Abbott BP, Abbott R, Abbott TD, Acernese F, Ackley K, Adams C, Adams T, Addesso P, Adhikari RX, Adya VB, Affeldt C, Afrough M, Agarwal B, Agathos M, Agatsuma K, Aggarwal N, Aguiar OD, Aiello L, Ain A, Ajith P, Allen B, Allen G, Allocca A, Altin PA, Amato A, Ananyeva A, Anderson SB, Anderson WG, Angelova SV, Antier S, Appert S, Arai K, Araya MC, Areeda JS, Arnaud N, Arun KG, Ascenzi S, Ashton G, Ast M, Aston SM, Astone P, Atallah DV, Aufmuth P, Aulbert C, AultONeal K, Austin C, Avila-Alvarez A, Babak S, Bacon P, Bader MKM, Bae S, Bailes M, Baker PT, Baldaccini F, Ballardin G, Ballmer SW, Banagiri S, Barayoga JC, Barclay SE, Barish BC, Barker D, Barkett K, Barone F, Barr B, Barsotti L, Barsuglia M, Barta D, Barthelmy SD, Bartlett J, Bartos I, Bassiri R, Basti A, Batch JC, Bawaj M, Bayley JC, Bazzan M, Bécsy B, Beer C, Bejger M, Belahcene I, Bell AS, Berger BK, Bergmann G, Bernuzzi S, Bero JJ, Berry CPL, Bersanetti D, Bertolini A, Betzwieser J, Bhagwat S, Bhandare R, Bilenko IA, Billingsley G, Billman CR, Birch J, Birney R, Birnholtz O, Biscans S, Biscoveanu S, Bisht A, Bitossi M, Biwer C, Bizouard MA, Blackburn JK, Blackman J, Blair CD, Blair DG, Blair RM, Bloemen S, Bock O, Bode N, Boer M, Bogaert G, Bohe A, Bondu F, Bonilla E, Bonnand R, Boom BA, Bork R, Boschi V, Bose S, Bossie K, Bouffanais Y, Bozzi A, Bradaschia C, Brady PR, Branchesi M, Brau JE, Briant T, Brillet A, Brinkmann M, Brisson V, Brockill P, Broida JE, Brooks AF, Brown DA, Brown DD, Brunett S, Buchanan CC, Buikema A, Bulik T, Bulten HJ, Buonanno A, Buskulic D, Buy C, Byer RL, Cabero M, Cadonati L, Cagnoli G, Cahillane C, Calderón Bustillo J, Callister TA, Calloni E, Camp JB, Canepa M, Canizares P, Cannon KC, Cao H, Cao J, Capano CD, Capocasa E, Carbognani F, Caride S, Carney MF, Carullo G, Casanueva Diaz J, Casentini C, Caudill S, Cavaglià M, Cavalier F, Cavalieri R, Cella G, Cepeda CB, Cerdá-Durán P, Cerretani G, Cesarini E, Chamberlin SJ, Chan M, Chao S, Charlton P, Chase E, Chassande-Mottin E, Chatterjee D, Chatziioannou K, Cheeseboro BD, Chen HY, Chen X, Chen Y, Cheng HP, Chia H, Chincarini A, Chiummo A, Chmiel T, Cho HS, Cho M, Chow JH, Christensen N, Chu Q, Chua AJK, Chua S, Chung AKW, Chung S, Ciani G, Ciolfi R, Cirelli CE, Cirone A, Clara F, Clark JA, Clearwater P, Cleva F, Cocchieri C, Coccia E, Cohadon PF, Cohen D, Colla A, Collette CG, Cominsky LR, Constancio M, Conti L, Cooper SJ, Corban P, Corbitt TR, Cordero-Carrión I, Corley KR, Cornish N, Corsi A, Cortese S, Costa CA, Coughlin MW, Coughlin SB, Coulon JP, Countryman ST, Couvares P, Covas PB, Cowan EE, Coward DM, Cowart MJ, Coyne DC, Coyne R, Creighton JDE, Creighton TD, Cripe J, Crowder SG, Cullen TJ, Cumming A, Cunningham L, Cuoco E, Dal Canton T, Dálya G, Danilishin SL, D'Antonio S, Danzmann K, Dasgupta A, Da Silva Costa CF, Dattilo V, Dave I, Davier M, Davis D, Daw EJ, Day B, De S, DeBra D, Degallaix J, De Laurentis M, Deléglise S, Del Pozzo W, Demos N, Denker T, Dent T, De Pietri R, Dergachev V, De Rosa R, DeRosa RT, De Rossi C, DeSalvo R, de Varona O, Devenson J, Dhurandhar S, Díaz MC, Dietrich T, Di Fiore L, Di Giovanni M, Di Girolamo T, Di Lieto A, Di Pace S, Di Palma I, Di Renzo F, Doctor Z, Dolique V, Donovan F, Dooley KL, Doravari S, Dorrington I, Douglas R, Dovale Álvarez M, Downes TP, Drago M, Dreissigacker C, Driggers JC, Du Z, Ducrot M, Dudi R, Dupej P, Dwyer SE, Edo TB, Edwards MC, Effler A, Eggenstein HB, Ehrens P, Eichholz J, Eikenberry SS, Eisenstein RA, Essick RC, Estevez D, Etienne ZB, Etzel T, Evans M, Evans TM, Factourovich M, Fafone V, Fair H, Fairhurst S, Fan X, Farinon S, Farr B, Farr WM, Fauchon-Jones EJ, Favata M, Fays M, Fee C, Fehrmann H, Feicht J, Fejer MM, Fernandez-Galiana A, Ferrante I, Ferreira EC, Ferrini F, Fidecaro F, Finstad D, Fiori I, Fiorucci D, Fishbach M, Fisher RP, Fitz-Axen M, Flaminio R, Fletcher M, Fong H, Font JA, Forsyth PWF, Forsyth SS, Fournier JD, Frasca S, Frasconi F, Frei Z, Freise A, Frey R, Frey V, Fries EM, Fritschel P, Frolov VV, Fulda P, Fyffe M, Gabbard H, Gadre BU, Gaebel SM, Gair JR, Gammaitoni L, Ganija MR, Gaonkar SG, Garcia-Quiros C, Garufi F, Gateley B, Gaudio S, Gaur G, Gayathri V, Gehrels N, Gemme G, Genin E, Gennai A, George D, George J, Gergely L, Germain V, Ghonge S, Ghosh A, Ghosh A, Ghosh S, Giaime JA, Giardina KD, Giazotto A, Gill K, Glover L, Goetz E, Goetz R, Gomes S, Goncharov B, González G, Gonzalez Castro JM, Gopakumar A, Gorodetsky ML, Gossan SE, Gosselin M, Gouaty R, Grado A, Graef C, Granata M, Grant A, Gras S, Gray C, Greco G, Green AC, Gretarsson EM, Groot P, Grote H, Grunewald S, Gruning P, Guidi GM, Guo X, Gupta A, Gupta MK, Gushwa KE, Gustafson EK, Gustafson R, Halim O, Hall BR, Hall ED, Hamilton EZ, Hammond G, Haney M, Hanke MM, Hanks J, Hanna C, Hannam MD, Hannuksela OA, Hanson J, Hardwick T, Harms J, Harry GM, Harry IW, Hart MJ, Haster CJ, Haughian K, Healy J, Heidmann A, Heintze MC, Heitmann H, Hello P, Hemming G, Hendry M, Heng IS, Hennig J, Heptonstall AW, Heurs M, Hild S, Hinderer T, Ho WCG, Hoak D, Hofman D, Holt K, Holz DE, Hopkins P, Horst C, Hough J, Houston EA, Howell EJ, Hreibi A, Hu YM, Huerta EA, Huet D, Hughey B, Husa S, Huttner SH, Huynh-Dinh T, Indik N, Inta R, Intini G, Isa HN, Isac JM, Isi M, Iyer BR, Izumi K, Jacqmin T, Jani K, Jaranowski P, Jawahar S, Jiménez-Forteza F, Johnson WW, Johnson-McDaniel NK, Jones DI, Jones R, Jonker RJG, Ju L, Junker J, Kalaghatgi CV, Kalogera V, Kamai B, Kandhasamy S, Kang G, Kanner JB, Kapadia SJ, Karki S, Karvinen KS, Kasprzack M, Kastaun W, Katolik M, Katsavounidis E, Katzman W, Kaufer S, Kawabe K, Kéfélian F, Keitel D, Kemball AJ, Kennedy R, Kent C, Key JS, Khalili FY, Khan I, Khan S, Khan Z, Khazanov EA, Kijbunchoo N, Kim C, Kim JC, Kim K, Kim W, Kim WS, Kim YM, Kimbrell SJ, King EJ, King PJ, Kinley-Hanlon M, Kirchhoff R, Kissel JS, Kleybolte L, Klimenko S, Knowles TD, Koch P, Koehlenbeck SM, Koley S, Kondrashov V, Kontos A, Korobko M, Korth WZ, Kowalska I, Kozak DB, Krämer C, Kringel V, Krishnan B, Królak A, Kuehn G, Kumar P, Kumar R, Kumar S, Kuo L, Kutynia A, Kwang S, Lackey BD, Lai KH, Landry M, Lang RN, Lange J, Lantz B, Lanza RK, Larson SL, Lartaux-Vollard A, Lasky PD, Laxen M, Lazzarini A, Lazzaro C, Leaci P, Leavey S, Lee CH, Lee HK, Lee HM, Lee HW, Lee K, Lehmann J, Lenon A, Leon E, Leonardi M, Leroy N, Letendre N, Levin Y, Li TGF, Linker SD, Littenberg TB, Liu J, Liu X, Lo RKL, Lockerbie NA, London LT, Lord JE, Lorenzini M, Loriette V, Lormand M, Losurdo G, Lough JD, Lousto CO, Lovelace G, Lück H, Lumaca D, Lundgren AP, Lynch R, Ma Y, Macas R, Macfoy S, Machenschalk B, MacInnis M, Macleod DM, Magaña Hernandez I, Magaña-Sandoval F, Magaña Zertuche L, Magee RM, Majorana E, Maksimovic I, Man N, Mandic V, Mangano V, Mansell GL, Manske M, Mantovani M, Marchesoni F, Marion F, Márka S, Márka Z, Markakis C, Markosyan AS, Markowitz A, Maros E, Marquina A, Marsh P, Martelli F, Martellini L, Martin IW, Martin RM, Martynov DV, Marx JN, Mason K, Massera E, Masserot A, Massinger TJ, Masso-Reid M, Mastrogiovanni S, Matas A, Matichard F, Matone L, Mavalvala N, Mazumder N, McCarthy R, McClelland DE, McCormick S, McCuller L, McGuire SC, McIntyre G, McIver J, McManus DJ, McNeill L, McRae T, McWilliams ST, Meacher D, Meadors GD, Mehmet M, Meidam J, Mejuto-Villa E, Melatos A, Mendell G, Mercer RA, Merilh EL, Merzougui M, Meshkov S, Messenger C, Messick C, Metzdorff R, Meyers PM, Miao H, Michel C, Middleton H, Mikhailov EE, Milano L, Miller AL, Miller BB, Miller J, Millhouse M, Milovich-Goff MC, Minazzoli O, Minenkov Y, Ming J, Mishra C, Mitra S, Mitrofanov VP, Mitselmakher G, Mittleman R, Moffa D, Moggi A, Mogushi K, Mohan M, Mohapatra SRP, Molina I, Montani M, Moore CJ, Moraru D, Moreno G, Morisaki S, Morriss SR, Mours B, Mow-Lowry CM, Mueller G, Muir AW, Mukherjee A, Mukherjee D, Mukherjee S, Mukund N, Mullavey A, Munch J, Muñiz EA, Muratore M, Murray PG, Nagar A, Napier K, Nardecchia I, Naticchioni L, Nayak RK, Neilson