Hayrapetyan A, Tumasyan A, Adam W, Andrejkovic JW, Bergauer T, Chatterjee S, Damanakis K, Dragicevic M, Hussain PS, Jeitler M, Krammer N, Li A, Liko D, Mikulec I, Schieck J, Schöfbeck R, Schwarz D, Sonawane M, Templ S, Waltenberger W, Wulz CE, Darwish MR, Janssen T, Van Mechelen P, Bols ES, D'Hondt J, Dansana S, De Moor A, Delcourt M, El Faham H, Lowette S, Makarenko I, Müller D, Sahasransu AR, Tavernier S, Tytgat M, Van Onsem GP, Van Putte S, Vannerom D, Clerbaux B, Das AK, De Lentdecker G, Favart L, Gianneios P, Hohov D, Jaramillo J, Khalilzadeh A, Khan FA, Lee K, Mahdavikhorrami M, Malara A, Paredes S, Thomas L, Vanden Bemden M, Vander Velde C, Vanlaer P, De Coen M, Dobur D, Hong Y, Knolle J, Lambrecht L, Mestdach G, Mota Amarilo K, Rendón C, Samalan A, Skovpen K, Van Den Bossche N, van der Linden J, Wezenbeek L, Benecke A, Bethani A, Bruno G, Caputo C, Delaere C, Donertas IS, Giammanco A, Jaffel K, Jain S, Lemaitre V, Lidrych J, Mastrapasqua P, Mondal K, Tran TT, Wertz S, Alves GA, Coelho E, Hensel C, Menezes De Oliveira T, Moraes A, Rebello Teles P, Soeiro M, Aldá Júnior WL, Alves Gallo Pereira M, Barroso Ferreira Filho M, Brandao Malbouisson H, Carvalho W, Chinellato J, Da Costa EM, Da Silveira GG, De Jesus Damiao D, Fonseca De Souza S, Gomes De Souza R, Martins J, Mora Herrera C, Mundim L, Nogima H, Pinheiro JP, Santoro A, Sznajder A, Thiel M, Vilela Pereira A, Bernardes CA, Calligaris L, Tomei TRFP, Gregores EM, Mercadante PG, Novaes SF, Orzari B, Padula SS, Aleksandrov A, Antchev G, Hadjiiska R, Iaydjiev P, Misheva M, Shopova M, Sultanov G, Dimitrov A, Litov L, Pavlov B, Petkov P, Petrov A, Shumka E, Keshri S, Thakur S, Cheng T, Javaid T, Yuan L, Hu Z, Liu J, Yi K, Chen GM, Chen HS, Chen M, Iemmi F, Jiang CH, Kapoor A, Liao H, Liu ZA, Sharma R, Song JN, Tao J, Wang C, Wang J, Wang Z, Zhang H, Agapitos A, Ban Y, Levin A, Li C, Li Q, Mao Y, Qian SJ, Sun X, Wang D, Yang H, Zhang L, Zhou C, You Z, Lu N, Bauer G, Gao X, Leggat D, Okawa H, Lin Z, Lu C, Xiao M, Ye Y, Avila C, Barbosa Trujillo DA, Cabrera A, Florez C, Fraga J, Reyes Vega JA, Mejia Guisao J, Ramirez F, Rodriguez M, Ruiz Alvarez JD, Giljanovic D, Godinovic N, Lelas D, Sculac A, Kovac M, Sculac T, Bargassa P, Brigljevic V, Chitroda BK, Ferencek D, Mishra S, Starodumov A, Susa T, Attikis A, Christoforou K, Konstantinou S, Mousa J, Nicolaou C, Ptochos F, Razis PA, Rykaczewski H, Saka H, Stepennov A, Finger M, Finger M, Kveton A, Ayala E, Carrera Jarrin E, Elgammal S, Ellithi Kamel A, Lotfy A, Mahmoud MA, Ehataht K, Kadastik M, Lange T, Nandan S, Nielsen C, Pata J, Raidal M, Tani L, Veelken C, Kirschenmann H, Osterberg K, Voutilainen M, Bharthuar S, Brücken E, Garcia F, Kallonen KTS, Kinnunen R, Lampén T, Lassila-Perini K, Lehti S, Lindén T, Martikainen L, Myllymäki M, Rantanen MM, Siikonen H, Tuominen E, Tuominiemi J, Luukka P, Petrow H, Besancon M, Couderc F, Dejardin M, Denegri D, Faure JL, Ferri F, Ganjour S, Gras P, Hamel de Monchenault G, Lohezic V, Malcles J, Rander J, Rosowsky A, Sahin MÖ, Savoy-Navarro A, Simkina P, Titov M, Tornago M, Baldenegro Barrera C, Beaudette F, Buchot Perraguin A, Busson P, Cappati A, Charlot C, Chiusi M, Damas F, Davignon O, De Wit A, Fontana Santos Alves BA, Ghosh S, Gilbert A, Granier de Cassagnac R, Hakimi A, Harikrishnan B, Kalipoliti L, Liu G, Motta J, Nguyen M, Ochando C, Portales L, Salerno R, Sauvan JB, Sirois Y, Tarabini A, Vernazza E, Zabi A, Zghiche A, Agram JL, Andrea J, Apparu D, Bloch D, Brom JM, Chabert EC, Collard C, Falke S, Goerlach U, Grimault C, Haeberle R, Le Bihan AC, Meena M, Saha G, Sessini MA, Van Hove P, Beauceron S, Blancon B, Boudoul G, Chanon N, Choi J, Contardo D, Depasse P, Dozen C, El Mamouni H, Fay J, Gascon S, Gouzevitch M, Greenberg C, Grenier G, Ille B, Laktineh IB, Lethuillier M, Mirabito L, Perries S, Purohit A, Vander Donckt M, Verdier P, Xiao J, Adamov G, Lomidze I, Tsamalaidze Z, Botta V, Feld L, Klein K, Lipinski M, Meuser D, Pauls A, Röwert N, Teroerde M, Diekmann S, Dodonova A, Eich N, Eliseev D, Engelke F, Erdmann J, Erdmann M, Fackeldey P, Fischer B, Hebbeker T, Hoepfner K, Ivone F, Jung A, Lee MY, Mausolf F, Merschmeyer M, Meyer A, Mukherjee S, Noll D, Nowotny F, Pozdnyakov A, Rath Y, Redjeb W, Rehm F, Reithler H, Sarkar U, Sarkisovi V, Schmidt A, Sharma A, Spah JL, Stein A, Torres Da Silva De Araujo F, Vigilante L, Wiedenbeck S, Zaleski S, Dziwok C, Flügge G, Haj Ahmad W, Kress T, Nowack A, Pooth O, Stahl A, Ziemons T, Zotz A, Aarup Petersen H, Aldaya Martin M, Alimena J, Amoroso S, An Y, Baxter S, Bayatmakou M, Becerril Gonzalez H, Behnke O, Belvedere A, Bhattacharya S, Blekman F, Borras K, Campbell A, Cardini A, Cheng C, Colombina F, Consuegra Rodríguez S, Correia Silva G, De Silva M, Eckerlin G, Eckstein D, Estevez Banos LI, Filatov O, Gallo E, Geiser A, Giraldi A, Guglielmi V, Guthoff M, Hinzmann A, Jafari A, Jeppe L, Jomhari NZ, Kaech B, Kasemann M, Kleinwort C, Kogler R, Komm M, Krücker D, Lange W, Leyva Pernia D, Lipka K, Lohmann W, Mankel R, Melzer-Pellmann IA, Mendizabal Morentin M, Meyer AB, Milella G, Mussgiller A, Nair LP, Nürnberg A, Otarid Y, Park J, Pérez Adán D, Ranken E, Raspereza A, Ribeiro Lopes B, Rübenach J, Saggio A, Scham M, Schnake S, Schütze P, Schwanenberger C, Selivanova D, Sharko K, Shchedrolosiev M, Sosa Ricardo RE, Stafford D, Vazzoler F, Ventura Barroso A, Walsh R, Wang Q, Wen Y, Wichmann K, Wiens L, Wissing C, Yang Y, Zimermmane Castro Santos A, Albrecht A, Albrecht S, Antonello M, Bein S, Benato L, Bollweg S, Bonanomi M, Connor P, Eich M, El Morabit K, Fischer Y, Garbers C, Garutti E, Grohsjean A, Haller J, Jabusch HR, Kasieczka G, Keicher P, Klanner R, Korcari W, Kramer T, Kutzner V, Labe F, Lange J, Lobanov A, Matthies C, Mehta A, Moureaux L, Mrowietz M, Nigamova A, Nissan Y, Paasch A, Pena Rodriguez KJ, Quadfasel T, Raciti B, Rieger M, Savoiu D, Schindler J, Schleper P, Schröder M, Schwandt J, Sommerhalder M, Stadie H, Steinbrück G, Tews A, Wolf M, Brommer S, Burkart M, Butz E, Chwalek T, Dierlamm A, Droll A, Faltermann N, Giffels M, Gottmann A, Hartmann F, Hofsaess R, Horzela M, Husemann U, Kieseler J, Klute M, Koppenhöfer R, Lawhorn JM, Link M, Lintuluoto A, Maier S, Mitra S, Mormile M, Müller T, Neukum M, Oh M, Presilla M, Quast G, Rabbertz K, Regnery B, Shadskiy N, Shvetsov I, Simonis HJ, Toms M, Trevisani N, Von Cube RF, Wassmer M, Wieland S, Wittig F, Wolf R, Zuo X, Anagnostou G, Daskalakis G, Kyriakis A, Papadopoulos A, Stakia A, Kontaxakis P, Melachroinos G, Panagiotou A, Papavergou I, Paraskevas I, Saoulidou N, Theofilatos K, Tziaferi E, Vellidis K, Zisopoulos I, Bakas G, Chatzistavrou T, Karapostoli G, Kousouris K, Papakrivopoulos I, Siamarkou E, Tsipolitis G, Zacharopoulou A, Adamidis K, Bestintzanos I, Evangelou I, Foudas C, Kamtsikis C, Katsoulis P, Kokkas P, Kosmoglou Kioseoglou PG, Manthos N, Papadopoulos I, Strologas J, Bartók M, Hajdu C, Horvath D, Márton K, Sikler F, Veszpremi V, Csanád M, Farkas K, Gadallah MMA, Kadlecsik Á, Major P, Mandal K, Pásztor G, Rádl AJ, Veres GI, Raics P, Ujvari B, Zilizi G, Bencze G, Czellar S, Molnar J, Szillasi Z, Csorgo T, Nemes F, Novak T, Babbar J, Bansal S, Beri SB, Bhatnagar V, Chaudhary G, Chauhan S, Dhingra N, Kaur A, Kaur A, Kaur H, Kaur M, Kumar S, Sandeep K, Sheokand T, Singh JB, Singla A, Ahmed A, Bhardwaj A, Chhetri A, Choudhary BC, Kumar A, Kumar A, Naimuddin M, Ranjan K, Saumya S, Baradia S, Barman S, Bhattacharya S, Dutta S, Dutta S, Sarkar S, Ameen MM, Behera PK, Behera SC, Chatterjee S, Jana P, Kalbhor P, Komaragiri JR, Kumar D, Pujahari PR, Saha NR, Sharma A, Sikdar AK, Verma S, Dugad S, Kumar M, Mohanty GB, Suryadevara P, Bala A, Banerjee S, Chatterjee RM, Dewanjee RK, Guchait M, Jain S, Jaiswal A, Karmakar S, Kumar S, Majumder G, Mazumdar K, Parolia S, Thachayath A, Bahinipati S, Kar C, Maity D, Mal P, Mishra T, Muraleedharan Nair Bindhu VK, Naskar K, Nayak A, Sadangi P, Saha P, Swain SK, Varghese S, Vats D, Acharya S, Alpana A, Dube S, Gomber B, Kansal B, Laha A, Sahu B, Sharma S, Vaish KY, Bakhshiansohi H, Khazaie E, Zeinali M, Chenarani S, Etesami SM, Khakzad M, Mohammadi Najafabadi M, Grunewald M, Abbrescia M, Aly R, Colaleo A, Creanza D, D'Anzi B, De Filippis N, De Palma M, Di Florio A, Elmetenawee W, Fiore L, Iaselli G, Louka M, Maggi G, Maggi M, Margjeka I, Mastrapasqua V, My S, Nuzzo S, Pellecchia A, Pompili A, Pugliese G, Radogna R, Ramirez-Sanchez G, Ramos D, Ranieri A, Silvestris L, Simone FM, Sözbilir Ü, Stamerra A, Venditti R, Verwilligen P, Zaza A, Abbiendi G, Battilana C, Bonacorsi D, Borgonovi L, Campanini R, Capiluppi P, Castro A, Cavallo FR, Cuffiani M, Dallavalle GM, Diotalevi T, Fabbri F, Fanfani A, Fasanella D, Giacomelli P, Giommi L, Grandi C, Guiducci L, Lo Meo S, Lunerti L, Marcellini S, Masetti G, Navarria FL, Perrotta A, Primavera F, Rossi AM, Siroli GP, Costa S, Di Mattia A, Potenza R, Tricomi A, Tuve C, Assiouras P, Barbagli G, Bardelli G, Camaiani B, Cassese A, Ceccarelli R, Ciulli V, Civinini C, D'Alessandro R, Focardi E, Kello T, Latino G, Lenzi P, Lizzo M, Meschini M, Paoletti S, Papanastassiou A, Sguazzoni G, Viliani L, Benussi L, Bianco S, Meola S, Piccolo D, Chatagnon P, Ferro F, Robutti E, Tosi S, Benaglia A, Boldrini G, Brivio F, Cetorelli F, De Guio F, Dinardo ME, Dini P, Gennai S, Gerosa R, Ghezzi A, Govoni P, Guzzi L, Lucchini MT, Malberti M, Malvezzi S, Massironi A, Menasce D, Moroni L, Paganoni M, Pedrini D, Pinolini BS, Ragazzi S, Tabarelli de Fatis T, Zuolo D, Buontempo S, Cagnotta A, Carnevali F, Cavallo N, Fabozzi F, Iorio AOM, Lista L, Paolucci P, Rossi B, Sciacca C, Ardino R, Azzi P, Bacchetta N, Bellato M, Bisello D, Bortignon P, Bragagnolo A, Carlin R, Checchia P, Dorigo T, Gasparini F, Lusiani E, Margoni M, Marini F, Meneguzzo AT, Migliorini M, Pazzini J, Ronchese P, Rossin R, Simonetto F, Strong G, Tosi M, Triossi A, Ventura S, Yarar H, Zanetti M, Zotto P, Zucchetta A, Zumerle G, Abu Zeid S, Aimè C, Braghieri A, Calzaferri S, Fiorina D, Montagna P, Re V, Riccardi C, Salvini P, Vai I, Vitulo P, Ajmal S, Bilei GM, Ciangottini D, Fanò L, Magherini M, Mantovani G, Mariani V, Menichelli M, Moscatelli F, Rossi A, Santocchia A, Spiga D, Tedeschi T, Asenov P, Azzurri P, Bagliesi G, Bhattacharya R, Bianchini L, Boccali T, Bossini E, Bruschini D, Castaldi R, Ciocci MA, Cipriani M, D'Amante V, Dell'Orso R, Donato S, Giassi A, Ligabue F, Matos Figueiredo D, Messineo A, Musich M, Palla F, Rizzi A, Rolandi G, Roy Chowdhury S, Sarkar T, Scribano A, Spagnolo P, Tenchini R, Tonelli G, Turini N, Venturi A, Verdini PG, Barria P, Basile C, Campana M, Cavallari F, Cunqueiro Mendez L, Del Re D, Di Marco E, Diemoz M, Errico F, Longo E, Meridiani P, Mijuskovic J, Organtini G, Pandolfi F, Paramatti R, Quaranta C, Rahatlou S, Rovelli C, Santanastasio F, Soffi L, Amapane N, Arcidiacono R, Argiro S, Arneodo M, Bartosik N, Bellan R, Bellora A, Biino C, Borca C, Cartiglia N, Costa M, Covarelli R, Demaria N, Finco L, Grippo M, Kiani B, Legger F, Luongo F, Mariotti C, Markovic L, Maselli S, Mecca A, Migliore E, Monteno M, Mulargia R, Obertino MM, Ortona G, Pacher L, Pastrone N, Pelliccioni M, Ruspa M, Siviero F, Sola V, Solano A, Staiano A, Tarricone C, Trocino D, Umoret G, Vlasov E, Belforte S, Candelise V, Casarsa M, Cossutti F, De Leo K, Della Ricca G, Dogra S, Hong J, Huh C, Kim B, Kim DH, Kim J, Lee H, Lee SW, Moon CS, Oh YD, Ryu MS, Sekmen S, Yang YC, Kim MS, Bak G, Gwak P, Kim H, Moon DH, Asilar E, Kim D, Kim TJ, Merlin JA, Choi S, Han S, Hong B, Lee K, Lee KS, Lee S, Park J, Park SK, Yoo J, Goh J, Yang S, Kim HS, Kim Y, Lee S, Almond J, Bhyun JH, Choi J, Jun W, Kim J, Ko S, Kwon H, Lee H, Lee J, Lee J, Oh BH, Oh SB, Seo H, Yang UK, Yoon I, Jang W, Kang DY, Kang Y, Kim S, Ko B, Lee JSH, Lee Y, Park IC, Roh Y, Watson IJ, Ha S, Yoo HD, Choi M, Kim MR, Lee H, Lee Y, Yu I, Beyrouthy T, Dreimanis K, Gaile A, Pikurs G, Potrebko A, Seidel M, Veckalns V, Strautnieks NR, Ambrozas M, Juodagalvis A, Rinkevicius A, Tamulaitis G, Bin Norjoharuddeen N, Yusuff I, Zolkapli Z, Benitez JF, Castaneda Hernandez A, Encinas Acosta HA, Gallegos Maríñez LG, León Coello M, Murillo Quijada JA, Sehrawat A, Valencia Palomo L, Ayala G, Castilla-Valdez H, Crotte Ledesma H, De La Cruz-Burelo E, Heredia-De La Cruz I, Lopez-Fernandez R, Mondragon Herrera CA, Sánchez Hernández A, Oropeza Barrera C, Ramírez García M, Bautista I, Pedraza I, Salazar Ibarguen HA, Uribe Estrada C, Bubanja I, Raicevic N, Butler PH, Ahmad A, Asghar MI, Awais A, Awan MIM, Hoorani HR, Khan WA, Avati V, Grzanka L, Malawski M, Bialkowska H, Bluj M, Boimska B, Górski M, Kazana M, Szleper M, Zalewski P, Bunkowski K, Doroba K, Kalinowski A, Konecki M, Krolikowski J, Muhammad A, Pozniak K, Zabolotny W, Araujo M, Bastos D, Beirão Da Cruz E Silva C, Boletti A, Bozzo M, Camporesi T, Da Molin G, Faccioli P, Gallinaro M, Hollar J, Leonardo N, Niknejad T, Petrilli A, Pisano M, Seixas J, Varela J, Wulff JW, Adzic P, Milenovic P, Dordevic M, Milosevic J, Rekovic V, Aguilar-Benitez M, Alcaraz Maestre J, Bedoya CF, Cepeda M, Cerrada M, Colino N, De La Cruz B, Delgado Peris A, Escalante Del Valle A, Fernández Del Val D, Fernández Ramos JP, Flix J, Fouz MC, Gonzalez Lopez O, Goy Lopez S, Hernandez JM, Josa MI, Moran D, Morcillo Perez CM, Navarro Tobar Á, Perez Dengra C, Pérez-Calero Yzquierdo A, Puerta Pelayo J, Redondo I, Redondo Ferrero DD, Romero L, Sánchez Navas S, Urda Gómez L, Vazquez Escobar J, Willmott C, de Trocóniz JF, Alvarez Gonzalez B, Cuevas J, Fernandez Menendez J, Folgueras S, Gonzalez Caballero I, González Fernández JR, Palencia Cortezon E, Ramón Álvarez C, Rodríguez Bouza V, Soto Rodríguez A, Trapote A, Vico Villalba C, Vischia P, Bhowmik S, Blanco Fernández S, Brochero Cifuentes JA, Cabrillo IJ, Calderon A, Duarte Campderros J, Fernandez M, Gomez G, Lasaosa García C, Martinez Rivero C, Martinez Ruiz Del Arbol P, Matorras F, Matorras Cuevas P, Navarrete Ramos E, Piedra Gomez J, Scodellaro L, Vila I, Vizan Garcia JM, Jayananda MK, Kailasapathy B, Sonnadara DUJ, Wickramarathna DDC, Dharmaratna WGD, Liyanage K, Perera N, Wickramage N, Abbaneo D, Amendola C, Auffray E, Auzinger G, Baechler J, Barney D, Bermúdez Martínez A, Bianco M, Bilin B, Bin Anuar AA, Bocci A, Botta C, Brondolin E, Caillol C, Cerminara G, Chernyavskaya N, d'Enterria D, Dabrowski A, David A, De Roeck A, Defranchis MM, Deile M, Dobson M, Forthomme L, Franzoni G, Funk W, Giani S, Gigi D, Gill K, Glege F, Gouskos L, Haranko M, Hegeman J, Huber B, Innocente V, James T, Janot P, Laurila S, Lecoq P, Leutgeb E, Lourenço C, Maier B, Malgeri L, Mannelli M, Marini AC, Matthewman M, Meijers F, Mersi S, Meschi E, Milosevic V, Monti F, Moortgat F, Mulders M, Neutelings I, Orfanelli S, Pantaleo F, Petrucciani G, Pfeiffer A, Pierini M, Piparo D, Qu H, Rabady D, Reales Gutiérrez G, Rovere M, Sakulin H, Scarfi S, Schwick C, Selvaggi M, Sharma A, Shchelina K, Silva P, Sphicas P, Stahl Leiton AG, Steen A, Summers S, Treille D, Tropea P, Tsirou A, Walter D, Wanczyk J, Wang J, Wuchterl S, Zehetner P, Zejdl P, Zeuner WD, Bevilacqua T, Caminada L, Ebrahimi A, Erdmann W, Horisberger R, Ingram Q, Kaestli HC, Kotlinski D, Lange C, Missiroli M, Noehte L, Rohe T, Aarrestad TK, Androsov K, Backhaus M, Calandri A, Cazzaniga C, Datta K, De Cosa A, Dissertori G, Dittmar M, Donegà M, Eble F, Galli M, Gedia K, Glessgen F, Grab C, Hits D, Lustermann W, Lyon AM, Manzoni RA, Marchegiani M, Marchese L, Martin Perez C, Mascellani A, Nessi-Tedaldi F, Pauss F, Perovic V, Pigazzini S, Reissel C, Reitenspiess T, Ristic B, Riti F, Seidita R, Steggemann J, Valsecchi D, Wallny R, Amsler C, Bärtschi P, Brzhechko D, Canelli MF, Cormier K, Heikkilä JK, Huwiler M, Jin W, Jofrehei A, Kilminster B, Leontsinis S, Liechti SP, Macchiolo A, Meiring P, Molinatti U, Reimers A, Robmann P, Sanchez Cruz S, Senger M, Stäger F, Takahashi Y, Tramontano R, Adloff C, Bhowmik D, Kuo CM, Lin W, Rout PK, Tiwari PC, Yu SS, Ceard L, Chao Y, Chen KF, Chen PS, Chen ZG, De Iorio A, Hou WS, Hsu TH, Kao YW, Khurana R, Kole G, Li YY, Lu RS, Paganis E, Su XF, Thomas-Wilsker J, Tsai LS, Wu HY, Yazgan E, Asawatangtrakuldee C, Srimanobhas N, Wachirapusitanand V, Agyel D, Boran F, Demiroglu ZS, Dolek F, Dumanoglu I, Eskut E, Guler Y, Gurpinar Guler E, Isik C, Kara O, Kayis Topaksu A, Kiminsu U, Onengut G, Ozdemir K, Polatoz A, Tali B, Tok UG, Turkcapar S, Uslan E, Zorbakir IS, Yalvac M, Akgun B, Atakisi IO, Gülmez E, Kaya M, Kaya O, Tekten S, Cakir A, Cankocak K, Komurcu Y, Sen S, Aydilek O, Cerci S, Epshteyn V, Hacisahinoglu B, Hos I, Kaynak B, Ozkorucuklu S, Potok O, Sert H, Simsek C, Zorbilmez C, Isildak B, Sunar Cerci D, Boyaryntsev A, Grynyov B, Levchuk L, Anthony D, Brooke JJ, Bundock A, Bury F, Clement E, Cussans D, Flacher H, Glowacki M, Goldstein J, Heath HF, Kreczko L, Paramesvaran S, Robertshaw L, Seif El Nasr-Storey S, Smith VJ, Stylianou N, Walkingshaw Pass K, White R, Ball AH, Bell KW, Belyaev A, Brew C, Brown RM, Cockerill DJA, Cooke C, Ellis KV, Harder K, Harper S, Holmberg ML, Linacre J, Manolopoulos K, Newbold DM, Olaiya E, Petyt D, Reis T, Salvi G, Schuh T, Shepherd-Themistocleous CH, Tomalin IR, Williams T, Bainbridge R, Bloch P, Brown CE, Buchmuller O, Cacchio V, Carrillo Montoya CA, Chahal GS, Colling D, Dancu JS, Das I, Dauncey P, Davies G, Davies J, Della Negra M, Fayer S, Fedi G, Hall G, Hassanshahi MH, Howard A, Iles G, Knight M, Langford J, León Holgado J, Lyons L, Magnan AM, Malik S, Mieskolainen M, Nash J, Pesaresi M, Radburn-Smith BC, Richards A, Rose A, Savva K, Seez C, Shukla R, Tapper A, Uchida K, Uttley GP, Vage LH, Virdee T, Vojinovic M, Wardle N, Winterbottom D, Coldham K, Cole JE, Khan A, Kyberd P, Reid ID, Abdullin S, Brinkerhoff A, Caraway B, Dittmann J, Hatakeyama K, Hiltbrand J, McMaster B, Saunders M, Sawant S, Sutantawibul C, Wilson J, Bartek R, Dominguez A, Huerta Escamilla C, Simsek AE, Uniyal R, Vargas Hernandez AM, Bam B, Chudasama R, Cooper SI, Gleyzer SV, Perez CU, Rumerio P, Usai E, Yi R, Akpinar A, Arcaro D, Cosby C, Demiragli Z, Erice C, Fangmeier C, Fernandez Madrazo C, Fontanesi E, Gastler D, Golf F, Jeon S, Reed I, Rohlf J, Salyer K, Sperka D, Spitzbart D, Suarez I, Tsatsos A, Yuan S, Zecchinelli AG, Benelli G, Coubez X, Cutts D, Hadley M, Heintz U, Hogan JM, Kwon T, Landsberg G, Lau KT, Li D, Luo J, Mondal S, Narain M, Pervan N, Sagir S, Simpson F, Stamenkovic M, Yan X, Zhang W, Abbott S, Bonilla J, Brainerd C, Breedon R, Calderon De La Barca Sanchez M, Chertok M, Citron M, Conway J, Cox PT, Erbacher R, Jensen F, Kukral O, Mocellin G, Mulhearn M, Pellett D, Wei W, Yao Y, Zhang F, Bachtis M, Cousins R, Datta A, Flores Avila G, Hauser J, Ignatenko M, Iqbal MA, Lam T, Manca E, Nunez Del Prado A, Saltzberg D, Valuev V, Clare R, Gary JW, Gordon M, Hanson G, Si W, Wimpenny S, Branson JG, Cittolin S, Cooperstein S, Diaz D, Duarte J, Giannini L, Guiang J, Kansal R, Krutelyov V, Lee R, Letts J, Masciovecchio M, Mokhtar F, Mukherjee S, Pieri M, Quinnan M, Sathia Narayanan BV, Sharma V, Tadel M, Vourliotis E, Würthwein F, Xiang Y, Yagil A, Barzdukas A, Brennan L, Campagnari C, Incandela J, Kim J, Li AJ, Masterson P, Mei H, Richman J, Sarica U, Schmitz R, Setti F, Sheplock J, Stuart D, Vámi TÁ, Wang S, Bornheim A, Cerri O, Latorre A, Mao J, Newman HB, Spiropulu M, Vlimant JR, Wang C, Xie S, Zhu RY, Alison J, An S, Andrews MB, Bryant P, Cremonesi M, Dutta V, Ferguson T, Harilal A, Liu C, Mudholkar T, Murthy S, Palit P, Paulini M, Roberts A, Sanchez A, Terrill W, Cumalat JP, Ford WT, Hart A, Hassani A, Karathanasis G, MacDonald E, Manganelli N, Perloff A, Savard C, Schonbeck N, Stenson K, Ulmer KA, Wagner SR, Zipper N, Alexander J, Bright-Thonney S, Chen X, Cranshaw DJ, Fan J, Fan X, Gadkari D, Hogan S, Kotamnives P, Monroy J, Oshiro M, Patterson JR, Reichert J, Reid M, Ryd A, Thom J, Wittich P, Zou R, Albrow M, Alyari M, Amram O, Apollinari G, Apresyan A, Bauerdick LAT, Berry D, Berryhill J, Bhat PC, Burkett K, Butler JN, Canepa A, Cerati GB, Cheung HWK, Chlebana F, Cummings G, Dickinson J, Dutta I, Elvira VD, Feng Y, Freeman J, Gandrakota A, Gecse Z, Gray L, Green D, Grummer