Hayrapetyan A, Tumasyan A, Adam W, Andrejkovic JW, Bergauer T, Chatterjee S, Damanakis K, Dragicevic M, Escalante Del Valle A, Hussain PS, Jeitler M, Krammer N, Liko D, Mikulec I, Schieck J, Schöfbeck R, Schwarz D, Sonawane M, Templ S, Waltenberger W, Wulz CE, Darwish MR, Janssen T, Van Mechelen P, Bols ES, D'Hondt J, Dansana S, De Moor A, Delcourt M, El Faham H, Lowette S, Makarenko I, Müller D, Sahasransu AR, Tavernier S, Tytgat M, Van Putte S, Vannerom D, Clerbaux B, De Lentdecker G, Favart L, Hohov D, Jaramillo J, Khalilzadeh A, Lee K, Mahdavikhorrami M, Malara A, Paredes S, Pétré L, Postiau N, Thomas L, Vanden Bemden M, Vander Velde C, Vanlaer P, De Coen M, Dobur D, Hong Y, Knolle J, Lambrecht L, Mestdach G, Rendón C, Samalan A, Skovpen K, Van Den Bossche N, Wezenbeek L, Benecke A, Bruno G, Caputo C, Delaere C, Donertas IS, Giammanco A, Jaffel K, Jain S, Lemaitre V, Lidrych J, Mastrapasqua P, Mondal K, Tran TT, Wertz S, Alves GA, Coelho E, Hensel C, Menezes De Oliveira T, Moraes A, Rebello Teles P, Soeiro M, Aldá Júnior WL, Alves Gallo Pereira M, Barroso Ferreira Filho M, Brandao Malbouisson H, Carvalho W, Chinellato J, Da Costa EM, Da Silveira GG, De Jesus Damiao D, Fonseca De Souza S, Martins J, Mora Herrera C, Mota Amarilo K, Mundim L, Nogima H, Santoro A, Sznajder A, Thiel M, Vilela Pereira A, Bernardes CA, Calligaris L, Tomei TRFP, Gregores EM, Mercadante PG, Novaes SF, Orzari B, Padula SS, Aleksandrov A, Antchev G, Hadjiiska R, Iaydjiev P, Misheva M, Shopova M, Sultanov G, Dimitrov A, Ivanov T, Litov L, Pavlov B, Petkov P, Petrov A, Shumka E, Keshri S, Thakur S, Cheng T, Guo Q, Javaid T, Mittal M, Yuan L, Bauer G, Hu Z, Liu J, Yi K, Chen GM, Chen HS, Chen M, Iemmi F, Jiang CH, Kapoor A, Liao H, Liu ZA, Monti F, Shahzad MA, Sharma R, Song JN, Tao J, Wang C, Wang J, Wang Z, Zhang H, Agapitos A, Ban Y, Levin A, Li C, Li Q, Mao Y, Qian SJ, Sun X, Wang D, Yang H, Zhang L, Zhou C, You Z, Lu N, Gao X, Leggat D, Okawa H, Zhang Y, Lin Z, Lu C, Xiao M, Avila C, Barbosa Trujillo DA, Cabrera A, Florez C, Fraga J, Reyes Vega JA, Mejia Guisao J, Ramirez F, Rodriguez M, Ruiz Alvarez JD, Giljanovic D, Godinovic N, Lelas D, Sculac A, Kovac M, Sculac T, Bargassa P, Brigljevic V, Chitroda BK, Ferencek D, Mishra S, Starodumov A, Susa T, Attikis A, Christoforou K, Konstantinou S, Mousa J, Nicolaou C, Ptochos F, Razis PA, Rykaczewski H, Saka H, Stepennov A, Finger M, Finger M, Kveton A, Ayala E, Carrera Jarrin E, Elgammal S, Ellithi Kamel A, Mahmoud MA, Mohammed Y, Dewanjee RK, Ehataht K, Kadastik M, Lange T, Nandan S, Nielsen C, Pata J, Raidal M, Tani L, Veelken C, Kirschenmann H, Osterberg K, Voutilainen M, Bharthuar S, Brücken E, Garcia F, Havukainen J, Kallonen KTS, Kim MS, Kinnunen R, Lampén T, Lassila-Perini K, Lehti S, Lindén T, Lotti M, Martikainen L, Myllymäki M, Rantanen MM, Siikonen H, Tuominen E, Tuominiemi J, Luukka P, Petrow H, Tuuva T, Besancon M, Couderc F, Dejardin M, Denegri D, Faure JL, Ferri F, Ganjour S, Gras P, Hamel de Monchenault G, Lohezic V, Malcles J, Rander J, Rosowsky A, Sahin MÖ, Savoy-Navarro A, Simkina P, Titov M, Tornago M, Baldenegro Barrera C, Beaudette F, Buchot Perraguin A, Busson P, Cappati A, Charlot C, Damas F, Davignon O, De Wit A, Falmagne G, Fontana Santos Alves BA, Ghosh S, Gilbert A, Granier de Cassagnac R, Hakimi A, Harikrishnan B, Kalipoliti L, Liu G, Motta J, Nguyen M, Ochando C, Portales L, Salerno R, Sarkar U, Sauvan JB, Sirois Y, Tarabini A, Vernazza E, Zabi A, Zghiche A, Agram JL, Andrea J, Apparu D, Bloch D, Brom JM, Chabert EC, Collard C, Falke S, Goerlach U, Grimault C, Haeberle R, Le Bihan AC, Sessini MA, Van Hove P, Beauceron S, Blancon B, Boudoul G, Chanon N, Choi J, Contardo D, Depasse P, Dozen C, El Mamouni H, Fay J, Gascon S, Gouzevitch M, Greenberg C, Grenier G, Ille B, Laktineh IB, Lethuillier M, Mirabito L, Perries S, Purohit A, Vander Donckt M, Verdier P, Xiao J, Lomidze I, Toriashvili T, Tsamalaidze Z, Botta V, Feld L, Klein K, Lipinski M, Meuser D, Pauls A, Röwert N, Teroerde M, Diekmann S, Dodonova A, Eich N, Eliseev D, Engelke F, Erdmann M, Fackeldey P, Fischer B, Hebbeker T, Hoepfner K, Ivone F, Jung A, Lee MY, Mastrolorenzo L, Merschmeyer M, Meyer A, Mukherjee S, Noll D, Novak A, Nowotny F, Pozdnyakov A, Rath Y, Redjeb W, Rehm F, Reithler H, Sarkisovi V, Schmidt A, Sharma A, Stein A, Torres Da Silva De Araujo F, Vigilante L, Wiedenbeck S, Zaleski S, Dziwok C, Flügge G, Haj Ahmad W, Kress T, Nowack A, Pooth O, Stahl A, Ziemons T, Zotz A, Aarup Petersen H, Aldaya Martin M, Alimena J, Amoroso S, An Y, Baxter S, Bayatmakou M, Becerril Gonzalez H, Behnke O, Belvedere A, Bhattacharya S, Blekman F, Borras K, Brunner D, Campbell A, Cardini A, Cheng C, Colombina F, Consuegra Rodríguez S, Correia Silva G, De Silva M, Eckerlin G, Eckstein D, Estevez Banos LI, Filatov O, Gallo E, Geiser A, Giraldi A, Greau G, Guglielmi V, Guthoff M, Hinzmann A, Jafari A, Jeppe L, Jomhari NZ, Kaech B, Kasemann M, Kaveh H, Kleinwort C, Kogler R, Komm M, Krücker D, Lange W, Leyva Pernia D, Lipka K, Lohmann W, Mankel R, Melzer-Pellmann IA, Mendizabal Morentin M, Metwally J, Meyer AB, Milella G, Mussgiller A, Nürnberg A, Otarid Y, Pérez Adán D, Ranken E, Raspereza A, Ribeiro Lopes B, Rübenach J, Saggio A, Scham M, Schnake S, Schütze P, Schwanenberger C, Selivanova D, Shchedrolosiev M, Sosa Ricardo RE, Sreelatha Pramod LP, Stafford D, Vazzoler F, Ventura Barroso A, Walsh R, Wang Q, Wen Y, Wichmann K, Wiens L, Wissing C, Wuchterl S, Yang Y, Zimermmane Castro Santos A, Albrecht A, Albrecht S, Antonello M, Bein S, Benato L, Bonanomi M, Connor P, Eich M, El Morabit K, Fischer Y, Fröhlich A, Garbers C, Garutti E, Grohsjean A, Hajheidari M, Haller J, Jabusch HR, Kasieczka G, Keicher P, Klanner R, Korcari W, Kramer T, Kutzner V, Labe F, Lange J, Lobanov A, Matthies C, Mehta A, Moureaux L, Mrowietz M, Nigamova A, Nissan Y, Paasch A, Pena Rodriguez KJ, Quadfasel T, Raciti B, Rieger M, Savoiu D, Schindler J, Schleper P, Schröder M, Schwandt J, Sommerhalder M, Stadie H, Steinbrück G, Tews A, Wolf M, Brommer S, Burkart M, Butz E, Chwalek T, Dierlamm A, Droll A, Faltermann N, Giffels M, Gottmann A, Hartmann F, Hofsaess R, Horzela M, Husemann U, Klute M, Koppenhöfer R, Link M, Lintuluoto A, Maier S, Mitra S, Mormile M, Müller T, Neukum M, Oh M, Quast G, Rabbertz K, Regnery B, Shadskiy N, Shvetsov I, Simonis HJ, Trevisani N, Ulrich R, van der Linden J, Von Cube RF, Wassmer M, Wieland S, Wittig F, Wolf R, Wunsch S, Zuo X, Anagnostou G, Assiouras P, Daskalakis G, Kyriakis A, Papadopoulos A, Stakia A, Kontaxakis P, Melachroinos G, Panagiotou A, Papavergou I, Paraskevas I, Saoulidou N, Theofilatos K, Tziaferi E, Vellidis K, Zisopoulos I, Bakas G, Chatzistavrou T, Karapostoli G, Kousouris K, Papakrivopoulos I, Siamarkou E, Tsipolitis G, Zacharopoulou A, Adamidis K, Bestintzanos I, Evangelou I, Foudas C, Gianneios P, Kamtsikis C, Katsoulis P, Kokkas P, Kosmoglou Kioseoglou PG, Manthos N, Papadopoulos I, Strologas J, Bartók M, Hajdu C, Horvath D, Sikler F, Veszpremi V, Csanád M, Farkas K, Gadallah MMA, Kadlecsik Á, Major P, Mandal K, Pásztor G, Rádl AJ, Veres GI, Raics P, Ujvari B, Zilizi G, Bencze G, Czellar S, Karancsi J, Molnar J, Szillasi Z, Csorgo T, Nemes F, Novak T, Babbar J, Bansal S, Beri SB, Bhatnagar V, Chaudhary G, Chauhan S, Dhingra N, Kaur A, Kaur A, Kaur H, Kaur M, Kumar S, Meena M, Sandeep K, Sheokand T, Singh JB, Singla A, Ahmed A, Bhardwaj A, Chhetri A, Choudhary BC, Kumar A, Naimuddin M, Ranjan K, Saumya S, Acharya S, Baradia S, Barman S, Bhattacharya S, Bhowmik D, Dutta S, Dutta S, Gomber B, Palit P, Saha G, Sahu B, Sarkar S, Ameen MM, Behera PK, Behera SC, Chatterjee S, Jana P, Kalbhor P, Komaragiri JR, Kumar D, Panwar L, Pradhan R, Pujahari PR, Saha NR, Sharma A, Sikdar AK, Verma S, Aziz T, Das I, Dugad S, Kumar M, Mohanty GB, Suryadevara P, Bala A, Banerjee S, Chatterjee RM, Guchait M, Jain S, Karmakar S, Kumar S, Majumder G, Mazumdar K, Mukherjee S, Parolia S, Thachayath A, Bahinipati S, Das AK, Kar C, Maity D, Mal P, Mishra T, Muraleedharan Nair Bindhu VK, Naskar K, Nayak A, Sadangi P, Saha P, Swain SK, Varghese S, Vats D, Alpana A, Dube S, Kansal B, Laha A, Rastogi A, Sharma S, Bakhshiansohi H, Khazaie E, Zeinali M, Chenarani S, Etesami SM, Khakzad M, Mohammadi Najafabadi M, Grunewald M, Abbrescia M, Aly R, Colaleo A, Creanza D, D'Anzi B, De Filippis N, De Palma M, Di Florio A, Elmetenawee W, Fiore L, Iaselli G, Maggi G, Maggi M, Margjeka I, Mastrapasqua V, My S, Nuzzo S, Pellecchia A, Pompili A, Pugliese G, Radogna R, Ramirez-Sanchez G, Ramos D, Ranieri A, Silvestris L, Simone FM, Sözbilir Ü, Stamerra A, Venditti R, Verwilligen P, Zaza A, Abbiendi G, Battilana C, Bonacorsi D, Borgonovi L, Campanini R, Capiluppi P, Castro A, Cavallo FR, Cuffiani M, Dallavalle GM, Diotalevi T, Fabbri F, Fasanella D, Giacomelli P, Giommi L, Grandi C, Guiducci L, Lo Meo S, Lunerti L, Marcellini S, Masetti G, Navarria FL, Perrotta A, Primavera F, Rossi AM, Rovelli T, Siroli GP, Costa S, Di Mattia A, Potenza R, Tricomi A, Tuve C, Barbagli G, Bardelli G, Camaiani B, Cassese A, Ceccarelli R, Ciulli V, Civinini C, D'Alessandro R, Focardi E, Kello T, Latino G, Lenzi P, Lizzo M, Meschini M, Paoletti S, Papanastassiou A, Sguazzoni G, Viliani L, Benussi L, Bianco S, Meola S, Piccolo D, Chatagnon P, Ferro F, Robutti E, Tosi S, Benaglia A, Boldrini G, Brivio F, Cetorelli F, De Guio F, Dinardo ME, Dini P, Gennai S, Gerosa R, Ghezzi A, Govoni P, Guzzi L, Lucchini MT, Malberti M, Malvezzi S, Massironi A, Menasce D, Moroni L, Paganoni M, Pedrini D, Pinolini BS, Ragazzi S, Tabarelli de Fatis T, Zuolo D, Buontempo S, Cagnotta A, Carnevali F, Cavallo N, De Iorio A, Fabozzi F, Iorio AOM, Lista L, Paolucci P, Rossi B, Sciacca C, Ardino R, Azzi P, Bacchetta N, Bortignon P, Bragagnolo A, Carlin R, Checchia P, Dorigo T, Gasparini U, Grosso G, Gulmini M, Layer L, Lusiani E, Margoni M, Maron G, Meneguzzo AT, Migliorini M, Pazzini J, Ronchese P, Rossin R, Simonetto F, Strong G, Tosi M, Triossi A, Ventura S, Yarar H, Zanetti M, Zotto P, Zucchetta A, Zumerle G, Abu Zeid S, Aimè C, Braghieri A, Calzaferri S, Fiorina D, Montagna P, Re V, Riccardi C, Salvini P, Vai I, Vitulo P, Ajmal S, Asenov P, Bilei GM, Ciangottini D, Fanò L, Magherini M, Mantovani G, Mariani V, Menichelli M, Moscatelli F, Piccinelli A, Presilla M, Rossi A, Santocchia A, Spiga D, Tedeschi T, Azzurri P, Bagliesi G, Bhattacharya R, Bianchini L, Boccali T, Bossini E, Bruschini D, Castaldi R, Ciocci MA, Cipriani M, D'Amante V, Dell'Orso R, Donato S, Giassi A, Ligabue F, Matos Figueiredo D, Messineo A, Musich M, Palla F, Rizzi A, Rolandi G, Roy Chowdhury S, Sarkar T, Scribano A, Spagnolo P, Tenchini R, Tonelli G, Turini N, Venturi A, Verdini PG, Barria P, Campana M, Cavallari F, Cunqueiro Mendez L, Del Re D, Di Marco E, Diemoz M, Errico F, Longo E, Meridiani P, Mijuskovic J, Organtini G, Pandolfi F, Paramatti R, Quaranta C, Rahatlou S, Rovelli C, Santanastasio F, Soffi L, Amapane N, Arcidiacono R, Argiro S, Arneodo M, Bartosik N, Bellan R, Bellora A, Biino C, Cartiglia N, Costa M, Covarelli R, Demaria N, Finco L, Grippo M, Kiani B, Legger F, Luongo F, Mariotti C, Maselli S, Mecca A, Migliore E, Monteno M, Mulargia R, Obertino MM, Ortona G, Pacher L, Pastrone N, Pelliccioni M, Ruspa M, Siviero F, Sola V, Solano A, Soldi D, Staiano A, Tarricone C, Trocino D, Umoret G, Vlasov E, Belforte S, Candelise V, Casarsa M, Cossutti F, De Leo K, Della Ricca G, Dogra S, Hong J, Huh C, Kim B, Kim DH, Kim J, Lee H, Lee SW, Moon CS, Oh YD, Ryu MS, Sekmen S, Yang YC, Bak G, Gwak P, Kim H, Moon DH, Asilar E, Kim D, Kim TJ, Merlin JA, Park J, Choi S, Han S, Hong B, Lee K, Lee KS, Lee S, Park J, Park SK, Yoo J, Goh J, Kim HS, Kim Y, Lee S, Almond J, Bhyun JH, Choi J, Jun W, Kim J, Kim JS, Ko S, Kwon H, Lee H, Lee J, Lee J, Oh BH, Oh SB, Seo H, Yang UK, Yoon I, Jang W, Kang DY, Kang Y, Kim S, Ko B, Lee JSH, Lee Y, Park IC, Roh Y, Watson IJ, Yang S, Ha S, Yoo HD, Choi M, Kim MR, Lee H, Lee Y, Yu I, Beyrouthy T, Maghrbi Y, Dreimanis K, Gaile A, Pikurs G, Potrebko A, Seidel M, Veckalns V, Strautnieks NR, Ambrozas M, Juodagalvis A, Rinkevicius A, Tamulaitis G, Bin Norjoharuddeen N, Yusuff I, Zolkapli Z, Benitez JF, Castaneda Hernandez A, Encinas Acosta HA, Gallegos Maríñez LG, León Coello M, Murillo Quijada JA, Sehrawat A, Valencia Palomo L, Ayala G, Castilla-Valdez H, De La Cruz-Burelo E, Heredia-De La Cruz I, Lopez-Fernandez R, Mondragon Herrera CA, Sánchez Hernández A, Oropeza Barrera C, Ramírez García M, Bautista I, Pedraza I, Salazar Ibarguen HA, Uribe Estrada C, Bubanja I, Raicevic N, Butler PH, Ahmad A, Asghar MI, Awais A, Awan MIM, Hoorani HR, Khan WA, Avati V, Grzanka L, Malawski M, Bialkowska H, Bluj M, Boimska B, Górski M, Kazana M, Szleper M, Zalewski P, Bunkowski K, Doroba K, Kalinowski A, Konecki M, Krolikowski J, Muhammad A, Pozniak K, Zabolotny W, Araujo M, Bastos D, Beirão Da Cruz E Silva C, Boletti A, Bozzo M, Faccioli P, Gallinaro M, Hollar J, Leonardo N, Niknejad T, Petrilli A, Pisano M, Seixas J, Varela J, Wulff JW, Adzic P, Milenovic P, Dordevic M, Milosevic J, Rekovic V, Aguilar-Benitez M, Alcaraz Maestre J, Bedoya CF, Cepeda M, Cerrada M, Colino N, De La Cruz B, Delgado Peris A, Fernández Del Val D, Fernández Ramos JP, Flix J, Fouz MC, Gonzalez Lopez O, Goy Lopez S, Hernandez JM, Josa MI, León Holgado J, Moran D, Morcillo Perez CM, Navarro Tobar Á, Perez Dengra C, Pérez-Calero Yzquierdo A, Puerta Pelayo J, Redondo I, Redondo Ferrero DD, Romero L, Sánchez Navas S, Urda Gómez L, Vazquez Escobar J, Willmott C, de Trocóniz JF, Alvarez Gonzalez B, Cuevas J, Fernandez Menendez J, Folgueras S, Gonzalez Caballero I, González Fernández JR, Palencia Cortezon E, Ramón Álvarez C, Rodríguez Bouza V, Soto Rodríguez A, Trapote A, Vico Villalba C, Vischia P, Bhowmik S, Blanco Fernández S, Brochero Cifuentes JA, Cabrillo IJ, Calderon A, Duarte Campderros J, Fernandez M, Fernandez Madrazo C, Gomez G, Lasaosa García C, Martinez Rivero C, Martinez Ruiz Del Arbol P, Matorras F, Matorras Cuevas P, Navarrete Ramos E, Piedra Gomez J, Scodellaro L, Vila I, Vizan Garcia JM, Jayananda MK, Kailasapathy B, Sonnadara DUJ, Wickramarathna DDC, Dharmaratna WGD, Liyanage K, Perera N, Wickramage N, Abbaneo D, Amendola C, Auffray E, Auzinger G, Baechler J, Barney D, Bermúdez Martínez A, Bianco M, Bilin B, Bin Anuar AA, Bocci A, Brondolin E, Caillol C, Camporesi T, Cerminara G, Chernyavskaya N, d'Enterria D, Dabrowski A, David A, De Roeck A, Defranchis MM, Deile M, Dobson M, Fallavollita F, Forthomme L, Franzoni G, Funk W, Giani S, Gigi D, Gill K, Glege F, Gouskos L, Haranko M, Hegeman J, Huber B, Innocente V, James T, Janot P, Kieseler J, Laurila S, Lecoq P, Leutgeb E, Lourenço C, Maier B, Malgeri L, Mannelli M, Marini AC, Matthewman M, Meijers F, Mersi S, Meschi E, Milosevic V, Moortgat F, Mulders M, Orfanelli S, Pantaleo F, Petrucciani G, Pfeiffer A, Pierini M, Piparo D, Qu H, Rabady D, Reales Gutiérrez G, Rovere M, Sakulin H, Scarfi S, Schwick C, Selvaggi M, Sharma A, Shchelina K, Silva P, Sphicas P, Stahl Leiton AG, Steen A, Summers S, Treille D, Tropea P, Tsirou A, Walter D, Wanczyk J, Wozniak KA, Zehetner P, Zejdl P, Zeuner WD, Bevilacqua T, Caminada L, Ebrahimi A, Erdmann W, Horisberger R, Ingram Q, Kaestli HC, Kotlinski D, Lange C, Missiroli M, Noehte L, Rohe T, Aarrestad TK, Androsov K, Backhaus M, Calandri A, Cazzaniga C, Datta K, De Cosa A, Dissertori G, Dittmar M, Donegà M, Eble F, Galli M, Gedia K, Glessgen F, Grab C, Hits D, Lustermann W, Lyon AM, Manzoni RA, Marchegiani M, Marchese L, Martin Perez C, Mascellani A, Nessi-Tedaldi F, Pauss F, Perovic V, Pigazzini S, Ratti MG, Reichmann M, Reissel C, Reitenspiess T, Ristic B, Riti F, Ruini D, Sanz Becerra DA, Seidita R, Steggemann J, Valsecchi D, Wallny R, Amsler C, Bärtschi P, Botta C, Brzhechko D, Canelli MF, Cormier K, Del Burgo R, Heikkilä JK, Huwiler M, Jin W, Jofrehei A, Kilminster B, Leontsinis S, Liechti SP, Macchiolo A, Meiring P, Mikuni VM, Molinatti U, Neutelings I, Reimers A, Robmann