J, Nelemans G, Nelson TJN, Nery M, Neunzert A, Nevin L, Newport JM, Newton G, Ng KKY, Nguyen P, Nguyen TT, Nichols D, Nielsen AB, Nissanke S, Nitz A, Noack A, Nocera F, Nolting D, North C, Nuttall LK, Oberling J, O'Dea GD, Ogin GH, Oh JJ, Oh SH, Ohme F, Okada MA, Oliver M, Oppermann P, Oram RJ, O'Reilly B, Ormiston R, Ortega LF, O'Shaughnessy R, Ossokine S, Ottaway DJ, Overmier H, Owen BJ, Pace AE, Page J, Page MA, Pai A, Pai SA, Palamos JR, Palashov O, Palomba C, Pal-Singh A, Pan H, Pan HW, Pang B, Pang PTH, Pankow C, Pannarale F, Pant BC, Paoletti F, Paoli A, Papa MA, Parida A, Parker W, Pascucci D, Pasqualetti A, Passaquieti R, Passuello D, Patil M, Patricelli B, Pearlstone BL, Pedraza M, Pedurand R, Pekowsky L, Pele A, Penn S, Perez CJ, Perreca A, Perri LM, Pfeiffer HP, Phelps M, Piccinni OJ, Pichot M, Piergiovanni F, Pierro V, Pillant G, Pinard L, Pinto IM, Pirello M, Pitkin M, Poe M, Poggiani R, Popolizio P, Porter EK, Post A, Powell J, Prasad J, Pratt JWW, Pratten G, Predoi V, Prestegard T, Prijatelj M, Principe M, Privitera S, Prix R, Prodi GA, Prokhorov LG, Puncken O, Punturo M, Puppo P, Pürrer M, Qi H, Quetschke V, Quintero EA, Quitzow-James R, Raab FJ, Rabeling DS, Radkins H, Raffai P, Raja S, Rajan C, Rajbhandari B, Rakhmanov M, Ramirez KE, Ramos-Buades A, Rapagnani P, Raymond V, Razzano M, Read J, Regimbau T, Rei L, Reid S, Reitze DH, Ren W, Reyes SD, Ricci F, Ricker PM, Rieger S, Riles K, Rizzo M, Robertson NA, Robie R, Robinet F, Rocchi A, Rolland L, Rollins JG, Roma VJ, Romano JD, Romano R, Romel CL, Romie JH, Rosińska D, Ross MP, Rowan S, Rüdiger A, Ruggi P, Rutins G, Ryan K, Sachdev S, Sadecki T, Sadeghian L, Sakellariadou M, Salconi L, Saleem M, Salemi F, Samajdar A, Sammut L, Sampson LM, Sanchez EJ, Sanchez LE, Sanchis-Gual N, Sandberg V, Sanders JR, Sassolas B, Sathyaprakash BS, Saulson PR, Sauter O, Savage RL, Sawadsky A, Schale P, Scheel M, Scheuer J, Schmidt J, Schmidt P, Schnabel R, Schofield RMS, Schönbeck A, Schreiber E, Schuette D, Schulte BW, Schutz BF, Schwalbe SG, Scott J, Scott SM, Seidel E, Sellers D, Sengupta AS, Sentenac D, Sequino V, Sergeev A, Shaddock DA, Shaffer TJ, Shah AA, Shahriar MS, Shaner MB, Shao L, Shapiro B, Shawhan P, Sheperd A, Shoemaker DH, Shoemaker DM, Siellez K, Siemens X, Sieniawska M, Sigg D, Silva AD, Singer LP, Singh A, Singhal A, Sintes AM, Slagmolen BJJ, Smith B, Smith JR, Smith RJE, Somala S, Son EJ, Sonnenberg JA, Sorazu B, Sorrentino F, Souradeep T, Spencer AP, Srivastava AK, Staats K, Staley A, Steinke M, Steinlechner J, Steinlechner S, Steinmeyer D, Stevenson SP, Stone R, Stops DJ, Strain KA, Stratta G, Strigin SE, Strunk A, Sturani R, Stuver AL, Summerscales TZ, Sun L, Sunil S, Suresh J, Sutton PJ, Swinkels BL, Szczepańczyk MJ, Tacca M, Tait SC, Talbot C, Talukder D, Tanner DB, Tápai M, Taracchini A, Tasson JD, Taylor JA, Taylor R, Tewari SV, Theeg T, Thies F, Thomas EG, Thomas M, Thomas P, Thorne KA, Thorne KS, Thrane E, Tiwari S, Tiwari V, Tokmakov KV, Toland K, Tonelli M, Tornasi Z, Torres-Forné A, Torrie CI, Töyrä D, Travasso F, Traylor G, Trinastic J, Tringali MC, Trozzo L, Tsang KW, Tse M, Tso R, Tsukada L, Tsuna D, Tuyenbayev D, Ueno K, Ugolini D, Unnikrishnan CS, Urban AL, Usman SA, Vahlbruch H, Vajente G, Valdes G, Vallisneri M, van Bakel N, van Beuzekom M, van den Brand JFJ, Van Den Broeck C, Vander-Hyde DC, van der Schaaf L, van Heijningen JV, van Veggel AA, Vardaro M, Varma V, Vass S, Vasúth M, Vecchio A, Vedovato G, Veitch J, Veitch PJ, Venkateswara K, Venugopalan G, Verkindt D, Vetrano F, Viceré A, Viets AD, Vinciguerra S, Vine DJ, Vinet JY, Vitale S, Vo T, Vocca H, Vorvick C, Vyatchanin SP, Wade AR, Wade LE, Wade M, Walet R, Walker M, Wallace L, Walsh S, Wang G, Wang H, Wang JZ, Wang WH, Wang YF, Ward RL, Warner J, Was M, Watchi J, Weaver B, Wei LW, Weinert M, Weinstein AJ, Weiss R, Wen L, Wessel EK, Weßels P, Westerweck J, Westphal T, Wette K, Whelan JT, Whitcomb SE, Whiting BF, Whittle C, Wilken D, Williams D, Williams RD, Williamson AR, Willis JL, Willke B, Wimmer MH, Winkler W, Wipf CC, Wittel H, Woan G, Woehler J, Wofford J, Wong KWK, Worden J, Wright JL, Wu DS, Wysocki DM, Xiao S, Yamamoto H, Yancey CC, Yang L, Yap MJ, Yazback M, Yu H, Yu H, Yvert M, Zadrożny A, Zanolin M, Zelenova T, Zendri JP, Zevin M, Zhang L, Zhang M, Zhang T, Zhang YH, Zhao C, Zhou M, Zhou Z, Zhu SJ, Zhu XJ, Zimmerman AB, Zucker ME, Zweizig J. GW170817: Observation of Gravitational Waves from a Binary Neutron Star Inspiral. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2017; 119:161101. [PMID: 29099225 DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.119.161101] [Citation(s) in RCA: 872] [Impact Index Per Article: 109.0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 09/26/2017] [Indexed: 05/21/2023]
On August 17, 2017 at 12∶41:04 UTC the Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo gravitational-wave detectors made their first observation of a binary neutron star inspiral. The signal, GW170817, was detected with a combined signal-to-noise ratio of 32.4 and a false-alarm-rate estimate of less than one per 8.0×10^{4} years. We infer the component masses of the binary to be between 0.86 and 2.26 M_{⊙}, in agreement with masses of known neutron stars. Restricting the component spins to the range inferred in binary neutron stars, we find the component masses to be in the range 1.17-1.60 M_{⊙}, with the total mass of the system 2.74_{-0.01}^{+0.04}M_{⊙}. The source was localized within a sky region of 28 deg^{2} (90% probability) and had a luminosity distance of 40_{-14}^{+8} Mpc, the closest and most precisely localized gravitational-wave signal yet. The association with the γ-ray burst GRB 170817A, detected by Fermi-GBM 1.7 s after the coalescence, corroborates the hypothesis of a neutron star merger and provides the first direct evidence of a link between these mergers and short γ-ray bursts. Subsequent identification of transient counterparts across the electromagnetic spectrum in the same location further supports the interpretation of this event as a neutron star merger. This unprecedented joint gravitational and electromagnetic observation provides insight into astrophysics, dense matter, gravitation, and cosmology.
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Lux ML, Rubin BP, Biase TL, Chen CJ, Maclure T, Demetri G, Xiao S, Singer S, Fletcher CD, Fletcher JA. KIT extracellular and kinase domain mutations in gastrointestinal stromal tumors. THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PATHOLOGY 2000; 156:791-5. [PMID: 10702394 PMCID: PMC1876850 DOI: 10.1016/s0002-9440(10)64946-2] [Citation(s) in RCA: 472] [Impact Index Per Article: 18.9] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [MESH Headings] [Track Full Text] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 01/03/2023]
Gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs) are the most common mesenchymal neoplasms arising in the gastrointestinal tract. GISTs express the KIT receptor tyrosine kinase, and many cases have activating mutations in the KIT juxtamembrane region. We now report an analysis of KIT cDNA and genomic sequences in eight GISTs that lack juxtamembrane region mutations. Six cases contained heterozygous exon 9 mutations in which six nucleotides, encoding Ala-Tyr, were duplicated. The other two cases contained homozygous exon 13 missense mutations, resulting in substitution of Glu for Lys(642), that were associated with constitutive KIT tyrosine phosphorylation. Sequence analysis of DNAs from nonneoplastic companion tissues revealed that both the exon 9 and exon 13 mutations were somatic. These are the first descriptions, in any tumor, of mutations in KIT exons encoding the C-terminal end of the extracellular domain and the first part of the split kinase domain. These findings indicate that KIT may be activated by mutations in at least three domains-extracellular, juxtamembrane, and kinase-in GISTs.