A, Grünendahl S, Guerrero D, Gutsche O, Harris RM, Heller R, Herwig TC, Hirschauer J, Horyn L, Jayatilaka B, Jindariani S, Johnson M, Joshi U, Klijnsma T, Klima B, Kwok KHM, Lammel S, Lincoln D, Lipton R, Liu T, Madrid C, Maeshima K, Mantilla C, Mason D, McBride P, Merkel P, Mrenna S, Nahn S, Ngadiuba J, Noonan D, Papadimitriou V, Pastika N, Pedro K, Pena C, Ravera F, Reinsvold Hall A, Ristori L, Sexton-Kennedy E, Smith N, Soha A, Spiegel L, Stoynev S, Strait J, Taylor L, Tkaczyk S, Tran NV, Uplegger L, Vaandering EW, Zoi I, Aruta C, Avery P, Bourilkov D, Cadamuro L, Chang P, Cherepanov V, Field RD, Koenig E, Kolosova M, Konigsberg J, Korytov A, Matchev K, Menendez N, Mitselmakher G, Mohrman K, Muthirakalayil Madhu A, Rawal N, Rosenzweig D, Rosenzweig S, Wang J, Adams T, Al Kadhim A, Askew A, Bower S, Habibullah R, Hagopian V, Hashmi R, Kim RS, Kim S, Kolberg T, Martinez G, Prosper H, Prova PR, Wulansatiti M, Yohay R, Zhang J, Alsufyani B, Baarmand MM, Butalla S, Elkafrawy T, Hohlmann M, Kumar Verma R, Rahmani M, Yanes E, Adams MR, Baty A, Bennett C, Cavanaugh R, Escobar Franco R, Evdokimov O, Gerber CE, Hofman DJ, Lee JH, Lemos DS, Merrit AH, Mills C, Nanda S, Oh G, Ozek B, Pilipovic D, Pradhan R, Roy T, Rudrabhatla S, Tonjes MB, Varelas N, Ye Z, Yoo J, Alhusseini M, Blend D, Dilsiz K, Emediato L, Karaman G, Köseyan OK, Merlo JP, Mestvirishvili A, Nachtman J, Neogi O, Ogul H, Onel Y, Penzo A, Snyder C, Tiras E, Blumenfeld B, Corcodilos L, Davis J, Gritsan AV, Kang L, Kyriacou S, Maksimovic P, Roguljic M, Roskes J, Sekhar S, Swartz M, Abreu A, Alcerro Alcerro LF, Anguiano J, Baringer P, Bean A, Flowers Z, Grove D, King J, Krintiras G, Lazarovits M, Le Mahieu C, Marquez J, Minafra N, Murray M, Nickel M, Pitt M, Popescu S, Rogan C, Royon C, Salvatico R, Sanders S, Smith C, Wang Q, Wilson G, Allmond B, Ivanov A, Kaadze K, Kalogeropoulos A, Kim D, Maravin Y, Natoli J, Roy D, Sorrentino G, Rebassoo F, Wright D, Baden A, Belloni A, Chen YM, Eno SC, Hadley NJ, Jabeen S, Kellogg RG, Koeth T, Lai Y, Lascio S, Mignerey AC, Nabili S, Palmer C, Papageorgakis C, Paranjpe MM, Wang L, Bendavid J, Cali IA, D'Alfonso M, Eysermans J, Freer C, Gomez-Ceballos G, Goncharov M, Grosso G, Harris P, Hoang D, Kovalskyi D, Krupa J, Lavezzo L, Lee YJ, Long K, Novak A, Paus C, Rankin D, Roland C, Roland G, Rothman S, Stephans GSF, Wang Z, Wyslouch B, Yang TJ, Crossman B, Joshi BM, Kapsiak C, Krohn M, Mahon D, Mans J, Marzocchi B, Pandey S, Revering M, Rusack R, Saradhy R, Schroeder N, Strobbe N, Wadud MA, Cremaldi LM, Bloom K, Claes DR, Haza G, Hossain J, Joo C, Kravchenko I, Siado JE, Tabb W, Vagnerini A, Wightman A, Yan F, Yu D, Bandyopadhyay H, Hay L, Iashvili I, Kharchilava A, Morris M, Nguyen D, Rappoccio S, Rejeb Sfar H, Williams A, Alverson G, Barberis E, Dervan J, Haddad Y, Han Y, Krishna A, Li J, Lu M, Madigan G, Mccarthy R, Morse DM, Nguyen V, Orimoto T, Parker A, Skinnari L, Wang B, Wood D, Bhattacharya S, Bueghly J, Chen Z, Dittmer S, Hahn KA, Liu Y, Miao Y, Monk DG, Schmitt MH, Taliercio A, Velasco M, Agarwal G, Band R, Bucci R, Castells S, Das A, Goldouzian R, Hildreth M, Ho KW, Hurtado Anampa K, Ivanov T, Jessop C, Lannon K, Lawrence J, Loukas N, Lutton L, Mariano J, Marinelli N, Mcalister I, McCauley T, Mcgrady C, Moore C, Musienko Y, Nelson H, Osherson M, Piccinelli A, Ruchti R, Townsend A, Wan Y, Wayne M, Yockey H, Zarucki M, Zygala L, Basnet A, Bylsma B, Carrigan M, Durkin LS, Hill C, Joyce M, Nunez Ornelas M, Wei K, Winer BL, Yates BR, Addesa FM, Bouchamaoui H, Das P, Dezoort G, Elmer P, Frankenthal A, Greenberg B, Haubrich N, Kopp G, Kwan S, Lange D, Loeliger A, Marlow D, Ojalvo I, Olsen J, Shevelev A, Stickland D, Tully C, Malik S, Bakshi AS, Barnes VE, Chandra S, Chawla R, Das S, Gu A, Gutay L, Jones M, Jung AW, Kondratyev D, Koshy AM, Liu M, Negro G, Neumeister N, Paspalaki G, Piperov S, Scheurer V, Schulte JF, Stojanovic M, Thieman J, Virdi AK, Wang F, Xie W, Dolen J, Parashar N, Pathak A, Acosta D, Carnahan T, Ecklund KM, Fernández Manteca PJ, Freed S, Gardner P, Geurts FJM, Li W, Miguel Colin O, Padley BP, Redjimi R, Rotter J, Yigitbasi E, Zhang Y, Bodek A, de Barbaro P, Demina R, Dulemba JL, Garcia-Bellido A, Hindrichs O, Khukhunaishvili A, Parmar N, Parygin P, Popova E, Taus R, Goulianos K, Chiarito B, Chou JP, Gershtein Y, Halkiadakis E, Heindl M, Houghton C, Jaroslawski D, Karacheban O, Laflotte I, Lath A, Montalvo R, Nash K, Routray H, Salur S, Schnetzer S, Somalwar S, Stone R, Thayil SA, Thomas S, Vora J, Wang H, Acharya H, Ally D, Delannoy AG, Fiorendi S, Higginbotham S, Holmes T, Kanuganti AR, Karunarathna N, Lee L, Nibigira E, Spanier S, Aebi D, Ahmad M, Bouhali O, Eusebi R, Gilmore J, Huang T, Kamon T, Kim H, Luo S, Mueller R, Overton D, Rathjens D, Safonov A, Akchurin N, Damgov J, Hegde V, Hussain A, Kazhykarim Y, Lamichhane K, Lee SW, Mankel A, Peltola T, Volobouev I, Whitbeck A, Appelt E, Chen Y, Greene S, Gurrola A, Johns W, Kunnawalkam Elayavalli R, Melo A, Romeo F, Sheldon P, Tuo S, Velkovska J, Viinikainen J, Cardwell B, Cox B, Hakala J, Hirosky R, Ledovskoy A, Neu C, Perez Lara CE, Karchin PE, Aravind A, Banerjee S, Black K, Bose T, Dasu S, De Bruyn I, Everaerts P, Galloni C, He H, Herndon M, Herve A, Koraka CK, Lanaro A, Loveless R, Madhusudanan Sreekala J, Mallampalli A, Mohammadi A, Mondal S, Parida G, Pétré L, Pinna D, Savin A, Shang V, Sharma V, Smith WH, Teague D, Tsoi HF, Vetens W, Warden A, Afanasiev S, Andreev V, Andreev Y, Aushev T, Azarkin M, Babaev A, Belyaev A, Blinov V, Boos E, Borshch V, Budkouski D, Chekhovsky V, Chistov R, Danilov M, Dermenev A, Dimova T, Druzhkin D, Dubinin M, Dudko L, Ershov A, Gavrilov G, Gavrilov V, Gninenko S, Golovtcov V, Golubev N, Golutvin I, Gorbunov I, Ivanov Y, Kachanov V, Karjavine V, Karneyeu A, Kim V, Kirakosyan M, Kirpichnikov D, Kirsanov M, Klyukhin V, Kodolova O, Korenkov V, Kozyrev A, Krasnikov N, Lanev A, Levchenko P, Lukina O, Lychkovskaya N, Makarenko V, Malakhov A, Matveev V, Murzin V, Nikitenko A, Obraztsov S, Oreshkin V, Palichik V, Perelygin V, Petrushanko S, Polikarpov S, Popov V, Radchenko O, Savina M, Savrin V, Shalaev V, Shmatov S, Shulha S, Skovpen Y, Slabospitskii S, Smirnov V, Snigirev A, Sosnov D, Sulimov V, Tcherniaev E, Terkulov A, Teryaev O, Tlisova I, Toropin A, Uvarov L, Uzunian A, Vardanyan I, Vorobyev A, Voytishin N, Yuldashev BS, Zarubin A, Zhizhin I, Zhokin A. Measurement of Energy Correlators inside Jets and Determination of the Strong Coupling α_{S}(m_{Z}). PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2024; 133:071903. [PMID: 39213583 DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.133.071903] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 02/21/2024] [Revised: 05/17/2024] [Accepted: 06/10/2024] [Indexed: 09/04/2024]
Energy correlators that describe energy-weighted distances between two or three particles in a hadronic jet are measured using an event sample of sqrt[s]=13 TeV proton-proton collisions collected by the CMS experiment and corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 36.3 fb^{-1}. The measured distributions are consistent with the trends in the simulation that reveal two key features of the strong interaction: confinement and asymptotic freedom. By comparing the ratio of the measured three- and two-particle energy correlator distributions with theoretical calculations that resum collinear emissions at approximate next-to-next-to-leading-logarithmic accuracy matched to a next-to-leading-order calculation, the strong coupling is determined at the Z boson mass: α_{S}(m_{Z})=0.1229_{-0.0050}^{+0.0040}, the most precise α_{S}(m_{Z}) value obtained using jet substructure observables.
Wu H, Luo JY, Yang PY, Yuan KM, Li J. [Comparison of analgesic effect of modified superior trunk block and traditional interscalene brachial plexus block with liposomal bupivacaine after arthroscopic rotator cuff repair]. ZHONGHUA YI XUE ZA ZHI 2024; 104:2928-2935. [PMID: 39118339 DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.cn112137-20240121-00151] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [MESH Headings] [Grants] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 08/10/2024]
Objective: To compare the postoperative analgesic effect of modified superior trunk block and traditional interscalene brachial plexus block in arthroscopic rotator cuff repair. Methods: A total of 40 patients undergoing arthroscopic rotator cuff repair in the Second Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University from October to November 2023 were prospectively included, whose American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) grade were Ⅰ-Ⅱ. They were divided into modified superior trunk block group (group S) and interscalene brachial plexus block group (group I) by random number table according to different nerve block methods, with 20 cases in each group. Local anesthetics was a mixture of 1.33% liposomal bupivacaine and 0.5% levobupivacaine hydrochloride injection in equal volume. Patients in group S were injected 5 ml mixture for ultrasound-guided modified superior trunk block, and patients in group I were injected with 15 ml mixture for ultrasound-guided traditional interscalene block respectively. Both groups underwent superficial cervical plexus block (5 ml mixture). Standardized general anesthesia and standardized postoperative analgesia were followed. The primary outcome measures included 48 h resting numerical rating scale (NRS) scores after surgery and the incidence of hemidiaphragmatic paralysis (HDP) at 30 min after block. The secondary outcome measures included resting NRS scores during the post anesthesia care unit (PACU), 12, 24, and 36 h after surgery, postoperative opioid consumption and satisfaction with analgesia, pulse oxygen saturation (SpO2) at 30 min after block, sensory and motor block duration, and the incidence of perioperative adverse reactions. The non-inferiority cut-off value of resting NRS scores for patients in group S was set as"1 point"at each observation time point after surgery. Results: In group S, one patient was excluded because the target nerve was blocked by the subclavian vein and could not be blocked, nineteen patients [11 males and 8 females, aged (52.2±9.0) years] were eventually included. In group I, there were 7 males and 13 females, aged (55.0±5.1) years. Resting NRS scores of group S and Group I at 48 h after surgery were 0 (0, 0) and 0 (0, 0.8) point, respectively, with no statistical significance (P>0.05). The median difference was 0 (95%CI:0-0) point and the upper 95%CI was 0 point, which was lower than the preset non-inferiority cut-off value"1 point"(non-inferiority P<0.001). The incidence of HDP in group S and group I were 5% (1/19) and 75% (15/20), respectively, with statistically significant (P<0.001). There were no significant differences in resting NRS scores at PACU and 12, 24, 36 h after surgery, opioid dosage, satisfaction with analgesia, SpO2 at 30 min after block, sensory and motor block duration between two groups (all P>0.05). No respiratory adverse events such as hypoxemia and airway spasm occurred in two groups after extubation. One patient in group I showed symptoms of breath shortness when entering PACU, and 3 patients felt uncomfortable due to prolonged numbness and weakness of the blockade limb (>2 days). No nerve block procedures and opioid drugs relative adverse reactions and no neurological complications happened in both groups. Conclusion: Liposomal bupivacaine usage for modified superior trunk block can provide long-term postoperative analgesic effects which is noninferior to traditional interscalene brachial plexus block and causes less HDP in patients undergoing arthroscopic rotator cuff repair.
Cao Z, Aharonian F, An Q, Axikegu, Bai YX, Bao YW, Bastieri D, Bi XJ, Bi YJ, Cai JT, Cao Q, Cao WY, Cao Z, Chang J, Chang JF, Chen AM, Chen ES, Chen L, Chen L, Chen L, Chen MJ, Chen ML, Chen QH, Chen SH, Chen SZ, Chen TL, Chen Y, Cheng N, Cheng YD, Cui MY, Cui SW, Cui XH, Cui YD, Dai BZ, Dai HL, Dai ZG, Danzengluobu, Della Volpe D, Dong XQ, Duan KK, Fan JH, Fan YZ, Fang J, Fang K, Feng CF, Feng L, Feng SH, Feng XT, Feng YL, Gabici S, Gao B, Gao CD, Gao LQ, Gao Q, Gao W, Gao WK, Ge MM, Geng LS, Giacinti G, Gong GH, Gou QB, Gu MH, Guo FL, Guo XL, Guo YQ, Guo YY, Han YA, He HH, He HN, He JY, He XB, He Y, Heller M, Hor YK, Hou BW, Hou C, Hou X, Hu HB, Hu Q, Hu SC, Huang DH, Huang TQ, Huang WJ, Huang XT, Huang XY, Huang Y, Huang ZC, Ji XL, Jia HY, Jia K, Jiang K, Jiang XW, Jiang ZJ, Jin M, Kang MM, Ke T, Kuleshov D, Kurinov K, Li BB, Li C, Li C, Li D, Li F, Li HB, Li HC, Li HY, Li J, Li J, Li J, Li K, Li WL, Li WL, Li XR, Li X, Li YZ, Li Z, Li Z, Liang EW, Liang YF, Lin SJ, Liu B, Liu C, Liu D, Liu H, Liu HD, Liu J, Liu JL, Liu JY, Liu MY, Liu RY, Liu SM, Liu W, Liu Y, Liu YN, Lu R, Luo Q, Lv HK, Ma BQ, Ma LL, Ma XH, Mao JR, Min Z, Mitthumsiri W, Mu HJ, Nan YC, Neronov A, Ou ZW, Pang BY, Pattarakijwanich P, Pei ZY, Qi MY, Qi YQ, Qiao BQ, Qin JJ, Ruffolo D, Sáiz A, Semikoz D, Shao CY, Shao L, Shchegolev O, Sheng XD, Shu FW, Song HC, Stenkin YV, Stepanov V, Su Y, Sun QN, Sun XN, Sun ZB, Tam PHT, Tang QW, Tang ZB, Tian WW, Wang C, Wang CB, Wang GW, Wang HG, Wang HH, Wang JC, Wang K, Wang LP, Wang LY, Wang PH, Wang R, Wang W, Wang XG, Wang XY, Wang Y, Wang YD, Wang YJ, Wang ZH, Wang ZX, Wang Z, Wang Z, Wei DM, Wei JJ, Wei YJ, Wen T, Wu CY, Wu HR, Wu S, Wu XF, Wu YS, Xi SQ, Xia J, Xia JJ, Xiang GM, Xiao DX, Xiao G, Xin GG, Xin YL, Xing Y, Xiong Z, Xu DL, Xu RF, Xu RX, Xu WL, Xue L, Yan DH, Yan JZ, Yan T, Yang CW, Yang F, Yang FF, Yang HW, Yang JY, Yang LL, Yang MJ, Yang RZ, Yang SB, Yao YH, Yao ZG, Ye YM, Yin LQ, Yin N, You XH, You ZY, Yu YH, Yuan Q, Yue H, Zeng HD, Zeng TX, Zeng W, Zha M, Zhang BB, Zhang F, Zhang HM, Zhang HY, Zhang JL, Zhang LX, Zhang L, Zhang PF, Zhang PP, Zhang R, Zhang SB, Zhang SR, Zhang SS, Zhang X, Zhang XP, Zhang YF, Zhang Y, Zhang Y, Zhao B, Zhao J, Zhao L, Zhao LZ, Zhao SP, Zheng F, Zhou B, Zhou H, Zhou JN, Zhou M, Zhou P, Zhou R, Zhou XX, Zhu CG, Zhu FR, Zhu H, Zhu KJ, Zuo X. Constraints on Ultraheavy Dark Matter Properties from Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies with LHAASO Observations. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2024; 133:061001. [PMID: 39178452 DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.133.061001] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 10/31/2023] [Revised: 05/01/2024] [Accepted: 06/12/2024] [Indexed: 08/25/2024]
In this Letter we try to search for signals generated by ultraheavy dark matter at the Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory (LHAASO) data. We look for possible γ rays by dark matter annihilation or decay from 16 dwarf spheroidal galaxies in the field of view of the LHAASO. Dwarf spheroidal galaxies are among the most promising targets for indirect detection of dark matter that have low fluxes of astrophysical γ-ray background while having large amount of dark matter. By analyzing more than 700 days of observational data at LHAASO, no significant dark matter signal from 1 TeV to 1 EeV is detected. Accordingly we derive the most stringent constraints on the ultraheavy dark matter annihilation cross section up to EeV. The constraints on the lifetime of dark matter in decay mode are also derived.
Di WY, Zhang K, Li JS, Yu J, Li J, Li YT, Zhang JH, Yang XY, Sun L, Zhao WX, Su W. [Clinicopathological features of tubular cystic renal cell carcinoma]. ZHONGHUA BING LI XUE ZA ZHI = CHINESE JOURNAL OF PATHOLOGY 2024; 53:843-845. [PMID: 39103267 DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.cn112151-20231225-00437] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [MESH Headings] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 08/07/2024]
Du YR, Li J, Li HL, Guan CY, Li SX, Xue J, Gao ZF, Lu DH, Dong GH. [Clinicopathological analysis of intracranial isolated cortical venous thrombosis]. ZHONGHUA BING LI XUE ZA ZHI = CHINESE JOURNAL OF PATHOLOGY 2024; 53:846-848. [PMID: 39103268 DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.cn112151-20240220-00100] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [MESH Headings] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 08/07/2024]
Guo X, Li J, Wang HM, Qiu J, Li Z, Huang F, Li J, Sun XD. [Vaccine development based on RNA technology platforms]. ZHONGHUA YU FANG YI XUE ZA ZHI [CHINESE JOURNAL OF PREVENTIVE MEDICINE] 2024; 58:1263-1277. [PMID: 39142899 DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.cn112150-20230831-00147] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [MESH Headings] [Grants] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 08/16/2024]
mRNA vaccine technology has made significant progress in recent years, especially with the large-scale application driven by the COVID-19 pandemic. Moderna and Pfizer/BioNTech vaccines have become central tools in the global fight against the virus, demonstrating the potential of the mRNA platform for rapid design, production, and strong immune responses. These vaccines showcase the unique advantages of rapid response and effective protection. At the same time, mRNA technology still faces challenges, such as stability and targeted delivery. Future research will focus on improving the stability and safety of mRNA vaccine and expanding its application to more infectious diseases and cancer treatments. This article reviews platforms of mRNA vaccine, vaccine design, development of delivery system, and the application of mRNA vaccines, in order to enhance the understanding of professionals and accelerate the layout of this technology in vaccine research and application in China.
Wang JY, Zhou BJ, Cao QZ, Peng C, Chen ML, Chen X, Li J. [Efficacy and safety of dupilumab in the treatment of moderate to severe atopic dermatitis]. ZHONGHUA YI XUE ZA ZHI 2024; 104:2810-2816. [PMID: 39085148 DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.cn112137-20240114-00104] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [MESH Headings] [Grants] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 08/02/2024]
Objective: To analyse the efficacy and safety of dupilumab in the treatment of moderate to severe atopic dermatitis (AD). Methods: The clinical data of moderate to severe AD patients who received dupilumab therapy in the Department of Dermatology, Xiangya Hospital, Central South University from August 2020 to November 2022 were retrospectively analyzed. The efficacy was evaluated by Eczema Area and Severity Index (EASI), SCORing Atopic Dermatitis (SCORAD), Numerical Rating Scale (NRS), Patient Oriented Eczema Measure (POEM), and Dermatology Quality of Life Index (DLQI) before treatment and 2, 4, 16 and 24 weeks after treatment. Adverse events that occurred during treatment were recorded. Repeated Measures ANOVA and Generalized Estimating Equations were used to compare changes in scores and changes in laboratory indices at different time points before and after treatment. Results: The age of 259 patients was (35.4±25.9) years, the duration of AD was 4.00 (2.00, 9.00) years, and 64.1% (166 patients) were men patients. The scores of EASI, SCORAD, POEM, DLQI and NRS at 2, 4, 16 and 24 weeks after treatment with dupilumab were significantly lower than those before treatment (all P<0.001). The proportions of EASI50, EASI75, and EASI90 were 91.0% (101/111), 71.2% (79/111), and 40.5% (45/111) at 16 weeks, and 95.0% (76/80), 80.0% (64/80) and 45.0% (36/80) at 24 weeks, respectively. Basal total IgE levels (P=0.005) and EOS counts (P<0.001) at Week 24 were significantly lower than those before treatment. Adverse events occurred in 54 patients (20.9%), mainly manifested as intractable erythema of the face and neck (5.0%, 13 patients) and conjunctivitis (1.9%, 5 patients). Conclusions: Dupilumab can effectively improve the rash area, rash severity and itchiness of moderate to severe atopic dermatitis, improve the quality of life of patients, and reduce the incidence of adverse effects.