P, Sanchez Cruz S, Schweiger K, Senger M, Takahashi Y, Tramontano R, Adloff C, Kuo CM, Lin W, Rout PK, Tiwari PC, Yu SS, Ceard L, Chao Y, Chen KF, Chen PS, Chen ZG, Hou WS, Hsu TH, Kao YW, Khurana R, Kole G, Li YY, Lu RS, Paganis E, Psallidas A, Su XF, Thomas-Wilsker J, Tsai LS, Wu HY, Yazgan E, Asawatangtrakuldee C, Srimanobhas N, Wachirapusitanand V, Agyel D, Boran F, Demiroglu ZS, Dolek F, Dumanoglu I, Eskut E, Guler Y, Gurpinar Guler E, Isik C, Kara O, Kayis Topaksu A, Kiminsu U, Onengut G, Ozdemir K, Polatoz A, Tali B, Tok UG, Turkcapar S, Uslan E, Zorbakir IS, Yalvac M, Akgun B, Atakisi IO, Gülmez E, Kaya M, Kaya O, Tekten S, Cakir A, Cankocak K, Komurcu Y, Sen S, Aydilek O, Cerci S, Epshteyn V, Hacisahinoglu B, Hos I, Isildak B, Kaynak B, Ozkorucuklu S, Potok O, Sert H, Simsek C, Sunar Cerci D, Zorbilmez C, Boyaryntsev A, Grynyov B, Levchuk L, Anthony D, Brooke JJ, Bundock A, Bury F, Clement E, Cussans D, Flacher H, Glowacki M, Goldstein J, Heath HF, Kreczko L, Krikler B, Paramesvaran S, Seif El Nasr-Storey S, Smith VJ, Stylianou N, Walkingshaw Pass K, White R, Ball AH, Bell KW, Belyaev A, Brew C, Brown RM, Cockerill DJA, Cooke C, Ellis KV, Harder K, Harper S, Holmberg ML, Linacre J, Manolopoulos K, Newbold DM, Olaiya E, Petyt D, Reis T, Salvi G, Schuh T, Shepherd-Themistocleous CH, Tomalin IR, Williams T, Bainbridge R, Bloch P, Brown CE, Buchmuller O, Cacchio V, Carrillo Montoya CA, Chahal GS, Colling D, Dancu JS, Dauncey P, Davies G, Davies J, Della Negra M, Fayer S, Fedi G, Hall G, Hassanshahi MH, Howard A, Iles G, Knight M, Langford J, Lyons L, Magnan AM, Malik S, Martelli A, Mieskolainen M, Nash J, Pesaresi M, Radburn-Smith BC, Richards A, Rose A, Seez C, Shukla R, Tapper A, Uchida K, Uttley GP, Vage LH, Virdee T, Vojinovic M, Wardle N, Winterbottom D, Coldham K, Cole JE, Khan A, Kyberd P, Reid ID, Abdullin S, Brinkerhoff A, Caraway B, Dittmann J, Hatakeyama K, Hiltbrand J, Kanuganti AR, McMaster B, Saunders M, Sawant S, Sutantawibul C, Toms M, Wilson J, Bartek R, Dominguez A, Huerta Escamilla C, Simsek AE, Uniyal R, Vargas Hernandez AM, Chudasama R, Cooper SI, Gleyzer SV, Perez CU, Rumerio P, Usai E, West C, Yi R, Akpinar A, Albert A, Arcaro D, Cosby C, Demiragli Z, Erice C, Fontanesi E, Gastler D, Jeon S, Rohlf J, Salyer K, Sperka D, Spitzbart D, Suarez I, Tsatsos A, Yuan S, Benelli G, Coubez X, Cutts D, Hadley M, Heintz U, Hogan JM, Kwon T, Landsberg G, Lau KT, Li D, Luo J, Mondal S, Narain M, Pervan N, Sagir S, Simpson F, Stamenkovic M, Wong WY, Yan X, Zhang W, Abbott S, Bonilla J, Brainerd C, Breedon R, Calderon De La Barca Sanchez M, Chertok M, Citron M, Conway J, Cox PT, Erbacher R, Jensen F, Kukral O, Mocellin G, Mulhearn M, Pellett D, Wei W, Yao Y, Zhang F, Bachtis M, Cousins R, Datta A, Hauser J, Ignatenko M, Iqbal MA, Lam T, Manca E, Saltzberg D, Valuev V, Clare R, Gordon M, Hanson G, Si W, Wimpenny S, Branson JG, Cittolin S, Cooperstein S, Diaz D, Duarte J, Giannini L, Guiang J, Kansal R, Krutelyov V, Lee R, Letts J, Masciovecchio M, Mokhtar F, Pieri M, Quinnan M, Sathia Narayanan BV, Sharma V, Tadel M, Vourliotis E, Würthwein F, Xiang Y, Yagil A, Barzdukas A, Brennan L, Campagnari C, Collura G, Dorsett A, Incandela J, Kilpatrick M, Kim J, Li AJ, Masterson P, Mei H, Oshiro M, Richman J, Sarica U, Schmitz R, Setti F, Sheplock J, Stuart D, Wang S, Bornheim A, Cerri O, Latorre A, Lawhorn JM, Mao J, Newman HB, Nguyen TQ, Spiropulu M, Vlimant JR, Wang C, Xie S, Zhu RY, Alison J, An S, Andrews MB, Bryant P, Dutta V, Ferguson T, Harilal A, Liu C, Mudholkar T, Murthy S, Paulini M, Roberts A, Sanchez A, Terrill W, Cumalat JP, Ford WT, Hassani A, Karathanasis G, MacDonald E, Manganelli N, Marini F, Perloff A, Savard C, Schonbeck N, Stenson K, Ulmer KA, Wagner SR, Zipper N, Alexander J, Bright-Thonney S, Chen X, Cranshaw DJ, Fan J, Fan X, Gadkari D, Hogan S, Monroy J, Patterson JR, Reichert J, Reid M, Ryd A, Thom J, Wittich P, Zou R, Albrow M, Alyari M, Amram O, Apollinari G, Apresyan A, Bauerdick LAT, Berry D, Berryhill J, Bhat PC, Burkett K, Butler JN, Canepa A, Cerati GB, Cheung HWK, Chlebana F, Cummings G, Dickinson J, Dutta I, Elvira VD, Feng Y, Freeman J, Gandrakota A, Gecse Z, Gray L, Green D, Grummer A, Grünendahl S, Guerrero D, Gutsche O, Harris RM, Heller R, Herwig TC, Hirschauer J, Horyn L, Jayatilaka B, Jindariani S, Johnson M, Joshi U, Klijnsma T, Klima B, Kwok KHM, Lammel S, Lincoln D, Lipton R, Liu T, Madrid C, Maeshima K, Mantilla C, Mason D, McBride P, Merkel P, Mrenna S, Nahn S, Ngadiuba J, Noonan D, Papadimitriou V, Pastika N, Pedro K, Pena C, Ravera F, Reinsvold Hall A, Ristori L, Sexton-Kennedy E, Smith N, Soha A, Spiegel L, Stoynev S, Strait J, Taylor L, Tkaczyk S, Tran NV, Uplegger L, Vaandering EW, Zoi I, Aruta C, Avery P, Bourilkov D, Cadamuro L, Chang P, Cherepanov V, Field RD, Koenig E, Kolosova M, Konigsberg J, Korytov A, Lo KH, Matchev K, Menendez N, Mitselmakher G, Mohrman K, Muthirakalayil Madhu A, Rawal N, Rosenzweig D, Rosenzweig S, Shi K, Wang J, Adams T, Al Kadhim A, Askew A, Bower N, Habibullah R, Hagopian V, Hashmi R, Kim RS, Kim S, Kolberg T, Martinez G, Prosper H, Prova PR, Viazlo O, Wulansatiti M, Yohay R, Zhang J, Alsufyani B, Baarmand MM, Butalla S, Elkafrawy T, Hohlmann M, Kumar Verma R, Rahmani M, Adams MR, Bennett C, Cavanaugh R, Dittmer S, Escobar Franco R, Evdokimov O, Gerber CE, Hofman DJ, Lee JH, Lemos DS, Merrit AH, Mills C, Nanda S, Oh G, Ozek B, Pilipovic D, Roy T, Rudrabhatla S, Tonjes MB, Varelas N, Wang X, Ye Z, Yoo J, Alhusseini M, Blend D, Dilsiz K, Emediato L, Karaman G, Köseyan OK, Merlo JP, Mestvirishvili A, Nachtman J, Neogi O, Ogul H, Onel Y, Penzo A, Snyder C, Tiras E, Blumenfeld B, Corcodilos L, Davis J, Gritsan AV, Kang L, Kyriacou S, Maksimovic P, Roguljic M, Roskes J, Sekhar S, Swartz M, Vámi TÁ, Abreu A, Alcerro Alcerro LF, Anguiano J, Baringer P, Bean A, Flowers Z, Grove D, King J, Krintiras G, Lazarovits M, Le Mahieu C, Lindsey C, Marquez J, Minafra N, Murray M, Nickel M, Pitt M, Popescu S, Rogan C, Royon C, Salvatico R, Sanders S, Smith C, Wang Q, Wilson G, Allmond B, Ivanov A, Kaadze K, Kalogeropoulos A, Kim D, Maravin Y, Nam K, Natoli J, Roy D, Sorrentino G, Rebassoo F, Wright D, Baden A, Belloni A, Bethani A, Chen YM, Eno SC, Hadley NJ, Jabeen S, Kellogg RG, Koeth T, Lai Y, Lascio S, Mignerey AC, Nabili S, Palmer C, Papageorgakis C, Paranjpe MM, Wang L, Bendavid J, Busza W, Cali IA, Chen Y, D'Alfonso M, Eysermans J, Freer C, Gomez-Ceballos G, Goncharov M, Harris P, Hoang D, Kovalskyi D, Krupa J, Lavezzo L, Lee YJ, Long K, Mironov C, Paus C, Rankin D, Roland C, Roland G, Rothman S, Shi Z, Stephans GSF, Wang J, Wang Z, Wyslouch B, Yang TJ, Crossman B, Joshi BM, Kapsiak C, Krohn M, Mahon D, Mans J, Marzocchi B, Pandey S, Revering M, Rusack R, Saradhy R, Schroeder N, Strobbe N, Wadud MA, Cremaldi LM, Bloom K, Bryson M, Claes DR, Fangmeier C, Golf F, Haza G, Hossain J, Joo C, Kravchenko I, Reed I, Siado JE, Tabb W, Vagnerini A, Wightman A, Yan F, Yu D, Zecchinelli AG, Agarwal G, Bandyopadhyay H, Hay L, Iashvili I, Kharchilava A, Morris M, Nguyen D, Rappoccio S, Rejeb Sfar H, Williams A, Barberis E, Haddad Y, Han Y, Krishna A, Li J, Lu M, Madigan G, Mccarthy R, Morse DM, Nguyen V, Orimoto T, Parker A, Skinnari L, Tishelman-Charny A, Wang B, Wood D, Bhattacharya S, Bueghly J, Chen Z, Hahn KA, Liu Y, Miao Y, Monk DG, Schmitt MH, Taliercio A, Velasco M, Band R, Bucci R, Castells S, Cremonesi M, Das A, Goldouzian R, Hildreth M, Ho KW, Hurtado Anampa K, Jessop C, Lannon K, Lawrence J, Loukas N, Lutton L, Mariano J, Marinelli N, Mcalister I, McCauley T, Mcgrady C, Moore C, Musienko Y, Nelson H, Osherson M, Ruchti R, Townsend A, Wayne M, Yockey H, Zarucki M, Zygala L, Basnet A, Bylsma B, Carrigan M, Durkin LS, Hill C, Joyce M, Lesauvage A, Nunez Ornelas M, Wei K, Winer BL, Yates BR, Addesa FM, Bouchamaoui H, Das P, Dezoort G, Elmer P, Frankenthal A, Greenberg B, Haubrich N, Higginbotham S, Kopp G, Kwan S, Lange D, Loeliger A, Marlow D, Ojalvo I, Olsen J, Shevelev A, Stickland D, Tully C, Malik S, Bakshi AS, Barnes VE, Chandra S, Chawla R, Das S, Gu A, Gutay L, Jones M, Jung AW, Kondratyev D, Koshy AM, Liu M, Negro G, Neumeister N, Paspalaki G, Piperov S, Scheurer V, Schulte JF, Stojanovic M, Thieman J, Virdi AK, Wang F, Xie W, Dolen J, Parashar N, Pathak A, Acosta D, Baty A, Carnahan T, Ecklund KM, Fernández Manteca PJ, Freed S, Gardner P, Geurts FJM, Kumar A, Li W, Miguel Colin O, Padley BP, Redjimi R, Rotter J, Yigitbasi E, Zhang Y, Bodek A, de Barbaro P, Demina R, Dulemba JL, Fallon C, Garcia-Bellido A, Hindrichs O, Khukhunaishvili A, Parygin P, Popova E, Taus R, Van Onsem GP, Goulianos K, Chiarito B, Chou JP, Gershtein Y, Halkiadakis E, Hart A, Heindl M, Jaroslawski D, Karacheban O, Laflotte I, Lath A, Montalvo R, Nash K, Routray H, Salur S, Schnetzer S, Somalwar S, Stone R, Thayil SA, Thomas S, Vora J, Wang H, Acharya H, Ally D, Delannoy AG, Fiorendi S, Holmes T, Karunarathna N, Lee L, Nibigira E, Spanier S, Aebi D, Ahmad M, Bouhali O, Dalchenko M, Eusebi R, Gilmore J, Huang T, Kamon T, Kim H, Luo S, Malhotra S, Mueller R, Overton D, Rathjens D, Safonov A, Akchurin N, Damgov J, Hegde V, Hussain A, Kazhykarim Y, Lamichhane K, Lee SW, Mankel A, Mengke T, Muthumuni S, Peltola T, Volobouev I, Whitbeck A, Appelt E, Greene S, Gurrola A, Johns W, Kunnawalkam Elayavalli R, Melo A, Romeo F, Sheldon P, Tuo S, Velkovska J, Viinikainen J, Cardwell B, Cox B, Hakala J, Hirosky R, Ledovskoy A, Li A, Neu C, Perez Lara CE, Karchin PE, Aravind A, Banerjee S, Black K, Bose T, Dasu S, De Bruyn I, Everaerts P, Galloni C, He H, Herndon M, Herve A, Koraka CK, Lanaro A, Loveless R, Madhusudanan Sreekala J, Mallampalli A, Mohammadi A, Mondal S, Parida G, Pinna D, Savin A, Shang V, Sharma V, Smith WH, Teague D, Tsoi HF, Vetens W, Warden A, Afanasiev S, Andreev V, Andreev Y, Aushev T, Azarkin M, Babaev A, Belyaev A, Blinov V, Boos E, Borshch V, Budkouski D, Bunichev V, Chadeeva M, Chekhovsky V, Danilov M, Dermenev A, Dimova T, Druzhkin D, Dubinin M, Dudko L, Gavrilov G, Gavrilov V, Gninenko S, Golovtcov V, Golubev N, Golutvin I, Gorbunov I, Ivanov Y, Kachanov V, Kardapoltsev L, Karjavine V, Karneyeu A, Kim V, Kirakosyan M, Kirpichnikov D, Kirsanov M, Klyukhin V, Kodolova O, Konstantinov D, Korenkov V, Kozyrev A, Krasnikov N, Lanev A, Levchenko P, Lychkovskaya N, Makarenko V, Malakhov A, Matveev V, Murzin V, Nikitenko A, Obraztsov S, Oreshkin V, Palichik V, Perelygin V, Perfilov M, Petrushanko S, Polikarpov S, Popov V, Radchenko O, Savina M, Savrin V, Shalaev V, Shmatov S, Shulha S, Skovpen Y, Slabospitskii S, Smirnov V, Snigirev A, Sosnov D, Sulimov V, Tcherniaev E, Terkulov A, Teryaev O, Tlisova I, Toropin A, Uvarov L, Uzunian A, Vorobyev A, Vorotnikov G, Voytishin N, Yuldashev BS, Zarubin A, Zhizhin I, Zhokin A. Search for Narrow Trijet Resonances in Proton-Proton Collisions at sqrt[s]=13 TeV. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2024; 133:011801. [PMID: 39042800 DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.133.011801] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 10/21/2023] [Accepted: 05/17/2024] [Indexed: 07/25/2024]
The first search for singly produced narrow resonances decaying to three well-separated hadronic jets is presented. The search uses proton-proton collision data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 138 fb^{-1} at sqrt[s]=13 TeV, collected at the CERN LHC. No significant deviations from the background predictions are observed between 1.75 and 9.00 TeV. The results provide the first mass limits on a right-handed boson Z_{R} decaying to three gluons and on an excited quark decaying via a vector boson to three quarks, as well as updated limits on a Kaluza-Klein gluon decaying via a radion to three gluons.
Wang H, Xu WH, Liu JR, Peng Y, Peng XX, Wen XH, Tang XL, Xu H, Liu H, Shen YL, Zhang XY, Yang HM, Peng YG, Li HM, Zhao SY. [Clinical phenotyping of severe Mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia in children]. ZHONGHUA ER KE ZA ZHI = CHINESE JOURNAL OF PEDIATRICS 2024; 62:669-675. [PMID: 38955686 DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.cn112140-20231227-00466] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [MESH Headings] [Grants] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 07/04/2024]
Objective: To investigate and summarize pediatric patients with severe Mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia (MPP) presenting with varied clinical and chest imaging features in order to guide the individualized treatment. Methods: This was a retrospective cohort study. Medical records of clinical, imaging and laboratory data of 505 patients with MPP who were admitted to the Department Ⅱ of Respirology Center, Beijing Children's Hospital, Capital Medical University from January 2016 to October 2023 and met the enrollment criteria were included. They were divided into severe group and non-severe group according to whether lower airway obliterans was developed. The clinical and chest imaging features of the two groups were analyzed. Those severe cases with single lobe ≥2/3 consolidation (lobar consolidation) were further divided into subtype lung-necrosis and subtype non-lung-necrosis based on whether lung necrosis was developed. Comparison on the clinical manifestations, bronchoscopic findings, whole blood C-reactive protein (CRP) and other inflammatory indicators between the two subtypes was performed. Comparisons between two groups were achieved using independent-sample t-test, nonparametric test or chi-square test. Univariate receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analyses were performed on the indicators such as CRP of the two subtypes. Results: Of the 505 cases, 254 were male and 251 were female. The age of the onset was (8.2±2.9) years. There were 233 severe cases, among whom 206 were with lobar consolidation and 27 with diffuse bronchiolitis. The other 272 belonged to non-severe cases, with patchy, cloudy infiltrations or single lobe <2/3 uneven consolidation or localized bronchiolitis. Of the 206 cases (88.4%) severe cases with lobar consolidation, 88 harbored subtype lung-necrosis and 118 harbored subtype non-lung-necrosis. All 206 cases (100.0%) presented with persistent high fever, among whom 203 cases (98.5%) presented with inflammatory secretion obstruction and plastic bronchitis under bronchoscopy. Of those 88 cases with subtype lung-necrosis, there were 42 cases (47.7%) with dyspnea and 39 cases (44.3%) with moderate to massive amount of pleural effusion. There were 35 cases (39.8%) diagnosed with lung embolism during the disease course, of which other 34 cases (38.6%) were highly suspected. Extensive airway mucosal necrosis was observed in 46 cases (52.3%), and the level of their whole blood CRP was significantly higher than that of subtype non-lung-necrosis (131.5 (91.0, 180.0) vs. 25.5 (12.0, 43.1) mg/L, U=334.00, P<0.001). They were regarded as subtype "lung consolidation-atelectasis-necrosis". Of those 118 cases with subtype non-lung-necrosis, 27 cases (22.9%) presented with dyspnea and none were with moderate to massive amount of pleural effusion. Sixty-five cases (55.1%) presented with plastic bronchitis and localized airway mucosal necrosis was observed in 32 cases (27.1%). They were deemed as subtype "lung consolidation-atelectasis". ROC curve analyses revealed that whole blood CRP of 67.5 mg/L on the 6-10 th day of disease course exhibited a sensitivity of 0.96, a specificity of 0.89, and an area under the curve of 0.97 for distinguishing between these two subtypes among those with lobar consolidation. Conclusions: Pediatric patients with severe MPP present with lobar consolidation or diffuse bronchiolitis on chest imaging. Those with lobar consolidation harbor 2 subtypes as "lung consolidation-atelectasis-necrosis" and "lung consolidation-atelectasis". Whole blood CRP of 67.5 mg/L can be applied as an early discriminating indicator to discriminate between these two subtypes.
