboro BD, Chen HY, Chen Y, Cheng C, Chincarini A, Chiummo A, Cho HS, Cho M, Chow JH, Christensen N, Chu Q, Chua S, Chung S, Ciani G, Clara F, Clark JA, Cleva F, Coccia E, Cohadon PF, Colla A, Collette CG, Cominsky L, Constancio M, Conte A, Conti L, Cook D, Corbitt TR, Cornish N, Corsi A, Cortese S, Costa CA, Coughlin MW, Coughlin SB, Coulon JP, Countryman ST, Couvares P, Cowan EE, Coward DM, Cowart MJ, Coyne DC, Coyne R, Craig K, Creighton JDE, Cripe J, Crowder SG, Cumming A, Cunningham L, Cuoco E, Dal Canton T, Danilishin SL, D'Antonio S, Danzmann K, Darman NS, Dasgupta A, Da Silva Costa CF, Dattilo V, Dave I, Davier M, Davies GS, Daw EJ, Day R, De S, DeBra D, Debreczeni G, Degallaix J, De Laurentis M, Deléglise S, Del Pozzo W, Denker T, Dent T, Dergachev V, De Rosa R, DeRosa RT, DeSalvo R, Devine RC, Dhurandhar S, Díaz MC, Di Fiore L, Di Giovanni M, Di Girolamo T, Di Lieto A, Di Pace S, Di Palma I, Di Virgilio A, Dolique V, Donovan F, Dooley KL, Doravari S, Douglas R, Downes TP, Drago M, Drever RWP, Driggers JC, Ducrot M, Dwyer SE, Edo TB, Edwards MC, Effler A, Eggenstein HB, Ehrens P, Eichholz J, Eikenberry SS, Engels W, Essick RC, Etzel T, Evans M, Evans TM, Everett R, Factourovich M, Fafone V, Fair H, Fairhurst S, Fan X, Fang Q, Farinon S, Farr B, Farr WM, Favata M, Fays M, Fehrmann H, Fejer MM, Fenyvesi E, Ferrante I, Ferreira EC, Ferrini F, Fidecaro F, Fiori I, Fiorucci D, Fisher RP, Flaminio R, Fletcher M, Fong H, Fournier JD, Frasca S, Frasconi F, Frei Z, Freise A, Frey R, Frey V, Fritschel P, Frolov VV, Fulda P, Fyffe M, Gabbard HAG, Gair JR, Gammaitoni L, Gaonkar SG, Garufi F, Gaur G, Gehrels N, Gemme G, Geng P, Genin E, Gennai A, George J, Gergely L, Germain V, Ghosh A, Ghosh A, Ghosh S, Giaime JA, Giardina KD, Giazotto A, Gill K, Glaefke A, Goetz E, Goetz R, Gondan L, González G, Gonzalez Castro JM, Gopakumar A, Gordon NA, Gorodetsky ML, Gossan SE, Gosselin M, Gouaty R, Grado A, Graef C, Graff PB, Granata M, Grant A, Gras S, Gray C, Greco G, Green AC, Groot P, Grote H, Grunewald S, Guidi GM, Guo X, Gupta A, Gupta MK, Gushwa KE, Gustafson EK, Gustafson R, Hacker JJ, Hall BR, Hall ED, Hamilton H, Hammond G, Haney M, Hanke MM, Hanks J, Hanna C, Hannam MD, Hanson J, Hardwick T, Harms J, Harry GM, Harry IW, Hart MJ, Hartman MT, Haster CJ, Haughian K, Healy J, Heidmann A, Heintze MC, Heitmann H, Hello P, Hemming G, Hendry M, Heng IS, Hennig J, Henry J, Heptonstall AW, Heurs M, Hild S, Hoak D, Hofman D, Holt K, Holz DE, Hopkins P, Hough J, Houston EA, Howell EJ, Hu YM, Huang S, Huerta EA, Huet D, Hughey B, Husa S, Huttner SH, Huynh-Dinh T, Indik N, Ingram DR, Inta R, Isa HN, Isac JM, Isi M, Isogai T, Iyer BR, Izumi K, Jacqmin T, Jang H, Jani K, Jaranowski P, Jawahar S, Jian L, Jiménez-Forteza F, Johnson WW, Johnson-McDaniel NK, Jones DI, Jones R, Jonker RJG, Ju L, K H, Kalaghatgi CV, Kalogera V, Kandhasamy S, Kang G, Kanner JB, Kapadia SJ, Karki S, Karvinen KS, Kasprzack M, Katsavounidis E, Katzman W, Kaufer S, Kaur T, Kawabe K, Kéfélian F, Kehl MS, Keitel D, Kelley DB, Kells W, Kennedy R, Key JS, Khalili FY, Khan I, Khan S, Khan Z, Khazanov EA, Kijbunchoo N, Kim CW, Kim C, Kim J, Kim K, Kim N, Kim W, Kim YM, Kimbrell SJ, King EJ, King PJ, Kissel JS, Klein B, Kleybolte L, Klimenko S, Koehlenbeck SM, Koley S, Kondrashov V, Kontos A, Korobko M, Korth WZ, Kowalska I, Kozak DB, Kringel V, Krishnan B, Królak A, Krueger C, Kuehn G, Kumar P, Kumar R, Kuo L, Kutynia A, Lackey BD, Landry M, Lange J, Lantz B, Lasky PD, Laxen M, Lazzarini A, Lazzaro C, Leaci P, Leavey S, Lebigot EO, Lee CH, Lee HK, Lee HM, Lee K, Lenon A, Leonardi M, Leong JR, Leroy N, Letendre N, Levin Y, Lewis JB, Li TGF, Libson A, Littenberg TB, Lockerbie NA, Lombardi AL, London LT, Lord JE, Lorenzini M, Loriette V, Lormand M, Losurdo G, Lough JD, Lousto CO, Lück H, Lundgren AP, Lynch R, Ma Y, Machenschalk B, MacInnis M, Macleod DM, Magaña-Sandoval F, Magaña Zertuche L, Magee RM, Majorana E, Maksimovic I, Malvezzi V, Man N, Mandel I, Mandic V, Mangano V, Mansell GL, Manske M, Mantovani M, Marchesoni F, Marion F, Márka S, Márka Z, Markosyan AS, Maros E, Martelli F, Martellini L, Martin IW, Martynov DV, Marx JN, Mason K, Masserot A, Massinger TJ, Masso-Reid M, Mastrogiovanni S, Matichard F, Matone L, Mavalvala N, Mazumder N, McCarthy R, McClelland DE, McCormick S, McGuire SC, McIntyre G, McIver J, McManus DJ, McRae T, McWilliams ST, Meacher D, Meadors GD, Meidam J, Melatos A, Mendell G, Mercer RA, Merilh EL, Merzougui M, Meshkov S, Messenger C, Messick C, Metzdorff R, Meyers PM, Mezzani F, Miao H, Michel C, Middleton H, Mikhailov EE, Milano L, Miller AL, Miller A, Miller BB, Miller J, Millhouse M, Minenkov Y, Ming J, Mirshekari S, Mishra C, Mitra S, Mitrofanov VP, Mitselmakher G, Mittleman R, Moggi A, Mohan M, Mohapatra SRP, Montani M, Moore BC, Moore CJ, Moraru D, Moreno G, Morriss SR, Mossavi K, Mours B, Mow-Lowry CM, Mueller G, Muir AW, Mukherjee A, Mukherjee D, Mukherjee S, Mukund N, Mullavey A, Munch J, Murphy DJ, Murray PG, Mytidis A, Nardecchia I, Naticchioni L, Nayak RK, Nedkova K, Nelemans G, Nelson TJN, Neri M, Neunzert A, Newton G, Nguyen TT, Nielsen AB, Nissanke S, Nitz A, Nocera F, Nolting D, Normandin MEN, Nuttall LK, Oberling J, Ochsner E, O'Dell J, Oelker E, Ogin GH, Oh JJ, Oh SH, Ohme F, Oliver M, Oppermann P, Oram RJ, O'Reilly B, O'Shaughnessy R, Ottaway DJ, Overmier H, Owen BJ, Pai A, Pai SA, Palamos JR, Palashov O, Palomba C, Pal-Singh A, Pan H, Pankow C, Pannarale F, Pant BC, Paoletti F, Paoli A, Papa MA, Paris HR, Parker W, Pascucci D, Pasqualetti A, Passaquieti R, Passuello D, Patricelli B, Patrick Z, Pearlstone BL, Pedraza M, Pedurand R, Pekowsky L, Pele A, Penn S, Perreca A, Perri LM, Pfeiffer HP, Phelps M, Piccinni OJ, Pichot M, Piergiovanni F, Pierro V, Pillant G, Pinard L, Pinto IM, Pitkin M, Poe M, Poggiani R, Popolizio P, Post A, Powell J, Prasad J, Predoi V, Prestegard T, Price LR, Prijatelj M, Principe M, Privitera S, Prix R, Prodi GA, Prokhorov L, Puncken O, Punturo M, Puppo P, Pürrer M, Qi H, Qin J, Qiu S, Quetschke V, Quintero EA, Quitzow-James R, Raab FJ, Rabeling DS, Radkins H, Raffai P, Raja S, Rajan C, Rakhmanov M, Rapagnani P, Raymond V, Razzano M, Re V, Read J, Reed CM, Regimbau T, Rei L, Reid S, Reitze DH, Rew H, Reyes SD, Ricci F, Riles K, Rizzo M, Robertson NA, Robie R, Robinet F, Rocchi A, Rolland L, Rollins JG, Roma VJ, Romano JD, Romano R, Romanov G, Romie JH, Rosińska D, Rowan S, Rüdiger A, Ruggi P, Ryan K, Sachdev S, Sadecki T, Sadeghian L, Sakellariadou M, Salconi L, Saleem M, Salemi F, Samajdar A, Sammut L, Sanchez EJ, Sandberg V, Sandeen B, Sanders JR, Sassolas B, Sathyaprakash BS, Saulson PR, Sauter OES, Savage RL, Sawadsky A, Schale P, Schilling R, Schmidt J, Schmidt P, Schnabel R, Schofield RMS, Schönbeck A, Schreiber E, Schuette D, Schutz BF, Scott J, Scott SM, Sellers D, Sengupta AS, Sentenac D, Sequino V, Sergeev A, Setyawati Y, Shaddock DA, Shaffer T, Shahriar MS, Shaltev M, Shapiro B, Shawhan P, Sheperd A, Shoemaker DH, Shoemaker DM, Siellez K, Siemens X, Sieniawska M, Sigg D, Silva AD, Singer A, Singer LP, Singh A, Singh R, Singhal A, Sintes AM, Slagmolen BJJ, Smith JR, Smith ND, Smith RJE, Son EJ, Sorazu B, Sorrentino F, Souradeep T, Srivastava AK, Staley A, Steinke M, Steinlechner J, Steinlechner S, Steinmeyer D, Stephens BC, Stevenson SP, Stone R, Strain KA, Straniero N, Stratta G, Strauss NA, Strigin S, Sturani R, Stuver AL, Summerscales TZ, Sun L, Sunil S, Sutton PJ, Swinkels BL, Szczepańczyk MJ, Tacca M, Talukder D, Tanner DB, Tápai M, Tarabrin SP, Taracchini A, Taylor R, Theeg T, Thirugnanasambandam MP, Thomas EG, Thomas M, Thomas P, Thorne KA, Thrane E, Tiwari S, Tiwari V, Tokmakov KV, Toland K, Tomlinson C, Tonelli M, Tornasi Z, Torres CV, Torrie CI, Töyrä D, Travasso F, Traylor G, Trifirò D, Tringali MC, Trozzo L, Tse M, Turconi M, Tuyenbayev D, Ugolini D, Unnikrishnan CS, Urban AL, Usman SA, Vahlbruch H, Vajente G, Valdes G, Vallisneri M, van Bakel N, van Beuzekom M, van den Brand JFJ, Van Den Broeck C, Vander-Hyde DC, van der Schaaf L, van Heijningen JV, van Veggel AA, Vardaro M, Vass S, Vasúth M, Vaulin R, Vecchio A, Vedovato G, Veitch J, Veitch PJ, Venkateswara K, Verkindt D, Vetrano F, Viceré A, Vinciguerra S, Vine DJ, Vinet JY, Vitale S, Vo T, Vocca H, Vorvick C, Voss DV, Vousden WD, Vyatchanin SP, Wade AR, Wade LE, Wade M, Walker M, Wallace L, Walsh S, Wang G, Wang H, Wang M, Wang X, Wang Y, Ward RL, Warner J, Was M, Weaver B, Wei LW, Weinert M, Weinstein AJ, Weiss R, Wen L, Weßels P, Westphal T, Wette K, Whelan JT, Whiting BF, Williams RD, Williamson AR, Willis JL, Willke B, Wimmer MH, Winkler W, Wipf CC, Wittel H, Woan G, Woehler J, Worden J, Wright JL, Wu DS, Wu G, Yablon J, Yam W, Yamamoto H, Yancey CC, Yu H, Yvert M, Zadrożny A, Zangrando L, Zanolin M, Zendri JP, Zevin M, Zhang L, Zhang M, Zhang Y, Zhao C, Zhou M, Zhou Z, Zhu XJ, Zucker ME, Zuraw SE, Zweizig J, Boyle M, Hemberger D, Kidder LE, Lovelace G, Ossokine S, Scheel M, Szilagyi B, Teukolsky S. GW151226: Observation of Gravitational Waves from a 22-Solar-Mass Binary Black Hole Coalescence. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2016; 116:241103. [PMID: 27367379 DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.116.241103] [Citation(s) in RCA: 282] [Impact Index Per Article: 31.3] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 05/31/2016] [Indexed: 05/21/2023]
We report the observation of a gravitational-wave signal produced by the coalescence of two stellar-mass black holes. The signal, GW151226, was observed by the twin detectors of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) on December 26, 2015 at 03:38:53 UTC. The signal was initially identified within 70 s by an online matched-filter search targeting binary coalescences. Subsequent off-line analyses recovered GW151226 with a network signal-to-noise ratio of 13 and a significance greater than 5σ. The signal persisted in the LIGO frequency band for approximately 1 s, increasing in frequency and amplitude over about 55 cycles from 35 to 450 Hz, and reached a peak gravitational strain of 3.4_{-0.9}^{+0.7}×10^{-22}. The inferred source-frame initial black hole masses are 14.2_{-3.7}^{+8.3}M_{⊙} and 7.5_{-2.3}^{+2.3}M_{⊙}, and the final black hole mass is 20.8_{-1.7}^{+6.1}M_{⊙}. We find that at least one of the component black holes has spin greater than 0.2. This source is located at a luminosity distance of 440_{-190}^{+180} Mpc corresponding to a redshift of 0.09_{-0.04}^{+0.03}. All uncertainties define a 90% credible interval. This second gravitational-wave observation provides improved constraints on stellar populations and on deviations from general relativity.
