Judge PK, Staplin N, Mayne KJ, Wanner C, Green JB, Hauske SJ, Emberson JR, Preiss D, Ng SYA, Roddick AJ, Sammons E, Zhu D, Hill M, Stevens W, Wallendszus K, Brenner S, Cheung AK, Liu ZH, Li J, Hooi LS, Liu WJ, Kadowaki T, Nangaku M, Levin A, Cherney D, Maggioni AP, Pontremoli R, Deo R, Goto S, Rossello X, Tuttle KR, Steubl D, Massey D, Landray MJ, Baigent C, Haynes R, Herrington WG, Abat S, Abd Rahman R, Abdul Cader R, Abdul Hafidz MI, Abdul Wahab MZ, Abdullah NK, Abdul-Samad T, Abe M, Abraham N, Acheampong S, Achiri P, Acosta JA, Adeleke A, Adell V, Adewuyi-Dalton R, Adnan N, Africano A, Agharazii M, Aguilar F, Aguilera A, Ahmad M, Ahmad MK, Ahmad NA, Ahmad NH, Ahmad NI, Ahmad Miswan N, Ahmad Rosdi H, Ahmed I, Ahmed S, Ahmed S, Aiello J, Aitken A, AitSadi R, Aker S, Akimoto S, Akinfolarin A, Akram S, Alberici F, Albert C, Aldrich L, Alegata M, Alexander L, Alfaress S, Alhadj Ali M, Ali A, Ali A, Alicic R, Aliu A, Almaraz R, Almasarwah R, Almeida J, Aloisi A, Al-Rabadi L, Alscher D, Alvarez P, Al-Zeer B, Amat M, Ambrose C, Ammar H, An Y, Andriaccio L, Ansu K, Apostolidi A, Arai N, Araki H, Araki S, Arbi A, Arechiga O, Armstrong S, Arnold T, Aronoff S, Arriaga W, Arroyo J, Arteaga D, Asahara S, Asai A, Asai N, Asano S, Asawa M, Asmee MF, Aucella F, Augustin M, Avery A, Awad A, Awang IY, Awazawa M, Axler A, Ayub W, Azhari Z, Baccaro R, Badin C, Bagwell B, Bahlmann-Kroll E, Bahtar AZ, Baigent C, Bains D, Bajaj H, Baker R, Baldini E, Banas B, Banerjee D, Banno S, Bansal S, Barberi S, Barnes S, Barnini C, Barot C, Barrett K, Barrios R, Bartolomei Mecatti B, Barton I, Barton J, Basily W, Bavanandan S, Baxter A, Becker L, Beddhu S, Beige J, Beigh S, Bell S, Benck U, Beneat A, Bennett A, Bennett D, Benyon S, Berdeprado J, Bergler T, Bergner A, Berry M, Bevilacqua M, Bhairoo J, Bhandari S, Bhandary N, Bhatt A, Bhattarai M, Bhavsar M, Bian W, Bianchini F, Bianco S, Bilous R, Bilton J, Bilucaglia D, Bird C, Birudaraju D, Biscoveanu M, Blake C, Bleakley N, Bocchicchia K, Bodine S, Bodington R, Boedecker S, Bolduc M, Bolton S, Bond C, Boreky F, Boren K, Bouchi R, Bough L, Bovan D, Bowler C, Bowman L, Brar N, Braun C, Breach A, Breitenfeldt M, Brenner S, Brettschneider B, Brewer A, Brewer G, Brindle V, Brioni E, Brown C, Brown H, Brown L, Brown R, Brown S, Browne D, Bruce K, Brueckmann M, Brunskill N, Bryant M, Brzoska M, Bu Y, Buckman C, Budoff M, Bullen M, Burke A, Burnette S, Burston C, Busch M, Bushnell J, Butler S, Büttner C, Byrne C, Caamano A, Cadorna J, Cafiero C, Cagle M, Cai J, Calabrese K, Calvi C, Camilleri B, Camp S, Campbell D, Campbell R, Cao H, Capelli I, Caple M, Caplin B, Cardone A, Carle J, Carnall V, Caroppo M, Carr S, Carraro G, Carson M, Casares P, Castillo C, Castro C, Caudill B, Cejka V, Ceseri M, Cham L, Chamberlain A, Chambers J, Chan CBT, Chan JYM, Chan YC, Chang E, Chang E, Chant T, Chavagnon T, Chellamuthu P, Chen F, Chen J, Chen P, Chen TM, Chen Y, Chen Y, Cheng C, Cheng H, Cheng MC, Cherney D, Cheung AK, Ching CH, Chitalia N, Choksi R, Chukwu C, Chung K, Cianciolo G, Cipressa L, Clark S, Clarke H, Clarke R, Clarke S, Cleveland B, Cole E, Coles H, Condurache L, Connor A, Convery K, Cooper A, Cooper N, Cooper Z, Cooperman L, Cosgrove L, Coutts P, Cowley A, Craik R, Cui G, Cummins T, Dahl N, Dai H, Dajani L, D'Amelio A, Damian E, Damianik K, Danel L, Daniels C, Daniels T, Darbeau S, Darius H, Dasgupta T, Davies J, Davies L, Davis A, Davis J, Davis L, Dayanandan R, Dayi S, Dayrell R, De Nicola L, Debnath S, Deeb W, Degenhardt S, DeGoursey K, Delaney M, Deo R, DeRaad R, Derebail V, Dev D, Devaux M, Dhall P, Dhillon G, Dienes J, Dobre M, Doctolero E, Dodds V, Domingo D, Donaldson D, Donaldson P, Donhauser C, Donley V, Dorestin S, Dorey S, Doulton T, Draganova D, Draxlbauer K, Driver F, Du H, Dube F, Duck T, Dugal T, Dugas J, Dukka H, Dumann H, Durham W, Dursch M, Dykas R, Easow R, Eckrich E, Eden G, Edmerson E, Edwards H, Ee LW, Eguchi J, Ehrl Y, Eichstadt K, Eid W, Eilerman B, Ejima Y, Eldon H, Ellam T, Elliott L, Ellison R, Emberson J, Epp R, Er A, Espino-Obrero M, Estcourt S, Estienne L, Evans G, Evans J, Evans S, Fabbri G, Fajardo-Moser M, Falcone C, Fani F, Faria-Shayler P, Farnia F, Farrugia D, Fechter M, Fellowes D, Feng F, Fernandez J, Ferraro P, Field A, Fikry S, Finch J, Finn H, Fioretto P, Fish R, Fleischer A, Fleming-Brown D, Fletcher L, Flora R, Foellinger C, Foligno N, Forest S, Forghani Z, Forsyth K, Fottrell-Gould D, Fox P, Frankel A, Fraser D, Frazier R, Frederick K, Freking N, French H, Froment A, Fuchs B, Fuessl L, Fujii H, Fujimoto A, Fujita A, Fujita K, Fujita Y, Fukagawa M, Fukao Y, Fukasawa A, Fuller T, Funayama T, Fung E, Furukawa M, Furukawa Y, Furusho M, Gabel S, Gaidu J, Gaiser S, Gallo K, Galloway C, Gambaro G, Gan CC, Gangemi C, Gao M, Garcia K, Garcia M, Garofalo C, Garrity M, Garza A, Gasko S, Gavrila M, Gebeyehu B, Geddes A, Gentile G, George A, George J, Gesualdo L, Ghalli F, Ghanem A, Ghate T, Ghavampour S, Ghazi A, Gherman A, Giebeln-Hudnell U, Gill B, Gillham S, Girakossyan I, Girndt M, Giuffrida A, Glenwright M, Glider T, Gloria R, Glowski D, Goh BL, Goh CB, Gohda T, Goldenberg R, Goldfaden R, Goldsmith C, Golson B, Gonce V, Gong Q, Goodenough B, Goodwin N, Goonasekera M, Gordon A, Gordon J, Gore A, Goto H, Goto S, Goto S, Gowen D, Grace A, Graham J, Grandaliano G, Gray M, Green JB, Greene T, Greenwood G, Grewal B, Grifa R, Griffin D, Griffin S, Grimmer P, Grobovaite E, Grotjahn S, Guerini A, Guest C, Gunda S, Guo B, Guo Q, Haack S, Haase M, Haaser K, Habuki K, Hadley A, Hagan S, Hagge S, Haller H, Ham S, Hamal S, Hamamoto Y, Hamano N, Hamm M, Hanburry A, Haneda M, Hanf C, Hanif W, Hansen J, Hanson L, Hantel S, Haraguchi T, Harding E, Harding T, Hardy C, Hartner C, Harun Z, Harvill L, Hasan A, Hase H, Hasegawa F, Hasegawa T, Hashimoto A, Hashimoto C, Hashimoto M, Hashimoto S, Haskett S, Hauske SJ, Hawfield A, Hayami T, Hayashi M, Hayashi S, Haynes R, Hazara A, Healy C, Hecktman J, Heine G, Henderson H, Henschel R, Hepditch A, Herfurth K, Hernandez G, Hernandez Pena A, Hernandez-Cassis C, Herrington WG, Herzog C, Hewins S, Hewitt D, Hichkad L, Higashi S, Higuchi C, Hill C, Hill L, Hill M, Himeno T, Hing A, Hirakawa Y, Hirata K, Hirota Y, Hisatake T, Hitchcock S, Hodakowski A, Hodge W, Hogan R, Hohenstatt U, Hohenstein B, Hooi L, Hope S, Hopley M, Horikawa S, Hosein D, Hosooka T, Hou L, Hou W, Howie L, Howson A, Hozak M, Htet Z, Hu X, Hu Y, Huang J, Huda N, Hudig L, Hudson A, Hugo C, Hull R, Hume L, Hundei W, Hunt N, Hunter A, Hurley S, Hurst A, Hutchinson C, Hyo T, Ibrahim FH, Ibrahim S, Ihana N, Ikeda T, Imai A, Imamine R, Inamori A, Inazawa H, Ingell J, Inomata K, Inukai Y, Ioka M, Irtiza-Ali A, Isakova T, Isari W, Iselt M, Ishiguro A, Ishihara K, Ishikawa T, Ishimoto T, Ishizuka K, Ismail R, Itano S, Ito H, Ito K, Ito M, Ito Y, Iwagaitsu S, Iwaita Y, Iwakura T, Iwamoto M, Iwasa M, Iwasaki H, Iwasaki S, Izumi K, Izumi K, Izumi T, Jaafar SM, Jackson C, Jackson Y, Jafari G, Jahangiriesmaili M, Jain N, Jansson K, Jasim H, Jeffers L, Jenkins A, Jesky M, Jesus-Silva J, Jeyarajah D, Jiang Y, Jiao X, Jimenez G, Jin B, Jin Q, Jochims J, Johns B, Johnson C, Johnson T, Jolly S, Jones L, Jones L, Jones S, Jones T, Jones V, Joseph M, Joshi S, Judge P, Junejo N, Junus S, Kachele M, Kadowaki T, Kadoya H, Kaga H, Kai H, Kajio H, Kaluza-Schilling W, Kamaruzaman L, Kamarzarian A, Kamimura Y, Kamiya H, Kamundi C, Kan T, Kanaguchi Y, Kanazawa A, Kanda E, Kanegae S, Kaneko K, Kaneko K, Kang HY, Kano T, Karim M, Karounos D, Karsan W, Kasagi R, Kashihara N, Katagiri H, Katanosaka A, Katayama A, Katayama M, Katiman E, Kato K, Kato M, Kato N, Kato S, Kato T, Kato Y, Katsuda Y, Katsuno T, Kaufeld J, Kavak Y, Kawai I, Kawai M, Kawai M, Kawase A, Kawashima S, Kazory A, Kearney J, Keith B, Kellett J, Kelley S, Kershaw M, Ketteler M, Khai Q, Khairullah Q, Khandwala H, Khoo KKL, Khwaja A, Kidokoro K, Kielstein J, Kihara M, Kimber C, Kimura S, Kinashi H, Kingston H, Kinomura M, Kinsella-Perks E, Kitagawa M, Kitajima M, Kitamura S, Kiyosue A, Kiyota M, Klauser F, Klausmann G, Kmietschak W, Knapp K, Knight C, Knoppe A, Knott C, Kobayashi M, Kobayashi R, Kobayashi T, Koch M, Kodama S, Kodani N, Kogure E, Koizumi M, Kojima H, Kojo T, Kolhe N, Komaba H, Komiya T, Komori H, Kon SP, Kondo M, Kondo M, Kong W, Konishi M, Kono K, Koshino M, Kosugi T, Kothapalli B, Kozlowski T, Kraemer B, Kraemer-Guth A, Krappe J, Kraus D, Kriatselis C, Krieger C, Krish P, Kruger B, Ku Md Razi KR, Kuan Y, Kubota S, Kuhn S, Kumar P, Kume S, Kummer I, Kumuji R, Küpper A, Kuramae T, Kurian L, Kuribayashi C, Kurien R, Kuroda E, Kurose T, Kutschat A, Kuwabara N, Kuwata H, La Manna G, Lacey M, Lafferty K, LaFleur P, Lai V, Laity E, Lambert A, Landray MJ, Langlois M, Latif F, Latore E, Laundy E, Laurienti D, Lawson A, Lay M, Leal I, Leal I, Lee AK, Lee J, Lee KQ, Lee R, Lee SA, Lee YY, Lee-Barkey Y, Leonard N, Leoncini G, Leong CM, Lerario S, Leslie A, Levin A, Lewington A, Li J, Li N, Li X, Li Y, Liberti L, Liberti ME, Liew A, Liew YF, Lilavivat U, Lim SK, Lim YS, Limon E, Lin H, Lioudaki E, Liu H, Liu J, Liu L, Liu Q, Liu WJ, Liu X, Liu Z, Loader D, Lochhead H, Loh CL, Lorimer A, Loudermilk L, Loutan J, Low CK, Low CL, Low YM, Lozon Z, Lu Y, Lucci D, Ludwig U, Luker N, Lund D, Lustig R, Lyle S, Macdonald C, MacDougall I, Machicado R, MacLean D, Macleod P, Madera A, Madore F, Maeda K, Maegawa H, Maeno S, Mafham M, Magee J, Maggioni AP, Mah DY, Mahabadi V, Maiguma M, Makita Y, Makos G, Manco L, Mangiacapra R, Manley J, Mann P, Mano S, Marcotte G, Maris J, Mark P, Markau S, Markovic M, Marshall C, Martin M, Martinez C, Martinez S, Martins G, Maruyama K, Maruyama S, Marx K, Maselli A, Masengu A, Maskill A, Masumoto S, Masutani K, Matsumoto M, Matsunaga T, Matsuoka N, Matsushita M, Matthews M, Matthias S, Matvienko E, Maurer M, Maxwell P, Mayne KJ, Mazlan N, Mazlan SA, Mbuyisa A, McCafferty K, McCarroll F, McCarthy T, McClary-Wright C, McCray K, McDermott P, McDonald C, McDougall R, McHaffie E, McIntosh K, McKinley T, McLaughlin S, McLean N, McNeil L, Measor A, Meek J, Mehta A, Mehta R, Melandri M, Mené P, Meng T, Menne J, Merritt K, Merscher S, Meshykhi C, Messa P, Messinger L, Miftari N, Miller R, Miller Y, Miller-Hodges E, Minatoguchi M, Miners M, Minutolo R, Mita T, Miura Y, Miyaji M, Miyamoto S, Miyatsuka T, Miyazaki M, Miyazawa I, Mizumachi R, Mizuno M, Moffat S, Mohamad Nor FS, Mohamad Zaini SN, Mohamed Affandi FA, Mohandas C, Mohd R, Mohd Fauzi NA, Mohd Sharif NH, Mohd Yusoff Y, Moist L, Moncada A, Montasser M, Moon A, Moran C, Morgan N, Moriarty J, Morig G, Morinaga H, Morino K, Morisaki T, Morishita Y, Morlok S, Morris A, Morris F, Mostafa S, Mostefai Y, Motegi M, Motherwell N, Motta D, Mottl A, Moys R, Mozaffari S, Muir J, Mulhern J, Mulligan S, Munakata Y, Murakami C, Murakoshi M, Murawska A, Murphy K, Murphy L, Murray S, Murtagh H, Musa MA, Mushahar L, Mustafa R, Mustafar R, Muto M, Nadar E, Nagano R, Nagasawa T, Nagashima E, Nagasu H, Nagelberg S, Nair H, Nakagawa Y, Nakahara M, Nakamura J, Nakamura R, Nakamura T, Nakaoka M, Nakashima E, Nakata J, Nakata M, Nakatani S, Nakatsuka A, Nakayama Y, Nakhoul G, Nangaku M, Naverrete G, Navivala A, Nazeer I, Negrea L, Nethaji C, Newman E, Ng SYA, Ng TJ, Ngu LLS, Nimbkar T, Nishi H, Nishi M, Nishi S, Nishida Y, Nishiyama A, Niu J, Niu P, Nobili G, Nohara N, Nojima I, Nolan J, Nosseir H, Nozawa M, Nunn M, Nunokawa S, Oda M, Oe M, Oe Y, Ogane K, Ogawa W, Ogihara T, Oguchi G, Ohsugi M, Oishi K, Okada Y, Okajyo J, Okamoto S, Okamura K, Olufuwa O, Oluyombo R, Omata A, Omori Y, Ong LM, Ong YC, Onyema J, Oomatia A, Oommen A, Oremus R, Orimo Y, Ortalda V, Osaki Y, Osawa Y, Osmond Foster J, O'Sullivan A, Otani T, Othman N, Otomo S, O'Toole J, Owen L, Ozawa T, Padiyar A, Page N, Pajak S, Paliege A, Pandey A, Pandey R, Pariani H, Park J, Parrigon M, Passauer J, Patecki M, Patel M, Patel R, Patel T, Patel Z, Paul R, Paul R, Paulsen L, Pavone L, Peixoto A, Peji J, Peng BC, Peng K, Pennino L, Pereira E, Perez E, Pergola P, Pesce F, Pessolano G, Petchey W, Petr EJ, Pfab T, Phelan P, Phillips R, Phillips T, Phipps M, Piccinni G, Pickett T, Pickworth S, Piemontese M, Pinto D, Piper J, Plummer-Morgan J, Poehler D, Polese L, Poma V, Pontremoli R, Postal A, Pötz C, Power A, Pradhan N, Pradhan R, Preiss D, Preiss E, Preston K, Prib N, Price L, Provenzano C, Pugay C, Pulido R, Putz F, Qiao Y, Quartagno R, Quashie-Akponeware M, Rabara R, Rabasa-Lhoret R, Radhakrishnan D, Radley M, Raff R, Raguwaran S, Rahbari-Oskoui F, Rahman M, Rahmat K, Ramadoss S, Ramanaidu S, Ramasamy S, Ramli R, Ramli S, Ramsey T, Rankin A, Rashidi A, Raymond L, Razali WAFA, Read K, Reiner H, Reisler A, Reith C, Renner J, Rettenmaier B, Richmond L, Rijos D, Rivera R, Rivers V, Robinson H, Rocco M, Rodriguez-Bachiller I, Rodriquez R, Roesch C, Roesch J, Rogers J, Rohnstock M, Rolfsmeier S, Roman M, Romo A, Rosati A, Rosenberg S, Ross T, Rossello X, Roura M, Roussel M, Rovner S, Roy S, Rucker S, Rump L, Ruocco M, Ruse S, Russo F, Russo M, Ryder M, Sabarai A, Saccà C, Sachson R, Sadler E, Safiee NS, Sahani M, Saillant A, Saini J, Saito C, Saito S, Sakaguchi