Aaltonen T, Abazov VM, Abbott B, Acharya BS, Adams M, Adams T, Agnew JP, Alexeev GD, Alkhazov G, Alton A, Amerio S, Amidei D, Anastassov A, Annovi A, Antos J, Apollinari G, Appel JA, Arisawa T, Artikov A, Asaadi J, Ashmanskas W, Askew A, Atkins S, Auerbach B, Augsten K, Aurisano A, Avila C, Azfar F, Badaud F, Badgett W, Bae T, Bagby L, Baldin B, Bandurin DV, Banerjee S, Barbaro-Galtieri A, Barberis E, Baringer P, Barnes VE, Barnett BA, Barria P, Bartlett JF, Bartos P, Bassler U, Bauce M, Bazterra V, Bean A, Bedeschi F, Begalli M, Behari S, Bellantoni L, Bellettini G, Bellinger J, Benjamin D, Beretvas A, Beri SB, Bernardi G, Bernhard R, Bertram I, Besançon M, Beuselinck R, Bhat PC, Bhatia S, Bhatnagar V, Bhatti A, Bland KR, Blazey G, Blessing S, Bloom K, Blumenfeld B, Bocci A, Bodek A, Boehnlein A, Boline D, Boos EE, Borissov G, Bortoletto D, Borysova M, Boudreau J, Boveia A, Brandt A, Brandt O, Brigliadori L, Brock R, Bromberg C, Bross A, Brown D, Brucken E, Bu XB, Budagov J, Budd HS, Buehler M, Buescher V, Bunichev V, Burdin S, Burkett K, Busetto G, Bussey P, Buszello CP, Butti P, Buzatu A, Calamba A, Camacho-Pérez E, Camarda S, Campanelli M, Canelli F, Carls B, Carlsmith D, Carosi R, Carrillo S, Casal B, Casarsa M, Casey BCK, Castilla-Valdez H, Castro A, Catastini P, Caughron S, Cauz D, Cavaliere V, Cavalli-Sforza M, Cerri A, Cerrito L, Chakrabarti S, Chan KM, Chandra A, Chapon E, Chen G, Chen YC, Chertok M, Chiarelli G, Chlachidze G, Cho K, Cho SW, Choi S, Chokheli D, Choudhary B, Cihangir S, Claes D, Clark A, Clarke C, Clutter J, Convery ME, Conway J, Cooke M, Cooper WE, Corbo M, Corcoran M, Cordelli M, Couderc F, Cousinou MC, Cox CA, Cox DJ, Cremonesi M, Cruz D, Cuevas J, Culbertson R, Cutts D, Das A, d'Ascenzo N, Datta M, Davies G, de Barbaro P, de Jong SJ, De La Cruz-Burelo E, Déliot F, Demina R, Demortier L, Deninno M, Denisov D, Denisov SP, D'Errico M, Desai S, Deterre C, DeVaughan K, Devoto F, Di Canto A, Di Ruzza B, Diehl HT, Diesburg M, Ding PF, Dittmann JR, Dominguez A, Donati S, D'Onofrio M, Dorigo M, Driutti A, Dubey A, Dudko LV, Duperrin A, Dutt S, Eads M, Ebina K, Edgar R, Edmunds D, Elagin A, Ellison J, Elvira VD, Enari Y, Erbacher R, Errede S, Esham B, Evans H, Evdokimov VN, Farrington S, Feng L, Ferbel T, Fernández Ramos JP, Fiedler F, Field R, Filthaut F, Fisher W, Fisk HE, Flanagan G, Forrest R, Fortner M, Fox H, Franklin M, Freeman JC, Frisch H, Fuess S, Funakoshi Y, Galloni C, Garbincius PH, Garcia-Bellido A, García-González JA, Garfinkel AF, Garosi P, Gavrilov V, Geng W, Gerber CE, Gerberich H, Gerchtein E, Gershtein Y, Giagu S, Giakoumopoulou V, Gibson K, Ginsburg CM, Ginther G, Giokaris N, Giromini P, Giurgiu G, Glagolev V, Glenzinski D, Gold M, Goldin D, Golossanov A, Golovanov G, Gomez G, Gomez-Ceballos G, Goncharov M, González López O, Gorelov I, Goshaw AT, Goulianos K, Gramellini E, Grannis PD, Greder S, Greenlee H, Grenier G, Grinstein S, Gris P, Grivaz JF, Grohsjean A, Grosso-Pilcher C, Group RC, Grünendahl S, Grünewald MW, Guillemin T, Guimaraes da Costa J, Gutierrez G, Gutierrez P, Hahn SR, Haley J, Han JY, Han L, Happacher F, Hara K, Harder K, Hare M, Harel A, Harr RF, Harrington-Taber T, Hatakeyama K, Hauptman JM, Hays C, Hays J, Head T, Hebbeker T, Hedin D, Hegab H, Heinrich J, Heinson AP, Heintz U, Hensel C, Heredia-De La Cruz I, Herndon M, Herner K, Hesketh G, Hildreth MD, Hirosky R, Hoang T, Hobbs JD, Hocker A, Hoeneisen B, Hogan J, Hohlfeld M, Holzbauer JL, Hong Z, Hopkins W, Hou S, Howley I, Hubacek Z, Hughes RE, Husemann U, Hussein M, Huston J, Hynek V, Iashvili I, Ilchenko Y, Illingworth R, Introzzi G, Iori M, Ito AS, Ivanov A, Jabeen S, Jaffré M, James E, Jang D, Jayasinghe A, Jayatilaka B, Jeon EJ, Jeong MS, Jesik R, Jiang P, Jindariani S, Johns K, Johnson E, Johnson M, Jonckheere A, Jones M, Jonsson P, Joo KK, Joshi J, Jun SY, Jung AW, Junk TR, Juste A, Kajfasz E, Kambeitz M, Kamon T, Karchin PE, Karmanov D, Kasmi A, Kato Y, Katsanos I, Kehoe R, Kermiche S, Ketchum W, Keung J, Khalatyan N, Khanov A, Kharchilava A, Kharzheev YN, Kilminster B, Kim DH, Kim HS, Kim JE, Kim MJ, Kim SH, Kim SB, Kim YJ, Kim YK, Kimura N, Kirby M, Kiselevich I, Knoepfel K, Kohli JM, Kondo K, Kong DJ, Konigsberg J, Kotwal AV, Kozelov AV, Kraus J, Kreps M, Kroll J, Kruse M, Kuhr T, Kumar A, Kupco A, Kurata M, Kurča T, Kuzmin VA, Laasanen AT, Lammel S, Lammers S, Lancaster M, Lannon K, Latino G, Lebrun P, Lee HS, Lee HS, Lee JS, Lee SW, Lee WM, Lei X, Lellouch J, Leo S, Leone S, Lewis JD, Li D, Li H, Li L, Li QZ, Lim JK, Limosani A, Lincoln D, Linnemann J, Lipaev VV, Lipeles E, Lipton R, Lister A, Liu H, Liu H, Liu Q, Liu T, Liu Y, Lobodenko A, Lockwitz S, Loginov A, Lokajicek M, Lopes de Sa R, Lucchesi D, Lucà A, Lueck J, Lujan P, Lukens P, Luna-Garcia R, Lungu G, Lyon AL, Lys J, Lysak R, Maciel AKA, Madar R, Madrak R, Maestro P, Magaña-Villalba R, Malik S, Malik S, Malyshev VL, Manca G, Manousakis-Katsikakis A, Mansour J, Marchese L, Margaroli F, Marino P, Martínez-Ortega J, Martínez M, Matera K, Mattson ME, Mazzacane A, Mazzanti P, McCarthy R, McGivern CL, McNulty R, Mehta A, Mehtala P, Meijer MM, Melnitchouk A, Menezes D, Mercadante PG, Merkin M, Mesropian C, Meyer A, Meyer J, Miao T, Miconi F, Mietlicki D, Mitra A, Miyake H, Moed S, Moggi N, Mondal NK, Moon CS, Moore R, Morello MJ, Mukherjee A, Mulhearn M, Muller T, Murat P, Mussini M, Nachtman J, Nagai Y, Naganoma J, Nagy E, Nakano I, Napier A, Narain M, Nayyar R, Neal HA, Negret JP, Nett J, Neu C, Neustroev P, Nguyen HT, Nigmanov T, Nodulman L, Noh SY, Norniella O, Nunnemann T, Oakes L, Oh SH, Oh YD, Oksuzian I, Okusawa T, Orava R, Orduna J, Ortolan L, Osman N, Osta J, Pagliarone C, Pal A, Palencia E, Palni P, Papadimitriou V, Parashar N, Parihar V, Park SK, Parker W, Partridge R, Parua N, Patwa A, Pauletta G, Paulini M, Paus C, Penning B, Perfilov M, Peters Y, Petridis K, Petrillo G, Pétroff P, Phillips TJ, Piacentino G, Pianori E, Pilot J, Pitts K, Plager C, Pleier MA, Podstavkov VM, Pondrom L, Popov AV, Poprocki S, Potamianos K, Pranko A, Prewitt M, Price D, Prokopenko N, Prokoshin F, Ptohos F, Punzi G, Qian J, Quadt A, Quinn B, Ranjan N, Ratoff PN, Razumov I, Redondo Fernández I, Renton P, Rescigno M, Rimondi F, Ripp-Baudot I, Ristori L, Rizatdinova F, Robson A, Rodriguez T, Rolli S, Rominsky M, Ronzani M, Roser R, Rosner JL, Ross A, Royon C, Rubinov P, Ruchti R, Ruffini F, Ruiz A, Russ J, Rusu V, Sajot G, Sakumoto WK, Sakurai Y, Sánchez-Hernández A, Sanders MP, Santi L, Santos AS, Sato K, Savage G, Saveliev V, Savoy-Navarro A, Sawyer L, Scanlon T, Schamberger RD, Scheglov Y, Schellman H, Schlabach P, Schmidt EE, Schwanenberger C, Schwarz T, Schwienhorst R, Scodellaro L, Scuri F, Seidel S, Seiya Y, Sekaric J, Semenov A, Severini H, Sforza F, Shabalina E, Shalhout SZ, Shary V, Shaw S, Shchukin AA, Shears T, Shepard PF, Shimojima M, Shochet M, Shreyber-Tecker I, Simak V, Simonenko A, Skubic P, Slattery P, Sliwa K, Smirnov D, Smith JR, Snider FD, Snow GR, Snow J, Snyder S, Söldner-Rembold S, Song H, Sonnenschein L, Sorin V, Soustruznik K, St Denis R, Stancari M, Stark J, Stentz D, Stoyanova DA, Strauss M, Strologas J, Sudo Y, Sukhanov A, Suslov I, Suter L, Svoisky P, Takemasa K, Takeuchi Y, Tang J, Tecchio M, Teng PK, Thom J, Thomson E, Thukral V, Titov M, Toback D, Tokar S, Tokmenin VV, Tollefson K, Tomura T, Tonelli D, Torre S, Torretta D, Totaro P, Trovato M, Tsai YT, Tsybychev D, Tuchming B, Tully C, Ukegawa F, Uozumi S, Uvarov L, Uvarov S, Uzunyan S, Van Kooten R, van Leeuwen WM, Varelas N, Varnes EW, Vasilyev IA, Vázquez F, Velev G, Vellidis C, Verkheev AY, Vernieri C, Vertogradov LS, Verzocchi M, Vesterinen M, Vidal M, Vilanova D, Vilar R, Vizán J, Vogel M, Vokac P, Volpi G, Wagner P, Wahl HD, Wallny R, Wang MHLS, Wang SM, Warchol J, Waters D, Watts G, Wayne M, Weichert J, Welty-Rieger L, Wester WC, Whiteson D, Wicklund AB, Wilbur S, Williams HH, Williams MRJ, Wilson GW, Wilson JS, Wilson P, Winer BL, Wittich P, Wobisch M, Wolbers S, Wolfe H, Wood DR, Wright T, Wu X, Wu Z, Wyatt TR, Xie Y, Yamada R, Yamamoto K, Yamato D, Yang S, Yang T, Yang UK, Yang YC, Yao WM, Yasuda T, Yatsunenko YA, Ye W, Ye Z, Yeh GP, Yi K, Yin H, Yip K, Yoh J, Yorita K, Yoshida T, Youn SW, Yu GB, Yu I, Yu JM, Zanetti AM, Zeng Y, Zennamo J, Zhao TG, Zhou B, Zhou C, Zhu J, Zielinski M, Zieminska D, Zivkovic L, Zucchelli S. Observation of s-channel production of single top quarks at the Tevatron. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2014; 112:231803. [PMID: 24972197 DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.112.231803] [Citation(s) in RCA: 9] [Impact Index Per Article: 0.9] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 02/21/2014] [Indexed: 06/03/2023]
We report the first observation of single-top-quark production in the s channel through the combination of the CDF and D0 measurements of the cross section in proton-antiproton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 1.96 TeV. The data correspond to total integrated luminosities of up to 9.7 fb(-1) per experiment. The measured cross section is σ(s) = 1.29(-0.24)(+0.26) pb. The probability of observing a statistical fluctuation of the background to a cross section of the observed size or larger is 1.8 × 10(-10), corresponding to a significance of 6.3 standard deviations for the presence of an s-channel contribution to the production of single-top quarks.
Aaltonen T, Amerio S, Amidei D, Anastassov A, Annovi A, Antos J, Apollinari G, Appel JA, Arisawa T, Artikov A, Asaadi J, Ashmanskas W, Auerbach B, Aurisano A, Azfar F, Badgett W, Bae T, Barbaro-Galtieri A, Barnes VE, Barnett BA, Barria P, Bartos P, Bauce M, Bedeschi F, Behari S, Bellettini G, Bellinger J, Benjamin D, Beretvas A, Bhatti A, Bland KR, Blumenfeld B, Bocci A, Bodek A, Bortoletto D, Boudreau J, Boveia A, Brigliadori L, Bromberg C, Brucken E, Budagov J, Budd HS, Burkett K, Busetto G, Bussey P, Butti P, Buzatu A, Calamba A, Camarda S, Campanelli M, Canelli F, Carls B, Carlsmith D, Carosi R, Carrillo S, Casal B, Casarsa M, Castro A, Catastini P, Cauz D, Cavaliere V, Cavalli-Sforza M, Cerri A, Cerrito L, Chen YC, Chertok M, Chiarelli G, Chlachidze G, Cho K, Chokheli D, Clark A, Clarke C, Convery ME, Conway J, Corbo M, Cordelli M, Cox CA, Cox DJ, Cremonesi M, Cruz D, Cuevas J, Culbertson R, d'Ascenzo N, Datta M, de Barbaro P, Demortier L, Deninno M, D'Errico M, Devoto F, Di Canto A, Di Ruzza B, Dittmann JR, Donati S, D'Onofrio M, Dorigo M, Driutti A, Ebina K, Edgar R, Elagin A, Erbacher R, Errede S, Esham B, Farrington S, Fernández Ramos JP, Field R, Flanagan G, Forrest R, Franklin M, Freeman JC, Frisch H, Funakoshi Y, Galloni C, Garfinkel AF, Garosi P, Gerberich H, Gerchtein E, Giagu S, Giakoumopoulou V, Gibson K, Ginsburg CM, Giokaris N, Giromini P, Giurgiu G, Glagolev V, Glenzinski D, Gold M, Goldin D, Golossanov A, Gomez G, Gomez-Ceballos G, Goncharov M, González López O, Gorelov I, Goshaw AT, Goulianos K, Gramellini E, Grinstein S, Grosso-Pilcher C, Group RC, Guimaraes da Costa J, Hahn SR, Han JY, Happacher F, Hara K, Hare M, Harr RF, Harrington-Taber T, Hatakeyama K, Hays C, Heinrich J, Herndon M, Hocker A, Hong Z, Hopkins W, Hou S, Hughes RE, Husemann U, Hussein M, Huston J, Introzzi G, Iori M, Ivanov A, James E, Jang D, Jayatilaka B, Jeon EJ, Jindariani S, Jones M, Joo KK, Jun SY, Junk TR, Kambeitz M, Kamon T, Karchin PE, Kasmi A, Kato Y, Ketchum W, Keung J, Kilminster B, Kim DH, Kim HS, Kim JE, Kim MJ, Kim SH, Kim SB, Kim YJ, Kim YK, Kimura N, Kirby M, Knoepfel K, Kondo K, Kong DJ, Konigsberg J, Kotwal AV, Kreps M, Kroll J, Kruse M, Kuhr T, Kurata M, Laasanen AT, Lammel S, Lancaster M, Lannon K, Latino G, Lee HS, Lee JS, Leo S, Leone S, Lewis JD, Limosani A, Lipeles E, Lister A, Liu H, Liu Q, Liu T, Lockwitz S, Loginov A, Lucchesi D, Lucà A, Lueck J, Lujan P, Lukens P, Lungu G, Lys J, Lysak R, Madrak R, Maestro P, Malik S, Manca G, Manousakis-Katsikakis A, Marchese L, Margaroli F, Marino P, Martínez M, Matera K, Mattson ME, Mazzacane A, Mazzanti P, McNulty R, Mehta A, Mehtala P, Mesropian C, Miao T, Mietlicki D, Mitra A, Miyake H, Moed S, Moggi N, Moon CS, Moore R, Morello MJ, Mukherjee A, Muller T, Murat P, Mussini M, Nachtman J, Nagai Y, Naganoma J, Nakano I, Napier A, Nett J, Neu C, Nigmanov T, Nodulman L, Noh SY, Norniella O, Oakes L, Oh SH, Oh YD, Oksuzian I, Okusawa T, Orava R, Ortolan L, Pagliarone C, Palencia E, Palni P, Papadimitriou V, Parker W, Pauletta G, Paulini M, Paus C, Phillips TJ, Piacentino G, Pianori E, Pilot J, Pitts K, Plager C, Pondrom L, Poprocki S, Potamianos K, Pranko A, Prokoshin F, Ptohos F, Punzi G, Ranjan N, Redondo Fernández I, Renton P, Rescigno M, Rimondi F, Ristori L, Robson A, Rodriguez T, Rolli S, Ronzani M, Roser R, Rosner JL, Ruffini F, Ruiz A, Russ J, Rusu V, Sakumoto WK, Sakurai Y, Santi L, Sato K, Saveliev V, Savoy-Navarro A, Schlabach P, Schmidt EE, Schwarz T, Scodellaro L, Scuri F, Seidel S, Seiya Y, Semenov A, Sforza F, Shalhout SZ, Shears T, Shepard PF, Shimojima M, Shochet M, Shreyber-Tecker I, Simonenko A, Sliwa K, Smith JR, Snider FD, Song H, Sorin V, St Denis R, Stancari M, Stentz D, Strologas J, Sudo Y, Sukhanov A, Suslov I, Takemasa K, Takeuchi Y, Tang J, Tecchio M, Teng PK, Thom J, Thomson E, Thukral V, Toback D, Tokar S, Tollefson K, Tomura T, Tonelli D, Torre S, Torretta D, Totaro P, Trovato M, Ukegawa F, Uozumi S, Vázquez F, Velev G, Vellidis C, Vernieri C, Vidal M, Vilar R, Vizán J, Vogel M, Volpi G, Wagner P, Wallny R, Wang SM, Waters D, Wester WC, Whiteson D, Wicklund AB, Wilbur S, Williams HH, Wilson JS, Wilson P, Winer BL, Wittich P, Wolbers S, Wolfe H, Wright T, Wu X, Wu Z, Yamamoto K, Yamato D, Yang T, Yang UK, Yang YC, Yao WM, Yeh GP, Yi K, Yoh J, Yorita K, Yoshida T, Yu GB, Yu I, Zanetti AM, Zeng Y, Zhou C, Zucchelli S. Measurement of B(t→Wb)/B(t→Wq) in top-quark-pair decays using dilepton events and the full CDF Run II data set. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2014; 112:221801. [PMID: 24949756 DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.112.221801] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 04/13/2014] [Indexed: 06/03/2023]
We present a measurement of the ratio of the top-quark branching fractions R=B(t→Wb)/B(t→Wq), where q represents any quark flavor, in events with two charged leptons, imbalance in total transverse energy, and at least two jets. The measurement uses proton-antiproton collision data at center-of-mass energy 1.96 TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 8.7 fb^{-1} collected with the Collider Detector at Fermilab during Run II of the Tevatron. We measure R to be 0.87±0.07, and extract the magnitude of the top-bottom quark coupling to be |V_{tb}|=0.93±0.04, assuming three generations of quarks. Under these assumptions, a lower limit of |V_{tb}|>0.85(0.87) at 95% (90%) credibility level is set.
