Evans RA, Leavy OC, Richardson M, Elneima O, McAuley HJC, Shikotra A, Singapuri A, Sereno M, Saunders RM, Harris VC, Houchen-Wolloff L, Aul R, Beirne P, Bolton CE, Brown JS, Choudhury G, Diar-Bakerly N, Easom N, Echevarria C, Fuld J, Hart N, Hurst J, Jones MG, Parekh D, Pfeffer P, Rahman NM, Rowland-Jones SL, Shah AM, Wootton DG, Chalder T, Davies MJ, De Soyza A, Geddes JR, Greenhalf W, Greening NJ, Heaney LG, Heller S, Howard LS, Jacob J, Jenkins RG, Lord JM, Man WDC, McCann GP, Neubauer S, Openshaw PJM, Porter JC, Rowland MJ, Scott JT, Semple MG, Singh SJ, Thomas DC, Toshner M, Lewis KE, Thwaites RS, Briggs A, Docherty AB, Kerr S, Lone NI, Quint J, Sheikh A, Thorpe M, Zheng B, Chalmers JD, Ho LP, Horsley A, Marks M, Poinasamy K, Raman B, Harrison EM, Wain LV, Brightling CE, Abel K, Adamali H, Adeloye D, Adeyemi O, Adrego R, Aguilar Jimenez LA, Ahmad S, Ahmad Haider N, Ahmed R, Ahwireng N, Ainsworth M, Al-Sheklly B, Alamoudi A, Ali M, Aljaroof M, All AM, Allan L, Allen RJ, Allerton L, Allsop L, Almeida P, Altmann D, Alvarez Corral M, Amoils S, Anderson D, Antoniades C, Arbane G, Arias A, Armour C, Armstrong L, Armstrong N, Arnold D, Arnold H, Ashish A, Ashworth A, Ashworth M, Aslani S, Assefa-Kebede H, Atkin C, Atkin P, Aung H, Austin L, Avram C, Ayoub A, Babores M, Baggott R, Bagshaw J, Baguley D, Bailey L, Baillie JK, Bain S, Bakali M, Bakau M, Baldry E, Baldwin D, Ballard C, Banerjee A, Bang B, Barker RE, Barman L, Barratt S, Barrett F, Basire D, Basu N, Bates M, Bates A, Batterham R, Baxendale H, Bayes H, Beadsworth M, Beckett P, Beggs M, Begum M, Bell D, Bell R, Bennett K, Beranova E, Bermperi A, Berridge A, Berry C, Betts S, Bevan E, Bhui K, Bingham M, Birchall K, Bishop L, Bisnauthsing K, Blaikely J, Bloss A, Bolger A, Bonnington J, Botkai A, Bourne C, Bourne M, Bramham K, Brear L, Breen G, Breeze J, Bright E, Brill S, Brindle K, Broad L, Broadley A, Brookes C, Broome M, Brown A, Brown A, Brown J, Brown J, Brown M, Brown M, Brown V, Brugha T, Brunskill N, Buch M, Buckley P, Bularga A, Bullmore E, Burden L, Burdett T, Burn D, Burns G, Burns A, Busby J, Butcher R, Butt A, Byrne S, Cairns P, Calder PC, Calvelo E, Carborn H, Card B, Carr C, Carr L, Carson G, Carter P, Casey A, Cassar M, Cavanagh J, Chablani M, Chambers RC, Chan F, Channon KM, Chapman K, Charalambou A, Chaudhuri N, Checkley A, Chen J, Cheng Y, Chetham L, Childs C, Chilvers ER, Chinoy H, Chiribiri A, Chong-James K, Choudhury N, Chowienczyk P, Christie C, Chrystal M, Clark D, Clark C, Clarke J, Clohisey S, Coakley G, Coburn Z, Coetzee S, Cole J, Coleman C, Conneh F, Connell D, Connolly B, Connor L, Cook A, Cooper B, Cooper J, Cooper S, Copeland D, Cosier T, Coulding M, Coupland C, Cox E, Craig T, Crisp P, Cristiano D, Crooks MG, Cross A, Cruz I, Cullinan P, Cuthbertson D, Daines L, Dalton M, Daly P, Daniels A, Dark P, Dasgin J, David A, David C, Davies E, Davies F, Davies G, Davies GA, Davies K, Dawson J, Daynes E, Deakin B, Deans A, Deas C, Deery J, Defres S, Dell A, Dempsey K, Denneny E, Dennis J, Dewar A, Dharmagunawardena R, Dickens C, Dipper A, Diver S, Diwanji SN, Dixon M, Djukanovic R, Dobson H, Dobson SL, Donaldson A, Dong T, Dormand N, Dougherty A, Dowling R, Drain S, Draxlbauer K, Drury K, Dulawan P, Dunleavy A, Dunn S, Earley J, Edwards S, Edwardson C, El-Taweel H, Elliott A, Elliott K, Ellis Y, Elmer A, Evans D, Evans H, Evans J, Evans R, Evans RI, Evans T, Evenden C, Evison L, Fabbri L, Fairbairn S, Fairman A, Fallon K, Faluyi D, Favager C, Fayzan T, Featherstone J, Felton T, Finch J, Finney S, Finnigan J, Finnigan L, Fisher H, Fletcher S, Flockton R, Flynn M, Foot H, Foote D, Ford A, Forton D, Fraile E, Francis C, Francis R, Francis S, Frankel A, Fraser E, Free R, French N, Fu X, Furniss J, Garner L, Gautam N, George J, George P, Gibbons M, Gill M, Gilmour L, Gleeson F, Glossop J, Glover S, Goodman N, Goodwin C, Gooptu B, Gordon H, Gorsuch T, Greatorex M, Greenhaff PL, Greenhalgh A, Greenwood J, Gregory H, Gregory R, Grieve D, Griffin D, Griffiths L, Guerdette AM, Guillen Guio B, Gummadi M, Gupta A, Gurram S, Guthrie E, Guy Z, H Henson H, Hadley K, Haggar A, Hainey K, Hairsine B, Haldar P, Hall I, Hall L, Halling-Brown M, Hamil R, Hancock A, Hancock K, Hanley NA, Haq S, Hardwick HE, Hardy E, Hardy T, Hargadon B, Harrington K, Harris E, Harrison P, Harvey A, Harvey M, Harvie M, Haslam L, Havinden-Williams M, Hawkes J, Hawkings N, Haworth J, Hayday A, Haynes M, Hazeldine J, Hazelton T, Heeley C, Heeney JL, Heightman M, Henderson M, Hesselden L, Hewitt M, Highett V, Hillman T, Hiwot T, Hoare A, Hoare M, Hockridge J, Hogarth P, Holbourn A, Holden S, Holdsworth L, Holgate D, Holland M, Holloway L, Holmes K, Holmes M, Holroyd-Hind B, Holt L, Hormis A, Hosseini A, Hotopf M, Howard K, Howell A, Hufton E, Hughes AD, Hughes J, Hughes R, Humphries A, Huneke N, Hurditch E, Husain M, Hussell T, Hutchinson J, Ibrahim W, Ilyas F, Ingham J, Ingram L, Ionita D, Isaacs K, Ismail K, Jackson T, James WY, Jarman C, Jarrold I, Jarvis H, Jastrub R, Jayaraman B, Jezzard P, Jiwa K, Johnson C, Johnson S, Johnston D, Jolley CJ, Jones D, Jones G, Jones H, Jones H, Jones I, Jones L, Jones S, Jose S, Kabir T, Kaltsakas G, Kamwa V, Kanellakis N, Kaprowska S, Kausar Z, Keenan N, Kelly S, Kemp G, Kerslake H, Key AL, Khan F, Khunti K, Kilroy S, King B, King C, Kingham L, Kirk J, Kitterick P, Klenerman P, Knibbs L, Knight S, Knighton A, Kon O, Kon S, Kon SS, Koprowska S, Korszun A, Koychev I, Kurasz C, Kurupati P, Laing C, Lamlum H, Landers G, Langenberg C, Lasserson D, Lavelle-Langham L, Lawrie A, Lawson C, Lawson C, Layton A, Lea A, Lee D, Lee JH, Lee E, Leitch K, Lenagh R, Lewis D, Lewis J, Lewis V, Lewis-Burke N, Li X, Light T, Lightstone L, Lilaonitkul W, Lim L, Linford S, Lingford-Hughes A, Lipman M, Liyanage K, Lloyd A, Logan S, Lomas D, Loosley R, Lota H, Lovegrove W, Lucey A, Lukaschuk E, Lye A, Lynch C, MacDonald S, MacGowan G, Macharia I, Mackie J, Macliver L, Madathil S, Madzamba G, Magee N, Magtoto MM, Mairs N, Majeed N, Major E, Malein F, Malim M, Mallison G, Mandal S, Mangion K, Manisty C, Manley R, March K, Marciniak S, Marino P, Mariveles M, Marouzet E, Marsh S, Marshall B, Marshall M, Martin J, Martineau A, Martinez LM, Maskell N, Matila D, Matimba-Mupaya W, Matthews L, Mbuyisa A, McAdoo S, Weir McCall J, McAllister-Williams H, McArdle A, McArdle P, McAulay D, McCormick J, McCormick W, McCourt P, McGarvey L, McGee C, Mcgee K, McGinness J, McGlynn K, McGovern A, McGuinness H, McInnes IB, McIntosh J, McIvor E, McIvor K, McLeavey L, McMahon A, McMahon MJ, McMorrow L, Mcnally T, McNarry M, McNeill J, McQueen A, McShane H, Mears C, Megson C, Megson S, Mehta P, Meiring J, Melling L, Mencias M, Menzies D, Merida Morillas M, Michael A, Milligan L, Miller C, Mills C, Mills NL, Milner L, Misra S, Mitchell J, Mohamed A, Mohamed N, Mohammed S, Molyneaux PL, Monteiro W, Moriera S, Morley A, Morrison L, Morriss R, Morrow A, Moss AJ, Moss P, Motohashi K, Msimanga N, Mukaetova-Ladinska E, Munawar U, Murira J, Nanda U, Nassa H, Nasseri M, Neal A, Needham R, Neill P, Newell H, Newman T, Newton-Cox A, Nicholson T, Nicoll D, Nolan CM, Noonan MJ, Norman C, Novotny P, Nunag J, Nwafor L, Nwanguma U, Nyaboko J, O'Donnell K, O'Brien C, O'Brien L, O'Regan D, Odell N, Ogg G, Olaosebikan O, Oliver C, Omar Z, Orriss-Dib L, Osborne L, Osbourne R, Ostermann M, Overton C, Owen J, Oxton J, Pack J, Pacpaco E, Paddick S, Painter S, Pakzad A, Palmer S, Papineni P, Paques K, Paradowski K, Pareek M, Parfrey H, Pariante C, Parker S, Parkes M, Parmar J, Patale S, Patel B, Patel M, Patel S, Pattenadk D, Pavlides M, Payne S, Pearce L, Pearl JE, Peckham D, Pendlebury J, Peng Y, Pennington C, Peralta I, Perkins E, Peterkin Z, Peto T, Petousi N, Petrie J, Phipps J, Pimm J, Piper Hanley K, Pius R, Plant H, Plein S, Plekhanova T, Plowright M, Polgar O, Poll L, Porter J, Portukhay S, Powell N, Prabhu A, Pratt J, Price A, Price C, Price C, Price D, Price L, Price L, Prickett A, Propescu J, Pugmire S, Quaid S, Quigley J, Qureshi H, Qureshi IN, Radhakrishnan K, Ralser M, Ramos A, Ramos H, Rangeley J, Rangelov B, Ratcliffe L, Ravencroft P, Reddington A, Reddy R, Redfearn H, Redwood D, Reed A, Rees M, Rees T, Regan K, Reynolds W, Ribeiro C, Richards A, Richardson E, Rivera-Ortega P, Roberts K, Robertson E, Robinson E, Robinson L, Roche L, Roddis C, Rodger J, Ross A, Ross G, Rossdale J, Rostron A, Rowe A, Rowland A, Rowland J, Roy K, Roy M, Rudan I, Russell R, Russell E, Saalmink G, Sabit R, Sage EK, Samakomva T, Samani N, Sampson C, Samuel K, Samuel R, Sanderson A, Sapey E, Saralaya D, Sargant J, Sarginson C, Sass T, Sattar N, Saunders K, Saunders P, Saunders LC, Savill H, Saxon W, Sayer A, Schronce J, Schwaeble W, Scott K, Selby N, Sewell TA, Shah K, Shah P, Shankar-Hari M, Sharma M, Sharpe C, Sharpe M, Shashaa S, Shaw A, Shaw K, Shaw V, Shelton S, Shenton