K, Sakai M, Salim H, Salviani C, Sammons E, Sampson A, Samson F, Sandercock P, Sanguila S, Santorelli G, Santoro D, Sarabu N, Saram T, Sardell R, Sasajima H, Sasaki T, Satko S, Sato A, Sato D, Sato H, Sato H, Sato J, Sato T, Sato Y, Satoh M, Sawada K, Schanz M, Scheidemantel F, Schemmelmann M, Schettler E, Schettler V, Schlieper GR, Schmidt C, Schmidt G, Schmidt U, Schmidt-Gurtler H, Schmude M, Schneider A, Schneider I, Schneider-Danwitz C, Schomig M, Schramm T, Schreiber A, Schricker S, Schroppel B, Schulte-Kemna L, Schulz E, Schumacher B, Schuster A, Schwab A, Scolari F, Scott A, Seeger W, Seeger W, Segal M, Seifert L, Seifert M, Sekiya M, Sellars R, Seman MR, Shah S, Shah S, Shainberg L, Shanmuganathan M, Shao F, Sharma K, Sharpe C, Sheikh-Ali M, Sheldon J, Shenton C, Shepherd A, Shepperd M, Sheridan R, Sheriff Z, Shibata Y, Shigehara T, Shikata K, Shimamura K, Shimano H, Shimizu Y, Shimoda H, Shin K, Shivashankar G, Shojima N, Silva R, Sim CSB, Simmons K, Sinha S, Sitter T, Sivanandam S, Skipper M, Sloan K, Sloan L, Smith R, Smyth J, Sobande T, Sobata M, Somalanka S, Song X, Sonntag F, Sood B, Sor SY, Soufer J, Sparks H, Spatoliatore G, Spinola T, Squyres S, Srivastava A, Stanfield J, Staplin N, Staylor K, Steele A, Steen O, Steffl D, Stegbauer J, Stellbrink C, Stellbrink E, Stevens W, Stevenson A, Stewart-Ray V, Stickley J, Stoffler D, Stratmann B, Streitenberger S, Strutz F, Stubbs J, Stumpf J, Suazo N, Suchinda P, Suckling R, Sudin A, Sugamori K, Sugawara H, Sugawara K, Sugimoto D, Sugiyama H, Sugiyama H, Sugiyama T, Sullivan M, Sumi M, Suresh N, Sutton D, Suzuki H, Suzuki R, Suzuki Y, Suzuki Y, Suzuki Y, Swanson E, Swift P, Syed S, Szerlip H, Taal M, Taddeo M, Tailor C, Tajima K, Takagi M, Takahashi K, Takahashi K, Takahashi M, Takahashi T, Takahira E, Takai T, Takaoka M, Takeoka J, Takesada A, Takezawa M, Talbot M, Taliercio J, Talsania T, Tamori Y, Tamura R, Tamura Y, Tan CHH, Tan EZZ, Tanabe A, Tanabe K, Tanaka A, Tanaka A, Tanaka N, Tang S, Tang Z, Tanigaki K, Tarlac M, Tatsuzawa A, Tay JF, Tay LL, Taylor J, Taylor K, Taylor K, Te A, Tenbusch L, Teng KS, Terakawa A, Terry J, Tham ZD, Tholl S, Thomas G, Thong KM, Tietjen D, Timadjer A, Tindall H, Tipper S, Tobin K, Toda N, Tokuyama A, Tolibas M, Tomita A, Tomita T, Tomlinson J, Tonks L, Topf J, Topping S, Torp A, Torres A, Totaro F, Toth P, Toyonaga Y, Tripodi F, Trivedi K, Tropman E, Tschope D, Tse J, Tsuji K, Tsunekawa S, Tsunoda R, Tucky B, Tufail S, Tuffaha A, Turan E, Turner H, Turner J, Turner M, Tuttle KR, Tye YL, Tyler A, Tyler J, Uchi H, Uchida H, Uchida T, Uchida T, Udagawa T, Ueda S, Ueda Y, Ueki K, Ugni S, Ugwu E, Umeno R, Unekawa C, Uozumi K, Urquia K, Valleteau A, Valletta C, van Erp R, Vanhoy C, Varad V, Varma R, Varughese A, Vasquez P, Vasseur A, Veelken R, Velagapudi C, Verdel K, Vettoretti S, Vezzoli G, Vielhauer V, Viera R, Vilar E, Villaruel S, Vinall L, Vinathan J, Visnjic M, Voigt E, von-Eynatten M, Vourvou M, Wada J, Wada J, Wada T, Wada Y, Wakayama K, Wakita Y, Wallendszus K, Walters T, Wan Mohamad WH, Wang L, Wang W, Wang X, Wang X, Wang Y, Wanner C, Wanninayake S, Watada H, Watanabe K, Watanabe K, Watanabe M, Waterfall H, Watkins D, Watson S, Weaving L, Weber B, Webley Y, Webster A, Webster M, Weetman M, Wei W, Weihprecht H, Weiland L, Weinmann-Menke J, Weinreich T, Wendt R, Weng Y, Whalen M, Whalley G, Wheatley R, Wheeler A, Wheeler J, Whelton P, White K, Whitmore B, Whittaker S, Wiebel J, Wiley J, Wilkinson L, Willett M, Williams A, Williams E, Williams K, Williams T, Wilson A, Wilson P, Wincott L, Wines E, Winkelmann B, Winkler M, Winter-Goodwin B, Witczak J, Wittes J, Wittmann M, Wolf G, Wolf L, Wolfling R, Wong C, Wong E, Wong HS, Wong LW, Wong YH, Wonnacott A, Wood A, Wood L, Woodhouse H, Wooding N, Woodman A, Wren K, Wu J, Wu P, Xia S, Xiao H, Xiao X, Xie Y, Xu C, Xu Y, Xue H, Yahaya H, Yalamanchili H, Yamada A, Yamada N, Yamagata K, Yamaguchi M, Yamaji Y, Yamamoto A, Yamamoto S, Yamamoto S, Yamamoto T, Yamanaka A, Yamano T, Yamanouchi Y, Yamasaki N, Yamasaki Y, Yamasaki Y, Yamashita C, Yamauchi T, Yan Q, Yanagisawa E, Yang F, Yang L, Yano S, Yao S, Yao Y, Yarlagadda S, Yasuda Y, Yiu V, Yokoyama T, Yoshida S, Yoshidome E, Yoshikawa H, Young A, Young T, Yousif V, Yu H, Yu Y, Yuasa K, Yusof N, Zalunardo N, Zander B, Zani R, Zappulo F, Zayed M, Zemann B, Zettergren P, Zhang H, Zhang L, Zhang L, Zhang N, Zhang X, Zhao J, Zhao L, Zhao S, Zhao Z, Zhong H, Zhou N, Zhou S, Zhu D, Zhu L, Zhu S, Zietz M, Zippo M, Zirino F, Zulkipli FH. Impact of primary kidney disease on the effects of empagliflozin in patients with chronic kidney disease: secondary analyses of the EMPA-KIDNEY trial. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol 2024; 12:51-60. [PMID: 38061372 DOI: 10.1016/s2213-8587(23)00322-4] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [MESH Headings] [Grants] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Submit a Manuscript] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 09/05/2023] [Revised: 10/24/2023] [Accepted: 10/25/2023] [Indexed: 12/23/2023]
BACKGROUND The EMPA-KIDNEY trial showed that empagliflozin reduced the risk of the primary composite outcome of kidney disease progression or cardiovascular death in patients with chronic kidney disease mainly through slowing progression. We aimed to assess how effects of empagliflozin might differ by primary kidney disease across its broad population. METHODS EMPA-KIDNEY, a randomised, controlled, phase 3 trial, was conducted at 241 centres in eight countries (Canada, China, Germany, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, the UK, and the USA). Patients were eligible if their estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) was 20 to less than 45 mL/min per 1·73 m2, or 45 to less than 90 mL/min per 1·73 m2 with a urinary albumin-to-creatinine ratio (uACR) of 200 mg/g or higher at screening. They were randomly assigned (1:1) to 10 mg oral empagliflozin once daily or matching placebo. Effects on kidney disease progression (defined as a sustained ≥40% eGFR decline from randomisation, end-stage kidney disease, a sustained eGFR below 10 mL/min per 1·73 m2, or death from kidney failure) were assessed using prespecified Cox models, and eGFR slope analyses used shared parameter models. Subgroup comparisons were performed by including relevant interaction terms in models. EMPA-KIDNEY is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT03594110. FINDINGS Between May 15, 2019, and April 16, 2021, 6609 participants were randomly assigned and followed up for a median of 2·0 years (IQR 1·5-2·4). Prespecified subgroupings by primary kidney disease included 2057 (31·1%) participants with diabetic kidney disease, 1669 (25·3%) with glomerular disease, 1445 (21·9%) with hypertensive or renovascular disease, and 1438 (21·8%) with other or unknown causes. Kidney disease progression occurred in 384 (11·6%) of 3304 patients in the empagliflozin group and 504 (15·2%) of 3305 patients in the placebo group (hazard ratio 0·71 [95% CI 0·62-0·81]), with no evidence that the relative effect size varied significantly by primary kidney disease (pheterogeneity=0·62). The between-group difference in chronic eGFR slopes (ie, from 2 months to final follow-up) was 1·37 mL/min per 1·73 m2 per year (95% CI 1·16-1·59), representing a 50% (42-58) reduction in the rate of chronic eGFR decline. This relative effect of empagliflozin on chronic eGFR slope was similar in analyses by different primary kidney diseases, including in explorations by type of glomerular disease and diabetes (p values for heterogeneity all >0·1). INTERPRETATION In a broad range of patients with chronic kidney disease at risk of progression, including a wide range of non-diabetic causes of chronic kidney disease, empagliflozin reduced risk of kidney disease progression. Relative effect sizes were broadly similar irrespective of the cause of primary kidney disease, suggesting that SGLT2 inhibitors should be part of a standard of care to minimise risk of kidney failure in chronic kidney disease. FUNDING Boehringer Ingelheim, Eli Lilly, and UK Medical Research Council.
Marcucci G, Sanchis R, Ciarapica F, Bevilacqua M. Development of a semi-structured questionnaire to analyse supply chain resilience in the post-COVID business era. IFAC-PAPERSONLINE 2022; 55:1858-1863. [PMID: 38620859 PMCID: PMC9605717 DOI: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2022.09.669] [Citation(s) in RCA: 1] [Impact Index Per Article: 0.5] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Key Words] [Track Full Text] [Download PDF] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 11/19/2022]
The COVID-19 pandemic has had and is having devastating effects on the health of the population, but also on the economic health of companies and their supply chains. The old paradigms of the commercial and industrial world have been inevitably disrupted: global supply chains have shifted from a system based on efficiency to one oriented towards resilience. To this regard, the present research paper aims at investigating how Supply Chain Resilience will evolve in the new paradigms of the post-COVID business era. In order to contribute to this investigation, a semi-structured questionnaire is developed, through a structured research approach. Future research lines will be based on conducting this questionnaire as a basis for a targeted survey, analysable through association rules.
Mead M, Bevilacqua M, Loiseaux C, Hallett S, Jude S, Emmanouilidis C, Harris J, Leinster P, Mutnuri S, Tran T, Williams L. Generalised network architectures for environmental sensing: Case studies for a digitally enabled environment. ARRAY 2022. [DOI: 10.1016/j.array.2022.100168] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 11/15/2022] Open
Bevilacqua M, Gradin S, Williams J, Romann A, Lo C, Djurdjev O, Levin A. The BC ADPKD Network: A Comprehensive Provincial Approach to Support Specialized and Locally Delivered Multidisciplinary ADPKD Care. Can J Kidney Health Dis 2021; 8:20543581211035218. [PMID: 34377502 PMCID: PMC8330454 DOI: 10.1177/20543581211035218] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Key Words] [Track Full Text] [Download PDF] [Figures] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 04/09/2021] [Accepted: 06/11/2021] [Indexed: 11/17/2022] Open
Purpose: With evolving evidence around the progression, assessment, and management of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD), care of the disease has become increasingly complex. Needs assessments in British Columbia (BC) described variability in knowledge and comfort with incorporating these new aspects of ADPKD care into clinical practice. Undercapture of early-stage ADPKD patients in existing renal databases was also identified as an unmet need. Sources of Information: A multidisciplinary group of clinicians and patient partners with interest and expertise in ADPKD and/or multidisciplinary kidney care informed the project work. An existing provincial renal database was used to support the provincial ADPKD registry. Methods: A formalized, comprehensive provincial ADPKD Network was created within the existing infrastructure of multidisciplinary kidney clinics (MDCs) in BC. The Network is coordinated provincially and implemented locally. It incorporates robust data collection, education, creation, and dissemination of dedicated clinical tools; collaboration between clinics and clinicians across the province; and ongoing evaluation and continuous quality improvement. Key Findings: Over the 5 years since its inception, the BC ADPKD Network has enabled increased and earlier identification of British Columbians living with ADPKD and a shift in practice toward increased and earlier enrollment of ADPKD patients into MDCs. A host of tailored ADPKD clinical tools have been created and implemented in all MDCs across the province to support existing MDC staff in the delivery of more standardized and specialized ADPKD care. A collaborative provincial clinician network founded on Local Clinical Champions has been established to support ongoing experience sharing between clinics. An evaluation framework has been established to evaluate outcomes and enable ongoing refinement of the Network. Limitations: The provincial ADPKD registry is undergoing enhancements to enable more comprehensive capture of APDKD-specific information such as total kidney volume and genetic results, but at present, this remains a limitation. It remains to be seen whether the activities of the ADPKD Network will improve long-term clinical outcomes and care experiences of patients living with ADPKD, and a long-term sustainability assessment of this model of care will be required. Implications: The structure, tools, and coordinated and collaborative clinician network established through this comprehensive provincial ADPKD Network may be valuable in addressing the variability and gaps in existing ADPKD care while allowing patients and families across BC to receive enhanced care locally, in their usual kidney care environments.