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Rubin BP, Chen CJ, Morgan TW, Xiao S, Grier HE, Kozakewich HP, Perez-Atayde AR, Fletcher JA. Congenital mesoblastic nephroma t(12;15) is associated with ETV6-NTRK3 gene fusion: cytogenetic and molecular relationship to congenital (infantile) fibrosarcoma. THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PATHOLOGY 1998; 153:1451-8. [PMID: 9811336 PMCID: PMC1853403 DOI: 10.1016/s0002-9440(10)65732-x] [Citation(s) in RCA: 295] [Impact Index Per Article: 10.9] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [MESH Headings] [Track Full Text] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Accepted: 07/31/1998] [Indexed: 01/14/2023]
Morphological, cytogenetic, and biological evidence supports a relationship between congenital (infantile) fibrosarcoma (CFS) and congenital mesoblastic nephroma (CMN). These tumors have a very similar histological appearance, and they are both associated with polysomies for chromosomes 8, 11, 17, and 20. Recently, CFS was shown to contain a novel t(12; 15)(p13;q25) translocation resulting in ETV6-NTRK3 gene fusion. The aims of this study were to determine whether congenital mesoblastic nephroma contains the t(12;15)(p13;q25) translocation and ETV6-NTRK3 gene fusion and whether ETV6-NTRK3 fusions, in CMN and CFS, antedate acquisition of nonrandom chromosome polysomies. To address these aims, we evaluated 1) ETV6-NTRK3 fusion transcripts by reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction and sequence analysis, 2) genomic ETV6-region chromosomal rearrangement by fluorescence in situ hybridization, and 3) chromosomal polysomies by karyotyping and fluorescence in situ hybridization. We report ETV6-NTRK3 fusion transcripts and/or ETV6-region rearrangement in five of six CMNs and in five of five CFSs. The ETV6-NTRK3 fusion transcripts and/or ETV-region chromosome rearrangements were demonstrated in two CMNs and one CFS that lacked chromosome polysomies. These findings demonstrate that t(12;15) translocation, and the associated ETV6-NTRK3 fusion, can antedate acquisition of chromosome polysomies in CMN and CFS. CMN and CFS are pathogenetically related, and it is likely that they represent a single neoplastic entity, arising in either renal or soft tissue locations.
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Xiao S, Ellwood S, Calis O, Patrick E, Li T, Coleman M, Turner JG. Broad-spectrum mildew resistance in Arabidopsis thaliana mediated by RPW8. Science 2001; 291:118-20. [PMID: 11141561 DOI: 10.1126/science.291.5501.118] [Citation(s) in RCA: 292] [Impact Index Per Article: 12.2] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [MESH Headings] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 11/02/2022]
Plant disease resistance (R) genes control the recognition of specific pathogens and activate subsequent defense responses. We show that the Arabidopsis thaliana locus RESISTANCE TO POWDERY MILDEW8 (RPW8) contains two naturally polymorphic, dominant R genes, RPW8.1 and RPW8.2, which individually control resistance to a broad range of powdery mildew pathogens. Although the predicted RPW8.1 and RPW8.2 proteins are different from the previously characterized R proteins, they induce localized, salicylic acid-dependent defenses similar to those induced by R genes that control specific resistance. Apparently, broad-spectrum resistance mediated by RPW8 uses the same mechanisms as specific resistance.
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Xiao S, Nalabolu SR, Aster JC, Ma J, Abruzzo L, Jaffe ES, Stone R, Weissman SM, Hudson TJ, Fletcher JA. FGFR1 is fused with a novel zinc-finger gene, ZNF198, in the t(8;13) leukaemia/lymphoma syndrome. Nat Genet 1998; 18:84-7. [PMID: 9425908 DOI: 10.1038/ng0198-84] [Citation(s) in RCA: 247] [Impact Index Per Article: 9.1] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [MESH Headings] [Grants] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 02/05/2023]
Various histological subtypes of leukaemia and lymphoma are associated with diagnostic chromosome translocations, and substantial strides have been made in determining the specific oncogenes targetted by those translocations. We report the cloning of a novel fusion oncogene associated with a unique leukaemia/lymphoma syndrome. Patients afflicted with this syndrome present with lymphoblastic lymphoma and a myeloproliferative disorder, often accompanied by pronounced peripheral eosinophilia and/or prominent eosinophilic infiltrates in the affected bone marrow, which generally progress to full-blown acute myelogenous leukaemia within a year of diagnosis. A specific chromosome translocation, t(8;13)(p11;q11-12), is found in both lymphoma and myeloid leukaemia cells from these patients, supporting bi-lineage differentiation from a transformed stem cell. We find that the 8p11 translocation breakpoints, in each of four patients, interrupt intron 8 of the fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 gene (FGFR1). These translocations are associated with aberrant transcripts in which four predicted zinc-finger domains, contributed by a novel and widely expressed chromosome-13 gene (ZNF198), are fused to the FGFR1 tyrosine-kinase domain. Transient expression studies show that the ZNF198-FGFR1 fusion transcript directs the synthesis of an approximately 87-kD polypeptide, localizing predominantly to the cytoplasm. Our studies demonstrate an FGFR1 oncogenic role and suggest a tumorigenic mechanism in which ZNF198-FGFR1 activation results from ZNF198 zinc-finger-mediated homodimerization.
MESH Headings
- Amino Acid Sequence
- Animals
- Base Sequence
- Carrier Proteins
- Cell Transformation, Neoplastic
- Chromosomes, Human, Pair 13
- Chromosomes, Human, Pair 8
- DNA-Binding Proteins/genetics
- Humans
- Mice
- Molecular Sequence Data
- Myeloproliferative Disorders/genetics
- Oncogene Proteins, Fusion/genetics
- Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma/genetics
- Receptor Protein-Tyrosine Kinases
- Receptor, Fibroblast Growth Factor, Type 1
- Receptors, Fibroblast Growth Factor/genetics
- Syndrome
- Transcription Factors
- Translocation, Genetic
- Zinc Fingers/genetics
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Xiao S, Yu C, Chou X, Yuan W, Wang Y, Bu L, Fu G, Qian M, Yang J, Shi Y, Hu L, Han B, Wang Z, Huang W, Liu J, Chen Z, Zhao G, Kong X. Dentinogenesis imperfecta 1 with or without progressive hearing loss is associated with distinct mutations in DSPP. Nat Genet 2001; 27:201-4. [PMID: 11175790 DOI: 10.1038/84848] [Citation(s) in RCA: 235] [Impact Index Per Article: 9.8] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [MESH Headings] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 11/08/2022]
Dentinogenesis imperfecta 1 (DGI1, MIM 125490) is an autosomal dominant dental disease characterized by abnormal dentin production and mineralization. The DGI1 locus was recently refined to a 2-Mb interval on 4q21 (ref. 1). Here we study three Chinese families carrying DGI1. We find that the affected individuals of two families also presented with progressive sensorineural high-frequency hearing loss (gene DFNA39). We identified three disease-specific mutations within the dentin sialophosphoprotein gene (DSPP) in these three families. We detected a G-->A transition at the donor-splicing site of intron 3 in one family without DFNA39, a mutation predicted to result in the skipping of exon 3. In two other families affected with both DGI1 and DFNA39, however, we identified two independent nucleotide transversions in exons 2 and 3 of DSPP, respectively, that cause missense mutations of two adjacent amino-acid residues in the predicted transmembrane region of the protein. Moreover, transcripts of DSPP previously reported to be expressed specifically in teeth are also detected in the inner ear of mice. We have thus demonstrated for the first time that distinct mutations in DSPP are responsible for the clinical manifestations of DGI1 with or without DFNA39.