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Park HJ, Shaukat S, Liu XZ, Hahn SH, Naz S, Ghosh M, Kim HN, Moon SK, Abe S, Tukamoto K, Riazuddin S, Kabra M, Erdenetungalag R, Radnaabazar J, Khan S, Pandya A, Usami SI, Nance WE, Wilcox ER, Riazuddin S, Griffith AJ. Origins and frequencies of SLC26A4 (PDS) mutations in east and south Asians: global implications for the epidemiology of deafness. J Med Genet 2003; 40:242-8. [PMID: 12676893 PMCID: PMC1735432 DOI: 10.1136/jmg.40.4.242] [Citation(s) in RCA: 244] [Impact Index Per Article: 11.1] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [MESH Headings] [Grants] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 11/04/2022]
Recessive mutations of SLC26A4 (PDS) are a common cause of Pendred syndrome and non-syndromic deafness in western populations. Although south and east Asia contain nearly one half of the global population, the origins and frequencies of SLC26A4 mutations in these regions are unknown. We PCR amplified and sequenced seven exons of SLC26A4 to detect selected mutations in 274 deaf probands from Korea, China, and Mongolia. A total of nine different mutations of SLC26A4 were detected among 15 (5.5%) of the 274 probands. Five mutations were novel and the other four had seldom, if ever, been identified outside east Asia. To identify mutations in south Asians, 212 Pakistani and 106 Indian families with three or more affected offspring of consanguineous matings were analysed for cosegregation of recessive deafness with short tandem repeat markers linked to SLC26A4. All 21 SLC26A4 exons were PCR amplified and sequenced in families segregating SLC26A4 linked deafness. Eleven mutant alleles of SLC26A4 were identified among 17 (5.4%) of the 318 families, and all 11 alleles were novel. SLC26A4 linked haplotypes on chromosomes with recurrent mutations were consistent with founder effects. Our observation of a diverse allelic series unique to each ethnic group indicates that mutational events at SLC26A4 are common and account for approximately 5% of recessive deafness in south Asians and other populations.
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Edmonds P, Karlsen S, Khan S, Addington-Hall J. A comparison of the palliative care needs of patients dying from chronic respiratory diseases and lung cancer. Palliat Med 2001; 15:287-95. [PMID: 12054146 DOI: 10.1191/026921601678320278] [Citation(s) in RCA: 239] [Impact Index Per Article: 10.0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [MESH Headings] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Submit a Manuscript] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 11/05/2022]
This paper reports on data from the Regional Study of Care for the Dying, conducted in 1990, and compares symptoms, care and service utilization for patients with chronic lung diseases (CLD) and lung cancer (LC) in the final 12 months of life. Post-bereavement structured interviews were conducted with informal carers of 449 LC patients and 87 CLD patients. The LC patients were significantly younger than those with CLD (P = 0.001) and these respondents were more likely to have been a spouse (P = 0.034). No differences were found in the mean number of symptoms reported by the two groups in the final year or week of life, although the CLD patients were more likely to have experienced these symptoms for longer. Significantly more patients with CLD than LC experienced breathlessness in the final year (94% CLD vs 78% LC, P < 0.001) and final week (91% CLD vs 69% LC, P < 0.001) of life. Significantly more LC patients were reported to have experienced anorexia (76% LC vs 67% CLD, P = 0.06) and constipation (59% LC vs 44% CLD, p = 0.01) in the final year of life. There were no differences in general practitioner use, but LC patients were reported to have received more help from district nurses (52% LC vs 39% CLD, P = 0.025) and from a palliative care nurse (29% LC vs 0% CLD, P < 0.001). More CLD patients were reported to have received help from social services (29% CLD vs 18% LC, P = 0.037). LC patients were reported to be more likely to have known they might die (76% LC vs 62% CLD, P = 0.003) and to have been told this by a hospital doctor (30% LC vs 8% CLD, P = 0.001). Among those that knew, LC patients were told earlier prior to death than CLD patients. This study suggests that patients with CLD at the end of life have physical and psychosocial needs at least as severe as patients with lung cancer.
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Mathur T, Singhal S, Khan S, Upadhyay DJ, Fatma T, Rattan A. Detection of biofilm formation among the clinical isolates of Staphylococci: an evaluation of three different screening methods. Indian J Med Microbiol 2006; 24:25-9. [PMID: 16505551 DOI: 10.4103/0255-0857.19890] [Citation(s) in RCA: 223] [Impact Index Per Article: 11.7] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [MESH Headings] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 11/04/2022]
PURPOSE The purpose of this study was to evaluate three methods for detection of biofilm formation in staphylococci. METHODS For detection of biofilm formation, 152 clinical isolates of Staphylococcus spp. were screened by tissue culture plate (TCP), Tube method (TM) and Congo red agar (CRA) method. RESULTS Of the 152 Staphylococcus spp. 88(57.8%) displayed a biofilm-positive phenotype under the optimized conditions in the TCP method and strains were further classified as high 22 (14.47 %) and moderate 60 (39.4 %) while in 70 (46.0 %) isolates weak or no biofilm was detected. Though TM correlated well with the TCP test for 18 (11.8 %) strongly biofilm producing strains, weak producers were difficult to discriminate from biofilm negative isolates. Screening on CRA does not correlate well with either of the two methods for detecting biofilm formation in staphylococci. CONCLUSION The TCP method was found to be most sensitive, accurate and reproducible screening method for detection of biofilm formation by staphylococci and has the advantage of being a quantitative model to study the adherence of staphylococci on biomedical devices.