L, Shevket K, Short J, Siddique S, Siddiqui S, Sidebottom J, Sigfrid L, Simons G, Simpson J, Simpson N, Singh C, Singh S, Sissons D, Skeemer J, Slack K, Smith A, Smith D, Smith S, Smith J, Smith L, Soares M, Solano TS, Solly R, Solstice AR, Soulsby T, Southern D, Sowter D, Spears M, Spencer LG, Speranza F, Stadon L, Stanel S, Steele N, Steiner M, Stensel D, Stephens G, Stephenson L, Stern M, Stewart I, Stimpson R, Stockdale S, Stockley J, Stoker W, Stone R, Storrar W, Storrie A, Storton K, Stringer E, Strong-Sheldrake S, Stroud N, Subbe C, Sudlow CL, Suleiman Z, Summers C, Summersgill C, Sutherland D, Sykes DL, Sykes R, Talbot N, Tan AL, Tarusan L, Tavoukjian V, Taylor A, Taylor C, Taylor J, Te A, Tedd H, Tee CJ, Teixeira J, Tench H, Terry S, Thackray-Nocera S, Thaivalappil F, Thamu B, Thickett D, Thomas C, Thomas S, Thomas AK, Thomas-Woods T, Thompson T, Thompson AAR, Thornton T, Tilley J, Tinker N, Tiongson GF, Tobin M, Tomlinson J, Tong C, Touyz R, Tripp KA, Tunnicliffe E, Turnbull A, Turner E, Turner S, Turner V, Turner K, Turney S, Turtle L, Turton H, Ugoji J, Ugwuoke R, Upthegrove R, Valabhji J, Ventura M, Vere J, Vickers C, Vinson B, Wade E, Wade P, Wainwright T, Wajero LO, Walder S, Walker S, Walker S, Wall E, Wallis T, Walmsley S, Walsh JA, Walsh S, Warburton L, Ward TJC, Warwick K, Wassall H, Waterson S, Watson E, Watson L, Watson J, Welch C, Welch H, Welsh B, Wessely S, West S, Weston H, Wheeler H, White S, Whitehead V, Whitney J, Whittaker S, Whittam B, Whitworth V, Wight A, Wild J, Wilkins M, Wilkinson D, Williams N, Williams N, Williams J, Williams-Howard SA, Willicombe M, Willis G, Willoughby J, Wilson A, Wilson D, Wilson I, Window N, Witham M, Wolf-Roberts R, Wood C, Woodhead F, Woods J, Wormleighton J, Worsley J, Wraith D, Wrey Brown C, Wright C, Wright L, Wright S, Wyles J, Wynter I, Xu M, Yasmin N, Yasmin S, Yates T, Yip KP, Young B, Young S, Young A, Yousuf AJ, Zawia A, Zeidan L, Zhao B, Zongo O. Clinical characteristics with inflammation profiling of long COVID and association with 1-year recovery following hospitalisation in the UK: a prospective observational study. THE LANCET. RESPIRATORY MEDICINE 2022; 10:761-775. [PMID: 35472304 PMCID: PMC9034855 DOI: 10.1016/s2213-2600(22)00127-8] [Citation(s) in RCA: 187] [Impact Index Per Article: 93.5] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [MESH Headings] [Grants] [Track Full Text] [Download PDF] [Figures] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 01/04/2022] [Revised: 03/23/2022] [Accepted: 03/31/2022] [Indexed: 11/25/2022]
BACKGROUND No effective pharmacological or non-pharmacological interventions exist for patients with long COVID. We aimed to describe recovery 1 year after hospital discharge for COVID-19, identify factors associated with patient-perceived recovery, and identify potential therapeutic targets by describing the underlying inflammatory profiles of the previously described recovery clusters at 5 months after hospital discharge. METHODS The Post-hospitalisation COVID-19 study (PHOSP-COVID) is a prospective, longitudinal cohort study recruiting adults (aged ≥18 years) discharged from hospital with COVID-19 across the UK. Recovery was assessed using patient-reported outcome measures, physical performance, and organ function at 5 months and 1 year after hospital discharge, and stratified by both patient-perceived recovery and recovery cluster. Hierarchical logistic regression modelling was performed for patient-perceived recovery at 1 year. Cluster analysis was done using the clustering large applications k-medoids approach using clinical outcomes at 5 months. Inflammatory protein profiling was analysed from plasma at the 5-month visit. This study is registered on the ISRCTN Registry, ISRCTN10980107, and recruitment is ongoing. FINDINGS 2320 participants discharged from hospital between March 7, 2020, and April 18, 2021, were assessed at 5 months after discharge and 807 (32·7%) participants completed both the 5-month and 1-year visits. 279 (35·6%) of these 807 patients were women and 505 (64·4%) were men, with a mean age of 58·7 (SD 12·5) years, and 224 (27·8%) had received invasive mechanical ventilation (WHO class 7-9). The proportion of patients reporting full recovery was unchanged between 5 months (501 [25·5%] of 1965) and 1 year (232 [28·9%] of 804). Factors associated with being less likely to report full recovery at 1 year were female sex (odds ratio 0·68 [95% CI 0·46-0·99]), obesity (0·50 [0·34-0·74]) and invasive mechanical ventilation (0·42 [0·23-0·76]). Cluster analysis (n=1636) corroborated the previously reported four clusters: very severe, severe, moderate with cognitive impairment, and mild, relating to the severity of physical health, mental health, and cognitive impairment at 5 months. We found increased inflammatory mediators of tissue damage and repair in both the very severe and the moderate with cognitive impairment clusters compared with the mild cluster, including IL-6 concentration, which was increased in both comparisons (n=626 participants). We found a substantial deficit in median EQ-5D-5L utility index from before COVID-19 (retrospective assessment; 0·88 [IQR 0·74-1·00]), at 5 months (0·74 [0·64-0·88]) to 1 year (0·75 [0·62-0·88]), with minimal improvements across all outcome measures at 1 year after discharge in the whole cohort and within each of the four clusters. INTERPRETATION The sequelae of a hospital admission with COVID-19 were substantial 1 year after discharge across a range of health domains, with the minority in our cohort feeling fully recovered. Patient-perceived health-related quality of life was reduced at 1 year compared with before hospital admission. Systematic inflammation and obesity are potential treatable traits that warrant further investigation in clinical trials. FUNDING UK Research and Innovation and National Institute for Health Research.
An FP, Bai WD, Balantekin AB, Bishai M, Blyth S, Cao GF, Cao J, Chang JF, Chang Y, Chen HS, Chen HY, Chen SM, Chen Y, Chen YX, Cheng J, Cheng ZK, Cherwinka JJ, Chu MC, Cummings JP, Dalager O, Deng FS, Ding YY, Diwan MV, Dohnal T, Dolzhikov D, Dove J, Dwyer DA, Gallo JP, Gonchar M, Gong GH, Gong H, Gu WQ, Guo JY, Guo L, Guo XH, Guo YH, Guo Z, Hackenburg RW, Hans S, He M, Heeger KM, Heng YK, Hor YK, Hsiung YB, Hu BZ, Hu JR, Hu T, Hu ZJ, Huang HX, Huang JH, Huang XT, Huang YB, Huber P, Jaffe DE, Jen KL, Ji XL, Ji XP, Johnson RA, Jones D, Kang L, Kettell SH, Kohn S, Kramer M, Langford TJ, Lee J, Lee JHC, Lei RT, Leitner R, Leung JKC, Li F, Li HL, Li JJ, Li QJ, Li RH, Li S, Li SC, Li WD, Li XN, Li XQ, Li YF, Li ZB, Liang H, Lin CJ, Lin GL, Lin S, Ling JJ, Link JM, Littenberg L, Littlejohn BR, Liu JC, Liu JL, Liu JX, Lu C, Lu HQ, Luk KB, Ma BZ, Ma XB, Ma XY, Ma YQ, Mandujano RC, Marshall C, McDonald KT, McKeown RD, Meng Y, Napolitano J, Naumov D, Naumova E, Nguyen TMT, Ochoa-Ricoux JP, Olshevskiy A, Pan HR, Park J, Patton S, Peng JC, Pun CSJ, Qi FZ, Qi M, Qian X, Raper N, Ren J, Morales Reveco C, Rosero R, Roskovec B, Ruan XC, Steiner H, Sun JL, Tmej T, Treskov K, Tse WH, Tull CE, Viren B, Vorobel V, Wang CH, Wang J, Wang M, Wang NY, Wang RG, Wang W, Wang X, Wang Y, Wang YF, Wang Z, Wang Z, Wang ZM, Wei HY, Wei LH, Wen LJ, Whisnant K, White CG, Wong HLH, Worcester E, Wu DR, Wu Q, Wu WJ, Xia DM, Xie ZQ, Xing ZZ, Xu HK, Xu JL, Xu T, Xue T, Yang CG, Yang L, Yang YZ, Yao HF, Ye M, Yeh M, Young BL, Yu HZ, Yu ZY, Yue BB, Zavadskyi V, Zeng S, Zeng Y, Zhan L, Zhang C, Zhang FY, Zhang HH, Zhang JL, Zhang JW, Zhang QM, Zhang SQ, Zhang XT, Zhang YM, Zhang YX, Zhang YY, Zhang ZJ, Zhang ZP, Zhang ZY, Zhao J, Zhao RZ, Zhou L, Zhuang HL, Zou JH. First Measurement of High-Energy Reactor Antineutrinos at Daya Bay. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2022; 129:041801. [PMID: 35939015 DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.129.041801] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 03/17/2022] [Revised: 06/05/2022] [Accepted: 06/28/2022] [Indexed: 06/15/2023]
This Letter reports the first measurement of high-energy reactor antineutrinos at Daya Bay, with nearly 9000 inverse beta decay candidates in the prompt energy region of 8-12 MeV observed over 1958 days of data collection. A multivariate analysis is used to separate 2500 signal events from background statistically. The hypothesis of no reactor antineutrinos with neutrino energy above 10 MeV is rejected with a significance of 6.2 standard deviations. A 29% antineutrino flux deficit in the prompt energy region of 8-11 MeV is observed compared to a recent model prediction. We provide the unfolded antineutrino spectrum above 7 MeV as a data-based reference for other experiments. This result provides the first direct observation of the production of antineutrinos from several high-Q_{β} isotopes in commercial reactors.