Pasdois P, Haeberlin A, Ploux S, Mahamat H, Meo M, Dubois R, Guillot B, Recalde A, Walton R, Pallares Lupon N, Bevilacqua M, Gontier E, Virginie L, Gonthier D, Cassiat-Morisset G, Meillet V, Hocini M, Bernus O, Dos Santos P, Jaïs P. Study of electrophysiological, structural, and mitochondrial metabolism remodelling in a sheep model of atrial fibrillation monitored by telemetry. ARCHIVES OF CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES SUPPLEMENTS 2020. [DOI: 10.1016/j.acvdsp.2020.03.160] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 10/23/2022]
Chapman SJ, Blanco-Colino R, Pérez-Ajates S, Bautista OA, Hodson J, Blanco-Colino R, Chapman SJ, Glasbey JC, Pata F, Pellino G, Soares ASA, van Elst T, Van Straten S, Nepogodiev D, Hodson J, Borakati A, Bath MF, Yasin IH, Mclean K, Arthur T, Kovacevic M, Delibegovic S, Karamanliev M, Swamad M, Žebrák R, Paramasivam R, Martensen A, Larsen HM, Rãdeker L, Frey PE, Kechagias A, Venara A, Duchalais E, Ioannidis A, Pata F, Pellino G, Pasquali S, Simioni ASA, Farina V, Podda M, Lorenzon L, ItSURG, Schaeff V, Otto A, Jakubauskas M, van Elst TR, Chu M, Fagan PVB, Wells CI, João AA, Soares A, Juloski J, Blanco-Colino R, Pérez-Ajates S, Bautista OA, El Kasmi YEK, Espin-Basany E, Clerc D, Ciubotaru C, Popescu S, Yanishev A, Lee S, Ozkan BB, Sen AY, Aktas MK, Baki BE, Yüksek B, Glasbey JC, Kamarajah S, Mclean K, Borakati A, Yasin IH, Khaw RA, Mills E, Goodson R, Thakral N, Ablett AD, Adra M, Kwek I, Khan SM, Quinn P, Manley LR, Badran A, Ramjeeawon A, Campbell A, Tan HL, Rye DS, Rajaraman N, Norman JG, Vutipongsatorn K, Solomou G, Akhbari M, Ali A, Brandao BD, Stainer B, Thavayogan R, Jones D, Onafowokan OO, Gharooni A, Dabab N, Carlton-Carew S, Kungwengwe G, Gabriel M, Sewart E, Shortland TC, Lawday S, Pockney P, Dawson A, Stewart P, Ng B, Luong JK, Delibegovic S, Ivanov V, Borisova A, Neykov V, Žebrák MFR, Harbjerg JL, Brandsborg S, Mark-Christensen A, Unbehaun KP, Dalsgaard P, Lycke KD, Kechagias A, LeNaoures P, Duchalais E, Brigand C, Dumange E, Gout M, Moehwald C, Prem M, Alhalabi O, Sliwinski S, Krupp J, Gablenz E, Schmitzer L, Kopp A, Steinle J, Gsenger J, Pohl LJ, Riccardi M, Christodoulou IM, Konstantinidis M, Machairas N, Zoikas A, Balalis D, Manatakis DK, Aguilera ML, Simioni ASA, Marano L, Fleres F, Lovisetto F, Sasia D, Segalini E, Pata G, Lucchi A, Sagnotta A, Campagnaro T, Petrelli F, Gallo G, Papandrea M, Testa V, Sinibaldi G, Di Candido F, Colombo F, Perrone G, Aresu S, Biancafarina A, Canonico G, Pagnanelli M, Curletti G, Bini R, de Manzoni Garberini A, Impellizzeri H, Cillara N, Tutino R, Picciariello A, Coletta D, Savino G, Ferrara F, Tamini N, Talamo G, Parini D, Giamundo P, Pagano G, Ripetti V, Pesce A, Menduni N, Pellino G, Giudicissi R, Podda M, Goldin E, Rega D, Belli A, Andriola V, Gordini L, Pata F, Foppa C, Piccolo G, Birindelli A, Ferrari C, Ballarini Z, Tirelli F, Milone M, De Rosa M, Federico NSP, Molteni B, Tilocca PL, Sancini G, Piozzi GN, Lauretta A, Mulas S, Schaeff V, Otto A, Jakubauskas M, Simcikas D, Portelli L, van Wijnbergen JWM, Dinger TL, ten Doesschate SFH, van Dalen ASHM, van den Bos DD, Hansmann M, Feliz JM, Kuiper SZ, Abdulrahman Z, Pruijssers SR, Geneta VP, Chu M, Wilton S, Kandelaki H, Peng SL, Campbell S, Lim YK, Yassaie SS, Murray M, Fagan PVB, Haran C, Tan J, Castro J, Laranjeira A, Catarino S, Neves-Marques C, Correia JG, Vieira BN, Quintela AC, Serra ML, Maciel J, Cunha M, Aparício DJ, Neves J, Azevedo J, Romano M, Eiró F, Romano J, Monteiro C, Claro M, Almeida, Peyroteo M, Machado ND, Capote H, Ferreira M, Sousa X, Devesa H, Cavadas D, Guerreiro I, Costa M, Rosete M, Salman M, English C, Mohammed N, Popescu S, Yanishev A, Litvin A, Ćuk VV, Mészárosová K, Van Straten S, Jaich R, De Lima H, Brooks S, Marx M, Salvation MN, Cardo JG, Mora-Guzmán I, Muriel JS, de Andres Olabarria U, Muriel P, Viñas CJ, Alconchel F, Sinovas OE, El Kasmi YEK, Oro CF, Pérez-Ajates S, Otero ML, Jiménez SF, Bellmunt OC, Caballero JM, Rubio-Pérez I, Aguilar-Martínez MM, Segura-Sampedro JJ, Moreno CO, Parra DN, Diz AME, Martín-Balbuena R, Recuenco CB, Bolaños REL, Fernández P, Padillo AD, Forero-Torres A, Román IAS, Rosés HS, Campos PV, Moreira CCL, Peralta PU, Navidad MS, Ripollés-Melchor J, Garcea A, Facundo HG, Bautista OA, Pereira PT, Guarinos CVP, Clerc D, Blaser B, Piazza G, Gagliardi B, Serin H, Sen AY, Yurdaor SS, Aktas MK, Arslan E, Kopac O, Uyanik A, Ozmen BB, Tiftik E, Aksoy B, Yalcinkaya A, Bilicen G, Cinar EN, Uslu Ö, Kaya Y, Wong J, Farhan-Alanie MMH, Suresh G, Asif A, Finch BJ, Bhahirathan Y, Herron J, Tew ZY, Obukofe R, Russell C, Suchett-Kay I, Netke T, Williams L, Kisiel A, Liu FY, Claireaux H, James P, Mondal A, Kalderon R, Nadama HH, Al-Saraff Z, Tam JPH, Powell-Chandler A, Wood F, Campbell A, Gorgievska R, Ragavoodoo A, Thakrar C, Rojoa D, Palmer C, Davidson K, Giacci L, Hale J, Gan FW, Makin-Taylor R, Hey CY, Toh C, Findlay JM, Griffiths N, Ganesananthan S, Jasionowska S, Poustie M, Wong C, Turner T, Pyc W, Sloper W, Warner C, Coey J, Mason D, Sait S, Kowal M, Shortland TC, Owen M, Saiyed A, Ashworth I, Akbari K, Curran M, Martin P, Parker D, Dawson A, Kwok K, Lye C, Pockney P, Ghaly M, Sammour T, Lewis D, Mundasad R, Wilkes A, Ctercteko G, Stewart P, Delibegovic S, Maslyankov S, Dimov R, Iliev S, Dimitrov D, Marek F, Örhalmi J, Skalický P, Skalický T, Chrz K, Christensen P, Worsøe J, Kristensen ES, Emmertsen KJ, Loeve US, Duchalais E, Mihaljevic AL, Herrle F, Konstantinidis KM, Manatakis DK, Korkolis D, Karanikas I, Aguilera ML, Vincenti L, Anania G, Borghi F, Agresta F, Maretto I, Parisi A, Bucci L, De Palma G, Guglielmi A, Cucinotta E, La Torre F, Cianchi F, Guerrieri M, Lauretta A, Trompetto M, Persiani R, Micheletto G, Delrio P, Belli A, Cantafio S, Lovisetto F, Ronconi M, Bisagni PAG, De Prizio M, Tamini N, Sinibaldi G, Franceschi A, Galleano R, Cavallini M, Brescia A, D'Ambra L, Benevento A, Niolu P, Calgaro M, Colangelo E, Grottola T, Altomare DF, Puleo S, Salamone G, Pietrabissa A, Poggioli G, Ripetti V, Erdas E, Ottonello R, Canonico G, Tonini V, Selvaggi F, Sammarco G, Ceccarelli G, De Nisco C, Surgo D, Taglietti L, Ozolins A, Sivinš A, Poskus T, Psaila J, Bemelman WA, Graat LJ, Langenhoff B, Wijnhoven BPL, van de Ven AHW, Poelman M, Stassen LPS, Slooter G, Acherman YIZ, Hoff C, Gerhards MF, Stommel MWJ, Hazebroek EJ, van Geloven AAW, Schasfoort RA, van Leeuwen BL, Tuynman JB, van Tilburg MWA, Boerma EG, Sharma P, Jenkins B, Bissett IP, Peng SL, Herd A, Gordon A, Vernon D, Omundsen M, Ly J, Reddy A, Bonnet G, Harmston C, Morales M, Francisco V, Costa S, Manso A, Amorim E, Pereira J, Cardoso J, Ourô S, Caratão M, Nascimento C, da Silva BR, Taranu V, Dias R, Devesa H, Mendes J, Allen M, Silva A, Carlos S, Barbosa E, Carneiro C, Ramos L, Maciel J, Lencastre L, Martins R, Silva-Vaz P, Cahill R, Hogan A, Larkin J, Negoi I, Abelevich A, Ćuk VM, Vician M, Ede C, Sardiwalla I, Mulira S, Montwedi D, Oyomno M, Sabia D, Porras VP, Vigorita V, Ortega GS, García J, Macías AE, Antona FB, Mompeán JAL, Ruiz SS, Villarejo-Campos P, Simó MR, Sánchez-Guillén L, Jiménez-Gómez LM, López AS, Golda T, Bergkvist DJ, Nevado C, Aguilar JFN, Felipe BR, Septiem J, Sánchez AR, Cañete-Gómez J, Montesinos IR, Ripollés-Melchor J, Millán-Scheiding M, Prieto-Nieto I, Segura-Sampedro JJ, Espin-Basany E, Frasson M, Román IAS, Olmo DG, Hübner M, Petermann D, Sauvain MO, Ozben V, Geçim IE, Disçi E, Rencuzogullari A, Kurt A, Bisgin T, Pehlivan M, Isik A, Onur E, Leventoglu S, Keskin M, Guner A, Sahin ST, Ozbalci GS, Pergel A, Albayrak D, Bruce D, Fearnhead N, Arthur J, Harron M, Beattie G, Titu L, Ali A, Saunders M, Phillips J, Dindyal S, Cresswell B, Gercek Y, Lee J, Linn T, Faulkner G, Lockwood S, Rees J, Charalabopoulos A, Campbell B, Kontovounisios C, Amarnath T, Johnson M, Epanomeritakis E, Vigs S, Nastro P, Gilliam A, Smolarek S, Wilson T, Orbell J, McIntyre R, Agarwal T, Hainsworth P, Patel P, Vijay J, Liu B, Rao PD, Roxburgh C, Vipond M, Youssef H, Thorn C, Schizas A, Denley S, Bowley D, Das K, Cuming T, Saha A, Chung L, Pitt J, Davis P, Jones O, Taylor M, Bhargava A, Haji A, Watson N, Bloom I, Singh B, Norwood M, Gurjar S, Stylianides N, Mirza S, Evans M, Williams G, Patil P, Hernon J, Finch G, Green S, Chapple K, Fafemi O, Warusavitarne J, Samee A, Carden C, Ong L, Verma K, Joseph A, Rawat N, Pinkney T, Oke O, Glen P, Maxwell-Armstrong C, Oliphant R, Garner J, Moug SJ, Middleton S, Lund JN, Smart NJ, Osborn G, Moore T, Raymond T, Knowles CH, Hany TS, Clarke R, Khera G, Brady R, Sellahewa C, Mason C, Torrance A, Lasithiotakis K, Knight J, Pullybank A, Ainsworth P, Reid F, Ramwell A, Maslekar S, George R, Skull A, Holtham S, Muhammad K, Lal R, Varcada M, Smith FM, Howlader M, Defriend D, Kirk S, Richards T, Evans C, Borg CM, Telford K, Sarfraz N, Busby K, Hollingshead J, Speake D, Pawa N, West D, Chadwick M, Komolafe O, Richardson S, Thornton M, Goede A, Osborne C, Bandyopadhyay D, Foong J, Lee YJ, Liebenberg P, Mijalkov D, Wells A, Bull N, Ajmera A, Warburton T, Morgan S, Mahmoud A, Schachtel M, Mikhail B, Fomin I, Mekaeil B, Taylor N, Stevenson C, Drane A, Pahalawatta U, Lai LT, Debiasio A, Chrimes A, Agarwal A, Zhao J, Williams S, Jayalath JMSN, Liebenberg P, Khor S, Muddasani T, Childs S, Ridgway S, Blefari NDA, Tam H, Puchalski N, Ngai C, Horne D, Borrow JL, Campbell C, Cousins G, Jackson L, Maheepala K, Zhao S, Holden E, Tutt L, Thompson B, Collins H, Louie F, Buckland B, Smith D, Chong C, Chua TH, Nayak C, Redmond J, Tan RR, Gramlick M, Teh JS, Ng SY, Britten-Jones P, Rosli RM, Pham HDV, Jegathees T, Coulter-Nile SMCJ, Gosselink MP, Luong JK, Wang YL, Maciaszek M, Chrapko PS, Nair A, Thirugnanasundralingam V, Muir K, Salibasic M, Pavlov V, Paycheva T, Borisova A, Lyulenina E, Kolev N, Ivanov V, Nguen D, Mitkov Y, Mitkov E, Vladova P, Dimitrov V, Hussain M, Gabarski A, Ivanov T, Yotsov T, Ilieva I, Karamanliev M, Akisheva A, Shoshkova M, Nawaz E, Feradova H, Mladenov T, Neykov V, Jozaf V, Klail MFT, Pös M, Adel A, Sotona O, Bartoš M, Amjad T, Malý O, Berec S, Hurný MHM, Chodora S, Houdek O, Novický R, Antonova T, Cha KSS, Kimle KŠ, Jirankova K, Bujda M, Paclík A, Trap A, Jürgens-Lahnstein J, Storm M, Dalsgaard P, Damgaard I, Olawi F, Ehlern F, Raos M, Kristensen FP, Lycke KD, Bønnerup K, Unbehaun KP, Brandsborg S, Amiri S, Enevoldsen M, Harbjerg JL, Pedersen JH, Jepsen BN, Hillgaard TK, Erichsen SB, Nielsen CV, Madsen CP, Bjerke J, Skejø CD, Aabling RR, Sørensen JS, Mark-Christensen A, Kechagias A, Turunen A, Katunin J, Niskakangas M, Vignaud T, Frey S, Ricolleau C, Chanut F, Magnin J, Gout M, Seiboldt T, Beck L, Pohl LJ, Zamzow K, Betge F, Poncelet A, Truant M, Hauschild H, Neugebauer N, Schöning L, Simon SCS, Galata C, Karampinis I, Thãwel T, Seckler AM, Kerem C, Durdevic S, Ioannidis A, Antonakopoulos F, Konstantinidis M, Mathioulaki A, Chrysoheris P, Athanasopoulos PG, Kalles V, Spyrou I, Barkolias C, Paspala A, Machairas N, Papaconstantinou D, Spartalis E, Arkadopoulos N, Prodromidou A, Garoufalia Z, Balalis D, Zoikas A, Christodoulou IM, Mendez D, Rosales J, Flores M, Garcia M, Garcia A, Garcia M, Noriega Z, Torselli D, Aguilera ML, Rodriguez J, Lafranceschina S, Artioli E, Giaccari S, Nevoso V, Schimera A, Marino S, Geretto P, Pellegrino L, Borghi B, Sasia D, Marano A, Corino C, Cannata G, Giuffrida MC, Landra F, Pata G, Ongaro D, Baronio G, Raimondo S, Casiraghi S, Salvadori R, Savino G, Finotti E, Ciccioli E, Galgano A, Zuin M, Simioni A, Bettella A, Barina A, Vendramin E, Palano G, Schiavone D, Di Cintio A, Gemini A, Trastulli S, De Luca M, Sagnotta A, Desiderio J, Gubbiotti F, Cigognini M, Zaffaroni G, Maffioli A, Colombo S, Bondurri A, Sampietro G, Foschi D, Colombo F, Manigrasso M, Danzi M, Amato R, Anastasio L, Mastella F, Basile R, Peltrini R, Marra E, Luglio G, Pagano G, Giglio M, Manigrasso M, Anoldo P, Vertaldi S, Grimaldi L, Tammaro N, Pedrazzani C, Campagnaro T, Turri G, Lazzarini E, Conti C, Vulcano I, Bertilone E, Pintabona G, Viscosi F, Cerasari S, Galiffa G, Lapolla P, Coletta D, Del Basso C, Cirillo B, De Toma G, Fazzi K, Bini S, Coratti F, Montanelli P, Grandi S, Nelli T, Khaled NB, Tilocca PL, Marrosu AG, Scognamillo F, Pala C, Attene F, Carboni L, Ruggiu MW, Gabbas G, Marziali I, Mazzocato S, Petrelli F, Vergari R, Piazzai F, Kubolli I, Aggiusti A, Paolucci A, Ortenzi M, Olivieri M, Belluco C, Antona AD, Basso S, Morino M, Mistrangelo M, Testa V, Gallo G, Clerico G, De Santi G, Bitonti MF, Trompetto M, Federico NSP, Frattalone M, Tirelli F, Fico V, Santullo F, Belia F, Spinelli A, Marco M, Di Candido F, Bevilacqua M, Tringali D, Bevilacqua E, Panizzo V, Piozzi GN, La Manna V, Migliore G, Aversano A, Bucci AF, Marino F, Carbone F, Incollingo P, Romano FM, Giudicissi R, Zalla T, Baraghini M, Romoli L, Calussi M, Vellei S, Genzano C, Feroci F, Vita M, Barberis A, Serra D, Lucchi A, Grassia M, Romelli M, Ruggiero S, Percassi A, Ferrari C, Molteni B, Piccinini AM, Segalini E, Monti M, Magnoli M, Romano S, Gaetano P, Pilotta F, Baldassarre L, Perrone G, Bonati E, Aresu S, Saba A, Moretto G, Bacchion M, Impellizzeri H, Casaril A, Inama M, Creciun M, Ferrara F, Stella M, Gobatti D, Biancafarina A, Angelini M, Andolfi E, Miranda E, Scricciolo M, Provenza G, Cavallina G, Frezza B, Fontani A, Malatesti R, Pellicanò GA, Podda M, Anania M, Pulighe F, Cruccu A, Murru ML, Massaiu C, Balestra F, Pazzona M, De Nisco C, Giannella A, Santangelo M, Olivieri M, Frangella F, Magagnano D, Liberatore P, Brenna R, Giani A, Tirotta F, Famularo S, Angrisani M, Ceresoli M, De Rosa M, Rondelli F, Ceccarelli G, Angelucci GP, Scaramuzzo R, Larcinese A, Fioriti C, Picone E, Nardi M, Marano L, Castagnoli G, Bartoli A, Bellochi R, Spaziani A, Conti