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Abbott BP, Abbott R, Abbott TD, Acernese F, Ackley K, Adams C, Adams T, Addesso P, Adhikari RX, Adya VB, Affeldt C, Afrough M, Agarwal B, Agathos M, Agatsuma K, Aggarwal N, Aguiar OD, Aiello L, Ain A, Ajith P, Allen B, Allen G, Allocca A, Altin PA, Amato A, Ananyeva A, Anderson SB, Anderson WG, Antier S, Appert S, Arai K, Araya MC, Areeda JS, Arnaud N, Arun KG, Ascenzi S, Ashton G, Ast M, Aston SM, Astone P, Aufmuth P, Aulbert C, AultONeal K, Avila-Alvarez A, Babak S, Bacon P, Bader MKM, Bae S, Baker PT, Baldaccini F, Ballardin G, Ballmer SW, Banagiri S, Barayoga JC, Barclay SE, Barish BC, Barker D, Barone F, Barr B, Barsotti L, Barsuglia M, Barta D, Bartlett J, Bartos I, Bassiri R, Basti A, Batch JC, Baune C, Bawaj M, Bazzan M, Bécsy B, Beer C, Bejger M, Belahcene I, Bell AS, Berger BK, Bergmann G, Berry CPL, Bersanetti D, Bertolini A, Betzwieser J, Bhagwat S, Bhandare R, Bilenko IA, Billingsley G, Billman CR, Birch J, Birney R, Birnholtz O, Biscans S, Bisht A, Bitossi M, Biwer C, Bizouard MA, Blackburn JK, Blackman J, Blair CD, Blair DG, Blair RM, Bloemen S, Bock O, Bode N, Boer M, Bogaert G, Bohe A, Bondu F, Bonnand R, Boom BA, Bork R, Boschi V, Bose S, Bouffanais Y, Bozzi A, Bradaschia C, Brady PR, Braginsky VB, Branchesi M, Brau JE, Briant T, Brillet A, Brinkmann M, Brisson V, Brockill P, Broida JE, Brooks AF, Brown DA, Brown DD, Brown NM, Brunett S, Buchanan CC, Buikema A, Bulik T, Bulten HJ, Buonanno A, Buskulic D, Buy C, Byer RL, Cabero M, Cadonati L, Cagnoli G, Cahillane C, Calderón Bustillo J, Callister TA, Calloni E, Camp JB, Canepa M, Canizares P, Cannon KC, Cao H, Cao J, Capano CD, Capocasa E, Carbognani F, Caride S, Carney MF, Casanueva Diaz J, Casentini C, Caudill S, Cavaglià M, Cavalier F, Cavalieri R, Cella G, Cepeda CB, Cerboni Baiardi L, Cerretani G, Cesarini E, Chamberlin SJ, Chan M, Chao S, Charlton P, Chassande-Mottin E, Chatterjee D, Chatziioannou K, Cheeseboro BD, Chen HY, Chen Y, Cheng HP, Chincarini A, Chiummo A, Chmiel T, Cho HS, Cho M, Chow JH, Christensen N, Chu Q, Chua AJK, Chua S, Chung AKW, Chung S, Ciani G, Ciolfi R, Cirelli CE, Cirone A, Clara F, Clark JA, Cleva F, Cocchieri C, Coccia E, Cohadon PF, Colla A, Collette CG, Cominsky LR, Constancio M, Conti L, Cooper SJ, Corban P, Corbitt TR, Corley KR, Cornish N, Corsi A, Cortese S, Costa CA, Coughlin MW, Coughlin SB, Coulon JP, Countryman ST, Couvares P, Covas PB, Cowan EE, Coward DM, Cowart MJ, Coyne DC, Coyne R, Creighton JDE, Creighton TD, Cripe J, Crowder SG, Cullen TJ, Cumming A, Cunningham L, Cuoco E, Dal Canton T, Danilishin SL, D'Antonio S, Danzmann K, Dasgupta A, Da Silva Costa CF, Dattilo V, Dave I, Davier M, Davis D, Daw EJ, Day B, De S, DeBra D, Deelman E, Degallaix J, De Laurentis M, Deléglise S, Del Pozzo W, Denker T, Dent T, Dergachev V, De Rosa R, DeRosa RT, DeSalvo R, Devenson J, Devine RC, Dhurandhar S, Díaz MC, Di Fiore L, Di Giovanni M, Di Girolamo T, Di Lieto A, Di Pace S, Di Palma I, Di Renzo F, Doctor Z, Dolique V, Donovan F, Dooley KL, Doravari S, Dorrington I, Douglas R, Dovale Álvarez M, Downes TP, Drago M, Drever RWP, Driggers JC, Du Z, Ducrot M, Duncan J, Dwyer SE, Edo TB, Edwards MC, Effler A, Eggenstein HB, Ehrens P, Eichholz J, Eikenberry SS, Eisenstein RA, Essick RC, Etienne ZB, Etzel T, Evans M, Evans TM, Factourovich M, Fafone V, Fair H, Fairhurst S, Fan X, Farinon S, Farr B, Farr WM, Fauchon-Jones EJ, Favata M, Fays M, Fehrmann H, Feicht J, Fejer MM, Fernandez-Galiana A, Ferrante I, Ferreira EC, Ferrini F, Fidecaro F, Fiori I, Fiorucci D, Fisher RP, Flaminio R, Fletcher M, Fong H, Forsyth PWF, Forsyth SS, Fournier JD, Frasca S, Frasconi F, Frei Z, Freise A, Frey R, Frey V, Fries EM, Fritschel P, Frolov VV, Fulda P, Fyffe M, Gabbard H, Gabel M, Gadre BU, Gaebel SM, Gair JR, Gammaitoni L, Ganija MR, Gaonkar SG, Garufi F, Gaudio S, Gaur G, Gayathri V, Gehrels N, Gemme G, Genin E, Gennai A, George D, George J, Gergely L, Germain V, Ghonge S, Ghosh A, Ghosh A, Ghosh S, Giaime JA, Giardina KD, Giazotto A, Gill K, Glover L, Goetz E, Goetz R, Gomes S, González G, Gonzalez Castro JM, Gopakumar A, Gorodetsky ML, Gossan SE, Gosselin M, Gouaty R, Grado A, Graef C, Granata M, Grant A, Gras S, Gray C, Greco G, Green AC, Groot P, Grote H, Grunewald S, Gruning P, Guidi GM, Guo X, Gupta A, Gupta MK, Gushwa KE, Gustafson EK, Gustafson R, Hall BR, Hall ED, Hammond G, Haney M, Hanke MM, Hanks J, Hanna C, Hannam MD, Hannuksela OA, Hanson J, Hardwick T, Harms J, Harry GM, Harry IW, Hart MJ, Haster CJ, Haughian K, Healy J, Heidmann A, Heintze MC, Heitmann H, Hello P, Hemming G, Hendry M, Heng IS, Hennig J, Henry J, Heptonstall AW, Heurs M, Hild S, Hoak D, Hofman D, Holt K, Holz DE, Hopkins P, Horst C, Hough J, Houston EA, Howell EJ, Hu YM, Huerta EA, Huet D, Hughey B, Husa S, Huttner SH, Huynh-Dinh T, Indik N, Ingram DR, Inta R, Intini G, Isa HN, Isac JM, Isi M, Iyer BR, Izumi K, Jacqmin T, Jani K, Jaranowski P, Jawahar S, Jiménez-Forteza F, Johnson WW, Johnson-McDaniel NK, Jones DI, Jones R, Jonker RJG, Ju L, Junker J, Kalaghatgi CV, Kalogera V, Kandhasamy S, Kang G, Kanner JB, Karki S, Karvinen KS, Kasprzack M, Katolik M, Katsavounidis E, Katzman W, Kaufer S, Kawabe K, Kéfélian F, Keitel D, Kemball AJ, Kennedy R, Kent C, Key JS, Khalili FY, Khan I, Khan S, Khan Z, Khazanov EA, Kijbunchoo N, Kim C, Kim JC, Kim W, Kim WS, Kim YM, Kimbrell SJ, King EJ, King PJ, Kirchhoff R, Kissel JS, Kleybolte L, Klimenko S, Koch P, Koehlenbeck SM, Koley S, Kondrashov V, Kontos A, Korobko M, Korth WZ, Kowalska I, Kozak DB, Krämer C, Kringel V, Krishnan B, Królak A, Kuehn G, Kumar P, Kumar R, Kumar S, Kuo L, Kutynia A, Kwang S, Lackey BD, Lai KH, Landry M, Lang RN, Lange J, Lantz B, Lanza RK, Lartaux-Vollard A, Lasky PD, Laxen M, Lazzarini A, Lazzaro C, Leaci P, Leavey S, Lee CH, Lee HK, Lee HM, Lee HW, Lee K, Lehmann J, Lenon A, Leonardi M, Leroy N, Letendre N, Levin Y, Li TGF, Libson A, Littenberg TB, Liu J, Lo RKL, Lockerbie NA, London LT, Lord JE, Lorenzini M, Loriette V, Lormand M, Losurdo G, Lough JD, Lovelace G, Lück H, Lumaca D, Lundgren AP, Lynch R, Ma Y, Macfoy S, Machenschalk B, MacInnis M, Macleod DM, Magaña Hernandez I, Magaña-Sandoval F, Magaña Zertuche L, Magee RM, Majorana E, Maksimovic I, Man N, Mandic V, Mangano V, Mansell GL, Manske M, Mantovani M, Marchesoni F, Marion F, Márka S, Márka Z, Markakis C, Markosyan AS, Maros E, Martelli F, Martellini L, Martin IW, Martynov DV, Marx JN, Mason K, Masserot A, Massinger TJ, Masso-Reid M, Mastrogiovanni S, Matas A, Matichard F, Matone L, Mavalvala N, Mayani R, Mazumder N, McCarthy R, McClelland DE, McCormick S, McCuller L, McGuire SC, McIntyre G, McIver J, McManus DJ, McRae T, McWilliams ST, Meacher D, Meadors GD, Meidam J, Mejuto-Villa E, Melatos A, Mendell G, Mercer RA, Merilh EL, Merzougui M, Meshkov S, Messenger C, Messick C, Metzdorff R, Meyers PM, Mezzani F, Miao H, Michel C, Middleton H, Mikhailov EE, Milano L, Miller AL, Miller A, Miller BB, Miller J, Millhouse M, Minazzoli O, Minenkov Y, Ming J, Mishra C, Mitra S, Mitrofanov VP, Mitselmakher G, Mittleman R, Moggi A, Mohan M, Mohapatra SRP, Montani M, Moore BC, Moore CJ, Moraru D, Moreno G, Morriss SR, Mours B, Mow-Lowry CM, Mueller G, Muir AW, Mukherjee A, Mukherjee D, Mukherjee S, Mukund N, Mullavey A, Munch J, Muniz EAM, Murray PG, Napier K, Nardecchia I, Naticchioni L, Nayak RK, Nelemans G, Nelson TJN, Neri M, Nery M, Neunzert A, Newport JM, Newton G, Ng KKY, Nguyen TT, Nichols D, Nielsen AB, Nissanke S, Nitz A, Noack A, Nocera F, Nolting D, Normandin MEN, Nuttall LK, Oberling J, Ochsner E, Oelker E, Ogin GH, Oh JJ, Oh SH, Ohme F, Oliver M, Oppermann P, Oram RJ, O'Reilly B, Ormiston R, Ortega LF, O'Shaughnessy R, Ottaway DJ, Overmier H, Owen BJ, Pace AE, Page J, Page MA, Pai A, Pai SA, Palamos JR, Palashov O, Palomba C, Pal-Singh A, Pan H, Pang B, Pang PTH, Pankow C, Pannarale F, Pant BC, Paoletti F, Paoli A, Papa MA, Paris HR, Parker W, Pascucci D, Pasqualetti A, Passaquieti R, Passuello D, Patricelli B, Pearlstone BL, Pedraza M, Pedurand R, Pekowsky L, Pele A, Penn S, Perez CJ, Perreca A, Perri LM, Pfeiffer HP, Phelps M, Piccinni OJ, Pichot M, Piergiovanni F, Pierro V, Pillant G, Pinard L, Pinto IM, Pitkin M, Poggiani R, Popolizio P, Porter EK, Post A, Powell J, Prasad J, Pratt JWW, Predoi V, Prestegard T, Prijatelj M, Principe M, Privitera S, Prodi GA, Prokhorov LG, Puncken O, Punturo M, Puppo P, Pürrer M, Qi H, Qin J, Qiu S, Quetschke V, Quintero EA, Quitzow-James R, Raab FJ, Rabeling DS, Radkins H, Raffai P, Raja S, Rajan C, Rakhmanov M, Ramirez KE, Rapagnani P, Raymond V, Razzano M, Read J, Regimbau T, Rei L, Reid S, Reitze DH, Rew H, Reyes SD, Ricci F, Ricker PM, Rieger S, Riles K, Rizzo M, Robertson NA, Robie R, Robinet F, Rocchi A, Rolland L, Rollins JG, Roma VJ, Romano JD, Romano R, Romel CL, Romie JH, Rosińska D, Ross MP, Rowan S, Rüdiger A, Ruggi P, Ryan K, Rynge M, Sachdev S, Sadecki T, Sadeghian L, Sakellariadou M, Salconi L, Saleem M, Salemi F, Samajdar A, Sammut L, Sampson LM, Sanchez EJ, Sandberg V, Sandeen B, Sanders JR, Sassolas B, Sathyaprakash BS, Saulson PR, Sauter O, Savage RL, Sawadsky A, Schale P, Scheuer J, Schmidt E, Schmidt J, Schmidt P, Schnabel R, Schofield RMS, Schönbeck A, Schreiber E, Schuette D, Schulte BW, Schutz BF, Schwalbe SG, Scott J, Scott SM, Seidel E, Sellers D, Sengupta AS, Sentenac D, Sequino V, Sergeev A, Shaddock DA, Shaffer TJ, Shah AA, Shahriar MS, Shao L, Shapiro B, Shawhan P, Sheperd A, Shoemaker DH, Shoemaker DM, Siellez K, Siemens X, Sieniawska M, Sigg D, Silva AD, Singer A, Singer LP, Singh A, Singh R, Singhal A, Sintes AM, Slagmolen BJJ, Smith B, Smith JR, Smith RJE, Son EJ, Sonnenberg JA, Sorazu B, Sorrentino F, Souradeep T, Spencer AP, Srivastava AK, Staley A, Steinke M, Steinlechner J, Steinlechner S, Steinmeyer D, Stephens BC, Stevenson SP, Stone R, Strain KA, Stratta G, Strigin SE, Sturani R, Stuver AL, Summerscales TZ, Sun L, Sunil S, Sutton PJ, Swinkels BL, Szczepańczyk MJ, Tacca M, Talukder D, Tanner DB, Tápai M, Taracchini A, Taylor JA, Taylor R, Theeg T, Thomas EG, Thomas M, Thomas P, Thorne KA, Thorne KS, Thrane E, Tiwari S, Tiwari V, Tokmakov KV, Toland K, Tonelli M, Tornasi Z, Torrie CI, Töyrä D, Travasso F, Traylor G, Trifirò D, Trinastic J, Tringali MC, Trozzo L, Tsang KW, Tse M, Tso R, Tuyenbayev D, Ueno K, Ugolini D, Unnikrishnan CS, Urban AL, Usman SA, Vahi K, Vahlbruch H, Vajente G, Valdes G, Vallisneri M, van Bakel N, van Beuzekom M, van den Brand JFJ, Van Den Broeck C, Vander-Hyde DC, van der Schaaf L, van Heijningen JV, van Veggel AA, Vardaro M, Varma V, Vass S, Vasúth M, Vecchio A, Vedovato G, Veitch J, Veitch PJ, Venkateswara K, Venugopalan G, Verkindt D, Vetrano F, Viceré A, Viets AD, Vinciguerra S, Vine DJ, Vinet JY, Vitale S, Vo T, Vocca H, Vorvick C, Voss DV, Vousden WD, Vyatchanin SP, Wade AR, Wade LE, Wade M, Wald RM, Walet R, Walker M, Wallace L, Walsh S, Wang G, Wang H, Wang JZ, Wang M, Wang YF, Wang Y, Ward RL, Warner J, Was M, Watchi J, Weaver B, Wei LW, Weinert M, Weinstein AJ, Weiss R, Wen L, Wessel EK, Weßels P, Westphal T, Wette K, Whelan JT, Whiting BF, Whittle C, Williams D, Williams RD, Williamson AR, Willis JL, Willke B, Wimmer MH, Winkler W, Wipf CC, Wittel H, Woan G, Woehler J, Wofford J, Wong KWK, Worden J, Wright JL, Wu DS, Wu G, Yam W, Yamamoto H, Yancey CC, Yap MJ, Yu H, Yu H, Yvert M, Zadrożny A, Zanolin M, Zelenova T, Zendri JP, Zevin M, Zhang L, Zhang M, Zhang T, Zhang YH, Zhao C, Zhou M, Zhou Z, Zhu XJ, Zimmerman A, Zucker ME, Zweizig J. GW170104: Observation of a 50-Solar-Mass Binary Black Hole Coalescence at Redshift 0.2. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2017; 118:221101. [PMID: 28621973 DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.118.221101] [Citation(s) in RCA: 220] [Impact Index Per Article: 27.5] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 05/09/2017] [Indexed: 05/21/2023]
We describe the observation of GW170104, a gravitational-wave signal produced by the coalescence of a pair of stellar-mass black holes. The signal was measured on January 4, 2017 at 10∶11:58.6 UTC by the twin advanced detectors of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory during their second observing run, with a network signal-to-noise ratio of 13 and a false alarm rate less than 1 in 70 000 years. The inferred component black hole masses are 31.2_{-6.0}^{+8.4}M_{⊙} and 19.4_{-5.9}^{+5.3}M_{⊙} (at the 90% credible level). The black hole spins are best constrained through measurement of the effective inspiral spin parameter, a mass-weighted combination of the spin components perpendicular to the orbital plane, χ_{eff}=-0.12_{-0.30}^{+0.21}. This result implies that spin configurations with both component spins positively aligned with the orbital angular momentum are disfavored. The source luminosity distance is 880_{-390}^{+450} Mpc corresponding to a redshift of z=0.18_{-0.07}^{+0.08}. We constrain the magnitude of modifications to the gravitational-wave dispersion relation and perform null tests of general relativity. Assuming that gravitons are dispersed in vacuum like massive particles, we bound the graviton mass to m_{g}≤7.7×10^{-23} eV/c^{2}. In all cases, we find that GW170104 is consistent with general relativity.