Hayrapetyan A, Tumasyan A, Adam W, Andrejkovic JW, Bergauer T, Chatterjee S, Damanakis K, Dragicevic M, Hussain PS, Jeitler M, Krammer N, Li A, Liko D, Mikulec I, Schieck J, Schöfbeck R, Schwarz D, Sonawane M, Templ S, Waltenberger W, Wulz CE, Darwish MR, Janssen T, Van Mechelen P, Bols ES, D’Hondt J, Dansana S, De Moor A, Delcourt M, El Faham H, Lowette S, Makarenko I, Müller D, Sahasransu AR, Tavernier S, Tytgat M, Van Onsem GP, Van Putte S, Vannerom D, Clerbaux B, Das AK, De Lentdecker G, Favart L, Gianneios P, Hohov D, Jaramillo J, Khalilzadeh A, Lee K, Mahdavikhorrami M, Malara A, Paredes S, Pétré L, Postiau N, Thomas L, Vanden Bemden M, Vander Velde C, Vanlaer P, De Coen M, Dobur D, Hong Y, Knolle J, Lambrecht L, Mestdach G, Mota Amarilo K, Rendón C, Samalan A, Skovpen K, Van Den Bossche N, van der Linden J, Wezenbeek L, Benecke A, Bethani A, Bruno G, Caputo C, Delaere C, Donertas IS, Giammanco A, Jaffel K, Jain S, Lemaitre V, Lidrych J, Mastrapasqua P, Mondal K, Tran TT, Wertz S, Alves GA, Coelho E, Hensel C, De Oliveira TM, Moraes A, Rebello Teles P, Soeiro M, Aldá Júnior WL, Alves Gallo Pereira M, Barroso Ferreira Filho M, Brandao Malbouisson H, Carvalho W, Chinellato J, Da Costa EM, Da Silveira GG, De Jesus Damiao D, Fonseca De Souza S, Gomes De Souza R, Martins J, Mora Herrera C, Mundim L, Nogima H, Pinheiro JP, Santoro A, Sznajder A, Thiel M, Vilela Pereira A, Bernardes CA, Calligaris L, Fernandez Perez Tomei TR, Gregores EM, Mercadante PG, Novaes SF, Orzari B, Padula SS, Aleksandrov A, Antchev G, Hadjiiska R, Iaydjiev P, Misheva M, Shopova M, Sultanov G, Dimitrov A, Litov L, Pavlov B, Petkov P, Petrov A, Shumka E, Keshri S, Thakur S, Cheng T, Javaid T, Yuan L, Hu Z, Liu J, Yi K, Chen GM, Chen HS, Chen M, Iemmi F, Jiang CH, Kapoor A, Liao H, Liu ZA, Sharma R, Song JN, Tao J, Wang C, Wang J, Wang Z, Zhang H, Agapitos A, Ban Y, Levin A, Li C, Li Q, Mao Y, Qian SJ, Sun X, Wang D, Yang H, Zhang L, Zhou C, You Z, Lu N, Bauer G, Gao X, Leggat D, Okawa H, Lin Z, Lu C, Xiao M, Avila C, Barbosa Trujillo DA, Cabrera A, Florez C, Fraga J, Reyes Vega JA, Mejia Guisao J, Ramirez F, Rodriguez M, Ruiz Alvarez JD, Giljanovic D, Godinovic N, Lelas D, Sculac A, Kovac M, Sculac T, Bargassa P, Brigljevic V, Chitroda BK, Ferencek D, Mishra S, Starodumov A, Susa T, Attikis A, Christoforou K, Konstantinou S, Mousa J, Nicolaou C, Ptochos F, Razis PA, Rykaczewski H, Saka H, Stepennov A, Finger M, Finger M, Kveton A, Ayala E, Carrera Jarrin E, Elgammal S, Ellithi Kamel A, Mahmoud MA, Mohammed Y, Ehataht K, Kadastik M, Lange T, Nandan S, Nielsen C, Pata J, Raidal M, Tani L, Veelken C, Kirschenmann H, Osterberg K, Voutilainen M, Bharthuar S, Brücken E, Garcia F, Kallonen KTS, Kinnunen R, Lampén T, Lassila-Perini K, Lehti S, Lindén T, Martikainen L, Myllymäki M, Rantanen MM, Siikonen H, Tuominen E, Tuominiemi J, Luukka P, Petrow H, Besancon M, Couderc F, Dejardin M, Denegri D, Faure JL, Ferri F, Ganjour S, Gras P, Hamel de Monchenault G, Lohezic V, Malcles J, Rander J, Rosowsky A, Sahin MÖ, Savoy-Navarro A, Simkina P, Titov M, Tornago M, Baldenegro Barrera C, Beaudette F, Buchot Perraguin A, Busson P, Cappati A, Charlot C, Chiusi M, Damas F, Davignon O, De Wit A, Fontana Santos Alves BA, Ghosh S, Gilbert A, Granier de Cassagnac R, Hakimi A, Harikrishnan B, Kalipoliti L, Liu G, Motta J, Nguyen M, Ochando C, Portales L, Salerno R, Sauvan JB, Sirois Y, Tarabini A, Vernazza E, Zabi A, Zghiche A, Agram JL, Andrea J, Apparu D, Bloch D, Brom JM, Chabert EC, Collard C, Falke S, Goerlach U, Grimault C, Haeberle R, Le Bihan AC, Meena M, Saha G, Sessini MA, Van Hove P, Beauceron S, Blancon B, Boudoul G, Chanon N, Choi J, Contardo D, Depasse P, Dozen C, El Mamouni H, Fay J, Gascon S, Gouzevitch M, Greenberg C, Grenier G, Ille B, Laktineh IB, Lethuillier M, Mirabito L, Perries S, Purohit A, Vander Donckt M, Verdier P, Xiao J, Adamov G, Lomidze I, Tsamalaidze Z, Botta V, Feld L, Klein K, Lipinski M, Meuser D, Pauls A, Röwert N, Teroerde M, Diekmann S, Dodonova A, Eich N, Eliseev D, Engelke F, Erdmann J, Erdmann M, Fackeldey P, Fischer B, Hebbeker T, Hoepfner K, Ivone F, Jung A, Lee MY, Mastrolorenzo L, Mausolf F, Merschmeyer M, Meyer A, Mukherjee S, Noll D, Nowotny F, Pozdnyakov A, Rath Y, Redjeb W, Rehm F, Reithler H, Sarkar U, Sarkisovi V, Schmidt A, Sharma A, Spah JL, Stein A, Torres Da Silva De Araujo F, Vigilante L, Wiedenbeck S, Zaleski S, Dziwok C, Flügge G, Haj Ahmad W, Kress T, Nowack A, Pooth O, Stahl A, Ziemons T, Zotz A, Aarup Petersen H, Aldaya Martin M, Alimena J, Amoroso S, An Y, Baxter S, Bayatmakou M, Becerril Gonzalez H, Behnke O, Belvedere A, Bhattacharya S, Blekman F, Borras K, Campbell A, Cardini A, Cheng C, Colombina F, Consuegra Rodríguez S, Correia Silva G, De Silva M, Eckerlin G, Eckstein D, Estevez Banos LI, Filatov O, Gallo E, Geiser A, Giraldi A, Greau G, Guglielmi V, Guthoff M, Hinzmann A, Jafari A, Jeppe L, Jomhari NZ, Kaech B, Kasemann M, Kleinwort C, Kogler R, Komm M, Krücker D, Lange W, Leyva Pernia D, Lipka K, Lohmann W, Mankel R, Melzer-Pellmann IA, Mendizabal Morentin M, Meyer AB, Milella G, Mussgiller A, Nair LP, Nürnberg A, Otarid Y, Park J, Pérez Adán D, Ranken E, Raspereza A, Ribeiro Lopes B, Rübenach J, Saggio A, Scham M, Schnake S, Schütze P, Schwanenberger C, Selivanova D, Sharko K, Shchedrolosiev M, Sosa Ricardo RE, Stafford D, Vazzoler F, Ventura Barroso A, Walsh R, Wang Q, Wen Y, Wichmann K, Wiens L, Wissing C, Yang Y, Zimermmane Castro Santos A, Albrecht A, Albrecht S, Antonello M, Bein S, Benato L, Bollweg S, Bonanomi M, Connor P, Eich M, El Morabit K, Fischer Y, Fröhlich A, Garbers C, Garutti E, Grohsjean A, Hajheidari M, Haller J, Jabusch HR, Kasieczka G, Keicher P, Klanner R, Korcari W, Kramer T, Kutzner V, Labe F, Lange J, Lobanov A, Matthies C, Mehta A, Moureaux L, Mrowietz M, Nigamova A, Nissan Y, Paasch A, Pena Rodriguez KJ, Quadfasel T, Raciti B, Rieger M, Savoiu D, Schindler J, Schleper P, Schröder M, Schwandt J, Sommerhalder M, Stadie H, Steinbrück G, Tews A, Wolf M, Brommer S, Burkart M, Butz E, Chwalek T, Dierlamm A, Droll A, Faltermann N, Giffels M, Gottmann A, Hartmann F, Hofsaess R, Horzela M, Husemann U, Kieseler J, Klute M, Koppenhöfer R, Lawhorn JM, Link M, Lintuluoto A, Maier S, Mitra S, Mormile M, Müller T, Neukum M, Oh M, Presilla M, Quast G, Rabbertz K, Regnery B, Shadskiy N, Shvetsov I, Simonis HJ, Toms M, Trevisani N, Ulrich R, Von Cube RF, Wassmer M, Wieland S, Wittig F, Wolf R, Zuo X, Anagnostou G, Daskalakis G, Kyriakis A, Papadopoulos A, Stakia A, Kontaxakis P, Melachroinos G, Panagiotou A, Papavergou I, Paraskevas I, Saoulidou N, Theofilatos K, Tziaferi E, Vellidis K, Zisopoulos I, Bakas G, Chatzistavrou T, Karapostoli G, Kousouris K, Papakrivopoulos I, Siamarkou E, Tsipolitis G, Zacharopoulou A, Adamidis K, Bestintzanos I, Evangelou I, Foudas C, Kamtsikis C, Katsoulis P, Kokkas P, Kosmoglou Kioseoglou PG, Manthos N, Papadopoulos I, Strologas J, Bartók M, Hajdu C, Horvath D, Márton K, Sikler F, Veszpremi V, Csanád M, Farkas K, Gadallah MMA, Kadlecsik Á, Major P, Mandal K, Pásztor G, Rádl AJ, Veres GI, Raics P, Ujvari B, Zilizi G, Bencze G, Czellar S, Molnar J, Szillasi Z, Csorgo T, Nemes F, Novak T, Babbar J, Bansal S, Beri SB, Bhatnagar V, Chaudhary G, Chauhan S, Dhingra N, Kaur A, Kaur A, Kaur H, Kaur M, Kumar S, Sandeep K, Sheokand T, Singh JB, Singla A, Ahmed A, Bhardwaj A, Chhetri A, Choudhary BC, Kumar A, Kumar A, Naimuddin M, Ranjan K, Saumya S, Baradia S, Barman S, Bhattacharya S, Dutta S, Dutta S, Sarkar S, Ameen MM, Behera PK, Behera SC, Chatterjee S, Jana P, Kalbhor P, Komaragiri JR, Kumar D, Panwar L, Pujahari PR, Saha NR, Sharma A, Sikdar AK, Verma S, Dugad S, Kumar M, Mohanty GB, Suryadevara P, Bala A, Banerjee S, Chatterjee RM, Dewanjee RK, Guchait M, Jain S, Jaiswal A, Karmakar S, Kumar S, Majumder G, Mazumdar K, Parolia S, Thachayath A, Bahinipati S, Kar C, Maity D, Mal P, Mishra T, Muraleedharan Nair Bindhu VK, Naskar K, Nayak A, Sadangi P, Saha P, Swain SK, Varghese S, Vats D, Acharya S, Alpana A, Dube S, Gomber B, Kansal B, Laha A, Sahu B, Sharma S, Vaish KY, Bakhshiansohi H, Khazaie E, Zeinali M, Chenarani S, Etesami SM, Khakzad M, Mohammadi Najafabadi M, Grunewald M, Abbrescia M, Aly R, Colaleo A, Creanza D, D’Anzi B, De Filippis N, De Palma M, Di Florio A, Elmetenawee W, Fiore L, Iaselli G, Louka M, Maggi G, Maggi M, Margjeka I, Mastrapasqua V, My S, Nuzzo S, Pellecchia A, Pompili A, Pugliese G, Radogna R, Ramirez-Sanchez G, Ramos D, Ranieri A, Silvestris L, Simone FM, Sözbilir Ü, Stamerra A, Venditti R, Verwilligen P, Zaza A, Abbiendi G, Battilana C, Bonacorsi D, Borgonovi L, Campanini R, Capiluppi P, Castro A, Cavallo FR, Cuffiani M, Dallavalle GM, Diotalevi T, Fabbri F, Fanfani A, Fasanella D, Giacomelli P, Giommi L, Grandi C, Guiducci L, Lo Meo S, Lunerti L, Masetti G, Navarria FL, Perrotta A, Primavera F, Rossi AM, Rovelli T, Siroli GP, Costa S, Di Mattia A, Potenza R, Tricomi A, Tuve C, Assiouras P, Barbagli G, Bardelli G, Camaiani B, Cassese A, Ceccarelli R, Ciulli V, Civinini C, D’Alessandro R, Focardi E, Kello T, Latino G, Lenzi P, Lizzo M, Meschini M, Paoletti S, Papanastassiou A, Sguazzoni G, Viliani L, Benussi L, Bianco S, Meola S, Piccolo D, Chatagnon P, Ferro F, Robutti E, Tosi S, Benaglia A, Boldrini G, Brivio F, Cetorelli F, De Guio F, Dinardo ME, Dini P, Gennai S, Gerosa R, Ghezzi A, Govoni P, Guzzi L, Lucchini MT, Malberti M, Malvezzi S, Massironi A, Menasce D, Moroni L, Paganoni M, Pedrini D, Pinolini BS, Ragazzi S, Tabarelli de Fatis T, Zuolo D, Buontempo S, Cagnotta A, Carnevali F, Cavallo N, Fabozzi F, Iorio AOM, Lista L, Paolucci P, Rossi B, Sciacca C, Ardino R, Azzi P, Bacchetta N, Bisello D, Bortignon P, Bragagnolo A, Carlin R, Checchia P, Dorigo T, Gasparini F, Gasparini U, Gonella F, Lusiani E, Margoni M, Marini F, Migliorini M, Pazzini J, Ronchese P, Rossin R, Simonetto F, Strong G, Tosi M, Triossi A, Ventura S, Yarar H, Zanetti M, Zotto P, Zucchetta A, Zumerle G, Abu Zeid S, Aimè C, Braghieri A, Calzaferri S, Fiorina D, Montagna P, Re V, Riccardi C, Salvini P, Vai I, Vitulo P, Ajmal S, Bilei GM, Ciangottini D, Fanò L, Magherini M, Mantovani G, Mariani V, Menichelli M, Moscatelli F, Rossi A, Santocchia A, Spiga D, Tedeschi T, Asenov P, Azzurri P, Bagliesi G, Bhattacharya R, Bianchini L, Boccali T, Bossini E, Bruschini D, Castaldi R, Ciocci MA, Cipriani M, D’Amante V, Dell’Orso R, Donato S, Giassi A, Ligabue F, Matos Figueiredo D, Messineo A, Musich M, Palla F, Rizzi A, Rolandi G, Roy Chowdhury S, Sarkar T, Scribano A, Spagnolo P, Tenchini R, Tonelli G, Turini N, Venturi A, Verdini PG, Barria P, Campana M, Cavallari F, Cunqueiro Mendez L, Del Re D, Di Marco E, Diemoz M, Errico F, Longo E, Meridiani P, Mijuskovic J, Organtini G, Pandolfi F, Paramatti R, Quaranta C, Rahatlou S, Rovelli C, Santanastasio F, Soffi L, Amapane N, Arcidiacono R, Argiro S, Arneodo M, Bartosik N, Bellan R, Bellora A, Biino C, Borca C, Cartiglia N, Costa M, Covarelli R, Demaria N, Finco L, Grippo M, Kiani B, Legger F, Luongo F, Mariotti C, Markovic L, Maselli S, Mecca A, Migliore E, Monteno M, Mulargia R, Obertino MM, Ortona G, Pacher L, Pastrone N, Pelliccioni M, Ruspa M, Siviero F, Sola V, Solano A, Staiano A, Tarricone C, Trocino D, Umoret G, Vlasov E, Belforte S, Candelise V, Casarsa M, Cossutti F, De Leo K, Della Ricca G, Dogra S, Hong J, Huh C, Kim B, Kim DH, Kim J, Lee H, Lee SW, Moon CS, Oh YD, Ryu MS, Sekmen S, Yang YC, Kim MS, Bak G, Gwak P, Kim H, Moon DH, Asilar E, Kim D, Kim TJ, Merlin JA, Choi S, Han S, Hong B, Lee K, Lee KS, Lee S, Park J, Park SK, Yoo J, Goh J, Yang S, Kim HS, Kim Y, Lee S, Almond J, Bhyun JH, Choi J, Jun W, Kim J, Ko S, Kwon H, Lee H, Lee J, Lee J, Oh BH, Oh SB, Seo H, Yang UK, Yoon I, Jang W, Kang DY, Kang Y, Kim S, Ko B, Lee JSH, Lee Y, Park IC, Roh Y, Watson IJ, Ha S, Yoo HD, Choi M, Kim MR, Lee H, Lee Y, Yu I, Beyrouthy T, Maghrbi Y, Dreimanis K, Gaile A, Pikurs G, Potrebko A, Seidel M, Veckalns V, Strautnieks NR, Ambrozas M, Juodagalvis A, Rinkevicius A, Tamulaitis G, Bin Norjoharuddeen N, Yusuff I, Zolkapli Z, Benitez JF, Castaneda Hernandez A, Encinas Acosta HA, Gallegos Maríñez LG, León Coello M, Murillo Quijada JA, Sehrawat A, Valencia Palomo L, Ayala G, Castilla-Valdez H, Crotte Ledesma H, De La Cruz-Burelo E, Heredia-De La Cruz I, Lopez-Fernandez R, Mondragon Herrera CA, Sánchez Hernández A, Oropeza Barrera C, Ramírez García M, Bautista I, Pedraza I, Salazar Ibarguen HA, Uribe Estrada C, Bubanja I, Raicevic N, Butler PH, Ahmad A, Asghar MI, Awais A, Awan MIM, Hoorani HR, Khan WA, Avati V, Grzanka L, Malawski M, Bialkowska H, Bluj M, Boimska B, Górski M, Kazana M, Szleper M, Zalewski P, Bunkowski K, Doroba K, Kalinowski A, Konecki M, Krolikowski J, Muhammad A, Pozniak K, Zabolotny W, Araujo M, Bastos D, Beirão Da Cruz E Silva C, Boletti A, Bozzo M, Camporesi T, Da Molin G, Faccioli P, Gallinaro M, Hollar J, Leonardo N, Niknejad T, Petrilli A, Pisano M, Seixas J, Varela J, Wulff JW, Adzic P, Milenovic P, Dordevic M, Milosevic J, Rekovic V, Aguilar-Benitez M, Alcaraz Maestre J, Bedoya CF, Cepeda M, Cerrada M, Colino N, De La Cruz B, Delgado Peris A, Escalante Del Valle A, Fernández Del Val D, Fernández Ramos JP, Flix J, Fouz MC, Gonzalez Lopez O, Goy Lopez S, Hernandez JM, Josa MI, Moran D, Morcillo Perez CM, Navarro Tobar Á, Perez Dengra C, Pérez-Calero Yzquierdo A, Puerta Pelayo J, Redondo I, Redondo Ferrero DD, Romero L, Sánchez Navas S, Urda Gómez L, Vazquez Escobar J, Willmott C, de Trocóniz JF, Alvarez Gonzalez B, Cuevas J, Fernandez Menendez J, Folgueras S, Gonzalez Caballero I, González Fernández JR, Palencia Cortezon E, Ramón Álvarez C, Rodríguez Bouza V, Soto Rodríguez A, Trapote A, Vico Villalba C, Vischia P, Bhowmik S, Blanco Fernández S, Brochero Cifuentes JA, Cabrillo IJ, Calderon A, Duarte Campderros J, Fernandez M, Gomez G, Lasaosa García C, Martinez Rivero C, Martinez Ruiz del Arbol P, Matorras F, Matorras Cuevas P, Navarrete Ramos E, Piedra Gomez J, Scodellaro L, Vila I, Vizan Garcia JM, Jayananda MK, Kailasapathy B, Sonnadara DUJ, Wickramarathna DDC, Dharmaratna WGD, Liyanage K, Perera N, Wickramage N, Abbaneo D, Amendola C, Auffray E, Auzinger G, Baechler J, Barney D, Bermúdez Martínez A, Bianco M, Bilin B, Bin Anuar AA, Bocci A, Botta C, Brondolin E, Caillol C, Cerminara G, Chernyavskaya N, d’Enterria D, Dabrowski A, David A, De Roeck A, Defranchis MM, Deile M, Dobson M, Forthomme L, Franzoni G, Funk W, Giani S, Gigi D, Gill K, Glege F, Gouskos L, Haranko M, Hegeman J, Huber B, Innocente V, James T, Janot P, Laurila S, Lecoq P, Leutgeb E, Lourenço C, Maier B, Malgeri L, Mannelli M, Marini AC, Matthewman M, Meijers F, Mersi S, Meschi E, Milosevic V, Monti F, Moortgat F, Mulders M, Neutelings I, Orfanelli S, Pantaleo F, Petrucciani G, Pfeiffer A, Pierini M, Piparo D, Qu H, Rabady D, Reales Gutiérrez G, Rovere M, Sakulin H, Scarfi S, Schwick C, Selvaggi M, Sharma A, Shchelina K, Silva P, Sphicas P, Stahl Leiton AG, Steen A, Summers S, Treille D, Tropea P, Tsirou A, Walter D, Wanczyk J, Wang J, Wuchterl S, Zehetner P, Zejdl P, Zeuner WD, Bevilacqua T, Caminada L, Ebrahimi A, Erdmann W, Horisberger R, Ingram Q, Kaestli HC, Kotlinski D, Lange C, Missiroli M, Noehte L, Rohe T, Aarrestad TK, Androsov K, Backhaus M, Calandri A, Cazzaniga C, Datta K, De Cosa A, Dissertori G, Dittmar M, Donegà M, Eble F, Galli M, Gedia K, Glessgen F, Grab C, Hits D, Lustermann W, Lyon AM, Manzoni RA, Marchegiani M, Marchese L, Martin Perez C, Mascellani A, Nessi-Tedaldi F, Pauss F, Perovic V, Pigazzini S, Reissel C, Reitenspiess T, Ristic B, Riti F, Ruini D, Seidita R, Steggemann J, Valsecchi D, Wallny R, Amsler C, Bärtschi P, Brzhechko D, Canelli MF, Cormier K, Heikkilä JK, Huwiler M, Jin W, Jofrehei A, Kilminster B, Leontsinis S, Liechti SP, Macchiolo A, Meiring P, Molinatti U, Reimers A, Robmann P, Sanchez Cruz S, Senger M, Takahashi Y, Tramontano R, Adloff C, Bhowmik D, Kuo CM, Lin W, Rout PK, Tiwari PC, Yu SS, Ceard L, Chao Y, Chen KF, Chen PS, Chen ZG, De Iorio A, Hou WS, Hsu TH, Kao YW, Khurana R, Kole G, Li YY, Lu RS, Paganis E, Su XF, Thomas-Wilsker J, Tsai LS, Wu HY, Yazgan E, Asawatangtrakuldee C, Srimanobhas N, Wachirapusitanand V, Agyel D, Boran F, Demiroglu ZS, Dolek F, Dumanoglu I, Eskut E, Guler Y, Gurpinar Guler E, Isik C, Kara O, Kayis Topaksu A, Kiminsu U, Onengut G, Ozdemir K, Polatoz A, Tali B, Tok UG, Turkcapar S, Uslan E, Zorbakir IS, Yalvac M, Akgun B, Atakisi IO, Gülmez E, Kaya M, Kaya O, Tekten S, Cakir A, Cankocak K, Komurcu Y, Sen S, Aydilek O, Cerci S, Epshteyn V, Hacisahinoglu B, Hos I, Kaynak B, Ozkorucuklu S, Potok O, Sert H, Simsek C, Zorbilmez C, Isildak B, Sunar Cerci D, Boyaryntsev A, Grynyov B, Levchuk L, Anthony D, Brooke JJ, Bundock A, Bury F, Clement E, Cussans D, Flacher H, Glowacki M, Goldstein J, Heath HF, Kreczko L, Paramesvaran S, Seif El Nasr-Storey S, Smith VJ, Stylianou N, Walkingshaw Pass K, White R, Ball AH, Bell KW, Belyaev A, Brew C, Brown RM, Cockerill DJA, Cooke C, Ellis KV, Harder K, Harper S, Holmberg ML, Linacre J, Manolopoulos K, Newbold DM, Olaiya E, Petyt D, Reis T, Salvi G, Schuh T, Shepherd-Themistocleous CH, Tomalin IR, Williams T, Bainbridge R, Bloch P, Brown CE, Buchmuller O, Cacchio V, Carrillo Montoya CA, Chahal GS, Colling D, Dancu JS, Das I, Dauncey P, Davies G, Davies J, Della Negra M, Fayer S, Fedi G, Hall G, Hassanshahi MH, Howard A, Iles G, Knight M, Langford J, León Holgado J, Lyons L, Magnan AM, Malik S, Mieskolainen M, Nash J, Pesaresi M, Radburn-Smith BC, Richards A, Rose A, Savva K, Seez C, Shukla R, Tapper A, Uchida K, Uttley GP, Vage LH, Virdee T, Vojinovic M, Wardle N, Winterbottom D, Coldham K, Cole JE, Khan A, Kyberd P, Reid ID, Abdullin S, Brinkerhoff A, Caraway B, Dittmann J, Hatakeyama K, Hiltbrand J, McMaster B, Saunders M, Sawant S, Sutantawibul C, Wilson J, Bartek R, Dominguez A, Huerta Escamilla C, Simsek AE, Uniyal R, Vargas Hernandez AM, Bam B, Chudasama R, Cooper SI, Gleyzer SV, Perez CU, Rumerio P, Usai E, Yi R, Akpinar A, Arcaro D, Cosby C, Demiragli Z, Erice C, Fangmeier C, Fernandez Madrazo C, Fontanesi E, Gastler D, Golf F, Jeon S, Reed I, Rohlf J, Salyer K, Sperka D, Spitzbart D, Suarez I, Tsatsos A, Yuan S, Zecchinelli AG, Benelli G, Coubez X, Cutts D, Hadley M, Heintz U, Hogan JM, Kwon T, Landsberg G, Lau KT, Li D, Luo J, Mondal S, Narain M, Pervan N, Sagir S, Simpson F, Stamenkovic M, Wong WY, Yan X, Zhang W, Abbott S, Bonilla J, Brainerd C, Breedon R, Calderon De La Barca Sanchez M, Chertok M, Citron M, Conway J, Cox PT, Erbacher R, Jensen F, Kukral O, Mocellin G, Mulhearn M, Pellett D, Wei W, Yao Y, Zhang F, Bachtis M, Cousins R, Datta A, Flores Avila G, Hauser J, Ignatenko M, Iqbal MA, Lam T, Manca E, Nunez Del Prado A, Saltzberg D, Valuev V, Clare R, Gary JW, Gordon M, Hanson G, Si W, Wimpenny S, Branson JG, Cittolin S, Cooperstein S, Diaz D, Duarte J, Giannini L, Guiang J, Kansal R, Krutelyov V, Lee R, Letts J, Masciovecchio M, Mokhtar F, Mukherjee S, Pieri M, Quinnan M, Sathia Narayanan BV, Sharma V, Tadel M, Vourliotis E, Würthwein F, Xiang Y, Yagil A, Barzdukas A, Brennan L, Campagnari C, Dorsett A, Incandela J, Kim J, Li AJ, Masterson P, Mei H, Richman J, Sarica U, Schmitz R, Setti F, Sheplock J, Stuart D, Vámi T, Wang S, Bornheim A, Cerri O, Latorre A, Mao J, Newman HB, Spiropulu M, Vlimant JR, Wang C, Xie S, Zhu RY, Alison J, An S, Andrews MB, Bryant P, Cremonesi M, Dutta V, Ferguson T, Harilal A, Liu C, Mudholkar T, Murthy S, Palit P, Paulini M, Roberts A, Sanchez A, Terrill W, Cumalat JP, Ford WT, Hart A, Hassani A, Karathanasis G, MacDonald E, Manganelli N, Perloff A, Savard C, Schonbeck N, Stenson K, Ulmer KA, Wagner SR, Zipper N, Alexander J, Bright-Thonney S, Chen X, Cranshaw DJ, Fan J, Fan X, Gadkari D, Hogan S, Kotamnives P, Monroy J, Oshiro M, Patterson JR, Reichert J, Reid M, Ryd A, Thom J, Wittich P, Zou R, Albrow M, Alyari M, Amram O, Apollinari G, Apresyan A, Bauerdick LAT, Berry D, Berryhill J, Bhat PC, Burkett K, Butler JN, Canepa A, Cerati GB, Cheung HWK, Chlebana F, Cummings G, Dickinson J, Dutta I, Elvira VD, Feng Y, Freeman J, Gandrakota A, Gecse Z, Gray L, Green D, Grummer A, Grünendahl S, Guerrero D, Gutsche O, Harris RM, Heller R, Herwig TC, Hirschauer J, Horyn L, Jayatilaka B, Jindariani S, Johnson M, Joshi U, Klijnsma T, Klima B, Kwok KHM, Lammel S, Lincoln D, Lipton R, Liu T, Madrid C, Maeshima K, Mantilla C, Mason D, McBride P, Merkel P, Mrenna S, Nahn S, Ngadiuba J, Noonan D, Papadimitriou V, Pastika N, Pedro K, Pena C, Ravera F, Reinsvold Hall A, Ristori L, Sexton-Kennedy E, Smith N, Soha A, Spiegel L, Stoynev S, Strait J, Taylor L, Tkaczyk S, Tran NV, Uplegger L, Vaandering EW, Zoi I, Aruta C, Avery P, Bourilkov D, Cadamuro L, Chang P, Cherepanov V, Field RD, Koenig E, Kolosova M, Konigsberg J, Korytov A, Lo KH, Matchev K, Menendez N, Mitselmakher G, Mohrman K, Muthirakalayil Madhu A, Rawal N, Rosenzweig D, Rosenzweig S, Shi K, Wang J, Adams T, Kadhim AA, Askew A, Bower S, Habibullah R, Hagopian V, Hashmi R, Kim RS, Kim S, Kolberg T, Martinez G, Prosper H, Prova PR, Wulansatiti M, Yohay R, Zhang J, Alsufyani B, Baarmand MM, Butalla S, Elkafrawy T, Hohlmann M, Kumar Verma R, Rahmani M, Yanes E, Adams MR, Baty A, Bennett C, Cavanaugh R, Escobar Franco R, Evdokimov O, Gerber CE, Hofman DJ, Lee JH, Lemos DS, Merrit AH, Mills C, Nanda S, Oh G, Ozek B, Pilipovic D, Pradhan R, Roy T, Rudrabhatla S, Tonjes MB, Varelas N, Ye Z, Yoo J, Alhusseini M, Blend D, Dilsiz K, Emediato L, Karaman G, Köseyan OK, Merlo JP, Mestvirishvili A, Nachtman J, Neogi O, Ogul H, Onel Y, Penzo A, Snyder C, Tiras E, Blumenfeld B, Corcodilos L, Davis J, Gritsan AV, Kang L, Kyriacou S, Maksimovic P, Roguljic M, Roskes J, Sekhar S, Swartz M, Abreu A, Alcerro Alcerro LF, Anguiano J, Baringer P, Bean A, Flowers Z, Grove D, King J, Krintiras G, Lazarovits M, Le Mahieu C, Lindsey C, Marquez J, Minafra N, Murray M, Nickel M, Pitt M, Popescu S, Rogan C, Royon C, Salvatico R, Sanders S, Smith C, Wang Q, Wilson G, Allmond B, Ivanov A, Kaadze K, Kalogeropoulos A, Kim D, Maravin Y, Nam K, Natoli J, Roy D, Sorrentino G, Rebassoo F, Wright D, Baden A, Belloni A, Chen YM, Eno SC, Hadley NJ, Jabeen S, Kellogg RG, Koeth T, Lai Y, Lascio S, Mignerey AC, Nabili S, Palmer C, Papageorgakis C, Paranjpe MM, Wang L, Bendavid J, Cali IA, D’Alfonso M, Eysermans J, Freer C, Gomez-Ceballos G, Goncharov M, Grosso G, Harris P, Hoang D, Kovalskyi D, Krupa J, Lavezzo L, Lee YJ, Long K, Mironov C, Novak A, Paus C, Rankin D, Roland C, Roland G, Rothman S, Stephans GSF, Wang Z, Wyslouch B, Yang TJ, Crossman B, Joshi BM, Kapsiak C, Krohn M, Mahon D, Mans J, Marzocchi B, Pandey S, Revering M, Rusack R, Saradhy R, Schroeder N, Strobbe N, Wadud MA, Cremaldi LM, Bloom K, Claes DR, Haza G, Hossain J, Joo C, Kravchenko I, Siado JE, Tabb W, Vagnerini A, Wightman A, Yan F, Yu D, Bandyopadhyay H, Hay L, Iashvili I, Kharchilava A, Morris M, Nguyen D, Rappoccio S, Rejeb Sfar H, Williams A, Alverson G, Barberis E, Dervan J, Haddad Y, Han Y, Krishna A, Li J, Lu M, Madigan G, Mccarthy R, Morse DM, Nguyen V, Orimoto T, Parker A, Skinnari L, Tishelman-Charny A, Wang B, Wood D, Bhattacharya S, Bueghly J, Chen Z, Dittmer S, Hahn KA, Liu Y, Miao Y, Monk DG, Schmitt MH, Taliercio A, Velasco M, Agarwal G, Band R, Bucci R, Castells S, Das A, Goldouzian R, Hildreth M, Ho KW, Hurtado Anampa K, Ivanov T, Jessop C, Lannon K, Lawrence J, Loukas N, Lutton L, Mariano J, Marinelli N, Mcalister I, McCauley T, Mcgrady C, Moore C, Musienko Y, Nelson H, Osherson M, Piccinelli A, Ruchti R, Townsend A, Wan Y, Wayne M, Yockey H, Zarucki M, Zygala L, Basnet A, Bylsma B, Carrigan M, Durkin LS, Hill C, Joyce M, Nunez Ornelas M, Wei K, Winer BL, Yates BR, Addesa FM, Bouchamaoui H, Das P, Dezoort G, Elmer P, Frankenthal A, Greenberg B, Haubrich N, Kopp G, Kwan S, Lange D, Loeliger A, Marlow D, Ojalvo I, Olsen J, Shevelev A, Stickland D, Tully C, Malik S, Bakshi AS, Barnes VE, Chandra S, Chawla R, Das S, Gu A, Gutay L, Jones M, Jung AW, Kondratyev D, Koshy AM, Liu M, Negro G, Neumeister N, Paspalaki G, Piperov S, Scheurer V, Schulte JF, Stojanovic M, Thieman J, Virdi AK, Wang F, Xie W, Dolen J, Parashar N, Pathak A, Acosta D, Carnahan T, Ecklund KM, Fernández Manteca PJ, Freed S, Gardner P, Geurts FJM, Li W, Miguel Colin O, Padley BP, Redjimi R, Rotter J, Yigitbasi E, Zhang Y, Bodek A, de Barbaro P, Demina R, Dulemba JL, Garcia-Bellido A, Hindrichs O, Khukhunaishvili A, Parmar N, Parygin P, Popova E, Taus R, Goulianos K, Chiarito B, Chou JP, Gershtein Y, Halkiadakis E, Heindl M, Jaroslawski D, Karacheban O, Laflotte I, Lath A, Montalvo R, Nash K, Routray H, Salur S, Schnetzer S, Somalwar S, Stone R, Thayil SA, Thomas S, Vora J, Wang H, Acharya H, Ally D, Delannoy AG, Fiorendi S, Higginbotham S, Holmes T, Kanuganti AR, Karunarathna N, Lee L, Nibigira E, Spanier S, Aebi D, Ahmad M, Bouhali O, Eusebi R, Gilmore J, Huang T, Kamon T, Kim H, Luo S, Mueller R, Overton D, Rathjens D, Safonov A, Akchurin N, Damgov J, Hegde V, Hussain A, Kazhykarim Y, Lamichhane K, Lee SW, Mankel A, Peltola T, Volobouev I, Whitbeck A, Appelt E, Chen Y, Greene S, Gurrola A, Johns W, Kunnawalkam Elayavalli R, Melo A, Romeo F, Sheldon P, Tuo S, Velkovska J, Viinikainen J, Cardwell B, Cox B, Hakala J, Hirosky R, Ledovskoy A, Neu C, Perez Lara CE, Karchin PE, Aravind A, Banerjee S, Black K, Bose T, Dasu S, De Bruyn I, Everaerts P, Galloni C, He H, Herndon M, Herve A, Koraka CK, Lanaro A, Loveless R, Madhusudanan Sreekala J, Mallampalli A, Mohammadi A, Mondal S, Parida G, Pinna D, Savin A, Shang V, Sharma V, Smith WH, Teague D, Tsoi HF, Vetens W, Warden A, Afanasiev S, Andreev V, Andreev Y, Aushev T, Azarkin M, Babaev A, Belyaev A, Blinov V, Boos E, Borshch V, Budkouski D, Chekhovsky V, Chistov R, Danilov M, Dermenev A, Dimova T, Druzhkin D, Dubinin M, Dudko L, Ershov A, Gavrilov G, Gavrilov V, Gninenko S, Golovtcov V, Golubev N, Golutvin I, Gorbunov I, Gribushin A, Ivanov Y, Kachanov V, Karjavine V, Karneyeu A, Kim V, Kirakosyan M, Kirpichnikov D, Kirsanov M, Klyukhin V, Kodolova O, Korenkov V, Kozyrev A, Krasnikov N, Lanev A, Levchenko P, Lychkovskaya N, Makarenko V, Malakhov A, Matveev V, Murzin V, Nikitenko A, Obraztsov S, Oreshkin V, Palichik V, Perelygin V, Petrushanko S, Polikarpov S, Popov V, Radchenko O, Savina M, Savrin V, Shalaev V, Shmatov S, Shulha S, Skovpen Y, Slabospitskii S, Smirnov V, Snigirev A, Sosnov D, Sulimov V, Tcherniaev E, Terkulov A, Teryaev O, Tlisova I, Toropin A, Uvarov L, Uzunian A, Vorobyev A, Voytishin N, Yuldashev BS, Zarubin A, Zhizhin I, Zhokin A. Constraints on anomalous Higgs boson couplings from its production and decay using the WW channel in proton-proton collisions at s = 13 TeV. THE EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL. C, PARTICLES AND FIELDS 2024; 84:779. [PMID: 39115154 PMCID: PMC11300562 DOI: 10.1140/epjc/s10052-024-12925-0] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Grants] [Track Full Text] [Figures] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 03/01/2024] [Accepted: 05/16/2024] [Indexed: 08/10/2024]