Aaltonen T, Amerio S, Amidei D, Anastassov A, Annovi A, Antos J, Apollinari G, Appel JA, Arisawa T, Artikov A, Asaadi J, Ashmanskas W, Auerbach B, Aurisano A, Azfar F, Badgett W, Bae T, Barbaro-Galtieri A, Barnes VE, Barnett BA, Barria P, Bartos P, Bauce M, Bedeschi F, Behari S, Bellettini G, Bellinger J, Benjamin D, Beretvas A, Bhatti A, Bland KR, Blumenfeld B, Bocci A, Bodek A, Bortoletto D, Boudreau J, Boveia A, Brigliadori L, Bromberg C, Brucken E, Budagov J, Budd HS, Burkett K, Busetto G, Bussey P, Butti P, Buzatu A, Calamba A, Camarda S, Campanelli M, Canelli F, Carls B, Carlsmith D, Carosi R, Carrillo S, Casal B, Casarsa M, Castro A, Catastini P, Cauz D, Cavaliere V, Cavalli-Sforza M, Cerri A, Cerrito L, Chen YC, Chertok M, Chiarelli G, Chlachidze G, Cho K, Chokheli D, Clark A, Clarke C, Convery ME, Conway J, Corbo M, Cordelli M, Cox CA, Cox DJ, Cremonesi M, Cruz D, Cuevas J, Culbertson R, d'Ascenzo N, Datta M, de Barbaro P, Demortier L, Deninno M, D'Errico M, Devoto F, Di Canto A, Di Ruzza B, Dittmann JR, Donati S, D'Onofrio M, Dorigo M, Driutti A, Ebina K, Edgar R, Elagin A, Erbacher R, Errede S, Esham B, Farrington S, Fernández Ramos JP, Field R, Flanagan G, Forrest R, Franklin M, Freeman JC, Frisch H, Funakoshi Y, Galloni C, Garfinkel AF, Garosi P, Gerberich H, Gerchtein E, Giagu S, Giakoumopoulou V, Gibson K, Ginsburg CM, Giokaris N, Giromini P, Giurgiu G, Glagolev V, Glenzinski D, Gold M, Goldin D, Golossanov A, Gomez G, Gomez-Ceballos G, Goncharov M, González López O, Gorelov I, Goshaw AT, Goulianos K, Gramellini E, Grinstein S, Grosso-Pilcher C, Group RC, Guimaraes da Costa J, Hahn SR, Han JY, Happacher F, Hara K, Hare M, Harr RF, Harrington-Taber T, Hatakeyama K, Hays C, Heinrich J, Herndon M, Hocker A, Hong Z, Hopkins W, Hou S, Hughes RE, Husemann U, Hussein M, Huston J, Introzzi G, Iori M, Ivanov A, James E, Jang D, Jayatilaka B, Jeon EJ, Jindariani S, Jones M, Joo KK, Jun SY, Junk TR, Kambeitz M, Kamon T, Karchin PE, Kasmi A, Kato Y, Ketchum W, Keung J, Kilminster B, Kim DH, Kim HS, Kim JE, Kim MJ, Kim SH, Kim SB, Kim YJ, Kim YK, Kimura N, Kirby M, Knoepfel K, Kondo K, Kong DJ, Konigsberg J, Kotwal AV, Kreps M, Kroll J, Kruse M, Kuhr T, Kurata M, Laasanen AT, Lammel S, Lancaster M, Lannon K, Latino G, Lee HS, Lee JS, Leo S, Leone S, Lewis JD, Limosani A, Lipeles E, Lister A, Liu H, Liu Q, Liu T, Lockwitz S, Loginov A, Lucchesi D, Lucà A, Lueck J, Lujan P, Lukens P, Lungu G, Lys J, Lysak R, Madrak R, Maestro P, Malik S, Manca G, Manousakis-Katsikakis A, Marchese L, Margaroli F, Marino P, Martínez M, Matera K, Mattson ME, Mazzacane A, Mazzanti P, McNulty R, Mehta A, Mehtala P, Mesropian C, Miao T, Mietlicki D, Mitra A, Miyake H, Moed S, Moggi N, Moon CS, Moore R, Morello MJ, Mukherjee A, Muller T, Murat P, Mussini M, Nachtman J, Nagai Y, Naganoma J, Nakano I, Napier A, Nett J, Neu C, Nigmanov T, Nodulman L, Noh SY, Norniella O, Oakes L, Oh SH, Oh YD, Oksuzian I, Okusawa T, Orava R, Ortolan L, Pagliarone C, Palencia E, Palni P, Papadimitriou V, Parker W, Pauletta G, Paulini M, Paus C, Phillips TJ, Piacentino G, Pianori E, Pilot J, Pitts K, Plager C, Pondrom L, Poprocki S, Potamianos K, Pranko A, Prokoshin F, Ptohos F, Punzi G, Ranjan N, Redondo Fernández I, Renton P, Rescigno M, Rimondi F, Ristori L, Robson A, Rodriguez T, Rolli S, Ronzani M, Roser R, Rosner JL, Ruffini F, Ruiz A, Russ J, Rusu V, Sakumoto WK, Sakurai Y, Santi L, Sato K, Saveliev V, Savoy-Navarro A, Schlabach P, Schmidt EE, Schwarz T, Scodellaro L, Scuri F, Seidel S, Seiya Y, Semenov A, Sforza F, Shalhout SZ, Shears T, Shepard PF, Shimojima M, Shochet M, Shreyber-Tecker I, Simonenko A, Sliwa K, Smith JR, Snider FD, Song H, Sorin V, St Denis R, Stancari M, Stentz D, Strologas J, Sudo Y, Sukhanov A, Suslov I, Takemasa K, Takeuchi Y, Tang J, Tecchio M, Teng PK, Thom J, Thomson E, Thukral V, Toback D, Tokar S, Tollefson K, Tomura T, Tonelli D, Torre S, Torretta D, Totaro P, Trovato M, Ukegawa F, Uozumi S, Vázquez F, Velev G, Vellidis C, Vernieri C, Vidal M, Vilar R, Vizán J, Vogel M, Volpi G, Wagner P, Wallny R, Wang SM, Waters D, Wester Iii WC, Whiteson D, Wicklund AB, Wilbur S, Williams HH, Wilson JS, Wilson P, Winer BL, Wittich P, Wolbers S, Wolfe H, Wright T, Wu X, Wu Z, Yamamoto K, Yamato D, Yang T, Yang UK, Yang YC, Yao WM, Yeh GP, Yi K, Yoh J, Yorita K, Yoshida T, Yu GB, Yu I, Zanetti AM, Zeng Y, Zhou C, Zucchelli S. First search for exotic Z Boson decays into photons and neutral pions in hadron collisions. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2014; 112:111803. [PMID: 24702351 DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.112.111803] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 11/14/2013] [Indexed: 06/03/2023]
A search for forbidden and exotic Z boson decays in the diphoton mass spectrum is presented for the first time in hadron collisions, based on data corresponding to 10.0 fb(-1) of integrated luminosity from proton-antiproton collisions at √s = 1.96 TeV collected by the CDF experiment. No evidence of signal is observed, and 95% credibility level Bayesian upper limits are set on the branching ratios of decays of the Z boson to a photon and neutral pion (which is detected as a photon), a pair of photons, and a pair of neutral pions. The observed branching ratio limits are 2.01 × 10(-5) for Z → π(0)γ, 1.46 × 10(-5) for Z → γγ, and 1.52 × 10(-5) for Z → π(0)π(0). The Z → π(0)γ and Z → γγ limits improve the most stringent results from other experiments by factors of 2.6 and 3.6, respectively. The Z → π(0)π(0) branching ratio limit is the first experimental result on this decay.
Park GY, Han JY, Han YK, Kim SD, Kim JS, Jo WS, Chun SH, Jeong DH, Lee CW, Yang K, Lee CG. 14-3-3 eta depletion sensitizes glioblastoma cells to irradiation due to enhanced mitotic cell death. Cancer Gene Ther 2014; 21:158-63. [DOI: 10.1038/cgt.2014.11] [Citation(s) in RCA: 14] [Impact Index Per Article: 1.4] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 10/01/2013] [Revised: 02/10/2014] [Accepted: 02/20/2014] [Indexed: 01/07/2023]
Liu YY, Han JY, Lin SC, Liu ZY, Jiang WT. Effect of CDH1 gene methylation on transforming growth factor (TGF-β)-induced epithelial-mesenchymal transition in alveolar epithelial cell line A549. GENETICS AND MOLECULAR RESEARCH 2014; 13:8568-76. [PMID: 24615099 DOI: 10.4238/2014.february.13.13] [Citation(s) in RCA: 8] [Impact Index Per Article: 0.8] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 11/03/2022]
The aim of this study was to investigate the specific molecular mechanism of the transforming growth factor β (TGF-β)-induced epithelial-mesenchymal transition in a lung cancer cell line, and to provide new ideas for targeting therapy of lung cancer. A549 cells were treated with different concentrations of TGF-β and 5-aza-deoxycytidine (5-aza-dC). The morphological changes after the intervention were observed. The change in the expression of the epithelial marker E-cadherin (E-cad) was detected by Western blot. The proliferation of A549 cells was measured using the MTT assay. Cell movement and invasion capacity was evaluated with the cell scratch test and invasion test. TGF-β induced A549 cells to transform to a mesenchymal cell morphology and downregulated the expression of E-cad, and 5-aza-dC inhibited this phenomenon. Compared with the control group, the number of transmembrane cells was higher and cell migration was markedly increased in the experimental group with continued culture in the presence of 10 ng/mL TGF-β, showing significant differences (P < 0.05). CDH1 gene methylation is involved in TGF-β-induced epithelial-mesenchymal transition in the alveolar epithelial cell line A549.
Aaltonen T, Amerio S, Amidei D, Anastassov A, Annovi A, Antos J, Apollinari G, Appel JA, Arisawa T, Artikov A, Asaadi J, Ashmanskas W, Auerbach B, Aurisano A, Azfar F, Badgett W, Bae T, Barbaro-Galtieri A, Barnes VE, Barnett BA, Barria P, Bartos P, Bauce M, Bedeschi F, Behari S, Bellettini G, Bellinger J, Benjamin D, Beretvas A, Bhatti A, Bland KR, Blumenfeld B, Bocci A, Bodek A, Bortoletto D, Boudreau J, Boveia A, Brigliadori L, Bromberg C, Brucken E, Budagov J, Budd HS, Burkett K, Busetto G, Bussey P, Butti P, Buzatu A, Calamba A, Camarda S, Campanelli M, Canelli F, Carls B, Carlsmith D, Carosi R, Carrillo S, Casal B, Casarsa M, Castro A, Catastini P, Cauz D, Cavaliere V, Cavalli-Sforza M, Cerri A, Cerrito L, Chen YC, Chertok M, Chiarelli G, Chlachidze G, Cho K, Chokheli D, Clark A, Clarke C, Convery ME, Conway J, Corbo M, Cordelli M, Cox CA, Cox DJ, Cremonesi M, Cruz D, Cuevas J, Culbertson R, d'Ascenzo N, Datta M, de Barbaro P, Demortier L, Deninno M, D'Errico M, Devoto F, Di Canto A, Di Ruzza B, Dittmann JR, Donati S, D'Onofrio M, Dorigo M, Driutti A, Ebina K, Edgar R, Elagin A, Erbacher R, Errede S, Esham B, Farrington S, Fernández Ramos JP, Field R, Flanagan G, Forrest R, Franklin M, Freeman JC, Frisch H, Funakoshi Y, Galloni C, Garfinkel AF, Garosi P, Gerberich H, Gerchtein E, Giagu S, Giakoumopoulou V, Gibson K, Ginsburg CM, Giokaris N, Giromini P, Giurgiu G, Glagolev V, Glenzinski D, Gold M, Goldin D, Golossanov A, Gomez G, Gomez-Ceballos G, Goncharov M, González López O, Gorelov I, Goshaw AT, Goulianos K, Gramellini E, Grinstein S, Grosso-Pilcher C, Group RC, Guimaraes da Costa J, Hahn SR, Han JY, Happacher F, Hara K, Hare M, Harr RF, Harrington-Taber T, Hatakeyama K, Hays C, Heinrich J, Herndon M, Hocker A, Hong Z, Hopkins W, Hou S, Hughes RE, Husemann U, Hussein M, Huston J, Introzzi G, Iori M, Ivanov A, James E, Jang D, Jayatilaka B, Jeon EJ, Jindariani S, Jones M, Joo KK, Jun SY, Junk TR, Kambeitz M, Kamon T, Karchin PE, Kasmi A, Kato Y, Ketchum W, Keung J, Kilminster B, Kim DH, Kim HS, Kim JE, Kim MJ, Kim SH, Kim SB, Kim YJ, Kim YK, Kimura N, Kirby M, Knoepfel K, Kondo K, Kong DJ, Konigsberg J, Kotwal AV, Kreps M, Kroll J, Kruse M, Kuhr T, Kulkarni N, Kurata M, Laasanen AT, Lammel S, Lancaster M, Lannon K, Latino G, Lee HS, Lee JS, Leo S, Leone S, Lewis JD, Limosani A, Lipeles E, Lister A, Liu H, Liu Q, Liu T, Lockwitz S, Loginov A, Lucchesi D, Lucà A, Lueck J, Lujan P, Lukens P, Lungu G, Lys J, Lysak R, Madrak R, Maestro P, Malik S, Manca G, Manousakis-Katsikakis A, Marchese L, Margaroli F, Marino P, Martínez M, Matera K, Mattson ME, Mazzacane A, Mazzanti P, McNulty R, Mehta A, Mehtala P, Mesropian C, Miao T, Mietlicki D, Mitra A, Miyake H, Moed S, Moggi N, Moon CS, Moore R, Morello MJ, Mukherjee A, Muller T, Murat P, Mussini M, Nachtman J, Nagai Y, Naganoma J, Nakano I, Napier A, Nett J, Neu C, Nigmanov T, Nodulman L, Noh SY, Norniella O, Oakes L, Oh SH, Oh YD, Oksuzian I, Okusawa T, Orava R, Ortolan L, Pagliarone C, Palencia E, Palni P, Papadimitriou V, Parker W, Pauletta G, Paulini M, Paus C, Phillips TJ, Piacentino G, Pianori E, Pilot J, Pitts K, Plager C, Pondrom L, Poprocki S, Potamianos K, Pranko A, Prokoshin F, Ptohos F, Punzi G, Ranjan N, Redondo Fernández I, Renton P, Rescigno M, Rimondi F, Ristori L, Robson A, Rodriguez T, Rolli S, Ronzani M, Roser R, Rosner JL, Ruffini F, Ruiz A, Russ J, Rusu V, Sakumoto WK, Sakurai Y, Santi L, Sato K, Saveliev V, Savoy-Navarro A, Schlabach P, Schmidt EE, Schwarz T, Scodellaro L, Scuri F, Seidel S, Seiya Y, Semenov A, Sforza F, Shalhout SZ, Shears T, Shepard PF, Shimojima M, Shochet M, Shreyber-Tecker I, Simonenko A, Sliwa K, Smith JR, Snider FD, Song H, Sorin V, St Denis R, Stancari M, Stentz D, Strologas J, Sudo Y, Sukhanov A, Suslov I, Takemasa K, Takeuchi Y, Tang J, Tecchio M, Teng PK, Thom J, Thomson E, Thukral V, Toback D, Tokar S, Tollefson K, Tomura T, Tonelli D, Torre S, Torretta D, Totaro P, Trovato M, Ukegawa F, Uozumi S, Vázquez F, Velev G, Vellidis C, Vernieri C, Vidal M, Vilar R, Vizán J, Vogel M, Volpi G, Wagner P, Wallny R, Wang SM, Waters D, Wester WC, Whiteson D, Wicklund AB, Wilbur S, Williams HH, Wilson JS, Wilson P, Winer BL, Wittich P, Wolbers S, Wolfe H, Wright T, Wu X, Wu Z, Yamamoto K, Yamato D, Yang T, Yang UK, Yang YC, Yao WM, Yeh GP, Yi K, Yoh J, Yorita K, Yoshida T, Yu GB, Yu I, Zanetti AM, Zeng Y, Zhou C, Zucchelli S. Observation of D⁰-D¯⁰ mixing using the CDF II detector. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2013; 111:231802. [PMID: 24476256 DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.111.231802] [Citation(s) in RCA: 3] [Impact Index Per Article: 0.3] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 09/16/2013] [Indexed: 06/03/2023]
We measure the time dependence of the ratio of decay rates for D0→K(+)π(-) to the Cabibbo-favored decay D(0)→K(-)π(+). The charge conjugate decays are included. A signal of 3.3×10(4) D(*+)→π(+)D(0), D(0)→K(+)π(-) decays is obtained with D0 proper decay times between 0.75 and 10 mean D0 lifetimes. The data were recorded with the CDF II detector at the Fermilab Tevatron and correspond to an integrated luminosity of 9.6 fb(-1) for pp¯ collisions at √s=1.96 TeV. Assuming CP conservation, we search for D0-D¯0 mixing and measure the mixing parameters to be R(D)=(3.51±0.35)×10(-3), y'=(4.3±4.3)×10(-3), and x'2=(0.08±0.18)×10(-3). We report Bayesian probability intervals in the x'2-y' plane and find that the significance of excluding the no-mixing hypothesis is equivalent to 6.1 Gaussian standard deviations, providing the second observation of D0-D¯0 mixing from a single experiment.