D, Poponesi V, Trippetti M, Amicucci S, Tazza G, Procacci P, Giovannini F, Basile E, Franceschi A, Caristo G, Pagnanelli M, De Nardi P, Rosati R, Marcocci G, Vignali A, Curletti G, Galleano R, Badran A, Malerba M, Percivale A, Ghazouani O, Reggiani L, Spirito C, Moschetta G, Cosmi F, Romeo G, Gasparrini M, Sucameli F, Gennai A, Moggia E, Bianchi C, Bonfante P, Macina S, Feleppa C, Talamo G, Imperatore M, Tenconi SM, Rausei S, Maioli D, Marchionini V, Pata F, Sparta C, De Angelis M, Mereu A, Adamo V, Bianco C, de Manzoni Garberini A, Ricciardiello M, Campanaro C, Panaccio P, Esposito LM, D'Ascanio F, Pietroletti R, Picciariello A, Chetta N, Aquilino F, Di Marco F, Amico A, Schembari E, Puglisi S, Licari L, Campanella S, Profita G, Falco N, Rotolo G, Venturelli P, Tutino R, De Marco P, Marcianò M, Argenti ASF, Sancini G, Roggiani A, Balsamo F, Gori A, Cuicchi D, D'Alessio R, Benvenuto D, Gordini L, Erdas E, Podda F, Cappellacci F, Salaris C, Sanna S, Marcialis J, Mosino L, Peddis M, Melis S, De Donno G, Aru AC, Falsetti E, Parini D, Lanari J, D'Errico U, Bianchini S, Birindelli A, Figà F, Caiazzo A, Selvaggi L, Capozzolo A, Cerra C, Pirillo M, Papandrea M, Cravano S, Libri I, Laquatra N, Isabello A, Truškovs A, Bartnick A, Malcevs E, Machatschek MJ, Alm J, Lapsa S, Delorme M, Zeynalov F, Larnovskis J, Sauka J, Bodrov D, Gailumsis R, Wiemann AM, Müller NL, Jelovskis I, Deksnis D, Potts OB, Slimbajevs T, Samalavicius NE, Simcikas D, Nutautiene V, Zeromskas P, Jurgaitis J, Aliosin O, Slepavicius A, Eismontas V, Kybransiene M, Dulskas A, Kuliavas J, Kavaliauskas P, Kavaliauskaite R, Poškus E, Danys D, Kryžauskas M, Mikalauskas S, Rackauskas R, Drungilas M, Poškus T, Jotautas V, Strupas K, Cachia C, Cefai C, Portelli L, Youssef Y, Degaetano D, Debono S, Sammut M, Cassar J, Sammut K, Looijen RC, van Dalen ASHM, Becker J, Comert D, te Molder L, Tromp J, Matthee E, Tissen YM, Kakar S, ten Doesschate SFH, van Smaalen TC, Veen OC, Dingemans SA, van den Brink LC, Vijgen GHEJ, van de Voort EMF, van der Pool A, van Rest KLC, Haak T, Sluijpers NRF, Pruijssers SR, Molenaar CJL, de Gouberville MCG, Saleh S, Mens MA, Hoeks EM, Nieuwenhuizen S, van Praag EM, Westerduin E, Smit MPCM, van der Lely SJ, Nasimi B, Gerdsen M, Stijns RCH, Leow TYS, Penningnieuwland G, Alqethami HJ, Constansia R, van Elst PC, Tissink MW, Grüter A, Vroom Y, Azzahhafi J, Bofarid S, Kip M, Saleh W, Franssen S, Boon CL, Franssen RJM, Romaen I, Jense MTF, D'Souza J, Pascoe R, Scott A, Stark E, Mulholland K, Lau WK, Smith B, Adams SIB, Shah N, Ling E, Young J, Peng SL, Jacobson A, Macfater H, Farik S, Chen SY, Kilpatrick K, Kim DH, Dixon S, Yassaie S, Welman D, Coulter J, Morreau M, Li E, Rankin A, Winders J, Skipworth C, Fagan PVB, Stanfield B, Henderson N, Chuang A, Maskill L, Ker H, McLaughlin SJP, Kearney J, Wilton S, Sprosen H, Kerckhoffs P, Koh S, Wilms H, Dalzell F, Tewhaiti-Smith J, Kader T, Yam ST, Dahya D, Boys MH, Fleischl W, Tan J, Skavysh A, Mouldey K, Guerreiro I, Patrocinio MTS, Amado F, Batista A, Seabra J, Praxedes V, Monteiro N, Martins I, Serra ML, Santos TC, Lages RR, Pimentel A, Machado ND, Bernardes TCSFM, Saraiva P, Almeida J, Mendes M, Fernandes V, Ribeiro A, Soares D, Costa M, Martins T, Miguel I, Martins J, Cunha MF, Melo J, Veiga DN, Rachadell J, Rachadell J, Amorim E, Vareda R, Roseira J, Catarino S, Aveiro D, Couto M, Loureiro AR, Louro H, Queiros T, Castro B, Fonseca S, Carvalho L, Torre AP, Amado A, Leite M, Miranda P, Cunha C, Ferreira M, Cavadas D, Silva R, Pina S, Paixão I, Orelhas L, Santos J, Pacheco A, Rocha AF, Jervis MJ, Pedro V, Paixão V, Guerreiro A, Melo D, Correia D, Capella V, Moinhos T, Monteiro C, Silva M, Vieira BN, Silva AG, Galvão D, Mora A, Bettencourt R, Costa F, Gil I, Morgado J, Neves J, Mónica I, Oliveira S, Ribeiro H, Ferreira M, Guimarães N, Duarte M, Miranda J, Martins SF, Faustino A, Medeiros N, Castro R, Soares B, Resendes M, Almeida P, Cruz A, Claro M, Fialho G, Reia M, Pratas N, Capote H, Costa C, Costa J, Morais S, Machado A, Horta V, Rocha-Melo M, Patrício J, Pereira M, Lima R, Cinza AM, Oliveira J, Velez C, Ferreira M, Borges F, Simões J, Eiró F, Botelho P, Cismasiu B, Alves D, Dias B, Costa C, Gonçalves JP, Valente P, Oliveira J, Freire L, Saraiva R, Moreira M, Fragoso M, Guimarães J, Cruz G, Aparício DJ, Ribeiro J, da Ponte IB, Almeida S, Martins AR, Louro T, Morgado M, Ferreira AS, Alves M, Oliveira N, Lérias R, Neves-Marques C, Estalagem I, Botelho C, Bártolo J, Antunes CF, Cabral F, Silva FB, Matos AD, Santos M, Cunha R, Duarte M, Sousa M, Canotilho R, Peyroteo M, Correia AM, Martins PC, Jardim JAM, Domingos SP, Baião JM, Romano M, Gomes JR, Monteiro RG, Varghese S, Boyle E, Aljohmani L, Alexander J, Graziadei V, McCaughey C, Jain A, Lee J, Ramanayake H, Sabnani R, Colon LF, Bansal N, Stephens I, Tan R, Sharma S, Doherty G, Fenn S, Mulhare E, Walsh M, Leavey C, Costigan O, Dervan L, Kang SJ, Dixon O, Morrissey E, Compton M, Pentony AR, Piong CL, Nossier R, Hanna J, Sabir K, Eow SY, Ladak N, Boersma D, Kamath PJ, Soh TBW, Dyer AH, Chee SY, Tan IXH, Kelliher A, Adeusi L, Howarth N, McCawley N, O'Neill A, Jones MR, Saleh R, Singh A, Senaratne R, Kakodkar P, Subramanian I, Hogan A, Al-Salihi A, Vyas V, Vedadi A, Popescu SS, Piras K, Ciubotaru CI, Litvin A, Romanova E, Ponomarev N, Savchenko A, Yanishev A, Luzan R, Lutovinova E, Gavrilina A, Barkovskaya A, Kudelkina N, Topchubaev D, Radulović R, Miloševic K, Ćuk VV, Bojičić J, Juloski J, Genčić M, Janković U, Zubowicz M, Sucháň PK, Gerstmeier J, Brazitikou KME, Fytrou E, Celik M, Dubovský M, Schmalenbeck J, Sautter SC, Ceyran H, Jaich R, Fitchat N, Mathebula S, Chauke J, Mculu W, Ngwenya Z, Withey K, Piperidis A, Toyi Y, Nicolaides A, Jaffer T, Sparke A, Van Staden N, McDuling CR, Claassen L, Kruger C, Weyers J, Marx M, Lecler J, Yebes A, Bautista OA, Mana OC, Gomez H, Riba L, Perez J, Cornejo LC, Rodríguez IV, Escovar FJ, de Andres Olabarria U, Fernández MC, Martínez AP, Bergara IB, Olavarria AL, del Pozo Andrés E, Yebes A, Ortega C, Arias-Camisón PL, Jiménez SF, Arranz JMN, Sexmero MJM, Alonso ED, Oro CF, Moreno AI, Margarida A, Pando B, Marín LL, Calle MP, Cordero MJR, Cuartango AS, Sánchez E, Rodrigo AM, Diago JP, Lista MV, Terricabras SR, Sanz LB, Camprubí EA, Ferrández MR, Lao EP, Miró MDP, Alberca-Paramo A, Verdejo TA, Cañete-Manzanares J, Molina-Florez M, Hernández LCG, Nuñez SO, Suarez-Sanchez M, Martin-Fernandez J, Liébana MMS, Parra DN, Betancourth CFC, Mico SS, Fernandez A, Curtis C, Bosch M, Triguero D, Ramírez MB, Díaz NR, Caraballo IG, Vicente TP, Orue-Echebarria MI, Sánchez-Calvo L, Wang D, Trueba-Collado C, de Quirós JTMB, Peralta PU, Jiménez FAR, Román IAS, Ortega AP, Barbadillo AT, Pujana ER, Illera MVF, Bellmunt OC, Serralvo ADLL, Muriel P, Mestres N, Cuello E, Merichal M, Sierra JE, Escoll J, Rufas M, Pinillos AI, Ortega J, Navidad MS, Angeles PV, Figueras RV, Sanfeliu EB, Alonso BC, Prats MA, Arrocha JD, Garceso NC, Galeano CU, Rodríguez P, Orozco JJG, Alvarez MM, Batanero EA, Canales IC, Calzada MG, Recuenco CB, Martin MC, Avendaño IE, Relimpio CJ, Lavilla PL, Andrés CB, Forero-Torres A, Alonso-Poza A, Dieguez B, Losada M, Gilsanz C, Moreno CO, Idoate CP, Abad-Motos A, Marínez-Hurtado E, Salvachua-Fernández R, Zegarra EDP, Franco M, Martinez A, Martin PR, Mate PM, Chavez CM, Rubio-Perez I, Ayllon H, Jerí-McFarlane S, Soldevila-Verdeguer C, Pineño-Flores C, Ambrona-Zafra D, Fernández-Vega L, Gil-Catalán A, Craus-Miguel A, Pujol-Cano N, Sena-Ruiz F, Jurado MJG, Delgado PA, Reverter AB, del Pulgar AG, El Kasmi YEK, Belzunce-Capó JF, Tremolosa MV, Lin Q, Muniesa C, Avelino L, Cholewa H, Sancho-Muriel J, Navasquillo M, Navío A, Abelló D, De Jesus M, Alvarez E, Pereira PT, Garcia JM, Gil A, Giordano HE, Mignon G, Vanoni A, Henkens A, Jarrar G, Odovic M, Willemin M, Milliet O, Hahnloser D, Clerc D, Demartines N, Piazza G, Teixeira H, Pittet O, Haller ML, Gagliardi B, Huot A, Blaser B, Kefleyesus A, Bugmann A, Piotet LM, Meijers L, Kurtoglu GK, Sel EK, Isler VC, Güner B, İşlek EC, Tombul HB, Boztuğ CY, Tınaz A, Yılmaz M, Karaman Y, Akın FA, Dansuk S, Başçavuş M, Kaya M, Kutlu B, Seker MC, Erten V, Memis U, Koçak ZB, Karapinar YE, Fakirullahoglu M, Uslu Ö, Köseoglu E, Yeni M, Aktas MK, Aykun N, Agca MH, Bilen C, Kilinc I, Atar C, Kilic V, Aktuna C, Aba M, Alim YE, Binbuga M, Kürklü Ö, Yurdaor SS, Ceylan C, Yilmaz S, Çalar SN, Yildirim N, Yavuz G, Sen AY, Can B, Cesmeli E, Kus D, Kavar RC, Cevlik AD, Cengiz U, Turk EG, Yilmaz I, Yüksek B, Erdönmez H, Gürsoy F, Serin H, Kara H, Önsal U, Özbek M, Kasar PA, Ipor A, Özen D, Ölmez M, Altintas E, Kaya Y, Toklu R, Sariçiçek T, Tipi OU, Benli GE, Tasdelen I, Tura A, Ucar A, Ekci B, Bilgili AC, Kiraz IN, Aksoy H, Cinar EN, Basak A, Erdem M, Kayacan S, Sahin C, Uysal M, Karakus K, Altiner S, Demirci ZS, Eren E, Yavas M, Tiftik E, Aksoy AB, Karagöz E, Sabanci R, Tümer SS, Kargici K, Banaz T, Abdulrahman SMF, Yesilsancak M, Yanikoglu E, Karabulut A, Yilmaz D, Bilicen G, Yarenci E, Demiroglu Y, Sunal A, Baykan B, Abbasguliyev H, Mutlu V, Mahmoudi Y, Dossa SAA, Mizan SR, Demirtas B, Cavus T, Yuksek A, Mazlum SS, Yelkenci C, Baran T, Satilmisoglu M, Sahin AZ, Kilinç A, Isik K, Yumurtaci Ö, Emin A, Girit Ç, Yildirak MK, Senyigit E, Güldag A, Söyleyici B, Aytin YE, Akay FE, Iskan NG, Mutlu B, Sunay AO, Ablett AD, Tie-Gill T, Ramsay G, De Paola L, McGuckin S, Alshakhs A, Ahmeidat A, Wong J, Goergen N, Ali Z, Mullarkey L, Bath MF, Walshe R, Lewis E, Berry B, Moneim J, Mookerjee S, Christy S, Ojofeitimi O, Carroll L, Hylands A, Delaugere LP, Reveendran D, Coulter C, Ralston C, Laverty L, Gallagher P, Ahmed A, Yeo YQ, Elliott D, Bennett J, Mcnamara M, Sivarajah S, Dunmore C, Aitken G, Nair M, Aly MH, Buari M, Farhan-Alanie MMH, Ahmed K, Sheikh Z, Monks M, Lehmann J, Rotimi O, Bell T, Limnatitou D, Gormley S, Taleongpong P, Patel V, Macgregor L, Amini S, Turner C, Dwyer-Hemmings L, Busuttil A, Powell J, Hensher C, Vivian F, Wcislo K, Millar Z, Hirosue S, Ogunmwonyi I, Nakakande D, Kwek I, Gaze H, Pillai S, Khoury G, Powell T, Maleyko I, Sangheli A, Ransome M, Isse M, Aromolaran O, Bholah H, Anbarasan J, Rehman S, Hu E, Timms S, Reynolds W, Hotchkies A, Misra V, Suresh G, Murray V, Theocharidou L, Malik T, Janmohamed I, Carhart B, Khan A, Asif A, Hullait R, Quinn P, Rylance A, Butt S, Leathes J, Finch BJ, Rajathasan TP, Jeddy H, Kyaw HA, Wong N, Karelia S, Clements JM, Rainey M, Joshi N, Rahman A, Gallagher M, Rebuffa N, Abdelgalil R, Lai RSY, Laurence N, Thomas S, Green C, Frostick R, Khera R, Povey M, Wong HL, McCusker C, Hlukha L, Pike G, Kamel F, Thakkar R, Donaldson C, Campos MS, Bhahirathan Y, Herron J, Bradbury M, Osunronbi T, Tam LYC, Kaabneh AK, Lawther J, Fisher P, Tribedi T, Moosa A, Ramdin A, Goble M, Downs E, Wheldon L, Baggus E, Mandal A, Nayeem A, Ahmed S, Fradley W, Wilson C, Gallagher S, Criswell T, Ward J, Mukkavilli A, Stubbs B, Fordyce W, Suchdev N, Lim SW, Tew ZY, Sookramanien SR, Chan A, Bointas G, Paul M, Ward KL, Bagnall M, Pherwani SA, Wang K, Mitchell L, Heyworth J, Ayyar S, Obukofe R, Polson R, Mason D, Mackenzie E, Russell C, Doyle N, Habib Z, Zardab M, Sartaj F, Farooq H, Tabibi M, Drury DJ, James SJ, Barnett R, Cahya E, Lou G, Coyle M, Homyer K, Zhu LY, Woods M, Chang J, O'Callaghan H, Suchett-Kaye I, Mihailidis TH, Alawattegama H, Seite E, Barrett A, Riordan E, Lam W, Dowdeswell M, Mulvenna C, Netke T, Awokoya O, Gurowich L, Dhera K, Hayat S, Williams L, Tincknell L, Spazzapan M, Teeling F, Sysum K, Latter J, Latter M, Khan S, Woodmass M, Hayden H, Kisiel A, Ali Y, Husain S, Arnold A, Pedersen AC, Cunha P, Ahmed M, Al Zawawi S, Kudva V, Liu FY, Theodoropoulou K, Miscampbell M, Robinson AV, Johnston J, Dharni A, Lamb S, Westerman T, Evans E, Campbell L, Gillespie M, Cheong CM, Kulathevanayagam K, Varghese A, Ike SI, Chu TSM, Baljer B, Mogg JAW, Rai P, Claireaux HA, Williams M, Smillie R, Goetz J, Appleby E, Fadipe T, Vaughan-Burleigh S, Mondal A, Jovaisaite A, Shah SM, Khalid N, Gutmann D, Davison S, Alame YJ, Syed L, Owen WJ, Ahsan SD, Kalderon R, Anthony-Uzoeto U, Hall CM, Zheng S, Wynter K, James C, Sapre D, Ghosh R, Baird J, Cockburn L, Blackwood O, Nadama HH, Simpson W, Jeong S, Bishop S, Bate R, Hobson C, Adam AH, Redclift C, Do J, Adeleye O, Poli F, Batterham A, Brown S, Parekh JN, Clay W, Pieri K, Jackson A, Brown S, Saxena A, Gurung B, Oyebola T, O'Brien F, Djeugam B, Gardezi S, Ul-Hasan S, Martin-Hernandez MP, Sisley M, Modi S, Antakia R, Elbayouk A, Soh YJ, Mather J, Yusuf Z, Al-Sarraf Z, Naja M, Rassool SB, Convill J, Nikookam Y, Warsame A, Tam JPH, Pace C, Kiandee M, Ridwan R, Carey C, Hirri F, McMillan MJA, Ling JJ, Powell-Chandler A, Pendelbury L, Kerimzade K, Tang A, Howard EO, Humayun S, Wadsworth OJ, Tan K, Abdelhameed F, Haglund C, Radnaeva I, Hu N, Rambhatla S, Waldron D, Madahar P, Malik S, Campbell A, Meney LC, Ibrahim I, Kang CK, Chiu JZJ, Livie V, Ibrahim B, Khalil M, Pooley G, Shishkin B, Gorgievska R, Docherty J, Southgate A, Coomes A, McGee F, Flanagan S, Thakrar C, Tan QJ, Anwar H, Clough R, Chrisp B, Cassels J, Cross GWV, Ragavoodoo A, Mercer L, Mercer C, Refalo A, Hadley R, McTighe A, Farrow F, Brodie A, Davis G, Shah DR, Bowers C, Patel S, Morice O, Burzic A, Cheung J, Shashidhara A, Theodoraki G, Birk J, Ong A, Ng MPE, Wong RTW, Maese S, Yeap B, Iqbal Z, Melaugh T, Perchard W, Scurr T, Davidson K, Campbell E, Kelk L, Ghosh A, Gibbins A, Mala D, Loizidou A, Hall O, Mecia L, Hew C, Varathan K, Tong L, Chandrasekar B, Giacci L, Buchanan E, O'Connell M, Kwak SY, Ong EH, Gardner S, Lim J, Maden C, Illahi M, Hale J, Tan ZX, Edwards S, Stahl R, Stahl J, Hickman A, Collett D, Goolam-Mahomed Z, Allen B, Atiyah A, Ahmad H, Jones J, McGregor O, Ogundiya E, Gan