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Martin FT, Dwyer RM, Kelly J, Khan S, Murphy JM, Curran C, Miller N, Hennessy E, Dockery P, Barry FP, O'Brien T, Kerin MJ. Potential role of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) in the breast tumour microenvironment: stimulation of epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT). Breast Cancer Res Treat 2010; 124:317-26. [PMID: 20087650 DOI: 10.1007/s10549-010-0734-1] [Citation(s) in RCA: 214] [Impact Index Per Article: 14.3] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 08/05/2009] [Accepted: 01/06/2010] [Indexed: 02/07/2023]
Bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are known to specifically migrate to and engraft at tumour sites. Understanding interactions between cancer cells and MSCs has become fundamental to determining whether MSC-tumour interactions should be harnessed for delivery of therapeutic agents or considered a target for intervention. Breast Cancer Cell lines (MDA-MB-231, T47D & SK-Br3) were cultured alone or on a monolayer of MSCs, and retrieved using epithelial specific magnetic beads. Alterations in expression of 90 genes associated with breast tumourigenicity were analysed using low-density array. Expression of markers of epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) and array results were validated using RQ-PCR. Co-cultured cells were analysed for changes in protein expression, growth pattern and morphology. Gene expression and proliferation assays were also performed on indirect co-cultures. Following direct co-culture with MSCs, breast cancer cells expressed elevated levels of oncogenes (NCOA4, FOS), proto-oncogenes (FYN, JUN), genes associated with invasion (MMP11), angiogenesis (VEGF) and anti-apoptosis (IGF1R, BCL2). However, universal downregulation of genes associated with proliferation was observed (Ki67, MYBL2), and reflected in reduced ATP production in response to MSC-secreted factors. Significant upregulation of EMT specific markers (N-cadherin, Vimentin, Twist and Snail) was also observed following co-culture with MSCs, with a reciprocal downregulation in E-cadherin protein expression. These changes were predominantly cell contact mediated and appeared to be MSC specific. Breast cancer cell morphology and growth pattern also altered in response to MSCs. MSCs may promote breast cancer metastasis through facilitation of EMT.
Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't |
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Bremner JD, Vythilingam M, Vermetten E, Adil J, Khan S, Nazeer A, Afzal N, McGlashan T, Elzinga B, Anderson GM, Heninger G, Southwick SM, Charney DS. Cortisol response to a cognitive stress challenge in posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) related to childhood abuse. Psychoneuroendocrinology 2003; 28:733-50. [PMID: 12812861 DOI: 10.1016/s0306-4530(02)00067-7] [Citation(s) in RCA: 210] [Impact Index Per Article: 9.5] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [MESH Headings] [Grants] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Submit a Manuscript] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 12/19/2022]
Preclinical studies show that animals with a history of chronic stress exposure have increased hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis reactivity following reexposure to stress. Patients with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) have been found to have normal or decreased function of the HPA axis, however no studies have looked at the HPA response to stress in PTSD. The purpose of this study was to assess cortisol responsivity to a stressful cognitive challenge in patients with PTSD related to childhood abuse. Salivary cortisol levels, as well as heart rate and blood pressure, were measured before and after a stressful cognitive challenge in patients with abuse-related PTSD (N=23) and healthy comparison subjects (N=18). PTSD patients had 61% higher group mean cortisol levels in the time period leading up to the cognitive challenge, and 46% higher cortisol levels during the time period of the cognitive challenge, compared to controls. Both PTSD patients and controls had a similar 66-68% increase in cortisol levels from their own baseline with the cognitive challenge. Following the cognitive challenge, cortisol levels fell in both groups and were similar in PTSD and control groups. PTSD patients appeared to have an increased cortisol response in anticipation of a cognitive challenge relative to controls. Although cortisol has been found to be low at baseline, there does not appear to be an impairment in cortisol response to stressors in PTSD.
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Moran A, O'Hara C, Khan S, Shack L, Woodward E, Maher ER, Lalloo F, Evans DGR. Risk of cancer other than breast or ovarian in individuals with BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations. Fam Cancer 2012; 11:235-42. [PMID: 22187320 DOI: 10.1007/s10689-011-9506-2] [Citation(s) in RCA: 206] [Impact Index Per Article: 15.8] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 02/06/2023]
The risks of cancers other than breast and ovarian amongst BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers are based on relatively few family based studies with the risk of specific cancers tested in population based samples of cancers from founder populations. We assessed risks of "other cancers" in 268 BRCA1 families and 222 BRCA2 families using a person years at risk analysis from 1975 to 2005. Cancer confirmations were overall higher than in previous family based studies at 64%. There was no overall increase in risk for BRCA1 carriers although oesophagus had a significant increased RR of 2.9 (95% CI 1.1-6.0) and stomach at 2.4 (95% CI 1.2-4.3), these were based mainly on unconfirmed cases. For BRCA2 increased risks for cancers of the pancreas (RR 4.1, 95% CI 1.9-7.8) and prostate (RR 6.3, 95% CI 4.3-9.0) and uveal melanoma (RR 99.4, 95% CI 11.1-359.8) were confirmed. Possible new associations with oesophagus (RR 4.1, 95% CI 1.9-7.8) and stomach (RR 2.7, 95% CI 1.3-4.8) were detected but these findings should be treated with caution due to lower confirmation rates. In contrast to previous research a higher risk of prostate cancer was found in males with mutations in the BRCA2 OCCR region. The present study strengthens the known links between BRCA2 and pancreatic and prostate cancer, but throws further doubt onto any association with BRCA1. New associations with upper gastro-intestinal malignancy need to be treated with caution and confirmed by large prospective studies.
Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't |
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Abbott BP, Abbott R, Abbott TD, Acernese F, Ackley K, Adams C, Adams T, Addesso P, Adhikari RX, Adya VB, Affeldt C, Agarwal B, Agathos M, Agatsuma K, Aggarwal N, Aguiar OD, Aiello L, Ain A, Ajith P, Allen B, Allen G, Allocca A, Aloy MA, Altin PA, Amato A, Ananyeva A, Anderson SB, Anderson WG, Angelova SV, Antier S, Appert S, Arai K, Araya MC, Areeda JS, Arène M, Arnaud N, Arun KG, Ascenzi S, Ashton G, Ast M, Aston SM, Astone P, Atallah DV, Aubin F, Aufmuth P, Aulbert C, AultONeal K, Austin C, Avila-Alvarez A, Babak S, Bacon P, Badaracco F, Bader MKM, Bae S, Baker PT, Baldaccini F, Ballardin G, Ballmer SW, Banagiri S, Barayoga JC, Barclay SE, Barish BC, Barker D, Barkett K, Barnum S, Barone F, Barr B, Barsotti L, Barsuglia M, Barta D, Bartlett J, Bartos I, Bassiri R, Basti A, Batch JC, Bawaj M, Bayley JC, Bazzan M, Bécsy B, Beer C, Bejger M, Belahcene I, Bell AS, Beniwal D, Bensch M, Berger BK, Bergmann G, Bernuzzi S, Bero JJ, Berry CPL, Bersanetti D, Bertolini A, Betzwieser J, Bhandare R, Bilenko IA, Bilgili SA, Billingsley G, Billman CR, Birch J, Birney R, Birnholtz O, Biscans S, Biscoveanu S, Bisht A, Bitossi M, Bizouard MA, Blackburn JK, Blackman J, Blair CD, Blair DG, Blair RM, Bloemen S, Bock O, Bode N, Boer M, Boetzel Y, Bogaert G, Bohe A, Bondu F, Bonilla E, Bonnand R, Booker P, Boom BA, Booth CD, Bork R, Boschi V, Bose S, Bossie K, Bossilkov V, Bosveld J, Bouffanais Y, Bozzi A, Bradaschia C, Brady PR, Bramley A, Branchesi M, Brau JE, Briant T, Brighenti F, Brillet A, Brinkmann M, Brisson V, Brockill P, Brooks AF, Brown DD, Brunett S, Buchanan CC, Buikema A, Bulik T, Bulten HJ, Buonanno A, Buskulic D, Buy C, Byer RL, Cabero M, Cadonati L, Cagnoli G, Cahillane C, Calderón Bustillo J, Callister TA, Calloni E, Camp JB, Canepa M, Canizares P, Cannon KC, Cao H, Cao J, Capano CD, Capocasa E, Carbognani F, Caride S, Carney MF, Carullo G, Casanueva Diaz J, Casentini C, Caudill S, Cavaglià M, Cavalier F, Cavalieri R, Cella G, Cepeda CB, Cerdá-Durán P, Cerretani G, Cesarini E, Chaibi O, Chamberlin SJ, Chan M, Chao S, Charlton P, Chase E, Chassande-Mottin E, Chatterjee D, Chatziioannou K, Cheeseboro BD, Chen HY, Chen X, Chen Y, Cheng HP, Chia HY, Chincarini A, Chiummo A, Chmiel T, Cho HS, Cho M, Chow JH, Christensen N, Chu Q, Chua AJK, Chua S, Chung KW, Chung S, Ciani G, Ciobanu AA, Ciolfi R, Cipriano F, Cirelli CE, Cirone A, Clara F, Clark JA, Clearwater P, Cleva F, Cocchieri C, Coccia E, Cohadon PF, Cohen D, Colla A, Collette CG, Collins C, Cominsky LR, Constancio M, Conti L, Cooper SJ, Corban P, Corbitt TR, Cordero-Carrión I, Corley KR, Cornish N, Corsi A, Cortese S, Costa CA, Cotesta R, Coughlin MW, Coughlin SB, Coulon JP, Countryman ST, Couvares P, Covas PB, Cowan EE, Coward DM, Cowart MJ, Coyne DC, Coyne R, Creighton JDE, Creighton TD, Cripe J, Crowder SG, Cullen TJ, Cumming A, Cunningham L, Cuoco E, Canton TD, Dálya G, Danilishin SL, D'Antonio S, Danzmann K, Dasgupta A, Da Silva Costa CF, Dattilo V, Dave I, Davier M, Davis D, Daw EJ, Day B, DeBra D, Deenadayalan M, Degallaix J, De Laurentis M, Deléglise S, Del Pozzo W, Demos N, Denker T, Dent T, De Pietri R, Derby J, Dergachev V, De Rosa R, De Rossi C, DeSalvo R, de Varona O, Dhurandhar S, Díaz MC, Dietrich T, Di Fiore L, Di Giovanni M, Di Girolamo T, Di Lieto A, Ding B, Di Pace S, Di Palma I, Di Renzo F, Dmitriev A, Doctor Z, Dolique V, Donovan F, Dooley KL, Doravari S, Dorrington I, Dovale Álvarez M, Downes TP, Drago M, Dreissigacker C, Driggers JC, Du Z, Dupej P, Dwyer SE, Easter PJ, Edo TB, Edwards MC, Effler A, Eggenstein HB, Ehrens P, Eichholz J, Eikenberry SS, Eisenmann M, Eisenstein RA, Essick RC, Estelles H, Estevez D, Etienne ZB, Etzel T, Evans M, Evans TM, Fafone V, Fair H, Fairhurst S, Fan X, Farinon S, Farr B, Farr WM, Fauchon-Jones EJ, Favata M, Fays M, Fee C, Fehrmann H, Feicht J, Fejer MM, Feng F, Fernandez-Galiana A, Ferrante I, Ferreira EC, Ferrini F, Fidecaro F, Fiori I, Fiorucci D, Fishbach M, Fisher RP, Fishner JM, Fitz-Axen M, Flaminio R, Fletcher M, Fong H, Font JA, Forsyth PWF, Forsyth SS, Fournier JD, Frasca S, Frasconi F, Frei Z, Freise A, Frey R, Frey V, Fritschel P, Frolov VV, Fulda P, Fyffe M, Gabbard HA, Gadre BU, Gaebel SM, Gair JR, Gammaitoni L, Ganija MR, Gaonkar SG, Garcia A, García-Quirós C, Garufi F, Gateley B, Gaudio S, Gaur G, Gayathri V, Gemme G, Genin E, Gennai A, George D, George J, Gergely L, Germain V, Ghonge S, Ghosh A, Ghosh A, Ghosh S, Giacomazzo B, Giaime JA, Giardina KD, Giazotto A, Gill K, Giordano G, Glover L, Goetz E, Goetz R, Goncharov B, González G, Gonzalez Castro JM, Gopakumar A, Gorodetsky ML, Gossan SE, Gosselin M, Gouaty R, Grado A, Graef C, Granata M, Grant A, Gras S, Gray C, Greco G, Green AC, Green R, Gretarsson EM, Groot P, Grote H, Grunewald S, Gruning P, Guidi GM, Gulati HK, Guo X, Gupta A, Gupta MK, Gushwa KE, Gustafson EK, Gustafson R, Halim O, Hall BR, Hall ED, Hamilton EZ, Hamilton HF, Hammond G, Haney M, Hanke MM, Hanks J, Hanna C, Hannam MD, Hannuksela OA, Hanson J, Hardwick T, Harms J, Harry GM, Harry IW, Hart MJ, Haster CJ, Haughian K, Healy J, Heidmann A, Heintze MC, Heitmann H, Hello P, Hemming G, Hendry M, Heng IS, Hennig J, Heptonstall AW, Hernandez FJ, Heurs M, Hild S, Hinderer T, Ho WCG, Hoak D, Hochheim S, Hofman D, Holland NA, Holt K, Holz DE, Hopkins P, Horst C, Hough J, Houston EA, Howell EJ, Hreibi A, Huerta EA, Huet D, Hughey B, Hulko M, Husa S, Huttner SH, Huynh-Dinh T, Iess A, Indik N, Ingram C, Inta R, Intini G, Irwin BS, Isa HN, Isac JM, Isi M, Iyer BR, Izumi K, Jacqmin T, Jani K, Jaranowski P, Johnson DS, Johnson WW, Jones DI, Jones R, Jonker RJG, Ju L, Junker J, Kalaghatgi CV, Kalogera V, Kamai B, Kandhasamy S, Kang G, Kanner JB, Kapadia SJ, Karki S, Karvinen KS, Kasprzack M, Katolik M, Katsanevas S, Katsavounidis E, Katzman W, Kaufer S, Kawabe K, Keerthana NV, Kéfélian F, Keitel D, Kemball AJ, Kennedy R, Key JS, Khalili FY, Khamesra B, Khan H, Khan I, Khan S, Khan Z, Khazanov EA, Kijbunchoo N, Kim C, Kim JC, Kim K, Kim W, Kim WS, Kim YM, King EJ, King PJ, Kinley-Hanlon M, Kirchhoff R, Kissel JS, Kleybolte L, Klimenko S, Knowles TD, Koch P, Koehlenbeck SM, Koley S, Kondrashov V, Kontos A, Korobko M, Korth WZ, Kowalska I, Kozak DB, Krämer C, Kringel V, Krishnan B, Królak A, Kuehn G, Kumar P, Kumar R, Kumar S, Kuo L, Kutynia A, Kwang S, Lackey BD, Lai KH, Landry M, Landry P, Lang RN, Lange J, Lantz B, Lanza RK, Lartaux-Vollard A, Lasky PD, Laxen M, Lazzarini A, Lazzaro C, Leaci P, Leavey S, Lee CH, Lee HK, Lee HM, Lee HW, Lee K, Lehmann J, Lenon A, Leonardi M, Leroy N, Letendre N, Levin Y, Li J, Li TGF, Li X, Linker SD, Littenberg TB, Liu J, Liu X, Lo RKL, Lockerbie NA, London LT, Longo A, Lorenzini M, Loriette V, Lormand M, Losurdo G, Lough JD, Lousto CO, Lovelace G, Lück H, Lumaca D, Lundgren AP, Lynch R, Ma Y, Macas R, Macfoy S, Machenschalk B, MacInnis M, Macleod DM, Magaña Hernandez I, Magaña-Sandoval F, Magaña Zertuche L, Magee RM, Majorana E, Maksimovic I, Man N, Mandic V, Mangano V, Mansell GL, Manske M, Mantovani M, Marchesoni F, Marion F, Márka S, Márka Z, Markakis C, Markosyan AS, Markowitz A, Maros E, Marquina A, Martelli F, Martellini L, Martin IW, Martin RM, Martynov DV, Mason K, Massera E, Masserot A, Massinger TJ, Masso-Reid M, Mastrogiovanni S, Matas A, Matichard F, Matone L, Mavalvala N, Mazumder N, McCann JJ, McCarthy R, McClelland DE, McCormick S, McCuller L, McGuire SC, McIver J, McManus DJ, McRae T, McWilliams ST, Meacher D, Meadors GD, Mehmet M, Meidam J, Mejuto-Villa E, Melatos A, Mendell G, Mendoza-Gandara D, Mercer RA, Mereni L, Merilh EL, Merzougui M, Meshkov S, Messenger C, Messick C, Metzdorff R, Meyers PM, Miao H, Michel C, Middleton H, Mikhailov EE, Milano L, Miller AL, Miller A, Miller BB, Miller J, Millhouse M, Mills J, Milovich-Goff MC, Minazzoli O, Minenkov Y, Ming J, Mishra C, Mitra S, Mitrofanov VP, Mitselmakher G, Mittleman R, Moffa D, Mogushi K, Mohan M, Mohapatra SRP, Montani M, Moore CJ, Moraru D, Moreno G, Morisaki S, Mours B, Mow-Lowry CM, Mueller G, Muir AW, Mukherjee A, Mukherjee D, Mukherjee S, Mukund N, Mullavey A, Munch J, Muñiz EA, Muratore M, Murray PG, Nagar A, Napier K, Nardecchia I, Naticchioni L, Nayak RK, Neilson J, Nelemans G, Nelson TJN, Nery M, Neunzert A, Nevin L, Newport JM, Ng KY, Ng S, Nguyen P, Nguyen TT, Nichols D, Nielsen AB, Nissanke S, Nitz A, Nocera F, Nolting D, North C, Nuttall LK, Obergaulinger M, Oberling J, O'Brien BD, O'Dea GD, Ogin GH, Oh JJ, Oh SH, Ohme F, Ohta H, Okada MA, Oliver M, Oppermann P, Oram RJ, O'Reilly B, Ormiston R, Ortega LF, O'Shaughnessy R, Ossokine S, Ottaway DJ, Overmier H, Owen BJ, Pace AE, Pagano G, Page J, Page MA, Pai A, Pai SA, Palamos JR, Palashov O, Palomba C, Pal-Singh A, Pan H, Pan HW, Pang B, Pang PTH, Pankow C, Pannarale F, Pant BC, Paoletti F, Paoli A, Papa MA, Parida A, Parker W, Pascucci D, Pasqualetti A, Passaquieti R, Passuello D, Patil M, Patricelli B, Pearlstone BL, Pedersen C, Pedraza M, Pedurand R, Pekowsky L, Pele A, Penn S, Perego A, Perez CJ, Perreca A, Perri LM, Pfeiffer HP, Phelps M, Phukon KS, Piccinni OJ, Pichot M, Piergiovanni F, Pierro V, Pillant G, Pinard L, Pinto IM, Pirello M, Pitkin M, Poggiani R, Popolizio P, Porter EK, Possenti L, Post A, Powell J, Prasad J, Pratt JWW, Pratten G, Predoi V, Prestegard T, Principe M, Privitera S, Prodi GA, Prokhorov LG, Puncken O, Punturo M, Puppo P, Pürrer M, Qi H, Quetschke V, Quintero EA, Quitzow-James R, Raab FJ, Rabeling DS, Radkins H, Raffai P, Raja S, Rajan C, Rajbhandari B, Rakhmanov M, Ramirez KE, Ramos-Buades A, Rana J, Rapagnani P, Raymond V, Razzano M, Read J, Regimbau T, Rei L, Reid S, Reitze DH, Ren W, Ricci F, Ricker PM, Riemenschneider GM, Riles K, Rizzo M, Robertson NA, Robie R, Robinet F, Robson T, Rocchi A, Rolland L, Rollins JG, Roma VJ, Romano R, Romel CL, Romie JH, Rosińska D, Ross MP, Rowan S, Rüdiger A, Ruggi P, Rutins G, Ryan K, Sachdev S, Sadecki