Aaltonen T, Amerio S, Amidei D, Anastassov A, Annovi A, Antos J, Apollinari G, Appel JA, Arisawa T, Artikov A, Asaadi J, Ashmanskas W, Auerbach B, Aurisano A, Azfar F, Badgett W, Bae T, Barbaro-Galtieri A, Barnes VE, Barnett BA, Barria P, Bartos P, Bauce M, Bedeschi F, Behari S, Bellettini G, Bellinger J, Benjamin D, Beretvas A, Bhatti A, Bland KR, Blumenfeld B, Bocci A, Bodek A, Bortoletto D, Boudreau J, Boveia A, Brigliadori L, Bromberg C, Brucken E, Budagov J, Budd HS, Burkett K, Busetto G, Bussey P, Butti P, Buzatu A, Calamba A, Camarda S, Campanelli M, Canelli F, Carls B, Carlsmith D, Carosi R, Carrillo S, Casal B, Casarsa M, Castro A, Catastini P, Cauz D, Cavaliere V, Cavalli-Sforza M, Cerri A, Cerrito L, Chen YC, Chertok M, Chiarelli G, Chlachidze G, Cho K, Chokheli D, Clark A, Clarke C, Convery ME, Conway J, Corbo M, Cordelli M, Cox CA, Cox DJ, Cremonesi M, Cruz D, Cuevas J, Culbertson R, d'Ascenzo N, Datta M, de Barbaro P, Demortier L, Deninno M, D'Errico M, Devoto F, Di Canto A, Di Ruzza B, Dittmann JR, Donati S, D'Onofrio M, Dorigo M, Driutti A, Ebina K, Edgar R, Elagin A, Erbacher R, Errede S, Esham B, Farrington S, Fernández Ramos JP, Field R, Flanagan G, Forrest R, Franklin M, Freeman JC, Frisch H, Funakoshi Y, Galloni C, Garfinkel AF, Garosi P, Gerberich H, Gerchtein E, Giagu S, Giakoumopoulou V, Gibson K, Ginsburg CM, Giokaris N, Giromini P, Giurgiu G, Glagolev V, Glenzinski D, Gold M, Goldin D, Golossanov A, Gomez G, Gomez-Ceballos G, Goncharov M, González López O, Gorelov I, Goshaw AT, Goulianos K, Gramellini E, Grinstein S, Grosso-Pilcher C, Group RC, Guimaraes da Costa J, Hahn SR, Han JY, Happacher F, Hara K, Hare M, Harr RF, Harrington-Taber T, Hatakeyama K, Hays C, Heinrich J, Herndon M, Hocker A, Hong Z, Hopkins W, Hou S, Hughes RE, Husemann U, Hussein M, Huston J, Introzzi G, Iori M, Ivanov A, James E, Jang D, Jayatilaka B, Jeon EJ, Jindariani S, Jones M, Joo KK, Jun SY, Junk TR, Kambeitz M, Kamon T, Karchin PE, Kasmi A, Kato Y, Ketchum W, Keung J, Kilminster B, Kim DH, Kim HS, Kim JE, Kim MJ, Kim SH, Kim SB, Kim YJ, Kim YK, Kimura N, Kirby M, Knoepfel K, Kondo K, Kong DJ, Konigsberg J, Kotwal AV, Kreps M, Kroll J, Kruse M, Kuhr T, Kurata M, Laasanen AT, Lammel S, Lancaster M, Lannon K, Latino G, Lee HS, Lee JS, Leo S, Leone S, Lewis JD, Limosani A, Lipeles E, Lister A, Liu H, Liu Q, Liu T, Lockwitz S, Loginov A, Lucchesi D, Lucà A, Lueck J, Lujan P, Lukens P, Lungu G, Lys J, Lysak R, Madrak R, Maestro P, Malik S, Manca G, Manousakis-Katsikakis A, Marchese L, Margaroli F, Marino P, Martínez M, Matera K, Mattson ME, Mazzacane A, Mazzanti P, McNulty R, Mehta A, Mehtala P, Mesropian C, Miao T, Mietlicki D, Mitra A, Miyake H, Moed S, Moggi N, Moon CS, Moore R, Morello MJ, Mukherjee A, Muller T, Murat P, Mussini M, Nachtman J, Nagai Y, Naganoma J, Nakano I, Napier A, Nett J, Neu C, Nigmanov T, Nodulman L, Noh SY, Norniella O, Oakes L, Oh SH, Oh YD, Oksuzian I, Okusawa T, Orava R, Ortolan L, Pagliarone C, Palencia E, Palni P, Papadimitriou V, Parker W, Pauletta G, Paulini M, Paus C, Phillips TJ, Piacentino G, Pianori E, Pilot J, Pitts K, Plager C, Pondrom L, Poprocki S, Potamianos K, Pranko A, Prokoshin F, Ptohos F, Punzi G, Ranjan N, Redondo Fernández I, Renton P, Rescigno M, Rimondi F, Ristori L, Robson A, Rodriguez T, Rolli S, Ronzani M, Roser R, Rosner JL, Ruffini F, Ruiz A, Russ J, Rusu V, Sakumoto WK, Sakurai Y, Santi L, Sato K, Saveliev V, Savoy-Navarro A, Schlabach P, Schmidt EE, Schwarz T, Scodellaro L, Scuri F, Seidel S, Seiya Y, Semenov A, Sforza F, Shalhout SZ, Shears T, Shepard PF, Shimojima M, Shochet M, Shreyber-Tecker I, Simonenko A, Sliwa K, Smith JR, Snider FD, Song H, Sorin V, St Denis R, Stancari M, Stentz D, Strologas J, Sudo Y, Sukhanov A, Suslov I, Takemasa K, Takeuchi Y, Tang J, Tecchio M, Teng PK, Thom J, Thomson E, Thukral V, Toback D, Tokar S, Tollefson K, Tomura T, Tonelli D, Torre S, Torretta D, Totaro P, Trovato M, Ukegawa F, Uozumi S, Vázquez F, Velev G, Vellidis C, Vernieri C, Vidal M, Vilar R, Vizán J, Vogel M, Volpi G, Wagner P, Wallny R, Wang SM, Waters D, Wester WC, Whiteson D, Wicklund AB, Wilbur S, Williams HH, Wilson JS, Wilson P, Winer BL, Wittich P, Wolbers S, Wolfe H, Wright T, Wu X, Wu Z, Yamamoto K, Yamato D, Yang T, Yang UK, Yang YC, Yao WM, Yeh GP, Yi K, Yoh J, Yorita K, Yoshida T, Yu GB, Yu I, Zanetti AM, Zeng Y, Zhou C, Zucchelli S. Direct measurement of the total decay width of the top quark. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2013; 111:202001. [PMID: 24289676 DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.111.202001] [Citation(s) in RCA: 3] [Impact Index Per Article: 0.3] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 08/19/2013] [Indexed: 06/02/2023]
We present a measurement of the total decay width of the top quark using events with top-antitop quark pair candidates reconstructed in the final state with one charged lepton and four or more hadronic jets. We use the full Tevatron run II data set of sqrt[s]=1.96 TeV proton-antiproton collisions recorded by the CDF II detector. The top quark mass and the mass of the hadronically decaying W boson are reconstructed for each event and compared with distributions derived from simulated signal and background samples to extract the top quark width (Γtop) and the energy scale of the calorimeter jets with in situ calibration. For a top quark mass Mtop=172.5 GeV/c2, we find 1.10<Γtop<4.05 GeV at 68% confidence level, which is in agreement with the standard model expectation of 1.3 GeV and is the most precise direct measurement of the top quark width to date.
Aaltonen T, Amerio S, Amidei D, Anastassov A, Annovi A, Antos J, Apollinari G, Appel JA, Arisawa T, Artikov A, Asaadi J, Ashmanskas W, Auerbach B, Aurisano A, Azfar F, Badgett W, Bae T, Barbaro-Galtieri A, Barnes VE, Barnett BA, Barria P, Bartos P, Bauce M, Bedeschi F, Behari S, Bellettini G, Bellinger J, Benjamin D, Beretvas A, Bhatti A, Bland KR, Blumenfeld B, Bocci A, Bodek A, Bortoletto D, Boudreau J, Boveia A, Brigliadori L, Bromberg C, Brucken E, Budagov J, Budd HS, Burkett K, Busetto G, Bussey P, Butti P, Buzatu A, Calamba A, Camarda S, Campanelli M, Canelli F, Carls B, Carlsmith D, Carosi R, Carrillo S, Casal B, Casarsa M, Castro A, Catastini P, Cauz D, Cavaliere V, Cavalli-Sforza M, Cerri A, Cerrito L, Chen YC, Chertok M, Chiarelli G, Chlachidze G, Cho K, Chokheli D, Clark A, Clarke C, Convery ME, Conway J, Corbo M, Cordelli M, Cox CA, Cox DJ, Cremonesi M, Cruz D, Cuevas J, Culbertson R, d'Ascenzo N, Datta M, de Barbaro P, Demortier L, Deninno M, D'Errico M, Devoto F, Di Canto A, Di Ruzza B, Dittmann JR, Donati S, D'Onofrio M, Dorigo M, Driutti A, Ebina K, Edgar R, Elagin A, Erbacher R, Errede S, Esham B, Farrington S, Fernández Ramos JP, Field R, Flanagan G, Forrest R, Franklin M, Freeman JC, Frisch H, Funakoshi Y, Galloni C, Garfinkel AF, Garosi P, Gerberich H, Gerchtein E, Giagu S, Giakoumopoulou V, Gibson K, Ginsburg CM, Giokaris N, Giromini P, Giurgiu G, Glagolev V, Glenzinski D, Gold M, Goldin D, Golossanov A, Gomez G, Gomez-Ceballos G, Goncharov M, González López O, Gorelov I, Goshaw AT, Goulianos K, Gramellini E, Grinstein S, Grosso-Pilcher C, Group RC, Guimaraes da Costa J, Hahn SR, Han JY, Happacher F, Hara K, Hare M, Harr RF, Harrington-Taber T, Hatakeyama K, Hays C, Heinrich J, Herndon M, Hocker A, Hong Z, Hopkins W, Hou S, Hughes RE, Husemann U, Hussein M, Huston J, Introzzi G, Iori M, Ivanov A, James E, Jang D, Jayatilaka B, Jeon EJ, Jindariani S, Jones M, Joo KK, Jun SY, Junk TR, Kambeitz M, Kamon T, Karchin PE, Kasmi A, Kato Y, Ketchum W, Keung J, Kilminster B, Kim DH, Kim HS, Kim JE, Kim MJ, Kim SH, Kim SB, Kim YJ, Kim YK, Kimura N, Kirby M, Knoepfel K, Kondo K, Kong DJ, Konigsberg J, Kotwal AV, Kreps M, Kroll J, Kruse M, Kuhr T, Kurata M, Laasanen AT, Lammel S, Lancaster M, Lannon K, Latino G, Lee HS, Lee JS, Leo S, Leone S, Lewis JD, Limosani A, Lipeles E, Lister A, Liu H, Liu Q, Liu T, Lockwitz S, Loginov A, Lucchesi D, Lucà A, Lueck J, Lujan P, Lukens P, Lungu G, Lys J, Lysak R, Madrak R, Maestro P, Malik S, Manca G, Manousakis-Katsikakis A, Marchese L, Margaroli F, Marino P, Martínez M, Matera K, Mattson ME, Mazzacane A, Mazzanti P, McNulty R, Mehta A, Mehtala P, Mesropian C, Miao T, Mietlicki D, Mitra A, Miyake H, Moed S, Moggi N, Moon CS, Moore R, Morello MJ, Mukherjee A, Muller T, Murat P, Mussini M, Nachtman J, Nagai Y, Naganoma J, Nakano I, Napier A, Nett J, Neu C, Nigmanov T, Nodulman L, Noh SY, Norniella O, Oakes L, Oh SH, Oh YD, Oksuzian I, Okusawa T, Orava R, Ortolan L, Pagliarone C, Palencia E, Palni P, Papadimitriou V, Parker W, Pauletta G, Paulini M, Paus C, Phillips TJ, Piacentino G, Pianori E, Pilot J, Pitts K, Plager C, Pondrom L, Poprocki S, Potamianos K, Pranko A, Prokoshin F, Ptohos F, Punzi G, Ranjan N, Redondo Fernández I, Renton P, Rescigno M, Rimondi F, Ristori L, Robson A, Rodriguez T, Rolli S, Ronzani M, Roser R, Rosner JL, Ruffini F, Ruiz A, Russ J, Rusu V, Sakumoto WK, Sakurai Y, Santi L, Sato K, Saveliev V, Savoy-Navarro A, Schlabach P, Schmidt EE, Schwarz T, Scodellaro L, Scuri F, Seidel S, Seiya Y, Semenov A, Sforza F, Shalhout SZ, Shears T, Shepard PF, Shimojima M, Shochet M, Shreyber-Tecker I, Simonenko A, Sliwa K, Smith JR, Snider FD, Song H, Sorin V, St Denis R, Stancari M, Stentz D, Strologas J, Sudo Y, Sukhanov A, Suslov I, Takemasa K, Takeuchi Y, Tang J, Tecchio M, Teng PK, Thom J, Thomson E, Thukral V, Toback D, Tokar S, Tollefson K, Tomura T, Tonelli D, Torre S, Torretta D, Totaro P, Trovato M, Ukegawa F, Uozumi S, Vázquez F, Velev G, Vellidis C, Vernieri C, Vidal M, Vilar R, Vizán J, Vogel M, Volpi G, Wagner P, Wallny R, Wang SM, Waters D, Wester WC, Whiteson D, Wicklund AB, Wilbur S, Williams HH, Wilson JS, Wilson P, Winer BL, Wittich P, Wolbers S, Wolfe H, Wright T, Wu X, Wu Z, Yamamoto K, Yamato D, Yang T, Yang UK, Yang YC, Yao WM, Yeh GP, Yi K, Yoh J, Yorita K, Yoshida T, Yu GB, Yu I, Zanetti AM, Zeng Y, Zhou C, Zucchelli S. Measurement of the differential cross section dσ/d(cosθ(t)) for Top-Quark Pair Production in pp Collisions at sqrt[s] = 1.96 TeV. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2013; 111:182002. [PMID: 24237509 DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.111.182002] [Citation(s) in RCA: 2] [Impact Index Per Article: 0.2] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 06/13/2013] [Indexed: 06/02/2023]
We report a measurement of the differential cross section dσ/d(cosθ(t)) for top-quark pair production as a function of the top-quark production angle in proton-antiproton collisions at sqrt[s] = 1.96 TeV. This measurement is performed using data collected with the CDF II detector at the Tevatron, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 9.4 fb(-1). We employ the Legendre polynomials to characterize the shape of the differential cross section at the parton level. The observed Legendre coefficients are in good agreement with the prediction of the next-to-leading-order standard-model calculation, with the exception of an excess linear-term coefficient a(1) = 0.40 ± 0.12, compared to the standard-model prediction of a(1)=0.15(-0.03)(+0.07).
Reza AMMT, Shiwani S, Singh NK, Lohakare JD, Lee SJ, Jeong DK, Han JY, Rengaraj D, Lee BW. Keratinocyte growth factor and thiazolidinediones and linolenic acid differentiate characterized mammary fat pad adipose stem cells isolated from prepubertal Korean black goat to epithelial and adipogenic lineage. In Vitro Cell Dev Biol Anim 2013; 50:194-206. [PMID: 24101555 DOI: 10.1007/s11626-013-9690-5] [Citation(s) in RCA: 7] [Impact Index Per Article: 0.6] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [MESH Headings] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 05/11/2013] [Accepted: 09/10/2013] [Indexed: 12/25/2022]
The study was conducted to know and investigate the mechanism involved during mesenchymal to epithelial transition to unravel questions related to mammary gland development in prepubertal Korean black goat. We, therefore, biopsied mammary fat pad and isolated adipose cells and characterized with stemness factors (CD34, CD13, CD44, CD106, and vimentin) immunologically and through their genetic expression. Furthermore, characterized cells were differentiated to adipogenic (thiazolidinediones and α-linolenic acid) and epithelial (keratinocyte growth factor) lineages. Thiazolidinediones/or in combination with α-linolenic acid demonstrated significant upregulation of adipo-Q, PPAR-γ, CEBP-α, LPL, and resistin. Adipose stem cells in induction mixture (5 μg/ml insulin, 1 μg/ml hydrocortisone, and 10 ng/ml epidermal growth factor) and subsequent treatment with 10 ng/ml keratinocyte growth factor revealed their trans-differentiating ability to epithelial lineage. From 2 d onwards, the cells under keratinocyte growth factor influenced cells to assume rectangular (2-4 d) to cuboidal (8-10 d) shapes. Ayoub-Shklar stain developed brownish-red pigment in the transformed cells. Though, expressions of K8 and K18 were noted to be highly significant (p < 0.01) but expressions of epithelial membrane antigens and epithelial specific antigens were also significant (p < 0.05) compared to 0 d. Conclusively, epithelial transformations of mammary adipose stem cells would add up knowledge to develop therapeutic regimen to deal with mammary tissue injury and diseases.
Kim HW, Lee JE, Cha JJ, Hyun YY, Kim JE, Lee MH, Song HK, Nam DH, Han JY, Han SY, Han KH, Kang YS, Cha DR. Fibroblast growth factor 21 improves insulin resistance and ameliorates renal injury in db/db mice. Endocrinology 2013; 154:3366-76. [PMID: 23825123 DOI: 10.1210/en.2012-2276] [Citation(s) in RCA: 106] [Impact Index Per Article: 9.6] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [MESH Headings] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Submit a Manuscript] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 11/19/2022]
Despite the emerging importance of fibroblast growth factor 21 (FGF21) as a metabolic hormone regulating energy balance, its direct effects on renal function remain unexplored. FGF21 was injected ip daily for 12 weeks into db/db mice. Compared with control vehicle injection, FGF21 treatment significantly improved lipid profiles and insulin resistance and resulted in significantly higher serum adiponectin levels. In contrast, serum insulin and 8-isoprostane levels were significantly decreased. Interestingly, FGF21 and its receptor components in the kidneys were found to be significantly up-regulated in db/db mice, which suggests an FGF21-resistant state. FGF21 treatment significantly down-regulated FGF21 receptor components and activated ERK phosphorylation. FGF21 administration also markedly decreased urinary albumin excretion and mesangial expansion and suppressed profibrotic molecule synthesis. Furthermore, FGF21 improved renal lipid metabolism and oxidative stress injury. In cultured renal cells, FGF21 was mainly expressed in mesangial cells, and knockdown of FGF21 expression by stealth small interfering RNA further aggravated high-glucose-induced profibrotic cytokine synthesis in mesangial cells. Our results suggest that FGF21 improves insulin resistance and protects against renal injury through both improvement of systemic metabolic alterations and antifibrotic effects in type 2 diabetic nephropathy. Targeting FGF21 could therefore provide a potential candidate approach for a therapeutic strategy in type 2 diabetic nephropathy.