A study of the anomalous couplings of the Higgs boson to vector bosons, including CP -violation effects, has been conducted using its production and decay in the WW channel. This analysis is performed on proton-proton collision data collected with the CMS detector at the CERN LHC during 2016-2018 at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV, and corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 138fb - 1 . The different-flavor dilepton ( e μ ) final state is analyzed, with dedicated categories targeting gluon fusion, electroweak vector boson fusion, and associated production with a W or Z boson. Kinematic information from associated jets is combined using matrix element techniques to increase the sensitivity to anomalous effects at the production vertex. A simultaneous measurement of four Higgs boson couplings to electroweak vector bosons is performed in the framework of a standard model effective field theory. All measurements are consistent with the expectations for the standard model Higgs boson and constraints are set on the fractional contribution of the anomalous couplings to the Higgs boson production cross section.
- Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research
- Austrian Science Fund
- Belgian Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique
- Belgian Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek
- CNPq
- Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science
- Bulgarian National Science Fund
- Chinese Academy of Sciences
- Ministry of Science and Technology
- Chinese National Natural Science Foundation of China
- Colombian Funding Agency (MINICIENCIAS)
- Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sport
- Croatian Science Foundation
- Research and Innovation Foundation
- Ministry of Education and Research
- Estonian Research Council via PRG780, PRG803, and PRG445
- European Regional Development Fund
- Academy of Finland
- Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture
- Helsinki Institute of Physics
- Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules
- Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
- Commissariat à l’Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives
- Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung
- Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
- Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft Deutscher Forschungszentren
- General Secretariat for Research and Innovation
- National Research, Development and Innovation Office
- Department of Atomic Energy
- Department of Science and Technology
- Institute for Research in Fundamental Studies
- Science Foundation
- Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare
- Korean Ministry of Education, Science and Technology
- National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)
- Lithuanian Academy of Sciences
- Ministry of Education
- University of Malaya
- Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment
- Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission
- Ministry of Educaton and Science
- National Science Centre
- Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, CERN/FIS-PAR/0025/2019 and CERN/FIS-INS/0032/2019
- Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of Serbia
- MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, ERDF “a way of making Europe”
- Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional, Spain
- Plan de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación del Principado de Asturias
- ETH Board
- ETH Zurich
- UniZH
- Canton Zurich
- Thailand Center of Excellence in Physics
- Institute for the Promotion of Teaching Science and Technology of Thailand
- Special Task Force for Activating Research
- National Science and Technology Development Agency of Thailand
- Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey
- Turkish Atomic Energy Authority
- National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
- Science and Technology Facilities Council
- US Department of Energy
- US National Science Foundation
- Marie-Curie programme
- European Research Council and EPLANET (European Union)
- European Research Council/European Cooperation in Science and Technology), Action CA16108
- Horizon 2020 Grant, contract Nos. 675440, 724704, 752730, 758316, 765710, 824093, 101115353 (European Union)
- Leventis Foundation
- Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
- Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
- Science Committee, project no. 22rl-037
- Belgian Federal Science Policy Office
- Fonds pour la Formation à la Recherche dans l’Industrie et dans l’Agriculture (FRIA-Belgium)
- Agentschap voor Innovatie door Wetenschap en Technologie (IWT-Belgium)
- Belgian Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique, “Excellence of Science - EOS” - be.h project n. 30820817
- Belgian Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek, “Excellence of Science - EOS” - be.h project n. 30820817
- Beijing Municipal Science & Technology Commission, No. Z191100007219010
- Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities
- Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MEYS) of the Czech Republic
- Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation
- Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) under Germany’s Excellence Strategy – EXC 2121 “Quantum Universe” – 390833306
- Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), project number 400140256 - GRK2497
- Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation, Project Number 2288
- Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- New National Excellence Program - ÚNKP, the NKFIH research grants K 124845, K 124850, K 128713, K 128786, K 129058, K 131991, K 133046, K 138136, K 143460, K 143477, 2020-2.2.1-ED-2021-00181, and TKP2021-NKTA-64
- Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India
- Latvian Council of Science
- Ministy of Education and Science, project no. 2022/WK/14
- National Science Center, Opus 2021/41/B/ST2/01369 and 2021/43/B/ST2/01552
- Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, CEECIND/01334/2018
- National Priorities Research Program by Qatar National Research Fund
- Ministry of Science and Higher Education, project no. FSWU-2023-0073 and FSWW-2020-0008
- Programa Estatal de Fomento de la Investigación Científica y Técnica de Excelencia María de Maeztu, grant MDM-2017-0765 and projects PID2020-113705RB, PID2020-113304RB, PID2020-116262RB and PID2020-113341RB-I00
- Programa Severo Ochoa del Principado de Asturias
- Rachadapisek Sompot Fund for Postdoctoral Fellowship, Chulalongkorn University (Thailand)
- Kavli Foundation
- Nvidia Corporation
- Welch Foundation, contract C-1845
- Weston Havens Foundation
- Institut für Hochenergiephysik (HEPHY) using the Cloud Infrastructure Platform (CLIP), Vienna
- Inter-University Institute for High Energies, Brussels
- Université Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve
- São Paulo Research and Analysis Center, São Paulo
- Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro
- University of Sofia, Sofia
- Institute of High Energy Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing
- National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics, Tallinn
- Helsinki Institute of Physics, Helsinki
- Grille de Recherche d’Ile de France (GRIF), Institut de recherche sur les lois fondamentales de l’Univers, CEA, Université Paris-Saclay, Gif-sur-Yvette, France and Laboratoire Leprince-Ringuet, CNRS/IN2P3, Ecole Polytechnique, Institut Polytechnique de Paris
- Institut de recherche sur les lois fondamentales de l’Univers, CEA, Université Paris-Saclay, Gif-sur-Yvette
- Institut national de physique nucléaire et de physique des particules, IN2P3, Villeurbanne
- Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien (IPHC), Strasbourg
- Laboratoire Leprince-Ringuet, CNRS/IN2P3, Ecole Polytechnique, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, Palaiseau
- Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, Hamburg
- Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, Karlsruhe
- RWTH Aachen University, Aachen
- University of Ioánnina, Ioánnina
- Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Budapest
- Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai
- INFN CNAF, Bologna
- INFN Sezione di Bari, Università di Bari, Politecnico di Bari, Bari
- INFN Sezione di Pisa, Università di Pisa, Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Pisa
- INFN Sezione di Roma, Sapienza Università di Roma, Rome
- INFN Sezione di Trieste, Università di Trieste, Trieste
- Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro, Legnaro
- Kyungpook National University, Daegu
- National Centre for Physics, Quaid-I-Azam University, Islamabad
- Akademickie Centrum Komputerowe Cyfronet AGH, Krakow
- National Centre for Nuclear Research, Swierk
- Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas, Lisboa
- Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information (KISTI), Daejeon
- Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas Medioambientales y Tecnológicas (CIEMAT), Madrid
- Instituto de Física de Cantabria (IFCA), CSIC-Universidad de Cantabria, Santander
- Port d’Informació Científica, Bellaterra
- CERN, European Organization for Nuclear Research, Geneva
- CSCS - Swiss National Supercomputing Centre, Lugano
- Instrumentation and Detector Consortium, Taipei
- National Center for High-performance Computing (NCHC), Hsinchu City
- Middle East Technical University, Physics Department, Ankara
- National Scientific Center, Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology, Kharkov
- GridPP, Brunel University, Uxbridge
- GridPP, Imperial College, London
- GridPP, Queen Mary University of London, London
- GridPP, Royal Holloway, University of London, London
- GridPP, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Didcot
- GridPP, University of Bristol, Bristol
- GridPP, University of Glasgow, Glasgow
- GridPP, University of Oxford, Oxford
- Baylor University, Waco
- California Institute of Technology, Pasadena
- Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
- National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC), a U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science User Facility, Berkeley
- Open Science Grid (OSG) Consortium
- Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center (PSC), Pittsburgh
- Purdue University, West Lafayette
- San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC), La Jolla
- Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC), Austin
- University of California, San Diego, La Jolla
- University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder
- University of Florida, Gainesville
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln
- University of Wisconsin - Madison, Madison
- Vanderbilt University, Nashville
Xue P, Yue F, Li S, Cheng W, Zhou H, Yan W, Zhou Y, Tang J, Li J, Zhang J. A multicenter randomized controlled trial comparing short- and medium-term outcomes of novel biologics and lightweight synthetic mesh for laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair. Hernia 2024; 28:1337-1344. [PMID: 38902558 DOI: 10.1007/s10029-024-03046-4] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Key Words] [MESH Headings] [Grants] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 02/07/2024] [Accepted: 04/13/2024] [Indexed: 06/22/2024]
INTRODUCTION The use of biological graft in laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair (LIHR) has been controversial, and there is a lack of high-level evidence to confirm the value of biological graft in LIHR. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of a novel composite biologics in LIHR. METHODS A multicenter, single-blinded, randomized controlled clinical trial was designed. Fifty patients with unilateral primary inguinal hernia were randomly assigned to the experimental and control group (1:1). The experimental group was repaired with a non-crosslinked composite extracellular matrix from porcine urinary bladder matrix and small intestinal submucosa (UBM/SIS). The control group was repaired with a lightweight, large-pore, synthetic mesh. The primary endpoint was the effectiveness rate of hernia repair. RESULTS The patients were followed up for four years. No significant difference was found between the experimental group and the control group in the effective rate of hernia repair (24/24[100%] vs 21/22[95.45%], RR, 0.4667; 95%CI, 0.3294-2.304; P = 0.4783). There was no fever, seroma, infection, groin pain, foreign body discomfort or recurrence in the experimental group during the follow-up. In the control group, there were 2 cases of seroma 14 days after operation, 1 case of groin discomfort 60 days after operation and one case of recurrence 410 days after surgery. CONCLUSION Compared with the lightweight synthetic mesh, the novel UBM/SIS graft has comparable short-term and medium-term effectiveness in LIHR, and the incidence of postoperative complications such as seroma groin discomfort is lower. Trial registration Clinical Trials Registry: ChiCTR1800020173.
Li Y, Lv Y, Li J, Ling P, Guo X, Zhang L, Ni J, Long Y. Dexamethasone relieves the inflammatory response caused by inguinal hernia meshes through miR-155. Hernia 2024; 28:1113-1119. [PMID: 38492053 DOI: 10.1007/s10029-024-02985-2] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Key Words] [MESH Headings] [Grants] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 07/18/2023] [Accepted: 02/06/2024] [Indexed: 03/18/2024]
BACKGROUND Inguinal hernia is a relatively common condition. Most patients with inguinal hernia require surgery. At present, mesh repair is one of the most effective methods to treat inguinal hernia, but insertion of the mesh can cause inflammation. Dexamethasone (DEX) can treat inflammation, but the mechanism by which DEX alleviates inflammation caused by inguinal hernia mesh placement remains unclear. METHOD We randomly divided rats into groups: negative control (NC), inguinal hernia (IH), polypropylene mesh (PM), DEX treatment, and miR-155 treatment groups. RT-qPCR was performed to determine the expression of miR-155. ELISA was implemented to determine the secretion of IL-1β, IL-6, and IL-18. Western blotting was used to detect caspase-1, JAK1, p-JAK1, STAT3, and p-STAT3 expression. A dual-luciferase reporter gene array identified a connection between miR-155 and JAK1. RESULTS The results revealed that the expression of miR-155, IL-1β, IL-6, and IL-18 was upregulated in the PM group. After DEX treatment, the secretion of miR-155, caspase-1, IL-1β, IL-6, and IL-18 decreased. Dual luciferase results confirmed that miR-155 induced the targeted downregulation of JAK1, while a miR-155 mimic reversed the therapeutic effect of DEX, and the expression levels of p-JAK1 and p-STAT3 increased. CONCLUSION DEX regulates the JAK1/STAT3 signaling pathway through miR-155 to relieve inflammation caused by inguinal hernia meshes.
Wang Y, Xing J, Liang Y, Liang H, Liang N, Li J, Yin G, Li X, Zhang K. The structure and function of multifunctional protein ErbB3 binding protein 1 (Ebp1) and its role in diseases. Cell Biol Int 2024; 48:1069-1079. [PMID: 38884348 DOI: 10.1002/cbin.12196] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Key Words] [MESH Headings] [Grants] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 12/10/2023] [Revised: 05/20/2024] [Accepted: 05/27/2024] [Indexed: 06/18/2024]
ErbB3-binding protein 1(Ebp1) has two isoforms, p42 Ebp1 and p48 Ebp1, both of which can regulate cell growth and differentiation. But these isoforms often have opposite effects, including contradictory roles in regulation of cell growth in different tissues and cells. P48 Ebp1 belongs to the full-length sequence, while conformational changes in the crystal structure of p42 Ebp1 reveals a lack of an α helix at the amino terminus. Due to the differences in the structures of these two isoforms, they have different binding partners and protein modifications. Ebp1 can function as both an oncogene and a tumor suppressor factor. However, the underlying mechanisms by which these two isoforms exert opposite functions are still not fully understood. In this review, we summarize the genes and the structures of protein of these two isoforms, protein modifications, binding partners and the association of different isoforms with diseases.
Peng J, Zhang Y, Liu Q, Tang Y, Zhang W, Zheng S, Huang W, Yang M, He Y, Li Z, Xie L, Li J, Wang J, Zhou Y. Allicin in pregnancy diets modulates steroid metabolism in pregnant sows and placental sulphate metabolism promoting placental angiogenesis and foetal development. Animal 2024; 18:101224. [PMID: 39024999 DOI: 10.1016/j.animal.2024.101224] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Key Words] [MESH Headings] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 02/24/2024] [Revised: 06/13/2024] [Accepted: 06/14/2024] [Indexed: 07/20/2024] Open
The low-birth-weight of piglets is an important factor affecting pig enterprises. The placenta, as a key organ for material exchange between mother and foetus, directly influences the growth and development of the foetus. Allicin exhibits various biological activities, including anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It may also play a crucial role in enhancing sow reproductive performance and placental angiogenesis. In this study, we used 70 lactating Landrace × Yorkshire binary heterozygous sows to explore the effect of allicin on the reproductive performance of sows and placental development. The sows were randomly assigned into the Allicin group (Allicin), which was fed with a diet containing 0.25% allicin, and the negative control group, which was fed with basal feed. The experimental period lasted for 114 d from the date of mating to the end of farrowing. The results showed that the addition of allicin to the gestation diets increased the number of total born piglets, born alive piglets, and high-birth-weight piglets, reduced peripartum oxidative stress, alleviated dysregulation of glucose-lipid metabolism in sows, and increased the levels of antioxidant markers in the placenta. Differential analysis of metabolites in maternal plasma and placenta samples by non-targeted metabolomics revealed that allicin improved cholesterol metabolism, steroid biosynthesis, and increased plasma progesterone levels in sows. Allicin promoted sulphur metabolism, cysteine and methionine metabolism in placental samples and increased the hydrogen sulphide (H2S) content in the placenta. In addition, Quantitative Real-time PCR, Western blot and immunofluorescence results showed that allicin upregulated the expression of angiogenesis-related genes, VEGF-A, FLK 1 and Ang 1, in the placenta, implying that it promoted placental angiogenesis. These results indicate that supplementing the diet of pregnant sows with allicin reduces oxidative stress, alleviates dysregulation of glucose-lipid metabolism during the periparturient period, and promotes placental angiogenesis and foetal development by increasing plasma progesterone level and placental H2S content.
Yuan Y, Duan W, Yang N, Sun C, Nie Q, Li J, Lian L. Transcriptome analysis of long non-coding RNA associated with embryonic muscle development in chickens. Br Poult Sci 2024; 65:394-402. [PMID: 38738875 DOI: 10.1080/00071668.2024.2335935] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Key Words] [MESH Headings] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 01/19/2024] [Accepted: 03/08/2024] [Indexed: 05/14/2024]
1. Skeletal muscle is an important component of chicken carcass. In chickens, the number of muscle fibres is fixed during the embryonic period, and muscle development during the embryonic period determines the muscle development potential after hatching.2. Beijing-You (BY) and Cornish (CN) chickens show completely different growth rates and body types, and two breeds were used in this study to explore the role of lncRNAs in muscle development during different chicken embryonic periods. A systematic analysis of lncRNAs and mRNAs were conducted in the pectoral muscle tissues of BY and CN chickens at embryonic days 11 (ED11), 13 (ED13), 15 (ED15), 17 (ED17), and 1-day-old (D1) using RNA-seq. A total of 4,104 differentially expressed transcripts (DETs) were identified among the five stages, including 2,359 lncRNAs and 1,745 mRNAs.3. The number of DETs between the two breeds at ED17 (1,658 lncRNAs and 1,016 mRNAs) was much higher than the total number of DET at all the other stages (692 lncRNAs and 729 mRNAs), indicating that the two breeds show the largest difference in gene regulation at ED17.4. Correlation analysis was performed for all differentially expressed lncRNAs and mRNAs during the five periods. Forty-three, cis interaction pairs of lncRNA-mRNA related to chicken muscle development were predicted. The expression of four pairs was verified, and the results showed MSTRG.12395.2-FGFBP2 and MSTRG.18590.6-FMOD were significantly up-regulated in CN at ED11 compared to BY and might be important candidate genes for embryonic muscle development.
Zhang JF, Pan YW, Li J, Kong XG, Wang M, Xue ZM, Gao J, Fu GS. Comparison of His-Purkinje Conduction System Pacing with Atrial-Ventricular Node Ablation and Pharmacotherapy in HFpEF Patients with Recurrent Persistent Atrial Fibrillation (HPP-AF study). Cardiovasc Drugs Ther 2024; 38:847-858. [PMID: 36749453 DOI: 10.1007/s10557-023-07435-2] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Key Words] [MESH Headings] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Submit a Manuscript] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Accepted: 01/23/2023] [Indexed: 02/08/2023]
BACKGROUND There is currently no particularly effective strategy for patients with persistent atrial fibrillation accompanying heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF), especially with recurrent atrial fibrillation after ablation. In this study, we will evaluate a new treatment strategy for patients with persistent atrial fibrillation who had at least two attempts (≧2 times) of radio-frequency catheter ablation but experienced recurrence, and physiologic conduction was reconstructed after atrioventricular node ablation or drug therapy, to control the patient's ventricular rate to maintain a regular heart rhythm, which is called His-Purkinje conduction system pacing (HPCSP) with atrioventricular node ablation. METHODS AND RESULTS This investigator-initiated, multicenter prospective randomized controlled trial aimed to recruit 296 randomized HFpEF patients with recurrent atrial fibrillation. All the enrolled patients were randomly assigned to the pacing group or the drug treatment group. The primary endpoint is differences in cardiovascular events and clinical composite endpoints (all-cause mortality) between patients in the HPCSP and drug-treated groups. Secondary endpoints included heart failure hospitalization, exercise capacity assessed by cardiopulmonary exercise tests, quality of life, echocardiogram parameters, 6-minute walk distance, NT-ProBNP, daily patient activity levels, and heart failure management report recorded by the CIED. It is planned to compete recruitment by the end of 2023 and report in 2025. CONCLUSIONS The study aims to determine whether His-Purkinje conduction system pacing with atrioventricular node ablation can better improve patients' symptoms and quality of life, postpone the progression of heart failure, and reduce the rate of rehospitalization and mortality of patients with heart failure. CLINICAL TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER ChiCTR1900027723, URL: http://www.chictr.org.cn/edit.aspx?pid=46128&htm=4.
Hon KL, Hui TY, Li J, Tan YW, Leung KKY, Hui WF, Cheung WL, Chung FS, Ip P, Yam JCS. Child abuse, neglect, and non-accidental injury: challenging diagnoses in paediatric emergency and critical care. Hong Kong Med J 2024; 30:320-324. [PMID: 39183376 DOI: 10.12809/hkmj219768] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [MESH Headings] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 08/27/2024] Open
Setzer F, Li J, Khan A. The Use of Artificial Intelligence in Endodontics. J Dent Res 2024; 103:853-862. [PMID: 38822561 PMCID: PMC11378448 DOI: 10.1177/00220345241255593] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Key Words] [MESH Headings] [Grants] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 06/03/2024] Open
Endodontics is the dental specialty foremost concerned with diseases of the pulp and periradicular tissues. Clinicians often face patients with varying symptoms, must critically assess radiographic images in 2 and 3 dimensions, derive complex diagnoses and decision making, and deliver sophisticated treatment. Paired with low intra- and interobserver agreement for radiographic interpretation and variations in treatment outcome resulting from nonstandardized clinical techniques, there exists an unmet need for support in the form of artificial intelligence (AI), providing automated biomedical image analysis, decision support, and assistance during treatment. In the past decade, there has been a steady increase in AI studies in endodontics but limited clinical application. This review focuses on critically assessing the recent advancements in endodontic AI research for clinical applications, including the detection and diagnosis of endodontic pathologies such as periapical lesions, fractures and resorptions, as well as clinical treatment outcome predictions. It discusses the benefits of AI-assisted diagnosis, treatment planning and execution, and future directions including augmented reality and robotics. It critically reviews the limitations and challenges imposed by the nature of endodontic data sets, AI transparency and generalization, and potential ethical dilemmas. In the near future, AI will significantly affect the everyday endodontic workflow, education, and continuous learning.
