Osteoporosis is a nationwide health care concern affecting millions of Americans. Health care dollars to prevent and treat osteoporosis are needed. Osteoporosis-related injuries and resulting disabilities, and consequent admissions to hospitals, nursing homes, and long-term care facilities is costing billions of dollars for care and treatment. Healthy lifestyle choices including vitamin and mineral therapy; safe home environments; a diet replete with calcium, vitamin D, and protein; weight-bearing and resistance exercises; and fall prevention programs for home-bound and hospitalized elders are needed to prevent osteoporosis-related fractures and injuries. Nurses must educate the public on osteoporosis and osteoporosis-prevention activities. Research in nursing, pharmacy, and allied health fields such as physical therapy and nutrition must expand to improve understanding of the risks associated with osteoporosis and to evaluate health-promotion and disease- prevention activities. Interdisciplinary partnerships should be established to study the issues, prevention, and treatment modalities of this "silent killer."