MESH Headings
- Adiponectin/blood
- Adiponectin/metabolism
- Adipose Tissue, White/drug effects
- Adipose Tissue, White/metabolism
- Animals
- Crosses, Genetic
- Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2/complications
- Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2/drug therapy
- Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2/metabolism
- Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2/pathology
- Diabetic Retinopathy/prevention & control
- Fibroblast Growth Factors/genetics
- Fibroblast Growth Factors/metabolism
- Fibroblast Growth Factors/pharmacology
- Fibroblast Growth Factors/therapeutic use
- Gene Expression Regulation/drug effects
- Hyperlipidemias/complications
- Hyperlipidemias/prevention & control
- Hypoglycemic Agents/administration & dosage
- Hypoglycemic Agents/metabolism
- Hypoglycemic Agents/pharmacology
- Hypoglycemic Agents/therapeutic use
- Insulin Resistance
- Kidney/cytology
- Kidney/drug effects
- Kidney/metabolism
- Kidney/pathology
- Lipid Peroxidation/drug effects
- MAP Kinase Signaling System/drug effects
- Male
- Mesangial Cells/cytology
- Mesangial Cells/drug effects
- Mesangial Cells/metabolism
- Mesangial Cells/pathology
- Mice
- Mice, Inbred C57BL
- Mice, Mutant Strains
- Oxidative Stress/drug effects
- Receptors, Fibroblast Growth Factor/biosynthesis
- Receptors, Fibroblast Growth Factor/metabolism
- Recombinant Proteins/metabolism
- Recombinant Proteins/pharmacology
- Recombinant Proteins/therapeutic use
Aaltonen T, Amerio S, Amidei D, Anastassov A, Annovi A, Antos J, Apollinari G, Appel JA, Arisawa T, Artikov A, Asaadi J, Ashmanskas W, Auerbach B, Aurisano A, Azfar F, Badgett W, Bae T, Barbaro-Galtieri A, Barnes VE, Barnett BA, Barria P, Bartos P, Bauce M, Bedeschi F, Behari S, Bellettini G, Bellinger J, Benjamin D, Beretvas A, Bhatti A, Bland KR, Blumenfeld B, Bocci A, Bodek A, Bortoletto D, Boudreau J, Boveia A, Brigliadori L, Bromberg C, Brucken E, Budagov J, Budd HS, Burkett K, Busetto G, Bussey P, Butti P, Buzatu A, Calamba A, Camarda S, Campanelli M, Canelli F, Carls B, Carlsmith D, Carosi R, Carrillo S, Casal B, Casarsa M, Castro A, Catastini P, Cauz D, Cavaliere V, Cavalli-Sforza M, Cerri A, Cerrito L, Chen YC, Chertok M, Chiarelli G, Chlachidze G, Cho K, Chokheli D, Ciocci MA, Clark A, Clarke C, Convery ME, Conway J, Corbo M, Cordelli M, Cox CA, Cox DJ, Cremonesi M, Cruz D, Cuevas J, Culbertson R, d'Ascenzo N, Datta M, De Barbaro P, Demortier L, Deninno M, d'Errico M, Devoto F, Di Canto A, Di Ruzza B, Dittmann JR, D'Onofrio M, Donati S, Dorigo M, Driutti A, Ebina K, Edgar R, Elagin A, Erbacher R, Errede S, Esham B, Eusebi R, Farrington S, Fernández Ramos JP, Field R, Flanagan G, Forrest R, Franklin M, Freeman JC, Frisch H, Funakoshi Y, Garfinkel AF, Garosi P, Gerberich H, Gerchtein E, Giagu S, Giakoumopoulou V, Gibson K, Ginsburg CM, Giokaris N, Giromini P, Giurgiu G, Glagolev V, Glenzinski D, Gold M, Goldin D, Golossanov A, Gomez G, Gomez-Ceballos G, Goncharov M, González López O, Gorelov I, Goshaw AT, Goulianos K, Gramellini E, Grinstein S, Grosso-Pilcher C, Group RC, Guimaraes da Costa J, Hahn SR, Han JY, Happacher F, Hara K, Hare M, Harr RF, Harrington-Taber T, Hatakeyama K, Hays C, Heinrich J, Herndon M, Hocker A, Hong Z, Hopkins W, Hou S, Hughes RE, Husemann U, Hussein M, Huston J, Introzzi G, Iori M, Ivanov A, James E, Jang D, Jayatilaka B, Jeon EJ, Jindariani S, Jones M, Joo KK, Jun SY, Junk TR, Kambeitz M, Kamon T, Karchin PE, Kasmi A, Kato Y, Ketchum W, Keung J, Kilminster B, Kim DH, Kim HS, Kim JE, Kim MJ, Kim SB, Kim SH, Kim YJ, Kim YK, Kimura N, Kirby M, Knoepfel K, Kondo K, Kong DJ, Konigsberg J, Kotwal AV, Kreps M, Kroll J, Kruse M, Kuhr T, Kurata M, Laasanen AT, Lammel S, Lancaster M, Lannon K, Latino G, Lee HS, Lee JS, Leo S, Leone S, Lewis JD, Limosani A, Lipeles E, Lister A, Liu H, Liu Q, Liu T, Lockwitz S, Loginov A, Lucà A, Lucchesi D, Lueck J, Lujan P, Lukens P, Lungu G, Lys J, Lysak R, Madrak R, Maestro P, Malik S, Manca G, Manousakis-Katsikakis A, Margaroli F, Marino P, Martínez M, Matera K, Mattson ME, Mazzacane A, Mazzanti P, McNulty R, Mehta A, Mehtala P, Mesropian C, Miao T, Mietlicki D, Mitra A, Miyake H, Moed S, Moggi N, Moon CS, Moore R, Morello MJ, Mukherjee A, Muller T, Murat P, Mussini M, Nachtman J, Nagai Y, Naganoma J, Nakano I, Napier A, Nett J, Neu C, Nigmanov T, Nodulman L, Noh SY, Norniella O, Oakes L, Oh SH, Oh YD, Oksuzian I, Okusawa T, Orava R, Ortolan L, Pagliarone C, Palencia E, Palni P, Papadimitriou V, Parker W, Pauletta G, Paulini M, Paus C, Phillips TJ, Piacentino G, Pianori E, Pilot J, Pitts K, Plager C, Pondrom L, Poprocki S, Potamianos K, Pranko A, Prokoshin F, Ptohos F, Punzi G, Ranjan N, Redondo Fernández I, Renton P, Rescigno M, Rimondi F, Ristori L, Robson A, Rodriguez T, Rolli S, Ronzani M, Roser R, Rosner JL, Ruffini F, Ruiz A, Russ J, Rusu V, Sakumoto WK, Sakurai Y, Santi L, Sato K, Saveliev V, Savoy-Navarro A, Schlabach P, Schmidt EE, Schwarz T, Scodellaro L, Scuri F, Seidel S, Seiya Y, Semenov A, Sforza F, Shalhout SZ, Shears T, Shepard PF, Shimojima M, Shochet M, Shreyber-Tecker I, Simonenko A, Sinervo P, Sliwa K, Smith JR, Snider FD, Song H, Sorin V, Stancari M, St Denis R, Stelzer B, Stelzer-Chilton O, Stentz D, Strologas J, Sudo Y, Sukhanov A, Suslov I, Takemasa K, Takeuchi Y, Tang J, Tecchio M, Teng PK, Thom J, Thomson E, Thukral V, Toback D, Tokar S, Tollefson K, Tomura T, Tonelli D, Torre S, Torretta D, Totaro P, Trovato M, Ukegawa F, Uozumi S, Vázquez F, Velev G, Vellidis C, Vernieri C, Vidal M, Vilar R, Vizán J, Vogel M, Volpi G, Wagner P, Wallny R, Wang SM, Warburton A, Waters D, Wester WC, Whiteson D, Wicklund AB, Wilbur S, Williams HH, Wilson JS, Wilson P, Winer BL, Wittich P, Wolbers S, Wolfe H, Wright T, Wu X, Wu Z, Yamamoto K, Yamato D, Yang T, Yang UK, Yang YC, Yao WM, Yeh GP, Yi K, Yoh J, Yorita K, Yoshida T, Yu GB, Yu I, Zanetti AM, Zeng Y, Zhou C, Zucchelli S. Measurement of the cross section for direct-photon production in association with a heavy quark in pp[over ¯] collisions at sqrt[s]=1.96 TeV. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2013; 111:042003. [PMID: 23931358 DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.111.042003] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 03/25/2013] [Indexed: 06/02/2023]
We report on a measurement of the cross section for direct-photon production in association with a heavy quark using the full data set of sqrt[s]=1.96 TeV proton-antiproton collisions corresponding to 9.1 fb-1 of integrated luminosity collected by the CDF II detector at the Fermilab Tevatron. The measurements are performed as a function of the photon transverse momentum, covering a photon transverse momentum between 30 and 300 GeV, photon rapidities |yγ|<1.0, a heavy-quark-jet transverse momentum pTjet>20 GeV, and jet rapidities |yjet|<1.5. The results are compared with several theoretical predictions.
Aaltonen T, Albin E, Amerio S, Amidei D, Anastassov A, Annovi A, Antos J, Apollinari G, Appel JA, Arisawa T, Artikov A, Asaadi J, Ashmanskas W, Auerbach B, Aurisano A, Azfar F, Badgett W, Bae T, Barbaro-Galtieri A, Barnes VE, Barnett BA, Barria P, Bartos P, Bauce M, Bedeschi F, Behari S, Bellettini G, Bellinger J, Benjamin D, Beretvas A, Bhatti A, Bland KR, Blumenfeld B, Bocci A, Bodek A, Bortoletto D, Boudreau J, Boveia A, Brigliadori L, Bromberg C, Brucken E, Budagov J, Budd HS, Burkett K, Busetto G, Bussey P, Butti P, Buzatu A, Calamba A, Camarda S, Campanelli M, Canelli F, Carls B, Carlsmith D, Carosi R, Carrillo S, Casal B, Casarsa M, Castro A, Catastini P, Cauz D, Cavaliere V, Cavalli-Sforza M, Cerri A, Cerrito L, Chen YC, Chertok M, Chiarelli G, Chlachidze G, Cho K, Chokheli D, Ciocci MA, Clark A, Clarke C, Convery ME, Conway J, Corbo M, Cordelli M, Cox CA, Cox DJ, Cremonesi M, Cruz D, Cuevas J, Culbertson R, d'Ascenzo N, Datta M, De Barbaro P, Demortier L, Deninno M, Devoto F, d'Errico M, Di Canto A, Di Ruzza B, Dittmann JR, D'Onofrio M, Donati S, Dorigo M, Driutti A, Ebina K, Edgar R, Elagin A, Erbacher R, Errede S, Esham B, Eusebi R, Farrington S, Fernández Ramos JP, Field R, Flanagan G, Forrest R, Franklin M, Freeman JC, Frisch H, Funakoshi Y, Garfinkel AF, Garosi P, Gerberich H, Gerchtein E, Giagu S, Giakoumopoulou V, Gibson K, Ginsburg CM, Giokaris N, Giromini P, Giurgiu G, Glagolev V, Glenzinski D, Gold M, Goldin D, Golossanov A, Gomez G, Gomez-Ceballos G, Goncharov M, González López O, Gorelov I, Goshaw AT, Goulianos K, Gramellini E, Grinstein S, Grosso-Pilcher C, Group RC, Guimaraes da Costa J, Hahn SR, Han JY, Happacher F, Hara K, Hare M, Harr RF, Harrington-Taber T, Hatakeyama K, Hays C, Heinrich J, Herndon M, Hocker A, Hong Z, Hopkins W, Hou S, Hughes RE, Husemann U, Hussein M, Huston J, Introzzi G, Iori M, Ivanov A, James E, Jang D, Jayatilaka B, Jeon EJ, Jindariani S, Jones M, Joo KK, Jun SY, Junk TR, Kambeitz M, Kamon T, Karchin PE, Kasmi A, Kato Y, Ketchum W, Keung J, Kilminster B, Kim DH, Kim HS, Kim JE, Kim MJ, Kim SB, Kim SH, Kim YK, Kim YJ, Kimura N, Kirby M, Knoepfel K, Kondo K, Kong DJ, Konigsberg J, Kotwal AV, Kreps M, Kroll J, Kruse M, Kuhr T, Kurata M, Laasanen AT, Lammel S, Lancaster M, Lannon K, Latino G, Lee HS, Lee JS, Leo S, Leone S, Lewis JD, Limosani A, Lipeles E, Liu H, Liu Q, Liu T, Lockwitz S, Loginov A, Lucchesi D, Lueck J, Lujan P, Lukens P, Lungu G, Lys J, Lysak R, Madrak R, Maestro P, Malik S, Manca G, Manousakis-Katsikakis A, Margaroli F, Marino P, Martínez M, Matera K, Mattson ME, Mazzacane A, Mazzanti P, McNulty R, Mehta A, Mehtala P, Mesropian C, Miao T, Mietlicki D, Mitra A, Miyake H, Moed S, Moggi N, Moon CS, Moore R, Morello MJ, Mukherjee A, Muller T, Murat P, Mussini M, Nachtman J, Nagai Y, Naganoma J, Nakano I, Napier A, Nett J, Neu C, Nigmanov T, Nodulman L, Noh SY, Norniella O, Oakes L, Oh SH, Oh YD, Oksuzian I, Okusawa T, Orava R, Ortolan L, Pagliarone C, Palencia E, Palni P, Papadimitriou V, Parker W, Pauletta G, Paulini M, Paus C, Phillips TJ, Piacentino G, Pianori E, Pilot J, Pitts K, Plager C, Pondrom L, Poprocki S, Potamianos K, Prokoshin F, Pranko A, Ptohos F, Punzi G, Ranjan N, Redondo Fernández I, Renton P, Rescigno M, Riddick T, Rimondi F, Ristori L, Robson A, Rodriguez T, Rolli S, Ronzani M, Roser R, Rosner JL, Ruffini F, Ruiz A, Russ J, Rusu V, Safonov A, Sakumoto WK, Sakurai Y, Santi L, Sato K, Saveliev V, Savoy-Navarro A, Schlabach P, Schmidt EE, Schwarz T, Scodellaro L, Scuri F, Seidel S, Seiya Y, Semenov A, Sforza F, Shalhout SZ, Shears T, Shepard PF, Shimojima M, Shochet M, Shreyber-Tecker I, Simonenko A, Sinervo P, Sliwa K, Smith JR, Snider FD, Sorin V, Song H, Stancari M, St Denis R, Stelzer B, Stelzer-Chilton O, Stentz D, Strologas J, Sudo Y, Sukhanov A, Suslov I, Takemasa K, Takeuchi Y, Tang J, Tecchio M, Teng PK, Thom J, Thomson E, Thukral V, Toback D, Tokar S, Tollefson K, Tomura T, Tonelli D, Torre S, Torretta D, Totaro P, Trovato M, Ukegawa F, Uozumi S, Vázquez F, Velev G, Vellidis C, Vernieri C, Vidal M, Vilar R, Vizán J, Vogel M, Volpi G, Wagner P, Wallny R, Wang SM, Warburton A, Waters D, Wester WC, Whiteson D, Wicklund AB, Wilbur S, Williams HH, Wilson JS, Wilson P, Winer BL, Wittich P, Wolbers S, Wolfe H, Wright T, Wu X, Wu Z, Yamamoto K, Yamato D, Yang T, Yang UK, Yang YC, Yao WM, Yeh GP, Yi K, Yoh J, Yorita K, Yoshida T, Yu GB, Yu I, Zanetti AM, Zeng Y, Zhou C, Zucchelli S. Search for pair production of strongly interacting particles decaying to pairs of jets in pp collisions at √s=1.96 TeV. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2013; 111:031802. [PMID: 23909308 DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.111.031802] [Citation(s) in RCA: 6] [Impact Index Per Article: 0.5] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 03/11/2013] [Indexed: 06/02/2023]
We present a search for the pair production of a narrow nonstandard-model strongly interacting particle that decays to a pair of quarks or gluons, leading to a final state with four hadronic jets. We consider both nonresonant production via an intermediate gluon as well as resonant production via a distinct nonstandard-model intermediate strongly interacting particle. We use data collected by the CDF experiment in proton-antiproton collisions at √[s]=1.96 TeV corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 6.6 fb(-1). We find the data to be consistent with nonresonant production. We report limits on σ(pp[over ¯]→jjjj) as a function of the masses of the hypothetical intermediate particles. Upper limits on the production cross sections for nonstandard-model particles in several resonant and nonresonant processes are also derived.
Cha JJ, Hyun YY, Lee MH, Kim JE, Nam DH, Song HK, Kang YS, Lee JE, Kim HW, Han JY, Cha DR. Renal protective effects of toll-like receptor 4 signaling blockade in type 2 diabetic mice. Endocrinology 2013; 154:2144-55. [PMID: 23568555 DOI: 10.1210/en.2012-2080] [Citation(s) in RCA: 72] [Impact Index Per Article: 6.5] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [MESH Headings] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Submit a Manuscript] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 12/22/2022]
Chronic inflammation caused by high glucose and high free fatty acid (FFA) concentrations is a major contributor to the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes. Recent evidence suggests that activation of Toll-like receptor (TLR) signaling induces peripheral insulin resistance and mediates central insulin and leptin resistance. In this study, we investigated the renal effects of TLR4 signaling blockade in type 2 diabetic mice. Eight-week-old db/db mice were treated for 12 weeks with (S,R)-3-phenyl-4,5-dihydro-5-isoxasole acetic acid (GIT27), which targets macrophages through the inhibition of TLR4- and TLR2/6-mediated signaling pathways. Although GIT27 treatment improved glycemic control and insulin tolerance, which is associated with a lower lipid profile, it did not impact body weight or food consumption. GIT27 treatment also markedly decreased urinary albumin excretion, decreased proinflammatory cytokine synthesis, improved tissue lipid metabolism, induced oxidative stress, and improved glomerulosclerosis compared with the control db/db group. In cultured podocytes and adipocytes, high glucose levels with FFA stimulation increased TLR4 expression and proinflammatory cytokine synthesis, but the effects were abolished by GIT27 treatment. In addition, knockdown of TLR4 expression by stealth small interfering RNA abolished FFA-induced proinflammatory cytokine synthesis in cultured podocytes. In conclusion, our results suggest that GIT27 treatment improves insulin resistance and protects against the renal injury that occurs in type 2 diabetic nephropathy through both metabolic and antiglomerulosclerotic mechanisms. These results suggest that TLR pathway inhibition might play a direct protective role in diabetic kidney disease.