Lu LH, Chen YQ, Li J, Shao SS, Ma FH, Ning Y, Shi Y, Wang C. [Clinicopathological features and prognostic analysis of synchronous mucinous metaplasia and neoplasia of the female genital tract]. ZHONGHUA ZHONG LIU ZA ZHI [CHINESE JOURNAL OF ONCOLOGY] 2024; 46:1-14. [PMID: 39077828 DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.cn112152-20240518-00201] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Grants] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 07/31/2024]
Objective: Synchronous mucinous metaplasia and neoplasia of the female genital tract (SMMN-FGT) occurring at multiple sites during the same period of time is extremely rare, and the aim of this study was to investigate the clinicopathologic features of SMMN-FGT and its relationship with prognosis. Methods: We retrospectively analyzed the clinicopathological features and follow-up records of 25 cases of SMMN-FGT diagnosed from January 2012 to October 2022 in the case database of Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital of Fudan University. Results: The mean and median age at onset were 47 and 46 years old, respectively. Clinical manifestations included irregular vaginal bleeding or drainage, pelvic pain, and ovarian cysts, etc. Germline genetic test confirmed Peutz-Jeghers syndrome (P-J syndrome) in two patients. All patients underwent surgery, and some had postoperative adjuvant radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy. The most frequent site of lesion was the cervix (21 cases), with 11, 10 and 16 cases occurring in the endometrium, fallopian tubes and ovaries, respectively. Six cases involved three sites simultaneously, and only one case had all four sites involved at the same time. Among the 9 cases with P53 mutation phenotype, 6 cases had gastric-type mucinous adenocarcinoma, 2 cases had lobular endocervical glandular hyperplasia, and 1 case had mucinous adenocarcinoma, whereas all the minimally deviated adenocarcinomas had wild phenotype of P53. The median follow-up time was 59 months, during which 3 cases died and 6 cases developed local recurrence or distant metastasis. According to our analysis, postoperative recurrence or metastasis was correlated with the FIGO stage of the disease, the number of lesion sites and the severe degree of the uterine lesions (P<0.05). Conclusions: SMMN-FGT had a relatively good clinical prognosis, and even advanced patients could benefit from surgery and adjuvant therapy. In young patients, the ovaries may be preserved if no evidence of lesions were seen after adequate evaluation. In SMMN-FGT, gastric-type mucinous adenocarcinoma occurring in the cervix may have a better prognosis than gastric-type mucinous adenocarcinoma of the cervix alone, so the accurate diagnosis of SMMN-FGT is critical for clinical management.
Li J, Li GX, Dong L, Feng F, Chu SH, Yang N, Xie MK, Cheng CH, Sun LQ. [Fetoscopy for intrauterine diagnosis and treatment of amniotic band syndrome: a clinical analysis of 7 cases and literature review]. ZHONGHUA FU CHAN KE ZA ZHI 2024; 59:530-539. [PMID: 39056130 DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.cn112141-20240228-00125] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [MESH Headings] [Grants] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 07/28/2024]
Objective: To summarize the clinical value of fetoscopy in the prenatal diagnosis and treatment of amniotic band syndrome (ABS). Methods: A retrospective analysis was conducted on the clinical data of seven ABS fetuses who underwent prenatal fetoscopic intervention at the Third Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University from December 2020 to August 2023. Literatures related to fetoscopic treatment of ABS were searched in databases including China National Knowledge Infrastructure, Wanfang Data, and PubMed. Clinical data were extracted and the characteristics and intervention effects of fetoscopic surgery in the treatment of ABS were summarized. Results: (1) Preoperative evaluation: the gestational age at diagnosis for the seven ABS fetuses was (19.8±4.4) weeks, and the gestational age at fetoscopic intervention was (22.2±2.8) weeks. The indications for fetoscopic intervention included umbilical cord involvement (3 cases), limb amniotic band with circular constriction (2 cases), and unclear visualization of digits (3 cases). (2) Pregnancy outcomes: among the seven ABS fetuses, four cases underwent selective termination of pregnancy due to severe intrauterine limb amputation, and three cases underwent fetoscopic lysis of amniotic bands. Among the latter three cases, one case experienced intrauterine fetal death (IUFD) two weeks after the procedure, and two cases had good postoperative outcomes. (3) Literature review: a total of 40 cases, including 37 cases from 17 articles and three cases from our institution, were included in the analysis. The indications for fetoscopic surgery included limb amniotic band with circular constriction and involvement of the umbilical cord. The success rate of the surgery was 82% (33/40), and 78% (29/37) of the affected limbs retained good functionality. Premature rupture of membranes was the most common complication, with an incidence rate of 48% (16/33). The average interval from the surgery to membrane rupture was (6.1±5.1) weeks, and the average interval from the surgery to delivery was (10.5±4.1) weeks, with an average gestational age at delivery of (33.7±3.6) weeks. The pregnant women were divided into single Trocar group (27 cases) and double Trocar group (13 cases) based on the surgical approach. The success rates in single Trocar group and double Trocar group were 78% (21/27) and 12/13, respectively, and the difference was not statistically significant (χ2=0.474, P=0.491). The gestational age of delivery in the single Trocar group and double Trocar group was (32.7±3.4) and (35.4±3.2) weeks, respectively, and the difference was statistically significant (t=-2.185, P<0.05). There were no statistically significant differences in the success rate of the surgery, incidence of premature rupture of membranes, interval between surgery and membrane rupture, interval between surgery and delivery, and preterm delivery rate between the two groups (all P>0.05). Conclusions: Fetoscopy could be used for prenatal assessment and intrauterine treatment of ABS. Fetoscopic lysis of amniotic bands may be an effective method for treating ABS, which helps preserve limb function and prevent intrauterine limb amputation and IUFD.
Wang F, Chen DL, Wang ZX, He Y, Li J, Zhang SZ, Chen G, Xu JM, Yuan XL, Zhang YQ, Xu RH. [Current status of palliative care for patients with unresectable metastatic colorectal cancer in China: a questionnaire-based survey]. ZHONGHUA WEI CHANG WAI KE ZA ZHI = CHINESE JOURNAL OF GASTROINTESTINAL SURGERY 2024; 27:718-725. [PMID: 39004987 DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.cn441530-20240323-00107] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [MESH Headings] [Grants] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 07/16/2024]
Objective: To analyze the current adoption of palliative care by patients with unresectable metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) in China. Methods: From 1 March 2023 to 30 June 2023, a questionnaire survey was conducted by random sampling. An exclusive research platform for the Blue Book on Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment of Metastatic Colorectal Cancer. An online questionnaire was sent to medical oncologists (including chief physicians, associate chief physicians, attending physicians and residents) in general hospitals and oncology hospitals in four major regions of East, Central, South and Northeast China. The questionnaire contained 28 questions requesting basic information about doctors, the number of patients with mCRC, the status of treatment from first to fourth line and beyond, points concerning treatment of pain in patients with mCRC, and expectations for the future. A medical team was responsible for the quality control of data collected, whereas statisticians performed the data cleaning and sorting and statistical analysis. Results: A total of 300 clinical questionnaires were collected, including 217 (72%) from doctors in general hospitals and 83 (28%) from doctors in oncology hospitals. Senior physicians (including associate chief physicians and chief physicians) accounted for 65% of the respondents, attending physicians 30%, and residents 5%. Within 3 months (average for each month), 46.4±26.6% patients were diagnosed with recurrent or unresectable mCRC by each physician, 51.6±26.8% of the patients being in cancer hospitals and 44.4±26.3% in general hospitals. One hundred percent of patients receiving first-line treatment received palliative care, as did 80.3% of those receiving second-line treatment, 58.2% of those receiving third-line treatment, and 35.1% of those receiving ≥fourth-line treatment. The primary factor governing selection of first-line treatment was guideline recommendations, whereas comorbidities and the patients' physical status dictated second line to fourth line treatment. Standard first-line treatment was administered to 93.8% of eligible patients, standard second-line treatment to 94.3%; and standard third-line treatment to 73.5%. First-line therapy included targeted therapy in 63.6% of patients and immunotherapy in 2.8%; second-line therapy included targeted therapy in 63.0% of patients and immunotherapy in 2.0%; third-line therapy included targeted therapy in 59.2% of patients and immunotherapy in 2.2%; and fourth-line therapy included targeted therapy in 48.7% of patients and immunotherapy in 3.1%. First-line treatment lasted an average of 9.6 months, second-line treatment 6.7 months, third-line treatment 4.9 months, and fourth-line treatment 3.7 months. More than 70% of the patients maintained a good quality of life after receiving first and second-line treatment and more than 60% of them had ECOG performance scores of 0-1. After receiving third- and fourth-line treatment, 50%-60% of patients maintained a good quality of life and 40%-50% of them maintained ECOG performance scores of 0-1. The survey also revealed that the main deficiencies in treatment were limited effectiveness of third-line treatment, insufficient availability and opportunity for clinical research, popularity of new drugs or new drug combination strategies, and limited channels for participation in multidisciplinary diagnosis and treatment. Clinicians reported looking forward to participating in more clinical research on new drugs, hearing about the experience of experts in the field, and discovery of new targets and new drugs that increased the options for posterior line treatment of colorectal cancer. Conclusions: This report objectively summarizes the current situation, treatment difficulties, and expectations of frontline physicians concerning management of mCRC, thus providing a basis for decision-making and future direction for the diagnosis and research on treatment of mCRC.
Xing J, Wang Y, Peng A, Li J, Niu X, Zhang K. The role of actin cytoskeleton CFL1 and ADF/cofilin superfamily in inflammatory response. Front Mol Biosci 2024; 11:1408287. [PMID: 39114368 PMCID: PMC11303188 DOI: 10.3389/fmolb.2024.1408287] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Key Words] [Track Full Text] [Figures] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 03/28/2024] [Accepted: 07/04/2024] [Indexed: 08/10/2024] Open
Actin remodeling proteins are important in immune diseases and regulate cell cytoskeletal responses. These responses play a pivotal role in maintaining the delicate balance of biological events, protecting against acute or chronic inflammation in a range of diseases. Cofilin (CFL) and actin depolymerization factor (ADF) are potent actin-binding proteins that cut and depolymerize actin filaments to generate actin cytoskeleton dynamics. Although the molecular mechanism by which actin induces actin cytoskeletal reconstitution has been studied for decades, the regulation of actin in the inflammatory process has only recently become apparent. In this paper, the functions of the actin cytoskeleton and ADF/cofilin superfamily members are briefly introduced, and then focus on the role of CFL1 in inflammatory response.
Deng Y, Wang Y, He PP, Li J, Liu WW, Yuan JS, Zhao HY, Liu ZJ, Shen CY, Shi B. [Mechanisms by which Mettl3 regulates pericyte-myofibroblast transdifferentiation through PI3K/AKT signaling pathway]. ZHONGHUA XIN XUE GUAN BING ZA ZHI 2024; 52:814-826. [PMID: 39019831 DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.cn112148-20230917-00168] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [MESH Headings] [Grants] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 07/19/2024]
Objective: To investigate the role and underlying mechanisms of methyltransferase (Mettl) 3 in the process of angiotensin Ⅱ (Ang Ⅱ)-induced pericyte-to-myofibroblast transdifferentiation and renal fibrosis. Methods: C57BL/6J mice were used, in cell experiments, mouse renal pericytes were isolated and cultured using magnetic bead sorting. These pericytes were then induced to transdifferentiate into myofibroblasts with 1×106 mmol/L Ang Ⅱ, which was the Ang Ⅱ group, while pericytes cultured in normal conditions served as the control group. Successful transdifferentiation was verified by immunofluorescence staining, Western blotting, and real-time reverse transcription PCR (RT-qPCR) for α-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA). The levels of m6A modifications and related enzymes (Mettl3, Mettl14), Wilms tumor 1-associated protein (WTAP), fat mass and obesity protein (FTO), ALKBH5, YTHDF1, YTHDF2, YTHDC1, YTHDC2, YTHDC3 were assessed by Dot blot, RT-qPCR and Western blot. Mettl3 expression was inhibited in cells using lentivirus-mediated Mettl3-shRNA transfection, creating sh-Mettl3 and Ang Ⅱ+sh-Mettl3 groups, while lentivirus empty vector transfection served as the negative control (Ang Ⅱ+sh-NC group). The impact of Ang Ⅱ on pericyte transdifferentiation was observed, and the expression of downstream phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)/AKT signaling pathway proteins, including PI3K, AKT, phosphorylated AKT at serine 473 (p-AKT (S473)), and phosphorylated AKT at threonine 308 (p-AKT (T308)), were examined. PI3K gene transcription was inhibited by co-culturing cells with actinomycin D, and the half-life of PI3K mRNA was calculated by measuring residual PI3K mRNA expression over different co-culture time. The reversibility of Mettl3 inhibition on Ang Ⅱ-induced pericyte-to-myofibroblast transdifferentiation was assessed by adding the AKT activator SC79 to the Ang Ⅱ+sh-Mettl3 group. In animal experiments, mice were divided into these groups: sham group (administered 0.9% sterile saline), Ang Ⅱ group (infused with Ang Ⅱ solution), sh-Mettl3 group (injected with Mettl3 shRNA lentivirus solution), Ang Ⅱ+sh-Mettl3 group (infused with Ang Ⅱ solution and injected with Mettl3 shRNA lentivirus solution), and Ang Ⅱ+sh-Mettl3+SC79 group (administered Ang Ⅱ solution and Mettl3 shRNA lentivirus, with an additional injection of SC79). Each group consisted of six subject mice. Blood pressure was measured using the tail-cuff method before and after surgery, and serum creatinine, urea, and urinary albumin levels were determined 4 weeks post-surgery. Kidney tissues were collected at 28 days and stained using hematoxylin-eosin (HE) and Masson's trichrome to assess the extent of renal fibrosis. Results: Primary renal pericytes were successfully obtained by magnetic bead sorting, and intervened with 1×106 mmol/L Ang Ⅱ for 48 hours to induce pericyte-to-myofibroblast transdifferentiation. Dot blot results indicated higher m6A modification levels in the Ang Ⅱ group compared to the control group (P<0.05). RT-qPCR and Western blot results showed upregulation of Mettl3 mRNA and protein levels in the Ang Ⅱ group compared to the control group (both P<0.05). In the Ang Ⅱ+sh-Mettl3 group, Mettl3 protein expression was lower than that in the Ang Ⅱ group, with reduced expression levels of α-SMA, vimentin, desmin, fibroblast agonist protein (FAPa) and type Ⅰ collagen (all P<0.05). Compared to the control group, PI3K mRNA expression level was elevated in the Ang Ⅱ group, along with increased p-AKT (S473) and p-AKT (T308) expressions. In the Ang Ⅱ+sh-Mettl3 group, PI3K mRNA expression and p-AKT (S473) and p-AKT (T308) levels were decreased (all P<0.05). The half-life of PI3K mRNA was shorter in the Ang Ⅱ+sh-Mettl3 group than that in the Ang Ⅱ+sh-NC group (2.34 h vs. 3.42 h). The ameliorative effect of Mettl3 inhibition on Ang Ⅱ-induced pericyte-to-myofibroblast transdifferentiation was reversible by SC79. Animal experiments showed higher blood pressure, serum creatinine, urea, and 24-hour urinary protein levels, and a larger fibrosis area in the Ang Ⅱ group compared to the sham group (all P<0.05). The fibrosis area was smaller in the Ang Ⅱ+sh-Mettl3 group than that in the Ang Ⅱ group (P<0.05), but increased again upon addition of SC79. Conclusion: Mettl3-mediated RNA m6A epigenetic regulation is involved in Ang Ⅱ-induced pericyte-to-myofibroblast transdifferentiation and renal fibrosis, potentially by affecting PI3K stability and regulating the PI3K/AKT signaling pathway.
Gao K, Wei XZ, Zhao B, Liu ZG, Du CL, Wang X, Wang Y, Liu CY, Tang DZ, Zhang Q, Wu RQ, Ou MM, Li W, Cheng Q, Xie YL, Ma P, Li J, Wang H, Wang ZM, Chen S, Zhang W, Zhou J. [Effect of preoperative oral ibuprofen on postoperative pain after dental implantation: a randomized controlled trial]. ZHONGHUA KOU QIANG YI XUE ZA ZHI = ZHONGHUA KOUQIANG YIXUE ZAZHI = CHINESE JOURNAL OF STOMATOLOGY 2024; 59:777-784. [PMID: 39036908 DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.cn112144-20240430-00174] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Grants] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 07/23/2024]
Objective: To evaluate the effect of preemptive analgesia with ibuprofen on postoperative pain following single posterior tooth implantation, aiming to provide a clinical reference for its application. Methods: A multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled parallel-group trial was conducted. A total of 82 participants were included in the trial, meeting the eligibility criteria from April 2022 to April 2024 at the Capital Medical University School of Stomatology (40 cases), Beijing TianTan Hospital, Capital Medical University (22 cases), Beijing Chao-Yang Hospital, Capital Medical University (20 cases). Participants were randomly assigned in a 1∶1 ratio to either the ibuprofen group or the control group, with each group comprising 41 individuals. Participants in the ibuprofen group received 300 mg of sustained-release ibuprofen capsules orally 15 min before surgery, while the control group received a placebo. Both groups received the same postoperative analgesic regimen for 3 days. Pain scores were assessed using the Numerical rating scale (NRS) at 30 min, 4 h, 6 h, 8 h, 24 h, 48 h, and 72 h postoperatively, and the additional use of analgesic medication was recorded from days 4 to 6 postoperatively. Results: A total of 82 participants were initially enrolled in the study, with 7 dropouts (4 from the control group and 3 from the ibuprofen group), resulting in 75 participants (37 in the control group and 38 in the ibuprofen group) completing the trial. There were no reports of adverse events such as nausea or vomiting among the participants. The ibuprofen group exhibited significantly lower pain scores at 4 h, 6 h and 8 h [1.0 (0.0, 2.0), 1.0 (0.0, 2.0), 1.5 (0.0, 3.0) ] postoperatively compared to the control group 4 h, 6 h and 8 h [2.0 (1.0, 3.0), 3.0 (1.5, 4.0), 2.0 (1.0, 4.0)] (Z=-1.99, P=0.047; Z=-3.01, P=0.003; Z=2.10, P=0.036). The proportions of patients requiring additional analgesic medication between days 4 and 6 post-surgery were 18.4% (7/38) in the ibuprofen group and 27.0% (10/37) in the control group, with no significant difference (χ2=0.79, P=0.373). The median additional medication usage postoperatively was [0.0 (0.0, 0.0) pills] in the ibuprofen group and [0.0 (0.0, 1.0) pills] in the control group, with no significant difference (Z=-0.78, P=0.439). Conclusions: Preemptive analgesia with ibuprofen effectively reduces postoperative pain following tooth implantation, representing a safe and effective perioperative pain management strategy.
Wang Y, Li J, Wang XY, Shi M. [Case report and treatment analysis of chlorfenapyr poisoning]. ZHONGHUA LAO DONG WEI SHENG ZHI YE BING ZA ZHI = ZHONGHUA LAODONG WEISHENG ZHIYEBING ZAZHI = CHINESE JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE AND OCCUPATIONAL DISEASES 2024; 42:540-542. [PMID: 39075011 DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.cn121094-20230321-00087] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Key Words] [MESH Headings] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 07/31/2024]
Chlorfenapyr is a kind of insecticide widely used in agriculture. Acute chlorfenapyr poisoning has a high mortality rate and there is no effective treatment at present. Poisoning caused by oral chlorfenapyr can lead to multiple organs damage such as heart, brain, muscle and retina. Clinical treatment should remove toxicants from the body early to improve the prognosis. In this paper, the death data of 3 patients with chlorfenapyr poisoning were reported and literature search was conducted to discuss the mechanism and treatment of chlorfenapyr poisoning.
