To study the effect of tris buffer on free cytosolic calcium in vitro.
Open, randomized, control trial of dispersed rat myocardial cells.
Experimental laboratory in a large university hospital.
Dispersed myocardial cells from Sprague-Dawley rats.
The influences of pure trometamol (tris) and a tris butter mixture, as well as conventional sodium bicarbonate on free cytosolic calcium in suspended rat myocardial cells were studied with the fluorescent intracellular probe fura-2.
Addition of pure trometamol (tris) resulted in a significant increase of free cytosolic calcium in myocardial cells suspended in a buffer containing 1.25 mM of ionized calcium. The actions of trometamol display a dose-dependency in relation to the concentration of external ionized calcium since the ionized calcium response was reduced in a buffer with 0.5 mM of extracellular ionized calcium. Furthermore, removal of external ionized calcium totally prevented trometamol induced increases of ionized calcium, indicating that this increase is dependent on transmembrane ionized calcium fluxes. When tris buffer mixture was investigated in 1.25 mM of calcium, as well as 0.5 mM of external ionized calcium, a decrease of ionized calcium was noted initially, followed by an increase during the observation period. Addition of sodium bicarbonate to the two experimental settings resulted in a more prominent initial decrease of ionized calcium, followed by a slower increase which did not reach the initial values during the 20-min observation period. Extracellular pH was also included as a variable. When the cells were suspended in a buffer containing 1.25 mM of ionized calcium with a pH of 6.80 instead of 7.40 (as above), addition of pure trometamol also resulted in an increase of ionized calcium; however, after 20 mins this increase was smaller as compared with the results above. When tris buffer mixture as well as sodium bicarbonate was added, initial decreases of ionized calcium were recorded, followed by smaller increases during the observation period, compared with the increase in buffers with a pH of 7.40.
Pure trometamol (tris) induces an increase in free cytosolic calcium in suspended myocardial cells.