Lloyd CEM, Johnes PJ, Pemberton JA, Yates CA, Jones D, Evershed RP. Sampling, storage and laboratory approaches for dissolved organic matter characterisation in freshwaters: Moving from nutrient fraction to molecular-scale characterisation. THE SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT 2022; 827:154105. [PMID: 35219656 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.154105] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Key Words] [MESH Headings] [Track Full Text] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 12/23/2021] [Revised: 02/18/2022] [Accepted: 02/19/2022] [Indexed: 06/14/2023]
Recent research has highlighted the importance of dissolved organic matter (DOM) for ecosystem function and because of this paradigm shift, it has become crucial to not only quantify its contribution to river nutrient loads but also to characterise its composition. There has been a significant research effort utilising optical methods, such as fluorescence and UV-Vis spectrophotometry, in order to start exploring DOM character. However, these methods still lack the granularity to understand the chemical composition at the molecular level, which is vital to properly understanding its functional role in freshwater ecosystems. As a direct result, there has been a shift towards including molecular-scale analyses to investigate the in-stream processing of the material. Alongside this, recent methodological advancements, particularly in mass spectrometry are opening new opportunities for probing one of the most complex environmental mixtures. However, in order to fully exploit these opportunities, it is key that the way that samples are collected, processed and stored is considered carefully such that sample integrity is maintained. There are additional challenges when collecting water samples for analysis at molecular scale, for example the ultra-low concentrations of individual compounds within DOM means that the samples are sensitive to contamination. This paper discusses current sample collection, processing and storage protocols for this C, N and P quantification and characterisation in freshwaters, and proposes a new standardised protocol suitable for both nutrient fraction quantification and molecular scale analyses, based on method development and testing undertaken in our UK Natural Environment Research Council large grant programme, characterising the nature, origins and ecological significance of Dissolved Organic Matter IN freshwater Ecosystems (DOMAINE).
Boerner T, Tin A, Vickers A, Harrington C, Janjigian Y, Ilson D, Wu A, Bott M, Isbell J, Park B, Sihag S, Jones D, Downey R, Shahrokni A, Molena D. SO-6 Novel frailty index predicts short-term outcomes after esophagectomy in elderly patients with esophageal cancer. Ann Oncol 2022. [DOI: 10.1016/j.annonc.2022.04.405] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 11/01/2022] Open
Corona‐Avila I, Lee J, Hernandez A, Krull N, Augustinovic M, Jones D, Ndekwe T, Murphy BT. Isolation and Characterization of Antimicrobials from Icelandic Aquatic Bacteria. FASEB J 2022. [DOI: 10.1096/fasebj.2022.36.s1.0r442] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 11/11/2022]
Jones D, Nicholls L, Kajekar P, Zidan M. P.108 A survey of healthcare professionals’ understanding of the obstetric failed intubation guidelines. Int J Obstet Anesth 2022. [DOI: 10.1016/j.ijoa.2022.103404] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Submit a Manuscript] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 10/18/2022]
Hurley C, ALNafisee D, Jones D, Kelly J, Regan P, Hussey A, McInerney N. Head and Neck Merkel Cell Carcinoma: A 12-Year Single Institutional Experience. JPRAS Open 2022; 33:161-170. [PMID: 36046256 PMCID: PMC9421084 DOI: 10.1016/j.jpra.2022.05.005] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Download PDF] [Figures] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 01/23/2022] [Accepted: 05/06/2022] [Indexed: 11/29/2022] Open
Background Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC) is an aggressive malignancy of presumed neuroendocrine origin. Most case series of MCC are limited by low case numbers and are not specific to head and neck tumours. The purpose of this study was to provide a focused review of head and neck MCC diagnosis and management in a single Irish institution. Methods Patient's demographics, tumour characteristics, pathological diagnosis, surgical treatment, adjuvant treatment, subsequent management and clinical course were collected. Estimates of progression-free MCC survival rates were calculated by the Kaplan–Meier statistical model. A Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient examined the association between surgical margins and disease-free follow-up. Results In total, 11 patients were treated for head and neck MCC with a mean age of 79.6 years (range = 69–91 years). The mean average follow-up duration of patients was 18.3 months. Of the cohort, 18% (n=2) had a sentinel node biopsy (SLNB). A selective neck dissection was subsequently performed in 18% (n=2). In total, 72% (n=8) of patients received adjuvant radiotherapy. Median disease-specific survival was 15 months for the SLNB group and 17 months for the non-SLNB group, not statistically significant (p=0.23). There was no significant association between surgical margins and disease-free follow (p=0.65). Conclusions Our case series adds to a limited body of evidence of head and neck MCC. Surgery remains the treatment priority in localized disease, with an increasing role of SLNB for accurate prognostication and staging. Early management of stage I disease results in moderate long-term disease-free survivability.
Pape S, Snijders RJALM, Gevers TJG, Chazouilleres O, Dalekos GN, Hirschfield GM, Lenzi M, Trauner M, Manns MP, Vierling JM, Montano-Loza AJ, Lohse AW, Schramm C, Drenth JPH, Heneghan MA, Alvarez F, Andrade R, Arikan C, Assis D, Bardou-Jacquet E, Biewenga M, Cancado E, Cazzagon N, Chazouillères O, Colloredo G, Cuarterolo M, Dalekos G, Debray D, Robles-Díaz M, Drenth J, Dyson J, Efe C, Engel B, Ferri S, Fontana R, Gatselis N, Gerussi A, Halilbasic E, Halliday N, Heneghan M, Hirschfield G, van Hoek B, Hørby Jørgensen M, Indolfini G, Iorio R, Jeong S, Jones D, Kelly D, Kerkar N, Lacaille F, Lammert C, Leggett B, Lenzi M, Levy C, Liberal R, Lleo A, Lohse A, Ines Lopez S, de Martin E, McLin V, Mieli-Vergani G, Milkiewicz P, Mohan N, Muratori L, Nebbia G, van Nieuwkerk C, Oo Y, Ortega A, Páres A, Pop T, Pratt D, Purnak T, Ranucci G, Rushbrook S, Schramm C, Stättermayer A, Swain M, Tanaka A, Taubert R, Terrabuio D, Terziroli B, Trauner M, Valentino P, van den Brand F, Villamil A, Wahlin S, Ytting H, Zachou K, Zeniya M. Systematic review of response criteria and endpoints in autoimmune hepatitis by the International Autoimmune Hepatitis Group. J Hepatol 2022; 76:841-849. [PMID: 35066089 DOI: 10.1016/j.jhep.2021.12.041] [Citation(s) in RCA: 64] [Impact Index Per Article: 32.0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Key Words] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Submit a Manuscript] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 04/09/2021] [Revised: 11/18/2021] [Accepted: 12/11/2021] [Indexed: 12/12/2022]
BACKGROUND & AIMS Autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) has been well characterised and codified through the development of diagnostic criteria. These criteria have been adapted and simplified and are widely used in clinical practice. However, there is a need to update and precisely define the criteria for both treatment response and treatment. METHODS A systematic review was performed and a modified Delphi consensus process was used to identify and redefine the response criteria in autoimmune hepatitis. RESULTS The consensus process initiated by the International Autoimmune Hepatitis Group proposes that the term 'complete biochemical response' defined as 'normalization of serum transaminases and IgG below the upper limit of normal' be adopted to include a time point at 6 months after initiation of treatment. An insufficient response by 6 months was a failure to meet the above definition. Non-response was defined as '<50% decrease of serum transaminases within 4 weeks after initiation of treatment'. Remission is defined as liver histology with a Hepatitis Activity Index <4/18. Intolerance to treatment was agreed to stand for 'any adverse event possibly related to treatment leading to potential drug discontinuation'. CONCLUSIONS These definitions provide a simple and reproducible framework to define treatment response and non-response, irrespective of the therapeutic intervention. A consensus on endpoints is urgently required to set a global standard for the reporting of study results and to enable inter-study comparisons. Future prospective database studies are needed to validate these endpoints. LAY SUMMARY Consensus among international experts on response criteria and endpoints in autoimmune hepatitis is lacking. A consensus on endpoints is urgently required to set a global standard for the reporting of study results and to enable the comparison of results between clinical trials. Therefore, the International Autoimmune Hepatitis Group (IAIHG) herein presents a statement on 5 agreed response criteria and endpoints: complete biochemical response, insufficient response, non-response, remission, and intolerance to treatment, which can be used to guide future reporting.
Jones D, Lowe V, Graff-Radford J, Botha H, Barnard L, Wiepert D, Murphy MC, Murray M, Senjem M, Gunter J, Wiste H, Boeve B, Knopman D, Petersen R, Jack C. A computational model of neurodegeneration in Alzheimer's disease. Nat Commun 2022; 13:1643. [PMID: 35347127 PMCID: PMC8960876 DOI: 10.1038/s41467-022-29047-4] [Citation(s) in RCA: 37] [Impact Index Per Article: 18.5] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Key Words] [MESH Headings] [Grants] [Track Full Text] [Download PDF] [Figures] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 10/21/2020] [Accepted: 02/17/2022] [Indexed: 12/25/2022] Open
Disruption of mental functions in Alzheimer's disease (AD) and related disorders is accompanied by selective degeneration of brain regions. These regions comprise large-scale ensembles of cells organized into systems for mental functioning, however the relationship between clinical symptoms of dementia, patterns of neurodegeneration, and functional systems is not clear. Here we present a model of the association between dementia symptoms and degenerative brain anatomy using F18-fluorodeoxyglucose PET and dimensionality reduction techniques in two cohorts of patients with AD. This reflected a simple information processing-based functional description of macroscale brain anatomy which we link to AD physiology, functional networks, and mental abilities. We further apply the model to normal aging and seven degenerative diseases of mental functions. We propose a global information processing model for mental functions that links neuroanatomy, cognitive neuroscience and clinical neurology.