Aad G, Abbott B, Abeling K, Abicht NJ, Abidi SH, Aboulhorma A, Abramowicz H, Abreu H, Abulaiti Y, Acharya BS, Adam Bourdarios C, Adamczyk L, Addepalli SV, Addison MJ, Adelman J, Adiguzel A, Adye T, Affolder AA, Afik Y, Agaras MN, Agarwala J, Aggarwal A, Agheorghiesei C, Ahmad A, Ahmadov F, Ahmed WS, Ahuja S, Ai X, Aielli G, Aikot A, Ait Tamlihat M, Aitbenchikh B, Aizenberg I, Akbiyik M, Åkesson TPA, Akimov AV, Akiyama D, Akolkar NN, Aktas S, Al Khoury K, Alberghi GL, Albert J, Albicocco P, Albouy GL, Alderweireldt S, Alegria ZL, Aleksa M, Aleksandrov IN, Alexa C, Alexopoulos T, Alfonsi F, Algren M, Alhroob M, Ali B, Ali HMJ, Ali S, Alibocus SW, Aliev M, Alimonti G, Alkakhi W, Allaire C, Allbrooke BMM, Allen JF, Allendes Flores CA, Allport PP, Aloisio A, Alonso F, Alpigiani C, Alvarez Estevez M, Alvarez Fernandez A, Alves Cardoso M, Alviggi MG, Aly M, Amaral Coutinho Y, Ambler A, Amelung C, Amerl M, Ames CG, Amidei D, Amor Dos Santos SP, Amos KR, Ananiev V, Anastopoulos C, Andeen T, Anders JK, Andrean SY, Andreazza A, Angelidakis S, Angerami A, Anisenkov AV, Annovi A, Antel C, Anthony MT, Antipov E, Antonelli M, Anulli F, Aoki M, Aoki T, Aparisi Pozo JA, Aparo MA, Aperio Bella L, Appelt C, Apyan A, Aranzabal N, Arbiol Val SJ, Arcangeletti C, Arce ATH, Arena E, Arguin JF, Argyropoulos S, Arling JH, Arnaez O, Arnold H, Artoni G, Asada H, Asai K, Asai S, Asbah NA, Assamagan K, Astalos R, Atashi S, Atkin RJ, Atkinson M, Atmani H, Atmasiddha PA, Augsten K, Auricchio S, Auriol AD, Austrup VA, Avolio G, Axiotis K, Azuelos G, Babal D, Bachacou H, Bachas K, Bachiu A, Backman F, Badea A, Baer TM, Bagnaia P, Bahmani M, Bahner D, Bailey AJ, Bailey VR, Baines JT, Baines L, Baker OK, Bakos E, Bakshi Gupta D, Balakrishnan V, Balasubramanian R, Baldin EM, Balek P, Ballabene E, Balli F, Baltes LM, Balunas WK, Balz J, Banas E, Bandieramonte M, Bandyopadhyay A, Bansal S, Barak L, Barakat M, Barberio EL, Barberis D, Barbero M, Barel MZ, Barends KN, Barillari T, Barisits MS, Barklow T, Baron P, Baron Moreno DA, Baroncelli A, Barone G, Barr AJ, Barr JD, Barranco Navarro L, Barreiro F, Barreiro Guimarães da Costa J, Barron U, Barros Teixeira MG, Barsov S, Bartels F, Bartoldus R, Barton AE, Bartos P, Basan A, Baselga M, Bassalat A, Basso MJ, Basson CR, Bates RL, Batlamous S, Batley JR, Batool B, Battaglia M, Battulga D, Bauce M, Bauer M, Bauer P, Bazzano Hurrell LT, Beacham JB, Beau T, Beaucamp JY, Beauchemin PH, Becherer F, Bechtle P, Beck HP, Becker K, Beddall AJ, Bednyakov VA, Bee CP, Beemster LJ, Beermann TA, Begalli M, Begel M, Behera A, Behr JK, Beirer JF, Beisiegel F, Belfkir M, Bella G, Bellagamba L, Bellerive A, Bellos P, Beloborodov K, Benchekroun D, Bendebba F, Benhammou Y, Benoit M, Bensinger JR, Bentvelsen S, Beresford L, Beretta M, Bergeaas Kuutmann E, Berger N, Bergmann B, Beringer J, Bernardi G, Bernius C, Bernlochner FU, Bernon F, Berrocal Guardia A, Berry T, Berta P, Berthold A, Bertram IA, Bethke S, Betti A, Bevan AJ, Bhalla NK, Bhamjee M, Bhatta S, Bhattacharya DS, Bhattarai P, Bhopatkar VS, Bi R, Bianchi RM, Bianco G, Biebel O, Bielski R, Biglietti M, Bindi M, Bingul A, Bini C, Biondini A, Birch-Sykes CJ, Bird GA, Birman M, Biros M, Biryukov S, Bisanz T, Bisceglie E, Biswal JP, Biswas D, Bitadze A, Bjørke K, Bloch I, Blue A, Blumenschein U, Blumenthal J, Bobbink GJ, Bobrovnikov VS, Boehler M, Boehm B, Bogavac D, Bogdanchikov AG, Bohm C, Boisvert V, Bokan P, Bold T, Bomben M, Bona M, Boonekamp M, Booth CD, Borbély AG, Bordulev IS, Borecka-Bielska HM, Borissov G, Bortoletto D, Boscherini D, Bosman M, Bossio Sola JD, Bouaouda K, Bouchhar N, Boudreau J, Bouhova-Thacker EV, Boumediene D, Bouquet R, Boveia A, Boyd J, Boye D, Boyko IR, Bracinik J, Brahimi N, Brandt G, Brandt O, Braren F, Brau B, Brau JE, Brener R, Brenner L, Brenner R, Bressler S, Britton D, Britzger D, Brock I, Brooijmans G, Brooks WK, Brost E, Brown LM, Bruce LE, Bruckler TL, Bruckman de Renstrom PA, Brüers B, Bruni A, Bruni G, Bruschi M, Bruscino N, Buanes T, 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R, Coelli S, Coimbra AEC, Cole B, Collot J, Conde Muiño P, Connell MP, Connell SH, Connelly IA, Conroy EI, Conventi F, Cooke HG, Cooper-Sarkar AM, Cordeiro Oudot Choi A, Corpe LD, Corradi M, Corriveau F, Cortes-Gonzalez A, Costa MJ, Costanza F, Costanzo D, Cote BM, Cowan G, Cranmer K, Cremonini D, Crépé-Renaudin S, Crescioli F, Cristinziani M, Cristoforetti M, Croft V, Crosby JE, Crosetti G, Cueto A, Cuhadar Donszelmann T, Cui H, Cui Z, Cunningham WR, Curcio F, Czodrowski P, Czurylo MM, De Sousa MJDCS, Da Fonseca Pinto JV, Da Via C, Dabrowski W, Dado T, Dahbi S, Dai T, Dal Santo D, Dallapiccola C, Dam M, D'amen G, D'Amico V, Damp J, Dandoy JR, Daneri MF, Danninger M, Dao V, Darbo G, Darmora S, Das SJ, D'Auria S, David C, Davidek T, Davis-Purcell B, Dawson I, Day-Hall HA, De K, De Asmundis R, De Biase N, De Castro S, De Groot N, de Jong P, De la Torre H, De Maria A, De Salvo A, De Sanctis U, De Santis F, De Santo A, De Vivie De Regie JB, Dedovich DV, Degens J, Deiana AM, Del Corso F, 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Duflot L, Dührssen M, Dülsen C, Dumitriu AE, Dunford M, Dungs S, Dunne K, Duperrin A, Yildiz HD, Düren M, Durglishvili A, Dwyer BL, Dyckes GI, Dyndal M, Dziedzic BS, Earnshaw ZO, Eberwein GH, Eckerova B, Eggebrecht S, Purcino De Souza EE, Ehrke LF, Eigen G, Einsweiler K, Ekelof T, Ekman PA, El Farkh S, El Ghazali Y, El Jarrari H, El Moussaouy A, Ellajosyula V, Ellert M, Ellinghaus F, Ellis N, Elmsheuser J, Elsing M, Emeliyanov D, Enari Y, Ene I, Epari S, Erdmann J, Erland PA, Errenst M, Escalier M, Escobar C, Etzion E, Evans G, Evans H, Evans LS, Evans MO, Ezhilov A, Ezzarqtouni S, Fabbri F, Fabbri L, Facini G, Fadeyev V, Fakhrutdinov RM, Fakoudis D, Falciano S, Falda Ulhoa Coelho LF, Falke PJ, Faltova J, Fan C, Fan Y, Fang Y, Fanti M, Faraj M, Farazpay Z, Farbin A, Farilla A, Farooque T, Farrington SM, Fassi F, Fassouliotis D, Faucci Giannelli M, Fawcett WJ, Fayard L, Federic P, Federicova P, Fedin OL, Fedotov G, Feickert M, Feligioni L, Fellers DE, Feng C, Feng M, Feng Z, Fenton MJ, 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Navarro JE, Garcia-Sciveres M, Gardner GL, Gardner RW, Garelli N, Garg D, Garg RB, Gargan JM, Garner CA, Garvey CM, Gaspar P, Gassmann VK, Gaudio G, Gautam V, Gauzzi P, Gavrilenko IL, Gavrilyuk A, Gay C, Gaycken G, Gazis EN, Geanta AA, Gee CM, Gekow A, Gemme C, Genest MH, Gentile S, Gentry AD, George S, George WF, Geralis T, Gessinger-Befurt P, Geyik ME, Ghani M, Ghneimat M, Ghorbanian K, Ghosal A, Ghosh A, Ghosh A, Giacobbe B, Giagu S, Giani T, Giannetti P, Giannini A, Gibson SM, Gignac M, Gil DT, Gilbert AK, Gilbert BJ, Gillberg D, Gilles G, Gillwald NEK, Ginabat L, Gingrich DM, Giordani MP, Giraud PF, Giugliarelli G, Giugni D, Giuli F, Gkialas I, Gladilin LK, Glasman C, Gledhill GR, Glemža G, Glisic M, Gnesi I, Go Y, Goblirsch-Kolb M, Gocke B, Godin D, Gokturk B, Goldfarb S, Golling T, Gololo MGD, Golubkov D, Gombas JP, Gomes A, Gomes Da Silva G, Gomez Delegido AJ, Gonçalo R, Gonella G, Gonella L, Gongadze A, Gonnella F, Gonski JL, González Andana RY, González de la Hoz S, Gonzalez Fernandez S, Gonzalez Lopez R, Gonzalez Renteria C, Gonzalez Rodrigues MV, Gonzalez Suarez R, Gonzalez-Sevilla S, Gonzalvo Rodriguez GR, Goossens L, Gorini B, Gorini E, Gorišek A, Gosart TC, Goshaw AT, Gostkin MI, Goswami S, Gottardo CA, Gotz SA, Gouighri M, Goumarre V, Goussiou AG, Govender N, Grabowska-Bold I, Graham K, Gramstad E, Grancagnolo S, Grandi M, Grant CM, Gravila PM, Gravili FG, Gray HM, Greco M, Grefe C, Gregor IM, Grenier P, Grewe SG, Grieco C, Grillo AA, Grimm K, Grinstein S, Grivaz JF, Gross E, Grosse-Knetter J, Grud C, Grundy JC, Guan L, Guan W, Gubbels C, Guerrero Rojas JGR, Guerrieri G, Guescini F, Gugel R, Guhit JAM, Guida A, Guilloton E, Guindon S, Guo F, Guo J, Guo L, Guo Y, Gupta R, Gupta R, Gurbuz S, Gurdasani SS, Gustavino G, Guth M, Gutierrez P, Gutierrez Zagazeta LF, Gutsche M, Gutschow C, Gwenlan C, Gwilliam CB, Haaland ES, Haas A, Habedank M, Haber C, Hadavand HK, Hadef A, Hadzic S, Hagan AI, Hahn JJ, Haines EH, Haleem M, Haley J, Hall JJ, Hallewell GD, Halser L, Hamano K, Hamer M, Hamity GN, Hampshire EJ, Han J, Han K, Han L, Han L, Han S, Han YF, Hanagaki K, Hance M, Hangal DA, Hanif H, Hank MD, Hankache R, Hansen JB, Hansen JD, Hansen PH, Hara K, Harada D, Harenberg T, Harkusha S, Harris ML, Harris YT, Harrison J, Harrison NM, Harrison PF, Hartman NM, Hartmann NM, Hasegawa Y, Hauser R, Hawkes CM, Hawkings RJ, Hayashi Y, Hayashida S, Hayden D, Hayes C, Hayes RL, Hays CP, Hays JM, Hayward HS, He F, He M, He Y, He Y, Heatley NB, Hedberg V, Heggelund AL, Hehir ND, Heidegger C, Heidegger KK, Heidorn WD, Heilman J, Heim S, Heim T, Heinlein JG, Heinrich JJ, Heinrich L, Hejbal J, Helary L, Held A, Hellesund S, Helling CM, Hellman S, Henderson RCW, Henkelmann L, Henriques Correia AM, Herde H, Hernández Jiménez Y, Herrmann LM, Herrmann T, Herten G, Hertenberger R, Hervas L, Hesping ME, Hessey NP, Hibi H, Hill E, Hillier SJ, Hinds JR, Hinterkeuser F, Hirose M, Hirose S, Hirschbuehl D, Hitchings TG, Hiti B, Hobbs J, Hobincu R, Hod N, Hodgkinson MC, Hodkinson BH, Hoecker A, Hofer DD, Hofer J, Holm T, Holzbock M, Hommels LBAH, Honan BP, Hong J, Hong TM, Hooberman BH, Hopkins WH, Horii Y, Hou S, Howard AS, Howarth J, Hoya J, Hrabovsky M, Hrynevich A, Hryn'ova T, Hsu PJ, Hsu SC, Hu Q, Hu YF, Huang S, Huang X, Huang X, Huang Y, Huang Y, Huang Z, Hubacek Z, Huebner M, Huegging F, Huffman TB, Hugli CA, Huhtinen M, Huiberts SK, Hulsken R, Huseynov N, Huston J, Huth J, Hyneman R, Iacobucci G, Iakovidis G, Ibragimov I, Iconomidou-Fayard L, Iengo P, Iguchi R, Iizawa T, Ikegami Y, Ilic N, Imam H, Ince Lezki M, Ingebretsen Carlson T, Introzzi G, Iodice M, Ippolito V, Irwin RK, Ishino M, Islam W, Issever C, Istin S, Ito H, Iturbe Ponce JM, Iuppa R, Ivina A, Izen JM, Izzo V, Jacka P, Jackson P, Jacobs RM, Jaeger BP, Jagfeld CS, Jain G, Jain P, Jakobs K, Jakoubek T, Jamieson J, Janas KW, Javurkova M, Jeanneau F, Jeanty L, Jejelava J, Jenni P, Jessiman CE, Jézéquel S, Jia C, Jia J, Jia X, Jia X, Jia Z, Jiggins S, Jimenez Pena J, Jin S, Jinaru A, Jinnouchi O, Johansson P, Johns KA, Johnson JW, Jones DM, Jones E, Jones P, Jones RWL, Jones TJ, Joos HL, Joshi R, Jovicevic J, Ju X, Junggeburth JJ, Junkermann T, Juste Rozas A, Juzek MK, Kabana S, Kaczmarska A, Kado M, Kagan H, Kagan M, Kahn A, Kahn A, Kahra C, Kaji T, Kajomovitz E, Kakati N, Kalaitzidou I, Kalderon CW, Kamenshchikov A, Kang NJ, Kar D, Karava K, Kareem MJ, Karentzos E, Karkanias I, Karkout O, Karpov SN, Karpova ZM, Kartvelishvili V, Karyukhin AN, Kasimi E, Katzy J, Kaur S, Kawade K, Kawale MP, Kawamoto C, Kawamoto T, Kay EF, Kaya FI, Kazakos S, Kazanin VF, Ke Y, Keaveney JM, Keeler R, Kehris GV, Keller JS, Kelly AS, Kempster JJ, Kennedy KE, Kennedy PD, Kepka O, Kerridge BP, Kersten S, Kerševan BP, Keshri S, Keszeghova L, Ketabchi Haghighat S, Khan RA, Khandoga M, Khanov A, Kharlamov AG, Kharlamova T, Khoda EE, Kholodenko M, Khoo TJ, Khoriauli G, Khubua J, Khwaira YAR, Kilgallon A, Kim DW, Kim YK, Kimura N, Kingston MK, Kirchhoff A, Kirfel C, Kirfel F, Kirk J, Kiryunin AE, Kitsaki C, Kivernyk O, Klassen M, Klein C, Klein L, Klein MH, Klein M, Klein SB, Klein U, Klimek P, Klimentov A, Klioutchnikova T, Kluit P, Kluth S, Kneringer E, Knight TM, Knue A, Kobayashi R, Kobylianskii D, Koch SF, Kocian M, Kodyš P, Koeck DM, Koenig PT, Koffas T, Kolay O, Koletsou I, Komarek T, Köneke K, Kong AXY, Kono T, Konstantinidis N, Kontaxakis P, Konya B, Kopeliansky R, Koperny S, Korcyl K, Kordas K, Koren G, Korn A, Korn S, Korolkov I, Korotkova N, Kortman B, Kortner O, Kortner S, Kostecka WH, Kostyukhin VV, Kotsokechagia A, Kotwal A, Koulouris A, Kourkoumeli-Charalampidi A, Kourkoumelis C, Kourlitis E, Kovanda O, Kowalewski R, Kozanecki W, Kozhin AS, Kramarenko VA, Kramberger G, Kramer P, Krasny MW, Krasznahorkay A, Kraus JW, Kremer JA, Kresse T, Kretzschmar J, Kreul K, Krieger P, Krishnamurthy S, Krivos M, Krizka K, Kroeninger K, Kroha H, Kroll J, Kroll J, Krowpman KS, Kruchonak U, Krüger H, Krumnack N, Kruse MC, Kuchinskaia O, Kuday S, Kuehn S, Kuesters R, Kuhl T, Kukhtin V, Kulchitsky Y, Kuleshov S, Kumar M, Kumari N, Kumari P, Kupco A, Kupfer T, Kupich A, Kuprash O, Kurashige H, Kurchaninov LL, Kurdysh O, Kurochkin YA, Kurova A, Kuze M, Kvam AK, Kvita J, Kwan T, Kyriacou NG, Laatu LAO, Lacasta C, Lacava F, Lacker H, Lacour D, Lad NN, Ladygin E, Laforge B, Lagouri T, Lahbabi FZ, Lai S, Lakomiec IK, Lalloue N, Lambert JE, Lammers S, Lampl W, Lampoudis C, Lancaster AN, Lançon E, Landgraf U, Landon MPJ, Lang VS, Langenberg RJ, Langrekken OKB, Lankford AJ, Lanni F, Lantzsch K, Lanza A, Lapertosa A, Laporte JF, Lari T, Lasagni Manghi F, Lassnig M, Latonova V, Laudrain A, Laurier A, Lawlor SD, Lawrence Z, Lazaridou R, Lazzaroni M, Le B, Le Boulicaut EM, Leban B, Lebedev A, LeBlanc M, Ledroit-Guillon F, Lee ACA, Lee SC, Lee S, Lee TF, Leeuw LL, Lefebvre HP, Lefebvre M, Leggett C, Lehmann Miotto G, Leigh M, Leight WA, Leinonen W, Leisos A, Leite MAL, Leitgeb CE, Leitner R, Leney KJC, Lenz T, Leone S, Leonidopoulos C, Leopold A, Leroy C, Les R, Lester CG, Levchenko M, Levêque J, Levin D, Levinson LJ, Lewicki MP, Lewis DJ, Li A, Li B, Li C, Li CQ, Li H, Li H, Li H, Li H, Li H, Li J, Li K, Li L, Li M, Li QY, Li S, Li S, Li T, Li X, Li Z, Li Z, Li Z, Liang S, Liang Z, Liberatore M, Liberti B, Lie K, Lieber Marin J, Lien H, Lin K, Lindley RE, Lindon JH, Lipeles E, Lipniacka A, Lister A, Little JD, Liu B, Liu BX, Liu D, Liu JB, Liu JKK, Liu K, Liu M, Liu MY, Liu P, Liu Q, Liu X, Liu X, Liu Y, Liu YL, Liu YW, Llorente Merino J, Lloyd SL, Lobodzinska EM, Loch P, Lohse T, Lohwasser K, Loiacono E, Lokajicek M, Lomas JD, Long JD, Longarini I, Longo L, Longo R, Lopez Paz I, Lopez Solis A, Lorenz J, Lorenzo Martinez N, Lory AM, Löschcke Centeno G, Loseva O, Lou X, Lou X, Lounis A, Love J, Love PA, Lu G, Lu M, Lu S, Lu YJ, Lubatti HJ, Luci C, Lucio Alves FL, Lucotte A, Luehring F, Luise I, Lukianchuk O, Lundberg O, Lund-Jensen B, Luongo NA, Lutz MS, Lux AB, Lynn D, Lyons H, Lysak R, Lytken E, Lyubushkin V, Lyubushkina T, Lyukova MM, Ma H, Ma K, Ma LL, Ma W, Ma Y, Mac Donell DM, Maccarrone G, MacDonald JC, Machado De Abreu Farias PC, Madar R, Mader WF, Madula T, Maeda J, Maeno T, Maguire H, Maiboroda V, Maio A, Maj K, Majersky O, Majewski S, Makovec N, Maksimovic V, Malaescu B, Malecki P, Maleev VP, Malek F, Mali M, Malito D, Mallik U, Maltezos S, Malyukov S, Mamuzic J, Mancini G, Manco G, Mandalia JP, Mandić I, Manhaes de Andrade Filho L, Maniatis IM, Manjarres Ramos J, Mankad DC, Mann A, Mansoulie B, Manzoni S, Mao L, Mapekula X, Marantis A, Marchiori G, Marcisovsky M, Marcon C, Marinescu M, Marium S, Marjanovic M, Marshall EJ, Marshall Z, Marti-Garcia S, Martin TA, Martin VJ, Martin Dit Latour B, Martinelli L, Martinez M, Martinez Agullo P, Martinez Outschoorn VI, Martinez Suarez P, Martin-Haugh S, Martoiu VS, Martyniuk AC, Marzin A, Mascione D, Masetti L, Mashimo T, Masik J, Maslennikov AL, Massa L, Massarotti P, Mastrandrea P, Mastroberardino A, Masubuchi T, Mathisen T, Matousek J, Matsuzawa N, Maurer J, Maček B, Maximov DA, Mazini R, Maznas I, Mazza M, Mazza SM, Mazzeo E, Mc Ginn C, Mc Gowan JP, Mc Kee SP, McCracken CC, McDonald EF, McDougall AE, Mcfayden JA, McGovern RP, Mchedlidze G, Mckenzie RP, Mclachlan TC, Mclaughlin DJ, McMahon SJ, Mcpartland CM, McPherson RA, Mehlhase S, Mehta A, Melini D, Mellado Garcia BR, Melo AH, Meloni F, Mendes Jacques Da Costa AM, Meng HY, Meng L, Menke S, Mentink M, Meoni E, Mercado G, Merlassino C, Merola L, Meroni C, Merz G, Metcalfe J, Mete AS, Meyer C, Meyer JP, Middleton RP, Mijović L, Mikenberg G, Mikestikova M, Mikuž M, Mildner H, Milic A, Milke CD, Miller DW, Miller LS, Milov A, Milstead DA, Min T, Minaenko AA, Minashvili IA, Mince L, Mincer AI, Mindur B, Mineev M, Mino Y, Mir LM, Miralles Lopez M, Mironova M, Mishima A, Missio MC, Mitra A, Mitsou VA, Mitsumori Y, Miu O, Miyagawa PS, Mkrtchyan T, Mlinarevic M, Mlinarevic T, Mlynarikova M, Mobius S, Moder P, Mogg P, Mohamed Farook MH, Mohammed AF, Mohapatra S, Mokgatitswane G, Moleri L, Mondal B, Mondal S, Mönig K, Monnier E, Monsonis Romero L, Montejo Berlingen J, Montella M, Montereali F, Monticelli F, Monzani S, Morange N, De Carvalho ALM, Moreno Llácer M, Moreno Martinez C, Morettini P, Morgenstern S, Morii M, Morinaga M, Morley AK, Morodei F, Morvaj L, Moschovakos P, Moser B, Mosidze M, Moskalets T, Moskvitina P, Moss J, Moyse EJW, Mtintsilana O, Muanza S, Mueller J, Muenstermann D, Müller R, Mullier GA, Mullin AJ, Mullin JJ, Mungo DP, Munoz Perez D, Munoz Sanchez FJ, Murin M, Murray WJ, Murrone A, Muškinja M, Mwewa C, Myagkov AG, Myers AJ, Myers G, Myska M, Nachman BP, Nackenhorst O, Nag A, Nagai K, Nagano K, Nagle JL, Nagy E, Nairz AM, Nakahama Y, Nakamura K, Nakkalil K, Nanjo H, Narayan R, Narayanan EA, Naryshkin I, Naseri M, Nasri S, Nass C, Navarro G, Navarro-Gonzalez J, Nayak R, Nayaz A, Nechaeva PY, Nechansky F, Nedic L, Neep TJ, Negri A, Negrini M, Nellist C, Nelson C, Nelson K, Nemecek S, Nessi M, Neubauer MS, Neuhaus F, Neundorf J, Newhouse R, Newman PR, Ng CW, Ng YWY, Ngair B, Nguyen HDN, Nickerson RB, Nicolaidou R, Nielsen J, Niemeyer M, Niermann J, Nikiforou N, Nikolaenko V, Nikolic-Audit I, Nikolopoulos K, Nilsson P, Ninca I, Nindhito HR, Ninio G, Nisati A, Nishu N, Nisius R, Nitschke JE, Nkadimeng EK, Nobe T, Noel DL, Nommensen T, Norfolk MB, Norisam RRB, Norman BJ, Noury M, Novak J, Novak T, Novotny L, Novotny R, Nozka L, Ntekas K, Nunes De Moura Junior NMJ, Nurse E, Ocariz J, Ochi A, Ochoa I, Oerdek S, Offermann JT, Ogrodnik A, Oh A, Ohm CC, Oide H, Oishi R, Ojeda ML, O'Keefe MW, Okumura Y, Seabra LFO, Olivares Pino SA, Oliveira Damazio D, Oliveira Goncalves D, Oliver JL, Öncel ÖO, O'Neill AP, Onofre A, Onyisi PUE, Oreglia MJ, Orellana GE, Orestano D, Orlando N, Orr RS, O'Shea V, Osojnak LM, Ospanov R, Otero Y Garzon G, Otono H, Ott PS, Ottino GJ, Ouchrif M, Ouellette J, Ould-Saada F, Owen M, Owen RE, Oyulmaz KY, Ozcan VE, Ozturk F, Ozturk N, Ozturk S, Pacey HA, Pacheco Pages A, Padilla Aranda C, Padovano G, Pagan Griso S, Palacino G, Palazzo A, Palestini S, Pan J, Pan T, Panchal DK, Pandini CE, Panduro Vazquez JG, Pandya HD, Pang H, Pani P, Panizzo G, Paolozzi L, Papadatos C, Parajuli S, Paramonov A, Paraskevopoulos C, Paredes Hernandez D, Park KR, Park TH, Parker MA, Parodi F, Parrish EW, Parrish VA, Parsons JA, Parzefall U, Pascual Dias B, Pascual Dominguez L, Pasqualucci E, Passaggio S, Pastore F, Pasuwan P, Patel P, Patel UM, Pater JR, Pauly T, Pearkes J, Pedersen M, Pedro R, Peleganchuk SV, Penc O, Pender EA, Penski KE, Penzin M, Peralva BS, Peixoto APP, Pereira Sanchez L, Perepelitsa DV, Perez Codina E, Perganti M, Perini L, Pernegger H, Perrin O, Peters K, Peters RFY, Petersen BA, Petersen TC, Petit E, Petousis V, Petridou C, Petrukhin A, Pettee M, Pettersson NE, Petukhov A, Petukhova K, Pezoa R, Pezzotti L, Pezzullo G, Pham TM, Pham T, Phillips PW, Piacquadio G, Pianori E, Piazza F, Piegaia R, Pietreanu D, Pilkington AD, Pinamonti M, Pinfold JL, Pereira BCP, Pinto Pinoargote AE, Pintucci L, Piper KM, Pirttikoski A, Pizzi DA, Pizzimento L, Pizzini A, Pleier MA, Plesanovs V, Pleskot V, Plotnikova E, Poddar G, Poettgen R, Poggioli L, Pokharel I, Polacek S, Polesello G, Poley A, Polifka R, Polini A, Pollard CS, Pollock ZB, Polychronakos V, Pompa Pacchi E, Ponomarenko D, Pontecorvo L, Popa S, Popeneciu GA, Poreba A, Portillo Quintero DM, Pospisil S, Postill MA, Postolache P, Potamianos K, Potepa PA, Potrap IN, Potter CJ, Potti H, Poulsen T, Poveda J, Pozo Astigarraga ME, Prades Ibanez A, Pretel J, Price D, Primavera M, Principe Martin MA, Privara R, Procter T, Proffitt ML, Proklova N, Prokofiev K, Proto G, Protopopescu S, Proudfoot J, Przybycien M, Przygoda WW, Puddefoot JE, Pudzha D, Pyatiizbyantseva D, Qian J, Qichen D, Qin Y, Qiu T, Quadt A, Queitsch-Maitland M, Quetant G, Quinn RP, Rabanal Bolanos G, Rafanoharana D, Ragusa F, Rainbolt JL, Raine JA, Rajagopalan S, Ramakoti E, Ramirez-Berend IA, Ran K, Rapheeha NP, Rasheed H, Raskina V, Rassloff DF, Rastogi A, Rave S, Ravina B, Ravinovich I, Raymond M, Read AL, Readioff NP, Rebuzzi DM, Redlinger G, Reed AS, Reeves K, Reidelsturz JA, Reikher D, Rej A, Rembser C, Renardi A, Renda M, Rendel MB, Renner F, Rennie AG, Rescia AL, Resconi S, Ressegotti M, Rettie S, Reyes Rivera JG, Reynolds E, Rezanova OL, Reznicek P, Ribaric N, Ricci E, Richter R, Richter S, Richter-Was E, Ridel M, Ridouani S, Rieck P, Riedler P, Riefel EM, Rieger JO, Rijssenbeek M, Rimoldi A, Rimoldi M, Rinaldi L, Rinn TT, Rinnagel MP, Ripellino G, Riu I, Rivadeneira P, Rivera Vergara JC, Rizatdinova F, Rizvi E, Roberts BA, Roberts BR, Robertson SH, Robinson D, Robles Gajardo CM, Robles Manzano M, Robson A, Rocchi A, Roda C, Rodriguez Bosca S, Rodriguez Garcia Y, Rodriguez Rodriguez A, Rodríguez Vera AM, Roe S, Roemer JT, Roepe-Gier AR, Roggel J, Røhne O, Rojas RA, Roland CPA, Roloff J, Romaniouk A, Romano E, Romano M, Romero Hernandez AC, Rompotis N, Roos L, Rosati S, Rosser BJ, Rossi E, Rossi E, Rossi LP, Rossini L, Rosten R, Rotaru M, Rottler B, Rougier C, Rousseau D, Rousso D, Roy A, Roy-Garand S, Rozanov A, Rozario ZMA, Rozen Y, Ruan X, Rubio Jimenez A, Ruby AJ, Ruelas Rivera VH, Ruggeri TA, Ruggiero A, Ruiz-Martinez A, Rummler A, Rurikova Z, Rusakovich NA, Russell HL, Russo G, Rutherfoord JP, Rutherford Colmenares S, Rybacki K, Rybar M, Rye EB, Ryzhov A, Sabater Iglesias JA, Sabatini P, Sadrozinski HFW, Safai Tehrani F, Safarzadeh Samani B, Safdari M, Saha S, Sahinsoy M, Saibel A, Saimpert M, Saito M, Saito T, Salamani D, Salnikov A, Salt J, Salvador Salas A, Salvatore D, Salvatore F, Salzburger A, Sammel D, Sampsonidis D, Sampsonidou D, Sánchez J, Sanchez Pineda A, Sanchez Sebastian V, Sandaker H, Sander CO, Sandesara JA, Sandhoff M, Sandoval C, Sankey DPC, Sano T, Sansoni A, Santi L, Santoni C, Santos H, Santpur SN, Santra A, Saoucha KA, Saraiva JG, Sardain J, Sasaki O, Sato K, Sauer C, Sauerburger F, Sauvan E, Savard P, Sawada R, Sawyer C, Sawyer L, Sayago Galvan I, Sbarra C, Sbrizzi A, Scanlon T, Schaarschmidt J, Schacht P, Schäfer U, Schaffer AC, Schaile D, Schamberger RD, Scharf C, Schefer MM, Schegelsky VA, Scheirich D, Schenck F, Schernau M, Scheulen C, Schiavi C, Schioppa EJ, Schioppa M, Schlag B, Schleicher KE, Schlenker S, Schmeing J, Schmidt MA, Schmieden K, Schmitt C, Schmitt N, Schmitt S, Schoeffel L, Schoening A, Scholer PG, Schopf E, Schott M, Schovancova J, Schramm S, Schroeder F, Schroer T, Schultz-Coulon HC, Schumacher M, Schumm BA, Schune P, Schuy AJ, Schwartz