T, Sakellariadou M, Salconi L, Saleem M, Salemi F, Samajdar A, Sammut L, Sampson LM, Sanchez EJ, Sanchez LE, Sanchis-Gual N, Sandberg V, Sanders JR, Sarin N, Sassolas B, Sathyaprakash BS, Saulson PR, Sauter O, Savage RL, Sawadsky A, Schale P, Scheel M, Scheuer J, Schmidt P, Schnabel R, Schofield RMS, Schönbeck A, Schreiber E, Schuette D, Schulte BW, Schutz BF, Schwalbe SG, Scott J, Scott SM, Seidel E, Sellers D, Sengupta AS, Sentenac D, Sequino V, Sergeev A, Setyawati Y, Shaddock DA, Shaffer TJ, Shah AA, Shahriar MS, Shaner MB, Shao L, Shapiro B, Shawhan P, Shen H, Shoemaker DH, Shoemaker DM, Siellez K, Siemens X, Sieniawska M, Sigg D, Silva AD, Singer LP, Singh A, Singhal A, Sintes AM, Slagmolen BJJ, Slaven-Blair TJ, Smith B, Smith JR, Smith RJE, Somala S, Son EJ, Sorazu B, Sorrentino F, Souradeep T, Spencer AP, Srivastava AK, Staats K, Steinke M, Steinlechner J, Steinlechner S, Steinmeyer D, Steltner B, Stevenson SP, Stocks D, Stone R, Stops DJ, Strain KA, Stratta G, Strigin SE, Strunk A, Sturani R, Stuver AL, Summerscales TZ, Sun L, Sunil S, Suresh J, Sutton PJ, Swinkels BL, Szczepańczyk MJ, Tacca M, Tait SC, Talbot C, Talukder D, Tanner DB, Tápai M, Taracchini A, Tasson JD, Taylor JA, Taylor R, Tewari SV, Theeg T, Thies F, Thomas EG, Thomas M, Thomas P, Thorne KA, Thrane E, Tiwari S, Tiwari V, Tokmakov KV, Toland K, Tonelli M, Tornasi Z, Torres-Forné A, Torrie CI, Töyrä D, Travasso F, Traylor G, Trinastic J, Tringali MC, Trovato A, Trozzo L, Tsang KW, Tse M, Tso R, Tsuna D, Tsukada L, Tuyenbayev D, Ueno K, Ugolini D, Urban AL, Usman SA, Vahlbruch H, Vajente G, Valdes G, van Bakel N, van Beuzekom M, van den Brand JFJ, Van Den Broeck C, Vander-Hyde DC, van der Schaaf L, van Heijningen JV, van Veggel AA, Vardaro M, Varma V, Vass S, Vasúth M, Vecchio A, Vedovato G, Veitch J, Veitch PJ, Venkateswara K, Venugopalan G, Verkindt D, Vetrano F, Viceré A, Viets AD, Vinciguerra S, Vine DJ, Vinet JY, Vitale S, Vo T, Vocca H, Vorvick C, Vyatchanin SP, Wade AR, Wade LE, Wade M, Walet R, Walker M, Wallace L, Walsh S, Wang G, Wang H, Wang JZ, Wang WH, Wang YF, Ward RL, Warner J, Was M, Watchi J, Weaver B, Wei LW, Weinert M, Weinstein AJ, Weiss R, Wellmann F, Wen L, Wessel EK, Weßels P, Westerweck J, Wette K, Whelan JT, Whiting BF, Whittle C, Wilken D, Williams D, Williams RD, Williamson AR, Willis JL, Willke B, Wimmer MH, Winkler W, Wipf CC, Wittel H, Woan G, Woehler J, Wofford JK, Wong WK, Worden J, Wright JL, Wu DS, Wysocki DM, Xiao S, Yam W, Yamamoto H, Yancey CC, Yang L, Yap MJ, Yazback M, Yu H, Yu H, Yvert M, Zadrożny A, Zanolin M, Zelenova T, Zendri JP, Zevin M, Zhang J, Zhang L, Zhang M, Zhang T, Zhang YH, Zhao C, Zhou M, Zhou Z, Zhu SJ, Zhu XJ, Zimmerman AB, Zlochower Y, Zucker ME, Zweizig J. GW170817: Measurements of Neutron Star Radii and Equation of State. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2018; 121:161101. [PMID: 30387654 DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.121.161101] [Citation(s) in RCA: 197] [Impact Index Per Article: 28.1] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 06/05/2018] [Revised: 07/25/2018] [Indexed: 06/08/2023]
On 17 August 2017, the LIGO and Virgo observatories made the first direct detection of gravitational waves from the coalescence of a neutron star binary system. The detection of this gravitational-wave signal, GW170817, offers a novel opportunity to directly probe the properties of matter at the extreme conditions found in the interior of these stars. The initial, minimal-assumption analysis of the LIGO and Virgo data placed constraints on the tidal effects of the coalescing bodies, which were then translated to constraints on neutron star radii. Here, we expand upon previous analyses by working under the hypothesis that both bodies were neutron stars that are described by the same equation of state and have spins within the range observed in Galactic binary neutron stars. Our analysis employs two methods: the use of equation-of-state-insensitive relations between various macroscopic properties of the neutron stars and the use of an efficient parametrization of the defining function p(ρ) of the equation of state itself. From the LIGO and Virgo data alone and the first method, we measure the two neutron star radii as R_{1}=10.8_{-1.7}^{+2.0} km for the heavier star and R_{2}=10.7_{-1.5}^{+2.1} km for the lighter star at the 90% credible level. If we additionally require that the equation of state supports neutron stars with masses larger than 1.97 M_{⊙} as required from electromagnetic observations and employ the equation-of-state parametrization, we further constrain R_{1}=11.9_{-1.4}^{+1.4} km and R_{2}=11.9_{-1.4}^{+1.4} km at the 90% credible level. Finally, we obtain constraints on p(ρ) at supranuclear densities, with pressure at twice nuclear saturation density measured at 3.5_{-1.7}^{+2.7}×10^{34} dyn cm^{-2} at the 90% level.
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Gupta R, Beg QK, Khan S, Chauhan B. An overview on fermentation, downstream processing and properties of microbial alkaline proteases. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol 2002; 60:381-95. [PMID: 12466877 DOI: 10.1007/s00253-002-1142-1] [Citation(s) in RCA: 192] [Impact Index Per Article: 8.3] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [MESH Headings] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 06/05/2002] [Revised: 08/02/2002] [Accepted: 09/06/2002] [Indexed: 11/24/2022]
Microbial alkaline proteases dominate the worldwide enzyme market, accounting for a two-thirds share of the detergent industry. Although protease production is an inherent property of all organisms, only those microbes that produce a substantial amount of extracellular protease have been exploited commercially. Of these, strains of Bacillus sp. dominate the industrial sector. To develop an efficient enzyme-based process for the industry, prior knowledge of various fermentation parameters, purification strategies and properties of the biocatalyst is of utmost importance. Besides these, the method of measurement of proteolytic potential, the selection of the substrate and the assay protocol depends upon the ultimate industrial application. A large array of assay protocols are available in the literature; however, with the predominance of molecular approaches for the generation of better biocatalysts, the search for newer substrates and assay protocols that can be conducted at micro/nano-scale are becoming important. Fermentation of proteases is regulated by varying the C/N ratio and can be scaled-up using fed-batch, continuous or chemostat approaches by prolonging the stationary phase of the culture. The conventional purification strategy employed, involving e.g., concentration, chromatographic steps, or aqueous two-phase systems, depends on the properties of the protease in question. Alkaline proteases useful for detergent applications are mostly active in the pH range 8-12 and at temperatures between 50 and 70 degrees C, with a few exceptions of extreme pH optima up to pH 13 and activity at temperatures up to 80-90 degrees C. Alkaline proteases mostly have their isoelectric points near to their pH optimum in the range of 8-11. Several industrially important proteases have been subjected to crystallization to extensively study their molecular homology and three-dimensional structures.
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Abbott BP, Abbott R, Abbott TD, Abernathy MR, Acernese F, Ackley K, Adams C, Adams T, Addesso P, Adhikari RX, Adya VB, Affeldt C, Agathos M, Agatsuma K, Aggarwal N, Aguiar OD, Aiello L, Ain A, Ajith P, Allen B, Allocca A, Altin PA, Anderson SB, Anderson WG, Arai K, Araya MC, Arceneaux CC, Areeda JS, Arnaud N, Arun KG, Ascenzi S, Ashton G, Ast M, Aston SM, Astone P, Aufmuth P, Aulbert C, Babak S, Bacon P, Bader MKM, Baker PT, Baldaccini F, Ballardin G, Ballmer SW, Barayoga JC, Barclay SE, Barish BC, Barker D, Barone F, Barr B, Barsotti L, Barsuglia M, Barta D, Bartlett J, Bartos I, Bassiri R, Basti A, Batch JC, Baune C, Bavigadda V, Bazzan M, Behnke B, Bejger M, Bell AS, Bell CJ, Berger BK, Bergman J, Bergmann G, Berry CPL, Bersanetti D, Bertolini A, Betzwieser J, Bhagwat S, Bhandare R, Bilenko IA, Billingsley G, Birch J, Birney R, Birnholtz O, Biscans S, Bisht A, Bitossi M, Biwer C, Bizouard MA, Blackburn JK, Blair CD, Blair DG, Blair RM, Bloemen S, Bock O, Bodiya TP, Boer M, Bogaert G, Bogan C, Bohe A, Bojtos P, Bond C, Bondu F, Bonnand R, Boom BA, Bork R, Boschi V, Bose S, Bouffanais Y, Bozzi A, Bradaschia C, Brady PR, Braginsky VB, Branchesi M, Brau JE, Briant T, Brillet A, Brinkmann M, Brisson V, Brockill P, Brooks AF, Brown DA, Brown DD, Brown NM, Buchanan CC, Buikema A, Bulik T, Bulten HJ, Buonanno A, Buskulic D, Buy C, Byer RL, Cadonati L, Cagnoli G, Cahillane C, Calderón Bustillo J, Callister T, Calloni E, Camp JB, Cannon KC, Cao J, Capano CD, Capocasa E, Carbognani F, Caride S, Casanueva Diaz J, Casentini C, Caudill S, Cavaglià M, Cavalier F, Cavalieri R, Cella G, Cepeda CB, Cerboni Baiardi L, Cerretani G, Cesarini E, Chakraborty R, Chalermsongsak T, Chamberlin SJ, Chan M, Chao S, Charlton P, Chassande-Mottin E, Chen HY, Chen Y, Cheng C, Chincarini A, Chiummo A, Cho HS, Cho M, Chow JH, Christensen N, Chu Q, Chua S, Chung S, Ciani G, Clara F, Clark JA, Cleva F, Coccia E, Cohadon PF, Colla A, Collette CG, Cominsky L, Constancio M, Conte A, Conti L, Cook D, Corbitt TR, Cornish N, Corsi A, Cortese S, Costa CA, Coughlin MW, Coughlin SB, Coulon JP, Countryman ST, Couvares P, Cowan EE, Coward DM, Cowart MJ, Coyne DC, Coyne R, Craig K, Creighton JDE, Cripe J, Crowder SG, Cumming A, Cunningham L, Cuoco E, Dal Canton T, Danilishin SL, D'Antonio S, Danzmann K, Darman NS, Dattilo V, Dave I, Daveloza HP, Davier M, Davies GS, Daw EJ, Day R, DeBra D, Debreczeni G, Degallaix J, De Laurentis M, Deléglise S, Del Pozzo W, Denker T, Dent T, Dereli H, Dergachev V, De Rosa R, DeRosa RT, DeSalvo R, Dhurandhar S, Díaz MC, Di