FW, Boulbadaoui A, Kirnon-Jackman O, Lim QX, Peckham H, Yeoh T, Yong SQ, Chen JY, Siva S, Sam ZH, Gilani M, Goh YN, Muthukumar MG, Phillips S, Makin-Taylor R, Tjoakarfa J, Giri A, Suresan S, Thavayogan R, Hey CY, Thomas P, Johnson TA, Williams RI, Rashid A, Kushairi A, Rais A, James A, Bugelli M, Chechelnitskaya Y, Sandhu N, Toh C, Tandon R, Gray M, Kumar A, Ciurleo C, Nyamali I, Hiremath S, Sinha S, Chowdhary M, Bradley E, McTiernan M, Macdonald S, Sharkey S, McLaughlin N, Amey C, Kraria L, Skan O, Kind C, Findlay JM, Tupper P, Van Rhee C, Honeyman SI, Menon G, Ahmed M, Jegatheeswaran L, Griffiths N, Madhavan A, Warne M, Malcolm FL, Lessware T, Wilkerson HT, Chatterjee-Woolman S, Yoong A, Ahmed WUR, Longshaw A, Flannery O, Green R, Leaning M, Cragg J, Sharriff H, Doherty C, Ganesananthan S, Kwan KWL, Sanders-Crook L, Bhatia S, Eames S, Lewis F, Kirupananthan P, Boh ZY, Dass S, Soma A, Newton A, Hill M, Shafiq Y, Brkljac M, Boyce L, Jasionowska S, English WJ, Lam S, Chipeta C, Yilmaz D, Jain C, Garofalidou T, Novotny SA, Locke S, Bowman C, Begaj A, Murphy C, Radcliffe K, Chong JT, Poustie M, Jeffrey E, Chaudhury N, Rajendran K, Akbar Z, Walters B, Kulendrarajah B, Tran N, Shrestha S, Parmar S, Gallagher C, Hennessy L, Pentti E, Badhrinarayanan S, Fung A, Mansoor M, Kenny R, Kan P, Lee DE, Khosla S, Samake M, Shaban F, Aftab R, Gough M, Woodburn B, Vayalapra S, McMurrugh K, Wong C, Jimulia D, Deol S, Pike S, Embury-Young Y, Turner T, Patel M, Kilgallon E, Keating R, Walsh A, Khan H, Logue G, Orekoya M, Alasmar M, Charalambides M, Llavall AC, Williamson E, Bharwada Y, Zearmal S, Evans H, Panikkar M, de la Cruz G, Caplan J, Ruparelia A, Tanvir T, Soare C, Pang YL, Trotter J, Zaidi A, Thakrar V, Pulickal P, Ahmed H, Parnell J, Khan H, Lennock S, Ford V, Pyc W, Brignall R, O'Neill D, Hanna R, Kane R, Nicola M, Rajput K, Xiao Y, Warner C, Michael S, Wright E, Juniper S, Thompson E, Hoskyns L, Kanitkar A, Ross C, Unsworth A, Rshaidat H, Demarre K, Chiang A, Bareh A, van Dellen J, Faqihinejad C, Gadhvi A, Grant R, Lewsey J, Morris A, Martin H, McClarty C, Sanyal S, Alsaif A, Palkhi A, Bhopal S, Burford C, Huq T, Sloper W, Irwin E, Matthews L, Ngu WS, Hosfield T, Muneeb F, Page O, Zeb E, Coey J, Al-Azzawi A, McIntosh J, Vucicevic A, Hughes M, Brooks L, Fanibi B, Dixon M, Njoku P, Morris D, Jobson J, Chowdhury H, Joseph N, Zulkefley N, Hunt G, Christodoulou T, Wright O, Soman S, Jamal M, Beqiri S, Borgas P, Christie S, Pereira F, Browne S, Yiu J, Dworkin A, Brayley J, Palmer A, Charalambos M, Jones CS, Toner S, Cowden R, Lee L, Nicol P, Holman O, Imtiaz M, Albert V, Leung SP, Erotocritou M, Wong J, Stroud R, Mason D, Wilkin R, Thomson W, Mackee L, Kler A, Reynolds L, Mohamed SH, Majeed Y, Fakim B, Jones A, Kowal M, Liversedge G, Carrington Z, Windebank J, Izzarina A, Akbani U, Craven J, Aldarragi A, Harding S, Millward A, Shortland TC, Bedford M, Stroud R, Obukofe R, Mackenzie E, Gopalan V, Midgen A, Khadka P, Cheng O, Taneja S, Manobharath N, Kok JY, Lim DWE, Buick T, Boland M, Piya S, Devlin R, Fairfield CJ, George RJ, Rahi M, Zaman S, Hajiev S, Ross T, Owen M, Crisp E, Thompson C, Charalambous A, Hollywood JL, Saiyed A, Hammond RFL, Matthews J, Mendonca V, Spinty J, Khan K, Cheng J, Glynn N, Muhammad U, Khan M, Anderson L, Mccormack K, Mak J, Patrawala S, Milinkovic N, Schofield R, Chauhan M, Hartley L, Hind J, Ashworth I, Nelson L, Ratnasingham D, Akbari K, Whitehead T, Dimitriadis S, Marshall K, Flint EJ, Curran M, Horner C, Heybourne A, Morgan H, Wickstone C, Panagiotou D, O'Connell E, Dean K, Iqbal R, Walsh L, Yu N, Rana N, Massie E, Ng J, Jung M, Lee YD, Harris M, White S, Delibegovic S, Boev B, Tonchev P, Prochazka V, Örhalmi J, Riško J, Skalický A, Chrz K, Ravn S, Ojakããr A, Duchalais E, Dörr-Harim C, Herrle F, Koutserimpas C, Giraudo G, Armellini A, Ruzzenente A, Mazzeo C, De Padua C, Luc AR, Maroli A, Vitali M, Ceccarelli G, Gusai GP, Quattromani R, Virgilio E, Berti S, Mulas S, Di Mola FF, Papagni V, Tuminello F, Magnoli M, Vittori L, Longheu A, Loche GA, Braccio B, De Luca E, Resta G, Ancans G, Tamosiunas A, Petrulionis M, Abdulrahman N, van de Pas KGH, Thomas G, Brandsma AM, Davids J, Rottier SJ, de Roy van Zuidewijn D, Hawkins R, Ong HI, Li Y, Desmond B, Winstanley J, Martins M, Rosete M, Americano M, Santos M, Frade S, Senhorinho R, Peixoto R, João AA, Alves-Vale C, Lamas M, O'Connor DB, Hoo M, Gopaul A, Scanlon K, O'Dwyer N, Negoi I, Jovanović M, Panyko A, De Lima H, Van Vuuren S, Centeno A, Bernado IR, Señorans MPG, Amor LG, Ramírez AC, Abrisqueta J, Gomez ME, Arroyo A, Cerdán C, Romeu NG, Forero-Torres A, Enriquez-Navascues JM, Collado-Roura F, Curchod P, Gaspar S, Imadalou L, Mutlu D, Akyol C, Uygur FA, Eray IC, Biyiklioglu O, Çetin MF, Isik AE, Karip B, Dogan H, Sarıgül L, Tunc E, Aydin T, Bodur S, Karabulut K, Francis AA, Al-hadithi A, Lau ISF, Smith E, Mahapatra S, McAuliffe O, Francis AA, Imam L, Akram B, Hossaini S, Davies R, Ko M, Collins J, Pandya A, Reilly S, Archer J, Livie J, Chaudhry FA, Ntakomyti E, Diallo R, Bylinski T, Wright J, Lawday S, Masiha E, Tung J, Shirazi B, Neilson A, Epton S, Patel N, Trussell S, Couldrey A, Donnelly C, Eftychiou S. Safety of hospital discharge before return of bowel function after elective colorectal surgery. Br J Surg 2020; 107:552-559. [PMID: 31976560 DOI: 10.1002/bjs.11422] [Citation(s) in RCA: 18] [Impact Index Per Article: 4.5] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [MESH Headings] [Grants] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 08/19/2019] [Revised: 10/06/2019] [Accepted: 10/08/2019] [Indexed: 02/05/2023]
BACKGROUND Ileus is common after colorectal surgery and is associated with an increased risk of postoperative complications. Identifying features of normal bowel recovery and the appropriateness for hospital discharge is challenging. This study explored the safety of hospital discharge before the return of bowel function. METHODS A prospective, multicentre cohort study was undertaken across an international collaborative network. Adult patients undergoing elective colorectal resection between January and April 2018 were included. The main outcome of interest was readmission to hospital within 30 days of surgery. The impact of discharge timing according to the return of bowel function was explored using multivariable regression analysis. Other outcomes were postoperative complications within 30 days of surgery, measured using the Clavien-Dindo classification system. RESULTS A total of 3288 patients were included in the analysis, of whom 301 (9·2 per cent) were discharged before the return of bowel function. The median duration of hospital stay for patients discharged before and after return of bowel function was 5 (i.q.r. 4-7) and 7 (6-8) days respectively (P < 0·001). There were no significant differences in rates of readmission between these groups (6·6 versus 8·0 per cent; P = 0·499), and this remained the case after multivariable adjustment for baseline differences (odds ratio 0·90, 95 per cent c.i. 0·55 to 1·46; P = 0·659). Rates of postoperative complications were also similar in those discharged before versus after return of bowel function (minor: 34·7 versus 39·5 per cent; major 3·3 versus 3·4 per cent; P = 0·110). CONCLUSION Discharge before return of bowel function after elective colorectal surgery appears to be safe in appropriately selected patients.
Chapman SJ, Clerc D, Blanco-Colino R, Otto A, Nepogodiev D, Pagano G, Schaeff V, Soares A, Zaffaroni G, Žebrák R, Hodson J, Blanco-Colino R, Chapman SJ, Glasbey JC, Pata P, Pellino G, Sgrò A, Soares A, Elst T, Van Straten S, Knowles CH, Nepogodiev D, Hodson J, Borakati A, Bath MF, Yasin IH, Mclean K, Arthur T, Kovacevic M, Delibegovic S, Karamanliev M, Swamad M, Žebrák R, Paramasivam R, Martensen A, Larsen HM, Rädeker L, Frey PE, Kechagias A, Venara A, Duchalais E, Ioannidis A, Pata F, Pellino G, Pasquali S, Sgrò A, Simioni A, Farina V, Podda M, Lorenzon L, Schaeff V, Otto A, Jakubauskas M, Elst TR, Chu M, Fagan PVB, Wells CI, Alagoa João A, Soares A, Juloski J, Clerc D, Ciubotaru C, Popescu S, Yanishev A, Lee S, Ozkan BB, Yagız Sen A, Aktas MK, Baki BE, Yüksek B, Glasbey JC, Kamarajah S, Mclean K, Borakati A, Yasin IH, Khaw RA, Mills E, Goodson R, Thakral N, Ablett AD, Adra M, Kwek I, Khan SM, Quinn P, Manley LR, Badran A, Ramjeeawon A, Campbell A, Tan HL, Rye DS, Rajaraman N, Norman JG, Vutipongsatorn K, Solomou G, Akhbari M, Ali A, Murray V, Baker DM, Brandao BD, Stainer B, Thavayogan R, Jones D, Onafowokan OO, Gharooni A, Dabab N, Carlton-Carew S, Kungwengwe G, Gabriel M, Sewart E, Shortland TC, Lawday S, Pockney P, Dawson A, Arthur T, Brumfitt CD, Stewart P, Ng B, Luong JK, Delibegovic S, Ivanov V, Borisova A, Neykov V, Kunčarová K, Kološová B, Antonova T, Farkašová M, Žebrák R, Harbjerg JL, Brandsborg S, Brinck S, Kjaer MD, Mark-Christensen A, Unbehaun KP, Dalsgaard P, Lycke KD, Kechagias A, LeNaoures P, Duchalais E, Brigand C, Dumange E, Gout M, Moehwald C, Prem M, Alhalabi O, Sliwinski S, Krupp J, Gablenz E, Schmitzer L, Kopp A, Steinle J, Gsenger J, Pohl LJ, Riccardi M, Christodoulou IM, Konstantinidis M, Machairas N, Zoikas A, Balalis D, Manatakis DK, Aguilera ML, Sgrò A, Simioni A, Marano L, Fleres F, Lovisetto F, Sasia D, Segalini E, Pata G, Lucchi A, Sagnotta A, Campagnaro T, Petrelli F, Gallo G, Papandrea M, Testa V, Sinibaldi G, Di Candido F, Colombo F, Perrone G, Aresu S, Biancafarina A, Canonico G, Pagnanelli M, Curletti G, Bini R, Manzoni Garberini A, Impellizzeri H, Cillara N, Tutino R, Picciariello A, Coletta D, Savino G, Ferrara F, Tamini N, Talamo G, Parini D, Giamundo P, lo Conte A, Pagano G, Ripetti V, Pesce A, Menduni N, Pellino G, Giudicissi R, Podda M, Goldin E, Rega D, Belli A, Andriola V, Gordini L, Pata F, Foppa C, Piccolo G, Birindelli A, Ferrari C, Ballarini Z, Tirelli F, Milone M, De Rosa M, Pipitone Federico NS, Molteni B, Tilocca PL, Sancini G, Piozzi GN, Lauretta A, Poillucci G, Mulas S, Schaeff V, Otto A, Jakubauskas M, Simcikas D, Portelli L, Wijnbergen JWM, Dinger TL, Doesschate SFH, Dalen ASHM, Bos DD, Hansmann M, Medina Feliz J, Kuiper SZ, Abdulrahman Z, Pruijssers SR, Farik S, Elliott BM, Geneta VP, Chu M, Wilton S, Kandelaki H, Peng SL, Campbell S, Lim YK, Yassaie SS, Murray M, Fagan PVB, Haran C, Tan J, Castro J, Laranjeira A, Catarino S, Neves-Marques C, Correia JG, Vieira BN, Quintela AC, Serra ML, Maciel J, Cunha M, Aparício DJ, Neves J, Azevedo J, Romano M, Eiró F, Romano J, Monteiro C, Claro M, Almeida MR, Peyroteo M, Machado ND, Capote H, Ferreira M, Sousa X, Devesa H, Cavadas D, Guerreiro I, Costa M, Salman M, English C, Mohammed N, Popescu S, Yanishev A, Litvin A, Ćuk VV, Mészárosová K, Van Straten S, Jaich R, De Lima H, Brooks S, Marx M, Nshalati Salvation M, Clerc D, Blaser B, Piazza G, Gagliardi B, Serin H, Yagız Sen A, Yurdaor SS, Aktas MK, Arslan E, Kopac O, Uyanik A, Ozmen BB, Tiftik E, Aksoy B, Yalcinkaya A, Ozoglu F, Kocer MD, Bilicen G, Cinar EN, Uslu Ö, Kaya Y, Wong J, Farhan-Alanie MMH, Suresh G, Asif A, Finch BJ, Bhahirathan Y, Herron J, Yi Tew Z, Obukofe R, Russell C, Suchett-Kay I, Netke T, Williams L, Kisiel A, Liu FY, Claireaux H, James P, Mondal A, Kalderon R, Nadama HH, Al-Saraff Z, Tam JPH, Powell-Chandler A, Wood F, Campbell A, Gorgievska R, Ragavoodoo A, Thakrar C, Rojoa D, Palmer C, Davidson K, Giacci L, Hale J, Gan FW, Makin-Taylor R, Hey CY, Toh C, Findlay JM, Griffiths N, Ganesananthan S, Jasionowska S, Poustie M, Wong C, Turner T, Pyc W, Sloper W, Warner C, Coey J, Mason D, Sait S, Kowal M, Shortland TC, Owen M, Saiyed A, Ashworth I, Akbari K, Curran M, Martin P, Parker D, Dawson A, Kwok K, Lye C, Pockney P, Ghaly M, Sammour T, Lewis D, Mundasad R, Wilkes A, Ctercteko G, Stewart P, Delibegovic S, Maslyankov S, Dimov R, Iliev S, Dimitrov D, Marek F, Örhalmi J, Skalický P, Skalický T, Chrz K, Christensen P, Worsøe J, Kristensen ES, Emmertsen KJ, Loeve US, Duchalais E, Mihaljevic AL, Herrle F, Konstantinidis KM, Manatakis DK, Korkolis D, Karanikas I, Aguilera ML, Vincenti L, Anania G, Borghi F, Agresta F, Maretto I, Parisi A, Bucci L, De Palma G, Guglielmi A, Cucinotta E, La Torre F, Cianchi F, Guerrieri M, Lauretta A, Trompetto M, Persiani R, Micheletto G, Rega D, Belli A, Cantafio S, Lovisetto F, Ronconi M, Bisagni PAG, De Prizio M, Tamini N, Sinibaldi G, Franceschi A, Galleano R, Cavallini M, Brescia A, D'Ambra L, Benevento A, Niolu P, Calgaro M, Colangelo E, Grottola T, Altomare DF, Puleo S, Salamone G, Pietrabissa A, Poggioli G, Ripetti V, Erdas E, Ottonello R, Canonico G, Tonini V, Selvaggi F, Sammarco G, Ceccarelli G, De Nisco C, Surgo D, Taglietti L, Ozolins A, Sivinš A, Poskus T, Psaila J, Bemelman WA, Graat LJ, Langenhoff B, Wijnhoven BPL, Ven AHW, Poelman M, Stassen LPS, Slooter G, Acherman YIZ, Hoff C, Gerhards MF, Stommel MWJ, Hazebroek EJ, Geloven AAW, Schasfoort RA, Leeuwen BL, Tuynman JB, Tilburg MWA, Boerma EG, Sharma P, Jenkins B, Bissett IP, Peng SL, Herd A, Gordon A, Vernon D, Omundsen M, Ly J, Reddy A, Bonnet G, Harmston C, Morales M, Francisco V, Costa S, Manso A, Amorim E, Pereira J, Cardoso J, Ourô S, Caratão M, Nascimento C, Ribeiro da Silva B, Taranu V, Dias R, Devesa H, Mendes J, Allen M, Silva A, Carlos S, Barbosa E, Carneiro C, Ramos L, Maciel J, Lencastre L, Martins R, Silva-Vaz P, Ridgway PF, McNamara DA, Cahill R, Hogan A, Larkin J, O'Connell PR, Negoi I, Abelevich A, Ćuk VM, Vician M, Ede C, Sardiwalla I, Mulira S, Montwedi D, Oyomno M, Hübner M, Petermann D, Sauvain MO, Ozben V, Geçim IE, Disçi E, Rencuzogullari A, Kurt A, Bisgin T, Pehlivan M, Isik A, Onur E, Leventoglu S, Haksal MC, Erturk MS, Keskin M, Guner A, Tutcu Sahin S, Ozbalci GS, Pergel A, Albayrak D, Bruce D, Fearnhead