Aaltonen T, Amerio S, Amidei D, Anastassov A, Annovi A, Antos J, Apollinari G, Appel JA, Arisawa T, Artikov A, Asaadi J, Ashmanskas W, Auerbach B, Aurisano A, Azfar F, Badgett W, Bae T, Barbaro-Galtieri A, Barnes VE, Barnett BA, Barria P, Bartos P, Bauce M, Bedeschi F, Behari S, Bellettini G, Bellinger J, Benjamin D, Beretvas A, Bhatti A, Bland KR, Blumenfeld B, Bocci A, Bodek A, Bortoletto D, Boudreau J, Boveia A, Brigliadori L, Bromberg C, Brucken E, Budagov J, Budd HS, Burkett K, Busetto G, Bussey P, Butti P, Buzatu A, Calamba A, Camarda S, Campanelli M, Canelli F, Carls B, Carlsmith D, Carosi R, Carrillo S, Casal B, Casarsa M, Castro A, Catastini P, Cauz D, Cavaliere V, Cavalli-Sforza M, Cerri A, Cerrito L, Chen YC, Chertok M, Chiarelli G, Chlachidze G, Cho K, Chokheli D, Ciocci MA, Clark A, Clarke C, Convery ME, Conway J, Corbo M, Cordelli M, Cox CA, Cox DJ, Cremonesi M, Cruz D, Cuevas J, Culbertson R, d'Ascenzo N, Datta M, De Barbaro P, Demortier L, Deninno M, d'Errico M, Devoto F, Di Canto A, Di Ruzza B, Dittmann JR, D'Onofrio M, Donati S, Dorigo M, Driutti A, Ebina K, Edgar R, Elagin A, Erbacher R, Errede S, Esham B, Eusebi R, Farrington S, Fernández Ramos JP, Field R, Flanagan G, Forrest R, Franklin M, Freeman JC, Frisch H, Funakoshi Y, Garfinkel AF, Garosi P, Gerberich H, Gerchtein E, Giagu S, Giakoumopoulou V, Gibson K, Ginsburg CM, Giokaris N, Giromini P, Giurgiu G, Glagolev V, Glenzinski D, Gold M, Goldin D, Golossanov A, Gomez G, Gomez-Ceballos G, Goncharov M, González López O, Gorelov I, Goshaw AT, Goulianos K, Gramellini E, Grinstein S, Grosso-Pilcher C, Group RC, Guimaraes da Costa J, Hahn SR, Han JY, Happacher F, Hara K, Hare M, Harr RF, Harrington-Taber T, Hatakeyama K, Hays C, Heinrich J, Herndon M, Hocker A, Hong Z, Hopkins W, Hou S, Hughes RE, Husemann U, Hussein M, Huston J, Introzzi G, Iori M, Ivanov A, James E, Jang D, Jayatilaka B, Jeon EJ, Jindariani S, Jones M, Joo KK, Jun SY, Junk TR, Kambeitz M, Kamon T, Karchin PE, Kasmi A, Kato Y, Ketchum W, Keung J, Kilminster B, Kim DH, Kim HS, Kim JE, Kim MJ, Kim SB, Kim SH, Kim YJ, Kim YK, Kimura N, Kirby M, Knoepfel K, Kondo K, Kong DJ, Konigsberg J, Kotwal AV, Kreps M, Kroll J, Kruse M, Kuhr T, Kurata M, Laasanen AT, Lammel S, Lancaster M, Lannon K, Latino G, Lee HS, Lee JS, Leo S, Leone S, Lewis JD, Limosani A, Lipeles E, Lister A, Liu H, Liu Q, Liu T, Lockwitz S, Loginov A, Lucà A, Lucchesi D, Lueck J, Lujan P, Lukens P, Lungu G, Lys J, Lysak R, Madrak R, Maestro P, Malik S, Manca G, Manousakis-Katsikakis A, Margaroli F, Marino P, Martínez M, Matera K, Mattson ME, Mazzacane A, Mazzanti P, McNulty R, Mehta A, Mehtala P, Mesropian C, Miao T, Mietlicki D, Mitra A, Miyake H, Moed S, Moggi N, Moon CS, Moore R, Morello MJ, Mukherjee A, Muller T, Murat P, Mussini M, Nachtman J, Nagai Y, Naganoma J, Nakano I, Napier A, Nett J, Neu C, Nigmanov T, Nodulman L, Noh SY, Norniella O, Oakes L, Oh SH, Oh YD, Oksuzian I, Okusawa T, Orava R, Ortolan L, Pagliarone C, Palencia E, Palni P, Papadimitriou V, Parker W, Pauletta G, Paulini M, Paus C, Phillips TJ, Piacentino G, Pianori E, Pilot J, Pitts K, Plager C, Pondrom L, Poprocki S, Potamianos K, Pranko A, Prokoshin F, Ptohos F, Punzi G, Ranjan N, Redondo Fernández I, Renton P, Rescigno M, Rimondi F, Ristori L, Robson A, Rodriguez T, Rolli S, Ronzani M, Roser R, Rosner JL, Ruffini F, Ruiz A, Russ J, Rusu V, Sakumoto WK, Sakurai Y, Santi L, Sato K, Saveliev V, Savoy-Navarro A, Schlabach P, Schmidt EE, Schwarz T, Scodellaro L, Scuri F, Seidel S, Seiya Y, Semenov A, Sforza F, Shalhout SZ, Shears T, Shepard PF, Shimojima M, Shochet M, Shreyber-Tecker I, Simonenko A, Sinervo P, Sliwa K, Smith JR, Snider FD, Song H, Sorin V, Stancari M, St Denis R, Stelzer B, Stelzer-Chilton O, Stentz D, Strologas J, Sudo Y, Sukhanov A, Suslov I, Takemasa K, Takeuchi Y, Tang J, Tecchio M, Teng PK, Thom J, Thomson E, Thukral V, Toback D, Tokar S, Tollefson K, Tomura T, Tonelli D, Torre S, Torretta D, Totaro P, Trovato M, Ukegawa F, Uozumi S, Vázquez F, Velev G, Vellidis C, Vernieri C, Vidal M, Vilar R, Vizán J, Vogel M, Volpi G, Wagner P, Wallny R, Wang SM, Warburton A, Waters D, Wester WC, Whiteson D, Wicklund AB, Wilbur S, Williams HH, Wilson JS, Wilson P, Winer BL, Wittich P, Wolbers S, Wolfe H, Wright T, Wu X, Wu Z, Yamamoto K, Yamato D, Yang T, Yang UK, Yang YC, Yao WM, Yeh GP, Yi K, Yoh J, Yorita K, Yoshida T, Yu GB, Yu I, Zanetti AM, Zeng Y, Zhou C, Zucchelli S. Search for supersymmetry with like-sign lepton-tau events at CDF. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2013; 110:201802. [PMID: 25167397 DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.110.201802] [Citation(s) in RCA: 2] [Impact Index Per Article: 0.2] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 02/19/2013] [Indexed: 06/03/2023]
We present a search for chargino-neutralino associated production using like electric charge dilepton events collected by the CDF II detector at the Fermilab Tevatron in proton-antiproton collisions at sqrt[s] = 1.96 TeV. One lepton is identified as the hadronic decay of a tau lepton, while the other is an electron or muon. In data corresponding to 6.0 fb(-1) of integrated luminosity, we obtain good agreement with standard model predictions and set limits on the chargino-neutralino production cross section for simplified gravity- and gauge-mediated models. As an example, assuming that the chargino and neutralino decays to taus dominate, in the simplified gauge-mediated model we exclude cross sections greater than 300 fb at 95% credibility level for chargino and neutralino masses of 225 GeV/c(2). This analysis is the first to extend the LHC searches for electroweak supersymmetric production of gauginos to high tanβ and slepton next-to-lightest supersymmetric particle scenarios.
Jang HJ, Lee MO, Kim S, Kim TH, Kim SK, Song G, Womack JE, Han JY. Biallelic expression of the L-arginine:glycine amidinotransferase gene with different methylation status between male and female primordial germ cells in chickens. Poult Sci 2013; 92:760-9. [PMID: 23436527 DOI: 10.3382/ps.2012-02538] [Citation(s) in RCA: 6] [Impact Index Per Article: 0.5] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 11/20/2022] Open
The basic functions of DNA methylation include in gene silencing by methylation of specific gene promoters, defense of the host genome from retrovirus, and transcriptional suppression of transgenes. In addition, genomic imprinting, by which certain genes are expressed in a parent-of-origin-specific manner, has been observed in a wide range of plants and animals and has been associated with differential methylation. However, imprinting phenomena of DNA methylation effects have not been revealed in chickens. To analyze whether genomic imprinting occurs in chickens, methyl-DNA immunoprecipitation array analysis was applied across the entire genome of germ cells in early chick embryos. A differentially methylated region (DMR) was detected in the eighth intron of the l-arginine:glycine amidinotransferase (GATM) gene. When the DMR in GATM was analyzed by bisulfite sequencing, the methylation in male primordial germ cells (PGC) of 6-d-old embryos was higher than that in female PGC (57.5 vs. 35.0%). At 8 d, the DMR methylation of GATM in male PGC was 3.7-fold higher than that in female PGC (65.0 vs. 17.5%). Subsequently, to investigate mono- or biallelic expression of the GATM gene during embryo development, we found 2 indel sequences (GTTTAATGC and CAAAAA) within the GATM 3'-untranslated region in Korean Oge (KO) and White Leghorn (WL) chickens. When individual WL and KO chickens were genotyped for indel sequences, 3 allele combinations (homozygous insertion, homozygous deletion, and heterozygotes) were detected in both breeds using a gel shift assay and high-resolution melt assay. The deletion allele was predominant in KO, whereas the insertion allele was predominant in WL. Heterozygous animals were evenly distributed in both breeds (P < 0.01). Despite the different methylation status between male and female PGC, the GATM gene conclusively displayed biallelic expression in PGC as well as somatic embryonic, extraembryonic, and adult chicken tissues.
Jeong CB, Han JY, Cho JC, Suh KD, Nam GW. Analysis of electrical property changes of skin by oil-in-water emulsion components. Int J Cosmet Sci 2013; 35:402-10. [PMID: 23621673 PMCID: PMC3807609 DOI: 10.1111/ics.12059] [Citation(s) in RCA: 5] [Impact Index Per Article: 0.5] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Key Words] [Track Full Text] [Download PDF] [Figures] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 05/17/2012] [Accepted: 04/20/2013] [Indexed: 11/28/2022]
ObjectivesAs the ‘Dry Skin Cycle’ produces continuous deterioration, cosmetic xerosis (flaky, dry skin) is one of the major concerns to most consumers. The purpose of this study was to investigate the moisturizing effect of oil-in-water (O/W) emulsion components. There are numerous types of oils, waxes, polyols and surfactants used as ingredients in skincare products. However, the moisturizing effect of each ingredient and understanding each use to make an effective moisturizing products are still not well understood. Methods To provide answers to these questions, we investigated the moisturizing effect of widely used 41 components (four different classes) in a simple O/W emulsion using capacitance methods. 106 different single oils, and combinations of oil with oil, wax, humectants, and surfactant were formulated and tested. Results In this study, we found that most of the O/W emulsion components had hydration effects on the skin. (i) The average relative water content increase (RWCI) rate of a single oil-based emulsion was 11.8 ± 5.2% (SE) and 7.9 ± 6.0% (SE) at 3 and 6 h, respectively. (ii) An oil combination emulsion showed an average RWCI rate similar to that of a single oil-based emulsion, 12.6 ± 6.0% (SE) and 12.1 ± 6.4% (SE) at 3 and 6 h, respectively (iii) A combination of waxes with oil showed an average RWCI rate of 16 ± 5.6% (SE) and 12.4 ± 4.5% (SE) at 3 and 6 h, respectively. (iv) Humectant combinations showed the highest average RWCI rate 28 ± 7.3% (SE) and 22.2 ± 7.5% (SE) at 3 and 6 h, respectively (v) Surfactant combinations had an average RWCI of 10.8 ± 4.5% (SE) and 6.0 ± 4.0% (SE) at 3 and 6 h, respectively. Conclusion Interestingly, it was difficult to find moisturizing power differences among samples in the same group. Only the humectants group showed significant differences among samples. Glycerine and urea showed significant skin hydration effects compared with other humectants. We also found a significant moisturizing effect by analysing the chemical functional groups; amide class had a higher hydration effect than betaines and disaccharides in humectants combination. Résumé Objectif Puisque le «cycle de la peau sèche” produit une détérioration continue, la xérose cosmétique (squameuse, peau sèche) est l’une des préoccupations majeures pour la plupart des consommateurs. Le but de cette étude était d’étudier l’effet hydratant des composants d’émulsions H / E. Il existe de nombreux types d’huiles, des cires, de polyols, et des tensioactifs utilisés comme ingrédients dans les produits de soins de la peau. Cependant, l’effet hydratant de chaque ingrédient et de leur utilisation dans des produits hydratants efficaces ne sont pas encore bien compris. MethodesPour apporter des réponses à ces questions, nous avons étudié l’effet hydratant des 41 éléments (4 classes différentes) largement utilisés dans une émulsion simple O/W en utilisant des méthodes de capacitance. 106 huiles individuelles différentes et des combinaisons d’huile avec de l’huile, de la cire, des humectants, et de tensioactifs ont été formulées et testées. ResultatsDans cette étude, nous avons constaté que la plupart des composants des émulsions huile-dans-eau (H/E) possédaient des effets d’hydratation de la peau. (i) Le taux moyen d’augmentation d’eau (RWCI = relative water content increase) d’une émulsion à base d’une seule huile était de 11,8 ± 5,2% (SE) et de 7,9 ± 6,0% (SE) à 3 et 6 h, respectivement. (ii) Une émulsion de combinaison d’huile montrait une RWCI similaire à celle d’une émulsion à base d’huile unique, 12,6 ± 6,0% (SE) et 12,1 ± 6,4% (SE) à 3 et 6 h, respectivement. (iii) Une combinaison des cires avec de l’huile présentait une RWCI de 16 ± 5,6% (SE) et 12,4 ± 4,5% (SE) à 3 et 6 h, respectivement. (iv) Les combinaisons d’humectant ont montré la plus forte augmentation avec +28 ± 7,3% (SE) et 22,2 ± 7,5% (SE) à 3 et 6 h, respectivement. (v) Les combinaisons de tensioactifs ont une RWCI moyenne de 10,8 ± 4,5% (SE) et de 6,0 ± 4,0% (SE) à 3 et 6 h, respectivement. ConclusionFait intéressant, il était difficile de trouver des différences de pouvoir d’hydratation entre les échantillons dans le même groupe. Seul le groupe des humectants a montré des différences significatives entre les échantillons. La glycérine et l’urée ont montré des effets significatifs sur l’hydratation de la peau par rapport aux autres humectants. Nous avons également constaté un effet hydratant important en analysant les groupes fonctionnels chimiques; la classe “amide” a eu un effet d’hydratation plus élevé que les bétaînes et disaccharides dans les combinaisons des humectants.
Aaltonen T, Amerio S, Amidei D, Anastassov A, Annovi A, Antos J, Apollinari G, Appel JA, Arisawa T, Artikov A, Asaadi J, Ashmanskas W, Auerbach B, Aurisano A, Azfar F, Badgett W, Bae T, Barbaro-Galtieri A, Barnes VE, Barnett BA, Barria P, Bartos P, Bauce M, Bedeschi F, Behari S, Bellettini G, Bellinger J, Benjamin D, Beretvas A, Bhatti A, Bland KR, Blumenfeld B, Bocci A, Bodek A, Bortoletto D, Boudreau J, Boveia A, Brigliadori L, Bromberg C, Brucken E, Budagov J, Budd HS, Burkett K, Busetto G, Bussey P, Butti P, Buzatu A, Calamba A, Camarda S, Campanelli M, Canelli F, Carls B, Carlsmith D, Carosi R, Carrillo S, Casal B, Casarsa M, Castro A, Catastini P, Cauz D, Cavaliere V, Cavalli-Sforza M, Cerri A, Cerrito L, Chen YC, Chertok M, Chiarelli G, Chlachidze G, Cho K, Chokheli D, Ciocci MA, Clark A, Clarke C, Convery ME, Conway J, Corbo M, Cordelli M, Cox CA, Cox DJ, Cremonesi M, Cruz D, Cuevas J, Culbertson R, d'Ascenzo N, Datta M, De Barbaro P, Demortier L, Deninno M, Devoto F, d'Errico M, Di Canto A, Di Ruzza B, Dittmann JR, D'Onofrio M, Donati S, Dorigo M, Driutti A, Ebina K, Edgar R, Elagin A, Erbacher R, Errede S, Esham B, Eusebi R, Farrington S, Fernández Ramos JP, Field R, Flanagan G, Forrest R, Franklin M, Freeman JC, Frisch H, Funakoshi Y, Garfinkel AF, Garosi P, Gerberich H, Gerchtein E, Giagu S, Giakoumopoulou V, Gibson K, Ginsburg CM, Giokaris N, Giromini P, Giurgiu G, Glagolev V, Glenzinski D, Gold M, Goldin D, Golossanov A, Gomez G, Gomez-Ceballos G, Goncharov M, González López O, Gorelov I, Goshaw AT, Goulianos K, Gramellini E, Grinstein S, Grosso-Pilcher C, Group RC, Guimaraes da Costa J, Hahn SR, Han JY, Happacher F, Hara K, Hare M, Harr RF, Harrington-Taber T, Hatakeyama K, Hays C, Heinrich J, Herndon M, Hocker A, Hong Z, Hopkins W, Hou S, Hughes RE, Husemann U, Hussein M, Huston J, Introzzi G, Iori M, Ivanov A, James E, Jang D, Jayatilaka B, Jeon EJ, Jindariani S, Jones M, Joo KK, Jun SY, Junk TR, Kambeitz M, Kamon T, Karchin PE, Kasmi A, Kato Y, Ketchum W, Keung J, Kilminster B, Kim DH, Kim HS, Kim JE, Kim MJ, Kim SB, Kim SH, Kim YK, Kim YJ, Kimura N, Kirby M, Knoepfel K, Kondo K, Kong DJ, Konigsberg J, Kotwal AV, Kreps M, Kroll J, Kruse M, Kuhr T, Kurata M, Laasanen AT, Lammel S, Lancaster M, Lannon K, Latino G, Lee HS, Lee JS, Leo S, Leone S, Lewis JD, Limosani A, Lipeles E, Liu H, Liu Q, Liu T, Lockwitz S, Loginov A, Lucchesi D, Lueck J, Lujan P, Lukens P, Lungu G, Lys J, Lysak R, Madrak R, Maestro P, Malik S, Manca G, Manousakis-Katsikakis A, Margaroli F, Marino P, Martínez M, Matera K, Mattson ME, Mazzacane A, Mazzanti P, McNulty R, Mehta A, Mehtala P, Mesropian C, Miao T, Mietlicki D, Mitra A, Miyake H, Moed S, Moggi N, Moon CS, Moore R, Morello MJ, Mukherjee A, Muller T, Murat P, Mussini M, Nachtman J, Nagai Y, Naganoma J, Nakano I, Napier A, Nett J, Neu C, Nigmanov T, Nodulman L, Noh SY, Norniella O, Oakes L, Oh SH, Oh YD, Oksuzian I, Okusawa T, Orava R, Ortolan L, Pagliarone C, Palencia E, Palni P, Papadimitriou V, Parker W, Pauletta G, Paulini M, Paus C, Phillips TJ, Piacentino G, Pianori E, Pilot J, Pitts K, Plager C, Pondrom L, Poprocki S, Potamianos K, Prokoshin F, Pranko A, Ptohos F, Punzi G, Ranjan N, Redondo Fernández I, Renton P, Rescigno M, Riddick T, Rimondi F, Ristori L, Robson A, Rodriguez T, Rolli S, Ronzani M, Roser R, Rosner JL, Ruffini F, Ruiz A, Russ J, Rusu V, Safonov A, Sakumoto WK, Sakurai Y, Santi L, Sato K, Saveliev V, Savoy-Navarro A, Schlabach P, Schmidt EE, Schwarz T, Scodellaro L, Scuri F, Seidel S, Seiya Y, Semenov A, Sforza F, Shalhout SZ, Shears T, Shepard PF, Shimojima M, Shochet M, Shreyber-Tecker I, Simonenko A, Sinervo P, Sliwa K, Smith JR, Snider FD, Sorin V, Song H, Stancari M, St Denis R, Stelzer B, Stelzer-Chilton O, Stentz D, Strologas J, Sudo Y, Sukhanov A, Suslov I, Takemasa K, Takeuchi Y, Tang J, Tecchio M, Teng PK, Thom J, Thomson E, Thukral V, Toback D, Tokar S, Tollefson K, Tomura T, Tonelli D, Torre S, Torretta D, Totaro P, Trovato M, Ukegawa F, Uozumi S, Vázquez F, Velev G, Vellidis C, Vernieri C, Vidal M, Vilar R, Vizán J, Vogel M, Volpi G, Wagner P, Wallny R, Wang SM, Warburton A, Waters D, Wester WC, Whiteson D, Wicklund AB, Wilbur S, Williams HH, Wilson JS, Wilson P, Winer BL, Wittich P, Wolbers S, Wolfe H, Wright T, Wu X, Wu Z, Yamamoto K, Yamato D, Yang T, Yang UK, Yang YC, Yao WM, Yeh GP, Yi K, Yoh J, Yorita K, Yoshida T, Yu GB, Yu I, Zanetti AM, Zeng Y, Zhou C, Zucchelli S. Search for resonant top-antitop production in the lepton plus jets decay mode using the full CDF data set. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2013; 110:121802. [PMID: 25166792 DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.110.121802] [Citation(s) in RCA: 4] [Impact Index Per Article: 0.4] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 11/25/2012] [Indexed: 06/03/2023]
This Letter reports a search for a narrow resonant state decaying into two W bosons and two b quarks where one W boson decays leptonically and the other decays into a quark-antiquark pair. The search is particularly sensitive to top-antitop resonant production. We use the full data sample of proton-antiproton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 1.96 TeV collected by the CDF II detector at the Fermilab Tevatron, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 9.45 fb(-1). No evidence for resonant production is found, and upper limits on the production cross section times branching ratio for a narrow resonant state are extracted. Within a specific benchmark model, we exclude a Z' boson with mass, M(Z'), below 915 GeV/c(2) decaying into a top-antitop pair at the 95% credibility level assuming a Z' boson decay width of Γ(Z') = 0.012 M(Z'). This is the most sensitive search for a narrow qq-initiated tt resonance in the mass region below 750 GeV/c(2).