HR, Schwartzman A, Schwarz TA, Schwemling P, Schwienhorst R, Sciandra A, Sciolla G, Scuri F, Sebastiani CD, Sedlaczek K, Seema P, Seidel SC, Seiden A, Seidlitz BD, Seitz C, Seixas JM, Sekhniaidze G, Sekula SJ, Selem L, Semprini-Cesari N, Sengupta D, Senthilkumar V, Serin L, Serkin L, Sessa M, Severini H, Sforza F, Sfyrla A, Shabalina E, Shaheen R, Shahinian JD, Shaked Renous D, Shan LY, Shapiro M, Sharma A, Sharma AS, Sharma P, Sharma S, Shatalov PB, Shaw K, Shaw SM, Shcherbakova A, Shen Q, Sheppard DJ, Sherwood P, Shi L, Shi X, Shimmin CO, Shinner JD, Shipsey IPJ, Shirabe S, Shiyakova M, Shlomi J, Shochet MJ, Shojaii J, Shope DR, Shrestha B, Shrestha S, Shrif EM, Shroff MJ, Sicho P, Sickles AM, Sideras Haddad E, Sidoti A, Siegert F, Sijacki D, Sili F, Silva JM, Silva Oliveira MV, Silverstein SB, Simion S, Simoniello R, Simpson EL, Simpson H, Simpson LR, Simpson ND, Simsek S, Sindhu S, Sinervo P, Singh S, Sinha S, Sinha S, Sioli M, Siral I, Sitnikova E, Sivoklokov SY, Sjölin J, Skaf A, Skorda E, Skubic P, Slawinska M, Smakhtin V, Smart BH, Smiesko J, Smirnov SY, Smirnov Y, Smirnova LN, Smirnova O, Smith AC, Smith EA, Smith HA, Smith JL, Smith R, Smizanska M, Smolek K, Snesarev AA, Snider SR, Snoek HL, Snyder S, Sobie R, Soffer A, Solans Sanchez CA, Soldatov EY, Soldevila U, Solodkov AA, Solomon S, Soloshenko A, Solovieva K, Solovyanov OV, Solovyev V, Sommer P, Sonay A, Song WY, Sonneveld JM, Sopczak A, Sopio AL, Sopkova F, Sotarriva Alvarez IR, Sothilingam V, Soto Sandoval OJ, Sottocornola S, Soualah R, Soumaimi Z, South D, Soybelman N, Spagnolo S, Spalla M, Sperlich D, Spigo G, Spinali S, Spiteri DP, Spousta M, Staats EJ, Stabile A, Stamen R, Stampekis A, Standke M, Stanecka E, Stange MV, Stanislaus B, Stanitzki MM, Stapf B, Starchenko EA, Stark GH, Stark J, Starko DM, Staroba P, Starovoitov P, Stärz S, Staszewski R, Stavropoulos G, Steentoft J, Steinberg P, Stelzer B, Stelzer HJ, Stelzer-Chilton O, Stenzel H, Stevenson TJ, Stewart GA, Stewart JR, Stockton MC, Stoicea G, Stolarski M, Stonjek S, Straessner A, Strandberg J, Strandberg S, Stratmann M, Strauss M, Strebler T, Strizenec P, Ströhmer R, Strom DM, Stroynowski R, Strubig A, Stucci SA, Stugu B, Stupak J, Styles NA, Su D, Su S, Su W, Su X, Sugizaki K, Sulin VV, Sullivan MJ, Sultan DMS, Sultanaliyeva L, Sultansoy S, Sumida T, Sun S, Sun S, Gudnadottir OS, Sur N, Sutton MR, Suzuki H, Svatos M, Swiatlowski M, Swirski T, Sykora I, Sykora M, Sykora T, Ta D, Tackmann K, Taffard A, Tafirout R, Tafoya Vargas JS, Takeva EP, Takubo Y, Talby M, Talyshev AA, Tam KC, Tamir NM, Tanaka A, Tanaka J, Tanaka R, Tanasini M, Tao Z, Tapia Araya S, Tapprogge S, Tarek Abouelfadl Mohamed A, Tarem S, Tariq K, Tarna G, Tartarelli GF, Tas P, Tasevsky M, Tassi E, Tate AC, Tateno G, Tayalati Y, Taylor GN, Taylor W, Tee AS, Teixeira De Lima R, Teixeira-Dias P, Teoh JJ, Terashi K, Terron J, Terzo S, Testa M, Teuscher RJ, Thaler A, Theiner O, Themistokleous N, Theveneaux-Pelzer T, Thielmann O, Thomas DW, Thomas JP, Thompson EA, Thompson PD, Thomson E, Tian Y, Tikhomirov V, Tikhonov YA, Timoshenko S, Timoshyn D, Ting EXL, Tipton P, Tlou SH, Tnourji A, Todome K, Todorova-Nova S, Todt S, Togawa M, Tojo J, Tokár S, Tokushuku K, Toldaiev O, Tombs R, Tomoto M, Tompkins L, Topolnicki KW, Torrence E, Torres H, Torró Pastor E, Toscani M, Tosciri C, Tost M, Tovey DR, Traeet A, Trandafir IS, Trefzger T, Tricoli A, Trigger IM, Trincaz-Duvoid S, Trischuk DA, Trocmé B, Troncon C, Truong L, Trzebinski M, Trzupek A, Tsai F, Tsai M, Tsiamis A, Tsiareshka PV, Tsigaridas S, Tsirigotis A, Tsiskaridze V, Tskhadadze EG, Tsopoulou M, Tsujikawa Y, Tsukerman II, Tsulaia V, Tsuno S, Tsuri K, Tsybychev D, Tu Y, Tudorache A, Tudorache V, Tuna AN, Turchikhin S, Turk Cakir I, Turra R, Turtuvshin T, Tuts PM, Tzamarias S, Tzanis P, Tzovara E, Ukegawa F, Ulloa Poblete PA, Umaka EN, Unal G, Unal M, Undrus A, Unel G, Urban J, Urquijo P, Urrejola P, Usai G, Ushioda R, Usman M, Uysal Z, Vacek V, Vachon B, Vadla KOH, Vafeiadis T, Vaitkus A, Valderanis C, Valdes Santurio E, Valente M, Valentinetti S, Valero A, Valiente Moreno E, Vallier A, Valls Ferrer JA, Van Arneman DR, Van Daalen TR, Van Der Graaf A, Van Gemmeren P, Van Rijnbach M, Van Stroud S, Van Vulpen I, Vanadia M, Vandelli W, Vandenbroucke M, Vandewall ER, Vannicola D, Vannoli L, Vari R, Varnes EW, Varni C, Varol T, Varouchas D, Varriale L, Varvell KE, Vasile ME, Vaslin L, Vasquez GA, Vasyukov A, Vazeille F, Vazquez Schroeder T, Veatch J, Vecchio V, Veen MJ, Veliscek I, Veloce LM, Veloso F, Veneziano S, Ventura A, Ventura Gonzalez S, Verbytskyi A, Verducci M, Vergis C, Verissimo De Araujo M, Verkerke W, Vermeulen JC, Vernieri C, Vessella M, Vetterli MC, Vgenopoulos A, Viaux Maira N, Vickey T, Vickey Boeriu OE, Viehhauser GHA, Vigani L, Villa M, Villaplana Perez M, Villhauer EM, Vilucchi E, Vincter MG, Virdee GS, Vishwakarma A, Visibile A, Vittori C, Vivarelli I, Voevodina E, Vogel F, Voigt JC, Vokac P, Volkotrub Y, Von Ahnen J, Von Toerne E, Vormwald B, Vorobel V, Vorobev K, Vos M, Voss K, Vossebeld JH, Vozak M, Vozdecky L, Vranjes N, Vranjes Milosavljevic M, Vreeswijk M, Vuillermet R, Vujinovic O, Vukotic I, Wada S, Wagner C, Wagner JM, Wagner W, Wahdan S, Wahlberg H, Wakida M, Walder J, Walker R, Walkowiak W, Wall A, Wamorkar T, Wang AZ, Wang C, Wang C, Wang H, Wang J, Wang RJ, Wang R, Wang R, Wang SM, Wang S, Wang T, Wang WT, Wang W, Wang X, Wang X, Wang X, Wang Y, Wang Y, Wang Z, Wang Z, Wang Z, Warburton A, Ward RJ, Warrack N, Watson AT, Watson H, Watson MF, Watton E, Watts G, Waugh BM, Weber C, Weber HA, Weber MS, Weber SM, Wei C, Wei Y, Weidberg AR, Weik EJ, Weingarten J, Weirich M, Weiser C, Wells CJ, Wenaus T, Wendland B, Wengler T, Wenke NS, Wermes N, Wessels M, Wharton AM, White AS, White A, White MJ, Whiteson D, Wickremasinghe L, Wiedenmann W, Wiel C, Wielers M, Wiglesworth C, Wilbern DJ, Wilkens HG, Williams DM, Williams HH, Williams S, Willocq S, Wilson BJ, Windischhofer PJ, Winkel FI, Winklmeier F, Winter BT, Winter JK, Wittgen M, Wobisch M, Wolffs Z, Wollrath J, Wolter MW, Wolters H, Wongel AF, Woodward EL, Worm SD, Wosiek BK, Woźniak KW, Wozniewski S, Wraight K, Wu C, Wu J, Wu M, Wu M, Wu SL, Wu X, Wu Y, Wu Z, Wuerzinger J, Wyatt TR, Wynne BM, Xella S, Xia L, Xia M, Xiang J, Xie M, Xie X, Xin S, Xiong A, Xiong J, Xu D, Xu H, Xu L, Xu R, Xu T, Xu Y, Xu Z, Xu Z, Yabsley B, Yacoob S, Yamaguchi Y, Yamashita E, Yamauchi H, Yamazaki T, Yamazaki Y, Yan J, Yan S, Yan Z, Yang HJ, Yang HT, Yang S, Yang T, Yang X, Yang X, Yang Y, Yang Y, Yang Z, Yao WM, Yap YC, Ye H, Ye H, Ye J, Ye S, Ye X, Yeh Y, Yeletskikh I, Yeo BK, Yexley MR, Yin P, Yorita K, Younas S, Young CJS, Young C, Yu C, Yu Y, Yuan M, Yuan R, Yue L, Zaazoua M, Zabinski B, Zaid E, Zak ZK, Zakareishvili T, Zakharchuk N, Zambito S, Zamora Saa JA, Zang J, Zanzi D, Zaplatilek O, Zeitnitz C, Zeng H, Zeng JC, Zenger DT, Zenin O, Ženiš T, Zenz S, Zerradi S, Zerwas D, Zhai M, Zhang B, Zhang DF, Zhang J, Zhang J, Zhang K, Zhang L, Zhang P, Zhang R, Zhang S, Zhang S, Zhang T, Zhang X, Zhang X, Zhang Y, Zhang Y, Zhang Y, Zhang Z, Zhang Z, Zhao H, Zhao T, Zhao Y, Zhao Z, Zhemchugov A, Zheng J, Zheng K, Zheng X, Zheng Z, Zhong D, Zhou B, Zhou H, Zhou N, Zhou Y, Zhu CG, Zhu J, Zhu Y, Zhu Y, Zhuang X, Zhukov K, Zhulanov V, Zimine NI, Zinsser J, Ziolkowski M, Živković L, Zoccoli A, Zoch K, Zorbas TG, Zormpa O, Zou W, Zwalinski L. Statistical Combination of ATLAS Run 2 Searches for Charginos and Neutralinos at the LHC. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2024; 133:031802. [PMID: 39094132 DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.133.031802] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 02/14/2024] [Accepted: 06/07/2024] [Indexed: 08/04/2024]
Statistical combinations of searches for charginos and neutralinos using various decay channels are performed using 139 fb^{-1} of pp collision data at sqrt[s]=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. Searches targeting pure-wino chargino pair production, pure-wino chargino-neutralino production, or Higgsino production decaying via standard model W, Z, or h bosons are combined to extend the mass reach to the produced supersymmetric particles by 30-100 GeV. The depth of the sensitivity of the original searches is also improved by the combinations, lowering the 95% C.L. cross-section upper limits by 15%-40%.
Hayrapetyan A, Tumasyan A, Adam W, Andrejkovic JW, Bergauer T, Chatterjee S, Damanakis K, Dragicevic M, Hussain PS, Jeitler M, Krammer N, Li A, Liko D, Mikulec I, Schieck J, Schöfbeck R, Schwarz D, Sonawane M, Templ S, Waltenberger W, Wulz CE, Darwish MR, Janssen T, Van Mechelen P, Bols ES, D’Hondt J, Dansana S, De Moor A, Delcourt M, Lowette S, Makarenko I, Müller D, Tavernier S, Tytgat M, Van Onsem GP, Van Putte S, Vannerom D, Clerbaux B, Das AK, De Lentdecker G, Evard H, Favart L, Gianneios P, Hohov D, Jaramillo J, Khalilzadeh A, Khan FA, Lee K, Mahdavikhorrami M, Malara A, Paredes S, Thomas L, Vanden Bemden M, Vander Velde C, Vanlaer P, De Coen M, Dobur D, Hong Y, Knolle J, Lambrecht L, Mestdach G, Amarilo KM, Rendón C, Samalan A, Skovpen K, Van Den Bossche N, van der Linden J, Wezenbeek L, Benecke A, Bethani A, Bruno G, Caputo C, Delaere C, Donertas IS, Giammanco A, Jain S, Lemaitre V, Lidrych J, Mastrapasqua P, Tran TT, Wertz S, Alves GA, Coelho E, Hensel C, De Oliveira TM, Moraes A, Teles PR, Soeiro M, Júnior WLA, Pereira MAG, Filho MBF, Malbouisson HB, Carvalho W, Chinellato J, Da Costa EM, Da Silveira GG, De Jesus Damiao D, De Souza SF, De Souza RG, Martins J, Herrera CM, Mundim L, Nogima H, Pinheiro JP, Santoro A, Sznajder A, Thiel M, Pereira AV, Bernardes CA, Calligaris L, Tomei TRFP, Gregores EM, Mercadante PG, Novaes SF, Orzari B, Padula SS, Aleksandrov A, Antchev G, Hadjiiska R, Iaydjiev P, Misheva M, Shopova M, Sultanov G, Dimitrov A, Litov L, Pavlov B, Petkov P, Petrov A, Shumka E, Keshri S, Thakur S, Cheng T, Javaid T, Yuan L, Hu Z, Liu J, Yi K, Chen GM, Chen HS, Chen M, Iemmi F, Jiang CH, Kapoor A, Liao H, Liu ZA, Sharma R, Song JN, Tao J, Wang C, Wang J, Wang Z, Zhang H, Agapitos A, Ban Y, Levin A, Li C, Li Q, Mao Y, Qian SJ, Sun X, Wang D, Yang H, Zhang L, Zhou C, You Z, Jaffel K, Lu N, Bauer G, Gao X, Lin Z, Lu C, Xiao M, Avila C, Trujillo DAB, Cabrera A, Florez C, Fraga J, Vega JAR, Guisao JM, Ramirez F, Rodriguez M, Alvarez JDR, Giljanovic D, Godinovic N, Lelas D, Sculac A, Kovac M, Sculac T, Bargassa P, Brigljevic V, Chitroda BK, Ferencek D, Jakovcic K, Mishra S, Starodumov A, Susa T, Attikis A, Christoforou K, Hadjiagapiou A, Konstantinou S, Mousa J, Nicolaou C, Paizanos L, Ptochos F, Razis PA, Rykaczewski H, Saka H, Stepennov A, Finger M, Finger M, Kveton A, Ayala E, Jarrin EC, Abdalla H, Assran Y, Al-Mashad MA, Mahmoud MA, Ehataht K, Kadastik M, Lange T, Nandan S, Nielsen C, Pata J, Raidal M, Tani L, Veelken C, Kirschenmann H, Osterberg K, Voutilainen M, Bharthuar S, Brücken E, Garcia F, Kallonen KTS, Kinnunen R, Lampén T, Lassila-Perini K, Lehti S, Lindén T, Martikainen L, Myllymäki M, Rantanen MM, Siikonen H, Tuominen E, Tuominiemi J, Luukka P, Petrow H, Besancon M, Couderc F, Dejardin M, Denegri D, Faure JL, Ferri F, Ganjour S, Gras P, de Monchenault GH, Lohezic V, Malcles J, Orlandi F, Portales L, Rander J, Rosowsky A, Sahin MÖ, Savoy-Navarro A, Simkina P, Titov M, Tornago M, Beaudette F, Perraguin AB, Busson P, Cappati A, Charlot C, Chiusi M, Damas F, Davignon O, De Wit A, Ehle IT, Alves BAFS, Ghosh S, Gilbert A, de Cassagnac RG, Hakimi A, Harikrishnan B, Kalipoliti L, Liu G, Motta J, Nguyen M, Ochando C, Salerno R, Sauvan JB, Sirois Y, Tarabini A, Vernazza E, Zabi A, Zghiche A, Agram JL, Andrea J, Apparu D, Bloch D, Brom JM, Chabert EC, Collard C, Falke S, Goerlach U, Grimault C, Haeberle R, Bihan ACL, Meena M, Saha G, Sessini MA, Van Hove P, Beauceron S, Blancon B, Boudoul G, Chanon N, Contardo D, Depasse P, Dozen C, Mamouni HE, Fay J, Gascon S, Gouzevitch M, Greenberg C, Grenier G, Ille B, Laktineh IB, Lethuillier M, Mirabito L, Perries S, Purohit A, Vander Donckt M, Verdier P, Xiao J, Adamov G, Lomidze I, Tsamalaidze Z, Botta V, Feld L, Klein K, Lipinski M, Meuser D, Pauls A, Röwert N, Teroerde M, Diekmann S, Dodonova A, Eich N, Eliseev D, Engelke F, Erdmann J, Erdmann M, Fackeldey P, Fischer B, Hebbeker T, Hoepfner K, Ivone F, Jung A, Lee MY, Mausolf F, Merschmeyer M, Meyer A, Mukherjee S, Noll D, Nowotny F, Pozdnyakov A, Rath Y, Redjeb W, Rehm F, Reithler H, Sarkar U, Sarkisovi V, Schmidt A, Sharma A, Spah JL, Stein A, Da Silva De Araujo FT, Wiedenbeck S, Zaleski S, Dziwok C, Flügge G, Ahmad WH, Kress T, Nowack A, Pooth O, Stahl A, Ziemons T, Zotz A, Petersen HA, Martin MA, Alimena J, Amoroso S, An Y, Baxter S, Bayatmakou M, Gonzalez HB, Behnke O, Belvedere A, Bhattacharya S, Blekman F, Borras K, Campbell A, Cardini A, Cheng C, Colombina F, Rodríguez SC, Silva GC, De Silva M, Eckerlin G, Eckstein D, Banos LIE, Filatov O, Gallo E, Geiser A, Giraldi A, Guglielmi V, Guthoff M, Hinzmann A, Jafari A, Jeppe L, Kaech B, Kasemann M, Kleinwort C, Kogler R, Komm M, Krücker D, Lange W, Pernia DL, Lipka K, Lohmann W, Lorkowski F, Mankel R, Melzer-Pellmann IA, Morentin MM, Meyer AB, Milella G, Mussgiller A, Nair LP, Nürnberg A, Otarid Y, Park J, Adán DP, Ranken E, Raspereza A, Rastorguev D, Lopes BR, Rübenach J, Saggio A, Scham M, Schnake S, Schütze P, Schwanenberger C, Selivanova D, Sharko K, Shchedrolosiev M, Ricardo RES, Stafford D, Vazzoler F, Barroso AV, Walsh R, Wang Q, Wen Y, Wichmann K, Wiens L, Wissing C, Yang Y, Santos AZC, Albrecht A, Albrecht S, Antonello M, Bein S, Benato L, Bollweg S, Bonanomi M, Connor P, Morabit KE, Fischer Y, Garutti E, Grohsjean A, Haller J, Jabusch HR, Kasieczka G, Keicher P, Klanner R, Korcari W, Kramer T, Kutzner V, Labe F, Lange J, Lobanov A, Matthies C, Moureaux L, Mrowietz M, Nigamova A, Nissan Y, Paasch A, Rodriguez KJP, Quadfasel T, Raciti B, Rieger M, Savoiu D, Schindler J, Schleper P, Schröder M, Schwandt J, Sommerhalder M, Stadie H, Steinbrück G, Tews A, Wolf M, Brommer S, Burkart M, Butz E, Chwalek T, Dierlamm A, Droll A, Faltermann N, Giffels M, Gottmann A, Hartmann F, Hofsaess R, Horzela M, Husemann U, Kieseler J, Klute M, Koppenhöfer R, Lawhorn JM, Link M, Lintuluoto A, Maier B, Maier S, Mitra S, Mormile M, Müller T, Neukum M, Oh M, Pfeffer E, Presilla M, Quast G, Rabbertz K, Regnery B, Shadskiy N, Shvetsov I, Simonis HJ, Toms M, Trevisani N, Von Cube RF, Wassmer M, Wieland S, Wittig F, Wolf R, Zuo X, Anagnostou G, Daskalakis G, Kyriakis A, Papadopoulos A, Stakia A, Kontaxakis P, Melachroinos G, Painesis Z, Panagiotou A, Papavergou I, Paraskevas I, Saoulidou N, Theofilatos K, Tziaferi E, Vellidis K, Zisopoulos I, Bakas G, Chatzistavrou T, Karapostoli G, Kousouris K, Papakrivopoulos I, Siamarkou E, Tsipolitis G, Zacharopoulou A, Adamidis K, Bestintzanos I, Evangelou I, Foudas C, Kamtsikis C, Katsoulis P, Kokkas P, Kioseoglou PGK, Manthos N, Papadopoulos I, Strologas J, Bartók M, Hajdu C, Horvath D, Márton K, Rádl AJ, Sikler F, Veszpremi V, Csanád M, Farkas K, Gadallah MMA, Kadlecsik Á, Major P, Mandal K, Pásztor G, Veres GI, Raics P, Ujvari B, Zilizi G, Bencze G, Czellar S, Molnar J, Szillasi Z, Csorgo T, Nemes F, Novak T, Babbar J, Bansal S, Beri SB, Bhatnagar V, Chaudhary G, Chauhan S, Dhingra N, Kaur A, Kaur A, Kaur H, Kaur M, Kumar S, Sandeep K, Sheokand T, Singh JB, Singla A, Ahmed A, Bhardwaj A, Chhetri A, Choudhary BC, Kumar A, Kumar A, Naimuddin M, Ranjan K, Saumya S, Baradia S, Barman S, Bhattacharya S, Dutta S, Dutta S, Sarkar S, Ameen MM, Behera PK, Behera SC, Chatterjee S, Jana P, Kalbhor P, Komaragiri JR, Kumar D, Pujahari PR, Saha NR, Sharma A, Sikdar AK, Verma S, Dugad S, Kumar M, Mohanty GB, Suryadevara P, Bala A, Banerjee S, Chatterjee RM, Dewanjee RK, Guchait M, Jain S, Jaiswal A, Kumar S, Majumder G, Mazumdar K, Parolia S, Thachayath A, Bahinipati S, Kar C, Maity D, Mal P, Mishra T, Bindhu VKMN, Naskar K, Nayak A, Sadangi P, Swain SK, Varghese S, Vats D, Acharya S, Alpana A, Dube S, Gomber B, Hazarika P, Kansal B, Laha A, Sahu B, Sharma S, Vaish KY, Bakhshiansohi H, Khazaie E, Zeinali M, Bashiri S, Chenarani S, Etesami SM, Khakzad M, Najafabadi MM, Tizchang S, Grunewald M, Abbrescia M, Aly R, Colaleo A, Creanza D, D’Anzi B, De Filippis N, De Palma M, Florio AD, Elmetenawee W, Fiore L, Iaselli G, Louka M, Maggi G, Maggi M, Margjeka I, Mastrapasqua V, My S, Nuzzo S, Pellecchia A, Pompili A, Pugliese G, Radogna R, Ramirez-Sanchez G, Ramos D, Ranieri A, Silvestris L, Simone FM, Sözbilir Ü, Stamerra A, Venditti R, Verwilligen P, Zaza A, Abbiendi G, Battilana C, Bonacorsi D, Borgonovi L, Capiluppi P, Castro A, Cavallo FR, Cuffiani M, Dallavalle GM, Diotalevi T, Fabbri F, Fanfani A, Fasanella D, Giacomelli P, Giommi L, Grandi C, Guiducci L, Meo SL, Lunerti L, Marcellini S, Masetti G, Navarria FL, Perrotta A, Primavera F, Rossi AM, Rovelli T, Siroli GP, Costa S, Mattia AD, Potenza R, Tricomi A, Tuve C, Assiouras P, Barbagli G, Bardelli G, Camaiani B, Cassese A, Ceccarelli R, Ciulli V, Civinini C, D’Alessandro R, Focardi E, Kello T, Latino G, Lenzi P, Lizzo M, Meschini M, Paoletti S, Papanastassiou A, Sguazzoni G, Viliani L, Benussi L, Bianco S, Meola S, Piccolo D, Chatagnon P, Ferro F, Robutti E, Tosi S, Benaglia A, Boldrini G, Brivio F, Cetorelli F, De Guio F, Dinardo ME, Dini P, Gennai S, Gerosa R, Ghezzi A, Govoni P, Guzzi L, Lucchini MT, Malberti M, Malvezzi S, Massironi A, Menasce D, Moroni L, Paganoni M, Palluotto S, Pedrini D, Pinolini BS, Pizzati G, Ragazzi S, de Fatis TT, Buontempo S, Cagnotta A, Carnevali F, Cavallo N, Fabozzi F, Iorio AOM, Lista L, Paolucci P, Rossi B, Sciacca C, Ardino R, Azzi P, Bacchetta N, Benettoni M, Bisello D, Bortignon P, Bortolato G, Bragagnolo A, Bulla ACM, Carlin R, Checchia P, Dorigo T, Gasparini U, Lusiani E, Margoni M, Marini F, Meneguzzo AT, Migliorini M, Pazzini J, Ronchese P, Rossin R, Simonetto F, Strong G, Tosi M, Triossi A, Ventura S, Zanetti M, Zotto P, Zucchetta A, Zumerle G, Zeid SA, Aimè C, Braghieri A, Calzaferri S, Fiorina D, Montagna P, Re V, Riccardi C, Salvini P, Vai I, Vitulo P, Ajmal S, Bilei GM, Ciangottini D, Fanò L, Magherini M, Mariani V, Menichelli M, Moscatelli F, Rossi A, Santocchia A, Spiga D, Tedeschi T, Asenov P, Azzurri P, Bagliesi G, Bhattacharya R, Bianchini L, Boccali T, Bossini E, Bruschini D, Castaldi R, Ciocci MA, Cipriani M, D’Amante V, Dell’Orso R, Donato S, Giassi A, Ligabue F, Figueiredo DM, Messineo A, Musich M, Palla F, Rizzi A, Rolandi G, Chowdhury SR, Sarkar T, Scribano A, Spagnolo P, Tenchini R, Tonelli G, Turini N, Vaselli F, Venturi A, Verdini PG, Barrera CB, Barria P, Basile C, Campana M, Cavallari F, Mendez LC, Del Re D, Marco ED, Diemoz M, Errico F, Longo E, Meridiani P, Mijuskovic J, Organtini G, Pandolfi F, Paramatti R, Quaranta C, Rahatlou S, Rovelli C, Santanastasio F, Soffi L, Amapane N, Arcidiacono R, Argiro S, Arneodo M, Bartosik N, Bellan R, Bellora A, Biino C, Borca C, Cartiglia N, Costa M, Covarelli R, Demaria N, Finco L, Grippo M, Kiani B, Legger F, Luongo F, Mariotti C, Markovic L, Maselli S, Mecca A, Migliore E, Monteno M, Mulargia R, Obertino MM, Ortona G, Pacher L, Pastrone N, Pelliccioni M, Ruspa M, Siviero F, Sola V, Solano A, Staiano A, Tarricone C, Trocino D, Umoret G, Vlasov E, White R, Belforte S, Candelise V, Casarsa M, Cossutti F, De Leo K, Della Ricca G, Dogra S, Hong J, Huh C, Kim B, Kim DH, Kim J, Lee H, Lee SW, Moon CS, Oh YD, Ryu MS, Sekmen S, Yang YC, Kim MS, Bak G, Gwak P, Kim H, Moon DH, Asilar E, Choi J, Kim D, Kim TJ, Merlin JA, Choi S, Han S, Hong B, Lee K, Lee KS, Lee S, Park J, Park SK, Yoo J, Goh J, Yang S, Kim HS, Kim Y, Lee S, Almond J, Bhyun JH, Choi J, Jun W, Kim J, Ko S, Kwon H, Lee H, Lee J, Lee J, Oh BH, Oh SB, Seo H, Yang UK, Yoon I, Jang W, Kang DY, Kang Y, Kim S, Ko B, Lee JSH, Lee Y, Park IC, Roh Y, Watson IJ, Ha S, Yoo HD, Choi M, Kim MR, Lee H, Lee Y, Yu I, Beyrouthy T, Dreimanis K, Gaile A, Pikurs G, Potrebko A, Seidel M, Strautnieks NR, Ambrozas M, Juodagalvis A, Rinkevicius A, Tamulaitis G, Norjoharuddeen NB, Yusuff I, Zolkapli Z, Benitez JF, Hernandez AC, Acosta HAE, Maríñez LGG, Coello ML, Quijada JAM, Sehrawat A, Palomo LV, Ayala G, Castilla-Valdez H, Ledesma HC, De La Cruz-Burelo E, La Cruz IHD, Lopez-Fernandez R, Herrera CAM, Hernández AS, Barrera CO, García MR, Bautista I, Pedraza I, Ibarguen HAS, Estrada CU, Bubanja I, Raicevic N, Butler PH, Ahmad A, Asghar MI, Awais A, Awan MIM, Hoorani HR, Khan WA, Avati V, Grzanka L, Malawski M, Bialkowska H, Bluj M, Boimska B, Górski M, Kazana M, Szleper M, Zalewski P, Bunkowski K, Doroba K, Kalinowski A, Konecki M, Krolikowski J, Muhammad A, Pozniak K, Zabolotny W, Araujo M, Bastos D, Da Cruz E Silva CB, Boletti A, Bozzo M, Camporesi T, Da Molin G, Faccioli P, Gallinaro M, Hollar J, Leonardo N, Niknejad T, Petrilli A, Pisano M, Seixas J, Varela J, Wulff JW, Adzic P, Milenovic P, Dordevic M, Milosevic J, Rekovic V, Aguilar-Benitez M, Maestre JA, Bedoya CF, Carretero OM, Cepeda M, Cerrada M, Colino N, De La Cruz B, Peris AD, Del Valle AE, Del Val DF, Ramos JPF, Flix J, Fouz MC, Lopez OG, Lopez SG, Hernandez JM, Josa MI, Moran D, Perez CMM, Tobar ÁN, Dengra CP, Yzquierdo APC, Pelayo JP, Redondo I, Ferrero DDR, Romero L, Navas SS, Gómez LU, Escobar JV, Willmott C, de Trocóniz JF, Gonzalez BA, Cuevas J, Menendez JF, Folgueras S, Caballero IG, Fernández JRG, Leguina P, Cortezon EP, Álvarez CR, Bouza VR, Rodríguez AS, Trapote A, Villalba CV, Vischia P, Bhowmik S, Fernández SB, Cifuentes JAB, Cabrillo IJ, Calderon A, Campderros JD, Fernandez M, Gomez G, García CL, Ruiz RL, Rivero CM, del Arbol PMR, Matorras F, Cuevas PM, Ramos EN, Gomez JP, Scodellaro L, Vila I, Garcia JMV, Jayananda MK, Kailasapathy B, Sonnadara DUJ, Wickramarathna DDC, Dharmaratna WGD, Liyanage K, Perera N, Wickramage N, Abbaneo D, Amendola C, Auffray E, Auzinger G, Baechler J, Barney D, Martínez AB, Bianco M, Bilin B, Anuar AAB, Bocci A, Botta C, Brondolin E, Caillol C, Cerminara G, Chernyavskaya N, d’Enterria D, Dabrowski A, David A, De Roeck A, Defranchis MM, Deile M, Dobson M, Forthomme L, Franzoni G, Funk W, Giani S, Gigi D, Gill K, Glege F, Gouskos L, Haranko M, Hegeman J, Huber B, Innocente V, James T, Janot P, Kaluzinska O, Laurila S, Lecoq P, Leutgeb E, Lourenço C, Malgeri L, Mannelli M, Marini AC, Matthewman M, Mehta A, Meijers F, Mersi S, Meschi E, Milosevic V, Monti F, Moortgat F, Mulders M, Neutelings I, Orfanelli S, Pantaleo F, Petrucciani G, Pfeiffer A, Pierini M, Piparo D, Qu H, Rabady D, Rovere M, Sakulin H, Scarfi S, Schwick C, Selvaggi M, Sharma A, Shchelina K, Silva P, Sphicas P, Leiton AGS, Steen A, Summers S, Treille D, Tropea P, Tsirou