N, Arthur J, Harron M, Beattie G, Titu L, Ali A, Saunders M, Phillips J, Dindyal S, Cresswell B, Gercek Y, Lee J, Linn T, Faulkner G, Lockwood S, Rees J, Charalabopoulos A, Campbell B, Kontovounisios C, Amarnath T, Johnson M, Epanomeritakis E, Vigs S, Nastro P, Gilliam A, Smolarek S, Wilson T, Orbell J, McIntyre R, Agarwal T, Hainsworth P, Patel P, Vijay J, Liu B, Dhruva Rao P, Roxburgh C, Vipond M, Youssef H, Thorn C, Schizas A, Denley S, Bowley D, Das K, Cuming T, Saha A, Chung L, Pitt J, Davis P, Jones O, Taylor M, Bhargava A, Haji A, Watson N, Bloom I, Singh B, Norwood M, Gurjar S, Stylianides N, Mirza S, Evans M, Williams G, Patil P, Hernon J, Finch G, Green S, Chapple K, Fafemi O, Warusavitarne J, Samee A, Carden C, Ong L, Verma K, Joseph A, Rawat N, Pinkney T, Oke O, Glen P, Maxwell-Armstrong C, Oliphant R, Garner J, Moug SJ, Middleton S, Lund JN, Smart NJ, Osborn G, Moore T, Raymond T, Knowles CH, Hany TS, Clarke R, Khera G, Brady R, Sellahewa C, Mason C, Torrance A, Lasithiotakis K, Knight J, Pullybank A, Ainsworth P, Reid F, Ramwell A, Maslekar S, George R, Skull A, Holtham S, Muhammad K, Lal R, Varcada M, Smith FM, Howlader M, Defriend D, Kirk S, Richards T, Evans C, Borg C, Telford K, Sarfraz N, Busby K, Hollingshead J, Speake D, Pawa N, West D, Chadwick M, Komolafe O, Richardson S, Thornton M, Goede A, Osborne C, Bandyopadhyay D, Foong J, Lee YJ, Liebenberg P, Mijalkov D, Wells A, Bull N, Ajmera A, Warburton T, Morgan S, Mahmoud A, Schachtel M, Mikhail B, Fomin I, Mekaeil B, Taylor N, Stevenson C, Drane A, Pahalawatta U, Lai LT, Debiasio A, Wong J, Jun HJS, Hengpoonthana R, Mendis DM, Robb PM, Lee HJ, Wyche AAB, Davis LT, Lee HJ, Chrimes A, Agarwal A, Zhao J, Williams S, Jayalath JMSN, Liebenberg P, Khor S, Muddasani T, Childs S, Ridgway S, Blefari NDA, Tam H, Puchalski N, Ngai C, Mackenzie J, Johnson N, Holmes M, Zuzek R, Saluja T, Gould T, Goh YK, Selvaraj T, Brumfitt CD, Beh YZ, Dudi-Venkata NN, Horne D, Borrow JL, Campbell C, Cousins G, Jackson L, Maheepala K, Zhao S, Holden E, Tutt L, Thompson B, Collins H, Louie F, Buckland B, Smith D, Chong C, Chua TH, Nayak C, Redmond J, Tan RR, Gramlick M, Teh JS, Ng SY, Britten-Jones P, Mohd Rosli R, Pham HDV, Jegathees T, Coulter-Nile SMCJ, Gosselink MP, Luong JK, Wang YL, Maciaszek M, Chrapko PS, Nair A, Thirugnanasundralingam V, Muir K, Salibasic M, Pavlov V, Paycheva T, Borisova A, Lyulenina E, Kolev N, Ivanov V, Nguen D, Mitkov Y, Mitkov E, Vladova P, Dimitrov V, Hussain M, Gabarski A, Ivanov T, Yotsov T, Ilieva I, Karamanliev M, Akisheva A, Shoshkova M, Nawaz E, Feradova H, Mladenov T, Neykov V, Jozaf V, Farkašová M, Klail T, Pös M, Adel A, Sotona O, Bartoš M, Amjad T, Malý O, Berec S, Hanušová M, Hurný M, Riško J, Ludvik M, Stercz M, Treskoň R, Pospíšil M, Hlaváčová L, Kunčarová K, Tomanová D, Chodora S, Houdek O, Novický R, Antonova T, Sobotková K, Cha S, šuta Kimle K, Jirankova K, Bujda M, Paclík A, Trap A, Jürgens-Lahnstein J, Storm M, Dalsgaard P, Damgaard I, Olawi F, Ehlem F, Raos M, Kristensen FP, Lycke KD, Bønnerup K, Unbehaun KP, Kjaer MD, Brandsborg S, Amiri S, Enevoldsen M, Harbjerg JL, Højgaard Pedersen J, Jepsen BN, Hillgaard TK, Erichsen SB, Nielsen CV, Madsen CP, Bjerke J, Skejø CD, Aabling RR, Sørensen JS, Mark-Christensen A, Kechagias A, Turunen A, Katunin J, Niskakangas M, Vignaud T, Frey S, Ricolleau C, Chanut F, Magnin J, Gout M, Seiboldt T, Beck L, Pohl LJ, Zamzow K, Betge F, Poncelet A, Truant M, Hauschild H, Neugebauer N, Schöning L, Simon SCS, Galata C, Karampinis I, Thäwel T, Seckler AM, Kerem C, Durdevic S, Ioannidis A, Antonakopoulos F, Konstantinidis M, Mathioulaki A, Chrysoheris P, Athanasopoulos PG, Kalles V, Spyrou I, Barkolias C, Paspala A, Machairas N, Papaconstantinou D, Spartalis E, Arkadopoulos N, Prodromidou A, Garoufalia Z, Balalis D, Zoikas A, Christodoulou IM, Mendez D, Rosales J, Flores M, Garcia M, Garcia A, Garcia M, Noriega Z, Torselli D, Aguilera ML, Rodriguez J, Lafranceschina S, Artioli E, Giaccari S, Nevoso V, Schimera A, Marino S, Geretto P, Pellegrino L, Borghi B, Sasia D, Marano A, Corino C, Cannata G, Giuffrida MC, Landra F, Pata G, Ongaro D, Baronio G, Raimondo S, Casiraghi S, Salvadori R, Savino G, Finotti E, Ciccioli E, Galgano A, Zuin M, Simioni A, Bettella A, Barina A, Vendramin E, Palano G, Schiavone D, Di Cintio A, Gemini A, Trastulli S, De Luca M, Sagnotta A, Desiderio J, Gubbiotti F, Cigognini M, Zaffaroni G, Maffioli A, Colombo S, Bondurri A, Sampietro G, Foschi D, Colombo F, Manigrasso M, Danzi M, Amato R, Anastasio L, Mastella F, Basile R, Peltrini R, Marra E, Luglio G, Pagano G, Giglio M, Manigrasso M, Anoldo P, Vertaldi S, Grimaldi L, Tammaro N, Pedrazzani C, Campagnaro T, Turri G, Lazzarini E, Conti C, Vulcano I, Bertilone E, Pintabona G, Viscosi F, Cerasari S, Galiffa G, Lapolla P, Coletta D, Del Basso C, Cirillo B, De Toma G, Fazzi K, Bini S, Coratti F, Montanelli P, Grandi S, Nelli T, Ben Khaled N, Cammelli F, Ferrini E, Billo ME, Tilocca PL, Marrosu AG, Scognamillo F, Pala C, Attene F, Carboni L, Ruggiu MW, Gabbas G, Marziali I, Mazzocato S, Petrelli F, Vergari R, Piazzai F, Kubolli I, Aggiusti A, Paolucci A, Ortenzi M, Olivieri M, Belluco C, Antona AD, Basso S, Morino M, Mistrangelo M, Testa V, Gallo G, Clerico G, De Santi G, Bitonti MF, Trompetto M, Pipitone Federico NS, Frattalone M, Tirelli F, Fico V, Santullo F, Belia F, Spinelli A, Marco M, Di Candido F, Bevilacqua M, Tringali D, Bevilacqua E, Panizzo V, Piozzi GN, La Manna V, Migliore G, Aversano A, Fares Bucci A, Marino F, Carbone F, Incollingo P, Romano FM, Giudicissi R, Zalla T, Baraghini M, Romoli L, Calussi M, Vellei S, Genzano C, Feroci F, Vita M, Barberis A, Serra D, Lucchi A, Grassia M, Romelli M, Ruggiero S, Percassi A, Ferrari C, Molteni B, Magri Piccinini A, Segalini E, Monti M, Magnoli M, Romano S, Gaetano P, Pilotta F, Baldassarre L, Perrone G, Bonati E, Aresu S, Saba A, Moretto G, Bacchion M, Impellizzeri H, Casaril A, Inama M, Creciun M, Ferrara F, Stella M, Gobatti D, Biancafarina A, Angelini M, Andolfi E, Miranda E, Scricciolo M, Provenza G, Cavallina G, Frezza B, Fontani A, Malatesti R, Pellicanò GA, Podda M, Anania M, Pulighe F, Cruccu A, Murru ML, Massaiu C, Balestra F, Pazzona M, De Nisco C, Giannella A, Santangelo M, Olivieri M, Frangella F, Magagnano D, Liberatore P, Brenna R, Giani A, Tirotta F, Famularo S, Angrisani M, Ceresoli M, De Rosa M, Rondelli F, Ceccarelli G, Angelucci GP, Scaramuzzo R, Larcinese A, Fioriti C, Picone E, Nardi M, Marano L, Castagnoli G, Bartoli A, Bellochi R, Spaziani A, Conti D, Poponesi V, Trippetti M, Amicucci S, Tazza G, Procacci P, Giovannini F, Basile E, Franceschi A, Caristo G, Pagnanelli M, De Nardi P, Rosati R, Marcocci G, Vignali A, Curletti G, Galleano R, Badran A, Malerba M, Percivale A, Ghazouani O, Reggiani L, Spirito C, Moschetta G, Cosmi F, Romeo G, Gasparrini M, Sucameli F, Gennai A, Moggia E, Bianchi C, Bonfante P, Macina S, Feleppa C, Talamo G, Imperatore M, Tenconi SM, Rausei S, Maioli D, Marchionini V, Pata F, Sparta C, Mura FA, Barmina M, Lorettu A, Rettaroli C, Mastino G, Ruggiu GV, Mura GA, Perrone BA, De Angelis M, Mereu A, Adamo V, Bianco C, Manzoni Garberini A, Ricciardiello M, Campanaro C, Panaccio P, Esposito LM, D'Ascanio F, Pietroletti R, Picciariello A, Chetta N, Aquilino F, Di Marco F, Amico A, Schembari E, Puglisi S, Licari L, Campanella S, Profita G, Falco N, Rotolo G, Venturelli P, Tutino R, De Marco P, Marcianò M, Sgrò A, Argenti F, Milani MS, Malabarba S, Giambartolomei G, Vella I, Gronchi F, Ruggieri A, Sancini G, Roggiani A, Balsamo F, Gori A, Cuicchi D, D'Alessio R, Benvenuto D, Gordini L, Erdas E, Podda F, Cappellacci F, Salaris C, Sanna S, Marcialis J, Mosino L, Peddis M, Melis S, De Donno G, Aru AC, Falsetti E, Parini D, Lanari J, D'Errico U, Bianchini S, Birindelli A, Figà F, Caiazzo A, Selvaggi L, Capozzolo A, Cerra C, Pirillo M, Papandrea M, Cravano S, Libri I, Laquatra N, Isabello A, Truškovs A, Bartnick A, Malcevs E, Machatschek MJ, Alm J, Lapsa S, Delorme M, Zeynalov F, Larnovskis J, Sauka J, Bodrov D, Gailumsis R, Wiemann AM, Müller NL, Jelovskis I, Deksnis D, Bauermeister Potts O, Slimbajevs T, Samalavicius NE, Simcikas D, Nutautiene V, Zeromskas P, Jurgaitis J, Aliosin O, Slepavicius A, Eismontas V, Kybransiene M, Dulskas A, Kuliavas J, Kavaliauskas P, Kavaliauskaite R, Poškus E, Danys D, KryŽauskas M, Mikalauskas S, Rackauskas R, Drungilas M, Poškus T, Jotautas V, Strupas K, Cachia C, Cefai C, Portelli L, Youssef Y, Degaetano D, Debono S, Sammut M, Cassar J, Sammut K, Looyen R, Dalen ASHM, Becker MAJ, Comert D, Molder L, Tromp J, Matthee E, Tissen YM, Brinkhuis E, Vries HS, 't Hart E, Beckers K, Bekker Y, Kakar S, Doesschate SFH, Smaalen TC, Veen OC, Dingemans SA, Brink LC, Vijgen GHEJ, Voort EMF, Pool A, Rest KLC, Haak T, Sluijpers NRF, Pruijssers SR, Molenaar CJL, Gordinou de Gouberville MC, Saleh S, Mens MA, Hoeks EM, Nieuwenhuizen S, Praag EM, Westerduin E, Smit MPCM, Lely SJ, Nasimi B, Gerdsen M, Stijns RCH, Leow TYS, Penningnieuwland G, Ruiter A, Ribbers T, Aarts CAM, Tulek MS, Jonge J, Kocak S, Alqethami HJ, Constansia R, Elst PC, Tissink MW, Grüter A, Vroom Y, Voeten DM, Feenstra T, Azzahhafi J, Bofarid S, Kip M, Saleh W, Franssen S, Boon CL, Franssen RJM, Romaen I, Jense MTF, D'Souza J, Pascoe R, Scott A, Stark E, Mulholland K, Lau WK, Smith B, Adams SIB, Shah N, Ling E, Young J, Peng SL, Jacobson A, Macfater H, Farik S, Chen SY, Kilpatrick K, Kim DH, Dixon S, Yassaie S, Welman D, Coulter J, Morreau M, Li E, Rankin A, Winders J, Skipworth C, Fagan PVB, Stanfield B, Henderson N, Chuang A, Maskill L, Ker H, McLaughlin SJP, Kearney J, Wilton S, Sprosen H, Kerckhoffs P, Alsadat R, Cherry R, Chapman DA, Singh N, Clucas A, Gatenby G, Kelly B, Ruppeldt P, McIntosh ND, Koh S, Wilms H, Dalzell F, Tewhaiti-Smith J, Kader T, Yam ST, Dahya D, Hardie Boys M, Fleischl W, Tan J, Skavysh A, Mouldey K, Elliott BM, Hu R, Edwards S, Matthews C, Aitken E, Walker M, Guerreiro I, Tomé M, Patrocinio S, Amado F, Batista A, Seabra J, Praxedes V, Monteiro N, Martins I, Serra ML, Santos TC, Lages RR, Pimentel A, Machado ND, Sá TC, Bernardes FM, Saraiva P, Almeida J, Mendes M, Fernandes V, Ribeiro A, Soares D, Costa M, Rosete M, Martins T, Miguel I, Martins J, Cunha MF, Melo J, Veiga DN, Rachadell J, Amorim E, Vareda R, Roseira J, Catarino S, Aveiro D, Couto M, Loureiro AR, Louro H, Queiros T, Castro B, Fonseca S, Carvalho L, Torre AP, Amado A, Leite M, Miranda P, Cunha C, Ferreira M, Cavadas D, Silva R, Pina S, Paixão I, Orelhas L, Santos J, Pacheco A, Rocha AF, Jervis MJ, Pedro V, Paixão V, Guerreiro A, Melo D, Correia D, Capella V, Moinhos T, Monteiro C, Silva M, Vieira BN, Silva AG, Galvão D, Mora A, Bettencourt R, Costa F, Gil I, Morgado J, Neves J, Mónica I, Oliveira S, Ribeiro H, Ferreira M, Guimarães N, Duarte M, Miranda J, Martins SF, Almeida MR, Parreira R, Faustino A, Medeiros N, Castro R, Soares B, Resendes M, Almeida P, Cruz A, Claro M, Vaz Pinto G, Sousa D, Costa Santos D, Silva A, Silva F, Fialho G, Reia M, Pratas N, Capote H, Costa C, Costa J, Morais S, Machado A, Horta V, Rocha-Melo M, Patrício J, Pereira M, Lima R, Cinza AM, Oliveira J, Velez C, Ferreira M, Borges F, Simões J, Eiró F, Botelho P, Cismasiu B, Alves D, Dias B, Costa C, Gonçalves JP, Valente P, Oliveira J, Freire L, Saraiva R, Moreira M, Fragoso M, Guimarães J, Cruz G, Aparício DJ, Ribeiro J, Borges da Ponte I, Almeida S, Martins AR, Louro T, Morgado M, Ferreira AS, Alves M, Oliveira N, Lérias R, Neves-Marques C, Estalagem I, Botelho C, Bártolo J, Fidalgo Antunes C, Cabral F, Brito Silva F, Dias Matos A, Santos M, Cunha R, Duarte M, Sousa M, Canotilho R, Peyroteo M, Correia AM, Martins PC, Jardim JAM, Domingos SP, Baião JM, Rocha BS, Lopes NMRO, Jordão DM, Correia JG, Ângelo MD, Caroço T, Romano M, Gomes JR, Monteiro RG, Varghese S, Boyle E, Aljohmani L, Alexander J, Graziadei V, McCaughey C, Jain A, Lee J, Ramanayake H, Sabnani R, Colon LF, Bansal N, Stephens I, Tan R, Sharma S, Doherty G, Fenn S, Mulhare E, Walsh M, Leavey C, Costigan O, Griffin S, Dockry É, Khogali E, Aly AK, McPhedran R, O'Gorman D, Vermeulen D, Dervan L, Kang SJ, Dixon O, Morrissey E, Compton M, Pentony AR, Piong CL, Nossier R, Hanna J, Sabir K, Eow SY, Ladak N, Boersma D, Kamath PJ, Soh TBW, Dyer AH, Chee SY, Tan IXH, Kelliher A, Adeusi L, Howarth N, McCawley N, O'Neill A, Jones MR, Saleh R, Singh A, Senaratne R, Kakodkar P, Subramanian I, Hogan A, Al-Salihi A, Vyas V, Vedadi A, Popescu SS, Piras K, Ciubotaru CI, Litvin A, Romanova E, Ponomarev N, Savchenko A, Yanishev A, Luzan R, Lutovinova E, Gavrilina A, Barkovskaya A, Kudelkina N, Topchubaev D, Radulović R, Miloševic K, Ćuk VV, Bojičić J, Juloski J, Genčić M, Janković U, Zubowicz M, Sucháň PK, Gerstmeier J, Mészárosová K, Brazitikou E, Fytrou E, Celik M, Dubovský M, Schmalenbeck J, Sautter SC, Ceyran H, Jaich R, Fitchat N, Mathebula S, Chauke J, Mculu W, Ngwenya Z, Withey K, Piperidis A, Toyi Y, Nicolaides A, Jaffer T, Sparke A, Van Staden N, McDuling CR, Claassen L, Kruger C, Weyers J, Marx M, Lecler J, Mignon G, Vanoni A, Henkens A, Jarrar G, Odovic M, Willemin M, Milliet O, Hahnloser D, Clerc D, Demartines N, Piazza G, Teixeira H, Pittet O, Haller ML, Gagliardi B, Huot A, Blaser B, Kefleyesus A, Bugmann A, Piotet LM, Meijers L, Kurtoglu GK, Sel EK, Isler VC, Yilmaz BS, Adiyaman C, Kara M, Demirkaya HC, Korkmaz HK, Pektas AM, Güner B, İşlek EC, Tombul HB, Boztuğ CY, Tınaz A, Yılmaz M, Karaman Y, Akın FA, Dansuk S, Başçavuş M, Kaya M, Kutlu B, Seker MC, Erten V, Memis U, Koçak ZB, Karapinar YE, Fakirullahoglu M, Uslu Ö, Köseoglu E, Yeni M, Aktas MK, Aykun N, Agca MH, Bilen C, Kilinc I, Atar C, Kilic V, Aktuna C, Aba M, Alim YE, Binbuga