Aaltonen T, Adelman J, Álvarez González B, Amerio S, Amidei D, Anastassov A, Annovi A, Antos J, Apollinari G, Appel JA, Arisawa T, Artikov A, Asaadi J, Ashmanskas W, Auerbach B, Aurisano A, Azfar F, Badgett W, Bae T, Barbaro-Galtieri A, Barnes VE, Barnett BA, Barria P, Bartos P, Bauce M, Bedeschi F, Behari S, Bellettini G, Bellinger J, Benjamin D, Beretvas A, Bhatti A, Bisello D, Bizjak I, Bland KR, Blumenfeld B, Bocci A, Bodek A, Bortoletto D, Boudreau J, Boveia A, Brigliadori L, Bromberg C, Brucken E, Budagov J, Budd HS, Burkett K, Busetto G, Bussey P, Buzatu A, Calamba A, Calancha C, Camarda S, Campanelli M, Campbell M, Canelli F, Carls B, Carlsmith D, Carosi R, Carrillo S, Carron S, Casal B, Casarsa M, Castro A, Catastini P, Cauz D, Cavaliere V, Cavalli-Sforza M, Cerri A, Cerrito L, Chen YC, Chertok M, Chiarelli G, Chlachidze G, Chlebana F, Cho K, Chokheli D, Chung WH, Chung YS, Ciocci MA, Clark A, Clarke C, Compostella G, Convery ME, Conway J, Corbo M, Cordelli M, Cox CA, Cox DJ, Crescioli F, Cuevas J, Culbertson R, Dagenhart D, d'Ascenzo N, Datta M, de Barbaro P, Dell'Orso M, Demortier L, Deninno M, Devoto F, d'Errico M, Di Canto A, Di Ruzza B, Dittmann JR, D'Onofrio M, Donati S, Dong P, Dorigo M, Dorigo T, Ebina K, Elagin A, Eppig A, Erbacher R, Errede S, Ershaidat N, Eusebi R, Farrington S, Feindt M, Fernandez JP, Field R, Flanagan G, Forrest R, Frank MJ, Franklin M, Freeman JC, Funakoshi Y, Furic I, Gallinaro M, Garcia JE, Garfinkel AF, Garosi P, Gerberich H, Gerchtein E, Giagu S, Giakoumopoulou V, Giannetti P, Gibson K, Ginsburg CM, Giokaris N, Giromini P, Giurgiu G, Glagolev V, Glenzinski D, Gold M, Goldin D, Goldschmidt N, Golossanov A, Gomez G, Gomez-Ceballos G, Goncharov M, González O, Gorelov I, Goshaw AT, Goulianos K, Grinstein S, Grosso-Pilcher C, Group RC, Guimaraes da Costa J, Hahn SR, Halkiadakis E, Hamaguchi A, Han JY, Happacher F, Hara K, Hare D, Hare M, Harr RF, Hatakeyama K, Hays C, Heck M, Heinrich J, Herndon M, Hewamanage S, Hocker A, Hopkins W, Horn D, Hou S, Hughes RE, Hurwitz M, Husemann U, Hussain N, Hussein M, Huston J, Introzzi G, Iori M, Ivanov A, James E, Jang D, Jayatilaka B, Jeon EJ, Jindariani S, Johnstone A, Jones M, Joo KK, Jun SY, Junk TR, Kamon T, Karchin PE, Kasmi A, Kato Y, Ketchum W, Keung J, Khotilovich V, Kilminster B, Kim DH, Kim HS, Kim JE, Kim MJ, Kim SB, Kim SH, Kim YK, Kim YJ, Kimura N, Kirby M, Klimenko S, Knoepfel K, Kondo K, Kong DJ, Konigsberg J, Kotwal AV, Kreps M, Kroll J, Krop D, Kruse M, Krutelyov V, Kuhr T, Kurata M, Kwang S, Laasanen AT, Lami S, Lammel S, Lancaster M, Lander RL, Lannon K, Lath A, Latino G, LeCompte T, Lee E, Lee HS, Lee JS, Lee SW, Leo S, Leone S, Lewis JD, Limosani A, Lin CJ, Lindgren M, Lipeles E, Lister A, Litvintsev DO, Liu C, Liu H, Liu Q, Liu T, Lockwitz S, Loginov A, Lucchesi D, Lueck J, Lujan P, Lukens P, Lungu G, Lys J, Lysak R, Madrak R, Maeshima K, Maestro P, Malik S, Manca G, Manousakis-Katsikakis A, Margaroli F, Marino C, Martínez M, Mastrandrea P, Matera K, Mattson ME, Mazzacane A, Mazzanti P, McFarland KS, McIntyre P, McNulty R, Mehta A, Mehtala P, Mesropian C, Miao T, Mietlicki D, Mitra A, Miyake H, Moed S, Moggi N, Mondragon MN, Moon CS, Moore R, Morello MJ, Morlock J, Movilla Fernandez P, Mukherjee A, Muller T, Murat P, Mussini M, Nachtman J, Nagai Y, Naganoma J, Nakano I, Napier A, Nett J, Neu C, Neubauer MS, Nielsen J, Nodulman L, Noh SY, Norniella O, Oakes L, Oh SH, Oh YD, Oksuzian I, Okusawa T, Orava R, Ortolan L, Pagan Griso S, Pagliarone C, Palencia E, Papadimitriou V, Paramonov AA, Patrick J, Pauletta G, Paulini M, Paus C, Pellett DE, Penzo A, Phillips TJ, Piacentino G, Pianori E, Pilot J, Pitts K, Plager C, Pondrom L, Poprocki S, Potamianos K, Prokoshin F, Pranko A, Ptohos F, Punzi G, Rahaman A, Ramakrishnan V, Ranjan N, Rao K, Redondo I, Renton P, Rescigno M, Riddick T, Rimondi F, Ristori L, Robson A, Rodrigo T, Rodriguez T, Rogers E, Rolli S, Roser R, Ruffini F, Ruiz A, Russ J, Rusu V, Safonov A, Sakumoto WK, Sakurai Y, Santi L, Sato K, Saveliev V, Savoy-Navarro A, Schlabach P, Schmidt A, Schmidt EE, Schwarz T, Scodellaro L, Scribano A, Scuri F, Seidel S, Seiya Y, Semenov A, Sforza F, Shalhout SZ, Shears T, Shepard PF, Shimojima M, Shochet M, Shreyber-Tecker I, Simonenko A, Sinervo P, Sliwa K, Smith JR, Snider FD, Soha A, Sorin V, Song H, Squillacioti P, Stancari M, St Denis R, Stelzer B, Stelzer-Chilton O, Stentz D, Strologas J, Strycker GL, Sudo Y, Sukhanov A, Suslov I, Takemasa K, Takeuchi Y, Tang J, Tecchio M, Teng PK, Thom J, Thome J, Thompson GA, Thomson E, Toback D, Tokar S, Tollefson K, Tomura T, Tonelli D, Torre S, Torretta D, Totaro P, Trovato M, Truong A, Ukegawa F, Uozumi S, Varganov A, Vázquez F, Velev G, Vellidis C, Vidal M, Vila I, Vilar R, Vizán J, Vogel M, Volpi G, Wagner P, Wagner RL, Wakisaka T, Wallny R, Wang SM, Warburton A, Waters D, Wester WC, Whiteson D, Wicklund AB, Wicklund E, Wilbur S, Wick F, Williams HH, Wilson JS, Wilson P, Winer BL, Wittich P, Wolbers S, Wolfe H, Wright T, Wu X, Wu Z, Yamamoto K, Yamato D, Yang T, Yang UK, Yang YC, Yao WM, Yeh GP, Yi K, Yoh J, Yorita K, Yoshida T, Yu GB, Yu I, Yu SS, Yun JC, Zanetti A, Zeng Y, Zhou C, Zucchelli S. Search for a two-Higgs-boson doublet using a simplified model in pp collisions at sqrt[s] = 1.96 TeV. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2013; 110:121801. [PMID: 25166791 DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.110.121801] [Citation(s) in RCA: 4] [Impact Index Per Article: 0.4] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 12/16/2012] [Indexed: 06/03/2023]
We present a search for new particles in an extension to the standard model that includes a heavy Higgs boson (H(0)), a lighter charged Higgs boson (H(±)), and an even lighter Higgs boson h(0), with decays leading to a W-boson pair and a bottom-antibottom quark pair in the final state. We use events with exactly one lepton, missing transverse momentum, and at least four jets in data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 8.7 fb(-1) collected by the CDF II detector in proton-antiproton collisions at sqrt[s]= 1.96 TeV. We find the data to be consistent with standard model predictions and report the results in terms of a simplified Higgs-cascade-decay model, setting 95% confidence level upper limits on the product of cross section and branching fraction from 1.3 pb to 15 fb as a function of H(0) and H(±) masses for m(h)(0) = 126 GeV/c(2).
Aaltonen T, Amerio S, Amidei D, Anastassov A, Annovi A, Antos J, Apollinari G, Appel JA, Arisawa T, Artikov A, Asaadi J, Ashmanskas W, Auerbach B, Aurisano A, Azfar F, Badgett W, Bae T, Barbaro-Galtieri A, Barnes VE, Barnett BA, Barria P, Bartos P, Bauce M, Bedeschi F, Behari S, Bellettini G, Bellinger J, Benjamin D, Beretvas A, Bhatti A, Bland KR, Blumenfeld B, Bocci A, Bodek A, Bortoletto D, Boudreau J, Boveia A, Brigliadori L, Bromberg C, Brucken E, Budagov J, Budd HS, Burkett K, Busetto G, Bussey P, Butti P, Buzatu A, Calamba A, Camarda S, Campanelli M, Canelli F, Carls B, Carlsmith D, Carosi R, Carrillo S, Casal B, Casarsa M, Castro A, Catastini P, Cauz D, Cavaliere V, Cavalli-Sforza M, Cerri A, Cerrito L, Chen YC, Chertok M, Chiarelli G, Chlachidze G, Cho K, Chokheli D, Ciocci MA, Clark A, Clarke C, Convery ME, Conway J, Corbo M, Cordelli M, Cox CA, Cox DJ, Cremonesi M, Cruz D, Cuevas J, Culbertson R, d'Ascenzo N, Datta M, De Barbaro P, Demortier L, Deninno M, Devoto F, d'Errico M, Di Canto A, Di Ruzza B, Dittmann JR, D'Onofrio M, Donati S, Dorigo M, Driutti A, Ebina K, Edgar R, Elagin A, Erbacher R, Errede S, Esham B, Eusebi R, Farrington S, Fernández Ramos JP, Field R, Flanagan G, Forrest R, Franklin M, Freeman JC, Frisch H, Funakoshi Y, Garfinkel AF, Garosi P, Gerberich H, Gerchtein E, Giagu S, Giakoumopoulou V, Gibson K, Ginsburg CM, Giokaris N, Giromini P, Giurgiu G, Glagolev V, Glenzinski D, Gold M, Goldin D, Golossanov A, Gomez G, Gomez-Ceballos G, Goncharov M, González López O, Gorelov I, Goshaw AT, Goulianos K, Gramellini E, Grinstein S, Grosso-Pilcher C, Group RC, Guimaraes da Costa J, Hahn SR, Han JY, Happacher F, Hara K, Hare M, Harr RF, Harrington-Taber T, Hatakeyama K, Hays C, Heinrich J, Herndon M, Hocker A, Hong Z, Hopkins W, Hou S, Hughes RE, Husemann U, Huston J, Introzzi G, Iori M, Ivanov A, James E, Jang D, Jayatilaka B, Jeon EJ, Jindariani S, Jones M, Joo KK, Jun SY, Junk TR, Kambeitz M, Kamon T, Karchin PE, Kasmi A, Kato Y, Ketchum W, Keung J, Kilminster B, Kim DH, Kim HS, Kim JE, Kim MJ, Kim SB, Kim SH, Kim YK, Kim YJ, Kimura N, Kirby M, Knoepfel K, Kondo K, Kong DJ, Konigsberg J, Kotwal AV, Kreps M, Kroll J, Kruse M, Kuhr T, Kurata M, Laasanen AT, Lammel S, Lancaster M, Lannon K, Latino G, Lee HS, Lee JS, Leo S, Leone S, Lewis JD, Limosani A, Lipeles E, Liu H, Liu Q, Liu T, Lockwitz S, Loginov A, Lucchesi D, Lueck J, Lujan P, Lukens P, Lungu G, Lys J, Lysak R, Madrak R, Maestro P, Malik S, Manca G, Manousakis-Katsikakis A, Margaroli F, Marino P, Martínez M, Matera K, Mattson ME, Mazzacane A, Mazzanti P, McNulty R, Mehta A, Mehtala P, Mesropian C, Miao T, Mietlicki D, Mitra A, Miyake H, Moed S, Moggi N, Moon CS, Moore R, Morello MJ, Mukherjee A, Muller T, Murat P, Mussini M, Nachtman J, Nagai Y, Naganoma J, Nakano I, Napier A, Nett J, Neu C, Nigmanov T, Nodulman L, Noh SY, Norniella O, Oakes L, Oh SH, Oh YD, Oksuzian I, Okusawa T, Orava R, Ortolan L, Pagliarone C, Palencia E, Palni P, Papadimitriou V, Parker W, Pauletta G, Paulini M, Paus C, Phillips TJ, Piacentino G, Pianori E, Pilot J, Pitts K, Plager C, Pondrom L, Poprocki S, Potamianos K, Prokoshin F, Pranko A, Ptohos F, Punzi G, Ranjan N, Redondo Fernández I, Renton P, Rescigno M, Riddick T, Rimondi F, Ristori L, Robson A, Rodriguez T, Rolli S, Ronzani M, Roser R, Rosner JL, Ruffini F, Ruiz A, Russ J, Rusu V, Safonov A, Sakumoto WK, Sakurai Y, Santi L, Sato K, Saveliev V, Savoy-Navarro A, Schlabach P, Schmidt EE, Schwarz T, Scodellaro L, Scuri F, Seidel S, Seiya Y, Semenov A, Sforza F, Shalhout SZ, Shears T, Shepard PF, Shimojima M, Shochet M, Shreyber-Tecker I, Simonenko A, Sinervo P, Sliwa K, Smith JR, Snider FD, Sorin V, Song H, Stancari M, St Denis R, Stelzer B, Stelzer-Chilton O, Stentz D, Strologas J, Sudo Y, Sukhanov A, Suslov I, Takemasa K, Takeuchi Y, Tang J, Tecchio M, Teng PK, Thom J, Thomson E, Thukral V, Toback D, Tokar S, Tollefson K, Tomura T, Tonelli D, Torre S, Torretta D, Totaro P, Trovato M, Ukegawa F, Uozumi S, Vázquez F, Velev G, Vellidis C, Vernieri C, Vidal M, Vilar R, Vizán J, Vogel M, Volpi G, Wagner P, Wallny R, Wang SM, Warburton A, Waters D, Wester WC, Whiteson D, Wicklund AB, Wilbur S, Williams HH, Wilson JS, Wilson P, Winer BL, Wittich P, Wolbers S, Wolfe H, Wright T, Wu X, Wu Z, Yamamoto K, Yamato D, Yang T, Yang UK, Yang YC, Yao WM, Yeh GP, Yi K, Yoh J, Yorita K, Yoshida T, Yu GB, Yu I, Zanetti AM, Zeng Y, Zhou C, Zucchelli S. Measurement of the cross section for prompt isolated diphoton production using the full CDF run II data sample. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2013; 110:101801. [PMID: 23521251 DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.110.101801] [Citation(s) in RCA: 4] [Impact Index Per Article: 0.4] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 12/19/2012] [Indexed: 06/01/2023]
This Letter reports a measurement of the cross section for producing pairs of central prompt isolated photons in proton-antiproton collisions at a total energy sqrt[s] = 1.96 TeV using data corresponding to 9.5 fb(-1) integrated luminosity collected with the CDF II detector at the Fermilab Tevatron. The measured differential cross section is compared to three calculations derived from the theory of strong interactions. These include a prediction based on a leading order matrix element calculation merged with a parton shower model, a next-to-leading order calculation, and a next-to-next-to-leading order calculation. The first and last calculations reproduce most aspects of the data, thus showing the importance of higher-order contributions for understanding the theory of strong interaction and improving measurements of the Higgs boson and searches for new phenomena in diphoton final states.