Aldossari A, Sremanakova J, Sowerbutts AM, Jones D, Hann M, Burden ST. Do people change their eating habits after a diagnosis of cancer? A systematic review. J Hum Nutr Diet 2022; 36:566-579. [PMID: 35312110 DOI: 10.1111/jhn.13001] [Citation(s) in RCA: 5] [Impact Index Per Article: 2.5] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Key Words] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 07/28/2021] [Accepted: 02/07/2022] [Indexed: 11/28/2022]
INTRODUCTION People who live with and beyond cancer are thought to be motivated to change their diet. However, there is a lack of reviews conducted on what specific dietary changes people make and further evaluation may inform future interventional studies. Hence, we aim to summarise the evidence on dietary changes in observational studies before and after a cancer diagnosis. METHODS This systematic review followed the guidelines of Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis. Electronic searches were conducted in four databases to identify cohort and cross-sectional studies on dietary changes before and after a cancer diagnosis, excluding studies that evaluated an intervention. Quality assessment was undertaken, and meta-analyses were conducted where suitable. RESULTS We identified 14 studies with 16,443 participants diagnosed with cancer, age range 18-75 years. Dietary change was assessed <1-5 years before diagnosis and up to 12-years post-diagnosis. Meta-analyses showed that the standard mean difference (SMD) for energy (SMD-0.32, 95% CI -0.46 to -0.17) and carbohydrate consumption (SMD 0.20, 95% CI -0.27 to -0.14). Studies showed inconsistent findings for fat, protein, and fibre, most food groups, and supplement intake. A small decrease in red and processed meat consumption was consistently reported. CONCLUSION All studies reported some positive changes in dietary intake and supplement consumption after receiving a cancer diagnosis without any intervention. However, differences for food groups and nutrients were mainly small and not necessarily clinically meaningful. Evidence demonstrates that a cancer diagnosis alone is insufficient to motivate people to change their dietary intake, indicating that most people would benefit from a dietary intervention to facilitate change. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Hirschfield G, Berenguer M, Kremer AE, Jones D, Leroy V, Adekunle F, Carbone M. A209 EXPERT CONSENSUS CRITERIA AND PRACTICAL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR PBC CARE IN THE COVID-19 ERA AND BEYOND. J Can Assoc Gastroenterol 2022. [PMCID: PMC8859141 DOI: 10.1093/jcag/gwab049.208] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Download PDF] [Figures] [Journal Information] [Submit a Manuscript] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 11/18/2022] Open
Background Primary biliary cholangitis (PBC) is a chronic autoimmune cholestatic liver disease that can progress to liver fibrosis and cirrhosis, and requires timely diagnosis, optimal treatment, and risk stratification. Several guidelines for the management of PBC have been published, including the American Association for the Study of Liver Disease (AASLD) and European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL) Clinical Practice Guidelines, which include goals for standards of PBC care. However, recent audits have identified deficiencies in real-world PBC care. In addition, the global coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has generally reduced access to care, diminished healthcare resources and accelerated the use of remote patient management. There is therefore a need for simple, actionable guidance that physicians can implement in order to maintain standards of care in PBC in the new environment. Aims A working group of ten PBC specialists from Europe and Canada were convened by Intercept Pharmaceuticals in January 2020 with the aim of defining key criteria for the care of patients with PBC. Methods Following the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, based on these criteria, a smaller working group of six PBC specialists developed practical recommendations to assist physicians in maintaining standards of care and to guide remote management of patients. Results The working group defined five key criteria for care in PBC, encompassing PBC diagnosis, initiation of first line therapy with ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA), risk stratification on UDCA, symptom management, and initiation of 2L therapy. The group developed 21 practical recommendations for the management of patients with PBC in the COVID-19 environment including modality, frequency and timing of investigations and monitoring. (Figure 1). Conclusions The delivery of PBC care during the COVID-19 pandemic carries significant challenges. These consensus criteria and practical recommendations provide guidance for the management of PBC during the pandemic era and beyond. ![]()
Funding Agencies NoneIntercept Pharmaceutical
Mannas M, Jones D, Deng FM, Hoskoppal D, Melamed J, Orringer D, Taneja S. Stimulated raman histology allows for rapid pathologic examination of unprocessed, fresh prostate biopsies. Eur Urol 2022. [DOI: 10.1016/s0302-2838(22)00698-4] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 11/04/2022]
Baker C, El Hanandeh A, Jones D. Does wildlife crossing infrastructure work? A case study of three canopy-bridge designs and exclusion fencing from Moreton Bay Regional Council, Queensland. AUSTRALIAN MAMMALOGY 2022. [DOI: 10.1071/am21033] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Track Full Text] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 11/23/2022]
Johnson G, Vergis A, Unger B, Park J, Gillman L, Hickey K, Pace D, Azin A, Guidolin K, Lam-Tin-Cheung K, Chadi S, Quereshy F, Guidolin K, Catton J, Rubin B, Bell J, Marangos J, Heesters A, Stuart-McEwan T, Quereshy F, Shariff F, Wright F, Ahmed N, Nadler A, Hallet J, Gentles J, Chen L, Hwang H, Parapini M, Hirpara D, Sidhu R, Scott T, Karimuddin A, Guo R, Nguyen A, Osborn J, Wiseman S, Nabata K, Ertel E, Hwang H, Lenet T, Baker L, Park L, Vered M, Zahrai A, Shorr R, Davis A, McIsaac D, Tinmouth A, Fergusson D, Martel G, Nabata K, Rummel S, Stefic-Cubic M, Karimuddin A, Stewart M, Melck A, McKechnie T, Anpalagan T, Ichhpuniani S, Lee Y, Ramji K, Eskicioglu C, Zhu A, Deng S, Greene B, Tsang M, Palter V, Jayaraman S, McKechnie T, Mann A, Tittley J, Cadeddu M, Nguyen M, Madani A, Pasternak J, McKechnie T, Ramji K, Hong D, Qu L, Istl A, Tang E, Gray D, Zuckerman J, Coburn N, Callum J, McLeod R, Pearsall E, Lin Y, Turgeon A, Martel G, Hallet J, Mahar A, Kammili A, Kriviraltcheva-Kaneva P, Lee L, Cools-Lartigue J, Ferri L, Mueller C, Zuckerman J, Haas B, Tillman B, Guttman M, Chesney T, Zuk V, Mahar A, Hsu A, Chan W, Vasdev R, Coburn N, Hallet J, D'Souza K, Huynh C, Ling LCJ, Warburton R, Hwang H, Hameed M, Glass L, Williamson H, Murphy P, Tang E, Leslie K, Hawel J, Kerr L, Zablotny S, Roldan H, He W, Jiang X, Zheng B, Lee L, Fiore J, Feldman L, Fried G, Mueller C, Valanci S, Balvardi S, Cipolla J, Kaneva P, Demyttenaere S, Boutros M, Lee L, Feldman L, Fiore J, Balvardi S, Alhashemi M, Cipolla J, Lee L, Fiore J, Feldman L, Miles A, Purich K, Verhoeff K, Shapiro J, Bigam D, Kung J, Fecso A, Chesney T, Mosko J, Skubleny D, Hamilton P, Ghosh S, Widder S, Schiller D, Do U, El Kefraoui C, Pook M, Barone N, Balvardi S, Montgomery H, Nguyen-Powanda P, Rajabiyazdi F, Elhaj H, Lapointe-Gagner M, Olleik G, Kaneva P, Antoun A, Safa N, Di Lena E, Meterissian S, Meguerditchian A, Fried G, Alhashemi M, Lee F, Baldini G, Feldman L, Fiore J, Serrano Aybar PE, Parpia S, Ruo L, Tywonek K, Lee S, O'Neill C, Faisal N, Alfayyadh A, Gundayao M, Meyers BM, Habashi R, Kruse C, McKechnie T, Levin M, Aldrich K, Grantcharov T, Langerman A, Forbes H, Anantha R, Fawcett V, Hetherington A, Pravong V, Gervais M, Rakovich G, Selvam R, Hu R, Musselman R, Raiche I, Moloo H, Liu R, Elnahas A, Alkhamesi N, Hawel J, Tang E, Alnumay A, Schlachta C, Walser E, Zhang C, Cristancho S, Ott M, Lee A, Niu B, Balaa F, Gawad N, Ren K, Qiu Y, Hamann K, How N, Leveille C, Davidson A, Eqbal A, Sardiwalla Y, Korostensky M, McKechnie T, Lee E, Yang I, Ren K, Muaddi H, Stukel T, de Mestral C, Nathens A, Karanicolas P, Frigault J, Lemieux S, Breton D, Bouchard P, Bouchard A, Grégoire R, Letarte F, Bouchard G, Drolet S, Frigault J, Avoine S, Drolet S, Letarte F, Bouchard A, Gagné J, Thibault C, Grégoire R, Jutras Bouthillette N, Gosselin M, Bouchard P, Rosenzveig A, Stuleanu T, Jarrar A, Kolozsvari N, Skelhorne-Gross G, Nenshi R, Jerath A, Gomez D, Singh K, Amir T, Liu E, Farquharson S, Mao R, Lan L, Yan J, Allard-Coutu A, Mierzwa A, Tin R, Brisebois R, Bradley N, Wigen R, Walser E, Hartford L, Van Koughnett J, Vogt K, Hilsden R, Parry N, Allen L, Leslie K, Raskin R, Jones J, Neumann K, Dwyer C, Strickland M, Bradley N, O'Dochartaigh D, Lobay K, Kabaroff A, Chang E, Widder S, Anantha R, Sun W, Beck J, Anantha R, Liu R, Davidson J, Jones S, Van Hooren T, Van Koughnett J, Ott M, Schmitz E, Raiche I, Sun W, El Hafid M, Dang J, Mocanu V, Lutzak G, Sultanian R, Wong C, Karmali S, Schmitz E, Petrera M, Pickell M, Auer R, Patro N, Li B, Lee Y, Wilson H, Mocanu V, Sun W, Dang J, Jogiat U, Kung J, Switzer N, Karmali S, Wong C, Li C, Al Hinai A, Cieply A, Hawes H, Joos E, Saleh A, Li C, Saleh A, Engels P, Drung J, Allen L, Leslie K, Pang G, Kwong M, Schlachta C, Alkhamesi N, Hawel J, Elnahas A, Guidolin K, Ellsmere J, Chadi S, Quereshy F, Chang D, Hutter M, Spence R, Abou Khalil M, Boutros M, Vasilevsky C, Morin N, Longtin Y, Liberman S, Demyttenaere S, Montpetit P, Poirier M, Mukherjee K, Sebajang H, Younan R, Schwenter F, De Broux E, Larsen K, Skelhorne-Gross G, Beckett A, Nantais J, Gomez D, Lan L, Mao R, Kay J, Lohre R, Ayeni O, Goel D, de Sa D, He R, Hylton D, Bedard E, Johnson S, Laing B, Valji A, Hanna W, Turner S, Akhtar-Danesh G, Akhtar-Danesh N, Shargall Y, Akhtar-Danesh G, Akhtar-Danesh N, Shargall Y, Hirpara D, Gupta V, Kidane B, Limbachia J, Sullivan K, Farrokhyar F, Leontiadis G, Patel Y, Churchill I, Hylton D, Xie F, Seely A, Spicer J, Kidane B, Turner S, Yasufuku K, Hanna W, Jogiat U, Sun W, Dang J, Mocanu V, Kung J, Karmali S, Turner S, Switzer N, Patel Y, Churchill I, Sullivan K, Beauchamp M, Wald J, Mbuagbaw L, Agzarian J, Shargall Y, Finley C, Fahim C, Hanna W, Abbas M, Olaiya O, Begum H, Mbuagbaw L, Finley C, Hanna W, Agzarian J, Shargall Y, Ednie A, Palma D, Warner A, Malthaner R, Fortin D, Qiabi M, Nayak R, Nguyen T, Louie A, Rodrigues G, Yaremko B, Laba J, Inculet R, Alaichi J, Patel Y, Hanna W, Turner S, Mador B, Lai H, White J, Kim M, Hirpara D, Kidane B, Louie A, Zuk V, Darling G, Rousseau M, Chesney T, Coburn N, Hallet J, Lee Y, Samarasinghe Y, Lee M, Thiru L, Shargall Y, Finley C, Hanna W, Levine O, Juergens R, Agzarian J, Nayak R, Brogly S, Li W, Lougheed D, Petsikas D, Mistry N, Gatti A, Churchill I, Patel Y, Hanna W, Abdul S, Anestee C, Gilbert S, Sundaresan S, Seely A, Villeneuve P, Maziak D, Razzak R, Ashrafi A, Tregobov N, Hassanzadeh N, Stone S, Panjwani A, Bong T, Bond R, Hafizi A, De Meo M, Rayes R, Milette S, Vagai M, Usatii M, Chandrasekaran A, Giannias B, Bourdeau F, Sangwan V, Bertos N, Moraes C, Huang S, Quail D, Walsh L, Camilleri-Broet S, Fiset P, Cools-Lartigue J, Ferri L, Spicer J, Kammili A, Bilgic E, Quaiattini A, Maurice-Ventouris M, Najmeh S, Mueller C, Esther L, Begum H, Agzarian J, Hanna W, Finley C, Shargall Y, Lee Y, Lu J, Malhan R, Shargall Y, Finley C, Hanna W, Agzarian J, Brophy S, Brennan K, French D, Resende V, Momtazi M, Solaja O, Gilbert S, Maziak D, Seely A, Sundaresan S, Villeneuve P, Sisson D, Donahoe L, Bedard P, Hansen A, De Perrot M, Alghamedi A, Simone A, Begum H, Hanna W, Shargall Y, Turner S, Huang J, Lai H, Bedard E, Shargall Y, Murthy S, Lin J, Darling G, Malthaner R, Kidane B, Seely A, Li H, Crowther M, Linkins L, Lau E, Schneider L, Hanna W, Finley C, Agzarian J, Douketis J, Greenberg B, Gupta V, Allen-Avodabo C, Davis L, Zhao H, Kidane B, Darling G, Coburn