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Abbott BP, Abbott R, Abbott TD, Acernese F, Ackley K, Adams C, Adams T, Addesso P, Adhikari RX, Adya VB, Affeldt C, Agarwal B, Agathos M, Agatsuma K, Aggarwal N, Aguiar OD, Aiello L, Ain A, Ajith P, Allen B, Allen G, Allocca A, Aloy MA, Altin PA, Amato A, Ananyeva A, Anderson SB, Anderson WG, Angelova SV, Antier S, Appert S, Arai K, Araya MC, Areeda JS, Arène M, Arnaud N, Arun KG, Ascenzi S, Ashton G, Ast M, Aston SM, Astone P, Atallah DV, Aubin F, Aufmuth P, Aulbert C, AultONeal K, Austin C, Avila-Alvarez A, Babak S, Bacon P, Badaracco F, Bader MKM, Bae S, Baker PT, Baldaccini F, Ballardin G, Ballmer SW, Banagiri S, Barayoga JC, Barclay SE, Barish BC, Barker D, Barkett K, Barnum S, Barone F, Barr B, Barsotti L, Barsuglia M, Barta D, Bartlett J, Bartos I, Bassiri R, Basti A, Batch JC, Bawaj M, Bayley JC, Bazzan M, Bécsy B, Beer C, Bejger M, Belahcene I, Bell AS, Beniwal D, Bensch M, Berger BK, Bergmann G, Bernuzzi S, Bero JJ, Berry CPL, Bersanetti D, Bertolini A, Betzwieser J, Bhandare R, Bilenko IA, Bilgili SA, Billingsley G, Billman CR, Birch J, Birney R, Birnholtz O, Biscans S, Biscoveanu S, Bisht A, Bitossi M, Bizouard MA, Blackburn JK, Blackman J, Blair CD, Blair DG, Blair RM, Bloemen S, Bock O, Bode N, Boer M, Boetzel Y, Bogaert G, Bohe A, Bondu F, Bonilla E, Bonnand R, Booker P, Boom BA, Booth CD, Bork R, Boschi V, Bose S, Bossie K, Bossilkov V, Bosveld J, Bouffanais Y, Bozzi A, Bradaschia C, Brady PR, Bramley A, Branchesi M, Brau JE, Briant T, Brighenti F, Brillet A, Brinkmann M, Brisson V, Brockill P, Brooks AF, Brown DD, Brunett S, Buchanan CC, Buikema A, Bulik T, Bulten HJ, Buonanno A, Buskulic D, Buy C, Byer RL, Cabero M, Cadonati L, Cagnoli G, Cahillane C, Calderón Bustillo J, Callister TA, Calloni E, Camp JB, Canepa M, Canizares P, Cannon KC, Cao H, Cao J, Capano CD, Capocasa E, Carbognani F, Caride S, Carney MF, Carullo G, Casanueva Diaz J, Casentini C, Caudill S, Cavaglià M, Cavalier F, Cavalieri R, Cella G, Cepeda CB, Cerdá-Durán P, Cerretani G, Cesarini E, Chaibi O, Chamberlin SJ, Chan M, Chao S, Charlton P, Chase E, Chassande-Mottin E, Chatterjee D, Chatziioannou K, Cheeseboro BD, Chen HY, Chen X, Chen Y, Cheng HP, Chia HY, Chincarini A, Chiummo A, Chmiel T, Cho HS, Cho M, Chow JH, Christensen N, Chu Q, Chua AJK, Chua S, Chung KW, Chung S, Ciani G, Ciobanu AA, Ciolfi R, Cipriano F, Cirelli CE, Cirone A, Clara F, Clark JA, Clearwater P, Cleva F, Cocchieri C, Coccia E, Cohadon PF, Cohen D, Colla A, Collette CG, Collins C, Cominsky LR, Constancio M, Conti L, Cooper SJ, Corban P, Corbitt TR, Cordero-Carrión I, Corley KR, Cornish N, Corsi A, Cortese S, Costa CA, Cotesta R, Coughlin MW, Coughlin SB, Coulon JP, Countryman ST, Couvares P, Covas PB, Cowan EE, Coward DM, Cowart MJ, Coyne DC, Coyne R, Creighton JDE, Creighton TD, Cripe J, Crowder SG, Cullen TJ, Cumming A, Cunningham L, Cuoco E, Canton TD, Dálya G, Danilishin SL, D'Antonio S, Danzmann K, Dasgupta A, Da Silva Costa CF, Dattilo V, Dave I, Davier M, Davis D, Daw EJ, Day B, DeBra D, Deenadayalan M, Degallaix J, De Laurentis M, Deléglise S, Del Pozzo W, Demos N, Denker T, Dent T, De Pietri R, Derby J, Dergachev V, De Rosa R, De Rossi C, DeSalvo R, de Varona O, Dhurandhar S, Díaz MC, Dietrich T, Di Fiore L, Di Giovanni M, Di Girolamo T, Di Lieto A, Ding B, Di Pace S, Di Palma I, Di Renzo F, Dmitriev A, Doctor Z, Dolique V, Donovan F, Dooley KL, Doravari S, Dorrington I, Dovale Álvarez M, Downes TP, Drago M, Dreissigacker C, Driggers JC, Du Z, Dupej P, Dwyer SE, Easter PJ, Edo TB, Edwards MC, Effler A, Eggenstein HB, Ehrens P, Eichholz J, Eikenberry SS, Eisenmann M, Eisenstein RA, Essick RC, Estelles H, Estevez D, Etienne ZB, Etzel T, Evans M, Evans TM, Fafone V, Fair H, Fairhurst S, Fan X, Farinon S, Farr B, Farr WM, Fauchon-Jones EJ, Favata M, Fays M, Fee C, Fehrmann H, Feicht J, Fejer MM, Feng F, Fernandez-Galiana A, Ferrante I, Ferreira EC, Ferrini F, Fidecaro F, Fiori I, Fiorucci D, Fishbach M, Fisher RP, Fishner JM, Fitz-Axen M, Flaminio R, Fletcher M, Fong H, Font JA, Forsyth PWF, Forsyth SS, Fournier JD, Frasca S, Frasconi F, Frei Z, Freise A, Frey R, Frey V, Fritschel P, Frolov VV, Fulda P, Fyffe M, Gabbard HA, Gadre BU, Gaebel SM, Gair JR, Gammaitoni L, Ganija MR, Gaonkar SG, Garcia A, García-Quirós C, Garufi F, Gateley B, Gaudio S, Gaur G, Gayathri V, Gemme G, Genin E, Gennai A, George D, George J, Gergely L, Germain V, Ghonge S, Ghosh A, Ghosh A, Ghosh S, Giacomazzo B, Giaime JA, Giardina KD, Giazotto A, Gill K, Giordano G, Glover L, Goetz E, Goetz R, Goncharov B, González G, Gonzalez Castro JM, Gopakumar A, Gorodetsky ML, Gossan SE, Gosselin M, Gouaty R, Grado A, Graef C, Granata M, Grant A, Gras S, Gray C, Greco G, Green AC, Green R, Gretarsson EM, Groot P, Grote H, Grunewald S, Gruning P, Guidi GM, Gulati HK, Guo X, Gupta A, Gupta MK, Gushwa KE, Gustafson EK, Gustafson R, Halim O, Hall BR, Hall ED, Hamilton EZ, Hamilton HF, Hammond G, Haney M, Hanke MM, Hanks J, Hanna C, Hannam MD, Hannuksela OA, Hanson J, Hardwick T, Harms J, Harry GM, Harry IW, Hart MJ, Haster CJ, Haughian K, Healy J, Heidmann A, Heintze MC, Heitmann H, Hello P, Hemming G, Hendry M, Heng IS, Hennig J, Heptonstall AW, Hernandez FJ, Heurs M, Hild S, Hinderer T, Ho WCG, Hoak D, Hochheim S, Hofman D, Holland NA, Holt K, Holz DE, Hopkins P, Horst C, Hough J, Houston EA, Howell EJ, Hreibi A, Huerta EA, Huet D, Hughey B, Hulko M, Husa S, Huttner SH, Huynh-Dinh T, Iess A, Indik N, Ingram C, Inta R, Intini G, Irwin BS, Isa HN, Isac JM, Isi M, Iyer BR, Izumi K, Jacqmin T, Jani K, Jaranowski P, Johnson DS, Johnson WW, Jones DI, Jones R, Jonker RJG, Ju L, Junker J, Kalaghatgi CV, Kalogera V, Kamai B, Kandhasamy S, Kang G, Kanner JB, Kapadia SJ, Karki S, Karvinen KS, Kasprzack M, Katolik M, Katsanevas S, Katsavounidis E, Katzman W, Kaufer S, Kawabe K, Keerthana NV, Kéfélian F, Keitel D, Kemball AJ, Kennedy R, Key JS, Khalili FY, Khamesra B, Khan H, Khan I, Khan S, Khan Z, Khazanov EA, Kijbunchoo N, Kim C, Kim JC, Kim K, Kim W, Kim WS, Kim YM, King EJ, King PJ, Kinley-Hanlon M, Kirchhoff R, Kissel JS, Kleybolte L, Klimenko S, Knowles TD, Koch P, Koehlenbeck SM, Koley S, Kondrashov V, Kontos A, Korobko M, Korth WZ, Kowalska I, Kozak DB, Krämer C, Kringel V, Krishnan B, Królak A, Kuehn G, Kumar P, Kumar R, Kumar S, Kuo L, Kutynia A, Kwang S, Lackey BD, Lai KH, Landry M, Landry P, Lang RN, Lange J, Lantz B, Lanza RK, Lartaux-Vollard A, Lasky PD, Laxen M, Lazzarini A, Lazzaro C, Leaci P, Leavey S, Lee CH, Lee HK, Lee HM, Lee HW, Lee K, Lehmann J, Lenon A, Leonardi M, Leroy N, Letendre N, Levin Y, Li J, Li TGF, Li X, Linker SD, Littenberg TB, Liu J, Liu X, Lo RKL, Lockerbie NA, London LT, Longo A, Lorenzini M, Loriette V, Lormand M, Losurdo G, Lough JD, Lousto CO, Lovelace G, Lück H, Lumaca D, Lundgren AP, Lynch R, Ma Y, Macas R, Macfoy S, Machenschalk B, MacInnis M, Macleod DM, Magaña Hernandez I, Magaña-Sandoval F, Magaña Zertuche L, Magee RM, Majorana E, Maksimovic I, Man N, Mandic V, Mangano V, Mansell GL, Manske M, Mantovani M, Marchesoni F, Marion F, Márka S, Márka Z, Markakis C, Markosyan AS, Markowitz A, Maros E, Marquina A, Martelli F, Martellini L, Martin IW, Martin RM, Martynov DV, Mason K, Massera E, Masserot A, Massinger TJ, Masso-Reid M, Mastrogiovanni S, Matas A, Matichard F, Matone L, Mavalvala N, Mazumder N, McCann JJ, McCarthy R, McClelland DE, McCormick S, McCuller L, McGuire SC, McIver J, McManus DJ, McRae T, McWilliams ST, Meacher D, Meadors GD, Mehmet M, Meidam J, Mejuto-Villa E, Melatos A, Mendell G, Mendoza-Gandara D, Mercer RA, Mereni L, Merilh EL, Merzougui M, Meshkov S, Messenger C, Messick C, Metzdorff R, Meyers PM, Miao H, Michel C, Middleton H, Mikhailov EE, Milano L, Miller AL, Miller A, Miller BB, Miller J, Millhouse M, Mills J, Milovich-Goff MC, Minazzoli O, Minenkov Y, Ming J, Mishra C, Mitra S, Mitrofanov VP, Mitselmakher G, Mittleman R, Moffa D, Mogushi K, Mohan M, Mohapatra SRP, Montani M, Moore CJ, Moraru D, Moreno G, Morisaki S, Mours B, Mow-Lowry CM, Mueller G, Muir AW, Mukherjee A, Mukherjee D, Mukherjee S, Mukund N, Mullavey A, Munch J, Muñiz EA, Muratore M, Murray PG, Nagar A, Napier K, Nardecchia I, Naticchioni L, Nayak RK, Neilson J, Nelemans G, Nelson TJN, Nery M, Neunzert A, Nevin L, Newport JM, Ng KY, Ng S, Nguyen P, Nguyen TT, Nichols D, Nielsen AB, Nissanke S, Nitz A, Nocera F, Nolting D, North C, Nuttall LK, Obergaulinger M, Oberling J, O'Brien BD, O'Dea GD, Ogin GH, Oh JJ, Oh SH, Ohme F, Ohta H, Okada MA, Oliver M, Oppermann P, Oram RJ, O'Reilly B, Ormiston R, Ortega LF, O'Shaughnessy R, Ossokine S, Ottaway DJ, Overmier H, Owen BJ, Pace AE, Pagano G, Page J, Page MA, Pai A, Pai SA, Palamos JR, Palashov O, Palomba C, Pal-Singh A, Pan H, Pan HW, Pang B, Pang PTH, Pankow C, Pannarale F, Pant BC, Paoletti F, Paoli A, Papa MA, Parida A, Parker W, Pascucci D, Pasqualetti A, Passaquieti R, Passuello D, Patil M, Patricelli B, Pearlstone BL, Pedersen C, Pedraza M, Pedurand R, Pekowsky L, Pele A, Penn S, Perego A, Perez CJ, Perreca A, Perri LM, Pfeiffer HP, Phelps M, Phukon KS, Piccinni OJ, Pichot M, Piergiovanni F, Pierro V, Pillant G, Pinard L, Pinto IM, Pirello M, Pitkin M, Poggiani R, Popolizio P, Porter EK, Possenti L, Post A, Powell J, Prasad J, Pratt JWW, Pratten G, Predoi V, Prestegard T, Principe M, Privitera S, Prodi GA, Prokhorov LG, Puncken O, Punturo M, Puppo P, Pürrer M, Qi H, Quetschke V, Quintero EA, Quitzow-James R, Raab FJ, Rabeling DS, Radkins H, Raffai P, Raja S, Rajan C, Rajbhandari B, Rakhmanov M, Ramirez KE, Ramos-Buades A, Rana J, Rapagnani P, Raymond V, Razzano M, Read J, Regimbau T, Rei L, Reid S, Reitze DH, Ren W, Ricci F, Ricker PM, Riemenschneider GM, Riles K, Rizzo M, Robertson NA, Robie R, Robinet F, Robson T, Rocchi A, Rolland L, Rollins JG, Roma VJ, Romano R, Romel CL, Romie JH, Rosińska D, Ross MP, Rowan S, Rüdiger A, Ruggi P, Rutins G, Ryan K, Sachdev S, Sadecki T, Sakellariadou M, Salconi L, Saleem M, Salemi F, Samajdar A, Sammut L, Sampson LM, Sanchez EJ, Sanchez LE, Sanchis-Gual N, Sandberg V, Sanders JR, Sarin N, Sassolas B, Sathyaprakash BS, Saulson PR, Sauter O, Savage RL, Sawadsky A, Schale P, Scheel M, Scheuer J, Schmidt P, Schnabel R, Schofield RMS, Schönbeck A, Schreiber E, Schuette D, Schulte BW, Schutz BF, Schwalbe SG, Scott J, Scott SM, Seidel E, Sellers D, Sengupta AS, Sentenac D, Sequino V, Sergeev A, Setyawati Y, Shaddock DA, Shaffer TJ, Shah AA, Shahriar MS, Shaner MB, Shao L, Shapiro B, Shawhan P, Shen H, Shoemaker DH, Shoemaker DM, Siellez K, Siemens X, Sieniawska M, Sigg D, Silva AD, Singer LP, Singh A, Singhal A, Sintes AM, Slagmolen BJJ, Slaven-Blair TJ, Smith