Aaltonen T, Amerio S, Amidei D, Anastassov A, Annovi A, Antos J, Apollinari G, Appel JA, Arisawa T, Artikov A, Asaadi J, Ashmanskas W, Auerbach B, Aurisano A, Azfar F, Badgett W, Bae T, Barbaro-Galtieri A, Barnes VE, Barnett BA, Barria P, Bartos P, Bauce M, Bedeschi F, Behari S, Bellettini G, Bellinger J, Benjamin D, Beretvas A, Bhatti A, Bland KR, Blumenfeld B, Bocci A, Bodek A, Bortoletto D, Boudreau J, Boveia A, Brigliadori L, Bromberg C, Brucken E, Budagov J, Burkett K, Busetto G, Bussey P, Butti P, Buzatu A, Calamba A, Camarda S, Campanelli M, Canelli F, Carls B, Carlsmith D, Carosi R, Carrillo S, Casal B, Casarsa M, Castro A, Catastini P, Cauz D, Cavaliere V, Cavalli-Sforza M, Cerri A, Cerrito L, Chen YC, Chertok M, Chiarelli G, Chlachidze G, Cho K, Chou JP, Chokheli D, Clark A, Clarke C, Convery ME, Conway J, Corbo M, Cordelli M, Cox CA, Cox DJ, Cremonesi M, Cuevas J, Culbertson R, d'Ascenzo N, Datta M, Demortier L, Deninno M, Devoto F, d'Errico M, Di Canto A, Di Ruzza B, Dittmann JR, D'Onofrio M, Donati S, Dorigo M, Driutti A, Ebina K, Edgar R, Elagin A, Erbacher R, Errede S, Esham B, Eusebi R, Farrington S, Fernández Ramos JP, Field R, Flanagan G, Forrest R, Franklin M, Freeman JC, Funakoshi Y, Garfinkel AF, Garosi P, Gerberich H, Gerchtein E, Giagu S, Giakoumopoulou V, Gibson K, Ginsburg CM, Giokaris N, Giromini P, Giurgiu G, Glagolev V, Glenzinski D, Gold M, Goldin D, Goldschmidt N, Golossanov A, Gomez G, Gomez-Ceballos G, Goncharov M, González López O, Gorelov I, Goshaw AT, Goulianos K, Gramellini E, Grinstein S, Grosso-Pilcher C, Group RC, Guimaraes da Costa J, Hahn SR, Han JY, Happacher F, Hara K, Hare M, Harr RF, Harrington-Taber T, Hatakeyama K, Hays C, Heinrich J, Herndon M, Hocker A, Hopkins W, Hou S, Hughes RE, Hurwitz M, Husemann U, Huston J, Introzzi G, Iori M, Ivanov A, James E, Jang D, Jayatilaka B, Jeon EJ, Jindariani S, Jones M, Joo KK, Jun SY, Junk TR, Kambeitz M, Kamon T, Karchin PE, Kasmi A, Kato Y, Ketchum W, Keung J, Kilminster B, Kim DH, Kim HS, Kim JE, Kim MJ, Kim SB, Kim SH, Kim YK, Kim YJ, Kimura N, Kirby M, Klimenko S, Knoepfel K, Kondo K, Kong DJ, Konigsberg J, Kotwal AV, Kreps M, Kroll J, Krop D, Kruse M, Kuhr T, Kurata M, Kwang S, Laasanen AT, Lammel S, Lancaster M, Lannon K, Latino G, Lee HS, Lee JS, Leone S, Lewis JD, Limosani A, Lipeles E, Liu H, Liu Q, Liu T, Lockwitz S, Loginov A, Lucchesi D, Lueck J, Lujan P, Lukens P, Lungu G, Lys J, Lysak R, Madrak R, Maestro P, Malik S, Manca G, Manousakis-Katsikakis A, Margaroli F, Martínez M, Matera K, Mattson ME, Mazzacane A, Mazzanti P, McNulty R, Mehta A, Mehtala P, Mesropian C, Miao T, Mietlicki D, Mitra A, Miyake H, Moed S, Moggi N, Moon CS, Moore R, Morello MJ, Mukherjee A, Muller T, Murat P, Mussini M, Nachtman J, Nagai Y, Naganoma J, Nakano I, Napier A, Nett J, Neu C, Nigmanov T, Nodulman L, Noh SY, Norniella O, Oakes L, Oh SH, Oh YD, Oksuzian I, Okusawa T, Orava R, Ortolan L, Pagliarone C, Palencia E, Palni P, Papadimitriou V, Parker W, Pauletta G, Paulini M, Paus C, Phillips TJ, Piacentino G, Pianori E, Pilot J, Pitts K, Plager C, Pondrom L, Poprocki S, Potamianos K, Prokoshin F, Pranko A, Ptohos F, Punzi G, Ranjan N, Redondo Fernández I, Renton P, Rescigno M, Riddick T, Rimondi F, Ristori L, Robson A, Rodriguez T, Rolli S, Ronzani M, Roser R, Rosner JL, Ruffini F, Ruiz A, Russ J, Rusu V, Safonov A, Sakumoto WK, Sakurai Y, Santi L, Sato K, Saveliev V, Savoy-Navarro A, Schlabach P, Schmidt EE, Schwarz T, Scodellaro L, Seidel S, Seiya Y, Semenov A, Sforza F, Shalhout SZ, Shears T, Shepard PF, Shimojima M, Shochet M, Shreyber-Tecker I, Simonenko A, Sinervo P, Sliwa K, Smith JR, Snider FD, Sorin V, Song H, Stancari M, St Denis R, Stelzer B, Stelzer-Chilton O, Stentz D, Strologas J, Sudo Y, Sukhanov A, Suslov I, Takemasa K, Takeuchi Y, Tang J, Tecchio M, Teng PK, Thom J, Thomson E, Toback D, Tokar S, Tollefson K, Tomura T, Tonelli D, Torre S, Torretta D, Totaro P, Trovato M, Ukegawa F, Uozumi S, Vázquez F, Velev G, Vellidis C, Vernieri C, Vidal M, Vilar R, Vizán J, Vogel M, Volpi G, Wagner P, Wallny R, Wang SM, Warburton A, Waters D, Wester WC, Whiteson D, Wicklund AB, Wilbur S, Williams HH, Wilson JS, Wilson P, Winer BL, Wittich P, Wolbers S, Wolfe H, Wright T, Wu X, Wu Z, Yamamoto K, Yamato D, Yang T, Yang UK, Yang YC, Yao WM, Yeh GP, Yi K, Yoh J, Yorita K, Yoshida T, Yu GB, Yu I, Zanetti AM, Zeng Y, Zhou C, Zucchelli S. Observation of the production of a W boson in association with a single charm quark. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2013; 110:071801. [PMID: 25166369 DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.110.071801] [Citation(s) in RCA: 6] [Impact Index Per Article: 0.5] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 09/10/2012] [Indexed: 06/03/2023]
The first observation of the production of a W boson with a single charm quark (c) jet in pp[over ¯] collisions at √s=1.96 TeV is reported. The analysis uses data corresponding to 4.3 fb(-1), recorded with the CDF II detector at the Fermilab Tevatron. Charm quark candidates are selected through the identification of an electron or muon from charm-hadron semileptonic decay within a hadronic jet, and a Wc signal is observed with a significance of 5.7 standard deviations. The production cross section σ(Wc)(p(Tc)>20 GeV/c,|η(c)|<1.5)×B(W→ℓν) is measured to be 13.6(-3.1)(+3.4) pb and is in agreement with theoretical expectations. From this result the magnitude of the quark-mixing matrix element V(cs) is derived, |V(cs)|=1.08±0.16 along with a lower limit of |V(cs)|>0.71 at the 95% confidence level, assuming that the Wc production through c to s quark coupling is dominant.
Rengaraj D, Lee BR, Choi JW, Lee SI, Seo HW, Kim TH, Choi HJ, Song G, Han JY. Gene pathways and cell cycle-related genes in cultured avian primordial germ cells. Poult Sci 2013; 91:3167-77. [PMID: 23155027 DOI: 10.3382/ps.2012-02279] [Citation(s) in RCA: 6] [Impact Index Per Article: 0.5] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 01/16/2023] Open
Primordial germ cells (PGC) from early embryos are applicable to various kinds of research, including the production of transgenic animals. Primordial germ cells eventually migrate and differentiate into germ cells in the gonads, where they settle and rapidly proliferate. However, the proliferation rate of PGC is low in early embryos, and there are many significant pathways that mediate PGC activity. Therefore, in vitro culture of PGC from early embryos with efficient growth factors has been necessary. Recently, we cultured chicken PGC from embryonic d 2.5 with basic fibroblast growth factor and characterized the PGC through analysis of cell morphology, survival, proliferation, and apoptosis. However, large-scale analyses of genes expressed in cultured PGC and the genes involved in associated pathways are limited. The objective of the present investigation was to identify the signaling and metabolic pathways of expressed genes by microarray comparison between PGC and their somatic counterpart, chicken embryonic fibroblasts (CEF). We identified 795 genes that were expressed more predominantly in PGC and 824 genes that were expressed more predominantly in CEF. Among the predominant genes in PGC, 201 were differentially identified in 106 pathways. Among the predominant genes in CEF, 242 were differentially identified in 99 pathways. To further validate the genes involved in at least one candidate pathway, those involved in the cell cycle (12 predominant genes in PGC and 8 predominant genes in CEF) were examined by real-time PCR. To the best of our knowledge, this study is the first to investigate signaling and metabolic pathways in cultured PGC.
Aaltonen T, Álvarez González B, Amerio S, Amidei D, Anastassov A, Annovi A, Antos J, Apollinari G, Appel JA, Arisawa T, Artikov A, Asaadi J, Ashmanskas W, Auerbach B, Aurisano A, Azfar F, Badgett W, Bae T, Barbaro-Galtieri A, Barnes VE, Barnett BA, Barria P, Bartos P, Bauce M, Bedeschi F, Behari S, Bellettini G, Bellinger J, Benjamin D, Beretvas A, Bhatti A, Bisello D, Bizjak I, Bland KR, Blumenfeld B, Bocci A, Bodek A, Bortoletto D, Boudreau J, Boveia A, Brigliadori L, Bromberg C, Brucken E, Budagov J, Budd HS, Burkett K, Busetto G, Bussey P, Buzatu A, Calamba A, Calancha C, Camarda S, Campanelli M, Campbell M, Canelli F, Carls B, Carlsmith D, Carosi R, Carrillo S, Carron S, Casal B, Casarsa M, Castro A, Catastini P, Cauz D, Cavaliere V, Cavalli-Sforza M, Cerri A, Cerrito L, Chen YC, Chertok M, Chiarelli G, Chlachidze G, Chlebana F, Cho K, Chokheli D, Chung WH, Chung YS, Ciocci MA, Clark A, Clarke C, Compostella G, Convery ME, Conway J, Corbo M, Cordelli M, Cox CA, Cox DJ, Crescioli F, Cuevas J, Culbertson R, Dagenhart D, d'Ascenzo N, Datta M, de Barbaro P, Dell'orso M, Demortier L, Deninno M, Devoto F, d'Errico M, Di Canto A, Di Ruzza B, Dittmann JR, D'Onofrio M, Donati S, Dong P, Dorigo M, Dorigo T, Ebina K, Elagin A, Eppig A, Erbacher R, Errede S, Ershaidat N, Eusebi R, Farrington S, Feindt M, Fernandez JP, Field R, Flanagan G, Forrest R, Frank MJ, Franklin M, Freeman JC, Funakoshi Y, Furic I, Gallinaro M, Garcia JE, Garfinkel AF, Garosi P, Gerberich H, Gerchtein E, Giagu S, Giakoumopoulou V, Giannetti P, Gibson K, Ginsburg CM, Giokaris N, Giromini P, Giurgiu G, Glagolev V, Glenzinski D, Gold M, Goldin D, Goldschmidt N, Golossanov A, Gomez G, Gomez-Ceballos G, Goncharov M, González O, Gorelov I, Goshaw AT, Goulianos K, Grinstein S, Grosso-Pilcher C, Group RC, Guimaraes da Costa J, Hahn SR, Halkiadakis E, Hamaguchi A, Han JY, Happacher F, Hara K, Hare D, Hare M, Harr RF, Hatakeyama K, Hays C, Heck M, Heinrich J, Herndon M, Hewamanage S, Hocker A, Hopkins W, Horn D, Hou S, Hughes RE, Hurwitz M, Husemann U, Hussain N, Hussein M, Huston J, Introzzi G, Iori M, Ivanov A, James E, Jang D, Jayatilaka B, Jeon EJ, Jindariani S, Jones M, Joo KK, Jun SY, Junk TR, Kamon T, Karchin PE, Kasmi A, Kato Y, Ketchum W, Keung J, Khotilovich V, Kilminster B, Kim DH, Kim HS, Kim JE, Kim MJ, Kim SB, Kim SH, Kim YK, Kim YJ, Kimura N, Kirby M, Klimenko S, Knoepfel K, Kondo K, Kong DJ, Konigsberg J, Kotwal AV, Kreps M, Kroll J, Krop D, Kruse M, Krutelyov V, Kuhr T, Kurata M, Kwang S, Laasanen AT, Lami S, Lammel S, Lancaster M, Lander RL, Lannon K, Lath A, Latino G, Lecompte T, Lee E, Lee HS, Lee JS, Lee SW, Leo S, Leone S, Lewis JD, Limosani A, Lin CJ, Lindgren M, Lipeles E, Lister A, Litvintsev DO, Liu C, Liu H, Liu Q, Liu T, Lockwitz S, Loginov A, Lucchesi D, Lueck J, Lujan P, Lukens P, Lungu G, Lys J, Lysak R, Madrak R, Maeshima K, Maestro P, Malik S, Manca G, Manousakis-Katsikakis A, Margaroli F, Marino C, Martínez M, Mastrandrea P, Matera K, Mattson ME, Mazzacane A, Mazzanti P, McFarland KS, McIntyre P, McNulty R, Mehta A, Mehtala P, Mesropian C, Miao T, Mietlicki D, Mitra A, Miyake H, Moed S, Moggi N, Mondragon MN, Moon CS, Moore R, Morello MJ, Morlock J, Movilla Fernandez P, Mukherjee A, Muller T, Murat P, Mussini M, Nachtman J, Nagai Y, Naganoma J, Nakano I, Napier A, Nett J, Neu C, Neubauer MS, Nielsen J, Nodulman L, Noh SY, Norniella O, Oakes L, Oh SH, Oh YD, Oksuzian I, Okusawa T, Orava R, Ortolan L, Pagan Griso S, Pagliarone C, Palencia E, Papadimitriou V, Paramonov AA, Patrick J, Pauletta G, Paulini M, Paus C, Pellett DE, Penzo A, Phillips TJ, Piacentino G, Pianori E, Pilot J, Pitts K, Plager C, Pondrom L, Poprocki S, Potamianos K, Prokoshin F, Pranko A, Ptohos F, Punzi G, Rahaman A, Ramakrishnan V, Ranjan N, Redondo I, Renton P, Rescigno M, Riddick T, Rimondi F, Ristori L, Robson A, Rodrigo T, Rodriguez T, Rogers E, Rolli S, Roser R, Ruffini F, Ruiz A, Russ J, Rusu V, Safonov A, Sakumoto WK, Sakurai Y, Santi L, Sato K, Saveliev V, Savoy-Navarro A, Schlabach P, Schmidt A, Schmidt EE, Schwarz T, Scodellaro L, Scribano A, Scuri F, Seidel S, Seiya Y, Semenov A, Sforza F, Shalhout SZ, Shears T, Shepard PF, Shimojima M, Shochet M, Shreyber-Tecker I, Simonenko A, Sinervo P, Sliwa K, Smith JR, Snider FD, Soha A, Sorin V, Song H, Squillacioti P, Stancari M, St Denis R, Stelzer B, Stelzer-Chilton O, Stentz D, Strologas J, Strycker GL, Sudo Y, Sukhanov A, Suslov I, Takemasa K, Takeuchi Y, Tang J, Tecchio M, Teng PK, Thom J, Thome J, Thompson GA, Thomson E, Toback D, Tokar S, Tollefson K, Tomura T, Tonelli D, Torre S, Torretta D, Totaro P, Trovato M, Ukegawa F, Uozumi S, Varganov A, Vázquez F, Velev G, Vellidis C, Vidal M, Vila I, Vilar R, Vizán J, Vogel M, Volpi G, Wagner P, Wagner RL, Wakisaka T, Wallny R, Wang SM, Warburton A, Waters D, Wester WC, Whiteson D, Wicklund AB, Wicklund E, Wilbur S, Wick F, Williams HH, Wilson JS, Wilson P, Winer BL, Wittich P, Wolbers S, Wolfe H, Wright T, Wu X, Wu Z, Yamamoto K, Yamato D, Yang T, Yang UK, Yang YC, Yao WM, Yeh GP, Yi K, Yoh J, Yorita K, Yoshida T, Yu GB, Yu I, Yu SS, Yun JC, Zanetti A, Zeng Y, Zhou C, Zucchelli S. Measurements of the top-quark mass and the tt cross section in the hadronic τ+jets decay channel at sqrt[s] = 1.96 TeV. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2012; 109:192001. [PMID: 23215374 DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.109.192001] [Citation(s) in RCA: 1] [Impact Index Per Article: 0.1] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [MESH Headings] [Track Full Text] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 08/29/2012] [Indexed: 06/01/2023]
We present the first direct measurement of the top-quark mass using tt events decaying in the hadronic τ+jets decay channel. Using data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 2.2 fb(-1) collected by the CDF II detector in pp collisions at sqrt[s] = 1.96 TeV at the Fermilab Tevatron, we measure the tt cross section, σ(tt), and the top-quark mass, M(top). We extract M(top) from a likelihood based on per-event probabilities calculated with leading-order signal and background matrix elements. We measure σ(tt) = 8.8 ± 3.3(stat) ± 2.2(syst) pb and M(top) = 172.7 ± 9.3(stat) ± 3.7(syst) GeV/c(2).