N, Huynh C, Cools-Lartigue J, Ferri L, Najmeh S, Sirois C, Mulder D, Spicer J, Al Rawahi A, Aftab Abdul S, Nguyen D, Anstee C, Delic E, Gilbert S, Maziak D, Villeneuve P, Seely A, Sisson D, Sasewich H, Islam T, Low D, Darling G, Turner S, Humer M, Abdul S, Nguyen D, Al Rawahi A, Anstee C, Delic E, Gilbert S, Villeneuve P, Maziak D, Seely A, Le Nguyen D, Aftab Abdul S, Al Rawahi A, Anstee C, Delic E, Gilbert S, Villeneuve P, Maziak D, Seely A, Patel Y, Kay M, Churchill I, Sullivan K, Shargall Y, Shayegan B, Adili A, Hanna W, Kaafarani M, Huynh C, Chouiali F, Muthukrishnan N, Maleki F, Ovens K, Gold M, Sorin M, Falutz R, Rayes R, Forghani R, Spicer J, Hunka N, Kennedy R, Bigsby R, Bharadwaj S, Gowing S, Churchill I, Gatti A, Hylton D, Sullivan K, Patel Y, Farrokhyar F, Leontiadis G, Hanna W, Finley C, Begum H, Pearce K, Agzarian J, Hanna W, Shargall Y, Akhtar-Danesh N, Jones D, Anstee C, Kumar S, Gingrich M, Simone A, Ahmadzai Z, Thavorn K, Seely A, Gupta V, Namavarian A, Mohammed A, Uddin S, Jones D, Behzadi A, Brar A, Qu L, Qiabi M, Nayak R, Malthaner R, Peters E, Buduhan G, Tan L, Liu R, Srinathan S, Kidane B, Gupta V, Levy J, Kidane B, Mahar A, Ringash J, Sutradhar R, Darling G, Coburn N, Robinson M, Bednarek L, Buduhan G, Liu R, Tan L, Srinathan S, Kidane B, Wang H, French D, MacDonald D, Graham K, Enns S, Buduhan G, Srinathan S, Liu R, Tan A, Kidane B, Bruinooge A, Poole E, Pascoe C, Karakach T, Buduhan G, Tan L, Srinathan S, Halayko A, Kidane B, Verhoeff K, Mocanu V, Fang B, Dang J, Kung J, Switzer N, Birch D, Karmali S, Johnson G, Singh H, Vergis A, Park J, Hershorn O, Hochman D, Helewa R, Johnson G, Robertson R, Vergis A, Johnson G, Vergis A, Singh H, Park J, Helewa R, Azin A, Cahill C, Lipson M, Afzal A, Maclean A, Wong C, Roen S, Buie W, McKechnie T, Anpalagan T, Chu M, Lee Y, Amin N, Hong D, Eskicioglu C, McKechnie T, Ramji K, Kruse C, Jaffer H, Rebello R, Amin N, Doumouras A, Hong D, Eskicioglu C, Hajjar R, Oliero M, Cuisiniere T, Fragoso G, Calvé A, Djediai S, Annabi B, Richard C, Santos M, Purich K, Zhou Y, Dodd S, Ring B, Yuan Y, White J, Garfinkle R, Dell'Aniello S, Bhatnagar S, Morin N, Ghitulescu G, Faria J, Vasilevsky C, Brassard P, Boutros M, Garfinkle R, Salama E, Amar-Zifkin A, Morin N, Ghitulescu G, Faria J, Vasilevsky C, Boutros M, Talwar G, Daniel R, McKechnie T, Levine O, Eskicioglu C, AlSulaim H, Alqahtani M, Garfinkle R, Al-Masrouri S, Vasilevsky C, Morin N, Boutros M, McKechnie T, Chen A, Patel A, Lee Y, Doumouras A, Hong D, Eskicioglu C, Brissette V, Al Busaidi N, Rajabiyazdi F, Moon J, Demian M, Vasilevsky C, Morin N, Boutros M, Selvam R, Moloo H, MacRae H, Alam F, Raiche I, Holland J, Cwintal M, Rigas G, Vasilevsky C, Morin N, Ghitulescu G, Faria J, Pang A, Boutros M, Holland J, Moon J, Marinescu D, Morin N, Ghitulescu G, Pang A, Vasilevsky C, Boutros M, Brown C, Karimuddin A, Raval M, Phang P, Ghuman A, Li M, Muncner S, Mihajlovic I, Dykstra M, Snelgrove R, Wang H, Monton O, Smith A, Moon J, Demian M, Garfinkle R, Vasilevsky C, Rajabiyazdi F, Boutros M, AlAamer O, AlSelaim N, AlMalki M, Al-Osail A, Ruxton R, Manuel P, Mohamed F, Motamedi MK, Serahati S, Rajendran L, Brown C, Raval M, Karimuddin A, Ghuman A, Phang T, Caminsky N, Moon J, Rajabiyazdi F, Chadi S, Alavi K, Paquette I, MacLean T, Wexner S, Liberman S, Steele S, Park J, Patel S, Bordeianou L, Auer R, Sylla P, Morin N, Ghuman A, Boutros M, Bayat Z, Kennedy E, Victor C, Govindarajan A, Liang J, Vasilevsky C, Pang A, Ghitulescu G, Faria J, Morin N, Boutros M, Marinescu D, Roy H, Baig Z, Karimmudin A, Raval M, Brown C, Phang T, Gill D, Ginther N, Moon J, Marinescu D, Pang A, Ghitulescu G, Faria J, Morin N, Vasilevsky C, Boutros M, Moon J, Pang A, Ghitulescu G, Faria J, Morin N, Vasilevsky C, Boutros M, Salama E, Alrashid F, Vasilevsky C, Ghitulescu G, Faria J, Morin N, Boutros M, Wiseman V, Zhang L, MacDonald P, Merchant SM, Wattie Barnett K, Caycedo-Marulanda A, Patel SV, Harra Z, Vasilevsky C, Ghitulescu G, Morin N, Boutros M, Pang A, Hegagi M, Alqahtani M, Morin N, Ghitulescu G, Vasilevsky C, Boutros M, Alghaithi N, Marinescu D, Al-Masrouri S, Pang A, Vasilevsky C, Boutros M, Papillon E, Kasteel N, Kaur G, Bindra S, Malhotra A, Graham C, MacLean A, Beck P, Jijon H, Ferraz J, Buie W, Szwimer R, Moon J, Demian M, Pang A, Morin N, Vasilevsky C, Rajabiyazdi F, Boutros M, Azin A, Merchant S, Kong W, Gyawali B, Hanna T, Chung W, Nanji S, Patel S, Booth C, Li V, Awan A, Serrano P, Jacobson M, Chanco M, Wen V, Singh N, Peiris L, Pasieka J, Ghatage P, Buie D, MacLean T, Bouchard-Fortier A, Mack L, Marini W, Zheng W, Swallow C, Reedijk M, DiPasquale A, Peiris L, Prus-Czrnecka Z, Delmar L, Gagnon N, Villiard R, Martel É, Cadrin-Chênevert A, Ledoux É, Racicot C, Mysuria S, Bazzarelli A, Pao J, Chen L, Zhang M, McKevitt E, Warburton R, Kuusk U, Van Laeken N, Bovill E, Isaac K, Dingee C, Hunter-Smith A, Cuthbert C, Fergus K, Barbera L, Efegoma Y, Howell D, Isherwood S, Levasseur N, Scheer A, Simmons C, Srikantham A, Temple-Orberle C, Xu Y, Metcalfe K, Quan M, Alqaydi A, la J, Merchant S, Digby G, Pravong V, Brind'Amour A, Sidéris L, Dubé P, De Guerke L, Fortin S, Auclair M, Trilling B, Tremblay J, Di Lena É, Hopkins B, Wong S, Meterissian S, Di Lena É, Barone N, Hopkins B, Dumitra S, Kaneva P, Fiore J, Meterissian S, Mysuria S, McKevitt E, Warburton R, Chen L, Bazzarelli A, Pao J, Bovill E, Zhang M, Kuusk U, Isaac K, Van Laeken N, Dingee C, Kapur H, McKevitt E, Warburton R, Pao J, Dingee C, Bazarelli A, Kuusk U, Chen L, Cadili L, DeGirolamo K, McKevitt E, Pao J, Dingee C, Bazzarelli A, Warburton R, Ng D, Ali A, Eymae D, Lee K, Brar S, Conner J, Magalhaes M, Swallow C, Allen K, Baliski C, Cyr D, Sari A, Messenger D, Driman D, Assarzadegan N, Juda A, Swallow C, Kennedy E, Brar M, Conner J, Kirsch R, Allard-Coutu A, Singh K, Lamontagne A, Gamache Y, Allard-Coutu A, Mardinger C, Lee C, Duckworth R, Brindle M, Fraulin F, Austen L, Kortbeek J, Hyndman M, Nguyen D, Jamjoum G, Meguerditchian A, Langer S, Yuan Xu Y, Kong S, Quan M, Lim D, Retrouvey H, Kerrebijn I, Butler K, O'Neill A, Cil T, Zhong T, Hofer S, McCready D, Metcalfe K, Lim D, Greene B, Look Hong N, Parapini M, Skipworth J, Mah A, Desai S, Chung S, Scudamore C, Segedi M, Vasilyeva E, Li J, Kim P, Verhoeff K, Deprato A, Purich K, Kung J, Bigam D, Dajani K, Lenet T, Gilbert R, Smoot R, Martel G, Tzeng C, Rocha F, Yohanathan L, Cleary S, Bertens K, Reyna-Sepulveda F, Badrudin D, Gala-Lopez B, Hanna N, Brogly S, Wei X, Booth C, Nanji S, Zuckerman J, Coburn N, Mahar A, Callum J, Kaliwal Y, Jayaraman S, Wei A, Martel G, Hallet J, Zuckerman J, Jayaraman S, Wei A, Mahar A, Kaliwal Y, Martel G, Coburn N, Hallet J, Henault D, Barrette B, Pelletier S, Thebault P, Beaudry-Simoneau E, Rong Z, Plasse M, Dagenais ARM, Létourneau R, Lapointe R, Vandenbroucke-Menu F, Nguyen B, Soucy G, Turcotte S, Lemke M, Waugh E, Leslie K, Quan D, Skaro A, Tang E, Lund M, Allen L, Glinka J, Jada G, Quan D, Skaro A, Tang E, Park L, Daza J, Li V, Msallak H, Zhang B, Workneh A, Faisal S, Faisal R, Fabbro M, Gu C, Claassen M, Zuk V, Hallet J, Martel G, Sapisochin G, Serrano P, Glinka J, Skaro A, Leslie K, Jada G, Quan D, Tang E, Waugh E, Lemke M, Glinka J, Skaro A, Leslie K, Tang E, Waugh E, Breadner D, Liu R, Tang E, Allen L, Welch S, Skaro A, Leslie K, Glinka J, Waugh E, Tang E, Jada G, Quan D, Skaro A, Webb A, Lester E, Shapiro A, Eurich D, Bigam D, Essaji Y, Shrader H, Nayyar A, Suraju M, Williams-Perez S, Ear P, Chan C, Smith V, Rivers-Bowerman M, Costa A, Stueck A, Campbell N, Allen S, Gala-Lopez B, Gilbert R, Lenet T, Cleary S, Smoot R, Tzeng C, Rocha F, Martel G, Bertens K, Mir Z, Golding H, McKeown S, Nanji S, Flemming J, Groome P, Mir Z, Djerboua M, Nanji S, Flemming J, Groome P, Elbekri S, Turcotte S, Girard E, Morency-Potvin P, Lapointe R, Vandenbroucke-Menu F, Dagenais M, Roy A, Letourneau R, Plasse M, Simoneau E, Rong Z, Zuker N, Oakley M, Chartrand G, Misheva B, Bendavid Y, Frigault J, Lemieux S, Breton D, Bouchard G, Drolet S, Melland-Smith M, Smith L, Tan J, Kahn U, McLean C, Mocanu V, Birch D, Karmali S, Switzer N, Fortin M, Paré X, Doyon A, Keshavjee S, Schwenger K, Yadav J, Fischer S, Jackson T, Allard J, Okrainec A, Lee Y, Anvari S, Chu M, Lovrics O, Aditya I, Malhan R, Khondker A, Walsh M, Doumouras A, Hong D, He W, Vergis A, Hardy K, Romanescu R, Deaninck F, Linton J, Fowler-Woods M, Fowler-Woods A, Shingoose G, Vergis A, Hardy K, Zmudzinski M, Cloutier Z, McKechnie T, Lee Y, Archer V, Doumouras A, Shiroky J, Abu Halimah J, Ramji K, Boudreau V, Mierzwa A, Mocanu V, Marcil G, Dang J, Switzer N, Birch D, Karmali S, Mierzwa A, Jarrar A, Hardy-Henry A, Kolozsvari N, Lin W, Hagen J, Connell M, Sun W, Dang J, Mocanu V, Kung J, Switzer N, Birch D, Karmali S. 2021 Canadian Surgery Forum01. Design and validation of a unique endoscopy simulator using a commercial video game03. Is ethnicity an appropriate measure of health care marginalization?: A systematic review and meta-analysis of the outcomes of diabetic foot ulceration in the Aboriginal population04. Racial disparities in surgery — a cross-specialty matched comparison between black and white patients05. Starting late does not increase the risk of postoperative complications in patients undergoing common general surgical procedures06. Ethical decision-making during a health care crisis: a resource allocation framework and tool07. Ensuring stability in surgical training program leadership: a survey of program directors08. Introducing oncoplastic breast surgery in a community hospital09. Leadership development programs for surgical residents: a review of the literature10. Superiority of non-opioid postoperative pain management after thyroid and parathyroid operations: a systematic review and meta-analysis11. Timing of ERCP relative to cholecystectomy in patients with ductal gallstone disease12. A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials comparing intraoperative red blood cell transfusion strategies13. Postoperative outcomes after frail elderly preoperative assessment clinic: a single-institution Canadian perspective14. Selective opioid antagonists following bowel resection for prevention of postoperative ileus: a systematic review and meta-analysis15. Peer-to-peer coaching after bile duct injury16. Laparoscopic median arcuate ligament release: a video abstract17. Retroperitoneoscopic approach to adrenalectomy19. Endoscopic Zenker diverticulotomy: a video abstract20. Variability in surgeons’ perioperative management of pheochromocytomas in Canada21. The contribution of surgeon and hospital variation in transfusion practice to outcomes for patients undergoing elective gastrointestinal cancer surgery: a population-based analysis22. Perioperative transfusions for gastroesophageal cancers: risk factors and short- and long-term outcomes23. The association between frailty and time alive and at home after cancer surgery among older adults: a population-based analysis24. Psychological and workplace-related effects of providing surgical care during the COVID-19 pandemic in British Columbia, Canada25. Safety of venous thromboembolism prophylaxis in endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography: a systematic review26. Complications and reintervention following laparoscopic subtotal cholecystectomy: a systematic review and meta-analysis27. Synchronization of pupil dilations correlates with team performance in a simulated laparoscopic team coordination task28. Receptivity to and desired design features of a surgical peer coaching program: an international survey9. Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on rates of emergency department utilization due to general surgery conditions30. The impact of the current COVID-19 pandemic on the exposure of general surgery trainees to operative procedures31. Association between academic degrees and research productivity: an assessment of academic general surgeons in Canada32. Laparoscopic endoscopic cooperative surgery (LECS) for subepithelial gastric lesion: a video presentation33. Effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on acute care general surgery at an academic Canadian centre34. Opioid-free analgesia after outpatient general surgery: a pilot randomized controlled trial35. Impact of neoadjuvant immunotherapy or targeted therapies on surgical resection in patients with solid tumours: a systematic review and meta-analysis37. Surgical data recording in the operating room: a systematic review of modalities and metrics38. Association between nonaccidental trauma and neighbourhood socioeconomic status during the COVID-19 pandemic: a retrospective analysis39. Laparoscopic repair of a transdiaphragmatic gastropleural fistula40. Video-based interviewing in medicine: a scoping review41. Indocyanine green fluorescence angiography for prevention of anastomotic leakage in colorectal surgery: a cost analysis from the hospital payer’s perspective43. Perception or reality: surgical resident and faculty assessments of resident workload compared with objective data45. When illness and loss hit close to home: Do health care providers learn how to cope?46. Remote video-based suturing education with smartphones (REVISE): a randomized controlled trial47. The evolving use of robotic surgery: a population-based analysis48. Prophylactic retromuscular mesh placement for parastomal hernia prevention: a retrospective cohort study of permanent colostomies and ileostomies49. Intracorporeal versus extracorporeal anastomosis in laparoscopic right hemicolectomy: a retrospective cohort study on anastomotic complications50. A lay of the land — a description of Canadian academic acute care surgery models51. Emergency general surgery in Ontario: interhospital variability in structures, processes and models of care52. Trauma 101: a virtual case-based trauma conference as an adjunct to medical education53. Assessment of the National Surgical Quality Improvement Program Surgical Risk Calculator for predicting patient-centred outcomes of emergency general surgery patients in a Canadian health care system54. Sustainability of a narcotic reduction initiative: 1 year following the Standardization of Outpatient Procedure (STOP) Narcotics Study55. Barriers to transanal endoscopic microsurgery referral56. Geospatial analysis of severely injured rural patients in a geographically complex landscape57. Implementation of an incentive spirometry protocol in a trauma ward: a single-centre pilot study58. Impostor phenomenon is a significant risk factor for burnout and anxiety in Canadian resident physicians: a cross-sectional survey59. Understanding the influence of perioperative education on performance among surgical trainees: a single-centre experience60. The effect of COVID-19 pandemic on current and future endoscopic personal protective equipment practices: a national survey of 77 endoscopists61. Case report: delayed presentation of perforated sigmoid diverticulitis as necrotizing infection of the lower limb62. Investigating disparities in surgical outcomes in Canadian Indigenous populations63. Fundoplication is superior to medical therapy for Barrett esophagus disease regression and progression: a systematic review and meta-analysis64. Development of a novel online general surgery learning platform and a qualitative preimplementation analysis65. Hagfish slime exudate as a potential novel hemostatic agent: developing a standardized assessment protocol66. The effect of the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic on surgical oncology case volumes and wait times67. Safety of same-day discharge in high-risk patients undergoing ambulatory general surgery68. External validation of the Codman score in colorectal surgery: a pragmatic tool to drive quality improvement69. Improved morbidity and gastrointestinal restoration rates without compromising survival rates for diverting loop ileostomy with colonic lavage versus total abdominal colectomy for fulminant Clostridioides difficile colitis: a multicentre retrospective cohort study70. Potential access to emergency general surgical care in Ontario71. Immersive virtual reality (iVR) improves procedural duration, task completion and accuracy in surgical trainees: a systematic review01. Clinical validation of the Canada Lymph Node Score for endobronchial ultrasound02. Venous thromboembolism in surgically treated esophageal cancer patients: a provincial population-based study03. Venous thromboembolism in surgically treated lung cancer patients: a population-based study04. Is frailty associated with failure to rescue after esophagectomy? A multi-institutional comparative analysis of outcomes05. Routine systematic sampling versus targeted sampling of lymph nodes during endobronchial ultrasound: a feasibility randomized controlled trial06. Gastric ischemic conditioning reduces anastomotic complications in patients undergoing esophagectomy: a systematic review and meta-analysis07. Move For Surgery, a novel preconditioning program to optimize health before thoracic surgery: a randomized controlled trial08. In case of emergency, go to your nearest emergency department — Or maybe not?09. Does preoperative SABR increase the risk of complications from lung cancer resection? A secondary analysis of the MISSILE trial10. Segmental resection for lung cancer: the added value of near-infrared fluorescence mapping diminishes with surgeon experience11. Toward competency-based continuing professional development for practising surgeons12. Stereotactic body radiotherapy versus surgery in older adults with NSCLC — a population-based, matched analysis of long-term dependency outcomes13. Role of adjuvant therapy in esophageal cancer patients after neoadjuvant therapy and curative esophagectomy: a systematic review and meta-analysis14. Evaluation of population characteristics on the incidence of thoracic empyema: an ecological study15. Determining the optimal stiffness colour threshold and stiffness area ratio cut-off for mediastinal lymph node staging using EBUS elastography and AI: a pilot study16. Quality assurance on the use of sequential compression stockings in thoracic surgery (QUESTs)17. The relationship between fissureless technique and prolonged air leak for patients undergoing video-assisted thoracoscopic lobectomy18. CXCR2 inhibition as a candidate for immunomodulation in the treatment of K-RAS-driven lung adenocarcinoma19. Assessment tools for evaluating competency in video-assisted thoracoscopic lobectomy: a systematic review20. Understanding the current practice on chest tube management following lung resection among thoracic surgeons across Canada21. Effect of routine jejunostomy tube insertion in esophagectomy: a systematic review and meta-analysis22. Recurrence of primary spontaneous pneumothorax following bullectomy with pleurodesis or pleurectomy: a retrospective analysis23. Surgical outcomes following chest wall resection and reconstruction24. Outcomes following surgical management of primary mediastinal nonseminomatous germ cell tumours25. Does robotic approach offer better nodal staging than thoracoscopic approach in anatomical resection for non–small cell lung cancer? A single-centre propensity matching analysis26. Competency assessment for mediastinal mass resection and thymectomy: design and Delphi process27. The contemporary significance of venous thromboembolism (deep venous thrombosis [DVT] and pulmonary embolus [PE]) in patients undergoing esophagectomy: a prospective, multicentre cohort study to evaluate the incidence and clinical outcomes of VTE after major esophageal resections28. Esophageal cancer: symptom severity at the end of life29. The impact of pulmonary artery reconstruction on postoperative and oncologic outcomes: a systematic review30. Association with surgical technique and recurrence after laparoscopic repair of paraesophageal hernia: a single-centre experience31. Enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) in esophagectomy32. Surgical treatment of esophageal cancer: trends in surgical approach and early mortality at a single institution over the past 18 years34. Adverse events and length of stay following minimally invasive surgery in paraesophageal hernia repair35. Long-term symptom control comparison of Dor and Nissen fundoplication following laparoscopic para-esophageal hernia repair: a retrospective analysis36. Willingness to pay: a survey of Canadian patients’ willingness to contribute to the cost of robotic thoracic surgery37. Radiomics in early-stage lung adenocarcinoma: a prediction tool for tumour immune microenvironments38. Effectiveness of intraoperative pyloric botox injection during esophagectomy: how often is endoscopic intervention required?39. An artificial intelligence algorithm for predicting lymph node malignancy during endobronchial ultrasound40. The effect of major and minor complications after lung surgery on length of stay and readmission41. Measuring cost of adverse events following thoracic surgery: a scoping review42. Laparoscopic paraesophageal hernia repair: characterization by hospital and surgeon volume and impact on outcomes43. NSQIP 5-Factor Modified Frailty Index predicts morbidity but not mortality after esophagectomy44. Trajectory of perioperative HRQOL and association with postoperative complications in thoracic surgery patients45. Variation in treatment patterns and outcomes for resected esophageal cancer at designated thoracic surgery centres46. Patient-reported pretreatment health-related quality of life (HRQOL) predicts short-term survival in esophageal cancer patients47. Analgesic efficacy of surgeon-placed paravertebral catheters compared with thoracic epidural analgesia after Ivor Lewis esophagectomy: a retrospective noninferiority study48. Rapid return to normal oxygenation after lung surgery49. Examination of local and systemic inflammatory changes during lung surgery01. Implications of near-infrared imaging and indocyanine green on anastomotic leaks following colorectal surgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis02. Repeat preoperative endoscopy after regional implementation of electronic synoptic endoscopy reporting: a retrospective comparative study03. Consensus-derived quality indicators for operative reporting in transanal endoscopic surgery (TES)04. Colorectal lesion localization practices at endoscopy to facilitate surgical and endoscopic planning: recommendations from a national consensus Delphi process05. Black race is associated with increased mortality in colon cancer — a population-based and propensity-score matched analysis06. Improved survival in a cohort of patients 75 years and over with FIT-detected colorectal neoplasms07. Laparoscopic versus open loop ileostomy reversal: a systematic review and meta-analysis08. Posterior mesorectal thickness as a predictor of increased operative time in rectal cancer surgery: a retrospective cohort study09. Improvement of colonic anastomotic healing in mice with oral supplementation of oligosaccharides10. How can we better identify patients with rectal bleeding who are at high risk of colorectal cancer?11. Assessment of long-term bowel dysfunction in rectal cancer survivors: a population-based cohort study12. Observational versus antibiotic therapy for acute uncomplicated diverticulitis: a noninferiority meta-analysis based on a Delphi consensus13. Radiotherapy alone versus chemoradiotherapy for stage I anal squamous cell carcinoma: a systematic review and meta-analysis14. Is the Hartmann procedure for diverticulitis obsolete? National trends in colectomy for diverticulitis in the emergency setting from 1993 to 201515. Sugammadex in colorectal surgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis16. Sexuality and rectal cancer treatment: a qualitative study exploring patients’ information needs and expectations on sexual dysfunction after rectal cancer treatment17. Video-based interviews in selection process18. Impact of delaying colonoscopies during the COVID-19 pandemic on colorectal cancer detection and prevention19. Opioid use disorder