B, Smith JR, Smith RJE, Somala S, Son EJ, Sorazu B, Sorrentino F, Souradeep T, Spencer AP, Srivastava AK, Staats K, Steinke M, Steinlechner J, Steinlechner S, Steinmeyer D, Steltner B, Stevenson SP, Stocks D, Stone R, Stops DJ, Strain KA, Stratta G, Strigin SE, Strunk A, Sturani R, Stuver AL, Summerscales TZ, Sun L, Sunil S, Suresh J, Sutton PJ, Swinkels BL, Szczepańczyk MJ, Tacca M, Tait SC, Talbot C, Talukder D, Tanner DB, Tápai M, Taracchini A, Tasson JD, Taylor JA, Taylor R, Tewari SV, Theeg T, Thies F, Thomas EG, Thomas M, Thomas P, Thorne KA, Thrane E, Tiwari S, Tiwari V, Tokmakov KV, Toland K, Tonelli M, Tornasi Z, Torres-Forné A, Torrie CI, Töyrä D, Travasso F, Traylor G, Trinastic J, Tringali MC, Trovato A, Trozzo L, Tsang KW, Tse M, Tso R, Tsuna D, Tsukada L, Tuyenbayev D, Ueno K, Ugolini D, Urban AL, Usman SA, Vahlbruch H, Vajente G, Valdes G, van Bakel N, van Beuzekom M, van den Brand JFJ, Van Den Broeck C, Vander-Hyde DC, van der Schaaf L, van Heijningen JV, van Veggel AA, Vardaro M, Varma V, Vass S, Vasúth M, Vecchio A, Vedovato G, Veitch J, Veitch PJ, Venkateswara K, Venugopalan G, Verkindt D, Vetrano F, Viceré A, Viets AD, Vinciguerra S, Vine DJ, Vinet JY, Vitale S, Vo T, Vocca H, Vorvick C, Vyatchanin SP, Wade AR, Wade LE, Wade M, Walet R, Walker M, Wallace L, Walsh S, Wang G, Wang H, Wang JZ, Wang WH, Wang YF, Ward RL, Warner J, Was M, Watchi J, Weaver B, Wei LW, Weinert M, Weinstein AJ, Weiss R, Wellmann F, Wen L, Wessel EK, Weßels P, Westerweck J, Wette K, Whelan JT, Whiting BF, Whittle C, Wilken D, Williams D, Williams RD, Williamson AR, Willis JL, Willke B, Wimmer MH, Winkler W, Wipf CC, Wittel H, Woan G, Woehler J, Wofford JK, Wong WK, Worden J, Wright JL, Wu DS, Wysocki DM, Xiao S, Yam W, Yamamoto H, Yancey CC, Yang L, Yap MJ, Yazback M, Yu H, Yu H, Yvert M, Zadrożny A, Zanolin M, Zelenova T, Zendri JP, Zevin M, Zhang J, Zhang L, Zhang M, Zhang T, Zhang YH, Zhao C, Zhou M, Zhou Z, Zhu SJ, Zhu XJ, Zimmerman AB, Zlochower Y, Zucker ME, Zweizig J. GW170817: Measurements of Neutron Star Radii and Equation of State. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2018; 121:161101. [PMID: 30387654 DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.121.161101] [Citation(s) in RCA: 186] [Impact Index Per Article: 26.6] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 06/05/2018] [Revised: 07/25/2018] [Indexed: 06/08/2023]
On 17 August 2017, the LIGO and Virgo observatories made the first direct detection of gravitational waves from the coalescence of a neutron star binary system. The detection of this gravitational-wave signal, GW170817, offers a novel opportunity to directly probe the properties of matter at the extreme conditions found in the interior of these stars. The initial, minimal-assumption analysis of the LIGO and Virgo data placed constraints on the tidal effects of the coalescing bodies, which were then translated to constraints on neutron star radii. Here, we expand upon previous analyses by working under the hypothesis that both bodies were neutron stars that are described by the same equation of state and have spins within the range observed in Galactic binary neutron stars. Our analysis employs two methods: the use of equation-of-state-insensitive relations between various macroscopic properties of the neutron stars and the use of an efficient parametrization of the defining function p(ρ) of the equation of state itself. From the LIGO and Virgo data alone and the first method, we measure the two neutron star radii as R_{1}=10.8_{-1.7}^{+2.0} km for the heavier star and R_{2}=10.7_{-1.5}^{+2.1} km for the lighter star at the 90% credible level. If we additionally require that the equation of state supports neutron stars with masses larger than 1.97 M_{⊙} as required from electromagnetic observations and employ the equation-of-state parametrization, we further constrain R_{1}=11.9_{-1.4}^{+1.4} km and R_{2}=11.9_{-1.4}^{+1.4} km at the 90% credible level. Finally, we obtain constraints on p(ρ) at supranuclear densities, with pressure at twice nuclear saturation density measured at 3.5_{-1.7}^{+2.7}×10^{34} dyn cm^{-2} at the 90% level.
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Zou Y, Yi T, Xiao S, Li F, Li C, Gao X, Wu J, Yu M, Huang C. Amphiphilic diarylethene as a photoswitchable probe for imaging living cells. J Am Chem Soc 2009; 130:15750-1. [PMID: 18973291 DOI: 10.1021/ja8043163] [Citation(s) in RCA: 185] [Impact Index Per Article: 11.6] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 11/28/2022]
This communication reports a unique example of water-soluble and fluorescent-switchable amphiphilic diarylethene. This compound performs stable vesicle aggregation in water and shows aggregation-dependent emission in its open form. The fluorescence can be effectively switched by alternating between UV and visible light irradiation. This compound thus can stain KB cells for switchable living cell imaging with excellent resistance to fatigue.
Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't |
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Abbott BP, Abbott R, Abbott TD, Acernese F, Ackley K, Adams C, Adams T, Addesso P, Adhikari RX, Adya VB, Affeldt C, Afrough M, Agarwal B, Agathos M, Agatsuma K, Aggarwal N, Aguiar OD, Aiello L, Ain A, Ajith P, Allen B, Allen G, Allocca A, Altin PA, Amato A, Ananyeva A, Anderson SB, Anderson WG, Angelova SV, Antier S, Appert S, Arai K, Araya MC, Areeda JS, Arnaud N, Arun KG, Ascenzi S, Ashton G, Ast M, Aston SM, Astone P, Atallah DV, Aufmuth P, Aulbert C, AultONeal K, Austin C, Avila-Alvarez A, Babak S, Bacon P, Bader MKM, Bae S, Baker PT, Baldaccini F, Ballardin G, Ballmer SW, Banagiri S, Barayoga JC, Barclay SE, Barish BC, Barker D, Barkett K, Barone F, Barr B, Barsotti L, Barsuglia M, Barta D, Barthelmy SD, Bartlett J, Bartos I, Bassiri R, Basti A, Batch JC, Bawaj M, Bayley JC, Bazzan M, Bécsy B, Beer C, Bejger M, Belahcene I, Bell AS, Berger BK, Bergmann G, Bero JJ, Berry CPL, Bersanetti D, Bertolini A, Betzwieser J, Bhagwat S, Bhandare R, Bilenko IA, Billingsley G, Billman CR, Birch J, Birney R, Birnholtz O, Biscans S, Biscoveanu S, Bisht A, Bitossi M, Biwer C, Bizouard MA, Blackburn JK, Blackman J, Blair CD, Blair DG, Blair RM, Bloemen S, Bock O, Bode N, Boer M, Bogaert G, Bohe A, Bondu F, Bonilla E, Bonnand R, Boom BA, Bork R, Boschi V, Bose S, Bossie K, Bouffanais Y, Bozzi A, Bradaschia C, Brady PR, Branchesi M, Brau JE, Briant T, Brillet A, Brinkmann M, Brisson V, Brockill P, Broida JE, Brooks AF, Brown DA, Brown DD, Brunett S, Buchanan CC, Buikema A, Bulik T, Bulten HJ, Buonanno A, Buskulic D, Buy C, Byer RL, Cabero M, Cadonati L, Cagnoli G, Cahillane C, Calderón Bustillo J, Callister TA, Calloni E, Camp JB, Canepa M, Canizares P, Cannon KC, Cao H, Cao J, Capano CD, Capocasa E, Carbognani F, Caride S, Carney MF, Casanueva Diaz J, Casentini C, Caudill S, Cavaglià M, Cavalier F, Cavalieri R, Cella G, Cepeda CB, Cerdá-Durán P, Cerretani G, Cesarini E, Chamberlin SJ, Chan M, Chao S, Charlton P, Chase E, Chassande-Mottin E, Chatterjee D, Chatziioannou K, Cheeseboro BD, Chen HY, Chen X, Chen Y, Cheng HP, Chia H, Chincarini A, Chiummo A, Chmiel T, Cho HS, Cho M, Chow JH, Christensen N, Chu Q, Chua AJK, Chua S, Chung AKW, Chung S, Ciani G, Ciolfi R, Cirelli CE, Cirone A, Clara F, Clark JA, Clearwater P, Cleva F, Cocchieri C, Coccia E, Cohadon PF, Cohen D, Colla A, Collette CG, Cominsky LR, Constancio M, Conti L, Cooper SJ, Corban P, Corbitt TR, Cordero-Carrión I, Corley KR, Cornish N, Corsi A, Cortese S, Costa CA, Coughlin MW, Coughlin SB, Coulon JP, Countryman ST, Couvares P, Covas PB, Cowan EE, Coward DM, Cowart MJ, Coyne DC, Coyne R, Creighton JDE, Creighton TD, Cripe J, Crowder SG, Cullen TJ, Cumming A, Cunningham L, Cuoco E, Dal Canton T, Dálya G, Danilishin SL, D'Antonio S, Danzmann K, Dasgupta A, Da Silva Costa CF, Dattilo V, Dave I, Davier M, Davis D, Daw EJ, Day B, De S, DeBra D, Degallaix J, De Laurentis M, Deléglise S, Del Pozzo W, Demos N, Denker T, Dent T, De Pietri R, Dergachev V, De Rosa R, DeRosa RT, De Rossi C, DeSalvo R, de Varona O, Devenson J, Dhurandhar S, Díaz MC, Di Fiore L, Di Giovanni M, Di Girolamo T, Di Lieto A, Di Pace S, Di Palma I, Di Renzo F, Doctor Z, Dolique V, Donovan F, Dooley KL, Doravari S, Dorrington I, Douglas R, Dovale Álvarez M, Downes TP, Drago M, Dreissigacker C, Driggers JC, Du Z, Ducrot M, Dupej P, Dwyer SE, Edo TB, Edwards MC, Effler A, Eggenstein HB, Ehrens P, Eichholz J, Eikenberry SS, Eisenstein RA, Essick RC, Estevez D, Etienne ZB, Etzel T, Evans M, Evans TM, Factourovich M, Fafone V, Fair H, Fairhurst S, Fan X, Farinon S, Farr B, Farr WM, Fauchon-Jones EJ, Favata M, Fays M, Fee C, Fehrmann H, Feicht J, Fejer MM, Fernandez-Galiana A, Ferrante I, Ferreira EC, Ferrini F, Fidecaro F, Finstad D, Fiori I, Fiorucci D, Fishbach M, Fisher RP, Fitz-Axen M, Flaminio R, Fletcher M, Fong H, Font JA, Forsyth PWF, Forsyth SS, Fournier JD, Frasca S, Frasconi F, Frei Z, Freise A, Frey R, Frey V, Fries EM, Fritschel P, Frolov VV, Fulda P, Fyffe M, Gabbard H, Gadre BU, Gaebel SM, Gair JR, Gammaitoni L, Ganija MR, Gaonkar SG, Garcia-Quiros C, Garufi F, Gateley B, Gaudio S, Gaur G, Gayathri V, Gehrels N, Gemme G, Genin E, Gennai A, George D, George J, Gergely L, Germain V, Ghonge S, Ghosh A, Ghosh A, Ghosh S, Giaime JA, Giardina