Sun K, Li M, Shi Y, He H, Li Y, Sun L, Wang H, Jin C, Chen M, Li L. Convolutional neural network for identifying common bile duct stones based on magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography. Clin Radiol 2024; 79:553-558. [PMID: 38616474 DOI: 10.1016/j.crad.2024.02.018] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [MESH Headings] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 11/02/2023] [Revised: 01/31/2024] [Accepted: 02/27/2024] [Indexed: 04/16/2024]
AIMS To develop an auto-categorization system based on machine learning for three-dimensional magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (3D MRCP) to detect choledocholithiasis from healthy and symptomatic individuals. MATERIALS AND METHODS 3D MRCP sequences from 254 cases with common bile duct (CBD) stones and 251 cases with normal CBD were enrolled to train the 3D Convolutional Neural Network (3D-CNN) model. Then 184 patients from three different hospitals (91 with positive CBD stone and 93 with normal CBD) were prospectively included to test the performance of 3D-CNN. RESULTS With a cutoff value of 0.2754, 3D-CNN achieved the sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of 94.51%, 92.47%, and 93.48%, respectively. In the receiver operating characteristic curve analysis, the area under the curve (AUC) for the presence or absence of CBD stones was 0.974 (95% CI, 0.940-0.992). There was no significant difference in sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy between 3D-CNN and radiologists. In addition, the performance of 3D-CNN was also evaluated in the internal test set and the external test set, respectively. The internal test set yielded an accuracy of 94.74% and AUC of 0.974 (95% CI, 0.919-0.996), and the external test set yielded an accuracy of 92.13% and AUC of 0.970 (95% CI, 0.911-0.995). CONCLUSIONS An artificial intelligence-assisted diagnostic system for CBD stones was constructed using 3D-CNN model for 3D MRCP images. The performance of 3D-CNN model was comparable to that of radiologists in diagnosing CBD stones. 3D-CNN model maintained high performance when applied to data from other hospitals.
Yu J, Yang W, Fan X, Cui E, Min R, Yuan H, Hu Y, Wang H, Zhang G, Zhao Y, Xu Y, Guo L. Emerging trends of invasive yeast infections and azole resistance in Beijing intensive care units. J Hosp Infect 2024; 149:46-55. [PMID: 38740299 DOI: 10.1016/j.jhin.2024.04.020] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Key Words] [MESH Headings] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 01/05/2024] [Revised: 04/10/2024] [Accepted: 04/11/2024] [Indexed: 05/16/2024]
BACKGROUND Invasive fungal infections pose a substantial threat to patients in healthcare settings globally. Recent changes in the prevalence of fungal species and challenges in conducting reference antifungal susceptibility testing emphasize the importance of monitoring fungi and their antifungal resistance. METHODS A two-phase surveillance project was conducted in Beijing, China, involving 37 centres across 12 districts, from January 2012 to December 2013 and from January 2016 to December 2017. FINDINGS We found that the proportion of Candida albicans in intensive care units (ICUs) during 2016-2017 exhibited a significant decline compared with the 2012-2013 period, although it remained the most predominant pathogen. In contrast, the prevalence of Nakaseomyces glabratus (formerly Candida glabrata) and Candida tropicalis notably increased during the two-phase surveillance. The high prevalence of C. tropicalis and its resistance to azole drugs posed a serious threat to patients in ICUs. The pathogens causing invasive fungal infections in Beijing were relatively sensitive to echinocandins. While C. albicans continued to exhibit susceptibility to azoles, the resistance and growth rates of C. tropicalis towards azoles were particularly prominent. Concerns were raised due to the emergence of multiple, short-term isolates of Clavispora lusitaniae and Candida parapsilosis complex in neonatal ICUs, given their similarity in antifungal susceptibilities. Such occurrences point towards the potential for transmission and persisting presence of these pathogens within the ICU environment. CONCLUSIONS Our study complements existing data on the epidemiology of invasive fungal infections. It is imperative to exercise cautious medication management for ICU patients in Beijing, paying particular attention to azole resistance in C. tropicalis.
Cao Y, Ni Q, Bao C, Cai C, Wang T, Ruan X, Li Y, Wang H, Wang R, Sun W. The Role of Pericyte Migration and Osteogenesis in Periodontitis. J Dent Res 2024; 103:723-733. [PMID: 38822570 DOI: 10.1177/00220345241244687] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Key Words] [MESH Headings] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 06/03/2024] Open
A ligature-induced periodontitis model was established in wild-type and CD146CreERT2; RosatdTomato mice to explore the function of pericytes in alveolar bone formation. We found that during periodontitis progression and periodontal wound healing, CD146+/NG2+ pericytes were enriched in the periodontal tissue areas, which could migrate to the alveolar bone surface and colocalize with ALP+/OCN+ osteoblasts. Chemokine C-X-C motif receptor 4 (CXCR4) inhibition using AMD3100 blocked CD146-Cre+ pericyte migration and osteogenesis, as well as further exacerbated periodontitis-associated bone loss. Next, primary pericytes were sorted out by magnetic-activated cell sorting and demonstrated that C-X-C motif chemokine ligand 12 (CXCL12) promotes pericyte migration and osteogenesis via CXCL12-CXCR4-Rac1 signaling. Finally, the local administration of an adeno-associated virus for Rac1 overexpression in NG2+ pericytes promotes osteoblast differentiation of pericytes and increases alveolar bone volume in periodontitis. Thus, our results provided the evidence that pericytes may migrate and osteogenesis via the CXCL12-CXCR4-Rac1 axis during the pathological process of periodontitis.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is a frequently occurring and common respiratory disease which has an incidence of 13.7% among people over 40 years in China, and now nearly 100 million people at home suffer from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. To observe the effect of Low molecular weight heparin sodium in the treatment of acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (AECOPD) comorbid with pulmonary heart disease (PHD) on blood vessels. METHODS A total of 92 patients with AECOPD accompanied by PHD in our Hospital from January 2019 to May 2021 were randomly divided into two groups. The control group was given basic treatment while the observation group was treated with basic treatment in combination with Low molecular weight heparin sodium. The changes of blood gas, hemorheology, cardiac function and serum factors were recorded to analyze their curative effect and safety. RESULTS The total effective rate of the observation group was 95.65% (44 cases per 46 cases), which was significantly higher than that of the control group with 82.61% (38 cases per 46 cases), with statistical significance (P<0.05). The left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF), 6-min walking distance (6MWD), arterial partial pressure of oxygen (PaO2), pH, nitric oxide (NO), and oxygen saturation (SaO2) in the two groups were higher than those before treatment while 4-hydroxymenealdehyde (4-HNE), endothelin-1 (ET-1), arterial partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PaCO2), brain natriuretic peptide (BNP), high-sensitivity-C-reactive protein (hs -CRP), tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) and hemorheology indexes were decreased compared with those before treatment. After treatment, the improvement of the above indexes in the observation group was higher than those in the control group (P<0.05) with no significant difference in adverse reactions between them(P>0.05). CONCLUSION Low molecular weight heparin sodium can reduce inflammation and improve hemorheology by regulating the balance of blood vessels, thus improve the curative effect in the treatment of AECOPD accompanied by PHD.
Zhu Z, Hu B, Zhu D, Li X, Chen D, Wu N, Rao Q, Zhang Z, Wang H, Zhu Y. Bromocriptine sensitivity in bromocriptine-induced drug-resistant prolactinomas is restored by inhibiting FGF19/FGFR4/PRL. J Endocrinol Invest 2024:10.1007/s40618-024-02408-0. [PMID: 38926262 DOI: 10.1007/s40618-024-02408-0] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Key Words] [Grants] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Submit a Manuscript] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 12/15/2023] [Accepted: 06/03/2024] [Indexed: 06/28/2024]
PURPOSE At present, various treatment strategies are available for pituitary adenomas, including medications, surgery and radiation. The guidelines indicate that pharmacological treatments, such as bromocriptine (BRC) and cabergoline (CAB), are important treatments for prolactinomas, but drug resistance is an urgent problem that needs to be addressed. Therefore, exploring the mechanism of drug resistance in prolactinomas is beneficial for clinical treatment. METHODS In our research, BRC-induced drug-resistant cells were established. Previous RNA sequencing data and an online database were used for preliminary screening of resistance-related genes. Cell survival was determined by Cell Counting Kit-8 (CCK-8) assay, colony formation assays and flow cytometry. Quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT‒PCR), western blotting, immunohistochemistry, immunofluorescence and Co-immunoprecipitation (Co-IP) were used to assess the molecular changes and regulation. The therapeutic efficacy of BRC and FGFR4 inhibitor fisogatinib (FISO) combination was evaluated in drug-resistant cells and xenograft tumors in nude mice. RESULTS Consistent with the preliminary results of RNA sequencing and database screening, fibroblast growth factor 19 (FGF19) expression was elevated in drug-resistant cells and tumor samples. With FGF19 silencing, drug-resistant cells exhibited increased sensitivity to BRC and decreased intracellular phosphorylated fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 (FGFR4) levels. After confirming that FGF19 binds to FGFR4 in prolactinoma cells, we found that FGF19/FGFR4 regulated prolactin (PRL) synthesis through the ERK1/2 and JNK signaling pathways. Regarding the effect of targeting FGF19/FGFR4 on BRC efficacy, FISO and BRC synergistically inhibited the growth of tumor cells, promoted apoptosis and reduced PRL levels. CONCLUSION Overall, our study revealed FGF19/FGFR4 as a new mechanism involved in the drug resistance of prolactinomas, and combination therapy targeting the pathway could be helpful for the treatment of BRC-induced drug-resistant prolactinomas.
Tang J, Chen Y, Li Q, Xin W, Xiao X, Chen X, Yang L, Mou B, Li J, Lu F, Fu C, Long W, Liao H, Han X, Feng P, Li W, Zhou K, Yang L, Yang Y, Ma M, Wang H. The response mechanism analysis of HMX1 knockout strain to levulinic acid in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Front Microbiol 2024; 15:1416903. [PMID: 38989024 PMCID: PMC11233763 DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2024.1416903] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Key Words] [Track Full Text] [Figures] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 04/13/2024] [Accepted: 06/10/2024] [Indexed: 07/12/2024] Open
Levulinic acid, a hydrolysis product of lignocellulose, can be metabolized into important compounds in the field of medicine and pesticides by engineered strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Levulinic acid, as an intermediate product widely found in the conversion process of lignocellulosic biomass, has multiple applications. However, its toxicity to Saccharomyces cerevisiae reduces its conversion efficiency, so screening Saccharomyces cerevisiae genes that can tolerate levulinic acid becomes the key. By creating a whole-genome knockout library and bioinformatics analysis, this study used the phenotypic characteristics of cells as the basis for screening and found the HMX1 gene that is highly sensitive to levulinic acid in the oxidative stress pathway. After knocking out HMX1 and treating with levulinic acid, the omics data of the strain revealed that multiple affected pathways, especially the expression of 14 genes related to the cell wall and membrane system, were significantly downregulated. The levels of acetyl-CoA and riboflavin decreased by 1.02-fold and 1.44-fold, respectively, while the content of pantothenic acid increased. These findings indicate that the cell wall-membrane system, as well as the metabolism of acetyl-CoA and riboflavin, are important in improving the resistance of Saccharomyces cerevisiae to levulinic acid. They provide theoretical support for enhancing the tolerance of microorganisms to levulinic acid, which is significant for optimizing the conversion process of lignocellulosic biomass to levulinic acid.
Ye JW, Hu HB, Luo R, Wang HM, Huang RK, Chu LL, Wang H. [Intraperitoneal chemotherapy for colorectal cancer peritoneal metastasis]. ZHONGHUA WEI CHANG WAI KE ZA ZHI = CHINESE JOURNAL OF GASTROINTESTINAL SURGERY 2024; 27:646-652. [PMID: 38902003 DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.cn441530-20230522-00177] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [MESH Headings] [Grants] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 06/22/2024]
Peritoneal metastasis is one of the common site of colorectal cancer metastasis and associated with a poor prognosis. The core strategy for colorectal cancer peritoneal metastasis primarily revolves around a comprehensive treatment approach with cytoreductive surgery and systemic chemotherapy as the mainstay, supplemented by intraperitoneal chemotherapy. As an important supplement to treatment, intraperitoneal chemotherapy has broad application prospects. The main modalities are hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC), neoadjuvant intraperitoneal and systemic chemotherapy (NIPS), early postoperative intraperitoneal chemotherapy (EPIC), sequential postoperative intraperitoneal chemotherapy (SPIC), normothermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (NIPEC) and pressurized intraperitoneal aerosol chemotherapy (PIPAC). To promote the standardized application of intraperitoneal chemotherapy, further research on the mechanisms underlying peritoneal metastasis of colorectal cancer, selection of effective intraperitoneal chemotherapy agents, determination of optimal timing and administration protocols, exploration of the feasibility of sequential intraperitoneal chemotherapy and conduction of valuable basic and clinical research are currently needed. This paper will review the development and origins of intraperitoneal chemotherapy, treatment modalities, as well as the current application status and prospects of various treatment approaches in the context of peritoneal metastasis of colorectal cancer.
Wang BQ, Shan S, Kong YY, Wu XN, Zhou JL, Sun YM, Chen SY, Wang H, Xu XQ, Xia S, Jia JD, You H. [Comparison of the population covered by the 2024 version of the WHO's hepatitis B prevention and treatment guidelines and the Chinese antiviral treatment guidelines]. ZHONGHUA GAN ZANG BING ZA ZHI = ZHONGHUA GANZANGBING ZAZHI = CHINESE JOURNAL OF HEPATOLOGY 2024; 32:525-531. [PMID: 38964895 DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.cn501113-20240421-00218] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Key Words] [MESH Headings] [Grants] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 07/06/2024]
Objective: This study aims to compare the antiviral treatment similarities and differences in the population covered by the 2024 version of the World Health Organization's (WHO) hepatitis B prevention and treatment guidelines and the current Chinese hepatitis B prevention and treatment guidelines, so as to explore their impact on the indications for antiviral therapy in Chinese patients with chronic hepatitis B (CHB). Methods: The information of patients with chronic hepatitis B virus infection who did not receive antiviral treatment was collected through the registration database of the China Clinical Research Platform for Hepatitis B Elimination. Descriptive statistics were conducted on the demographic, blood, biochemical, and virological levels of patients according to the treatment recommendations of the two versions of the guidelines. The Mann-Whitney U test and χ2 test were used to compare the differences and proportional distribution of the treatment populations covered by the two guidelines. The χ2 test was used to analyze the coverage rate of different antiviral treatment indications. Results: A total of 21,134 CHB patients without antiviral treatment were enrolled. 69.4% of patients met the 2024 versions of the WHO guidelines' recommendations. 85.0% of patients met the current Chinese hepatitis B prevention and treatment guidelines. The WHO guidelines for antiviral therapy indications were met in younger patients with higher levels of ALT, AST, and APRI scores, as well as greater proportion of patients with higher viral loads (P<0.001). The WHO guidelines recommended a cut-off value of APRI>0.5, which raised the proportion of patients on antiviral therapy from 6.6% to 30.9%. 45.7% of patients met the antiviral indications for HBV DNA >2000 IU/ml with abnormal transaminase (ALT>30 U/L for males and ALT>19 U/L for females). The reduced APRI diagnostic cut-off value and ALT treatment threshold had further increased the treatment coverage rate by 91.6% in patients with chronic HBV infection in line with the 2024 versions of WHO guidelines. Conclusion: The reduction of the APRI diagnostic cut-off value and the ALT treatment threshold, based on the current hepatitis B guidelines of China, will further improve the treatment coverage of CHB patients.