M, Kürklü Ö, Yurdaor SS, Ceylan C, Yilmaz S, Çalar SN, Yildirim N, Yavuz G, Yagız Sen A, Can B, Cesmeli E, Kus D, Kavar RC, Cevlik AD, Cengiz U, Turk EG, Yilmaz I, Yüksek B, Erdönmez H, Gürsoy F, Serin H, Kara H, Önsal U, Özbek M, Kasar PA, Ipor A, Özen D, Ölmez M, Altintas E, Kaya Y, Toklu R, Sariçiçek T, Tipi OU, Benli GE, Tasdelen I, Tura A, Ucar A, Ekci B, Bilgili AC, Kiraz IN, Aksoy H, Cinar EN, Basak A, Erdem M, Kayacan S, Sahin C, Uysal M, Karakus K, Altiner S, Demirci ZS, Eren E, Yavas M, Tiftik E, Aksoy AB, Karagöz E, Sabanci R, Tümer SS, Kargici K, Banaz T, Abdulrahman SMF, Yesilsancak M, Yanikoglu E, Karabulut A, Yilmaz D, Kuyumcu OF, Kutluk F, Emiroglu B, Aksoy B, Mollavelioglu B, Gereklioglu D, Guler M, Toprak S, Afsar HB, Guler SE, Alizade E, Baki BE, Alemdag G, Ulusahin M, Arslan E, Gul EB, Yildirim R, Semiz A, Bektur G, Tomas K, Bilicen G, Yarenci E, Demiroglu Y, Sunal A, Baykan B, Abbasguliyev H, Mutlu V, Mahmoudi Y, Dossa SAA, Mizan SR, Demirtas B, Cavus T, Yuksek A, Mazlum SS, Yelkenci C, Baran T, Satilmisoglu M, Sahin AZ, Kilinç A, Isik K, Yumurtaci Ö, Emin A, Girit Ç, Yildirak MK, Senyigit E, Güldag A, Söyleyici B, Aytin YE, Akay FE, Iskan NG, Mutlu B, Sunay AO, Ablett AD, Tie-Gill T, Ramsay G, De Paola L, McGuckin S, Alshakhs A, Ahmeidat A, Wong J, Goergen N, Ali Z, Mullarkey L, Bath MF, Walshe R, Lewis E, Berry B, Moneim J, Mookerjee S, Christy S, Ojofeitimi O, Carroll L, Hylands A, Delaugere LP, Reveendran D, Coulter C, Ralston C, Laverty L, Gallagher P, Ahmed A, Yeo YQ, Elliott D, Bennett J, Mcnamara M, Sivarajah S, Dunmore C, Aitken G, Nair M, Aly MH, Buari M, Farhan-Alanie MMH, Ahmed K, Sheikh Z, Monks M, Lehmann J, Rotimi O, Bell T, Limnatitou D, Gormley S, Taleongpong P, Patel V, Macgregor L, Amini S, Turner C, Dwyer-Hemmings L, Busuttil A, Powell J, Hensher C, Vivian F, Wcislo K, Millar Z, Hirosue S, Ogunmwonyi I, Nakakande D, Kwek I, Gaze H, Nirmalanantha A, Bin Amran AM, Foulkes A, Jones N, Pillai S, Khoury G, Powell T, Maleyko I, Sangheli A, Ransome M, Isse M, Aromolaran O, Bholah H, Anbarasan J, Rehman S, Hu E, Timms S, Reynolds W, Hotchkies A, Misra V, Suresh G, Murray V, Theocharidou L, Malik T, Janmohamed I, Carhart B, Khan A, Asif A, Hullait R, Quinn P, Rylance A, Butt S, Leathes J, Finch BJ, Philip Rajathasan T, Jeddy H, Kyaw HA, Wong N, Karelia S, Clements JM, Rainey M, Joshi N, Rahman A, Gallagher M, Rebuffa N, Abdelgalil R, Siaw Yen Lai R, Laurence N, Thomas S, Green C, Frostick R, Khera R, Povey M, Wong HL, McCusker C, Hlukha L, Pike G, Kamel F, Thakkar R, Donaldson C, Sequeira Campos M, Bhahirathan Y, Armitage MN, Hussain AS, Hardy B, Hassan Serry MY, Herron J, Bradbury M, Osunronbi T, Tam LYC, Khanan Kaabneh A, Lawther J, Fisher P, Tribedi T, Moosa A, Ramdin A, Goble M, Downs E, Wheldon L, Baggus E, Mandal A, Nayeem A, Ahmed S, Fradley W, Wilson C, Gallagher S, Criswell T, Ward J, Mukkavilli A, Stubbs B, Fordyce W, Suchdev N, Wei Lim S, Yi Tew Z, Sookramanien SR, Chan A, Bointas G, Paul M, Ward KL, Bagnall M, Pherwani SA, Wang K, Mitchell L, Heyworth J, Ayyar S, Obukofe R, Polson R, Mason D, Mackenzie E, Russell C, Doyle N, Habib Z, Zardab M, Sartaj F, Farooq H, Tabibi M, Drury DJ, James SJ, Barnett R, Teasdale AB, Richardson ETJ, Thomas DA, Ahmed S, Williams RL, Najabat-Lattif HF, Cahya E, Lou G, Coyle M, Homyer K, Zhu LY, Woods M, Chang J, O'Callaghan H, Suchett-Kaye I, Mihailidis TH, Alawattegama H, Seite E, Barrett A, Riordan E, Lam W, Dowdeswell M, Mulvenna C, Netke T, Awokoya O, Gurowich L, Dhera K, Hayat S, Williams L, Tincknell L, Spazzapan M, Teeling F, Sysum K, Latter J, Latter M, Khan S, Guruswamy M, Beedham W, Brazier E, Elghobashy M, Bajaj M, Mann H, Etel E, Woodmass M, Hayden H, Kisiel A, Ali Y, Husain S, Arnold A, Pedersen AC, Cunha P, Ahmed M, Al Zawawi S, Kudva V, Liu FY, Theodoropoulou K, Miscampbell M, Robinson AV, Johnston J, Dharni A, Lamb S, Westerman T, Evans E, Campbell L, Gillespie M, Cheong CM, Kulathevanayagam K, Varghese A, Ike SI, Chu TSM, Baljer B, Mogg JAW, Rai P, Claireaux HA, Williams M, Smillie R, Goetz J, Appleby E, Fadipe T, Vaughan-Burleigh S, Puri G, Hussain P, James P, Flather R, Cutler A, Pathak S, Sheldon J, Collicott T, al-Ausi M, Mondal A, Jovaisaite A, Shah SM, Khalid N, Gutmann D, Davison S, Alame YJ, Syed L, Owen WJ, Ahsan SD, Kalderon R, Anthony-Uzoeto U, Macleod Hall C, Zheng S, Wynter K, James C, Sapre D, Ghosh R, Baird J, Cockburn L, Blackwood O, Nadama HH, Simpson W, Jeong S, Bishop S, Bate R, Hobson C, Adam AH, Redclift C, Do J, Adeleye O, Poli F, Batterham A, Brown S, Parekh JN, Clay W, Pieri K, Jackson A, Brown S, Saxena A, Gurung B, Oyebola T, O'Brien F, Djeugam B, Gardezi S, Ul-Hasan S, Martin-Hernandez MP, Sisley M, Modi S, Antakia R, Elbayouk A, Soh YJ, Mather J, Yusuf Z, Al-Sarraf Z, Naja M, Rassool SB, Convill J, Nikookam Y, Warsame A, Tam JPH, Pace C, Kiandee M, Ridwan R, Carey C, Hirri F, McMillan MJA, Ling JJ, Powell-Chandler A, Pendelbury L, Kerimzade K, Tang A, Howard EO, Humayun S, Wadsworth OJ, Tan K, Abdelhameed F, Haglund C, Radnaeva I, Hu N, Rambhatla S, Waldron D, Madahar P, Malik S, Campbell A, Meney LC, Ibrahim I, Kang CK, Chiu JZJ, Livie V, Ibrahim B, Khalil M, Pooley G, Shishkin B, Gorgievska R, Docherty J, Southgate A, Coomes A, McGee F, Flanagan S, Thakrar C, Tan QJ, Anwar H, Clough R, Chrisp B, Cassels J, Cross GWV, Ragavoodoo A, Mercer L, Mercer C, Refalo A, Hadley R, McTighe A, Farrow F, Brodie A, Davis G, Shah DR, Bowers C, Patel S, Morice O, Burzic A, Cheung J, Shashidhara A, Theodoraki G, Birk J, Ong A, Ng MPE, Wong RTW, Maese S, Yeap B, Iqbal Z, Rojoa DM, Cabaleiro Barciela C, Hussain M, Ruddy CM, Lindwe S, Qamar Y, Chuita S, Melaugh T, Hall JD, Palmer C, Kouli O, Hassane ASI, Azhar AW, Tan TK, Perchard W, Scurr T, Davidson K, Campbell E, Kelk L, Ghosh A, Gibbins A, Mala D, Loizidou A, Hall O, Mecia L, Hew C, Varathan K, Tong L, Chandrasekar B, Giacci L, Buchanan E, O'Connell M, Kwak SY, Ong EH, Gardner S, Lim J, Maden C, Illahi M, Hale J, Xuan Tan Z, Edwards S, Stahl R, Stahl J, Hickman A, Collett D, Goolam-Mahomed Z, Allen B, Atiyah A, Ahmad H, Jones J, McGregor O, Ogundiya E, Gan FW, Boulbadaoui A, Kirnon-Jackman O, Lim QX, Peckham H, Yeoh T, Yong SQ, Chen JY, Siva S, Sam ZH, Gilani M, Goh YN, Muthukumar MG, Phillips S, Makin-Taylor R, Tjoakarfa J, Giri A, Suresan S, Thavayogan R, Hey CY, Thomas P, Johnson TA, Williams RI, Rashid A, Kushairi A, Rais A, James A, Bugelli M, Chechelnitskaya Y, Sandhu N, Toh C, Tandon R, Gray M, Kumar A, Ciurleo C, Nyamali I, Hiremath S, Sinha S, Chowdhary M, Bradley E, McTiernan M, Macdonald S, Sharkey S, McLaughlin N, Amey C, Kraria L, Skan O, Kind C, Findlay JM, Tupper P, Van Rhee C, Honeyman SI, Menon G, Ahmed M, Jegatheeswaran L, Griffiths N, Madhavan A, Warne M, Malcolm FL, Lessware T, Wilkerson HT, Chatterjee-Woolman S, Yoong A, Ahmed WUR, Longshaw A, Flannery O, Green R, Leaning M, Cragg J, Sharriff H, Doherty C, Ganesananthan S, Kwan KWL, Sanders-Crook L, Bhatia S, Eames S, Lewis F, Kirupananthan P, Boh ZY, Dass S, Soma A, Newton A, Hill M, Shafiq Y, Brkljac M, Boyce L, Jasionowska S, English WJ, Lam S, Chipeta C, Yilmaz D, Jain C, Garofalidou T, Novotny SA, Locke S, Bowman C, Begaj A, Murphy C, Radcliffe K, Chong JT, Poustie M, Jeffrey E, Chaudhury N, Rajendran K, Akbar Z, Walters B, Kulendrarajah B, Tran N, Shrestha S, Parmar S, Gallagher C, Hennessy L, Pentti E, Badhrinarayanan S, Fung A, Mansoor M, Kenny R, Kan P, Lee DE, Khosla S, Samake M, Shaban F, Aftab R, Gough M, Woodburn B, Vayalapra S, McMurrugh K, Wong C, Jimulia D, Deol S, Pike S, Embury-Young Y, Turner T, Patel M, Kilgallon E, Keating R, Walsh A, Khan H, Logue G, Orekoya M, Alasmar M, Charalambides M, Clavé Llavall A, Williamson E, Bharwada Y, Zearmal S, Evans H, Panikkar M, Cruz G, Caplan J, Ruparelia A, Tanvir T, Soare C, Pang YL, Trotter J, Zaidi A, Thakrar V, Pulickal P, Ahmed H, Parnell J, Khan H, Lennock S, Ford V, Pyc W, Brignall R, O'Neill D, Hanna R, Kane R, Nicola M, Rajput K, Xiao Y, Warner C, Michael S, Wright E, Juniper S, Thompson E, Hoskyns L, Kanitkar A, Ross C, Unsworth A, Rshaidat H, Demarre K, Chiang A, Bareh A, Dellen J, Faqihinejad C, Gadhvi A, Grant R, Lewsey J, Morris A, Martin H, McClarty C, Sanyal S, Alsaif A, Palkhi A, Bhopal S, Vishnu K S, Papanikolaou A, Mitra A, Nur A, Ali F, Burford C, Huq T, Sloper W, Irwin E, Matthews L, Ngu WS, Hosfield T, Muneeb F, Page O, Zeb E, Coey J, Al-Azzawi A, McIntosh J, Vucicevic A, Hughes M, Brooks L, Fanibi B, Dixon M, Njoku P, Morris D, Jobson J, Chowdhury H, Alawode DOT, Wynell-Mayow W, Udayachandran V, Alsoof D, Ekert J, Joseph N, Zulkefley N, Hunt G, Christodoulou T, Wright O, Soman S, Jamal M, Beqiri S, Borgas P, Christie S, Pereira F, Browne S, Yiu J, Dworkin A, Brayley J, Palmer A, Charalambos M, Jones CJ, Toner S, Cowden R, Lee L, Nicol P, Holman O, Imtiaz M, Albert V, Leung SP, Erotocritou M, Wong J, Stroud R, Mason D, Wilkin R, Thomson W, Mackee L, G N, Bei Y, Sait S, Mckenna Favier S, Ibrahim A, Kler A, Reynolds L, Mohamed SH, Majeed Y, Fakim B, Jones A, Kowal M, Liversedge G, Carrington Z, Windebank J, Izzarina A, Akbani U, Craven J, Aldarragi A, Harding S, Millward A, Shortland TC, Bedford M, Stroud R, Obukofe R, Mackenzie E, Gopalan V, Midgen A, Khadka P, Cheng O, Taneja S, Manobharath N, Kok JY, Lim DWE, Buick T, Boland M, Piya S, Devlin R, Fairfield CJ, George RJ, Rahi M, Zaman S, Hajiev S, Ross T, Owen M, Crisp E, Thompson C, Charalambous A, Hollywood JL, Saiyed A, Hammond RFL, Matthews J, Mendonca V, Spinty J, Khan K, Cheng J, Glynn N, Muhammad U, Khan M, Anderson L, Mccormack K, Mak J, Patrawala S, Milinkovic N, Schofield R, Chauhan M, Hartley L, Hind J, Ashworth I, Nelson L, Ratnasingham D, Akbari K, Whitehead T, Dimitriadis S, Marshall K, Flint EJ, Curran M, Horner C, Heybourne A, Morgan H, Wickstone C, Panagiotou D, O'Connell E, Dean K, Iqbal R, Walsh L, Yu N, Rana N, Massie E, Ng J, Jung M, Lee YD, Harris M, White S, Delibegovic S, Boev B, Tonchev P, Prochazka V, Örhalmi J, Riško J, Skalický A, Chrz K, Ravn S, Ojakäär A, Duchalais E, Dörr-Harim C, Herrle F, Koutserimpas C, Giraudo G, Armellini A, Ruzzenente A, Mazzeo C, De Padua C, Realis Luc A, Maroli A, Giani I, Cufari ME, Vitali M, Ceccarelli G, Gusai GP, Quattromani R, Virgilio E, Berti S, Mulas S, Di Mola FF, Papagni V, Tuminello F, Magnoli M, Vittori L, Longheu A, Loche GA, Braccio B, De Luca E, Resta G, Ancans G, Tamosiunas A, Petrulionis M, Andrejevic P, Stellingwerf ME, Abdulrahman N, Pas KGH, Thomas G, Brandsma AM, Davids J, Rottier SJ, Roy van Zuidewijn D, Hawkins R, Ong HI, Li Y, Desmond B, Winstanley J, Martins M, Rosete M, Americano M, Santos M, Frade S, Senhorinho R, Peixoto R, Alagoa João A, Alves-Vale C, Lamas M, O'Connor DB, Hoo M, Gopaul A, Scanlon K, O'Dwyer N, Negoi I, Jovanović M, Panyko A, De Lima H, Van Vuuren S, Curchod P, Gaspar S, Imadalou L, Mutlu D, Akyol C, Uygur FA, Eray IC, Biyiklioglu O, Çetin MF, Isik AE, Karip B, Dogan H, Sarıgül L, Tunc E, Aydin T, Bodur S, Karabulut K, Francis AA, Al-hadithi A, To N, Lau ISF, Smith E, Mahapatra S, McAuliffe O, Francis AA, Imam L, Akram B, Hossaini S, Davies R, Ko M, Collins J, Pandya A, Reilly S, Archer J, Auty C, Roche CD, Livie J, Chaudhry FA, Ntakomyti E, Diallo R, Bylinski T, Wright J, Lawday S, Masiha E, Tung J, Shirazi B, Neilson A, Epton S, Patel N, Trussell S, Couldrey A, Donnelly C, Eftychiou S. Safety and efficacy of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce ileus after colorectal surgery. Br J Surg 2020; 107:e161-e169. [PMID: 31595986 DOI: 10.1002/bjs.11326] [Citation(s) in RCA: 43] [Impact Index Per Article: 10.8] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [MESH Headings] [Grants] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 03/22/2019] [Revised: 05/06/2019] [Accepted: 07/04/2019] [Indexed: 02/05/2023]
BACKGROUND Ileus is common after elective colorectal surgery, and is associated with increased adverse events and prolonged hospital stay. The aim was to assess the role of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) for reducing ileus after surgery. METHODS A prospective multicentre cohort study was delivered by an international, student- and trainee-led collaborative group. Adult patients undergoing elective colorectal resection between January and April 2018 were included. The primary outcome was time to gastrointestinal recovery, measured using a composite measure of bowel function and tolerance to oral intake. The impact of NSAIDs was explored using Cox regression analyses, including the results of a centre-specific survey of compliance to enhanced recovery principles. Secondary safety outcomes included anastomotic leak rate and acute kidney injury. RESULTS A total of 4164 patients were included, with a median age of 68 (i.q.r. 57-75) years (54·9 per cent men). Some 1153 (27·7 per cent) received NSAIDs on postoperative days 1-3, of whom 1061 (92·0 per cent) received non-selective cyclo-oxygenase inhibitors. After adjustment for baseline differences, the mean time to gastrointestinal recovery did not differ significantly between patients who received NSAIDs and those who did not (4·6 versus 4·8 days; hazard ratio 1·04, 95 per cent c.i. 0·96 to 1·12; P = 0·360). There were no significant differences in anastomotic leak rate (5·4 versus 4·6 per cent; P = 0·349) or acute kidney injury (14·3 versus 13·8 per cent; P = 0·666) between the groups. Significantly fewer patients receiving NSAIDs required strong opioid analgesia (35·3 versus 56·7 per cent; P < 0·001). CONCLUSION NSAIDs did not reduce the time for gastrointestinal recovery after colorectal surgery, but they were safe and associated with reduced postoperative opioid requirement.