KD, Giazotto A, Gill K, Glover L, Goetz E, Goetz R, Gomes S, Goncharov B, González G, Gonzalez Castro JM, Gopakumar A, Gorodetsky ML, Gossan SE, Gosselin M, Gouaty R, Grado A, Graef C, Granata M, Grant A, Gras S, Gray C, Greco G, Green AC, Gretarsson EM, Groot P, Grote H, Grunewald S, Gruning P, Guidi GM, Guo X, Gupta A, Gupta MK, Gushwa KE, Gustafson EK, Gustafson R, Halim O, Hall BR, Hall ED, Hamilton EZ, Hammond G, Haney M, Hanke MM, Hanks J, Hanna C, Hannam MD, Hannuksela OA, Hanson J, Hardwick T, Harms J, Harry GM, Harry IW, Hart MJ, Haster CJ, Haughian K, Healy J, Heidmann A, Heintze MC, Heitmann H, Hello P, Hemming G, Hendry M, Heng IS, Hennig J, Heptonstall AW, Heurs M, Hild S, Hinderer T, Hoak D, Hofman D, Holt K, Holz DE, Hopkins P, Horst C, Hough J, Houston EA, Howell EJ, Hu YM, Huerta EA, Huet D, Hughey B, Husa S, Huttner SH, Huynh-Dinh T, Indik N, Inta R, Intini G, Isa HN, Isac JM, Isi M, Iyer BR, Izumi K, Jacqmin T, Jani K, Jaranowski P, Jawahar S, Jiménez-Forteza F, Johnson WW, Johnson-McDaniel NK, Jones DI, Jones R, Jonker RJG, Ju L, Junker J, Kalaghatgi CV, Kalogera V, Kamai B, Kandhasamy S, Kang G, Kanner JB, Kapadia SJ, Karki S, Karvinen KS, Kasprzack M, Katolik M, Katsavounidis E, Katzman W, Kaufer S, Kawabe K, Kéfélian F, Keitel D, Kemball AJ, Kennedy R, Kent C, Key JS, Khalili FY, Khan I, Khan S, Khan Z, Khazanov EA, Kijbunchoo N, Kim C, Kim JC, Kim K, Kim W, Kim WS, Kim YM, Kimbrell SJ, King EJ, King PJ, Kinley-Hanlon M, Kirchhoff R, Kissel JS, Kleybolte L, Klimenko S, Knowles TD, Koch P, Koehlenbeck SM, Koley S, Kondrashov V, Kontos A, Korobko M, Korth WZ, Kowalska I, Kozak DB, Krämer C, Kringel V, Krishnan B, Królak A, Kuehn G, Kumar P, Kumar R, Kumar S, Kuo L, Kutynia A, Kwang S, Lackey BD, Lai KH, Landry M, Lang RN, Lange J, Lantz B, Lanza RK, Lartaux-Vollard A, Lasky PD, Laxen M, Lazzarini A, Lazzaro C, Leaci P, Leavey S, Lee CH, Lee HK, Lee HM, Lee HW, Lee K, Lehmann J, Lenon A, Leonardi M, Leroy N, Letendre N, Levin Y, Li TGF, Linker SD, Littenberg TB, Liu J, Lo RKL, Lockerbie NA, London LT, Lord JE, Lorenzini M, Loriette V, Lormand M, Losurdo G, Lough JD, Lousto CO, Lovelace G, Lück H, Lumaca D, Lundgren AP, Lynch R, Ma Y, Macas R, Macfoy S, Machenschalk B, MacInnis M, Macleod DM, Magaña Hernandez I, Magaña-Sandoval F, Magaña Zertuche L, Magee RM, Majorana E, Maksimovic I, Man N, Mandic V, Mangano V, Mansell GL, Manske M, Mantovani M, Marchesoni F, Marion F, Márka S, Márka Z, Markakis C, Markosyan AS, Markowitz A, Maros E, Marquina A, Marsh P, Martelli F, Martellini L, Martin IW, Martin RM, Martynov DV, Mason K, Massera E, Masserot A, Massinger TJ, Masso-Reid M, Mastrogiovanni S, Matas A, Matichard F, Matone L, Mavalvala N, Mazumder N, McCarthy R, McClelland DE, McCormick S, McCuller L, McGuire SC, McIntyre G, McIver J, McManus DJ, McNeill L, McRae T, McWilliams ST, Meacher D, Meadors GD, Mehmet M, Meidam J, Mejuto-Villa E, Melatos A, Mendell G, Mercer RA, Merilh EL, Merzougui M, Meshkov S, Messenger C, Messick C, Metzdorff R, Meyers PM, Miao H, Michel C, Middleton H, Mikhailov EE, Milano L, Miller AL, Miller BB, Miller J, Millhouse M, Milovich-Goff MC, Minazzoli O, Minenkov Y, Ming J, Mishra C, Mitra S, Mitrofanov VP, Mitselmakher G, Mittleman R, Moffa D, Moggi A, Mogushi K, Mohan M, Mohapatra SRP, Montani M, Moore CJ, Moraru D, Moreno G, Morisaki S, Morriss SR, Mours B, Mow-Lowry CM, Mueller G, Muir AW, Mukherjee A, Mukherjee D, Mukherjee S, Mukund N, Mullavey A, Munch J, Muñiz EA, Muratore M, Murray PG, Napier K, Nardecchia I, Naticchioni L, Nayak RK, Neilson J, Nelemans G, Nelson TJN, Nery M, Neunzert A, Nevin L, Newport JM, Newton G, Ng KKY, Nguyen TT, Nichols D, Nielsen AB, Nissanke S, Nitz A, Noack A, Nocera F, Nolting D, North C, Nuttall LK, Oberling J, O'Dea GD, Ogin GH, Oh JJ, Oh SH, Ohme F, Okada MA, Oliver M, Oppermann P, Oram RJ, O'Reilly B, Ormiston R, Ortega LF, O'Shaughnessy R, Ossokine S, Ottaway DJ, Overmier H, Owen BJ, Pace AE, Page J, Page MA, Pai A, Pai SA, Palamos JR, Palashov O, Palomba C, Pal-Singh A, Pan H, Pan HW, Pang B, Pang PTH, Pankow C, Pannarale F, Pant BC, Paoletti F, Paoli A, Papa MA, Parida A, Parker W, Pascucci D, Pasqualetti A, Passaquieti R, Passuello D, Patil M, Patricelli B, Pearlstone BL, Pedraza M, Pedurand R, Pekowsky L, Pele A, Penn S, Perez CJ, Perreca A, Perri LM, Pfeiffer HP, Phelps M, Piccinni OJ, Pichot M, Piergiovanni F, Pierro V, Pillant G, Pinard L, Pinto IM, Pirello M, Pitkin M, Poe M, Poggiani R, Popolizio P, Porter EK, Post A, Powell J, Prasad J, Pratt JWW, Pratten G, Predoi V, Prestegard T, Prijatelj M, Principe M, Privitera S, Prix R, Prodi GA, Prokhorov LG, Puncken O, Punturo M, Puppo P, Pürrer M, Qi H, Quetschke V, Quintero EA, Quitzow-James R, Raab FJ, Rabeling DS, Radkins H, Raffai P, Raja S, Rajan C, Rajbhandari B, Rakhmanov M, Ramirez KE, Ramos-Buades A, Rapagnani P, Raymond V, Razzano M, Read J, Regimbau T, Rei L, Reid S, Reitze DH, Ren W, Reyes SD, Ricci F, Ricker PM, Rieger S, Riles K, Rizzo M, Robertson NA, Robie R, Robinet F, Rocchi A, Rolland L, Rollins JG, Roma VJ, Romano JD, Romano R, Romel CL, Romie JH, Rosińska D, Ross MP, Rowan S, Rüdiger A, Ruggi P, Rutins G, Ryan K, Sachdev S, Sadecki T, Sadeghian L, Sakellariadou M, Salconi L, Saleem M, Salemi F, Samajdar A, Sammut L, Sampson LM, Sanchez EJ, Sanchez LE, Sanchis-Gual N, Sandberg V, Sanders JR, Sassolas B, Sathyaprakash BS, Saulson PR, Sauter O, Savage RL, Sawadsky A, Schale P, Scheel M, Scheuer J, Schmidt J, Schmidt P, Schnabel R, Schofield RMS, Schönbeck A, Schreiber E, Schuette D, Schulte BW, Schutz BF, Schwalbe SG, Scott J, Scott SM, Seidel E, Sellers D, Sengupta AS, Sentenac D, Sequino V, Sergeev A, Shaddock DA, Shaffer TJ, Shah AA, Shahriar MS, Shaner MB, Shao L, Shapiro B, Shawhan P, Sheperd A, Shoemaker DH, Shoemaker DM, Siellez K, Siemens X, Sieniawska M, Sigg D, Silva AD, Singer LP, Singh A, Singhal A, Sintes AM, Slagmolen BJJ, Smith B, Smith JR, Smith RJE, Somala S, Son EJ, Sonnenberg JA, Sorazu B, Sorrentino F, Souradeep T, Spencer AP, Srivastava AK, Staats K, Staley A, Steinke M, Steinlechner J, Steinlechner S, Steinmeyer D, Stevenson SP, Stone R, Stops DJ, Strain KA, Stratta G, Strigin SE, Strunk A, Sturani R, Stuver AL, Summerscales TZ, Sun L, Sunil S, Suresh J, Sutton PJ, Swinkels BL, Szczepańczyk MJ, Tacca M, Tait SC, Talbot C, Talukder D, Tanner DB, Tápai M, Taracchini A, Tasson JD, Taylor JA, Taylor R, Tewari SV, Theeg T, Thies F, Thomas EG, Thomas M, Thomas P, Thorne KA, Thrane E, Tiwari S, Tiwari V, Tokmakov KV, Toland K, Tonelli M, Tornasi Z, Torres-Forné A, Torrie CI, Töyrä D, Travasso F, Traylor G, Trinastic J, Tringali MC, Trozzo L, Tsang KW, Tse M, Tso R, Tsukada L, Tsuna D, Tuyenbayev D, Ueno K, Ugolini D, Unnikrishnan CS, Urban AL, Usman SA, Vahlbruch H, Vajente G, Valdes G, Vallisneri M, van Bakel N, van Beuzekom M, van den Brand JFJ, Van Den Broeck C, Vander-Hyde DC, van der Schaaf L, van Heijningen JV, van Veggel AA, Vardaro M, Varma V, Vass S, Vasúth M, Vecchio A, Vedovato G, Veitch J, Veitch PJ, Venkateswara K, Venugopalan G, Verkindt D, Vetrano F, Viceré A, Viets AD, Vinciguerra S, Vine DJ, Vinet JY, Vitale S, Vo T, Vocca H, Vorvick C, Vyatchanin SP, Wade AR, Wade LE, Wade M, Walet R, Walker M, Wallace L, Walsh S, Wang G, Wang H, Wang JZ, Wang WH, Wang YF, Ward RL, Warner J, Was M, Watchi J, Weaver B, Wei LW, Weinert M, Weinstein AJ, Weiss R, Wen L, Wessel EK, Weßels P, Westerweck J, Westphal T, Wette K, Whelan JT, Whitcomb SE, Whiting BF, Whittle C, Wilken D, Williams D, Williams RD, Williamson AR, Willis JL, Willke B, Wimmer MH, Winkler W, Wipf CC, Wittel H, Woan G, Woehler J, Wofford J, Wong KWK, Worden J, Wright JL, Wu DS, Wysocki DM, Xiao S, Yamamoto H, Yancey CC, Yang L, Yap MJ, Yazback M, Yu H, Yu H, Yvert M, Zadrożny A, Zanolin M, Zelenova T, Zendri JP, Zevin M, Zhang L, Zhang M, Zhang T, Zhang YH, Zhao C, Zhou M, Zhou Z, Zhu SJ, Zhu XJ, Zimmerman AB, Zucker ME, Zweizig J. GW170814: A Three-Detector Observation of Gravitational Waves from a Binary Black Hole Coalescence. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2017; 119:141101. [PMID: 29053306 DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.119.141101] [Citation(s) in RCA: 163] [Impact Index Per Article: 20.4] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 09/23/2017] [Indexed: 05/21/2023]
On August 14, 2017 at 10∶30:43 UTC, the Advanced Virgo detector and the two Advanced LIGO detectors coherently observed a transient gravitational-wave signal produced by the coalescence of two stellar mass black holes, with a false-alarm rate of ≲1 in 27 000 years. The signal was observed with a three-detector network matched-filter signal-to-noise ratio of 18. The inferred masses of the initial black holes are 30.5_{-3.0}^{+5.7}M_{⊙} and 25.3_{-4.2}^{+2.8}M_{⊙} (at the 90% credible level). The luminosity distance of the source is 540_{-210}^{+130} Mpc, corresponding to a redshift of z=0.11_{-0.04}^{+0.03}. A network of three detectors improves the sky localization of the source, reducing the area of the 90% credible region from 1160 deg^{2} using only the two LIGO detectors to 60 deg^{2} using all three detectors. For the first time, we can test the nature of gravitational-wave polarizations from the antenna response of the LIGO-Virgo network, thus enabling a new class of phenomenological tests of gravity.