Hayrapetyan A, Tumasyan A, Adam W, Andrejkovic JW, Bergauer T, Chatterjee S, Damanakis K, Dragicevic M, Hussain PS, Jeitler M, Krammer N, Li A, Liko D, Mikulec I, Schieck J, Schöfbeck R, Schwarz D, Sonawane M, Templ S, Waltenberger W, Wulz CE, Darwish MR, Janssen T, Van Mechelen P, Bols ES, D'Hondt J, Dansana S, De Moor A, Delcourt M, Lowette S, Makarenko I, Müller D, Tavernier S, Tytgat M, Van Onsem GP, Van Putte S, Vannerom D, Clerbaux B, Das AK, De Lentdecker G, Evard H, Favart L, Gianneios P, Hohov D, Jaramillo J, Khalilzadeh A, Khan FA, Lee K, Mahdavikhorrami M, Malara A, Paredes S, Thomas L, Vanden Bemden M, Vander Velde C, Vanlaer P, De Coen M, Dobur D, Hong Y, Knolle J, Lambrecht L, Mestdach G, Mota Amarilo K, Rendón C, Samalan A, Skovpen K, Van Den Bossche N, van der Linden J, Wezenbeek L, Benecke A, Bethani A, Bruno G, Caputo C, Delaere C, Donertas IS, Giammanco A, Jain S, Lemaitre V, Lidrych J, Mastrapasqua P, Tran TT, Wertz S, Alves GA, Coelho E, Hensel C, Menezes De Oliveira T, Moraes A, Rebello Teles P, Soeiro M, Aldá Júnior WL, Alves Gallo Pereira M, Barroso Ferreira Filho M, Brandao Malbouisson H, Carvalho W, Chinellato J, Da Costa EM, Da Silveira GG, De Jesus Damiao D, Fonseca De Souza S, Gomes De Souza R, Martins J, Mora Herrera C, Mundim L, Nogima H, Pinheiro JP, Santoro A, Sznajder A, Thiel M, Vilela Pereira A, Bernardes CA, Calligaris L, Tomei TRFP, Gregores EM, Mercadante PG, Novaes SF, Orzari B, Padula SS, Aleksandrov A, Antchev G, Hadjiiska R, Iaydjiev P, Misheva M, Shopova M, Sultanov G, Dimitrov A, Litov L, Pavlov B, Petkov P, Petrov A, Shumka E, Keshri S, Thakur S, Cheng T, Javaid T, Yuan L, Hu Z, Liu J, Yi K, Chen GM, Chen HS, Chen M, Iemmi F, Jiang CH, Kapoor A, Liao H, Liu ZA, Sharma R, Song JN, Tao J, Wang C, Wang J, Wang Z, Zhang H, Agapitos A, Ban Y, Levin A, Li C, Li Q, Mao Y, Qian SJ, Sun X, Wang D, Yang H, Zhang L, Zhou C, You Z, Jaffel K, Lu N, Bauer G, Gao X, Lin Z, Lu C, Xiao M, Avila C, Barbosa Trujillo DA, Cabrera A, Florez C, Fraga J, Reyes Vega JA, Mejia Guisao J, Ramirez F, Rodriguez M, Ruiz Alvarez JD, Giljanovic D, Godinovic N, Lelas D, Sculac A, Kovac M, Sculac T, Bargassa P, Brigljevic V, Chitroda BK, Ferencek D, Jakovcic K, Mishra S, Starodumov A, Susa T, Attikis A, Christoforou K, Hadjiagapiou A, Konstantinou S, Mousa J, Nicolaou C, Ptochos F, Razis PA, Rykaczewski H, Saka H, Stepennov A, Finger M, Finger M, Kveton A, Ayala E, Carrera Jarrin E, Elgammal S, Ellithi Kamel A, Lotfy A, Mahmoud MA, Ehataht K, Kadastik M, Lange T, Nandan S, Nielsen C, Pata J, Raidal M, Tani L, Veelken C, Kirschenmann H, Osterberg K, Voutilainen M, Bharthuar S, Brücken E, Garcia F, Kallonen KTS, Kinnunen R, Lampén T, Lassila-Perini K, Lehti S, Lindén T, Martikainen L, Myllymäki M, Rantanen MM, Siikonen H, Tuominen E, Tuominiemi J, Luukka P, Petrow H, Besancon M, Couderc F, Dejardin M, Denegri D, Faure JL, Ferri F, Ganjour S, Gras P, Hamel de Monchenault G, Lohezic V, Malcles J, Rander J, Rosowsky A, Sahin MÖ, Savoy-Navarro A, Simkina P, Titov M, Tornago M, Beaudette F, Buchot Perraguin A, Busson P, Cappati A, Charlot C, Chiusi M, Damas F, Davignon O, De Wit A, Ehle IT, Fontana Santos Alves BA, Ghosh S, Gilbert A, Granier de Cassagnac R, Hakimi A, Harikrishnan B, Kalipoliti L, Liu G, Motta J, Nguyen M, Ochando C, Portales L, Salerno R, Sauvan JB, Sirois Y, Tarabini A, Vernazza E, Zabi A, Zghiche A, Agram JL, Andrea J, Apparu D, Bloch D, Brom JM, Chabert EC, Collard C, Falke S, Goerlach U, Grimault C, Haeberle R, Le Bihan AC, Meena M, Saha G, Sessini MA, Van Hove P, Beauceron S, Blancon B, Boudoul G, Chanon N, Choi J, Contardo D, Depasse P, Dozen C, El Mamouni H, Fay J, Gascon S, Gouzevitch M, Greenberg C, Grenier G, Ille B, Laktineh IB, Lethuillier M, Mirabito L, Perries S, Purohit A, Vander Donckt M, Verdier P, Xiao J, Adamov G, Lomidze I, Tsamalaidze Z, Botta V, Feld L, Klein K, Lipinski M, Meuser D, Pauls A, Röwert N, Teroerde M, Diekmann S, Dodonova A, Eich N, Eliseev D, Engelke F, Erdmann J, Erdmann M, Fackeldey P, Fischer B, Hebbeker T, Hoepfner K, Ivone F, Jung A, Lee MY, Mausolf F, Merschmeyer M, Meyer A, Mukherjee S, Noll D, Nowotny F, Pozdnyakov A, Rath Y, Redjeb W, Rehm F, Reithler H, Sarkar U, Sarkisovi V, Schmidt A, Sharma A, Spah JL, Stein A, Torres Da Silva De Araujo F, Wiedenbeck S, Zaleski S, Dziwok C, Flügge G, Haj Ahmad W, Kress T, Nowack A, Pooth O, Stahl A, Ziemons T, Zotz A, Aarup Petersen H, Aldaya Martin M, Alimena J, Amoroso S, An Y, Baxter S, Bayatmakou M, Becerril Gonzalez H, Behnke O, Belvedere A, Bhattacharya S, Blekman F, Borras K, Campbell A, Cardini A, Cheng C, Colombina F, Consuegra Rodríguez S, Correia Silva G, De Silva M, Eckerlin G, Eckstein D, Estevez Banos LI, Filatov O, Gallo E, Geiser A, Giraldi A, Guglielmi V, Guthoff M, Hinzmann A, Jafari A, Jeppe L, Jomhari NZ, Kaech B, Kasemann M, Kleinwort C, Kogler R, Komm M, Krücker D, Lange W, Leyva Pernia D, Lipka K, Lohmann W, Mankel R, Melzer-Pellmann IA, Mendizabal Morentin M, Meyer AB, Milella G, Mussgiller A, Nair LP, Nürnberg A, Otarid Y, Park J, Pérez Adán D, Ranken E, Raspereza A, Ribeiro Lopes B, Rübenach J, Saggio A, Scham M, Schnake S, Schütze P, Schwanenberger C, Selivanova D, Sharko K, Shchedrolosiev M, Sosa Ricardo RE, Stafford D, Vazzoler F, Ventura Barroso A, Walsh R, Wang Q, Wen Y, Wichmann K, Wiens L, Wissing C, Yang Y, Zimermmane Castro Santos A, Albrecht A, Albrecht S, Antonello M, Bein S, Benato L, Bollweg S, Bonanomi M, Connor P, El Morabit K, Fischer Y, Garutti E, Grohsjean A, Haller J, Jabusch HR, Kasieczka G, Keicher P, Klanner R, Korcari W, Kramer T, Kutzner V, Labe F, Lange J, Lobanov A, Matthies C, Mehta A, Moureaux L, Mrowietz M, Nigamova A, Nissan Y, Paasch A, Pena Rodriguez KJ, Quadfasel T, Raciti B, Rieger M, Savoiu D, Schindler J, Schleper P, Schröder M, Schwandt J, Sommerhalder M, Stadie H, Steinbrück G, Tews A, Wolf M, Brommer S, Burkart M, Butz E, Chwalek T, Dierlamm A, Droll A, Faltermann N, Giffels M, Gottmann A, Hartmann F, Hofsaess R, Horzela M, Husemann U, Kieseler J, Klute M, Koppenhöfer R, Lawhorn JM, Link M, Lintuluoto A, Maier B, Maier S, Mitra S, Mormile M, Müller T, Neukum M, Oh M, Pfeffer E, Presilla M, Quast G, Rabbertz K, Regnery B, Shadskiy N, Shvetsov I, Simonis HJ, Toms M, Trevisani N, Von Cube RF, Wassmer M, Wieland S, Wittig F, Wolf R, Zuo X, Anagnostou G, Daskalakis G, Kyriakis A, Papadopoulos A, Stakia A, Kontaxakis P, Melachroinos G, Painesis Z, Panagiotou A, Papavergou I, Paraskevas I, Saoulidou N, Theofilatos K, Tziaferi E, Vellidis K, Zisopoulos I, Bakas G, Chatzistavrou T, Karapostoli G, Kousouris K, Papakrivopoulos I, Siamarkou E, Tsipolitis G, Zacharopoulou A, Adamidis K, Bestintzanos I, Evangelou I, Foudas C, Kamtsikis C, Katsoulis P, Kokkas P, Kosmoglou Kioseoglou PG, Manthos N, Papadopoulos I, Strologas J, Bartók M, Hajdu C, Horvath D, Márton K, Rádl AJ, Sikler F, Veszpremi V, Csanád M, Farkas K, Gadallah MMA, Kadlecsik Á, Major P, Mandal K, Pásztor G, Veres GI, Raics P, Ujvari B, Zilizi G, Bencze G, Czellar S, Molnar J, Szillasi Z, Csorgo T, Nemes F, Novak T, Babbar J, Bansal S, Beri SB, Bhatnagar V, Chaudhary G, Chauhan S, Dhingra N, Kaur A, Kaur A, Kaur H, Kaur M, Kumar S, Sandeep K, Sheokand T, Singh JB, Singla A, Ahmed A, Bhardwaj A, Chhetri A, Choudhary BC, Kumar A, Kumar A, Naimuddin M, Ranjan K, Saumya S, Baradia S, Barman S, Bhattacharya S, Dutta S, Dutta S, Sarkar S, Ameen MM, Behera PK, Behera SC, Chatterjee S, Jana P, Kalbhor P, Komaragiri JR, Kumar D, Pujahari PR, Saha NR, Sharma A, Sikdar AK, Verma S, Dugad S, Kumar M, Mohanty GB, Suryadevara P, Bala A, Banerjee S, Chatterjee RM, Dewanjee RK, Guchait M, Jain S, Jaiswal A, Karmakar S, Kumar S, Majumder G, Mazumdar K, Parolia S, Thachayath A, Bahinipati S, Kar C, Maity D, Mal P, Mishra T, Muraleedharan Nair Bindhu VK, Naskar K, Nayak A, Sadangi P, Swain SK, Varghese S, Vats D, Acharya S, Alpana A, Dube S, Gomber B, Kansal B, Laha A, Sahu B, Sharma S, Vaish KY, Bakhshiansohi H, Khazaie E, Zeinali M, Chenarani S, Etesami SM, Khakzad M, Mohammadi Najafabadi M, Grunewald M, Abbrescia M, Aly R, Colaleo A, Creanza D, D'Anzi B, De Filippis N, De Palma M, Di Florio A, Elmetenawee W, Fiore L, Iaselli G, Louka M, Maggi G, Maggi M, Margjeka I, Mastrapasqua V, My S, Nuzzo S, Pellecchia A, Pompili A, Pugliese G, Radogna R, Ramirez-Sanchez G, Ramos D, Ranieri A, Silvestris L, Simone FM, Sözbilir Ü, Stamerra A, Venditti R, Verwilligen P, Zaza A, Abbiendi G, Battilana C, Borgonovi L, Campanini R, Capiluppi P, Castro A, Cavallo FR, Cuffiani M, Dallavalle GM, Diotalevi T, Fabbri F, Fanfani A, Fasanella D, Giacomelli P, Giommi L, Grandi C, Guiducci L, Lo Meo S, Lunerti L, Marcellini S, Masetti G, Navarria FL, Perrotta A, Primavera F, Rossi AM, Rovelli T, Siroli GP, Costa S, Di Mattia A, Potenza R, Tricomi A, Tuve C, Assiouras P, Barbagli G, Bardelli G, Camaiani B, Cassese A, Ceccarelli R, Ciulli V, Civinini C, D'Alessandro R, Focardi E, Kello T, Latino G, Lenzi P, Lizzo M, Meschini M, Paoletti S, Papanastassiou A, Sguazzoni G, Viliani L, Benussi L, Bianco S, Meola S, Piccolo D, Chatagnon P, Ferro F, Robutti E, Tosi S, Benaglia A, Boldrini G, Brivio F, Cetorelli F, De Guio F, Dinardo ME, Dini P, Gennai S, Gerosa R, Ghezzi A, Govoni P, Guzzi L, Lucchini MT, Malberti M, Malvezzi S, Massironi A, Menasce D, Moroni L, Paganoni M, Pedrini D, Pinolini BS, Ragazzi S, Tabarelli de Fatis T, Zuolo D, Buontempo S, Cagnotta A, Carnevali F, Cavallo N, Fabozzi F, Iorio AOM, Lista L, Paolucci P, Rossi B, Sciacca C, Ardino R, Azzi P, Bacchetta N, Bisello D, Bortignon P, Bortolato G, Bragagnolo A, Carlin R, Checchia P, Dorigo T, Gasparini F, Gasparini U, Lusiani E, Margoni M, Marini F, Maron G, Michelotto M, Migliorini M, Pazzini J, Ronchese P, Rossin R, Simonetto F, Strong G, Tosi M, Triossi A, Ventura S, Yarar H, Zanetti M, Zotto P, Zucchetta A, Abu Zeid S, Aimè C, Braghieri A, Calzaferri S, Fiorina D, Montagna P, Re V, Riccardi C, Salvini P, Vai I, Vitulo P, Ajmal S, Bilei GM, Ciangottini D, Fanò L, Magherini M, Mantovani G, Mariani V, Menichelli M, Moscatelli F, Rossi A, Santocchia A, Spiga D, Tedeschi T, Asenov P, Azzurri P, Bagliesi G, Bhattacharya R, Bianchini L, Boccali T, Bossini E, Bruschini D, Castaldi R, Ciocci MA, Cipriani M, D'Amante V, Dell'Orso R, Donato S, Giassi A, Ligabue F, Matos Figueiredo D, Messineo A, Musich M, Palla F, Rizzi A, Rolandi G, Roy Chowdhury S, Sarkar T, Scribano A, Spagnolo P, Tenchini R, Tonelli G, Turini N, Vaselli F, Venturi A, Verdini PG, Baldenegro Barrera C, Barria P, Basile C, Campana M, Cavallari F, Cunqueiro Mendez L, Del Re D, Di Marco E, Diemoz M, Errico F, Longo E, Meridiani P, Mijuskovic J, Organtini G, Pandolfi F, Paramatti R, Quaranta C, Rahatlou S, Rovelli C, Santanastasio F, Soffi L, Amapane N, Arcidiacono R, Argiro S, Arneodo M, Bartosik N, Bellan R, Bellora A, Biino C, Borca C, Cartiglia N, Costa M, Covarelli R, Demaria N, Finco L, Grippo M, Kiani B, Legger F, Luongo F, Mariotti C, Markovic L, Maselli S, Mecca A, Migliore E, Monteno M, Mulargia R, Obertino MM, Ortona G, Pacher L, Pastrone N, Pelliccioni M, Ruspa M, Siviero F, Sola V, Solano A, Staiano A, Tarricone C, Trocino D, Umoret G, Vlasov E, White R, Belforte S, Candelise V, Casarsa M, Cossutti F, De Leo K, Della Ricca G, Dogra S, Hong J, Huh C, Kim B, Kim DH, Kim J, Lee H, Lee SW, Moon CS, Oh YD, Ryu MS, Sekmen S, Yang YC, Kim MS, Bak G, Gwak P, Kim H, Moon DH, Asilar E, Kim D, Kim TJ, Merlin JA, Choi S, Han S, Hong B, Lee K, Lee KS, Lee S, Park J, Park SK, Yoo J, Goh J, Yang S, Kim HS, Kim Y, Lee S, Almond J, Bhyun JH, Choi J, Jun W, Kim J, Ko S, Kwon H, Lee H, Lee J, Lee J, Oh BH, Oh SB, Seo H, Yang UK, Yoon I, Jang W, Kang DY, Kang Y, Kim S, Ko B, Lee JSH, Lee Y, Park IC, Roh Y, Watson IJ, Ha S, Yoo HD, Choi M, Kim MR, Lee H, Lee Y, Yu I, Beyrouthy T, Dreimanis K, Gaile A, Pikurs G, Potrebko A, Seidel M, Strautnieks NR, Ambrozas M, Juodagalvis A, Rinkevicius A, Tamulaitis G, Bin Norjoharuddeen N, Yusuff I, Zolkapli Z, Benitez JF, Castaneda Hernandez A, Encinas Acosta HA, Gallegos Maríñez LG, León Coello M, Murillo Quijada JA, Sehrawat A, Valencia Palomo L, Ayala G, Castilla-Valdez H, Crotte Ledesma H, De La Cruz-Burelo E, Heredia-De La Cruz I, Lopez-Fernandez R, Mondragon Herrera CA, Sánchez Hernández A, Oropeza Barrera C, Ramírez García M, Bautista I, Pedraza I, Salazar Ibarguen HA, Uribe Estrada C, Bubanja I, Raicevic N, Butler PH, Ahmad A, Asghar MI, Awais A, Awan MIM, Hoorani HR, Khan WA, Avati V, Grzanka L, Malawski M, Bialkowska H, Bluj M, Boimska B, Górski M, Kazana M, Szleper M, Zalewski P, Bunkowski K, Doroba K, Kalinowski A, Konecki M, Krolikowski J, Muhammad A, Pozniak K, Zabolotny W, Araujo M, Bastos D, Beirão Da Cruz E Silva C, Boletti A, Bozzo M, Camporesi T, Da Molin G, Faccioli P, Gallinaro M, Hollar J, Leonardo N, Niknejad T, Petrilli A, Pisano M, Seixas J, Varela J, Wulff JW, Adzic P, Milenovic P, Dordevic M, Milosevic J, Rekovic V, Aguilar-Benitez M, Alcaraz Maestre J, Bedoya CF, Carretero OM, Cepeda M, Cerrada M, Colino N, De La Cruz B, Delgado Peris A, Escalante Del Valle A, Fernández Del Val D, Fernández Ramos JP, Flix J, Fouz MC, Gonzalez Lopez O, Goy Lopez S, Hernandez JM, Josa MI, Moran D, Morcillo Perez CM, Navarro Tobar Á, Perez Dengra C, Pérez-Calero Yzquierdo A, Puerta Pelayo J, Redondo I, Redondo Ferrero DD, Romero L, Sánchez Navas S, Urda Gómez L, Vazquez Escobar J, Willmott C, de Trocóniz JF, Alvarez Gonzalez B, Cuevas J, Fernandez Menendez J, Folgueras S, Gonzalez Caballero I, González Fernández JR, Leguina P, Palencia Cortezon E, Ramón Álvarez C, Rodríguez Bouza V, Soto Rodríguez A, Trapote A, Vico Villalba C, Vischia P, Bhowmik S, Blanco Fernández S, Brochero Cifuentes JA, Cabrillo IJ, Calderon A, Duarte Campderros J, Fernandez M, Gomez G, Lasaosa García C, Martinez Rivero C, Martinez Ruiz Del Arbol P, Matorras F, Matorras Cuevas P, Navarrete Ramos E, Piedra Gomez J, Scodellaro L, Vila I, Vizan Garcia JM, Jayananda MK, Kailasapathy B, Sonnadara DUJ, Wickramarathna DDC, Dharmaratna WGD, Liyanage K, Perera N, Wickramage N, Abbaneo D, Amendola C, Auffray E, Auzinger G, Baechler J, Barney D, Bermúdez Martínez A, Bianco M, Bilin B, Bin Anuar AA, Bocci A, Botta C, Brondolin E, Caillol C, Cerminara G, Chernyavskaya N, d'Enterria D, Dabrowski A, David A, De Roeck A, Defranchis MM, Deile M, Dobson M, Forthomme L, Franzoni G, Funk W, Giani S, Gigi D, Gill K, Glege F, Gouskos L, Haranko M, Hegeman J, Huber B, Innocente V, James T, Janot P, Kaluzinska O, Laurila S, Lecoq P, Leutgeb E, Lourenço C, Malgeri L, Mannelli M, Marini AC, Matthewman M, Meijers F, Mersi S, Meschi E, Milosevic V, Monti F, Moortgat F, Mulders M, Neutelings I, Orfanelli S, Pantaleo F, Petrucciani G, Pfeiffer A, Pierini M, Piparo D, Qu H, Rabady D, Rovere M, Sakulin H, Scarfi S, Schwick C, Selvaggi M, Sharma A, Shchelina K, Silva P, Sphicas P, Stahl Leiton AG, Steen A, Summers S, Treille D, Tropea P, Tsirou A, Walter D, Wanczyk J, Wang J, Wuchterl S, Zehetner P, Zejdl P, Zeuner WD, Bevilacqua T, Caminada L, Ebrahimi A, Erdmann W, Horisberger R, Ingram Q, Kaestli HC, Kotlinski D, Lange C, Missiroli M, Noehte L, Rohe T, Aarrestad TK, Androsov K, Backhaus M, Calandri A, Cazzaniga C, Datta K, De Cosa A, Dissertori G, Dittmar M, Donegà M, Eble F, Galli M, Gedia K, Glessgen F, Grab C, Härringer N, Harte TG, Hits D, Lustermann W, Lyon AM, Manzoni RA, Marchegiani M, Marchese L, Martin Perez C, Mascellani A, Nessi-Tedaldi F, Pauss F, Perovic V, Pigazzini S, Reissel C, Reitenspiess T, Ristic B, Riti F, Seidita R, Steggemann J, Valsecchi D, Wallny R, Amsler C, Bärtschi P, Canelli MF, Cormier K, Heikkilä JK, Huwiler M, Jin W, Jofrehei A, Kilminster B, Leontsinis S, Liechti SP, Macchiolo A, Meiring P, Molinatti U, Reimers A, Robmann P, Sanchez Cruz S, Senger M, Stäger F, Takahashi Y, Tramontano R, Adloff C, Bhowmik D, Kuo CM, Lin W, Rout PK, Tiwari PC, Yu SS, Ceard L, Chao Y, Chen KF, Chen PS, Chen ZG, De Iorio A, Hou WS, Hsu TH, Kao YW, Khurana R, Kole G, Li YY, Lu RS, Paganis E, Su XF, Thomas-Wilsker J, Tsai LS, Wu HY, Yazgan E, Asawatangtrakuldee C, Srimanobhas N, Wachirapusitanand V, Agyel D, Boran F, Demiroglu ZS, Dolek F, Dumanoglu I, Eskut E, Guler Y, Gurpinar Guler E, Isik C, Kara O, Kayis Topaksu A, Kiminsu U, Onengut G, Ozdemir K, Polatoz A, Tali B, Tok UG, Turkcapar S, Uslan E, Zorbakir IS, Yalvac M, Akgun B, Atakisi IO, Gülmez E, Kaya M, Kaya O, Tekten S, Cakir A, Cankocak K, Dincer GG, Komurcu Y, Sen S, Aydilek O, Cerci S, Epshteyn V, Hacisahinoglu B, Hos I, Kaynak B, Ozkorucuklu S, Potok O, Sert H, Simsek C, Zorbilmez C, Isildak B, Sunar Cerci D, Boyaryntsev A, Grynyov B, Levchuk L, Anthony D, Brooke JJ, Bundock A, Bury F, Clement E, Cussans D, Flacher H, Glowacki M, Goldstein J, Heath HF, Holmberg ML, Kreczko L, Paramesvaran S, Robertshaw L, Seif El Nasr-Storey S, Smith