This review will provide recent pre-clinical and initial clinical trials exploring the efficacy of sonothrombolysis as an adjunct to current emergent therapies in acute coronary syndromes.
The initial clinical trials examining the efficacy of short pulse duration diagnostic ultrasound (DUS) high mechanical index impulses in patients with ST segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) have demonstrated that there is improved patency of the infarct vessel, and improved microvascular flow following percutaneous coronary intervention. Subsequent randomized prospective trials have confirmed that in patients with acute STEMI receiving an intravenous microbubble infusion, diagnostic high mechanical index impulses applied in the apical windows pre- and post-percutaneous coronary intervention have reduced myocardial infarction size, as assessed by magnetic resonance imaging at 72 h following presentation, and have been associated with better left ventricular systolic function at 6 month follow-up. Sonothrombolysis has potential for improving early epicardial coronary artery patency and reduce left ventricular remodeling when added to current interventional strategies in STEMI.