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Smith BA, Akers WJ, Leevy WM, Lampkins AJ, Xiao S, Wolter W, Suckow MA, Achilefu S, Smith BD. Optical imaging of mammary and prostate tumors in living animals using a synthetic near infrared zinc(II)-dipicolylamine probe for anionic cell surfaces. J Am Chem Soc 2010; 132:67-9. [PMID: 20014845 PMCID: PMC2805267 DOI: 10.1021/ja908467y] [Citation(s) in RCA: 152] [Impact Index Per Article: 10.1] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [MESH Headings] [Grants] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 12/12/2022]
In vivo optical imaging shows that a fluorescent imaging probe, comprised of a near-infrared fluorophore attached to an affinity group containing two zinc(II)-dipicolylamine (Zn-DPA) units, targets prostate and mammary tumors in two different xenograft animal models. The tumor selectivity is absent with control fluorophores whose structures do not have appended Zn-DPA targeting ligands. Ex vivo biodistribution and histological analyses indicate that the probe is targeting the necrotic regions of the tumors, which is consistent with in vitro microscopy showing selective targeting of the anionic membrane surfaces of dead and dying cells.
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Butterfield BJ, Cavieres LA, Callaway RM, Cook BJ, Kikvidze Z, Lortie CJ, Michalet R, Pugnaire FI, Schöb C, Xiao S, Zaitchek B, Anthelme F, Björk RG, Dickinson K, Gavilán R, Kanka R, Maalouf JP, Noroozi J, Parajuli R, Phoenix GK, Reid A, Ridenour W, Rixen C, Wipf S, Zhao L, Brooker RW. Alpine cushion plants inhibit the loss of phylogenetic diversity in severe environments. Ecol Lett 2013; 16:478-86. [DOI: 10.1111/ele.12070] [Citation(s) in RCA: 142] [Impact Index Per Article: 11.8] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 07/25/2012] [Revised: 09/04/2012] [Accepted: 12/08/2012] [Indexed: 11/28/2022]
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Zhang Y, Zhang L, Abraham S, Apparaju S, Wu TC, Strong JM, Xiao S, Atkinson Jr AJ, Thummel KE, Leeder JS, Lee C, Burckart GJ, Lesko LJ, Huang SM. Assessment of the Impact of Renal Impairment on Systemic Exposure of New Molecular Entities: Evaluation of Recent New Drug Applications. Clin Pharmacol Ther 2008; 85:305-11. [DOI: 10.1038/clpt.2008.208] [Citation(s) in RCA: 139] [Impact Index Per Article: 8.2] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 12/18/2022]
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Utzinger J, N'Goran EK, N'Dri A, Lengeler C, Xiao S, Tanner M. Oral artemether for prevention of Schistosoma mansoni infection: randomised controlled trial. Lancet 2000; 355:1320-5. [PMID: 10776745 DOI: 10.1016/s0140-6736(00)02114-0] [Citation(s) in RCA: 138] [Impact Index Per Article: 5.5] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Key Words] [MESH Headings] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Submit a Manuscript] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 11/15/2022]
BACKGROUND Chemotherapy with praziquantel is the current strategy of choice to control schistosomiasis. However, in view of concern about praziquantel tolerance or resistance, new drugs are needed. Artemether, a derivative of the antimalarial drug artemisinin, kills immature schistosomes of Schistosoma japonicum, and reduces the incidence of infection in field trials. Laboratory studies have also showed activity by this drug against S. mansoni. We report a randomised double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial of artemether to prevent S. mansoni infection. METHODS The trial was done in an area of western Côte d'Ivoire endemic for S. mansoni. 354 schoolchildren were enrolled. Stool specimens were screened over four consecutive days, followed by two mass treatments with praziquantel 4 weeks apart. All S. mansoni negative children were randomly assigned to placebo (n=151) or artemether 6 mg/kg (n=138) orally six times once every 3 weeks. Adverse events were assessed 24 h after treatment. Perceived illness episodes were recorded once a week by interviewing the children with a standardised questionnaire. 3 weeks after the final medication S. mansoni infections were assessed by screening stool samples. Blood samples were examined for Plasmodium falciparum before the first and after the last artemether treatment. FINDINGS Oral artemether showed no adverse reactions. The group that received artemether had a significantly lower incidence of S. mansoni infection (31/128 versus 68/140, relative risk: 0.50 [95% CI 0.35-0.71], p=0.00006). The geometric mean egg output among positive children in the artemether group was significantly lower than in placebo recipients (19 vs 32 eggs/g stool, p=0.017). There was also a significant reduction in the prevalence of P. falciparum. INTERPRETATION Oral artemether is safe and shows a prophylatic effect against S. mansoni. The use of artemether may be recommended in appropriated situations as an additional tool for more effective schistosomiasis control measures. However the application needs to be carefully assessed especially in view of the concern that it could select for resistant plasmodia.
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Shen B, Dong L, Xiao S, Kowalewski M. The Avalon Explosion: Evolution of Ediacara Morphospace. Science 2008; 319:81-4. [DOI: 10.1126/science.1150279] [Citation(s) in RCA: 129] [Impact Index Per Article: 7.6] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 11/03/2022]
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Utzinger J, Xiao S, N'Goran EK, Bergquist R, Tanner M. The potential of artemether for the control of schistosomiasis. Int J Parasitol 2001; 31:1549-62. [PMID: 11730781 DOI: 10.1016/s0020-7519(01)00297-1] [Citation(s) in RCA: 128] [Impact Index Per Article: 5.3] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [MESH Headings] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 11/19/2022]
Schistosomiasis continues to rank--following malaria--at the second position of the world's parasitic diseases in terms of the extent of endemic areas and the number of infected people. There is yet no vaccine available and the current mainstay of control is chemotherapy with praziquantel used as the drug of choice. In view of concern about the development of tolerance and/or resistance to praziquantel, there is a need for research and development of novel drugs for the prevention and cure of schistosomiasis. Interestingly, derivatives of artemisinin, which are already effectively used in the treatment of malaria, also exhibit antischistosomal properties. Significant advances have been made with artemether, the methyl ether derivative of artemisinin. We review the discovery of the antischistosomal activity of artemether by Chinese scientists two decades ago; the detailed laboratory studies of the susceptibility of, and effect on, the different developmental stages of Schistosoma japonicum, Schistosoma mansoni and Schistosoma haematobium to artemether; the possible mechanism of action and the potential long-term toxicity. Finally, we look at the effect of combined treatment with artemether and praziquantel; and clinical findings thus far obtained from randomised controlled trials with oral artemether for the prevention of patent infections and morbidity. The review intends to create a forum for strategic discussion of how these laboratory and clinical findings could be translated into public health actions. We conclude that artemether--as part of integrated current control measures and adapted to specific socio-ecological and epidemiological settings--has considerable potential to significantly reduce the current burden of schistosomiasis in many parts of the world.
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Li R, Xiao S, Li Y, Lin Q, Zhang R, Zhao J, Yang C, Zou K, Li D, Yi T. Polymorphism-dependent and piezochromic luminescence based on molecular packing of a conjugated molecule. Chem Sci 2014. [DOI: 10.1039/c4sc01243g] [Citation(s) in RCA: 123] [Impact Index Per Article: 11.2] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 12/23/2022] Open
We report a unique example of polymorphism-dependent and piezochromic fluorescence, based on 2-(anthracen-9-yl)-4,5-diphenyl-1H-imidazole.