VJ, Stylianou N, Walkingshaw Pass K, Ball AH, Bell KW, Belyaev A, Brew C, Brown RM, Cockerill DJA, Cooke C, Ellis KV, Harder K, Harper S, Linacre J, Manolopoulos K, Newbold DM, Olaiya E, Petyt D, Reis T, Sahasransu AR, Salvi G, Schuh T, Shepherd-Themistocleous CH, Tomalin IR, Williams T, Bainbridge R, Bloch P, Brown CE, Buchmuller O, Cacchio V, Carrillo Montoya CA, Chahal GS, Colling D, Dancu JS, Das I, Dauncey P, Davies G, Davies J, Della Negra M, Fayer S, Fedi G, Hall G, Hassanshahi MH, Howard A, Iles G, Knight M, Langford J, León Holgado J, Lyons L, Magnan AM, Malik S, Mieskolainen M, Nash J, Pesaresi M, Radburn-Smith BC, Richards A, Rose A, Savva K, Seez C, Shukla R, Tapper A, Uchida K, Uttley GP, Vage LH, Virdee T, Vojinovic M, Wardle N, Winterbottom D, Coldham K, Cole JE, Khan A, Kyberd P, Reid ID, Abdullin S, Brinkerhoff A, Caraway B, Collins E, Dittmann J, Hatakeyama K, Hiltbrand J, McMaster B, Saunders M, Sawant S, Sutantawibul C, Wilson J, Bartek R, Dominguez A, Huerta Escamilla C, Simsek AE, Uniyal R, Vargas Hernandez AM, Bam B, Chudasama R, Cooper SI, Gleyzer SV, Perez CU, Rumerio P, Usai E, Yi R, Akpinar A, Arcaro D, Cosby C, Demiragli Z, Erice C, Fangmeier C, Fernandez Madrazo C, Fontanesi E, Gastler D, Golf F, Jeon S, Reed I, Rohlf J, Salyer K, Sperka D, Spitzbart D, Suarez I, Tsatsos A, Yuan S, Zecchinelli AG, Benelli G, Coubez X, Cutts D, Hadley M, Heintz U, Hogan JM, Kwon T, Landsberg G, Lau KT, Li D, Luo J, Mondal S, Narain M, Pervan N, Sagir S, Simpson F, Stamenkovic M, Yan X, Zhang W, Abbott S, Bonilla J, Brainerd C, Breedon R, Cai H, Calderon De La Barca Sanchez M, Chertok M, Citron M, Conway J, Cox PT, Erbacher R, Jensen F, Kukral O, Mocellin G, Mulhearn M, Pellett D, Wei W, Yao Y, Zhang F, Bachtis M, Cousins R, Datta A, Flores Avila G, Hauser J, Ignatenko M, Iqbal MA, Lam T, Manca E, Nunez Del Prado A, Saltzberg D, Valuev V, Clare R, Gary JW, Gordon M, Hanson G, Si W, Wimpenny S, Branson JG, Cittolin S, Cooperstein S, Diaz D, Duarte J, Giannini L, Guiang J, Kansal R, Krutelyov V, Lee R, Letts J, Masciovecchio M, Mokhtar F, Mukherjee S, Pieri M, Quinnan M, Sathia Narayanan BV, Sharma V, Tadel M, Vourliotis E, Würthwein F, Xiang Y, Yagil A, Barzdukas A, Brennan L, Campagnari C, Incandela J, Kim J, Li AJ, Masterson P, Mei H, Richman J, Sarica U, Schmitz R, Setti F, Sheplock J, Stuart D, Vámi TÁ, Wang S, Bornheim A, Cerri O, Latorre A, Mao J, Newman HB, Reales Gutiérrez G, Spiropulu M, Vlimant JR, Wang C, Xie S, Zhu RY, Alison J, An S, Andrews MB, Bryant P, Cremonesi M, Dutta V, Ferguson T, Harilal A, Liu C, Mudholkar T, Murthy S, Palit P, Paulini M, Roberts A, Sanchez A, Terrill W, Cumalat JP, Ford WT, Hart A, Hassani A, Karathanasis G, Manganelli N, Perloff A, Savard C, Schonbeck N, Stenson K, Ulmer KA, Wagner SR, Zipper N, Alexander J, Bright-Thonney S, Chen X, Cranshaw DJ, Fan J, Fan X, Hogan S, Kotamnives P, Monroy J, Oshiro M, Patterson JR, Reichert J, Reid M, Ryd A, Thom J, Wittich P, Zou R, Albrow M, Alyari M, Amram O, Apollinari G, Apresyan A, Bauerdick LAT, Berry D, Berryhill J, Bhat PC, Burkett K, Butler JN, Canepa A, Cerati GB, Cheung HWK, Chlebana F, Cummings G, Dickinson J, Dutta I, Elvira VD, Feng Y, Freeman J, Gandrakota A, Gecse Z, Gray L, Green D, Grummer A, Grünendahl S, Guerrero D, Gutsche O, Harris RM, Heller R, Herwig TC, Hirschauer J, Horyn L, Jayatilaka B, Jindariani S, Johnson M, Joshi U, Klijnsma T, Klima B, Kwok KHM, Lammel S, Lincoln D, Lipton R, Liu T, Madrid C, Maeshima K, Mantilla C, Mason D, McBride P, Merkel P, Mrenna S, Nahn S, Ngadiuba J, Noonan D, Papadimitriou V, Pastika N, Pedro K, Pena C, Ravera F, Reinsvold Hall A, Ristori L, Sexton-Kennedy E, Smith N, Soha A, Spiegel L, Stoynev S, Strait J, Taylor L, Tkaczyk S, Tran NV, Uplegger L, Vaandering EW, Whitbeck A, Zoi I, Aruta C, Avery P, Bourilkov D, Cadamuro L, Chang P, Cherepanov V, Field RD, Koenig E, Kolosova M, Konigsberg J, Korytov A, Matchev K, Menendez N, Mitselmakher G, Mohrman K, Muthirakalayil Madhu A, Rawal N, Rosenzweig D, Rosenzweig S, Wang J, Adams T, Al Kadhim A, Askew A, Bower S, Habibullah R, Hagopian V, Hashmi R, Kim RS, Kim S, Kolberg T, Martinez G, Prosper H, Prova PR, Wulansatiti M, Yohay R, Zhang J, Alsufyani B, Baarmand MM, Butalla S, Das S, Elkafrawy T, Hohlmann M, Kumar Verma R, Rahmani M, Yanes E, Adams MR, Baty A, Bennett C, Cavanaugh R, Escobar Franco R, Evdokimov O, Gerber CE, Hawksworth M, Hingrajiya A, Hofman DJ, Lee JH, Lemos DS, Merrit AH, Mills C, Nanda S, Oh G, Ozek B, Pilipovic D, Pradhan R, Prifti E, Roy T, Rudrabhatla S, Tonjes MB, Varelas N, Ye Z, Yoo J, Alhusseini M, Blend D, Dilsiz K, Emediato L, Karaman G, Köseyan OK, Merlo JP, Mestvirishvili A, Nachtman J, Neogi O, Ogul H, Onel Y, Penzo A, Snyder C, Tiras E, Blumenfeld B, Corcodilos L, Davis J, Gritsan AV, Kang L, Kyriacou S, Maksimovic P, Roguljic M, Roskes J, Sekhar S, Swartz M, Abreu A, Alcerro Alcerro LF, Anguiano J, Baringer P, Bean A, Flowers Z, Grove D, King J, Krintiras G, Lazarovits M, Le Mahieu C, Marquez J, Minafra N, Murray M, Nickel M, Pitt M, Popescu S, Rogan C, Royon C, Salvatico R, Sanders S, Smith C, Wang Q, Wilson G, Allmond B, Ivanov A, Kaadze K, Kalogeropoulos A, Kim D, Maravin Y, Natoli J, Roy D, Sorrentino G, Rebassoo F, Wright D, Baden A, Belloni A, Chen YM, Eno SC, Hadley NJ, Jabeen S, Kellogg RG, Koeth T, Lai Y, Lascio S, Mignerey AC, Nabili S, Palmer C, Papageorgakis C, Paranjpe MM, Wang L, Bendavid J, Cali IA, D'Alfonso M, Eysermans J, Freer C, Gomez-Ceballos G, Goncharov M, Grosso G, Harris P, Hoang D, Kovalskyi D, Krupa J, Lavezzo L, Lee YJ, Long K, Novak A, Paus C, Rankin D, Roland C, Roland G, Rothman S, Stephans GSF, Wang Z, Wyslouch B, Yang TJ, Crossman B, Joshi BM, Kapsiak C, Krohn M, Mahon D, Mans J, Marzocchi B, Pandey S, Revering M, Rusack R, Saradhy R, Schroeder N, Strobbe N, Wadud MA, Cremaldi LM, Bloom K, Claes DR, Haza G, Hossain J, Joo C, Kravchenko I, Siado JE, Tabb W, Vagnerini A, Wightman A, Yan F, Yu D, Bandyopadhyay H, Hay L, Iashvili I, Kharchilava A, Morris M, Nguyen D, Rappoccio S, Rejeb Sfar H, Williams A, Alverson G, Barberis E, Dervan J, Haddad Y, Han Y, Krishna A, Li J, Lu M, Madigan G, Mccarthy R, Morse DM, Nguyen V, Orimoto T, Parker A, Skinnari L, Wang B, Wood D, Bhattacharya S, Bueghly J, Chen Z, Dittmer S, Hahn KA, Liu Y, Miao Y, Monk DG, Schmitt MH, Taliercio A, Velasco M, Agarwal G, Band R, Bucci R, Castells S, Das A, Goldouzian R, Hildreth M, Ho KW, Hurtado Anampa K, Ivanov T, Jessop C, Lannon K, Lawrence J, Loukas N, Lutton L, Mariano J, Marinelli N, Mcalister I, McCauley T, Mcgrady C, Moore C, Musienko Y, Nelson H, Osherson M, Piccinelli A, Ruchti R, Townsend A, Wan Y, Wayne M, Yockey H, Zarucki M, Zygala L, Basnet A, Bylsma B, Carrigan M, Durkin LS, Hill C, Joyce M, Nunez Ornelas M, Wei K, Winer BL, Yates BR, Addesa FM, Bouchamaoui H, Das P, Dezoort G, Elmer P, Frankenthal A, Greenberg B, Haubrich N, Kopp G, Kwan S, Lange D, Loeliger A, Marlow D, Ojalvo I, Olsen J, Shevelev A, Stickland D, Tully C, Malik S, Bakshi AS, Barnes VE, Chandra S, Chawla R, Gu A, Gutay L, Jones M, Jung AW, Kondratyev D, Koshy AM, Liu M, Negro G, Neumeister N, Paspalaki G, Piperov S, Scheurer V, Schulte JF, Stojanovic M, Thieman J, Virdi AK, Wang F, Xie W, Dolen J, Parashar N, Pathak A, Acosta D, Carnahan T, Ecklund KM, Fernández Manteca PJ, Freed S, Gardner P, Geurts FJM, Li W, Miguel Colin O, Padley BP, Redjimi R, Rotter J, Yigitbasi E, Zhang Y, Bodek A, de Barbaro P, Demina R, Dulemba JL, Garcia-Bellido A, Hindrichs O, Khukhunaishvili A, Parmar N, Parygin P, Popova E, Taus R, Goulianos K, Chiarito B, Chou JP, Clark SV, Gadkari D, Gershtein Y, Halkiadakis E, Heindl M, Houghton C, Jaroslawski D, Karacheban O, Laflotte I, Lath A, Montalvo R, Nash K, Routray H, Saha P, Salur S, Schnetzer S, Somalwar S, Stone R, Thayil SA, Thomas S, Vora J, Wang H, Acharya H, Ally D, Delannoy AG, Fiorendi S, Higginbotham S, Holmes T, Kanuganti AR, Karunarathna N, Lee L, Nibigira E, Spanier S, Aebi D, Ahmad M, Bouhali O, Eusebi R, Gilmore J, Huang T, Kamon T, Kim H, Luo S, Mueller R, Overton D, Rathjens D, Safonov A, Akchurin N, Damgov J, Hegde V, Hussain A, Kazhykarim Y, Lamichhane K, Lee SW, Mankel A, Peltola T, Volobouev I, Appelt E, Chen Y, Greene S, Gurrola A, Johns W, Kunnawalkam Elayavalli R, Melo A, Romeo F, Sheldon P, Tuo S, Velkovska J, Viinikainen J, Cardwell B, Cox B, Hakala J, Hirosky R, Ledovskoy A, Neu C, Perez Lara CE, Karchin PE, Aravind A, Banerjee S, Black K, Bose T, Dasu S, De Bruyn I, Everaerts P, Galloni C, He H, Herndon M, Herve A, Koraka CK, Lanaro A, Loveless R, Madhusudanan Sreekala J, Mallampalli A, Mohammadi A, Mondal S, Parida G, Pétré L, Pinna D, Savin A, Shang V, Sharma V, Smith WH, Teague D, Tsoi HF, Vetens W, Warden A, Afanasiev S, Andreev V, Andreev Y, Aushev T, Azarkin M, Azhgirey I, Babaev A, Belyaev A, Blinov V, Boos E, Borshch V, Budkouski D, Bunichev V, Chekhovsky V, Chistov R, Danilov M, Dermenev A, Dimova T, Druzhkin D, Dubinin M, Dudko L, Gavrilov G, Gavrilov V, Gninenko S, Golovtcov V, Golubev N, Golutvin I, Gorbunov I, Gribushin A, Ivanov Y, Kachanov V, Karjavine V, Karneyeu A, Kim V, Kirakosyan M, Kirpichnikov D, Kirsanov M, Klyukhin V, Konstantinov D, Korenkov V, Kozyrev A, Krasnikov N, Lanev A, Levchenko P, Lychkovskaya N, Makarenko V, Malakhov A, Matveev V, Murzin V, Nikitenko A, Obraztsov S, Oreshkin V, Palichik V, Perelygin V, Perfilov M, Petrushanko S, Polikarpov S, Popov V, Radchenko O, Ryutin R, Savina M, Savrin V, Shalaev V, Shmatov S, Shulha S, Skovpen Y, Slabospitskii S, Smirnov V, Sosnov D, Sulimov V, Tcherniaev E, Terkulov A, Teryaev O, Tlisova I, Toropin A, Uvarov L, Uzunian A, Volkov P, Vorobyev A, Vorotnikov G, Voytishin N, Yuldashev BS, Zarubin A, Zhizhin I, Zhokin A. Search for Baryon Number Violation in Top Quark Production and Decay Using Proton-Proton Collisions at sqrt[s]=13 TeV. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2024; 132:241802. [PMID: 38949350 DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.132.241802] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 02/28/2024] [Accepted: 05/08/2024] [Indexed: 07/02/2024]
A search is presented for baryon number violating interactions in top quark production and decay. The analysis uses data from proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV, collected with the CMS detector at the LHC with an integrated luminosity of 138 fb^{-1}. Candidate events are selected by requiring two oppositely charged leptons (electrons or muons) and exactly one jet identified as originating from a bottom quark. Multivariate discriminants are used to separate the signal from the background. No significant deviation from the standard model prediction is observed. Upper limits are placed on the strength of baryon number violating couplings. For the first time the production of single top quarks via baryon number violating interactions is studied. This allows the search to set the most stringent constraints to date on the branching fraction of the top quark decay to a lepton, an up-type quark (u or c), and a down-type quark (d, s, or b). The results improve the previous bounds by 3 to 6 orders of magnitude based on the fermion flavor combination of the baryon number violating interactions.
Pienkowska A, Ravaut M, Mammadova M, Ang CS, Wang H, Ong QC, Bojic I, Qin VM, Sumsuzzman DM, Ajuebor O, Boniol M, Bustamante JP, Campbell J, Cometto G, Fitzpatrick S, Kane C, Joty S, Car J. Understanding COVID-19 Impacts on the Health Workforce: AI-Assisted Open-Source Media Content Analysis. JMIR Form Res 2024; 8:e53574. [PMID: 38869940 PMCID: PMC11211705 DOI: 10.2196/53574] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Key Words] [Grants] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 10/11/2023] [Revised: 02/29/2024] [Accepted: 03/21/2024] [Indexed: 06/14/2024] Open
BACKGROUND To investigate the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the health workforce, we aimed to develop a framework that synergizes natural language processing (NLP) techniques and human-generated analysis to reduce, organize, classify, and analyze a vast volume of publicly available news articles to complement scientific literature and support strategic policy dialogue, advocacy, and decision-making. OBJECTIVE This study aimed to explore the possibility of systematically scanning intelligence from media that are usually not captured or best gathered through structured academic channels and inform on the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the health workforce, contributing factors to the pervasiveness of the impacts, and policy responses, as depicted in publicly available news articles. Our focus was to investigate the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and, concurrently, assess the feasibility of gathering health workforce insights from open sources rapidly. METHODS We conducted an NLP-assisted media content analysis of open-source news coverage on the COVID-19 pandemic published between January 2020 and June 2022. A data set of 3,299,158 English news articles on the COVID-19 pandemic was extracted from the World Health Organization Epidemic Intelligence through Open Sources (EIOS) system. The data preparation phase included developing rules-based classification, fine-tuning an NLP summarization model, and further data processing. Following relevancy evaluation, a deductive-inductive approach was used for the analysis of the summarizations. This included data extraction, inductive coding, and theme grouping. RESULTS After processing and classifying the initial data set comprising 3,299,158 news articles and reports, a data set of 5131 articles with 3,007,693 words was devised. The NLP summarization model allowed for a reduction in the length of each article resulting in 496,209 words that facilitated agile analysis performed by humans. Media content analysis yielded results in 3 sections: areas of COVID-19 impacts and their pervasiveness, contributing factors to COVID-19-related impacts, and responses to the impacts. The results suggest that insufficient remuneration and compensation packages have been key disruptors for the health workforce during the COVID-19 pandemic, leading to industrial actions and mental health burdens. Shortages of personal protective equipment and occupational risks have increased infection and death risks, particularly at the pandemic's onset. Workload and staff shortages became a growing disruption as the pandemic progressed. CONCLUSIONS This study demonstrates the capacity of artificial intelligence-assisted media content analysis applied to open-source news articles and reports concerning the health workforce. Adequate remuneration packages and personal protective equipment supplies should be prioritized as preventive measures to reduce the initial impact of future pandemics on the health workforce. Interventions aimed at lessening the emotional toll and workload need to be formulated as a part of reactive measures, enhancing the efficiency and maintainability of health delivery during a pandemic.
Xiang L, Chen J, Zhu Z, Song Z, Bao Z, Zhu X, Jin F, Wang K, Xu S, Zou Y, Li H, Wang Z, Song C, Yue A, Partridge J, Guo Q, Mondaini R, Wang H, Scalettar RT. Enhanced quantum state transfer by circumventing quantum chaotic behavior. Nat Commun 2024; 15:4918. [PMID: 38858357 PMCID: PMC11164980 DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-48791-3] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Key Words] [Grants] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 01/12/2024] [Accepted: 05/10/2024] [Indexed: 06/12/2024] Open
The ability to realize high-fidelity quantum communication is one of the many facets required to build generic quantum computing devices. In addition to quantum processing, sensing, and storage, transferring the resulting quantum states demands a careful design that finds no parallel in classical communication. Existing experimental demonstrations of quantum information transfer in solid-state quantum systems are largely confined to small chains with few qubits, often relying upon non-generic schemes. Here, by using a superconducting quantum circuit featuring thirty-six tunable qubits, accompanied by general optimization procedures deeply rooted in overcoming quantum chaotic behavior, we demonstrate a scalable protocol for transferring few-particle quantum states in a two-dimensional quantum network. These include single-qubit excitation, two-qubit entangled states, and two excitations for which many-body effects are present. Our approach, combined with the quantum circuit's versatility, paves the way to short-distance quantum communication for connecting distributed quantum processors or registers, even if hampered by inherent imperfections in actual quantum devices.