Fiore L, Di Giovanni M, Di Lieto A, Di Pace S, Di Palma I, Di Virgilio A, Dojcinoski G, Dolique V, Donovan F, Dooley KL, Doravari S, Douglas R, Downes TP, Drago M, Drever RWP, Driggers JC, Du Z, Ducrot M, Dwyer SE, Edo TB, Edwards MC, Effler A, Eggenstein HB, Ehrens P, Eichholz J, Eikenberry SS, Engels W, Essick RC, Etzel T, Evans M, Evans TM, Everett R, Factourovich M, Fafone V, Fair H, Fairhurst S, Fan X, Fang Q, Farinon S, Farr B, Farr WM, Favata M, Fays M, Fehrmann H, Fejer MM, Ferrante I, Ferreira EC, Ferrini F, Fidecaro F, Fiori I, Fiorucci D, Fisher RP, Flaminio R, Fletcher M, Fournier JD, Franco S, Frasca S, Frasconi F, Frei Z, Freise A, Frey R, Frey V, Fricke TT, Fritschel P, Frolov VV, Fulda P, Fyffe M, Gabbard HAG, Gair JR, Gammaitoni L, Gaonkar SG, Garufi F, Gatto A, Gaur G, Gehrels N, Gemme G, Gendre B, Genin E, Gennai A, George J, Gergely L, Germain V, Ghosh A, Ghosh A, Ghosh S, Giaime JA, Giardina KD, Giazotto A, Gill K, Glaefke A, Goetz E, Goetz R, Gondan L, González G, Gonzalez Castro JM, Gopakumar A, Gordon NA, Gorodetsky ML, Gossan SE, Gosselin M, Gouaty R, Graef C, Graff PB, Granata M, Grant A, Gras S, Gray C, Greco G, Green AC, Groot P, Grote H, Grunewald S, Guidi GM, Guo X, Gupta A, Gupta MK, Gushwa KE, Gustafson EK, Gustafson R, Hacker JJ, Hall BR, Hall ED, Hammond G, Haney M, Hanke MM, Hanks J, Hanna C, Hannam MD, Hanson J, Hardwick T, Harms J, Harry GM, Harry IW, Hart MJ, Hartman MT, Haster CJ, Haughian K, Healy J, Heidmann A, Heintze MC, Heitmann H, Hello P, Hemming G, Hendry M, Heng IS, Hennig J, Heptonstall AW, Heurs M, Hild S, Hoak D, Hodge KA, Hofman D, Hollitt SE, Holt K, Holz DE, Hopkins P, Hosken DJ, Hough J, Houston EA, Howell EJ, Hu YM, Huang S, Huerta EA, Huet D, Hughey B, Husa S, Huttner SH, Huynh-Dinh T, Idrisy A, Indik N, Ingram DR, Inta R, Isa HN, Isac JM, Isi M, Islas G, Isogai T, Iyer BR, Izumi K, Jacqmin T, Jang H, Jani K, Jaranowski P, Jawahar S, Jiménez-Forteza F, Johnson WW, Johnson-McDaniel NK, Jones DI, Jones R, Jonker RJG, Ju L, Haris MK, Kalaghatgi CV, Kalogera V, Kandhasamy S, Kang G, Kanner JB, Karki S, Kasprzack M, Katsavounidis E, Katzman W, Kaufer S, Kaur T, Kawabe K, Kawazoe F, Kéfélian F, Kehl MS, Keitel D, Kelley DB, Kells W, Kennedy R, Key JS, Khalaidovski A, Khalili FY, Khan I, Khan S, Khan Z, Khazanov EA, Kijbunchoo N, Kim C, Kim J, Kim K, Kim NG, Kim N, Kim YM, King EJ, King PJ, Kinzel DL, Kissel JS, Kleybolte L, Klimenko S, Koehlenbeck SM, Kokeyama K, Koley S, Kondrashov V, Kontos A, Korobko M, Korth WZ, Kowalska I, Kozak DB, Kringel V, Krishnan B, Królak A, Krueger C, Kuehn G, Kumar P, Kuo L, Kutynia A, Lackey BD, Landry M, Lange J, Lantz B, Lasky PD, Lazzarini A, Lazzaro C, Leaci P, Leavey S, Lebigot EO, Lee CH, Lee HK, Lee HM, Lee K, Lenon A, Leonardi M, Leong JR, Leroy N, Letendre N, Levin Y, Levine BM, Li TGF, Libson A, Littenberg TB, Lockerbie NA, Logue J, Lombardi AL, London LT, Lord JE, Lorenzini M, Loriette V, Lormand M, Losurdo G, Lough JD, Lousto CO, Lovelace G, Lück H, Lundgren AP, Luo J, Lynch R, Ma Y, MacDonald T, Machenschalk B, MacInnis M, Macleod DM, Magaña-Sandoval F, Magee RM, Mageswaran M, Majorana E, Maksimovic I, Malvezzi V, Man N, Mandel I, Mandic V, Mangano V, Mansell GL, Manske M, Mantovani M, Marchesoni F, Marion F, Márka S, Márka Z, Markosyan AS, Maros E, Martelli F, Martellini L, Martin IW, Martin RM, Martynov DV, Marx JN, Mason K, Masserot A, Massinger TJ, Masso-Reid M, Matichard F, Matone L, Mavalvala N, Mazumder N, Mazzolo G, McCarthy R, McClelland DE, McCormick S, McGuire SC, McIntyre G, McIver J, McManus DJ, McWilliams ST, Meacher D, Meadors GD, Meidam J, Melatos A, Mendell G, Mendoza-Gandara D, Mercer RA, Merilh E, Merzougui M, Meshkov S, Messenger C, Messick C, Meyers PM, Mezzani F, Miao H, Michel C, Middleton H, Mikhailov EE, Milano L, Miller J, Millhouse M, Minenkov Y, Ming J, Mirshekari S, Mishra C, Mitra S, Mitrofanov VP, Mitselmakher G, Mittleman R, Moggi A, Mohan M, Mohapatra SRP, Montani M, Moore BC, Moore CJ, Moraru D, Moreno G, Morriss SR, Mossavi K, Mours B, Mow-Lowry CM, Mueller CL, Mueller G, Muir AW, Mukherjee A, Mukherjee D, Mukherjee S, Mukund N, Mullavey A, Munch J, Murphy DJ, Murray PG, Mytidis A, Nardecchia I, Naticchioni L, Nayak RK, Necula V, Nedkova K, Nelemans G, Neri M, Neunzert A, Newton G, Nguyen TT, Nielsen AB, Nissanke S, Nitz A, Nocera F, Nolting D, Normandin ME, Nuttall LK, Oberling J, Ochsner E, O'Dell J, Oelker E, Ogin GH, Oh JJ, Oh SH, Ohme F, Oliver M, Oppermann P, Oram RJ, O'Reilly B, O'Shaughnessy R, Ottaway DJ, Ottens RS, Overmier H, Owen BJ, Pai A, Pai SA, Palamos JR, Palashov O, Palomba C, Pal-Singh A, Pan H, Pan Y, Pankow C, Pannarale F, Pant BC, Paoletti F, Paoli A, Papa MA, Paris HR, Parker W, Pascucci D, Pasqualetti A, Passaquieti R, Passuello D, Patricelli B, Patrick Z, Pearlstone BL, Pedraza M, Pedurand R, Pekowsky L, Pele A, Penn S, Perreca A, Pfeiffer HP, Phelps M, Piccinni O, Pichot M, Piergiovanni F, Pierro V, Pillant G, Pinard L, Pinto IM, Pitkin M, Poggiani R, Popolizio P, Post A, Powell J, Prasad J, Predoi V, Premachandra SS, Prestegard T, Price LR, Prijatelj M, Principe M, Privitera S, Prix R, Prodi GA, Prokhorov L, Puncken O, Punturo M, Puppo P, Pürrer M, Qi H, Qin J, Quetschke V, Quintero EA, Quitzow-James R, Raab FJ, Rabeling DS, Radkins H, Raffai P, Raja S, Rakhmanov M, Rapagnani P, Raymond V, Razzano M, Re V, Read J, Reed CM, Regimbau T, Rei L, Reid S, Reitze DH, Rew H, Reyes SD, Ricci F, Riles K, Robertson NA, Robie R, Robinet F, Rocchi A, Rolland L, Rollins JG, Roma VJ, Romano R, Romanov G, Romie JH, Rosińska D, Rowan S, Rüdiger A, Ruggi P, Ryan K, Sachdev S, Sadecki T, Sadeghian L, Salconi L, Saleem M, Salemi F, Samajdar A, Sammut L, Sanchez EJ, Sandberg V, Sandeen B, Sanders JR, Sassolas B, Sathyaprakash BS, Saulson PR, Sauter O, Savage RL, Sawadsky A, Schale P, Schilling R, Schmidt J, Schmidt P, Schnabel R, Schofield RMS, Schönbeck A, Schreiber E, Schuette D, Schutz BF, Scott J, Scott SM, Sellers D, Sengupta AS, Sentenac D, Sequino V, Sergeev A, Serna G, Setyawati Y, Sevigny A, Shaddock DA, Shah S, Shahriar MS, Shaltev M, Shao Z, Shapiro B, Shawhan P, Sheperd A, Shoemaker DH, Shoemaker DM, Siellez K, Siemens X, Sigg D, Silva AD, Simakov D, Singer A, Singer LP, Singh A, Singh R, Singhal A, Sintes AM, Slagmolen BJJ, Smith JR, Smith ND, Smith RJE, Son EJ, Sorazu B, Sorrentino F, Souradeep T, Srivastava AK, Staley A, Steinke M, Steinlechner J, Steinlechner S, Steinmeyer D, Stephens BC, Stone R, Strain KA, Straniero N, Stratta G, Strauss NA, Strigin S, Sturani R, Stuver AL, Summerscales TZ, Sun L, Sutton PJ, Swinkels BL, Szczepańczyk MJ, Tacca M, Talukder D, Tanner DB, Tápai M, Tarabrin SP, Taracchini A, Taylor R, Theeg T, Thirugnanasambandam MP, Thomas EG, Thomas M, Thomas P, Thorne KA, Thorne KS, Thrane E, Tiwari S, Tiwari V, Tokmakov KV, Tomlinson C, Tonelli M, Torres CV, Torrie CI, Töyrä D, Travasso F, Traylor G, Trifirò D, Tringali MC, Trozzo L, Tse M, Turconi M, Tuyenbayev D, Ugolini D, Unnikrishnan CS, Urban AL, Usman SA, Vahlbruch H, Vajente G, Valdes G, Vallisneri M, van Bakel N, van Beuzekom M, van den Brand JFJ, Van Den Broeck C, Vander-Hyde DC, van der Schaaf L, van Heijningen JV, van Veggel AA, Vardaro M, Vass S, Vasúth M, Vaulin R, Vecchio A, Vedovato G, Veitch J, Veitch PJ, Venkateswara K, Verkindt D, Vetrano F, Viceré A, Vinciguerra S, Vine DJ, Vinet JY, Vitale S, Vo T, Vocca H, Vorvick C, Voss D, Vousden WD, Vyatchanin SP, Wade AR, Wade LE, Wade M, Walker M, Wallace L, Walsh S, Wang G, Wang H, Wang M, Wang X, Wang Y, Ward RL, Warner J, Was M, Weaver B, Wei LW, Weinert M, Weinstein AJ, Weiss R, Welborn T, Wen L, Weßels P, Westphal T, Wette K, Whelan JT, White DJ, Whiting BF, Williams D, Williams RD, Williamson AR, Willis JL, Willke B, Wimmer MH, Winkler W, Wipf CC, Wittel H, Woan G, Worden J, Wright JL, Wu G, Yablon J, Yam W, Yamamoto H, Yancey CC, Yap MJ, Yu H, Yvert M, Zadrożny A, Zangrando L, Zanolin M, Zendri JP, Zevin M, Zhang F, Zhang L, Zhang M, Zhang Y, Zhao C, Zhou M, Zhou Z, Zhu XJ, Zucker ME, Zuraw SE, Zweizig J, Boyle M, Campanelli M, Hemberger DA, Kidder LE, Ossokine S, Scheel MA, Szilagyi B, Teukolsky S, Zlochower Y. Tests of General Relativity with GW150914. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2016; 116:221101. [PMID: 27314708 DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.116.221101] [Citation(s) in RCA: 188] [Impact Index Per Article: 20.9] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 03/26/2016] [Indexed: 05/27/2023]
The LIGO detection of GW150914 provides an unprecedented opportunity to study the two-body motion of a compact-object binary in the large-velocity, highly nonlinear regime, and to witness the final merger of the binary and the excitation of uniquely relativistic modes of the gravitational field. We carry out several investigations to determine whether GW150914 is consistent with a binary black-hole merger in general relativity. We find that the final remnant's mass and spin, as determined from the low-frequency (inspiral) and high-frequency (postinspiral) phases of the signal, are mutually consistent with the binary black-hole solution in general relativity. Furthermore, the data following the peak of GW150914 are consistent with the least-damped quasinormal mode inferred from the mass and spin of the remnant black hole. By using waveform models that allow for parametrized general-relativity violations during the inspiral and merger phases, we perform quantitative tests on the gravitational-wave phase in the dynamical regime and we determine the first empirical bounds on several high-order post-Newtonian coefficients. We constrain the graviton Compton wavelength, assuming that gravitons are dispersed in vacuum in the same way as particles with mass, obtaining a 90%-confidence lower bound of 10^{13} km. In conclusion, within our statistical uncertainties, we find no evidence for violations of general relativity in the genuinely strong-field regime of gravity.