associated with increased anastomotic leak and major complications after colorectal surgery20. Effectiveness of a rectal cancer education video on patient expectations21. Robotic-assisted rectosigmoid and rectal cancer resection: implementation and early experience at a Canadian tertiary centre22. An online educational app for rectal cancer survivors with low anterior resection syndrome: a pilot study23. The effects of surgeon specialization on the outcome of emergency colorectal surgery24. Outcomes after colorectal cancer resections in octogenarians and older in a regional New Zealand setting — What are the predictors of mortality?25. Long-term outcomes after seton placement for perianal fistulae with and without Crohn disease26. A survey of patient and surgeon preference for early ileostomy closure following restorative proctectomy for rectal cancer — Why aren’t we doing it?27. Crohn disease independently associated with longer hospital admission after surgery28. Short-stay (≤ 1 d) diverting loop ileostomy closure can be selectively implemented without an increase in readmission and complication rates: an ACS-NSQIP analysis29. A comparison of perineal stapled rectal prolapse resection and the Altemeier procedure at 2 Canadian academic hospitals30. Mental health and substance use disorders predict 90-day readmission and postoperative complications following rectal cancer surgery31. Early discharge after colorectal cancer resection: trends and impact on patient outcomes32. Oral antibiotics without mechanical bowel preparation prior to emergency colectomy reduces the risk of organ space surgical site infections: a NSQIP propensity score matched study33. The impact of robotic surgery on a tertiary care colorectal surgery program, an assessment of costs and short-term outcomes — a Canadian perspective34. Should we scope beyond the age limit of guidelines? Adenoma detection rates and outcomes of screening and surveillance colonoscopies in patients aged 75–79 years35. Emergency department admissions for uncomplicated diverticulitis: a nationwide study36. Obesity is associated with a complicated episode of acute diverticulitis: a nationwide study37. Green indocyanine angiography for low anterior resection in patients with rectal cancer: a prospective before-and-after study38. The impact of age on surgical recurrence of fibrostenotic ileocolic Crohn disease39. A qualitative study to explore the optimal timing and approach for the LARS discussion01. Racial, ethnic and socioeconomic disparities in diagnosis, treatment and survival of patients with breast cancer: a SEER-based population analysis02. First-line palliative chemotherapy for esophageal and gastric cancer: practice patterns and outcomes in the general population03. Frailty as a predictor for postoperative outcomes following pancreaticoduodenectomy04. Synoptic electronic operative reports identify practice variation in cancer surgery allowing for directed interventions to decrease variation05. The role of Hedgehog signalling in basal-like breast cancer07. Clinical and patient-reported outcomes in oncoplastic breast conservation surgery from a single surgeon’s practice in a busy community hospital in Canada08. Upgrade rate of atypical ductal hyperplasia: 10 years of experience and predictive factors09. Time to first adjuvant treatment after oncoplastic breast reduction10. Preparing to survive: improving outcomes for young women with breast cancer11. Opioid prescription and consumption in patients undergoing outpatient breast surgery — baseline data for a quality improvement initiative12. Rectal anastomosis and hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy: Should we avoid diverting loop ileostomy?13. Delays in operative management of early-stage, estrogen-receptor positive breast cancer during the COVID-19 pandemic — a multi-institutional matched historical cohort study14. Opioid prescribing practices in breast oncologic surgery15. Oncoplastic breast reduction (OBR) complications and patient-reported outcomes16. De-escalating breast cancer surgery: Should we apply quality indicators from other jurisdictions in Canada?17. The breast cancer patient experience of telemedicine during COVID-1918. A novel ex vivo human peritoneal model to investigate mechanisms of peritoneal metastasis in gastric adenocarcinoma (GCa)19. Preliminary uptake and outcomes utilizing the BREAST-Q patient-reported outcomes questionnaire in patients following breast cancer surgery20. Routine elastin staining improves detection of venous invasion and enhances prognostication in resected colorectal cancer21. Analysis of exhaled volatile organic compounds: a new frontier in colon cancer screening and surveillance22. A clinical pathway for radical cystectomy leads to a shorter hospital stay and decreases 30-day postoperative complications: a NSQIP analysis23. Fertility preservation in young breast cancer patients: a population-based study24. Investigating factors associated with postmastectomy unplanned emergency department visits: a population-based analysis25. Impact of patient, tumour and treatment factors on psychosocial outcomes after treatment in women with invasive breast cancer26. The relationship between breast and axillary pathologic complete response in women receiving neoadjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer01. The association between bacterobilia and the risk of postoperative complications following pancreaticoduodenectomy02. Surgical outcome and quality of life following exercise-based prehabilitation for hepatobiliary surgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis03. Does intraoperative frozen section and revision of margins lead to improved survival in patients undergoing resection of perihilar cholangiocarcinoma? A systematic review and meta-analysis04. Prolonged kidney procurement time is associated with worse graft survival after transplantation05. Venous thromboembolism following hepatectomy for colorectal metastases: a population-based retrospective cohort study06. Association between resection approach and transfusion exposure in liver resection for gastrointestinal cancer07. The association between surgeon volume and use of laparoscopic liver resection for gastrointestinal cancer08. Immune suppression through TIGIT in colorectal cancer liver metastases09. “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts” — a combined strategy to reduce postoperative pancreatic fistula after pancreaticoduodenectomy10. Laparoscopic versus open synchronous colorectal and hepatic resection for metastatic colorectal cancer11. Identifying prognostic factors for overall survival in patients with recurrent disease following liver resection for colorectal cancer metastasis12. Modified Blumgart pancreatojejunostomy with external stenting in laparoscopic Whipple reconstruction13. Laparoscopic versus open pancreaticoduodenectomy: a single centre’s initial experience with introduction of a novel surgical approach14. Neoadjuvant chemotherapy versus upfront surgery for borderline resectable pancreatic cancer: a single-centre cohort analysis15. Thermal ablation and telemedicine to reduce resource utilization during the COVID-19 pandemic16. Cost-utility analysis of normothermic machine perfusion compared with static cold storage in liver transplantation in the Canadian setting17. Impact of adjuvant therapy on overall survival in early-stage ampullary cancers: a single-centre retrospective review18. Presence of biliary anaerobes enhances response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma19. How does tumour viability influence the predictive capability of the Metroticket model? Comparing predicted-to-observed 5-year survival after liver transplant for hepatocellular carcinoma20. Does caudate resection improve outcomes in patients undergoing curative resection for perihilar cholangiocarcinoma? A systematic review and meta-analysis21. Appraisal of multivariable prognostic models for postoperative liver decompensation following partial hepatectomy: a systematic review22. Predictors of postoperative liver decompensation events following resection in patients with cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma: a population-based study23. Characteristics of bacteriobilia and impact on outcomes after Whipple procedure01. Inverting the y-axis: the future of MIS abdominal wall reconstruction is upside down02. Progressive preoperative pneumoperitoneum: a single-centre retrospective study03. The role of radiologic classification of parastomal hernia as a predictor of the need for surgical hernia repair: a retrospective cohort study04. Comparison of 2 fascial defect closure methods for laparoscopic incisional hernia repair01. Hypoalbuminemia predicts serious complications following elective bariatric surgery02. Laparoscopic adjustable gastric band migration inducing jejunal obstruction associated with acute pancreatitis: aurgical approach of band removal03. Can visceral adipose tissue gene expression determine metabolic outcomes after bariatric surgery?04. Improvement of kidney function in patients with chronic kidney disease and severe obesity after bariatric surgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis05. A prediction model for delayed discharge following gastric bypass surgery06. Experiences and outcomes of Indigenous patients undergoing bariatric surgery: a mixed-methods scoping review07. What is the optimal common channel length in revisional bariatric surgery?08. Laparoscopic management of internal hernia in a 34-week pregnant woman09. Characterizing timing of postoperative complications following elective Roux-en-Y gastric bypass and sleeve gastrectomy10. Canadian trends in bariatric surgery11. Common surgical stapler problems and how to correct them12. Management of choledocholithiasis following Roux-en-Y gastric bypass: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Can J Surg 2021; 64:S80-S159. [PMID: 35483046 PMCID: PMC8677574 DOI: 10.1503/cjs.021321] [Citation(s) in RCA: 1] [Impact Index Per Article: 0.3] [Reference Citation Analysis] [MESH Headings] [Track Full Text] [Download PDF] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 11/23/2022] Open
Garralda E, Melero I, de Velasco G, Moreno V, Oberoi H, Shepherd C, Jones D, Lakins M, Hurley P, Khambhatwala S, Long D, Kayitalire L. 165TiP A first-in-human phase I study of FS222, a CD137/PD-L1 tetravalent bispecific antibody, in patients with advanced malignancies. Ann Oncol 2021. [DOI: 10.1016/j.annonc.2021.10.184] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 11/28/2022] Open
Coburn S, Crossley K, de Oliveira Silva D, Johnston R, Jones D, Kemp J, King M, Mentiplay B, Scholes M. Relationships between hip strength and hip biomechanics during running in people with femoroacetabular impingement syndrome. J Sci Med Sport 2021. [DOI: 10.1016/j.jsams.2021.09.074] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 10/19/2022]
Jones D. M241 NOT YOUR ORDINARY CASE OF ACHIEVING SUSTAINED UNRESPONSIVENESS IN AN ADULT WHO COMPLETED SHRIMP OIT. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 2021. [DOI: 10.1016/j.anai.2021.08.370] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 11/15/2022]
Jones D, Park N, Thompson A. M101 JOINT PAIN: A RARE SYMPTOM IN PATIENTS WITH HEREDITARY ANGIOEDEMA WITH NORMAL C1-INH. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 2021. [DOI: 10.1016/j.anai.2021.08.255] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 11/16/2022]
Jones D, Moodie C, Purves RI, Fitzgerald N, Crockett R. Alcohol packaging as a promotional tool: A focus group study with young adult drinkers in Scotland. Eur J Public Health 2021. [DOI: 10.1093/eurpub/ckab164.346] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 11/13/2022] Open
Given the dearth of research on consumer perceptions of alcohol packaging as a marketing tool, with existing studies focused on children and adolescents, our aim was to explore how young adults view and engage with alcohol packaging.