Wang Y, Wang H, Zhang JF, Zhang NH, Ding XY, Shi XJ, Wang R. [Clinicopathological features and prognosis analysis of bone marrow biopsy involvement in 95 cases with mantle cell lymphoma]. ZHONGHUA BING LI XUE ZA ZHI = CHINESE JOURNAL OF PATHOLOGY 2024; 53:616-618. [PMID: 38825910 DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.cn112151-20230926-00217] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [MESH Headings] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 06/04/2024]
Aad G, Aakvaag E, Abbott B, Abeling K, Abicht NJ, Abidi SH, Aboulhorma A, Abramowicz H, Abreu H, Abulaiti Y, Acharya BS, Adam Bourdarios C, Adamczyk L, Addepalli SV, Addison MJ, Adelman J, Adiguzel A, Adye T, Affolder AA, Afik Y, Agaras MN, Agarwala J, Aggarwal A, Agheorghiesei C, Ahmad A, Ahmadov F, Ahmed WS, Ahuja S, Ai X, Aielli G, Aikot A, Ait Tamlihat M, Aitbenchikh B, Aizenberg I, Akbiyik M, Åkesson TPA, Akimov AV, Akiyama D, Akolkar NN, Aktas S, Al Khoury K, Alberghi GL, Albert J, Albicocco P, Albouy GL, Alderweireldt S, Alegria ZL, Aleksa M, Aleksandrov IN, Alexa C, Alexopoulos T, Alfonsi F, Algren M, Alhroob M, Ali B, Ali HMJ, Ali S, Alibocus SW, Aliev M, Alimonti G, Alkakhi W, Allaire C, Allbrooke BMM, Allen JF, Allendes Flores CA, Allport PP, Aloisio A, Alonso F, Alpigiani C, Alvarez Estevez M, Alvarez Fernandez A, Alves Cardoso M, Alviggi MG, Aly M, Amaral Coutinho Y, Ambler A, Amelung C, Amerl M, Ames CG, Amidei D, Amirie KJ, Amor Dos Santos SP, Amos KR, Ananiev V, Anastopoulos C, Andeen T, Anders JK, Andrean SY, Andreazza A, Angelidakis S, Angerami A, Anisenkov AV, Annovi A, Antel C, Anthony MT, Antipov E, Antonelli M, Anulli F, Aoki M, Aoki T, Aparisi Pozo JA, Aparo MA, Aperio Bella L, Appelt C, Apyan A, Arbiol Val SJ, Arcangeletti C, Arce ATH, Arena E, Arguin JF, Argyropoulos S, Arling JH, Arnaez O, Arnold H, Artoni G, Asada H, Asai K, Asai S, Asbah NA, Assamagan K, Astalos R, Atashi S, Atkin RJ, Atkinson M, Atmani H, Atmasiddha PA, Augsten K, Auricchio S, Auriol AD, Austrup VA, Avolio G, Axiotis K, Azuelos G, Babal D, Bachacou H, Bachas K, Bachiu A, Backman F, Badea A, Baer TM, Bagnaia P, Bahmani M, Bahner D, Bai K, Bailey AJ, Bailey VR, Baines JT, Baines L, Baker OK, Bakos E, Bakshi Gupta D, Balakrishnan V, Balasubramanian R, Baldin EM, Balek P, Ballabene E, Balli F, Baltes LM, Balunas WK, Balz J, Banas E, Bandieramonte M, Bandyopadhyay A, Bansal S, Barak L, Barakat M, Barberio EL, Barberis D, Barbero M, Barel MZ, Barends KN, Barillari T, Barisits MS, Barklow T, Baron P, Baron Moreno DA, Baroncelli A, Barone G, Barr AJ, Barr JD, Barreiro F, Barreiro Guimarães da Costa J, Barron U, Barros Teixeira MG, Barsov S, Bartels F, Bartoldus R, Barton AE, Bartos P, Basan A, Baselga M, Bassalat A, Basso MJ, Basson CR, Bates RL, Batlamous S, Batool B, Battaglia M, Battulga D, Bauce M, Bauer M, Bauer P, Bazzano Hurrell LT, Beacham JB, Beau T, Beaucamp JY, Beauchemin PH, Bechtle P, Beck HP, Becker K, Beddall AJ, Bednyakov VA, Bee CP, Beemster LJ, Beermann TA, Begalli M, Begel M, Behera A, Behr JK, Beirer JF, Beisiegel F, Belfkir M, Bella G, Bellagamba L, Bellerive A, Bellos P, Beloborodov K, Benchekroun D, Bendebba F, Benhammou Y, Benkendorfer KC, Beresford L, Beretta M, Bergeaas Kuutmann E, Berger N, Bergmann B, Beringer J, Bernardi G, Bernius C, Bernlochner FU, Bernon F, Berrocal Guardia A, Berry T, Berta P, Berthold A, Bethke S, Betti A, Bevan AJ, Bhalla NK, Bhamjee M, Bhatta S, Bhattacharya DS, Bhattarai P, Bhide KD, Bhopatkar VS, Bianchi RM, Bianco G, Biebel O, Bielski R, Biglietti M, Billingsley CS, Bindi M, Bingul A, Bini C, Biondini A, Birch-Sykes CJ, Bird GA, Birman M, Biros M, Biryukov S, Bisanz T, Bisceglie E, Biswal JP, Biswas D, Bjørke K, Bloch I, Blue A, Blumenschein U, Blumenthal J, Bobrovnikov VS, Boehler M, Boehm B, Bogavac D, Bogdanchikov AG, Bohm C, Boisvert V, Bokan P, Bold T, Bomben M, Bona M, Boonekamp M, Booth CD, Borbély AG, Bordulev IS, Borecka-Bielska HM, Borissov G, Bortoletto D, Boscherini D, Bosman M, Bossio Sola JD, Bouaouda K, Bouchhar N, Boudreau J, Bouhova-Thacker EV, Boumediene D, Bouquet R, Boveia A, Boyd J, Boye D, Boyko IR, Bracinik J, Brahimi N, Brandt G, Brandt O, Braren F, Brau B, Brau JE, Brener R, Brenner L, Brenner R, Bressler S, Britton D, Britzger D, Brock I, Brooijmans G, Brost E, Brown LM, Bruce LE, Bruckler TL, Bruckman de Renstrom PA, Brüers B, Bruni A, Bruni G, Bruschi M, Bruscino N, Buanes T, Buat Q, Buchin D, Buckley AG, Bulekov O, Bullard BA, Burdin S, Burgard CD, Burger AM, Burghgrave B, Burlayenko O, Burr JTP, Burton CD, Burzynski JC, Busch EL, Büscher V, Bussey PJ, Butler JM, Buttar CM, Butterworth JM, Buttinger W, Buxo Vazquez CJ, Buzykaev AR, Cabrera Urbán S, Cadamuro L, Caforio D, Cai H, Cai Y, Cai Y, Cairo VMM, Cakir O, Calace N, Calafiura P, Calderini G, Calfayan P, Callea G, Caloba LP, Calvet D, Calvet S, Calvetti M, Camacho Toro R, Camarda S, Camarero Munoz D, Camarri P, Camerlingo MT, Cameron D, Camincher C, Campanelli M, Camplani A, Canale V, Canbay AC, Cantero J, Cao Y, Capocasa F, Capua M, Carbone A, Cardarelli R, Cardenas JCJ, Cardillo F, Carducci G, Carli T, Carlino G, Carlotto JI, Carlson BT, Carlson EM, Carminati L, Carnelli A, Carnesale M, Caron S, Carquin E, Carrá S, Carratta G, Carroll AM, Carter TM, Casado MP, Caspar M, Castillo FL, Castillo Garcia L, Castillo Gimenez V, Castro NF, Catinaccio A, Catmore JR, Cavaliere T, Cavaliere V, Cavalli N, Cekmecelioglu YC, Celebi E, Celli F, Centonze MS, Cepaitis V, Cerny K, Cerqueira AS, Cerri A, Cerrito L, Cerutti F, Cervato B, Cervelli A, Cesarini G, Cetin SA, Chakraborty D, Chan J, Chan WY, Chapman JD, Chapon E, Chargeishvili B, Charlton DG, Chatterjee M, Chauhan C, Che Y, Chekanov S, Chekulaev SV, Chelkov GA, Chen A, Chen B, Chen B, Chen H, Chen H, Chen J, Chen J, Chen M, Chen S, Chen SJ, Chen X, Chen X, Chen Y, Cheng CL, Cheng HC, Cheong S, Cheplakov A, Cheremushkina E, Cherepanova E, Cherkaoui El Moursli R, Cheu E, Cheung K, Chevalier L, Chiarella V, Chiarelli G, Chiedde N, Chiodini G, Chisholm AS, Chitan A, Chitishvili M, Chizhov MV, Choi K, Chou Y, Chow EYS, Chu KL, Chu MC, Chu X, Chudoba J, Chwastowski JJ, Cieri D, Ciesla KM, Cindro V, Ciocio A, Cirotto F, Citron ZH, Citterio M, Ciubotaru DA, Clark A, Clark PJ, Clarry C, Clavijo Columbie JM, Clawson SE, Clement C, Clercx J, Coadou Y, Cobal M, Coccaro A, Barrue RFC, Coelho Lopes De Sa R, Coelli S, Cole B, Collot J, Conde Muiño P, Connell MP, Connell SH, Conroy EI, Conventi F, Cooke HG, Cooper-Sarkar AM, Cordeiro Oudot Choi A, Corpe LD, Corradi M, Corriveau F, Cortes-Gonzalez A, Costa MJ, Costanza F, Costanzo D, Cote BM, Cowan G, Cranmer K, Cremonini D, Crépé-Renaudin S, Crescioli F, Cristinziani M, Cristoforetti M, Croft V, Crosby JE, Crosetti G, Cueto A, Cuhadar Donszelmann T, Cui H, Cui Z, Cunningham WR, Curcio F, Czodrowski P, Czurylo MM, De Sousa MJDCS, Da Fonseca Pinto JV, Da Via C, Dabrowski W, Dado T, Dahbi S, Dai T, Dal Santo D, Dallapiccola C, Dam M, D'amen G, D'Amico V, Damp J, Dandoy JR, Danninger M, Dao V, Darbo G, Darmora S, Das SJ, D'Auria S, D'avanzo A, David C, Davidek T, Davis-Purcell B, Dawson I, Day-Hall HA, De K, De Asmundis R, De Biase N, De Castro S, De Groot N, de Jong P, De la Torre H, De Maria A, De Salvo A, De Sanctis U, De Santis F, De Santo A, De Vivie De Regie JB, Dedovich DV, Degens J, Deiana AM, Del Corso F, Del Peso J, Del Rio F, Delagrange L, Deliot F, Delitzsch CM, Della Pietra M, Della Volpe D, Dell'Acqua A, Dell'Asta L, Delmastro M, Delsart PA, Demers S, Demichev M, Denisov SP, D'Eramo L, Derendarz D, Derue F, Dervan P, Desch K, Deutsch C, Di Bello FA, Di Ciaccio A, Di Ciaccio L, Di Domenico A, Di Donato C, Di Girolamo A, Di Gregorio G, Di Luca A, Di Micco B, Di Nardo R, Diamantopoulou M, Dias FA, Vale TDD, Diaz MA, Diaz Capriles FG, Didenko M, Diehl EB, Díez Cornell S, Diez Pardos C, Dimitriadi C, Dimitrievska A, Dingfelder J, Dinu IM, Dittmeier SJ, Dittus F, Djama F, Djobava T, Doglioni C, Dohnalova A, Dolejsi J, Dolezal Z, Dona KM, Donadelli M, Dong B, Donini J, D'Onofrio A, D'Onofrio M, Dopke J, Doria A, Dos Santos Fernandes N, Dougan P, Dova MT, Doyle AT, Draguet MA, Dreyer E, Drivas-Koulouris I, Drnevich M, Drozdova M, Du D, du Pree TA, Dubinin F, Dubovsky M, Duchovni E, Duckeck G, Ducu OA, Duda D, Dudarev A, Duden ER, D'uffizi M, Duflot L, Dührssen M, Dumitriu AE, Dunford M, Dungs S, Dunne K, Duperrin A, Yildiz HD, Düren M, Durglishvili A, Dwyer BL, Dyckes GI, Dyndal M, Dziedzic BS, Earnshaw ZO, Eberwein GH, Eckerova B, Eggebrecht S, Purcino De Souza EE, Ehrke LF, Eigen G, Einsweiler K, Ekelof T, Ekman PA, El Farkh S, El Ghazali Y, El Jarrari H, El Moussaouy A, Ellajosyula V, Ellert M, Ellinghaus F, Ellis N, Elmsheuser J, Elsing M, Emeliyanov D, Enari Y, Ene I, Epari S, Erland PA, Errenst M, Escalier M, Escobar C, Etzion E, Evans G, Evans H, Evans LS, Ezhilov A, Ezzarqtouni S, Fabbri F, Fabbri L, Facini G, Fadeyev V, Fakhrutdinov RM, Fakoudis D, Falciano S, Falda Ulhoa Coelho LF, Falke PJ, Faltova J, Fan C, Fan Y, Fang Y, Fanti M, Faraj M, Farazpay Z, Farbin A, Farilla A, Farooque T, Farrington SM, Fassi F, Fassouliotis D, Faucci Giannelli M, Fawcett WJ, Fayard L, Federic P, Federicova P, Fedin OL, Feickert M, Feligioni L, Fellers DE, Feng C, Feng M, Feng Z, Fenton MJ, Ferencz L, Ferguson RAM, Fernandez Luengo SI, Fernandez Martinez P, Fernoux MJV, Ferrando J, Ferrari A, Ferrari P, Ferrari R, Ferrere D, Ferretti C, Fiedler F, Fiedler P, Filipčič A, Filmer EK, Filthaut F, Fiolhais MCN, Fiorini L, Fisher WC, Fitschen T, Fitzhugh PM, Fleck I, Fleischmann P, Flick T, Flores M, Flores Castillo LR, Flores Sanz De Acedo L, Follega FM, Fomin N, Foo JH, Formica A, Forti AC, Fortin E, Fortman AW, Foti MG, Fountas L, Fournier D, Fox H, Francavilla P, Francescato S, Franchellucci S, Franchini M, Franchino S, Francis D, Franco L, Franco Lima V, Franconi L, Franklin M, Frattari G, Freund WS, Frid YY, Friend J, Fritzsche N, Froch A, Froidevaux D, Frost JA, Fu Y, Fuenzalida Garrido S, Fujimoto M, Fung KY, De Simas Filho EF, Furukawa M, Fuster J, Gabrielli A, Gabrielli A, Gadow P, Gagliardi G, Gagnon LG, Galantzan S, Gallas EJ, Gallop BJ, Gan KK, Ganguly S, Gao Y, Garay Walls FM, Garcia B, García C, Garcia Alonso A, Garcia Caffaro AG, García Navarro JE, Garcia-Sciveres M, Gardner GL, Gardner RW, Garelli N, Garg D, Garg RB, Gargan JM, Garner CA, Garvey CM, Gaspar P, Gassmann VK, Gaudio G, Gautam V, Gauzzi P, Gavrilenko IL, Gavrilyuk A, Gay C, Gaycken G, Gazis EN, Geanta AA, Gee CM, Gekow A, Gemme C, Genest MH, Gentry AD, George S, George WF, Geralis T, Gessinger-Befurt P, Geyik ME, Ghani M, Ghneimat M, Ghorbanian K, Ghosal A, Ghosh A, Ghosh A, Giacobbe B, Giagu S, Giani T, Giannetti P, Giannini A, Gibson SM, Gignac M, Gil DT, Gilbert AK, Gilbert BJ, Gillberg D, Gilles G, Ginabat L, Gingrich DM, Giordani MP, Giraud PF, Giugliarelli G, Giugni D, Giuli F, Gkialas I, Gladilin LK, Glasman C, Gledhill GR, Glemža G, Glisic M, Gnesi I, Go Y, Goblirsch-Kolb M, Gocke B, Godin D, Gokturk B, Goldfarb S, Golling T, Gololo MGD, Golubkov D, Gombas JP, Gomes A, Gomes Da Silva G, Gomez Delegido AJ, Gonçalo R, Gonella L, Gongadze A, Gonnella F, Gonski JL, González Andana RY, González de la Hoz S, Gonzalez Lopez R, Gonzalez Renteria C, Gonzalez Rodrigues MV, Gonzalez Suarez R, Gonzalez-Sevilla S, Gonzalvo Rodriguez GR, Goossens L, Gorini B, Gorini E, Gorišek A, Gosart TC, Goshaw AT, Gostkin MI, Goswami S, Gottardo CA, Gotz SA, Gouighri M, Goumarre V, Goussiou AG, Govender N, Grabowska-Bold I, Graham K, Gramstad E, Grancagnolo S, Grant CM, Gravila PM, Gravili FG, Gray HM, Greco M, Grefe C, Gregor IM, Grenier P, Grewe SG, Grillo AA, Grimm K, Grinstein S, Grivaz JF, Gross E, Grosse-Knetter J, Grundy JC, Guan L, Gubbels C, Guerrero Rojas JGR, Guerrieri G, Guescini F, Gugel R, Guhit JAM, Guida A, Guilloton E, Guindon S, Guo F, Guo J, Guo L, Guo Y, Gupta R, Gupta R, Gurbuz S, Gurdasani SS, Gustavino G, Guth M, Gutierrez P, Gutierrez Zagazeta LF, Gutsche M, Gutschow C, Gwenlan C, Gwilliam CB, Haaland ES, Haas A, Habedank M, Haber C, Hadavand HK, Hadef A, Hadzic S, Hagan AI, Hahn JJ, Haines EH, Haleem M, Haley J, Hall JJ, Hallewell GD, Halser L, Hamano K, Hamer M, Hamity GN, Hampshire EJ, Han J, Han K, Han L, Han L, Han S, Han YF, Hanagaki K, Hance M, Hangal DA, Hanif H, Hank MD, Hansen JB, Hansen PH, Hara K, Harada D, Harenberg T, Harkusha S, Harris ML, Harris YT, Harrison J, Harrison NM, Harrison PF, Hartman NM, Hartmann NM, Hasegawa Y, Hauser R, Hawkes CM, Hawkings RJ, Hayashi Y, Hayashida S, Hayden D, Hayes C, Hayes RL, Hays CP, Hays JM, Hayward HS, He F, He M, He Y, He Y, He Y, Heatley NB, Hedberg V, Heggelund AL, Hehir ND, Heidegger C, Heidegger KK, Heidorn WD, Heilman J, Heim S, Heim T, Heinlein JG, Heinrich JJ, Heinrich L, Hejbal J, Held A, Hellesund S, Helling CM, Hellman S, Henderson RCW, Henkelmann L, Henriques Correia AM, Herde H, Hernández Jiménez Y, Herrmann LM, Herrmann T, Herten G, Hertenberger R, Hervas L, Hesping ME, Hessey NP, Hill E, Hillier SJ, Hinds JR, Hinterkeuser F, Hirose M, Hirose S, Hirschbuehl D, Hitchings TG, Hiti B, Hobbs J, Hobincu R, Hod N, Hodgkinson MC, Hodkinson BH, Hoecker A, Hofer DD, Hofer J, Holm T, Holzbock M, Hommels LBAH, Honan BP, Hong J, Hong TM, Hooberman BH, Hopkins WH, Horii Y, Hou S, Howard AS, Howarth J, Hoya J, Hrabovsky M, Hrynevich A, Hryn'ova T, Hsu PJ, Hsu SC, Hu Q, Huang S, Huang X, Huang X, Huang Y, Huang Y, Huang Z, Hubacek Z, Huebner M, Huegging F, Huffman TB, Hugli CA, Huhtinen M, Huiberts SK, Hulsken R, Huseynov N, Huston J, Huth J, Hyneman R, Iacobucci G, Iakovidis G, Ibragimov I, Iconomidou-Fayard L, Iddon JP, Iengo P, Iguchi R, Iizawa T, Ikegami Y, Ilic N, Imam H, Ince Lezki M, Ingebretsen Carlson T, Introzzi G, Iodice M, Ippolito V, Irwin RK, Ishino M, Islam W, Issever C, Istin S, Ito H, Iuppa R, Ivina A, Izen JM, Izzo V, Jacka P, Jackson P, Jaeger BP, Jagfeld CS, Jain G, Jain P, Jakobs K, Jakoubek T, Jamieson J, Janas KW, Javurkova M, Jeanty L, Jejelava J, Jenni P, Jessiman CE, Jia C, Jia J, Jia X, Jia X, Jia Z, Jiggins S, Jimenez Pena J, Jin S, Jinaru A, Jinnouchi O, Johansson P, Johns KA, Johnson JW, Jones DM, Jones E, Jones P, Jones RWL, Jones TJ, Joos HL, Joshi R, Jovicevic J, Ju X, Junggeburth JJ, Junkermann T, Juste Rozas A, Juzek MK, Kabana S, Kaczmarska A, Kado M, Kagan H, Kagan M, Kahn A, Kahn A, Kahra C, Kaji T, Kajomovitz E, Kakati N, Kalaitzidou I, Kalderon CW, Kang NJ, Kar D, Karava K, Kareem MJ, Karentzos E, Karkanias I, Karkout O, Karpov SN, Karpova ZM, Kartvelishvili V, Karyukhin AN, Kasimi E, Katzy J, Kaur S, Kawade K, Kawale MP, Kawamoto C, Kawamoto T, Kay EF, Kaya FI, Kazakos S, Kazanin VF, Ke Y, Keaveney JM, Keeler R, Kehris GV, Keller JS, Kelly AS, Kempster JJ, Kennedy PD, Kepka O, Kerridge BP, Kersten S, Kerševan BP, Keshri S, Keszeghova L, Ketabchi Haghighat S, Khan RA, Khanov A, Kharlamov AG, Kharlamova T, Khoda EE, Kholodenko M, Khoo TJ, Khoriauli G, Khubua J, Khwaira YAR, Kibirige B, Kilgallon A, Kim DW, Kim YK, Kimura N, Kingston MK, Kirchhoff A, Kirfel C, Kirfel F, Kirk J, Kiryunin AE, Kitsaki C, Kivernyk O, Klassen M, Klein C, Klein L, Klein MH, Klein SB, Klein U, Klimek P, Klimentov A, Klioutchnikova T, Kluit P, Kluth S, Kneringer E, Knight TM, Knue A, Kobayashi R, Kobylianskii D, Koch SF, Kocian M, Kodyš P, Koeck DM, Koenig PT, Koffas T, Kolay O, Koletsou I, Komarek T, Köneke K, Kong AXY, Kono T, Konstantinidis N, Kontaxakis P, Konya B, Kopeliansky R, Koperny S, Korcyl K, Kordas K, Korn A, Korn S, Korolkov I, Korotkova N, Kortman B, Kortner O, Kortner S, Kostecka WH, Kostyukhin VV, Kotsokechagia A, Kotwal A, Koulouris A, Kourkoumeli-Charalampidi A, Kourkoumelis C, Kourlitis E, Kovanda O, Kowalewski R, Kozanecki W, Kozhin AS, Kramarenko VA, Kramberger G, Kramer P, Krasny MW, Krasznahorkay A, Kraus JW, Kremer JA, Kresse T, Kretzschmar J, Kreul K, Krieger P, Krishnamurthy S, Krivos M, Krizka K, Kroeninger K, Kroha H, Kroll J, Kroll J, Krowpman KS, Kruchonak U, Krüger H, Krumnack N, Kruse MC, Kuchinskaia O, Kuday S, Kuehn S, Kuesters R, Kuhl T, Kukhtin V, Kulchitsky Y, Kuleshov S, Kumar M, Kumari N, Kumari P, Kupco A, Kupfer T, Kupich A, Kuprash O, Kurashige H, Kurchaninov LL, Kurdysh O, Kurochkin YA, Kurova A, Kuze M, Kvam AK, Kvita J, Kwan T, Kyriacou NG, Laatu LAO, Lacasta C, Lacava F, Lacker H, Lacour D, Lad NN, Ladygin E, Laforge B, Lagouri T, Lahbabi FZ, Lai S, Lakomiec IK, Lalloue N, Lambert JE, Lammers S, Lampl W, Lampoudis C, Lamprinoudis G, Lancaster AN, Lançon E, Landgraf U, Landon MPJ, Lang VS, Langrekken OKB, Lankford AJ, Lanni F, Lantzsch K, Lanza A, Lapertosa A, Laporte JF, Lari T, Lasagni Manghi F, Lassnig M, Latonova V, Laudrain A, Laurier A, Lawlor SD, Lawrence Z, Lazaridou R, Lazzaroni M, Le B, Le Boulicaut EM, Leban B, Lebedev A, LeBlanc M, Ledroit-Guillon F, Lee ACA, Lee SC, Lee S, Lee TF, Leeuw LL, Lefebvre HP, Lefebvre M, Leggett C, Lehmann Miotto G, Leigh M, Leight WA, Leinonen W, Leisos A, Leite MAL, Leitgeb CE, Leitner R, Leney KJC, Lenz T, Leone S, Leonidopoulos C, Leopold A, Leroy C, Les R, Lester CG, Levchenko M, Levêque J, Levinson LJ, Levrini G, Lewicki MP, Lewis DJ, Li A, Li B, Li C, Li CQ, Li H, Li H, Li H, Li H, Li H, Li J, Li K, Li L, Li M, Li QY, Li S, Li S, Li T, Li X, Li Z, Li Z, Li Z, Liang S, Liang Z, Liberatore M, Liberti B, Lie K, Lieber Marin J, Lien H, Lin K, Lindley RE, Lindon JH, Lipeles E, Lipniacka A, Lister A, Little JD, Liu B, Liu BX, Liu D, Liu JB, Liu