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Plaha P, Khan S, Gill SS. Bilateral stimulation of the caudal zona incerta nucleus for tremor control. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2008; 79:504-13. [PMID: 18037630 DOI: 10.1136/jnnp.2006.112334] [Citation(s) in RCA: 185] [Impact Index Per Article: 10.9] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Submit a Manuscript] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 11/03/2022]
INTRODUCTION The ventrolateral (VL) nucleus of the thalamus is the commonly chosen target for deep brain stimulation (DBS) to alleviate tremor. However, it has a poor efficacy in alleviating proximal tremor and patients may develop tolerance to the action component of tremor. We performed bilateral stimulation of the caudal or motor part of the zona incerta nucleus (cZI) to determine its safety and efficacy in alleviating tremor. METHODS 5 patients with parkinsonian tremor and 13 with a range of tremors (Holmes (HT), cerebellar (CT), essential (ET), multiple sclerosis (MS) and dystonic tremor (DT)) affecting both the proximal and distal body parts underwent MRI guided, bilateral cZI DBS. Tremor was assessed by the Fahn-Tolosa-Marin (FTM) tremor scale at baseline and at a mean follow-up of 12 months. RESULTS Resting PD tremor improved by 94.8% and postural tremor by 88.2%. The total tremor score improved by 75.9% in 6 patients with ET. HT improved by 70.2%, proximal CT by 60.4% and proximal MS tremor by 57.2% in the total tremor rating score. In the single patient with DT, there was improvement in both the dystonia and the tremor. Patients required low voltages of high-frequency stimulation and did not develop tolerance to it. Stimulation-related side effects were transient. CONCLUSION This prospective study shows that the cZI may be an alternative target for the treatment of tremor with DBS. In contrast to bilateral DBS of the VL nucleus, it improves all components of tremor affecting both the distal and proximal limbs as well as the axial musculature.
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Hendil KB, Khan S, Tanaka K. Simultaneous binding of PA28 and PA700 activators to 20 S proteasomes. Biochem J 1998; 332 ( Pt 3):749-54. [PMID: 9620878 PMCID: PMC1219536 DOI: 10.1042/bj3320749] [Citation(s) in RCA: 183] [Impact Index Per Article: 6.8] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [MESH Headings] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 02/07/2023]
Two activators, named PA700 and PA28, are known to bind to 20 S proteasomes, forming two different complexes. The PA700-proteasome complex, also known as the 26 S proteasome, can degrade intact proteins, whereas complexes with PA28 can degrade only peptides. Monoclonal antibodies to 20 S proteasomes or the p45 ATPase subunit (Trip1, Sug1) of PA700 precipitated the same set of proteins from HeLa extracts, including six different ATPase subunits of PA700. This shows that p45 is not present in other protein complexes and suggests that all 26 S proteasome particles contain the same set of ATPase subunits. Interferons alpha and gamma had no effect on the composition of the 26 S proteasome, except for the replacement of subunits delta, MB1 and Z with Lmp2, Lmp7 and MECL1 respectively. Surprisingly, antibodies to PA28 precipitated p42, a component of PA700. Conversely, anti-p45 antibodies precipitated not only 26 S proteasomes but also PA28 alpha, beta and gamma, indicating that 20 S proteasomes can simultaneously bind both PA700 and PA28. PA28 alpha beta is known to be involved in antigen presentation. Conceivably, intact substrate proteins are recognized by PA700 and fed into proteasomes whose cleavage specificity is optimized for antigen presentation on MHC class I by PA28 and three interferon inducible proteasome subunits.
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Minihane AM, Khan S, Leigh-Firbank EC, Talmud P, Wright JW, Murphy MC, Griffin BA, Williams CM. ApoE polymorphism and fish oil supplementation in subjects with an atherogenic lipoprotein phenotype. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 2000; 20:1990-7. [PMID: 10938022 DOI: 10.1161/01.atv.20.8.1990] [Citation(s) in RCA: 181] [Impact Index Per Article: 7.2] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [MESH Headings] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 11/16/2022]
The study assessed the efficacy of fish oil supplementation in counteracting the classic dyslipidemia of the atherogenic lipoprotein phenotype (ALP). In addition, the impact of the common apolipoprotein E (apoE) polymorphism on the fasting and postprandial lipid profile and on responsiveness to the dietary intervention was established. Fifty-five ALP males (aged 34 to 69 years, body mass index 22 to 35 kg/m(2), triglyceride [TG] levels 1.5 to 4.0 mmol/L, high density lipoprotein cholesterol [HDL-C] <1.1 mmol/l, and percent low density lipoprotein [LDL]-3 >40% total LDL) completed a randomized placebo-controlled crossover trial of fish oil (3.0 g eicosapentaenoic acid/docosahexaenoic acid per day) and placebo (olive oil) capsules with the 6-week treatment arms separated by a 12-week washout period. In addition to fasting blood samples, at the end of each intervention arm, a postprandial assessment of lipid metabolism was carried out. Fish oil supplementation resulted in a reduction in fasting TG level of 35% (P<0.001), in postprandial TG response of 26% (TG area under the curve, P<0.001), and in percent LDL-3 of 26% (P<0.05). However, no change in HDL-C levels was evident (P=0.752). ANCOVA showed that baseline HDL-C levels were significantly lower in apoE4 carriers (P=0.035). The apoE genotype also had a striking impact on lipid responses to fish oil intervention. Individuals with an apoE2 allele displayed a marked reduction in postprandial incremental TG response (TG incremental area under the curve, P=0.023) and a trend toward an increase in lipoprotein lipase activity relative to non-E2 carriers. In apoE4 individuals, a significant increase in total cholesterol and a trend toward a reduction in HDL-C relative to the common homozygous E3/E3 profile was evident. Our data demonstrate the efficacy of fish oil fatty acids in counteracting the proatherogenic lipid profile of the ALP but also that the apoE genotype influences responsiveness to this dietary treatment.
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Denton TA, Diamond GA, Helfant RH, Khan S, Karagueuzian H. Fascinating rhythm: a primer on chaos theory and its application to cardiology. Am Heart J 1990; 120:1419-40. [PMID: 2248188 DOI: 10.1016/0002-8703(90)90258-y] [Citation(s) in RCA: 179] [Impact Index Per Article: 5.1] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [MESH Headings] [Grants] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Submit a Manuscript] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 12/31/2022]
Nonlinear dynamics is an exciting new way of looking at peculiarities that in the past have been ignored or explained away. We have attempted to give a general introduction to the basics of the mathematics, applications to cardiology, and a brief review of the new tools needed to use the concepts of nonlinear mathematics. The careful mathematical approach to problems in cardiac electrical dynamics and blood flow is opening a window on behaviors and mechanisms previously inaccessible.
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Astuto LM, Bork JM, Weston MD, Askew JW, Fields RR, Orten DJ, Ohliger SJ, Riazuddin S, Morell RJ, Khan S, Riazuddin S, Kremer H, van Hauwe P, Moller CG, Cremers CWRJ, Ayuso C, Heckenlively JR, Rohrschneider K, Spandau U, Greenberg J, Ramesar R, Reardon W, Bitoun P, Millan J, Legge R, Friedman TB, Kimberling WJ. CDH23 mutation and phenotype heterogeneity: a profile of 107 diverse families with Usher syndrome and nonsyndromic deafness. Am J Hum Genet 2002; 71:262-75. [PMID: 12075507 PMCID: PMC379159 DOI: 10.1086/341558] [Citation(s) in RCA: 171] [Impact Index Per Article: 7.4] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [MESH Headings] [Grants] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 03/28/2002] [Accepted: 05/01/2002] [Indexed: 11/03/2022] Open
Usher syndrome type I is characterized by congenital hearing loss, retinitis pigmentosa (RP), and variable vestibular areflexia. Usher syndrome type ID, one of seven Usher syndrome type I genetic localizations, have been mapped to a chromosomal interval that overlaps with a nonsyndromic-deafness localization, DFNB12. Mutations in CDH23, a gene that encodes a putative cell-adhesion protein with multiple cadherin-like domains, are responsible for both Usher syndrome and DFNB12 nonsyndromic deafness. Specific CDH23 mutational defects have been identified that differentiate these two phenotypes. Only missense mutations of CDH23 have been observed in families with nonsyndromic deafness, whereas nonsense, frameshift, splice-site, and missense mutations have been identified in families with Usher syndrome. In the present study, a panel of 69 probands with Usher syndrome and 38 probands with recessive nonsyndromic deafness were screened for the presence of mutations in the entire coding region of CDH23, by heteroduplex, single-strand conformation polymorphism, and direct sequence analyses. A total of 36 different CDH23 mutations were detected in 45 families; 33 of these mutations were novel, including 18 missense, 3 nonsense, 5 splicing defects, 5 microdeletions, and 2 insertions. A total of seven mutations were common to more than one family. Numerous exonic and intronic polymorphisms also were detected. Results of ophthalmologic examinations of the patients with nonsyndromic deafness have found asymptomatic RP-like manifestations, indicating that missense mutations may have a subtle effect in the retina. Furthermore, patients with mutations in CDH23 display a wide range of hearing loss and RP phenotypes, differing in severity, age at onset, type, and the presence or absence of vestibular areflexia.
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Mastroeni P, Clare S, Khan S, Harrison JA, Hormaeche CE, Okamura H, Kurimoto M, Dougan G. Interleukin 18 contributes to host resistance and gamma interferon production in mice infected with virulent Salmonella typhimurium. Infect Immun 1999; 67:478-83. [PMID: 9916048 PMCID: PMC96344 DOI: 10.1128/iai.67.2.478-483.1999] [Citation(s) in RCA: 168] [Impact Index Per Article: 6.5] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [MESH Headings] [Grants] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 04/24/1998] [Accepted: 11/10/1998] [Indexed: 11/20/2022] Open
Spleen and peritoneal macrophages obtained from innately resistant A/J mice released low levels of interleukin 18 (IL-18) upon infection with Salmonella typhimurium C5 RP4. Incubating the cells with recombinant gamma interferon (rIFN-gamma) enhanced IL-18 production. A/J mice treated in vivo with anti-IL-18 antibodies showed impaired resistance to infection, with increased bacterial loads in the liver and spleen. Administration of rIL-18 could protect A/J mice from challenge with a lethal dose of virulent salmonellae, with a dramatic reduction in bacterial numbers in the tissues. rIL-18 administration did not ameliorate the disease in IFN-gamma-R-/- mice. IL-18 proved to be required for IFN-gamma production by mouse splenocytes from conventional, scid, and rag-1(-/-) mice; in vivo IL-18 neutralization caused a decrease in circulating IFN-gamma levels. Thus, IL-18 is a key factor in early host resistance to Salmonella and probably acts via IFN-gamma.
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