Rossi F, Bevilacqua M, Busson B, Corva M, Tadjeddine A, Vizza F, Vesselli E, Bozzini B. An in situ IR-Vis Sum Frequency Generation Spectroscopy study of cyanide adsorption during zinc electrodeposition. J Electroanal Chem (Lausanne) 2019. [DOI: 10.1016/j.jelechem.2019.113641] [Citation(s) in RCA: 3] [Impact Index Per Article: 0.6] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 11/26/2022]
Bevilacqua M, Ciarapica F, Marcucci G. Supply Chain Resilience research trends: a literature overview. ACTA ACUST UNITED AC 2019. [DOI: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2019.11.636] [Citation(s) in RCA: 14] [Impact Index Per Article: 2.8] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 11/15/2022]
Bevilacqua M, Ciarapica F, Marcucci G, Mazzuto G. Conceptual model for analysing domino effect among concepts affecting supply chain resilience. SUPPLY CHAIN FORUM 2018. [DOI: 10.1080/16258312.2018.1537504] [Citation(s) in RCA: 11] [Impact Index Per Article: 1.8] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Track Full Text] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 10/28/2022]
Monti M, Scazzoso A, Bevilacqua M, Santi I, D'Aprile E, Saligari A, Norbiato G, Cunietti E. Plasma Monomeric Calcitonin as a Marker of Disease Activity in Multiple Myeloma Patients with Osteolysis. Int J Biol Markers 2018; 7:87-92. [PMID: 1634826 DOI: 10.1177/172460089200700203] [Citation(s) in RCA: 2] [Impact Index Per Article: 0.3] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [MESH Headings] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 11/16/2022]
Circulating monomeric human calcitonin (hCT-M), parathyroid hormone, osteocalcin, alkaline phosphatase, urinary hydroxyproline, corrected serum calcium and inorganic phosphate were measured in 49 multiple myeloma patients and 49 matched controls. In patients with Durie-Salmon stage III disease hCT-M levels (16.9 ± 5.8 ng/l, mean + SD) were significantly higher than controls and stage I patients (P < 0.01), and correlated directly with corrected serum calcium (r = 0.74; P < 0.001). In the same subgroup 14 of 15 patients had plasma hCT-M concentrations higher than the mean + 2SD of the controls. The calcium infusion test induced an increase of hCT-M in normocalcemic patients which was significantly greater in patients with advanced disease than in either controls or stage I patients. These findings suggest that hCT-M may be a biochemical index of bone resorption and disease activity in myeloma patients with osteolysis. In fact, its plasma concentrations were elevated in a large proportion (93%) of patients with severe bone involvement, and correlated directly with serum calcium. Moreover, our findings suggest the presence of a calcitonin-dependent calcium homeostatic mechanism, that protects against hypercalcemia due to tumor osteolysis.
Cuevas F, Porcu E, Bevilacqua M. Contours and dimple for the Gneiting class of space-time correlation functions. Biometrika 2017. [DOI: 10.1093/biomet/asx048] [Citation(s) in RCA: 8] [Impact Index Per Article: 1.1] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 11/13/2022] Open
Bevilacqua M, Ciarapica F, De Sanctis I. How to successfully implement OHSAS 18001: The Italian case. J Loss Prev Process Ind 2016. [DOI: 10.1016/j.jlp.2016.08.004] [Citation(s) in RCA: 16] [Impact Index Per Article: 2.0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 11/25/2022]
Cabrini L, Fominskiy E, Savia I, Bevilacqua M, Votta CD, Manfredini L, Aslan NA, Filippini M, Gelosa B, Landoni G. Continuous positive airway pressure during upper endoscopies: a bench-study on a novel device. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth 2016. [DOI: 10.1053/j.jvca.2016.03.088] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Submit a Manuscript] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 11/11/2022]
Straface G, Landini L, Barrella M, Bevilacqua M, Evangelisti A, Bocchi L. Analysis of the microcirculatory pulse wave: age-related alterations. ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE IEEE ENGINEERING IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY SOCIETY. IEEE ENGINEERING IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY SOCIETY. ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE 2016; 2015:7362-5. [PMID: 26737992 DOI: 10.1109/embc.2015.7320092] [Citation(s) in RCA: 3] [Impact Index Per Article: 0.4] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [MESH Headings] [Track Full Text] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 11/07/2022]
Morphological analysis of the pulse wave of central blood pressure signal is commonly used for the study of cardiac and vascular properties, but very few attempts were performed for analyzing the peripheral pulse wave of blood flow. In this work, we analyzed this waveform using classical methods, based on the application of FFT, followed by principal components analysis, for assessing the properties of the blood flow. As a sample problem, we evaluated the capability of the proposed method of assessing the alterations correlated with the aging of the vascular system. Results show a good discrimination between the different age groups, confirming the validity of the approach.
Menini M, Bevilacqua M, Setti P, Tealdo T, Pesce P, Pera P. Effects of pulsed electromagnetic fields on swelling and pain after implant surgery: a double-blind, randomized study. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2015; 45:346-53. [PMID: 26586300 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijom.2015.10.011] [Citation(s) in RCA: 2] [Impact Index Per Article: 0.2] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Key Words] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 12/01/2014] [Revised: 07/28/2015] [Accepted: 10/13/2015] [Indexed: 01/14/2023]
The aim of this split-mouth, double-blind, randomized study was to determine whether pulsed electromagnetic field therapy (PEMF) can improve swelling and the management of pain after full-arch immediate loading implant surgery. Eleven patients were selected for the study. Each patient received four distal tilted implants in the upper or lower jaw and underwent full-arch immediate loading rehabilitation. After surgery, two PEMF devices were applied to each patient, one on each cheek. In a random manner, one of these PEMF devices was switched on (test side); the other served as a placebo (control side). Forty-eight hours after surgery clinicians estimated postoperative swelling through photographic documentation, comparing the condition before and after surgery, while pain was assessed using a verbal rating scale. The patient's degree of comfort in relation to the PEMF devices was analyzed by questionnaire using a numerical rating scale. No statistically significant difference was observed between the test and control sides for swelling or pain (P>0.05). Most of the patients did not present swelling or pain at 48h after surgery, regardless of whether the PEMF device was activated or not. Various outcomes were found in the comfort evaluation. Within the limitations of this study, PEMF does not reduce postoperative swelling or pain after implant surgery.
Bevilacqua M, Fanti G, D'Arienzo M, De Caro R. Comments to the paper "do we really need new medical information about the Turin Shroud?". Injury 2015; 46:2074-8. [PMID: 26105133 DOI: 10.1016/j.injury.2015.03.009] [Citation(s) in RCA: 1] [Impact Index Per Article: 0.1] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Submit a Manuscript] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 02/11/2015] [Accepted: 03/05/2015] [Indexed: 02/02/2023]
Following the interesting arguments raised in a recent letter to the editor, about a paper recently published in this journal, the authors are happy to take a cue from them to clarify some facts that have not been sufficiently treated for space. After a description of the methods used, arguments regarding a blunt trauma on the right shoulder with consequent dislocation, the position of the hands on the pubis with brachial plexus injury, and the wrist nailing that caused retracted thumbs are discussed in detail.
Bocchi L, Evangelisti A, Barrella M, Bevilacqua M. Shape analysis of the microcirculatory flow wave. Physiol Meas 2015; 36:2147-58. [PMID: 26333986 DOI: 10.1088/0967-3334/36/10/2147] [Citation(s) in RCA: 3] [Impact Index Per Article: 0.3] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 11/11/2022]
The cardiovascular system and its alterations are a crucial aspect of physiology and medicine. Non-invasive assessment of the functional properties of circulation is of considerable interest to clinicians and physiologists. In this work we investigate the possibility of detecting alterations of the flow waveform in microcirculation, using non-invasive measurements based on a laser Doppler flowmeter. As a test case, we focus on the effect of ageing. Skin is warmed up to a fixed temperature (44 °C) during measurement, to increase blood flow. The shape of the perfusion waveform during each heart beat after the flow was stabilized was used to estimate dynamic parameters of the microcirculatory system. Both the wave rise time, defined as the delay between the diastolic minimum and the following systolic maximum, and the oscillation fraction, defined as the normalized difference between the maximum and minimum flow, present significant variation with age.
Gowen A, Marini F, Tsuchisaka Y, De Luca S, Bevilacqua M, O’Donnell C, Downey G, Tsenkova R. On the feasibility of near infrared spectroscopy to detect contaminants in water using single salt solutions as model systems. Talanta 2015; 131:609-18. [DOI: 10.1016/j.talanta.2014.08.049] [Citation(s) in RCA: 28] [Impact Index Per Article: 3.1] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 05/08/2014] [Revised: 08/13/2014] [Accepted: 08/18/2014] [Indexed: 10/24/2022]
Bevilacqua M, Ciarapica F, Crosta A, Mazzuto G, Paciarotti C. Implementation of a RFID system in a furniture industry involved in the fashion sector: A case study. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RF TECHNOLOGIES 2015. [DOI: 10.3233/rft-140062] [Citation(s) in RCA: 2] [Impact Index Per Article: 0.2] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Track Full Text] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 11/15/2022]
Bevilacqua M, Fanti G, D'Arienzo M, De Caro R. Do we really need new medical information about the Turin Shroud? Injury 2014; 45:460-4. [PMID: 24135252 DOI: 10.1016/j.injury.2013.09.013] [Citation(s) in RCA: 12] [Impact Index Per Article: 1.2] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Key Words] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Submit a Manuscript] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Accepted: 09/17/2013] [Indexed: 02/02/2023]
Image processing of the Turin Shroud (TS) shows that the Man represented in it has undergone an under glenoidal dislocation of the humerus on the right side and lowering of the shoulder, and has a flattened hand and enophthalmos; conditions that have not been described before, despite several studies on the subject. These injuries indicate that the Man suffered a violent blunt trauma to the neck, chest and shoulder from behind, causing neuromuscular damage and lesions of the entire brachial plexus. The posture of the left claw-hand is indicative of an injury of the lower brachial plexus, as is the crossing of the hands on the pubis, not above the pubis as it would normally be, and are related to traction of the limbs as a result of the nailing to the patibulum. The disappearance of the thumbprints is because of entrainment of the flexor pollicis longus tendons while the nails were driven through the wrists. The blunt chest trauma, which resulted in the body falling forwards, was the direct cause of a lung contusion and haemothorax, confirmed by the post-mortem leakage of clots and serum from the chest caused by the stabbing with the spear, and was a likely cause of cardiac contusion. All the evidence is in favour of the hypothesis that the TS Man is Jesus of Nazareth.
Menini M, Bevilacqua M, Pera F, Bini S, Tealdo T, Pera P. Different framework materials for implant-supported prostheses: 3D finite element analysis. Dent Mater 2014. [DOI: 10.1016/j.dental.2014.08.036] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 10/24/2022]
Comodi G, Bevilacqua M, Caresana F, Pelagalli L, Venella P, Paciarotti C. LCA Analysis of Renewable Domestic Hot Water Systems with Unglazed and Glazed Solar Thermal Panels. ACTA ACUST UNITED AC 2014. [DOI: 10.1016/j.egypro.2014.11.1096] [Citation(s) in RCA: 21] [Impact Index Per Article: 2.1] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 11/28/2022]
Bandini A, Orlandi S, Manfredi C, Evangelisti A, Barrella M, Bevilacqua M, Bocchi L. Effect of local blood flow in thermal regulation in diabetic patient. Microvasc Res 2013; 88:42-7. [DOI: 10.1016/j.mvr.2013.03.005] [Citation(s) in RCA: 5] [Impact Index Per Article: 0.5] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 09/28/2012] [Revised: 02/04/2013] [Accepted: 03/17/2013] [Indexed: 01/25/2023]
Certan D, Righini V, Oliva M, Fioravanti P, Bevilacqua M. Bioavailability of l-thyroxine and its metabolites after topical treatment with an emulsion containing 0.1% micronised l-thyroxine. GIORN ITAL DERMAT V 2013; 148:287-292. [PMID: 23670065] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [MESH Headings] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 06/02/2023]
AIM Aim of the study was to assess systemic effects of a cycle of treatment with a topical formulation of l-T4 and escin (Somatoline®) in healthy women based on changes in bioavailability of FT4, FT3, rT3, and TSH. METHODS This study enrolled 20 healthy adult women with body mass index <30, not exposed to iodine-containing products. The study called for 28 consecutive days of treatment with Somatoline® followed by a 14-day follow-up period. Blood samples for FT4, FT3 and TSH levels were drawn at baseline, 5 and 24 hours after the first application and thereafter on days 14, 28 and 42. Levels of rT3 were measured during the first 24 hours postapplication. RESULTS Subject mean age was 40.1±8.0 years and BMI from 19.1 to 29.8. Levels of FT4 always remained within normal range and did not change in a clinically relevant way from baseline (11±1.2 pg/dL), with maximum mean change from pretreatment values of 0.4 pg/mL (P=0.87). Likewise, FT3 and TSH levels did not change significantly from baseline (3±0.4 pg/dL and 1.8 ±0.9 µU/mL, respectively). Levels of rT3 behaved in a similar way, with modest changes from baseline (P=0.29). Local tolerability was defined "excellent" for 19 out of 20 women (95%) and "moderate" in one subject who experienced the onset of folliculitis, for which causal correlation with the treatment was considered "possible". CONCLUSION Used at the posology foreseen for the marketed formulation, Somatoline® does not affect plasma levels of FT4, FT3, rT3 and TSH, either in the short term or after 28 days.