Aaltonen T, Álvarez González B, Amerio S, Amidei D, Anastassov A, Annovi A, Antos J, Apollinari G, Appel JA, Arisawa T, Artikov A, Asaadi J, Ashmanskas W, Auerbach B, Aurisano A, Azfar F, Badgett W, Bae T, Barbaro-Galtieri A, Barnes VE, Barnett BA, Barria P, Bartos P, Bauce M, Bedeschi F, Behari S, Bellettini G, Bellinger J, Benjamin D, Beretvas A, Bhatti A, Bisello D, Bizjak I, Bland KR, Blumenfeld B, Bocci A, Bodek A, Bortoletto D, Boudreau J, Boveia A, Brigliadori L, Bromberg C, Brucken E, Budagov J, Budd HS, Burkett K, Busetto G, Bussey P, Buzatu A, Calamba A, Calancha C, Camarda S, Campanelli M, Campbell M, Canelli F, Carls B, Carlsmith D, Carosi R, Carrillo S, Carron S, Casal B, Casarsa M, Castro A, Catastini P, Cauz D, Cavaliere V, Cavalli-Sforza M, Cerri A, Cerrito L, Chen YC, Chertok M, Chiarelli G, Chlachidze G, Chlebana F, Cho K, Chokheli D, Chung WH, Chung YS, Ciocci MA, Clark A, Clarke C, Compostella G, Connors J, Convery ME, Conway J, Corbo M, Cordelli M, Cox CA, Cox DJ, Crescioli F, Cuevas J, Culbertson R, Dagenhart D, d'Ascenzo N, Datta M, de Barbaro P, Dell'Orso M, Demortier L, Deninno M, Devoto F, d'Errico M, Di Canto A, Di Ruzza B, Dittmann JR, D'Onofrio M, Donati S, Dong P, Dorigo M, Dorigo T, Ebina K, Elagin A, Eppig A, Erbacher R, Errede S, Ershaidat N, Eusebi R, Farrington S, Feindt M, Fernandez JP, Field R, Flanagan G, Forrest R, Frank MJ, Franklin M, Freeman JC, Funakoshi Y, Furic I, Gallinaro M, Garcia JE, Garfinkel AF, Garosi P, Gerberich H, Gerchtein E, Giagu S, Giakoumopoulou V, Giannetti P, Gibson K, Ginsburg CM, Giokaris N, Giromini P, Giurgiu G, Glagolev V, Glenzinski D, Gold M, Goldin D, Goldschmidt N, Golossanov A, Gomez G, Gomez-Ceballos G, Goncharov M, González O, Gorelov I, Goshaw AT, Goulianos K, Grinstein S, Grosso-Pilcher C, Group RC, Guimaraes da Costa J, Hahn SR, Halkiadakis E, Hamaguchi A, Han JY, Happacher F, Hara K, Hare D, Hare M, Harr RF, Hatakeyama K, Hays C, Heck M, Heinrich J, Herndon M, Hewamanage S, Hocker A, Hopkins W, Horn D, Hou S, Hughes RE, Hurwitz M, Husemann U, Hussain N, Hussein M, Huston J, Introzzi G, Iori M, Ivanov A, James E, Jang D, Jayatilaka B, Jeon EJ, Jindariani S, Jones M, Joo KK, Jun SY, Junk TR, Kamon T, Karchin PE, Kasmi A, Kato Y, Ketchum W, Keung J, Khotilovich V, Kilminster B, Kim DH, Kim HS, Kim JE, Kim MJ, Kim SB, Kim SH, Kim YK, Kim YJ, Kimura N, Kirby M, Klimenko S, Knoepfel K, Kondo K, Kong DJ, Konigsberg J, Kotwal AV, Kreps M, Kroll J, Krop D, Kruse M, Krutelyov V, Kuhr T, Kurata M, Kwang S, Laasanen AT, Lami S, Lammel S, Lancaster M, Lander RL, Lannon K, Lath A, Latino G, Lecompte T, Lee E, Lee HS, Lee JS, Lee SW, Leo S, Leone S, Lewis JD, Limosani A, Lin CJ, Lindgren M, Lipeles E, Lister A, Litvintsev DO, Liu C, Liu H, Liu Q, Liu T, Lockwitz S, Loginov A, Lucchesi D, Lueck J, Lujan P, Lukens P, Lungu G, Lys J, Lysak R, Madrak R, Maeshima K, Maestro P, Malik S, Manca G, Manousakis-Katsikakis A, Margaroli F, Marino C, Martínez M, Mastrandrea P, Matera K, Mattson ME, Mazzacane A, Mazzanti P, McFarland KS, McIntyre P, McNulty R, Mehta A, Mehtala P, Mesropian C, Miao T, Mietlicki D, Mitra A, Miyake H, Moed S, Moggi N, Mondragon MN, Moon CS, Moore R, Morello MJ, Morlock J, Movilla Fernandez P, Mukherjee A, Muller T, Murat P, Mussini M, Nachtman J, Nagai Y, Naganoma J, Nakano I, Napier A, Nett J, Neu C, Neubauer MS, Nielsen J, Nodulman L, Noh SY, Norniella O, Oakes L, Oh SH, Oh YD, Oksuzian I, Okusawa T, Orava R, Ortolan L, Pagan Griso S, Pagliarone C, Palencia E, Papadimitriou V, Paramonov AA, Patrick J, Pauletta G, Paulini M, Paus C, Pellett DE, Penzo A, Phillips TJ, Piacentino G, Pianori E, Pilot J, Pitts K, Plager C, Pondrom L, Poprocki S, Potamianos K, Prokoshin F, Pranko A, Ptohos F, Punzi G, Rahaman A, Ramakrishnan V, Ranjan N, Redondo I, Renton P, Rescigno M, Riddick T, Rimondi F, Ristori L, Robson A, Rodrigo T, Rodriguez T, Rogers E, Rolli S, Roser R, Ruffini F, Ruiz A, Russ J, Rusu V, Safonov A, Sakumoto WK, Sakurai Y, Santi L, Sato K, Saveliev V, Savoy-Navarro A, Schlabach P, Schmidt A, Schmidt EE, Schwarz T, Scodellaro L, Scribano A, Scuri F, Seidel S, Seiya Y, Semenov A, Sforza F, Shalhout SZ, Shears T, Shepard PF, Shimojima M, Shochet M, Shreyber-Tecker I, Simonenko A, Sinervo P, Sliwa K, Smith JR, Snider FD, Soha A, Sorin V, Song H, Squillacioti P, Stancari M, St Denis R, Stelzer B, Stelzer-Chilton O, Stentz D, Strologas J, Strycker GL, Sudo Y, Sukhanov A, Suslov I, Takemasa K, Takeuchi Y, Tang J, Tecchio M, Teng PK, Thom J, Thome J, Thompson GA, Thomson E, Toback D, Tokar S, Tollefson K, Tomura T, Tonelli D, Torre S, Torretta D, Totaro P, Trovato M, Ukegawa F, Uozumi S, Varganov A, Vázquez F, Velev G, Vellidis C, Vidal M, Vila I, Vilar R, Vizán J, Vogel M, Volpi G, Wagner P, Wagner RL, Wakisaka T, Wallny R, Wang SM, Warburton A, Waters D, Wester WC, Whiteson D, Wicklund AB, Wicklund E, Wilbur S, Wick F, Williams HH, Wilson JS, Wilson P, Winer BL, Wittich P, Wolbers S, Wolfe H, Wright T, Wu X, Wu Z, Yamamoto K, Yamato D, Yang T, Yang UK, Yang YC, Yao WM, Yeh GP, Yi K, Yoh J, Yorita K, Yoshida T, Yu GB, Yu I, Yu SS, Yun JC, Zanetti A, Zeng Y, Zhou C, Zucchelli S. Search for the standard model Higgs Boson produced in association with top quarks using the full CDF data set. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2012; 109:181802. [PMID: 23215271 DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.109.181802] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [MESH Headings] [Track Full Text] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 08/14/2012] [Indexed: 06/01/2023]
A search is presented for the standard model Higgs boson produced in association with top quarks using the full Run II proton-antiproton collision data set, corresponding to 9.45 fb(-1), collected by the Collider Detector at Fermilab. No significant excess over the expected background is observed, and 95% credibility-level upper bounds are placed on the cross section σ(ttH → lepton + missing transverse energy+jets). For a Higgs boson mass of 125 GeV/c(2), we expect to set a limit of 12.6 and observe a limit of 20.5 times the standard model rate. This represents the most sensitive search for a standard model Higgs boson in this channel to date.
Han JY, Nam BH, Kim HY, Yoon SJ, Kim HT, Lee JS. A randomized phase II study of irinotecan plus cisplatin versus irinotecan plus capecitabine with or without isosorbide-5-mononitrate in advanced non-small-cell lung cancer. Ann Oncol 2012; 23:2925-2930. [PMID: 22782331 DOI: 10.1093/annonc/mds122] [Citation(s) in RCA: 10] [Impact Index Per Article: 0.8] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [MESH Headings] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 11/14/2022] Open
BACKGROUND We investigated the efficacy of irinotecan/cisplatin (IP) versus irinotecan/capecitabine (IX) with or without isosorbide-5-mononitrate (ISMN) in chemo-naïve advanced non-small-cell lung cancer. PATIENTS AND METHODS Initially, 74 patients were randomly assigned to either IP or IX. Given the potential benefits of ISMN on chemotherapy, the protocol was amended during the study. Subsequently, 72 patients were randomly assigned to either IP + ISMN or IX + ISMN. Patients were treated with predefined second-line therapies (docetaxel/capecitabine for IP or IP + ISMN, docetaxel/cisplatin for IX or IX + ISMN) when disease progressed. RESULTS A total of 146 received treatment. Response rate (RR), median progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS) were 49%, 5.5 months, 14.5 months in IP; 33%, 3.3 months, 13.0 months in IP + ISMN; 30%, 4.3 months, 16.1 months in IX; and 25%, 3.4 months, 13.6 months in IX + ISMN, respectively. While IP arm showed a trend toward higher RR and longer PFS than IX arm, IX arm showed a trend toward longer OS than IP arm. No significant differences were observed between IP + ISMN and IX + ISMN. CONCLUSION IP showed better RR and PFS but no OS benefit when compared with IX. The addition of ISMN to IP or IX chemotherapy did not seem to improve the treatment outcome.
Aaltonen T, Álvarez González B, Amerio S, Amidei D, Anastassov A, Annovi A, Antos J, Apollinari G, Appel JA, Arisawa T, Artikov A, Asaadi J, Ashmanskas W, Auerbach B, Aurisano A, Azfar F, Badgett W, Bae T, Barbaro-Galtieri A, Barnes VE, Barnett BA, Barria P, Bartos P, Bauce M, Bedeschi F, Behari S, Bellettini G, Bellinger J, Benjamin D, Beretvas A, Bhatti A, Bisello D, Bizjak I, Bland KR, Blumenfeld B, Bocci A, Bodek A, Bortoletto D, Boudreau J, Boveia A, Brigliadori L, Bromberg C, Brucken E, Budagov J, Budd HS, Burkett K, Busetto G, Bussey P, Buzatu A, Calamba A, Calancha C, Camarda S, Campanelli M, Campbell M, Canelli F, Carls B, Carlsmith D, Carosi R, Carrillo S, Carron S, Casal B, Casarsa M, Castro A, Catastini P, Cauz D, Cavaliere V, Cavalli-Sforza M, Cerri A, Cerrito L, Chen YC, Chertok M, Chiarelli G, Chlachidze G, Chlebana F, Cho K, Chokheli D, Chung WH, Chung YS, Ciocci MA, Clark A, Clarke C, Compostella G, Convery ME, Conway J, Corbo M, Cordelli M, Cox CA, Cox DJ, Crescioli F, Cuevas J, Culbertson R, Dagenhart D, d'Ascenzo N, Datta M, de Barbaro P, Dell'Orso M, Demortier L, Deninno M, Devoto F, d'Errico M, Di Canto A, Di Ruzza B, Dittmann JR, D'Onofrio M, Donati S, Dong P, Dorigo M, Dorigo T, Ebina K, Elagin A, Eppig A, Erbacher R, Errede S, Ershaidat N, Eusebi R, Farrington S, Feindt M, Fernandez JP, Field R, Flanagan G, Forrest R, Frank MJ, Franklin M, Freeman JC, Funakoshi Y, Furic I, Gallinaro M, Garcia JE, Garfinkel AF, Garosi P, Gerberich H, Gerchtein E, Giagu S, Giakoumopoulou V, Giannetti P, Gibson K, Ginsburg CM, Giokaris N, Giromini P, Giurgiu G, Glagolev V, Glenzinski D, Gold M, Goldin D, Goldschmidt N, Golossanov A, Gomez G, Gomez-Ceballos G, Goncharov M, González O, Gorelov I, Goshaw AT, Goulianos K, Grillo L, Grinstein S, Grosso-Pilcher C, Group RC, Guimaraes da Costa J, Hahn SR, Halkiadakis E, Hamaguchi A, Han JY, Happacher F, Hara K, Hare D, Hare M, Harr RF, Hatakeyama K, Hays C, Heck M, Heinrich J, Herndon M, Hewamanage S, Hocker A, Hopkins W, Horn D, Hou S, Hughes RE, Hurwitz M, Husemann U, Hussain N, Hussein M, Huston J, Introzzi G, Iori M, Ivanov A, James E, Jang D, Jayatilaka B, Jeon EJ, Jindariani S, Jones M, Joo KK, Jun SY, Junk TR, Kamon T, Karchin PE, Kasmi A, Kato Y, Ketchum W, Keung J, Khotilovich V, Kilminster B, Kim DH, Kim HS, Kim JE, Kim MJ, Kim SB, Kim SH, Kim YK, Kim YJ, Kimura N, Kirby M, Klimenko S, Knoepfel K, Kondo K, Kong DJ, Konigsberg J, Kotwal AV, Kreps M, Kroll J, Krop D, Kruse M, Krutelyov V, Kuhr T, Kurata M, Kwang S, Laasanen AT, Lami S, Lammel S, Lancaster M, Lander RL, Lannon K, Lath A, Latino G, LeCompte T, Lee E, Lee HS, Lee JS, Lee SW, Leo S, Leone S, Lewis JD, Limosani A, Lin CJ, Lindgren M, Lipeles E, Lister A, Litvintsev DO, Liu C, Liu H, Liu Q, Liu T, Lockwitz S, Loginov A, Lucchesi D, Lueck J, Lujan P, Lukens P, Lungu G, Lys J, Lysak R, Madrak R, Maeshima K, Maestro P, Malik S, Manca G, Manousakis-Katsikakis A, Margaroli F, Marino C, Martínez M, Mastrandrea P, Matera K, Mattson ME, Mazzacane A, Mazzanti P, McFarland KS, McIntyre P, McNulty R, Mehta A, Mehtala P, Mesropian C, Miao T, Mietlicki D, Mitra A, Miyake H, Moed S, Moggi N, Mondragon MN, Moon CS, Moore R, Morello MJ, Morlock J, Movilla Fernandez P, Mukherjee A, Muller T, Murat P, Mussini M, Nachtman J, Nagai Y, Naganoma J, Nakano I, Napier A, Nett J, Neu C, Neubauer MS, Nielsen J, Nodulman L, Noh SY, Norniella O, Oakes L, Oh SH, Oh YD, Oksuzian I, Okusawa T, Orava R, Ortolan L, Pagan Griso S, Pagliarone C, Palencia E, Papadimitriou V, Paramonov AA, Patrick J, Pauletta G, Paulini M, Paus C, Pellett DE, Penzo A, Phillips TJ, Piacentino G, Pianori E, Pilot J, Pitts K, Plager C, Pondrom L, Poprocki S, Potamianos K, Prokoshin F, Pranko A, Ptohos F, Punzi G, Rahaman A, Ramakrishnan V, Ranjan N, Redondo I, Renton P, Rescigno M, Riddick T, Rimondi F, Ristori L, Robson A, Rodrigo T, Rodriguez T, Rogers E, Rolli S, Roser R, Ruffini F, Ruiz A, Russ J, Rusu V, Safonov A, Sakumoto WK, Sakurai Y, Santi L, Sato K, Saveliev V, Savoy-Navarro A, Schlabach P, Schmidt A, Schmidt EE, Schwarz T, Scodellaro L, Scribano A, Scuri F, Seidel S, Seiya Y, Semenov A, Sforza F, Shalhout SZ, Shears T, Shepard PF, Shimojima M, Shochet M, Shreyber-Tecker I, Simonenko A, Sinervo P, Sliwa K, Smith JR, Snider FD, Soha A, Sorin V, Song H, Squillacioti P, Stancari M, St Denis R, Stelzer B, Stelzer-Chilton O, Stentz D, Strologas J, Strycker GL, Sudo Y, Sukhanov A, Suslov I, Takemasa K, Takeuchi Y, Tang J, Tecchio M, Teng PK, Thom J, Thome J, Thompson GA, Thomson E, Toback D, Tokar S, Tollefson K, Tomura T, Tonelli D, Torre S, Torretta D, Totaro P, Trovato M, Ukegawa F, Uozumi S, Varganov A, Vázquez F, Velev G, Vellidis C, Vidal M, Vila I, Vilar R, Vizán J, Vogel M, Volpi G, Wagner P, Wagner RL, Wakisaka T, Wallny R, Wang SM, Warburton A, Waters D, Wester WC, Whiteson D, Wicklund AB, Wicklund E, Wilbur S, Wick F, Williams HH, Wilson JS, Wilson P, Winer BL, Wittich P, Wolbers S, Wolfe H, Wright T, Wu X, Wu Z, Yamamoto K, Yamato D, Yang T, Yang UK, Yang YC, Yao WM, Yeh GP, Yi K, Yoh J, Yorita K, Yoshida T, Yu GB, Yu I, Yu SS, Yun JC, Zanetti A, Zeng Y, Zhou C, Zucchelli S. Measurement of the bottom-strange meson mixing phase in the full CDF data set. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2012; 109:171802. [PMID: 23215176 DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.109.171802] [Citation(s) in RCA: 10] [Impact Index Per Article: 0.8] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 08/14/2012] [Indexed: 06/01/2023]
We report a measurement of the bottom-strange meson mixing phase β(s) using the time evolution of B(s)(0)→J/ψ(→μ(+)μ(-))φ(→K(+)K(-)) decays in which the quark-flavor content of the bottom-strange meson is identified at production. This measurement uses the full data set of proton-antiproton collisions at √s=1.96 TeV collected by the Collider Detector experiment at the Fermilab Tevatron, corresponding to 9.6 fb(-1) of integrated luminosity. We report confidence regions in the two-dimensional space of β(s) and the B(s)(0) decay-width difference ΔΓ(s) and measure β(s)∈[-π/2,-1.51]∪[-0.06,0.30]∪[1.26,π/2] at the 68% confidence level, in agreement with the standard model expectation. Assuming the standard model value of β(s), we also determine ΔΓ(s)=0.068±0.026(stat)±0.009(syst) ps(-1) and the mean B(s)(0) lifetime τ(s)=1.528±0.019(stat)±0.009(syst) ps, which are consistent and competitive with determinations by other experiments.