A, Walter D, Wanczyk J, Wang J, Wuchterl S, Zehetner P, Zejdl P, Zeuner WD, Bevilacqua T, Caminada L, Ebrahimi A, Erdmann W, Horisberger R, Ingram Q, Kaestli HC, Kotlinski D, Lange C, Missiroli M, Noehte L, Rohe T, Aarrestad TK, Androsov K, Backhaus M, Bonomelli G, Calandri A, Cazzaniga C, Datta K, De Cosa A, Dissertori G, Dittmar M, Donegà M, Eble F, Galli M, Gedia K, Glessgen F, Grab C, Härringer N, Harte TG, Hits D, Lustermann W, Lyon AM, Manzoni RA, Marchegiani M, Marchese L, Perez CM, Mascellani A, Nessi-Tedaldi F, Pauss F, Perovic V, Pigazzini S, Reissel C, Reitenspiess T, Ristic B, Riti F, Seidita R, Steggemann J, Valsecchi D, Wallny R, Amsler C, Bärtschi P, Canelli MF, Cormier K, Heikkilä JK, Huwiler M, Jin W, Jofrehei A, Kilminster B, Leontsinis S, Liechti SP, Macchiolo A, Meiring P, Molinatti U, Reimers A, Robmann P, Cruz SS, Senger M, Shokr E, Stäger F, Takahashi Y, Tramontano R, Adloff C, Bhowmik D, Kuo CM, Lin W, Rout PK, Tiwari PC, Yu SS, Ceard L, Chao Y, Chen KF, Chen PS, Chen ZG, De Iorio A, Hou WS, Hsu TH, Kao YW, Karmakar S, Khurana R, Kole G, Li YY, Lu RS, Paganis E, Su XF, Thomas-Wilsker J, Tsai LS, Wu HY, Yazgan E, Asawatangtrakuldee C, Srimanobhas N, Wachirapusitanand V, Agyel D, Boran F, Demiroglu ZS, Dolek F, Dumanoglu I, Eskut E, Guler Y, Guler EG, Isik C, Kara O, Topaksu AK, Kiminsu U, Onengut G, Ozdemir K, Polatoz A, Tali B, Tok UG, Turkcapar S, Uslan E, Zorbakir IS, Sokmen G, Yalvac M, Akgun B, Atakisi IO, Gülmez E, Kaya M, Kaya O, Tekten S, Cakir A, Cankocak K, Dincer GG, Komurcu Y, Sen S, Aydilek O, Cerci S, Epshteyn V, Hacisahinoglu B, Hos I, Kaynak B, Ozkorucuklu S, Potok O, Sert H, Simsek C, Zorbilmez C, Isildak B, Cerci DS, Boyaryntsev A, Grynyov B, Levchuk L, Anthony D, Brooke JJ, Bundock A, Bury F, Clement E, Cussans D, Flacher H, Glowacki M, Goldstein J, Heath HF, Holmberg ML, Kreczko L, Paramesvaran S, Robertshaw L, Nasr-Storey SSE, Smith VJ, Stylianou N, Pass KW, Ball AH, Bell KW, Belyaev A, Brew C, Brown RM, Cockerill DJA, Cooke C, Ellis KV, Harder K, Harper S, Linacre J, Manolopoulos K, Newbold DM, Olaiya E, Petyt D, Reis T, Sahasransu AR, Salvi G, Schuh T, Shepherd-Themistocleous CH, Tomalin IR, Williams T, Bainbridge R, Bloch P, Brown CE, Buchmuller O, Cacchio V, Montoya CAC, Chahal GS, Colling D, Dancu JS, Das I, Dauncey P, Davies G, Davies J, Della Negra M, Fayer S, Fedi G, Hall G, Hassanshahi MH, Howard A, Iles G, Knight M, Langford J, Holgado JL, Lyons L, Magnan AM, Malik S, Mieskolainen M, Nash J, Pesaresi M, Radburn-Smith BC, Richards A, Rose A, Savva K, Seez C, Shukla R, Tapper A, Uchida K, Uttley GP, Vage LH, Virdee T, Vojinovic M, Wardle N, Winterbottom D, Coldham K, Cole JE, Khan A, Kyberd P, Reid ID, Abdullin S, Brinkerhoff A, Caraway B, Collins E, Dittmann J, Hatakeyama K, Hiltbrand J, McMaster B, Sawant S, Sutantawibul C, Wilson J, Bartek R, Dominguez A, Escamilla CH, Simsek AE, Uniyal R, Hernandez AMV, Bam B, Chudasama R, Cooper SI, Gleyzer SV, Perez CU, Rumerio P, Usai E, Yi R, Akpinar A, Arcaro D, Cosby C, Demiragli Z, Erice C, Fangmeier C, Madrazo CF, Fontanesi E, Gastler D, Golf F, Jeon S, Reed I, Rohlf J, Salyer K, Sperka D, Spitzbart D, Suarez I, Tsatsos A, Yuan S, Zecchinelli AG, Benelli G, Coubez X, Cutts D, Hadley M, Heintz U, Hogan JM, Kwon T, Landsberg G, Lau KT, Li D, Luo J, Mondal S, Narain M, Pervan N, Sagir S, Simpson F, Stamenkovic M, Venkatasubramanian N, Yan X, Zhang W, Abbott S, Bonilla J, Brainerd C, Breedon R, Cai H, De La Barca Sanchez MC, Chertok M, Citron M, Conway J, Cox PT, Erbacher R, Jensen F, Kukral O, Mocellin G, Mulhearn M, Pellett D, Wei W, Yao Y, Zhang F, Bachtis M, Cousins R, Datta A, Avila GF, Hauser J, Ignatenko M, Iqbal MA, Lam T, Manca E, Del Prado AN, Saltzberg D, Valuev V, Clare R, Gary JW, Gordon M, Hanson G, Si W, Wimpenny S, Branson JG, Cittolin S, Cooperstein S, Diaz D, Duarte J, Giannini L, Guiang J, Kansal R, Krutelyov V, Lee R, Letts J, Masciovecchio M, Mokhtar F, Mukherjee S, Pieri M, Quinnan M, Narayanan BVS, Sharma V, Tadel M, Vourliotis E, Würthwein F, Xiang Y, Yagil A, Barzdukas A, Brennan L, Campagnari C, Incandela J, Kim J, Li AJ, Masterson P, Mei H, Richman J, Sarica U, Schmitz R, Setti F, Sheplock J, Stuart D, Vámi TÁ, Wang S, Bornheim A, Cerri O, Latorre A, Mao J, Newman HB, Gutiérrez GR, Spiropulu M, Vlimant JR, Wang C, Xie S, Zhu RY, Alison J, An S, Andrews MB, Bryant P, Cremonesi M, Dutta V, Ferguson T, Harilal A, Liu C, Mudholkar T, Murthy S, Palit P, Paulini M, Roberts A, Sanchez A, Terrill W, Cumalat JP, Ford WT, Hart A, Hassani A, Karathanasis G, Manganelli N, Perloff A, Savard C, Schonbeck N, Stenson K, Ulmer KA, Wagner SR, Zipper N, Zuolo D, Alexander J, Bright-Thonney S, Chen X, Cranshaw DJ, Fan J, Fan X, Hogan S, Kotamnives P, Monroy J, Oshiro M, Patterson JR, Reichert J, Reid M, Ryd A, Thom J, Wittich P, Zou R, Albrow M, Alyari M, Amram O, Apollinari G, Apresyan A, Bauerdick LAT, Berry D, Berryhill J, Bhat PC, Burkett K, Butler JN, Canepa A, Cerati GB, Cheung HWK, Chlebana F, Cummings G, Dickinson J, Dutta I, Elvira VD, Feng Y, Freeman J, Gandrakota A, Gecse Z, Gray L, Green D, Grummer A, Grünendahl S, Guerrero D, Gutsche O, Harris RM, Heller R, Herwig TC, Hirschauer J, Horyn L, Jayatilaka B, Jindariani S, Johnson M, Joshi U, Klijnsma T, Klima B, Kwok KHM, Lammel S, Lincoln D, Lipton R, Liu T, Madrid C, Maeshima K, Mantilla C, Mason D, McBride P, Merkel P, Mrenna S, Nahn S, Ngadiuba J, Noonan D, Papadimitriou V, Pastika N, Pedro K, Pena C, Ravera F, Hall AR, Ristori L, Sexton-Kennedy E, Smith N, Soha A, Spiegel L, Stoynev S, Strait J, Taylor L, Tkaczyk S, Tran NV, Uplegger L, Vaandering EW, Whitbeck A, Zoi I, Aruta C, Avery P, Bourilkov D, Cadamuro L, Chang P, Cherepanov V, Field RD, Koenig E, Kolosova M, Konigsberg J, Korytov A, Matchev K, Menendez N, Mitselmakher G, Mohrman K, Madhu AM, Rawal N, Rosenzweig D, Rosenzweig S, Wang J, Adams T, Kadhim AA, Askew A, Bower S, Habibullah R, Hagopian V, Hashmi R, Kim RS, Kim S, Kolberg T, Martinez G, Prosper H, Prova PR, Wulansatiti M, Yohay R, Zhang J, Alsufyani B, Baarmand MM, Butalla S, Das S, Elkafrawy T, Hohlmann M, Verma RK, Rahmani M, Yanes E, Adams MR, Baty A, Bennett C, Cavanaugh R, Franco RE, Evdokimov O, Gerber CE, Hawksworth M, Hingrajiya A, Hofman DJ, Lee JH, Lemos DS, Merrit AH, Mills C, Nanda S, Oh G, Ozek B, Pilipovic D, Pradhan R, Prifti E, Roy T, Rudrabhatla S, Tonjes MB, Varelas N, Wadud MA, Ye Z, Yoo J, Alhusseini M, Blend D, Dilsiz K, Emediato L, Karaman G, Köseyan OK, Merlo JP, Mestvirishvili A, Nachtman J, Neogi O, Ogul H, Onel Y, Penzo A, Snyder C, Tiras E, Blumenfeld B, Corcodilos L, Davis J, Gritsan AV, Kang L, Kyriacou S, Maksimovic P, Roguljic M, Roskes J, Sekhar S, Swartz M, Abreu A, Alcerro LFA, Anguiano J, Baringer P, Bean A, Flowers Z, Grove D, King J, Krintiras G, Lazarovits M, Mahieu CL, Marquez J, Minafra N, Murray M, Nickel M, Pitt M, Popescu S, Rogan C, Royon C, Salvatico R, Sanders S, Smith C, Wang Q, Wilson G, Allmond B, Gurunadha RG, Ivanov A, Kaadze K, Kalogeropoulos A, Maravin Y, Natoli J, Roy D, Sorrentino G, Rebassoo F, Wright D, Baden A, Belloni A, Chen YM, Eno SC, Hadley NJ, Jabeen S, Kellogg RG, Koeth T, Lai Y, Lascio S, Mignerey AC, Nabili S, Palmer C, Papageorgakis C, Paranjpe MM, Wang L, Bendavid J, Cali IA, D’Alfonso M, Eysermans J, Freer C, Gomez-Ceballos G, Goncharov M, Grosso G, Harris P, Hoang D, Kovalskyi D, Krupa J, Lavezzo L, Lee YJ, Long K, Novak A, Paus C, Rankin D, Roland C, Roland G, Rothman S, Stephans GSF, Wang Z, Wyslouch B, Yang TJ, Crossman B, Joshi BM, Kapsiak C, Krohn M, Mahon D, Mans J, Marzocchi B, Pandey S, Revering M, Rusack R, Saradhy R, Schroeder N, Strobbe N, Cremaldi LM, Bloom K, Claes DR, Haza G, Hossain J, Joo C, Kravchenko I, Siado JE, Tabb W, Vagnerini A, Wightman A, Yan F, Yu D, Bandyopadhyay H, Hay L, Iashvili I, Kharchilava A, Morris M, Nguyen D, Rappoccio S, Sfar HR, Williams A, Alverson G, Barberis E, Dervan J, Haddad Y, Han Y, Krishna A, Li J, Lu M, Madigan G, Mccarthy R, Morse DM, Nguyen V, Orimoto T, Parker A, Skinnari L, Wood D, Bueghly J, Chen Z, Dittmer S, Hahn KA, Liu Y, Miao Y, Monk DG, Schmitt MH, Taliercio A, Velasco M, Agarwal G, Band R, Bucci R, Castells S, Das A, Goldouzian R, Hildreth M, Ho KW, Anampa KH, Ivanov T, Jessop C, Lannon K, Lawrence J, Loukas N, Lutton L, Mariano J, Marinelli N, Mcalister I, McCauley T, Mcgrady C, Moore C, Musienko Y, Nelson H, Osherson M, Piccinelli A, Ruchti R, Townsend A, Wan Y, Wayne M, Yockey H, Zarucki M, Zygala L, Basnet A, Bylsma B, Carrigan M, Durkin LS, Hill C, Joyce M, Ornelas MN, Wei K, Winer BL, Yates BR, Addesa FM, Bouchamaoui H, Das P, Dezoort G, Elmer P, Frankenthal A, Greenberg B, Haubrich N, Kopp G, Kwan S, Lange D, Loeliger A, Marlow D, Ojalvo I, Olsen J, Shevelev A, Stickland D, Tully C, Malik S, Bakshi AS, Barnes VE, Chandra S, Chawla R, Gu A, Gutay L, Jones M, Jung AW, Kondratyev D, Koshy AM, Liu M, Negro G, Neumeister N, Paspalaki G, Piperov S, Scheurer V, Schulte JF, Stojanovic M, Thieman J, Virdi AK, Wang F, Xie W, Dolen J, Parashar N, Pathak A, Acosta D, Carnahan T, Ecklund KM, Manteca PJF, Freed S, Gardner P, Geurts FJM, Li W, Colin OM, Padley BP, Redjimi R, Rotter J, Yigitbasi E, Zhang Y, Bodek A, de Barbaro P, Demina R, Dulemba JL, Garcia-Bellido A, Hindrichs O, Khukhunaishvili A, Parmar N, Parygin P, Popova E, Taus R, Goulianos K, Chiarito B, Chou JP, Clark SV, Gadkari D, Gershtein Y, Halkiadakis E, Heindl M, Houghton C, Jaroslawski D, Karacheban O, Laflotte I, Lath A, Montalvo R, Nash K, Routray H, Saha P, Salur S, Schnetzer S, Somalwar S, Stone R, Thayil SA, Thomas S, Vora J, Wang H, Acharya H, Ally D, Delannoy AG, Fiorendi S, Higginbotham S, Holmes T, Kanuganti AR, Karunarathna N, Lee L, Nibigira E, Spanier S, Aebi D, Ahmad M, Bouhali O, Eusebi R, Gilmore J, Huang T, Kamon T, Kim H, Luo S, Mueller R, Overton D, Rathjens D, Safonov A, Akchurin N, Damgov J, Hegde V, Hussain A, Kazhykarim Y, Lamichhane K, Lee SW, Mankel A, Peltola T, Volobouev I, Appelt E, Chen Y, Greene S, Gurrola A, Johns W, Elayavalli RK, Melo A, Romeo F, Sheldon P, Tuo S, Velkovska J, Viinikainen J, Cardwell B, Cox B, Hakala J, Hirosky R, Ledovskoy A, Neu C, Lara CEP, Bhattacharya S, Karchin PE, Aravind A, Banerjee S, Black K, Bose T, Dasu S, De Bruyn I, Everaerts P, Galloni C, He H, Herndon M, Herve A, Koraka CK, Lanaro A, Loveless R, Sreekala JM, Mallampalli A, Mohammadi A, Mondal S, Parida G, Pétré L, Pinna D, Savin A, Shang V, Sharma V, Smith WH, Teague D, Tsoi HF, Vetens W, Warden A, Afanasiev S, Andreev V, Andreev Y, Aushev T, Azarkin M, Azhgirey I, Babaev A, Belyaev A, Blinov V, Boos E, Borshch V, Budkouski D, Bunichev V, Chadeeva M, Chekhovsky V, Chistov R, Dermenev A, Dimova T, Druzhkin D, Dubinin M, Dudko L, Ershov A, Gavrilov G, Gavrilov V, Gninenko S, Golovtcov V, Golubev N, Golutvin I, Gorbunov I, Ivanov Y, Kachanov V, Karjavine V, Karneyeu A, Kim V, Kirakosyan M, Kirpichnikov D, Kirsanov M, Klyukhin V, Kodolova O, Konstantinov D, Korenkov V, Kozyrev A, Krasnikov N, Lanev A, Levchenko P, Lychkovskaya N, Makarenko V, Malakhov A, Matveev V, Murzin V, Nikitenko A, Obraztsov S, Oreshkin V, Palichik V, Perelygin V, Perfilov M, Petrushanko S, Polikarpov S, Popov V, Radchenko O, Ryutin R, Savina M, Savrin V, Shalaev V, Shmatov S, Shulha S, Skovpen Y, Slabospitskii S, Smirnov V, Sosnov D, Sulimov V, Tcherniaev E, Terkulov A, Teryaev O, Tlisova I, Toropin A, Uvarov L, Uzunian A, Vorobyev A, Vorotnikov G, Voytishin N, Yuldashev BS, Zarubin A, Zhizhin I, Zhokin A. Search for Z Z and Z H production in the b b ¯ b b ¯ final state using proton-proton collisions at s = 13 Te V. THE EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL. C, PARTICLES AND FIELDS 2024; 84:712. [PMID: 39072493 PMCID: PMC11271353 DOI: 10.1140/epjc/s10052-024-13021-z] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Grants] [Track Full Text] [Figures] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 03/29/2024] [Accepted: 06/11/2024] [Indexed: 07/30/2024]
A search forZ Z andZ H production in theb b ¯ b b ¯ final state is presented, where H is the standard model (SM) Higgs boson. The search uses an event sample of proton-proton collisions corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 133fb - 1 collected at a center-of-mass energy of 13Te V with the CMS detector at the CERN LHC. The analysis introduces several novel techniques for deriving and validating a multi-dimensional background model based on control samples in data. A multiclass multivariate classifier customized for theb b ¯ b b ¯ final state is developed to derive the background model and extract the signal. The data are found to be consistent, within uncertainties, with the SM predictions. The observed (expected) upper limits at 95% confidence level are found to be 3.8 (3.8) and 5.0 (2.9) times the SM prediction for theZ Z andZ H production cross sections, respectively.
- SC
- Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research
- Austrian Science Fund
- Belgian Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique
- Belgian Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek
- CNPq
- Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science
- Bulgarian National Science Fund
- Chinese Academy of Sciences
- Ministry of Science and Technology
- Chinese National Natural Science Foundation of China
- Colombian Funding Agency (MINICIENCIAS)
- Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sport
- Croatian Science Foundation
- Research and Innovation Foundation
- Estonian Research Council via PRG780, PRG803, RVTT3 and TK202
- Ministry of Education and Research via TK202
- Academy of Finland
- Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture
- Helsinki Institute of Physics
- Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules
- Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
- Commissariat à l’Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives
- Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation
- Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung
- Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
- Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft Deutscher Forschungszentren
- General Secretariat for Research and Innovation
- National Research, Development and Innovation Office
- Department of Atomic Energy
- Department of Science and Technology
- ICSC -National Research Centre for High Performance Computing, Big Data and Quantum Computing, funded by the NextGenerationEU program
- Institute for Research in Fundamental Studies
- Science Foundation
- Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare
- Korean Ministry of Education, Science and Technology
- National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)
- Research Council of Lithuania (LMTLT), agreement No. VS-19
- Ministry of Education
- University of Malaya
- Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment
- Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission
- Ministry of Educaton and Science
- National Science Centre
- Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, CERN/FIS-PAR/0025/2019 and CERN/FIS-INS/0032/2019
- Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of Serbia
- MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, ERDF “a way of making Europe”
- Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional, Spain
- Plan de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación del Principado de Asturias
- ETH Board
- ETH Zurich
- UniZH
- Canton Zurich
- Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation
- National Science and Technology Development Agency of Thailand
- Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey
- Turkish Atomic Energy Authority
- National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
- Science and Technology Facilities Council
- US Department of Energy
- US National Science Foundation
- Marie-Curie programme
- European Research Council and EPLANET (European Union)
- European Research Council/European Cooperation in Science and Technology), Action CA16108
- Horizon 2020 Grant, contract Nos. 675440, 724704, 752730, 758316, 765710, 824093, 101115353, 101002207 (European Union)
- Leventis Foundation
- Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
- Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
- Science Committee, project no. 22rl-037
- Belgian Federal Science Policy Office
- Fonds pour la Formation à la Recherche dans l’Industrie et dans l’Agriculture (FRIA-Belgium)
- Agentschap voor Innovatie door Wetenschap en Technologie (IWT-Belgium)
- Belgian Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique, "Excellence of Science - EOS" - be.h project n. 30820817
- Belgian Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek, "Excellence of Science - EOS" - be.h project n. 30820817
- Beijing Municipal Science & Technology Commission, No. Z191100007219010
- Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities
- Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MEYS) of the Czech Republic
- Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) under Germany’s Excellence Strategy - EXC 2121 "Quantum Universe" – 390833306
- Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), project number 400140256 - GRK2497
- Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation, Project Number 2288
- Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- New National Excellence Program - ÚNKP, the NKFIH research grants K 131991, K 133046, K 138136, K 143460, K 143477, K 146913, K 146914, K 147048, 2020-2.2.1-ED-2021-00181, and TKP2021-NKTA-64 (Hungary);
- Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India
- Latvian Council of Science
- Ministy of Education and Science, project no. 2022/WK/14
- National Science Center, Opus 2021/41/B/ST2/01369 and 2021/43/B/ST2/01552
- Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, CEECIND/01334/2018
- National Priorities Research Program by Qatar National Research Fund
- Programa Estatal de Fomento de la Investigación Científica y Técnica de Excelencia María de Maeztu, grant MDM-2017-0765 and projects PID2020-113705RB, PID2020-113304RB, PID2020-116262RB and PID2020-113341RB-I00
- Programa Severo Ochoa del Principado de Asturias
- National Science, Research and Innovation Fund via the Program Management Unit for Human Resources & Institutional Development, Research and Innovation, grant B37G660013
- Kavli Foundation
- Nvidia Corporation
- Welch Foundation, contract C-1845
- Weston Havens Foundation
- Institut für Hochenergiephysik (HEPHY) using the Cloud Infrastructure Platform (CLIP), Vienna
- Inter-University Institute for High Energies, Brussels
- Université Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve
- São Paulo Research and Analysis Center, São Paulo
- Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro
- University of Sofia, Sofia
- Institute of High Energy Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing
- National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics, Tallinn
- Helsinki Institute of Physics, Helsinki
- Grille de Recherche d’Ile de France (GRIF), Institut de recherche sur les lois fondamentales de l’Univers, CEA, Université Paris-Saclay, Gif-sur-Yvette, France and Laboratoire Leprince-Ringuet, CNRS/IN2P3, Ecole Polytechnique, Institut Polytechnique de Paris
- Institut de recherche sur les lois fondamentales de l’Univers, CEA, Université Paris-Saclay, Gif-sur-Yvette
- Institut national de physique nucléaire et de physique des particules, IN2P3, Villeurbanne
- Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien (IPHC), Strasbourg
- Laboratoire Leprince-Ringuet, CNRS/IN2P3, Ecole Polytechnique, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, Palaiseau
- Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, Hamburg
- Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, Karlsruhe
- RWTH Aachen University, Aachen
- University of Ioánnina, Ioánnina
- Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Budapest
- Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai
- INFN CNAF, Bologna
- INFN Sezione di Bari, Università di Bari, Politecnico di Bari, Bari
- INFN Sezione di Pisa, Università di Pisa, Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Pisa
- INFN Sezione di Roma, Sapienza Università di Roma, Rome
- INFN Sezione di Trieste, Università di Trieste, Trieste
- Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro, Legnaro
- Kyungpook National University, Daegu
- National Centre for Physics, Quaid-I-Azam University, Islamabad
- Akademickie Centrum Komputerowe Cyfronet AGH, Krakow
- National Centre for Nuclear Research, Swierk
- Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas, Lisboa
- Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information (KISTI), Daejeon
- Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas Medioambientales y Tecnológicas (CIEMAT), Madrid
- Instituto de Física de Cantabria (IFCA), CSIC-Universidad de Cantabria, Santander
- Port d’Informació Científica, Bellaterra
- CERN, European Organization for Nuclear Research, Geneva
- CSCS - Swiss National Supercomputing Centre, Lugano
- Instrumentation and Detector Consortium, Taipei
- National Center for High-performance Computing (NCHC), Hsinchu City
- Middle East Technical University, Physics Department, Ankara
- National Scientific Center, Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology, Kharkov
- GridPP, Brunel University, Uxbridge
- GridPP, Imperial College, London
- GridPP, Queen Mary University of London, London
- GridPP, Royal Holloway, University of London, London
- GridPP, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Didcot
- GridPP, University of Bristol, Bristol
- GridPP, University of Glasgow, Glasgow
- GridPP, University of Oxford, Oxford
- Baylor University, Waco
- California Institute of Technology, Pasadena
- Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
- National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC), a U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science User Facility, Berkeley
- Open Science Grid (OSG) Consortium
- Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center (PSC), Pittsburgh
- Purdue University, West Lafayette
- San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC), La Jolla
- Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC), Austin
- University of California, San Diego, La Jolla
- University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder
- University of Florida, Gainesville
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln
- University of Wisconsin - Madison, Madison
- Vanderbilt University, Nashville