JKK, Liu K, Liu M, Liu MY, Liu P, Liu Q, Liu X, Liu X, Liu Y, Liu YL, Liu YW, Llorente Merino J, Lloyd SL, Lobodzinska EM, Loch P, Lohse T, Lohwasser K, Loiacono E, Lokajicek M, Lomas JD, Long JD, Longarini I, Longo L, Longo R, Lopez Paz I, Lopez Solis A, Lorenzo Martinez N, Lory AM, Löschcke Centeno G, Loseva O, Lou X, Lou X, Lounis A, Love PA, Lu G, Lu M, Lu S, Lu YJ, Lubatti HJ, Luci C, Lucio Alves FL, Luehring F, Luise I, Lukianchuk O, Lundberg O, Lund-Jensen B, Luongo NA, Lutz MS, Lux AB, Lynn D, Lysak R, Lytken E, Lyubushkin V, Lyubushkina T, Lyukova MM, Ma H, Ma K, Ma LL, Ma W, Ma Y, Mac Donell DM, Maccarrone G, MacDonald JC, Machado De Abreu Farias PC, Madar R, Mader WF, Madula T, Maeda J, Maeno T, Maguire H, Maiboroda V, Maio A, Maj K, Majersky O, Majewski S, Makovec N, Maksimovic V, Malaescu B, Malecki P, Maleev VP, Malek F, Mali M, Malito D, Mallik U, Maltezos S, Malyukov S, Mamuzic J, Mancini G, Mancini MN, Manco G, Mandalia JP, Mandić I, Manhaes de Andrade Filho L, Maniatis IM, Manjarres Ramos J, Mankad DC, Mann A, Manzoni S, Mao L, Mapekula X, Marantis A, Marchiori G, Marcisovsky M, Marcon C, Marinescu M, Marium S, Marjanovic M, Markovitch M, Marshall EJ, Marshall Z, Marti-Garcia S, Martin TA, Martin VJ, Martin Dit Latour B, Martinelli L, Martinez M, Martinez Agullo P, Martinez Outschoorn VI, Martinez Suarez P, Martin-Haugh S, Martoiu VS, Martyniuk AC, Marzin A, Mascione D, Masetti L, Mashimo T, Masik J, Maslennikov AL, Massarotti P, Mastrandrea P, Mastroberardino A, Masubuchi T, Mathisen T, Matousek J, Matsuzawa N, Maurer J, Maček B, Maximov DA, Mazini R, Maznas I, Mazza M, Mazza SM, Mazzeo E, Mc Ginn C, Mc Gowan JP, Mc Kee SP, McCracken CC, McDonald EF, McDougall AE, Mcfayden JA, McGovern RP, Mchedlidze G, Mckenzie RP, Mclachlan TC, Mclaughlin DJ, McMahon SJ, Mcpartland CM, McPherson RA, Mehlhase S, Mehta A, Melini D, Mellado Garcia BR, Melo AH, Meloni F, Mendes Jacques Da Costa AM, Meng HY, Meng L, Menke S, Mentink M, Meoni E, Mercado G, Merlassino C, Merola L, Meroni C, Metcalfe J, Mete AS, Meyer C, Meyer JP, Middleton RP, Mijović L, Mikenberg G, Mikestikova M, Mikuž M, Mildner H, Milic A, Miller DW, Miller EH, Miller LS, Milov A, Milstead DA, Min T, Minaenko AA, Minashvili IA, Mince L, Mincer AI, Mindur B, Mineev M, Mino Y, Mir LM, Miralles Lopez M, Mironova M, Mishima A, Missio MC, Mitra A, Mitsou VA, Mitsumori Y, Miu O, Miyagawa PS, Mkrtchyan T, Mlinarevic M, Mlinarevic T, Mlynarikova M, Mobius S, Mogg P, Mohamed Farook MH, Mohammed AF, Mohapatra S, Mokgatitswane G, Moleri L, Mondal B, Mondal S, Mönig K, Monnier E, Monsonis Romero L, Montejo Berlingen J, Montella M, Montereali F, Monticelli F, Monzani S, Morange N, De Carvalho ALM, Moreno Llácer M, Moreno Martinez C, Morettini P, Morgenstern S, Morii M, Morinaga M, Morodei F, Morvaj L, Moschovakos P, Moser B, Mosidze M, Moskalets T, Moskvitina P, Moss J, Moussa A, Moyse EJW, Mtintsilana O, Muanza S, Mueller J, Muenstermann D, Müller R, Mullier GA, Mullin AJ, Mullin JJ, Mungo DP, Munoz Perez D, Munoz Sanchez FJ, Murin M, Murray WJ, Muškinja M, Mwewa C, Myagkov AG, Myers AJ, Myers G, Myska M, Nachman BP, Nackenhorst O, Nagai K, Nagano K, Nagle JL, Nagy E, Nairz AM, Nakahama Y, Nakamura K, Nakkalil K, Nanjo H, Narayan R, Narayanan EA, Naryshkin I, Naseri M, Nasri S, Nass C, Navarro G, Navarro-Gonzalez J, Nayak R, Nayaz A, Nechaeva PY, Nechansky F, Nedic L, Neep TJ, Negri A, Negrini M, Nellist C, Nelson C, Nelson K, Nemecek S, Nessi M, Neubauer MS, Neuhaus F, Neundorf J, Newhouse R, Newman PR, Ng CW, Ng YWY, Ngair B, Nguyen HDN, Nickerson RB, Nicolaidou R, Nielsen J, Niemeyer M, Niermann J, Nikiforou N, Nikolaenko V, Nikolic-Audit I, Nikolopoulos K, Nilsson P, Ninca I, Nindhito HR, Ninio G, Nisati A, Nishu N, Nisius R, Nitschke JE, Nkadimeng EK, Nobe T, Noel DL, Nommensen T, Norfolk MB, Norisam RRB, Norman BJ, Noury M, Novak J, Novak T, Novotny L, Novotny R, Nozka L, Ntekas K, Nunes De Moura Junior NMJ, Ocariz J, Ochi A, Ochoa I, Oerdek S, Offermann JT, Ogrodnik A, Oh A, Ohm CC, Oide H, Oishi R, Ojeda ML, Okumura Y, Seabra LFO, Olivares Pino SA, Oliveira Damazio D, Oliveira Goncalves D, Oliver JL, Öncel ÖO, O'Neill AP, Onofre A, Onyisi PUE, Oreglia MJ, Orellana GE, Orestano D, Orlando N, Orr RS, O'Shea V, Osojnak LM, Ospanov R, Otero Y Garzon G, Otono H, Ott PS, Ottino GJ, Ouchrif M, Ould-Saada F, Owen M, Owen RE, Oyulmaz KY, Ozcan VE, Ozturk F, Ozturk N, Ozturk S, Pacey HA, Pacheco Pages A, Padilla Aranda C, Padovano G, Pagan Griso S, Palacino G, Palazzo A, Pampel J, Pan J, Pan T, Panchal DK, Pandini CE, Panduro Vazquez JG, Pandya HD, Pang H, Pani P, Panizzo G, Panwar L, Paolozzi L, Parajuli S, Paramonov A, Paraskevopoulos C, Paredes Hernandez D, Pareti A, Park KR, Park TH, Parker MA, Parodi F, Parrish EW, Parrish VA, Parsons JA, Parzefall U, Pascual Dias B, Pascual Dominguez L, Pasqualucci E, Passaggio S, Pastore F, Patel P, Patel UM, Pater JR, Pauly T, Pazos CI, Pearkes J, Pedersen M, Pedro R, Peleganchuk SV, Penc O, Pender EA, Penn GD, Penski KE, Penzin M, Peralva BS, Peixoto APP, Pereira Sanchez L, Perepelitsa DV, Perez Codina E, Perganti M, Pernegger H, Perrin O, Peters K, Peters RFY, Petersen BA, Petersen TC, Petit E, Petousis V, Petridou C, Petru T, Petrukhin A, Pettee M, Pettersson NE, Petukhov A, Petukhova K, Pezoa R, Pezzotti L, Pezzullo G, Pham TM, Pham T, Phillips PW, Piacquadio G, Pianori E, Piazza F, Piegaia R, Pietreanu D, Pilkington AD, Pinamonti M, Pinfold JL, Pereira BCP, Pinto Pinoargote AE, Pintucci L, Piper KM, Pirttikoski A, Pizzi DA, Pizzimento L, Pizzini A, Pleier MA, Plesanovs V, Pleskot V, Plotnikova E, Poddar G, Poettgen R, Poggioli L, Pokharel I, Polacek S, Polesello G, Poley A, Polini A, Pollard CS, Pollock ZB, Pompa Pacchi E, Ponomarenko D, Pontecorvo L, Popa S, Popeneciu GA, Poreba A, Portillo Quintero DM, Pospisil S, Postill MA, Postolache P, Potamianos K, Potepa PA, Potrap IN, Potter CJ, Potti H, Poulsen T, Poveda J, Pozo Astigarraga ME, Prades Ibanez A, Pretel J, Price D, Primavera M, Principe Martin MA, Privara R, Procter T, Proffitt ML, Proklova N, Prokofiev K, Proto G, Proudfoot J, Przybycien M, Przygoda WW, Psallidas A, Puddefoot JE, Pudzha D, Pyatiizbyantseva D, Qian J, Qichen D, Qin Y, Qiu T, Quadt A, Queitsch-Maitland M, Quetant G, Quinn RP, Rabanal Bolanos G, Rafanoharana D, Ragusa F, Rainbolt JL, Raine JA, Rajagopalan S, Ramakoti E, Ramirez-Berend IA, Ran K, Rapheeha NP, Rasheed H, Raskina V, Rassloff DF, Rastogi A, Rave S, Ravina B, Ravinovich I, Raymond M, Read AL, Readioff NP, Rebuzzi DM, Redlinger G, Reed AS, Reeves K, Reidelsturz JA, Reikher D, Rej A, Rembser C, Renda M, Rendel MB, Renner F, Rennie AG, Rescia AL, Resconi S, Ressegotti M, Rettie S, Reyes Rivera JG, Reynolds E, Rezanova OL, Reznicek P, Riani H, Ribaric N, Ricci E, Richter R, Richter S, Richter-Was E, Ridel M, Ridouani S, Rieck P, Riedler P, Riefel EM, Rieger JO, Rijssenbeek M, Rimoldi M, Rinaldi L, Rinn TT, Rinnagel MP, Ripellino G, Riu I, Rivera Vergara JC, Rizatdinova F, Rizvi E, Roberts BR, Robertson SH, Robinson D, Robles Gajardo CM, Robles Manzano M, Robson A, Rocchi A, Roda C, Rodriguez Bosca S, Rodriguez Garcia Y, Rodriguez Rodriguez A, Rodríguez Vera AM, Roe S, Roemer JT, Roepe-Gier AR, Roggel J, Røhne O, Rojas RA, Roland CPA, Roloff J, Romaniouk A, Romano E, Romano M, Romero Hernandez AC, Rompotis N, Roos L, Rosati S, Rosser BJ, Rossi E, Rossi E, Rossi LP, Rossini L, Rosten R, Rotaru M, Rottler B, Rougier C, Rousseau D, Rousso D, Roy A, Roy-Garand S, Rozanov A, Rozario ZMA, Rozen Y, Rubio Jimenez A, Ruby AJ, Ruelas Rivera VH, Ruggeri TA, Ruggiero A, Ruiz-Martinez A, Rummler A, Rurikova Z, Rusakovich NA, Russell HL, Russo G, Rutherfoord JP, Rutherford Colmenares S, Rybacki K, Rybar M, Rye EB, Ryzhov A, Sabater Iglesias JA, Sabatini P, Sadrozinski HFW, Safai Tehrani F, Safarzadeh Samani B, Safdari M, Saha S, Sahinsoy M, Saibel A, Saimpert M, Saito M, Saito T, Salamani D, Salnikov A, Salt J, Salvador Salas A, Salvatore D, Salvatore F, Salzburger A, Sammel D, Sampsonidis D, Sampsonidou D, Sánchez J, Sanchez Sebastian V, Sandaker H, Sander CO, Sandesara JA, Sandhoff M, Sandoval C, Sankey DPC, Sano T, Sansoni A, Santi L, Santoni C, Santos H, Santra A, Saoucha KA, Saraiva JG, Sardain J, Sasaki O, Sato K, Sauer C, Sauerburger F, Sauvan E, Savard P, Sawada R, Sawyer C, Sawyer L, Sayago Galvan I, Sbarra C, Sbrizzi A, Scanlon T, Schaarschmidt J, Schäfer U, Schaffer AC, Schaile D, Schamberger RD, Scharf C, Schefer MM, Schegelsky VA, Scheirich D, Schenck F, Schernau M, Scheulen C, Schiavi C, Schioppa M, Schlag B, Schleicher KE, Schlenker S, Schmeing J, Schmidt MA, Schmieden K, Schmitt C, Schmitt N, Schmitt S, Schoeffel L, Schoening A, Scholer PG, Schopf E, Schott M, Schovancova J, Schramm S, Schroer T, Schultz-Coulon HC, Schumacher M, Schumm BA, Schune P, Schuy AJ, Schwartz HR, Schwartzman A, Schwarz TA, Schwemling P, Schwienhorst R, Sciandra A, Sciolla G, Scuri F, Sebastiani CD, Sedlaczek K, Seema P, Seidel SC, Seiden A, Seidlitz BD, Seitz C, Seixas JM, Sekhniaidze G, Selem L, Semprini-Cesari N, Sengupta D, Senthilkumar V, Serin L, Serkin L, Sessa M, Severini H, Sforza F, Sfyrla A, Sha Q, Shabalina E, Shaheen R, Shahinian JD, Shaked Renous D, Shan LY, Shapiro M, Sharma A, Sharma AS, Sharma P, Shatalov PB, Shaw K, Shaw SM, Shcherbakova A, Shen Q, Sheppard DJ, Sherwood P, Shi L, Shi X, Shimmin CO, Shinner JD, Shipsey IPJ, Shirabe S, Shiyakova M, Shlomi J, Shochet MJ, Shojaii J, Shope DR, Shrestha B, Shrestha S, Shrif EM, Shroff MJ, Sicho P, Sickles AM, Sideras Haddad E, Sidoti A, Siegert F, Sijacki D, Sili F, Silva JM, Silva Oliveira MV, Silverstein SB, Simion S, Simoniello R, Simpson EL, Simpson H, Simpson LR, Simpson ND, Simsek S, Sindhu S, Sinervo P, Singh S, Sinha S, Sinha S, Sioli M, Siral I, Sitnikova E, Sjölin J, Skaf A, Skorda E, Skubic P, Slawinska M, Smakhtin V, Smart BH, Smirnov SY, Smirnov Y, Smirnova LN, Smirnova O, Smith AC, Smith EA, Smith HA, Smith JL, Smith R, Smizanska M, Smolek K, Snesarev AA, Snider SR, Snoek HL, Snyder S, Sobie R, Soffer A, Solans Sanchez CA, Soldatov EY, Soldevila U, Solodkov AA, Solomon S, Soloshenko A, Solovieva K, Solovyanov OV, Solovyev V, Sommer P, Sonay A, Song WY, Sopczak A, Sopio AL, Sopkova F, Sorenson JD, Sotarriva Alvarez IR, Sothilingam V, Soto Sandoval OJ, Sottocornola S, Soualah R, Soumaimi Z, South D, Soybelman N, Spagnolo S, Spalla M, Sperlich D, Spigo G, Spinali S, Spiteri DP, Spousta M, Staats EJ, Stamen R, Stampekis A, Standke M, Stanecka E, Stange MV, Stanislaus B, Stanitzki MM, Stapf B, Starchenko EA, Stark GH, Stark J, Staroba P, Starovoitov P, Stärz S, Staszewski R, Stavropoulos G, Steentoft J, Steinberg P, Stelzer B, Stelzer HJ, Stelzer-Chilton O, Stenzel H, Stevenson TJ, Stewart GA, Stewart JR, Stockton MC, Stoicea G, Stolarski M, Stonjek S, Straessner A, Strandberg J, Strandberg S, Stratmann M, Strauss M, Strebler T, Strizenec P, Ströhmer R, Strom DM, Stroynowski R, Strubig A, Stucci SA, Stugu B, Stupak J, Styles NA, Su D, Su S, Su W, Su X, Suchy D, Sugizaki K, Sulin VV, Sullivan MJ, Sultan DMS, Sultanaliyeva L, Sultansoy S, Sumida T, Sun S, Sun S, Gudnadottir OS, Sur N, Sutton MR, Suzuki H, Svatos M, Swiatlowski M, Swirski T, Sykora I, Sykora M, Sykora T, Ta D, Tackmann K, Taffard A, Tafirout R, Tafoya Vargas JS, Takubo Y, Talby M, Talyshev AA, Tam KC, Tamir NM, Tanaka A, Tanaka J, Tanaka R, Tanasini M, Tao Z, Tapia Araya S, Tapprogge S, Tarek Abouelfadl Mohamed A, Tarem S, Tariq K, Tarna G, Tartarelli GF, Tas P, Tasevsky M, Tassi E, Tate AC, Tateno G, Tayalati Y, Taylor GN, Taylor W, Tee AS, Teixeira De Lima R, Teixeira-Dias P, Teoh JJ, Terashi K, Terron J, Terzo S, Testa M, Teuscher RJ, Thaler A, Theiner O, Themistokleous N, Theveneaux-Pelzer T, Thielmann O, Thomas DW, Thomas JP, Thompson EA, Thompson PD, Thomson E, Tian Y, Tikhomirov V, Tikhonov YA, Timoshenko S, Timoshyn D, Ting EXL, Tipton P, Tlou SH, Tnourji A, Todome K, Todorova-Nova S, Todt S, Togawa M, Tojo J, Tokár S, Tokushuku K, Toldaiev O, Tombs R, Tomoto M, Tompkins L, Topolnicki KW, Torrence E, Torres H, Torró Pastor E, Toscani M, Tosciri C, Tost M, Tovey DR, Traeet A, Trandafir IS, Trefzger T, Tricoli A, Trigger IM, Trincaz-Duvoid S, Trischuk DA, Trocmé B, Truong L, Trzebinski M, Trzupek A, Tsai F, Tsai M, Tsiamis A, Tsiareshka PV, Tsigaridas S, Tsirigotis A, Tsiskaridze V, Tskhadadze EG, Tsopoulou M, Tsujikawa Y, Tsukerman II, Tsulaia V, Tsuno S, Tsuri K, Tsybychev D, Tu Y, Tudorache A, Tudorache V, Tuna AN, Turchikhin S, Turk Cakir I, Turra R, Turtuvshin T, Tuts PM, Tzamarias S, Tzanis P, Tzovara E, Ukegawa F, Ulloa Poblete PA, Umaka EN, Unal G, Unal M, Undrus A, Unel G, Urban J, Urquijo P, Urrejola P, Usai G, Ushioda R, Usman M, Uysal Z, Vacek V, Vachon B, Vadla KOH, Vafeiadis T, Vaitkus A, Valderanis C, Valdes Santurio E, Valente M, Valentinetti S, Valero A, Valiente Moreno E, Vallier A, Valls Ferrer JA, Van Arneman DR, Van Daalen TR, Van Der Graaf A, Van Gemmeren P, Van Rijnbach M, Van Stroud S, Van Vulpen I, Vanadia M, Vandelli W, Vandewall ER, Vannicola D, Vannoli L, Vari R, Varnes EW, Varni C, Varol T, Varouchas D, Varriale L, Varvell KE, Vasile ME, Vaslin L, Vasquez GA, Vasyukov A, Vavricka R, Vazeille F, Vazquez Schroeder T, Veatch J, Vecchio V, Veen MJ, Veliscek I, Veloce LM, Veloso F, Veneziano S, Ventura A, Ventura Gonzalez S, Verbytskyi A, Verducci M, Vergis C, Verissimo De Araujo M, Verkerke W, Vermeulen JC, Vernieri C, Vessella M, Vetterli MC, Vgenopoulos A, Viaux Maira N, Vickey T, Vickey Boeriu OE, Viehhauser GHA, Vigani L, Villa M, Villaplana Perez M, Villhauer EM, Vilucchi E, Vincter MG, Virdee GS, Vishwakarma A, Visibile A, Vittori C, Vivarelli I, Voevodina E, Vogel F, Voigt JC, Vokac P, Volkotrub Y, Von Ahnen J, Von Toerne E, Vormwald B, Vorobel V, Vorobev K, Vos M, Voss K, Vozak M, Vozdecky L, Vranjes N, Vranjes Milosavljevic M, Vreeswijk M, Vu NK, Vuillermet R, Vujinovic O, Vukotic I, Wada S, Wagner C, Wagner JM, Wagner W, Wahdan S, Wahlberg H, Wakida M, Walder J, Walker R, Walkowiak W, Wall A, Wallin EJ, Wamorkar T, Wang AZ, Wang C, Wang C, Wang H, Wang J, Wang RJ, Wang R, Wang R, Wang SM, Wang S, Wang T, Wang WT, Wang W, Wang X, Wang X, Wang X, Wang Y, Wang Y, Wang Z, Wang Z, Wang Z, Warburton A, Ward RJ, Warrack N, Waterhouse S, Watson AT, Watson H, Watson MF, Watton E, Watts G, Waugh BM, Weber C, Weber HA, Weber MS, Weber SM, Wei C, Wei Y, Weidberg AR, Weik EJ, Weingarten J, Weirich M, Weiser C, Wells CJ, Wenaus T, Wendland B, Wengler T, Wenke NS, Wermes N, Wessels M, Wharton AM, White AS, White A, White MJ, Whiteson D, Wickremasinghe L, Wiedenmann W, Wielers M, Wiglesworth C, Wilbern DJ, Wilkens HG, Williams DM, Williams HH, Williams S, Willocq S, Wilson BJ, Windischhofer PJ, Winkel FI, Winklmeier F, Winter BT, Winter JK, Wittgen M, Wobisch M, Wolffs Z, Wollrath J, Wolter MW, Wolters H, Woodward EL, Worm SD, Wosiek BK, Woźniak KW, Wozniewski S, Wraight K, Wu C, Wu M, Wu M, Wu SL, Wu X, Wu Y, Wu Z, Wuerzinger J, Wyatt TR, Wynne BM, Xella S, Xia L, Xia M, Xiang J, Xie M, Xie X, Xin S, Xiong A, Xiong J, Xu D, Xu H, Xu L, Xu R, Xu T, Xu Y, Xu Z, Xu Z, Yabsley B, Yacoob S, Yamaguchi Y, Yamashita E, Yamauchi H, Yamazaki T, Yamazaki Y, Yan J, Yan S, Yan Z, Yang HJ, Yang HT, Yang S, Yang T, Yang X, Yang X, Yang Y, Yang Y, Yang Z, Yao WM, Ye H, Ye H, Ye J, Ye S, Ye X, Yeh Y, Yeletskikh I, Yeo BK, Yexley MR, Yin P, Yorita K, Younas S, Young CJS, Young C, Yu C, Yu Y, Yuan M, Yuan R, Yue L, Zaazoua M, Zabinski B, Zaid E, Zak ZK, Zakareishvili T, Zakharchuk N, Zambito S, Zamora Saa JA, Zang J, Zanzi D, Zaplatilek O, Zeitnitz C, Zeng H, Zeng JC, Zenger DT, Zenin O, Ženiš T, Zenz S, Zerradi S, Zerwas D, Zhai M, Zhang DF, Zhang J, Zhang J, Zhang K, Zhang L, Zhang P, Zhang R, Zhang S, Zhang S, Zhang T, Zhang X, Zhang X, Zhang Y, Zhang Y, Zhang Y, Zhang Z, Zhang Z, Zhao H, Zhao T, Zhao Y, Zhao Z, Zhemchugov A, Zheng J, Zheng K, Zheng X, Zheng Z, Zhong D, Zhou B, Zhou H, Zhou N, Zhou Y, Zhou Y, Zhu CG, Zhu J, Zhu Y, Zhu Y, Zhuang X, Zhukov K, Zimine NI, Zinsser J, Ziolkowski M, Živković L, Zoccoli A, Zoch K, Zorbas TG, Zormpa O, Zou W, Zwalinski L. Combination of Searches for Resonant Higgs Boson Pair Production Using pp Collisions at sqrt[s]=13 TeV with the ATLAS Detector. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2024; 132:231801. [PMID: 38905640 DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.132.231801] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Track Full Text] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 11/28/2023] [Accepted: 05/07/2024] [Indexed: 06/23/2024]
A combination of searches for a new resonance decaying into a Higgs boson pair is presented, using up to 139 fb^{-1} of pp collision data at sqrt[s]=13 TeV recorded with the ATLAS detector at the LHC. The combination includes searches performed in three decay channels: bb[over ¯]bb[over ¯], bb[over ¯]τ^{+}τ^{-}, and bb[over ¯]γγ. No excess above the expected Standard Model background is observed and upper limits are set at the 95% confidence level on the production cross section of Higgs boson pairs originating from the decay of a narrow scalar resonance with mass in the range 251 GeV-5 TeV. The observed (expected) limits are in the range 0.96-600 fb (1.2-390 fb). The limits are interpreted in the type-I two-Higgs-doublet model and the minimal supersymmetric standard model, and constrain parameter space not previously excluded by other searches.