Eight focus groups were conducted in Glasgow (Scotland) in September 2019 with young adult drinkers (n = 50), segmented by age (18-24, 25-35), gender (female, male) and social grade (ABC1, C2DE). Participants were shown, allowed to handle, and asked about, a range of alcoholic products. Data were analysed thematically using an inductive approach.
Five main themes emerged from the data. The first was the ubiquity of alcohol packaging, with frequent exposure reported in different settings, such as shops and drinking venues, and via marketing. The second was appeal, with pack graphics (e.g. colour), structure (e.g. shape, size) and promotions (e.g. gifts, limited-editions) allowing alcohol packs to capture attention, enable products to stand out on shelves, and help create product and brand liking, interest and choice. Third, alcohol packaging was frequently associated with specific occasions and activities. Fourth, alcohol packaging informed perceptions of product-consumer targeting, suitability, and intended drinker profiles. Fifth, alcohol packaging also engaged non-visual senses, guiding expectations of product taste and palatability.
For young adult drinkers in Scotland, alcohol packaging can capture attention, create appeal, and help shape perceptions of the product, drinker and drinking experience.
Key messages
Alcohol packaging is a key marketing communications vehicle, which can attract attention, create product and brand liking, interest and choice, guide expectations, and influence purchasing decisions. Alcohol packaging conveys messages of consumer-product suitability and acceptability, helping to reinforce perceptions that alcohol is a desirable product via pack structure, graphics, and promotions.
Huynh C, Sorin M, Jones D, Simone A, Delic E, Fazekas A, Gingrich M, Anstee C, Seely A, Spicer J. MA12.05 The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Post-Operative Outcomes of Thoracic Cancer Surgery in Canada. J Thorac Oncol 2021. [PMCID: PMC8523164 DOI: 10.1016/j.jtho.2021.08.172] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Track Full Text] [Download PDF] [Figures] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 10/30/2022]
Chan J, Quintanal-Villalonga A, Gao V, Xie Y, Allaj V, Chaudhary O, Masilionis I, Egger J, Chow A, Walle T, Ciampricotti M, Offin M, Lai V, Bott M, Jones D, Hollmann T, Nawy T, Mazutis L, Sen T, Pe'Er D, Rudin C. OA07.01 Signatures of Plasticity and Immunosuppression in a Single-Cell Atlas of Human Small Cell Lung Cancer. J Thorac Oncol 2021. [DOI: 10.1016/j.jtho.2021.08.054] [Citation(s) in RCA: 1] [Impact Index Per Article: 0.3] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 11/30/2022]
Dogan H, Patel A, Herold-Mende C, Pfister S, Wick W, Loose M, von Deimling A, Sill M, Jones D, Sahm F. P07.04 Rapid-CNS2: Rapid comprehensive adaptive nanopore-sequencing of CNS tumors, a proof of concept study. Neuro Oncol 2021. [DOI: 10.1093/neuonc/noab180.087] [Citation(s) in RCA: 2] [Impact Index Per Article: 0.7] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 11/13/2022] Open
The WHO classification 2021 includes multiple molecular markers for routine diagnostics in addition to histology. Sequencing setup for complete molecular profiling requires considerable investment, while batching samples for sequencing and methylation profiling can delay turnaround time. We introduce RAPID-CNS2, a nanopore adaptive sequencing pipeline that enables comprehensive mutational, methylation and copy number profiling of CNS tumours with a single third generation sequencing assay. It can be run for single samples and offers highly flexible target selection requiring no additional library preparation.
Utilising ReadFish, a toolkit enabling targeted nanopore sequencing, we sequenced DNA from 22 diffuse glioma patient samples on a MinION device. Target regions comprised our Heidelberg brain tumour NGS panel and pre-selected CpG sites for methylation classification by an adapted random forest classifier. Pathognomonic alterations, copy number profiles, and methylation classes were called using a custom bioinformatics pipeline. Results were compared to their corresponding NGS panel-seq and EPIC array outputs.
Complete concordance with the EPIC array was found for copy number profiles from RAPID-CNS2. 94% pathognomonic mutations were congruent with NGS panel-seq. MGMT promoter status was correctly identified in all samples. Methylation families were detected with 96% congruence. Among the alterations decisive for rendering a classification-compatible integrated diagnosis, 97% of the alterations were consistent over the entire cohort (completely congruent in 19/22 cases and sufficient for unequivocal diagnosis in all).
RAPID-CNS2 provides a swift and highly flexible alternative to conventional NGS and array-based methods for SNV/Indel analysis, detection of copy number alterations and methylation classification. The turnaround time of ~4 days can be further shortened to <12h by altering target sizes. It offers a low-capital approach that would be cost-efficient for low throughput settings and invaluable in cases requiring immediate diagnoses.
Culmer P, Davis Birch W, Waters I, Keeling A, Osnes C, Jones D, de Boer G, Hetherington R, Ashton S, Latham M, Beacon T, Royston T, Miller R, Littlejohns A, Parmar J, Lawton T, Murdoch S, Brettle D, Musasizi R, Nampiina G, Namulema E, Kapur N. The LeVe CPAP System for Oxygen-Efficient CPAP Respiratory Support: Development and Pilot Evaluation. FRONTIERS IN MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY 2021; 3:715969. [PMID: 35047948 PMCID: PMC8757765 DOI: 10.3389/fmedt.2021.715969] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Key Words] [Grants] [Track Full Text] [Download PDF] [Figures] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 05/27/2021] [Accepted: 07/29/2021] [Indexed: 12/04/2022] Open
Background: The COVID-19 pandemic, caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), has placed a significant demand on healthcare providers (HCPs) to provide respiratory support for patients with moderate to severe symptoms. Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) non-invasive ventilation can help patients with moderate symptoms to avoid the need for invasive ventilation in intensive care. However, existing CPAP systems can be complex (and thus expensive) or require high levels of oxygen, limiting their use in resource-stretched environments. Technical Development + Testing: The LeVe ("Light") CPAP system was developed using principles of frugal innovation to produce a solution of low complexity and high resource efficiency. The LeVe system exploits the air flow dynamics of electric fan blowers which are inherently suited to delivery of positive pressure at appropriate flow rates for CPAP. Laboratory evaluation demonstrated that performance of the LeVe system was equivalent to other commercially available systems used to deliver CPAP, achieving a 10 cm H2O target pressure within 2.4% RMS error and 50-70% FiO2 dependent with 10 L/min oxygen from a commercial concentrator. Pilot Evaluation: The LeVe CPAP system was tested to evaluate safety and acceptability in a group of ten healthy volunteers at Mengo Hospital in Kampala, Uganda. The study demonstrated that the system can be used safely without inducing hypoxia or hypercapnia and that its use was well-tolerated by users, with no adverse events reported. Conclusions: To provide respiratory support for the high patient numbers associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, healthcare providers require resource efficient solutions. We have shown that this can be achieved through frugal engineering of a CPAP ventilation system, in a system which is safe for use and well-tolerated in healthy volunteers. This approach may also benefit other respiratory conditions which often go unaddressed in Low and Middle Income Countries (LMICs) for want of context-appropriate technology designed for the limited oxygen resources available.
Wilby S, Palmer A, Polak W, Singh Dhaliwal S, Firouzy S, Labib A, Jones D, Escaida Navarro S, Merzouki R, Boni Brou K, Pasquier D, van den Dobbelsteen J, de Vries M. PO-1711 CoBra: Towards Robotic Real Time MRI-Guided Prostate Brachytherapy and Biopsy. Radiother Oncol 2021. [DOI: 10.1016/s0167-8140(21)08162-7] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 10/20/2022]
Murphy T, Jones D, Friebel R, Uchegbu I, Mohiddin S, Petersen S. A cost analysis of cardiac magnetic resonance imaging in the diagnostic pathway of a population with unexplained acute myocardial injury and normal coronary angiography. Eur Heart J Cardiovasc Imaging 2021. [DOI: 10.1093/ehjci/jeab090.132] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Submit a Manuscript] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 11/13/2022] Open
Funding Acknowledgements
Type of funding sources: Public Institution(s). Main funding source(s): National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Biomedical Research Centre at St Bartholomew"s Hospital London. Irish Cardiac Society
European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging (EACVI) -Task Force for Cost Effectiveness.
Acute presentations with myocardial injury that occur despite culprit-free coronary angiography were first reported over 70 years ago, with a prevalence between 5-9%. 1-3 There is increasing evidence that a more accurate diagnosis is available and that CMR is a key tool to determine the underlying pathology. This is reflected with the most recent international guidelines advocating for the use of CMR in the diagnostic pathways of this heterogeneous population. However, to date there is no formal assessment of the financial implications of adopting these new guidelines.
To determine the financial impact of implementing cardiac magnetic resonance imaging in the diagnostic pathway of a population with unexplained acute myocardial injury and normal coronary angiography in comparison to existing clinical practice.
We performed a focused cost-benefit analysis using a hypothetical population of 2,000 patients with unexplained acute myocardial injury and normal coronary angiography. The population was split evenly into two groups of either standard, or CMR guided management, and extrapolated over a ten-year period. Standard management was defined as 66% of the population receiving dual antiplatelet therapy (ticagrelor and aspirin) for one year followed by aspirin for life, and the remaining 34% of the population receiving aspirin for life. CMR guided management determined antiplatelet therapy according to the imaging findings. This analysis focused on CMR’s ability to accurately identify those patients who may have had an MI and facilitate tailored treatment with evidence based dual antiplatelet therapy. Costs and rates were defined in Table 1. A one-way sensitivity analysis was also performed to determine the variables with largest impact on the costs. Each variable was varied by +/- 20% and the change in cost determined at year 10.
Using CMR in the diagnostic pathway resulted in an increased cost of £72,656 in the first year. After year 7, CMR guided practice becomes cost neutral, resulting in cost saving of £24,054 over a ten-year period in a population of 1000 patients. Figure 1. Utilizing CMR in this population also resulted in 7 fewer myocardial infarctions and 14 fewer major bleeding events over a ten-year time horizon.
The three most sensitive variables were, in decreasing order, the cost of CMR, the cost of ticagrelor and the percentage of the population with MI requiring DAPT. A 20% change from baseline resulted in a 320%, 247% and 162% change in costs at 10 years, respectively.
Utilizing CMR in this population may be associated with reduced costs in the medium to long term. The initial increased cost of CMR is offset over time, by delivering a more personalised, higher quality level of care to patients.