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Si L, Xu H, Zhou X, Zhang Z, Tian Z, Wang Y, Wu Y, Zhang B, Niu Z, Zhang C, Fu G, Xiao S, Xia Q, Zhang L, Zhou D. Generation of influenza A viruses as live but replication-incompetent virus vaccines. Science 2016; 354:1170-1173. [DOI: 10.1126/science.aah5869] [Citation(s) in RCA: 108] [Impact Index Per Article: 12.0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 07/18/2016] [Accepted: 11/08/2016] [Indexed: 01/16/2023]
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Zhou Z, Xiao S, Xu J, Liu Z, Shi M, Li F, Yi T, Huang C. Modulation of the Photochromic Property in an Organoboron-Based Diarylethene by a Fluoride Ion. Org Lett 2006; 8:3911-4. [PMID: 16928036 DOI: 10.1021/ol061370g] [Citation(s) in RCA: 97] [Impact Index Per Article: 5.1] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 11/29/2022]
Organoboron-based diarylethene was successfully synthesized and exhibited photochromic property. Furthermore, its photochromic property can be modulated by a fluoride ion. The absorption maximum of the photostationary state shifted from 655 to 490 nm upon addition of a fluoride ion. The modulation mechanism is attributed to the special Lewis acid-base interaction between a trivalent boron atom and a fluoride ion.
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Lei H, Li Y, Xiao S, Lin C, Norris SL, Wei D, Hu Z, Ji S. Routes of transmission of influenza A H1N1, SARS CoV, and norovirus in air cabin: Comparative analyses. INDOOR AIR 2018; 28:394-403. [PMID: 29244221 PMCID: PMC7165818 DOI: 10.1111/ina.12445] [Citation(s) in RCA: 96] [Impact Index Per Article: 13.7] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Key Words] [MESH Headings] [Grants] [Track Full Text] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 04/22/2017] [Accepted: 12/06/2017] [Indexed: 05/05/2023]
Identifying the exact transmission route(s) of infectious diseases in indoor environments is a crucial step in developing effective intervention strategies. In this study, we proposed a comparative analysis approach and built a model to simulate outbreaks of 3 different in-flight infections in a similar cabin environment, that is, influenza A H1N1, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) coronavirus (CoV), and norovirus. The simulation results seemed to suggest that the close contact route was probably the most significant route (contributes 70%, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 67%-72%) in the in-flight transmission of influenza A H1N1 transmission; as a result, passengers within 2 rows of the index case had a significantly higher infection risk than others in the outbreak (relative risk [RR]: 13.4, 95% CI: 1.5-121.2, P = .019). For SARS CoV, the airborne, close contact, and fomite routes contributed 21% (95% CI: 19%-23%), 29% (95% CI: 27%-31%), and 50% (95% CI: 48%-53%), respectively. For norovirus, the simulation results suggested that the fomite route played the dominant role (contributes 85%, 95% CI: 83%-87%) in most cases; as a result, passengers in aisle seats had a significantly higher infection risk than others (RR: 9.5, 95% CI: 1.2-77.4, P = .022). This work highlighted a method for using observed outbreak data to analyze the roles of different infection transmission routes.
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Xiao S, Lin W, Wang C, Yang M. Synthesis and biological evaluation of DNA targeting flexible side-chain substituted beta-carboline derivatives. Bioorg Med Chem Lett 2001; 11:437-41. [PMID: 11229742 DOI: 10.1016/s0960-894x(00)00679-x] [Citation(s) in RCA: 93] [Impact Index Per Article: 3.9] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [MESH Headings] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 11/18/2022]
A series of 3-substituted-beta-carboline derivatives was synthesized from L-tryptophan. The intercalating binding mode of these compounds with DNA, the effects of the flexible alkylamine side chain on the intercalating ability and their antitumor activity were studied, which agreed well with the molecular modeling results.
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Xiao S, Robertson DM, Findlay JK. Effects of activin and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)-suppressing protein/follistatin on FSH receptors and differentiation of cultured rat granulosa cells. Endocrinology 1992; 131:1009-16. [PMID: 1505447 DOI: 10.1210/endo.131.3.1505447] [Citation(s) in RCA: 86] [Impact Index Per Article: 2.6] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [MESH Headings] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Submit a Manuscript] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 12/27/2022]
The aim of this study was to investigate the actions of both activin and FSH-suppressing protein (FSP)/follistatin either alone or in combination on FSH receptor number and on the responsiveness of granulosa cells to FSH and LH. Granulosa cells were harvested from diethylstilbestrol-treated immature Sprague-Dawley rats and cultured 48 h in serum-free medium with or without treatment. Activin treatment alone (3-100 ng/ml) resulted in a 4-fold increase in FSH receptor number with no change in binding affinity. This effect of activin was inhibited 31% by FSP (100 ng/ml) treatment which alone had no effect on FSH receptor number. Treatment with activin (100 ng/ml) prevented FSH-induced down-regulation of FSH receptor number, whereas at lower concentrations (3-30 ng/ml) activin enhanced down-regulation of FSH receptor number by 20% (P less than 0.05). In contrast, FSP alone prevented FSH-induced down-regulation by increasing FSH receptor number up to 40-50%. Pretreatment of granulosa cells with activin, but not FSP, for 24 h increased the responsiveness of cells to FSH (20 ng/ml) and LH (40 ng/ml) shown by increases in aromatase activity, progesterone, and immunoreactive inhibin production over and above control in a manner which depended upon activin doses. We conclude that 1) activin enhancement of FSH action on rat granulosa cells may be mediated in part via regulation of FSH receptor number, and 2) the effects of FSP on granulosa cells are likely to be due to its activin binding properties.
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Fletcher JA, Naeem R, Xiao S, Corson JM. Chromosome aberrations in desmoid tumors. Trisomy 8 may be a predictor of recurrence. CANCER GENETICS AND CYTOGENETICS 1995; 79:139-43. [PMID: 7889507 DOI: 10.1016/0165-4608(94)00134-w] [Citation(s) in RCA: 80] [Impact Index Per Article: 2.7] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [MESH Headings] [Grants] [Track Full Text] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 01/27/2023]
Cytogenetic analyses of short-term cultures revealed clonal chromosome aberrations in 6 of 13 desmoid tumors. These aberrations included two consistent events, trisomy 8 (n = 4) and trisomy 20 (n = 3), which have not been reported previously in desmoid tumors. Because trisomy 8 was found in two recurrent desmoid tumors, we used fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) methodology to evaluate chromosome 8 in 25 paraffin-embedded and frozen desmoid specimens. The FISH studies demonstrated that both patients with cytogenetic trisomy 8 at the time of recurrence also had had trisomy 8 in primary tumors 4 years earlier. The proportion of trisomy 8 cells in these cases did not change substantially between original diagnosis and recurrence. The FISH studies also revealed trisomy 8 in one recurrent desmoid tumor which had been cytogenetically unremarkable and revealed trisomy 8 in one recurrent desmoid that had not been karyotyped. Four of six patients with trisomy 8 had been followed for more than 1 year, and the desmoid tumors in each of these 4 patients recurred. By contrast, recurrence was noted in only 2 of 17 patients whose desmoid tumors lacked trisomy 8. Our findings demonstrate that trisomy 8 and trisomy 20 are nonrandom aberrations in desmoid tumors. Trisomy 8 appears to be associated with an increased risk of recurrence.
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Zhang J, Wieczorek W, Conwell Y, Tu XM, Wu BYW, Xiao S, Jia C. Characteristics of young rural Chinese suicides: a psychological autopsy study. Psychol Med 2010; 40:581-589. [PMID: 19656428 PMCID: PMC2996472 DOI: 10.1017/s0033291709990808] [Citation(s) in RCA: 76] [Impact Index Per Article: 5.1] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Key Words] [MESH Headings] [Grants] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Submit a Manuscript] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 11/06/2022]
BACKGROUND Patterns of suicide rates in China differ in many ways from those in the West. This study aimed to identify the risk factors characteristic for young rural Chinese suicides. METHOD This was a case-control psychological autopsy (PA) study. The samples were suicides and living controls (both aged 15-34 years) from 16 rural counties of China. We interviewed two informants for each suicide and each control with pretested and validated instruments to estimate psychosocial, psychiatric and other risk factors for suicides. RESULTS The prevalence of mental disorders was higher among the young Chinese who died by suicide than among the living controls, but was lower than among suicides in the West. Marriage was not a protecting factor for suicide among young rural Chinese women, and never-married women who were involved in relationships were about three times more likely to commit suicide than single women who were unattached. Religion/religiosity was not a protecting factor in Chinese suicide, as it tended to be stronger for suicides than for controls. Impulsivity was significantly higher for suicides than for controls. Psychological strain, resulting from conflicting social values between communist gender equalitarianism and Confucian gender discrimination, was associated significantly with suicide in young rural Chinese women, even after accounting for the role of psychiatric illness. CONCLUSIONS Risk factors for suicide in rural China are different from those in the West. Psychological strain plays a role in suicide. Suicide prevention programs in China should incorporate culture-specific considerations.
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Huang SM, Temple R, Xiao S, Zhang L, Lesko LJ. When to conduct a renal impairment study during drug development: US Food and Drug Administration perspective. Clin Pharmacol Ther 2009; 86:475-9. [PMID: 19844224 DOI: 10.1038/clpt.2009.190] [Citation(s) in RCA: 75] [Impact Index Per Article: 4.7] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 01/26/2023]
To optimize drug therapy for individuals, it is critical to understand how various intrinsic (e.g., age, gender, race, genetics, organ impairment) and extrinsic factors (e.g., diet, smoking, concomitantly administered drugs) affect drug exposure and response.(1) Up to now, it has been far easier to discover effects on exposure caused by these factors, and the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has published several guidance documents with recommendations on how to evaluate these factors during drug development.
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Xiao S, Zhang WG, Lee EJ, Ma CW, Ahn DU. Effects of diet, packaging, and irradiation on protein oxidation, lipid oxidation, and color of raw broiler thigh meat during refrigerated storage. Poult Sci 2011; 90:1348-57. [PMID: 21597078 DOI: 10.3382/ps.2010-01244] [Citation(s) in RCA: 75] [Impact Index Per Article: 5.4] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 01/17/2023] Open
This study was designed to evaluate the effects of dietary treatment, packaging, and irradiation singly or in combination on the oxidative stability of broiler chicken thigh meat. A total of 120 four-week-old chickens were divided into 12 pens (10 birds/pen), and 4 pens of broilers were randomly assigned to a control oxidized diet (5% oxidized oil) or an antioxidant-added diet [500 IU of vitamin E + 200 mg/kg of butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA)] and fed for 2 wk. After slaughter, thigh meats were separated, ground, packaged in either oxygen-permeable or oxygen-impermeable vacuum bags, and irradiated at 0 or 3 kGy. Lipid oxidation (TBA-reactive substances), protein oxidation (carbonyl), and color of the meat were measured at 1, 4, and 7 d of refrigerated storage. The lipid and protein oxidation of thigh meats from birds fed the diet supplemented with antioxidants (vitamin E + BHA) was significantly lower than the lipid and protein oxidation of birds fed the control diet, whereas the lipid and protein oxidation of broilers fed the oxidized oil diet was higher than that of birds fed the control diet. Vacuum packaging slowed, but irradiation accelerated, the lipid and protein oxidation of thigh meat during storage. Dietary antioxidants (vitamin E + BHA) and irradiation treatments showed a stronger effect on lipid oxidation than on protein oxidation. A significant correlation between lipid and protein oxidation in meat was found during storage. Dietary supplementation of vitamin E + BHA and the irradiation treatment increased the lightness and redness of thigh meat, respectively. It is suggested that appropriate use of dietary antioxidants in combination with packaging could be effective in minimizing oxidative changes in irradiated raw chicken thigh meat.
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