Wang H, Liu Z. [Opportunities and challenges in the research of chronic rhinosinusitis driven by multi-omics and big data]. ZHONGHUA ER BI YAN HOU TOU JING WAI KE ZA ZHI = CHINESE JOURNAL OF OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY HEAD AND NECK SURGERY 2024; 59:519-526. [PMID: 38965841 DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.cn115330-20240131-00072] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [MESH Headings] [Grants] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 07/06/2024]
Wang W, Li S, Zhuang B, Wang H, Ren Y, Xu L. Clinical and cardiac MRI characteristics: prognosis in patients with alcoholic cardiomyopathy. Clin Radiol 2024; 79:e834-e841. [PMID: 38556393 DOI: 10.1016/j.crad.2024.02.005] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [MESH Headings] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 06/01/2023] [Revised: 11/29/2023] [Accepted: 02/09/2024] [Indexed: 04/02/2024]
AIMS Alcoholic cardiomyopathy (ACM) is recognized as a type of non-ischemic dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM). To date, the clinical prognosis of ACM remains a topic of debate in previous studies and there are limited studies on its cardiac MRI characteristics. The aim of this study was to summarize the clinical and MRI features of ACM patients and to identify the predictors of adverse prognosis based on clinical characteristics and MRI imaging findings. MATERIALS AND METHODS Adult patients who were clinically diagnosed with ACM and underwent enhanced CMR between September 2015 and August 2022 were retrospectively enrolled. The primary endpoints were major adverse cardiovascular events, including cardiac-related death, heart transplantation, hospitalization for heart failure and life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias (sustained ventricular tachycardia, ventricular fibrillation, or ICD shock). The risk factors associated with these primary end points were identified using multivariable Cox analysis. RESULTS A total of 62 ACM patients (50 ± 9 years, 62 men) were included. The majority of patients presented with symptoms of heart failure. Over a median follow-up period of 30.3 months (IQR 12.2-57.7 months), 24 patients reached the primary endpoints. For clinical variables, multivariable analysis showed that drinking duration (HR=1.05; 95%CI:1.01, 1.11; p=0.03) and persistent drinking (HR=3.71; 95%CI:1.46, 9.44; p=0.01) were associated with MACE. For CMR variables, late gadolinium enhancement (LGE) percent (HR = 1.09; 95% CI: 1.03, 1.14; p<0.001) stood out as an independent predictor for MACE. CONCLUSIONS In ACM patients, persistent drinking and cardiac MRI-defined myocardial scar were associated with adverse outcomes such as cardiac death, heart transplantation, hospitalization for heart failure or life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias.
Fan CJ, Li Z, Zhai LL, Wang H, Zhao XL, Xie DL, Cai Y, Huang K, Bai QX, Ding HO, Cheng JP. Diagnostic accuracy of a real-time PCR assay for detection of Helicobacter pylori and resistance to clarithromycin and levofloxacin directly from stool. EUROPEAN REVIEW FOR MEDICAL AND PHARMACOLOGICAL SCIENCES 2024; 28:3836-3840. [PMID: 38946381 DOI: 10.26355/eurrev_202406_36460] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [MESH Headings] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 07/02/2024]
OBJECTIVE The non-invasive detection of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) and its resistance to clarithromycin and levofloxacin significantly improves the management of infected patients by enabling tailored eradication treatments without the need for endoscopic procedures. This study aimed to assess the effectiveness of real-time PCR (RT-PCR) assays in identifying H. pylori infection and antibiotic resistance in stool and gastric biopsy specimens. PATIENTS AND METHODS Stool and gastric biopsy samples were collected from patients within three days of post-hospitalization. A total of 115 samples were analyzed for H. pylori infection, and an additional 115 samples were evaluated for resistance to clarithromycin and levofloxacin using an RT-PCR-based molecular test. Statistical analyses were performed using (SPSS 26.0 IBM Corp., Armonk, NY, USA). RESULTS Among 115 patients (53 males, average age 50.8±13.2 years), H. pylori was detected in 93.1% of stool samples and 93.9% of gastric biopsies. The RT-PCR assay demonstrated a sensitivity of 99.1% and a specificity of 100%, with an overall diagnostic accuracy of 99.1%. Clarithromycin resistance was found in 37.3% of stool and 46.9% of gastric biopsy specimens, with the assay showing 79.6% sensitivity and 98.4% specificity. Levofloxacin resistance was identified in 32.1% of stool samples and 31.3% of gastric biopsies, with 86.3% sensitivity and 91.1% specificity of the molecular test. CONCLUSIONS The RT-PCR-based detection of H. pylori and its resistance to clarithromycin and levofloxacin in stool samples represents a promising approach to enhance eradication therapy outcomes, potentially improving treatment efficacy. Chictr.org.cn: ChiCTR2300070267.
Biose IJ, Bakare AB, Wang H, Gressett TE, Bix GJ. Sleep apnea and ischemic stroke- a perspective for translational preclinical modelling. Sleep Med Rev 2024; 75:101929. [PMID: 38581800 DOI: 10.1016/j.smrv.2024.101929] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Key Words] [MESH Headings] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 08/11/2023] [Revised: 03/13/2024] [Accepted: 03/24/2024] [Indexed: 04/08/2024]
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is associated with ischemic stroke. There is, however, a lack of knowledge on the exact cause-effect relationship, and preclinical models of OSA for experimental ischemic stroke investigations are not well characterized. In this review, we discuss sleep apnea and its relationship with stroke risk factors. We consider how OSA may lead to ischemic stroke and how OSA-induced metabolic syndrome and hypothalamic-pituitary axis (HPA) dysfunction could serve as therapeutic targets to prevent ischemic stroke. Further, we examine the translational potential of established preclinical models of OSA. We conclude that metabolic syndrome and HPA dysfunction, which are often overlooked in the context of experimental stroke and OSA studies, are crucial for experimental consideration to improve the body of knowledge as well as the translational potential of investigative efforts.
Jian Q, Fu Z, Wang H, Zhang H, Ma Y. Optimal conditions for adenoviral transduction of immature dendritic cells without affecting the tolerogenic activity of DC-based immunotherapy. J Virol Methods 2024; 327:114921. [PMID: 38552881 DOI: 10.1016/j.jviromet.2024.114921] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Key Words] [MESH Headings] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 01/24/2024] [Revised: 03/26/2024] [Accepted: 03/27/2024] [Indexed: 04/04/2024]
Dendritic cells (DCs) play a pivotal role in maintaining immune tolerance. Using recombinant adenovirus (rAd) to deliver vectors to immature dendritic cells (imDCs) is an important method for studying the tolerogenic function of DCs. We found that using RPMI medium and a higher MOI during transduction increased the expression of CD80, CD86, and MHC-II on the surface of imDCs. Our data reveal a significant increase in the secretion of the pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-6 in the group showing the most pronounced phenotypic changes. In the mouse heart transplant model, imDCs with unstable phenotype and function due to adenoviral transduction resulted in an increased proportion of Th1 and Th17 cells in recipients. However, these effects can be managed, and our proposed optimized transduction strategy significantly minimizes these adverse effects. Our study holds significant implications for the development and optimization of immunotherapy utilizing tolerogenic dendritic cells.
Yang Y, Yang C, Shi Y, Tang C, Wang H, Tan M, Xing R, Gao C, Zhang M, Xie Y. Ciprofol alleviates remifentanil-induced hyperalgesia by regulating α2GABAARs, NR2B, and P-CaMKIIα levels in the spinal cord and hippocampus. J Pharm Pharmacol 2024; 76:736-745. [PMID: 38530642 DOI: 10.1093/jpp/rgae027] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Key Words] [MESH Headings] [Grants] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 11/26/2023] [Accepted: 02/29/2024] [Indexed: 03/28/2024]
OBJECTIVES Several studies have shown that propofol administration during surgery effectively attenuates remifentanil-induced hyperalgesia (RIH). Ciprofol, a novel intravenous sedative agent analogous to propofol, has not yet been proven efficacious in alleviating RIH. The present study aimed to investigate the effect of ciprofol on RIH and the possible mechanisms involved. METHODS The RIH model was established by an infusion of remifentanil (1 μg·kg-1·min-1) 60 min in rats with incisional pain. Ciprofol (0.1, 0.25, and 0.4 mg·kg-1·min-1) was simultaneously infused to evaluate its effect on RIH. The antinociception of ciprofol was verified by measured paw withdrawal mechanical threshold (PWMT) and paw withdrawal thermal latency (PWTL). γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor α2 subunit (α2GABAAR), N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor NR2B subunit (NR2B), calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II α (CaMKIIα), and phosphorylated CaMKIIα (P-CaMKIIα) in the spinal cord and hippocampus of rats were assessed by western blotting and immunohistochemistry. KEY FINDINGS The results showed that ciprofol dose-dependently increased PWMT and PWTL values in RIH rats. Moreover, ciprofol upregulated α2GABAAR and downregulated NR2B and P-CaMKIIα in the rat spinal cord and hippocampus. CONCLUSIONS Ciprofol alleviates RIH effectively, and the anti-hyperalgesic mechanisms may involve increasing α2GABAAR levels and decreasing NR2B and P-CaMKIIα levels in the spinal cord and hippocampus.
Zhao X, Leng D, Wang H, Jin H, Wu Y, Qin Z, Wu D, Wei X. An Acid-Responsive Iron-Based Nanocomposite for OSCC Treatment. J Dent Res 2024; 103:612-621. [PMID: 38684484 DOI: 10.1177/00220345241238154] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Key Words] [MESH Headings] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 05/02/2024] Open
Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) is the most common type of oral cancer, characterized by invasiveness, local lymph node metastasis, and poor prognosis. Traditional treatment and medications have limitations, making the specific inhibition of OSCC growth, invasion, and metastasis a challenge. The tumor microenvironment exhibits mildly acidity and high concentrations of H2O2, and its exploitation for cancer treatment has been widely researched across various cancers, but research in the oral cancer field is relatively limited. In this study, by loading ultra-small Prussian blue nanoparticles (USPBNPs) into mesoporous calcium-silicate nanoparticles (MCSNs), we developed an acid-responsive iron-based nanocomposite, USPBNPs@MCSNs (UPM), for the OSCC treatment. UPM demonstrated excellent dual enzyme activities, generating toxic ·OH in a mildly acidic environment, effectively killing OSCC cells and producing O2 in a neutral environment to alleviate tissue hypoxia. The results showed that UPM could effectively inhibit the proliferation, migration, and invasion of OSCC cells, as well as the growth of mice solid tumors, without obvious systemic toxicity. The mechanisms may involve UPM inducing ferroptosis of OSCC cells by downregulating the xCT/GPX4/glutathione (GSH) axis, characterized by intracellular iron accumulation, reactive oxygen species accumulation, GSH depletion, lipid peroxidation, and abnormal changes in mitochondrial morphology. Therefore, this study provides empirical support for ferroptosis as an emerging therapeutic target for OSCC and offers a valuable insight for future OSCC treatment.
Yu Z, Li J, Wang H, Ping B, Li X, Liu Z, Guo B, Yu Q, Zou Y, Sun Y, Ma F, Zhao T. Transposable elements in Rosaceae: insights into genome evolution, expression dynamics, and syntenic gene regulation. HORTICULTURE RESEARCH 2024; 11:uhae118. [PMID: 38919560 PMCID: PMC11197308 DOI: 10.1093/hr/uhae118] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Grants] [Track Full Text] [Figures] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 12/14/2023] [Accepted: 04/17/2024] [Indexed: 06/27/2024]
Transposable elements (TEs) exert significant influence on plant genomic structure and gene expression. Here, we explored TE-related aspects across 14 Rosaceae genomes, investigating genomic distribution, transposition activity, expression patterns, and nearby differentially expressed genes (DEGs). Analyses unveiled distinct long terminal repeat retrotransposon (LTR-RT) evolutionary patterns, reflecting varied genome size changes among nine species over the past million years. In the past 2.5 million years, Rubus idaeus showed a transposition rate twice as fast as Fragaria vesca, while Pyrus bretschneideri displayed significantly faster transposition compared with Crataegus pinnatifida. Genes adjacent to recent TE insertions were linked to adversity resistance, while those near previous insertions were functionally enriched in morphogenesis, enzyme activity, and metabolic processes. Expression analysis revealed diverse responses of LTR-RTs to internal or external conditions. Furthermore, we identified 3695 pairs of syntenic DEGs proximal to TEs in Malus domestica cv. 'Gala' and M. domestica (GDDH13), suggesting TE insertions may contribute to varietal trait differences in these apple varieties. Our study across representative Rosaceae species underscores the pivotal role of TEs in plant genome evolution within this diverse family. It elucidates how these elements regulate syntenic DEGs on a genome-wide scale, offering insights into Rosaceae-specific genomic evolution.
Wang F, Wang H, Zhang H, Sun B, Wang Z. A Novel Mechanism of MSCs Responding to Occlusal Force for Bone Homeostasis. J Dent Res 2024; 103:642-651. [PMID: 38665065 DOI: 10.1177/00220345241236120] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Key Words] [MESH Headings] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Indexed: 05/24/2024] Open
Alveolar bone, as tooth-supporting bone for mastication, is sensitive to occlusal force. However, the mechanism of alveolar bone loss after losing occlusal force remains unclear. Here, we performed single-cell RNA sequencing of nonhematopoietic (CD45-) cells in mouse alveolar bone after removing the occlusal force. Mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) and endothelial cell (EC) subsets were significantly decreased in frequency, as confirmed by immunofluorescence and flow cytometry. The osteogenic and proangiogenic abilities of MSCs were impaired, and the expression of mechanotransducers yes associated protein 1 (Yap) and WW domain containing transcription regulator 1 (Taz) in MSCs decreased. Conditional deletion of Yap and Taz from LepR+ cells, which are enriched in MSCs that are important for adult bone homeostasis, significantly decreased alveolar bone mass and resisted any further changes in bone mass induced by occlusal force changes. Interestingly, LepR-Cre; Yapf/f; Tazf/f mice showed a decrease in CD31hi endomucin (Emcn)hi endothelium, and the expression of some EC-derived signals acting on osteoblastic cells was inhibited in alveolar bone. Mechanistically, conditional deletion of Yap and Taz in LepR+ cells inhibited the secretion of pleiotrophin (Ptn), which impaired the proangiogenic capacity of LepR+ cells. Knockdown in MSC-derived Ptn repressed human umbilical vein EC tube formation in vitro. More important, administration of recombinant PTN locally recovered the frequency of CD31hiEmcnhi endothelium and rescued the low bone mass phenotype of LepR-Cre; Yapf/f; Tazf/f mice. Taken together, these findings suggest that occlusal force governs MSC-regulated endothelium to maintain alveolar bone homeostasis through the Yap/Taz/Ptn axis, providing a reference for further understanding of the relationship between dysfunction and bone homeostasis.
Halpert MM, Burns BA, Rosario SR, Withers HG, Trivedi AJ, Hofferek CJ, Gephart BD, Wang H, Vazquez-Perez J, Amanya SB, Hyslop ST, Yang J, Kemnade JO, Sandulache VC, Konduri V, Decker WK. Multifactoral immune modulation potentiates durable remission in multiple models of aggressive malignancy. FASEB J 2024; 38:e23644. [PMID: 38738472 PMCID: PMC11155525 DOI: 10.1096/fj.202302675r] [Citation(s) in RCA: 0] [Impact Index Per Article: 0] [Reference Citation Analysis] [Abstract] [Key Words] [MESH Headings] [Grants] [Track Full Text] [Journal Information] [Subscribe] [Scholar Register] [Received: 12/25/2023] [Revised: 04/05/2024] [Accepted: 04/22/2024] [Indexed: 05/14/2024]
Tumors typically lack canonical danger signals required to activate adaptive immunity and also frequently employ substantial immunomodulatory mechanisms that downregulate adaptive responses and contribute to escape from immune surveillance. Given the variety of mechanisms involved in shielding tumors from immune recognition, it is not surprising that single-agent immunomodulatory approaches have been largely unsuccessful in generating durable antitumor responses. Here we report a unique combination of immunomodulatory and cytostatic agents that recondition the tumor microenvironment and eliminate complex and/or poor-prognosis tumor types including the non-immunogenic 4T-1 model of TNBC, the aggressive MOC-2 model of HNSCC, and the high-risk MYCN-amplified model of neuroblastoma. A course of therapy optimized for TNBC cured a majority of tumors in both ectopic and orthotopic settings and eliminated metastatic spread in all animals tested at the highest doses. Immune responses were transferable between therapeutic donor and naïve recipient through adoptive transfer, and a sizeable abscopal effect on distant, untreated lesions could be demonstrated experimentally. Similar results were observed in HNSCC and neuroblastoma models, with characteristic remodeling of the tumor microenvironment documented in all model systems. scRNA-seq analysis implicated upregulation of innate immune responses and antigen presentation in tumor cells and the myeloid cell compartment as critical early events. This analysis also highlighted the potential importance of the autonomic nervous system in the governance of inflammatory processes. The data indicate that the targeting of multiple pathways and mechanisms of action can result in substantial synergistic antitumor effects and suggest follow-up in the neoadjuvant setting may be warranted.